TUe Placne in the Fourteenth Century. I There was one disease called (he black. deruli, ,he black plague, or the great mortality. The most dreadful v.sit .!... of ii was one that beg.O : ' ,,n-i cnrpnH nvpr U .1. and in lhr vonr 1 ;UH lit v,iiiii . 1 j - entered Europe. Europe was then, however, no; unused to during the preceding eight-and-forty ycars. The bluck plague spread from the south of Europe to the noith, occupying about three years in its passage. In two years it hud reacheJ Sweden; in three years it had conquered Russia. The fatal influence cime among men ripe to re ceive it. Europe was full of pi ity wars. Citi zens were immured in cities, in unwholesome houses overlooking filthy streets, a) in beleaguered nouses o c. iui.n itiii iiiiii aucci, a in uctvuxu""- . , . 6 . . fortresses; for robbers, if not armies, occupied . ' , . . 11 J ' the roads beyond their gates. Husbandman were .rvmgfeudal slaves; rcitgum was mainly super. stuion : ignorance, was aense ana morals were ue. based, and little ontroi was s'-t upon the passions Vessels with dead crews dri. 'ted about in the Med iterranean, and brought corruption and ipfbclMMI to the shores on which they stranded. In whit stunt did the ueonle. sti rvr-tiU jjukAs they were lit those old times, m.-ct the c.fPnTiTy ? Many com - Eir mm ' ii. 1 i J suicide in lrrnzy. Merchants, anu ricn men, seeking to divert the wrath of Heaven from themselves, carried th-'ir treasure to the churches j- i . i r and monasteries where, if tno wnofct b aring to r ceivc infection WHh it, shut tin ir g-i'cs ngaitit any such ofTering, it was desperately ihiown to Ihem over lie ir walls. Even sound men, corroded by nti.xi ty, wmijercd aboal li id as the dead. IIous"s quitted by th ir inhabitanta tumbled iu'o ruins. By plague, and by Ibe flight of terrified inhabitant-, many lhoaand vill iea wore left arts- olutely iinp'v, and ailrnl as the orooda and fields. I ne I one, in .v::. -nr. w is lorceii. uec iuse k ill the churchyards wer full to consecrate us n b j-rial-pluco the river Rbone, aod insula to I be faith ful an intermen', if not in holy ground, at least in holy water. How I be dead weie crted out of towns for burial in pi's, find how I be terror of lb P' on'.e coined the fancv thai, through indec ni haste many were hurried out and thrown into I I hose pi's while living, every one knows it was ! ibe incident of plume at all tunes 1 ft IV was re ported lo have Iks! half its ink ihitants. The Ve netians fl -d to the island and forsook their city, losing three men in (our, and in Psdus, when plague ceased, two-thirds of the inhabitants were nsissfac. Tiii- is th" Mack dath. which beaan lowirds iho closi f I he vear WWA to England, and of which Anton VV(,:j1 says, ex trav ig intly, ih it at ibe eioae of it, etrccly u tenth part of the people reaaaiued living. Sir John Franklin's Expedition, it will be r. memhrred, consisted of two ship-- the Eiehus and ibe Terror. Tin PbHadelpbia Inquirer is of opin ion that the remains of ail the property found t!.u (r bclungod to ihe crew i I be lrebns, JSir John Frunkhn, and thai not an article belonging lo any aaesabci of t lie crew of the Terror, Captain Crosier, has yet been 4Jneon d. It ia probable, there lore, it says, that the two M;;s s-p anted, and thai either ife crew of the Terror are uiil alive, tr pertbcd m the m north of our eontinent. I hhould also be ebsenred that the Indians, in their h Pen Vat, speak of a nhjp, and ti"t of shins, in eon texion with the uyg-ra who were i-c. n by them. The hope f n tingle survivor is ol course laini, but Id us cherish II lo the last. OBITU tR r. Died, of PI ax, in Ibia county, on lite 19di inst., ktUBr. C. HAKNKiT, in the 5r !i year of bis la his death was lost to a wife and children and u.Tecii ju i'e huabind and father: in the eniatuni ty, a peacvfnl neighb r and valuable citizen ; to I t m church, of which he was a (attblal eW r, a ! iievot d ami Z'aious njr-mVr. When the man ol j briili ml talent an 1 sp!t;njid d c is passes from I earth, lbs event is sure to awak n tin- ih Mightfui j reflecOon and respectful attention of the world. B rl arbea the nun alios ' exjellence consist in a ! li.'e ilm refloated Ibe insane of his kfnker, is railed to his long home, deeper, purer, and more lasting j leclings of ihue who kn-'w h;:n, nttcat t! irre- j pais hill nature nnd ralrnt of tit'' loss sustained by his deaih. Such an one has b en callvd Iruin urnoiig us. Tin- loss .!' sack !:, ,nir coni UMtfNty is called t in-iurn. lis freedom from umbiiMii nnd netfisbness, the living pieiy thai reigned m his soul, proinjlmg to deeds ol charttv, to peace with his ludow men, and lo kiudaesa and good will towards all, hive rath tl med his memo ry in the hearts of Has poor and the rich, in the ! esteem of the p;- pj of the Worll as wi ll as in j ihe nil" clions of Ibe children of G id. Thoimh i I'.is aentfa is a sad and uln dive dip nsation, yel ii is lu I ol baslbag, ! avi uly cons latii.n, !o those who m -urn hi departure Fur the bright aud ajhariwus prosp c:s ol a b! tt iaam:rtality, lingt r j ni'iii; , aVenaJuag the darkuesa nl liis lomb. II, BSS only professed Christ, but indeed five I tho .' ebrisliaa. II. s constant devotion si bonte, his j earnest prayeis in ihe homs ot the poor, his J gl iaiii zeal snd mi lung aid ur m Worship o! hi (aod, ana the kiadhng krvoc itf bis s oil ii-n sj' le of 1 1 i ti heavenly and d.vute, ail cluser ns b'ilit onsansesis sstasa i tha profession ha mstie. Ami m t'i it li. is .(), ibev ; ii :'i ii the s iuScbeertaa hwaa lbs h is in ihtti fnr I d. i Mill : i.nt i irte of the purs i rhs l;et, in ihe nmnraseal tsf lha rh-h nod eitrrasl rewards '.ii ri'fit us. Oh! srllil besvealy pecp, whnl cheering prassads linger nmund ihe tn?ath-b d, sad tho grave id the child nf Ci w ! I bough the fr iil tenement nf hit smil nul lull and erumbln, ami niiigie with its motuer 'af ih, yel pel, his inspired I st pan on incur- epiiapn i i ins currapiime must j rup'.i.m. an-J this asartal must put on immortality.' "See truth, love, and mercy, in triumph decendingi And nature all gssasasfj in Kden's riist bloom! On the cold cheek of death, smiles and ro?os are blending. Ami beauty immortal awakes from the tomb."' Commix icatep. Died, on the 24th lift., in this county, JOHN M. HUTCHISON, sg. d afol 40 years.' Ih hat been a constant member for many years of the R f 'rn ireor:i t i-n if S:irHi nml Hinii animitr-H ' r e -J- - ocionging to me estate ol Isaac v nson, dec J., viz : nnd sustained by the chris i.m's hope. His was A tract known as ihe McLcary Flace, adjoining the nn unpresuming piety, yel, we believe, real nnd j lands of Mrs. Wilson, John S. Love and others, contain conscientious. He sraa a useful citizen, and his ' inir lf0 Acre, about one-half of which is woodland, death will be felt ns a loss to the community inJ wcil timb, nd, Sboal 20 acres under cultivation, includ- i - , II., k.. tA . . .. :r- i i ii. l i i i , , w 1 1 . ii n,i3 iv a a i v i ' 1 . i . , l : ; i an interesting little son. to travel the rugged path oflilo wilhout his guard an c.ire. May the widow's Slav, and ihe orphan's Sliield be with them. J. hi. W. Died, in this County, on iho 29:h ult.. after protract' d illm-ss, OCTAVfO BA NER, daughter off James N. and M iry L Rois, aged 1 year and 2 m.mh?. Behold wh it manner of iove the Father has !o slowed on us when he s.iid, " sulTer little children to come? uftto mc and forbid them not, for ol" such i is the Kingdom ol" II aven." O that the writer of thi could impress on the minds of th-j be reaved parents to weep for themselves, not Air their child God h uh made" it an Angel of bliss, pure in Heaven ; sanctified, safe and secure, lar b-'voml a!! the stormy bias's ol" iniquity prepare to meet it th- rr. Patei us. Diro, in this County, oa lbs 2G h uit.. MART JNKt tiauhi:r of Robert wmt I J me Mcfiwms, fed 20 yea rat 9 months and 99 daw. The Territory of K:ina. I I C l fiiiw io fnrp!tf - ,1 " asVltl an as Q jzod. , j, py, tha. Governor f fg lamation .... ...... 1 The Kansas Herald says As soon as the census is taken, and the districts are laid out, the people will be called upon to elect a delegate to Congress, and members of the Leg. isluture. W e are not surprised to learn that a ge- neral desire exists to have the territorial legisia i ture convened as early as practicable. It is ; thought that this can be done by the first of 0c- cember. We notioc that in the meantime the territory is . r . Mi- .. , . i I lust filling up with an enterprising, industrious and ; . , .. r . i . -T . hardy population, from all sections of the Union,' . .... .i . .1 a . hausIs ;fsdf about slaverv and freedom, it will have become one of the most flourishing and pros- perous territories of the country. . m Medical Testimony cannot be Controvertrd. One of the most startling cases is narrated of Dr. Mc Lane's Vermifuge by Dr. John Butler, of Lowell, j i ... - sti . . i m j itumuuu io., uuio. i ire case was mai oi a young j lady who had been very sick for eight years, and had ' consulted a number of nhysicians, who had treated it as one of l'rolapsus (Tter Dr. Butler was then called in, and for a time believed with liis predecessors that it was a case of Prolans s. He was, however, soon 1 lorced to the conclusion thai his patient was suffering ft'r l II' jrmo o , 1 i . . , , iin'i na r l: 1 1 1 c i A nratroiluil 1 1 i . . her to take two doses of Dr. M'Lanes Vermifuge. This me, leine had the effect of removing irom hera cotnlte-s number of the argest size. After she passed them, her health immediately returned. She is siuce married, and continues to enjoy exctller.t health. iLj' Purchaser! w.ll be carelul to ask for Dr. Mc Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, and take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. M"Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also h:s Celebrated Liver 1'iils, can now be had at all the respectable Drug Stores in the L'nited States and Canada. 15-2w Joe Swecucy's Virginia liliustrels, ' OULD respectfully Baneaaee to ilieir friends and lite citizens ol Charlotte generally, that they will rive one of their Popular and Fashionable Concerts ut Ibe COURT-HOUSE, on Saturday Evening, Nov. 4lii, uu w lireh occasion Ibe following talent will appear : OLD JOE SWEENEY, DICK SWEENEY, S. A. SWEENEY, It. II. HALL, the celebrated Ji Dancer, And ihat great u:i of Mooitu, JoliiN SHEKMZ4N. Fir pactienlari see Programmes. Admission 50 cts. Children and servants halt price. Doors open at 7, la ronutirnrr at Iko elock. GEO. XV. HARVEY, Agent. November 3, 1854. lS-lt Land for Sale. r II K nndemianen offers for sale his Valuable Planta tion, lying on the waters ol" Paw Creek, about 6 tuilea wtt ol Charlotte. Oa the prcmisea is a good dWi Uing h'-use, wilh tfic necessary out-buildings, 'i'hc Tract contains '2 I '2 Acre, about one-thkrd of whieii is cleared, and under good repair; tne remainder is Woodland and Ntell tiuibced. The whole lies well for cultivation, and is u prod active a soil as any in the count jr. Persona desirous of purchasing a valuablt PlantatHM would do will lo call early and examine. .M Brother, who Uvea on the place, will give all the inform ation required. T. A. ADAMS. Nov. 3, l54. 15-;i Strayed. 'ROM Ibe aubscriber'a close in the town of Charlotte, ' TWO MILCH COWS, om inooly with black and j white KpiitM, the other a rou cow with a hide bored in I cacii horn. An' information concern-pug their where ! ub.Mil will be thankfully received, or it driven home a liberal reward will bo paid. JOHN E. PENMAN. Nov. 3,1854. latf NOTICE. i AVING takes out general Letters pf Adminiatra Jl Itoi!, iit the 1 isl County Court, on the Estate ol John j Wclia, iie'd., I will proci ed to sell it ihe Residence ol : I;. VI. Sterling, on .MONDAY, tac 90tb of .November next, a lew art idea of Also, ONK HO Kit EL M Ait E, the property of John VV'tlis, dee'd. TtfM ti months credit wilh securily. ALEX. SPRINGS, Adm'r. Nov. 3, 135 1. 15-3t N. B Notice in hereby given to the debtors of John V. d-'e'd., to come tor ward immediately mid pay I their Notes aad Accounts, as longer indulgi nee will i not be given and persona having rlaimS will present t:,t in duly satheuticatcs according to law. The Rooks, N tesand Accounts will be Sound in the bands of J. 1. Smith or J. J. Maxwell, who arc authorized to settle the asms. Nov. 3. ALEX. SPRINGS, Adm'r. rjMHE copartnership under the name of II. SEVERS 1 & CO , w:i dissolved on the 24tR ol October. l!Sl, by niBtnal consent. All persons indebted to said firm, 1 and to HI S vera indvistnaly, are earnestly requested to ; in ike piytnent hy the 1st o Junu.iry 1 h."5, or they will , find them in the hands ol others lor collection. 11. SEVERS 6c CO. M. B. Fhe Business will be eartied on v the un- iiettMgaea, .'. Ir rs t'nev ' e tli f.l.l ut nwl nnnMila tlir ( ..-: l!ii,w, ' will !; ready to s ooSmood ate one and all, I who is!i : pirtako of a "nod class of WINE, BRANDY, SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, WHISKEY, BEER, FOP, &C, AC, ol t sutoks a good SEGAR, at all tiiuc-', .Sundays ex. . pled. J. DLLS & CO. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF Wines, Liquors, and Lemon Syrup, will be sold bv the gallon, at the LOWEST PRICE for f- A 1 1 I Dl'tS X- Of! November 3. 1854. 15 tf 1 . SALE OF LAND m OTHER PROPEIITV AVING obtiined an order of Court for j that purpose, I will sell at the residence i of Airs. Wilson, near the Tuck serge Ford, ' in Mecklepfesr County, on TUESDA Y, the ! Jsi'.i oi November m.xt, on a credit of six months, the M losing Tracts or Lnntl. , ... .. . .. lr? some jrood Kiver Bottom ALSO, An undivided half interest in a tract known as the Solomon File Place, lying imnicdintelv on the Cataviha Iviver, adjoin ins ihe Lands of Mrs. McLearv. Mrs. Wilson and Johu S. Love, containing S7 Acre i including a Shoal at the Tuckasecgc Ford, upon which ; is erected a vt ry superior S A W MILL, ih a wator-powcr capable of turning any- kind of Machinery. ALSO, At the same time and place, I will sell some Corn and ll'hccit, a Road Waggon and Ox Cart, a Lot of Pine Lumber, and oi',;cr articles not r. 'crssnrv to mention. T. T. SANDIFER, Adm'r. Not. 3. 1-51. 15 4t Notice. TAYIXC r,ualified as Administrator upon the Estate II of U'i'liam Davis, dee'd., I hereby BOtify all per- ; sons having claims against said fstatc to present them within th'? time prescribed by law, or this notice will j be plead in bar of lccovery. P5 WM. MAXWE1X, Adm'r. o.-t o: 184. 1 1- 1 Charlotte Retail Price Current. CORRECTEOAVEEKLY, liacou, sides lb. Hams . . - lb. 44 Hog round - ib. - Bagging, Cotton, . - yd - Butter ... - - Ib. - Beeswax - . - Ib. Beans - bushel -Brandy, Apple ... gal. 44 Peach gal. Cotton lb. - Coffee - lb. - Candles, Adamantine - lb. Tallow ... lb. Ill 10 9 16 12 20 00 35 75 1 I2i 25 15 70 00 0 N 30 n 5 25 70 6 30 5 75 00 83 11 5i 10 00 62 10 81 30 45 a 12 a 2k (V 9i a 17 a 15 a 22 a 81 a 50 a 87i a 6 16 30 20 75 15 12 3f Corn bush Chickens each j Eggs dozen ' Flour i Feathers 100 Ib. - Ib. - lb. - Ib. bbl. - gal, bi she I - lb. busnel - Ib. bushel bushel bushel - lb. . lb. - gal. sack . lb. a 40 a 10 Lord -Mutton Mack re a a a i a 6 16 40 Molasses Meal -Nails -Data . a 33 a a 8o I Pork p0(atoes rjsh . 1 0 Sivcp 50 84 124 9 12 if Suirnr, Lor.f -44 Brown Stone-Ware Salt - . Tea . . Tallow . Wheat - . a 82 a 81 a 125 a Si 4 rt 35 a 50 bushel - Whiskey, Northern North Carolina gal. NOTICE. TMIOSIC persons who contributed funds towards the JL purchase of the "Jefieksosiajt' Printing rress are hereby notified, that 1 am authorized by Adam Alexan- der to refund the amount respectively to those who produce receipts, as far as the amount on hand will go. BENJ. MORROW, Oct. 27, 1854. 14tf Ag-int. For Sale, i SPLENDID JACK, five years old last Spring, ..V medium size, good form, and, in a word, possessing every requisite quality ot animals of his genus. Abun dant reference can be given in the vicinity of Davidson College lo strengthen the above statements. A. MONROE GILLESPIE, If mile south-east Davidson College. Oct 27, 1851. 14-3t Pay your Taxes ! ALL persons in arrears to me for TAXES will confer a very particular favor if they will call on me at the Superior Court aud settle. A word to the wise is al ways sufficient. T. N. ALEXANDER. Oct 27, 1854. 1 l-4t EXTENSIVE SALE OF IRON WORKS, SLAVES AND OTIIEU PROPERTY. I'HE undersigned, as Executors of the last Will and Testament of the late E. A. BREVARD, wiil ex pose to public sale, at Rehobeth .known as Brevaeu's I i rnace, in the County of Lincoln, N. C, On TUESDA Y, the 5th of December next, said Fnrnace with 436 Arm of Land be longing thereto, including an interest in the great Iron Ore Bank of the State, with all the Paterns, Flasks, and appurtenances of said Furnace. ALSO, 38 Young and Likely Negroes, embracing men, women ;uid children, with several valuable Mechanics ; 19 Mules, 5 Horses, A number of Hogs, 4 Carts, 2 Wagons, (earing, Saddles, Flows, FfK.TII.rG TOOLS GEJHEml&M.W.r I Household Furniture, with a variety of other articles. Thkts. In the sale of the Furnace and Lands, a credit of one and two years w ill be given, with interest after 12 months. On all sum under $20 cash, and all oypr $20 a credit of six months will be given in the sale of the personal property. A deduction at the rate of 3$ per cent, per annum made for cash. Further terms made known on day of sale. IS". B. All persons having clai.Tis agaiiist the estate of E. A. Brevard, dpe'd, are requested to present them in the tim required by law, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery ; and all persons in debted will please come forward immediately and make payment. ROUT. A. RRKVARD. !;, i ? nr n n i u t i i i October 27, 1851. 14-6t BOOTS & SHOES. 1 'T1 L ,.1 1 1 1 1 . V . . 1 siiouio ue generally kiiow ii mai ine rri 4 best assortment of rv IT should be generally known that the best assortment o'' BOOT- and Mions in tha Town of Charlotte, is to be found at JE5 O U" IE3 ' O BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, l.NDER J. B. KERR'S HOTEL, and whore you may procure the finest and best Boots and Shoes, oi the most celebrated Manufacturers in Philadelphia, at very low prices CAbH. The stock will consist, in part, of Gents' fine Calf Bools and Shoes, of every quality, style, and workmanship ; Gents' sewed Call, and Kip pegged Boots and Brogans, of every description ; Boys' and Vouths' Calf and Kip Boots and Brogans of every quality, style, and price; Misses' and children's Boots and Shoes, both sewed and pegged, varying in price from 25 cts. to $1,25. In the Ladies' Department Particalar attention has been paid in selection of the best style, quality, and workmanship, in part, consisting of Ladies' Gaiter Boots various prices: Ladies' Kip and Morocco Bootes and Buskins, (flannel and linen lined :) Undress Morocco Bootes and Buskins, (flannel lined,) for winter wear ; Ladies will please call and examine for themselves. Also, 5,000 Pairs of Negro Brogans, va.ious qualities, together with 1,000 Pairs of Women's Bootes, for House servants and out-door use,with a fine assort ment of Travelling Trunks, Carpet Bags, and I j Ilcmtocli Sole leather, (a good article, all to be had at BOONE'S SHOE STORE, M Under J. B. Ear's Ilotd&q lT" Ladies, Misses and ( hildren's Fine Goods nsd yet arrived. Expected in a few days. C" Cash paid lor Hides at BuON'E'S SHOE STORE- Oct 27, 1851. 14-tf LL KINDS OF PLAIN, FANCY AND g NAMENTAL JOli PRINTING DONE r T WE '-DEMi yc H A T OFFICE." E LIAS k COHEN WISH to inform their numerous Friiuds, Patrons, and the community t larce, that they arc now recstvisf THE LARGEST AND HEST ASSORTED Stock of GoocIn EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. It i acknowledged bv ALL who have examined Oca Stock, to be the BEST SELECTED and LARGEST ever purchased by one firm for one season's trade ; and being bought Cheap will be SOLD so, much l.UW - F.R lli an we have ever oftyred them vet. Oar stock of CLOTHING, DRY - GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ARE PARTICULARLY HEAVY, INCLUDING A RICH ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cloaks, Mantillas, Dress and Cloak Trioimings, Ribbons, Embroideries & Laces, with a full Fupply of suitable lor this market. IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, w ill be found everything a gentleman require, including Under Garments of every description, SHIRTS DRAWERS, CRAVATS, COLLARS. STOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALU ES. CARPET BAGS, &c, &c. It is impossible to ffive any idea of our Immense Sroeu by an ndvrrtisement, but we can snow to those tliut will favor u with a salt, the CHEAPEST and BEST SELECTED SUPPLY OF Dry Gooil, Reailv I?lacle Clothiii, Hardware, Groceri, Itool, Shoes, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, SADDLERY, CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy Articles, th;t can be seen in ihe State. Our ar ran portents ore sch that tee intend keeping a full assortment ahtatfS on hand. Country JtItrchantS ;ire invited to examine our GOODS and PRICES. . We will sell lo them lower than they can buy in Cliarlt ston. Call at No. 2 Granite Row, and Look at the BARGAINS. EI,1AS & COIIGiY fjy All kinds of Produce purchased for which wo will pay the highest warkit prices. November 3, 1854. 15tf NOTICE, 'jIIE subscriber takes pleasure in informing hie friends and the public generally, that he has asfco- ciiitt.-d with himself in business, Mr. F. W ,;,rmerly in his employ. The business will ducte(j antjer fjie firm of B A ROMAN & . A II Ii ENS, now be con. A II R ENS. Those indebted to me by Note, due the old firm ot G. B irginan &. Co., or individually, are earnestly requested to settle, as money must be had. G. BA ROMAN. October 25, 1854. 14-tf HAVING ass)Cted myself with Mr. G. Bargman, in the general DRY GOODS, WW HlllDWABIi BUSINESS, I take this method to inform my friends and the public generally, that I have just returned lrom the North with a curelully selected stock of which for cheapness and taste, cannot be excelled by any Houae in thin town. Those who like to encourage a new beginner, will lind it to their advantng-e to give mc a call. Cash Customers particularly solieited to see our stock. F. W. AHRENS, Store adjoining the Court-House. October 37,'18S4. 11-tf THOMAS TROTTER & SON HAVE just opened a splendid stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY, SILVER &. PLATED VVARL and FANCY GOODS of all kinds. CP" No. 5, Gran ite Row. Oct. 27, 1854. 14tf J. 6. F. BOONE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SOF.E I. EJtTWE. El, CLF 8MtJfr LINING AND BINDING SKINS, SHOE TOOLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Charlotlc, N. C. Oct. 20, 1854. Iy Boots? Bools, Boots. AVIDS0N & MOSS have just received one of the U largest stocks of BOOTS & SHOES ever offered in this market, and respectfully invite Ladies and gen tlemen to call and examine their stock before purchas ing, as they are determined to sell as low as the low est, and a little Lower particularly Heavy Negro BROGANS. Oct 20, 1S54 13tf Cheese. DAVIDSON & MOSS have just received 95 BOXES of English Dairy CHEESE, low for cash. Oct 2 i, 1854 13tf Heady-Made Clothing. V LARGE and splended assortment of Ready-made Clothing, to be had low for cash, at Oct QJ tf DAVIDSON Sc MOSS. Hats. . T UST received and opening a splendid lot of Beebe's fj and Leary's most fashionable Kali and Winter style HATS, together with a large assortment of men and bovs' CAPS, Loafer and Wool Hats, of every varietv, at DAVIDSON & MOSS'. Oct 23 tf Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets. J UST received the latest New York stales of Velvet, J Satin, Silk, and Straw EONNETS, a't Oct 20 DAVIDSON & MOSS. Mrs. Shaw BEGS leave re 'peet fully to announce saW'b to the Ladies of Charlotte and its vicroiiy HJ that she has opened a larjre assortment of nw consisting of the litest styles of BONNETS, CAPS. AND tJEAD DRggSES, and a woll.p V- of Dress Trimmings and Pqfterns. She ;ilso continue s to cur, j a the PRJ&SS-MA KING BUSINESS, and f.-els she ear give atStnction in bot'i blanches. No pains will be spared fiK peasc. tCT Orders promptly stt Oct 17, 1854 I3tf r Salem Alman&cs for 1855, 1?OR SALE, by tl f rcsg; 0Scn, or single copy, at the BOOK STORE. Oct 20, Charlotte. 1 N improved lfff. M-ccl fronting on the street by v t-ot oca. .... r,.nirni n .;irn comffi-tTblf ns Dwelling House. h..use, M bjr -fre,, and l slory hi ,r - - ...... ar ine v,entr , and the frame of a gh, unthe premises; -" W.H1 of -..-ater-walim 30 feel oi the honse. Price fSdO, laug credit. Oct 20 3t WM. 8. NOR WENT. T EDonere. Snouere. A w A u - - . V. E ssso tmcnt of Bathing and Carriace Sdoiitc reeeirrrd at FISHER & IIEINITSn. 20 Chnrlotte Diuy Store. Isjon's Kothairon and Barry's Tricopherona. A Presli supply c.f these invaluable hair tonics, for iite at .FISHER & HEINITSH, Charlutie rug Sfor. jOct niiT.nt.l VHitrTMa UUraiU S rniiea. 'HIS valuable medicine has long been held in high eui auon as a resi.irative irom ine aeir.my occa. ed by dull and icvr, giving lone to tlic Uigcutive ns, and rrguii.tinjr He v t!e ftp If m. rnr rale it FISHER & HHINITSH, 1 r Public Sale. ON TUESDAY, of Superior court, (14th Nov. 151,) as Executrix of the last Will and Testament of 1'atrick Harty, deceased, 1 will expose to sale, at the Courthouse, in Charlotte, Twenty-Five or Thirty Valuable Town Lots, lying south-east of the Charlotte f. C. Railroad. ALSO, ON THE SAME DAY, A Valuable Plantation, lying 3 miles east of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, containing about 130 acres. Also, Two Mikh Cons and Calces, and a lot of Household Furniture. Terms of Sale. Note, 12 months after date, with approved securities. JOHANA HARTY, Executrix. VVM. TIARTY, Agent. Oct. 13, 1851. I2ts Wanted, 2 or 3 Months I """OR Farming purposes, FOUR OR FIVE good strong ; NEGRO MEN, for which the most liberal prices will be given. For further information inquire at this office. Oct. 6, 1854. 11-tf FOR SALS. 1 OFFER for sale my HOUSE and LOT, loca ted on Church street, one square east of the N. C. Railroad Bridge. The Lot is level and handsomely situated, the soil sandy, and the neighbor hood one of the best in the town. The House is new being just completed and! built in good styie, with lour large and airy rooms in it. For further particulars apply to oct. 13, 1F54 12tf J. E. PENMAN. Do you want a Fashionable SILK DRESS? Do you want a Neck and Bonnet RIBBON? If you do, call at M. Baum's store, where you can get suited from the crown of your head to the sole of your foot. M. BAUM, Oct. 13, 1854 next door to Spratt, Daniel & Co. Cheaper than Ever! Vf ANTILLAS aud CLOAKS, of Cluth, Sultin and Silk, can be got at M. BALM'S. MBAUM has just received a fine assortment of i B ack and colored S1LK.S, (latest styles,) more BONNETS, and the largest and best assortment of RIBBONS, ever brought io this town. M. BAUM, oct 13, 12tf 2 doors east courthouse. The Clothing! The Clothing! The Clothing ! Oh, the Clothing ! BY calling on M. BAUM, you will find the largest and finest assortment of CLOTHING ever brought to this market ; also, a good assortment of HATS and CAPS, M. BAUM, oct. 1 3 12tf 2 doors east of tie courthouse. Notice. J Telegraph Company ars notified diet ths amount of their stock is all due, Land those who have not paid are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up with out further delay. W. V. HARRIS, Attorney, for Kenned v it Edwards, Contractors. October 6, IRSL ' 11 -2w A Application for Manumission. "VTOTiCE is hereby given that on application will be X made to the next Legislature of North Carolina for Ue passage of an act to manumit JERRY, a slave, lor- merly the property ol Hon. D. M. Barringer, and now the property of H. B. Williams and S. W. Davis. October 7, 1854. ll-fw IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the Legislature of this State tor a charter to incorporate a Company to work Mines in Mecklenburg county ; also in Union county. THOMAS ANDREWS. Charlotte, 29th September, 1854. 10-tt Leather Factory. THE subscribers will continue, at the TAN YARD of John Walker, fire miles southeast of Charlotte, the manufacture of Leather, Harness, Boots and S)ioe3, and repairing Harness, for which Green Hides and Tan Bark will be received in payment of any article in our line. JOHN WALKER. sept.29. 1854 2m. JOHN W. HUNTER. Hands Wanted. Office Charlotte & Soi th Carolina R.R. Co. Columbia, July 4, 1854. J THE Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad Company is desirous of HIRING 30 or IO l:iids for the ensuing two or three months, for whom the highest wa ges will be paid. Apply to 51 ts F. N1MS, General Superintendent. HAVING been appointed trut-tce of Wm. Whealan, nil his accountK are in my handa for settleiurnl, and i a.l persons arc warned not to settle the same with any ' other person but mc. t Sept 15, 1854 WM. HARTY, Trustee. Administrator's Notice. HAVING qualified as Administrator oi the estste of Mathew Wallace, dee'd., notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate to come forward and pay the same as longer indulg-nee cannot be g!r- ( , f. havine claims araintt raid estate will j present them according to the form prescribed by act i cj the assembly, or this notice will be p.eaaed in bar I 0 their recovery. WILSON ALL ACE. adtp r. Pept. I5,lsi Stf 'I HAT GOODS could be aoldss low as rirown, dm I ley & Co. are veiling them. Tbey ar receiving their very large and handsome storTof" all kinds f Bonnets, Hats, Hardware, Cutlery, and a large assortment of Groceries, White Lead, Glass, and a large stock of Negro Blankets, which we bought under very favorable circumstances, and we will sell them LOWEit tban was ever sold in this market before. We hava a large stock of EGOTi k mom as low as the lowest. We have also a very large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, which we will sell very low. And we have for the Ladies Black and Fancy as low as 50 cents, French Merinoes, all co'ors, lower than ever sold before. Cashmeres, solid colors and Figured De anes, all kinds Embroidered Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. We would most respectfully invite all those wishing to buy Goods to call and examine our stook and hear our prices before buying elsewhere, as we think wo can offer inducements to buy from us. BROU N. BRAWLEY & CO. Charlotte, October 20, '54. -tf!3 M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, Three doors south of Sadler's Hotel, CHARLOTTE, IS. C. I WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Charlotte and the surroun ding country, that I have now on hand AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT t'l Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Sadtllci'v BI.-ji Su ai r. Whips, Buffalo Roues, HORSE PLANKFTS, SAtDLR cloths, SKIRTINGS. HOG SKINS, Patent, Enamelled & Harness Leather, together with every thing usually kept in my line of business. (L Saddle Ac IIi-n4N linkers furnished with every thing necessary for carrying on the busi ness, on the most reasonable terms. K7" All kinds of Saddles and Harness made at the shortest notice. CG7-" Repairing promptly executed. Oct. 20, Itr.A. ., S. M. HOWELL, Saddles and Harness. R. SHAW HAS on hand the lirgcst and best BBMitmnl of IAslVf.ni and HHWttM that Was cvr bronajhl to this mnrkit. Also WHIPS, OAKPF.T-HAtLS. HARNESS MOUNTING & TRIMMINGS ot ull kinds for tho trudr, which he will sell either by the wholesale or r jl h i I, to cai-ii on punctual customers, on the lnosi moli into terms. Also. REPAIRING dune in good'erder ut the short est notice. CC7 I'uU end examine my stuck b fore you purchase elsewhere. Uy Shop one door e-st of Springs &. McLcod's store. Oct. 20, 1851 R. HAW. Seleet English and Classical School. ROBERT G. ALLISON has opened in the Town of Charlotte, a select English mid Cl.msiciil School, in the 3rd lory ol Mr. Leroy Springs' Nlw Iliiilding. TERMS: English Department, 10 per session of 5 months. Classical " $15 " " M October 13, 1&51 12-tf U.N1VERS1TV OF NoSTII CaFOLINa, 1 Chapel Hill, 1st June, 1884. Robert G. Allison, Es., graduated at this liihlitution at the annual commencement in 1 887, and has from that day to thi, been almost conbtuntly engaged in the in struction of youth. He is a gentleman of good mind, agreeable manners, unblemished moral reputation and ample experience. Ilia ability to impart instruction, haw been shown by the young men, who from lime to tunc, during a period of more than 20 years, have come from his Schools to the University. We recollect no instance, in which a pupil y his has not afforded satisfactory evidence of careful and accurate training. D. L. SWAIN, President, JAMES l'HILLII'S, Prolessor of Mathematics, Ate. E. MITCHELL, Profesnor of Chemistry. Notice. BY permission of John Ross, Ordinary of York Dis trict, S. C, 1 will expose to safe on the 30lh of November next, at the residence of Henry Kimbrel, der eased, all the goods and chattels of said deceased, consisting of 11 or 12 Likely Negrroes, and all kinds of property that is common on a Farm. Terms made known on day of sale. JNO. G. WITHERS. Adm'r. Sept. 29, 1854. 10. tw White Castiie Soap. 'rHIS nev family and Toilet SOAP ia held in high rs. 1 teem, and is superior to the ordinary Soap for il bland and ( m dlient qualities For the nursery it is particularly a ated innocc nt in its combination and free from all injurious alkalies. This ia an economical Sjap for families. Just received and for anlc. by riftJMsa &. HEiNiTsir, april 14th Dispensing chemists. THE subscriber will offer privately until Tues. is 1 1 ffiB riav ,ji llie ntxt Urm ,ilc' suj im court, and then (if not toUl,) at public sale, a nest and Com fortable Private Reside DC 3, loos Had on Tryon or Main street, two doors south of H. II. Williams, convenient to the business part of the town. ' Tne dwelling contains three large rooms on the lower story and two above; a good Kitchen, Smoke-house and stables attached. The lot is very liiindkomc and orna mented with o.:k trees. Terms made known at the sate. sept 29, 154 10 5t WILLIAM HARTY. BANK OF CIIARLOTTE.I September 27, 1&54. g APPLICATION will be made to the next Session of tho Legislature of North Carolina for an increase of ot the capital of this Bank 10 3t H. B. WILLIAMS, Prest. FOR SALE. The subscriber has for sale at liis Mill on McMiehacls creek, a large quantity of good htm bcr of various kinds, stacked, driid,and ready for deliv ery. JAMES KERB. June 23d. 1854. 4- tf Cholera, Dysentary, &c. N unfailing and immediate cure for those fearful Diseases is Jacob's Diarrhoea and Dysentary Cor dial, recommended ami used by physicians in their pri vate practice with the greatest success when all other remedies have failed. Sold hy FISHER 6i HEINITSH. . ag. 4. 1854 Chemist una Drii-g-f. N OTICE is hereby given that ppUsjstt'Sl will bs made at the ixt seaman ol the L k i lulurc fjr a charter lor a Mutual Life Insurance Uomsjiv to bo located in Charlotte, N. C. Aug. II 3 VTOTICE is hereby given that application will be i made al the ntxt sesMSen of the LecitLture ler a a charter or a Mutual Fire lnsuruuce Company to bo ocal' d in Ch..rloUv, N. C. Aiif. II 3 I I 'JAA ATI A BUSHELS of WHEAT, lor which ,h ilvUuUU highest cash prices will hm paid, to 1st ds. livited al bis Merchant Mill in, Ctiarlstlo, at any Lms aflcr the 1st ua of SoCtcmbiT nxt. i.eiiov uMMkv. June ?3, 155 4, 4tf4

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