. - jg gjBBggjjagBBBBBBaaaBBBBB PUBLISHED WEEKLY. J A FAMILY PAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATIRE, AGRICULTURE; MANUFACTURES, MINING, AND NEWS. PRICE $2 PER YEAR In Advance. - ,. - ,.- -,.',.,: aw - -" ROBERT P. WHIM, EiiUr " (jf IffltWr Sifftlttrt 05 tFjF SUlom, bttf OHf 115 RUFL S M. HEBRON, Publisher. VOL. 3. CHARLOTTE, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1855. JVO- 33. Jotisiiuss iCnriis. &r. a. v. washg, ittornty at JLau?, fMc in I. ; icrgatCs Duck Building, Ind floor. CHARLOTTE, If. C. THOMAS TROTTER & SON HAVE turn opened a splendid stock of WATCHES and TeWELRT, SILVER A: PLATED WARE, j and FANCY GOODS of all kinds. 03 No. 5, tiran itc Row. Oct. 27. I8S4. 14tf J. 3. F. BOONE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN sole i.r.tTiirn. .. ski.vs, LINING ANI BINDING SKINS, SHOE TOOLS OF RVERY DESCRIPTION, Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 20, IS") I. ly ELMS &. JOHNSON. Forwarding and voni mission Merchants. NO. 10 VENDUE RANGE, it K it rrotf s. :. W. IV. KLMS. C. JOHNSON. June '-.I. 'o. 4-?tf. R. HAMILTON, ('OH VI I HA Jl E IS I'll A N T, i '. .cr R .';! -slava and ttmmrel Stmts, COLUMBIA, S. C I hi 11 1 v '.'.uKaTx st:;i;li;, i:olosnlo rft? XI ru :o u u :a A rf i n it 4J B l RA!K STREET. N'Hi.y OppOkite 111 nS ."V S;.;;il!' t.'."iC ry . CHARLOTTE, N. C. ! p 1 r 20tf RIIETT & ROBSOIV, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ,Yj. 1 and 2 Alluatic U'hatf, CHARLESTON, 8. C. ! e" I.iU-tiI advances ana'e ria Conwgaanit. r .S,. -1 . 1 attention givea br4be sale of h l.-ur. Corn. FA.p . :; : :tjn r ! Mg "vp rienCC ill tl. buj.lics, We fee' . u. l it 't tf.viiijr satiiefaetiosi. M rch !7. lira I. 3-J ly Dry Goo-ls in Charleston, So. Ca. BROWunc! x s.i: vv IMPORTERS OF URY GOODS, N . '.' mui 11 Kin J street, i-iifirr t Market Street. CHARLESTON, B. I. Pl-ntita V ..i!en. Blanket, & Carp-tings and Cut Lain Miturial-.Siika.ind Kieh Lr.-ss G h. Cloaks, .11. nit II a iMtt s.'i.il. Ti nut "ali. One Price Onlj. March 17, IKii 34-ly BY JENNINGS B. KERR. hitrlottc, JT. C mi r.v 29 ISV1. 28tf WINDOW SHADES, I V I liOODS, fllATKASSKS 3?apor Uansings, at c :i y.. i i. k; i ns. i l'ili; aubsrriliri has in Btrc, of his own nianafiictarc and inpnrtatioa an prmtrmmm stick of WINDOW llAl)KS. iilt o.-i icci , Paper Hangings, Matr.iases, vtin l.-i.ini , ).,:nal, Lace and Mualin Curtains, Tasscla, L..ic;-, Ac Ah ol win-ii are offered at price t'it ari uprqeiatrd by all cJosc buyers and economical Uouc Kct'.rs. Ii. V. KINSMAN. J 77 King rt. M.ir 21, '.! I v Chnilenton, S. C. M Mining Machinery." tORNIStl PU.MP&, Lifting and Forcing, Cornish V. Crushs-ra, Stamps, Steam Engines, and jrcnTil Mining work, mad ':y the subscribers at short not;e. LANG, COOK & CO.. Hudion Machine Worts. Rrhi to Hud on, N. Y. .las. J. Hod-e Esq., New-Vork. ju ie 2, I -5i 43 y Xbf,isfotrn, Prnlt. rHE subscribers manaifactnre Mining Machinery, as rilowa, vix: Tu: CoBKien Pcnrtsc Enink, high nd I w pressure Pumping, Stamping and Hoisting Sri- .M E..!f.5; CoKMaii prsn, STAnrn, Cncssms, Wr riiKs. luo Blocks, Pi i.i.j.vs of all siz, and every variety o: Machinery tr Mining purposes. THOM AS. CORSON WEST, iui- 2. IS5I -1 i y MEDICAL NOTICE. T V- P l. Al.UWEI.L h is associatrd his son. Dr. PoSKPil W. CAI.OU ELL. srith him in the Prac- I i ol Medicine. Odlee, 2nd storj in Ei.ns' nnv brick I bui! :i r the Courthouse. A! iron 24, I - 1 . 35 tf V. II. All psTSiUM i:idet,tcd to me by accounts are : Ire ; I'-.-tnl in srtilc toe KUM at an e.irly ifav. M ir 21 P. C. CALD'ELL. i TIIH IMKRH AiH llOTi:!., CHaRLOITE, n. c. 1BCG '. announce my iri-n.-is, ihc public. and pres i at patrons ol" the above Tlot-l, that I haveleastd lite laniic :.-- a ter::; of v.jr from tlie 1st of Jaao.rr neat. lAlei wliir'i ti'ue, the entire property aril fcp Ihitoniili , rc, -: : sod renovated, and the house kept ia first Ir a-s -rlo. To..- Hotel is near the Depot, ami pteaaant. B '.tinted, rendering it a f.-sira'ilc h-me for travellers 5a I i"ain;.'ic-. Dec 16, 153. 22t C. M. RY. MARCH A: Mil ARI, AUCTIONEERS ao COMMISSION MERCHANTS, G LX MB: A, S. C, I "ILL attend to theaale of ail kinds of Merchandise, Produce, &c. Also, Heal and Personal Property. Or purchase anl sell Slaves, &c, on Commission. Sles Riom No. '2 Richardson street, and imme diately opposite the United States Hotel. Feb 3, 1551 thos. h. march. J.k mhiif. a HAVING purchased the buiMing on the cor. ner, a few doors north-east of Kerr's Hotel, and repaired and fitted it up in first-rate style, I would respectfully inform the travelling public that it is now "pen for the reception of regular and transient boarders. Drovers will fcnd ample aecoiumrxiatiaM at nay hoase. Jan. U. MS. aso? R. Ha BEA CHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. MTHE subscriber respi ctfully in forms his friends and the public generally, that his bouse, kiio.'n a the "Railroad Hotel," opposite the Chester Depot, is s'ill open for the reception of regular and transient boarders and the travelling public ; and that he is making every exertion to deserve and secure a continuance of the kind and liberal p.'itrjnage which haa hitherto been extended to hi.n. He flatters himself th.it every needed arrangement has been made to pro mote the comfort of all who stop with him : hit rooms are airy arid well-furnished, his servants are attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that his .'riends will not want any attention necessary to mskc their sojourn pleasant and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good host lers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared at a moment's Tintiee 'to suppTy his customers with pri vate conveyances of every sort, to any part of the sur rounding country. He dceirrs to return his acknowledgements to the public for past favors, and solicits for the future an rqually liberal fhare of patronage. Aug 20, 1854. 5tf JOHN R. NICHOLSON. Charlotte Marble Yard. H A VI NO disposed of our entire interest in the Mar ble Yard to Messrs. Win. Tiddy & Son, we recom mend them to our friends. STOWE PEG RAM. Beptembcx 26, ie54. rPHE subscribers having bought out the interest ol 1 Messrs. Stowe &. Prgram in the Charlotte Marble Yard, respect luliy tender their servici 8 to the people of Charlotte and the country generally in this line ot busi ness. They are In 1 1 v prepared to furnish Monuments, Gravestones, Marble Steps, Table Slabs, a ad other patterns cut (roi.i Marble, according to the m ist approved t iste and style, and upon the innkl sc. coiumodal inr terms ever offered in llie Pntlwrij conn I try. The Yard is situated Oil the North Wt-ht conn r ot I the Charlotte Depot Yard, where the subscribers, or their agents, may always In (bond. U M. TIDDY cV SOi. Septembi r SC. 1854. lCltf CASH AND SHORT CREDITS! M. L. HALLOWELL & CO., T177 1 717 Xi0 PHILADELPHIA. Terras. Ca?h buyers will receive a discount of SIX per cent.., ! if the money paid in par funds, within ten days from dale el bill. 17 near real money only taJcen at its market value on th day it ia received. To merchants of undoubted standing, a credit of SIX months will be given, if desired. W her? fiioiiey is remitted in advance of maturity, a discount at tte rate of TWELVE per cent, per annum will he allowed. C7" Prices for Goods uniform. In again calling the attention of the trading commu nity to the above Terms, we announce that notwith standing the general depression in commercial affairs throughout the country, the system of business adopt ed by us more than a year since, and to which we shall rigidly adhere, enables us to offer for the coming Spring season our usual assortment of NEW SILK AND FANCY (;OOI)S. comprising one of the Largest and most SPLENDID STOCKS to be found in America: to which we will re ceive constant additions, throughout the season, of new and desirable goods from our House in Paris. Jan 19, 1855. 2m WILKINSON'S DAGUEBBEIAN GALLERY. rPHE subscriber having pcrmnnenlly located in Char 1 lottr. respectfully invites the attention of Ladies and (.cnilemeii to his saperioi PI-STUA-S o a:.c would resptctfnllj say that he is n;w taking D nerrcntypes npou an improved plan, which will not onlv add to the BEAUTY AND ELEGANCE of the Picture, but will render it DURABLE AND BRILLIANT FOR AGES. He would also respectfully invito strangers visiting Charlotte to call and examine his specimens, as he is determined they shall compare favorably with any that can be taken North or South, Rooms, Third Story, Granite Range, immediately ov. r Trotter & Son's Jewelry Store. OT" Instructions, thorough and practical, given in this beautiful art, and all materials furnished. NEAL WILKINSON. January 2C, 1S55. 27-tf . JST- CARTER, g RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the w4 public generally, that he carries cn the Tailor iJC ilia nesiS, and is prepared to execute or- i'.t r in the neateat and most fashionable style. Garments will b m.ide to order, in strict conformity with thr present prevailing fiabioria and styles of the day. Warrants his work to fit, and well made. Simp in No. 4, Springs' Duilding, Robinson's old stand. Charlotte, Feb 2 2Stf lYTrs, Shaw REf.S leave r spcctlully to announce R to the Ladies of Charlotte ;md its viciiiity fJ th.it sh" has oein d a I rL'- assortment of new etinaistins of the l? st stries of BONNETS, CAPS. AND HEAD DRESSES. I anil a well se beted ti els nt Dress Trimmings and Paterns. Slie alian eontinuca to cany 'ii t be DIJ CVS.. a K ! N : ITSINESS, and f Is she c.i n give HtintaclioM in both ' btanclnta. No sains will be spared to plcaae. tf" Or!-Ts promptly attended to. Oct 17, 1H54 ' I5:f CHEHISTS & DRUGGISTS. (Late fisher heimtsh.) charlotte, w. c. RESPECTFCLLYitiform the inhabitants of Char lotte and vicinity, that they have just received a fresh supply of MEDICINES, which are offered with con6dence to their approval, regard having been paid more to the purity a:.d strength of the Drugs, than to the price. A full stock of the various Proprietary Medicines constantly on hand. Brandy; Port, Sherry, Msdeira and Malaga Wines, selected for Medicinal purposes. Paints, Varniahes, Fl jid. Camphene, &c. Larrdreth's Garden Seeds. Pab 16, 1855 30-tf FOR BALE AT "IT'S FFtCft CAPTIONS OF THE LAWS Passed ly the General Assembly of North Caroli na, at the Session of 1 854 '55. 1. An act to amend the constitution of the State, an follow : Whereas, a large number of the people are disfran chised by the freehold qualifications now required of voters for members of the Senate. Sec. I. Therefore be it enacted by the General As sembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enaclad'oy tbe authority of the same, (three-fifths of the whole number of the members of each house con curring,; that the second clause of the first article of the amended Constitution, ratified by the people of North Carolina, on the second Monday of November, in the year of our Lord, lc35, shall be amended to lead as follows : Every free white man of theage of twenty-one years, being a native or naturalized asM oi i he U hi ted State, and who has been an inhabitant of the State for twelve months immediately preceding the day of any election, ! and shali have paid public taxes, shall be entitled to ! vote for a member ol the Senate for the district in which he resides. ec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor of the State be, and he is hereby directed to issue his pro clamation to the people of North Carohna, at least six months before the next elec'ion for members of the General Assembly, setting forth the purport of this act, and the amendment to the Constitution herein propos ed; which proclamation shall be accompanied by a true and perfect copy of the act, authenticated by the certi ficate of the Secretary of Mate ; and both the procla mation and the copy of this act, the Governor of the State shall cause to be published in ten newspapers of the State, at least six months before the election of members to the next General Assembly. 2. An oci to protect wild lowl, c. 3. An act in ivl.uion to Elizabeth City. 4. An act emancipating Jerry, a slave. 5. An act to incorporate the town of Roxboro'. 6 An acf t'i provide for he issue of additional siock lv 'lie Seaboard and Roanoke R. R. Com- i l"".v. ! 7. An ncl authorising the Nantahala and Tuc j k:iM't;e Tun pik Company to build a toll bridge. 8. An act cutlet-riling the Ju.siicesof the Peace I in ti i' t Miirri' "t Ifandolph, Alamance and Wake, j Twer ty Justices to form a quorum. ! U. A i i'Ct to pay the Wardens id the Poor in .Mt rk!i nliuig cu:ity. 10. An hc' to authorise the Trustees of the Lmii.shurg Fi -male Academy to convey land, &c. 11. An net to authorise the paying of Wardens of the I'u.ir for their services. 12. An art to nmend the act incorporating the Fnyetteville and Northern Flank Road Company. 13 An act to incorporate Union Academy. 14. An act to protect live stock from malicious dial ruction. 15. An act to encourage wolf killing in Jack son county. 143. An act concerning Naw River in Alamance County. 17. An act to number the We' Regiment in Madison county. 18. An uci to pay Wardens of the Poor in Ala mance and Duplisi. 19. An act to amend an act of S352, entitled " An an' concerning the place of trials lor civil processes before Jus'.iete ol fhe Peace. 20. An net to incorporate the Wilmington S.eam Tug Company. 21. An net to appoint commissioners to lay off a road in Rowan counts'. 22. An act concerning public roads in Watau ga county. 23. An act to authorise the collection of arrea ges of tuxes in Jackson county. 24. An net to authorise ihe Wardens of the Poor in Pasquotank and Yancey to 6ell certain lands. 25. An acf to incorporate the two Acadtmies in Aheborough. 26. An act to emancipate John Good, a slave. 27- An act to provide for the impiovement of the road from Wilkes by Meat Camp Creek to the Tennessee line. 28. An ac: to authorise the erection of a court house in Iredell county. 29. An act to amend an set incorporating Nmse River Manufacturing Company. 30. An act to amend the several acts charter ing Asheville and Greenville Plank Road Com pany. 31. An act authorising gates across the public road in Green River Cove, Henderson county. 32. An act establishing a new County by the name of Polk. 33 An act authorising the County Court of Henderson to sell lands, &c. 34. An act aulhorising the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company lo take stock in the Roanoke Valley R iilroad Company. 35. An act to extend the time for preferring titles, dtc. 36. An act to incorporate the lown of Newton. 37. A n act to amend an act, entitled an act to define the duties and powers of turnpike and rail road cempanies. 38. An act to hold court two weeks in New Hanover county. 39. An act to incorporate the Chapel Hill and Morrisvtllc plank road, tram road, and turnpike company. 40. An act to alter the times of holding the courts of pleas ond quarter sessions of Hyde count V. 41. An act in incorporate the F.iir Bluff and Conwny borough railroad company. 42. An arl lo incurporate the Trent river navi g.itmii c mpinv. 13 An ii ci C"iicerning hngs running at large in Ei'Zh th Ciiy. 44. An art ineurporniw the Dobbin House Cnmiioiiv iii the toon of Frf vettevilb1. 45. An act t- nmeml ih- act of 1850, for the j better rrj;ul ition of he tiwn ol Wilson. 46. An net lo amend the charter of iho town ol Charlotte. 47. An act to amend an ac, preventing the '. obtrt.cn- n tofifh in Blount's creek. 48 An act to incorporate the female benevolent si ci'-ty in Nebem. 49. An act to incorporate Yadkin Institute. 50. An ct to incorporate ihe Whitesvillu and Iron Hill plank road company. 51. An act to incorporate the town of Warsaw. 52. An net to mend tha act for the better gov ernment of the c'ty of Raleigh. 53. An act for the relief of the citizens of Ired'll county. ' 54. An act to amend the act of 1846, incorpor ating the town of Stte8viile. 55. An act to chnnge the times of holding the CcuptJ Court tW Beaufort county. 56. An net to prevnt the falling and putting of timber in Haw river and Great Alamance river. 57. An act to amend the act incorporating the low n of Clinton. 58. An act to amend the act incorporating the low ii of Playmou'h. 59. An act to amend the 7th section of an act entitled an ncl to establish a band in the town ol Washington. 60. An act lo incorporate the Grand Royal Arch Chapter ol North Carolina free and accepnd Masnns. 61. An act to amend the charter of the West ern plank road company. 62. An hci to lay off and establish, out of a portion ol Cumberland, a new county, to be called "Harnett. 63. An as' o incorporate the Greenville, Term, and French Board railrod company. Provides for a railroad from the Paint Rock, on the French Broad river, through the counties of Madison, Bunconnbe and Henderson, and to intersect with such South C arolina road as the stockholders may designate. The road is to have the same gna3e of the North Caro lina railroad, the btate extends no aid to the com pany. 64. An act to incorporate the Hillsborough and Chapel Hill plank road company. 65. An act to incorporate the Chatham and Randolph plank road company. 66. An act for the protection of sheep against dogs. 67. An act concerning the Wilmington and Raleigh railroad company. 68. An act to incorporate the Columbia and Charlotte magnetic telegraph company. 69. An act to establish the town of Magnolia. 70. An act for the better regulation ot the town of Franklinsville. 71. An act to incorporate the New River and Wilmington and Topsail Sound plank road com pany. 72. An act to incorporate the Iron Hill and At lanta plank road company. 73. An act to authorize the construction of a toll bridge across the Yadkin near Jonesville. 74. An act to incorporate the Wacamaw and Shallotte ruilroad company. 75. An act to amend an act to incorporate the town of Edenton. 76. An act for the belter regulation of the town of Elizabeth. 78. An acf to incorporate the Sulphur Spring and Paint Rock turnpike company. j 78. An act to incorporate the Statesville and i Wilkesborough plank road company. I 79. An act to incorporate the Richlands and ' New River plank road company, j 80. An act to establish a ferry across Black river, in New Hanover. 81. An act to extend the corporate limits of the I town of Beaufort. 1 P2. An act to incorporate the town of Jefferson, ; AV. 83. An act to authorize the commissioners of the town of Salisbury to subscribe for stock in the j Western ruilroad company. 64. An act to authorize the corporation of i Charlotte to subscribe to certain roads. j 65. An net to extend the limits of the town of i Asheborough. 86. An act concerning the Revenue ol ihe State. ! Imposes the following taxes for State purposes :-On ; all real or landed property, twelve cents on every hundred J dollars valuation ; on polls, white and black, forty cents . per poll; on each toll-jate of a turnpike ten dollars, , three dollars for gates across a highway, a tax equal to I five times the largest toll by the owner demanded upon every public ferry, and ten dollars on every toll bridge; j on every stud horse or jackass, five dollars, unless the j highest season price thai! exceed that sum, in which j case a tax to that amount, to wit. the highest season I price; on property descending or falling upon collateral j relations, one, two and three pi r cent., to wit, one per j tent, when such collateral shall be a brother or sister of ' the dsciased, or any descendant of a brother or sistei two per cent, when such collateral shall be a brother or lister of the father or mother of the deceased, or any descendant of a brother or sister of the father or mother of the deceased three per cent, when such collateral shall be in any other degree of consanguinity to the deceased than is above described, or shall be a stranger in blood provided that no tax shall be imposed on property falling to the widow of the deceased, nor upon any devise or bequaet to the wife or widow of a son of the deceased, nor upon that coming to the husband ot a deceased wife, &.C.; on every dollar, more than six dollars, of net interest, three cents ; on every dollar, more than six dollars, of net dividend or profit, upon mopey vested in steam vessels of twenty tons burthen or upwards, or in stocks of any kind, or in shares of any incorporated or trading company, whether in or out of the State, and herein shall be included all Bank divi dends, bonds and certificates of debt of any other State or country, or of any public corporation, created by this or any other State, a tax of three cents ; on every hun dred dollars employed in buying and selling slaves, twenty-five cents, and upon every hundred dollars in every other species of trade, not in this chapter specially taxed, ten cents; on each sulky, gig, buggy, barouche. carriage, and other pleasure vehicles in use by the owner, or by his consent, of the value of fifty dollars and under a hundred dollars, fifty rents of tbesilnnnf autr hundred and under two hundred dollars, one dollar of the value of two hundred and under three hundred dollars, two dollars of the value of three hundred and under four hundred dollars, three dolwrs of the value of four hundred dollars and upwards, four dollars ; on all gold and silver plate and ornamented jewelry in use, other than jewelry worn by females, of as great value as fifty dollars, one per cent, on the value ; on each gold watch in use, one dollar, silver watch in use, twentv-five cents, each harp in use, two dollars, each piano forte in use, one dollar, every pistol, except i-uch as are used for mustering, and every bovie knife, one dollar; on dirks and sword canes, filty cents such arms only to be taxable as have beet worn or used during the year; on all retailers of wines, cordials, or spirituous liquors, twenty dollars; on every keeper of a common inn. or dinary or tavern requiring license, ten dollars; on each billiard table one hundred dollars, except when there are two in the same room, and then fifty dollars on the additional one ; on each bowling alley, twenty-five dollars ; on each livery stable, ten dollars ; on each pack of playing cards, twenty-five cents; on nil pcdlers of patent soap, medicines for the killing of cruift. chinches and other vermin, for the curing of headachr, toothache, or corns, and of all patent medicines, and razors and razor strops, a tax of five dollsrs in every country in which they may so peddle ; on each mortgage deed and deed in trust made to secure cehts or liabilities, and on each marriage contract, one dollar ; on each marriage liccnss, one dollar ; on every merchant, merchant tailor, or jeweler, a tax of one-fourth of one per cent, upon his capital; on every merchant, a pothecr ry, druggist, or other dealer, consignee or agent selling at wholesale or retail spirituous liquors, wiuu or cordials, five pT cent, upon the capital so employed; on every merchant or apothecary selling dru, medicines, or nostrum, as agent of the owner, if a non-resident, twenty-five per cent, of his Commissions; on every auctioneer, one fourth of one per Cent, upon the value ot all goods sold by him ; on all distillers of turpentine, two dollars and fifty crnt? on distillery of capacity of ten barrel i and under; three dollars and fifty cents, on that between ten and fifiCjn fcarreWj stag dollafs a that between ftlcen and twenty; and ten dollars on that larger than twenty barrels ; mi all persens in eaoh county etferirff to sell ar peddling in saidconnty any riding vehicle not ef tha manufacture , in whole or part, of this State, thirty dollars; on alt horses and mules brought into this State for sale, a tax often dollars in each county where aa lee may b made ; on every establishment for the aala of riding vehicles; any part of the wood work of which ia not of the manu facture, uf this State, one hundred dollars : and fifty dol lars when the vehicles are of the msr.uiaetura of this State ; provided, that no person who ia a manufacturer ef such vehicles i;i this State, shall be taxed it he sells only in his own county ; on every perstm exhibiting, selling, or offering to sell, by sample, any goods, wares, or mer chandize, not of t tie manufacture of this State, fifty dob tars in each county, to be good for one year; ou pcdlers of whatever articles, thirty dollars in each co'inty ; pro vided, that persons may sell, peddle live stock, (except horses nd mules,) vegetables, oysters, books, charts, maps, and the like; en aU fcrnsiirs :oQ4t imarfsod pUmw; on surgeon dentists, practicing pfiysieiuns, practicing lawyers, and all other persons, (ministers of the gospel excepted,) whose practice, salaries or fees, or all of the m togetfier, shall yield an annual income of five hundred dollars, three dollars for the first five hundred, and two dollars for every additional five hundred, until such in con.e shall exceed fifteen hundred, and then five dollars for every additional five hundred above that amount ; on attorneys license ten dollars; on all insurance compa. nies incorporated in this State, one hundred dollars pi r annum, and on till incorporated out of the State, one hundred dollars per annum for the first, and fifty dollar for every county in which an agency shall be established; on all agencies ol banks being cot poratcd out of this State, five hundred dollars; on each express company two hundred dollars ; on every company of circus riders, and on every menagerie, an annual tax of fifty dollars in each county in which they exhibit; on theatrical players, sleight of hand performers, rope dancers, and the like, thirty dollars; on every company or person of singers, dancers, serenaders, and every person who lectures for reward, five dollars, unless the whole proceeds be de voted to some literary or charitable use in the State. Every thing upon which taxes ore imposed, to bu listed within the last tweuty working days in July in every year. The balance of the act is merely composed ofpro. visions for putting it in operation. It is provided, among other things, that the several county courts, at the term i when they shall appoint justice to take the tax lists for L.IV , DIIU1I U MMIil JUiJI I' t V tl , . k - A ....... . me year 1000, nna at me same iorm every nve years thereafter, shull appoint two respectable freeholders, to be associated with said justice, and these three shall be a board of valuation, and shall accurately estimate the real value of lands and improvements thereon, and return said estimate to their respective county courts. It is alo provided (hat the sheriffs shall specify in their receipts the amount of State tax, and also the amount of county tax, separately. We have thus given the substance of this important act, as correctly as we could in the hurry incident to the adjournment. It will be published at length, at an early day. in the North Carolina Standard. 87. An act concerning the Public Printing. 88. An act creating liens on ships, c, to ao cure mechanic's wages on same. 69. An net to regulate the floating of timber on Roanoke river. 90. An act to alter the name of Jamestown, ini the county of Martin. 91. An act to incorporate the Guilford gold and copper mining company. vz. An act to incorporate the Coot r.i ,vr pike company. 93. An act to incorporate the Centra! gold and copper mining company of North Carolina. 94. An act to cede to the U. S. a site for a bea con light neat Cape Hatteras. 95. An act to incorporate the Greensborough, Madison and Virgina plank road company. 96. An act to incorporate the Stokes iron min ing company. 97. An act to amend the charter of the Milton Savings Institution. 98. An act to incorporate Glen Anna female seminary. 99. An act to incorporate the Cape Fear and Waccamaw canal and lumber company. 100. An act to incorporate the town of Frank lin. 101. An act to authorize a toll bridge over the Tennessee river in Macon county. 102. An act to incorporate a company to con struct a ship canal to unite the waters of Albemarle, Currituck and Pamlico Sounds with the Chcsa peak Bay. The State is to endorse the bonds to the amount of $250,000. 103. An act to incorporate tbe Alamance and Caswell plank read company. 104. An act to incorporate the Little River turn pike company. 105. An act to extend the corporate limits of the town of Franklinton. 106. An act to incorporate the Chapel Hill and Hillsborough plonk road company. 107. An act to incorporate a Mutual Insurance fire company in the town of Charlotte. 108. An act to authorize the Cape Fear and Deep River navigation company to issue bonds. Provides for an endorsement by the State of the bonds of said company to the amount of $300,000. 109. An act to incorporate the Mclver coal mi ning company. 110. An act to lay off a public road from the turnpike line to the County line of McDowell. 111. An act tu amend rhe act entitled an act to incorporate ihe Atlantic and North Carolina rail road company, and the North Carolina Western railroad company. Provides for a railroad from Goldsborough to Beau fort, as follows : The capital stock of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad company may be increased to sixteen hundred thousand dollars; and whenever it shall appear to the board of internal improvements that j one-third of the capital stock of said company has been subscribed for, and taken by solvent individuals or com- j panies, and that at least three hundred thousand dollars ; of said stock has been paid into the hands of the trees nrer of said company, the said board shall be authoriz- j ed and required to subscribeim behalf of the State for two-thuds of the capital stock of said company to be paid as follows: the one-fourth part thereof every six months thereafter, until the whole Mate subscription shall have been paid provided, the board of internal improvements shall be satisfied that an amount of the private subscription has been paid in equal proportion to the payment required of the State. The act then contains the usual provisions for the State to issue bonds, ilec. There ar-t to be twelve direetora eight to be appointed annually by the board of internal improve ments, and four by tbe stockholders. 112. An act to incorporate the McCuIloch cop per and g"ld mining company. 113. An act to amend the aft incorporating the j town of Graham. Alamance. 114. An act to incorporate Clinton Lodge, Cas well. 115. An act to incorporate the United Baptist Institute. 116. An set to amend the cct enlarging the powers ol the commissioners of Newbern. 117. An act to incorporate the town of Nebras ka, Hyde co. 118. An act M incorporate ttV town of 9now Hill, Green, o .1 119. An act to incorporate ttie Ftyetteville fe male high school. ISO. An act to incorporate the Yadkin Lodge of irre mason. 191. An act to incorporate the Springfield In stifuT, Wake co. 132. An act to increase the compensation of juror and wirnesara in Washington co. 123. An aci aupplimental lo an net of the pres ent session, to incorporate the Wilmington and Charlotte railroad company. (Changes the name of the company to that of the Wil mington, Charlotte and Rntherforton Rail Road com pany. Increases the capital stock of said company to three millions ot dollars. Authorises the commence ment of the construction of said Koad at C harlotte and exteudmg West in the direction of Rulkerfordtoa, as stifrri aVfne requisite amount shall have been subscribed tor that purpose; or, at the Eastern terminus, at any point on the Wilmington and Manchester, or the Wil mington and Roanoke Hail Road. Bonds to be issued by paid company, and endorsed by the Public Treasur er, to have coupons attached, Jcc. dec.) 124. An act to increase the pty of witnesses in the Coutity of Onslow. 125. An act to revive and continue in force the act uppomting cemmtarienrrs for the town o! Ha w oud. 126. An act to emancipate Betty, a slate. . 127. An art to aid in completing a road from Vanhny'a Mill to the Virginia line. 128. An act to incorporate (he Camden and Currituck New Cut canal company. 129. An act lo prevent dm ohatrveftun of fh in the waters of South river nvd Adam's crei k. 130. An act to prescribe and n quire un ondi ol office for the town magistrate of Wilmington. 131. An net to incorporate the Gold Hill min ing company. 132. An act lo incorporate the Lawrence Hotel. Raleigh. 133. An net to incorporate the Raleigh end Cape Fear plank ro.'id company. 134. An act to authorize S. W. Cbadwick, late sheriff of Craven, to collect arrears of ttixei. ,135. An act concerning the towns o! F.iyulfe ville and Wilmington. 136. An act to incorporate the Hmtsburg Mn ufaciuring Company. 137. An act to incorporate the Alexandrians Plank Road Company. 138. An act to improve the road from John Kennedy's to the top ol ihe Blue Ridge. 139. An act to authorise R. L. Steele to estab lish a public ferry on tbe Pedes river. 140. An act to lay off and establish a public road in the county of A she. 141. An ncl to incorporate the Greensborough mining mid manufacturing company. 142. An act lo alter the time of holding (he courts in the sixth Judicial Circuit. 143. An act to ineornorate the Plank Road from Morksvtue, to Wilkesboro, unci to provide for subscription of stock on the part ol the Stale. 144. An ect to incorporate New Institute, Ire dell county. 145. An act to incorpoiate the New River Nnv igaiion Company. 146. An act to incorporate the Chatham and Randolph Plank Road Company. 147. An act to incorporate. New Hope Acade my, Chatham. 148. An act to regulate the inspection of flour in the town of Fayetteviiie. 149. An act to incorporate the Chapel Hill and Durhamsvilie Plapk Road and Turnpike Compa ny. 150. An act to give two jury trials to the coun ty courts of Stanley. 151. An act to incorporate iho Hillsborough and Milton plank road company. 152. An act to authorize a toll bridge over the Roanoke at the town of Halifax. 153. An act to incorporate the Chatham rail road company. Provides for a railroad from the coi.l fields in Chat ham to the City of Raleigh ; capital stock, eight hun dred thousand dollars. No aid given by the btate. J 154. An act concerning lbs Fuyelteville end Centre plank roud company. Capital Stock, two hundred thousand dollars, of which the State is to take fitty thousand. 155. An act to lay off and stubluh a new coun ty by the name of Wilson. Provides for a new county out of portions of Edge combe, Nash, Johnston and Wayne counties. 156. An act supphmental to the act establishing the county of Wilson. 157. An act for the completion of the North Carolina Railroad. (Provides for a subscription by the btate of one mil lion of dollars more to this road, to complete the same ; said stork to be preferred etock ; that is, the State shall be entitled to six per cent, interest on the same before any dividends shall be paid out on the other stock. The sum of fifteen thousand dollars is also appropriated by aaid act, to continue the improvement on Tar River. 158. An aot to incorporate the town of Lenoir, Caldwell county. 159. An act to incorporate the Trenton and Hawrlavilln plank road company. 160. An act to incorporate the Jacksonville and Trent river plank road company. 161. An act to incorporate the ThomasviMc and Clemonsville plunk road company. 162. An net to incorporate the Sulphur Springs and Paint Rock turnpike compmy. 163. An act to present the felling of timber in Big and Little Ivy. 164. An act to amend an sei providing for the better government of thu town of Lincolnton. 165. An act to luthorize W. S. Bellinger and his dissociates of Johnston coun'y to construct a dsm across Meuse River. 166. An act to incorporate the Wilmington and Charlotte Railroad Company. Provides for Railroad communicafton between Wilnung. ton and Charlotte, by way of I.umberton, Rockingham, Wadesborouh, ai;d Monroe ; capital stock two millions cf dollars, the company to have corporate existenco as soon ns five hundred liiuusaiid dollars shali have been snbscnUd and a certain per cent- paid ii . The sa.d Road is lo be dividid into sections t twemy.fi- e miles each, i he R' d to be coin, menced at its eastern latminva a..d built ripu'aily, srcOea by section, to its western terminus atCharloue. When the fiit section shall have been completed, and put into opeiatieu, the company's bonds lo be endorsed l y the Sia'e to the amount of two hundred thousand dollar?, and so en jaj pro. portion, the bonds to be endorsed as the Road is em stincud aection by section, until it ia completed the sa d R ad, at d all property apprtaming to it, ral ai.d petrol al. lo hi inott gages :o tlie eiaie as ii is nnianea ny ."rtioi s, io me ii ! State from loss by sa:u riido'cmciitp. The t-nme set rt vidca i'jt eon.tiieir:j! ha d Road from ("lia-letta Ri.tr.CT. iofrdton, ar d for this purpose ihe cpis' o r ( ihi i n r. ny is ineteas'td oiv: urlhon of dl a s ; '.. To BBier to in. dore the b'r.d IJC ;he wmk ficm hailolr io Rethctto d. i ton under the Mime restrictions. hs! :''i;es and 'oid.noi.s se I prescribed in tb art as to the work ham W ,inv.r?i'-n to j Cv,otte.;

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