The Dunce of the Autnmuul Leave. Borne by the restless winds along' "Where the sorrow fill woodland grieves, Hither and tliitlier a fitful tlnon?. M en ily dance the autumn leave. Upward the y mount to Ifca niuky sky, Downward thrj plunge to the earth hi low ; Now in a piJdy whirl tiny fly, iuw in a madcap chase they go. Tinkling gjily, Ihcir feel advance Over the graven in thoughtless flee ; And the music to which they dance. Hark ! 'tis a dirge's melody. Onward merrily still they go Through the wood and over the wave. Till they find in the wintry snow. Chilly and dark, their lonely grave. Borne by the tempter's power along, While kind Hcaveu in pity grieves, Giddily pas the human throng Thoughlcsaly as the autumn leaves. Upwa.d they mount in fancies high", Downward they plunge in plcasun M low; Now in the paKMoni' uhiiltlicy fly. Now in Ambition's chase they go. Merrily still their feet advance Over the graves in thoughtless gke ; Anr he music to w.'iiei'i theydmco. Hark ! 'tis a dirge of melody. Onward! giddily on Uity go. Over the curtii and over the wave, Til! they find in tiie depths below. Chilly and d.rk, their lonely grave. . . - - ' lie Don'i Take the So whimpers." Exciting times these, said we to our neighbor Slow, after running n hasty glance over the late foreign news. Eh r said he as if he didn't exactly under stand. ' About I he war in the East, we mean.' Hadn't heard ol nt all ubout ? Well, them downrastcrs olwavs was a fjuarrelsome set of folks.' O, it isn't 'hey that arc fighting, its Russia and Turkoy, and England and France have declared in (avor ol Turkey. Napoleon ha9 sent out quite t fleet.' Napo'enn ! Why, I thought he was dead long ogo. The history says on." Yes, hut this is nphe of his Louis Napo leon. He is the Emperor of the French.' Why, I though! Louis Phillippe was the Em peror.' Yes, so he was, hut he's dead now.' 44 Well, that beats ad !' It seems,' we continued, after a pauso, 4 that the Nebraska bill has been disposed of.' Hung 1 suppose you mean ?' Well, I'm glud of it. He deserved i;.' What lor V nsk d wo puzzled. Why, isn't this Nebraska Jiill the same man I've beard tell ol, that has set up for a prophet somewhere, and married I don't know how many wives ? Oh no, that's quite a different man, Hrigham Voung, and lives in Utah.' Then who is this Nebraska Bill any how '? It isn't a man at all. It's a law proposing to annul the Missouri Compromise.' O,' said Mr. Slow in a manner which showed that he was still somewhat puzzled. 4 Well I reck on Daniel Webster had something tosay about that. He's a great man, Daniel.' So he was, Mr. Slow, but he is not livin" DOW. Dead ! GrucL-us, you don't say so. When did that happen ?' 4 About a year and rt half ago! And I never heard of it. I'll have to tell Polly ol that. By the way, whore's your brother?' He's in Washington. Wo h ard from him hall an hour ago. He had just arrived there at light this morning.' You don't begin to say thut a letter came from Washington in half an hour.' N, of course not. The news camo by tele graph.' Telegraph !' Yes, it doesn't take over a minute to come that way.' 4 How yer talk ! Five hundred miles in a min ute. But you're joking V Joking, Mr. Slow. Assuredly not. We thought of course you understood the rapidity of the telegraph.' There it's true? Five hundred miles in a minute ! Well, that beats the Dutch. I must tell Folly of that.' 4 Mr. Slow, we want to ask you a question.' Certainly as many as you like.' Uo you take the newspapers f 4 No, i dou't, but what made of that ?' vou think ol 4 We thought you didn't. Wo should think you would wish to do so, in order to get the news.' 4 O, I get the news as quick as most folks. I hear the people talking about if, and learn it that way.' 4 And yet, you hadn't heard of the European war.' 4 Well no, I didn't happen to hear of that.' Or about Louis Napoleon.' ' Why, no.' Or the Nebraska bill, and the death of Daniel Webster.' No but ' Or the telegraph.' No. That beats all. Five hundred miles a minute J You aro quite sure V O yes.' 4 Well, I must run home and tell Folly of that, won i ii maive ner stare ! And Mr. Slow forthwith belied his namo hv walking rapioly home full of intelligence which was to overwhelm Polly with surprise. Yankee Blade. "More Copy." A Buffalo editor, harJ press- A 1 I Off to I u lor - copy auring the late drought, as well of news and ideas as of rain, thus gave expression to his feelirgs : 44 The poorest blind horse in the most uncompromising bark mill has his moment of relaxation. To him the sound of the tannery bell announcing noon is a tocsin of joy, and he looks forward with grateful anticipation to ihe prandial oa:s and mill feed. The wearisome round is stopped ; the unlubricated gudgeons quaver out a I.-?t squeak, and cease their complaining; the trace chains rattle over the animal's hack, and he even attempts a youthful canter as he moves off a happy horse. With him there are no anticipatory woes ; he works in a circle but a certain number of turns are sure to bring a respite. But with the editor it N otherwise ; fiis ,e is as Df Uom. hni feelingly remarks, " one demnation grind " his machine nerer stop-. H.t weather, headaches, sickness at home, are no relief to his perpetual routine, lor the ppr must come out, and 44 cony " must be furnished." Genius will prk i's way through, as the poet remarked, when he saw a hole in (he elbow of his coat. Charlotte Marble Yard. HAVING disposed of our entire interest in the Mar ble Yard tJ Messrs. Wm. Tiddy &. Son, we recom mend thcui to our friends. STOWE &. PEG RAM. September 26, 1654. rpflE subscribers having bought out the interest of Mers. Stows &c Pegram in the Charlotte Marble Yard, respectfully tender their services to the people of Charlotte and the country generally in this line ot busi ness. Tiicy are fully prepared to furnish Monuments, Gravestones, Marble Steps, Table Slabs, and other patterns cut from Marble, according to the most a pproved taste and styles, and upon the most ac commodating terms ever offered in Ike Southern coun trv. The Yard is silunted on the North West corner of the Charlotte Depot Yard, where the subscribers, or their MFrstSL may always be found. WM. TIDDY & SON. September 20, 1854. Igjg TO Ollt PATRONS. E nrc now receiving oar FALL and WINTER Stocli. of Goods, embracing every article ol Ladies' and Gentlemet. s to which we invite attention. We are determined not In be uxokrsoi.o by any house, and promise that our STYLES and QUALITY shaii iqual any in this mar k t. V. invite particular attention to our stock of Ladies' Cloalts, ivtvxxtillxjs, 7VJW.f.V, (New Style.) Our selection of Ladies' DRESS GOODS is beautiful as will ho seen when you call. Our Em broideries, UOSI ERY , GLOVES, RIBBONS, ItOt, are ;:ll of the best manufacture. TO FARMERS, are ask i ea.ll, as our stock of Nc gro KERSEYS, BLANKETS, SHOES, kc, will show for itself. ALLISON &. DANIEL. Charlotte, Sept. 29, 1854 4in 3 I ' Whig copy. SALEM ACADEMY. NEW Session of the above AcodeSDT, (situated -4 miles south of Charlotte. ) opened on the 2d Mon- A day in July, OBMer trie management oi .nr. o. v Reid, a regular rradoate. He proposes to teach all the branches usually taught in Academics. His terms are as follows: Read i Kg, Writing and Arithmetic $6 per session of five months ; Geography, Gramaner ami History 6 per session ; Chemistry, Bot any and Natural Philosophy $7 per session ; Languages, Algebra, &c, il2i per session. P. S. Good Boarding can be had convenient to the Academy, at $6 per month. 13. R. G. VV T. B Aug. 4, 1851 SMITH, WILLIAMSON, S-Com. PRICE, 2tf Notioe. HAVING s.old my entire stock to Miller &. Phelan, 1 have placed all my Notes and accounts in the hands of R. M. Sterling for collection. Those- indebted to me are requested to make immediate payment. H. BECK. MAN. September 1, '51. C-tf Wait for the Waggons! THAT FOR? say you. Well, we will tell you. Itis because JENKINS Ac 1 AY LOR nave opened a Mammoth Stove Store in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C, just opposite the Bank of Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which we challenge the tcorld to produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stove suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &.C., &.C Now, we will tell you why wc head our advertisement " wait for the icarrron8." It is because we have three waggonx constantly running through the country with Stoves and will deliver them within SO milcsof Charlotte. All Stoves sohl by us will be put up free of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you ahout the Stoves wc will say to you, that we have all kinds of Brittania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, tjr., constantly on hand. EC5" All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly atten ded to by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, 51. 33-tf Right" Side Up. (MIARLES T. BBERHARD & CO., arc still carrying J on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, it their old stand uo doors below Parks &. Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can be ob tained. ILTA11 kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Eberhard. IL'All persons indebted for last year are requested to come and settle their accounts. Wc must have money. C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54. 36-tf GEORGE N. HOPE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Residence next house to the Calholie. Church, Charlotte, N. C. Orders from the country punc tually attended to. March 24, '54. ly. Agent for the Coiiutrr in New-York City. TWIE advertiser is prepared to act, as General Agent 1 and Correspondent, in Nev York for business men and others in the interior. He will devote his whole time and attention to the purchase and sale of Fancy and other Goods, Books, Prints. Machinery, Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Stock and Materials, Philosophical Ap paratus, &c; Drugs, Patent and other Medicines, Agri. cultural Iinplemeuts,S.eds,Si(ck,Ac. Colli ctinns made and Miits prosicutcd. Information cf all kin!s furnished with regard to persons and places here. Situations pro. eared and guaranteed for clerks, mechanics, profession, al men and others. Mule and female employees engaged and nt to the country. Passages secured to California, Australia, and Europe. In fine, anything that an intel ligent Agent, well acquainted with New-York and its business men, can do for an absentee, will be executed faithfuly and promptly. Communications confidential. Address, with fee adequate jo the service, A. E. BARTON, 8ept. 1854 (It 159 Mulberry-Street, New.York. NOTICE. IHE firm of WALLACE & CROSS i this day dis . solved by mutual ronsent. All persons indebted to them are requested to come forward and make pav ment by October ourt, or their accounts will be iound in me nanus ot an othcer lor collection. WALLACE & CROSS. Sept. 15, 1851 Stf A Painter Wanted. A GOOD HOUSE PAINTER, who is a single man, l and ran come recommend.'. 1 as a n;.k.. obtain immediate and permanent employment bv in. niiirmir I. m " 1 . . I ... - - . s. suu.cnoer at v nariotte, IS. C. jnne o, ibm. ;jq J. W. RA1NEY Female School. TMIE Fall Session of Miss Sarah F. Davidson's School 1 will ei. the FIRST MONDAY n r. or next. Those of her n Irons w'no nr. in r nr..:.- II I .. - - -..v.o ioi 1 union will please call on W. F. DaVtdsOn and mmMim , - M . - counts. Charlotte, September 21, 1 ?54. ii.t CHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends :ii (I llio mil.lif .r t i i r t i that his IlnllMr Irnn-.TI icinn --"-- ; as the " Railroad He opposite thu Chester Depot, is sill open for "Ik reception of regular and transient hoarders and the travelling public; and that he is rooking every exertion to deserve and secure a mii linM.n.n r,f ll,,. kind nurl lit.rr il lulmium wliirl has hitherto bee n extended to hi.n. He flatters hiniseli that every needed arrangement has boea made to pro mote the comfort of all who stop with him : his rooms arc airy and well-furnished, hi servants ::re attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that his .'riends will riot want any attention necessary to make their sojourn pleasant and agreeable. His tables are furnished wilh good host lers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared at a moment's notice to supply his customers with pri vale conveyances of every sort, to any part of the sur rounding country. He desires to return his acknowledgements to the public for past favors, and solicits for the future an equally libera charts of patronage. Aug 20, 154. 5tf JOHN R NICHOLSON. $350 ILo"Wrc3. A PROCLAMATION, By Itis Excellency, David S. Reid, Governor of the State of North Carolina. " HERE AS, it has been made to appear to me that V one JAMES WILSON stands charged with the murder of Nathan C Clayland. in the county of Meck lenburg ; and whereas it has been made to appear that the said JAMES WILSON has fled beyend the limits of this State. Now, therefore, to the end thtt the said James Wil son may be brought to justice, 1 do hereby issue this my Pioclarnation offering a reward of Three hundred and Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of said James Wilson to the Sheriff of Mecklenburg. lener!pfloaa. JAMES WILSON is about 17 or 18 years of age; about S feet in height; auburn hair, and of youthful appearance : has some scars or scratches on his face ; wide moith, and face rather broad ; is quick and bold in speaking, and inclined to drink. r-ncteg Given under my hand and the Great Seal I X of the State of North Carolina, at the city LSEAL.ji of Raleigh, this the 12th day of Septem- By the Governor : DAVID S. REID. Sami el F. Aoams, Jr., Private Secretary. Sept. 22, 1851. ?-6-v State of North Carolina, MECKLEXlll'RR COUNTY. Siqiei tor Court of Ecu s, Spring Term, 1854. Mary Wristo'i rs. Petiti ion for Divorce. Wm. J. Wriston IT appearing to the satisfaction ol the t ouit, that Win. J. Wriston, the defendant in this cause, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Western Democrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of the filling of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday after the 4t h Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte as to him. Witness Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk ot our said Court, at office, the 7th Monday after 4th Monday in March, A. D. 1851. J. B. KERR, c. s. c. Printer's fee $10. 3-3m First Class Restaurant. MILLER dTpHELAN, SUCCESSOItS TO H. BECKJtAN. HAVE just received and opened a fresh supply of pure and genuine BRANDS, WINE, WHISKEY, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE, &c., selected by a judge, and warranted unadulterated. lOO ISoxes of Spunlsli Segirs of the best and most approved brands, comprising Prin cipes, Regalia, Rio Hondos, and various others, known to be as aromatic and fragrant as any imported. Gentlemen who wish to enjoy something that is very fine, will always find us with the articles on hand, and ready and willing to serve them. H. S. MILLER, Sept 15, 1854 8tf W. W. PHELAN. FISHER & HEIMTSH, Wliolesale cf3 IFLotxil SK&MUTJ, k WVBfilin, hear the Court-House, CHItW,OTTE, JT. 7., q RESsl'ECTr LLLY invite attention to their YjT large .nd well selected stock of ilk Drug's. 4 Jit luteals. Perfumery MiranUies, Wines, EPyes, Oils, Muints, Varnishes, Sfc, . Having received a thorough education to this respon sible business in all its branches, both in this counry and in Europe, and being large purchasers for their combined establishments, thus possessing peculiar ad vantages, they confidently assert their ability and deter mination to compete with any house in the South as re gards the Purity, Freshness, and Price of their articles. Physicians' Prescriptions compounded with the strict est attention and in accordance with the Pharmacopian of the United States. Dealers supplied with Essences, Oils, &.C., at New York Prices. Sept. 22, 1854 9-ly DR. CHAMPION'S VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS AND Vegetable Anii-Bilious ij- Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. 'PHESE medicines have been used by the proprietor a J. number of years in extensive practice, during which time he has treated some thousands of cases of Fever with the greatest success. They never fail to cure the Chills and Fever the first lay. FISHL'R & HEIN1TSH, Sept 1,1851 6-3m Sole Agents for Charlotte. v DXTotice. ON an after the 28th instant, the following schedule will befun d;ily (Sunday excepted) by the mail train upon Mfci CharlotU and South Carolina Railroad : .'.EAV.- Charlotte 4.40 a. n; Columbia 4.20 p. m. ARRIVE AT Columbia 11.15 a. m. Charlotte 1.2 p. m. Passengers will be takcn to anl from the junction with the South Carolina Railroad, to accommodate the trains with which we run V1 connection. liy oriicr of.lhe Board fv F. NI.MS f.'-i'ieral Superintendent .'eV'er roW aur 24 -5t CharoOLe an( . C. Railroad. FASHIONABLE TflfORING. THE 6ubsclii 1,er announces to the public genral,7 t,,!lt ne is now receiving a,r8e assortment of Cloths, Caimms for Gentlemen's we-af a,,d be sold for Cash at a bim a" profit, or made to order accordR to tne latest styles. Shon np,i . ioor to Daniels &. Allison. 1 Sept. 29, 1854. 10tf D. T. REA 300 Oz. Quinine. I-ST received a00 oz. QUININE, warranted pure, V ' be sold low for cash nt J , FISHER ft IIEINITSH Drag store near courthouse. Starch, Starch. TRE?H DIAMOND STARCH the choicest artie J O! the kind ever offered to the public, impartm- 1 beautiful -loss to" linen, and economical in use laundry should be without it. For sale at ' FISHER & HEIMTSH. M Fresh Potash and Sal Soda. CASK of each, just received and for sale at FISHER & HEIMTSH's. Tx-.c3lo of 1834. CHARLESTON, S. C. TTE BEG to inform our friends and Ituycrs ol DRY YY GOODS generally, that we have made EXTENSIVE PRE PAR A TiONS for our FALL SALES. We shall be prepared o show one of the LARGEST AND BEST SE LECTED STOCKS we have yet offered, selected as usul by ourselves in all the LEADING EU ROPEAN MARKETS. Our Establishment and Business is now so well known ns being one of the MOST EXTENSIVE in the country, that it is hardly necessary to re peat what we have often said before, viz : that we are prepared to offer one of the Largest and Most Extensive Stocks OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TO BE FOUND IN THIS COUNTRY, EM BRACING ALL THAT IS NEW, RICH AND DESIRABLE, IN DRESS GOODS of EVERY VARIETY. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS Of ALL STYLES, CARPETS, RUGS, DRUG GETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, CUR TAIN MATERIALS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, &c, &c. We also offer SOO Cases Negro Plains and Kerseys, of the best makes and styles. 910 Bales Twilled and Duffil Blankets. We pay great attention to these Goods and ?jre prepared to supply the trade on the best terms. It is our determination, as it is our true interest, to make our prices so FULLY UNIFORM and SO LOW as to secure popularity, as well as to make our House both in its organization and ex tent worthy the trade of THE SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST. BANCROFT, BETTS, & MARSHALL, Nos. 209 and 211, King Stueet. July, 1854. 50 6m Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers. $570 IN CASH PRIZES. $570 V""OLUME TEN of the "Scientific American " com mences on the ICth of September. It is chiefly de. voted to the advancement of the inteiests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmers, and is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and sciences. Pro bably no other journal of the same character is so exten. sively circulated, or so generally esteemed for its prac tical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Office are illustrated with Engravings, and the claims of all 'he Patents are pub lished regularly in its columns as they arc issued, thus making it a perfect Scientific and Mechanical Encyclo pedia of information upon the subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engineeringand Die Sciences generally. It is published weekly hi quarto form suita ble for binding, and each volume contains Four Hun dred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Matter, Several Hundred Engravings, with a full and complete Index. Its circulation on the List Volume exceeded 23,000 co pies per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscrip tion price. The following Cash Prizes are offered by the Publish ers for the fourteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1855: $100 will be given for the largest list ; $75 for the second ; $G5 for the third ; $55 for the fourth ; $50 for the fifth ; $15 for the sixth ; $10 for the seventh; $35 for the eighth ; $30 for the ninth ; $25 for the tenth ; $20 for the eleventh ; $15 for the twelfth ; $10 for the thirteenth ; and $5 for the four teenth. The cah will be paid to the order of the suc cessful comoctitor immediately after the 1st of January, 1855. Tkrms : One copy, one year, $2 ; one copy, 6 months, $1; five copies, six months, $1; ten copies, six months, $3 ; ten copies, twelve months, $15 ; fifteen copies, twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve months, $28 in ad vance. No number of subscriptions above twenty can be taken at less than $1,40 each. Names can be sent in at dif ferent times and from different Post Offices. Southern and Western money tnken for subscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Motm & Co. 128 Fulton-Street, N. Y. Messrs. Mann & Co. are extensively engaged in pro curing patents for new inventions, and will advise in ventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. Just Received at the Charlotte Book Store Family & Pocket Bibles; with or without Clasps; A Complete Religious Encyclopedia, by the Rev J. N. Brown; John Calvin's Institute of the Christian Religion; Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress; Washington and his Generals bj J T. Headley; The Apocalypse unveiled; British Eloquence, by C. A. Goodrich; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay; Pictorial History of the Wars of the United States; Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington; Heroines of History, by Mary E. Howitt; Flush Times, by Baldwin. Bloodstone, by Donald Mcleod, Spirit Manifestations; Hot Corn, or Life Scenes in New York; Life of John A. Murrel; The Swamp Steea, or The Days of Marion and his Merry Men; The Laighing Philosophy, rr Book of Fun; Fortune Tellers's Own Book; The Sutithern and Western Dream-Book; Also, a splendid assortment of Stationrey. The Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully solicited to call and examine. ENN1SS & CRIDER, Charlotte, N. C. 48 tf Bookseller THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. UO ! FOR COLUMBIA ! HAVING extended our line to Colombia, we will give the QUICKEST DESPATCH to articles of all de scriptions and sizes, at the most reasonable rates. Our EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS, well-known re sponsibility, and the experience of our agents and em ployee?, guarantee to all who may be pleaded to employ us the utmost security and satisfaction. BANK NOTES, GOLD, SILVER, JEWELRY, and VALUABLES of all descriptions carried at reasonable rates, with certainly and iiespt:tch. DRAFTS on ENGLAND, IRELAN D, SCOTLAND and CALIFORNIA lor sale at all our offices. competent, ana obliging Messengers " accompany 1. XT A to- m-k -v i . -" eaen I ka,, to wtiich our cars nrc attached. The Express will arrive in Columbia daily at 3 o'clock p. so., and loave daily at 7 o'clock a. m- SZT Office Richardson street, nearly opposite the Ex change Bank.rj Sept. 15, 1854. 8-3m. To Persons out of Emjilopment ! $500 to $1,000 a Year. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY AND DO GOOD 1 Book Agents Wanted. THE subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a public benefit, and receive a fair compensation for their labor. KF" To nifcii of enterprise and tact, this business of fers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. VT" Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will re ceive promptly by mail, a Circular containing full par ticulars, with 41 Directions to persons disjoscd to act at Agents," together with the terms on which they will be furnished,by addressing the subscriber, post-paid ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 131 William Street, New-York. jy In Press, and re.-.dy for Agents by the 1st of Oc tober, 1S54, " dears' Illustrated Description of the Russian Empire." l-or further particulars address as above. Of the mo t approved form for sale al t h if Office. Town Charlotte. Sept. 1G, 1854. At a meeting of the Board ol Commissioners o( the Town of Charlotte, held this day, at their Council ehSi Ordained, That the North Carol iaa Rail Road Company be requested so to regulate the speed ot toe Cars in passing through the corporate limits of saiu Town, that it shall not exceed the rate of four miles per hour ; and on starting from the Depot they shal be required to ring the Bell, and continue to do so until the Cars have passed beyond the Town Boundary; and also to ring the Bell on the return, until the cars reaeii the Depot. Any Engineer or Conductor failing to ob serve this Ordinance shall forfeit and pay the sum ol FIFTY DOLLARS. . . Further It is Ordained, That no person shall be permitted to occupy more than one half the side walk vebilp Prectmo arv"Buildinz : anv person failing to ob- tv,;c nr,i;,. nn eVi1i forfeit and nav the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS. Further It is Ordained, That no peison shall ob struct the side gutters with material for Buildings; any person violating this Ordinance shall forfeit and pay the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS. Further It is Ordained, That no person shall be permitted to build any Stable or Cow House within less than 50 feet of any street, in said Town ; any per son violating this Ordinance shall pay a forfeit of FIF TY DOLLARS. Further It is Ordained, That the Town Guard shall put up in a lot any Horned or Mooley Cattle that they may find lying in the streets at night, and the owner or owners of such Cattle shall forfeit and pay the sum of FIFTY CENTS on each head of cattle so found. W. F. DAVIDSON, Intendant. J. B. KERR, Toivn Clerk. ETF" Whig copy. 10-4w Tin Sliop. E inform our friends and the public gene rally, that we have remo ed our Tin Shop to the house on Trade Street, immediately be tween J. K. Harrison & Co. and Springs & McLeod's Groceries, where we will be pleased to wait on all wanting any article in our line. We are now prepared with every convenience for carrying on the Tinning Business and all other branches appertaining thereto on a scale much more extensive than has ever been the case be fore in Charlotte. We will pay particular attention to ROOFING and GUTTERING. Persons wishing any article in our line may rely upon getting it at the shortest notice and at the lowest price. We have just received a large assortment of Parlor, Cooking and Shop Stoves, which we are desirous of selling at very short profits for cash. MOORE & BYERLY. January 20, 1854. 26 tf Back Creek Male Academy. THIS Institution is located 10 miles North-East of Charlotte, N. C, near Back Creek Church, and will be conducted unde r the supervision of Rev. R. F. Taylo', whose experience as a teacher eminently qualifies hi' I for that position. The exercises will commence on Ums first Monday of January. Good boarding can be hid in moral and orderly families near the Academy at 86 per month. The following are the rates of Tuition: Elementary English Branches, per Session of 5 months $5 00 Engiish Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, History, &c 8 00 Greek and Latin Languages, with Higher Branches of Mathematics 12 50 J. HUNTER, Scc'y Board of Trustees. January C, 1854. 24-tf A New Map of North Carolina. THE undersigned are preparing, and will publish as soon as the necessary Surveys, &.C., can be ob tained, a New, Large and Complete AIat of North Carolina, five feet by three, well engraved and finished in the best style. It is admitted on all sides, that such a work is a great desideratum in our State, and it is in consequence of the frequent enquiries on this subject, that the under signed have embarked in the enterprise. The only attempted work of this kind is that of McRea, published in 1833 ; and since then the Counties. Towns, Roads and Post-offices have increased in num ber, and all our works of Internal Improvements, with small exceptions, been set on foot. It is intended that the New Map, now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid down, all the Natural Features of the State, the Inlets, Harbors, Sounds, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Mountains, &c. Also, the public improvements and artificial divisions The Railroads, Plankroads, Counties County towns, Post offices, Cities Villages, Post-roads and Canals, Colleges, Academies, &c. &c. The Map will be ready by the summer of 1855. WILLIAM D. COOti, SAMUEL PEAKCE. TERMS: In best Style, Gilt Rollers and First Impres sions. $10,00 fn Plain Style, Black Rollers, G,0,J Information from any source, and which may be of service in making the above work, will be thankfully received. All communications should be addressed to WM. D. COOKE. Raleigh, September 15. 8-Gm Dissolution. AT OTICE is hereby given that the Firm of Spratt, jj Daniel & Co. has been dissolved by the mutual consent of the parties. Ail persons indebted to said Film are requested to call upon U. E. Spratt and set tle their accounts as he is authorized to close up the business. The business of the Firm will be continued under the name and style of Allison & Daniel, who tendering their acknowledgements, for past favors, respectfully ask of their old friends and customers a continuation of their patronage. C. E. Spratt having associated himself with W. W. Elms in the Grocery business, can always be found at their stand, 3 doors west of the Public Square. SPRATT, DANIEL, & CO. August 4, 1851. 2tf Village Hotel, Statesville, N. C. MTHIS well-known Establishment, situated im mediately north-west of the Courthouse, on the Main street leading from Salisbury to Morgan, ton, is now being improved for the comfort of the Trav eling public, and is always open to all. Close to the Courthouse in the business part of town it also com mands a fine view ol Concord Female College now in progress of erection, on the same street. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto enjoyed, I will use all honest efforts to merit itr. continuance in the future. J. F. BELL. July 21, 1854. 52. Cm Notice. ALL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. W. Robinson have been placed in my hands for collection, and must be settled by the 1st of April next or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in Officers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING. Charlotte, March 17, '51. 34-tf Notice. A LL those indebted to the firms oT Fox St Orr and rl Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same C. J. FOX. . onarlotte, March 14, 1854. 35-tf Ollt ! THE Notes and Accounts of the late firm or MOSS, BELL & CO. have been placed in my hands for col lection, and those indebted mist not expect longer in dulgence, as it ca.nnot be given. July 22, 1853.. Itf JOAB P. SMITH. Settle Up! 'PHE Notes and Accounts of Edwards & Williamson 1 have been placed in my hands for collection All persons indebted to t tern are requested to settle ur im med.ately. JOA B p SU$g ' Sep. 22 1854 vr ALL KINDS OP PLAIN, FANCY ND OP N A MENTAL JOB PR Iff TING DON P i AT THE "DEMOCRAT OFKiep DR. J. B. MARCIIlsi CELEBRATED CATHOLIC0N For the Relief and Cure of Suffering p( 1 It stands pte-emine,,t curative rwwer.iTSfcS eases lor which it ii mended, usually fii-j FEMALE OOMPLu Of these are P,OL4 i, or falling 0f ibe ul1 Fluor Alwh, or S; Chronic IhtlauuiZt . UXCKRATIO.N OF TMlW Incidental Hriki.,. Flooding; uSS&i SRD, ANU IRateu4 STRUATION, ic.( wi,h accompanying evil. Jr excepted,) no mait, kjj vere or how long lMT The Catholicon W1 cs other remedies, in being more certain, less exo,..,. leaving the system in a better condmon. Let all h call and obtain a pampblet (tree) containing anipi. from the most respectable sources, of the bem ficiall, its use ; together with letters from hiphly exp-ericEC,d jf,'' cians, who have used it in their practice, and sp ak lrt own observations. v. . i. '. . ' REFERENCES. r. n. rFx'WWHiL. M- D -1 ' N- Y L. D. FLEMING? M. I., Kochesier, N V M. II. MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. Yi ' 1). Y. FOOTE, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Prof DUNBAR, M. D., Baltimore, Md.. J. C. ORRICK, M. P., Baltimore, Md. W. W. REESE, M. D., New-York Cnr. W. PRESCOTT, M. DConcoid, N. H. J. P. NEW LAND, M. P., Fiica, N. Y. Rev. C. S. BEAKLVt'lenn Bpripga, fcs. (. ffy- Pamphlets to be had gratis at (he Store of MlTm ARP& COLDWELL, Druggists, Sole Agtali i0i c 1 rU, N.C. Sold also by many of the leading Druggists in ihi The folio wing unsolicited letter was recently iceeividL. Huntsville, N. C. Hl'ntsvim.k, Yadkin Co., N.C, Nov. 28th, if y Dr. J. B. MaOWSI, New-York Sir : I deem it tnt jl, to exprooa to yon my s-i eere thanks, for your dimif ( the celebrated Female Mtdicine, (Catholicon.) WvitM'' been more or less iroLbltd with Hoodinp for titlitoit!! years, and found OothtOg to gie her reliel, until by chuS 1 heard of and got n bomle ol your medcine. fou? just the thing wanted : it ncltd like a cha:in, ai.d hii -xr.-t .v 1 ...,....,,,, i. ,.,. Ucl eiiiiie u nci i a i'immui uii inaiuv iti, With much rtapect your obedient servant, (Signed,) WILLIAM J. tOUg Letter addressed tn Messrs. Beach A- Brownson, Agcntt. Newberry C. H., S. C, by Rev. C. S. Bratd ot samcstttt. GlMtH SrmxG.s, Jan. l'.'th, ipy Messrs Beach A: Rrownson Sirs: I send lor anottut bottle ol your " Mareliisi's I'teiine Catholicon." My ,k has been afflicted for eleven y nts, and o variety of mcaiitU been resorted to for reliel, but none was obtained uuiill Ik. ceived this medicine front Jpu. Its seeim tint magical: there was a monneot improvement h oin the day j was taken. As theic are a errrni mom females in our cneniry laborm under the affliction lor which your medicine proposes a rti. dy, 1 feel it a duly to recommend it to nil si ch. (Si-nrd,) CLOl 'C 1 1 S. BFAUP. EF" J. B. RARCMIM & Co.. I'roi'Meforx. Central Depot, :ku Brouiwav, N. y May 12, 185 1. U-w TS now put up in the Largest Sized Bottles, and is aeknnl X eded to be the hist Salt a arilln modi , as it ccniaulh the Wonderlul does it has pcriornied, Ihe o: which aie in the fowefmioo of the proptittoi. 1., ! i... ihis is the only tree and otiginnl article. Scrofula, Syphi! is, Meicunul 'omplaiiits, Cm re r, L'anpfri, Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other d:seascsa i and perfectly cured by tin use of this medicine. READ TUG FOLLOWING CE&TIFICATt Tali. rostA Co., Ala., Jan. S. itoi Dear Sir : 1 send you this to eti tily to yoii that yte Extract ot Yellow Dock and Somjjorilla has icilumidue ot the most wondeiful cures en me that has eet Lteuilk& ed on man. I have been afflicted for forty jroors with en limp aq legs and lce ; in 1 to ;t$ they got so bad that 1 bad lutgu crotches, and in It. i'. 1 had e ne leg ain uiat d aUn a knee. In about nine months altei my other It g lutli. m large eating ar.d miming mtea hew my touyln, and discharged a gaeat deal ol oflenuve mailer. My pru also bioke out in laigc biles, which dinhattid Bat I ib sive mailer, and at the same time my led hand Ucie-uiu large running sous marly to niy elb w. The misery that 1 hae sidleitd lor ihe Ian two yic??l cannot ftlceoribe to you. I was in mumU oj,''") fwi tested day or night. In October last my son brought me one t f your wappets; 1 read it, and Iound ucoid of some weii ele-rli !tun -performed by jroot Extiact of Yellow Dock at;d.v!iifaitik.' I sent and got two bottles of it, and eotuinencid lukngi.. ln two weeks, to n(y great astonishment, my FOtci-all litui easy, nntl 1 could sleep ull night, a thing 1 Imd nut dMi two years. Win n I had taken six beitilcs, my Botes hulio all hetile el. 1 have now i si el in all c;ghl bottles"! J OW I' trod ol Yellow Dock and Saitui auiia," und 1 lie con niyselt well. I entreat all the afflicted lo ttw this nie dieinr, foil W u win core any Known disease in the wor.'el. i.ay taws prejudice and just try it, and proclaim its great wuiihiau iering mankind and cnlixat them to take it, lor it will a them. My ease is we ll known in a large poriiem of Potaftl na, Ci orgin and Alabama, at d il any t-hould dm Lt tlif iU cuic, I invite ihem to call on me, and 1 will iliow lliewv soois. lean he found in TaDopooM Co., Alal rn from Stoe's Ferry. Ii EN A J ATI III UJI The Yellow Hook ai d Sai snpoi ilia ih perk clil niajnd: females ol delicate health, resulting from ir gi.hni ol ft sinial dise hn i ;es, and otbe i di- to s pceliliaf lo ivn -The proprietor has in his poaoosoiou n yreai i iil.Ma'aa tificates ol cures, perfbt iru d ol t lie above de set ij tir t assitre the aflheiiel, that n bottle or two ol Dr. Citfif'th tract of Ye llow Dock and Ssiif-aj niilla will al oner tt t" those il IBcuItiei and rem w the nntinal energirs. DO" Put up in ei.a!l hoirles. Pi ice ?1 pel bottle. Sold Wholewle ir: Retail by WOVII, A MFAP.: Chart rea sin et, N w ()i Irm.s, ntml A; i if let ih 1 era S'ales. to whom nil o'd'ismiM he adotesoid. Ir Sold abo bv Fisher Helnrtsh, Plitchaid fsM ( 'harlotte ;('.('. Henderson, Lineohiton ; Wir.rhen t Monroe; A, R. Ilomesly, Shelby; J. l'rone belter i '4 Dallas ; Murphy V Black, Concord, M. V. May 1, KM. .f For the CoMplcfe Cure of C&wght, Cob's, cuta, Asthma, Broiichiti Sjjittipg ''j Blood, and all other Eintg Com plaiutt lending to CONSUMPTIO N . This prepaiaiion is grliiiij into all over out f The numerous let tela wc r ee he fioni our ai;ti t (";'" forming us of cures tflectt d m their immediate Ofifllf? warsant js in saying it is one of the Ixat, rfot ih Cough Medicine now betoie- the public. Jl aim' ' inU , relieves and not unlrKjijcnily cuhs ihe -iy (': . W hen all other Cough ptepatations have laihil. licved the patient, as Di i euisiK, de alera in Midwi"; Physicians can testify. Ask the Agent in your i""1 what has been his experience of the eflrcts of tbi Jjj If he has been selling it for any lengih ef time lie will"1'" IT IS THE BEST MEDICINE EXTABT. B;low we give a few exiracts from UtKW wt have r lately re-gardmg the viitnes ol this medicine. Dr. S. S. Osl.n, of Ktmxv.lle, Ga., says I have! your Liverwort and Tar extensively in my pifttc W years past, and, it is with r leaiuie 1 slate my lli . rtority over all other articles with which I am which it is recommended." Messrs. Fitzge rald fc Banners, writing fum W"""-; N.C. say: ''The Liverwort aid Tar is becoiwsf J more popular in this Country, and we think jtlT who have tried it speak in commcndale tcims ii is very leneficial in alleviating the complain is hw is recommended' r Our Atrent in Piekrns Piairli S C Mr. S. R. c, assures us 44 that he uses it with great bcr.efil lapnly, and recommends it to bis iftlibonT " fEJj instance of a Negro woman, in his ricMUty, be 'j fering with disease of the Lungs for ycai, alte i elio vere cough, who was relieved bv the Liveiood i Such are the good repons we near of this parts of the South. For a report of the surprising c"g performed tn the Wesiern and Northern and wc would invite the suffering patient to read .Lf, which accompanies each bottle. To all, wc say, M" have hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE ! ! , Be warned in season ! And neglect not thai CJS" is daily weakening your constitution, irritant tJzM and lungs, and inviting on that die ad difea , ("VMlP(4 when so soolhini' and Henlinf a remedv can wDW Dr. Ropers' Syrup ot Liverwort and Tar. , Tb6P' Beware of Counterfeits and Bae rmiiatiora me articles is signed Andrew Rogeis,on Ibc eng'01 per around each bottle. Price, 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 5. M174P.!'' VT Sold wholeKile n,l r.iail bv :OVIL ,0 Chartres St. between Conn and St. TAuis, N;w V1 f Agents for the Southern Slates, to whom all vcaB plications for Agencies most le addressed. . r, Sr Sold also bv iMsher Ar Hemtish. Prif hard a Charlotte ; C C. Hender?on, Llncolnion ; Wine k C Monroe; A. R. Hameslv. Suelhv ; J. 1 Kror.eW'B'' lallas ; Mnmhv & Blak. Conco:d, N- Mnv 12. l5l:

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