rARINff & HERRON, PROPRIETORS. ,ic door souh of Sadler's Hotel upstairs. Terms of Subscription. It I id stiirtly in advance $2,00 ' td within thre months 2,50 It Ja:d at the end of the year 3,00 V, subscription will he received for a shorter period than New Warlike Weapons. We ngain have I accounts of new, destructive and diabolical wea-1 pons of warfare, invented by the "diabolical ingen uity' of Englishmen and Frenchmen. Savsthe Scientific Journal : "A triple-tinted cannon Dro- Ijects with a single charge of powder three balls connected by chains, which mow down rank after rank, and even the masts of ships nd smoke stacks of steamers. A learned savnn of Paris has discovered a liquid which spreads over the surface of water, and spontaneously inflames, thereby de stroying vessels and human lie. A cunning arti iOO 000 BUSHELS of WHEAT, tor which the rr w ? v Y v Highest cash prices will be paid, to be it liverud al his Merchant Mill in Charlotte, at anytime after the 1st day of September next. LEROY SPKlMfiS June 33, 1854. 48rf. ' CEF" The News. Ashville. Gazp?t rnnrH iJ Banner, Salisbury, will copy 3 months, and send bills to ine suoscribcr. j g a ..L.tilllH. FT Any prson sending ns five new subscribers, accompa- ! fcan has concocted a balloon which, by the guiding ,ucd by the advance subscription, ($10.) wdl receive the sixth ! influence of a cord, and a locomotive tendencies copy gratis lor one year. Terms of Advertising. I nil iTWts will be insertcdat 91 per square tor the first. , d 25 eemm lor each subsequent insrt on. A square con- dealing projectiles on every side. Lances and ta of thirteen lilies or less, this size letter. I ; n a , ,. ,, 3 ...ar.le deduction will be made to those who adver- J'vel,n9 w"h "P of fle, and shields unimpres .. b) i he year. i sible to lend or sreel, are also spoken of. There Double c .lnnin advert-sement will be charged 25 per cerlf. js terrible meaning in this activity of what would i hi mal on the usual rate. I , . j- . i- i - -tin. ins inserted monthly or quarterly 1 per square to be a diabolical ingenuity, and is by no means suggestive ol the long expected period when swords shall be beaten into pruning-hooks, FOR SALE. The subscriber has lor sale at his Mill on McMichacls creek, a large quantity of good lum ber of various kinds, stacked, dried, and ready for delivery- James kerr. Jun 23d. 1854. 43tf of a favorable wind, can be directed to a position over a city or fort, and then, bv a current of elertricity, be made to explode and scatter deaih- j Fulton Foundry and Boiler Works, tr . ac h insertion. Obitaanea, Tribute of Respect, Religious meetings, and Benevolent societies, will be charged hall the Advert sing rates. . Tor aamtuartH candidates for office $3 in advance and men shall learn the arts of war no more.'" We have not much aith in any of these devil- Professional and Business ("aids not exceeding six lines monta Whn Sir rharl.. V ,r;, r, , h m-erifd at a year ; not exceeding a square f.. . ... - . . , , . . . . , ... . ., A . .u i I the Ifaltic, it is said that his ships carried out a $Tr letters on business must be addressed to the rroprie- . . 7 .ot jtaul, to ensure attention. j great variety ol new and infernal machines which &T Subscribers and others who may wish to send money would follow the Russian vessels into the narrow- la .-, i ,.n do so at all times, iy mail, and at our risk. ! est harbors, and never leave them till they had effected their utter uVstrueiion. Weheard aso of The .Hortii South. those ballons. which bv this time oueht to be sailintr Ol the many startling ideas, by which the New j over Russia, and dropping death and destruction 1 ork 1 ribuue seeks to attract attention to its coSuinBi we have seen nothing yet more prodi gious for audacity iaf assertion and preposterous MM of loeric, than the labored efforts of that jour nal to prove lh;it the South tyriiniza over the N'r:h ; thai it draws its su'istance and lives, moves and breathes by the special leave and indulgence of that section of ihi Union ; that the Souih-rn States, after all, produce nothing Worth talking nboiif, nnd if they were In be "kicki-d out of the I ii I'm. ihey would perish of wenkness, poverty and belfili OFW ; that the Union is their only proteciion : :nd an oppression, a wrong and nn injury to the Norn. These extraordinary propo sitions are elaborated through about two columns of ibis plausible, but most deceptive nnd pestilent sheet. The Tribune is famous for iis isms, its queer and eccentric ideas, its disposition to adopt strange and general rejected ide-ts, or the very opposite tif universally received opinions, and by a cunning and disiageMMMM array of figures, au thorities and assertions lo give them quite a plausi ble nnd attractive aspect, to a people so prone to in w discoveries and theories. But, wtfh nil its various vagaries, its Commu ti soi, its Grahstnism. its Abolitionism, Maine Latvians, Table Knockiiio,ism, etc., it has attempt ed yet nothing so difficult and paradoxical, hs to prove that the Southern States ol this Union are deiiendent upon the Northern Slates lor their strength, iheir support, their existence ; that the South, which gives employment to the North, which supplies their industry with the raw mate i 1 1 iuf of which they make the fabrics that con t'itute the largest portion of their wealth, which is the cbii l buyer sod consumer of their products, the South, without whose support more than half of the manufactories of the North would he closed, nnd millions of their mechanics throw n out of em ploy mem, and millions upon millions of capital dnven out id the cuntr ; the SoUtn, whose val uable crop is returned from abroad in copious streams ol foreign capital, that spread over the wvtNH I nana, the jrreater par! ol it sell ting upon the North, thai this rt-oiou is the dependent por tion of our Union, am) only exist by virtue of the I iiion and the mercy of the North, is so stupen dous a proposition that we hardly think our readers would regard us as serious attempting lo deny or n lne it ! L t us see. Suppose ihe Tribune should be I mistskesv and 1 1 S Hit hers Standi shouhj at last c-'n-ent to be "kicked out of the Union," ami ! between ihe Bulletin and its New York corres pondent, l lana Vorkel," such an event begins already lo be contemplated as among the posst-billtie- of politics what would be thn result7 We should certainly produce as much co'.ton and siiar as arc did lu lore, and for cotton nnd suoar there are a great many other customers besides the Northerners customers with arhofH it would be quitn possihln to make rpiite as good bargains, us With our shrewd brelhern North of the Tweed we mean M isnn and Dixon's line. These is Holing which we now g-t from that section which we could not ret else whet, and at cheaper r ite ; for we should not then have to pay the duties, which go iaifi the pockets of the North, to support I heir manufacturer. More than all this; there is nothing w hich we now gi t from the North that are might not make ourselves, under the pres sure of m ci' miry. There is no part of God's i earth which is so indepeudet as the South. A cordon might be drawn around ilns whole section ; it might be walled in, and vet the people would find within themselves every element of wealth and imb pendent existence. It is far diflerenl with the North. Uu! her oil' from intercourse with the South, and she would be bankrupted and impov erished in a year. Close her mills, manufactories, her shops ami stories, that now depend exelusivelv upon the patronage of the South, and the nhoh country would be a howling waste, a Pandemo minm of loafers, marauders and starveling-!. Her schools would become poor-houses ; her colleges, hosj nals and alms houses; and her prisons aronld overflow with offenders, driven to crime bv idle ness. Her khips and steamers would he sent to the Soo'll to be sold, and, her capitalists would steal into our territory in such numbers that we should be compelb d to have guards on the frontier to prevent our loriner bfejheru frnm being entirely abandoned and left to starve. "The South can't fie kicked out of the Union !" Why, the North has no olher foundation for Us existence hut the Union. Wuh us, attachment to the Union is but sentiment, it is not conviction, nor is it interest, that ii. duces us to cl.ng to it. There are few reflecting Southerners who do not douht whether a great Southern Confederacy. self- distant and reliant, living on terms of peace and enlightened commerce wiih :hc rest of the world, would not secure greater material prosperity to these States than ihey enjoy under the Union, so often, so constantly perverted to our injury and ! Tillnw oppression. But, in the North, the Union assumes ! Wheat n far more serious character It is the very breath ; Whiskey, Northern 1M III, II I. ,17.1111., y I llllllt IIO IllUie I XIM lUl Ol it than flies in an exhausted received. Fanaticism, 1 n Inch frequently overrides all considerations of interest and welfare, might impel them, like the I "Prodigal Son." to wander off from the old lold ; but thev would soon experience the distress and degradation of that misguided adventurer, and steal back debased, abject and pitiful, begging to be re-admitted into the family they had deserted. S9tm Otlcans Delta. in their paih. But the gas for those balloons has not yet been manufactured, except in the news papers. This Eastern war so far has been a Chinese war on the part of the allies, a war of horrible grimaces and annihilating threats, but of no performance. They tlon'f use the old weapons of war, let alone employing new ones. Richmond Despatch. JERSEY CITY. FIELD, BROTHER &, CO., IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, MANUFACTURE KS OP Steam Engines if Jfiining Machinery. For specimens of their work they refer lo Ma chinery put up at Vanderburg Mine, Cabarrus Countj, INortli Carolina. 48-5w VOTICE is hereby given that the firm ol T?OBlSON c t liLA is dissolved, and that ail the nrm notes ana ac counts are in the hands of A. P. BuKvaraifor collection KO BISON & REA. June 15th, 1854. f tf. Last Notice. Notes and AccouDts are in the hands of J. f SMITH, tor collection, with instructions to give them all over to an officer if not paid by July Court. June 16. 47lc JOHN WELLS. Tax Notice. N OTICE is hereby given that the Tax list for the town of Charlotte is now in my hands for collec tion, and money must and will be haa. 1 will not call but once. S. A. HARRIS, jtine 16. 47tf Tax Collector. How TO MAKE A HoRSE CARRY HIS TaII. Straight. I hud a very fine colt that cirried bis tail on one side, and was continually ihrowing it i over the driving line ; when, to cure him of this habit, I braided "loop in his tail and tied it with a string to the trace on the same side on which he carried it, and when he found it was tied, he would pull on it, when I would let him up a little gradu ally on the string, until at length he came to car his tail perfectly straight. Boston Cultivator. Slate Emigration to Kansas and Nebraska There have been meetings held at Independence and West port, Mobile, to counteract the imigration from the Iree Slates into the new territories by dave emigration. The resolutions adopted declare in substance that those who composed the meeting would take their slaves with them, nnd hold them peaceably f they could and forcibly if they must, against the efforts ol organised parlies from the free States. ELMS & JOHNSON. Forwarding and Commission Merchants- NO. 10 VENDUE RANGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. VV. W. ELMS. C. JOHNSON. June 23, '54. 48tf. ENGINEERING. rPHE Undersigned is preparee to furnish plans, 1 specifications, and estimates, and to contract for Steam Engines and Boileks, Saw and Grist Mills, Mining Machinery, Hoisting, and Pumping Engines, loBAt'co Presses and Screws, and MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Being a practical Machinist, and having had seven years experience in North Carolina, 1 am fully aware of the wants of the people, and I can safely say that my facilities for furnishing good Machinery at fair prices are unsurpassed. 1 will pay particular attention to putting up any machinery in any part of the Stales of Noith and South Carolina. Agent for McClintock's patent Safety Valve, and Scott's patent Brick Machine, &c. &c. CC?" All letters to receive attention must be post paid. HENRY G. BRUCE, June 23. 48-6w. Consulting Engineer, Raleigh, N. C. Catawba Springs AGAIN OPEN For the reception of Visitors and Travellers. THE Proprietor would announce to the public generally, that he is now prepared to accommodate an increased number of visi tors. Every attention will h: paid to their comfort. His table will always be bountifully supplied with thr best the season can afford. An increase of patronage is solicited. V. S TIRE WALT, june 16, 1854 47-3m Proprietor. j State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG ..COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1851. Hannah Garrison J vs. ( Petition for Dower. B. H. Garrison and others. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Im A. Garrison, Hannah C. Garrison, James H. Garri son, Mary A.Girrison, and Martha G. Garrison, infant children of Manson A. Garrison, dee'd, arc n. t resi dents of this State, but reside beyond the limits of the same : It is therefore ordered bv the l ourt, trial put) lication be made for six weeks in the Western Dome- J crat for the said L. A. Garrison, Hannah C. Garrison, .lames N. Garrison, Mary A. Garrison, and Martha G Garrison to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held tor the county of Mecklenburg, at th Court house in C harlotte, on the 1th Monday in July next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to plaintiff's petition, otherwise judgment pro confesso, will be rendered against said defendants. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 4th Monday in April, A.D. 1854, and in the 77th year of American Independence. june 2, 45-6t (P.f.5.62J) W. K. REir,cc.c. Notice. I'l-P subscriber has etl hand K.r sale a good lot t : 1 Ctii ING BOARDS. A Ho, 33, Nl si.d 1 X ' Scantli-ng, Pisak 1 in. from 8 to IS in. wii'c, .... i various descriptions of Lumber, fcr ale a Ki - ill. He will saw at short notice billi oi aov lerr". m Lumber. Also, a largfe lot of ko.i K igr i cents per hundred, lo.ded on the cSTS. Level P.O., S. C,june 9 5t WM. U. T.LK.IN. to OSCAR M. LIEBER, Consulting Chemist & Mining Geologist ; Author Assayer's Guide and Analytical Chemist's Assistant, BEGS to inform gentlemen interested in mines that he has opened an office in Charlotte, N. C, above Hendrix's Store, nearly opposite the Bank of Charlotte, where he proposes to engage in assays and analyses or to undertake mining surveys in this or tie adjoining States at the shortest notice. Having devoted himself to the study of chemistry, geology, mineralogy, metal lurgy ard mining during a several years visit to the fa mous universities of Berlin and Gotting. n, and to the celebrated mining academy of Freiberg in Saxony, he feels confident that he will be able to atiend to ;:I1 his prof, ssional duties to the entire satisfaction of all con cerned. June 16, 1861. 47 3mo FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE Subscriber announces to his former customers and the pub. lie pcnerally, that he has just opened a NEW TAILOR'S Ague The great restorative. Ferer and Cured by Dr. M'Lane's Liver Fills. 0C Mr. Jonathan Houghmnn, of West Union, P.irk County Illinois, writes to the proprietors that in had suffered greatly Irom a severe and protrac ted attack ol Fever and Ague, and was complete ly restored to health by the use of Liver Pills alone. These. Pills unquestionably possess great tonic properties, and can be taken with decided advan tage lor many diseases requiring inviorating reme dies ; but the Liver Pills stand pre-eminent as a means of restoring a disorganized Liver to healthy iction ; hence the great celebrity thy have at tained. The numerous formidable disease aris ing from a diseased Liver, which so long baffled ihi skill of the most eminent physician of the United Slates, are now rendered easy of cure, hanks to the study and perseverance of the dis tinguished physician whose name this great medi cine bears a name which will descend to posleri ry as one deserving of gratitude. This invaluable nedicine should always be kept within reach ; and m the appearance of the earliest symptoms of dis ased Liver, it can be safely and use.'ully admin istered. 0C Purchasers will please be careful to ask for Dr. Mc Lanes Cclcbratrd Liver Fills, and take none else. There are olher Pills, purporting to be Luer Pills, now before the public. Dr. McLane's Liver IMIIs, hIso, his Celebrated Verniiluge, can now he had at all respectable Drug Stores in the Uni'ed States nnd Canada. June 23 i, 1S54. 48 2w. e dmrlollc ICetail Prices Ciirrciit. CORRECTED WEEKLY, at the recent stand of Robinson &, Ilea, where he is prepared to des patch business in bis line nt the shortest notice and according to the mostapproved st vies and fash ions of the day, having in his employment for this pur pose workmen of the first order to be found in this or any other country. CP" All Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Address, d. L. RE V. Charlotte June 23, 1854. 48ft NEW BOOKS. Just Received at the Charlotte Book Store Family & Pocket Bibles; with or without Clasps; A Complete lleligious Enc vclonedia. bv the Rev T. N. Brown; Jolin Calvin's Institute of the Christian Religion; Banyan's Pilgrim's Progress; Washington and his Generals bj J T. Headley; The Apocalypse unveiled; British Eloquence, by C. A. Goodrich; Life anil Speeches of Henry Clay; Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States; Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington; Heroines of History, by Mary E. Howitt; Flush Times, by Baldwin. Bloodstone, by Donald Mcleod, Spirit Manifestations; Hot Corn, or Life Scenes in New York; Life of John A. Murrel; The Swamp Steeo, or The Days of Marion and his Merry Men; The Laeghing Philosophy, ,r Book of Fun; Fortune Tellers's Own Book; The Southern and Western Dream-Book; Also, a splendid ast jrtment of Stationrev- The Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully solicited to call and examine. JMCsStrlolo "TsTsrcX, IN CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1MIE SUBSCRIBERS inform the public generally, that they have opened a in Charlotte, N. C, where tiny are prepared, with com petent workmen from the North, to execute ail orders in their line of business, such as . FLIN AND ORNAMENTAL CONSISTING OF MONUMENTS, TOMBS, TABLET, HEADSTONES, &C, Ther will keep constantly on hand the best description of Italian and American Marble, and their articles will be afforded on ad accommodating terms as they can be obtained either North or South. KF" All ORDERS, for any article, addressed to the subscribers, will meet with prompt altenlton, nnd wlli be packed and forwarded with the utmost care and des patch. Offioe American Hotel. S. N. STOWE.M. June 16. 47-if W. IV. PEGRA State of North-Carolina. UNION COUNTY. Court of rieas & Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1854. Huifh M. Houston vs. William Fulwood. ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that William Fulwood is not a resident of this State, or so conceals himself lh.it the ordinary process of Law can not be served on him : It is, therefore, ordered by the the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat, for the said William Fulwood to ap pear at the next term of this Court, to be held in the Town of Monroe on the first Monday in July next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso, will lie taken against him. Witness, James M. Stewart, Clerk of our said Court at Orliee, in Monroe, the first Monday of April, A. D. 1854. J M. STEWART, c c. u. c. May 18th, 1854. Pi's. $5 50. 44-6t Notice. Office Charlotte kd South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, May 20, 1854. TjROPOSALS, addressed to the undesigned at Colum X hia, are invited until 1st July, for the delivery, by the 1st October, of One Hundred Cords of PINE or OAK WOOD, at each of the following named stations, to wit : Killian's Mill, Campbell's Mill, Cross Roads, Kidgeway, Simpson's, Robertson's Wirmsboro, Olbian, White Oak, Yonguesville, Bla kstock, Cornwell's,Ches. tervilie, Lewis' T. O., Smith's T. O., Ebenezer, Ca tawba, Fort Mill and Morrow's. FREDERICK NIMS, General Superintendent. May 26, '54. 44-4w Bargains! Bargains I ilargniuhl THE subscriber about mak;- 2 a e bancs in his b:'i- ness takes pleasure in it..'ormii.g the public, that he wtll sell his entir. Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &.C., C. JOHNSON, June 2, 1854 45tf At tl e sign oi Big Bo..i . P. S. Mr. J. P. SMITH is authorised to lttl lip my business. ( . J Norrls "V7"oi"lsi.i--, Norristoicn, Fenn. 1T1K subscribers manufacture Mini rig Maenfflery, n follows, viz : The Cornish Puspivi. Iik3Ink, Ihu and low pressure Pumping, Stamping and Hoisting Stkam Engines; Cornish Pi-Mrs, STvuirs, Cai iitm. Winches, 1 pom Blocks, Pullky of a 1 '. sizs, and mvtiy variety of Machinery tor M ining pui poses. TuoMAs, Corson & wbt. june 2, 1854 45-ly $10 Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the 7th of April last, a Bright Mulatto Girl, named SARAH. The said girl is of medium size, trim, genteel figure, straight black hair, and has bad teeth laughs and looks confused when spoken to. 1 purchased her in the fall of 1852 of Col. John M. Potts, of Steele Creek, in which neighborhood she is probably lurking, or she may be about Providence cr Pineville as she is well acquanted there. 1 will give the above reward if she is taken in this county, and $15 if in any other county, and delivered to me in Charlotte. June 2, 1654. R. P. WARING. IVErs. SixTr, Q J BEGS leave respectfully to aanoun's to the iPSji Ladies of Charlotte and the public, that she ii..s just returned from the Northern cities, and is now open ing a fashionable and choice selection of Bonnet Trimmings, Fancy Articles, Caps, Artificials, Head-Dresses, together wich a variety of French MILLINERY, fcc. Having secured the services of an experienasd Pisss maker and Milliner, from Philadelphia, she feels confi dent that she can give general satisfaction in both branches of the business. No pains will he spared to please. Orders from a distance thankfully received and carefullv packed and forwarded. april 14, 1851 38-tf Matrcsses ! Matresses ! ! KENNERL Y QLTNN, fake pleasure in announc ing to the public that tiny are manufacturing Mat tresses at their Rooms in the Biscment of the Brick Building, occupied by Bryan Tlmii.pson, where they invite all who may desire springy and u 11 made Mat tresses to call and examine for tlicmt elves. Oriicit Ir : a distance solicited, and promptly attended to. K7" The highest price puid in Cash for good dry shucks. K V Q. April 14, 1854. 3if. Piedmout Sulphur aud Chalybeate Charlotte, N. C, ENNTSS & C RIDER, 48 tf Bookseller Bacon, sici s -" Hums ' Hug round : Bugging, Cotton, I Butter -I Beeswax - Beans Brandy, Apple Peach - - Cotton Coffee Candles, Adamantine Tallow - . Corn I 'hiekens -l'irgs - Flour Feathers - Lard Mutton - - - -Mackrel .... Molasses .... .Meal Nails Oata Pork Potatoes, Irish ' Sweet - -Rice ..... ' Sugar, Lonf - ' Brown - -, Stone-Ware ... Salt Ten - lb. . lb. - ib. - d - Ib. - Ib. - bushel - gl- pal. - lb. - Ib. . Ib. Ib. bush. - each dozen 1U0 Ib. . lb. - lb. - lb. - bbl. - gnl. bushel - Ib. bushel - Ib. bushel bushel bushel - lb. - lb. - gal- - sack . Ib. bushel - ga'- North Carolina gal. 0(1 00 00 15 12i 20 00 35 75 6 12 28 15 00 00 0 00 30 0 5 $12 25 00 5i 00 5 00 00 83$ 11 5 10 00 62 10 $1 30 30 a a a a a a "2 10 n 18 m 22 a 80 a 50 a 87-i a 7 a 15 a 30 a 20 75 15 121 S3J 40 10 6 16 40 a 75 a 6 a 40 a 6 81 a 45 a $4 a a 9 a 12 a & a $1 a 12j a 8H a 35 a 45 THIS! JUST Received a fresh supply of Summer Goods, consisting- ot CLOTHING & DRY-GOODS. More BONNETS and beautiful RIBBON. Please call on M. BAUAf, 2 doors below Spratt & Co. Charlotte June S3, 1854- 48tf Of Burke County, N. C, Sixteen miles North of Morganton. THE Proprietor of the above celebrated Sprinirs res pectfully informs the public generally, that he has enlarged his spacious accommodations by considerable additions, and is now prepared to receive a largo com pany. He will spare no pains to contribute to the bene fit and gratification of those who favor him with their company. This delightful Summer Retreat cannot be surpassed by any of the fashionable Watering Places within the State of North Carolina. Here Invilids as well as those seeking pleasure, may find a Summer residence, calcu. l.ited to restore the lost energies of the Physical consti tution, and gratify the most fastidious. By calling on Dr. Happoldt, proprietor of the " Moun tain Hotel," in Morgurlton, every necessary information pertaining to the medical qualities ot these waters can be obtained. JAMES C. ESTES, Fropriclor. June 9, 1854. 45-3oi Lincoln Machine Shop. 'PIIE undersigned beg leave to inform' the public that 1 the) have recently rented the Shop and Tools form eriy occupied by ilr. W. Jenks near the Lincoln factory, where they are prepared to lorn and finish Mill Ir.jns, repair Cotton Machinery, horse powers, and chiefly all kind.s if Machinery used fn this section of country on the shortest notice, and on terms as reasonable as any other establishment in this sec'.ion of country. All persons wishing to have any of th e above-mentioned work well executed will do well to ca Hand see us before engaging at any other establishment. J. HYDE & CCL, Lincolnton Factory, near Lincolnton. Mny 26, 1854. 44-5w Notice. i GREAT BARGAINS. THE Season is now advancing, and the subscribers be ing desirous of reducing their stock of Spring & Summer Dry Goods, which now comprises all the new and various otyle. offer them at cost and carriage, to those who are about to purchase figured Dress Goods of any kind, Manta hts, embroidered Chemisettes, Sleeves and Collars also a large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, we would auvise them to call a .d see our Goods and hear our prices, and we know we can satisfy them. They will save money by buying from us. BROWN, BRAVVLEY & CO. O" We want to buy 2 000 bushels ol g-ood WHEAT, for which we will pay the highest market price. Charlotte, June 23. 48tf B. B. & Co. Effects of the Storm ! TTJE would most sincerely ask those of our friends VV an patrons, who are in arrears with us, to think for a moment, that we are obliged to have money to pay our Debts, and unless they help us, in this way our interest and credit must seriously sutler. We are indeed, thankful foi the generous patronage we have shared at their hands hope they will continue it, and be admonished by this notice, to "fork over immedi ately, if not sooner." Such is the character of busi ness that we are compelled to announce, that from a:b AFTER THE 1ST JLT.Y, WE SHALL BE OBLIGED TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY. PKITCH ARD So CALDWELL, june 9, 1854 No. 3, Granite Row. STRAVED from the Subscriber, on the 8th instant, two Woik STEERS, light brindle, one of them has but one Eye, and one horn knocked off. They were seen on the Statesville Road, about 6 miles from town, bat suppose that they crossed over to the Beatiesford Road, and may now be about the River. Any informa tion thankfully received and compensation paid for trouble. BENJ. MORROW. May 19, 1854 43-2w BOOKBINDING. AWALDAUER has resumed the Bool.binding Bu , siness, and is ready to receive work, which will be done in the best work;r:ans!;i j I CBap us can be done in an) other eptablisi iiient of the ' inn. Re ferences to that fact, by Rev. C, .Ichnston, V. ( Bar ringer, Esq., Charlotte ; Miller it J.:mes, .1. J. Rr., r, Dr. Summerel, L. Blackmer, Esq., N Lovoer r.s';-, and a great many othe; 0cnu ci. at SnVi. : .e may always be found at the stand wh.c G. rHrgmeu &, Co. formerly kept Store, next doer to E'nis's Cio cery. A. WALDM"'::. Charlotte, Feb. 94, '.S.54. NOTICE. TI'HE impression is a,bro'ad, that the amfrraigntd is i winding up his business foi 'n. purpose ol liiM-on-tirming his trade. He takes ti.i method l italinii distinctly that such is not his intention. Me experts in a short ti.ne to commeuee nn I earry oa the business on his own responsibility. ;r, : i.ij)cs lo BMtil a dontio uance of the patronage ol his old n letoda and . tomers by giving them good (its, in fashionable tjrlaa, ana on short notice. D. L. REA. April 28, 1851. 40 5w Wanted, TWO BOYS, from 12 to 15 yfars of age, to learn the Tailoring business. Apply to april 14 28-2m D. L. REA. The Bank of Charlotte, N C, 14th Jr.NE, 1854. rrHE Directors of this Bank have declared a Dividend Wines, Wines. PTREOId PORT and Madeira WINES, especially tor medicinal uses, for sale by june 9 PKITCH ARD & CALDWELL. Disinfecting Agent. C CHLORIDE SODA, (concentrated,) for destroying 'contagion; decomposing pestilential effluvia ; pre. serving Provisions against decay, and neutralizing strong and offensive odors. For sale by the bottle, at Grainte Drug Store. june 9 PRiTCHARD & CALDWELL. Tuscan Flask Sallad Oil. JRESH and Delicious, for sale by 1 PRITCHARD &. CALDWELL, june 9, 1654 46tf Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. THE WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS of the llate WILLIAM M1LLIKEN, deceased, will be continued by the subscriber for the benefit of the estate. The prompt and uniform attention to business which characterized the late establishment will be strictly ad hered to in every department, and the continued patron age of the irieuds of the deceased is most respectfully solieitetl hy. IiAZlL.li LA.NKAU, Charleston, May 13 43. 3w. Executor. GINGER POP. OUPERIOR GINGER POP and SARSAPAR ILLA O BEER, at Our House, for sale at wholesale and re tail. Also, LEMON SYRUP at wholesale and retail, by H. SEVERS & CO., May 19 43lf Opposite the Court-house. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted lo the subscriber for old claims who prefer settling by law, can have an opportuni ty ot doing so after the lotli ot May. 1 intend to leave North Carolina and I expect to leave in a storm of de nunciations and handsome epithets for demanding my just dues, which have long been withheld from me, but I shall have the luxurious gratification of knowing that it " whistled itself." April 21, 1854. 41-3t S. B. WATSON. Corn Starch. THIS incomparably pure nnd beaaffftll artiele t rx ceedmgly healthy, delicious, had economical, and when desired may be used as a substitute for and in Ihe same in -.n in r as Arrowroot. Tiic universal sstimutin in which it is held, and the increasing dcinanJ for it has induced others to flood the country with an inferior article of the same name. Corn Stanh refined, ;nd prepared expressly for food, can be had only at the Drug and Chmnicul Store of FISHER & T1E1MTS1I. MILLINERY AND DRESS HAKINC. MRS. WHEAL ATI would respectful rrtftm her thanks to the Ladies oi Charlotte an ' rieini- ty, for the liberal patroi.aue bestowed oa her dur.i. the past season, and having en.iged in txpcrieni MILLINER, she is now prepared to t arry on the Millinery A. Dress Making iciin in all its various branches. B-BONNETS n.aJe and trimmed in the neatest and ;no-t rnhmnab! rnann'r. K7 Residence 3 tioors South of Badlei ' 1 1 tej . April 7, ISrA. 87-11 Notice. THE undersigned having been appointed at April Term of Mecklenburg County Court Guardian of Eli H. Dearmond, (insane,) hereby gives notice to all persons that I will not be liable for any contracts made by said Eli II. Dearmond. april 28, '54 40 3t II. K. DEARMOND. HQ ' T IT ft W to n it i ' ai q I irirti o nd tTrocK cnnntir a A m t io Vl tf rF fi rur cont rn tho I omtfil S' -L- tLn DnnL " . 11 J J The same will be paid to the Stockholders or their proper representatives on and after the 3d day of July next 47 3w W. A. LUCAS. Cashier. The Bank of Charlotte, N. C, 14th June, 1854. 'THE first Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this I bank will take place on the first Monday in July next, at their banking rooms, it is important that the Stock ot the Rank should be fullv represented. 47 3w W. A. LUCAS, Cashier. LLA KINDS OF PLAIN, FANCY AND OR NAMENTAL JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE "DEMOCRAT OFFICE." adapted to meet and control the prevailing intes tinal Disorders at the Granite Drug Store. june 9 PRITCHARD fc CALDWELL. Quinine, Quinine. THRESH and Superior, Jj at the Granite Drug Store, june 9 PRITCHARD fc CALDWELL. Statement of the Condition of the BANK OF CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, 10th of June, 1854. Just to Hand. A LARGE and fresh supply of pure Linseed Oil, (N. Carolina manufacture,) where it may always be had in any quantity. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Spices, &.c. VT UTMEGS, Mace, Spice, Cloves, Peppers, Ginger j best articles for sale at PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Cleaver's Celebrated Honey Soap. WARRANTED with the original scent, for rendering 1 1 the skin Foft and white. Also, Low's Honey Soap, Low's White Windsor in cukes, Rigg's Military Soap, Gael-lain' AmKrc-inl Kliaving Coke, oil of wbicli huve but recently been opened. Fir Rale at the Chemical Store of FISHER 6l IIEINITSH. Gentlemen, Come and Se AND we can fit you out, from the " CTOWjt oi fox r head to the sole of ypurfoot.-' We can put tnu prettiest Boats and Gaiters on your fet the fi' ' Ki I Gloves on your hands, famish you with ti;. prettli Shirts, the finest Cloths and Cassimerts, and me i Linen and Marseilles, of any oi;e ii, !Hs v I ,,' . jjti v. WBATT, DANIEL & CO. " Silks. THE largest lot of SILKS ver brought to this mar ket, embracing every vai.ely of Plaid, Cheek nd all the different Shades of plain Silks, will be found ol SPRAT', DA NJ EL & CO. 8. S Straw Bonnetf. iTRAW Bonnets and Flats, hoi h for trrown persons and infants. Call soon before they are picked over. SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. Notice. A LL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. W. Robinson V have been placed in my hands for collection, and must be settled by the 1st of April next or their Notes ar.d Accounts will be placed in Officers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING. 34-tf Charlotte, March 17, '54. Notice. if Office Charlotte &. Sot th Carolina Railroad, 1 Columbia, May 24, 1851. ' A REVISED TARIFF on FREIGHTS upon the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad will lake enecron anu alter the 1st June next. Comes of u, Domestics. T E keep a large stock of Domestic, Plxids, and W Manchester Ginghams, for servants' wear. SPRATT, DANIEL a. CO. Robes. THE finest stock of KOIM'.S, both BaTege and Muslin, X I'rin ted and Embroidered, at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. A Tremendous Stock (F Printed Jackonetts, Swis3 ai'd Orgmdies, Besuti- j lui calicos, an-j a very J..72e tock o' April 14, '51. 38tf ni;r. - . at BPRA'J r, DANIEL U Co. Hurrah, for Spratt, iiaiel C Co.! TIHEY have the largest fctcc t Jbce HA. ever 1 brought to this town, and tr ey tut prt' ikt M son, too. 38 ' a'r rt 14. T .MILES & SON'S Gaiters, ?'..oes and Simpers for J , sale by SPRATT, DANIEL U CO. Notes Discounted, Bills of Exchange, Suspended Debt, Domestic Dills, Duo from oilier Banks, A Monster of tub Deep. A " Devil Fish " IVcjme entangled in a line off Sullivan's Island wharf, at Charleston, on Thursday, nnd after some j Due from Agents, trouble was captured by the owner of the line. It j Bank Property, measured 1? fi-rt Irnm fin In Cm anA i'a Mull W.tfoc nf other Hanks on hnnd. vas a ton and a half. The mouth measured two ! SnfCie. .... is f 9 a a a a mm ... iffi anu a nan, ana taking him Mr all in ell, it is s iid, he was a most dangerous looking customer. Th is the second of the species that has been ta ken in Charleston harbor during the last sixteen rears. Vouchers, 8357,556 81 Capital Stock, s . . 8300,000 00 202,609 51 Notes in Circulation, . . 349.977 00 5,877 24 Bills Pavnbfe, . . . 22.422 88 150 00 Cenemf Profit and Loss, . . 23.119 02 65.116 46 Due to Depositors, . . . 20,985 53 20,317 55 550 00 9.793 00 50,320 56 4,213 30 8716.504 43 8716,504 43 Indigo, Pearl Starch, ORN STARCH, together with a lar-re and varied J stock of every thing that is superior in our line j ror sale low for cash. PRITCHARD A: CALDWELL. newst . liwill be delivereu to all the Agents along the f-MBRELLAl and Para.o!, of ers line of the road for distribution. FREDERICK NIMS, General Superintendent. D For stile by c iy variy, 1 l-.3t BP A KIT, DANIEL i t(). HE Ribbons! The Kibl A Painter Wanted. A GOOD HOUSE PAINTER, who is a single man, and can come recommended as as fine finisher, can obtain immediate and permanent employment by in q"iring of the subscriber at Charlotte, N. C. june 6, 1854. 16tf J. W . RAINEY Brick Yard Hands Wanted. "IT7E will give the highest prices for the hire of 8 V or 10 hands to work in the Brick Yard, Apply immediately to TAYLOR & ALLISON. 4C-tf " Mining Machinery.'1 C -ORNISH PUMPS, Lifting and Forcing, Cornish ; Crushers, Stamps, Steam Engines, an i general Mining work, made by the subscribers at short notice LANG, COOK & CO., Hudson Machine Works, Refer to Hudson. N. V. J. Hodge, Esq., New-York. I X th Gloves ! ! and cheap, e had Oh I the GiO-. csl Jas. june 2, 18.51 43-y SnulT! Snuff! Snuff! T UST RECEIVED, a choice lot of Lorillard's, Amer ,J ican Gentlemen, High Toast, Scotch, Aappee and Miccaboy SNUFFS, for sale low for cash, at the Granite Drug Store. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. SPRA'l I , D NEL v CO.'.S. IMBROIDERS of every variety, style and mality J Swiss, Jaconett, Dirnetry, band and Coui g at SPRATT, DANIEL &t CO. OAK Tanned SOLE LEATHER first jua'ily 2.-3 cents per pound for sale by July ay. tf2 R. SHAW. A LARGE stock of Cbimisetts, Colors and I'.rder sleeves, &c, f r sale at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO.'S " -ij. - - i i - WM. A. LUCAS, Cashieb. June 9, 1854. For sale at this ctfee.

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