.R FOR O of 1834 .ON, s. u. ,i. irn mis and buyers of DRY , ijmt Wc have made , . E PREPARATIONS j LES. We sliall be prepared tit- ul the LARGEST AND BEST SE ,D STOCKS we have yet offen d, selected i by ourselves in ail the LEADING EU iSAN MARKETS. Our Establishment and Business is now so well .nwn as being one of the MOST EXTENSI E the country, that it us hardly necessary to re it what we have often said before, viz : that are prepared to offer one of the Largest and Most Extensive Storks OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . BE FOUND IN THIS COUNTRY, EM BRACING ALL THAT IS NEW. RICH AND DESIRABLE, IN DRESS GOODS of EVERY VARIETY. OTHS, CASS1MERES, LINEN GOODS, IOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS OF ALL STYLES, CARPETS. K'JGS. DRl i GETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, CUR TAIN MATERIALS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, &c, &c We also offer S00 Cases Negro Phins and K. rrys, of the host makes and st j It-s. R;tl Twilled and Duffil Blankets. ' n;iy great att ntion to these G'.cd and are upily i he trade on the best terms. I. termination, as it is our true interest, ur prices m FULLY UNIFORM and a to secure popularity, as well as to . .louse both in its nrcaniz nion and trx n ,v lh trade of THE SOUTH AND H WEST. lNCROFT, RETTS, & MARSHALL, Xos. 20.1 AND 211, Kute Stbkkt. . I r,i. 60 fim GREAT BARfiAIXS. sn is nnw ndvir.cin:r, and a subscribers be sirous of reducing their stock at zing & Summer Dry Goods, . It r.nw comprises nil tbc new ninl various styles, lief tliei.. -it cost and rurri ige, to those who :ire :ibout ti pnr !i " if era 4 DnimOmodm of any kind, Maata kU, eat mii tc J Chemisettes', Sleeves and Collars also a large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, we would aovise the-ni to call ar.d see our Goods and b"ar our prices, and wc know we can satisfy tbuni. The will :ivc mrnmutf by buying from us. BROW N ," "B R A WLEY & CO. B.f" Wc want to buy 2 000 bu-bcls of pood WHEAT, for which we will pay the highest, market r rice. Charlotte, June 23. 4Mf B. B, & Co. ulton Foundry and Boiler Works, jmmamr vtrw. FIELD, BROTHER -V CO. N POUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, MAMl ACTl ItKKS OF Knrimn ft Alining .Waciinery. -ciajMM of tin ir work lh';y refer to Ma al Vanderburg Mine, Cabarrus County, .Is I. j.V . a I II V. f . I ' K- . i w n Springs i 1 -r OPEN 'tst'ois and Travellers. ,irietor would announce to the n 'rally, that he is now prepared to ,in:otste an increased number of visi rs. Kv-'ry attention will b - paid to their H' : will always be bountifully supplied .an tisa heal the sra caa aliord. An increase ol patronage is solicited. V. SURE WALT, june 10, 1851 47-3m Proprietor. Norris Worlts, Norris'oun, Prnti. THF. subscribers manufacture Mining Alachinery, as follows, viz : Tim: Coknish Pitmpinu Kn.i.e, high and low pressure Pumping, Stamping and Hoisting Steam En:ines; Coknish Pi jits, Stamps, Cri sh ers, Wmems, I rom Br.ot Ks, Pn.LKvsof all sizSjand every variety of Machinery tor Mining purposes. THOMAS. CORSON & WEST, june 2, ISM 4'.-ly ELMS &. JOHNSON? Forwarding and Commission Merchants. NO. 10 VENDUE RANGE, CHARLE-1US, S. C W. W. ELMS. C. JOHNSON. Juno 2:J, '54. 4Stf. i-Zllls Hotel, Statesville, N. C. MTIIIS well-known Kstublishmcnt, situated im mediately nor! h-we.l of the Courthouse, on thr Main stri'et leading? from Salisbury to Morgan ton, is now being improved tor the comfort of the Trav eling publu, and is always open to all. Close to the lurthouse in the business part of town it r.Uo com. ids a fine view ol Concord Female College now in rr ss of erection, on the same street. Y.! ink'ul for the liberal patronage hitherto enjoyed, v.H use all honett f tl' -ris to merit its continu nice in future. J. F. BELL. J il v 21, 1654b L2 6m JNTotioc. I "OR HON of the Notes and Accounts due the late firm of II. B. &, Is. S. Wiiliams having been trans ferred to L. S. Williams, the same have been placed 111 tho hands of V. C. Barringer. attorney at law, for col lection. The undersigned, having engaged 111 other i..nes, is compelled to have money and has left in tructions for the speedy collection of his Notes Per sons intereted must come fur ward and pay immediately, or thev will be sued. Mr. Barringer's office is at Kay's Hotel. L. S. WILLIAMS. July 21, '54. 0-2i FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE Subscriber announces to his former customers and the pub lic generally, that he has just opened a NEW TAILOR'S at the recent stand of Robinson &. Rca, where he is prepared to des patch buMncss in his line al the shortest notice and according to the mostapnroved stvles and fash ions of the dav, having in his employirunt for this our- pose workmen of the first order 10 be ibund in this or anv other country. All Orders front a distance promptly attended to. Address U L. RE V. Charlotte June 23, 1854. 48ft. Notice. LL Accounts and Notes in favor of .M. W. Robinson J rave been placed in my Jhanrls for collection, and rr.ust be s fled bv the 1st of April next or their Notes he placed in Officers hands for col lection willuwil rc-crve. R. M. STERLING. Charbtte, March 17, '5i. 34-tf ics, Wines. "; " . ELX and Madeira WINES, especially lor inoJ uses, for sale by jtuM 9 PRITCHARD cV CALDWELL Charlotte, April 29, 1854. At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners ; present Joha Rigler, William R. Myers, Robert Shaw, K. McK. Jamison, and W, W. Elms ; On motion, W. It. Myera was appointed chairman, pro tem. It is Ordered, That s Tux for the year 1854, be assess, cd at the following Rates, upon each different object of Taxation, as follows, to-wit: On each $100 value of Real Estate, $0 50 " 8!00 value of Stock in Trade, 30 White Poll, between the age of 21 .St 45 $2 00 " Black Poll, " " " 12 e 50 I 00 - Free Black Poll, 00 44 44 Grocer and Retailer of spirits, $50 00 " Company of Circus Riders, and all others, subject to pay a State Tax, 20 00 " 44 Concert, per week, 10 0 " Dagncrrcian, 5 00 44 Itinerant merchant or Pedlor, or hawker ot Goods, ware s and merchandize, not tbc growth or inanj factarc ol North Carolina, except Books, a tax of f25 00 On each $100 of Interest, 2 00 44 44 Physician, Dentist, Lawyer, &c, 5 00 44 44 Carriage ol the value of $75 1 00 . u -i $-200 2 00 m u 300 3 00 4' 44 400 or upward, 4 00 44 Cold Watch, 1 00 44 Silver Watch, 50 44 Piano, 2 00 " " $1H0 value of Gold and Silver Plate, 50 On each and everv Do?. 44 Public Dray, 10 00 . 44 " Public tour-horse Omnibus, 1 0 00 I 44 44 44 Two. bars Omnibus o on On each Livery Suble, 10 00 III IV o 40tt J. B. KERB, clerk YT7I5 inform our friends and the public gene- rally, that we have removed our Tin Shop to the house on Trade Street, immediately be tween .). K. Harrison & Co. and Springs Sc Mcl-eod s Groceries, where we will be pleased to wait on all wanting any article in our line. We are now prepared with every convenience for carrying on the Tinning Business and all other branches appertaining thereto on a scale much more extensive than hns ever been the case be fore in Charlotte. We will pay particular attention to ROOFIXG and GUTTERING. Persons wishing any article in our line may rely upon getting it at the shortest notice and at the lowest price. We have just received a large assortment of Parlor, Cooking and Shop Stoves, which we are desirous of selling at very short prof'ts for cash. MOOilE & BYEULY. January 20, 18."4. 2G tf NEUFFER, HENDRIX & CO., C O M M I S S I O N M ERCH A NTS, for the siilc of Flour, Grain, Bacon & Produce generally Corner East Bay nsid Union Wharves, CHARLESTON, S. C. ("John Caldwell, Ptcs't. S. C. R. R. Rfffrfm-f-;- J llwt Oiihn, E.-q., Charleston. Kefere.nce. Rober. Bfyce, Esq., Columbia. J. K. Harrison V Co., Chaiiolte, N.C. IN presenting the above card wc would be doing in justice to our feelings not to express our gratitude to our numerous friends in Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, for their past unwavering patronage, since our commencement in this business in I 47. We have nursed this business from its infancy, labor ad year after year to dovdope the resources of the back country. We have battled with the different lines of railroads, and have been instrumental in reducing the freight on produce to reasonable rati s. We have friends in Europe and the North, and are prepared to made advances on shipments to either markets. Wc would say to our friends and the public, that it will be to their interest to consign to us, as we pay our whole attt ution to this business alone. We will make liberal advances on consignments. NEUFFER, HENDRIX & CO. April 7, 1654 37-6rn. - - - ---- , - - AND FRESH ARRIVAL. JjlLMS, ALLISON & CO., take pleasure in announc 1j ir.g to retail dealers and the public generally, that they are now receiving and selling at unprecedented prices, by tar the largest and best assorted Stock ot GSroc4ri'S ever brought to this part of the State. It would be to the intetest of those who buy to sell again to examine their stock before going further, as they buy and sell for cash their prices SHALL BE SAT ISFACTORY. Their stock consists in part as follows : 300 bbls. N. O. Molasses, fine. 50 hhds. fine Cuba Molasses, 200 bbls. fine N. O. Sugar, 100 hhds. " " 1000 sacks of Salt, 15 tierces new Rice, 500 sacks Rio Coffee, fine, 50 sacks old G. Java, 30 bales Gunny Bagging, Mining utensils and a general assort ment of heavy Hardware. Choice variety of Teas, Fine Cigars, and the finest Tobacco ever sold in Charlotte. Choice variety of all articles kept for family use. 500 kegs Northern Nails, 10,000 lbs. White Lead, 7,000 lbs. Roping, 100 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and tal low Candles. 10 casks best London Porter. 60 choice English Dairv Cheese. HT All kinds of Produce bought at the highest CASH prices, or taken in exchange for Groceries it Cash Prices. ELMS, ALLISON & CO., At Jno. Wells's old stond. Charlnfte, March 31. 36-tf BKGS leave respectfully to announce to the Ladies of Charlotte and the public, that she h'.s just returned from the Northern cities, and is now open ing a fashionable and choice selection of Bonnet Trimmings, Fancy Articles, Caps, Artificials, Head-Dresses, together with a variety of French MILLINERY, fcc. Having secured the services of an experienced Dress maker and Milliner, from Philadelphia, she feels confi dent that she can give general satisfaction in both branches of the business. No pairs will be spared to please. Orders from a distance thankfully received and carefully packed and forwarded. april 11, 1851 38-tf MOORE, HENSZEY Co., SUCCESSORS TO WAI. T. HOWELL & Co., Importers and H hoesuc Drain s in No. 181, Market street, PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS consf.ii.ilv on hand a large assortment of HARDWARE," CI TLF.RY. GUNS, &c, which they will dispose of on as good terms as any house in the United States. Orders by mail, or otherwise, put up with care and orwarded with dispatch. A discount of 6 pr cent, allowed for cash in par funds Jan ST, 1854. 27-5m Snuff! Snuff! Snuff! TUST RECEIVED, a choice lot of Loriliard's, Amer ,) ican Gentlemen, Hi h Toast, Scotch, Rappee and Miccaboy S XC F FS, for sale Jow for ca;-h, at the Granite Drug Store. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. J . O. CHAPS Si M . W. ST. CIIAFEE, ST. AMAND, fc CROFT, No. 179 East Bay, (opposite the site of New Custom House,) CHARLESTON, S. C, Importers of, and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials, Segars, Tobacco, &c, And Manufacturers of Lemon Syrup of Superior Quality. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive supply of the following articles, which they are prepared to sell to City and Country Merchants on their usual liberal terms. Cognac Brandy J. J. Dupny, J. J. Rousse, Pinet, Castillon & t o , J. Hennesy, P. H.Godard it Co.,Leger Freres, Otard, Dupuy t Co., J. & F. Martel and other choice brands, in half pipes, quarter and eighth casks, snd in boxes of 1 doz. each, American Brandy 4th Proof, in imitation of French, in halt pipes, quarter and eighth casks; and 1st Proof, in barrels. Holland Gin Pineapple, Anchor, Cologne and Clover Leaf brands. Whiskey Irish and Scotch; Monongahela, 1st and 2d quality ; O'Mara, Pittsburg, Sheal Rye and Bourbon ; Baltimore, Western Rye, and New Orleans rectified. Rim Old Jamaica, St. Croix, New Orleans and New England. Peach Brandy Old North-Caro'ina and Virginia. Apple Brandy-Ncw erseyand North-Carolina. Cordials Noyeau, Perfect Love, Annisette, Rose, Cinnamon and Peppermint. Wines Madeira, Newton, Gordon, Cossat & Co., Leacock and Jardine, in quarter and eighth casks ; Port, Page's, Key and other choice brands; Sherry, Pale, and Brown, Duff, Gordon &. Co., Benitau and other choice brands; Teneriffe, Ventoso's London Particular and Cargo ; Sicily Madeira, quarter casks ; Malaga, dry and sweet, in quarter and eighth casks. London Porter Byass' quarts and pints ; Scotch, and East India Ale, quarts and pints. Champagne Cider Boxes, one dozen each ; Casks, the and six dozen each. tvine Bitters, (boxes,) Cordials, (assorted) Claret, Madeira, Port, and Sherry, Wines, one dozen each, and on draught. Champagne, in baskets, one dozen each, quarts and pints Flag, Heidseick Bouche, Calhoun, and other brands; The above comprise some of the finest Wines imported. Lemon Syri p, and Jamaica Lime Juice, in half pipes, quarter casks, barrels, kegs, and in boxes of one dozen each. Sardines, in whole, half and quarter boxes. MANSION HOTEL. HAL1BHUKY. rw. IJ. TWiii , - i.-a-l THE undersigned having taken charge of this HOTEL, X situated on the North Corner of the Court House, re spectfully informs the travelling public that it will be her aim to keep up to the fullest extent, the reputation vi hich this house has heretofore sustained for its comfor table accommodations abroad. No pains or expense spared to render satisfied all who may favor her wiih a call. From her long experience, she is confident none will have cause to complain. The House will, at all times, be supplied with a suf ficient number of well trained and attentive servants, and the furniture kept in the best order. THE TABLE shall constantly be supplied with the very best the market can command. The Stage Office For all the principal Stage Lines, is kept at this Hotel. The great Northern and Southern Mail lines arrive and depart Daily ; also, the Western via Lincolnton to Ashe rille, Tri-weckly. The Stables Att&cliccl to the Hotel are large, comfortable, and atten ded by the. very best Ostlers in the country. Trusting that by strict attention to the wants of the public, not only to retain the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on the Hotel, but to merit an increase. ANN BROWN. Salisbury, Dec. 16, 1853. 24 6m. ROBERT A. YOJVGIJE, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public that he is now receiving large additions to his Stock of Jewelry, &c. In addition to his former stock, he has received a new and extensive assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Mantel Clocks of every variety, Silver and Plated Ware, a large variety ; Military and Fancy Goods, Guns, Rifles, Sportsman's Apparatus. Fine Pocket and Table Cutlery. His asuortnient of Fancy Goods Will be found to comprise a large number of new and elegant articles, and it is his design not to be surpassed in the taste and elegance of his selections, and his prices will be found on examination to be as moderate as at any other establishment in the South. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a continnance ui the patronage of his former friends and customers. Columbia, Sept. 30, '53 11-ly WML ALLSTON GOI RDH, Factor and Commission Merchant. NO. 73 EAST-BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C, Is prepared to make literal advances on Consignments of Rice, Cotton, Corn, Sugar, Floury Grain, Hay, Ike GUANO, GUANO, GUANO. Genuine Peruvian Guano. Wm. Allston Goi'rdin, Agent, For the States of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Also, Agent lor Baltimore & Southern Packet Co.'s Steam-ships. Office 73 East Bay. September 23, '53. 10-ly India Cholagogue, THE greatest FEVER and AGUE Medicine in the world, for sale by 49tf PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Philotoken ! FOR afflicted Females, indeed an unfailing friend for sale at the Granite Drug Store, where we are constantly receiving every thing in our line, that is fresh, genuine and pure low for cash. PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. 49tf No 3 Granite Row. FOR SALE. The subscriber has for sale at his Mill on McMichaels creek, a large quantity of good lum ber of various kinds, stacked, dried, and ready for deliv ery. JAMES KERR. June 23d. 1854. 48-tf 0 SCAK M. L1EBER, consulting Chemist and Minin Geo'ogist, is prepared to make assays, mining sur veys, &c. Office Charlotte, IN . C, above Hendrix'B Grain store. Ju y 7, '54. 50-2ir Hands Wanted. Office Charlotte & South Carolina R. R. Co. Columbia, July 4, 1854. THE Char'otte and South Carolina Railroad Company is desirous of HIRING 30 or 40 llando for the ensning two or three months, for whom the highest wa ges will be paid. Apply to SI ts F. N1MS, General Superintendent. Starch, Starch. FRESH DIAMOND STARCH the choicest article of the kind ever offered to the public, imparting a beautiful gloss to linen, and economical in use. No laundry should be without it. For ssle at FISHER & HEJNJTSff. Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. T LTST received a large and fresh supply admirably .J adapted to meet and control the prevailing intes tinal Disorders at the Granite Drog Store. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Disinfecting Agent. CHLORIDE SODA, (concentrated,) for destroying contagion; decomposing pestilential effluvia ; pre. serving Provisions against decay, and neutralizing strong and offensive odors. For sale by the bottle, at Grainte Drtg Store. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Tuscan Flask Sallad Oil. f'RESH and Delicious, for sale by I PRITCHARD iCALDWELL. June 9, 154 46tf ISA 1 AMAND. T. H. CSOFT. Lobsters, Mackerel, Salmon and Clams, in 1 lb. canisters. East India Preserved Cinger, in boxes of 9 jars each. French Cherries in Brandt, in boxes ot one dozen each. . Fruits in Brandy, in boxes 1 dozen each, assorted. Do. in their own juice, do. do. Pie Fruits, do. do. Stuarts & Lov:ring's Steam Refined Sugars. Loaf, in boxes and half boxes of 16 loaves each -Cr: shed, in barrels; ground or pulverized, in barrels ; Steam Refined Candy, in boxes, of 45 lbs. each. Almonds. Best Bordeau and Marseilles, soft and hard shell Castile Soap, of superior quality, in boxes of about 25 lbs. each. S.jap Jackson's No. 1. Corks, Velvet Wine, in ba'es and bags of 7 gross each; Common Bottle, bags of 7 gross each ; Jug and Tap, bags of 5 gross each ; Velvet Demijohn, bags of 4 and 5 gross ea ch . Vinegar, White Wine, in quarter casks ; Cider or Apple, in barrels. Segars. Alarge assortment of Rio Hondos, Consola cion, Filantropa, Washington, and other choice brands, of direct importation. Also, Floridas, Havana Cheroots and Cuba Sixes. Tobacco. P. Robinson's celebrated, Honey Dew f lb. plugs,in whole and half boxes of 100 lbs. each; Rough and Ready, in kegs of about 100 lbs. each; World's Premium Tobnceo, in 5's, 8's and $ lb ; El Dorado, in boxes 40 to 45 lbs. each, and a variety of other brands, in 5's, 8's and I lb. plugs. Smoking Tobacco, in Boxes of 5 and 8 doz. 4 and 8 oz. papers. Wine Bottles. French ard German Patent, in ham pers, one gross each. Flasks. Quart, Pints and Half Pints. Demijohns. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 gallons. Candles. Sperm, Pearl and Adamantine Fickles and Sauce?. Teas. Hyson, Imperial and Black. Scpl. 23, 1353. 10-ly. Piedmont Sulphur and Chalybeate Of Burke County, N. C, Sixteen miles North of Morganton. THE Proprietor of the above celebrated Springs res pectfully informs the public generally, that he has enlarged his spacious accommodations by considerable additions, and is now prepared to receive a large com pany. He will spare no pains to contribute to the bene fit and gratification of those who favor him with their company. This delightful Summer Retreat cannot be surpassed by any of the fashionable Watering Places within the State of North Carolina. Here Invilids as well as those seeking pleasure, may find a Summer residence, calcu lated to rctitore the lost energies of the Physical consti tution, and gratify the most fastidious. By calling on Dr. Happoldt, proprietor of the " Moun tain Hotel," in Morganton, every necessary information pertaining to the medical qualities ot these waters can be obtained. JAMES C. ESTES, Proprietor. June 9, 1854. 45.3m The Greatest Works of the Day. Parley's Panarania of the Wonders and curi osities of Nature and Art, History and Biography. By S. C. Goodrich. This work contains a great variety of interesting and useful matter, and illustrated with 500 Engravings. OS"" A beautiful illustrative Chart ot the Clobe will accompany this book. Pictorial History of America, by Good rich. This Book contains 900 large royal octavo pager and illustrated with near 300 Engravings, consisting oi Settlements, Indian Antiquities, manners and customs, Battle scenes, Public Buildings, including a large num ber of spirited Portraits of the Presidents, most eminent Statesmen and military heroes. A beautiful Map o' Mexico, Texas, Old and New California, and Yucatan. XT' Persons are requested to call and examine tin above Works, at the Book store of ENNISS & CRIDER. Charlotte, june 30. 49tf CHARLOTTE SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. IHE Subscriber respectfnlly informs the public that he is always prepared to furnish of his own Maria lacture, a most elegant outfit in the way of Saddles, Bridles and Harness. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He has on hand and. will constantly keep a large assortment of Carriage, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harness; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, dc. His Saddles consist of the following varieties North Carolina Saddles, Kcnttieky lo. Carpenter's Do. Decatur Do. He has also a variety of Saddles made expressly for per sons travelling a long distance, and warranted to wear well. Besides a large assortment of Saddles, Moss, Blankets, Harness, Drovers Whips, Buggy Whips, Boy's Saddles, together with all manner of He will sell on the most reasonable terms, either by wholesale or retail. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Saddle Bugs, &c, madi to order. Call and examine at my Establishment, one door East of Springs & M'Cloud's store. ROBERT SHAW. ; Nov 18, 1853. 18 tf Notice. LL those indebted to the firms of Fox & Orr and fi. Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. Charlotte, March 14, 1854. 35-tf Out! 1 1 HF NotPS nnd A rr mints nf t ha la to, sxt YTriCC I - - vm aav J l Ill ill K7 1 ATA OJj 1 Jsc IU. have been placed in my hands for col lection, and those indebted must not expect longer in diligence, as it cannot be given. July 22, 1853. Itf JOAB P. SMITH. Back Creek Male Academy. TWS Institution is located 10 miles North-East of X Charlotte, W. v., near Back Creek Church, and will be conducted under the supervision of Rev. R. F. Taylo', wnose experience as a teacher eminently qualifies hi; for that position. The exercises will commence on the first Monday of January. Good boarding can be had in morai ana oracriy rumilies near the Academy at $6 per month. The following are th rates of Tuition: Elementary English Branches, per Session of 5 months $5 Q0 Engiish Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, History, &.c 8 qq Greek and Latin Languages, with Higher Branches of Mathematics 19 50 J. HUNTER, Sec'y Board of Trustees. January 6, 1854. 24-lf Spices, Acc. CTMEGS, Mace, Spice, Cloves, Peppers, Ginger best articles for sale at PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. A Painter Wanted. A GOOD HOUSE PAINTER, who is a single man, and ran come recommended as a fine finisher, mmm J obtain immediate and permanent employment by in- qnring 01 ine suDscriDer at C harlotte, PI. c j-uae 6, 1854. Wit J. W. RAINEY CHEAP WATCHES AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 105. T lOTTil & SOB RE now 1 ecciving and opening one of the largest stocKs 01 GOODS ever opened in the State, at prices that defy competition. C. A T.I. AND EXAMINE AT T. TROTTER & SON'S Jewelry Store, No. 5, Granite Row, opposite Sadler's New Hotel. Charlotte, Oct. 4, 1 853. 1 4tf MARINE AND POCKET CHRONOMETERS, DUPLEX AND Repeating Watches. BY APPOINTMENT TO THE ADMIRALTY. WILLIAM DIXON, Chronometer &, Watch Manufacturer. 45 KING SQUARE, G OS WELL ROAD, LOOOX. rilUIC rrt;fine ttiat thn n r ro m nn n v i n V Watch. No 1. j xJ vyvi hiivd - " - " 7- .J Q 15516, is warranted by me to be of my manufacture, and no Watch with my name upon u is genuine, uicsb accompanied by a Certificate bearing my signature. I guarantee the Watch No. 15516 to keep time to the satisfaction of the purchaser. W. DIXON. THESE WATCHES have a high reputation for be ing superior time-keepers. Imported and for sale by THOS. TROTTER & SON, Jewelers, Granite Row. November 11. 71 tf Right Side Up. QHARLES T. EBERHARD & CO., are still carrying BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at their old stand two doors below Parks &. Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can be ob- UlO-AlI kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Eberhard. ILTA11 persons indebted for last year are requested to come and settle their accounts. We must have money. C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54. 36-tf Wait for the Waggons! TT7HAT FOR? sny you. Well, we will tell you. It is V because JENKINS &, TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlotte, N. C, just opposite the Bank of Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT mm with which we challenge the world to produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stovc suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &c, &.C. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " wait for the waggons." I is because we have three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will deliver them within 50 milesof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by as will be put up Irec of charge and warranted to do well ; and now, .is we have told you about the Stoves we will say to you, that we have all duds of Brittania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, j-c, constantly on hand. Ct All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly atten led to by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33 tf BOYNE SPROWLE, Cutters, COLUMBIA, S. C, BEG leave to inform the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, that they are prepared to furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Head Stones, &c, at extremely low prices All orders for any article addressed to G. N. HOPE, Charlotte, N.C, will meet with prompt attention. March 24, 1854. 35tf WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS, MATRASSES AND Paper 3Lck,-z.&x&m9 AT GREAT BARGAINS. rPHE subscriber has in store, of his own manufaclurc J and importation an enormous stock of WINDOW SHADES, Gilt t ornices, Paper Hangings, Matrasses, Satin Dclaincf, Damasks, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Tassels, Loops, &,c. All of which are offered at prices that are appreciated by all close buyers and ccunciuicul house-keeper. H. VV. KINSMAN, 177 King rt. Mar 24, '54 ly Charleston, S. C. " Mining Machinery." CORNISH PUMPS, Lifting and Forcing, Cornish Crushers, Stamps, Sfccam Engines, and general Mining work, made by the subscribers at short notice. LA NO, COOK & CO., Hudson Machine Works, Refer to Hudson, N. Y. Jas. J. Hodge, Esq.,' New-York, june 2,1851 43-y GEORGE N. HOPE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Residence next house to the Calholie Church, Charlotte, N. C. Orders from the country punc tually attended to. March 24, '54. ly. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. P. C.CALDWELL has associated his son, Dr. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, with him in the Prac tice of Medicine. Office, 2nd story in Elms' new brick building, near the Courthau ;e. March 24, 1654. 35-tf N. B. All persons indebted to me by accounts are requested to settle the same at an early day. Mar 24 P. C. CALDWELL. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, George L. Summey, (SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON & CO.) THIS establishment has been in successful operation fo a number of years. The Quarries are well opened, and the marble is superior to any in the United States. We have so penectcd our facilities for getting out and fin ishing work, (hat we can furuish MONUMENTS Tnwmf TABLETS, HEADSTONES, and everything in our hne oi business in better style and at cheaper rates than anv viJ in the country. 3 When it is considered that we saw our own Marble, nav no jobber's profits, and no high freight from the North, it will Z seen that we do possess material advantage over all competi! We cordially solicit our friends nH thorwMi. . pur work, and compare our prices with those of other rd. before ordering Northern MarVl. yarns, r? fell onih"'4 8t oury"Tf!An Ma" large assortment offinrdwo .vi r. v. rr. oummeis, wm sel at our orient. Hi,, ! work ia done at the Mills. Address "r M"W J. G. RANKIN A MarW- Work P. 6., Ga. a-iy. Sept.' 9. 1M3. DR. J. a MARCH I si-s CELEBRATED CATHOHc0r Far the Relief and Cure of Suffering j3 It stands pren.: curative StAu eases for wbichi mended, usually cZ FEMALE (-mo! Of these are P. o' ailing of-. riAiOR alecs, oru TT. w III 1. . E.HA noN or t,.- ? i INCIDENTAL Heuo,: r.oooing; ranaW, BED, AND IRRteciS TUAT10N, fcc., accompanying excepted,) nomattlS r-.' matter LT' vere or how long The Caihotim. Lf ea 011101 leineuiee, in being more certain, less exneJN leaving nit - " . vcl H call and obtaui a pamphkn (free) containing tnJ;S from the most respectable sources, of the bei.tficiJh its use ; together with lerters horn highly expirier.CfflV cians, who have used it in their practice, and pprakfc own observations. REFERENCES. P. B. PECKHAM. M. D., Utica, K. Y L. D. FLEMING, M. D., Kochcster, Jf v M. H. MILLS, JL D., Rochester, N. Y D. Y. FOOTE, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y ' Prof. DUNBAR, M. D., Baltimore, Md' J. C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md. W. W. REESE, M. D., New-Yo.k C , W. PRESCOTT, M. 1)., Concoid, N. R. J. P. NEWLAND, M. D-, Uiica, N. ' Rev. C. S. BEARD, Glenn Spiincs, S. G Pamphlets to be had gratis at the Store of tttt . ARD& HJliU" IL.J kJ, liutJilirii-, i-'uir .-liiCllISi lot t U, N.C Sold also by many 01 loe icaaing I'lugistsintWy . - m a a 1 1 I 1 I - -. a The lollowing unsolicited letter was recently rtctivif Huntsville.N.C. 1 H cNTsv i lle, Yadkin Co., N. C., Nov. ?Bth, Da. J. 0. Marchisi, ew- oiu mi: I derm it m, , toexpreesto you my sincere tl unks, for ycur ni?u.)t? the celebrated Female Medicine. iCaiholicori.1 Mv,J been more or less troubled with flooding for e jfhtor, years, and found nothing to give her reliel, until by CJ t heard of and got a botttle of your medicine. wtCy just the thing wanted ; it acted like a chatm, ar.d hat t her entire relief of a permanent character. With much respect your obedient servant, (Signed,) WILLIAM J. fiOLC Letter addressed to Messrs. Beach A Br emitter., Am Newberry C. H., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Beard ol canitSu, Guam Springs, Jan. 19th, 1 Messrs Beach v hrownron sirs : 1 send lor mm t ..1 r la 9 I a"-.1 I : ta Dottle 01 your marcnifi uterine v ainoiicoii. Uad Kauri .frl.fti .1 i..r !. vi nre AliH n lArii'fu .i ... Ida a. I I (IIIIIVHH . ..a .a,., j . a . aaa.u . aa . it i . l I 111! 4i. been resorted to for relief, but none was obtain, d unnll ceiveel this medicine from you. Its influence seems tin mnenrn : thpre was a manliest miurovt incut limn .hi. U, was taken. A c 1 k . 1 r . 1 at-fl n m ifil ntfirw li.mftla-iai m nur iint'nlnp K iTir f (1 ..I it a itiittr tii ri r I , n u I if I il It tn nil il I'll MIHH I Ilia. II 1 1 I 1 1 Mull 1UI llllll a.ii i i i vi a i i i v lui'injOTai (Signed,) CLOL'CIJ S. IIKaP.1 Q?-jr. R. MA RC IIISI & Co., ProiNit'tw Central Depot, 301 Broadway, . May 12, 1854. W TS now put up in the Large st Sized Eonit t, end is arln 1 edged to be the best Saibaparilla made, us is n ri , the Wonderful Cures it has performed, the unii nKeHfm which are in the possession of the proprietor. lUt.iy this is the only true and original article. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mtjrcurial Complaints, Cancer, fltr;-. Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases a c (got and perfectly cured by the use of this iiud.cine. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICAT Tall possa Co., Ala., Jan. ?; Dear Sir : I send you this to certify to you thr w Extract of Yellow Dock and Saisapaiilln lias tiloiinoi of the most wonderful cures on me (hat has cut lui,,, ed on man. I have been afflicted for forty years Ml rrupdmaJ legs and fee ; in 18 18 they got so bad that 1 hading! crotches, and in 1849 1 had one leg amputated tUvtl knee. In cbout nine months alter my other irg kii( in large eating and running fores fniui n Ki.k kmm- 1 -1 1 I . . 1 IT " .. 1. - una. aj.v-i ui tvu a -" ' " i .vai v. . l .Jl-' iiiniiii. .'I I i also uioKe out in larcc lutes', v incii uisei.tii(;(j u:ub 1 . . 1 . ti. 1 1 1 1 sive iii.1l 1 1, ai. 11 ui ine s-Hiiie nine uiy leu riu.u prif.r large running sorts r.caily to my tlb" w. The misery that I have si fiend for ll.e Inst ivo n rested dav or ntiiht. In October last inv son broimht me one of your T I 1 . 1 1 i- 1 1 I 1 la .w.. . a ' . 1 la I II' t r ... c - 1 1.1 1 sr L iiiiu miii inu uuiiii o ul I . n u lu I 11 i.vi u lanni 111 IUII UCfU h' III I V U l' .1 S It 1 I I 1 a. T 1 I I I j Nil ay easy, iiiiu i couiu aieep uii iiigiu, a uiing i iuiu nui wn two years. When I had taken six bottles, my borrtklH all healed. 1 have row used in all eight boitli s ol root'i tract ot Yellow Dock and Saicupai ilia," aid I act (id myself well. I entreat all the afflicted 10 try this mrdirinr, forllt it will cure any known disease in the woi:d. !)' m preji.dicc and just tty it, and pioclaim iis gnat w;ntk t'oring mankind and entreat theui to take it, tur it til them. My case is we ll known in a large port inn ofSeaai'i na, (icorgia and Alabama, ai d if any hhonld d 1 In i I I.I - I I I a . . I. ... I .1 . cure, I invite them to call on me, and I will MM kn scars. I can be found 111 Tallapoosa Co., Alal'i,J from Stoe's Ferry. f EN A J ATI 111 The Yellow Dock and Sareapaiilia is pcrreet 4v females ol delicate health, tesnltin hmn iff-gnlnt u ' strual discharges, and other dieabis peculiaf 10 ti. The proprietor lias in his possession :i griat HI nilti tificaies of cures, pet formed of the nbovc descii tui aet-tiic the arfliaited, that a bottle or two of Dr. Cm-. tract of Yellow Dock and Saisnparilla will at onci . ihosr d:lliculties ard renew the natural enerpies. SO' Pul up in quail bottles. Piit e 81 net botilf. Sold Wholesale ond Retail by St OVIL A ME.1! Cliarire3 street, New Orleans, Geneial Aci.tH fr tin' ern States, to whom all oidf-rs must be oddrrfsed. &Sr Sold also by Fisher Ai Ileinitsh, Pritchatd tf Charlotte ; C. C. Henderson. LliKolnton: Wiiichfartft' Monroe; A. R. Homeahr, Shelby; J. Froneberfcr' Dallas ; Murphy & Black, Concoic, N. 17. May 12, 1854. f For the Complete Cure of Com ghs, Colds,' enza, Asthma, Bronchitis Spittb'l ? Blood, and all other Lung Com plaints tending to CONSUMPTION. Trs preparation is getting into t ?c all over octO The numerous letters we receive from our bi ioi.r forming us ol cuicsefleeted in their immediate neigh1 warrant us in saying it is one of the be si, il n 1 'l.a Cough Medicine now before the public. It olmof relieves? and not unfrcqucnily enres the '.eiy When all other Coi.b picpaiatione have lail"!.."' licved the patient, as Piueeift", dealcia in We" Physicians can testify. Ask the Aicnt in yourw' what has been his experiehte ol the cflects of il . If he has been selling it for any length of lime he IT IS THE BEST MEDK INE KXTAM- Below we give a few extracts from lcilcrt weli"!rf mieiy regaramg ine virttie-s ot this medicine. HIT I.ivprwnrt nnrl Tor nvicii.ii'ulu in mil riKICt!1'' ' vnnro noal nrt a . . .... I. . 1 . a ...i,. n,u ir p M" a, a. . w aa i .aj , u ,ci VVIIM I'ltrUPU I t flllll IHJ which il ta rcciinim-.,-.!. .1 91 .n n I uiirn.n KiiTinnrc u'Tiitiur rri in more popular in this Country, and we ihii k llf' Z who nave ineu il speaK in comiuer danje tinn it is verv benehcml in nlii.vir.nnu ih rnmrlatn:si" is rejcommended." Our A.ra.ni im Pl.W.n. - - - - c (' Mr. S. assures us " that he uses it with great benefit tamiiy, artel recommends it to his neichbore. rlLd instance ot a Negro woman, in his vicinity, hoi tif fenng with disease of the Lungs for years, attendee vere Cough, who was relievtd bv the LiveivvoM s'. Such are the good report we hear of this Mc):c "!ti' parts of the South. For a report of the stirpri.in"V performed in the Western ar.d Northern and fjfSP we would invite the suffering patient to nod w JJJ which accompanies each bottle. To all, we 0hm have hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE ! ! t0 Be warned in season ! And neglect not thai is daily weakening your constitution, 'in,,MtwrZtf and lungR, and inviting on that dread disease.1 "T-jt when so soothing and Healing a remedy can K" Dr. Rogers' Syrup ot Liverwort and Tar. , yft Beware of Counterfeits and Bafe Imitation -' . ,t me articles is signed Andrew Rogers, on ine eng' per around each bottle. Price, tl per bottles, or six bottles for $!. Sold wholesale ar.d retail by SCO If. Chartres St. between Conti and St. Iiii', NnD', Agents for the Southern Slates, to whom all oroe plications for Ager.cws must be addtessd.- JCT Sold also bv Fisher Heintifch. Pr.'8 Charlotte ; C. C. Henderson, Lincolnton jWfgS I ' Mer.ro; A. R. Homeslv, Shelhy ; J. Trow'v Dallas Murphy & Black, Concord, S. C. fc May V2, I88i. nm lie i

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