ELI AS & WISH 10 inform then MmctoM Friends. Patrons, and the community at large, that tl.cy are now receiving THli LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK. OOOIDS EVER BROUGHT TU THIS MARKET, ft ia acknowledged by ALL who have examined (U Stock, In be the BEST SELECTED and LARGEST rvr purchased bvoat tir... for one kuob'i trade ; and being bought C Heap will be SOLD so, much LOU -Eft loan we have MM otf.ied the Si yet. Our stock of CLOTIMG, DRY - GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ARE PARTICULARLY HEAVY, INCLUDING A RICH ASSORTMENT LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Cloaks. Vau.iihiv, torts and Cloak Trimmings, RiMtous. Embroidf rle villi .fol :,r ti H CUR CLOTHING w'l! He r,-ur. .1 ,r-,i:. tig -' KlllWm DRAUEUii. K O I ji r OL TRt NKS, VALICJ It js IsafMSafbtc :o ire anv : ia o ar Ismcssi 8t uc the CHEAPEST Iiv Coods Ii:tlv Matte 1'Ioiliina. Hardware. Csrocerie, Bo.lw. Shoes, 1IATS.CAP-S BONNETS, SADDLER V, CUTLER )f, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy Articles, tbil can be seen U"f Afrtv pent eats are Country .rtt rrlutnts SHch th"t vc ti-Util k rc invited to examine our t.'.an tiiev can I .. in lii-r. -' it. k Call at No. 2 Grauite Rcw, and ' B 7" All kb4Js ff Produce Nvc::ibi r S, 1 4. :s. i for win 16tf h we i! BOOTS & SHOES. el IT -;-uui'i be geUy known that the Mfc I I I b-s; assortment :' TWkS "Mi BOOTS aiid SHOES f in the Iowii of 1'u.uii.orTi;, is to be found at BOOSTE'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM, VNDEK '. B. htP. RS BOTEL, iind where JTo mav procure th finpt sad best Boots ud Si.oes, of taw wast refebrnted Mnnnrsetareri in 1'niiadelphia. at very ussr pbici S CASH. Tba frtork wall consist, in f art, of Gents' fine C all Baals and Shoes, of eveiy quality, styl, an-.l WurksMMbip Gents' sewed Call, a:.d Kip pegged Boots and Brogans; of every description ; Toys' end Youths' Calf and Kip Coots and Broans ot every (ua!ity, Btyte, ami pi ice; SI iss sad children Boots an: 5 pegged, vaVyMsg in pi ice lroiu ies. both sewed ar.i! j cts. to SI ,:25. In the Ladies' Department raitstalai tftwliaa hu been paid in selection of the best style, .juality, and workmanship, in part, consisting of Ladies' Gaiter Br'.ts a:iou.s prices; Ladies' Kip and Morocco liootts and l'ukinn3 (flannel ami linen lineit ;) Undress .Morocco Bootes and Buskins., irtunnel lined,) for winter wejr ; La!ies will please cail and eyamins for tbemselves. Also, 5,000 Pairs of Negro Brogans, various qualities, together with 1,000 Pairs of Women's Bootes, for House servants and out -door ase, with a hue assort ment ul Travelling Tran! :s, Carpel Bas, it cc.) all to be La.! at BOONL'S SHOE STORE, i n ia J, li. hdi's Hotel. Cash paid :r Hide- st D..ONE "i ;;ilOE STORE. Oct TT, lS'l. 1 l-tf assr NOTICE. riMIK so bee fiber lakes plessare in iaibratiag hi JX Irieod ami ihe msblijC geairally, last be baa asso nants witb himself in bmnncftb, Mr. . W. AHRLNS, formerly in his ssatfioj. Tin bnsinnss v. ill now b - eon tiucted und. r '.ho firm of BAKU HI AN vV AIIRLN. Tfcssss Msdebtrd to me by Note, iiu- the old firm ot (j. Bargaaasj sV t. ., or iadit i u.Hy, arc raxmstly relocated ls nettle, as BBossrl must be ..ad. G. BARGM N. October SS.JsVSl, 14-tf T J AVINtl satisttd mysdf .ita Mr. G. i J, I in the rem r-l DHY GOODS, GVjR. 0 X. "ST AMI HiKDW.lRE K8I.S, I tabs this BSt-tlradto i::! m fiteodfl ar.i'. t';.- pub'.C jreaeralljb thil 1 base jaotn luuad iron ih. N. auii a carefully L?c! d sloes of CS- O 0 T JE , which for eheapacss sail taste, ciunot be rxecRcd hj any House in this town. Those who li:t to eweotwags a new begbasMir, will fissl it to their adrsBtays to j;iv. sas a call, cv-.li Castaamtfa aortiealarly soiii-ited to so sw aasak. V. W. AHRENS, Sro- Court-lli u.-c. 14 ti Octocrl2:, L-5L Land for Sale. . i i ; ' ( " ,P . ! t-t It III ri'iir. asMiersigiiesi obpvs wmw s .e ins . atossir riania. tiou, lying on the sralers of Paw Cretrk, about 6 miles r.:st ot CbslbstSB. On the fnmiim b is a ginid dwelling ni-iie. vvit h the necessury oui-buiidiuy . The Tr..et contains "ilt ACNS, shoot one-third of which is clcsred, and under good repair, the remainder if wooellund a:id rll tjuibcicd. The wh.de lied wi.ll for cultivation, and u peodactive a ;oi! ;:s any in the countv. Pcrj.oii-4 dc.sirouj of purehasiujr a valuable Plantation ..u!d do w !l to cull e.trly ami cxaaiiaa. ly Brother, who lives on the place, vrill give ;.!1 the infirm ution reuuircd. T. A. ADAMS. Nov.3. 151. 16-:f Pay yovu Taxes I LL persons in arrears to me for TAXES will confer a very particular favor if they will call en me a; the Superior Court and settle. A word to the wise is a! wava sufficient. T. N. ALEXANDER Oct 27, is:-. Hit Boots, Book Boots. 0AV1DSON t MOSS have just received one of the largest stocks of ROOTS vV SHOES ever offered in this market, and respectfully invite Ladies and gen tlemen to call and examine their stock Ssiore purchas ing, as they are determined to sell as low as the low est, and a littie Low:!: particularly He wv Nt.iRO BUOCANS. O.t 99, 1954 I3tf I FOR SALE. 1 OTFER for sale my HOFSTTand LOT.loea- ! Itig.l teJ on Church street, one siuaie east of the N. C. Kailroa.1 btuige. 1 he Lot is level and : handsomelj- situated, the soil sandy, and the neighbor- ) hood one of the best in the town. The House is new ! being jut completed and built in good style, with lour large and sir)- rooms in it. Tor fi.rth.-r particular apply to i uct. 13, 151 12:1 E. PENMAN. Starch, Starch. THRESH DIAMOND STARCH the choicest article L of the kind ever offered to the public, impartins a eautiful gloss to linen, and economical in use. No luodrv should be without it. For sale at FISHER & HELN JTSfl. Fresh Potash and Sal Soda. ViCAl-of cach,NTit received and for sale at P1SHEB & HI " ITMi'e COHIB qi. LflCCS, rap market. DEPARTMENT, in.tiu:inr i- nucr iarmentx 01 rvi rv description, SIU KS, IIANJJKEKI HILLS, L MUUELLAS, CARPET BAGS, &c, 6cc. by :'i a- rt:. went, but we can tiistW to tuosc that and BEST SELECTED SUPPLY OF . tate jinn a Jt GOODS md '.' assortment vltcops on hand. PRI" ES. We iris icil to them lower m-. , TWd fcoch ?.t tLe BARGAINS. KL1AS A COHEX. Lrki t nri'. C harlotte Marble Vard. I f AVING disposed of our entire interest in the .Mar 1 Ule Yard to Messrs. I Win. Tiddv V -n, wc reeom- nt nd tut ui to iur lrieMts STOWE & PEG R A 31. itcmbei l 1 i. i ui. ti.isrrini rs iiii:ni; ijuiij.ii( iu. uir mwivn ... , Messrs. Stowe St Pegriiiii in the Charlotte Marble' ill ..i : i i : l ... , the interest of j Yard, respectfully Under tittif sei kervici s to the people of i Charluttc and the country g ncrally in this line ot bit.- u nesK. Thev are fully prepared to lurnish Monuments, Gravestones, Marble Steps, Table Slabs, ind otl.er patterns cut ln.ni Marble, according to the i .I. is aituroved t.iste and styles, and upon the most ac , , romiaodat ing terms ever olTered in the Southern coun lr. The Yard is situated on the North Wust corner of the Charlotte Depot Yard, where the subscribers, or their sgeuts, suaj always !i (bund. WM. T1DDY & SON. September OG, 1854. lOtf TO OIR PATRONS. K .ire now receiving our FALL and WINTER Stocli. of Goods, embracing every article of Ladies,' and Gentlemen's mm mm. . t-; vrhich we invite attention. We are determined not to be uxdeSsolo by any house, und promise that our STYLES and QUALITY t-hali cijual any in this mar ie, f. Wc inite pnrticular attrniion to our stock (.f Ladies' Cloal5.s, 3VE,xitilla,s, TEJVtS, (New Style.) Our selection of Ladies' DRESS OOODS is beautiful is will be seen when von call. Our Embroidi ries, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, Sic., are 73 1 1 of the bct manufacture. TO FARMERS, we uj-k a cull, as our stock of Ne ;ro KERSEYS, BLANKETS, SHOES, kc., will show lot itself. ALLISON & DANIEL. Charlotte, Sept. 29, lcol 4in Ss M. H0WE1X) Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, Three doors south of Sadler's Hotel, CHARLOTTE, S. C. I WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Charlotte and the surroun ding count ly, that 1 have now on hand AN KXTKMSIVX ASSORT.MKNT OF Saddles, Bridles, Harness. S ;t d d I v r y II a rcl are, Whips, Buffalo Robes HOR: R BLANKETS, SADDLECLOTHS, SKIRTINGS, HOG SKINS, Patent, Enamelled & Harness Leather, together with every thing usually kept in my line of business. TT S.iddle A. lIuriK'.s lakers furnished ' wh every thing necessary for carrying on the busi ness, on the most reasonable terms. D 7" All kinds of Saddles and Harness made at the j . iioi test notice. Repairing promptly executed. Oct. 20, Ib54. S. M. HOWELL. Saddles and Harness. R. SHAW AS (n hand the largest and best assortment of DOLES and H tR XCSS II that was ever brought to this market. Also WHIPS, CARPET-BAGS, HARNESS MOUNTING & TRIMXIINGS i of nil kinds for the trade, which he will sell either by i the wholesale or retail, to cash or i-cnctual customer.-, on the most moderate terms. Also. REPAIRING dune in good order at the short est notice. Cull end examine my utoek before you purchase clsew here. CC7" Simp ore door east of Springs St McLeod's store. Oct. 30, 1854 R . HAW. Tot7-n Ordinance. "J'HE following ordinance was passed by a u lani' ious 1 vots of the Commissioners of the town of Charlotte at their last regular meeting, held on the night of the 11th of September, 1854. Be it Ordained, by the Board of Commissioners for the Town of Charlotte, That in future, no one shall enrry concealed about his person within the corporate limits ol said town, any Pistol, Jlowie-kni f'e, or other un lawful weapon. And any person violating this Ordin ance shall, upon conviction before the Intendant, pav a fine of T n di-Mars for cell and every such weapon so carried as aforesaid; and if the otlinder be a minor his i ii- nt vnsrttian kIimIF m cir.I tine (Kn T. ...... d int is hereby authorized to render a indemeiit against i the parent or guardian for said fine. ! V. F. DAVIDSON, Intendant. J. B. KERR, Toun Cltik. fTp- Whig copy. 17-4w 300,000 highest ca BUSHELS ,.f WHEAT, for which the casb prices will be paid, to be de livered at Ins Merchant 31. II in e-harlotte, at any time alter the 1st day of September next. LEROY SPRINGS. June 23, 1854. 4sttf. Notice hereby ruren that application will be made ta the I nc text General Assembly of North Carolina at its next session, to amend the Charter of the town o" Charlotte. Aas.StS 1S54, MANY TAX PAYERS. White Castiie Soap. 'PHIS new family and Toilet SOAP is held in high es. J teem, and is superior to the ordinary Soap for iu , bland und emollient qti-litii-s. For the nursery il 'ii I ptrl.cuiirly adapted innocent in its combination arid . free from al! injurious alkalies. This is an economical Slip for families. Just rece ived and tor sale hy riH7R A- HLINITSII. I pri! 1 4th Di-pcwug r': .ji. CHESTER, S. c. By J. R. NICHOLSON. Til E subscriber re sptctfull v informs his friends and the public generally, that ti is house, knon as tlie " R-iiiroad Hot I." onuosite the Chester Depot, is 'ii) open tor the reception of rrgohtr and transient boarders ;iid the travelling public: and that j he 16 making every exertion to deserve and secure a j f continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which j has hitherto been extended to hi.n. He Hatter.- himself ' hit every needed arrangement has been made to pro- 1 j mote the comfort of all who stop with bitu : bis rooms I are airy and well-furnished, bis servants are attentive I ! and obedient, and bis table constantly supplied with the ! . best ot the season, so that Ills .riends will not want anv 1 j attention necessary to make their sojourn pleasant and ; ; agreeable. J lis stables are ftamisbed with good host- j j lers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared ! j at a moment's notice to supply bis customers with pri. ' ; vale eonveyanct of every sort, to any part of the sur. I rounding country. : He desires to return Jiis acknowledgements to the ( public tor ffjst favors, and solicits lor the future an equally liberal share of patronage. I Aug 30,1354. 5tf JOHN R NICHOLSON. State of North Carolina, MEtiKLENBt'ttti tVt.WTY. Superior Court ot Laics, Spring Term, 1854. Mary Wrist on cs. Wm. J. Wriston. Petition for Divorce. appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, t bat I 'm. J. Wriston, the defendant in this cause, resides ; bevont! trie limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the U'estern Democrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of the filling of tins petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of th.s ( oiirt, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, ;.t the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday afier the 4th Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the same will be ta ien pro confesso and heard exparte as to hiin. Witness Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 7th Mo.iday after 4th Monday in March, A. P. 1854. J. B. KERR, e. s. c. Printer's fee SiO. 3-3:n First (lass Kcstaurantt MILLER 6c PHELAN, SUCCESSORS TO II . BKCKXAK. AVK just received and opened a fresh supply of pure and genuine BRANDT, WINK, WHISKEY, CORDIALS, PORTER, l-J , , , . , , , T L- ... iseiecieu o) u imiie, iir.u viaiiamt-u uiiuuuiiciaicu. lOO 5!o of Spanish Sgara of the best and most approved brands, comprising Prin cipes, Regalia, Rio U&ndos, and various others, known to be as aromatic and fragrant as any imported. Gentlemen wlio wish to enjoy something that is very line, will always find us with the articles on hand, and ready and willing to serve them. H. S. MILLER, Sept 15, 18j4 8tf W. W. PHELAN. A New Map of North Carolina. rPHE undersigned are preparing, and will publish as J soon as the necessary Surveys, &.c, can be ob tained, a New, Large and Complete Map of North Carolina, five feet by three, well engraved and finished in the best style. It is admitted on all sides, that such a work is a great desideratum in our State, aed it is in consequence of the frequent enquiries on this subject, that the unde! -signed have embarked in the enterprise. The only attempted work of this kind is that of McRea, published in 1833 : and since then the Counties. Towns, Roads and Post-offices have increased in num ber, and all our works of Internal Improvements, with small exceptions, been set on foot. It is intended that the New -Map, now proposed to be published, shall contain, accurately laid down, all the Natural Features of the Stats, the Inlets, Harbors, Sounds, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks and Mountains, he. Also, the public improvements and iirtiticial divisions. The Railroads, Plankroads, Counties. County towns, Post offices, Cities Villages, Post-roads and Canals, Colleges, Academies, Ike. &c. The Map will be ready by the summer of lS.o. WILLIAM D. COOK., SAMUEL PEARCE. TERMS : In best Style, Gilt Rollers and First Impres sions. 10.00 In Plain Style, Black Rollers, 0,0!) Information from any source, and which may be of service in making the abova work, will be thankfully received. All communications should be addressed to WM. D. COOKE. Raleigh, September 15. y-Gin K All IersoilS wishing to obtain t e abov Map can be furnished as soon as published, by haddress mg, S. L. DIXON, Agent, Charlotte, N; 0. Wait for the Waggons! IT THAT FOR? say you. WcILwc will tell you. It is V V because JENKINS & TAYLOR have Jpencd a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C, just opposite the Bank of Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be sold al the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes ot the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which wc challenge the icorld to produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &c, &.C Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " icait for the icagtjons.''1 It is because we have, three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will deliver thetn within50 milesof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by us will be put up free of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you about the Stoves we will say to you, that we have all kinds of BriUatlia, Japan Tin a?ul Shtet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE FIVES, dc, constantly on hand. K" All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly attcn ded to by JENKINS &i TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33-tf A Painter Wanted. GOOD HOUSE PAINTER, who is a single mam A j and ran come recommended as a tine hmsher, can obtain linmeuiate and permanent employment by in. V of the subscriber at Charlotte, N. C. tHt B, IBM. iOtt J . . nAltih I SALEM ACADEMY. ANEW Session of the above Academy, (situated 4 miles south of Charlotte,) opened on the id Mon day in duly, nuder the management of Mr. S. W. Reid, a 'tregular graduate. He proposes to teach all the branches usually taught in Academies. His terms are as follows: Readiug, Writing and Arithmetic per session of five months ; Geography, Grammar and History $G per session ; Chemistry, Bot any and Natural Philosophy $7 per session ; Languages, Algebra, sec., per session. P. S. Good Boarding can be had convenient to the Acaetemy, at $6 per month. B. R. SMITH, G. W. WILLIAMSON, Com T. B. PRICE, Ane. -t. 1854 2tf FROM the subscriber's close in lrre towr. of Charlotte, TWO MILCH COWS, one mnoly with black and white spots, the ot'icj a reu cow with s hole bored in each horn. Any information concermng their where abouts will be thankfully received, or it driven home s liberal reward will !e paid. JOHN B. PENMAN. N9v. 3. 1S51 1.5tf I H i PC fi 9 ttJaai HTXX Trade of 1854. CHARLESTON", S. C. W E REG fo inform our friends and buyer? of DRY GOODS generally, that we have made E X TE NS fVg PRFPAR ATiO N S for our FALL SALES. We shall be prepared to show one of the LARGEST AND BEST SE LECTED STOCKS we have yt offered, selected .is usual bf ourselves in all the LEADING EU ROPEAN MARKETS. Our Establishment and Business is now so well known ns being one of the MOST EXTENSIVE in the country, that it is hardly necessary to re peal what we have often suid before, viz: lliat wt are prepared to oiler one of the Largest and Must Extensive Stocks OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TO BE FOUND IN THIS COUNTRY, EM BRACING ALL THAT IS NEW. RICH AND DESIRABLE, 1-v DRESS GOODS of EVERY VARIETY. CLOTHS, CASSI MERES. LINEN GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS OF ALL STYLES, CARPETS. RUGS. DRUG- . GETS, FLOOR CLOTHS. CUR. TAIN MATERIALS, AND HOUSE KEEPING GOODS. &c, &c. We also oiler ' 80 Cast's Negro Plains and Kerseys, of the Lest makes and styles. I 250 Bales Twilled and Duffil Blankets. We pay great attention to these: Goods and are prepared to supply the trade on the best terms. It is our determination, as it is our true interest, ! to make our prices so FELLY UNIFORM aso ' SO LOW as to secure popularity, as well ns to j make our House both in its organization and ex j tent worthy the trade of THE SOUTH AND I SOUTH-WEST. BANCROFT, BETTS, & MARSHALL, Nos. 209 and 211, Kino Sthkjst. July, 1854. 50 6m THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. e5&' HO! FOR COLUMBIA ! HAVING extended our line to Columbia, wc will give the QUICKEST DESPATCH to articles of all de scriptions and sizee, at the most reasonable rates. Our EXTENSIVE CONNECTIONS, well-known re sponsibility, and the experience of our agents and em ployees, guarantee to all who maybe pleased to employ us the utmost security and satisfaction. BANK NOTES, COLD, SILVER, JEWELR V, and VALUABLES of all descriptions carried at reasonable rates, with certainty und despatch. DRAFTS on ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND and CALIFORNIA lor sale at all our offices. Competent and obliging " Messengers " accompany each MAIL TRAIN, to which our cars are attached. The Express will arrive in Columbia d lily 3';'c!ocI'. p. in., and loave daily at 7 o'clock a. n- O Office Rtchaidson street, nearly Fx change Bank. fj Sept. 15, 1854. t?-3 S3HI10 EVER TBOUCIIT '! ' H AT GOODS could be sold a- low as Brown, Rri-. -ley & Co. are selling them. They arc receiving their very large and handsome stork ol a!i kind- i t 23ry Ooods, Bonnets, Hats, Hardware, Cutlery, and a large assortment of Groceries, White Lead, Glass, and a large stock of Negro Blankets, which we bought under very ft.vorable circumstances, and we will sell them LOWER than was ever sold in tins market before'. We have a large stock of IMS k wmm& as low as the lowest. We have also a very large Stock of Ready-Made Clothing:, which we will sell very low. And we have for the Ladies Black anil Fancy as low as 50 cents, French Merinoes, all colors, lower than ever sold before. Cashmeres, solid co ote and Figured Deianes, all kinds Embroidered Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. i We would most respectfully invite all those wishirgto i buy Goods to cai: and examine our stook and hear our I prices before buying elsewhere, as we think we can I offer inducements to buy from us. BROWN, 15 R A LEY & CO- I Charlotte, October 20, '51. -tf!3 FASIIIOIVIRLE TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to the public gen rally, that he is now receiving a large assortment of new lloths, Casinieres AND for Gentlemen's wear, and will be sold for Cash al a small profit, or made to order according to the latest styles. Shop next door to Daniels & Allison. lOtf D. L. REA. DR. CHAMPION'S VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS AND Vegetable Attti-Bilious j- Anti- Dyspeptic Fills. 1MIESE medicines have been used by the proprietor a . number of years in extensive practice, during which time he has treated some thousands of cases of Fever with the greatest success. They never fail to cure the Chills and Fever the first day. FISHER & HEINITSII, Sept 1,1354 G -3 in Sole Agents fur Charlotte. FISHER & HEINITSH, Wholesale cfc DFLotctil Near the Court-House, CHARLOTTE, JtT. C, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to their latge und well selected stock of Drugs, t tumlcals, Perfumery, Hretntties, IFtwes, Uyes, Oils, M'uints, Garnishes, Sic. Having received a thorough education to this respon sible business in all its branches, both in this coun'ry and in Europe, and being large purchasers for their combined establishments, thus possessing peculiar ad vantages, they confidentlj' assert their ability and deter mination to compete with any bouse in the South as re gards the Purity, Freshness, and Price of their articles. Physicians Prescriptions compounded with the strict est attention and in accordance with the Phartaaeoeisn of the United States. Dealers supplied with Essences, Oil?-, &c, at New York Prices. Sept. 22, 1854 S-l v Cholera, Dysentary, &c. AN unfailing and immediate cure for those fearful Diseases is Jacob's Diarrheas and Dysentary Cor dial, recommended and used by physicians in their pri vate practice with the greatest success when ai! other remedies have failed. Sold by FISHER & HBlNiTSF. aur. 4, 1854 Chemists and Dnu'gi-st. Cheese. IAV1DS0N & MOSS hav just received 25 BOXES JU of English Dairy CHEESE, low-forcash. Oct 80, 1854 1" a-j sV-4 - Ladies' and Misses' Bonnets. J UoT received the latest New York stvles of Velvet, Satin, Silk, and Strsw EONNETS, at Oct 20 DAVIDSON & MOSS. I Sept. 29, lfe54. j DR. X B. MARCHISI S CELEBRATED CATHOLICON, ' For the Relief and Cure of Suffering Females. It stands pre-eminent for its curative powers in all the dis eases lor which it is recom mended, usually called FEMALE COMPLAINTS Of these are Pnot-Arsus Ute ri, or Failing of the Womb ; Fluor Ai.bus, or Whites; Curo.mc Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Hemorrhage, or Flooding ; Fa.nful, SurrB.ES- SED, AND IKREGCLAR MEN- stki ation, &c, with all iheir accompanying evils, (Cancer excepted,)" no matter how se vere or how long standing. The Caiholicon far surpass- ee on.. .tu.cu.ir, .. ui ii. g more ceriaui, iee leaving the system in a better coi dition. Let all interested call and obtain a pamphlet (lice) containing nn ple proOl, from the most respeetsble somccs, ot the bent tic a I itrilis.ol its use ; together with letters from highly opeiitnccd Rhysi cians, who have used it in their piactice, and speak from their : i o..H own observations. REFERENCES. P. B. PECK HAM. M. D., Uuca, N. Y. L. D. FLEMING, M. D., Kochester, N. Y. M. H. MILLS, M. D Rochester, N. Y. 1). Y, FOOTE. M. D., Sviacise, N. Y. Prof DUNBAR, M.D., Baltimore, Md., J. C. ORRICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md. W. W. REESE. M. D., New.Yoik Cuy. W. PRESCOTT. M. D., Concoid.N. H. J. P. NEW LAND, M. D-, Uica, N. Y. Rev. C. S. BEARD, Glenn Springs, S. C. & Pamphlets to he had gratis at the Store of PRITCU ARD& COLDWELL. Druggists, Sole Agents foi Charlotte, . L. bold also by many ot ihe leading Drugmsts in the Mate. The lollowing unsolicited letter was recently received from HunUville, N. C. Huktsville, Yadkin Co., N. C, Nov. 28th, 1153. Do. J. B. Marcihsi, New-York Sir : I deem it my duty to express 10 you my sincere thanks, lot your disccvery of the celebrated Female Medicine, (Caiholicon.) Mv wile has been more or less troubled with floodinp for cieht or nine years, and found nothing to give her rebel, until by chance 1 beard of and got n botttle ot your medicine. We found it just the thing wanted ; it acted like a charm, and has given her entire relief of a permanent character. With much respect your obedient servant. Letter addressed to Messis. Beach A' Biowi.son, Agents at Newberry C. IL, S. C, by Rev C. S. Beaid of same State. Glenn Springs. Jan. 19th, 8?3. Messrs Beach & Brownson Sirs : I send lor another bottle of your " Marchisi's Uterine Catholicon." My wifie has been afflicted for eleven years, and q variety ol means has been resorted to for relief, but none was Obtained unnll 1 ie ceived this medicine from you. Its influence seems almost magical: there was a manifest improvement tiom the day ii j was taken. As there are a great many females in our country laboiire I under the affliction for which your medicine propostta nine- j uv, i leei it a amy to rccLinmeii.a it to an sncn. (Signed,) CLOUGH S. BEARD. C7JT. B. MARC1111 A ( o , Proprietors. Central Depot, 30-1 Broadway, N. Y. May 12, 1854. 4-.Cm Select English and Classical School. )OBERT G. ALLISON has opened in the Town of JLV Charlotte, a select English and Classical School, 1 in tlie Jrd story of Mr. Leroy Springs' New Building. TERMS : English Department, $10 per session of 5 months. Classical " $15 " " " " Oetober 13, 1554 12-tf I'siVEBSlTY OF NoitTH CAROLINA, I Chapel Hill, 1st June, 1854. J isein, Fmjl, jfradaated uttbi.s lititution ... -i G "tii" rutin ; t- in:-, - ll i ei tou o .:...nceu,ent in 18-7, and has Ire... that ,i con.-ti.ntly eng.iged in the in- llll If .. i .. n of truod mind, agreeable manners, :fi I! in : in u mora illation and ample experience, instruction, has been shown by s stbiiitV io u.i p o'lng men, win ore l ban 9Q Ve ir frejm lime tune, duiine a p 1 1 me, during a riod rs vc .me i :u nis ncnoois n a rtce, in si biah n ctory . vide nci o lifivci -itv. We r of bis has jf.a i and accurate tr D. ford i i : ' i ' g- L. S W A IN, President, JAMLS PHILLIPS, P lessor of Mathematics, .Sec. E. MITCHELL, Professor of CIk inistry. N OTICE is hereby given that the Firm of Spratt, Daniel & Co. has been dissolved by the mutual consent of the parties. All persons indebted to said Fiim are reepiested to call upon U. E. Spratt and set tle thtir accounts as he is authorized t.. close up the business. The business of the Firm will be continued under the name and style of Allison & Daniel, who tendering their acknowledgements, for past favors, respectfully ask of their old friends and customers a continuation of their patronage C. E. Spratt having associated himself with W. W. I Elms in the Grocery business, can always be found at their stand, 3 doors west ot the Public Square. SPRATT, DANIEL, eV CO. August 4, 1S54. 2tf Village Statesville, N. C. THIS well-known Establishment, situh ted ini- 5 3? iii ed lately north-west of the Courthouse, on the tii vLun street leadinir from oallstNirv to Morgan. ton, is now bi iug improved for the comfort ol the Trav. elinj.' public, and is always open to all. Close to ihe Courthouse in the bit-in ess part of town it also com mands a fine view o Concord Female College now in progress of erection on the same street. Thankful for the lib ral palragc hitherto enjoyed, I will use all honest efforts to merit its continuance in the future. J. F. BULL. July 21, 1854. 52. Gm Right Side Up. tMlARLES T. EBERIIARD &. CO., are still carrying ) on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at their old stand two door-- below "Parks & Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can be ob tained. 1LTA11 kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Eberhard. UTAH persons indebted for last year are requested to come and settle their accounts. VVc must have money. C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54. 36-tf Sponge, Sponge. FINE assortment of Bathing and Carriage Sponge just received al FISHER & HEIN1TSH. Oct 20 Charlotte Drag Store. Settle Up! tPHE Notes and Accounts of Edwrfrds &. Williamson 1 have been placed in my hands for collection. All persons indebted to t lciu are requesfed to settle up im mediately. JOAB P. SMITH. Sept. 22 1854 9tf Notice. , LL those indebted to the firms of Fox &, Orr and - Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. i u.rlM.te, March 14, 1854. 35-lf i HF. Notes and Accounts of the late firm oi MOSS, BFLL O. have be n placed in my hands for col lectiem and those indebted mi st not expect longer in dulgence, us it cannot be given. Itf JOAB P. SMITH. isrotioe iveii that application will be made at the aereby ; next sesfctdri of thf Legislature of this State lor a c Patter to incorporate a Company to work Mines in Meckienburg county ; also in Union eouiitv. THOMAS ANDREWS. Charlotte, 29th September, 1SJ4. 10-tt Lyon's Kathairon and Barry's Tricopherons. A Fres1' uPi,ly of these invalaablo hair tonics, for Aalc st FfSIIER & HEIXITSH, 0cs 99 Charlotte Drug Store. CONSUMPTION ! CONSUMpt,, ro-vsiTMPTrnv t,o ',uri'! or. ( I l , - DR. ROGER'S LIVERWORT, TR ivn, ALAGUA has rescued its multitudes from mm CSCi you ask lor the evidence THEN ('tiie t," AGENT, and ceta i-amnhlet: a newRI.. N 7u7 AGr-N 1 , and get a pamphlet; aewspspei . , m eoniuiu h. in me i amuuiet you will tmd wt l cases of individuals who were, in veiy deed i lna! the grave ; tor they were upon the very verge ( I ttJ up to die by our best Physicians and most ikusjiitja Prolessors, when the Liveiwoit and Tar camei 'kit cue, and delivered them back to their bier.ds a many of the cures seem almost incredible, yet 'i 1 ' iibscnre : we have smen their teal .,7.. T. W SaS place of reside! ce, so that they may be seea aid il' heard from their own n.muhs The se cures tire mi K orated by Physicians ai;d ProffSSOTS of Medicsii ' well known and are of the highest MatsJiag m ,,'r 'i Jaj have been compelled to yield io these stubborn far-t d" can dispute such ei idence. 't-uot, JKT H E CHALLENGE THE WHOLE ll((jiLr), To produce more real bona fide evidence, in anv co' ' tice, ihan we have in favor of this medicine 1! Ur,0 We defy the Physicians of every school, apj all ii u ciues thai have ever been invented, to prrdticc rtLfcif1 such n msikablc ewes at have been mode bv DB n ""at LIVERWORT, TAR aid CANCH ALAGfJA ftl WE CONFIDENTLY ASK THE AFFLICTS (Not to Purchase our Medicines,) But to examine our pamphlet, and see for thmsrlvfiii the evidence is as convincing as we say it is u 'br proves GREAT BLESSING TO YOU. ' " sj IP COSTS BUT LITTLE to GIVE it a Fajb, Tr Compared to what a Physician charges bt t Jj;;t i 1 paied to what you value your health ! action, BEWARE OF COUGHS AND COLDS; Recollect that couchs and colds are the fbrmsasssa i sumpiion.' Or. Kugei's tuve.wott, 1 ar and C, -i, t ...ii uiiun int. jjii'CI L. - i. li ; vvuifn or P . . ""urn hours' tune. Iii inanv cares t' vents' stunln cute has been ifitclid in a very sh'-it tune by stricth J mg the direct ions. We duel. t not bi t ihni there .o, THOUSANDS OF LIVING WITN F SSKS; Wlio Win'! Imvr .'.cm in ilx.ii 1 1 1 n . U L . this medieiue, ancsting late .. ... .. ... ... " mil nni the d;;ta;e befoic a CSBB) S, 55" Who are those who have certified to id. greatwhi ilns medicine ? You wilt find the names of such men asll " Judge Win. Biiike, late Pestmsster ot Cincinnati lor Z! than twenty years ; C IV. Staibnck, Esii.. Pionriint . ( Cu e nnuti D;id Times; Hon. John A. Collin, i,... i aid Liectorer of the lit aid Division of :L- Sen t 'I'. . !. - j i, . . .. ' t" m: BBS slice ui uoio; t jieny v s mnn, and the ottudii ft nician, Di ILK. Wilson, of Par ,', Ceilm co., Ohio; R Diake, Esq., Druggist of high stw ding, ol Xenis, Oj J HieroMinns and i;.s at el duu Ph SIC ail. W. W. I' m it Hollauifsbiirgh, Da.k- county, C-hto ; E. II. Taylor, Bn i( itor of the Greenville Patriot John Mebrnde, Esq., tsib K Leovitt, Es.j.. Dtaeons oi he Vine Street Cngieiniii CbuichtCmciunaii, thio. FROM MAJOR VAN BlREX, BROTHER OF MARTIN VAN BL R FN, EX-PHM DENT OF THE UNI TED STATES. Kirderbooa, N. Y.,Sept. 80tfa, 1C53 Mr. A. L. Sc.nill Deai S.i .- Havtag aceaaioa to una Expect rsnt and Couch Remedy last winter. 1 svssi Ttm inei ded by the Rev. Mr. Tdl'any, of ibis plnee, r(r Liverwort, Tat ind CsncbsHtaus ; I d d so, and iw4rai reatlv benetitu d bv it, and do lieurtily recoinmei d it t-A as a Cough Remedy. l- VAN BPREN Kiedetbook, N. Y., Sept. 20. fj I fully concur in the above statement. FRE1VK T. TIFFANY Rector of the Eri"CO al ChUICi, tir WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE for such men of so high standing to be LndueJed to dcn, the poor consumptive! fijr Be tine and ask for Dr. Roger's Liverwort, Ttttri Caiiclialagua, a. id It f no other be psIflHd upon yon. OT" For sale bv Ftshei .V Heiutirh Priiehaid A CiM. al ioae ' V" V; 1 '' of ! i , ,. , . ; IllCiM net 4 ,S , D ., Ilinjhv . Black. Concurl N.C. CW&' De 15I. 23 t.m TfiF GRE.V1 REMEDTi h(R RHEUMATISM. &i ram trn Si.;. f Pack. Liaebs stid Tiunti; t'rusk King's Evil, While , all fin d usuii whatevei irg, riai j : Qnie'rs, 1. 1; jeiru,oi lit ire this P'astei ... applied jain cannot e,x!t. It has been beneficial in cases ol weakness, atdiwlla Slid Weakness in th Btouusob, Wsb tuiiufas, lasssBss A fleet ion of the itinera in their primary Biases. Itstsaa mrlammation by pen i arion. James L. B.jd, Pickers district. Sostb Caioiiss, ttsai thai, by its use alone be v. as cured ul Rkuimauai j ait of his knees, of Several yesra stiu dnitr. 1 he following was handed us by a respects bk Plqacjaii Georgia : Messis. 8eovill & Meadi Oems: I have Keen wr.i ss Liverwort and Tar Hebre w Pbssier ssrjr saienshrel) ssj practice for thiee ea:s past, and it is with JcSSSM i;;i it! state my belief in ihe: i si.penonty oral nil other SttidhfM whicfa I am aopiaiuteu, tor the purpostS tui whieli ihijw recommende d. The Hebrew Ptaster, espceially, isia Is veisal Panacea for local pains. 1 have a!. t tuna it IBS excellent iocs I application for Spiaina ar.J Bu.iseE. bps universal satisfsction abereaei ts d. S. S. OSLIN, HJ The following commendation is from Bit Sftetil tCaslsl Tienton, Tt nuessec : J teuton, Gibson county, I enn., Nov. , H Messrs. Seovil ,v Mead Gentleman : '1 he Hebrew l' m is neeoinnur populsi tins si eiji '1 hen a !udv n m j county v. bo sis she WOl il lit be without tins PasMtst five hiindu d dodats a year. She was afflicted fell ssai-asl with an enlareemcnt of the spleen, which gavt bera faal ueal ot piltn. J fie swiJJirc and i-k,h in fVincnWl'l'1 to the armpit, aid occasional!? she could setsstb stsas She was eonfuu d toi a consufeisbie nine, duiint1 was attended by some oi our bi-ti physic ans, .bettli; n'l lit r no relic!, bne procured a lai.x oi tfe Ifebiiv. 1 ai.d it n:;eed her almost linnu a ate.y. I Ju m- forarns nt libeily to use as run ihii.k prorii il.rv aie nb:u;:i! i true. Kesieet I v, yours, Ac, jessi: j. wau C3T A VOICE FROM GEORGIA, jj Rer.d the following testimony from n Physicist Gentlemen Your He bin w Piaster has cmrd dm ''I of which 1 have siiflired lot twelve years past. Psiisj 'I period 1 labored under an aithetion of my loins and f.fl'i' tned many reinedie- ihsi my own medical txve'krct I iesie d. bul wiihoi I obtainnui re lie I. Ai !,i f. i st Kl f lastei, nt d am now by its aood iflects eatuehr tssA W recommend the Jew Dnv doi Hebrew Plssiei to stt stns euflermg from contiaciien ol the muscles, or intai.n.' ;'''J in the side ol back. Tin- people of Georgia have but w become t;r',t t"K ' its vtrsues when they will lesori to us use. y:is,tt M. W. WALK'EI , V Fois; ihe, Monioe : nty, ' ' To Messrs Sccvil d; Mead, New Otlcaus, I r. JEW DAVID'S OR HEBREW PLASTER IS JW"' CAROLINA. Missis. Scov l & McSd : I have brc:: trowbki chronic rheusBsikui i the- im iwlve vta.s. "' u July, 181tr, I as so bad ilmt I could not tun myall and the pain so seven tnat 1 bad not elepl iiavs. At tins time mv ai.ei.d.i.y nl.vsiciau prw"!" A lU I I, . ., i i , .? ' ' i k. ill. l iirucrw i ia;.'e:,, .11 u 11 aeti u IIKC a cnaenij " me, a .d I step i in.ie than ball ot the oieh. aid .1 I 1 was sun 10 nui imt. 1 cu -iuei me -ueu-en 1 .- best resoedy, toi ail .-oils ul nau.s, row :r. use. G. VV. Henderson vilie. If. AogOM 16, lt-5 . 9. . C . . . 1 . . 'I ll1 II v in:waie c;: coiun- r ens mna 1 iuin it DCr The geimine will m luinie have the tig'''!! .I... 1 1 1 t , I .U.IMIII 'U iavi.uk on me Keel plate enyravea laDei en mv -r hi L-S Purchasers & p cdvisf.d that a mean cousterlcrt a 1 1 cle is in existence. , I 'l'K 1.1 ....1.. 1 .1 1 r ."(.ntS'n I .. ' ..11:.. 1 is m mt uiiij ny u, 111 11 17 "" , m ed tbrtaighenil the Soi th and no pedlai is a1'1'" Dealers and par chasers generally are caotioflM l. nig of any but our regular agents, othei wise rii) l:(isf il ntiiiri uiihn v.. . . i 1 1 1 U- n r i k St 'l ) 1 1 - . , 113 Chartres St., New Ot leans, Sole Genersl coutnerii states, to whom all oidSffc 1111-1" - addressed. jiriC! Cr Sold also by Fisher & Heinitsh, Pritclura l- ,5(1 t. tiarloite ; l. t-. Henderson, Cincolnton ; 4 Monroe; A. R. Homesly, Shelby ; J. Fronebcrfiei i,n i . . c. iii r 1 iw r Asanas ; .uin;n' cv otocii, eoncoru, . qnj& December 22, 1851. I Zrr o. a. ur.Ki o . HERIOT & HOLMES. C, w m Ltftjftsi n v? KVi i-ii a i'tli SI MtfC No. 4 VENDEE RAW or., . j sr CHABLEsrO.. R EFKR ENCES ! ,ffe Sheperd, McCreery A- Co.. B. K Rhett, ,VT.n John Deas, T. S. efc T. G. Budd, Jpmcs Charleston. S. C. Janes Walker, Nashville, Tenn. Ihoi!ao S. Kennedy, l.uuieville, ny Nov 10, 154 300 Oz. Quinine. , T UST received 300 02. QUININE, srrH" J be sold low for casii :;t FISHER Sept 1 "" ... 1 K'D ALL KINDS OF PLAIN. FAMf NAMENTAL JOB PRINTING g AT TME "DEMOCRAT OFI 11 r ..ihuoK Drugstore r m