urns re mmm llTFa Mi Ml WARING- 8c PRIT CHARD, Proprietors. A FAMILY PAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, MINING. AND NEWS- PRICE $2 PER YEAR In Advance. "Cfjf Itntrs Dbinr ns tjjr Mm, but oar 115 jje ro VOL. 4. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1855. NO. 6. ff$sTiH mm EDITED BY r, P. WARING & II. H. PRITCHARD. ti.fu.-e, one door sourh of Sadler's Hotel up stairs. Terms of Subscription. jf paid trictly in advance ...... $200 i paid ithiu three month 20 I i pcxJ at the end of the yeat. ..... 3 on. tflr nv oerson sendinir us fiw vrw f,;-riliin n rr r nk i-A iy the advance subscription, ($10,) will .eciv the sixth Terms of Advertising. Advertisements will he inserted at $1 per square forme first, tnd -5 cents lor each subsequent insertion. A square cou nts ol thirteen lines or kssl irn si.e icuer. A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver tise by the year. Double column advertisement will be charged 25 per cent, additional on the usual rates. advertisements inserted monthly or quarterly SI per square tor racli insertion. F.r annoaocine candidates for office $3 in advance. Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines w,ll be inserted at $5 a year ; not exceeding a square $9. fcX Subscribers and others who may wish to send money j us, can do so at all times, hy mail, and at our risk. toman Cuttoolic Disabilities. When the Somniles had surrounded the Roman army at the Caudino forks, .in aged Senator of approved wisdom, the father of the Somnite gen eral wru called on for his advice as to the proper disposition to be made of .the conquered enemy -dismiss them," said he, 'unmolested and unran snmed.' This being a strain of generosity too high for the conquerors, he then said, 'exterminate them to the last mnn.' Astonished at the seem ing condition in the counsel ii.ven, the Somnite general requested an explanation. By my first advice,' said the old Senator, '.which was the best, I recommended Jo you to ensure the everlasting irs'iturfe of a powerful people ; by my second, which was the worst, I pointed out to you to pol icy of getting rid of a dangerous enemy. There i nn third way. 'Ttititan nullum consilium.' When asked il a middle course would not do, and whither the Romans should not be subjected to hard conditions and dismissed unhurt, he said, ht i quirfcm st ntentia ed est, qua. ncq.te amicos jmrat, HCjuc ittimicos toll it. The son, tinlinpp!y Rr his country, thought himself wiser tlian his father, and adopted the middle a ure. passing the Romans under the yoke Mid fending them home irreconcilable enemies. This incident, formerly applied to the Catholic -tieti n in Great Britain, applies equally well to the same question here. We have a party who fancy that the Romans are jn.ihe.Caudine forks, and, unhappily for our .nuntry, thinking themselves wiser ihnn their tires, propose to pass the enemy under the yoke. This selfstvhd American party represent to us that the Roman Catholics are powerful enough to be dangerous, and propose to wound, but not to lay them to make t hi m in ligtbls for office, hut to leave them in possession of the elective fran chise, the great instrument of political power. Those Car holies who, from talent, wisdom or worth, would probably be elevate! to office, arc degraded and insulted, while the inferior (portion are left untouched. Can it he supposed that the influence of. the Catholic leaders over their follow ers will he impaired by ineligibility to office. ? Will tlu re not he, ns now, the ties of a common reli gion, and, to some extent, of a common persecu tion? They are to be irritated, but not disarmed. Their followers are hit to them, armed with the elective franchise. And this powerful weapon is to be wielded at the command of injured and in dignant leaders. From loyul citizens they wjll be incited to become traitors. What love or rever ence can they bear to a Constitution whicV de presses them below the common level and-stigma-tizus them as unfit to be trusted ? ,tf they be enemies, and are powerful enough to he bared, and we have ihem in the Caudine forks, let us tx'ermitnte ihem politically or dismiss tliem 'unmolested and unrr.nsomed.' lTcrtium nullum consilliuyn.1 Let them go. or deprive them of the elective franchise, make them ineligi ble In office, lake from them the education of their children, abolish Ca'holic schools and colleges, disqualify Hu m for silting on juries or serving in the i.rmy and navy, and, if ihey still gain upon u, deport them as the Moors were deported from Spain. 'I 'he latter course is a logic?! deduction from K. Nothing principh s, hut, 'willing to wound and yet afra'd to strike.' they shrink from such monstrous consequences and content themselves with a mid dle course, which serves no other purpose than fa show th ir maligniiy and to rouse Catholic I ite. It is the fashion to speak of the men who de vised the anti-Catholic laws of Great Britain as ferocious bigots, and yet, compared with the in seu ors of Know Nothing sm, they are great, lib eral. minded, patriotic statesmen. They hd some excuse for their ' enormities. They lived when the agonies and struggles of die? Reformation were at their heght, and hen lingland bo-e a divided allegiance one part of the nation adhering to an exiled Catholic family and the other maintaining a reigning Protestant dynas'y. There was some excuse for tearing Catholic predominance when n.en were hanged lor believing in the Pope, and burned for denying him. A Catholic was lerril.b' :ti the dnys of continental wars between iheCaih ilics and ProteMants, of Spanish Armadas, of gun powder plots and Popish conspiracies. When the It-s of Gates, the murder of Godfrey, and the Highland army of the Catholic Pretender, frigh tened the nation from its propriety. Catholic was then synonymous with traitor. 'Hut, (said Canning) as treason was naturally concealed while religion was more readily avowed or ascertained, tho test of the suspected politcs was sought in the profess ed creed. It wH3 necessary to discover the Pa pit who w ished to restore the exiled family, and the oa'h of transubvanliatiun was devised to de It ct them.' Whtu those times pis-sed awav. the odious penalities, to which thay had given birth, vanished with him. Thirty-four vears ago, ijje Hritish House of Commons, on the memorable night of April 1-1, 1821, by a vote of 2 Hi to 197. swept ihem from the Mntute book, and made Cath olics eligible to Parliament. Who can turn, wiihr.u: deep mo: :ificr.tion, fiom the historj of th fearf.il times which ail hut ex cuse the Catholic disabilities and the magnanimity wliich tubst qupn'ly removed them, to the unpro voked hatred of Catholics and the insensate policy with regard to them, proposed by a large ciass of American citizens? Where are our Spanish Ar mada9, gun powder plots. Popish conspiracies and Highland invasions ? What continental wars rage in sight of our shores, involving the existence of the Protestant religion ? What shadow of excuse have we to hate or fear the Catholics? And yet it is proposed to leap back to the hates, the fears and the penalities of those times, vaulting clean over the peace, good-will and liberality of the in tervening period. If the great American people give themselves up to such bigotry, we hope they will no longer be absurd enough to talk about '.heir progress in political science. In such events we must beg instruction from Spain and pattern after his progressive Majesty, the Sultan. From the South Side Democrat. Mr. Editor : Will you oblige a friend, and one who is not a Catholic, by inserting the enclos ed, clipped from the Washington Sentinel ? Com ment is unnecessary. May it reach the hearts of those who have endeavored to create a prejudice against that church whose members are so kindly and benevolently serving our afflicted people. .CHRISTIAN. THE SISTERS OK CIIARITV. In our .exchanges we find the most dishearten ing accounts. of the continued ravages of yellow fever in Portsmouth, Virginia ; and while our heart yielded its sincere and ready sympathy to the sifflicied and bereaved, we were attrae'ed by a bright .-pot in the desolate .waste tiiat was presen ted hy ihem. Alter stating that the panic was so great as to have caused the flight of more than one half ol the ciUZ'-ns, to have closed all the .stores, to have suspended all branches of business, !he simple statement is made that "the Sisters of Charity have voluntarily sought the fearful scene, and are rendering the kind offices of nursing the sick an.d comloriing the affl.cied." Sisters of Charity ! Well, indeed, are you so called, who lurn your backs upon ease, and com fort, and pleasure, and safety, to wait upon the sick, the comfortless, the deserted, in the midst of peril ! Whether friend or acquaintance, or stran ger, it is all alike to you. Where is the heart, hard and rugged in its orig inal nature or improved and softened by the influ ences of genial piety, or lodging in the breast ol the bigot and fanatic, that does not beat a grateful response to such u iiobie instance of disinterested charity ? Are these the persons whose brothers, and fath ers, and kinsman, are to be proscribed from hold ing office and placed under the ban ofjgovernmeni displeasure, because forsooth, they worship God in their own way and after their own conscience? Are such useful and unselfish charities to appeal in vain for an equal participation in the benefits of our government, and the bl-ssings of our institu tions ? As was beautifully said by Mr. Senator Hunter in his late speech : ',Dut, fellow-citizens, I went a little too far, when I said it was proposed to procribe Catholics from all offices .in this country. There are some offices wliich the sons and daughters of that Church are Still considered competent to discharge. I mean the oft'ees of Christian charity, of ministration to the sick. The sisters of charity may enter yon der pest house, from whoso dread portals the bra vest and strongest man quails and shrinks ; she may breathe the breath of the pestilence which walks abroad, in that mansion of misery, tin order to minister to disease where it .is most helpless. There, too, the tpnes of hnr voioe may be heard mingling with the last accents of humm despair, to soothe the fainting soul, as she points through the gloom of, the dark yally of the jshadow of death to the Cross of Christ, which stands transfigured in celesii6l light, to bridge the way from Earth to Heaven; and when cholera or yellow fever invades votir cities, the Catholic Priest may refuse to lake refuge in flight, holding the place of the trueSol dier of the Cross to be by the sick man's bed even though death pervades tho air, because he may there tender ministrations of his holy office to those who need them n ost," rai hia-i Gosip. The New York Tribute (H. G. having return ed in the Baltic) has some Parisian gossip touch ing France and the Npo!ea.ns. We quote ; "In the absence of a lineal heir to his throne and nothing is heard in France of th? prospect of such an heir recently heralded on this side of the A'lantic the succession runs to old Jerome, only serviving brother of Napolean I., and next to his son Jerome Napolean. who was a noisy Red tl- publican previous to his cousin's usurpation. Old Jerome is nobody, and is not known to have ever adopted a principle or cherished a convic'ion. Young Jerome has some talent, but no character or rather a bad reputntion, even in profligate Paris. . He is there accounted not merely loose in his morals, even when judged ly the lax Parisian standards, but is popularly believed :o have be trayed a yant .of courage while in the Crimea. Lonif Napoleai.'s rule is endured because it is known that he will fight to maintain it, nnd not run auay when it is threatened, as his two las: predecessors did." Anecdote of the Late Czar. We read in Ike Abcille dm Sard. "In the month of July, 1863, the Emperor Nicholas was passing along the Et -ghsh quay, when he noticed a hearse traversing the road followed only by one person, an official from one of the hospitals. Surprised at seeing neither the parents nor friends of the deceased fol lowing the remains to their last home, the Emper or stopped his carriage and asked ho it was about to be buried. A poor employe of the hospital,' said the niin. At these words the Emperor lelt his carriage, moved his helmet, made the Mgn ol the cross, and followed the hear-e. his held un covered. A crowd of people, including mote dis linsaihed Persona ire, hastened to fellow tins ex nmple, and it waj not long before the cottye be came most imposing. Then turning to the crowd, ha Enperor said, in a loud voice, Now, peal le ssen, 1 hop- ihat you will render Itta (last Jutles of a clinsiian to this pour deceased, and that you will accompany the body to the tposb. " Visit to Table Rock. as MORG ANTON, IN. J., Aug. 1U. The countv of Burke, in which the Jelijjhtful town of Morganton is situated, is enclosed on all sides by mountains, which branch of south-east-wardly from the Blue Ridg. The t-urfuce of the country is rugged, and intersected by numerous water courses ; the soil is fertile, and the climate cool and salubrious. These natural advantages are enjoyed by a thrifty and intelligent population the upper classes of which are educa'ed and re fined, and possess in a high degree that indepen dent and courteous bearing which is characteris tic of Southern gentility. Prominent among the mountain of the western or Linville rang'-, about eighteen mih s from Mor ganton, is Table Rock, which, from the peculiari ty of having iis summit capped with an immense rock of the form of an oblong square, has reci iv ed this appellation, and been an obj-cl of aitrac tion to travellers who visit this interesting coun try. The first ten miles of the road from Morgan ton, is over a succession of wooded hills and fer tile Vtllte ; for the next .six miles the couirry is so broken that 'he journey can be made on horse back only. As ihe mountain is approaelu d, the path stretches nlong elevated rules in many pla ces scarcely wid" enough lor four horses to stand I abreast which gradually uscending reach it near its summit. The cistern side of the mountain is precipitous ly steep, presenting the appearance of having been cleft from its summit to its base throughout its en tire length. The other .idrs slope gradually downwards, and are covered with verdure. Up on the very summit, rising to the betgltl of three hundred feet, is the rock, the length ol which run ning north and south, is about five hundred feel, with a width at the top of about one hundn t! feet. The eastern side of the rock, being parallel to and corresponding with thai of the body of the moun tain, presents a continuous perpendicular snrlace of nearly eight hundred feet. On the western side there is an immense fisMire ex'ending down wards (or about two hundred feet, with an aver age width of ten feet. In i his fissure ihere are several caverns and tortuous passages, where the drippings from the rocks above collect and form pools of water, cool and refreshing to the j ided explorer, wJio selects this spot to take his lunch : and recruit -his exhausted energies. If this fissure were continued throughout the length and depth of the mountain, and the outer fragment removed I the mountain would resemble a conical mass with , two of its sitl-s removed perpendicularly from a ; point near its apes to its base. The base of the i mountain on "II side? is of a much higher level , than the neighboring valleys, so thai though the j elevation of its summit is nearly as great us that ! of any of the IJfue Ridge, it is not 30 eonspieuous as it would be we re it surrounded by deep val- i leys. Ir. the small pools of water which collect in the cavities and depressions o ri toe surface of the rock j millions of the lame of mosquitoes nre th posited. In a small cavity on the topmost ledge, (about 500 feet above the level of the. sen) containing not more than a quart of water, there were hundreds of the yonng of thse insec's nearly in a condi- j lion to take wing. The fully developed inject i does not wander far from its place of birth to an- ! noy the human .p' cies, hut finds i's food in the thick shrubbery which lines the shady slopes of ; these uninhabited regions. From the summit of the rock, the county of Burke is seen stretching out South eastward!? to i the rnge of the Sob;h mountains, twenty-five miles j distant. On all other sides rise monntain after : mountain, beyond the rnnge of vision. The j Grand-father and the Roan the highest of the j B!u tBiilge are in full view. The Ltnnville j proper is immedittely Westward, and beyond is j the Linville falls, where the river of that name is j precipitated qver three rockey ledge the depth j of three hundred feet. Near these F ills is an un- j explored cave, .supposed to be very ex'ensive, j which, from the picturesque scene.r.y w.hich sur- j rountls its entrance invites exploration. Th view from the top of the rock ell repays j the toil of the ascent. Nothing but actual obser vation can convey an idea of the grand iagni cence of this mountain scen- ry. Th bright sun o'er fiend, th" ,rreen valleys below, and the innu merable mountains looming out in'erminabl y into the far distance, w ith their peaks either bilhed in clouds or jutting into the clear sky above, present too many .images, r.iise too ojany emotions, and give birth to too many reflections to be expressed in language. The appearance pres-nted on n cloudy day is strikingly similar to that of a burn ing plain the vaporous cloud: moving in various directions, stimulating the n". ikes and columns of smoke arising from objects of different elevations and distances. Su miles north of Tnble Rock, and 1$ miles from Morganton, lie the Piedttio.ni Springs, which nre much resorted to by the invalid residents of l he vicinity. There is o sulphurous nnd cbaly- beat Spring the water of the forcp-r being we adapted to liver and akn disease that of the lit ter to al! enemic and debilitated conditions of the , system. The mountain ranges, and the almost inacessi ble vallies of this region, extend over n space of about 625 squa -e miles, and are nearly in n state of nature, beicg inhibited nlmoM exclusively by their aboriginal bestial denizen. To the lover of nature nnd the hunter, these wilds present many i r.ttraclions. and when the contemplated rs ilrnd from Salisbury to Morganton is completed, it will doubtless be visiti d by thousands oi Carolinian' who now yearly winder through less interesting scenes, and among people who are foreign to them in principle and feeling. Correspondence Charleston Courier. m m- 'I he London Times fays : In various parts ol S.i'jth Wles ihe emissaiies ol the Morwonities are most active in propagstiug ai;J Spreading the doctrines o! the Litter ) iy Sahus, snd among the laboring population they have been indefatigable in urging udious practice of poUgamy. i Among the miners und colliers of the iron and ' Co . 1 districts o! South VVaies, the tenets ol this I .-.ect find pecuii .r luvur, tind wo regr: tq s iy that ( in Ijo many instances ihsepeur people have been perverted, "and considerable mnnla r have this summer fell th ir homes and country to seek their unppioess al ihe great American set'h'mrnt. More : arc hbQut to follow this autumn from the New Orfe.ins True Deit i. The Louisville Atrocities It is not necessary to call the attention of our renders to the details ol the recent insurrectionary proceedings in Louisville, the bloody, brutal and disgraceful record beinji destined to n wide circu latHin among our (eliow. citizens, atound d that such terrible transactions could oceur under the very eyes ol the public authorities of a large city, uninterrupted and uupunished ; and an.oiig the n.itions of the old world, w here the enemies ol our republican system can use it us a powerful argu ment ngainst our institutions and the capacity of man for self-government. We quote the accounts of the deplorable exces ses committed, from the Courier nnd Jourr.nl ol Louisville, the former, we believe, a recenl sece der from the order of Know Nothings; the niter, one of most iiiFamniHtory, dangerous and unscru pulous supporters of the secret association whose influence in the elections of ihe country since its r.dvent has usually been marked by the grosses violation ol individual right, and the most indefcut sihh excesses. We do not say that the blame ol initiating the deplorable outrages committed at many elections in the last eighteen months was in all c ses fairly chargeable to the Order ; nor do we think it necessary or useful to provoke contro versy about such a matter : we simply assert that since this secret association came into field of po lines as mi element in our elections, more blood has heeti shed, more property wantonly destroyed, greater and more daugerous violations of the i.iws have occurred than had ever before heen experi enced in the most exciting times or the most vio lent contentions of parties, put together. Now, it is nppnreol to us, and it must, we think, be equally so to all decent, orderly nd W - respecting citi zens, that one of two things cannot but follow the commission of such atrosities ; either we must abandon our system of self-government, and sub mit ourselves to a military despotism, or take such s:eps to elf-ct nn organization of the government of our large cities as will enable those charged with their administration promptly to vindicate the laws and trample down all those who d ire to violate thern, whether in the desecrated name of Arnericaus or others chosen by adopted citizens, whose allegiance to the republic is made subservi ent lo their evil passions and habits of insubordi nation. To American citizens, native nnd adopt ed, if they really desire to maintain and perpetu ate republican government, all violators ol the laws are alike odious, and sympathy with them is a crimo liitle, if at all, inferior in enormity and turpitude to the actual commission of the crimes of murder und arson of w hich they are the infamous authors. Io thus unqualifiedly denouncing the perpetra tors of such crimes as those w hich have, within a few days past, disgraced Louisville, nnd to some extent lowered in the eyes of the world the charac ter ol our country, we should be unfaithful to our duty did we lorbear from pointing the attention of refl' cting ci izeus to those persons, neither obscure nor uneducated, in our own city, who are found openly defending the murders and the destruction which have occurred, and who daily, in the most public manner, endeavor to stir up tho murderous passions of bad men here to a repetiti n of lie hor rors of which Louisville lias been midc the thea tre. We have several persons of this description in our mind's eye at this moment, and we hope we shall be spired the pain of ever refering more directly and pointedly to them. The question should not be whether persons charged with violations of the law are of this or that party, of American or fereign birth, but whe ther they are really guilty ; when the u'inos! pen alties prescribed for such offences should be ri giously and impartially dispensed to them ; for every one should be made to understand that this is a country of law and order, not disordt r anil and licentiousness, and that no man can violate either with inpuoity. Hoping that our columns may never again be polluted wi'h such abomina ble particulars as those copied from the Louisville journal, we take leave for the present of the loath some siiiject. .Blue Ridue Railroad. The friends of this great ent' rpnse will he glad lo learn that the work is progressing in a very encouraging manner. in this State, it is being vigorously pushed forward by the sub-contractors. In Georgia, nil ihe road, with the exception of six miles is under contract, and, the work progressing finely. Tho remain der will be taken in a siort t,ime. We understand ihe road in N"rtb C ryl.;n i snd Tennessee will be delivered to the contractors soon, and the work along the whole line commenced immediately thereafter. With the ability and energy of the Direction, ihe fav.OXaule improvement in the money market, a bountiful haryest ayd consequent cheapness of provisions.; and industrious energ-tic contractors, we can see no good reason why the work should not proceed saisajctonly, sud we believe that it will .continue to do so Pickens Coirier, Aug. 18. Extraordinary Longevity. In a late 'Paris letter,' we find the following curious statement ; ' Toward the middle of the last century, an indi vidual of the age of 22 years was condemned to the hulks for hie. Jl was then the custom, or at any rate in this case was the tiu.xor of the Coyrt, to pronounce the sentence for term of 99 years, j The Criminal has undergone his somewhat pro I lenged confinement, and a few days, ago was set j at liberty ; though hent double, and aluaost bovyed j down to his knee, be is in tho noj ryinenl of ex- j cellent heaith. Ho attains, oeitt mouth, his '2l j birthday . Political Aspect of the next Congress. Tim New York Post makes a cnticul analysis of ihe politic ii aspect of the next Congre, recogni zing Nebraska and anti-Nebiaska as the only par ty di unction that en be drawn. According to its summing up, the Senate will stand : Nebras ka 40; ami Nebraska 22 ; and the House, Nebras- j ku luff ; anti Nebraska 128. Profits of Orcuabds. A dis'iiiguih d agrt J culturist, who has 1000 apple trees, and miens Jul set nut as may more, says that if apple will seil , at 25 cents per buslu 1, they are his moat profiu- ble crop ; and if they win noi sen. tney are me cheapest food he can raise for all kinds of animals. The Prince's Ball. Mrs. Levert, of Mobile, now m Pans, gives the j following account of this affair: Paris. July 21. Last night we were at the reception, as termed here, of Princ" Napoleon Bonaparte, heir presump tive to the Empire, and who bears a wuasWial resemblance to the Oreat Napoleon. Ho is Pre sident of the Exposition, and now lives in the Palais Royal. The Princess MathHde Demidoff. his sister, received the company, and there was ns much form and ceremony observed as in Buck inghan Pulace. Still we pnssed an enchanting evening among the most distinguished personages, literary, political and artistic. ' I fell into conversation, in Spanish, with a very ancient lady, superbly decoraied with dia monds, who insisted that we must be countrywo men, from my pronunciation of someone particu lar. Replying in the negative, I suffered her to guess all the different nations of the Europpan world ns mine, belore I pronounced our own denr America ! Great was her surprise, and greater mine, when Prince Napoo on coming up, made me acquainted with the mother of the Empress ! Whispering to the Prince, she called his attention to Octavia, ' as a perfect specimen of Andalusian beauty.' We append another brief extract, on a very different subject a picture to delight Mesdumes Siow and Ahby Kelly : To us the funniest objects in Paris though taken quite philosophically here are two nearoes from St. Counts, or something of black S doque's heralpry. They have an elegant lurn out,' and with a white driver, and two white footmen. These caricatures of arimocracy lean back in their brilliant enrriage, with all the vulgar affection of assumed importance, nnf deliver their orders to the servants with a laughable attempt at dignity. The fragrent airs with wliich they surround and endeavor to imbue their charming persons, are not the elegant indulgences they are with ns, but ab solute necessaries of their condition in life. And, happily, it is not nn expensive luxury, for perfumes are more abundant in Paris than Arabia.' Assyrian Antiquities. Byron complained of our scint knowledge of Assyrian life. His gor geous drama of "Saranapalus"' the conception of the hero, and the morul setting of the play rose out of the poets's mind rather than from known materials. The scene was a creation. Thirty five years have passed, and, thinks to Rawlinson and Layard, the English Court ns with that of Egypt. Our knowledge, too, is daily deepening. Among the many curious illustrations of Assyrian life brought home by Col. Rawlinson from the East, and now oh view at the British Museum where they have been visited during the week by the Majesty of England are, an alabaster vnse, containing some remains of sweetmeats, various objects in gold and ivory, part of the throne of Sardannpalus, many inscriptions relating lo the deeds of men celebrated in secular and sacred his tory such as Nebuchadnezzar, Sar Janapalus, and Tiolath Pileser gems and other personal orna ments; together with a series ol drawings, made by aitists on the spot, from slabs impossible lo bring away from t le ir ancient resting places, rep risenting the more heroic forms of antique relax aijon lion hunts banquets, and thy like. How strange to think ol these spoils of the proud dynas ty of Semiramis, after three thousand years, being visited in a London Museum by a lady who reigns in all feminine gentleness over n mightier empire (ban obeyed the " ancient beldame" who from the ends of ihe enrlh stretched a benignant sceptre over that very India from which the successor of Ninus returned buffl-'d and discomfited ! London Atlienaum. Native Wines. The Vineyards of Ohio are becoming a source of great revenue to that State, and if the popularity of native wines and brandy continue at an equal ratio with the last lew years, imported liquors will find a formidable rival. The wine made from the Citawbi grape, is in 1 1 pro bability the purest article thai can possibly be ob tained. The Wine Association of Cincinnati pro tect not only themselves, but the public, and, whenever an art:c.le is detected that is not fully up to the standard, the manufacturer is at one held responsible. There is nothing in there wines or brandies but the pure juice of the grape. The Sparkling Catawba is now preferred to most of the imported brands, and, as a beverage, is much more agreable and healthy. It contains no "he id aehe" commodities. The still winvs are prefera ble to the light French or German Wines, and, as the consumer is guaranteed a pure article, there i much urre safely in using the native. These wines are highly recommended by physicians as an e SCel lint tonic, and every way beneficial to the invalid. L'xTRAORiMNARV Occt'R hence. On Friday evening, the 27th tilt., mi Birmingham, some fifty workmen engaged on n new building retired to a shed to avoid a very heavy shower. While there an electric flash was seen, and the fifty men were instantaneously prostrated. None were killed The majority of them recovered the shock within five minutes ; but in one caso, fifteen minutes elapsed before recovery, The not ex raordina ry feature tu this occurrence is that several of them were covered over with large black blisters, varying in size from one and a half tu four inches. V a Nut.'.v lis.V- Some ungracious person the other day shot a rifle ball into the d tguerreotype oi a young lady, inserted in her tombstone, in the cemetery at Wheeling. Such an outrage deserves the severest punishment. Exchange. We do not intend to defend ibis piece of rifle practice, but we must say that public taste is as much outraged according to our notion by placing such things as daguerreotypes on a tombstone as public sentiment is violated by their wanton des truction. The editor of Ihe Rochester Democrat gives his receine to kill fleas on dogs; Soak th dog for five minutes in campher.e. and tht.i set fire to him. The effect is instantaneous, A Toast, Tho following mast was given at Beodeford. on ihe Fourth of July ; 27u Clergy. Ali honor to ihe cl-rgymm who follow hi Mar Ur instead of his faym-ister, A Warning to Democrat. In view of tho result of North Carolina, the Wilmington Journal uses the following warning language : " It is a noticeable fact, and we would earnestly command it to the attention of those democruts who may think, or msy hve thought, that the 'order' would promote Ihem, and thai, through is portals was the direct rou'e to office and prefer ment, that not one former democrat has been el ctcted in North Carolina, but that the former whig know. nothings have been. Reid, Latham, Shep ard, and Stowe have been thrown into the breach, mid, poliiirallv speaking, slsughtered. Paine, Rende, and Puryear are elected. Don't you see how it is? You democrats are put in Iront rsnks lo break down the democratic party, without any chance for yourselves; but where there is a chance, mark the difference '. Not one of yon is thought of. Don't you see and feel ihe secret in fluence that works the wires? Don't you see ami feel how you are to be used ? To rising young men in the democratic party the appeal is made lo come over ; see how you are served when you do come over. Is it any place for democrats I We have no doubt that many who make these appeals are perfectly sincere ; but just look at the (nets the practicable workings of the affair as planned out by the hidden hands that hold the wires. The fact is that it could not well be oth erwise. The case of the four former democrats put forward to be defeated, as contrasted with that of the three former whigs who have been elected, is a pretty hard one, but it may be useful for in struction. It may teach a lesson." Ticks on Sheep. S. L. F., ol Starkey, asks for information as to the best means of eradicating licks from sheep. Will give remedy, which 1 have never known lo fail : When sheep are fed salt (which they should have often,) mix common sulphur with it thoroughly, so as to give each sheep a common-!ized teaspoon full, snd by the time von given them three such portions you will find the licks have taken a furlough and left for parts unknown. This is the cheapest remedy I have ever found, and am satisfied that i( shesp are fed surphur once a month, in this manner, through the year, they will never be troubled with ticks, and it will conduce to keep them in a healthy con dition. I cannot give the mains operandi of the remedy in full, but think the sulphur is actd upon chem ically in the stomaehe of the animal, and diffusing itself through the system renders the skin offen sive to the ticks, and they quit the premises. This remedy is so simple, so cheap nnd so easily ad ministered, that if S. L. F. is full of 'Old Fogyism,' he will perhaps read it. und then, with a sphaw !' lay down ihe papei. But if he, or any other far mer who keeps beep, will give it a trial, they will find it not only simple but trtis ; but truth al ways is simple. I keep a few sheep, and I never sell any ticks in my wool neither do I teo the poor creatures rub ilietii'.cl ves against trees, fences or stumps, and thus tear the wool off' before shear ing. J. M. Wescott, Btrington, N. Y. Moon's Rural New York. - The South. Kentucky is thus far the only Southern Stales w hich has not rejected tho ad vances ol Know Nothingism. Upon her soil thu standard of proscription has been raised by red handed riot, and defended by organized violence fraud. But in the State of North Carolina, Ten nessee, and Alabama; where the ballot was not brutalized, and where citizens entitled to vote were unobtrjbied by hired ruffians, and tinawcd by armed bands, the resuh has been far beyond the expectation of 'he friends of order and tol eration. It is an incident of the present exciting canvs-s, every where conspicuous, that decorum and wherever there has been fair voting I he vic tory has been with the Democrats ; and tha where the Constitution was rnosl acrimoniously assailed, so were the candidates and the creed ol the Democratic party 'y Washington Union. To Keep Milk Sweet. A. B yd, a corres pondent, informs us that he has practised a pecu liar method with much success ol preserving milk sweet in the pan". It simply consists in placing a pi' ce of now hammered iron, or three twelve penny nails, in each tin pan, then pouring lha Warm milk on them. He believes that fleelrlcitv has something to do with producing the result. He had tried inanv experiments belore he hit upon this one, which he found to preserve the milk, sweet for a longer time than other plans triid by him. Scicntijic American. A Ready witteu Madman. A gentleman by the name of Man, residing near a private trm: house, met one of its poor inmates, who hud bro ken frmn his keeper. The maniac suddenly stop ped, and resting upon a large stick, exclaimed. 'Who are you sir?' The gentleman wus rather alarmed, but thinking to divert his attention by t pun, he replied 'I am a double man ; I am a Mnu by name and a man by nature.' 'Are you- so 1 rejoined the other; 'why, I am a man Usidc to, -self so tee two will fight you two.' A Thvndsbino Book. A book has just bee i published in Cleaveland, called Seven Thunder.' ; or a mighty crash of Europe's Royal and I'op. Thrones, .'bout to bj cast down by tho Judgment of God.' Nice reading for a dog day. A young gentleman having made tome progress in acquiring a knowledge of Italian, addressed few words to an organ grinder, in the pun st ac cent. He was astonished at receiving Hie LuT -tug response ; I speak no IngfW Goblets made ol quissia wood are now ?uld st the leading druggists' shops in New York. Vas ter u poured into them, which, afur being h it for some minutes, is drank,' as a cure for dyspepsia. The quassia is a valuable corrective. Some men are very entertaining for n fust in terview, but after that they aru exhausted, and run out. On a second meeting we shall find them very flat and monotonous ; they are like bond i guns, and we havu heard H their tutn-s. KxrttEssive Silfob. Smail thanks t'i yo"..' saia u plaintiff to one of his witnesses, ' for mi t you said in this cause.' Ah, sir,' replied ih conscious Witness, but just think ol what I d:Jti't say.'

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