ilTk w uv I WARING 6c FRIT CHARD, Proprietors. A FAMILY PAPER DFVOTED TO POLITICS. LITERATURE. AflRtCULTURF, MANUFACTURES. MINING. AND NEWS. PRICE 32 PER TEAR In Afltrnnce. "fje itatts- 3SlsVw m tjp billow, but om as tljr vol.. 4. EDITF.O BY , ,, . ,. ... . K. P. W -iRI.NU & II. 31. PRITC HARD. r, one door souih of Sadler's Hotel up a airs. Terms of Subscription. 1 aid ttritthf in adjaart $?,oo i Midi iilunthre. moiiih ...... J,.SO I a a : the and ol the ycai. 3.W ... : f person sending m foe new 5i,f nbcr, arr' nipa. - . . ... . e SUssawssiihiaption, (.s?ic,; will .ecaivs the smll w ,or lr- Terms of Advertising. ... . - rnwaicBU) will n inaaina 1 91 pat mqmn tnr me mm , tta t a eacfc aaaaani insertion A aiiimie eon- . . .,:,. -. 1 11 iim fi or less, tins size letter. . abk deduenan will be niado to those who adver- .hv.Iuvrr. It, , ,.,,.,,! ailertsemeni win oe cnargea -a per cent, :.J;:'HO.,tbly orq,,.rerly 1 per square t.reach kwetuoa. Rvmim "iii ci ;ii dates tor olhce 8J in advance. . j .1 uJ It .dinM tiirii nut i" i (i : iY lina w I be inserted at a rear : not exceeding a S'i;are $. jCTS - . iers wii.i mm mat 10 setiu n.oney ut ran do so ai all liaart. Iy mail, ar.d at our risk. THE OLD PKISTER. t ' mcH y't.t. In l (co mt'it truth to mukc much furl of. see him nt his ease, Wi'h In anxious, rlnerless face, n:id hrow n ; A' d he tpe9 unceasing click. As 1 bey tlr..p within his suck. Seems nf lifea clock the lick Running dun n. V. rnrs away h-ive fli.wn Aie! lie-printer long I've known, liny .iod ni"i) ; Tone wan. when st p elate Distingui'bcd his gait. Ami his lorm w as tall and. strn'ght IV e now si an. I've marked him every dy. Ash" passed along the way. To his toll ; He's la' or. d n.inh' and main, A living scant 1.1 giin, And - hi (uteri s: small attain III the SOll. And hope w is high at first. And le golden cheat he nursed. Till ! found That bope is bat glare In n cold and frosty air. And he promised, pictured fuir, D irrea ground. ' ii er was r ckonrd bad, itul I've 9 n Mm smiie right glJ A t leaded" Win S , While a dark and towering frown Would spre-.d tils feartires round, M In re airlue'a prane did sound, 1 1 'no re "close." Long years he's labored on, Ami the rosy mis are i?onc Prom ids sky ; For Others are his hours rot others are his powers His days, like passing ahowers F'ti'ing by. YnU may see him, ninh' by night By 'In- lamp's dull, dreamy light. Standing there ; With cobweb curtains spread In festoons 01 r his bead, Thai sooty showers shed 'fl hid hair. And when the waning mc.on Proclaims ol night the noon, 1 1 Voa roTin. Inn may see him weak and frail, In m -iion like the snail, Wending home. 1'is form by years is bent, To Ins hair a tinge is b-ni S-ellv grav ; And his teeth are sore decayed. Ami hi eyes ihejr trust le-trayed, Ureal havoc liaae ha3 made tt'itb .us day Rul soon wili come the day M Inn bis lorm w ill p (ss aw t IV' m your vi- w ; nd the sp'-t shall know no mora I'he soi rows : h it he bore, Or the disappointments sore Tha I ht km . JfT one Shade (Jkkener. A ladv of this v. says ihe Boston Ji.urn ! whdom a belle of "le North shopping one dav last week. Called lor - tin- ur-en silk. Tin- piec s was produced that ,l a ti not do. Another, snotfcs r, sny vet an "th- r brought lot lb by the salesman tint ol no Vail ; none there mtinug the ample pile 'hat auiU l t-le lasttdioas lady s taste. , A d- ep, very dei p nd dark green is what I wish,' Said ibe fair cus. 1 fiier. The shelves were lbs n again ransacked J the attentive attend int d per and deeper still '-' "w d the gr a, until it emerged into a dark ea !-nt i,ut none yet bad been displayed suiting 'he lady's tancy. At length, fairly out (.f patience his cusioint r, the irritated sale a mac eselaim- 1,1 Mail no. I do declare al'd verily believed thai t do not know what shade of green you want your-eli.' I do, sir. right well.' returned ibe j fur, fi slid inu and witty one; 'Sclent a pattern just one shade greener than yourself, nnd I'll lake it it once. A Beaitifi l Tit, vgiit. Wlicn I gaze Into 'he stars, ihy look down upon me Ir-ni ibeir' sreas and sib nt sp.-ices, hk- eyes glistening wnh wars Over the litlle lot of man. Thousands ol 1 ' Derations, oil as noisy as our own, have been 1 dlowed by lime, and there remains no record 'hem nny more, y et Arclures and Orion. Siriu- 8r,d Pleiadas are still shining in their cotirs- c r and ymng as when the shepherd first noted ::, 'n bom the plans of Sbinah .' What shadows pursue.' Carhl.-. fhs moflo at the bead of the Council B'ufT's Baa m Terms three didlars J truth tho' crush- :al ri?p Sgain, il in advance. ' MilNl It, 1, Hon.. hen I ,s Child. I rem inl r la have had it i ears l, v- it inr ni..r.. ...... m i,.i. . .. . .. 1. . 6 woo M"d' " ni r' " CHii a' "ur bouso. ht certain I ",' "'J' 11 ,m l"r . Wn was Covert d j 'fc marble pap r, ns n' marble. 1 1 nr el 1 r. erftna apm thai injury have fully satisfied me i l,,e hoi. si oi jeci in qu. sti,.n. never imposed . upon anybody, tunh. r that my honored parents, h.ugh ho: h 1. 1 . 1 sanguine temperament, never cm nave coiic-iv. n it possible thai it niigln, cnul t, ..... .. .. 1 . 1 j . 1 - aai wiawB w ow WfOM ipM UVBtiOy. a el I kwa nn dnuhi thit I bad my ears boxed f..r vm- I laiing lcit compact in the hiMnil and amtig tM LmI. 1a ktibl .k. mhLL.. " 1 iw in . 'be Marbled "er, and ugree upon a lii-iiou of real I anaridV. T r , ! Lnngafi-r t!n. nh.'n my ef,rs hnd been pa at j o-Any lOi a quarter ol cin'ury. I ki.ew a 01:111 j ,h Cork Tfc' .M l-g-or, at 1 an eenis. timi tie us at nun-' use nains m i:lk bout uilb him a I. g which was 110: his own leg. ; . . ' "r a n'al ? Wi,s ! id idivums H iiiciim- , mance. in n hi. w tMiie iiiovi rc mtoio hae made 1 aflidat it of u. 0011 11 ws ntwaya un.lersieod th-.t this cork leg was 10 h regarded as a g ..j fl, s!t M ti'ood, and v. n that the v. ry auhjeei ol drk :.. . 1 1. 1 . j 1 . . a a . 1 111 1 .it- . r. mum o ue avdianj in tin area ri society. I have had my snre of o. jng about 1 ho wrld, and wherever hav been I have lonnd the mar 'led paper nd I he cork leg. have lioiud them in niiny lurmaj bul of iii their I'r ti an sbapea, it once lb' comuii' and Strang- st baa b- 1 n Suuggl (I R 1.. tii. 11. I was on intimate terms '..r IB v, m n years, wi'b my late lamented frind, ''' g-imd, ul tit gieai Greek bouae ol Cogsl.irl B oihMrs aid Cogloul. 1 was bis X'cuior. I te le ve he had no s creis Iriim me hut ite his moihi r. That . t .1 . iw jireea t...- oiu i.oy wnn Kept tils In u-t : ...... 1 .: . .1. ... . . . 0110 11 ins moiiier. anosi tie ins niolle r. Could 1 1 1 possibly lie anybody hut Jus moth r, was evtd nt ; a. not to me alone, hut to everhodt van km w him. SI e wn in 1 a refuge-. ihe Was sot prosci I) d j she was no in hiding, tin r- was mi puce put u;on ! her v ii- rable h-- ,n ; -he was inarihl i 1 k d lid I r-spct'd a- a g in l-buu r- d. sensible, clteer ul Id s.-ul. Th t why did C gstord so uggh- day s ol his 1 1 ? J Ion- no Ills Ihe u other id' 'b j Si:ih:-st idea why. I CatiQol ... , In-,' her sh- had n 1 riaitr c e ; nag-, ind h r name a s r ali ; whether thai nam w h slowed p ut o h siougg n g ir ti-.ic'ioti. inucii sa a s c tid niir Mrs. B n; .-r up n in r as a 1 1 .1 i v k n - w I that inert - u itaed to ttt ai 1 1 t e mi o me h-'sni ' table table ih Itvii lui g- m 1 cap 01 Cofsofd : at the 1 ml. n d bal C-g.-! .r' k v h t I j knew ah she was V. 1 it I bad eu a eusotu h'USe i fli er at Fol(estOlie, - ltd Mrs Bean a Pr scba lock iliai Cogaford was luriively bringing Iron- Paris in a hat-boa, he could not have mad her the subject of a more determined and deliber : ata preterit e. It was prolonged for v ars upon ye rs. I' survived the good old lady h- rsell, One dav I r c- ivi d an agitated note (roni C o-l-ud. 1 - entrea'ing m- to gu to hun immedialfly ; I w nt. ; and found him aetping, ami in the grein-sl ffl -, (nut. 'My ttear frb-od," said In, preaaing my ( b'ttd, ' hav lust Mr-. Bean. She is n more." I went 10 the uii' r-il with him II was in :h I deepest gin !. I!e spi k- id Mra II an, mi the ; way b ick, as tin- best of wom n. But, . n tin 11 ! never hiuii d that Mrs. II an was his mother; ; wad the fust nnd last acknowledgement of the ' tact thai I ever liad Intra bim w is in his 'asl v. n!. v hen in he entreated his said dear ftiend and executor'' io ohsctve thai he requested :o la- bu ; rieti beside his mother w bom be didn't even nam , 1;.- w as r perh-etly confident b t J had detected '.Mrs. Han. O her people again put these eontrab-ind conuno- ' rtiiics entirely away Irom ihe light, as smugglers ! of wine and bratidy nurv uns. I have heard of I a man wiic in ver impart 8, io ma moal m un r -iiiend, the terrific stent thai be had a relation it the world, except when hi lost one bv d- ath ; and j then be would he watghed down by the greatness I ol the calamity, and would refer to his bereave . naeni as ii be had lost the very shadow i himself, , Irom whom In- had m ver been separated since the j days of infancy. W iihin my iwn esperiemie, I , have ofis- rved smnggii u relations to possess a wonderful q i lity ul coming out when ibey die. I My own dear Torn, who married my fouith sister, i and w ho is a great smuggler, never lails to speak I to me nf one ol his re ilious mwlv deceased, a- 1 ihnogh. lus t ad of mvivr havins in the remot- st i . . . . va allud d to mat relative s existence lie ore, he . had been perpetually discoursing of it. My niair, di :r, darling BiuioV," In- said 10 me within lh--e . Slii months, the is gone I have , st h-r." Never I until lhal moment b-'d Tom breathed one syllable 10 in- ol the existenc- o. any bonny whomso v ' r i oil ih-- lace ol ibis ear li, iti whom lie had 'he j smallest internet. II - b"d scare, allowed in lo ' understand. Very distantly and generally, that h bad some rt I itions "in p oph ," he Called ibem down in Vmk-hire. "My own dear, darling Emmy, s.n Tom. notwithstanding, "she his b Ii me 1'i-r a better world." ( Torn must hav leli ', her lur his own world, at leasi fifteen year.J I 1 I I m S)a mm repealed, lee ling my way, ctnmy, tmn -viv 1 ....... ...t I'...,, ... .. ..... ...k,..l 1...... 1. "I'.'ioiiv, you know. 1 was ner gorifatner, yna remember. D.rting. lair haired Bmm ! Precems, blue ev'tl child !" Tmn burs into nt-. and we botn umli-rsto-d that bencehnh 'b Action was established b twe- n us th it had been quite familiar anh ISaamj by r- putation, ihnmgb scries td years. Occasionally, mhii eh d ral iii ns r discovered y aecideni : io-i .,s those tubs ria tie. lo winch h ! I have remind. My other hof 1 mean, ol roUnt , 111 V i lie once 0 iscovend a l irg- cargo ! in tins iy, winch had been long Concealed. In lie tu x sfrei I iii 11- livi d an uriiu inland' ol ours. I a ho aj t c mm s ; ih r ol soutelhing u oilier, j -in l K pi a ti nd mm s .1, llshlU Ml. v e us d IO I l. uigt; o i ; . u - a s a m.i 1 liave r'uuei.nv ii'iitu i him at bis own table mention His father as a "poor. I dear, good ( Id boy," who h id be n dead for any I indefinite period. He was rather food of lulling anecdotes nt his rem ssilv oavs and from I he as. li appenren inat ne bad l-een an mdy child. ; summer altemoun, my other barf, walkn g in our i . - - - - a m - , I ..... - . . . n J J i iiiimeui.ue lieignrjornoiHl, liapp- n-J t-i pen IV- Mrs. Com nwaHase r a last year's fui arnry meb -i which ii is na accessary to add she cm Id have sworn.) going along before her on somebody else's I head. Having beard gcnerallv nf ihe iwsfl mob, CHARLOTTE, A. C TUMSOAV lniv go,d UK. f.0 ,.. SMi, rfthl ,h wear, r ol ibi b- nuH eel, ng. (1 m that fr.n rtutj . . . , . nan iu-1 iitis'fuMMi u,f rw 111,1 t limn 11- (.ncr m .,... w.,8 in -very sens-- .l 1 li i' 1 111 walking oil nil it, nil Ought In he given j,, i,e eu- ...ty (it iht lie ires' nmift . r 1 1 1 1 1 f . U m.wev. r. m St. -aim. .h, wIm is ,,..1 distinguished h el..-- ness ul rewatming or pre nee n mind, r. fl ,. d - it irrra i. a fl .sh ol inspiration, that n,.- h,nn 1 might hav been given away. Curious 10 a lo-m. she Quickened her Bti-na. i,d ftescntietl . . 1 b to-ai h it, nil ancuiit ud .. nn 1 1 1 .11-kx ll lid prrs- nre, in a I., m (tor m Susniiah b.s Mfif) h-- iuaiantly r. cK"Zed ih- I in- um ii! ol 1!.. In . . ainiiioner j i urtw paruing inn iisev ry. she. Hint ery a t it r n uti, ira k , dewn uri . . I gentleman in one ol tin Commi-awner'a h its. Nx d t slii- cum-' Unii itie ir-il i.C "our sinnj : 11 Hitlens, d eoriiti d with aiiifieinl ftowtrs .ut "I I th" C'fttmisaion r's p rgut j and iliu i ii' I tin Coninn8aioin'ra father nd mthM and i u 1 Bister:, who had heti lor some ears i rreled Hi londgtnga round lb corn r, MUfl never enr d h' Commissioner t lions.' ave in the d-.w 11 d imo tu-u and (he shades ol ev. nino. From ih .1 nun loi ; a be never m Suaann.'h made a call hi 1 h- I'iiiii missiouer's site always listened " 'h do 1 step lor any slight preluinnnry ac fH "t; in the h II flini hearing 11, was d lighted l. i tma k 'J in lamtl are lu re, and tin are hi ling ik m ! ' 1 liHve never hern personally arqu inn d with any gentleman who kept his inother-in-!.w 111 ihe kitrhen, in the us-tut Copactty if Co k; br I ia- m aid o such a case on go-d --u h nt. halged in the tY ue of a gen.i el I d cl he widow, aln had four pretty child r a, a tie oee SIUa overli'i'Td eoareilll! an 111 11 111 a s, ved waisteoat who apiM-ai I nc iniiig 01 d miyhl iihai 11 r d e cot, lined in si.nie nil I- 1 w h found I. Ill .s o I. hi -Use, w lief i- ',e W as C'-mJ- mried to li tl 1 v tin' smalle aiw - ,1 ol lie p i .1 ' llio r cleaning knives. On- childr- n ct' .' into my my room, and said downward with a bi lechurbt li r , ii 1 ( il If- , Mild e.tfilti,.il it 1 tin' 1 One r 01 le r in ''lire ol 1 h sin iggli-i ti I c lldud d 1 s in c ma. 1 1 d. ol d My m n lb id- -i in. 1 nd- a word - ! mnti n he'or 1 1 n n d oi irieinis 1 11 my h che-r frn nd oi the house wt 11 I ant our Aiuell 's 11 .'l.i ith r ; Aoie 1 u : til oi nar C ii- ruhs. 1 ii rough upwards 'I : 11 years he u 1 backward mi or lour limes a we k. lor w ar s 1 1 our housi t r- e 1 : d 1 1 wu v s found his km and fork i-adv lor him. Wtiai wa- my m-ni on coming home one day to lied sin k upon tin- oil cloth in the hall, ho 'istoni-h-!Suaa una h Iding her hi- w with both hands, ami meeting my g ze when I admnted nivs- if with my latch key, m a dtstract'd mannei ! --Susannah !" I xcl a lined i j icula'i d, what has happeaed !" She - re I v Larer' -that b tng the name ol the friend in question. '-Susannah !" s id I, "what id Larvet? Si-eak ! Has h( mo" with any accident! 1 h-- ill? I Susannah replied faintly, "Married married In -j lure wo wei'-;'' and would have gone ino bys : teric-, but that I maki it ti rul-t never permitiing I thai disorder under my ri '. j For upwards of jen years ny bosom lii nd Ij over, in close cotnmunicatinn wilb me every ! day h id smuggled a wjie ! H - had at the las' eon i lid d the truth in Susannah, and had pr-settled j Mrs. L'rv -r. There was mi kind ol reason lor j ilus tha; we could ev- r find out. Evi D Susannah i had 11 -t h tlottbl of lb ngs I mir all correct li had "run" .Mr-. Liro r into a In lie cmtagi m I Hertfordshire, nil nob"dy ever knew why,orevtr ! w;l know. In Inch 1 believe here was no "In I - in r. The in si aslootshitig )rt ! ihe mailer i I have known other men d exactly the 1 tin t bios I cotil I th na nn s ol a iiz 11 ui a loot I, if I ibo.M ii right. Household lygreif. I j Sai. Mr J. H. FuriUiO, of Chambers conn- ... ilo,,,,,,. ;. purn ntiiidei.t id" 'he P.. On I Office. lU'itlshes ibe follow iug laets in refi renc to ih- ream g ol swim- in thai ISiat- : 'Next to horses and malts, swine are the mud profitable auunais lo raise in this seeiion. Tin y j are more ditfi'-uli lo estimate in consequ-nce f 1 t tie i r 1 ndi-ss vaiiety and diversity ol ire.iimenl. ! s nine aliaitiitig maturity ai Irom 18 lo 24 months I old, w hile others require tr-nn 3d lo 3G loonih ' without producing llm correspomling weights. i The average expense ul raising i- proi-ahly 65, j exclusive of mast and grass. Tht-ir value when j slaughtered is Irom Slit to 612 each. Veiy few in,n..ried swine have found their way lier ; n 1 ; is it necessary, as tin y adapt th m-eiv- s si r-adi 1 lu to their rare ".instances ol I-t d, ck'".. van-ties !..., . moliioned ml i t.lunt.inn Irom liie same 1 r - j siock i selecuon and ieatmnt. from .Mr. j scpn i. KJrin. oi ' u su chuiih, linois, the lol. owing btatemept Ims Ii en reC' ived j , .. 1 1 , h . w 1 .1. iit t'-ls ollice. -Most farmers consider h'-gs the um-t indisp- n- ' sable part oi llieir sttsrk. Some lea gaii 1 ; r w i j h rai-inji them; but I sincerely n- ii--"-, l di I tin mix nuts we're car tuity balanced, the facts 1 would show a heavv iniiiu ' lo-s lu ih proiae'r Our farmers are md yel prop -riy fix- d f r Ihe pr ! li table raiaillu ot In-trs. loo much Corn is led !o ihi in, nn 1 alien they are it I st brought into m ir k '. eener-illv ;it two veara old. ill ir h ds have iliev are n lsl"hi into in r- I 1 ti c -ni cons. 1 ne t ni m iw . . -., .- , 1 ... year, when acorns and other nuts ripen. 1- th n 'T lime fhat 'hey will iniv without b ing led w-II on thai tn-'Si eo-.5y nl our crops - rn. Some few xp- nmeiit h ve ptov- il h ii profit aide ion! the I, inner Cm provnl in tins climate at any afce I- e iver, ih o ahi'-h mat be sanl to h btn iasi in rs Of brc-da of swine we hivu a gr'-m be ui st win r .ising n ne . r m ii- genuim mho ui to shii-.' ExiN-ri ne- has aini iv establish d t ' fact Manv h t, g,,,,,- M decal-div adv. nil seous. ol ,jr nn, do not mnur - al a less a a, lb ni two . n .iiv ie ilS. 1 nese art- mosiiv a i a rge. mm-u, wig". .... . , . i - i t i.. .. . r im, J aninial. 0 bert agsm mature -if i year . ,.l I , r .!!,- ditiiiunttVM in M7C tun iiinj -iie , ,- - - ....ii ,..,i ,.,L- -i last. I ). crossinf ' ... , ... u ,hf. Inrue is alsvavs attended with d - cicj,., benefit. The coat of raising boss will, of nnwrse, much t ,i, l,,,.i .,,.m. it not over S3: ' denend unmi the kind. bome Ci St not if l liw L, ,1,1, ..... n i. . " ' uih-rs daible tbsl sum. Forth- hist I w years ,he nronuecr realized from 4 loScewis p r pound mr pork. I ins V ar the p"' -ta til . II I so high a figure. 6 a r ig otts If you wirb to g-iin friends, be cntavtsooa to al persopsj MORNING. SEPTEMBER 2oy 1855. B2!M3tCt9BsmVC0MJWWrr? sv . -.v awTef jmmifv Fonii imt Mi reury. Opluluua '. IS10 aeok WASIIINOTON O.N HKI.IOI I S TMSTS. 1 110 eminent being, .inong oilier pmposes, in stiHited ui pi iiitmiiie persona rnd couseii-ncea 01 to li u- in lpprewin, It eei'ainly is the duty ol itilera 11 -I only miHtain lioin it themselves, i n1. ! accord 1 till 1 In n s ati-ns. lo u v nt u in old- rs. I n- liueri) n j yed In tie- pi ople ot tin s- S a es ei w isinping Almighty (Jod, agrei ahlt 10 theii own cuiiscn nte, is not only aiiMiug 'he choiee.i . 1 heir hlessioga hut also of tin ir rights. While uen perltirin tb ir social dutma lnih ally, they d all t It-' I sod or ihe Sia cm, with pi'ipneiy. d maud or xp -ci ; ami retnttin reap 'osib'e 011M ibeir Mak- 1 tor the religion ir m -d s of 1 1 11 h ulm ii ih ny po fer r proteas.' To tin- Qua kVrs O.-o.'n r l?i5i). lilh- jas (jiiVirrim ni r iterts all in tln-ir re liiotts rigtits. fin religion ulFirds to government ii ! sUi esl suiipor- " To lirjlt, jiinl ( h ink, October, 1789. J -t)l .ill tin- animosities winch have existed a inoi.g in. 11 Kind, those which are c a Used by difler- uc oi tiniuenls in r- iigt n. appear lo In- tn most n.veier-ite ami 'listressing, and "Ugh lo be m -si d piecao d. I wits in Imp that theenliln- in d ami liberal policy w hich has marked the pr s til age, would at least have, reconciled Chris Hans o every denomination so lar inM we stioulil in vt-r again see their religious disputes carried to -uch a piuh as lo endanger ihe peace d society." Oriob- r 0 h, 1792. I iiin to t less ..rdeut in my wish, that you m iy siieced 11, your plan of toleration in teligious oi inns, lie 1 1 o no hmoi nivs'-lf. I am disposei 10 .11 itlj;e the iirol'essitrs of Cbristianitv in lb I hutch wn'i hai road t" ll"iiveu which to them 1 1 -1 e in t In in -si di 1 t itabl- 10 exeention. c, p aim st. ensii si, and ' To Lafayette, Aug. I 1 17-7. "As m nkind In coin-- more liberal, 1 hey will he nior- ,pi t ' allow that all tho-e w ho conduct tin in . Ives a- am Ih, nn illb'TS ol ihe Cotiitn 'III J', a re q 1 ly 1 mi I- r? 1 tin protection o civil Oovern ue ni. I ii p veil io ae America amoig tin !op ue, si nations iu-iinph-s ol jtis'tce am) libera'tty. Ami I pr-sunn- liial ur 1, How -citizens will not lorgri 1 i te portotic part which you look in the aecotnp ishment ih ir Revolution, and (he es lahtuiiiti in ., ibeir Government, or ihe impurtHUl asstsance ahicb they received Irom a nation in v-tiica ihe Bomau Cathoiic religion is profess ed." To the Cutho hcs. T)ec. 1789. "Ii I could have entertained the slightest appre 1 hensnm lh.l ihe C'onsiuution, framed in ikn Con vcniion, where 1 had ihe honor 10 preside, might 1 " possibly end .tiger the religious rights of anv ec- elesiastical soci-iy , I would never have placed my ' signature lo 11 : and il I could now conceive that the General Government might ever be so admin istered as 10 render the liherty ol conscience in sect re, I heg you will he persuaded tlmt no one woil-l in- m-tre z al Hid than mysell to establish - fcffetual bairtera agaiusl the ghorrors ol snirituul ivrhiitiy, and every species ol religious persecu - tin, 1," To the Bantisfs. Mm. 179. "We have abundant reason in rejoice, lhal in this h.i.d. 1I0 huhi oi tnilh and reason has tri- n.-ioih.-il ..ver :h- nnwer ol liiuolrv tuid sun -rsti. terson may here worship ciat.-s nf hi- own heart. t,- 11, and ihai every 1 G' 1 according lo tin- diet In ibis enlighli tied age. and in :his land id 1 qu tl liberty it is our boast, hat a man's religious, mints wib n 1 for hi 1 ibe ptoiec'ion of the laws, nor de- pri hit Si 11 in ol Ihe 1 ig 'St i -fiic eS thai ii if attaining and holding fil ed are kimwn in u ul .s. 'Jo the New Church Jan. 17(J3 ue ? :!. 1 RY A. H. i AH ajone he sat. Grn 1 loo de p for utterance was mark d upon Ins care-worn features. Kv- r -nidation ibe hill" sliced sub would burst forth from the rtepihs ol hi- bosotn. F-f'y years or i more, h id r died over ins h-ad, while ihe silver j grey ol his scanty locks bespoke him past seven- j ty. H sat alone in Ins bedchamber with scarce- U a glimmering lioht lor his companion. Words j mm In- spok . dut gave himsej; up entirely to his gri- t A timid knock, followed Hie opening ol ins r mm door, arous-d Inrn :roin Irs m 1 ti :' rfioly s upor. A light, etln real form, wi'h a tm r- y lac- r ' a t .. i: 1 writ sunn; smiles, came tripping laC- r-id: in. It W 'S Hie old man's only daughter. She ti d seen but seventeen summers. Freedom from care and good constitution gave n beabhy gi"v t,i her animal-d countenance. C'-miog lor ward., sin- placed her bind gently upon the old man's sii uid- r, and he spok". "a is. liv 1," ior this was her n ime, " even tbv hrigbi lac-- and s-uuiv smiles can do nought to- W 1 1 Is rousing tne prostrate fattier. Whv have l Whv 1 lived r-. l-big d ? should tin da when niv verv prosu. ct is t O 1. (iii! what have I done, thai li luis vi-i e 1? My duties have ever been 1 per;, rm-d ln'tdullt ; 1 owe no man 1 l-ofl, m diugbteri" ! A d fe- old m m boived his he a I and wept. ! Bu eye dr.. the ed ling tears e ime gashing forth from hi cominua ion ol Santa Aim .- u lu-riun nt. Lar oursing down his lurrow- d cheeks, rer , turns it is fri-nd and priis.-n of S-.nta An ivily to tin fl ji.r. ' im, having D en a sort oi tuspeclnr General Ol Or s. all I aped h F. bei r dear lather," said the maiden, "wh it is j ni tins sudd m and violent nrjef ! N'-ver i n thee bo afTect'd. Whi' his happen- ; nae I pray th-e. and p- reliance I cm d -; e rem d for lhv bi-ter feelings," And c US tei e W Un ne an roii nl his m c while with her oilier hand she gently stroked Ins; boary lock. "My d irling Ess," rep'ied In-. orofn. jv lies 1 no' in 'bv power for thv lather's afil ction. A (as I I have b en the victim ol misnlac-d c mfi b-nc-. I 100 Inndlv I' ijst- d and h .ve been deceived." When w in re by w horn ?' hastily r pli d ' his daughter. T'e old nraq aros", and sfreteh ng himself to full height, op-n-d his mouth as -f t"o sp-ak, bui i named I n- Iv sat hi naeff down and gav. wav ' 1 anotner aui in ne viaient nurst ol uncoil I rotable gtief "Spt ak, dearest father, speak tell ma all," said ih rn-i l -n while she, loo, began to b- sen sr v fF em.i. I wi I I will! bnt b-ar wiffi too a momen f?1 replied b, and he paused for .t nrnm nt era Im tigiiii sm-ke. At bist a s bbhd time ba arose, I ha 'i.u-k o ' ii -ilr ady hi rtnnr. dr w li 111 tllol-telied haudkei- hi'd, and wtfiing Ins eyes and ! irieamed lane tlllls le S "My l ilmg prej. .re yi ur initi ( for 'he v. rt ! As I s.ud be for I have h. en made a vt-tint I h In d I is iinrmns "arli . behore th 1 W On my ih 1 w 11 ' . la- duck 11 . : ue m idoWM, I win' 011 . rn-vSrd m a teni ion w 1 11 li d si. nil I like unto ffa' lie ' dv ol w ia f 01 -ml W' .ik. I lU'lall'U M'-, an-1 h- n . ay surprl-e and rushed oil n j horror, I U j,.,; ! I in t. -u d" ah 1 I um: II 1. I ie ol O- iSIl , I 1 11 1 I -0 the dail pi i-ga M Inc., 01 01 t spi ck I d ii o ha 1 h , eh -ii 1 W i h f scream ol -le 1 p 1 1 r t t led lo ih' flour "iid swi Mined av-v. Tin- di tiioim-d old ifenifemnn smk helpless into his seal, while the nol-e brought Utile ebam tteriiiMld, who can nil out ih- anUN in a highly critical ami hys -ricd state. The Hon, George Iv II- g r qualtfi H as M igislrale lor dm County ol W Ue ai the Aug is.' Term, and look his seat on tin- ll-Mich as one the Court. The I Ion. Thorn is RufTni, B-Chi' f J istic" o' the Supreme (Jiiurl of ih Sia , has been lor itorua time a presiding Magistrate 111 'In- Coumy 'Jour's of Alamance. liateiiih Sttntltml. Tub Bastes n Hbkxtt and nts tame Foxks ON A Jo0n.NKV. W- coilv 'he lo!l-,wil)i' Imm ill'- Newbury port (Mas .) H r Id: 'Johnny (omaMHk, In eastern lu-rmi', paid a visit lo our ci'y l l week. i:d attr-'C'ed consid- r I I bla attention, arrayed in ) fintastic habilim-uta. hose win- never saw h in l-efore supposes le ' ' 1 . j mtghl have Iwen ti.-- ltn:L' nf the Sh laud islands, instead -it an bumble r- c'u-e. Mr. Co in lock has resi h-d in cave near York, Maine, sottre fif'een years, About live ears since h- removed his abode to Manchester woods, where he nuw resideg He is airicly iemprafe and scrupulously hoO"t. He tiever solicit1 d, nr has he ever obtained, alms Irom the chari'ahlv disposed. 11- never rod'- in ihe cars i-r oiln-r mode oi public conveyance, pre. fers to walk, ami th- n in tin- most unfn q n-nied "Provided with s small lineup, in a bicb he j steeps his lea, and hi- pake's staffed with 'i 1 it t It j lea. coffee, sugar, and cracki rs. In- occ ision ill v I issues lorth to ascertain what pr gr ss is being J made in ihr world, and when fatigued hy walking! and lasting, will sit down hv :ln r a -J-l ie, make a lire, and prepare his frugal repast. He N-ver disclosed his retreat; bis only companions are two lame fox'-s, which he brought up from suck I ino-, aru' " no fofow him. and s m lo he as much ... attached to trieir mast-r as trained dogs. II trui" the winter he subsists solely upon gam -, and does not consider his manner of living at all prcari "Money is no ol j ct to him ; be can always drive a birtar trade in roo's. herbs, seeds, gune &.c, and says be would not change his manner of living and si'uation miiIi any man is the uiii- i verse. j Trr'. " - i Romance oF War. '! know," writes a Cii- mean correspondent ihat in England a treat number ol young ladies beli ve lb- h-nied held to bt surrounded with romance, and some older pccple fancy, perhaps from b.-.r experience of crickel matches, lavmg oi 'foundation stoips and fl over show s, that 1 I- nt is a cool, airy, and de- sir. ible summer residence, I I ke popular d lu nous in- make a grea; nan, i?oou i on hip- it 1 ml y gi iiNpei Ins C'at itock py and contented hut feel p. vasirer Hed by ilns ' s' cf " ' cl-nstions, h . ve heralded 'ho publication?, ooe in particular, and wished ihe public w t r- nd pr-.ciaim.d the praises, of other books, at;f. encamperi out here for aiioot three days. I -h u!d " n hy olf"'f I' m ih-i, wliicb purjioru-dio g a like 10 see ibem on ibeir tucks on ihe ground, iihd nceaawts ol the immoruliiies said lu bs paming like hard pressed stags, watching the ' common in c-r ai.i roligiuas houses. Tim in-!..- r ,ss di lug up o Ion g up ti b,re then lyes.ihe h z rising Irom Hie glassy surface of the s-a, the air like the en d bv millrtns of air ol a bake bouse, and dak llm, which break ihe awiul mamtide silence bv a confused luun and imz. and would sijile on their nose and ears with maddenicg p rtinacify the water hot, the ground hot, wine ho1, beer hof, boxes hoi, bed hot, writing impossibbr, rr-adiag im possible nothing lo do but to wail and to ufF,-r. And when at last the evening ci-tm, and I hey stepped out 10 breath th" thermometer, afh r all, would have lallen about 'en degn es, and dinner would he ready ttl see them 100 sh' pv and too exhausted to eat, and then go to tied hot. In pass a hot, uucomfortable night, and recommence -n the morrow, would afT-rd me in I inchoiv pie is ure.' ' ; 9lexIco. W ASUIVOT ?t S. nl. The next steamer Irom Vera Crun eH mere da morning, and wi i atrise mi the 13 n ins'. i t is g-nerafly t ;ciated bera that the u t aufn-isl . ..I 1I1 ws will go . - l to uow 1 h - a u: 'i 1 j Vi 1 uiii'-n 1. rem.u iou vvd no Il st" ins to be agrc d that restore Gadsden to cordial relations with lln Giv-1 nmeiit, and that lu mike 1 ho best use ol late events 11 will be necessary to sup rscue mui. in -.. iminuig me pr-vmus ar- counts, h impm taut I -ci will appear that lbs Pru vis.ouai Govern eeti! is lo a cotistdi fable extent n diua c-, and General-in Chiel of me D poitmenl ot F deral District ul M X Co. He is a lime mm id sixty years nl -'ge, ..nJ nus mneteea sons and six d.itigiiiei s .-n.d use saanj "f bis OueutporarsBS in the I ni-i-d Su It s aud elsewhere, nuver lu.; an l poi ninny oi si curing a bit ol pa Iran .go lor Hie '.heSniir. His vote as advuocoaaeoi ( one oi sgarasi Li Vegi, was '26 to iy. In view oi fits ohvn-uaconnsciiuft Wsth the discarded system, the ! triends ol Aivarez and Comoufort in lbs cnv o! Mexico have issued irculars to those saiefuMtts. ruing In in not to c in miu the city , i x.-cpt at ih- bead ol iheir forces It is thougM iinprutt able any souKnercial tre.i vc.iti be n gotia ed with th.t (J avi nuo-ni ;ind G n -ral .Jidsd-n. He bad quineled wnh ibe preceding admunsiraiion, and mere is snuff j prtufajci that he wiil accord .my b-it:r with tin-, i li r it is supposed thai as soon as the r-vulu ton- at y gov. inineiit shall show itself to be fixed upon 1 a firm basis Mr. M .icy will open a negn nnion wan Uem-rai Aoiion e, to si-fle ibe relations oi the two governments upon a n- w and a more nd x sntagepus bsnii. llo.v tmM KKa. A correapondent 'ri lha 8 iinUtda u- b it ihia gentleman mada aprrti in Uatord la-l week. NHJi.haUudug mi publio hud keen given of Mr. K rr aiUmgneK to arali v bin friends, a Urgt midieiico at tended . aitlutUgB Coiut WaMflffl StaslUS. I l.o a ri'er ij AH is mil, 1 u -I 1 w y em uou no m , 1 n I. am wall. no K rt. lid rtatbl d d he Wf I ha . xoectaiion" ol bis larsn and resp-ciahle au-lietiee P01 .nor- than iwu lidun ba kept but r p ct:t. a d attentive hean-rn enchained and di lighted wi ll Ins soul stirring ! ipjeure. Jwbfl Iv rr i uu 01 1 or by toi'ure, an I among the uthbbf and tot i pouwrtuf His cty tx:resoti, an-J puwurfSii yel gr -eelul ac ioii, upeak III a WSwuVf bal in-re ii ,1 1. .lur- 's m.hl--t sons nag ipj.d. and t wi'b a -mil c 11 tut la ndmtra I. on. Tu Ins old whig I r a lids, now Know -Nothing-, who had ral1ie around him wh'-ii be was eantaia of ibeir farf- in iH.r2 .10.1 lighsui wbb ! iii powers of mind under the annuel a4 HciM and CirnbHin frf "rirh Irt-h brogue and fsrenf (ietm-ui iiCC' iii"' memori, be administered a s bufcs that mm aw f sublinv. Hut thus stood and took if, numbers ' I f i the.-o being prosenl uulmut triTsrtwg Isnvn or ; attemptum 10 interswpt him, ocli was tbetff aalfBlf - ti.-n ol 'he speakr'a nubia bsarillg. WrHf. SSid ! the hold orator, my men an; till gone but a fev I Hold" limmuis. lb- had not forsaken Jv in IHH j hie pmtt, when the hour of adversity c?nnc ; bni I at u id fiaibtwsr nntil lbs list, fl'tt ho newfound his lormer friends, sav- only tb- ps'flOttC WW wt.: Would Pl4fu Ki.ow Xolhingisiii, all against him. all deserter ; and, being lefl in tliin position, hn shoui'l 11 -1 besitstS as 10 lbs BOttrss he should i ii r -ti-. Tle re was a pirty in tUS Country which k shown hy its action in ilm last Cnagrcas 1 f '.). 11 I w 1 -v ........ . 1 ....... 1 . - 1 ' " 1 o - a ! s no 11 uip n uiuiMwti j- , .. .1.. stMttltonal party, ana UlspoSSti lo OU Mm ins eonatiluiional rights of his cclioB i istjer .N- ni her party had shown Sit much, that lienor 11 1 existed in lbs country. TfcwfS were, in lie1, but 1 wo pir'ies in ihe couniry a great national an I cons itu'ioiial party, and a great :S' olliern anM eooatituxional pirty, warring upon h.s tights situ the rights of hn section. lis bad no l.eil;i'.m in nhiatsing between ibem, lie !ion!J slssd up ( r. and tic'- with those lhal were rli-posed IS do jusa-;- to his section. The South nevsi n cons't- tutional party worse ifa u now. Il-r entire safe ly depssoed up -n i', and with 'hot party he ffcotl act Hs p od J idgu Unngiss and Gi n. Cass a glowing tribute f-.r ibeir great moral cour .g", atol alsn the memorable lorty-foiir in fhv lb-use oi ' K"presentativ . Upon ilie Know-No:Jii::g is-m-s l.e w;u cletsr and cmtvincing, and disosed ol them all in the ! h pp.esi manner. He was anti-Know-Nothing thruugbons. At the conclusion of Air. K n I . ii- e - Ml. . I speecn. tton. . tv . eimtjie was caueu nui, nn r made a lew remaiks, principally fOUi A iasen la 1 1 to Mr. K-rr, and ncciafisg his opposiiiun lo Kpuw DaNGEUOI'S I.ITEHATt. T.K. No one CSfl !. lailej 10 notice the alarming o ft 1 dangerous ten 1 (I ncy ol the ch-ap publications ol ibe day. ' j have lately seen in a :ew York paper a t rr t' i I onslaught upon a work written hy soma Mi, Nichols, in which the evil tendency of i:s sen 1- t " w"s n"11 JUi denouncuf. I. was ti - ; aouitces nscauss u was r-.,, t ; 10 lanaiavisn lfte mind ol lbs yoniniul wi t. scents ul maitiui J MifideJiiy snd social depravity. Xei lbs same paper, ' :'nJ hundreds of other papers," political, mufraJ, ! ''"""te rci ii, moepenueui, and sic:cin.r,. . j ',,itI 'bey might more successiu ly keep sine let!- . i nos'iuiy ami firijtiuice aains'. a larliculir. : crusnnite pr..i--s ol iliu newspapers in-st .wed 0.1 I aereirHlou proiucimns ol .tl aria Munks, mi,R' render the eantllHM and admonitions again! ih works of Mr-, Nichols, bu: sidly wcik i-.'i I absurd. The only way In put down n!J such p i -ductions is to brand beoi all as itif.un US. .- -no paretn allow cither class of publication to en ter his h luse. J, t bim shut lbs d mr againal ai . and all s-jch evil pablicsuons. , Fevkr and Acs e. A I d wb 1 is yfasn csl ed on mr a valuable prescriptfos, which hit been its d with success in cass nf fever nnd ugtui ss-nds 11 10 us for puMicatiott. in lbs hupn of du si service to tii ee who are aftl ct d ui h li. com p! im : ftVrf an2 Aue. T.-iko an rqnal q i -mi'v .f rieand wormwood, say hall a paper nf each, as put up by lbs ' Soakers, put them in a holtlc, m' 11 P mml f1 tng tMd 94 Aftwrs. Jb P ' dose of rhubarb and m-sg-i at night; nnd i n the morning of ihe weli d v a WlO- fi full 1 hW miAlilir, pBHSSSff 1 .,, ii i should, be given on the sick day, give it an hour belore the Swiff i exp- eled, and wheu ilt- lever goes off. Alter the chill and lever arc i.jr- k- n, give a dpSS of sulphar, which repeat the 'bird day alter. Yocxo America. The Charlottesvills J. fl-r-soniau .vs : Wlulo President Pierce was st-n. j ing near me hotel at winch he had taken raj a, .. a luile chap, of .. few summers, fludiug his Im bind unbuckled, went up lo lh? President and ae cossrd hun fi my hat bnl, sir,' 'What is ..ur aameP s.nd me President. Debree.' ! von know me?' 'Yes, you are the President, ' s-ti-j Y-iu.ig America, -fix my bat band.' The tixed bis hat band, at..! ihen Y-aing Ann-fmi w nt t- his play, contented and hippy, thai bv too, was lbs Pre sj. nt's 'peer.' - Slngtlah Effects of MarkiaOe. We vec i "''' l'i marn-ge a: Macclesfield, r ' lt.e lo b 'Ul i 1 Mr. Oiviu Odeusbaw, aged fl9, to Miss Jj.ian O.lsushaw, sgod 2 the bride becam tha ' e " llt-"'' own, uncle, sister-in-law to her aunt. yM' '' er Uroiiiers and sisters, and Siepmutber '" h-r cousins ; aud by aitoiher mirriags mho be. c,lU"; lt m-iiher-m-iaw of her own sialor. - -- 8-Ua Aaua Coiuiug to lew Xwrli- L '1'XSVtj.LK. 6-pt- 14- Siuio Anna s sister snd brotber-iu-lsw passed thrtragS Ustro yesterday, on ibstr way lo Maw York, w here Saotu Anus is cxpeettd lu arrive OUU.