12 Tlie L,ot Trioei I Israel. Kennedy comimintcah-d the (ollowing to Mr Association lor me Advancement 01 the results ol his rest-arches into tile i N 'o.tinff and much comroveried question of the . T. Nrth Carolina Annual Conference of the Meth mieres t, 1 odist Episcopal Chnrch South, bavig de.ermined to L,r,Uf .u'' r A -a ; X J wetkly paper beann, the above name, the. ub- Ti.ni i ho number of tnose taKcn away 10 ine i ..... . - j.flcrcnt captivities had been much over estimated, 0r,ly la principal people having been made cap , re as hostages, with the men oi war, and others ytt available as slaves; that the main body ol (he ten rribes were not taken away by the Assy, j'ans, but were left in their ancient possessions. ,hen they became ngain partially subjected to the jigs of Judah ; that the tribes that can be sup--oied to have been really emuvcd ware the Rmbenites, iJtS OJades, vtith the half tribe ot uasuauafc, and ihat of Nuphihali, who, being H ;,ced on the east of Jordan and on the north, were most exposed to ihe attacks of tho enemy ; that the nrrnieM part of those who had been taken away to ffohvlon, or their descendants, and ihe descendants ,f those taken a ay by the Assyrian?, returned to their ancient land; that, while ir. Daby Ionia, Assyria, and other countries of their conquerers, hey could not be supposed !o have lived apart by :lii:ir tribes, so that in the space of two hundred jean and upwards those taken away must have i: almost every distinction of tribes, and thus have become prepared to form part of thai re stored" nation which took the name Jews from the principal tribe amongst them ; that the tribe ol Judah hiving been the most numerous, and their eiiy of Jerusalem the centre arounil winch the ?rielites congregated, it follows a a na'ural con silience, tli.it their name would become the pre vailing one ; that the n ma !ga ma ti n ol union into uie !)onle of all the Jsraefjtes was in nccofdance with the predictions of the Prophets ; that the rrmnnnt of the Israelites left in Babylonia and Assyria, though smaller in number than thai por tion which was restored to their ancient posses sion, might yet have increased lo an immense multitude, in the six hundred years which elapsed between the first restoration and .the time of Josephus ; but that the remnant left beyond the J'uphrates cannot properly be considered to have been the representatives of the tribep, much less the entire body of the ten tribes; that if) ihe time of Jusephus, all distinctions of the other tribes living become lost, excepl those gf Judah and lienjaaain, he erroneously supposed they were the only tribes that had returned, nnd that the oilier ten tribes still remained beyond the Euprates; .lint, in any case, the dream of Iisdras respecting die ten tribes having taken council among then selves, and gone into a further country, w here nevrr mankind dwei.t, was a mere dreatn or vision, as it in reality professes ,io have been. m m m m Kansas A letter to the St. Louis Republican, dated Shawnee, Kansas Territory, August 4, says : Farmers from Southern States are moving in ni'li numbers of Slaves to cultivate the prolific soil of our broad prairie. Good houses are being erected, valuable stock imported, substan.'.iul im provements made, and all that is needed for con tinued and continuous prosperity, is a good, wise -mil just executive, who will do his duty, and noih 1 1 1 ir more.' FOR TWO DAYS ONLY. THE Curtomers and friends ot EI.lAS & COHEN will take notice IBM their STOKE will be closed on Thursday ad rnday I3lh and 1 Ith install.. Sp;. 1,'lS.VV G-2w JVotice. r-jHIS isfocer'ify th:t my wife, Mary E.'Mead, f lias left my Red and Board w ithout any just pruvicatioa, I here forewarn any person or per i s from hurbouring or trading wi ii snid M'ry E. Mead, as I will pay no debts of her contracting from this date. JOSEPH MEAD. Sept. , 1855. 6-4 w. TIIE several d fll-rent Buaid-i of valuation thron-jhout the C-MMty of Aleekie.ib.iri.', are requested to ineet in Charlotte on Saiutday the 15ih inst., to conler together, compare lists, and s tar as practicable t ei:alize their different valuations be tore making their returns. A lull meeting is respectful!' :e.ii sted. Sept. 4th 1655. 2w -6 BLUE STONE ! jJLlE STOXEH A large supply just received at SCARR fc CO'S, Drug btore. 6 it. Charlotte, Sept. 4 13..5. Chills and Fever. THE following valuable remedies for the above diseases, iz: Thompson's Fever and Ague Powders, Indian Cholangue, Rowamta Tonic, Hulls Pills, Jajrnefl Pills, Champion's Pilid. kc. For Sale at SCARR & CQ, S-pt. 6, lHji. f.-tf. Druggist Hooflands Gorman Bitters, I laeqaaHed as a remedy for Dyspepsia and general Debility. Fr sale at SCARR & CO'S, ept. 1, 18j.'. 6.tr. Drug Store. STOLEN from the subscriber at Sadler's Hotel, Char ;tte, Jf. C, on the night of the 83d of July, Ioo.a Gold Watch of the following description, viz : Maker, M. I. Tobias, double time independent second, 23 Jewels, gold ;ap. No. 192215. The view of Peukrkill carved qn ihe cs . I will give a reward often di.ll.irs to any one who will r turn the same to me, and the addition..! amount of $10 for the apprehension of the rascal who stole it, if a .vliitc man. R. MORRISON. Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 30, 18:,3. C-It NOTICE. A SI ASCRIPTION of five hundred ihou.and dollars bav ins been made lo the t 'aintal Slock of the V ilmington, J f lailitte and Rutherford Railroad Co., and the first mstal- i "aent of two and a halt dollars x-r share having been regu- jarly paid in, aecorduii to the provisions of theC'harter, notice n hereby given that the Books of Subscription will be closed -n Wednesday, the .ruh day of September next, and a geneial j : feting of ihi; Stockholders will be held at Wadesborough. in j rhe oonuty of Anson, on Wednesday the 3c day of Cctobcr j tiext. jt ig earaeatl uesind thai all of the Stock shall be re presented cither in person or bv pro.w. ALEX, McR AE. Wilmington, N. C. Sept. 4, 1935. 4-f PUBLIC SALE. TWJLL expose" to sale" to the highest bidder at my Sttam ! Saw Mill, three miles south-west of Charlotte, on Satur day ihe l.Vh inst., a Iarsc'lot ot Lumber, three small plank i houses, easily moved, thre excellent wagons with harness, t Terms made known on the day of sale. Tiiom s t;oo n : Spt. t, is-,;.. t.:w NOTICE to the n rsons S hereby given ppo nted at A:til Term of the County of Mecklenburg, to assess the Lands of said county, that they are requested to meet at the office of the County Cort Clerk, ac Saturday the 15th day of September next. Sept. 4, 18J5. 6-2 w. CARO. THOMAS McCANGHRIN, (20TTQN BROKER ANO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, south Atlantic Wnarf, CJLRLESTOX So. Co. THL subscriber takea this method of itUorming the public that he has commenced the Cotton Broker age and general Commission business, will give strict Mten-ion in effecting Eales of any produce consigned to iin, and forward check for nett preeds as soon as 0 iected, will also fi!! their orders for family cuppltes j at fha !oest market nrica with promptness, will also 1 K"ve atnr; attention goods and produce. to the receiving and forwarding ' PKOSPEtTlS or THI N. CAROLINA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. scriborsare authorized to issue this prospectus. It is intended to publi-b a Family Newspaper, which, while it shall be religious in tone und sentiment, and , ma ntaiii the doctrines and usages ol the Methodist i Church shall be devoted to all the intorests of NORTH ! CAROLINA. And furnish intelligence lor every class of readers. In size and appearance, tiie new periodical is to equal to any mt our church papers, while it will ; surpass them all in adapt, dness to tlie aants of our peo ple. The entire ineihicency of the existing Advo- : eates," to the necessities of our position, forces us to ! the publication of our ow n paper, and we confederately I expect the hearty co-operation of the members of our Church in all parts of our S ate and Conference, and , hope to make the paper so interesting and instructive as to attract patronage from the public generally. The Advocate wi 1 be published at $l,",u a year, and the first number will be issued as early as practicable after the next session of our Conference, it : believed that the publication will be commenced on the 1st day of Janu.ry 1856. It is desirable that as large as sub- ; scr ption as possible be obtained before the Conference i t a a - - . apu me Ministers ano all others interested in the enter, prise are respectfully urged to secure and forward the names and addresses ol subscribers particular atten tion being paid to correctness in Wi iting the names of persons, Postofhces and Counties. Those who have no opportunity of subscribing through the agency of our minister may write directly to Rev. Win. E. Pell, Faj ettf villc.N. C. The payment will be expected upon the issue of the 1st number. The location of the publishing- office will be determined at the session of Conference. N. II. I. WILSON.-) WM. E. PEU.. I 11. T. II ELF IN, oin. wm. v A KTkK, I W. D A RUING KR. j Aug. 4, 1055. JLitcriij-v t ii el IN.litif al JoiunuJ, A T CO I. U BI .4 . S. C. THE undorf igncd.Jaie Editor of '! he South Carolini X an and Columbia Banner," proposes to publish, in the city of Columbia, a Literary, Pojitic.-J and News Journal, to he called ':THE EXAMMCR" In making this announcement, I am aware that I propose to engage p an enterprise not. free from dithcul. ties ; but these I iviil endeavor to provide against, by se curing a Subscription Li.t that Will place the paper be. yond the reajh of failure. Smth Carolina cm richly support, at her Capital, a leading Literary and Political Weekly Journal, and to her people 1 now issue this Prospector, fouling assured th.; enterprise will be sus tained, and that they will support .i Home Journal of the character of that now proposed. As a LITER ARY JOURNAL, For the home circh-, The Examiner will be con ducted with a view to render it at least equal to any ever pulilihd at the South. The choicest selections of English and American Literature will be made for us columns, and a number ol able .Contributors will be secured. I will endeavor, in this department, fo make it a journal worthy of the patronage and steady support of the people ol this tate and ol the South. As a POLITICAL JOURNAL, The Examiner srill abide by the old land-marks of ihe State Rights Democracy. Iiid p-ndent of national parlies, it will take a stand us n faithful co-opnrator in the great work of maintaining South ern Rtoh s and promoting Southern union. I. will be the organ of no political paily the expo nent of no political creed w hich had not for one of its cardinal principles "the Equality of the South in the Union, or Independence out of it." Tnis is no new faith, but one which South Cjrolin i has lung and earnestly contend d lor. NEWS JOURNAL,. The Eximiner will contain I bo latest News Foreign and Democratic, received up to the hour of publication, It will give full and correct Mar ket Reports und Prices Current. Our readers in the country may rely on strict attention being paid to this important feature ol a newspaper. It will give full and accurate reports of I ho Proceedings of the Legislature and of Congress, and ihe acts and doings of the various political organizations. All news worth giving to its readers will be care fully culled for its columns. SIZK AND STYLE. The Examiner will be one ol tho largest Week, ly Journals in the Southern States, printed wiih new and ej'gant type, on line white paprr, and issued in Jarge quarto form of eight pages, con taining forty columns of interesting rending mat ter. Ii will be the handsomest piper ever pub? lished in South Carolina. I have thus given an ou'.line of the principal features oi' the Examiner. Carolinians or the people of the South ought to need no further ap peal, in view of the present aspec! of policies! af fairs, lo induce them to sustain with vigcr and ef ficiency their own I'e ss and Literature. TERMS. Twe Dollars per annum, payable in advance. The first year's payment will he required on tin receipt of the first number of the paper, which w ill be issued so soon as I receive a sufficient number of subscribers to ensure Us success. Send for ward your names. 53 Postmnstcs w ho will bo so kind as fo for ward me names of subscribers will confer a favor : and will receive a copy of the Examiner without charge. Address ine nt this place. WM. B. JOHNSTON. 3'-pt. 4, 6 I OK SALE. AN excellent house GIRL, and a good nurse. Aged about 35 years. For particulars apply to A. BOONE. 5 tf. T. July 28, lfc55, iLVTo-tloo. HE citizens of Mecklenburg, and all who are inter ested in the succejs of the ilmington, Charlotte 'J and Ruther ord bail Road, are invited to att-nd a Rail Koad meeting to be held at HopewelH hurch on Friday, the 31st of August. The meeting wil.be addressed by gentlemen of distinguished ability, anil it is to be hop ed that the people will take advantage ot the opportun ity, that they now have to hear t'.em. There will be also a Rail Koad meeting in Lincoln COSMty, at Beales' Old Field, on Saturday, the 1st of September. The public are respectfully invited. C. C. HENDERSON, H. W. GCION, B. S. JOHNSON. Executive Committee for Lincoln county. Augim 1S5-1. -1 1 - Matches! Watches! Watches! THL subscribers are now receiving a large stock of WATCHES frQUi lbs most celebrated makers; rich stock of al Fashionable Jewelry-! Chains, c, all of which will bo sold low for ca6h or on abort time lo punctual dealers. TIIOS. TROTTER & SON. april 57, 1S5J Irttf Wfiig copy. Now Published. AND Xt Mysteries. Showing High Life ut our Eashiouablo Holds. nu arl In one I2mn. oluuii-, ncatlv bound in cloth. Price lic'.i srill Le scut to any rirt of the Union free of P""SC - L. GENEVA & CO., No." "8, Nassau St., New York ritv. ; Notice. ' THE annual meeting of the Stockholder f .the Wee. 1 lyn, Plank Road Com pane will Uke pl-.ce ail Rich ard A. Ro-zcll's on the 3rd Wednesday in September next (beintr the 1 9th day) to elect a President and B-rard of Directors for the next year, and to transact other im portant business of the Company. C. C. HENDERSON, Pr-a't. sag 13, 185i. 4.5t kPallll QI 8J.ML THE subscriber offers for sale a fine lot of well dried Lumber, at l.'osses' Steam Saw Mill, six or seven miles fro.n Chorlotte. Those who wish to purchase will do well by calling on him. SAMUEL LAWING. August 2?, 13rj. ,-3t. KTotioe. 1'IIE Western Plank Road Company will sell at vate snle, on reasonable terms, one of pn- Starbuck's Steam Saw Mills, all in n..,ning order ; it is situ.it. d on ihe line of the n ink Road about 4$ milca east of Lincolr.ton, and if not sold privately before, it will be offered at public sale on Saturday, 23d day of September, at the place where it in located. For further information persons wishing io purchase will please apply to mu at Lineolnton, N. C. C. C. HENDERSON, Presideut o: the W. P. Companv. aug 13, 1355. 4-6t Bakery & Confectionary FOR SALE- 'CUE ,iii,dera,ijyped w'.shes to close his business A and a offers a great inducement to any per son wishing to enjraire in a nipfitablc business. SC5 I will sell my Stock and Fixtures separately or together with the House and Lot. T&e stand is a good one, pleasantly nnd eligibly situated, and has a good patron age. Persons wishing to purchase will please give an early call and J w ill give them any information required. J. MEAD. aug M 4.1 in Notioei OTAYEJJ or STOLEN from the subscriber O in Charlotte, on the 11th instant, a likely IKON UKfi MAKE, about 7 years old, rath er small size, short neck, has a speck in her rigl.t eye, and a small lunip on her right hind leg, had on Saddle and Lii idle. Any information of the said animal will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. JOHN SMITH, a"g 17 4-1 m of Gaston County. w. s- himim k 00., THOS. ALEXANDER , WM. SEABR.OOK LAWTON, Formerly ot York Dis. S.C. Formerly of Lawtonville, S.C Sowtu Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Factors, Forwarding and Commission FOB THE SALE OF COTTON, FLOUR, CORN, WHEAT. PICE, NAVAL STORES, &C. Our Settlor partner has been in the Factorage and Com. uiission Business about twenty years, nnd wo hope by experience and attention to give satisfaction. juc 1 7 4 C. & i. C7RA1L ROAB COMPANY. b SB1 a 'r SHIPPERS of Produce or other Freight will forward their receipts to ihe consignee. All Freight will be retained in the De"ot until the receipt is presented, and storage will bs changed after 48 hours, from time of unloading. P. W. KNAPP, Agent. Columbia, Aug. G, 1S35. 3-2m MONEY WANTED. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Miller & Phelan was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Therefore it become necessary to have all our accounts closed by Note or Csii without delay. V. W. P he la u is authorised to close the accounts the firm. of We hope our customers will come their notes or pay Ihe Cash. 'forward aiid give MILLER &. PHELAN. July 27th 185. 3 3w CHARLOTTE HOTEL. THIS Hotel situated in the centre of the town of V harlotte, convenient to all the place of bu siness is st. II kept open for pubiic accommodation. The proprietor nas been engaged in keeping a public house at this stand for fourteen years. He now offers to the use ef the pu lie a new edition of his former house greatly enlarged and improved, presenting in front a two story "VrOXwIXC3L.l3L 10.' feet in length by 12 feet in width, handsomely shaded by trees in the side walk, affording a pleasant pronrienade ;.t all hours of the day. The house is thoroughly furnished througl out, and in every part of it creature comforts are abundant and tangible, especially in the Dining Room, where the ii.ner man is renewed day by day. Connected with this Hotel are s'ables affording room for 100 horses, abundantly furnished with grain and provender, atiended by faithful and obliging hostlers The proprietor feels confident that with his long ex perience and mi.ny new advantages added to his own native disposition to be pleasing and agreeable, he is prepared to offer to his friends and the rest of mankind, as many comforts and i8 msch good cheer as will be found anywhere, perhaps a little more so. CTTry the Charlotte Hotel. J. B. kRR, Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 10, 1855. 3-3m Columbia Caro inian, Wilmington Journal, Atheville News and Yorlcville Citizen, please insert 3 months and forward accounts to this office. Iaw3m. PRRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR Ars. irai. J. ALEXANDER, Principal. rpilE Course of Studies will comprise the usual bran chesof a thorough English education, together with the French language, Music and Drawing. Mrs. Al exander is now prepared to receive Boarders into her family. Terms Per Session of 5 Months : Senior Department, - - - $'S 00 Junior ' IS 00 Music on Piano, m on Guitar, Fine Needle Work, -French, ------ Board, including washing, fuel and light, 20 10 5 13 00 00 00 00 per month 9 00 L'se of the Pi ino for practice, one dollar per month. Qy2nd Session commences on the 1st Monday in October. Aug. 10, 18.55. 3-tf Administrators IVotice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Peter Rhyne, A rlec'd, will please to make settlement immediate ly, as that is the only remedy to save cost. 1 HENRY SF.TZER, CALEB RHODES, Administra'ors with the will annexed, nallaa, N. C , ju!y 27, lfc5o. l-3w WASTED. A GOOD MILK COW, for wvhich a fair price u'lll be paid. Enquire at this Umce june 23 49 A Notable Faet ! OUR unsettled account for year before last, and lat year, we mui-t have closed by Cash or pood Notes M rijrfU straight gltaj " viihoui respect to ptrton. Our aredisan make ui Fack thk acstc," on all occasions, and we "wml " dince by rurlraa Asr tososa. "Talk enough." . . -. 1 R ITCH AR O & CALDWELL, march ?, 1?55. 33 f N' 3 Ora ilc Row IsSYnfl f'iiBB LA r laaeall REDUCTION m if OOSf fBI BAMSJCI OP Vm SKAS0H? Ml.ItS & 4 0!li: wishing to close out the ba ance of their tOB W UK It STOCK, will as they have j heretofore done at this late season of the year, ofler their splendid Stock of LADIES DRESS GOODS, compri.ine in part, SILK TISSUES, BMEGS, BAREGE CODES, White and Colored LAWN-, MUSLINS, etc., at COST FO.! CASH. Ti.ey til aho inclu a b.rga ass rtment of SILK & STRAW BONNETS, BLOOMERS, and a fu 1 assortment of GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING. HATS & STRAW GOODS, which will pos lively be sold at Cast and no mistake. IT We do not promise lo sell the whole of our Stock low Prices. What we promise we will perform. Call and see. ELI AS At COM EX, JSm Charlotte, July 17. 1855. (jy Just receiving a Jare Lot of Groceries of all kinds, w hich will be sold cheap. PRITCHARD PI AVE Jat Received and arc now opening, at one of the Largest and beat selected Stocks of DRUGS, MEDICINES & CHEMICALS, dLS, PAINTS AND PAINTERS' ARTICLES, VARNISHES, WlllBaW GLASS AND PUTTY". GLASS-ABE, FREXGtf, ivNGIISU k AMERICAN PERFUMERY. FINE TOILET & SHAVING SOAPS Fine Hair, Tooth, and Paint Brushes, C lTPrTfU T Ir WrV A T T TQT D TT If V TTC TKl'SES AND SUPPORTERS OF ALL KINDS, SPICES, SNUKFS, AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. All the Patent or Proprietary Medicines of the Bay, Superior Inks, Pare Wines and II ran el io for Medicinal Purposes, EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING. ACIDULATED DROPS, very refreshing atul Uc-Ijcious, STABLEIl's, AND JACQBS's DI ARRHCEA CORDIAL, GILMAN'S HAIR DYE. (instantaneous. in its eflVct,) PHALON'S MAGIC Hilft DE, CHOICE TOILET A HI) FANC Y ARTICLES, &C, &C, &. We make our purchases for Cash, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar establishment in this section. tMR.iJrTED TO BE FMIESH, Ft lit: 1J'i GEJVUiJTE. Ohdkks from the Country promptly fill d, and aatisfaction gu iranteed, with regard both to price and quality. PIIVIIAVS Will receive particular attention July 13, 1855 FLORIDA LAND AGENCY. THK undersigned has established an agency in t!-.e town of Alligator, Columbia County, Fla., for the purchase, sale or location ot Land Warrants, the pur chase and sa e ol lands generally, improved and unim proved. The fact now Feing established that a Rail Road is to be constructed immediately, connecting the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, runirin through the entire length of the county, East arid West, and in view of the great fertility ol our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, ihe healthfu ness of the climate, aad the reasonab e terms on which iands can now be obtained, there is perhaps 110 section of the Union which affords equai inducements to th emigrant rom the older States. Having had some experience in farming on the different kinds ot land, and acquired a general knowledge o them throughout the county, and having acquired unusual acilities for pointing out such as are for sale either of public or private lands, he feels very confident of malcing it the interest of all persons wishing inforrr ation, or who may have deter mined to sett.e in Florida to call on him. W. O. JEFFREYS. Reference. Hon. E C. Cabkl H(.n. A. E. Maxwflu ! .r ,, 1 T Tallahassee, Fla. liox. I). S. H ALKKK, State Register. J H. C Mi-Leak, Esa. ) . . Dr. S. C. Brick. Vyrtlllllg'-, 1. Rev G. McNeill 1 Fayetteville, N. C Dr. Mallrtt M KtiSRg. IV. M. La wto n Co., Charleston, S. C Alligator, Fla. Jun 29, 1S55. 49-ly LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale the Plantation on which be resides, situated on Little Sugar ( reek, 8 miles South of Char lotte, in the Providence region, and 1 mile East of the C. & S. C. Rail Road. 1 his tract contains about 35Q Acres, of this amount, about 200 acres are in cultivation. The largest half ot the cultivated land is fresh, having been cleared in the last few years. On the place there is a a very com ortable dwelling house and all necessary out buildings, includ ing an excellent Gin House and Screw, just built. Also, a Spring and well of good water. The above land is situated in a h althy neighborhood surrounded by an industrious, intelligent and moral community. Tbe subscriber will take pleasure in showing the land to any person desirous of purchasing. J. M. DOBY. july 18, 1855. 1-tf Whig copy. Y Notes and Accounts h.iviiijj been placed in the handt of S. W. Davi, Kq., for collection, thorn- who sr.; indebted t me individually, or as on of the old firm of. Steele & Harty, are reapectfal! y request ed to make settlement by April Court, if not sooner. A. C. STEELE. Feb. 2, 1S65. 28-tf Selling off at Cost ! (HAVE bought the eutire Stock of GOODS of Alii aon At DanU-1 and will acli the same at first cost for CASH. The slock is large and well selected, embracing; a fine assortment of Ladies' and Genllfnien's Tress Goods, Window Curtains, Oarpetlnss. ctoo-, ttso. C- E. 8PRATT. aprii 2t, 1855. 39tf LOOK HERE ! T7E, Hie undersigned, have purchased the large and V extensive Stock ui Groceries belonging to the firm of Elms &. Spratt, at which pi .cm we will be totind at all tunes, ready and willing to wait on all U4C who may Uvor us with their patronage. By keeping on hand a lull supply of Family Groceries, wi will be prepared to fill all orders punctually, that may be in trusted lo our carat. Our motto is quick sale and small profits" lor cash or barter. The highest cash prices will be r.-. id for produce. ELMS 61 0TES. may 27, 1855.. 45tf CARRIAGE ga SHOP. ''HK subscriber Kegs leave' f inform bis, friends and 1 che public generally, that he is sti 1 carrying on tbe fatatff Msik'itsie IStiiiiCMM iri all its va rious branches wi h all the increased facilities aliqrd ed by. modern improvements. He ha- now on I and a large nuaiber of BUGGIES CAK R IAGES, ROCK A AYS, etc., made on the most approved sty es out of the best material. to which he asks the inspection ot pur chasera. His establishments is on College and Depot streets, where he will fee Elad to see his friends. JOHN HARTY. ;uly 2, 155. 1-tf PRICES OF at Cost, although w c will sell everything at our usua1 2. Grumitf limr. 52-tf Al CALDWELL the Granite JDrrxxs Store, PRESCRIPTIONS at all hour of the day and night. 51 TF I A RELIABLE MEDICINE. THE CELEBRATED vr rr 1 7 Purely Vegetable Preparation, AND A SOVERIGN REMEDY FOR THESE BITTERS are purely a Vegetable Compound, and are offered to the public under the fullest con viction that they will be found a safe and soveieign Remeny for Dyspepsia. They have been triumphantly tested not only by nu merous families and physicians in the South, who have furnished ample testimony as to their decided ex cellence, but also by the Proprietor, who tor ten years, suffered all the gloom incident to that stubborn and distressing disease. EXTii ACT "1 do hereby certify that have Known and used your celebrated compound COLLETON BITTERS in my family for more than fifteen years, and 1 do verily believe it to be one of the most valuab e Family and Plantation Medicines in use, having witnessed their beneficial effects in so many instances, that with truth it may be affirmed they well deserve the high enco niums which they have received from the afflicted who have partaken of their invigorating and health resto ring properties. Signed, CHARLES G. CAPERS, Planter, St. Helena, S. Q. The undersigned, sole agents for the above Med -cines, take pleasure in stating that they are intimate ly acquainted with tho manufactu e of the " Colleton Bitters," hence they do not hesitate to commend the article, as possessing rare virtues, and well calculated to afford relief in DYSPEPSIA AND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. Retail price, 50 cents a Bottle! For which sum an incalculable amount of suffering may be arrested. The trade will b,: supplied on libe ral terms. HAV1LAND, HAKRaL St CO , Druggists, Charleston. S. C. (j.TThis Medicine ran be obtained of Scarr At Co., Charlotte, Reid & Greir, Fullwood, and other respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout the State. Feb 16, 1835. 30-ly PIANO FORTES. RAMSEY, of Colum- Forte and vitii- Dewi er, is constantly receiving a good supply of Pianos with the LATEST IMPROVE MENTS, which has given them the premium over all others. 6 and 6J octaves from $2'0 to $300. C to 7 $300 to $400. 7 to 7 J $100 to $150. Carved work and Grand Pianos irom $500 to $10U0. Mr. R. being a practical Piano Maker can insure to his customers a perfect instrument. Columbia, jaae 29, 1855. 49. ly Rare opportunity to boy Land. 1 11 aw id WaiUce THE Subscriber hving determined to remove South offers for sale, pri vately, all bis Lands in Pror iaence. The Home Tract. lilack Jack, ratteraon and H 4n.ie plaoe. THE HOME TRACT lies 00 the Providence road, 12 miles south of Char lotte, in a healthy and agrecaJlo neighborhood, near tho Church, contain half of which is cleared and in a high vtatc of cultiva tion, with a good Dwelling House and other improve ment. THE BLACK JACK PLACE is 10 miles from Charlotte, oai the same road, with com fortable improvement; also a god Store home, where a thriving business has for a number of years been transacted. The fa-rtn contain and ia of unsurpassed fertility. The TWO OTHER PLACES arc in the same vicinage, and ia in the virgin growth and heavily timbered ; one contains 4t acres, the I other 40. These lands ars probably the moat productive ever offered tor sale in this county and aaforda, o those who ! wish to purchase, a rare opportunity af a sura and pro- fiUblc investment. Those wl,o wish to examine tbe premise can' do s. by calling on th subscriber who I will take pleasure in showing them tb land. JOHN M. MATTHEWS. I ne 17 4 tt Cheater Standard, and VV .dcsboro' News, will ' copy 6 times and forward WH t. ti''.ubcribcr at grtf. vidence, P. O., M. ckh nhu g C . N. ' . JUST HGi3IVD, H ATS and CAPS on consignment, at Boone's Boot and Shoe Emporium. Dec 39, 1654 23tt svwi mm stbv 1 '.?"aaw THE ELEVEVril YEAR. Splendid Engraving and P: ze. THE ELEVENTH ANNUAL VOLUME r thi usfful publication cumuienccb un the 17th day September vvxi. Th- Scientific Amrrtcnn" i, an Illustrated Pr nodical, d-v.t d chu (J y t lies promulgation of in jrnmtin reltiig :he vuttoun Mtchanic snd Ch mtc Arts. Industrial MaBUfaTClMta, Agric-il-ur, Piifiim. lovcattas), Eiigtt'riiij. Mitlwotk, .nd ail taieivssM which the light of l'r.ct.c I S" nc is ct'culaied 10 advance. EiVporis t U. S. Pn ei.'a grantt d srs Uo pub i:aiKd every v ek, including Official Copie of sll (he P.itent Chims, togetlitr with newt and infor mnijon upon thvmsund of oilier subjects. The Contributors N the Scientific Americsa ari iinni ihe most eminent Scientific and practical men of the times. The Editoriul Department is universally acknowledged lo be conducttd with grtai bilit) , nnd lo be distinguished, not only for he .xcelleiice and li u lifulties of its discussioo. but lor the lirlessncss with which error is com bund and false iherffifM ore 1 xploded. . Merhetiics. Invrtilors, fr'ngin- ers, Chemi.t. XLinu.'iicturt rs, Agrieulturists, and pebpfeol eery jirofessioii in life, will find the Scu-nlific Ameri can to be of gn at v due in th ir rssprclive call ings. I t counsels and suggestions will aave them hundreds of dollars nnuutllv, he.da alTordin them a cori:inu--il source of know ledge, the 'jut lence of which i" beyond pecuniary estimate. The Sneiititic Amr-ricao is published rnce a werk ; every number ontniiis eight large quarto p.iges, farming anniMllv a complUe and splendid volume, illulrutd wiih several huodrcd orji' nl engraving. OCT Specimen copies int grati. OCT TERMS. Single Subscriptions. $2 rear, or $1 for six months. Five copii e.for six monlh. f 4 ; for a year, 83. For further Club rutes nnd for alalemeol of Ihe lourteen large cash prizes, offered by the ( Ublish ers, see Sciennfic American. Southern, Western and Canada money, or Pott Office StPinps, taken al por lor suhscriplioni. Letters ajiould be directed (post paid) to MHNN Hi CO., I'M Fulton Street, N. V. (Kr Mesars. Munn Co.. have been, fur many Veara, extensively engaged in procuring patent for new inventions, and will ndvie inventors, without charge, in regard lo the novelty of iheir improvements. PUBLIC NOTICE. NEW GRAND DUCHY OF BADEN LOTTERY LOAN. Capital 14,000,000, Fls. riMHS LOAN is gunrniitccri ly the Government, aud 1 will be drawn l iflVrtiit prize, ns lolloas: 14 of 50.000 I 4ft of IO.OOO Fla. 12 of 35,000 Fls. 23 of 15.000 Fls. 2 of 12,000 FU. 55 of 10,000 Fls. 40 of 5 000 Fls. 2 of 4,900 Fls 5ti of 4,000 Us. 366 of 2,00.1 FI. 1041 of 1,000 Fla. &.C Ac Sue. The lowest prize being 42 PloeVsMa, 12 Florens are equal to FvV Dollur. The next Drawing takes place nt Uarlsruhe, under the Direction of the IJ.fl. 1 . Government, 011 the 31st Auguat, 1855, when every drawn number 111111 obtain one ot th above mentioned Frizes, which will be paid in ensb, at the officii ol tho undersigned. Those forti.nalc Share holder not rt siding 011 the spot, will have their amount of Prise gained paid to them through an tatubliahed Bank. The Luts ollhe remit will be sent to eaeh Shareholder, and the sucecsvtul numbers published in the Newspapers. The Price of Tickets is Two Dollars. The lolloping advantage are given by taking a nu:r. ber of Ticktts, viz : 11 Tickets cost only $2 I 50 Tickets cost only ISO. 23 Tickets cost only 40 100 Tick its ooatoaiTy 13 The Price lor Tickets can be aettt in Bank Notes i Dralts, payable in any of ike OwSBSMeretal town l Ger many, ilo land, France, Kti gland, Heatlsad, or ir . i- For Tickets and PiO'ptctuse aSfdj to the Bndarsif 1 -ed Nanking house, which 1 appointed tut the salt os Tickets. MORIZ 8TIEBLE SONS, Hanker. Frankfurt on-tho .Maine Gcrii.auy, N. B Letters tt be direrted per Steamer, via Liv erpool." to MOtnS STIF.ULK SONS, Danker, U Frank forl-on the-Aainc. Baasittaaces which arilvc after the day of Drawing, will bo returned, or invested in the next Drawing, t the option of the sender. July 27ih 1855. 1-5 .v. "THE SPECTATOR. N A WEEKLY JCi asAI. rL BLIsllEU AT W Af III NUT OH I t TT. ill K undersigned propose to coinmrnce about tbr first Ol June next, in the City of Washington, the publi cation of a wcrky newspapei.to be tailed the Spectator, designed for general circulation among the people of the United Stales. Its columns srill contain a full digest 01 the new of the day, lunign and di'SHSHic a weekly review ot finance and tiie markets ; a synopsis ul tli . proceedings of l ongris iuring its srsion ; tables ol election returns, the import. .nt political action ot Stati? legislature, and of party conventions ; intereating mi Cellam ou and scientific mutter ; article 011 agricnltur. , together with original article upon the leading topic i the day. Much valuable iahfwattai reLtire to thecp erations of the Executive Dt parimciiia ol the Govtn -inciit, together with the weekly list ol new psteiils, n ill be found in its columns. A larc portion ot il spar will be devoted lo light lit. rulurr, origins! and selected. It location a the politic-1 centre oi the Union, will n ford opportunities always to proeurc the latest inform 1 tion 011 public aff;irs. It is the intention of the uadersigncd to moke Urn Spectator n acceptable via Hoc to etery boue in Ut Union, and it will tli r. lure not naaiiiue on any occ.sioi, the position of a partizmi pa p. r, 1. or will it owe any allegiance lo men ; nut entertaining fixed and decidi-.i views on questions of political ecnuauuy , and upon Msr system of government, it w:M a'uo'eiuiuate and prouml gate them as occasion asajr rro.ui always Leepii.r; carefully in view Ihe ioUresl ot the fount ry . grow Ii. out ol foreign w, II a do ncrtle alViiis. The Spectator will be printed in quarto form, on geod paper aud new type; ouch number containing ssgbt pt ges of matter, making one volume annually is) 4 1 6 pg . Kaeh volume will be accompanied by a full and con plete index of it content., thus making it a most vain, ble paper for preset v a tion and reference. It will I. published every Satu: day morning, at 9'i per annum, payable always in advance. No paper will be Continued beyond the time tor which it is paid. All subscription and communication on buaincs should be addressed to the undersigned at Washington, 1. V. AUG. F. HARVEY k CO. Washington City, May 22, 1555. 48 Charlotte Saloon. UAVI.VC bought th interest of W. W. Phelan in. the Charlotte Saloon, basement story of Fpring' Uuildmg, a few doors south of the Charlotte Bank, tho business will be hereafter conducted in th name ot MILLER 6c ORR, Tb-y have juat received and are now opening an un. cquilled variety of he Purest and best Liquors, Wiues, Cordials, Porter, Ale, ANI 8EGAR8, OF Tilt CHOICEST BRANDS, thai is to bo had, together with ever article that i re quisite to refresh aud regale the inner maa- Their FRENCH BRANDIES. WINE CLARET. PORT. MADEIRA. SHERRY, and CHAMPAGNE. ' was selected by a judge and enn be confidently r'C-tn. i mended aa PURE and GENUINE. They have hud considerable Experience 10 ctrieg for the public teste and promise to oe trtry ixeftjoi. nhasa tnoc who may extend to tbcm their pa'-roati MILLER 4s, OKU aag 17 4-tf BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE HERft.

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