Economise. Oh, yes, economise; put off the little bills; the mechanic cn wan I Never mind the tailor, he belongs to the credit party, nobody pays tho tail or. Stop the newspaper; you can get nloi.g without it.' Put off the carrier, he hoi only come through storms, and cold and heat, every day reg ularly to serve you, and now, when he wants clothing to keep his little ones from freezing, stop the paper ! Never mind the school bill, the poor woman who has taught your children to read can wail. Take the cnldren out of school, they can get along without schooling this winter, and you must economise. The school teacher must pay her rent, but then if "An don't, if she fail, thai' noth ing ; nobody in Wall street knows her ! Discharge your porter, you can 'get along with out him' this winter; perhaps he'll starve, but no matter you must economise ! Can't you do without that pair of chickens to day ? No sir; they must be roasted ; they are o good cold at night, with a bottle of porter and bread and butler ! Then yoo must have a Tur key for dinner ; no genteel family can think of getting along without roast turkey for dinner, and as yoa ure at market, you hud belter have some oysters wat home ; they are so good. You must economise, but don't think of smok ing one less cigar a day ; a cigar costs only three cents; what's ihal ? You are going to a party to night; stop and tell the lmir dresser to go and dress your wile's hair ; nobody, now-a days, thinks of doing it herself. l. liy wants three dollars. new can, buy that ; it costs but ' There are some beautiful wax 4olis ; Kit'.y must have one, buy it. Then you must send u a lew dozen mure of porter, it is so good with cold chicken lor soppcr, and whilst you are about it, you may us well send home a couple of baskets of champagne, to h.iVe in case a friend comes in. Buy a ticket to the opera to night, slo and or ler a carriage to the part to mglit, then go hon e and talk about bard tunes, and bweax you mut economise. Dnj Book. The Way to Wealth. The pob)ic knows littln ol the extent to which a sort of s'ock-markei gambling in lb legislation of Conrt ss, has been curried ou of late year. Now and then a great eaw like I bat of CSardiarr, comes io light m all isoroporii( But h is no' Ml Uiatljf susp citd that ibis cn.e was a charac teristic one iii many of iis li-Htuns; lhat in nearly oil large claims nrgi d upon Cuiign ss, the claim agents nre interested in ihe MM way as I he cla '.n ants. II re is un instance; Es-Seaatnc J. Cleat na ban fallen heir to a respectable sum of over thirty thousand dollars, in Ihe recent passage of a land claim to certain A la ban i uis by Congress, being the air jnnt agrei d upou for Ins servic s in ihe event ol ihe measure succeeding." This was not the only case in which cx-fcy nator Clemens has worked lor a fortune durinr Hie late Congres. fie was the ag'Oi lo bore, and badger and eaiule; Crtn2fc into rraatioc an eclrajrdu nnrv extension ol Gull's pat ut lor his pistols. The pistols did not go otT, and cons-rpieni I Mr. Clemens bagged no g win ; but thirty ihousaml dollars is a tolerable winter crop. Imagine what a barveal would have been gath ered ly I brae ng nts. if ihe Preocb Spoliation bill had become a law, ;.t.J how natural vtas their li rce shout of indignation when ihe Veto Came t iwcen the cup and (he lip, and spilled the por rnlge. We cm utmost forgive I Ih-ih tor turning patriots" on sucb an occasion. Char. Mcrcuit,. M'I.ank's Ykrmifi ok. No remedy ever invented has been so successful as the great worm medicine of Dr. M'l.ane. All who havt- ued it have bi-en equally ataaiabeb and delighted at its wonderful enemy and efficacy. To publish all tiie testimonials in its favor would 1)11 volumes; we must therefore content our selves with a brief abstract ol a few ol them. Japhet C. Allen, of Amboy, gave a dose to a child li years old, and it brought away S t worms. He soon after gave another dose to the same child, which brought away Sii more, making 133 worms n about 12 bonis. Andrew Uawaiag. of Cranbury township, Yeiango county, gave his child one tea-spoor lul. and she passed 177 worms. Next morning, on repetition of the dose, he pas sen I 13 more. Jonathan Hoiigbman. of West Union, Park county, la. writes that he is unable to t,pp! y the demand, as tin people in his neighb.irlfeiud say. altera trial of the oth ers, that none is equal to Dr. M'l.ane's Vermifuge. Messrs. D. k J. W.Colton, of Winchester, lnd. h ip pened last spring to get some of this Vermiluge. After selling a few bottles, the demand became so great lor it that their stock n: soon exhausted. Th-y slate that it has produeej the best effect wherever ued, -ami is very popular among the people. il f" Purchasers will be careful to ask tut Dr. Mc I.ank's Celebrated Vermifuge, and tak? none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are Worthless. Dr. M 'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated l.i er Pills, can now be had at all the respectable Dl uj Stores in the United States and Canada. -J 1 -2w CLARENDON IRON WORKS, li HlHillglOII, ft. Cm rPIIE CLARENDON 1 ICON WORKS are now pre I pared to nciivc orders tor Beam, Vertical, Horizon tal or Oscillating Steam Engines, High or I.nw Pres. sure, and adapted to all ptii poses : Circular, Vertical and Portable Saw Mills complete ; PuiMD ry. Grist and Flour Mills, compb Is und other Wat, r WbeiN, EaatMiiwg W beds and Axles ; Horse powers -f Riee Field Pumps and Fngines ; Hhingss Macbinea, Rhaliiag, Pallscs M i n in M i chine P.irki r. Turbine of St.-;. in. rs. Car various patterns ; Rice Thrashers ; Hanger, Gears, and ull oilier .Mill W,irk. I IO OU, Irtn uud Ruse Castiags of all descriptions, including Ornaun-nlal Iron Raibng, Pipe, Bridge Castings, Slc, olc. Tlii-Com pun v would ncsneetfully inrKe aUenf in to their sly l s and patterns af Railing, which may be seen at their office. Boilers. Tubular, Flue and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks, Chimneys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. Repairs. A separate department and force will be kept for re pairs, where work will be done thoroughly and with despatch. All work done in the establishment delivered either on the cars of the Wilmington & Manchester Kaii Koad or she Wilmington Weldon Kail Koad, or in rlats at the Company's wharf, free of charge. Having large facilities, the above work will be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere, .North or Souti, aad in a prompt and satisfactory manner. I onsul tat ion by lett-fr or otherwise, in regard to plans and designs for mills or their furniture, and for ma chinery generally, willingly answered. All orders or communications to be addressed to the undersigned. IIEiNKY II. DRANK. .4. March 23. 3.1-tf NOTICE. Charlotte, Marcli 10, 1855. La T a meeting of the R,v,r.! r,f rv.,,.... tl.:- evening, at their council chamber prcst r.t, Vv. F. Davidson, Intcndant; John A Tosh. S;m. m l IV At. -uCr, 1 nos. . Allison, Slid U. J. KoX. Commissioners II was lie-solved, 1 lial the Town Cl. rL make publics- J liion in the "JNorth t aroina U l,! " : . - - l .... and V Western! . . - 1 - - III .111 UI -tarlotte, notifying all persons having claims against the Board of Commissioners to nresent the same within one month from this d .tc to Wm. F. Davidson, the In tendaut ol said Tow n. ""mtiJi. iwo newsi) i Dt r im iii,..,i ; .1... t . W. F DAVIDSON. Intcndant. 34 3t ;r.a, 1 own clerk. lUUffU man fro,,, F.yettev.lle, N. C, wishes a h Ei ua "e 18 omPt?nt take charge of a ett of Books but would not object to a situation as lalesman. 1 he best ot references given. Please ad iress "Clerk" at the Office of tK- u.... : March 16, 1855. 2i-Sw SPRTNGG00DS. 20,000 Pairs of Boots & Shoes FOR THE SPRING TRADE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL ! " Prices that Utry .it I Competition 1 AND a to Quality and Style, they cannot be SUR PASSED in any like establishment in the South. Our stock consists of so qrkat a variety of Paterr.s and names of Gent's, Ladies', Misses', Boys', Youths', Children', and Infants' BOOTS and SHOES, that it would be too tedious to enumerate thcin here. We would, therefore, respectfully invite you to call and examine them for yourself. We have, also, a good assortment of Sole and Upper Leather, French Calf Skins, Harness Leather, (for Plantation use,) BAND LEATHER and COPPER RIVETS, Shoe Pegs, Lasts, Tacks and Shoe Tools of every description. FINE TRAVELLING TRUNKS. CARPET HA US, V ALICES, &c, &c. The invitation is to all come and see them, fit your self, pay for them, and take them away fiom Boone's Boot & Shoe Emporium. i JCT HIDES taken in exchange, at cash prices, march 23, 1p55 35tf ( on'.niQti School Noticei TV .k..,.l Ili.t r ii'Tk v i I 1 an olotinn at fhpir nil h- i: ki r r ,,. t iUm at nmp n- j venient point near the centre of their district, on the first Saturday in April annually, foi three committee j men, and that they report the result of said election to. ' the Coiugty Chairman on or before the 3rd Monday in I the said month, upon which day the committee-men thu elected will go into office. The examining committee for Common School teach ers for the county of Mecklenburg will hold quarterly ' session in the county court Clerks office in flhe Court ! House in Charlotte on the second Saturday in March, June, September and December, where persons wishing to engage in public school teaching will present them j selves foe examination. j The Hoard Superintendents will hold quarterly : sessions in the Court House in Charlotte on the second Saturday in March, June, September and December, I where all persons having business will attend and j present the same. Pub.ished by order of the Board. J. A. YOUNG, Chairman. March 16- 34-4w New AT Lowrie At Enniss' Book Store. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES Sons of the Sires, or I 770 and IS-V,, a history of the rise, progress and destiny ol the American Party, and its probable influ ence on the next Presidential Election. The politi cians w ill have the book, of course, for they have per sonal inteiest in the question. Price 75 ceiUs. Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of SI. Biography of Distinguished men. Price 75 cts. Mariada Klliott ; or the Voice of the Spirit ; by S. H . M. Price $1. May ami December, a talc of wedded life; by Mrs. Hiibback ; 2 vols. Price SI .75. Party Leaders ; Sketches of Jefferson. Hamilton, Jackson, Clay, Randolph, and including notices of ma ny other distinguished American statesmen. B ; OOKS for Methodists, Episcopalians, Presby teriaos, and As so. Reformed or Seceders Methodist Hymn Books, from 40 cts. to $5 00 Disciplines, new edition, 25 Common Prayer from 30 cts. to $f 00 Psalms and Hymns, " 3 ' cts. to 4 00 Bibles ol all qualities and prices, for sale at LOWR1F & KNN1SS' march 10, 1 S.').'5 Bookstore. NOTICE. A' LL pi r sons subject to pay a Poll Tax to the State of North Carolina, who resided within the limits oi the town ot Charlotte, on the 1st day ol February, 1855, or who hail been principally employed in any profession or vocation in said Town, for three months or more iin lucif iately preceding the said 1st day of February ; and all persons who owned or were possessed of taxable property within said town, on the 1st day ol February, are hereby notified to give in to the Town Clerk, before the last day of March, 1855, a listol their said polls and taxable property. The said list shall state the numbers and local situation of the lots or parts of lots given in, with the value ot which they are assessed for taxation by the State, the number of white taxable polls, of taxa ble slaves and of taxable free negroes, residing on the 1st of February, on the lands ot persons giving in said list. J. B. KERR, Town Clerk. March 9, 1855. 33-3t A Nolablc Fact! OCR unsettled accounts for year before last, and last year, we must have closed by Cash or good Notes " riA gtrmtgki uluns " without repeet to persons. Our creditors in. ike us FACK THK MOSic," on all occasions, and we "caret" dance by ourselves a.nv lokgkb. " Talk enough." PRITC1IARD & CALDWELL, march P, 1j5. 3'3l( No 3 Granite Row. RUNAWAY from the subscriber on the 3rd of Febrvary last, my negro man ISAAC He is about 3. years ol age, about. "i feet 8 or inches high, is of a dark copper color, tolerably high forehead, cheek Bones a little projecting, and 1 think his eye teeth a little defective. Said boy weighs al. out 163 lbs., quick spoken, tolerably intelligent. Wrten lie left he wore common apparel, such as common laborers usually wear. 1 will give Twenty Dollars reward for Isaac, delivered to me or confined in any jail so J get him again, or 1 will give Fifty Dollars reward for him wiih sufficient proof to convict any white person of harboring him. 1 bought said boy of Julius Alexander about eight years since. Mr. Alexan der lived Isi or ;4 miles south west off Charlotte and 1 think Isaac is strolling about through the country where 1 purchased tin. T. M. HAMILTON. White's Store, Anson County, K . C, March 0, 1855. 33-tf WAS stolen from the subscriber's stable in Charlotte, on Tuesday nisrht, the 27th nit., a beautilul blood bay HOliSK, of medium size, in g od order, and about six years of age, light mane and tail, shod all round and having a small portion of i White on one of his hind feet. Suspicion rests upon a MM who called himself here WILLIAM ( LAV alias j WM. CLOYD (as he is called in South Caiolma,) he ! having left this place under very suspicious circum- I stances. He is about 35 years ot age, is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and limps a little in walking, has dark hair and wore a large set of whiskers, w hich 1 j understand he has since hail shaved oft. When he left here he wore a gray overcoat. He says he is a Russian by birth, but he speaks good Knglish $.rt0 will be given tor the delivery of the horse to me in Charlotte, and $50 for the arrest of the thief with sufficient proof to convict him. M. D. McLEOD. March 9, 1S-VS. 33-tf statl: of north Carolina, Mecklenburg County. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1?55 Henry S. Mijlcr 1 ys. Petition for partition of i n McDonald jr. others. Land. -m t- : . c .v . .t... tt i j a I'uea ri.efi; io i 1 1 e s.. 1 1 a i an inn ui me tuuri, nini Harris Freeman and Harry Freeman are not resi dents of this State, it is therefore ordered that publica tion be made tor six weeks, in the Western Democrat, notifying the said Harris and Many Freeman to be knd appear at the next term of this couit, to be held tor the j county of Mtwcklelibu: g, at ihe court-house in Charlotte, ou Die 4 m .wuiiaay in April next, men anu mere io plead, answer or demur to this pelition, otherwise the allegations therein contained will be taken pro confetso ud Ihe petition heard esparte as to Uteas. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk ol our said Coii-I, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. lCoo, and in the 79th year of American Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. (Printer's fee, $6. 3 C,v THAT COMMISSION HOWE OF TINLEY & HERRON'S, CHARLESTON, S. C. THE only house doing bnsiaess in that city that ac tually had any experience in Receiving and f or warding of Goods previous to the South Carolina Rail road quitting the business in July last, is still open for the RECEIVING and r ORWAKDING of all kinds of Goods, Wsres, Merchandise, Machinery, Produce, &c. If you w ant your goods forwarded without the vexa tious delays and enormous expense bihs paid the last season, and at the same time have your business done in such a manner that somebody will be made respon sible for the damaged and lost packages, consign them to TIN LEY & HKKKON . who have Keceiveciand For warded all Cauda consigned to them during the past season w ithout any extra charge over those establish ed rates as given below, and up to this time have not encountered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herron was Clerk of the Receiving and For warding Department of the South Caiolma Railroad for the past seven years, and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tariffs and rules of shipment, both by railroads aid vessels, together with the mode of procedure to secure damages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which wiil be taken in all such cases without loss or delay to the owners. Another important advantage is that his thorough knowledge of all freights and rules of ship ment, enables him instantly to detect and correct any overcharge in the bills of lading, which n all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the owner, in many instances greatly exceeding the commissions we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfect, ly acclimated, and free from the contagions of that city, therefore wc will under all circumstances faith fully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce, such as Wheat, Flour, Corn, Corn Meal Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Cotton, Rice, -Rye, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, Wool, Feathers, Beeswax, Potatoes, Onions, kc, consigned to us, will be promptly sold and proceeds returned, without keeping the money a few mouths to speculate upon ; for we wish it distinct ly understood thai we engage in no speculation what ever, all that we want is our commission, as follows : For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packa ges of goods, 10 cents; large packages of fVrniture and machineiy, charges according t . responsibility. Iron and steel in loose bars, 10 cents per hundred .bs , and storab e for advancing freights, and charges 2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us; for selling produce 2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market, making the best se lections for our patrons, at C per cent. TINLEY 6i HERRON. Charleston, S. C, Jan. I., 155. We beg leave to refer to the following gentlemen: Rev. Thorn. s W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Ashe ville, N. C. P. D. Gates, 13, Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, ( harleston John Caldwell, President ofS. C. Railroad. Thos. Waring, Auditor " John King, Agent " " Hyatt, McBurney, & Co., and J. S. &. L. Bowie & Co., ( harleston. VV. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State, A. R. Cro zier, Comptro.lct'of Treasuiy, and M. M. Swan, Nash ville, Tenn. French &. Van Epps, and J. J. Bryant, Chattanooga, Tennessee. . A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merchants gene, rally, Louden, Tenn. N. Gammon : Son, T. J. & C. Powell, and Craig head G Deaderick, Knoxville, Tenn. W. St T. Harris. Inman c Hamilton, Branner & Mitche I, Fains It Kirg, Danbridge, Tenn. Feb 10, 1658. 30-1 y SAVE MONEY. READ THIS ADVERTISEMENT, ONE AND ALL. To Merchants, Pliinters and Others. HAVING become permanently lacattd in Charleston lam prepared to do any;hing in the line ol a gent ral Agcnty and Commission business entrusted to me. I intend giving ihe greater portion ol my lime to the tilliiin ol ( ountry viders lor Grorcr es, I'rnrisions, Drt, f.'oo- s, Hmmwmre, Ciaf&tag, Hoots, 8iots, JJ) u, 1'aints, Oils, Fruits, Liquors, Hooks, Stationary, t'unry Goods, or any thing else tha can be ob tained either in ibis or Nothern Markets, ai d through the arrangements thai I have made with the leading Houses dealing in the above anielt s 1 shall be able t make purchases on better tenns t.ian the Men hauls or Planieis ibtinseUes could theieby not only saving thcin ihedifierence in the price ol the article but also the necessary exoibrtant experae ot time and trouble attending a visit to this City, 1 will also personally aiiend to selecting, I aching. Marking and Ship, ment ol goods so as to avoid al: mistakes and damages which generally arise from want ot a Utile attention. In addition to t lie above 1 will also attend to the disposal ol any pruduce that may be shipped to me. And persons de sirous of making Shipments al produce of any kind had better write to 1 1 ic and I will iive tl eta every iiilonnnuon as reuards the Markets manner ol Packing and how to ship ihem. Prom my Ions experience in a general mercantile business 1 ihink I can give perfect satisfaction to all and suit the most fastidi ous laste in my Selections. Give me a trial is all I ask. For my services I shaft rcfjuire a inodeiale commission not ex ceeding ten per cent according to the nature o( ihe business. DAVID M. GAZLAY. Office up Stairs 225 King St. Charleston S. C. March 9, 1855. 33:ly. Splendid Variety of Ladies' Gaiter Boots IV ECE1VED this day consisting' of Ladies' Black Silk Julian GAITERS, " " " Ileighland " " Tan " Julian " " " Creole " CI. Silk Tip ' " Missc' Black and Cal. Silk GAITERS, at BOONE'S SHOE STORE. Ladies, call and see them. March 2. 1805. 32tf Horse Stolen. OTOLEN from the subscriber's place, Middieton Swamp, eight miles from the village of Orangeburg, on 1 hursday, the 1 1th ultimo, a large GREY HORSE, about 1 li to 17 hands hih ; has a mark on his hind foot, caused by the cutting of a rope ; he is about ten years old. A reward of $100 will be paid tor his recovery. The said horse was stolen by one William Cloyd. Said Cloyd is about 5 feet 8 inches high, weighs about 135 pounds, has dark hair and whiskers, crippled a little in one of his feet and hips, he is nearly bald on the fore part ol heaA. Has a brother at Marion C ourt House, and v hen last seen was making his way towards Co lumbia. A reward of 100 will be paid lor the recove ry of the horse, and $IUQ for the apprehension of the thief. H. N. ,-NKLL, march 2, 1S55 32-3 w Orangeburg C. H. S. C. JUST RECEIVED, HATS and CAPS on consignment, at JSoose's Boot and Shoe Emporium. Dec 21), 1654 23tf Notice. A'; .L persons indebted to me by Accounts or other wise, are requested to call at my otbec and settle the same as early as possible. P. C. CALDWELL. Jan. 12, 18S5. 5w SADDLES &HARNESa f'HE subscribers have entered into copartnership and JL and opened a new Saddle and Harness AT R. SHAW'S OLD STAND, In Springs' Buck Comer Building, where they have constantly on hand a large and splen did assortment of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, fcc, of every description, according to the most approved style and fashion of the day. They are also prepared to manufacture anything in their line in the most sub stantial and workmanlike manner and better than the best. We respectfully invite the public to call and exam ine for tbemsejves. Repairing done at short notice and with sealness and dispatch. SHAW & PALMER, march 2, 1855. 32tf KTotice to Creditors. HE subscriber havtss entered into partnership ith Mr. Palmer, is desirous of closing up his old business. He therefere most earnestly requests his former friends alid customers, who are in arrears at his shop, to call between this time and our April court, and settle their accjjuiUs cither by Lote or cash, ihe latter i il possible. R. SHAW. march t, 1854. tf LOOK AT THIS SIMPLE WORD CLOTHING! ND yet, simple as it is, you hear a great cry mide over CLOTHING! You take up the papers and almost the first word you see is i TO Till ft !! You stroll over the city and you will see small sam ples of t t A little here, a little there, And no assortment anywhere ; Until you get to Fl'LLIXGS & CO.', where ever) one runs to get GOOD CLOTHES! And why do they run there T Simply because they can get CLOTHING Ult-r Madf, MORE F4NI1IOK ABLi; AND AT LESS TT WiTTfEl than at any House in North Carolina. We make a business of it manufacture our own Goods, and every article sold by us is WAR RANTED, or money returned. "Competition is the Life of Trade' And we are bound to keep the Largest and Most Fashionable V7 n0 11 IN THE STATE. We have a full stock of , Childrens', Youths', and Boys' Clothing. at lov prices. Also, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Til VJrMSL, 11 LlfsMZSiC 111 ET It.iGS. UMBRELLAS, CANES, Porte-Jtlottaise, Pen and Pocket Knives; II AIR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, &c &c, &c, all of which will be freely shown and prices given, At the Emporium oi Fashion, BY FU LUNGS & CO. Charlotte. N. C, Nov. 23, 1854. 18tl State of North Carolina, OaMfoit County. Court of Pleas and Quaiter Sessions, February Term, 1855. Anthony Titman ) vs. I Petition to make Real Ee- Henry Forsy the, John Fry f tate assets in hand of and wite Jane. administrator. T appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that John Fry, and wife Jane, are not lesidents of this State : It is ordered by court, that publication be made in the Western Democrat, for six weeks, tor them to come forward at the next court, to be held for said county, on the '1th Monday alter the 4th Monday in March itext, and answer or demur, or judgment will be entered pro confesso. Witness, J. G. Hand, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 3d Monday in February, 1855. J. G. HAND, clerk. Printer fee $G. 32-6t State of North Carolina. MECKLENBI'KG COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. Drucker Ut Sommers, vs. Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. V I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this State or so conceals himseJf that the ordinary process ol law i be served on him : It is therefore ordered that 1 publication be made lb.- six weeks in the Western De ; mocrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, j tor the said Thomas Andrews to be and appe r at the next term of this ourt o be held for the county of J Meek enburg at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the j 4th Monday of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or jmlgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. h.. Reid, Clerk ol our saul Court, at oflice in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and in the 79th year af American Independen 29(Pr's. lee 6.) VV. K. REID,c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MECKLKNHl H(J COUNTY. Court of Pk'as and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. John S. Means, l vs. I Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this State or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served on him : It is therefore ordered that publi cation be made for six weeks in ihe Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said Thouns Andrews to be and appear at thi next term of this Court to be he Id l,r the county of Mecklen burg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Mon day of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or judg ment pro coniesso wiM be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1655, and in the 79th year of American Independence. 29(Pr's. lee $6.) W. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of Plens aud Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. W. W. Elms, 1 vs. V Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. IT appearing ua the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident of this Stale or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served on him : It is there lore ordered that pub lication be made lor six weeks in the Wretcrn Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said Thomas Andrews to be and appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the county of Meek lenburg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of April next, and pead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, Cl rk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and in the 79th yeir of American Independence. 29(Pr's. lee f 6.) W. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MKCKLKNIIUKG COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1S55. John E. Penman, J vs. Original Attachment. Win. A. heiard. 1 T appearing to tae satisfaction of the Court that Win. A. She-pa rd is not a reside-nt of this State or so con- ceals himself that the ordinary process oi law cannot be served on him : Itis therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a news paper published in the town of Charlotte, for the said Wm. A. Shepard to be ind appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, nt the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of April next, and plead, anaser or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday of January, A. D. 1855, and in the 79th year of American Independence. 29(Pr's. lee 86.) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. John E. Penman, i vs. Original Attachment. Wm. A. Shepard. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of Ihe Court thit Win. A. Shepard is not a resident of this State or so con- ceaU bhaeell that the ordinary process of law cannot be aerrrd on him$ It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Western D. tft crat, a newspaper prii-tcjj in the totrn of Charlotte, lor the said Wm. A. Shepard to be and appear at the nest term of this Court to he held for the County of Meeklenburg, at the Courthouse ia Charlotte, on the 4lh Monday of A pnl next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will he taken against him . W iluess W. h. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at uth c in Charlotte, the 4lh Monday of January, A. D. Ioo5. and in the 79tb year of American Independence. 2i(rV.. fec6 .) W. g. BEID, r. ELIAS & COHEN WISH to inform their numerous Friends. Patrons, and the community at large, that they are now r ccirii g THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET. It is acknowledged by ALL who have examined Oca Stock, to be the BEST SELECTED and LARGEST ever purchased by one firm for one seavon'a trade ; and being bought ClM'Qp will be SOLD so. much LOW ER than we have ever offared thcin yet. Our stock of CLOTHING, DM -GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ARE PARTICULARLY HEAVY. INCLUDING A RICH ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cloaks, Mantillas, Dress aad Cloak Trimmings Ribbons, Embroideries & Laces, with a full supply of Bomsmo eoo&s, pujnra&ti, bmbxktb, mj., suitable for this market. IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, will be found everything a gentleman requires, including Under Garments of every description, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, COLLARS. STOCKS, 11 ANDKERCHIEES, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES. CARPET BAGS, Ac, 6lc. Itis impossible to give any idea of o-jr Immense Stock by an advertisement, but we cam show to those that wiil favor us with a call, the CHEAPEST and BEST SELECTED SUPPLY OF Drv Goods, ltealv Iflade Clothing, Hardware, Groceries, Boof, Shoes, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, SADDLERY, CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Guns, Pistols, and Fancy Articles, can be seen in the State. Our arratigemeats are such that tee intend keeping a full assortment always on hand. Country JtltrchantS are invited to examine our GOODS and PI ICES. We will sell to them lower th:in they can buv in Charleston. Call at No. 2 Granite Row, and Look at the BARGAINS. E 1,1.1 A COHEX D3" Allkinds of Produce purchased for which we will pay the highest market prices. November 3, 18-4. 15tf Wait for the Waggons! T7HAT FOR? say you. Well, we will tell yu. Itis VV because JENKINS & TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C, just opposite the Bank ol Charlotte, where cuu be found the largest, cheapest und best stock of I ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be fold j at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which we challenge the world to produce a better. ,Ve have also all kinds of aUovex suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Red. rooms, &.c, &c. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " wait for the waggons." I is because we have three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will delivei them within 50 milesof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by us will be put up tree of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you about the Stoves we will say to you, that we have all kinds of Britlania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, Jc, constantly on hand. tt All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly alten. ded to by JENKINS &l TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33-tf State of North Carolina. MECKLENRtmU COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, January Term, W. W. Elms, vs. Thomas Andrews, y Original Attachment. ivs, L. -l. Hughes, Win. I A. Shepard & others J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas A ndrews, D. M. Hughes, Wm. A. Shepard and others, defendants, are not residents of this Slate, or so conceal themselves that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on them : It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said defendants to be and "appear at the next term of this Court to be held for the County of Meck lenburg at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Mon day in April next, and plead, answer or demur, or judg ment pro contesso will betaken against them. Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Chariot) e, the 4th Monday of January, 1855, and the 7 9th year of American Independence. 9(Pr's. fee $6.) VV, K. REID, c c. c. State of North Carolina. MECKLENBURG C"UNTY. Court of Plens and Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. W. W. Elms, 1 vs. Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews, y JT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident ot this State or so conceals himself that the ordinary process of law can not be served on him : It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said Thomas Andrews to be and ap pear at the next term of this Court to be held for tiie County of Mecklenburg at the Courthouse inChailotte, on the 4th Monday of April next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against hi in Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, A.D. Ib55, and the 79th year of American Independence. 89(Pr's. fee $6.) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. State of North Carolina, MECKLENHURG COUNTY. Court of Pleas und Quarter Sessions, January Term, 1855. W. W. Elms, i vs. V Original Attachment. J. K. Cunningham, y IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that J. K. Cunningham is not a resident of this State, but resides beyond the limits of the same: It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, for the said J. K. Cunningham to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held for the County of Mecklenburg at the Courthouse in Char lotte ou the 4th Monday in April next, and plead, an swer or demur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office the 4 id Monday in January, A. D. 1855, and in the 79th ycai of Americjn Independence. 29(Pr's. lee 6.) VV. K. REID, c. c. c. VALUABLE HOUSE SERVANTS AT PRIVATE SALE, 0' N A CREDIT till 1st of October next. Bankable Paper, (or Cash.) FANNY, 5J years old. a irood Cook, excellent Washer, and can do plain sewing with her son DICK, 9 years old, also a valuable Boy about a house or with children. J. B. F. BOONE. Feb. 23. 31-H MY Notes and Accounts having been placed ia the hand of S. W. Davis, Esq., for collection, thoc who are indebted to me individually, or us one of tiie old film of Steele It llarty, a rewespcctfolly 'request ed to make settlement by April Court, if not sooner. A. C. STEELE. Feb. 2, 1965. 2t-tf 0ENNA FIGS. A GREAT desideratum in Families and to person suffering from habitual Constipation, being an 1 agreeable auA efficient Aperient, quite palatable, and tree from (hose nauseous principles, w hich make it a ! matUr af en mnih rl t II 1 1 1 to taminist.r m m.A. n a . i children. For sale at SCARK COS. Drug Store. Feb 16, lM9t 90-t A RELIAHLEMEDICINE. THE CELEBRATED 9 A Purely Vegetable Preparation, AND A SOVERIGN REMEDY FOR THESE BITTERS are purely a Vegetable Compound, J. and are offered to the public under the fullest con viction that they will be found a safe and aoveieign Reme y or Dyspepsia. They have been triumphantly tested not only by nu merous families and physicians in the South, who have furnished ample testimony as to their decided ex cellence, but also by the Proprietor, who for ten years, suffered all the gloom incident to that stuUhern and distressing disease. EXTRACT "I do hereby certify that I have known and used your celebrated compound COLLETON BITTERS in my family lor more than fifteen years, and I do verily believe it to be one of the most valuable Family and Plantation Medicines in use, having witnessed their beneficial e.l'c-ets in so many instances, that with truth it may be affirmed they well deserve the high enco mums which they have received from the afflicted who have partaken of their invigorating and health resto ring properties. Signed, CHARLES G. CAPERS, Planter, St. Helena, S. G. The undersigned, sole agents lor the above Med: cines, take pleasure in stating that they are intimate ly acquainted with the manufacture of the " Colleton Bitters' hence they do not hesitate to commend the article, as possessing rare virtues, and well calculated to afford relief in DYSPEPSIA AND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. Retail price, 50 cents a Bottle! For which sum an incalculable amount of suffering may be arrested. The trade will be supplied on libe ral terms. HA V1L AND, HARRaL & CO , Druggists, Charleston, S. C. kvTThis Medicine can be obtained of carr k Co., Charlotte, Reid Sc. Crier, Pull wood, and other respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout tbe State. Feb 16, 1855. 30-ly Money Wanted. rpriE Notes and Accounts due the late firms of Spratf , 1 Daniel &. Co. and Spratt & Allison are in my hands for collection. Those indebted will please come tor ward without delay and pay their dues. ' J. P. SMITH, Agent Dec 29, 1854 3m Leather, Leather, Leather 200 SIDES Hemlock Sole Leather. 50 H Baltimore White Oak, Band and Sole Leather, just received a? BOONE'S BOOT and SHOE EMi OR1UM. Dec 29, 1854 23tf Cheese. DAVIDSON & MOSS have just received 9 BOXES of English Dairy CHEESE, low for cash. Oct 2d, 1854 13tf LAND FOR SALE. 'PHE subscriber offers for sale (privately nntil Tiicn 1 day of May Couit, and if not sold by that time will be exposed on that day lo public sale at the Court llouxe in Charlotte) THREE TRACTS OF LAND, lying about five miles . roni Charlotte, on the Lawyer's road, ons containing 259 acres, one 70 acres, and the other 53 acres. The tracts all join, and will be sold together, if necessary. Tiny arc well watered, and lying on the head waters of McAlpin's Creek, and is well adnpted lo the raising ol Cotton, Com. Wheat, and in fact any cio, lhat a tanner would desire to cultivate. On the 250 acre tract is a well ol good water, that nt ver fails, 2 lots for drovers, a good orchard, und a good dwelling and other out-liouses and on the 70 acre tract is a dwelling 16by l si feet. About 100 acres iias been in cultivation, and is in good repair, the balance i woodland, and 100 aerea is as well timbered as can be found. On the premises is about twelve acres of excellent meadow land, and some as good bottom land us can be found in any sec tion. Terms will be made to suit the purchaser, if pos sible. Any person wishing to purchase, can call on Mr. Taylor, on the preinim s, who will abow the lands, or on the subscriber, in Charlotte. JAMES W. WILSON. Jan 26, 1854. 27-tf Ready-Made Clothing. LARGE and splended assortment of Ready-made Clothing, to be had lew for cash, at Oct 20 tf DAVIDSON 4b MOSS. A Citrate of Magnesia. FRESH case of tbis celebrated refreshing A peri- en t, just opened by SC ARK k CO. Feb 16, 1855. 30-tf Hats. JUST received and opening a splendid lot of Bee be' and Leary's most lashionable Fall and Winter style HATS, together with a large assortment of men and boys' CAPS, Loafer and Wool Hats, of every vanetv, aa DAVIDSON & MOSS'. ' Oct 20 tl State of North Carolina. XKCKLKNBUBG CuUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter becaiooa, January Term, 1855. G. W. Caldwell, i vs. I Original Attachment. Thomas Andrews. I IT appearing to tbe satisfaction of tbe Court that Thomas Andrews is not a resident of tbis Stat or so conceals himself tbat tbe oidinary process of law cannot be served on him : It i therefore ordered tbat publication be made for six weeks in tbe Wssicra De mocrat, a newspaper printed in the towa ot Charlotte, for t ue said Thomas Andrew to be and appear at the n-zt term of this Court to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Courthouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in April next, and plead, answer at demur, or judgment pro confesso wiil be taken against him. Witness W. K. Reid, CJerk ot our said Court. office in Charlotte, the 1th Monday of January, a f. 1855, and in the 73th year of Amerirau ladependeece. 4r( Pr fee f8 ) VV. K. R El V, c. c c. mo'