Save yoor Ccsls ! THE Notes and Accounts of ll;e late fim I l...... Mr r-. w.. w i,,-,.h in ilit hand cf 8. Bo. V. v' u in: w v. ' . imn u' 1.11 ' I)v... E-q.. for collection MMl settlement. 1 hone in-debU-d either by Note or Account, arc rrnuested lo make m immediate arrangement, aa further indulgence can rot and will nut Iff grxnrd. . - ALEXANDER 4: JOHNSTON. April 7, 18.-.5. BOUNTY LAND BILL. ' - S. xV. I AVIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, VH.IMtrOTJK. V. f- VI.I. wHllliaiia MT other b'lineai attended to with promptn.'f; r-ariiruiarl rath as refer to the pro -rulion frriMion Claim, Ld Warrant, mid tfaaatlMM, l.f Bounty Land Kgaifht the General Gov. runo ut, u.i I.r the Bounty Land Law of March 3d, I.')".. iv . - I GO Acres of Land to alt OlBc. f, Land ! I ..ininis.ione.l or non-Commissioncd, all Snidtera, Bee .... n. Clerk, or other person, who have . rv d in any .f the Wars in which Hie United St.. Live been . n--aged since 't jC ; and Uo to all 00 " "'"i W"" "f Ik ncvolutio....ry War, tlnir widow? and MMM hildren. r having curb claim, by presenting them mi loediately. may sceare on curly iuc of lit. ir o rj t -ralaj. llF.o-, 5 door : oulb Oi S.u:l i 's- liaata I. Rfspcctfollf Vcars I III-; WTtll 1 1in; ' Pnlehard m iWweii. it hia Derii pi..e: in ine ii..m. .-. t..r to lection and e. Hi-, nn lit. MUM IKWra aa iwi irar will be doing U a great favor by ebbing llw r Tiuiits immediately, aa we have invariably e..sii ! tj, . nd Many now, as all MMl know, is btl ti"' B !' t-.rrox'. pritcii vnn i April 7, 1 WHEAT MAI EIT, Springs' Mills. J ui-b to p.iirrb:."- lb ee r i :r huh. 1- .' B Mid mm n !i .nt. hi- b inocn .1 .t, for k ihii-:ini! lirb I a i I . - i M I (. Iii-o t pile - : Lliii'rlotfc from it-" taeMitirf of transport ti.'ii one o the trail Hklataad aaarLrV a !- Soi.tln rn Stale. 1 bare nr! Urs;e M reh.n-1 Malta roaatagaaoajai ( ih .Ratlto.-.f j.hle ad priiaalntw ihrre lnnn'..! barrrb of fl. ".i p"i 'v, ::nd to k'. p Im in rnnninj; I : l-t have v. ln'-t. r-.. I .'in,; ., MTyoaa -.vniit the biffta-ail tit're f'-r it. ' an'i pr. par.d lo j'riod for toll. If yon araiH flour v boar br. u I II be m III i. nt .l sell it in any Hia rket in ii. a orid, lac rf i th-- , laee to hav Tbeac Mil! '. v- almady Made f.ii'.r ton: v in the conalrr. t cnaMaiaetarrif, i. pi.t itioa aol is I.EEOY .I.ii. i I j, IKm. i 7 1 lii.barr ; Bqnir,r, Yrk- Wh!. I'harln tie : I: inner v.llV: KtandanL t h.-t r. Intrlliffeneer. Sln-lbt A-heiillt ; will ioeerl 1 cutNiiba ami forward bills to the anaba) at lbarl.4tr. otice. i I "i J out the entire inlerrat of Win. E. j 1 M m in tbenVaq f DAVIDSON M.iSS. I will ci.nliiiiie the bus:;;; s at tin: old st.nd, anal "in di t. r iii im d I" i.UVr arrcal iuducei lenla to all aha will f ivor tun with a calf, and rapeeiallj to those w)i ';isli 'ii:;- Notea and Aerintil ol the lite buy for ! firm are i lit Ml (. ';. IS and v. iil be til S9tf d by nic a lone. B. N. DAVIDSON April JO. S. M. UOUELL, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, Xlarec doors sout'.i of Sadler's Hotel, cinr.t.orrr, n. C. . r .i ; K OULD roipeetfnilr inform tbe , 1 , , cilizer.S Ol i narioiie anu ine surroun din roantrv, that I have now on hand AN KXTEKSIVI ASSOUTMF.N X OK adtilep., Bridles, Harne ss, Kaddlcrv iHaniu :; w. W ii ips. Buffalo Robes iiUSB BLANKETS, SADDLR CfaOTlIS, SKiRTlNtJS, riOO SKINS, patent, Enamellea TTarness Leather, ogetber with every thing asnallj kept in my line of business. IT Sart tl' V- Harness Malta! fnmiihed ith every thing accessary lor carrying on the bnai s, on the most rea.-onal.le terms. CT" All kinds of Saddles and Harness made at the .-'.ortest notice. C"7' Repairing promptly ezecated. Oct. 1154. S. M. HOWELL. MEflLENBlRG HOUSE, HATING urch::std the hnildin? on the cor- ner, a f. w doors uorth-i ast ot Kerr's Ilotl I, ami repaired and fitted it up in first-rate style, I would prctfully inform the (ravelling public thai it is now n lor the reception of regular and transient boarders overs will fl id ample accommodations at my honso, tan. 12, 1 25-ly 8. II. KEA NEW BOOKS FOR PAE AT i rWftfE AND KN.MSN'S COOii STORE. tin Slave of the Lamp, a Poetbasaou Novel, by Wil. Bam North. Ing nue, or the first days of the I!l.n d, ' lie Sander Dumas. Translate! from the original iuenpt. i isbioii and Faaeies, by .M rs. Stephens, "he Maroon, a li gi-aad of the Carribhees. and other ' -i by W. Gil more Simins. ,'Ijc Castle Bu'hh rs, by the author of "flcartvca c," ie Heir of R..d Ivli".-." SeetMa and Ch dices," etc. I'lic Old Inn or the Travdhra' Bntertainntent, by ih H irnes, Sen. 'ic above an all the very latest and inoi-t Is of the day. ' 'e constantly keep on b ind a 1 irjje and well Bel cted . '; of stationary of every ki::d, and arc aonatanlty re ng ail the r.ew hooks that are h. inn- published, and -s that IIS hove not got, we can gel w the shortest e. 48-tl . in 3 2, ISjJ. Dissolution. 'he co-parlncrliip l.i'n'tuforc cxis'ittp htwien subscribers, under the lirsn of WAKING iiit)8li in the publication of ibe Western locrnt.'' has expired tins day lv is own linn n. The acctiutits due I he firm inns; br closed .on as possible Either is authorised In settle. II. P. WARING, urns M. HER HON. NOTICE. 1 I Yftr male out nil t!:o accnunta nuf tlie :MXMIAT" pfliec for Advertising and Sub-ti-in-5, all persons indebted in us nr.' requested iy up without d lay. The business of tl..' firm must be closed nt July Court, or those bled must take the (;onneouencea. WARING & 111 :R RON. mo 29 49 202roios Maimer, ii MKi3 north orxEaa'a dotcl. IX Bre.-a cut and ratidc by the celebrated A. C me boa, and warranted a t"i. TrnMi U :?J ;n (bJ !atc: style at the shortest A?;d 23, lb55 Utf, A, R. PHILLIPS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND GEKERAL COMMISSION AGENT, -r the purehasa and sale cf Rr.41. Einn, Stocks, -j, Nsotoca, ail kinds of Mnrcboadisc nd QuaUy ucs. Office in rear at the Ccrtmrrri. 13 I8iS Pans. Cjlim. 47-2.t Q inn n im JL-IJltH-UJ.'. JJi ."-'- ft. P. -trioruey at tLatc, ! OTce- in Lomr-an's Brick Buillir.g, 2nd floor. CHARLOTTE, N. C. J. B. P. BOONE, WHOLESALE AND 1JLTA1L DE.Vf.'"R IN 'sVJJxl k BSOSS, U;; A N f ' BlgNMX'i SKINS, SHOE Ttuii.s OF RVRRY DESCRil i iNT, Oct. 20. 1&5 i. 1 v BY J E N N I N 6 S B . KERR. t liti. loilc. C. Jit riii ir 28, W53. A. BETHUNM, No. Sprit's;" l!ow, I mwbh r..r nit maswmi mx' ( II VRLOl IK, .. C, 1 .-!.. 10. 30: f RESPECTFULLY o!i r- hi profaai A services to I be ril izena of Charijtt ;;d arroradia country. n Itopea by devoling his entire attention tn the duties ut bit nrateasion t.: merit natronag-'. He nay be found at .ill hours, at hir olfice opposite '! vLen not pioies-ionally engaged, ma rrb 1 b-"3. .ine;icun Hotel, 32U t cngrrss i' c . II (1 ;.t ui.ris f.r Ladi s, J Booa . Boot hoc Bmnnriutu 1 t-:t. M C'Ar LCTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPAWT. 'I'lIIS COMPANY is now organized nceordiog to the I act of oration, ind arc prepared to receive ap plieattaaR and iaane j'.ol.ei.s agiinsl hiss by fire on all kinds i i prop, nv ami merchandise. OFFICERS: U. ('. Ca ox rresid. n', JoHB Inarm, V. President, Wm. Ioiimim-n, Attorney, J. F. Ji'viN, S. e. Tri as. .M. L. W" r.i -T.s, A nt. Di bi?ct r: R. C. ('arson. John Irwin, J. A. Young, Jus. ph II. While, J..mes II ( ! irson, Ur. M. B. Taylor, WT. W, Kltnfi, Win. Jol.naow. I.-roy Ppringn, J. IV. Os borne, Ch is. Overman, and It. II. Bra wly. IP Direct ali eommnuiett4la to the S. eritarv. JOHN F. IUW IN, SecV is, is: 47m I" 'JUST d3CE2S56?S33F8L, JS. O- ' j,l I V. sobscribcra in o.-m the public generally, that Ihey 1 have opened a MARBLE YARD in Cheater. S. C aear the Depot, whin- they ate prepared, with emnia'. tent workmen from the North, lo c ute all orders i u IjllCir line of l.'ls'ness, BOell as Plniia and OriBnissenlnl Mar"ble X'ons. conaistine uf TABLETS, HEADSTOf ES, 8cC. They will keep constantly on hand the best description of Italian and American Marble, and their articles will he atbjriied on as eeummodatipai terms as they . . . ... v ,. ... J obtained either .North or isoulh. can he CC Ail orders, for i i y article, addressed to the suh ; scribcrs, will be paeked and li f warded with the utmo.-t , care ami aVspatcb. S.WIUELi MuNINCM, C. NEEF. i Chester, C, May 35. 16o5. 44H" New Coiifeetipnarj and Bakery I J. k E. LONERGAN rpAKE pleasure in anniiuncing to their friends and 1 the public that they have just opened in the House on Main street, 2 doors east of the American Hotel, a Hak ry and Confectionary Estab ishment. Having secured the services of an experienced Raker and thorough wprkman, they are prepared to furnish IS i'v:i l . 'siK' and every thing in their line of the most superior des.-nptio,i. Th y have just opened Ah Extrnsnc Variety ejf AND ALL KINDS OF CANDIES TOYS, FANCY AR1MCLES of every drsciiption. And indeed every thing nsu. II T found in their line. If a desire to please, and reasonable term?, wi.l in sure patronage they are determined to have it. J. A: K. LONERGAN. January 2o, lS'j'j. 27-lf 5j. B I have sold my interest if) the Crocery to J. Lonergan. AH persons indebted to the frm are 2arnest!y requested tp settlfj as longer indulgence can not be given. E. LONERGAN. Jan. 2o, I85S i ' Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherfordton 1 3FL O X . ):lKS tor subscript inn to the capital stock of the 1) Wilmington, GiiarloUc and Rutherfordton Railroad Company, are now open at Mie stores of Messrs. Irvv,n, llnifgiiia .V. Co., and Williams, Dixon & Co., in the town ol Charlotte. All persons arc invited to come forward and aidiu this good vor!'. WM. JOHNSTON, JNQ. A. YOUNG, JOHN IRWIN, LEROY SPRINGS, JOHN WALKER, WM. MAXWELL. W. M. MATTHEWS, A. C. WILLIAMSON. W. W. ELMS, C. J. FOX. W. R. MYERS, Com m is s io ne rs. April 10, 18.-o. 38-f A GREAT DISfOVIlHY. SHI'. PEOPLE generally h - conceded the (act that j W. W. Waddell eV Co's Lightning Rods is the onlv i safe protector from that dangerous element that now exist. The premium was awarded to them both in London and New i'ork. at the Worlds Fair, the points dre cons'ructed so us to attrac. from a distance, and composed of a compound of Copper and Silver, with plat 1 n 1 a points, which is warranted not to corrode. We t he undersigned are prepared to furnish (all persons who may wish the protection of their lives and property) with the above Rods, and put th m up ali complete, at the shortest p.iiibie notice. J. K. L. PBELAN & CO. June Si), 1 S")5. 49-tf Received tixis lOzxy, j ENTS' C Ah PET SLIPPERS, jignred. 1 vl Ladies' - with rusits. " Co ored Figured Velvet SLIPPERS, ' White Kiu and Satin I CLikiens Light ( olored BOOTS, B0lNE'S Root & Shoe Emporium. June 2, 1855. 4tjtf Removal. W. BECEW1TH has removed his Jewelry Store to No. 2, Johr.stoo's Rc .-, :brc - dcors Soj:h of H. Kerr's, Hotel. 1 eb 16, IBS). 2Q-ly j Y ifotca and Accounts having been pUed in tlie ; Al bands of P. W. Davis, Esq.. for polleetloa, tliosc I arlio arc indebted t' me individii'illj", or as one of the I j'd fit in of St. i la if. llariy. are rewpeelially reaocst.. d to a;k. settlement by Ap.-il Court, if not sooner. i A. C STEELE. 28- tt Feb. 2. 1SU5. LOOK AT THIS SIMPLE WORD CLOTHING ! I ND yet, simple as it i. yon hear a great cry made over CLOTHING! You take up the papeis and almost the first word you see is l,O S H3(a !! You stroll over the city and yon will see smam. sam- IIes til r A little here, a little rhpre, And no assort inert nvy where : Until (ryeij yn;i get to ri t.MXi' efc CO., where ne runs to jet ! v r V LU i i i i 0 . Arii Lt do they run th?re ? Sin-.jdy becaie t! ey ean pt CLUTtilKfa Ei tf r TI;n1-. .tilHtl, r H I oil lit, K, AND AT X3B23E& -jJTR "TCF?g ti;an at any House in Noitii farplifip. Ve TDiite a busmea of it nianniaeture own Goods, and every article so!! by us is WAR RANTED, or money returned. ( ompf iUion is tkt Life cf Trade' And we are bourd to keep lb IN THE We hav ! a full stock of Children', Vonths'. STATE. asid Roys' ClothiBsr, at low price.-. A !so, GEMS' FURNISHING GOODS, Tit VJTKS, fJtl. t CMH , Vi K B.1GS-. UMHUKLLAS, C.Ni;s. Mtfrie-JWou tse, Pet cuid JPocieel Knives; A III, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, 4tC. &C, &LC, all of which will be freely shown and prices iven. At the Emporium ol Fashion, liY FULLINtiS A: DO. Charlotte, N. C, N..v. 23. 154. ISM CLARENDON IRON WORKS, Yv iliniiigtoiB, N. '. HE CLARENDON IRON WORKS are now pre pared to nc.iw orders tor Benin, Vertical, Horizon- I or Oscillating Steam Engines, llinh or Low I'res. siir--, and adaptedta all poi poses : Circular, Vertical and Portable S.vv Mills complete ; Puwps, Mining Machine ry, Crist and Flour Mills, conrji;te ; Parker, Turbine and other W;!t r Wheels, Equipping of Steamers, Car Wheels and Axles ; Horse powers of various patterns; Hue Field Pumps and Engines ; Rice Thrashers; Shingle Machines, Shafting, Pullies, Hangers, Gears, and all other Mill Work. CASTINGS. Iron and flrass Pastilles of a!l di criplions, including J Ornamental Iron liuiling, I iie, I5ri!j;e l.astnigs, sr., iVc The Comp-ny would respeetfnlly invite altentiln i , s'yl s and p.ttcrns of Railing, which may he seen at tin li" nfticc. Boilers. Tubular , Flue and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks, ( bimneys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. Repairs. A separate department and force will be kept for re pairs, where work will be done thoroughly and with despatch. Having larpe facilities, the above work wi.l be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere, Nortii or Sourh. and in a prompt and satisfactory manner. ( onsultatiou by letter or otherwise, ir regard to plans and designs for mills or their furniture, and for ma chinery generally, willingly answered. All orders or communications to be addressed to the undersigned. UiONiiY Al. DRANK. Axcm. March 23. 3fl-!f Fresh Spices. pEPI T'ER whole and ground. ALLSPICE whole and ground. CINNAMON, " CLOVES, GINGER Race and Jamaica, whole and ground. NUTMEGS; Mace; Mustard in J, i and lib. Tins, Jnsl received by SCARR it CO., 31 h 3) Drupgints. Fresh Supply Just Received, A u DHOL, Burning Fluid, ( anijiber.", No. 1 , Turpentine, Linseed Oil. (N. C.) For Sale at SO A R R & CO'S., ( harlotte Dru Store. Feb 0 SADDLES & HARNESS. J"-j"T The subscribers have entered nm fjSSV''10 coliar'n"s P an 0lKMicd ub-iirt Saddle and Harness AT K. SHAW'S OLD STAND, Springs Brick Corner Building. where they have constantly pu Jiand a large and splen- did assortment of SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, &c. ot every ilesci iption, accordinir to the most annroved sty'e and fashion of the day. They are also prepared ,0 m"fce" y1"! n"their line m the most sub- siaii'iai anu HiMMiMiiiikc manner anu oeuer Iliall Hie pest. V'e respectfully invite the public to call and exam- j jne for t hmscl ves. Repairing done at short notice and with neatness and dispatch. SHAW & PALMER. march -', 1 boo. 32tf r HE sut 1 with M ibsriber havine entered into nartnersbin r. Palmer, is desirous of closing un his old business, lie theretere most earnestly requests his former!" riends and customeis, who are in arrears at bjs shop, to call between this time and our April court, ai d setile their accounts either by r ote or cash, the Lifer if possible. R. SHAV7 march G, 185,'). 32tf Leather, Leather, Leather. 300 SIDES Hemlock Sole Leather. 50 " Baltimore White Oak. Rand and Sole Leather, just received a BOONE'S BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM Dec 20, ISO i 23tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE subscriber announce to the public gem rally, that he is now receiving a large assortment o. new Cloths, Casiotercs for Gentlemen's nrear, and will be aold for Cash at a araall profit, ' or uiac'e to order according to tbe j .Is test styles. Shop ne.'.t door to 'Daniel ev Allison. 10tl D. L. R F.A. TI1K AMERICAN HOTEL, OHA1CL.U 1 I K, I. C. BEG to announce to my friends, the public, and pre -, 1 cat patrons of the above Hotel, that I have leased the same lor a term of years from the 1st of January next. ; A'ter which time, the entire property will be thorough ly raps'Tcd and renovated, and the house kept in first cia-s Myli. Tins Hotel is near the Depot. and nlaa'nt ly situated, render iag it a desirable hou-e for t.-rellers And famines. Dec Ifi, 1853. I2i C. RAY ICED SODA WATER. PRITCHARD 6c CALDWELL HAVE opened for the season their new and improved Soda ter Apparatus, and the sparkling and re freshing beverage n ay be had at all hours at the mu 16 GRANITE DliUG STORE i Sepl. XD, I 854. WILKINSON'S DAGUEKKEIAN GALLERY. C5" Buomn. Third Story, Granite Range, immediately vcr Trotter & Son's Jewelry Store. fPHE subscriber having permanently located in C'nar 1 Ir.lte. respeetfiii'y invites the attention of Ladies and tit nllenieii to Ilia supcrini and would resptCtfully say that he is now taking D.; guerreotypea eftea an improved plan, which will not onl V add 1 1 the BK U IT A.! KLKCJAICE of the Picture, hut vi!I render it DURABLE AND BRILLIANT FOR AGES. lie noold :;lso respeclfally invitj strangers visiting Charlotte to call and examine his specimens, as he is determined they shall compare favorably vilh any that can t- talien North or South, DIP"" Instructions, thorough and practical, given in this beautiful art, and n.a.terials furnished. NEAL WILKINSON, January 2C. 1855. 27-tf R UN A WAY from the subscriber on the 3rd of February last, my negro man ISAAC He is about .'lo years of ace, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, is of a dark copper color, tolerably high forehead, cheek Bones a little projecting, and 1 think bis eye teeth a little defective. Said boy weighs at. out 10'. lbs., quick spoken, ioerably intelligent. When lie left he wore common apparel, such as common laborers usually wear. 1 will give Twenty Dollars r. ward for Isaac, delivered to me or confined in any jail so 1 get him again, or 1 will ;ive Fifty Dollars reward for him wi h snficient jiioof to convict any white person of harboring him. J bonght said boy of Julius Alexander about eight years since. Mr. Alexan der lived 12 or 14 miles south west o!',Char!o!tp and 1 think Isaac l stro!lir:r about through the country where 1 purchased J im. T. M . HAMILTON. White's Store, Anson County. N. C. March 0. 18.15. 33-tf :nna figs. GREAT desideratum in Families and to persons suffering from habitual Constipation, being an agreeable and efficient Aperient, quite palatable, arid free from those nauseous principles, which make it a matter of so much difficult) to administer medicine to children. For sale at SCAR R & CO'S. Drtig Store. Feb 1G, lS.O.'i. 30-tf IS I, A CZiS .T3 ETfll H ft Well done or no Pay required. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lic, that be has opened a BLA.CKS.Mrni SHOP 'ion Colleffc street, opiiosite the Charlotte .V S. C. Railroad Depot, where be is prepared to execute all kinds of IM icksniithing, Horse Shoeing, Repairing Boilers, making .Mill Irons, (lc. All orders to J. I!. Hand or Messrs. Irwin, Hoggins 8t Co., or myself will be speedily attended to. Refer to .Mr. C. Davis, on the North Carolina Railroad, and Win. Glaze in: Co., I.l.nctto Foundry, Columbia, S. C. S. J. PERRY. inarch Q. 18o. 3?.Gni Odd Fellows' Female Insliiu.e, HO VV A R D L O D G E, No. 33, I. O. O. Located at Shelby, N. C. OF F-, J HE Trustees of Howard Lodge, No. 35, I. O. O. F., will open a Female School in th: town of Shelby. on the 1 t Monday in June next, to be under the super vision and direction of the Trustees. Tbe most experienced and efficient Teachers have been employed, as the design is to render it one of the bel in the up couutry. The" hav.; now in course of construction a large and commodious building, which will be completed ibis year. The course of instruction usually taught in similar in stitutions. RA1ES OF TUITION: Orthography, Reading, and Writing, per Session of 5 months - Sfi.fl!) Geography, Grammar, Composition, &c. - - 10. DO higher B.ancbes, embracing Ancient Languages, Algebra, Geometry, Bo tarry. Natural and Men tal Philosophy, etc., 1 5.00 EXTRA STUDIES: Music, on Piano, Harp or Guitar, per session, Use of Instrument Embroidery, Drawing, Painting, Ste. French 20.00 2.00 10.00 520,00 Hoard can be had in the best families on rc'ssonuble tc rms. A. W. BURTON, i THOS. WILLIAMS, C Trustees. D. FRONEB ERGER, Shelby, N. C, May 11. 1S55. 43tf P.1RS. M. SHAW'S 3LL!.i:iSV BAZAAR AND DRESS MAKING ROOMS. Four detO'S south ot the American Hotel.) MRS. SHAW respectfully announces to her numer ous friends and patrons ol the Town and surround ing ( ounties, that she has just returned from Charleston, and is now opening a superb as- sortment of consisting m part of a XT. : - i T- J. Rich and E)!cg:anl Ribbons, Lac!, Artiflctals, Triitisig8, & -., to which she invites the attention of the Ladies. ."-he is prepared to put up Ladi.-s' Dresses according to the fashion and in the latest style. April 13 38-ti- Ice Cream, GINGER POP AND ICED LEMONADE can be had every day at Lonergan's Bakery and Confectionary 2 doors north of the American Hotel, may, 18 1855 43 tf RHETT &, ROBSON, FACTORS C0MNISSI0N MERCHANTS, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. , uHAPtL'jjibTOI, So C. CC?" Libera! advances made on Consignments. Reference: H. B. Williams, President of the Bank of t har'otte. July 3Tth 1835. 1-Gm. C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC CHARLES ION, So. Ca. Administrators Notice. LL persons indebted to the estate of Peter Rhyne, dee'd, will please to make settlement immediate ly, as tnat is the only remedy to save cost. HENRY SETZF.R, CALEB RHODES, Admrajatratori with the will annexed. Dallas, N. C . july 27, l!-5;. l-3w WANTED. A GOOD MILK COW, for ,vhich a fair price v ill be paid. Enquue ut this 0ice. A NotaMe Fact! (.UR unsettled accounts for year before last, and last year, we must have closed by Cash or good Notes il rtjdtf straight along " toitkuUl respect to persona. Our creditors make us face the mcsic," on all occasions, and we "carwt" dauce by curselvcs an; longer. " Talk enough." 1RITCHARD & CALDWELL, uiurch 5, 1835. 32. f No 3 Gra tie Row UTtrr . a r 4Ka ATi rrrrnticl Vf ail lOl lUU tvr.. TTHAT FOR? savyu- Well, we will lellyou. It VV because JENKINS & TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, One door west of V. V. Elms' Grocery, on Mint a.ree where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of ever offered in North Carolina, nil of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Trices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT rW Tr! Trl ;Ti W il with which we challenge the world lo produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &.C., &.C. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " wait for the icapgons." I is because we have three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will delivei them within 50 inilesof Charlotte. All Stoves sold by rs will be put up free of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you abont the Stoves wc will say to you, that we have all kinds f Brittani-, Japan, Tin nvd Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, c, constantly on hand. K7 All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly atten ded to by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '55. 33-tf 3?Liljroc3- Hotel, CHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. A A TH L subscriber respectfully informs his friends f and tbe public generally, that Ins house, J;iio,ifi HiW a, tue "IJailroad Hotci," opposite the hestt r D pot, is t'ill open for the reception of regular and transient boarders and the travelling public; and that he is making (.very exertion to deserve and secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which ! has hitherto been extend d to hi.n. He flatters himself that every needed arrangement has been made to pro mote the comfort of all who stop with him : his rooms are airy and w. ll-ftirnishcd, his servants are attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that his .'riends will not want any attention necessary to make their sojourn please nt and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good bust lers and an abundance uf provender, and he is prepared at a moment's notice to supply his customers with pri. vale Conveyances of every sort, lo any part of the sur rounding country. He desires to return his acknowledgements to the public lor past favors, and solicits for the future an equally liberal share of patronage. Aug20,13o4. 5tf JOHN R NICHOLSON. Splendid Variety of Ladies' Gaiter Boats RECEIVED this day consisting of Ladies' Black Silk Julian GAITERS, " " " Ileighland " Tan " Julian " ' " Creole " Cl. Silk Tip Misses' Black and Cal. Silk GAITERS, at BOONE'S SlIOK STORE. Ladies, call and see them. March 2. H?b'5. 32tf A GREAT VARIETY OF STOVES ? MOORE & BYERLY'S, Vli7 1 1 C are disposed to sell on the most accommodating V terms. Their supply consists of COOKING-, PARLOR AND OFFICE STO VES Aj. of different kinds. Call and examine their supply. 3 They also have on ban i an assortment of t-n.ct Ware, fcvhich they would to dispoS: of for cash or Country Produce. They also inform the public generally that. Ihey are low prepared lo execute all Job Work in their line. II ORDERS, therefore, for Reefing, li alter iHg or Stove Fipe, will be punctually attended to oi.d on Hie shortest no tice. MOORE &. BYERLY. jnly 3, 185S. 51-tf SCARR CO., CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. (LATE FISHER & HEINITSH.) CHARLOTTE, IV. C. II ESPECTFULLY inform the inhabitants ol Cbar XV lotteand vicinity, that they have just received a fresh supply of MEDICINES, wbich are offered with confidence to their approval, regard having been paid, more to the purity a::d strength of the Drugs, than to the price. A full stock of the various Proprietary Medicines constantly on hand. Brandy; Port, Sherry, Madeira and Malaga Wines, selected for Medicinal purposes. Paints, Varnishes, Fluid, Camphene, &c. Landreth's Garden Seeds. Fdb 1G, 1855, 30-tf State of North Caioiina, NECKLCNBUtG COtlNTV. Superior Court ol Law Spring Term, 18.35. Rebecca A. Alexander, i vs. Petition for Divorce. W. F. Alexander. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that W. i F. Alexander, the defendant in this rus:-, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that advertisement be made in the Wes tern Democrat, (Or three months, notifying the said defendant of the filing of this petition, and that unless he appears at the nexi Term of this Court, to be he d for i he county of Mecklenburg, at the Courth use in harlotte, on the 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in September next, and answer said petition, the said will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Wi ness, Jennings B. ICeir, Clerk ol our said Court at office, tbe 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in Match, A. D. ls55. J. B. KERR, c. u. s. c. july 20, 1853. (Pr's fee 10.) 52-3m STATE OF NO II TIFIIIROlTnA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Spring Term, 1855. Nancy Miller, i vs. J. Petiti. n for Divorce. John Miller. T appears to the satislaction of the Court, that John Milier, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the t-ourt, that advertisement be ma e in the Western De mocrat, for three months, notifying the said defendant of the filing of this petition, and that unless he appears at the next Term ol this Court, to be held lor the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court House in Char otte, on the 7th Monday, after the 4th Monday in September next, and answer, said petition, the said will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as to him. Witness. Jennings R. Kerr, Clerk of our said Court at office, the 7th Mondav. afti-r h Ath n i March, A. D., ie05. J. R. KERR, c. m. s. c. (Pi's fee $10.) 3o.3m july 20, 1855. NEW GOODS. T)AI!KS .t HUTCHISON' ,,o teccivi- I l.'irrrfirt -i r A in... t - L . . 1 the Fwvv -aai sssv-r-t, ail(U rl? HO T I III f O I Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress Goods ever purchased by them. They solicit an examination o. their stock, bought E.sTiREi.y er cash. Their Goods will be hold LOW april 27, 1833 4f)tf. Citrate of Magnesia. " A FRp.H case of celebrated re;reshing Apcri n. ent, just opened by 1 v-. id o SCARR & CO. TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE .iSLljXT .T Owing to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Kie, put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, w& have been obliged to resort to very expensive nieasurtt to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public ff0m great injury, by buying and using their worthless coui.. teifeits. The comparative plain and simple style n which our P. in Killer has been put up, has made it very ea9y for those disposed, to imitate it very snom. fully, as far as its exterral appearance, in style of bot tle, table, and color of the article ; but we need not say that the c mpound is a miserable, filthy production, ami calculated to do great injury to those who might use it with the confidence that they have been accustomed to use the genuine Pain K.ller. Parties whose biisi ness it is to counterfeit valuable preparations, do it ii such a secret manner, that it is almost useless to m. tempt to punish them by legal measures, as it is diffi. cult, and we might say impossible to bring the proof home to them. Consid ring the grpat difficulty in protecting our selves and the public by prosecuting parties, we bay been to a very great expense in getting up a fuel executed STEEL E7sGIlAVi:i E IBE:L, for our bottles. We also attach to our bottles a Steel Engraved Note of Hand, which we issue as our oblige, tion, and to counterfeit which is held to be forgery 1V the laws of the United States, and which paities ntl not dare attempt to do. The great expense attending the getting rp and printing of these labels will prevent the attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to the pub ie. that the article they purchase is the genuine Perry Davis" Tain Killer, manufactured by Perry Davii i Son, Sole Proprietors. The Pain Killer will be put up in a new style of panel bottle, with the words, Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, blown in the Class. Wc have discontinued the use of ihe-Hj cent bottles and now put up only four sizns, viz: cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 per bottle. We have also a vry fine Engraving on Stone for (lie Box labels, specifying the contents ol the box, where and by whom manufactured, vVc. We have also adufd to our Pamphlet of directions and certificates a cover beatnife'ly finished, presenting on the first page a very excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original inventor of the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one lab.-t on each box, has also a correct likeness of Perry Davis, a-hicfa it will be impossible to counterfeit successfully. We have been to t his expense, that the public might have perfect confidence that thi y were getting the gen. uine article when they buy a bottle as above desrrili ed. To those who have so long ued and proved the merits of our article, we would say that we shall con tinue to prt-pare our Pain Killer of the best and prrest materials, and that it shall be every way worthy of their approbation as a family medicine. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Manufacturers and Proprietor!. Providence, R. 1., July 27th 1833, The Pain Killer is sold by P a itch win & C ami w. :!.!. Char'otte, N . C ; i lsn by Sill & Sill, Salisbury ; Boot right A- T.arkidoo, Colum bia ; and by Druggists, Grocers and Medicine Dcaleri generally. July 27th 1535. 1 -1 y. "3?0 & X3C 21 2P HEP IE3 JS . HUGH L. TIWLEY & CO, (sUCCEBSOUft TO "iIfMre a) II HURON,) RECEIVING AND FORWARDING -AGENTS, AND GENEPAL COMMISSION MERCAAN f S. JS'o. 2 Exchange Street-, South Atlantic TV hart fi, t'harlt st on. So. fa. (1 IVH their personal attention to the sale ol Cotton cs T customary, or by .-p. cial contract, all other kiedi ol Produce and Manufactures, and make prompt i turns of the same, f.r 2 percent, com mission. We will CONTINUE, as heretofore, to give oar Pf. cial attention to the Receiving and Forwarding cl ill (jo. ids consigned lo u.', lor 10 ccnln per package. Machinery, large paekagi s ol Furniture, , charged in proportion to trouble and responsibility, for advancing freights sad charges, 2J per cent. d Persons shipping CJoods or Produce through t'.it bouse, mayjrely upon their interest beiu' I OSITIV Ll.V PROTECTED, both against overcharge and Ins u.' goo da. We have in no ipstanoe nor will we detain any good, lor freifjht and charge. ' We woul l rcspet-tfilly beg leave lo refer to the H lowlng treiith.mni, with whom wc have h.d husinen tra nt actions : John Caldwell, President ol the S. C. IL IL, Colun; bra. U. Passaiiaigoe, Superinteiidant of Public Works ('jI ii in Li n . F. W. McLiKicr, Ltbrariau of S. C. College, Uotfia bin. P. W. Fuller, Columbia. John King, Jr., S.;. If. R. Agent, Charleston. Henry Mlssroott, Aentof N w York Stea lurrf, Holmes & Stoiiey, AgenlH of New York Suiling Park etn. H. F. B iker St. Co,, Agents of Baltimore and dclphia Sailing Paekrfs. J. W. Da Id are 11. Agent of Btlt more Steamer aBH Boston Sailing Packet. july 13, 1855. 51-ly Piedmont Sulphur and Chalvbrale IS BlUKE t'OUSTI', If. C. Sizttrn liiikt KortJi of JUorzunton, will Cf Oft or the reception ef Comp my, on the 15'A of June, 1856. T HIS delightful Summer retreat cannot be surpassed 1 by any of the fashionable Watering P aces withi" the State of North Carolina. Here invalids, as well those seeking pleasure, may find a Summer residence, calculated to ics'.ore the last energies of the Phytic' Constitution and gratify the most fastidious. The proprietor has enlarged pii spacious accommo dations by considerable additions, and is prepated 1 receive a large company. He will spare no pain 10 contribute to the benefit and gi atification of those who favor him with their company. This fine watering place is sunpunded by some oi the greatest Natural-curiosities in thi Country. Tn Table Kock is only seven miles imm the spring Hollow Spring Cave is one mile, Bavin Bock Falls four miles, and Falls of Linyihe is nine miles. And ail in a great country lor hunting and fishing Deer and turkeys are plenty in tbe neighborhood of le springs. By calling on Dr. Happoldt, proprietor ol the".Voun tain Hotel," in .Ylorganfon, every necessary inform tion pertaining to the medical qualities ot these wate can be obtained. JAMES C. ESTES, Proprietor Tune P. iaVUt. 46-3m BLANK DEEDS FOR SALE UKR B, 30-tf i

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