A Now Map of North Carolina. ' HH undersigned aie peering, and will publish a i s;oii a the iiecesaiy n: '-. JfcC-, can be oh-.-d, Xe-.v, Larue ant! i-on : r.? Mr of Noktm .: .Lisa, rive red by t! it---, w..-i: cv. .! ai.d " ' :. If at a vie. It is admitted on til sides, that such a work is a l at desideratum in our State, rd it ia in consequence lie irequen' ernjuiriii on tins wiijct, that t he undei -fried have embaiked in th ent rpiitse. I'ho.ly alternated work or thfa kind ia that o: ! ..cR'a, published in 1S'3; must sii.ee then 'he Counties. Towns, h'oads, a:.il Paat We Lave ine.-easeti in num ber, mad all our arork of latum! Improvements, with small exc pt MM, hern set on foot. It is intended that the New Map. now propoed to I panlisbed, shall contain, arrurately laid down, all tr.e Natural Features of the Stat the Inlets, Harbors, Sounds, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Mountains, &c. Also.the public improvements and artificial division The Railroads, PUnkioads, Counties. Count towns, Post office-, Cities Villas", Post-road and Canals, Colleges, Academics, Air. Ire. The Map will be ready Ly the umrner of 1855. WILLIAM I COOk, SAMUEL PEAUCE. TERMS : In host Style, Oilt Rollers and First Impres sion;. Ir. Plata Stjrln, Dlack Roll ra, H Information Irom any source, and which may he of Tvice in making the abovs work, will be tbankfaliy received. All rowirnaiairatioaa herald b addressed to V.'M. I). OUKE. Raleigh, Saateaabei 15. B-Gm TT" l Pi'i'son arishing to btain ',. above .Map can be Auaialied as soon as published, by address ing, S. L. DIXON, Agent, Ch riotie, N. f'. 8 WHO EVER THOUGHT ES 'TH AT (HX)US could be sol : low as Brown, Bra w I ley t t.o. are alltag them. They are receiving their very lare an 1 handsome stock of all kinds of Dry Goods, Bonnets, Hats, Hardware, Cutlery, and a l.Tr;jc assort mrrt of Groceries, White Lead, Glasn, and a large stork of Negro Blankets, which we bought nnder rery fa-orable circumstances, and we will sr-ll them LOWKR than was ever sold in ; this market before. We have a l.irre stock of iBCC k BX0I8 as low as the lowest. We hav also a very large Stock of Rcacly-Made Clothing:, which we will sell v-ry low. And we have for the Ladies B!ack and Fancy as low as Sfl ceutSj Trench Merinoes, all colors, lower than ever Figared I) so ii i,eore. i ;!-ri!Tiere, soiid co ois and anes, all kinds Embroidered Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. We would most respectfully invite all those wisl.irg to buy Goods to call and examine our stock and hear our prires before buying elscwheie. as we think we can offer inducement to buy from us. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO- Char otte, October 2, V, J. -Tf 1 3 S. M. HO it ELL, Enddle r.d Harness Manufacturer, Three doors south of Sadler's Hotel, CBAKLOTTK, R. 8. I WOULD respectfnily inform the citizens ol Charlotte and th" siirroun. ding coaatry, that I have now on baud a. kx tknsivf assoKTacnr o SaMIes, Bridles. Harness. S a ddlrr . B 2 a rd w a re . Whips, Buffalo Robes DORSE HLANKETS, SADDLE CLOTHS, SKIKT1NGS, HO SKINS, Patent, Enamelled 5c Harness Leather, tagether with every thing usually kept in my line of business., I r S:i fl i9 1 tV II art! ('MM Ml:illrS furnished with every tiling necessary for carrying on the busi ness, on the most reasonable terms. K7 AH kinds of Saddles and Harness made at th shortest notice. D 7" Repairing promptly executed Oct. SO, le' S. M . HOUF.I.L. Saddles and Harness, H.Y rgest and best assert meat of II AS the I: that whs rn r bivaghl to this market. Also WHIPS. UAIU'ET-BAGS. HARNESS MOUNTING - TRIMMINGS of all kinds for the trade, a Iticil he v ill m II eithi r b the wholesale or retail. to CA a OR FUXCTCAL CVsTcaEKS, on the most modi rate terms. Also. R Br AIRING d de in good crl r at the short- est notice. Cull end examine my tt'ick bi fore vcu purchase clsi u here. C7" Shop one do.r ci:st store. Oct. iO. t$5 of Springs i R McLeod'a HAW. Select English and Classical School. noHKRT O. ALLISON las opened in the Towa of J Uharluatr, a select English and Ulanaical School, in the 3rd s.tjry of Mr. Lemy bjriagN w Building. TERMS i English Department, Hfl ;cr srsr-iuii of 5 months. Classical " $15 " " " " " October 13, 161 Univaaam ok foaTa Cakomna, Chapel Hill, 1st June, 1854. Robert (J. Allison, Lj., graduated nt tins IaatitatHtn I at the ;i niiual cuiniiicucciii.iit ia lS27.aud haa from that i day to this, been almost eoastaMtiy engaged in the in- I atructiou of youth. He is a gentleman of good Blind, agreeable manners, j unblemished moral reputation and ample experience. His ability to iuipuil int-truclioti, bat been shown by the youn men, who from time to time, during a period j ot more than 0 years, have come from his Schools lo j the University. We reCellt-Ct no nif.!;incc, in which a pupil of his has not aforded satisfactory evidence of careful and accurate training. D. L. SWAIN, President, JAMES PHILLIPS, Profess, r of Mathematics, Ac. E. MITCH ELL, Professor of Chemistry. White Castile Soap. THIS new fimily and Toilet SOAP ia held in high cs teem, and is superior to the ordinary Soap for its bland and emollient qualities. For the nursery it is particularly adapted innocent in its combination and free from all injurious alkalies. This ia an economical Soap for families. Just received and for sale by FISHER &. BBINITSD, april 14th Dispensing chemists. AkJL THE subscriber will offer privately until Tues. jfTjfflday of the next term of tl: Superior court, and -V'hen (if not sold,) at public sale, a neat and Com- I fortablc Private Residence, located on Try on or Main ptreet.two doors south of H. B. Williams, convenient to the business part of the town. n t h r aWanaaaa ! etory and two above; a good Kitchen, Smoke-house and fclables altiiched. The lot is very handsome and orna- i mented with Oak trees. Tvraia made known at the sale. I sept ifji iu oi iii.iAN n. i i i. , OAA AAA Bl'SHELS of WHHAT, for which the ,Ul V"J v highest cash pri will be paid, to be de livered at hi Merchant Mill iu Charlotte, at any time aiter the lt dav of September next. LEROY SPRINGS. June 23, 1.54. 48tf. Notice TS hereby giv n that application will be made to ihe next General Assembly of North Carolina at its next aaaaa, 'o aancad the Charter of the town of Charlotte. A ug 5 1 P ". I, M A N V T X PA Y I'lf S. MP- BOOTS SHOES. waatl ,T should be generally known that the mrAj ml best assortment of fWtl ' B&Z- HMIIM mid !iIIOE IT should be generally known that the best assort merit of HOOV9 and SHOES in the Town of Charlotte, is to be found at IJOOiVEl' BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, I'NIlEE J. S. IiKa's HOTKL, and where you may procure the iinest and best Boots i and Shoes, of the most celebrated :iai:uiacTui crs i Philadelphia, at very now prices CASH. Tim t ,rt will rnnvist. in nart.cf Gents' jine Calf Boots and Ska), of ivlry ouaflf , style, and workmanship; Genfs' sewed Call, and Kip pegged Boots and P.iogalis, of ev ery description ; Boys-ai d V'.uths' Calf and Kip Hoots and Biogans of everv iia!ity, style, and price; MiSv--' and ch'iilren'a 15o: and Shoe?, both sewed and pegged, varying in price from 23 ts. to Tl.'.'o- In the Ladies' Department Particalar attention lias been paid in selection of the b st style, quality, and workmanship, in p.ut, consisting of Ladies' Caiter Boots various prices: Ladies' Kip and Morocco Bootes aud lluskins, (iliuytel and liaea lined : ) Undress. Momceo Bootes ai d Buskin?, (flannel lined,) lor winter wear : Ladies will plea eail and examine for themselves. Also, 5,000 Pairs of Negro Brogans, various qualities, together with 1,000 Pairs of Women's Bootes, for 1? 'iie- servants and out-door use, with a fine assort ment of Trav riling Trunks, Carpet Bags, and iitmloch Sole Leather, (a good article all to be had at BOONE'S SHOE STORE, llMf J. B. AV, JIuliI. Cj" C'h paid Oct 27, 1854. or HiJes ;t BOONE'S SHOK STORK. 14-tf (harlotte Marble lard. AVIt; disposed of our entire interest in the Mar. ird lo Messrs. Will. Tiddv it S Ml, we recoin- mend to our fricuos. STOW E & PLC BAM. September 20, 18j4. flHE subscribers having boalit out the interest of 1 Messrs. Stowe & Pegram in the Charlotte Marble Yard, respectful! y teuder their servici s to the people of Charlotte and the country generally in this line ot busi ness. They nre lullv prepared to furnish Monuments, Gravestones, Marble Steps, Table Slabs, and other patterns cut from Marble, according to the most approved t.iste and styles, ;ind upon the most ac. ' eominodut ing- terms ever offered in the Southern coun try. The Yard ia BitUated on the North West corner of the Charlotte Depot Yard, where the subscribers, or their agents, may always hi found. ' U M. TIDPY St SON. I September 96, 1654. lOtl TO OIR PATR0XS. w E tire now receiving our FALL and WINTER Stoclx. rf Goods, embracing every article of Jjadies' . and Gentlemen's to which we invite attention. We are determined not to be DKDKRSor.n by any house, and promise that our STYLES and QUALITY --li-ili tqu::l any in this mar ket. We invite particular attention to our stock of L::dies' 11LU1S, (New Style.) Oar selection of Ladies' DRESS CUODS iff beautiful as will be seen when you call. Our Embroideries, HOSIER, GLOVES, RIBBONS, &e., an- i.ll of the best manufacture. TO FARMERS, we ask i call, as our stock of Ne gro KERSEYS, BLANKETS, SHOES. &c, will show for itself. ALLISON et DANIEL. Charlotte, Sept. 29, 1M4 4m SALEM ACADEMY. NEW Session of the above Academy, (situated 1 miles south of Charlotte,) opened on the 2d Mon A day m July, nnder the management of Mr. S. . Reid, a regular graduate. He proposes to teach all the branches usually tanrht in Academies. His terms are as follows: Readiug, Writing and Arithmetic $-" per session of five months; Geography, (irammar and History $n per session ; Chemistry, Hot any and Natural Philosophy 7 per session ; L tnguages, Algebra, Ice, Sl-l per session. P. S. Good Boarding can be had convenient to the Academy, at $ per month. R. R. SMITH, G. W. WILLIAMSON. T. B. PRICE. A us. 4, ISol 2tf For Sale, A SPLENDID JCK. five years old last Spring, medium size, ood form, and, in a word, possessing every requisite quality of animals of his genus. Abun dant reference can be given in the vicinity of Davidson College Lo strengthen the above statements. A. MONROE GILLESPIE, If mile south-east Davidson College. Oct 21, 1854. 1 l-3t 3Votice. nAVlNCJ sold my entire stock to Miller & Phelan, 1 have placed all my Notes and accounts in the hands of R. M. Sterling for collection. Those indebted to me are requested to make immediate payment. H. RECK MAN. September 1, 54. 6-tf Wait for the Waggons! TJHAT FORI say you. Well, we will tell you. his V because JENKINS & 'PAY I. OR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's New Brick Building, Chnrlo.te, N. C, just apposite the Bank ot Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of i ever offered in North Oarolinn, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices, in addition to our regiu.ir assortment, we have six different sizes ot the celebrate u IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which we thmfttugt the world to produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Churches, j Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, Sec, Ate. Now, we will tell yu why we head our odvertisemeiit ,l wait for the waggons." It is because we have three j waggon constantly running through the country with Stove and will deliver the in within 50 miles of Charlotte, j All Stoves sold by us will be put up free of charge and warranted to do well ; and now, as we have told you "bout the Stoves wc will say to you, that we have all kinds of BriUanin, Japan, Tin a?nl Slttcl Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE T1PES, j-, constantly on hand. All ORDERS sent to us wiil be promptly atten- to JENKINS cc TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, 'ol. 33-tf A Painter Wanted. t GOOD HOUSE PAINTER, who is a single man, j j and can come recommended as a fine finisher, can obtain immediate am! permanent employment by in. : qiring of the subscriber at Charlotte, N. C. june 6, 1S04. -ou j . w . kaiam U,I, KINDS OF PLAIN. FANCY AND OR N 4 MENTAL .'OH HUNTING DONE AT THE "DKMATRAT OFFICE." m, s. t By J. R. NICHOLSON. Mi I'HE subscribe ncsp-cl :U ; i. lonut L is frit ni id the mild ie i.HV-fti4y, lfct ii-lriii , kuo n the Railrotii Hotel", opposite th.- t luster Depot, is s'Tfl open' for the TTceptiu f regular and trsnsient board crs mid the travelling pablie; anil that he is making every exertion to deserve ad secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage whick h.-.s hitherto been extended to buK He tl liters hiniseli th.it every apeded arrangement imis been ipadt to pro mote the comfort of all wiiv st.p , iili IJiti i hit room ;;reaiiry and Wi !i-furnii lied, Ju.s -ei v ants are aticntivo and obedient, and liis table constantly Minpiied w ith the host of the seanoiij so t In. t in- iri nd will not w an! any a ltrnl ion mressarv tf make their B'doarn pleas Hit ;.nd . j . acrecuble. Mrs stables are furnishid with good host I ler and an at nadaace of provender, ami he is prepared at a mo:uent'. ik tice to supply bis custoim rs. with pri. vale eonvejfanecs of every sort, to any part ct the sur . rounding- eountr;-. I He desires to' return HTs ar'-nowh denu nts to the I public for past favors, and solicits for the future an ; equally liberal share of patronnjr.-. An? 20, Stf JOH N R NICHOLSON. A PROCLAMATION, ! li? kit Ea-f il't uc.it, Davi l S. Reid, Governor of the S.ii.ie of Vorth Carolina. I 1 HKKJ'AS, it has been made to appear to rue that J V AM KS WILSON- stands charged with the I murder of Nathan C. Clayland, in the county of Meck lenburg ; and whereas it has been made to appear that the said JAMES WILbON has fled beyond the limits j of this State. Now, therefore, to the end that the said James Wil son may be brought to justice, J do hereby issue this my Proclamation offering a reward of Three hundred and Fifty Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of 1 said James Wilson to the Sheriff of Mecklenburg. lcaCripliM. JAMES WILSON is about 17 or 18 years of age; about 5 feet in height ; auburn hair, and of youthful ; aonearance i has some sears or scratches on his face ; ! wide mouth, and face rather broad; is quick and bold I in speaking, and inclined to drink. Given under my hand and the Great Seal i of the Stale of North arolina. at the city g.SEAL.g 0r Raeigh, this the 12th day of Septem USSStVCZtt her, A. D. 1854. By the Governor : DAVIT) S. REID. Sami ei. F. Adams, Jr., Private Secretary. Sept. 22. 1S54. 9-6 W State of North Carolina, XBt'KLENBURK COUNTY. Supcior Court, of Lfius, Sj;rig Term, 1854. Mary Wristou J is. Petition for Divorce. Wm. J. Wriston. rT appearing to the satisfaction of the Couit, that Wm. J. Wriston, the defendant in this cause, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the VVestern Democrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of t he filling Of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of this Court, to be held lor the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday alter the 1th Monday in September ne.vt, and answer said petition, the same will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte as to him. Witness Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk ol our said Court, at office, the 7th Monday after 4th Monday in March, A. D. 1854. J. B. KERR, c. s. c. Printer's fee 10. 3-3m First (lass Restaurant. MILLER &, FHELAN, SUCCESSORS TO H. BSGKXAIT. HAVE just received and opened a fresh supply of pure and genuine BRANDY, WINE, WHISKEY, CORDIALS, PORTER, ALE, &c, selected by a judge, and warranted unadulterated. lOO lu's of Spanish Se??ars of the best and most approved brands, comprising Prin cipes, Regalia, Rio Hcndos, and various others, known to be as aromatic and fragrant as any imported. (Jentlemen who wish to enjoy something that is very tine, will always find us with the articles on hand, and ready and willing to serve them. H. S. MILLER, Sept 151854 Stf W. W. PHELAN. FISHER & HKLMTSH, XVlaolesale c33 3FLottl Near the Caurt-House, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to their lafge .nd well selected stock of Drug's. ftemtcals, Perfumery, ISrandies, Wines, Dyes. Oils, l'tiints, Vetrnishes, Sic. Having received a thorough education to this rcsnon siblc business in nil its branches, both in this country j and in rmrope, and being large purchasers for their combined establishments, thus possessing peculiar ad. vantages, they confidently assert their ability and deter mination to compete with any house in the South as re gards the Purity, Freshness, and Price of their articles. Physicians' Prescriptions compounded Tvith the strict, est attention and in accordance with the Pharmacopian of the United Stntes. Dealers supplied with Esscncas, Oils, &c, at New York Prices. Sept. 22, 1854 9-ly DR. CHAMPION'S VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS AND Vegetable Anti-Bilious j- Anti-Dyspeptic Pills. rFHESE medicines have been used by the proprietor a I- number of years in extensive practice, during which time he has treated some thousands of cases of Fever with the greatest success. They never fail to cure the Chills and Fever the first day. FISHER & HEINITSH, Sept 1,1854 6-3;n Sole Agents for Charlotte. FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to the public generally, that he is now receiving a large assortment of new lioths, astmcres AND for Gentlemen's wear, and will be sold for Cash at a small profit, or made to order according to the latest styles. Shop next door to ( Daniels St. Allison. Sepi. 29, 1854. lOtt D. I,. REA. 300 Oz. Quinine. JUST received 300 oz. QUININE, warranted pure, to be sold low for cash at FISHER & HEINITSH, Drug store near courthouse. Sept 1 Starch, Starch. F RESH DIAMOND STARCH the choicest article of the kind ever offered to the public, imparting a ! beautiful gloss to linen, and economical in use. No i laundry should be without it. For sale at FISHER & HEINITSH. Fresh Potash and Sal Soda. CASK of each, just received and for sale at FISHER & HELMTSH s. A Lyon's Kathairon and Barry's Tricopherous. V Fresh supply of these invaluable hair tonic, for SjIc at I FISHER & HEINITSH, Charlotte Drug Store. Oct 20 Durand's Bitters. rpHIS valuable mcdiiinc has long been held in high 1 estimation a ..retorativ.-. from the debility occa sioned by chill and ftver. giving tone lo the Digestive org. i us, and regulating the v. NbM t-ystem. For at FISHER & HEINITSH, CI1ESTB1 JF'Ctli of 1854. CtlAHIESTON, S. C. I T K BEG to inform oar friends and buyers 61 DRY i;)tK)DS generally, that we have made E X TE N S ! V E PR E PA R A Tl ON S fur our E.LL SALES. Ve shill be prepared to sh;w one of the LARGEST AND BES'i' SE LECTEI) STOCKS we have jei offered, selected us usu il hv ourselves in all the LEADING EU ROPEAN MARKETS. Our Establishment and Business is now so well known as being one of the MOST EXTENSIVE in the country, that it is iiardlv necesury to re peat what are have often said before, viz : thai we are pn pared ;o offer one of the Largest and Most Extensive Stoeks OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TO BE FOUND IN THIS COUNTKY, EM BRACING ALL THAT TS NEW, RICH AND DESIRABLE, IJ DRESS GOODS of EVERY VARIETY. CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS OF ALL STYLES, CARPETS, RUGS, DRUG GETS, FLOOR CLOTHS. CUR TAIN MATERIALS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, eke, &c. We also offer 800 Cases Negro Plains and Kerseys, of the best makes and'style?. 950 Bales Twilled and Duffil Blankets. We pay great attention to these Goods and are prepared to supply the trade on the best term9. It is our determination, as it is our true interest, to make nur prices so FULLY UNIFORM ani SO LOW as to secure popularity, as well as to mal e our House both in its organization and ex lent worthy ihe trade of THE SOUTH AND SOUTH WEST. BANCROFT Nos. July, 1854. , BETTS, & MARSHALL, 209 and 211, Kino Sthkkt. 50 6m .Mechanics. Inventors and Maiitifacturers $570 IN CASH PRIZES. $570 V TOLl'ME TEN of the " Scientific Amkrican " com- indices on the lGth of September. It is chiefly de voted to the advancement of the inteiests of Mechanics, Inventors, Manufacturers and Farmers, and is edited by men practically skilled in the arts and sciences. Pro bably no other journal of the same character is so cxten. sively circ lated, or so generally esteemed for its prac tical ability. Nearly all the Valuable Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Office arc illustrated with Engravings, and the claim of all Hie Patents are pub lished regularly in its columns as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Scientific and Mechanical Enoyclo pedia of information upon the subjects of Mechanical Improvements, Chemistry, Engineering and the Sc-enccs generally. It is published weekly in quarto form suita ble for binding, and each volume contains Four Hun dred and Sixteen Pages of Reading Mutter, Several Hundred Engravings, with a full and complete Index. Its circulation on the last Volume exceeded 23,000 co pics per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscrip tion price. The following Cash Prizes are offered by the Publish ers for the fourteen largest lists of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1855: S100 will be given for the largest list; $'75 for the second ; 965 for the third ; S55 for the fourth ; S50 for the filth; $45 for the sixth ; $40 for the sevent h ; $35 for tire eighth ; 830 for the ninth ; $25 for the tenth ; $20 for the eleventh ; $15 for the twelfth. ; $10 for the thirteenth ; and $5 for the four tecnth. The cash will be paid to the order of the suc cessful competitor immediately after the 1st of January, 1855. Terms: One copy, one year, $3 ; one copy, 6 months, 81; five copies, six months, $1; ten copies, six months, $8; ten copies, twelve months, $15; fifteen copies, twelve months, $22; twenty copies, twelve months, $38 in ad vance. No number of subscriptions above twenty can be taken at less than $1,40 each. Names can be sent in at dif ferent times and from different Post Offices. Southern and Western money taken for subscriptions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Munn & Co. 128 Fulton-Street, N. Y. Messrs. Mnnn &. Co. are extensively engaged in pro curing patents for new inventions, and will advise in ventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty of their improvements. THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. HOI FOR COLUMBIA! HAVING extended our line to Columbia, we will give the QUICKEST DESPATCH to articles of all de scriptions and sizcf, at the most reasonable rates. Our EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS, well-known re sponsibility, and the experience of our agents and em ployees, guarantee to all who may be pleased to employ us the utmost security and satisfaction. BANK NOTES. GOLD. SILVER, JEWELRY; and VALUABLES of all descriptions carried at reasonable rates, with certainly and despatch. DRAFTS on ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND and CALIFORNIA for sale at all our offices. Competent and obliging " Messengers " accompany each MAIL TRAIN, to which our cars arc attached. 'Plic Express will arrive in Columbia daily at 3 o'clock p. m., and loave daily at 7 o'clock a. m- O" Office Richardson street, nearly opposite the Ex change Bank.fu Sept. 15, 1854, 8-3m. To Persons out of ILmplofpmcnl ! $500 to $1,000 a Year. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY AND DO GOOD ! Book Agents Wanted. THE subscriber publishes a number of most valuable Pictorial Books, very popular, and of such a moral and religious influence that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they will confer a. public benefit, and receive a fair compensation for their labor. C7" To men of enterprise and tact, this business of fers an opportunity for profitable employment seldom to be met with. rXJ"" Persons wishing to engage in their sale, will re ceive promptly by mail, a Circjlar containing full par ticulars, with "Directions to persons disposed to act as Agents," together with the terms on which they will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, post-paid. ROBERT SEARS.iPublishcr, 181 William Street, New-York. U-Tn Press, find ready for Agents by the 1st of Oc tober, 1854, 'Sears' Illustrated Description of tuk Russian Empire." for further particulars address as above. Agent for the Country in New-York City. THE advertiser is prepared to act, as General Agent and Correspondent, in New York for business men Tind others in the interior. He will devote his whole time and attention to the purchase and sale of Fancy and other Goods, Books, Prints, Machinery, Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Stock and Materials, Philosophical Ap paratus, &c.; Drugs, Patent and other Medicines, Agri cultural Implemeuts, Seeds, Stock, &c. Collections made ai-fl suits prosecuted. Information cf all kinds furnished with regard to persons and places here. Situations pro cured and guaranteed for clerks, mechanics, profession al men and others. Male and female employees engaged and sent to thecountry. Passages secured to California, Australia, and Europe-. In fine, anything that an intel ligent Agent, well acquainted with New-York and its business men, can do for an absentee, will be executed faith fuly and promptly. Communications confidential. Address, with fee adequate to the service, A. E. BARTON, Sept. 1854 Gt 180 Mulberry-Street, New-York. NOTICE. rynF. firm of WALLACE & CROSS ia this day dis solved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to them are requested to come forward and make pay ment by October ourt, or their accounts will be Jonnd in the hands of an officer for collection. WALLACE & CROSS. Sept 1. 1854 Stf One Mtt Do you want a Fashionably ! HLK DRESS? Do von waor Fnxhion.-.h!.. rfONNET 7 Dp you want a Neck and Bonaei RJBB4JX ? 1 ' J ii - . t 1, fc - - - a mmm VtlU i a. get suited from liic crown of your head to the sole of . i viiu mi. t:.iii ;i l ii. ii.tiiiii s Miiti;. j - can your foot. RAlTM. oet. 13, 1854 next door to Spratt, Daniel & Co. MANTILLAS and CLOAKS, of Cloth, Sattin and Silk, can be got at . M. BRUM'S. MBAUM has just received a fine assortment of B ack and colored S1LK.S, (latest styles,) more BONNETS, and Ihe largest and best assortment of RIBBONS, ever brought 10 this town. M. BAUM, oct 13, 12 tf . 2 doors east courthouse. The Clothing ! The Clothing ! The Clothing I Oh, the Clothing ! BY calling on M. BAUM, you will . find the largest and finest assortment of CLOTHING ever brought to this market ; also, a good assortment of riATS and CAPS. - Jfl. BAUM, oet. 13 I2tf 2 doors east of the courthouse. Notice. THE Stockholders of the Columbia aud Charlotte J Telegraph Company are notified that the amount of their stock is all due, and those who Jjdvc not paid are respectfully requested to come forward and pay up with out further delay. W. C. HARRIS, Attorney, for Kennedy & Edwards, Contractors. October 6, 1854. 11 -2w Sponge, Sponge. 4 FINE assortment of Bathing and Carriage Sponge -1 just reecived at FISHER & HEINITSH, Oct 20 Charlotte Drug Store. XTOT1CB is hereby given that application will be L made at the next session of the Legislature for a oharter for a Mutual Life Insurance Company to be lecated in Charlotte, N. C. Aug. II 3 "VTOTICE is hereby given that application will be l made at the next session of the Legislature for a a charter (or a Mutual Fire Insurance Company lo be located in Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 11 3 1 N improved LOT 50 feet fronting on the street by . 199 feet deep -near the Central Railroad, with a comfortable new Dwelling House, and the frame of a house, 30 by 20 feet, and 1J story high, en the premises; also, a pood well of water within 30 feet ol the house. Price $800, on a long credit. Oct 20 3t WM. S. NORMENT. Notice. A LL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. YV. Robinson X have been placed in my hands for collection, and must be settled by the 1st of April next or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in Officers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING. Charlotte, March 17, '51. 34-tf Settle Up! 'PIIE Notes and Accounts of Edwards & Williamson j have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons indebted to t lcm arc requested to settle up im mediately. JOAB P. SMITH. Sep'.. 22 1854 9 If pOR SALE. The subscriber has for sale at his Mill JL on McMichacIs creek, a large quantity of good lum ber of various kinds, stacked, dried, nd ready for deliv ery, '.Line 33d. 1854. JAMES KERR. 48-tf Dissolution. J OTIC E is hereby given that the Firm of Spratt, J Paniel & Co. has been dissolved by the mutual consent of the parties. All persons indebted to said Firm are requested to call upon C. E. Spratt and set tle their accounts as he is authorized to close up the business. The business of the Firm will be continued under the name and style of Allison & Daniel, who tendering their acknowledgements, for past favors, respectfully ask of their old friends and customers a continuation of their patronage C. E. Spratt having associated himself with W. V. Elms in the Grocery business, can always be found at their stand, 3 doors west of the Public Square. SPRATT, DANIEL, & CO. August 4, 1854. SLtf Notice. LL those indebted to the firms of Fox & Orr and ti Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. Charlotte, March 14, 1S54. 35-tf Loolt Out! HPHE Notes and Accounts of the late firm oi MOSS, 1 BELL & CO. have been placed in my hands for col lection, and those indebted mi st not expect longer in dulgence, as it cannot be given. July 22, 1853. ltf JOAB P. SMITH. Notice IS hereby given that application will be made at the next session of the Legislature of this State for a charter to incorporate a Company to work Mines in Mecklenburg county ; also in Union county. THOMAS ANDREWS. Charlotte, 29th September, 1854. 10-ti An Application for Manumission, "VTOTICE is hereby given that an application will be jL made to the next Legislature ot North Carolina for the passage of an net to manumit JERRY, a slave, for merly the property ol Hon. D. M. Barringer, and now the property of IL B. Williams and S. W. Davis, October 7, 1854. ll-Cw Village Statesville, N. C. THIS well-known Establishment, situated im IIS mediately north-west of the Courthouse, on the 1" Main street leading from Salisbury to Morgan- ton, is now being improved for the comfort of the Trav eling public, and is always open to all. Close to the Courthouse in the business part of town it also coin, mands a fine view ol Concord Female College now in progress of erection on the same street. Thankful for the liberal patronage hitherto enjoyed, I will use all honett efforts to merit its continuance in the future. J. F. BELL. July 21, 1854. 52-Gra Right Side Up. CHARLES T. EBERHARD & CO., are still carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at their old stand two doors below Parks & Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can be oh tained. ILT All kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also. supcrior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Eberhata Tr All persons indebted for last f&r arc requested to come and settle their accounts. We must have money C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54. 36.,( GEORGE N. HOPE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Res.d. ncf. next house to the Catholic Church, -harlotle, N. C. Orders from the country nunc tu.illy iillcoii. d i. March 24, '54. 1 m tjiiinj ' DR. J. B. MARCH Isi-s CELEBRATED CATHOLlCON For the Hdirfand Cure of Svffr, init v ' llrttndspre-emi. eases lor whica it i. Ui ninded, usually call?. . y..- "Tl . i ur wi, t iiRONic InplammiJ; ""a UMMUTIO or ixi Incidental Heuo. i Flooding; rAiNH,; pro, and imru ft, accompanying evil. 7 excepted,) no mtticV vcre or how long Wa8?a. The Catholicon fer1" es oilier remedies, io being more certain, less txtir. ' leaving the systtni in a belter condition. Let til ,. coll and obtain a pamphlet (free) Contain!) atv,lH from the most respectable sources, ol the bcartieii its use ; togethe; with letieis fiom highly c)tnM S cians, who have used it m their practice, oi:d spiak fjj own obsf rvations. REFERENCES. P. B. PECK HAM, M. D., Utica, ML y L. D. FLEMING, M. D Kochtsier, N y M. TL MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. y ' D. Y. FOOTE, M. D., Syracuse, N. y ' Prof DUNBAR, M. D., Baliimoie, Md' J. C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md '' W. W. REESE, M. D., New-Yoik Citr W. PRESCOTT, M. Conc-nd, N. ft J. P. NEWLAND, M. D-, Utica, N. y" Rev. C. S. BEARD, Glenn Springs, S. (' 8Sr Pamphlets to be had srratis at the Store of PPiTe ARD & COLDWELL. Dm-rejsis, Sole Agent. tof ('' , N. C. Sold also by many of the leading Hft'gni'imi,,.'' The lollowinc unsolicited letter wnsarccntlv trti.ir HumsvUle, N. C. . " nB,if Hu.vrsviLi.E, Yadkin Co., N.C., Nov. 28lkHM Dr. J. B. Makchisi, New-York Sir : I deem it my, to express to von my sincere thnnks, for your discon, the celebiated Female Medicine, (Catholicon.) IHy atitu! been more or less trouhhd with fioodiii; lot eiaattaa years, and found nothing to give her relief, until by dZ 1 heard of and got a botttle of your medicine. Vt fPwi just the thiim wanted ; it acted I ke a chaini, and In tia.v outiffl i j.I'i.I .if n t ii i 1 1 1 'i ' i . n t , 1 1 n i , i , i Utl tunie i i i ti j i f i i i t 1 1 i V 1 1 II I t ' it I With much respect your obedient servnnt, (Signed,) WILLIAM J. MtQ Letter addresfed to Messts, Bench A Brownson, A gent; r Newberry C H., S. ('., by Rev. C. S. Ihnid of snmeSttir. iii.h.. crRiNos. Jan. l'.un, Messrs Bkacu & Brow.so. Sirs : I send lor mm, bot'le of your " Mnichisi's Uterijie Catholicon." My S has been nffliclcd for eleven years, and a variety of mranil been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained uuiill , ceived this medicine from you. Its influence seems alum magical: there was a manifest improvement Iroui tlii dit; was taken. As these are a great many ft males in our country Isbct,, under the affliction for which your me dicine proposes ttua dy, I feel it a duty to recdiimiend it to nil si cb. ,'Sliri.,( 1 I I III I. 11 IIC1DA IT7" JT. B. 1IAR( II I M ACo., Prorlc1ori Ccntiul Depot, '.U)J BionUway, n' y May 1-2, 18") I. l:rm ' TS now put up in the Largest Sited Bot:! s, ami t ttktjJ X edged to he the best Sarsapaiilla inr.de, us iscenianlli the Wonderful C-ures it has performed, Hie oriyit nl e(i which are in the posscfsion of the propiicioi. J uu bit.: this is the only true and original anicle. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial Complaints, Career, CktiHfc ; Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other dm uses a'e and peifeetl)' cun d by the use of ibis nu dictne. READ THE FOLLOWING CEUTlI-ICAHj Iai.i. rossA Co., Ala., Jan. . m UK.va oir : t send you this to ctrtily to you tint nr extract ot xeilow UocU ana frarsapai ilia ha ptrloin,(iiW oi ine inusi wouuenul cures on nit lliat.liat etr ttt-inh, ed on man. I have been nfllictcd for forty years wuh r rvinict.f mr legs and fee' ; in ISib they got so had that 1 ludlow, cr.itclies, and in I5W 1 l.ad one ley an,j utotul ol ' i, knee. In about nit; months after joy oil.er h-jj Iiidn in large eating and raanitia sons Iroaii my kM aiaa and discharged u gaeai di al of bfiaiv inaiitr. lit turn also biokc out in fa rye biii?, which ditcliaretil inujj ,4 sie mailer, arc at Uie s;.nie tunc my lc It i.ai ti lIJi (.4. large ruiininii. Hiiixs? nrarly to mv el In s . The misery that I have iticitd foill.e latitvattal cannot describe to you. 1 was in such aiii) that ia.: rested day or night. In October last my son brought inc one of your ha wrappers ; 1 icad it, and found n coid of soiiu 'i (ttiltlo perlormed by your' Extract of Yillow Din k m ilSa:(i. I sent and goi two bottles of it, and coiiiiiilihiiI uliiiii,' In two weeks, to my great OBionishineiii, my soiifailliov easy, and 1 could sleep all night, a thing I liad ii imy two years. When 1 hud taken six boll Its, my sokIw.W all healed. I have now us d in all eight boliics ol )m"h tract of Yellow Dock and Sartnpariila," and 1 now tun myself well. I entreat all the afflicted to try this nWteiur, fur 1 Wi it will cure any known d;scasc in the wot id. In) oat prejudice and just tiy it, and proclaim its u'ai wvtiliioi i'enng mankind and "entreat Ihem to take it, fofil them. My case is m; tr knriwn in a large portion 1 f'Sm.tli Cm na, Georgia and Alabama, and if nil) should donbflrWin cure, 1 invite them to csill on me, and I will sicvv ihrw scars. lean be found itT'ullapo'a ( '(., Alulfin'S.on Injm Sloe's Parry. R EN A J At 1 11 RIM The Yellow Dock and Sarsaj aiilla it pcrkcthfArff'1 females of delicate health, resulting from irn giilijtw etrual discharges, and other dista.'ts pfcidinr 10 imiiuv The proprietor has in his nosrssion a grrai niiiilftM tilieates of cures, nemrrned of the above desciiptlrkj assure the afrlicted, that a bottle or two of Dr. Ct.yMtna tract of Yellow Dock and Sn!sann!U will at o rtp those ddiieulties and renew the natural efWTCM s. Kr Pi.t up in mian bottle. iPrtc l per I Ir. Sold Wholesale ai d Retail by SCOVIL MEj Chartres stri ct, New Otleniis, General Agents for On I em S'ntes, to whom all oid-is 1111 si lie nddressid. OCT Sold also hv Fisher & Tlcinitsh, Pritrbaid (' Charlotte ; C. C. llruderson, Liiieointon ; Wiiirliilrri Monroe; A. R. Homcsly, Shelby; J. Frontbeigtr I Dallas ; Murphy 6i Black, (.'oncoiti, N. C. May 12, 1854: For the Conrptctc Cure of Coughs, CM': ema, Asthma,' Bronchitis Sjntn l. B loot I, a?id till other Litn& Com plaints lending to CONSUMPTION. ( This preparation is getting info use all over "'"Sf The numerous letters we receive from our ariwt j forming us ot cures eflected in iheir immediate nip"J j wan.int us in saying it is one of the btst, if not t Cough Medicine now before the pubhu It alpita. relieves nd not unfrerjuently cuies the veiy When all other Cough pupaiatioiaf have ,a licved the patient, as Dinee'Sts, di alers iu W" Physicians can testily. Ask the Agent iu youratj5 what has been his experience of the t fleets of Tjt If he has been selling it for any length of lime l"JL IT IS THE BEST MEDK LNE EXTAST- , Below we give a few extracts from letters wc n' lately regarding the virtues of this ntedicine. Dr. S. S. Oshn, ol Knoxville, a., says I b"? your Liverwort and Tar extensively in my Pra''f? -V years past, and, it is vrith pleasure I state iny nority over all other article with which 1 an acjt which it is recommended." Uttftf Meser. Fitzgerald & Banners, writing tom V 0 N. C. ay:-"The Liverwort and Tar i?1bcjf more popular in this Country, and we thti k J"-' -who have tried it Bpeak iu commendable terms 01 1 it is very beneficial in alleviating the couiplai" 10 ie n commended." c tifr Our Agent in Pickens District, S. C. Mr. 5 assure us u that he uses it with great benfjj1 family, and recommends it to hi neithlw- 0 I instance of a Negro woman, in Ins vicinity, 'I?J iH fering with disease of the Lungs for years, 8"ePd1lf aafta coiuh. who wai relieved bv the 'Liverwort Such are the good reports wc hear of this Meo parts of the Souih- For a report of the urpnwe , -f performed in the Western and Northern a" , ,j,f 4 we would invite the suffering patient to te which accompanies each bottle. To all, a rt. ' TRY THE MED1CIN K ! ! Be warned in season ! And neglect not th is daily weakening your constitution, irritiipB..C(gf' 1 1 . .1 .1 -,l A 1 j.mee. .d' ana mugs, anu inviung on inai uiruu be when so soothing and Healing a remedy cau Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. 'lrl B 1 ti- .r;,.. .i Iniitatie - J jjewaicoi mm ici 1 11 fi 1 11 ..... ----- pniI. ine articles is signed Andrew Rogers, on the per around each bottle. - nj Price, 1 per botile, or six bottles or ., jfvA, XT Sold wholesale and retail by St O ytK (Chartres St. between Crfmti and t- t'Oui'. . " . o c.. u liolll n" l .VL'ems lor ine oouineiu i-iihm'p, i . , .,, plications fur Agencies must be addicss'O- , il O" Sold also bv Fislardi HcinUfck.T'tJ' ZJfr' Chnrioftc ; C. ( ? Hcnd-- rson, Lincolnn-n . jf at a n iT..fc,-u, Slie bv : J- ,UBK lnllas : Mnn.hv & Black. (Mucoid, N. j : 1 1 Of these arc PtoJ Rt. or Falling of ,L7 tu Mi ii5 r.