t. your Costs! THE ie and AccohjUs of tHe late firm of A. pc thmme &. Co. ha been placed in the ha..ds of w iHvis. Ej.. for collection and settlement. Those in debted either by ijfolo ?r Recount, are requested to jnafce an immediate arrangement, a further indulgence can. not and Will Dot tu- frinlrd. ALEXANDER & JOHNSTON. April 7, 1 '.5. 3ft BOUNTY LAND BILL. . iV. DAVIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, vwm.imiuitie. . ll MB llillll " hcr b.lMiics attend, d to with promptness; particularly ami. as r...r toil, prose fitfiop of Prnaion Claim,. Lmi Warrant, onsial of D-univ Land' against the General Gi . . r m, uu- ier the late Bounty Lund law .Murcl; 3" I-".". Cv ng 160 Acres of Land Jo all Others IV-ind and N ival. Commissioned or mm -C omuiissioiicd, all SoiOicrs, ?ya n, Pierka, or fbci persona, who have rved IB any .f the r.rs in visscji the Unjud St-.tc have been en. gaffed since 1790 ; and also to all Officers and fcoldiers of the Ui volution ry War, their widow and minor , hildrrn. Person having such claims, by presenting them iin mediately, may secure an early issue of their ccrtifi eat.. PrJjc, $ doors south of Sadjer'a IIoliJ. tl3fi Respectfully Yours! THE unsettled business o! Pritchard 8c Caldwell. fr 1844, has been placed in the handa of S. W. Davis for collection and settlement. Thuee indebted for that year will bo doing us a great favor by closing their Ac csunts immediately, as we have invariably cash to pay, and " Money now, as all must know, is a hard thing to berrew." PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. April?. 1855. 39.r WHEAT MARKET, y tvt-i lie J wish to purchase three or f.ur '.uindnd thousand buhcW of g-Msd merchantable wheat, for which I wil par 'he high"-! jtaap price. Charlotte from its facilities of I ranspr.rt i I ion s one o the bebt inland mukiS in the Southern Stute.. I have greeted large Merc basil MiIIh contiguous In the Railroad capable of grinding three hundred barrels of fluur per day, and to kei p them r.inm.ig i Mi have wheat. So brfng t iong; you want the highest figure for it. W I am prepared to grind for to I . If you want flour liWse brand will be sufficient to sell it in any market in the world, here is the place to have it manufactured. These Mills have slready made a reput lion nt in feiior tosny in the country. LEROY SPRING June 15. b5:,. f--f Hblg'.Charlotte ; Banner, S.Ii-bnry ; Enquirer, yrl srillc ; Standard, Chester, Intelligencer. Sin I by ; News, Asheville; will incert 3 months and fur Ward bills to the tuhsrriber at C'harlutte. HAVING bought oat ti.e entire inter-! nf Wm. E. M ss j'p the firm of DAVjhjiOS c tyOSS, I will fonliuio the business at the old st i nd, ami am deter mined to ufl'er great inducement to all who wil! favor me with a Call, "lid especially o ihie woo hoy for f'asll. The Note -nd Account ol the lite firm are in in v hands, and wil J be Milled by mc alone. B- If. DAVIIXSON. April 20. J85J. pif S. N. MWELL, 3ac.dle and Harness Manufacturer, 1'b re jt doors soqth of Sadler's Hotel, CHABLOTTi:, N C. I WOOED respectfully inform the citizens of Charlotte and the surroun ding country, tbat J have now on hand an UTUSITI SWTtt f f Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Snricllci'v Ilai'flwnrc. W hips, Hi. bFAi.o Robes HORSE BLANKKTS, SADDLE ("LOTUS, sfitiTiN(;s, nou skins, jPateat, Enamelled Sc Harness Leather, together with every thing usually kent in tyfty line of Imxiness. 1" ;.1II- V HarMrfW nfaakrra fi;rni-hed fifth every thing necessary jbr cirmg on the Lsi nsa. on the nosf reasonable terms. CJT All kinds of Saddles and Harness mads at the shortest notice. tt" IJepairing promptly executed. Oct. 20, u.'.t. S. M. HQ WELL. MEfliLK.NBll I0l SE, IIAVINC pure has d the building on the cor ner, a few doors northeast of Kerr's Hotel, ami repaired and lilted it up in lirsl-raic style, I would csin rltully inform the travelling public that it is now pen lor tbe reception of regular and transient boardi re rovers will n id ample aeeoinmodatlons at my house. 4n. I.', If.).). '.-Jy II, It t.A NEW BOOKS FOR SALE AT ' p.0YftIE AKD KNMSVS BOOR STORK. 'I'llF. Slave ot trie Lamp, a PosthunHUM Nov. I. by Wil I liam North. IngeiSW, or the first days of the Itloi d, by Alexmder Dsmsms. Trausl tied from the original Utanuscript. Fashion and Fancies, by AJrs. Stephens. The yataiaii. a legrod of the Carriobccj. a;.j other t . , by W t.ilnsote Sininis. TbeCaslle Bu'lders, by the author of "Jleartea e," ."The Heir o! Rd lyfl'e." "Scenes and Clunees," etc. Th Old Isi or the 'I'rjv !l r.s' Entcrtainntenl, by osiah Ita riles, S n. f'bc aboie arc all the very latest aud most popular pavela of tbe dsjy. We constantly keep on hand a large and well seh Cted stock of stationa ry ol i y l y kim!, and are constantly re. ei-iving all the new books that are being published, aud books that wc have not got, we can 21 Ion the shorteht pot ice. 4-11 una 2 1c5j. Dissolution. The co-partnership heretofore existing between (he subscribers, under the firm of W'AlilNCI & HERRON, in the publication of tbe " Western Pemocrat," has expired this day by its own limi tation. The accounts due the firm ipust be closed as sqqn as possible. Kither is authorized to settle. It. P. W A RING, RUFUS M. HERRON. June e, 1855. AOTI4T. JIaVINCs mndo out ail the accounts duo the DEMOCRAT" Office for Adverlisin and Sub ycription, all persons indebted to us are requested 1 Py .VP without delay. The business of the late firm must be cloM'd at July Court, or those indebted must take the consequences. WARING HERRON. June 2Q 49 HIS. WXKAItAB, Dross l.lx-ox-, a DOO.IS NOItTtf cr scar's HOTEL. A Id. Drcsset cot and made by the celebrated A. B l O. method, and warranted to fit. ouaela t.-. turned in tbe latest style at the shortest April 20, 1855. JOif. A. R. PHILLIPS, BROKER. AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Toe the pore and sale of Rkal FaraTS, Stocss. IWvm. Vaosyoa. ail ki"s of Merehandii-c l CViuatrj rtdTee. HT Oifsti ti rer of the Cessm! Bank, Cniaai bK, &uth Carolina. aie 15. Iii5 4T-2m Safe F 6 E. P. WASH !i6, .Illornty at EMWt, Office in LmmVrqC Brick Building, 2?id Jloor. -.IIAHI.OTTP, V. C. gr. . F. BOONE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER. IN SOLE M. F.i TMM lilt. CJtLF SAWS, LINING AND BINDING SKINS, SHOE TOOLS OF RVERV DESCRiT I ION, Chaihittc, N. C. Oct. 20. 1364. 1 V ELMS At JOHNSON. Forwarding aud ( oramivsioii Merchants- N O. 10 VENDUE R A N G E, Clf A H I.ESTO.N S. C. W. W. ELMS. C. JOHNSON. June 2fl, '51. 4'. (AKOIBA IKX, BY JENNINGS B . KERR. Chaj'lpftft sf C. hmfy 28, 181" " asif A. BETHUNE, $o. 5, Springs' Row, 4 DCOKS EAST OF THE CIIAKJ.OTfE BANK, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Feb. 16, 1855- 30if . 3aQX-rre ent RESPECTFLTLLY plfers his prqffjssiona) ieii-Mpes tp j the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country. Be hopes by devoting Ins entire attention to lie ilnlirs of his prolession to merit patronage. He may be fuJBf j at all hours, at his office opposite the American Hotel, w hen not professipnajly engaged. march 2, 18.?5. 3-itf Congress (iaiirrs far Ladjf t, I VST Received at ,J It'ioiit ' Bot A Si.tie RinrMtrimu. May 25. 1 1 -it. CHAFLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMiPA3BY. 'PHIS COMPANY is now organ iz d nccnrdin t" the net of Incorporation, ind are pr pared 'q lecriyc ap plications and issue pniicb-n agaiiifl Um by fj.e on ."ill kinds of property ami merchandize . OFFICERS: H. C.R q Preaid. r.t, Joii.s lewiN, V. Pirsident, Wm. Ioiis n, Aitonif-v, J. F. Ix iv. S. e. Sf Trras, 31. L. tYgTi , At;, nt. Di B toT B II. C Carson. John Irw in Joseph H. Wliite, Janirs II. (' irxm. Dr. , L M. A. Ywnf, H. Tayb.r, W. W, FJms, Wm. J..liiisn. I.eroy Springs, J. IV. Os borne, ph!". Oyefinap, and If. II. Hra wiry. (L7 Direct ajl powitiinieati,-n t the (secretary. Jt)IIN F. IRWIN, S. c'y. Jtiue 15, IS.jj. 47 tf wmui urn rFII E subscribers in o m the public generally, that they I havn opened a KARRLK YARD in Cluster, 8. C, nc.ir ibc Di pot, where tiny i S prepared, with eoinpe. tent workmen from the .North, to execute all orders in I heir line ot business, suck as flails aud OriiaiiU'CKal Marlle 'Worls., consisting if 2V m. TABLETS, HEADSTONES, &C. They will keep constantly on hand the best description of Italian and American .Marble, and their articles will be afforded on as accommodating terms aa they can be obtained either North or Sooth. H7" All orders, for any article, sddressed In the sub scribers, will be pa died and b-rw.irdi d with the utmost care ami despatch. SAMUEL MoXINCH, C. NEKK. Chester. S. G., ii li"). 165o. Utf New fnffciionary and Uakery, J. E. LOtyERGAN TAKF. pleasure in snnouucipg o tlifir friends and I the public that they have jnt opened in the Jlo ise on Main street, 2 doors eat of the American Hotel, a Cak ry and Confectionary Fsfab ishment. Having secured the services of an experienced Baker and thorough workman, they are prepared to furnish ISrctiri. Oikes and every thing in their Iin of the mst surieripr despriptiop. Th y have just opened An E.vtrisnr Variety nf AND ALL KINDS OF CANDIES. TOYS. f SC ARTICLES vf terry Jrxcnplion, And indeed every thing usuillv found in their line. If a desire to please, and reasonable terms, will in sre patronage they are determined to have it. J. it E. LONERKAN. January 25, 1855. 27-tf N. B 1 have sold try interest in tbe Grocery to J. Lonergan. All persons indebted to the frm are earnestly requested to settle, as longer indulgence can not be given. E. LONERGAN. Jan. 20, 1S55 Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford ton ; T)(K)KS for suhsci ipt ion ti the capital stock of the j 3 Wilmington, Charlotte and Rntherfhrdtoa Railroad ! t'oinp.iny. an- now open at hc stores of Messrs. Irwin, i IIu:in & Co., .ind Williams, Dixon & Co., in the town j of Charlotte. All persons are invited to conic forward and aidiu this tod work. WM. JOHNSTON, JXO. A. YOUNG, JOHN IRWIN, LEROY SPRINGS, JO HN WALKER, WM. MAXWELL. W. M. M AT! HEWS, A. C. WILLIAMSON, W. IV. ELMS, C. J. FOX. W. R. MYERS, Com m issioncrs. April 10, 1855. 38-r A GREAT DISCOVERY. rpHE PEOPLE jrencrally have conceded the fact tbat 1 W. VV. Waddell Sc. Vo's Lightning Rods is the only safe protector from that dangerous element that now exist. The premium was awarded to them both in London and New York, at tbe Worlds Fair, the points are constructed so as to attract from a distance, and composed of a compound of Copper and Silver, with platinrta points, which is warranted not to corrode. We the andersigned are prepared to furnish (all persons who may wish the protection of their lives and property) with the above Kods, and put them up all complete, at the shortest possible notice. J. E. L. PHELAN .V CO. June 29, 1825. jo-tf Received tliia 3,y, PI ENTS CARPET SL1PPEKS, figured. VT Ladies' " with rasits. " Co'cred Figured Velvet SLIPPERS, " White Kid and Satin Children's Light Colored BOOTS, at BQONE'3 Boot Ik Shoe Emporium. June 2, 1855. 4Gtf D w- BECRW1TH has removed his Jewelry Store . to No. 2, Johnston's Row, three doors South of Kerr's liatei Feb 1, 185f. 30-It 141 lMjippji.il i , LOOK AT THIS SIMPLE WORD CLOTHING! VND yet, simple as it i. you bear a creat cry mde over CI4THiNG! You take up ibe papeis arrd almost tbe first word you se i LOTHIL!! Yoa slfpll over tbe city and you will see smalt, sam ples of t t A lUtle here, a little here. And no assortment anywhere; fJutil you get tp FL I.LKSG 9f CO.'s where ever) one runs to get GOOD C LOUIES! And why do they run there ? Simply because they cn get CLpTHIKXJ H.llr Hade, TIOKi: r a n hi oil it l e, AKD at mDE2ssj3 fTPt TTflTFTSjCt than at any Hpu?e in Sfocth Carolina. We make a business of it manufacture our own Goody, ami every article sold by us is W AU AnJ'I'KP, cr money relumed. "toiiiiiclition is Ike Life cf Tradf' And iv e are bound tp keep fiie Largest and Most Fashionable IN THE STATE. We hav : a full stock of i hiUlu iisf, Youths, and Boys (iothinp:, at low prices. Also, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Tit VJTMkS, Jf . rCJEStVli M'KT MtGS- UMBRELLAS, OANES. 1'orlfr.Vouuisc, fity untt i'otfict Knives; JjAili, 'I'OOTH, 41) SAIL CRL'iSUiiS, Ate. Aic-., ySic, all of wiiicb MjiR be freely shown and prices given, At the Emporium ol Fashion, BY FULL IN OS A CO. Charlotte; N. C, N..v. 23, 154. I8H CLARENDON IRON WORKS, 1 II mi ii to is, if. C. 'I HI) CLARENDON IKON WOKKS arc now prc 1 pired to rtgclTc order for IJeuui, Vertical, Horizon, laior Oscillating Steam FngineM, High or Low Prey, mrr, and adapted to all pm poses : Circular, Vertical and Portable Uills complete; Puiwps, Milling Machine ry, Crist and Flour Mills, complete ; Parker, Turbine ami other Water Wheels, Equipping of" Steamers, Car Wheels and Axles ; Horse powers of various patterns; Nice Field Pumps mid Engines; Rice Thrashers; Shingle .Machines, Shafting, Pullics, Hangers. Gears, and all other Mill Work. CASTINGS. Irou and Brass Hastings of all descriptions, including Ornamental Iron Railing, Pipe, Uridge Castings, Slc, &.C. The Company would respectfully invite attcnti In t., thir styles and p-ttems of Railing, which may be e ii at their office. Boilers. Tubular, Flue and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks, ( himneys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. Repairs. A separate department and force will be kept for re pairs, where work will be done thoroughly and with j despatch. j Having large facilities, the above work wi l be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere, Nortli or South, I and in a pTompt and satisfactory manner. Consultation by letter or otherwise, r. regard to plan9 : and designs for mills or their furniture, and for ma ' chinery generally, willingly answered. All orders or ! communications to be addressed to the undersigned. HiSNftY M. DKANE. Astm. March 23. 3n-tf Fresh Spices. nEPPER whole and proond, 1 ALLSPICE whole and ground. CINNAMON7, " " CLOVES, " " GINGER rRaca and Jainaicn, R'hole and ground. NUTMEGS; Mace; Mustard in i, sad lib. Tins, Jut received by SCARR & CO., Mb 30 l)ru-;g'its. Fresh Supply Just Received, t LCOHOL, l Burning Fluid, ( amphene. No. 1, Turpentine, Linseed Oil, (N. C.) For Sale at SCARR cV GO'S., Feb 9 29 t harlotte Drug Store. SADDLES & HARNESS. SkS'riTTi The subscribers have entered fBETYT!) Bpjp?V,' into copartnership and opepdiy Saddle and Harness M-A.3STXJ FACTORY, AT K. SHAW'S OLD STAND, In Springs Brick Corner Building. where they have constantly on hand a large and splen did assortment of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, &r, ol every description, according to the most approved sty'e and fashion of the day. They are also prepared to manufacture anything in their line in the most sub stanMal and workmanlike manner arid better than the best. We respectfully invite the public to call and exam ine for themselves. Repairing done at short notice and with neatness and dispatch. SHAW & PALMER. march 2, I8.'5. 32tf 3J"otOG to Debtors. 'I "HE subscriber having entered into partnership I with Mr. Palmer, is desirous of closing up his old business. He therefere most earnestly requests his formerf riends and customers, who are in arrears at his shop, to call between this time and our April court, ard settle their accounts either by r ote or cash, the latter if possible. R. SHAW march 2, 1855. 32tf Leather, Leather, Leather. 200 SIDES Hemlock Sole Leather. SO " Baltimore White Oak, Band and Sole Leather, just received a BOONE'S BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM. Dec 29, 1851 23tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to the public generally, that he is now receiving a large assortment of new Cloths, Casimeres AND ITLVG'S, for Gentlemen's wear, and will be sold lor CasA at a small profit, or made toorder according to the latest styles. Shop next door V Daniels &. Allison. . 10tt D. L. B EA . THE ATIIIRH i HOTEL. CIIARLOTTC, n. c. I BEG to announce to my triends, the public.and prct. cnt patrons of the above Hotel, that I have leased the Siime for a tens of years from the 1st of Janairy next. A 'tcr which time, the entire prooerty will be thorough ly rep;:-ed and renovated, and the bouse kept in first class style. This Hotel is tt:ar .he Depot, and pleasant. ,'y situated, rendering it a desirable h.iue far travellers and families. pec Ifi, 1853. 22t 0. M. RAY. ICED SODA WATER. PHJTCHARD &. CALDWELL IT AVE opened for the season their new and improved II Soda Wi ter Apparatus, and the sparkling and re freshing beverage may be had at all hours at the rm) 13 GRANITE DRUG STORE Sep. 2i, 1854, WILKINSON'S DAGUEKREIAN GALLERY. . f Room!:, Third Story, Granite Ranfre, immediately - vcr Trotter c Son's Jewelry Sture. THE Fubiscrilur bsvin permanently located in Char lotte, respectfully invites the attention of Ladies and (Jciitleiiif n to bis supcrioi and would respectfully say tbat be is now takinff Daw guerreoypes ujion an improved plan, which Will not only add to I lie BEAUTY AND ELEGANCE ol'llie Picture, but "vill render it DURABLE A0 BRILLIANT FOR AGES. He would also respectfully invito strangers visiting Charlotte to cull and examine bis specimens, as he is determined they shall compare favurubly vith any that can be taken North or South, C7" fnstructions, thorough and practical, given in this beautiful art, and all materials furnished. NEAL WILKINSON, JanuarvSfi. 8 27-tf ac ri'i.-i,rti irom me Diiuscnuri uii nc jf V February last, my negro man ISAAC He is DfTV a lir , r e . I 1 1 U A O.l ( about 35 years of age, about-) feet 8 or S inches hish, is of a dark conper color, tolerably high fr.rehead, cheek Cones a little projecting, and I think bis eye teeih a little defectiye. Said boy weighs alipnt 163 lbs., quick spoken, tolerably intelligent. When he left he wpre rornmon apparel, such as common laborers usually wear. 1 will give Twenty Dollars reward for Isaac, delivered to me or confined in any jail so 1 get him again, or 1 will give Fifty Dollars reward for him wiih sufficient proof to convict any white person of harboring him. 1 bought said boy of jiilius Alexander about eight years since. Mr. Alexan der lived it or .4 miles south west of Charlotte and t think Isaac is strolling about through the country where 1 purchased 1 iui. T. M. HAMILTON. White's Store, Anson County, N. C. March 9, lSr,5. 33-tf SENNA FIGS. V GREAT desideratum in Families and to persons suffering from habitual Constipation, being an agreeable and efficient Aperient, quite palatable, and free from those nauseous principles, which make it a matter of so much difficult to administer medicine to children. For sale at SCARR & CO'S. Drng Store. Feb 1G, 18o5. 30-tf m, A C KSlfl IT HI NO Well done or no Pay required. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic, that be has opened a BLACKSMITH SHOP Kfon Collejre streit, opposite the Charlotte & S. C. Railroad Depot, where he is (reparcd to execute all kinds ol Bl.icfcsmithing, Horse Shoeing, Repairing Boilers, making .Mill Irons, &.c. All orders to J. R. Hand or Messrs. Irwin, Huggins Ac Co., or myself will be speedily attended to. Refer to Mr. C. Davts, on the North Carolina Railroad, and Win. Glaze A. Co., Palmetto Foundry, Columbia, S. C. S. J. PERRY. march 2, 1855 32-Gm Odd Fellows' Female Institute, O F II O W A R I) L 0 I) C E . No. 35, I. O. O. F., Located at Shelby, N. C. rIIE Trustees of Howard Lodge, No. 3, 1 O. O. F., 1 will open a Female School in ih town of Shelby, on the 1st Monday in June next, to be under the super vision and direction of the Trustees. The most experienced :ind efficient Teachers have been employed, as the dtsign is to render it one of the bci-t in the up country. They have now in course of construclion a large and commodious building, which will be completed this year. The course ol" instruction usually taught in similar in stitutions. RATES OF TUITION: Orthography, Reading, and Writing, per Session of 5 months - $G.O0 Geography, Grammar, Composition, &,c. - - - 10.00 higher Branches, embracing Ancient Languages, Algebra, Geometry, Botany, Natural and Men. tal Philosophy, &c, . - . 15.00 EXTRA STUDIES: Music, on Piano, Harp or Guitar, per session, $20.00 L'sc of Instrument - 2.00 Embroidery, Drawing, Painting, &o. - . 10.00 French 20,00 Board can be bad in the- best families on ressonable terms. A. W. BURTON. ) TIIOS. WILLIAMS, V Trustees. I). FRON EBERGER, Shelly, N. C, Mjy 11, 1855. 43tf mrs. m. shaw's iiilmi:rv bazaar DRESS MAKING ROOMS. (Four doo s south of the American Hotel.) RS. SHAW respectfully announces to her numerr ous friends and patrons ol the Town and surround ing Counties, that she has just returned from Charleston, inci is now opening a superb as sortment of Frencli Millinery-j consisting in part of a Great Variety of Bonnets, Rich and Elegant Ribbons, Laces, Artificials Ti i minings, &.C., to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. She is prepared to put up Ladies' Dresses according to the fashion and it: the latest style. April 13 38-tF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, STANLY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May Term, 1855. J:icob W. Little, Adm'r of J James Little, deceased. Petition for Settlement, vs. ) Sopbiah Little, Olmstend Little, Lorenzo M. Lit tle, Mary E. Long, James E. Love and wife Narcissa, James M. Hunnycutt and wife Clarinda, Is real Little, James Little, John Alexander Little, Win. A. Little and Martha Little. It appears to the satisfaction of the Court that Lorenzo M. Little, one of the defendants in this case is not an inhabitant ot this State. It is ordered, that publication be made in the Charlotte Democrat for six weeks, notifying the said Lorenzo M. Little to be and appear at the next Term ol our said Court to be held for the countv of Stanly, at the Court House in Albemarle, on the second Monday in August next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the said Petition, or the same will be taken proconfesso as to him and heard ex parte. Witness, Richard Harris, Clerk of our said Court at office m Albemarle, the second Monday in May, 1855, and of A merican Independence the 7St year. Issued the 15th day ot June, 1855. June 12 18-6w iPr's lee 96.) R. HARRIS, Clerk. Ice Cream, GINGER POP AND CED LFMONDE can be had every day at Lonergan's Bakery and Confectionary, 2 doors north of the American Hotel may, 18 18:5 43 tf HHETT & ROBSON, AND COMNISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. CHARLESTON, S. G. 0" Liberal advances made on Consignments. Reference: H. B. Williams, President of the Bank of Charlotte. July 27th 1855. l-6m. C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING and COMMISSION SOUTii ATLANTIC WHAHF VUARLESlOy, So. Ca. J M Wait for the Waggons! . wo will tell vou. It W bocause JENKIN TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, One door west of W. W. Elms' Grocery, on Mi it yee where can be found the largest, cheapest and koet ufnr-k nf IS V B W ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT frJ -.i. .i..i. ihr ,mnrld to oroduce a better. Willi niiivu c c ffiAc g -'' r We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Chnrches, Stores, Parlors, Bed. rooms, &.C., &.c. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " wait for the waggon:" It is because we have three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will deliver them within SO milesof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by us will be put up free of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you about the Stoves we will say to you, that we have all kinds f BriUania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS FETTLES, STOVE PIPES, d., constantly on hand. D3T AH ORpERS sent to us will be promptly atten ded to by JENKINS TAYLQR. Charlotte, March 10, '55. 33-tf PHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends ? 3 and tbe public generally, that bis house, kno.vn as the " Railroad Hotel," opposite the Chester Depot, is k i II open for the reception of regular and transient hoarders and the travelling public ; and that he is making every exertion to deserve and secure a continuance of the 'kind and liberal patronage which has hitherto been extended tp h.n. e flatters himself that every pcoded arrangement has beep made to pro mote the pomfort of all who stop with iim ; his rooms arc airy and well-furnished, bis servants are attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that his .'riends wjjl not want any attention necessary to make their sojourn pleasant and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good host ! lers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared ut a moment's notice to supply bis customers with pri. vale conveyances of every sort, to any pari of the sur rounding country. He desires to return jijs acknowledgements to the public for pa fayors, and solicits for the future an equally liberal share oif patronage. Aug 20,1854. 5tf JOHN R. NICHOLSON. Splendid Variety of Ladies' Gaiter Boots RECEIVED this day consisting of Ladies' Black ilk Julian GAITERS, " Heighland " M Tan 'f Julian " ' " Creole " dl. Silk Tip " Misses' Black and Cal. Silk GAITERS, at BOONE'S SHpE STORE. Ladies, call and see thcn. March 2. 18G5. 32tf A GREAT VARIETY OF STOVES ? M00RE & BYERLY'S, WHO arc disposed to sell on the most accommodating terms. Their sunnlv consists of COOKING, PARLOR AND OFFICE sCTJL of different kinds. Call and examine their supply. They also have on hand an assortment of Tin, JnT3xrx cto Bri- tania Ware, rt'hich they would l.ke to dispose of for cash or Country Produce. They also inform the public generally that they are now prepared to execute all Job Work in their line. All ORDERS, therefore, for Roofing, Guttering or Stove Pipe, will be punctually attended to and on the shortest no lice. MOORE &. BYERLY. july 3, 185. 51-tf C&3 CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. (LATE FISHER & HEINITSH.) CHARLOTTE, IV. C. O ESPECTFULLV inform the inhabitants of Char iV lotteand vicinity, that they have just received a fresh supply of MEDICINES, which are offered with confidence to their approval, regard having been paid more to the purity ai;d strength of the Drugs, than fp ! the price. A full stock of the various Proprietary Medicines ' constantly on hand. j Brandy; Port, Sherry, Madeira and Malaga Vyiries, selected tor Medicinal purposes. Paints, Varnishes, Fluid, Camphene, &c. Landreth's garden Seeds. Fab 16, 1855. 30-tf Slate of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 1835. Rebecca A. Alexander, 1 vs. Petition for Divorce. W. F. Alexander. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W. F. Alexander, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Wes tern Democrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of the filing of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Courthouse in l harlotte, on the 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the said will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness, Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in Match, A. D., Ic55. J. B. KERR, c. m. s. c. July 20, 1855. (Pr's fee $10.) 52-3m STiTEMRTII CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 1855, Nancy Miller, J '' vs. Petition for Divorce. John Miller. 1 T appears to the satisfaction of the Court, that John Miller, the defendant in this case, resides hvn the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered h th Court, that advertisement be made in the Western De mocrat, for three months, notifying ihe said defendant of the filing of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term of this Court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Charlotte, on the 7th Monday, after the 4th Mondav in Spnt.mk., I next, and answer said petition, the said will be taken j Pr confesso and heard ex parte as to him. i Witness, Jennings B. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court ; at office, the 7th Mondav. after the dth mj.. March, A. D., it55. 3 . , nn J- B- KERR, c. m. g. c. July 20, 1855. (gr's fee $10.) S2-3m HEW GOODS. DARKS . HOTCHlSoii . now ,civi A largest and most varied assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress Goods ever purchased by them. They solicit an examination of their stock, bought n.siuav by cash. Their Goods trill be sold Low april 27, I8$a 40tf OMADGM Citrate of Magnesia. A KRES.11 Cise of this celebrated refreshing Aperi LX. ent, just opened by 12 v :r m. SCARR & CO. eb 1G, W9i. 30tf TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE EH. Owing to the large amount ot i. ounterieit FamK, put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, w have been obliged to resort to very expensive mmor( to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public fr0a great injury, by buying and using their worthlen com. teifeits. The comparative plain and simple lye j' which our Pain Kilter has been put up, hasnud,,; yery easy for those disposed, to imitate it very80Ctft fully, as far as its external appearance, in style of bou tie, lable, and color of the article ; but we need not u. that the compound is a miserable, filthy production, lnJ calculated to do great injury to those who might uitit with the confidence that they have been accutomd to use the genuine Pain K.ller. Parties whose bun. pess it is to counterfeit valuable preparation do it k such a secret manner, that it is almost use less to it. tempt to punish them by legal measures, as it tig. cult, and we might say impossible to bring the proof home to them. Consid, ring the great difficulty in protecting on,, selves and the public by prosecuting parties, we hit, heen to a very great expense in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LABEL, for our bottles. We also attach io our bottles a Steel Engraved Note of Hand, which we issue as our blip, tion, and to counterfeit which is held to be forgery L the laws pf the United States, and which parties sj3 not dare attempt to do. The great expense attendiag the getting rp and printing of these labels will prevent the attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to tht poblic that the article they purchase is the genuine Perr? Davis' Eain Killer, manufactured by Perry Davis s Son, Sole Proprietors. The Pain Killer will be put up in a new style of pant bottle, with'fhe words, Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, blown in the Class. We have discontinued the use of the 37 cent bottles and now put up only f mr sixes viz: 12J cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 91 per bottle. We have also a yry fine Engraving on StQne for tbe Box labels, specifying the contents ot the box, wbere and by whom manufactured, Ac. We have also sdued to our Pamphlet of directions and certificates a covet beautifully finished, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeness of Perry Dayis, the original inventor of the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one label on each box, has also a correct likeness, f Perry Dsvii, A-hich it will be impossible to counterfeit successfully We have been to this expense, that the public tnigbt have perfect confidence that tht-y were getting tbe gen uine article when they buy a bottle as above describ ed. To those who have so long used and proved tbe merits of our article, we would say that we shall cor tinue to prepare our Pain Killer of the best and purei: materials, and that it shall be every way worthy si their approbation as a family medicine. PEIIRY DAVIS & SON, Manufacturers and Proprietors. Providence, R. J., July 27th 1855. The Pain Killer is sola by Phitchakd & Cai.pw'kll, Charlotte, N. Cj :lsobj Sill Sl Sil, Salisbury ; Boatright A- Barkuloo, Colum bia ; and by Druggists, Grocers and JNJ ed i c i ne Dealen generally. July 27th 1855. 1-ly. HUGH L, TINLEY & CO., (successors to tini.ey a- herkon,) RECEIVING AND FORWARDING ACENTS, AND GENErU COMMISSION MERCAANTS. No. 2 Exchange, Street, South Atlantic Wltam Charleston, So. Ca. GIVE their personal attention to the sale ofCottoss customary, or by special contract, all other ki . t ly i i . . . . ui i ruuutc una luiuuiiiciurts, uiiu masc prompt icuu of the same, for 2J per ijent. c'ornniiision. We will CONTINUE, as hcretolore, to give our e cial attention to the Receiving and" Forwarding of -goods consigned to us, for 10 cents per pack age. Machinery, large packages of Furniture, &ic , ciiarft in proportion to trouble and responsibility, for idvawf'j fri-lfrVltc nnH r ytrt-u Ol nor timmt fc r 3 v"' LlT Persons shipping Goods or Produce llirourbt" house, ninv rely upon their interest beinir FOSITIF".' PROTECTED. h..tl. ....Inui al rrli irim n n H Ins goods. We have in no instance nor will we detain snyj for freight and charges. We would respcctfdlly beg leave to refer to the -lowing gentlemen, with whom we have hid M" transactions : John Caldwell, President of the S. C. R. R Ce!n bia. U. Passailaiguc, Superintcndant of Public WorkiG bid bia. F. W. McMastcr, Librarian of S. C. College, Coins bia. P. W. Fuller, Columbia. John King, Jr., S. C R. R. Agent, Charleston. Henry Missroon, Agent of New York Steamer', Holmes &l Stoncy, Agents of New York Sailing Pa cts. H. F. Baker Sl Co,, Agents of Baltimore sufl dclphia Sailing Packets. J. W. Caldwell. Agent of Baltimore Slcimen f Boston Sailing Packets. july 13, 1855. W Piedmont Sulphur and (Iiabbeatf III HURKE COUNTY. W. C Sixteen miles North of Morganlon, iciU Itr fat the reception of Company, on tut T HIS delightful Summer retreat cannot be urr, by any of the fashionable Watering P aces ' the btate of North Carolina. Here invalids, " those seeking pleasure, may find a Summer fJjj!2 calculated to restore the last energies of the ' Constitution and gratify the most fastidious. The proprietor has enlarged his spacious acCp dattons by considerable additions, and is prepr' ' . receiyc a large company. He will spare no P1 (. contribute to the benefit and gratification of thos favor him with their company. This fine watering place is euriounded by w p the greatest Natural curiosities in this Country. Table Kock is only seven miles from the !?''f(,: Hcllow Spring Cave is one mile, Kavin Rock f' miles, and Falls of Lmvilie is nine miles. And all in a treat country lor hunting and w Deer and turkefs are plenty in the neighborhood springs. Ms By calling on Dr. liappoldt, proprietor ol the fain Hotel," in Morganton, every necessary', tion pertaining to the medical qualities ol tbe' can be obtained. ftff JAMES C. ESTES, Pro-"" June 8, 1855. ATTACHMENTS for title at tl.-' office-

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