Sfc ,,', sfisfasMsssssWuMs, ' Official Vote of North Carolina. tv ctlve below the official vote of the State fr Reid and Kerr, and Bragg and Dockory. The Counties of Alamance, Catawba, Forsythe, . larkson. Madison, McDowell, Union. Wa- "ca nd Yadkin, which heretofore voted with the Counties um --... .-t.w....7 j mi nr v nnil for l he future eenamlelv. iciineo, " 1 j 1833 1854 Reid. Kerr. Bragg. Dockery j mance, 696 507 a 'xander, 230 261 235 441 j 513 1088 255 902 I JT 1 916 551 550 671 B ke 4PS 1216 333 751 Buncombe, 684 946 562 775 j Bladen, 631 358 620 426, jfcrtie. 420 527 410 490 j Beaufort, 554 847 572 901 j Brunswick, 271 343 435 416 Cbarras, 441 714 425 642; Catawba, 739 310 ( raven, 698 597 638 509 I Cumberland, 1388 783 1473 904! Chowan, 228 249 283 245 ; Columbus, 443 198 512 304 Camden, 122 488 125 461 Cartaret, 392 411 399 403 ' he r ok oc, 551 540 427 684 Caswell, 1013 270 1007 220, Chatham, 980 995 1017 1137 Caldwell, 196 600 219 620 j Currituck, 603 178 544 158 j Cleveland, 870 304 978 336 j Davktfua, 746 951 679 1292 iMvie, 345 490 364 610 ! Duplin, 1072 190 1061 225! Kdgecombe, 1425 104 1404 155 I Forsythe, 897 802 ! Franklin, 721 341 713 339 j ; ,ston, 808 138 tiranvilK 1063 1005 1078 995 ; C-u.llord, 480 1524 528 1615 Green-, 361 347 358 351 ' (;trs, 406 363 422 351 I flavwood, 551 368 345 350 j Htbfaa. 541 551 584 551 Hertford, 246 360 237 306 j Hyde, 408 363 303 397 Henderson, 310 762 243 687 ! Iredell, 393 1035 302 1256' Jackson, 366 235 Jne, 240 214 230 229 Juhnaton, 883 733 936 744 Jnoir, 459 267 394 274 Lincoln, 1931 680 573 200 Madison, 168 278 428 311 I Martin, 676 260 606 2D9 j McDowell, 217 6T4 Moore, 646 615 605 752 Montgomery, 209 706 145 741 Mncon, 432 451 229 300 Mckknburg, 1421 721 1023 652 Nash, 1030 84 1115 05 New-Hanover, 1342 350 1109 424 N-.rtlmmj.toii, 56 504 641 400 fittalow, 696 167 506 238 ; Orange, 1796 1523 963 1030 ' 'a.ii)tiink, 247 453 331 406 P. rquiinans, 312 347 313 334 Pitt, 649 636 725 708 Person. 550 341 601 331 U.be 760 603 782 679 I Rockingham, 1072 356 1036 310 R..WM, 712 77b 932 976 Kutfc-rford, 506 1106 621 1019 Randolph, 439 1279 403 1378' Richmond, 104 624 113 708 Sampson, 905 509 860 599 Surry, 1376 1207 797 401 j Sikes, 14SI 1132 630 437 j St.uily, 80 896 95 87 4 Tyrrell, 114 282 109 275 I t: on, 729 472 Wake, 1561 1102 1541 1170j Warren, 697 102 754 163 i Washington, 297 247 245 388 j WntaugH, 157 42H I Weysve, 1196 283 1145 304' Wilkes. 303 1345 325 1201 Yadkin, 050 75S Vancj, 694 336 639 340 48.484 42,993 48.705 40,620 42 093 46,620 5,491 2 085 Cheap WumIi for C'ot(:K-s of wood. For the outside of wooden colt;ig'S, barns, out building, fences, &c, whrre i cuinmiy is iotpor tant, tbe following wash is reeomfbcndfd : Take a clean bum I ul fresh quick liims nn5 slake it by pouring over it boiling water sufficient tn cover it 4 or 5 inches deep, and stirring it till slacked. Wh n quite slacked, dissolve it in water and :dd 2 lbs. sulphate of zinc (liie vitiol.) which may be bad ot any the druggists, and which in n Ipw weeks will cause the whitewash to harden on the wood arock. Add atlfficieal water to bring it to the consistency of thick whitewash. This wash is of course white, and as white is a color which we think should never be used, except upon buil dings a good deal surrounded by trees, so as to prevent its glnre, we would make it a ("awn or drab color before uini it. lo make the above wash a pleasing cream col or, add 4 lb, yellow ochre. For fawn color, take 4 lbs. umber, 1 lb. Indian red, and 1 lb. lampblack. To make the wash grey or stone color add 4 Ibv raw umber and 2 lbs. lampblack. The color may be put on with a common white wash brush, and will be found much more dura ble than common whitewash, us the bulphute ot ainc sets or hardens the whitewash. The St. Louis Republican snys: We learn from Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Noiihern part of Illi nois, and much more than one-halt" of Iowa, tlm! tbe crops of corn, potatoes, &c, never promised better returns for the labor of the farmer. So it will be as we have before said, in the counties fronting much corn ol last year's growth, yet in the barn. We gave an instance of this yesterday, in specul itior.s mude nt Lexington ; the Peru, (Il linois) Gazette, the other dny, spoke of a lere amount still on hand in that county ; and there are town9 on the Upper Mississippi River, where lar:e amounts of old corn may be purchased. People should not be deceived by croakers. There is am abundant supply of grain for a year to come, and an inll imation of prices, predicted on a short crop very where, is likely to operate to the prejudice of speculators. The new sloop-of-war Constellation is capable oi utruwing a greater weight qI metal than her namesake the frigate, and is somewhat larger in her dimensions. She is one hundred and seventy six feet between perpendiculars ; beam, forty-one ; hold to gundeck, twenty-one ; length on the load line, one hundred and seventy. The new ship his ileen built with a spar deck, on whioh she will mount two leu inch, pivot :guu ; on the gun deck she will carry twenty guns, sixteen ; sixty-eightpounders, and four long thirtv-pouuders, which will make her a ?rry formidable man-of nr. . i i The Capture of Bomai nuid. The despatches which hae now been received from Sir Charles Napier, and the more ample de tails furnished by our own correspondents with reference to tho capture of the forts at Bomarsund, ! have doubtless been read with the liveliest interest j by all classes of the public. A more gallant nnu j brilliant operation has seldom occurred. The : destruction of one of the strongholds by which Russia hopes to secure her dominion over the Bal tic and her ascendancy over Sweden, has been effected with a comparatively smnll loss of life, and in the short space of three days from the opening of the fire. English and French soldiers and seamen, engineers and marines of both na tions, have joined heart and hand in this enterprise, and we have no doubt that the vigor of their at tack, and the rapidity of their triumph, are an earnest of what the allied armies and fleets w ill ef fect under circumstances of greater difficulty, and against a more determined resistance. In a mili tary point of view many of the details of this operation deserve notice, because they are the first practical experiment we have had of effect of our guns and small arms in the lack of places fortified on the system of the at the Russian casemented batteries in the North of Eu rope. The first point was the disembarkation of the troops, which took place on the morning of the 9(h. The landing place chosen by the General and the Admiral whs a bay of about three miles in breadth, situated to the southwest ol the forts, and at a distance of 2.50J yards from the western fort, which is that called Fort Tree. A Russian earthwork, carrying six guns, had been placed on ihe eastern promontory of this bay, facing the sea, but this battery was taken in flank and dismounted by the fire of the Amphion und Phlegethon. In the meantime the disembarkation was going on, and 11,000 men were landed in the boats of the flee' in the space of three hours and a half. The Russian troops appear to have made no attempt to oppose tin- landing, though they might have occasioned considerable annoyance to our men by posting their rifles in woods near the shore. The British and French marines, 600 of each flg. were conveyed by the Driver to the north of the forts, and landed behind them. The next four days were employed by tho army in preparing for the attack. The posiiion of ihe batteries was selected, sandbags and gabions w ere prepared, and the sailors brought up, with great labor, some 32-pounder ship guns, which were placed in a position 800 yards from the round fort. On the 13th the fire o! the French battery opened from the southwest on Fort Tzee, and the bombardment was sustained iu the most brilliant manner for 26 hours, with one very short interval. We are not informed at what rane ibis fire was opeurd, ond the distance was probably greater than il would have been it the place had been ap proached by regular siege operations. The most remarkable fact is, however, that this French battery consisted of only 4 16-pounders nr.d 4 morturs, or, as our own correspondent states, of 3 mortars and 3 brass field pieces a force quiie inadequate to breach a granite tower. Three cf the enemy's guns were dial noun ted through the embtasurts, and the fire ol the French Rifles on these apertures was so severe that the Russians had difficulty in loading their gun, and suffered most severely in consequence. This circumstance is of great importance, and accounts for the large proportion of the enemy killed and wounded in Fort Tzee. Eventually this part of the work was taken by the French Chasseurs on the morning of the 14:h, by a coup de main, the details of which will doubtless nppear in the French despatches. Meanwhile the British battery, under the command ol (Jener il Jones, w as iu process of construction a work of greater time and difficulty, because it consisted ol" thirty-tvo pounder ;u:is dr.igt d up from the ships. We are not told by the Ad mi;al of how many guns '.his battery consisted, nor is its position accurately described ; it must, however, have been on the northwest front of the place, and within range of both the round forts, lor, as the western fort had been tak'n before General Jones opened his fire, he turned his guns against the eastern fort with equal effect. This battery was manned by marine artillerymen f rom the four block ships; their practice was excellent, and in eiht hours and a half one side of the tower was knocked in. It is not clearly stated, however, by the Admiral, (whose despatch is not remarka ble (or military precision,) w hether this result was caused by the fire of the fhirty-two-pounders or by the explosion mentioned by our correspondent ; hut it appears, from a subsequent passage in our letterF, that a practicable breach was made by the guns, and that they were three in number. The effect of the breaching batteries erected by Gene ral Baraguary d Hiiliers against the principal tort was not tried, because the plade capiiulated before ihe attack had been earned to the last ex tremities, In fact, it was wholly untenable from the moment that the round forts, commanding the rear of the position, were in the hands of the allied armies. The most obvious inference to be drawn from the Success ol this attack is, that the Russian forts, if they are generally constructed on tbe same principles and of the same materials as those of Bomarsund. cannot withstand for anv lengthened lime a close fire of heavy guns, even when those "tins are very few iu Bomber, and that the diffi culty ol righting in casemated batteries is greatly increased by the fire of Minie rifles, which can now be directed with great precision into the em brasures. The fire of the ships at the long range' at which they were compelled to lie acted chiefly us a diversion in favor of the troops, and produced no decisive i fleet on the forts; but it still remains to be ascertained what would be the effect of the broadside of a three decker on a fort of this de scription, and whether the results produced in eight hours ond a half by three 32-pounder guns could not be produced in hull an hour by a firo of greater rapidity and of twenty times that weight ol metal. No breachintr battery that ever was constructed is at nil equal to the fire of a lino of battle ship; but on the othr hand, a land batterv is far more protected liom the fire of the enemy; and ihe question is whether a ship could float long enough under a severe fire from land bat teries to silence and destroy them. In the late operations, although the ships were several times in very critical positions, from running on the uround within range of the enemy's red hot balls, none of them appear to have suffered materially ; and. though the admiral was compelled to order the Pi ne lope to throw her guns overboard, which was done wiih eut presence of mind, he proba bly relied on the probability ol recovering them when the Aland lles were in our own possession. Upon the whole, this experiment is not only liiyiily satisfactory and honorable to all those who were engaged iu il, but it leads us lo cntieipote more important achievements. The season is still long enough lo adiuil of further enterprises upon the Russian coasts ; ihe allied forces are now on the spot, and whithin n few hours' sail of any point in the IJallic; and we hope io learn that the allied commanders are taking steps to pursue that career of Mtcct-M winch has been opt ned by the full ol i3omarsund. LonJon Times, August 25. D1EP, In Yorkville, on Thursday morninp, 7th inst., niter a short illness. Mr. A. W. NEUFFER, for m rly a jesident of ilii?- place. Chiir.olte Retail Price Cm rent. CORRECTED WEEKLY. I Bacon, 8ides lb. Hams - - - lb. M Hog round - - ib. ! ti;jogino L'oiton, - - yd j Butter ... - lb. Beeswax ' - - Ib. 9 10 9 16 m 20 U0 35 75 5 l2i 25 15 65 00 0 3i 30 9 5 SI 2 2. 65 6 30 5 75 00 S3i 11 5i 10 00 62 10 81 30 45 a a a. a a a u a a Cl a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 10 2d 9 17 15 22 $1 50 87 81 16 30 20 70 15 12i $33 40 10 6 16 40 75 6j 33 6 8a 50 $4 12 9 12d $23 81 121 8U 35 50 Beans - bushel Brandy, Apple ... gal. Peach - - gal. Cotton fb. Coffee lb. Candles, Adamantine - lb. Tallow - . - Ib. Corn ..... bush. Chickens each Kuprn dozen Flour Feathers Lard -.Mutton 100 lb. . lb. . Ib. . Ib. - bbl. ! Mackrel Molasses Meal - . - ul. bushel Nails lb Oats bushel Pork lb. Potatoes, Irish bushel Sweet - bushel Rice bushel Sugar, Loaf - lb. " Brown ... lb. Stone-Ware .... gal. Salt ...... sack Tea lb. Tallow Wheat - - - . bushel Whiskey, Northern - North Carolina gal. Worms ! Worms ! Various theories have been startetl relative to the origin ol intestinal worms, and yet the question is stii! a vexed one among medical authorities. Of one fact, however, all are informed, and in which all agree the latal nature of the influence they exert on children. At this season of the year, the attacks of worms are most Irtquent as well ns most dangerous. We .ake great pleasure in directing the attention of parents to the Vermifuge ol Dr. M'Lane. It is one ol the most extraordinary medicines ever introduced to the public, and has never failed ol success when tried. OT Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M'Latte's Cf' hinted Vermifuge, and take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparisoc, are worthless. Dr. M 'Line's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, c tn now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. lw Livur Complaint. The only remedy ever offered to the public that has never failed to cure, w hen directions ure followed, is M'Lane's Liver Pill. It has been several years before the publio, und h is been introduced in all sections of the Un ion. Where it has been used, il has had the most triumphant success, and has actually driven out of use all other medicines, ft has been tried under all the different phases of flepatis, and has been iound eqn-illy efficacious in all. tT Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. Mc Lane's Celebrated Liver Fills, and take Done else. There are other Pills, purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, also hi celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Di ug Stores in the United States and Canada. vv. Plankroad Notice. N TOTK'E i horvby given that the annual meeting ol the YV es uanv will he held at Richard A Rozzeli's, on Wednes day, the 20th instant. sej.t 8,1854 7-2l C. C. HENDERSON, Trest. Agricultural Notice. rpilE members of the Mecklenburg Agricultural Society 1 will pleusc to meet in the Courthouse, in Charlotte, on the2lst inst., nt 1 1 o'clock, a. m. A full attendance is desirable and solicited sept 8, lc-54 JOHN WALKEti, Prst. Negro Sale. ON MONDAY, the 251 !l instant, we will sell on a credit of Eight months at the residence of Simon Rliyne, 3 miles south east of Dallas, Giston county, N.C., 35 Likely Slaves, consisting ol men, women and children. H. SETZER, C. RHODES, Admr's., with the will annexed oi Peter Rhyne, dee'd. sept 1po4 i-JW Whig copy 3 times. Valuable Providence Lands For Sale. rJ'IlE subscriber offers for sale his Plantation, situated X ID milt s south of Charlotte, and 4 miles east of Mor row's Turn-out, adjoining the lands of R. Peoples, J. N. Ross, Dr. J. S. P.irter and others. This tract contains '2 JO Acrt'S, more or less, and is well adapted to the growth of cotton. The locution is beautiful and healthy and in a delightful neighborhood There is on the pla.e a good two-story dwelling and other necessary buildings. Also, another tiacl of land lying 3 miles east of the above, containing 130 Aci''N, mostly wood land. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the lands to persons desirous of purchasing. If not disposed of privately, the subscriber will expose to public sale the above lands at his residence, on the 21st of October, 1 854. At the same time and place, will be suld a lot of Stock, Grain, and Farming tools, etc. sept 8, 1854 7-fiw W. A. PATTON. LLy Whig copy 6 times. 500 PIECES RIBBON. TO sen the largest and most beautiful style of RIB- 1 BON ever brought to this market, you must cll on M. IJAUM ; by cii ing so, you will find it greatly to your interest as he offers to sell better bargains than ever before. M. BAUM, sept 7 7lf 1 door west of Allison &. Daniel. 5000 Yds. Calico, UST receive'! and is offered for sale, from tu 12J cents per yard, M. BAUM, 2 doors from the courthouse. sept 8 jVotloe. N :uid after the 28ih instant, the following schedule V will be run d;iily (Sunduy excepted) by the mail train upon the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad: Leave Charlotte 4 30 a.m. I Arrive in Columbia 11a. m. Leave Columbia 4.30 p. in. Arrive in Charlotte 12 p. m. Passengers will be taken to and from the junction with the South Carolina Ruilroad, to accommodate the trains with which we run in connection. Ily order of the Board : F. KIMS, tieneral Superintendent aug 24 6 5t C ha riotte and S. C. Railroad. '1 "riE Copartnership of J. C. H ANl A. Co , is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ihe notes and ac counts due the firm are with J. C. Hanr" for collection, and all persons indebted are expected to come forward and make immediate payment. J. C. HAND, E. LONERGAN, Sr. August "25, '51. 5-3 w N. B. The undersigned will continue the business at the old stand. J. C. HAND. Quinine, Quinine. RESH and Superior, at the Granite Drug Store. june 9 PRJTCflATiD cv CAL0 WELL isrotioe. HAVING sold rav entire stock toMHler & PhHan, 1 hav- placed" all my Notes and accounts in the i bands of R. M. Sterliug for collection. Those indebted ! to me are requested to make immediate payment. ; H. BECKMAN. j September 1, '54. 6"tf ! JHAMPION'S VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS AND I Vegetable Ami-Bilious e)- Anti- Dyspeptic Fills. j rP-HESE medicines have been used by the proprietor a I 1 number of years in extensive practice, during which ! time he has treated some thousands of cases of Fever ' with the greatest success. ! They never fail to cure the Chills and Fever the first j day. FISHER & HEINTTSH, j Sept 1,1854 6-3iii Sole A gents for Charlotte. 300 Oz. Quinine. ITJST received 300 oz. QUININE, warranted pure, to tJ be sold low FISHER & IIEINITSH, Drugstore near courthouse. Sept l Notice IS hereby triven that application Will be made to the i J. next General Assembly of North Carolina at its next j session, to amend the Charter tf the town of Charlotte. Aug 95, 1854. MANY TAX PAYERS. ! Ta"o"fc37si5- Hats RECEIVED and for sale and very fashionable. Something entirely new At. BAUM. 4-tf August 18, '51. N FOTICE is hereby eiven that application will bn nude at the next session of the Legislature for a charter for a Mutual Life Insurance Company to be located in Charlotte, N. C. Aug. II 3 VfOTlCE is hereby given that application will f XM made at the next session of the Legislature lor a a charter tor a Mutual Fire Insurance Company to be located in Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 11 3 Tax Notice. N OTICE is hereby given that the Tax list for the town of Charlotte is now in my hands for collec tion, and money must and will be hau. 1 will not call but once. S. A. HARRIS, june 16. 47tf Tax Collector. Negroes for Sale, Money Wantecl. W ILL sell nine likely young Negroes four women and live chilttren at a fair price for cash. WM. S. NORMENT. Charlotte, August IS. 51. 4-3c I Palmetto Iron Works, (LATE PALMETTO ARMORY.) ri'IlE propiietors of the above establishment, having furnished themselves with all the necessary ma chinery and tools for conducting the FOUNDRY and MACHINE BUSINESS, together with a large stock of materials, are now ready to contract for the making of Stationary Engines of any power, all kinds of Mill Work, Cast Iron Fronts, Fencing, an1 other discriptions o'.' Iron Work generally conducted in a well-regulated establishment. Mr. GEORGE SINCLAIR will give his supervision of all work. His old friends and patro:is will find him ready to furnish all orders with despatch. Persons de siring to patronize a home institution can be assured that their work will be well done and warranted saiis. factory. Our prices will be as low as any similar es tablishment in the country, and terms liberal. Ashare of public patronage is respectfullv solicited. WM. GLAZE & CO. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 11, '54. 3-4w State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Laws, Spring Term, 1854. Mary W lis ton i vs. V Petition for Divorce. Wm. J. Wriston. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Wm. J. Wriston, the defendant in this cause, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Western Democrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of the tilling of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of th.s Court, to be held lor the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on th-i 7th Monday after the 4th Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte as to him. Witness Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 7th Monday after 4th Alonday in ?lnrch, A. D. 1854. J. B. KERR, c. s. c. Printer's fee $10. 3-3m Cholera, Dysentary, &c. A N A Di unfailing and immediate cure for those fearful iseases is Jacob's Diarrhoea and Dysentary Cor dial, recommended and used by physicians in their pri vate practice with the greatest success when all other remedies have failed. Sold by FISHER & IIEINITSH. aug. 4, 1854 Chemists and Druggists. T. SXEMIOL'SE. C- N. AVEtllLL. T.STEnOlJSE. Sc Co., FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, iVo. 2 llaijne Street, CHARLESTON S. C. REFER TO Hand, Williams & Wi'cox, ) R. Dulin, J Charleston, S. C. J. K. Harrison & Co. Williams, Dixon & Co., B. Chandler, Chatanooga. Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 11, '51 6m Effects of the Storm ! T7E would most sincerely ask those of our friends and patrons, who are in arrears with us, to think for a moment, that we are obliged to have money to pay our Debts, and unless they help us, in this way our interest and credit must seriously suffer. We are indeed, thankful foi the generous patronage we have shared at their hands hope they will continue it, and be admonished by this notice, to " fork over immedi ately, if not sooner." Such is the character of busi ness that we are compelled to announce, that from and A ITER THE 1ST J fl.Y, WC SHALL BE OBLIGE TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY. PRITCIIARD & CALDWELL, june 9, 1854 No. 3, Granite R w. OA A AAA BUSHELS of WHEAT, for which the highest cash prices will be paid, to be de. livered at his Merchant Mill in Charlotte, at any time alter the 1st day of September next. LEROY SPRINGS. June 23, 1854. 48tf. E7" The News, Ashvil'e, Gazette, Concord, ano Banner, Salisbury, will copy 3 months, and send bills to the Subscriber. L. S. ENGINEERING. Undersigned is pretaree to ft-rnish plans, rpm; 1 spe specifications, and estimates, and to contract for Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw and Guist Mills, Mining Machinery, Hoisting, and Pumping Engines, Tobacco Presses and Screws, and MACHINERY OK EVERY DESCRIPTION. Being a practical Machinist, and hiving had seven years experience in North Carolina, 1 am fully aware of the wants of the people, and 1 can safely say that my facilities for furnishing oad Machinery at fair prices are unsurpassed. I will pay particular attention to putting up ar.y machinery in any part of the States of Noith and South Carolina. Agent :or McClintock's patent Safety Valve, and Scott's patent Brick Machine, A c. &c. D" All letters to receive attention must be post paid. HENRY G. B'fUCE, June 23. 48-Cw. Consulting Engineer, Kaleigh, N. C. Last Notice. MY Notes and Accounts are in the hands of J. P. SMITH, for collection, with instructions to give them all over to an officer if not paid by July Court. June 16. 471 c JON.V WELLS. Town orcajLo.a-3a.pos At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Charlotte, held this 12th dy of August, 16o4, the following Ordinance were unattunousfy passed, viz i Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners ibt the Town of Charlotte, That tbe owner of lots in said Toa n fronting on Trade and Tryon Streets be required to curb the side walks in front ot their lots, with stone or hewn oak timber, and the spaee between the curb and the lot be raised with gravel or sand so as to make aeon, venient walkway ; and any one owning lots in said town situated as aforesaid, failing to observe this ordinance within ten days from ks publication, shall be liable to the penalty of FiAy Dollars, to be recovered before the Intendant of said Town, and shall also be liable for the cost of said improvement. Whfreas. the Central Rail Road Company have acted in very bad faith towards the citizens of Charlotte, in rendering impassable one of the principal street of aid Town by a deep cut, and then refusing or neglecting for the space of two year or more to make a bridge across said cut, Be it therefore ordained by the Board of Commis sioners for the Town of Charlotte, That the Intemdant of the said Town forthwith cause to be built a good and substantial bridge over the Central Rail Road at the deep cut crossing the Street leading by the Methodist Church, and known upon the plot of said Town as Seventh Street. W. F. DAVIDSON, Intendant. J. B. Kerr, Cle'rk of the Board of Commissioners. August 18, '54. 4-tf Notice to Mechanics. riHE undersigned Committee will receive proposals until the 1st day of October next, for building a CHURCH, on the C. & S. C. Rail road, 7 miles from Charlotte, of the following dimensions, viz ; 75 feet long by 40 in width ; 14 feet from floor to ceiling ; 6 doors, 4 ft. wide und 7 ft. high, 17 w indows, 18 lights 12 by 14 : with shutters one large window in front, 18 lights 12 by 18, with circular top gothic finish and shutters; 40 seats 8 feet long, 20 seats 11 feet long, neatly finished, with comfortable backs 18 inches high. Pufpit to be 7 feet long, 5 feet deep, 3 feet from floor to floor, breast 3 feet high, neatly finished of the latest stvle, and lo be placed 20 feet from the cast end ot the Hjuse, with a petition 5 or 6 feet high crossing the House, with two aisles from each end. 5 feet wide. Altar to be 15 feet long, 14 wide. Pillars of solid rock, every 12 feet, 10 by 18 inches, 2 feet high. All the wood work to be made of the best materials. The houe to be well plastered with 2 good coats and then whitewashed, and the whole to be finished by the 1st of May, 1855. Pro posals can be sent to Leroy Springs, Esq., of Charlotte. A plan and the draft of the house can be seen at Springs &. McLeod's Store. DAVID M. LEE, SAMPSON WOLF, ARCH'D. M. PORTER, JAS. H. DAVIS, Committee. VV. G. PHILLIPS, LEROY SPRINGS, BENJ. R. SMITH, August 18, '54. 4 tf Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers. $570 IN CASH PRIZES. $570 VOLUME TEN of thp "Scientific American " com nionces on the lGth of S -ptember. It is chiefly dc. voted to the advancement of the inteiests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmers, and is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and sciences. Pro bably no other journal of the same character is so exten. sivcly circulated, or so generally esteemed for its prac tical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Office are illustrated with Engravings, and the claims of all he Patents are pub lished regularly in its columns as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Scientific and Mechanical Encyclo pedia of information upon the subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engineering and the Sciences generally. It is published weekly in quarto form suita ble for binding, and each volume contains Four Hun dred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Mi.ttcr, Several Hundred Engravings, with a full and complete Index. Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,000 co pies per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscrip tion price. The following Cash Prizes are offered by the Publish, ers for the fourteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1 855 : 8100 will be given for the largest list ; $75 for the second ; $G5 for the third ; $55 for the fourth ; 45J for the fifth ; $45 for the sixth ; $10 for the seventh; $35 for the eighth ; $30 for the ninth ; $25 for the tenth ; $20 for the eleventh ; $15 for the twelfth ; $10 for the thirteenth ; and $5 for the four teenth. The cash will be paid to the order of the sue cessful competitor immediately after the 1st of January, 1855. Terms : One copy, one year, $2 ; one copy, 6 month?, $1; five copies, six months, $4; ten copies, six months, $8 ; ten c jpies, twelve months, $15 ; fifteen copies, twelve months, $22 ; twenty copies, twelve months, $28 in ad vance. No number of subscriptions above twenty can be taken at less than $1,40 each. Names can be sent in at dif ferent times and from different Post Offices. Southern and Western money taken for subscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Mcnn &. Co. 128 Fulton-Street, N. Y. Messrs. Mnnn &. Co. are exten uvtJy engaged in pro curing patents for new inventions, and will advise in ventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. Just Received at the Charlotte Book Store Family & Pocket Bibles; with or without Clasps; A Complete Religious Encyclopedia, by the Rev J. N. Brown; John Calvin's Institute of the Christian Religion; Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress; . Washington and his Generals b) J T. Headley; The Apocalvpse unveiled; British Eloquence, by C. A. Goodrich; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay; Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States; Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington; Heroines of History, by Mary.E. Howittj Flush Times, by Baldwin. Bloodstone, by Donald Mcleod, Spirit Manifestations; Hot Corn, or Life Scenes in New Life of John A. Murrel; The Swamp Steeu, or The Days York; of Marion and his iMerry llen; The Lai'ghing Philosophy, or Book of Funj Fortune Tellers's Own Book; The Southern and Western Dream-Book; Also, a splendid assortment of Stationrey. The Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully solicited to call and examine. ENN1SS & C RIDER, Charlotte, N. C, 48 tf Bookseller SALEM ACADEMY. VNEVV Session of the above Academy, (situated 4 miles south of Charlotte,) opened on the 2d Mon day in July, nnder the management of Mr. S. W. Reid, a regular graduate. He proposes to teach all the blanches usually taught in Academies. Ilis terms are as follows: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic $5 per session of five months ; Geography, Grammar and History 6 per session ; Chemistry, Bot any and Natural Philosophy $7 per session ; Languages, Algebra, &c, $2 per session. P. S. Good Boarding can be had convenient to the Academy, at $6 per month. B. K. SMITH, 1 G. W. WILLIAMSON, ICom. T. B. PRICE, Aug. 4, 1854 2tf A70T1CE is hereby given that the Firm of Spratt, Daniel & Co. has been dissolved by the mutual consent of the parties. All persons indebted to said Film are requested to call upon (J. E. Spratt and set tle their accounts as he is authorized to close up the business. The business of the Firm will be continued untici the name and style of Allison He Daniel, who tendering their acknowledgements, for past favors, respectfully ask of their old "friends &nd customers a continuation ol their patronage. C. E. Spratt having associated himself with W. W. Elms in tbe Grocery business, can always be found at their stand, 3 doors west of the Puldic Square. SPRATT, DANIEL. & CO. August 4, 185 t. itf GINGER POP. QUPERIOR GINGER POP and SARSAPARILLA lTj BEER, at Our House, for sale at whoh-sute and re tail. Also, LEMON SYRUP at wholesale and retail, bv H. SEVERS Sc CO., Mjy 13 43. f Oj;poitc the Court-house. Of the mot approved form for sule -at Hut Office. R.ailroaa , CHESTER, S. C By J. R. NICHOLSON. MTHB subscriber respectfully informs bis friend and the public generally, that his house, ku6M as the "Rwlroad Hotel," opposite ihj Cbrsttr Depot, is sil open for tW reception of regular ai transient boarders and the travelling public; und lb H he is making every exertion to deserve and secure continuance of the kind and liberal p.itrjnagc which has hitherto been extended to hi.n. He flatters himself that every needed arrangement has been mude to pro mote the comfort of all who stop with him : hi? rooms are airy and well-furnished, his servants ore attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with tho best of the season, so that his iriends will not wont any attention necessary to make their ojourn pleasant and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good lioOI lcrs and an abundance of provender, and he i prepared at a moment's notice to supply his customers with pri vate conveyances of every sort, to any part of the sur rounding country. lie desires to return his acknowledgement to the public for past favors, and solicits for the future an equally liberal share of patronage. Aug 20, 1854. 5tf JOHN R. .NICHOLSON. SUMMER GOODS AT T7ISH1NG to close out the remaining portion of VV our MUSLINS, BAREGES and DRESS GOODS, BONNETS, Scurfs, Parasols, &c. ; READY-MA DK CLOTHING, Straw and Panama HATS, and Summer GOODS generally, wc will offer them AT COST for the balance of the season. We have just made a LARGE ADDITION to our Stock purchased by one of the hrm and, therefore, can offer INDUCEMENTS to those wishing to pur chase anything in our line. Our S.ock of Groceries ') Fresh and complete and wc are offering at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. ELIAS & COHEN. O" All kinds of Produce purchased at the highest market Prices. July 18, 1855. 52-4 w SELLING OFF AT COST! Wholesale and Retail Saddle and Harness Establishment, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE subscriber wishing to discontinue his present business, offers his whole slock, con sisting of Saddles, Harness, Saddle Trees, S..d- dlery Hardware, together vt ith every thing ncccsaiy for carrying on the business, AT COST. Feb. 3, 1854 28-8m S. M. HOWELL. "GREAT ISA RG A INS. fTHE Season is now advancing, and the subscribers be L ing desirous of reducing their stock of Spring & Summer Dry Goods, which now comprises all the new and varinns style;, offer them at cost and carriage, to those who arc about to purchase figured Dress Goods of any kind, Manta Jets, embroidered Chemisettes, Sleeves and Collars also a large Stock of Ready -Made Clothing, we would auvise them to call and see our Goods und hear our prices, and we know we can satisfy them. They will sive money by buying from us. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. O" We want to buy 2 000 bushels ol jrood WHEAT, for which we will pay the highest market price. Charlotte, June iJ3. 48lf B. B. & Co. Fulton Foundry and Boiler Works, Jmttsmr city. FIELD, BROTHER A. CO. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, MANUFACTL'RKKS OF Steam Engines Jfllning Machinery. (LJ For specimens of their work they refer lo Ma. ehinery put up at Vanderburg Mine, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. 48-5w Norris Norristoien, Fen 11. fTHE subscribers manufacture Mining Machinery, as X follows, viz : The Cornish Pumping Engine, high and low pressure Pumping, Stamping and Hoisting Steam Enginks ; Cgknish Pumps, Stamps, Chi shers, Winches, Ikon Bj.ocks, Pi:i.leys of all sizes, and every variety of Machinery lor Alining purposes. THOMAS, CORSON & WEST, june 2, 1851 45-ly ELMS & JOHNSON. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. NO. 10 VENDUE RANGE, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. W. ELMS. C. JOHNSON. June 23, '54. 48tf. Village Hotel, Statesville, N. C. THIS well-known Establishment, situtted im. mediately north-west of the Courthouse, on tho Main street leading from fsalishury to Morgan. ton, is now being improved for the comfort of the Trav. cling public, and is always open to all. Close to tho Courthouse in the business, pari of town il also com. mauds a fine view oi Concord Female College now in progress of erection, on the Name street. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto enjoyed, I will use all honest ctlliris lo merit its continuance in tho future. 3. F. BELL. July 1, 1854. 52. 6m Notice. ALL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. W. Robinson have been placed in my (hands for collection, and must be settled by the 1st pf April next or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in Officers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING, Charlotte, March 17, '51. 34-lf Just to Hand. LARGE and fresh supply of pur Linseed Oil, A (N. Carolina manufacture,) where it may always be had in any quantity. june 9 PRITCIIARD & CALDWELL. Indigo, Pearl Starch, C10IcN STARCH, together with a large and varied j stock of everything that'is superior in our line. For sabs low for cash. PRITCIIARD & CALDWELL. 130 Oz. Quinine, UST Received, at the (Jranitc Drag Store. 4Dtf PRITCIIARD &. CALDWELL. J Lyon's Eat ha iron. A LARGE lot of Lyon's celebrated Kathairon, and Barry' Tricoffbcroar, for preserving and beautify. ing the hair, just received at the Granite Drug Store. 59tf PRITCIIARD & CALDWELL. White Castile Soap. T HIS new family and Toilet SOAP is held in high es teem, and is superior to the ordinary Soap for its bland and emollient qualities. For the nursery it Ml particularly adapted innocont in its combination and free from all injurious alkalies. This is an economical S jap for families. "Just received and for sale by FISHER &. IIEINITSH, upril 14th Dispensing chemists. UPPER and BAND LEATHER, also fine TRUNKS and VALICES, for sale, cheap, by July 39. atf R. SHAW. Fresh Potr.eh and Sal Soda. CASK f each, just received and for sale st FISHER & HE1MT3HY A

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