5 Cor reap 55 i...i5. i655. Ibrp" nlarrH in the llti My Dkas Mbkci'UV : 1 am mtwa mU -ery ridge U ti u- ibe great victory oier I'Vigusmi was won, ev uiy fivr viiit ago. I rode up io-d;iy in com p'hiV wnh h jnVnt party of gentlemen from Ynrkvilie. including the ve.-y clever mid promising young Principals ol trie plilnarv Academy ot Y tkviilu, M- r. Coward and Jenhins Mr. W. A Lttu, Colonel McCaw and oilier-, bow Me biH wealthy K' nllemeri of th se oreetnels. Mssrs. I t..r.: ... (' .: ... .. I : a n K l eiinji ih ground hr nc mom - Tl ! re nr im vera I njoneeia md workmen m I''" fi' Id. all mj in IIm u' rk ill pr- naratmn, and BOffW lew d rrn'Jni nf the bravi- old om n ho used en ele v ry on the diy of Ih'- l !;!. I, MO ;.m busy in noting the points, mid disco by lb pmb.iliilitics of ihfe ea?e. But of h- battle .- ' I shll spra V: hi Tcuf'er. The midfeet from Yoik villi- to thw banh-ground, j from a v f t" rhrntt Hi mil' s. 'Ilm r- i f i , luIernMy good for awhile, 'iw one-h.i!!'of it -s r j ''no- ( ftnr"rtg .. A m lasr, ine ru rcasmnsl v firatiHeJ iy pretty landacaia, .-, i m , . pfumacd ui lull and dale, bn1 poorly eol'.ra- I. tt look n .cn Bad grVofu!, wrii (he p' iilv- ! Crowdt r' Kiue's, and other aanqntains on the r,w';' rVJt CWnfry io generally Hnr, M oy, rivclly; flikf, an'J fitrj !::;!.: for roi-oi: or' c U ; i ddgnl do bt; r for 1L0 b'mallrr 'graiiti, nl ' o i'.o :;d di.u!'. n-oitfd I s.dmir.biy S't" . loi gflipO-'CStauVi Tlin " w'i'd cr'ip s, i ; t-c. rr .Mj.oi :n!, nnJ .no thus sifmilicanl ot v. hat u-Wrr tl ts - . . d for ill Bull, The !..'.! ."iiopi s snrr. r-p rpCI li.y Ccliinrd for predticiive rinrrKs. I b ir ifravi Ut sad tonv rid s are happi y -! )!!. d '.'r rhe re'-ntion uf !!; s n "- heal : and I Live lio Jtt!l ihai lie- w :!l arrive, win n ihe 1-irt mm vii.e i!revff a i Jtvil foms .1 irfinu .- 1 art .-uiu d t.r iii-i art, for I lt d vr ne nl iH I .j o. itl an 1 snrt o! cu . . , . ii, ...t. h ve no .-r.-tf i icvati n; to a -end Iclore f A( hii.g Kmga Motor. on. The blKs gradually j Viar, aau lb battln ground itdrtl is rather an ex- j -ren-. i.c upon the surface, than a mouot iitt. I' nut, in f ct. mach of bill; being of inrUvr .'ii-i.i in (nun' in the nei'ib ohood, and would be I .ec.i.iifed d flicrsil only m a v.-ry hot day, und r foil fue of an enemv, n'id to iw 11 required t , limb-Up to a Mipp ,- ,." v.-.rm had and freezing '.Wl. Dill Ibia lidge is only one id rhc steps lo : b nvinntaiu; the knob of which is live or six ; mies oil, distinctly perceptible irom inc name mige. which i finally terminates in an easterly dirtl if. The scene of battle is a narrow ledge, tardlv in re lliin a q larler of a mih- in k-ttgtfc, -I th '., and nut fifty yard across the ridge, winch drops into ibe vallrjt on tiiy Nurlk side rather and .1 i:ly, making it more steep 0.1 this side ; (and 'tiris wis ll.e tide whi' h w;ts assigned to the brave CI. Willi ims and his four hundred South Caro lini .i.s to ac. nd ;) the soutbcrn ascent being cool nnraltvi ly easy. tl'ii IU llioil- 01 . UJ I'.l .11 I Jl IHjn. I lll'Oi itt- 1 , , , ' .. ,. ... 1 , rvc what I have t Say on this suhfcl until J 1 . , 111 ir . c-.n ' 1 uacs to niv Ikm ks and napeis. nunieient 1 n , 1 . ' t- 1 , . Im sic. h' re, ihtit nothing can be more loi ?.e am! 1 ,-. .1 .1 1 1 . ; r atradiv.'torv luan Ihe several reports mole, and . . ... , , he teteral sv.i m ati which ou hear about the : . H.jt no more' nf the battle ' it now. I must re I 111 1 1 r I Wh i'. I particularly wish to communicate now. iti re:-pecl to the pmpos J celebr tti in, and of r ii., d, Jbbsmbs aaa .1 - , . I . , !. . . . ail .i.tiL' . . . . - ti - urnr'ti 4 yj iiilt; tint in -. i Mv DO? ton. lhD, i, ihrr vour rnili-arv h-id bfttrr I ..'iiitii- up prepared 10 t)iurcii from iorKvi ie to me , , oi ii j . i .i mi. ! mountain, along wi:n the Cadets of the Miirarv I r, 4 l i v- t ii .1 , i i". i- f i ' .1 . I ' ,1 ' , - I ' llllU I. , ' . (.1 I It I II II I ..,.,..1, vi i ' I . . i'., . . iiu ..ii' w y ' "u ii in. -ii i.l. i.iil li'lv ill nonili.'r 'Vr il o! whom 11 ri mill brfys ol twelve or fourteen.) mil march on J Hjt. What they eaa do and uri'S ilo, it should he ; .ov on the part of utur military to perform. It villi he made v ev, as the Cadets will ttike ln d ,vh h,r the march. Tha will renin re them to ! oi'Ae but nine miles a day; which, m.vi.t in ntoro (,hntwn to tolerate th-m all according to j sion m vogue amongtm- leader ol the old po hi ll e cool of the morning and" .fieran nlv, i-h " W wide religmn and redemption of Chns.? ca s- cuoos, that tin- people did no. know what light and loose dress- a, goof, strong .and eay :..!ioes, Indian file and open order, will he no very 't t'guing all'tir. With a single baggage along, carrying lent nnd supplies, the niafltl encampment Ai.'; lie ogrerable; resomces will be ulwavs at .iMtni; and the whole march, besides affording to yur military un idVa ad the actual prnctica and rnsjt'na of a march in war, will be only a pleasant irolic. To make it so, it i only necessary that our people should give themselves lime. Tle-v tight lo rctich Vorkulle fully two or ill ee days '"lore the ceh brat'on. and have ih'-ir aeranoe. .n"n's properly made in advance of the lime. Tlit. I fancy, they c:in easilv h fleet, hy a teanoM ble correspondence with llensrs. Coward and J-nkins, or ihe other members of the Committee. I ricainnvj this than of march, as I have gveaeutl to think that hundreds, nay, thousands. iH come here and find ihemsel es confounded b h deannoin ents upon w hich they could not c !ewl tie. lir thousands it will be impossible to provujr; vehicles and haisrs. o ,i . . : I ImC liorses ol , hu District, if nil were procurable, would be in ..detpiate to .eivu the necessities of Ihe eiowds which are expected. ll is estimated lb.: tenor v (V i 1 . i't ibi- Gillian iv vsiuiiiiuui. r... .i i -iii ,i i fifteen th nisaud people will be upon the ground ; i iii. . ... . i h grand and not.ie sight, calculated to stir the i i I i i . ,i : .- -'l , htouu, and rlevata the imaginaMon. i here will J, wagon-, and carnages, buggies and barouches, i :i i ... : . n T i i ti ii in te ra Mill readil lating th Mviahca und an - . - y conceive the impossilii'ity i accumu- ian,1",'- 1 ""Jl .J .. . ""P " S"", V': ol ice or the like renders it desirable, and ji may , I'UI II UU l ll' tl H'l 111 III' ill OU , , ... . ... r . . " J " ........ ,v. IOL3i-HL -m. in numbers sufficient to meet the ' l,r loiiowers ; tne 'national council out ine tv..ow nothings nave had tlieir day, even be expedient in extreme eases of exhaustion, n i . 1 . j I , , - , ' I I . i .. M ......I , i i i . r i : . : . j . t. ...tit . .1: i . .1 I .1 , MTTC th: rrCCSillie Ol rtch I COO """"""f ",w """w rw in pin'res ihu tuna line mnun nmnmg iei 01 iriem , as wnn race-horses, to remove the shoes alio r i i ii I ' 'Ul i .r- oi national pooues , ini-y in. I no ( ommiitec of Arrangements ii d.ing all . ., 1 . . , cc . , , , i r i i . i mate all national candidates for office, and the-r thai it can to provide for ihe multitude; but ihe ,. . . . - r ik . i i j edicts are as potent with thn order as was eve ( a 1 1 sources o! the country are necessarily limited ; t n . . ,. . , ... ,L . -i lm . m IUIII II '.1 lc hound d by it mail, nuaie i f ?n, , Pu" ',0IT1 ,u'' Koman atlCtiti. J hey have meat-. Yorkville will do a good deal for s . small ' M d "P ,h 'tr ind,Vi l freedom ol IhongM, a place. Tne people are preparing In play ll.e ' T'' '' V aC':n' '"",,,nal hospitable with a generous z-al and eagerness. c! ii,n,t!,cr-'""":""ul,f'concept1on, before whom 'They have raised here, I am told, about Iwn thou- I " know-nothings must bow w.ib abj et venera nad dollars ,-oite a considerable sum lor a pop,,, j l'n- 1 h,".y .aCUSe P"pe ,nU'rPre',ng ,h Utionof less than 20i)i) people. There will be an U'UW 'r '"s '"l1"'". i,,ld speaking in an un-:.he.,,d.n-e ... I. ,..! ,n...i ih;. i. ... i known tongue, in order lo cover his nefarious de naast upon n ich visitors can prop-rly calculate io this spars. ly sct;hd country. E.ch deUch. ttrnl iirm.i, or n:.rt- Von, r.-w i,. .!l .1 .11 ! w bring their own small stores, tin ir tents, their r i . - - i .....i o.,.i i,.r. i v i 1 J,'WVJ llJIUW UliU V, 1 1 v v- I iui ytl J I3 ' II , OIIU L 1 Mill ' prepared to convert tins march of eighteen m.les -uto a plcosant frolic. With these precautions, ' entue companies mi-jht make the j.unt, instead of, iV pSJtutioaw ; and the greater the nnmhtrr, ihe more easy the progress. As I have said, there 'wilt ha tm 1 .ck of bread und meat ; and your own saattJi stores will do the rest, Hy timely arrange. iu -nt, any-nunilrr of baggage-w agons may lie ecup-d kern to accompany your much, and the sleeping 'places on stony ridges can accommodate any :n jfliiludes. IJigh, nm-,heaiihy sb epmg spo-s era u; hand cu every side ; and ith such col afrana ynfl miy reasonably ealenlato upon in Ocober, you will hardly feel fatigue. A OMfch hguo b-fore dyhghi. and ewtinui d.amtal break fait, or tiH nins o'clock a. m.. resumed m m p. .ii,, and continued n(i nine, will coab.'e you twsily to overcome nino milea per diem; and. giving yourselves lito-, as I couocsl, iher is nothing to diaeourage in tn adveotura. I pret.ii.ue that the 9lete anthoriUes will readily put tn- tents r imp tools, dsn., wbatfSr ol the ri it has m our si-v-ret arseoaU. at the disposition nf the several (Jw-arnls of Brigade - 0' course ii ill be r mem- Lrred that the personal Joge of the vi.-itor should be reduced l tlm aiai'esl possible core- p.p. A ligbiundrea suit Air mnrchmg. half a doa shirts, a suit for parade, ic, ihte ought to suffice. Better occupy any extra spare i'h cornlorts for ihe inner rather than the owti r mii. ant! hy securing baggage wagons at Yoikville in due aeasos, they vtiil so-emnpany the march, and yield all ueoessaiy supplies tc meet mereiicu f . Sbald anything occur o me. j titi fy ing further BUggesMnns, on the su'ject, 1 sh-ill will'- "ii dki ; i !'" !t flu!' ruiis.ili rniii tfHSi. vi'iir It. ,11 ..,.. i Li ..... i ... rrilli-ll f ri I i 1 I . ' i - . : I V III ' , I" " II'."" . I I ...... (. ........... f pointiio in atid i r d' r ' In ir progr-s- lo 'h- t'attl -- sround ideasure rath r than a trial. fc W. G. 8. CHARLOTTE ; TI E8DAV Her.MKC, Sepl. 25, 1855. 57" IV. S. I.AWTON i; CO., (South Atlantic Wharf,) tt our &i.i.rnru A ugei.is iu ( TaarlesMM, S. ( '., ai d uie duly I ' 1 .. ... I. I . . . Ill, l.,ia . Ulka . , , rate matured by ca, mm crcol rceeipta. FOR PBESIDEXT, 3.QSO HON. HENRY A. WISE, OF VIRGINIA. (K7 A new Post Ollij.- aasned Uasienea, has been rlabiibnJ in G istoti county nd Mr. Hki.l, irpoin'i J P.it Mast 1 r. rp' We ali h" attrntion ! our readers to the of C'p'. J. K. Penman property a adver titled h L'mi &. Caldwell. The-I'ckin the Howie nvite is b lievt d tn he the most valuabh nf any mimns interest ever off .- d in ttiis mineral k- o gin. Tlie furniture i new and of uperi r rj i.Jitv. (1L. ft are eligibly "ituated and 'he improvements Th(. vii'5, sold OI) n . . ' ,f s'x " rhrlll.lg Contrast. We make the following nzlraet from 0 powerful b iter, recently written by Hon. John D. Freeman of Mississipp, to his constituents; 'IJv this conatiiu'ioa the right to decide upon a quest ion of national politics is w rested from the ci'izens wrested from all the Slate and sub ordinate councils, and vested in the 'national conn oil . Ldie the usurping Pope Gregory YIF, they claim both temporal and spiritual power over their subjects. The Pope was papi-t ; ihe 'council' is j deistical. The Pone persecuted Protestants as 1 heretics; the council nerseeutes tvitholics as here- tic. The Pone professed the religion of Christ; , . . . . . rt . , I the council profess to believe in a Supreme Being , 1 , . , ' . . B f t'ie Creator and r reserve r ol the Universe. ,. ., . . 4 he council savs the ropes creed and lorm ! , . , ' . , ., . . worship are wrong, and thai of the council right. . . . . , I am no theologian, nor am I a papist : but it an- . ,,. . . . ,c ' ' , , 1 ' r- . I. it, 1. lit.' I 1 1 .- I . 1 . .. .11 r, ,i i . . . t I 11 .-, I - 1 IOII3 IU III'; (Mill V-lllll IIIIIO' II, flllll Ol I .i 1 1 . I lional council,1 is the proper umpire to decide this controversy. Christ hjs said, 'whosoever be lievetb on mv name shall be saved' 'go e info all the earth and pronch my Go&pel. Unt holies 1 y-s 1 t 1 I . . ' t ' . ' , . T 1 . iiiiovjii no'ifv s vino- iiuou n. a. - - 1 . , . , , , . r right his the 'council, under the dispensation of , . . . . ... . 11,, t In c . I.. lUn I .it, . 1 i ...... K m I I n i .1 m-u if 1 uiiini, u Mff hi iiic vmiii'iiRj, f im .unn im" iiiixii" J .' the Gospel as you undersland it in the United 1 i.. nm siieh conduct unchris'iaii and in violation of the above command af the Saviour? What power on earth can certainly say which of the several Christian denominations hv- adop'ed tfie h st nr the true rn de of worship? it not ,ne b st "r 'r"e rn ' w)r"l' I- " n.f in ire I'hri-tian jii'ige ma, in at ye oe not juugeo, is the cam ma no . I c. ' nowhere embrace the religion of Chris'. The i oath they administer is before G d Almighty and j witnesses, and not upon the Holy Evangelists. -1 They persecute a Christian Church which has ; mugni tor religion oi iurisi ir.im i ue iieguinig oi : His dipeusation, antl they express no other belief ,.r .k ...r.. i.. i .ii.. i .... , ..i n ; i . i.. I : ,.r iiL.:., r. .i. l :. : c limn nun ui uir inio'i, uv llrl u'jns fiiin r . , , r . i . .1 i unoiv mem. lkh let us pursue ine paraiiei ne- i oi tne oaviour. : ,c.iu says, "I don I know, hu; it f.trikes me, and ' Hat th- creed of the council does not embrace i so forth, uuid the phrase became characteristic, j ihe Christian religion ; they neither acknow ledge dee." j Christ a the son God or ihe Saviour of sinners, j We must confess that the Athenaeum's theory ol nor I be Bible as the exponent of the will of G d ' the origin ol i ho nam of Know Nothings is rot , upon earth. They are simply I) i-ns. They he- very ingenious, .and lor ihe enlightenment of that I li- ve in the existence of a 'Suprem R' ing as the learned pundit, we will state ibe origin of ibe (e.ine ' Creator and Prei-rver of tie- Univers -.' Expre ol ihe now rapid v ni-s living party, n the u tia tduiusest t'zclttsio alter iu ii a maxim of inter- tbentieit ol gentleman aho Ii s had abundant I pretation universally seceded lo. and bv this rule opportunities I'm kn iug the exact facts if tli ; th'-y are deis's and infidels. This is their whole case. T e Kna N ah'iig party, it is pre tv gen i creed as expressed in iheir constitution. In t'e ir erally kinmn, was rirst form d by a p rsoti ol , Philadelphia (ilatiorm they acknowledged 'that 1- some nuturiety who c ll d him- If "N d 15 in : mighty Being who rules over the universe.' Th- v line." ' Ned" was mice a midshipman in o U. T , "T usorpa.mns m me i pe am, m , ,, ... Keep sny.mng secret; ana iea instruct !.... I ... Unnl...n . .l 'f i. ............ ,l.il 1 I . I II " C"UI1'-11' i wy arguw in- - . . . . rope ol usurping both temporal and spiritual now- ( 1 , , , ' . . .' 1 er, and thev retaliate by adopting similar measures , . ,. L n r , I themselves. I hey nccuse the Pope of admini-ter . . , , " J" uuicii mini, ana oi Dinning n.s annerenis IO secre 1 n : - i ...: i i:.: . .i. '"" " "inn, i creed, ana . . i. .. . i .1 n , r""1"" . " cmaa gg Known on! y l" "W national council and U Selected few of Ibe order. 1 he novitiate is not permitted in break ihe seal oi ;-.is secret. a ' . - t And now read this vivid and truthful sketch which we copy from ihe Washington Union : 'Know-nothingism is national in the Suulh and sectional in the North; secret in New York and open in G-orgia ; Catholic in L'ui?iana and Pro ti s uit in New England; black in M .ine and white , in Virginia; it swears the son to proscribe the lor. eigner, ven if that foreigner should be ihat son's ; failier; it opposes the caucus, and setib s i's can- i didatN in packed cabals; it elevates the negro and deirrii.feH I he ad anted citizen : it mrmm nil metis, and adopts the treed of George the Third against emigration ; it abuses the Pope, and de. clafV-sMtsell infallible ; it assails the Spanish in quisii;o:i, and imitates its clandestine persecu ions; it Bfolnae Chrisiiaimy and proscribes irs neigh bor; i; adores ibe Bible and shoots down the un offending BjlS-'a ; it adores the constitution, and sets up a ti si by that constitution prohibited ; i: pays a premium for treason to friendsliip, nrni af fiX' S the br..:,d of peij jry upon all who r.-luse to obey its ohhgaiious ; K a!r for ree shools, and proscrib s p mr, h-lphss fem-ils teachers; it re pudiates the Catholic and admtfs tlaa Inljd. 1 ; tu o r - - ey. ana lin y loliow ine same wicked ex- mat tney invariably replied don t know" to a l the soles, on everv ncMjiim whan ii, anu rcngion, anu esiaunsnes-new ones ; iney oe- nut ineir name. i ne eaein natn hunriles, and geiher lor a time, and allow of a mure reff.el,in rron all, i; pcraerut' s ihr n&al rati rv native) citizen whi ihe-s not approve ita niumnieriea. ftndl protects the lowest of luffi ns it discard an Ivl-1 j ward fc)ereit for a Willi. .m Poole " A Painfully Exyituz Scene. i i GftaVMtnia, (N, C.) tvpuntber 7. A scene ; of i HK1 p nniul and intenae xritwni- nc occured in rtlis t--wn on Monday iiiiiiing. At the RaiU roi.d St. lum here, tm 'iggin the well, those en- g-.igiV mi the irk have encountered a nci tJiat rdeep interest. can mth be pen. traied by drilling d blasting. 'There may be hour when, perplexed with enre (). ...s;day n.ori i-ir, .e;, ifur a very heavy ; ,,n i uornoui undue labor, the mother may ! la-1 t powder in hb liotioin of the well, which (eel the ri-ings of impatience in her heart ; but let is Rome forty L et deep, and before the smoke : her not give wy tu this baneful emotion, but nip had s iffi.-b-itsly cleared u; of :h- shaft, John it in the hud before its fruits became vjoible in nets Wnlioti juiuped it, to ij,e bucket and started di.wn ; .i which she may afterwards bitterly repent. Let t u on or b-fore react. i. jr mt. hottom, finding the no unkind word or hasty blow be given in anger, Pii'phutir Mell too tniig for him. called to ihus I est the remetnbrance of it should prove a poison uhtjte to draw him up. Oh arriving perhaps half ed arrow to their bleeding heart, when those iov- wsy to the top, 'e btc e too hrlplf si to hidd ing e es are closed in death, and the head which himsi If in the bucket, and tell the boiiom of rh- , uesiles on her besom is pillowed in the grave. well A- quick as posiM. .V-irmnn Arte Id de- Children are won bv kind words : hat rmni loolcs acended into the well to a iV' Walton; tu: hi wa iimnedialely s'upified nnl hdjdess. Then, in rpj ck ucc-s-iori. followed D V ! "A-mJn-id, w ho aharad the same (ate. And now :te x-'it ment sv.; bconig intenee 'and paieful tn tl.,' extr- ire. 1 1 r - wre three m n. 111 th- hot'oiii oi a loor'y-foot pi', and 11 tilled to si fl'.ie iion uh saiojc ; tint men grouningand panting tor hna'h: he nan r rapidly riio; upon them, find they in Dsible a..d unable to beads. It bathed line ins' .n? death to raise tin. ir those (.n h ground v nturj down die niaroi was giyvn, and many citizens t!ie t'.wn rttbd to the sjioi ; ! tin what could ihrj do? Who was to he the ioarth man to make tin- learful h-an, and r i k hi ojnii lile in tin ft it to sav." ihost: of th a step that, required more courage dozen du Is J mi s .S. Morrison, one of I In thre victims! thill lo fifibl a Fcioeer8 on the North Carolina Railroad, now arrived lumped into tiie !itick"t, and w is let down as fast aa poe sihle ; J hn VV. DeLancie, ol tiiis county, made a leap, caughl lie rope to whictt the backets are j attached, and descended the rone almost with with people, united by Ihe intimate relations of bus lightning speed. j band and wife, brother and sister, parent and child, Mr. Morrison, when drawn up in the bucket, ; who are habitually courteous ; that is to met a with Mr. DtLineie and the apparently dead man. i husband and wife whose manner towards each was loo much esjh-usid ' return; )ut Mr. I) L nicie mad several trips, each time descend illy the rope as quick as th ugh'. I r-quir-ng worn n to place and hold in ihe bucket, the suffocated men David Sullivan ; ccoinpanied Mr. Defjancie in his second dose- n', h nl Joint Lethcit wen1 down and issisied in bringin" up the llird man. Tlie three uofortunae men who were thu saved from all untimely death, w re res-orei lo Consciousness during the da v. Messrs. Arnold ami A in1 li Id appeared bill little biuted. Mr Walton received a s vere cu 1 on ihe le ad, w Ineh. til fut. it Was le.ired h tl rac u n d his kni! nil hii examination nrovu oln1 twe : he ai-o in 'all. received oiler th uyh no donserou hruj , 1 - Ann w- are 'a,;;) le.rn that Ii. s tren'ie- ,. . . , . ue n are all likel o cv r !mni tu n iurus 1 received. , . . . , I n much praise cannot be bestowed on Messrs -. . 1 .Morrison, 1) Lancie, Sullivan and Ijeihco, for ., , , . I '.. l 1 1 r . , i i . . i , . . t I im. t , . . , . t . , - . ; t .... . ... ill' II ' "Hi t.yrmn .'lllj l.iilll lir I ' li'iin.. I'M lilt' 'II ' ces ion. Patriot. Oi iuiii of Ihe Term "Know Nothing." Foreign writers are very naturally puzzled by O the oddi'v l our political parry name, and, in at tempting to trace them o their origin, make some very queer blunders ; thus, the name of the Loco foco party is styled by one linglish writer to be the name of n irihe of Indians. The London A theiiae on, in an article upon Know Nolhingisa, stai e that " I he party derive ,eir name from an expos "Th was oi most act anlage to them. 1 hus, an A mer m . .... is. N.ivy, but led ihe service I t sums oise u which e are not infonned, and commenced tin business of Ameiieanism on a larire scale. i lounding a secret political mil r, of so xc!uiv .1 .i. ... ... , , . , ii i tin rae.ie r uiai none were in ue ailrnrtetl as mem- tn rs whose grandfathers were not natives of the I. . . .. j.a- i. , . i."ii 1 1 J . ll l .1 uiM Ull 111 i'I r, III a C'ool IV ! ! I ' .1 11 . 1 . r ion uuueu oiaies, nere ire inquirv is so com- mu un urwenm ani acnyieii io reply lo an ques - - tnuis in respect to the movements of the new i , , . ,. . ' Iv, " don I know. So, tin were ai firsi c a "A mr n , . i .T . . . lion I Knows, and then 'Know Nothings," . . , . par lied oy ; o u.sioers. w.,o Knew notrnng more of them I hat, Know Nothingism was one o! ih'-m. y. ic York ! limes. Hon. George Baiter oft. j give, us pnasure ,o U, hi hue our renders It the following leiier, from the lion. (. ' If tu Ui iied 1 ligbi inbit d r a crolt, the d. sin go, .bed historian ol ft. Stiit.s. His pr.-seuce will b" ha'ibd web bv ihe innumeraul ihront! that will a w O ii I tnwr ! , . ...t . . .. , 1. i.L. , i in i - ' 0 iTiviuiiiiii 1 '.I I lie rir'll I J i ii r 1 1 r nxl. New VuiiK. S p . 13, 1833. Mv Dear - irs: -Y sierd-iy received toui lavor of 'lie 3d ' I .'jgut. invitiitg m to b pre sent tit the celebration ol the victory . ehi' ve.i on King's M.'irraoi. 1 shall do ... w ; h n- u ni is; ple.isue, no) oi ly j i. wi b you in y ur nfjute to om-o I the ii"bi. I, ni .t 1 1 o p . r : a :i i, ..;.J moil In-roic uetioSM ol the war o: Ih Revolution, hoi also to g itle r ii' w mo ives ior ihe htve of co'j.itrv tii.d ot Ueedoni, fiom tiie grateful enthusi .am w hich the occision is ahure lo call forth. I n- main, sirs, Very trulv, your--, GEORGE BANCROFT. mt,SI"8- w- C. Wnaou, John L. Miller, and D. W. Melton. j We regretted to learn from Dr. Simms on hia ! ,i . . . ... ; men.s ould prevent his attendance. We earn- ! i estiy hop- he will yet re consider the mailer and i , favor us with hit presence. It jq Irom such men i roA..nl nranl lS our t M .r.i lh..l I . . . i . . . 1 as Bancroft t Simms that we expect the Victor) nr&mcaMutntaio to receive that hou..raUo men- 1 Hun in h.-tory, nuherto denied it, but which ibe importance of tlie acharvement so jiLy. punts. j " ,TI ' 1 ! It is rumored tint .Mr. Buchanan will, on tr.s j re urn to this country, b - tn irri- d to ?,lis. p ik," he wjd-..w of President P..4.I;. !-". ... "4.7 tt -! . - - . CT1 Pafh ure with CSiildrcn. 0.;e vt Ui great prer-qui-ites tat ike successful trainitig ol'chil Jren, at home or in the scheol-room, js PaUence. Every teacher, whether the mother or an hireling, will' find her labors made easy by tb constant exercise of this cardinal virtue. If ihy 'let pitieuce hie its per feet work' in lhcr hearts tt will be vj,ible in all ;heir conduct ; and eycrl a salutary influence upon the minds ol j the young, in whose future well beinetbey leel a ami harsh tones deter ih-m from seeking our sym palby or giving u their confidence. Tin mbthef or teacher should regard the sports of childhood as a blessing, j in in their innoeent amusements, and draw from thecre some u-e'ul lesson for their fu ture consideration. They should learn to look, up 10 her as n friend in whom th-v can confide, who will hear patiently with their childish follies, and in kindness seek to improve whatever may be tmis in iht ir manners or morals. H i' should ihey turn a deaf ear to her fpach ings, i'ti.i scorsi her instructions, seeming inclined loliow 1 he evil promptings of sinful and pprverse heart, she has then need of a double portion of pa lieuce to support her in this great trial, and enable In r at least to overcome evils with good, and hrtng them, by the force of precept and example, to walk iti wisdom's pleasant ways. He kind, be lirtn and patient, and hope on till the desired result is obtained.1 Ha: there is another point of home manners, well discussed in a passing periodical : Husband Politeness: 'low seldom do we meet other is at all what it oueht to be. All the for- maiity assumed in company does vile the disres ' pectful, almost contemptuous, familiarty of more private life. We have seen many men who would throw away cigus at the approach of a strange lady, but who would never hesitate one moment j lu make '.heir wife's sitting room smell like a bar 1 room ; nnd though we should think that a badlv arranged home, w here no arrangements are made to keep people's indulgences from inconveniencing each other, and her a bad v;V, who allowed no place tor cigar-smoking, still, e do nr! consider ih his he cts with Hue gentlemanly -niri: towards W II It.b whi ob- will give the whole hi-ie a sue II o PP( 1 r: T !i. r r I- nan w tiik ten stens. ey. n ii 111" W 1 e jr i't- ;i -p r.t 11 it b s .n th so 1 1 self she 1 1 001 V , : vtl a sVV Ml so sreu II ot r:rice. that she '.io3S no? let acnhcinc.' r. St H if ITU IT A' ails - .Mr. Se wall Lom ion, Ut., is sboui introducing on the feet tit a considerable number of stage-horses in this city a new style of horse shoo lately inven ted by him, and which has now been some three months in experiment, both in city and country, with the b"s; results. The object is to avoid th; necessity of driving nails in the hoofs of the ani mal, a practice always more or less objectionable, and only submitted to from imperious necessity, and winch frequently, from misplacing a nail, or splitting a hoof, renders a horse useless, at least for a lime. The invention meets with the highest favor from the jockeying profession one ex perienced stage-driver enthusiastically affirming that it would immediately increase ihe value of horses one-third. By the census of 1850 there were five millions of horses in the United Slates, ' and assuming them to be worth on an average about 03 apiece, the credit to which ihe inventor is entitled becomes measureable in dollars !o the tune of about 100 millions for each generation of horses, M:. Short h not tha first who has attempted to clamp the shoe to the foot without nails, but is the firs! to do it in ihis simple and effective manner. He makes the whole in two pieces, employing, in addition, two small screws o aid in screwing ihe p trts together. Bo'h are made of malleable iron ; the lower portion, or "sole," being very similar to 'he horse-shoe ordinarilv emoinvH hot uhh m . groove around Us exterior, and without nail-hob s. The upper portion, or "vamp," is thin, and has a ' flange proj cting inward Irom Us lower edge, to : match the groove in the sole. These pans are so j irr inged as to secure a tight and firm connection, and the whole made additionally secure hy the ! aid of th- set-screws before mentioned at the heel. I A shoe ol tii.-j kind once fined, the vamp may be ; made lo wear out a great number of soles. The ex'erior may be highly finished and plated with j silver, which gives a very flashy appearance to u team oi lively norscs, or the shoes may be enam el, d jet black when intended for white or gray animals. One practicd advantage to b" derived Irom this style of shoes is the facility with which tnev may be removed or exchanged. thm skillul hostler may exchange the shoes, or rather rest. New York Tribune The Qckex of England at the Tomb ok Napoleon We copy the following from the Paris Montleur of Aiii 97 i o - 'Tin- Queen visited, the day before yesterday, ihe lomb ul 'he Emperor. No one of le-r visits produced ti d i per impression. As thi review had ..... .. ".. . , I..II-, ii i niaiHMv vv-.j, no longer A i . . I.... t if r " on . . v 1 1 , ner tMajesiy was no exp'Cted at I he Hotel ties Invaiides; nevertheless ii. i sue oei ruitn o on iui ; h"'e notwiif i8tanding th liiiei ss oi tlie u ; im queutfy, a i i i; o h ; ; s i ff. nrrt a:. tied hy Hi ! ne v;i- ;-:i arrived, con followed by a mirneroos veterans of o.;r old wars. ; ho bad hastened to meet her, wh with noble c tnposure i .'.v.ird.s ;i , place of htm w ho was England's ' slle . a need ;at resting n. j.si constant ! adversary. Vvbat a spectacle-i How many re. metnbraiices, with ail the "contrasts, they brought up to the mind ! Uui when, by the light of torcl-s. j the glitter ol uniforms, amid the strains of ihe I ; organ playing (,od save the Queen," her Majesty j was hd by the Emperor to the chape) where the remains of Napoleon lie, the effect was overpower- j j nig aim immense, tlie emotion prolound, for everv j one was reflecting that this was no ordinary 1 homage offered at the too.b of a great man. but a 5(.i,. mn ael t, attesting that the rivalries of ihe past "rere mrgotien, and that now the union between lbe Uvo . ,,s hdd receiv(,d t, mosl secration " - - . Washington, Sent 13 The President has appointed Striblinrr Q n' n 0f Alttbatna, Associal Justice of the Supreme Court 1 f Alabam-., Associate Justice of the Supreme ' Court of Kansas. A. B. Tvfoore having declined in place of Rush Elmore, removed; und J. gMr I riH, of Pennsylvania, Associate Justice of faBJ ; Court, vrce S ndtrrs W. John so n4 remor. d " i take something ?" said a teetotalh r to his friend, whilf standing near a tavern. "I I don't care if I do" was the reply. "Well." said Frank, 'let's take a wn!k.' MARRIED. In Union County on the 19th insl , by T. C. Wilson Esq.. Mr. CYRUS Q. LEMMONDS in Miss ANJAUNE LOWHQIIP. Also in .Union County on the 19th inst. bv T C. Wilson Eq., Mr. ROBERT FOWLER to Miss MARY RAPE. Sirtu SI5urrti5PinnitH. CHARLOTTE BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. THE Subscribers take this method to inform the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding countrv that we have bought out the above named estah lishment formerly owned by Mr. Joseph Mead, where we intend carrying on the business in all its various branches. The Bikery which has been closed for some time will be re-opened im mediately under the supe vision of Mr. Mead, who I is an experienced workman. We will keep on oaoii t lull -M''l J ill BREAD and CAKES, of every description, Family Groceries, of all kinds, such as, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Cheese. Mackerel. &c, Confeotionaries, of all descriptions, Raisins, Candy. Almonds. West India Fruits and every article usually kept in such an establishment. The undersigned hav ing entered into copartnership for the purpose of carrying on the above named business would be glad to see all the former patrons of Mr. Mead, and anv one wishing any thing in our line and respectfully invite our friends and the community in general to give us a call, hoping bv close atten tion to business to merit a respectable share of public patronage. Weddings and Parties furnished at the shortest possible notice. We will he compelled to sell entirely for cash as our liabilities are heavy. MOORE & MOODY. P S FTatfinn sold nof mv inlerrst in the nlmve i named establishment to Messrs. M-.ore & Moody, I would respectfully recommend them to my for mer friends and patrons. I do solicit an ssrly call from mv friends and customers, as I will re main for some time and would be happy to see them, &e. JOSEPH MEAD. Charlotte. Sept. 25, 155. O ff pen ile sriioot,. FEMALE SCHOOL will be one,,' din Char- ri .. . , ... . . lone on Ttte tottr'ti Man ray m cs p'errther. in 'he house latelv o up; a bv M r. .Wasbom, where the u-rni I branches of our Er.fflish erluc ten will he impart' d to such children ns rna he intru- t d to the tuition of the Misses Russell Cruise. Young Ladies desirous ef stnd it.o the French L . o mguage, can aequire the pronunci tton in i'. purity, be taught lo read and translate it with ease, a nd if its studv be preserved in a wtitlecooid learn to speak it without difficulty. Misses R. Cruise having rr sided many years in France being chiefly educated 'here, and having had many years experience teaching in America feel confiderf, they , , ,, , will not disappoint, the reasenahht expectations if those Parents who may send their Children to tier ior instruction. RATES FOR TUITION. Spelling and Reading, per quarter. Wri ting and Arithmttic with the above $4. Composition, History, Geography, and gram mer 86. Any of the other higher English branches added to ihe above The French Language taught for $8 per quarter. Needle work nd embroidery taught for $3. Sept. 25ih 1855. 9 3. Cainiil Diviioii, SONS OF TEMPERANCE OF N. C. TIIE next Annual Session of this B aly will meet in the Town of Charlotte, at 7 o'clock on Tuesday night, the 23d of October, 1855. A full attendance of ihe Representatives is earnestly in voked. Business of vital importance to the cause will he brought up for consideration. Come one come all, and let us have a grand rally, and begin the work of Philanthropy and Patriotism with re newed energy. Return tickets, free of charge, will be given all Representatives who travel on the N C. Railroad. A. M. GORMAN, G. S. S-pt. 25, 1855. 9 4w 0O Papers friendly to the cause are requested to copy. THE undersigned being appointed a committee to snp- rentend the building of a Stewards house at the poor-house in Mecklenburg county, will receive bids for the said job until Saturday the 13 h day of October next. A plan and specification can be seen at the post-office in Charlotte. C. T. ALEXANDER, ) J. W. MOORE, I Committee. JOHN VVODF. S IVoticr Equity Sale. BY an order from the Court ol Equity on the 19 h day ol October next, I will sell, an the pre mises, the valuable plantation formerly owned bv Dr. Samu 1 H. Smith, on ihe wMers of Mr?a UIm hosiers old Kill tract, containing about 300 .eres, on n credit of 9 months, the purcline-er criVin'bond and a i proved si cnriiy. I) R. DUNLAP. c m. e pi. so. (f r, lee SI, 75.) 9-4 tw A PRO! X, tl riO, By His Excellency Thomas Buaoo. Governor nf c, . . .. , Jvr""jr Of fi,r ,S'.;' nf Wit. r.. I .... 'J ."'"I ' . W HERBAL BY A RESOLUTION OF TfTR General Assembly, it is mad- ih- duly o the Gov- j ernor of the State for the time b-ing, Ho ael apart ! a day in every year, and to give notice thereof! by Proclamation, as a day of solemn nnd politic i inatiKsgiving hi . minhiv Uod for nst bb ;..., .nd oflonpHeation foj lus continual .TTa - - - aw aaaasj care over us as a State and as a nation." Now, therefore, I do by this, my Proclamation set apart Thursday the 25'h day of Oc'oher next as soeh dnv niol .1.. m .ui . if n ly recommend that it be nhsere,.,! i:i " " . f - .".i!y ana earnest- all the good people of this State . . v v. U..LU U I IflV liV .. rr on Tr m-V hand 8nd g' L. b.l Seal or the State, at the Executive r,f. fice, in the City of Raleigh, on the 17th day of September, 1&55. and in the 80th year of Amerienn Independence n j r u o THOMAS BRAGG. ' By order of ihe (?overnor : Pulaski Cowpkr. Private Secretin S number 2o. 155. 5' iw "will you Notice to the Public. A L Large Sorrel HORSE and an Obi Hlj(Jrv ounid in the woods near the Old We va I Sunday the '2d inst. Tne Nor 1 n . .. - o iir-g st oii. ly to a tree, but not unhitched from the Bu and had been there since Frhlay morning prev And was left ihere by a man who smd hjs J0"3' wa John Davis, of Nonh Carolina. Said t)"1 is about six teet in Iretghth, dark brown WXt " whiskers, supposed to be about t)ii ty years of" and weighs about 100 pounds. o Wure onJ!fl left little finger a large rd Ring. o 'nTuftJ sell the bortK to Mr. James Mall his, and nh0 Mr, B. II. Miller, living Pbove the Cld Well0 ' Friday ntoromg, the 3lst inst. lie was ,iso J u the same evening walking towards Hamburg his Saddlebags in his hand, and enquired J Hi ' hour the cars left Aagusta for A t Ian tn. It is u'' known why ho acted so wi'h his horse and bua The horse is a large sorrel hind feet whit,, tilaze. in the forehead some scars on hi f legs, and abou I G hands high. The Hugo,, badly worn, and was mude by Wilson & li, ," n Charlotte, N. C. A hand umbrella was found r.ear the buggy with the initial of W fj" on it. The above Horse and Buggy are at my ,ouso where the owner, by preying property and P,M ,Dr' charges, can get them. I For further particulars, address the Su! at Edgefield, C. H. ertlai a J. L. ADDISON oepi. o. 9 3w Klnu's .Mountain Celebrnllon. rppIIE Major.General and Brigadier General, of IJ the several Divisions with their respective SiafT. ; The Volunteer. Uniform and Cavalry C.-n.. panics of the Stat- ; The surviving Soldiers of i,e Seminole and M xtcanWars; The Members of the Senate and House of Representatives; 'Plt) Clergy ; The Masonic, Odd Fellow and Temp,.)! ;nce Lodgs ; and the Members of ihe Press an. invited to attend the Celebration of the Rsuhi J King's Mountain, on Thursday the 4th day 0f 0c. tober next. WM. B. WILSON, JNO L. MILLER, SAM'L W. MELTON. Sept. -45. Cominitiep of Inviiniion. WM. R. BRAIIFORD. A ND AGENT FOR Baltimore and Philadelphia Packet, Chaulcstok, So. Ci LIBFRAL advances made on consignments ot produce to nddi ess for BUCb. my Sept. 11, Ib.'ia. T-ly. LAND FOR SALE, THE SUBSC RIBER ofir-rs for sale th Plantation on which he resides, situated on Little Sugar 'reek, 8 miles South of Char lotte, in the Providence reirion. and i East of the C. & S. C Uai Road. This tract cont.lns about 89Q JSL0 i of this ainount. bout cltiv.r.rf l- . eJ. L" ..; .. A" ' ' . ' . ' 1 ' . 01 , io ..c.i, a, uri-ii iii-dieii m ihe Ust lew ' ears. Un the place there is a a very com ortiblt dwelling house and all necessary out buildups, indii.. inn .... - u ..I .... II ... . ' "K a r n em vtih nouse ami Sicrew. just liuilt.- Also, a spnn and well of ooH water. The ahnv l.n,i is situated is a h allhv neiKtihorhoo(l surro nHe.f by an industrious, inte jgre-u and moral c mmtmity. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the UnJ lo any person desirous of purchasing. J. M, DOBV. July 18, 18.55. j. Whig copy. CARRIAGE r PHK subscriber hegs leave 7a inform his fri AfMffl III ' t tne public geneially, that he is sti 1 oarryui). a the rarriaaje Slakltsaj Bttwl ttvss in all in v;. nous branches w i h all the increased facilities affon! ed oy modern improvements. Ife ha now on I am! i lar-e number of BOUGHT, OAHMIAGES, BOCKi AYS, made on the most approved styes out of ti e best asaterial, to which he asks the iaspectioasi asf-chasei-s. 1 1 is establishments is on Cetlega ami Depot streets, where he w ill be glad to see his frientla. , JOHN HARTi. July 28, I8r,5. .tr TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. IT") F are now receivinj: a very large Stock of Kl V and Winter Goods, bought expressly lor IM wholesale trade. We invite your examination of out Stock belore making your Fall purchases, as we confident we can antl will make it to your ineretto buy from us. We are certain so large a to k b never been exhibited in Western Nortlf Carolina BUFM & STEELE, ' Trads Street. Charlotte, Sept. 15, 1855. 8 4W. PIANO TUNING- AND REPAIRING. JOSEPH FREY, from Cin. rlcufnn, informs the ladi'i .J and gea Hemes ot Charlotte and its ricioUr, tliatht will be. in Charlotte aboot the 2 !th of September, ft pared n, tunc iir.d repaif Pieao's and Org an'u. -Mr. Frey is t o well known to need any further ooir. mt ni. Orders left with Mis Sarah Davidson, will meet with pri mjit attention. Pi rsons from the country wishing their lai trumentJ tum d, will please send in their orders early. Sept. 18, 1855. Ma KEEP IT BEFORE TIIE PEOPLE! ! Published Weekly at Lane tstervtUe, 6'- C HAS an extensive cireulation in S .nth CsroMaa.C' gia and a( ry other Baotharn and Buatb-westsnl It is devoted to News, Literature, ai.d la the Conn';'' cial inleresls of the South Price of Kulikcri-itiou T,s Dollars! year. .Merchant's Cardn, not oer ffju-f. (12 lines,) inserted one year for Ftv. Da liars. S. S. BAILS tf , Editor and Proprie"r S. L. Dowcu. IL A. Rogers. W. I- oit.eoigia. ofAtaiama alfW I wi, . ,xr,x ' " uaaudiv v v uao, CHARLESIOH.S.C' WE ptcsent creai facilities for elline CottSB, md tS allv r lo r, Wheat, Com, and Diaries x Pr. di.ce. W arrangt uienis wnh .mr inicrior luei ds 10 nai.MCt tlw" ness at the very lowest rale of ehargee, ai d ,ledg-""K to promptly si in every train-action. I ... .1 wi . (ni l:.,-.. ...... I f'. ...! BSPW "I a",fnt10" lo t,ie interests ol our pairons, ai d your ; influence respectfully solicited. . - - '".ur "i. oi.siK'aern ir. i pntinn I,, il... - ! j r.Dl " SO" Best of references given. ept. li, 1805. eiy TUICOE & BLACK, J. T.STTJkGES, JOS. A. BLAfK'J; formerly of (i orgrtown, 8. C. I ate of L'uli.nt! U FACTORS 1 .-Tfi ! GEKKRAL COMMISSION MERfB.lM Rt tVi ' tf. A, I'fYQt IV 14 4 R I.' VIIARLE87VS, l REFERENCES: W. IC. & J. C. At trim. BinKcu. John CnJdwr". fharlehton. flu C Pr.ai.'t. S. 1. 1 T l 111 I . Cn. C. fi. Gri" Pr -.'t S. & U. R. . JVewbcrrj. Ne VV. w Sept. 13. 1855. Lima, Charlotte, N.C. 8-1 SOUTH CAROLINA Female Collegiate Institute THE duties of this Ina'itttiion, under th'' o!c Proprietor ai d Princ psl, atwtsud hy an ablecorr ol ens. will be resaind on the tiffct Thutaday m Ueyw E. MARKS, M. D., PrtmajsJ and P'b Columb a S. Sept. 11.