0 0 A fiF' rioss ix AvovaT. The Strifes of Alaba ma, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, and Texas hold their State elections on the first Mon ia August ; Tennessee on the first Thursday of the same month, and North Carolina on the cond Thursday. Win's' we do not hear so mueh about the cnn Msin these States ns we did about the canvass n Virginia while they Jo not attract the same attest a and excite so high a degree of interest ,,. re evoked hy the contest in the Old Domrat n Vet the two parties are dbususJIj excited in - .. rs Mr the Whigs have given up iheir organization, and I .Vw.jo ' in V irmrii-i w,. in i.m- the two enlesl! parties nre Hie democracy 'ir.d .ho know .oilim3. i Mat the bright examples set by Virginia will be followed generally in the i j ...r'nori Suites, no man. we nresume. serinuslv i l9m For the credit of the South, we devoutly thai without excention all of these Stales 1 j;pe that, wiinout except on, allot tnese plates will repudiate ami crush the new monster of Know I N ibiogism. It is cheering to know thu many of :he best, purest, and ablest of the old Whig party are actively co-ope rationg with the Democracy and against the only ism that has ever menaced ine Soii'-h. Washington Sentinel. Death of Alexander Campbell. The C viand Leader has a sketch of the life of the celebrated Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, Va. He wiis the founder of the sect of Christians known as the "Disci pi," now very numerous and pow er. ul ; was the President of a Theological College nt Bethany ; the editor of a D nominational Ma. gnxine.sad man of much learning and eloquence. He visiied England some few years since, and was mobbe-l et Ediaborg, Scotland, for some sen. timents he publicly advanced there in defence of the system of African shivery as practised iu this country, fie died in New Orleans on the 27th lilt., of disease of the heart. Dams' Vegetable Pain Kili.kr. VVe refer car readers In an advertisement with the above caption, in the advertising; colums of this morning's Ki.de. We first heard "f this medicine during a rtc ot visit to the Nest England Slates, and bring 6trucjc writ the novelty of the title, were induced :,. make some inquiry about it ; and we were sur arised to learn .that it was kept constantly in the h us' s of most uf the inhabitants of the cities and i -s where we stopped, to be ued in casi s of sudden attacks of pain, burns, sc ilds, Arc, nud we i irtl ;' spoken of in terms of high commendation i v both dufirtas and physicians. This much we will, pr pr ety ?.ay as journalists, in favor of t.'.e articie. 1'ittl'ultli-ia limjlc DEATHS. Died. :i 'hi- County. the 22nd of June last, Airs. EI.ENOR LA WING, civcort of Samuel l.iwinj Ivq , gd about 117 years. She was a i blul ill niber ol" the Pu sh) lerian cbiirch. ilrui Siiurdtsrtnrnts Administrators Notice. i l LI. persons iaArbted to ihe estate ol Peter Rhyne, I ilee'.l. will please to make settlement imuieihate . . . a thai is the only remedy to save cost. HENRY SETZER, CALEB RHODES, Ad noiistra ors with the will annexed. a!!..-, X. C . july "37, Ib5.. l-3w LAND FOR SALE. MSBftL THE SOBS KIP.EK oHer for sale the 3 Plantation in which he utiles, sir'nated on j r& Little Snsar Craek, 8 miles South of Caar- i lotte, in the Pr i.lence reion, ami 1 mile ( ui Hie ('. i S. C. Rai1 Ro.nl. This tract contains j aVtut rIafc A-GT'Ci of this amount , about ill acres a.e in cultivation. The largest half ol the . : rated lan l is fresh, having been cleared in the last l-r i ears. On the place there is a a very com oi table krliiij bowac ami all necessary out 1uildins;s, incliuU Mf I nt i Haul and S- re r. iust built. s print mil well ot goad water. 1 he above land i. .aatU in a h althy neighborhooil sni roi inletl ly hi industrious, intelligent and moral emmunity. The sub-. nber will take pleasure in showing the land la any p;io i desirous of purchasing. J. 91. DOBT. july IS, I SI"). 1-tf Whig copy. FIVE CENTS REWARD. 1) AN A WAY from the aider signed in April last, a V bound girl, by the name of II AN N A H A. BAKER, ad 16 or 17 ea s. All persons are forewarned har boriag oi employing said girl, as the law will be rigidly ruAtrced against them. The above leward, and no trunks, will be given for her delivery to me. ELI GRIFFITH, july 07, 1S.". 1 3w CARRIAGE SO& SHOP. 'j UK subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and I me public generally, that he is sti 1 carrying on ' - "u-ri:5; lj.ihiu- IIniiiess in all its va rious branches wi h all the increased facilities arlord ed by modern improvements. He ha- now on l and a huge number of BUGU1ES, CARRIAGES, ROC RA ID AYS, cc., made on the most approved sty es out of Ike best material. to which be asks the inspection ot pur- rnaseis. 1 1 is esiaansnnenis is on voitege ami ieoi s-treets. w here he will be glad to see his friends. ... - IT", . JOHN 1IAKTY. 1-tf jalj QS, 1855. c-monvnn rva c-PnTPW lTRtXXtiL) VJrt alUlifin . FROM the subscriber, in the Town of Char- ! Jj-m ITlotte, on Tuesday the 21th inst a dark Iron CYA Gray IWflCd.X0 three yeas old, a star or fa axe oa the face, slender make, and a natural pacer. Mie was newly shod on the lore feet, had on a boys sad die, considerable worn. Any information of said 2VX"Xj will be thankfully received, and the laker up suitably rewarded, or if stolen, I will give S20 for the apprehension and conviction of thief. Any information left at Springs & McLeod's store, or to me at Hornet's Nest post office, will be received. WM. MAXWELL, july 3d, 1S55. 1-tf RHETT &, ROBSOJN, AN II COMNISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. littonlalfMuW, h- u Libera! advances made on Consignments. Reference: H. B. Williams, President of the Bank of Charlotte. July 2tth IS.'m. 1-Om - '1 TO THE 1B KLlf. "HE Partnership heitofore existing under the name of Parks V Hutchison has expired. The notes a id accounts due Parks St Hutchison are placed in ti.e hanJsot E. Nye Hutchison for settlement PARKS & HUTCHISON, july 20, 1855. 52-3v IN withdrawing from the Mercantile pro ession. 1 would express thanks to my patrons for the almost unvarying kindness which they have exhibited, and the earnest desire that prosperity and happiness may attend them. Thouh not engaged in business, 1 shall be pleased to see my friends at n.v old stand. DAVID PARKS. J"ly 20, lt.'5o. 52-3w .11 ATTRASSES. PHr. undersigned is now manufacturing MATTRA3 I St-.S 111 n 1 prr cnnnrtnr m9ninr Mo l,aa m I - I Various cup. nrt 1, :i n 1 1 anil will ,r ,L-o . . v.. 1 9 ..... " J Olf.C 1 1. VJ i - ar on short notice. W. W. QU1N. HEAT ATTRACTION. 'THE SUBSCRIBERS respectfully announce to th eir -1 L moved their StOClt. e immediately opposite Messi More immediately opposite Messrs. Parks & Hutchison. will keep, as heretofore, a general assortment ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, HATS BOOTS, SHOES, &c, &c an or winch they will sell at their well-known low prices .yfV. IS AT AND BELOW W,V" u,e ",,no mlli,nS ,room " a heavy Stock of TJ" 11 Goods. VVe therefore !hv,,ei ev"v 1"e Wl shln l,''ake the cha,,ce of ktaini2 Great Hargains, to our present Stock, u hi. h mostly has been bought this spring at the Northern Markets, at the lowest rates TTTT"i TTTTT T ..JI.1....L vVXl lAILiLi OFFER CALICOES at from 4, 5. and verv good at G cents and upwards, GINGHAMS at 12J and 15 cents " FANCY MUSLINS at 6 and 8 cents Choice Stvles at 10, 12 and 16 2-3 cents ' BAREGES and SILK TISSUES at correspond log low prices, Rich, Plain and Fancy D ress SILKS at oO and 75 cents. Our stock of White Goods is very heavy. Plain cents upwards. Cinen Cambric Handkerchiefs Irorn 8 cen's upwards. Irish Linen from 25 cents upwards. Our stock ol Hosiery and Glovos, as well as Shirtings and Sheetings, and every other article in that line is very large, and ihey will be sold accordingly. We intend to offer for Genile men also, greatly rrduced prices in the Ready -Made Clothing line, and guarantee every one who purchases ot us to save money. Our S-ock is extensive and must he reduced before Fall. C" Merchants in the country will find great inducements offered. DRUCKER & SOMMERS. Charlotte, July 17, 1855. 52-tf GREA1 ) REDUCTION IN PRICES S &, COII EH wishing to close out the halanc r t a... . l it heretofore done at this late season ol the ear, offer LADIES DRESS GOODS comprisins in part, SILK TISSUES, BAREGES, BAREGE ROBES, White and Colored LAWNS, MUSLINS, Ike, at COST FOi CASH. They will also include a large ass rtnie.it of SILK & STRAW BONNETS, BLOOMERS, and a full assortment of GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS & STRAW GOODS, which will positively be so'd at Cost and no mistake 3 We do not promise to sell the whole ol our Stock at Cot although ws- will sell everything at our usual lew Prices. What we promise we will perform. Call and set. ELI AS At COHEN, No. 2, Granite Hon: Chorlotle, July 17. 1855. 52-tf DITJust receiving a lare Lot of Groceries of all kinds, which will be so'd cheap. THI ARM IH AVE, Just Received anil arc now opening, nt. one of the Largest and best selected Stocks oi i) 1 V LtJ the rrn u imiiij OILS, PAINTS AND PAINTERS' ARTICLES, VARNISHES, FRENCH, ENGLISH !c A XI ERT A N PERFUMERY, FINE TOILET & SHAVING SOAPS Fine Hair, Tooth, and Paint Brushes, n ti-v t n 1 T 4) TRUSSES M SUPPORTERS OF ALL KINDS, SPICES, SNUFFS, AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, All the Patent or Proprietary Medicines of the Day, Superior Ink, Pure fViiirs antl Brandies fr Medicinal Pnrposes, EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING, ACIDULATED DROPS, very refreshing anil delicious, STAPLER'S, AND JACOBS's DIAHRH(EA CORDIAL, OILMAN'S HAIR DYE (instantaneous in its elf ct.) PMALON'd MAGIC HIR DYE, CtiO nri i We mike our purchases for Cash, can bj obtained from any similar establishment in this section. if-.jcfc.f.r ted to fmiesmw, iiiie jijrn GEJiruijrs. Osdkrs from the Coun'ry promptly filled, and sa isfaclion guirautced, with n-ga'd both to price and quality. PHYSICIAN'S I Will receive particular aitctitio i Julv 13, 1635. 51 FLORIDA LAND AGENCY. rruf nmlersi.nied l as established an agency in the 1 town of Alligator, Columbia County, Fla., for the purcbase, sale or location ot Land Warrants, the pur chase and sa e ot lands generally, improved and unim proved. The fact now being established that a Kail lioad is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlanti: and Gulf of Mexico, riming through the entire length of the county, East and West, anc in view of thegieat fertility ofoursoi', the unusually fine growth of pfne timber o'n the land, the healthfu ness of the j climate, and the reasonab e terms on which lands can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which atfords equa, inducements to tliemig.ani rom the older States. Having had some experience in farming on the different kinds ot land, ami acquired a general knowledge ot them throughout the county, and having acquired unusual iacilities lor pointing out such as are for sale either of public or private lands, he feels very confident of making it the interest of all persons wishing inform ation, or who may have deter mined to settle in Florida to call on him. W. O. JEFFREYS. Rcference E. C. Cahf.l. " Hon Hon Hon A. E. Ma.wvfli r o T . . .. .Tallahassee, Fla. II. o. ALlVr.il, St ule Jir. i II. C. Met L.ESK, Esq. ) Cartlmge. X. C. BltlCE, $ Dk. S. C. Rkv. G. McNbill Dk. Mallett. Fayr-ttevilic, N. C. Messrs. W. M. Lawtow Si. Co., Charleston, S. C. Alligator, Fla., June 29, 1955. 49-ly NEW BOOKS FOR SALE L0VYRIE ISO ENMSS'S BOOK STORE. 'HE Slave of lite Lamp, B Posthumous Novel, by Wil ham North. Ingenue, tr Ihe first days of the Blood, . . I . l c .1... ; .. : ..i by Alexander imnas. a raiiMittu nuni tuanoenpt. Fashion and Fancies, by Mrs. Stephens. The Maroon, a legend of the Carribbees. and other talcs bv W. tiilmore Siuiins. Tie Castle Builders, by the author of "IT artsca c," "The Heir o! Rad lytic. " ' Scenes and Chances," etc. The Old Inn or "the Travellers' Entertainment, by Josiah Barnes, Sen. The above tire all the very latest and most popular nrvcls of the day. Wc constantly keep on hand a large and well selected stock of stationary ol every kind, and are constantly re ceiving ali the new books that arc bcinj published, and books that re have not got, wc can gel on the shortest noticr. Junc3-,1?55. 48-tf Citrate of Magnesia. FRESH case of this celebrated re resiling Aperi ent, just opened by SCARE & CO. 30-tf eus om. rs and the pubic in gen ral, that thev have re " - ern rlA - . . 1 ' I. I I. n.,.i 9 iw i u r rVL.. u-.-i . , .,.,. 7 - ui mi. ncii a ;iuir , n i.rji- in. ! From thi- day we offer our whole stocli of NEW YORK COST nnd dotted Swiss Muslins and Jaconets from 12 j j OF of their Sft TI .tB Site Ml(M K, "Aill as thev have . 7 J tlieir s, Irnriiri Stock of C3rJ7-st3txto Drug Store, S & CHEMICALS, nil iiHTi!i f fl 1 11 DENTAL INSTRUMENTS GLES, (jcC.t (x.Cof &c and ofler goods equally as low as they 2S K S C R 2 P TIO S t all hours of I lie day and night. TF jlf1 a tt ixr RELIABLE MEDICINE. A THE CELEBRATED MLM'sm mm, A Purely Vegetable Preparation, AND A SOVERIGN REMEDY FOR I HI-.SE BITTERS are purely a V egetable Compound, and are offered to the public under the fullest con viction that they will be found a safe ami soveieign Kerne y .ror Dyspepsia. Thev have been triumphantly tested not only by nu merous families and physicians in the South, who have furnished ample testimony as to their decided ex cellence, but also by the Proprietor, who lor ten years. I suffered all t he gloom incident to that stubborn and ; I distressing disease. EXTRACT 'I do hereby certify that I have Known and used, your celebrated compound COLLETON BITTERS iu j ! my family for more than fifteen years, and I do verily j believe it to be one of the most valuabic Family and i Plantation Me die life's in use, having witnessed their j beneficial effects in so many instances, that with truth it may be affirmed they well deserve the high enco- i niums which they have received from the afflicted who j I have partaken of their invigorating and health resto- I prop,' "ties. Signed, CHARLES G. CAPERS, Planter. St. Helena, S. C. Ihe undersigned, sole agents lor the ai.ove iVled:- i cines, take pleasure in stating that thoy are intimate- i eratjona Qf t,e Executive Departments of the Govcrrn ly acquainted with the manufacture of the t olleton nent to.rLther with the weekly list of mw patents, will F'iiters " hence they oo not hesitate to commend th article, as possessing rare virtues, and well calculated to afford relief in DYSPEPSIA ND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. Retail price, 50 cents a Pot'le! For which sum an incalculable amount of suffering may be arrested. The trade will b supplied on libe ral terms. H AVI LAND. H A R R. L & CO , Druggists. Charleston, S. C. TTbi Medicine can be obtained of Scarr & Co., Charlotte. Reid Ac Oreir, Full wood, and other respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout the State. Feb 10, 18"5. 30-ly PIANO FORTES. A I R. RAMSEY, of Colum. bia, So. Ca., I'j.iuo Forte and Jlnsir Denb ! or, is constantly receiving ! a good supply of Pianos with ja'"' the LAltsi JMPKOV K- MF.NTS. which has given them the pV?rnium over all others. 6 anil f4 octaves tioin u to wu. of 10 1 $,?an to $100. 7to 7-J t00 to $150. Carved wor:; and Grand Pianos Jrom $500 to $1000. Mr. R. being a practical f lano 3iater can insure to his customers a perfect instrument . Columbia, june 29, IS jo. 49-lv WAIITC0. A GOOD MILK COW, for which a fair price ill be paid. Enquire at this Office, june 29 .49 aTk. PHILLIPS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT- For the purchase :tml salt- t.( Real Estate, Stocks, B'.nds, Naocom.all IiiJi of Mi rehandise and Country I'roiluce. mr" Office in rear of the Commercial Bank, Culutn bia, S .tit l C.-i roliaa. Junu 15, 18.",o. 47-2m CHARLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. PHIS COMPANY is now organized occordinjr to the act of Incorporation, and are prepared to receive ap plications and issuj mliciin against loss by fire on all kinds of properly ami mercbandizc. OFFICERS : R. C. Car-oji. President, John Ikwi n, V. President, Wm. Johnson, Altorney, J. V. Irwin, Sec. & Trcas. W. L. Wristdx, Agent. Dl rkcti R R. C. Carson, John Irwin, J, Joseph H. While. Ja men II. Cirson, Dr. M A. Young, B. Taylor, W. W, Elms, Wm. Johnson, Leroy Springs, J W. Os- borne, Ch,i. Overman, and 11. H. Bra w ley. O Dirt ct all com ninnic.it ion t. the Secretary. JOHN F. IRWIN, Sec'y June 15, 18i5. 47-tf IN CHESTER., JS- CJ. TH E suhscrihers inform the public jr'eneraliy, that they I have opened a Ai APPLE YARD in Clyster, S. C, near ihe Depot, where they are prepared, with compe tent workmen from the North, to execute all orders in i tteif line of business, such as Plain and Ornamental 3ffrl3lo Work, consist innr of mmmmnx tombs, ! TABLETS, HEADSTONES, &C. They will keep constantly on hand (he bcM description of Italian and American Marble, and their articles will j he afForilcd on as accommodating terms as they can be obtained cither North or South. EC" All orders, for any article, addressed to the sub- ! Rcribcra, will be packed and forwarded with the utmost j care and dt snatch. SAMUEL McNINCII, C. NEEF. Che.st.-r. S. C, May 2". 1655. 44if Sclliii" off at Cost ! T HAVE 1 I von &. D;i bought the entire Stock of GOODS of Alii 'aiiicl and will sell the same at first cost for CASH. The stock is Iartre fine assrrtmcnt ol and well selected, embracing a Ladies' and Gentlemen's ii t , l ress uoous, Window Curtains, C- E. SPRATT. april 20, 185.ri. 39tf PAY YOUR TAXES. TPHF Tax List lor the Town of Charlotte, are in my 1 hands for inspection ali Tax Payers are recja-'Sted to pay their Taxes at Ihe earliest opportunity. I am compelled to close the Tax List by the 1st of August. The above must and shall be attended to. J. P. GILLESPIC, Tax Collector, june 29. 1655 40 tf A GREAT lI!iOYLKY. rpHE PE 1 W. W. PEOPLE pencrnlly have conceded the fact that VVaddell VV- Co's Lightning Pods is the only safe protector from that dangerous element that now exist. The premium was awarded, to them both in Loudon and New York, at the Worlds Fair, the points are constructed so as to attract from a distance, and composed of a compound of Copper and Silver, with plat in a points, which is warranted not to corrode. We the undersigned are prepared to furnish (all persons who may wish the protection of their lives and property" with the above Rods, and put th in up all complete, at the shortest possible notice. J. E. L. PHELAN & CO. June 29, 1855. 49-tf Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherfordton JELu hooks foi for subscription to Ihe capital stock of the I) Wilmington, Charlotte nnd Rutherfordton Railroad woiiipiiiy. are now open nt ne stores ot Hivirs. irwm, Hoggins V Co., and William, Dixon & Co., iu the town of Charlotte. All person are invited to come forward and aidill this good work. VVM. JOHNSTON, JNO. A. YOUNG, JOHN I ft WIN, LEROY SPRINGS, JOHN WALKER, WM. MAXWELL, W. M. MATTHEWS, A. C. WILLIAMSON. W. W. ELMS, C. J. FOX. W. R. MYERS, Comm issioiicrs. April 10, 1855. 3d-F Notice. T WILL attend at the Court House in Charlotte on 1 Saturday ol each week during the month of July, for the purpose ol taking the returns of all taxable pro perty in said Town and Beat, all individuals or persons owning property subject to a Slate lax will take notice. J. P. ROSS, J. P, June 29, 1855. 411 4w . . . ('THE SPECTATOR." A WEFKl.T JOURNAL rUBLIsHRD AT WAsHIKOTON ri rv. flMlt undersigned propose to commence about tlie first ol June next, in the City of Washington, the publi cation of a weekly hewspapei, to be ailed the Spectator, designed for general circulation among the people of the United Slates. Its columns will contain a full digest ot the news of the day, lreign and denicMic; a weekly review ol finance and the markets ; a synopsis uf the aroccedi nr of Congress tfurin'' its session: tables of election returns, the important political action ol State ; . ... i r- .... .: . . :. . .:. legislatures, auu oi ii.uii' eeint niions ; uiitri si mr mis- cellaneous and scientific mailer; articles on agriculture; togt ther with original articles upon the leading topic of ,u. ,. , M r.b valuable i.itoroialion relative to the on e round in its columns. ,-r6c MJl,u oi ns sp.icc will be devoted to light literature, original and selected, j Its location as Ihs political centre ol the Union, will af ! ford opportunities always to procure the latest inforiiia i lion ou public a IT. irs. It is the intention of the undersigned to make the : Spectator an acceptable visitor to every house in the I Union, and it will therefore not assume on any occasion I the position of a partizan pap r, t.or will it owe any I allegiance to men ; nut entertaining fixed and decided views on questions of political economy, and upon our : system of government, it Will disseminate and promul ga-e inem as occasion may require always Keeping carefully in view the interests of the country, growing out oi foreign as well as domestic affairs. The Spectator will be printed in quarto form, on good paper and new t3"pe ; each number containing eight pa ges of matter, making one v.dumc annually of'41G pages. Each volume vu.l be accompanied by a full and cnn pletc index of its cout'-nts, thus making it a most valua ble paper lor preservation and reference. It will be published every Siturday morning, at $2 per annum, payable alwa3's in advance. No paper will be continued beyond the time for which it is paid. All subscription and communications on business should be addressed to the undersigned at Washington, D. (". AUG. F. HARVEY & CO. Washington City, May 2-, U-55. 48 BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE HERE. 2 Dissolution. The co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of WARING &c HERRON, in the publication of the " Western Democrat," has expired this day by its own limi tation. The accounts due the firm must be closed as soon as possible. Either H auihnrized to settle. R. P. WARING. UUFUS M. HERRON. June 8, 1S55. ! It OTIC K. I XJ AVf NG made out all the accounts due the -DEMOCRAT" Office f-r Advertising and Sub ; scripfion, all person- indebted to us are requested to pay n without d lay. The business of the late firm must be closed itl July Court, or those :- indebted must take the consequences. WARING & HERRON. 1 June 29 49 TO HUGH L. TINLEY & CO,, (SUCCESSORS TO TIN LEV A HERRON,) RECEIVING AND FORWARDING ACENTS, AND GENERAL COMMISSI JN MERCAANfS. JS'o. 2 Exekanji Sin e'. South All nit ic Wharves, Charleston, So. Vtt. (1 IVE their personal attention to the s.-:le of Cotton as 1" customary, or by sp.ci il contract, all other kinds of Produce and M mufaefnrcs, and make prompt u tarns of the same, for "-'.j per cent, commission. We will CONTIN IE, as hi n tutor; , to give our cpe ciul attention to the Rtc, ixinir and Eur warding of i.il goods concignfcd to us, for 1(1 cents per package. Machinery, large pack:ig s oi Furniture, &c , charged I in proportion to trouble ;:nu r. Fponaibilily, for advancing I freights and charges, X?A per cent. KT Person shipping Goods or Produce through this j house, may rely upon their inti n st being i O jlTIV FLY PROTEGTED, both against overcharge and loss of j jjoods. i We have in no instance nor will we detain any goods for freight and charges. We aouiJ respect fally beg leave to refer to the fiT ; low iusr fen tic men, with whom wc have lid business j tra us actions : 1 John Caldwell, President ot the S. C. R. R , Colum bia. U. Passailaiguc, Superiiitcndant of Public Worlds Col unibin. F. W. McMastcr, Librarian of S. C. College, Colum bia. P. W. Fuller, Columbia. John King, Jr., S. C. It. R. Agent, Charleston. Henry Missroon, Agent ol New York Steam, rs Holmes & Stoney, Agents of New York Sailing Pack els. H. F. Baker & Co,, Agents of Baltimore and Phila delphia Sailing Packets. J. W. Cahhvi 11, Agent of Biltiinore Sieaincrs and Boston Sailing Packets. july 13, 1355. 51-1 y State of North ( arotina. MECKLENBCRG COCSIT. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1855. Sarah Ann Sharpe ) iM r. i mS." . e t i ) Petition for Dower. I he Real Estate ol John j Sharpe, deceased. J i . j IT appearing to Ihe satisfa drew Sharpe, Azariah tistaetion ol the t omt that An- Sharpr, James Scntt and children . a re non-residents of this Slate, but reside be yond the limits of the same : It is therefore ordered and adjudged that publication be made for six weeks iu the "Western Democrat," a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying said defendants to be and appear at tilts next Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the Co nty ot Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on thc4th Monday in July next, then and there to make themselves defendants, and to plead, answer or demur to this petition, or the same will he taken pro conlesso as to them, and set for hearing. Witnces, W. 1. Reid, Cleft of our said Court, at of fice in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in April, 1855, and iu the 7Jlh year o!" American Independence. W. K. REID, c c c. May 18, 1855. (Printer's Fee f 6.) 6v. State of North Caiolina, MECKLENBURG COI'STY. Superior Court ol Law Spring Term, 1855. Rebecca A. Alexander, vs. W. F. Alexander. etition for Divorce. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W JL h . Alexander, t lie defendant m this ease, resides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered bv the Court, that advertisement be made in the Wes tern Democrat, for three mont hs, not ify inr the said defendant of the films: of this petition, and that unless he appears at the nexi Term of this Court, to be he d for ihe county of Mecklenburg, at I he Courth, use in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday, after the Dh Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the said will be taken pro conlesso and heard ex paite as to him . Witness, Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk ot our said Court at office, the 7th Monday, after the 1th Monday in Maich, A. D., Ifc55. J. R. KERR. c. m. s. c. july 20, 1S5.3. (Pr's fee $10.) 52-3m STATE oFnOKTH CAROLINA, MECKLEXBt'RG COUXl V. Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 18-j.j. Nancy Miller, J vs. K Petition ror Divorce. John .Miller. IT appears to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Miller, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this State : it is therefore ordered by the t-ourt, that advertisement be ma e in the We. tern De mocrat, for three mouths, notifying ihe said defendant of the filing of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the county ol Mecklenburg, at the t ouit House in liar otte, on the 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in September next, and ans-.ver said petition, the said will be taken pro conlesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, Jennings h. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court at otiice, tne Th woncay, alter the -nri .Monday in m V. A n iioi.n, , .f. R. KERB, c m. s. c. july 20, 1 855. (Pr's fee SI 0.) 5?-3m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STANLY cOUN'l Y. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 1855. J .cob W. Little, Adn.'r of James Lit'le, deceased, vs. Petition fjr Settlement. Sonhiah Liftle, Of instead Little. Lorenro M. Lit- tie. Miry E. Long, J. nos E. Lve and w i fe IfaTcissa, j James M. Hunnycutt and wife Clarinda, Isreal Little, j James Little, John Alexander Little, Wm. A. Little and J Mirtha Little. j It appears to the satisfaction of the Court that Lorenzo M Little, one of ihe defendants in this case is not an inhabitant i of this S:ate. It is o.dvrtd, that publication be made in ihe ; Charlotte Democrat for six we i I s, i.otifyintr ihe said Lorenzo 1 T :..i - - 1.- 1 .1 'l' fne will be taken procontesso as to h:m bi d lu-oid ex parte IVitness, Richard Hams, Clcik of our said Court at oiiice in Alieinarle, ihe second Monday in May, 1855, and of A mencan Indeper.dercf the 7ftT year. Issued 'be ljth day of Junr, 185a. June .: 18 tw (Pi'i lee $6.) R- I1ARRI-4, Clerk. GINGER POP AND ICED LEMONADE can be had every day at Lonergan's Bakery and Confectionary, 2 doors north of the American Hotel, mav, 18 1855 CUf SHIPPERS. .H, Liiiue 111 ue 111111 ion iwaw letniui "ui wuiaium ; voniiiiiiia. n g'ii a iw ciny-ieui muih (.mil riigiut; : .v. iiou iui y...y "KiMj, di me w.. ... j 8 ,jy , ( c country , n'.'y-i" - ' 1 vuiar m w, which Aioemane, on tne seconu .101 any in August nex', men ano )Crion, W. aH lhc t. tit i,W. and Edgifi" there t nlead. answer or demur to the sa d Icni;'n. or ihe o . ,,. . j vi.it. ah ... TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE Owing to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Killer put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, we have been obliged to resort to very expensive measures to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from meat injury, by buying and using their worthless coun teifeits. The comparative plain and simple style in which our Pain Killer has been put up, has made it very easy for those disposed, to imitate it very succes. fully, as far as its external appearance, in style of bot tle, lahle, and color of the article ; but we need not say that the e mpound is a miserable, filthy production, and calculated to do great injury to those who might use it with the confidence that they lave been accustomed to use the genuine Pair. Kdler. Parties whose busi ness it is to counterfeit valuable preparations, do it in such a secret manner, that it is almost useless to at tempt to punish them by Jegal measures, as it is diffi cult, and we might say impossible to bring the pioot borne to them. Consid ring the great difficulty in protecting our selves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been :o a very great expense in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LA BEL, for our bottles. VVe also attach to our bottles a Steel Engraved Note of Hand, which we issue as our obliga tion, ami to counterfeit which is held to be forgery by the laws of the United States, and which patties will not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getting ip and printing of these labels will prevent th 'attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to the public that the article they purchase is the genuine Perry Davis' Pain Killer, manufactured by Perry Davis Iv Son, Sole Proprietors. The 1 uin Killer will be put up in a new style ol panel bottle, with the wolds, Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, blown in the (Jlass. We have discontinued the use of ihe "1 7 J, cent bottles and now put up only four size, viz : I v 4 cents, 95 cents, f0 cents and ill per bottle We have also a very fine Engraving on Stone for th l'ox labels, specifying the contents ol the box, Writers and hy whom manufactu'ed, & c. We have also added to our Pamphlet of directions and certificates a cover beautifully finished, presenting on the first page a vei y excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original inventor ol the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one label on each box, has also a correct 1 ikeness of Pert y Dais, which t will he impossible to counterfeit successlu ly. Wc have b' en to this expense, that the public might have perfect confidence that th y were getting the gen uine aiticle when they buy a bottle as above describ ed. To those who have so long used and proved the merits of our article, we would say that we shall con tinue to prepare nr Pain Killer of the best and purest materials, ant that it shall be every way worthy of their appiobation as a family medicine. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Manufacturers and Proprietors. Providence, R. I., July J7th 1S55. The Pain Killer is sold by Pkitchart) & Gai.Dwrrx, Charlotte, N. C ; also by Sill &. Sill, Salisbury; Boa fright It Rarkuloo, Colum bia; and by Druggists, Grocers and Medicine Dealers generally. July 27th 1855. 1-ly. Pl'BLIC NOTICE. NEW GRAND DUCHY OF BADEN LOTTERY LOAN. Capital 11,000,000, Fls. T MIIS LOAN is guaranteed ly the Government, nnd will be drawn u different prizes, as 'o'lmu: I I os 50.000 E'J. 15 of 40,900 FI. 12 of 35,0( 0 Fls. 23 of 15,01)0 Fls. ll of 12,00(1 Pl 55 . f Kl.tmo Fls. 40 of 5 000 Fls. of 4.000 Ks. 58 of 4,000 Ms. 384 of Fls. 1044 af 1 ,000 Fls. A c. A c. A e. The lowest prize being 4'2 Florcns. 1'2 Flori ns are equal to Fve Dollars. Th next Drawing lakes plane at Carlxmhe, under Ike Direction of'tlie B den Government, nn the 31 ht August, 1855, when evei y drawn number must obtain one of the above mentioned Prizes, which will be paid in cssh, at the office of the undersigned. Those fortnn ite Share, holders not n siding on Ihe spot, will have their amount nf Prizcr gained paid to them through nn istahlished Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent t.i each Shareholder, ai.d the Bucccislul l umbers published in the New s n rs. The Pii.e of Ticket is Two Dol'ors. The following advantages ari given by takii g a nnrn b r ol Tickets, viz : 1 1 Tickets cost only $20 50 Tickets cost only ?H0. 2.'t Tickets tost only 40 100 Tickets cost only ISO The Price lor Tickets can he sent in Bank Notcii or Drafts, payable in any of the commercial towns of tier, many, Ilo 1 md, France, England, St otland, or I.!.uid. For Ticket and Pip'pcclusoa apply t the undi rsigr ed Banking houe, which is appointed for the sale of Tickets. M0RI2 STIEBLE SONS, Rankers Frankfort on-ths .Maim: Germany. N. B Lett' rs In he dir, t ied i t Sifiiint r, ia Liv erpool." to MOIMZ STIEBLE f)NS, Bankers, iu Frankfort. on the Maine. Rcmilfatice which nrilve oiler Ihe day of Dra wiiur. will be n t imet), or invested iu the Heat Drkwiug, at Ihe option of ihe sender. July '27th in.-,.",. I-5w. " HENRY VERNON, OR T HIS is the title of 1 Romance now in process of com pletion, which will be issued in two numbers on the Island 15th of July, 1855. The scenes are laid mainly in Ihe United States, England and Spain. The work will be printed on pure white paper with new type, and will equal in quantity of matter an ordinary sized Duo decimo volume of 300 pages, it will be promptly issued and forwarded to all who will send their otdei accompanied with the cash. Terms. Sir gle Copy, Two Numbers, $0 7.1 To Itibs of 3 or more, per copy. - - - 50 Remittances mast be made in bills or change, and 110 in Pust-Oficc Stamps. Address JAM8 M. SMYTH li. June 20 - 49 ft Augusta, Gh. Extra Chance. QEBIOUSLT af.Lrtive events Imve deli riuilied Xtt VJ mhseriber to el.e uji bis prenei.t bu-im . A ue -UA be offers a rare opportunity for a profitable invt. sluieul, ' bis well known fj f yyi Tf"i 1 1 t jvcjxi. . , , At Ent7.i:in.Kfci , Level P.O., oil the Charlotte and South Carolina Railro.d, Locotien fiue. F'nteeii miles from . . . ,( . . . : Ll J . ... . ... 1....... I.. , j,'.v, 1 i.iiniiir una rito ,un, nn in one oiui', and will yield 3.3 prr cent, annually on the capital. All the building comfortable, good and convenient, lie i now putting in a turnout, which will faeiiisHs ihe lnm. ptirta'ion of lumber. ' Terms will be made eary and aeomiuiodatiug nn tin. doubted paper. W. D. ELK IN. June l.-t, 1855. 45 Jt. JUST RECEIVED, . ' ' . HATS and CAPS on consignment , nt l-num' jo"g and Shoe Embrum. Dec 29, :') I 27tt Charlotte, july '20, 185. Feb 16, ISA.