CMMIEB ATTRACT ION. THE INFANT" DRUMMER, AND THE AMERICAN MOCKING BIRD. -it" Iff, have the honor of appearing before the ladies an. I gentlemen of C harlotte, in tw o of '.heir tru ly chaste ami Unrivalled Entertainments, to be given at the COURT HOUSE, On FRIDA Y and SA TUR DA Y,the l&th and 17A of l(,ruary, 1835. "The American Mocking Bird,'' MASTER JAMES SINCLAIR BAKER, the wonderful Imitator of Birds, Ventriloquist, o calit, fcc, only twelve years of age. The Original and Far-tamed Infant Drummer," Maotcr BBSSOH A.ENCSIISB, aeil only five years. By Performance at balfyaal 2 and half-past 7 o'clock P. M. .... 111ITT A( i: -0 VlH. (. hildren i,ait price. Feb 16, 1 S3. .'(O-lt A. BETHUNE, No. 5, Sprin MOBS EaSl ' THE R CHARLOTTE BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. U. Fci. it;. SENNA FIGS. GREAT lf-i leratum in Families and to persons swSeriag tro:n habitual Constipation, being an agreeable and ellcieot Aperient, quite palatable, and It.-.- Horn those nauseous principles, which make it a nutter of so much dihVult) to administer medicine to Ciiliul KM. ol NIIC ill scaur & cos Drug tore. Kcb 16, IS 30- tt titrate o!" magnesia. il case of this celebrated refre: H I Mil iing A peri- by SCARR & CO. ; - 30-tf "rl ? -1 X J5.5 I ROM the subscriber, living in Steel Creek ;ettlement,a Bay FI LL Y, two years oM, with j ,. s:. ;" .. vli ,. hmd ft,, :ot.. aiie is D Any inform; fully received xp 'nse. Ft b Ir-. 183 ; i .wn lot her age. i . i nine said Filly will be thaalr- i run pematiaa madVfot trouble and i illfj R. POITS. Pittt i'le Post Cilice. :u-tf a: i ! i K I i ll i: i removed his Jewelry Store IV. to No. Johnston's Row, three doors South ol K ll " It .teL Keb i, in 30-tf THAT COMMISSION HOUSE OF TINLEY & HEREON'S, CHARLESTON, S C. T HE only house doing business in that city that ac tually had anv experience in Receiving and I' or- warding of Uoons previous to lae Boatn uaronna Kan roail umttiaa the baaiw ss in July last, is still open for the RECEIVING and I OR W A R Dtl NG of all kinds o-f (. ids, Vti-rt-s, itlereuanuise, Machinery, rroancc, a.c. ll (nu witui ye ii j ' lorwarded wttboutthe vexa ti.tu I'e'ays an ! euorui :is ex pens..- hil.s paid the la--t -.ion, auj Hi the same time have your business done n suck a maaaei that luaataody will be made respon- .or the damaged and !t)-t aackass, cousien them o. I'iM.KV k HERRON. who have Keeetveuaad lor- ) ., a ho have Keceiveti aod For- I a!,!- d .ill C iisitiieu to iiiem uiiiing e past . . -i i . . i . seat. ii witbontaay extra charge ovei those establish- j ,-, rat.- given below, and up to tins tune l.ave not eucount'red a solitary complaint. Oui Mr. Her rou ..;.- Clerk of the Receiving and For r aiding I. partment of the South Carolina Railroad for the past seven yeaas, aad is perfectly familiar with all their books, ireigiit tariils ami rules of shipment, both by railroads and vessels, together with the mode of jtrocedare lo secare damages and pay lor lost articles otber parties, the proper steps ot which will be taken in all such cases without loss or delay to the owners. Another important advantage is that his thorough knowledge el all freights and rales of ship men!, enables him instantly to detect aad correct any overcharge in the bills of lading, which in all eases has to be do at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many lasvances greauj ucumug nreuniiniii - rharg. H ! acclisnatt city, thereK Inlly .lis. !,.,. is a's.t raised in Charleston, is perfect- ami tree I rota iae contagion oi inai wi: will under all circumstances faith- any business entrusted to us. suchss Wheat, Flour, Corn, Corn Meal Allp i'a. m, Lard, butter, I -j'Z- otton, iice, Rye, iiats, Hay, Tobacco, Woo . Feathers, Beeswax, Potatoes, Onions, Sir., consigned to us, will be promptly sold am! proceeds returned, without keeping the money a lfw months to speculate upon ; for we wish it distinct ly understood lhaf we engage in no speculation or hat -rri r. all that we want is our commission, as follows : F ti Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packa ges of uoo !, lo cent; lare packages of fimiturc and maehinciy, charges according ti responsibility. Iron an i steel in loose bars. 10 cents per hundred .bs , an.! !.trab"e t'ur advancing freights, and charges 2 art epiit, which yti fan save by depositing the money with us, lor selling produce 2 pei eont. We wit I also ill all ttrders iii this' market, making the best se I. ct.ons lor our patrons, at 5 per cent. TINLEY vv NEK RON. Charleston, S. C, Jan. 1., 1355. Vv .- beg leave to reier to the following gentlemen: Thorn. s W. A'kin, Maj.M.M Gaines, Asbe v.lle. N. C. !". 1. Gates, I t. Rroadway, New Vork. Col. James Gadsln, harlestoa John i . : Iwell, President of S. t Thus. Waring, Auditor M '; Railroad. M it and J. S. .v L. Bowie h Job i King, Ag ut Hyatt, McUarnei , X "o., I h irlesi ui. W . i;. A. Ramsey, S. cretary of ale. A. R. Cro- r. Cttn p! Icrol Preasuiy, and M. M. Swan, Nash- ri! . t French vV t an r.pps, and .1. .'. Bryant, f battanooga, j ei nessee. J A. Tipton, ll Irnad Agent, and merchants gene. rally, Louden, Tenn. N. ; imitmn ft Sou. T. J. Ac C. Powell, and Craig headG Pea lerick, Knoxvilbt, Ter.n. H. & i". Hani-. In man i Hamilton, Bra;n;er c Mitche I. Faius fc K:: l. Danbridge, Tenn. Feb 1 1 ;o-i- CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. (LATE FISHER t II El N ITS U.) Cll Hi LOTTK, X. C. J ESPECTFULLY inform the inhabitants of Char i lotteand vicinity, that they have just received a fresh supply of MEDICINES, which are offered with eonfidi nee to Ibeir approval, regard having been paid more to the purity a:.d strength of the Drugs, than to the price. A full stick of the various Proprietary Me. licines constantly on hand. Brandy; Port, Sherry, Madeira and Malaga Wines, selected for Medicinal purposes. Paints, Varnishes, Fluid, Camphene, he. Landretli's Garden Seeds. Feb 16, ISoj. aO-tf Laudretli's Celebrated Harden Seeds. LARGE and Fresh supply of thes long no'ed i V Seeds including Early York. Large York, Drum- lieav.. Savoy, and Flat Dutch Cabbage. Cauliiower f f!ro:'7!,o Sd!sil"y -gb' Plant, Okra, Carot, Turnip. R Radish, Beet, ,vc. Also, ucf-ts Valentino Bunch, China do., 6 Weeks do.. Royal Dwarf do., Karly Yellow do. -"J r.auy 1 rame, r.ariy lharltoiwL L.ifarK:Wiat' a!"' Bishop's Prolific. ONTO? o c 1 1113 just received at BUAKK A CD'S. ITrrto. Sor, I-ate Fisher vVc Heinitslt.") Feb 9 State of North Carolina, MRCKI.EN HIH(f CDUXTV. Court of Pleas nod Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. W. W. Elm, 1 vs. Original Attachment. J. K. Cunningham, j IT appearing io the satisfaction of the Court that J. K. Cunningham is not a resident of this State, hut icid-s beyond the limits of the same: It i therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks m the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said J. K. Cunningham to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the-County of Mecklenburg at the Courthouse in Char lotte on the 4th Monday in April next, and plead, an swer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness V. K. Rt id. Clerk of our said Court, at office the tlh Monday in January, A. 1. 1855, and in the 79th real of American Independence. 2fJ(Pr's. fec$G ) W. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MfcCKLENHURG Cul'NTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 155. W. W. EJma, 1 Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. S IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident o( this State or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the Con rt that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the s:id Thomas Andrews to be and ap pear at the next term of tills Court to be held for the County of Mecklenburg at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against hi in. Witness W. K. Rt id," Cierk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, A.D. 1855, and the 79th year of American dependence. 29(Prs. fee $6.) VV. K. REIO, c. c. c. state of North Carolina. MIXKI.KMM l.i; COUNTY. I Court of Pleas ai.d Quarter Sessions, January T.rm, 1995. ; W. W. Elm, I j Thomas Andrews, i-Original Attachment. I l. M. Hughes, Wm. ! A. Shepard It others J ! IT anocariaa to the sai -fiction tf the urt thut Shepard i I Thomas Andrews. D. M. Hughes, Win. A ;.d others, defendants, are not residents of this State, or so conecal the inspires that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them: It is therefore ordered that publication be made for u weeks in the Western 1 1 IIIOCraL, a newPlfapcr tl unci in lhu tun u oi v uai toiie, for the s;.id defendants lo be and ppear at the next leriu of tliis Court to be held lor the County of Meck lenburg at the "ourthonsc in 'bar lot te, on the 4th Mon day in April next, and plear, answer or demar, or judg ment pro eonti s will betakiii against them. Witness VV. K. Reid, Clerk of oar said Court, at office inCharl t e, the 4th Monday of Janaary, 15455, and the 70th year of American Independence. L9(IVs. fee $6.) W. K REID, c c. c. Stale of North Carolina. MfcCKLLXttl KO COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January 'ft i m, 1 855. Jo'.m E. Penman, J vs. I W m. A. SheparJ. 3 Original Attachment. J T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court tint Win, 1 A. Shepard is not a resident of tins S'ate or so con ceals himself that the or-Jiiiary process of law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered by the Court tbal publication be made for six weeks in the Western Drra .crat, a newspaper prii ted in the town of Charlotte, !or the said Win. A. Shepard to be and appear at the next term of thii Court lube held for the County of Mecklenburg, a! tl"' C ourthouse in Charlotte, on the tth Monday of April in it, and plead, answer or demur, or judgiu'.-hl proconCesso will be taken Bgainsthim. Hues . i. ! Ht, t rk of our said Court, ;:t ifli'e in ( hariotte. the lih Monday o; January. A. I). l6o;. liint in toe i9th year ol American tuuependsncc. J:!, t' s. fco 80 ) VV. Iv. REID, c. c. State of North Carolina. MECKLENBURG COUM IV. Cnuit of Pleas and tiuarlor Sessions, January Term, lfe55. John E. Penman, i vs. V Original Attachment. Wm. A. Shepard. IT appearing to tuc satisfaction of the Court that Wm. A. Shepard is not a resident of this State or so con. eeals himself that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered that publication he made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a news, iciper pnblisbed in the town of Chailottc, lor the said Wm. A. Shepard to be and appear at the next term ol this Court, to !e held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the I ourthonsc in Charlotte, on the 1th Monday ol April. next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our Conrt, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and in the ?9th year of American Independence. 29(PrV fi-e'iSG.) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MKCKLKN BURG COUNTY. Court of Pleas nud Quarter Sessions, Jtuuary Term, 155. V. V. Elms, i vs. Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. V, IT appearing to the ratisfaetion of the Court that Thomas Andrews is n it a resident of this State or so conceals himself thai tin ordinary process of law can not In; served on him : It i. therefore ordered that pub lication he made for six week, in the Western Democrat, n newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said Thomas Andrews to he and appear at the next i . in ol' this Court to be hold for the county of Meck lenbnrg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the lti Monday of April next, ami plead, answer or demur, or jiidirmtut pro eonfes;o will be taken sgsinsl him. Witm ss V. K. Reid, Cl rk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, tin? 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and in the 7-t'i year of' American Independence. ?9(Pr's. Ire 6.) W-. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. EUKLKKBUKC 1 LTM V. uurl of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. John S. Means, I vs. S Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews, y IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this State or so i inoeala himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served on him: It is therefore srdcred t!at publi cation be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for t he said Thomas Andrews to he and appear at the next term of this Court to he held tor the county of Mecklen burg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4lh Men day of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or jodg Micnt pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. K. Ileid, Clerk of our said Court, t office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. 1). I800, nd in the "S'tli year of American Independence. 29(l-. fee $6.) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MKCKLESBl'Kt; COCNTT. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1S53. Drucker & Sommers, jorigi vs. Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. I 1 appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that 1 Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this State or so conceals himself that theordinaiy process ot law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered that publication be made far six weeks in the Western De mocrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, lor Ce said Thomas Andrew to be and appe r at the nxt term of this Court to be held for the county of Mecklenburg at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of April next, am. plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness V . iv. Ken!, Clerk of our said Court, at Xce in Charlotte, the 4th Monday ot January, A. D. 180. and in the 79th year of American Independence. A RELIABLE MEDICINE. THE CELEBRATED mi&mm wmn, A Purely Vesetcblc Preparation, AND A SOVERIGN REMEDY FOR THESE BITTERS are pure! ,' a Vegetable Compound, and are offered to the iu');c under the fullest con viction that they will be found a safe and sovereign j Remedy for Dyspepsia. They have been triumphantly tested not only by nu merous families and physicians in the South, who have furnished ample testimony as to their decided ex cellence, but also by the Proprietor, who for ten years, suffered all the gloom incident to that ; t.ihborn and distressing disease. EXTRACT "I do hereby certify that I have known and used your celebrated compound COLLETON BITTERS in my family for more than fifteen years, and I do verily believe it to be one of the most valuable Family and Plantation Medicines in use, having witnessed their beneficial effects in so many instances, that with truth it may be affirmed they well deserve the high enco niums which they have received from the afflicted who have partaken of their invigorating and health resto ring properties. Signed, CHARLES G. CAPERS, Planter, St. Helena, S. (J. Tlte undersigned, sole agents for the above Medi cines, take pleasure in stating that they are intimate ly acquainted with tho manufacture of the " Colleton Bitters," hence they do not hesitate to commend the article, as possessing rare virtues, and well calculated to afford relief in Di'SPEPSIA AND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. Retail price, 50 cents a Bottle ! For which sum an incalculable amount of suffering may be arrested. The trade will bo supplied on libe ral terms. HAV1LAND, HA URAL & CO , Druggists, Charleston, S. C. U This Medicine can be obtained of Scarr & Co., Charlotte, Reid & (irier, Fullwood, and other respecta ble l)ru""ists and Merchants throughout the State. Feb 16, 1 S 7 .7 . 30-1 y Fresh Supply Ju? t Received, V LCOHOL, Burning Fluid, Cumphene, N o. 1 , Turpentine, Linseed Oil, (N. C.) For Sale at SCARR cV CO'S., Feb 9 29 Charlotte Drugstore,. M y Notes and Accounts having been placed in the .Al hands of S. W. Da vis, Esq., lor collection, those who are indebted time individually, or as one of the old linn of Steeled at llnrty, are respectfully request ed to make settlement by April Court, if not sooner. A. C. STEELE. F. I.. 2, ltc;. 28-tt State of North Carolina. M E C K I K NBURG COU N T Y . of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Court i rm, lr:i);) ;. W. Ca dwell, dwell, 1 (Or ndrews. vs. linal Attachment. Thomas Ai IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that 1 Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this State or so conceals himself that the oidinary process of law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Western De mocrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said Thomas Andrews to be and appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in April next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. W itness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A.D. IS".', ami in the 79th year of American Independence. 2J(Pr s. fee $6 ) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. UNION COUNTY. Court of Plea und Quarter Sessions January Term, 1855. W. W. Clms 1 vs. 'Original Attachments. TiiO. Andrews. 3 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Thos. Andrews is not a resident of this State, or so conceals him self that the ordinary process 01 law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered by the Com; that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, for the said Thomas Andrews to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held lor the county ol Union at the Court house m Monroe, on the first Monday in April next, and plead, an swer or demur, or judgment, pro confesso, will he taken aaiiiL-t him. Witness, J. M. Siewart, Clerk of Union county court, at office, in Monroe, the Grst Monday ol January, A. D. 1855, and the 79th vearof American Independence. 27 G.v J. M. STEWART, c. u. c. c (Printer's fee (J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. UKIOFJ COtTIfTY. Court of I'leas and (Juartci Sessions, January Term., 1655. J. M- Stewart, vs. Danae Hayes. 3 Original Attachment. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Daniel Hayes is not a res dent ol this State, or so eoneials himself (hat the ordinary process ol law cannot be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the court, that publication bo made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, for the said Daniel Hays to appear at ihe next term of ibis Court, to lie held for th' County of Union, at the Courthouse in Monroe, on the first Monday in April next, and plead, answer or demur, or jud ;ment, pro confesso, will he taken against him. Witness, J. M. Stewart, Clerk of Union county Court, at ollice, in .Monroe, the fu st Monday of January. A. D. 185.r, mid the 79th year of American Independence. J. M. STEWART, c. u. c. c. (Printer's fee, $6.) 27-Gvv State of North Carolia. UNION COUNTY. Court of I'leas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855 Wm, H. Uarrill and wife Levincy rs J-Petition for Partition of Land. William is. Osborne j and others. J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John Wdhams, Alexander Vick and wife Caroline, defendants in this petition, reside beyond the limits ot this State ; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication he made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, notifying the said John Williams, Alexander Vick and wife Caroline peisonally to he anil appear at the next term ol this Court, to be held for the County ol Union at the Courthouse, in Monroe, 011 the 1st Monday of April next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to this petition, otherw se the allegations therein contained will be taken pro confesso and the petition heard exparto as to tin no. Witness, J. M. Stewart, Clerk of Union county Court, at ollice, in Monroe, the 1st Monday of January, A. I). 155, and 111 1 lie 7;'th vear of American Independence. x!7 tit J. AI. STEWART, c u. c. c. (Printer's fee 86) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. UNION COUNTY. Court of 1'1-ax and Quart, r Srssions, January Term, lb'05. W. W. Elms, ) v-. Original Attachment. Thos. II. Kimbal. ) IT apptaring to the satisfaction of the Court, that Thos. II Kimbal is not a resident of this Stare, er so conceals himself that ihe ordinary process ot law cannot be served on him : 1 is lliorefore oulertd by the cou't, that publication be made lor six weeks in the Western liemocsat, lor the said Thomas II. Kimbal to appear at the next term of .this Court to be held lor the county of Union, at the Courthouse III Monroe, on thciirst Monday in April next, and plead, an swer or demur, or judgment, pic confesso, will be taken against him. Witness. J. M. Stewart, Cierk ol Union county Court, at office, in Monroe, the first Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and the 79th vtar ol American Independence. J. M. sITE WART, c. c. e, c Printer's fee, $C 27:6w $100 Reward It' ILL be given for the detection and apprehension of 1 1 persons who have placed obstructions on the track of the North Carolina Railroad. Obstructions have been 'ately found on the track of this Road, three miles east of Charlotte and n ine miles east of Charlotte. THF.ODOKF. e. OAKNETT. Jan 1 1 , 19'." ''t viperiidendai.t. LOOK AT THIS SIMPLE WORD CLOTHING! 4 ND yet, simple as it is, you hear a great cry msde A over CLOTHING ! You take up the papeis and almost the first word you see is CLOTHING!! Yon stroll over the city and you will see shall sam ples of ? A little here, a little there, And noassoitment anywhere; Until you get to FI LLI. & CO.'s where every one runs to get GOOD CLOTHES! And why do they run there ? Simpky because they can get CLOTHING Hetter ade, MOKK F A N II I O X A B L C, AND AT LESS 3PX,XC2IE2fi ttia a"y House in North Carolina. We make a business of it manufacture our own floods, and every article sold by us is WAK RANTKD, or money returned. "Competition is the Life of Trade," And we are bourtd to keep the Largest and Most Fashionable (A 11 IN THE STATE. We have a full stock of Childrens, Youths', and Boys' dolliin. at low prices. Also, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Til t'Jw'HS, WAIICm$, CJiMt PET B.lCiS, UMBRELLAS, CANES, Iorle-J?Ionai8, Pen and, Pocket Knives', HAIR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, Sic, &c, &c, all of which will be freely shown and prices given, At the Emporium of Fashion, BY FULLINGS & CO. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 23, 1854. 18tf . rfK BBLS. Northern Mercer and Pink Eye POTA- 0 TOES. 100 Boxes Cheese. Also a few bbls. very fine Onions, just received and for sale by ELMS & SPiJATT. Jan 20, 1S55 27-2v Notice. rpHF. Notes and accounts of A. L. Williamson having A been placed in my hands tor collection, all persons indebted to him are requested to come forward and settle. Jan 26. 1855. R. B. HARRY. To Whom it may Concern. AT E, the subscribers, respectfully notify our Friends and Patrons, that after the I st January, 1855, we decline he Forwarding of Ooods unless the money is sent in advance to pay expenses. ELMS & JOHNSTON. Jan. 19 1 m Notice. AV1NG bought the entire interest of Mr. George B i rgiiKin in the Store of Bargman & Ahrens, togeth 11 er with all debts due to the firm since October 1, 1854. I would most respectfully s .licit u call from my friends and the public generally. The business will be now conducted under the firm of AHRENS &. HAND, ad joining the Court-House, w here a full assortment of Goods will always be kept. J. C. HAND. January 1st, 1855. 24-tf JUST RECEIVED, ATS and CAPS on consignment, at Boone's Boot and Shoe Emporium. Dec 29, 1854 23tf 11 WILKINSON'S DAGUERREIAN GALLERY. subscriber having pi r.nanently located in Char lotte, respectfully invites the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen to his superiol and would respectfully say that he is now taking Da guerreotypes upon an improved plan, which will not onlv add to the BEAUTY AID ELEGANCE of the Picture, but will render it DURABLE AND BRILLIANT FOR AGES. He would also respectfully invitG strangers visiting Charlotte to call and examine his specimens, as he is determined they shall compare favorably with any that can be taken North or South, CP" Rooms, Third Story, Granite Range, immediately over Trotter & Son's Jewelry Store. Instructions, thorough and practical, given in t iiis beautiful art, and all materials furnished. NEAL WILKINSON, Janaary 2G, 1855. 27-tf State of North Carolina, IREDKLL COrNTY. Court of ricas A- Quarter Scasions, Novr Term, 1854. Jesse Cornelius, administrator nf .Tnlin ' I ' 1 1 1 1 . ii i .qiiyi . fJe.J I Petition for sale of Land. - I j - , Andrew Thorn pson, John Da- j v'tdson fc wife Elizabeth. J It appearing to the satisfaction of the Courf, that John Thompson, James Thompson, Latimore and wife, Letty and Christopher Thompson, heirs at law of the said John Thompson, deceased, reside beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered and decreed, that publication be made in the Western Democrat, a news paper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying said defendants lo he and appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the county of Ire dell, at tin Courf House in Statesville, on the 3rd Mon day of February next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to plaintiff's petition, or it will be heard cx partc and judgment pro confesso taken against them. Witness, M. F. Freeland, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the 3rd Monday of November, A . D., 1854, and in the 79th year of our Independence. M. F. FREELAND, Clerk. (Printer's fee, SC.) 25 6,v STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. UNION COUNTY. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1835. W. W. Elms i vs. Original Attachments. W. A. Sbeperd. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W. A. Shepherd is not a resident of tins State, or so conceals him self that the ordinary process ol law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Demociat, lor the siid W. A. Shepherd to appear at die next lerm of this court, to be held for the county of Union, at the Court house, in Monroe, on the first Monday in April next, and plead, an swer or demur, or judgment, pro confesso, will be taken against him. Witness, J. M. Srpwcrt, Clerk of Union county Court, at offii-.-, in Monroe, the tirst Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and the 79lh y ar ol American Independence. J. M. STEWART, c. vc c. .Printer's fi c, 86. J S7:ow KOT1CE. A17E, the undesigned Commissioners, appointed by V the County Court ot Mccklcnbnra Coimtv. to contract lor the construction ,f Ol'T-HCiLDINGS in ! th Jail yard in the town of Charlotte, will receive bids up to the 2 nil of Ft bruiry, for the building of a brick Kitchen and Smokc-House, a wooden Stable, and othr rcpairs about the vjrd, according to the following speci fications, to wit: The Kitchen to be 40 feet lon- by 20 ! wide, one story, 12 feet high in the clear; the Si.i.Tkcr House to be built of brick, 16 f et squ ire. For iurther particulars in relation these, the Burr., and other re pairs, anplv at the Pet Office. T, N- ALEXANDER. R. II. BKAWLEY, F. M. ROSS. F.b. 2: 1?55. 2?-:j .v - -) Oi the nm A approved form 'ir Kale z this LMV. ELIAS & COHEN WISH to inform their numerous Friends, Patrons, and the community at large, that ll care now recti leg THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED EVER BROUGHT T THM MARKET. It is acknowledged by ALL who have examined Oca Stock, to be the BEST SELECTED and LARGEST ever purchased hy one firm for one season's trade ; and Being bought Cheap he SOLD so, much LOW -BR than we have ever offered tbein yet. Our stock of CLOTHING, DRY - GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES ANO HATS, ARE PARTICULARLY HEAVY, INCLUDING A RICH ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cloaks, Mantillas, Dress and Cloak Trimmings. Ribbons, Embroideries & Lac, with a full supply of OMSSTSd SIM, fMSiaiiSBHBaiW, fcC, suitable for this market. IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, will be found everything a gentleman requires, including Coder Garments of every description, SHIRTS DRA WERS, CRAVATS, COLLARS, STOCKS, 11 ANDKERCHIEES, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, V ALICES. CARPET BAGS, Ac, &c. Ills impossible to eive any idea of our Immense Stock by an advertisement, but we can biiow to those that 1 ... , . ...I .u nupivBBT SA WKST SKT.RCTED SUPPLY OF Will lavor US Willi u e;i u, un uuncu v ool, Itradv ITIadt Clollimg, H.Vl" CAPS, BONNETS, SADDLERY, I1 Guns, Pistols, and ancy Articles, that can be seen in the State. Oar arrange meats are such that we intend keeping a JuJl assortment ohrars on hand. Country Merchants are invited to examine our GOODS and PRICES. Wc will fell to them lower than they c;in buy in Charleston. Call at No. 2 Granite Row, and Look at the EARGAINS. EL.1AS & ( OHi: ITT" All kinds of Produce purchised for which wc will pay the highest market prices. November 3, 1854. 15tf Wait for the Waggons! ' HAT F'OR ? say you. Well, wo will tell ynu. It is because JENKINS &, TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C, just opposite the Bank ol Charlotte, where can be found the largest, chc.-ipest and best stock of ever offered in North Carolina, all ot which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regulir assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT iiGiMEiia m 3$ with which we challenge the world to produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Churches, Stortp, Parlors, Bcd-roomp, &c, &c. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " wait for the waggons.1 D is because we have three waggons constantly running thron&rh the country with St ives and will deliver them within 50 milcsof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by us will he put up free of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as wc have told yon about the Stoves wc will say to you, that we have all kinds of Britlania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, dj-c, constantly on hand. KF" All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly alien ded lo by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33-tf TO OliR PATyRO.NS. E are now receiving our FALL and WINTER mbracmg every article of Ladies' and Gentlemen's BUSS . to which we invite attention. Wo are determined not to be undersold by any house, jand promise thai our STYLES and QUALITY shall equal any in this mar ket. We invite particular attention to our stock of Ladies' OloaKs, iWoxitillxst, ISS,.1ISS, (New Style.) Our selection of Ladies' DRESS GOODS is beautiful as will be seen when you call. Our Embroideries, HOSIERY , GLOVES, RIBBONS, etc., are all of the best manufacture. TO FARMERS, we ask a call, as our stock of Ne gro KERSEYS, BLANKETS, SHOES. &c.,;will show for itself. ALLISON & 3ANIEL. Charlotte, Sept. 29, 1854 4m Blacksmithing. DxLANE & CARPENTER have formed a co c,.. ,.r : n.. xi in ui n ji i f iui niu puifuai; Ul uai ij uir mi llir 3Qp Blacksmithing business in this town, at the stand lately occupied by Wcarn & Collins. They areprepured to do all work i:i their line in the best manner, as cheap us can be dono elsewhere, and punctually 'at the line promised. ALVIN DrLANE. WM. F. CARPENTER. January G, 1856. 24tf RESPECTFULLY informs his friends nnd the public generally, that he carries on the Tailor ing Business, and is prepared to execute or- oers in the neatest and most fashionable stye. Garments will be made to order, in strict conformity with the present prevailing fishions and styles of the day. Warrants his work to fit, and well made. Simp in No. 4, Springs' Building, Robinson's old stand. Charlotte, Feb 2 28lf" Notice. LL A wi LL persons indebted to mc bv Accounts or othcr- isc, arc requested lo call at my office and settle the same as early as possible. P. C. CALDWELL. Jan. 12, 1855. 5w Sharon Female Academy THE undersigned, Trustees of the above Institution, beg leave lo announce to the public that the Exer cises of the same will be opened, on Monday, the ICth instant, with the services of Miss Eliza Phabr, whose celebrity as a Teacher places her far above the reach of criticism wherever she has taught. She teaches, besides Latin and French, all the different branches of English Literature, and charges only three grades of tuition, viz : five, eight, and ten dollai ; per session. Boarding can be had at good houses in the neighbor hood, and convenient to the Academy, at 6 per mouth. JOSEPH W. ROSS, LORENZO HUNTER. WILLIAM It! ED. Jan 19, 1855. SCw3 To Country Merchants. TTK have opened and are constantly receiving large YV supplies of Dry Goods, Hardware, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, which we offer to purchasers on the most reasonable terms. To country Merchants we would say, that no concern in the State is better prepared to sell them Goods than we are, and ask a call from them before making theii Spring purchases. BR EM & STEELE. Jan 19, 1855 2C-4w Ready-Made Clothing. LARGE and splended arsortrneiit of Ready-made Clothing, to he had low for cash, at Oct 2J tf DAVIDSON dt MOSS. A .Lttaolimeiits TOR SALE AT THIS FFtOE. - Hardware, CJroeerie,, Boots, Slioe, CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, "Hard Times cornea Knocking at tho Door." A little money noie and then, Is wanted by the richest meD." CfOL'RT Week is now at hand a great time for set tlements. We have a good many promises out, and nothing in to redeem them with. Come, gentlemen, let us have a lift. Seriousty, we want money who'll be the first clever fellow to oblige us 7 P&1TCHARO & CALDWELL. No. 3, Granite How. Jan. 19, 1855 88tf Dissolution. THE Firm of Bill AN & THOMPSON was dissolved I on the 3rd instant, by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to come orwaid immediately and make payment as the business of the concern must be closed at un eaily day. JAMES BRIAN. Jan. 12, 1855. J. N. THOMPSON. N. B. The undersigned will continue to carry on the Grocery Business at the old stand. JAMES BRIAN. Jan. 12, 1855 2l-7w. n i n ft, A FOR ST. VALENTINE'S DAY, 14th February. T,HE subscribers Imvc just received their new Stock of VALEN TINES and ENVELOPES for the 14ih of February, 1855. The Valentines arc from New Dr. signs, different from last year's style and for elegance nnd artist ical finish are superior to any before nltVred. Orders will be filled, and promptly forwarded by muil in any quantity nt the following prices, viz : Marks. Prick Each. A . --- 20 Patterns, ... 8 cants. B ... 15 ' - . - 12 C .... 12 " - - - 25 1) ... 24 M ... 37 " . . . 24 ... 50 ' F .... 10 - ... 75 " C . . . 6 - - 91 .00 II .... 6 " . - 1 50 I ... 4 " . . 200 J .... 3 - . 3.00 K - - - 1 " - . 5.00 L Cards, - - S - - 08 ODSO0 TAltKHTHHtl, EVERY VARIETY. At 25 centii p;-r dozen. .. 3a u .. 50 " " " LOWR1E A. KNNISS. Book Ssi.i.krs ami Stationkrs, Jantnry 2, 1855. CJiutl itle.X C. Money Wankd. THE Notes and Accounts due the late firms of Spratf , Daniel At Co. and Sprat t & Allison are in my hands for collection. Those indebted will please come tor ward without delay and pay their dues. J. P. SMITH, Agent Dec 29, 1854 3m Leather, Leather, Leather. lOO SIDES Hemlock Sole Leather. SO Baltimore White Oak, Band and Sole Leathery just received a ROONE S BOOT and SHOE E MPORIUM. Dec 2tt, 1851 23tf Cheese. DAVIDSON & MOSS have just received 25 BOXES of English Dairy CHEESE, low for cash. Oct 2 1, 1854 ntf LAND FOR SALE. fPHE subscriber offers for sale (privately nutii Tues J day of May Court, and if not sold by that time will be exposed on that day lo public sale at the Court floiisn in Charlotte) THREE TRACTS OF LAND, lying about five miles .rom Charlotte, on the Lawyer's road, on'j containing 259 acres, one 70 acres, and the other 53 acres. The trac ts oil join, and will be sold together, if necessary. They are well watered, and lying on tlfc head waters of McAlpin's Creek, and is well adapted to the raising of Cotton, Corn. Wheat, and in fact any ciop that a farmer would desire to cultivate. On the 250 acre tract is a well of good water, that never fails, 2 lots for drovers, a good orchard, and a good dwelling and other out-houscs and or. the 70 acre tract is a dwelling 1CJ by lyj feet. About 100 acres hus been in cultivation, nnd is in good repair, the balance is woodland, and 100 acres is as well timbered tis car. be found. On the premises is about twelve acres of excellent meadow land, and some as good bottom land as can be found in any sec lion. Terms will be mnde to suit the purchaser, if pos sible. Any person wishing to purchasecan call on Mr. Taylor, on the premises, who will show The lands, or on the subscriber, in Charlotte. JAMES W. WILSON. Jan 2C, 1854. 27tf New Confectionary and Bakery. J. 6c E. LONERGAN TAKE pleasure in announcing to their friends and the public that they have just opened in the Houe on Main street, 2 doors east of the American Hotel, a Bak ry and Confectionary Estab ishment. Having secured th services of an experienced Baker and thorough workman, they are prepared to furnish Bread, fake and every thing in their line of tho most superior description. Th y have just opened An Ecatentire Variety rf AMD ALL KINDS CF CANDIES. TOYS F.l.YCY ARTICLES of every J,rriptin, And indeed every thing usu.llv found in their line. If a to please, and reasonable terms, wi.I in. sure patronage they are determined to have it. J. fc R. LONERliAN. January 25, 1853. 27-tf N. B 1 have sold my interest in the Grorrry to J. Lonergan, All persons indebted to the firm nre , earnestly requested to sett la, m longer iadajganee can- not be "iven. E. LONERGAN. Jar.. 2 155

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