ft ras flfSfll WARING 8c PRIT CHARD, Proprietors. A FAMILY PAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE. AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, MINIMS. AND NEWS. ( PRICE 52 PER YEAR la Aumce , T "t Itirfrs -Uistinrf ns tljr 3Jilloiu, hut our 110 fyr $u. VOL. 4. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 2, 1855 NO. 10 EDITED BY B. P. WARING & II. M. PRITCHARD. J.IK e, one door south of Sadler't Hotel up s-aira. Terms of Subscription. i: (.aid Arictly ja luLanct $!,00 it , a J t ithiu thret mouth ...... 2,50 It pa (1 at the end ot tlie yeat. 3,00 jj Any x-rson sending five new subscribers, accompa- ,..fd l.v the advance subscription, 01(.) wdl .er-v- the sixth v gratia tor one year. : Terms of Advertising. Advertiac t.' is w.lUie insertedatjll perainiare lor rno first aawtt ess aar each aaeqawmi tmsfborf. A square c.n-J r-90l thntern lines .r lew, this size letter. ' teas maWe deduction WW be ruadc to thoac who ader-j ,m t.u ill.' vrar. i .f.1""."'-- TZT r x " l.i.nn net vprf lsemt-nf will He rlmrcrrfl ;r rr, mnr ) iberiiseuicnts instrted monthly or quarterly $1 n. square' f.treaeh insertion. - 1 1 r 1 111 iin.'iiii cn'ij.n.iics i"i wiici' .i 111 oavanrr. 1 rwfcaaiowl aaal llusmess Caids not exceeding six linea ; be MaanM at : at-ar ; 1101 e.trerumc a square 9.'. JfX Suliscnbers and others who may wish to send money t , .3, can do so at all tunes, by mail, and at our risk. I ill Fevers and liw lo avoid tin in. The eason lias cme Iipii fevers prevail. A Iner taken in the fall, moreover, is umre apt to s:uooorn inan one c lugm in me pnug. junoer ; nis words and remember them. He came to uch circumstances, a lew hints, without regard ! speak not lo iht ir passions, but to their reason M autumnal fevers, may do gotnl. j not to their h"arts but to their heads. He had Mow! levers am lb result of carelessness. Of confidence in the people and theit capacity lo cnyrae, we speak of lever in its ordinary form. I govern thecisi Ives. They needed no secret dic and not of it h-n epidemic The prevailing tators and he had no fears (or the result when he lever ol the I ill season is the intermittent, com saw them, as then, ieeline an interest in public III v known as the ague, in which the (ever i go" off lor a time, or intermits, making way lor I question was rnerelv '-hia. Were they willing lo uti access of cold, which in severe cases, rises In j live under the Constitution of their fathers, or did a rl. ill that shakes Ihe w hole person. This fever, j ihey want another ? We h ive formerly differed once lakes, is frequently not got rid of till ike about measures, hut now the difference was about Following spring, and olten h mgs about the vie- i n form nf Government. The Know-Nothings am lor a longer lime, coniinuilly rcuri ing. k ! propoae toaubsii'ute their aupresae council for ihe drink oil" iced lemonade, or a nor'h-easteriy wind, present Government, and their Constitution lor the has be- n known to bring hack this l. ver long o'ter : Conslrtiiion ol (lie country. Lei the people ihe individual had supposed hioaat-tf cured of it. choose. Which would they have the Cons'itu Not aairequeotly it i preaem a h n least susp. cted. ihta of iheir Fathers, or that of the Kno v Nothing nervous irritability, a sligln disposition to chill- . Couneil ? That was the real qti' stion. He had !.e.s, ami a letiog of indescribable wretchedness, ( the Know-Not king Constitution in his band. It iiften attend persons, who are t nnabla lo lell was genuine and he km w it. t declared thai the what is the matter w tiJ. them. Theyrreally tmS-r J Sap rente Nwlianal Cou. eil should "decide all Irom lalermittenl lever. In f- ct, it prevails, under aaattta appertaining to National politics," that it tin low type, to a far greater degree than is gen- should have power to "tax," and "power to pun rra . imagined. j jsh," withoot limirattn or restriction. This was Kxpnauie in ihe night air at ihis season, sitting more power than was claimed or Congress. Our ifi damp rooms, t rem lining with w t clothes on, forefathers gutrded our liberty with clu cks anil ;.rc the most oidioary examples ol the carelessness balances. li made the Senate a check upon the through n hick ihi fever is caught. Ciiiz-nswho Hou-e the President a check upon the Senate, are visiting in the country, or who live iii subur- anil the Judiciary nt check upon the President, kan cottage, arc particularly liable lo intermit But this party claimed all liiese powers lor its t-nt, for ihey sit out in ihe m.on light, without secret National Council alone. Here yas power their bends being covered, just as they would in to decide our National politics power to tax and Inwn, and the consequence is a fit of ihe chill. to punish -.power over the sword and power over Others, forgetting that country houses are damper the purse in short, all ihe grent powers of gov :!inn city ones, neglect to make (ires morning and eminent, in the hands of a few men, and men not evening, a thing almost indispensable lor health, chosen by the people at 'hat. What then was the lor though farmers do not do this, it is because use of oar Constitution or of our .Government 1 tie v sit in the kiichen-, where there are such This party made another Constitution and Gov tires, and therefore do not frel the need of if. eminent for us. Would n freeman acknowledge Physicians attribute ihese fevers to ihe miasm in ibeir right to lax him ? To punish him ? To de lh' atmosphere, caused by ihe decay ol vegetable cide all political questions for him ? What was "ii'ler in damp localities. .Inlermitien's always ihe question ? Did the people want a new Gov prevail most where, alter heavy r-iinsin June and ernnn nt ? Were ihey tired ol the Constitution o; July, the sun comes out hot in Attgtal and Sep- Jeff rson and Washington and Franklin ? They ember. To live near a tract ol land actually mus' choose between them. They must say buried ut der water, is not therefore as unhealthy whether ihey wanted another form ol Government, as to reside near a h .If drained meadow or sw amp. He In-ld in his hand trie two Constitutions. The Ifgh hinds generally, I bough not invariably, are one made by our fathers, the other bv the Know- I'll t i ' ' ' It T . V It 1 . I I 1 1' uunpi. A wood or mil sfie.iermg a i.ouse mini tlie winds :hat blow Irom a noxious locality, frequently protects the numbs iron taking the disease. Care, in avoiding an ietermittent, is the moti iiecessat v, because the fever Sometimes, though Koi olten, runs in'o severs types. N xt m danger to m'ermilten' is the remittent, in which 'be fever !-nl.sides for a while, hut afterwards returns with i:s old violence. The ordinary bilious fever is o' 'lis character. The continued fevers nre the j most dangerous of M. -When yellow fever pre- vails epidemically, fevers of less virulence, and ol j id! types, rage in the same region, attacking those ; who escape the pestilence; and om" physicians , ay th:il ihey "Iso exist, In a greater degree than j usual, for a year or two preceding the epidemic, j thus giving warning of its approach. But this - oj.inion is noi universally held. A careful e dice- lion and nnalvsis ol facts, derived from the late 1 xperience of New Orleans. Savannah and Nor- j f'Jik, miht. however, dt finitely determine this: O I ."5. on. 6.b 1 USt kill of 'he physical powers, either by ex- ' ss, iiiigue, or protracted grief, renders the indi-j dual peculiarly liaMe to fill fever. The surest j 'way to avoid ihem is to live moderately, eating ; nourishing f6"d, taking d.i'.y exercise, and cylti- i vating cheerfulness of mind. An "ounce of pre- ; V'Xtivs, remember, is worth 'always a poijiifj ot 1 . jre." i il- del 'phi i Ledger. Cot'NciL or State. This hod) assembled at Ike Executive office, in Ihia citv.on Thursday lael j preset. Messrs. Hawkins, Stowe, Tmllinger, ' Kenan, Holmes, ami L ve. The vacancy M the j Council, occasioned by the resignation of William j Badham, Fsq.. nf Chowan, was filled by the f.p- pomtflKM ol Comity. Dr. Richard Dillard, ol ihe same ! The Bnrd of Internal ImproVenfntS, which; met on the day, having made ihe Slates aobscrip- lion ot sjQoii ono lr. . k M.irlh Cnrnlinn Western ' . - a..... . ........ 1 Railroad Companv. in accordance w ith the provi- : sious of Ihe charter, the Governor and Council appoiuted the following Dir. ctors on the part of the Slate ins. id Road: A. A. Caldwell and Chas. F. Fisher, of Rowan ; A. If. Powell and T. W. Bradburn. of Catawba: Alexander Plurt nnrt I 0 ' r. JJiv-dson, of Iredell ; and W. W. Avery and I ... - - i. fearson, ol liurke. 'Standard. i a i j icissitudes. Rev. Dr. Cone, the distinguish- pj B.ptist clergyman, who recently died in New , lork, was formerly a theatre actor, and his last -it"'"!! on inc Binge wis mi im irrnui'? min l 'ne destruction of the Richmond theatre in 181 1 wnen the tjovernor of Virginia and a great many , other prominent citizens perished in tho flames. : He Vftl liPPv:ri!s pHifrir nf n mnpr nl Rill. ! .w. -mm . t Ml. . ' WJ i -i j. V - "nore, Md., then a Departmental clerk, at Wash- K'on. and in 1823 bec irrv a Rnptist pastor in le Government. It was in the Ordinance of, 87. deaigncd to accommodate 350 perons. Stan H Vork: ' a"33 repeatetJ in bill after bill down to 1812. I darJ. ai..t;..j,eOir8fa, on Know, T. .. . Em - "'o"..!! ivj.i.i i cirsriiBD n nt I I in in .ini , i -.1 : . ... . ' .. .cctuuii ki congress trom mat Oiaie. 1 ne Untile is over ill V inuma mon. ster was eff. dually strangled by ihegallanl De cfaCT in . g,al on ,he 24U) -M , r- withstanding we have none the less int. t in are, iniilitr struggles in nur sister S;ates therefoie, assured that evi n a b r it-i sin, . , , " ur" 1 s.w" J'H If"" rll ol the eloquent, hold ant m-psis tf nd fitted Otennens we might add, with perfect proprielv, j, wnn pern c pi line patriotic and tru.y .1 . - Southern Stephens will ,,e acceptable lo Ihose in Virginia Who have en. I joyed one victory and who earnestly b.,pe fori . i . 1 . t , . . . ' pleasure of congratulating their Democratic friends of Georgia Dpoa a aitnilar Uiamoli in that Slate. Gov. NcDnnald opened ihe proceeding?, nnd I men introduced 10 the audience, the I on. A. o . au-pliens, w hose appearance was ff reeled wi'h .. . cheer upon cheer ol coi.gra-ulation and delight: Mr. Stephens said he wanted the people to hear affairs, and determined to ermine into them. The Mornings. uooose ye, tins day wnicn Ol the two ye will have. IJe said lhal a goo.4 deal had been sard about a phrase of hi, in reference to the "dry rot" nnd tlie Democratic p i.ny. When that pirly hnd free aoilera in its (elds, lie did think they had ihe "dry roi" hut they had met at Mdiedgeville and cut off" lh "c!fv .p.t" part ol it. ..nd refused lo aeknowl- edge uch men as the Van Burna am) Preston King. Banks of Massachusetts was the leader o- the "dry rot democrats" who voted against the Kansas Bill. As soon as thai bill passed, Banks, and forty three dry rot Democrats, went and pitched into the pool ol Know-Not hingism. The seven Southern W bigs who opposed lhal bill, went and pitched into ihe same pool with Banks. Such a whig as they were, he never had been, and so help him G"d. he never would be. For his part he would rather act wilfa those who had cut off the dry rot part, than with those who had it. Every man who fought by his aile or lb Kansas bill h meant from the North called hirnsell a 1 Democrat; every one of ihem. He was none of your glass-eyed skitiy horses to shy at a shadow. He went, nut for sound but (or substance. He; was not frightened at a ntmie, and he would strike hands with any man from the North or South, no j matter what he called himself, when he stood up and hauled for the rights of the Sou'h. There was one man who bad stood by bis side lor two I days and nights, whoa he was fighting for Kansas. ! A man who has been very much abused, hul who ju his opinion stood head and shoulders above any ntaa in the New York delegation. He meant JffiJke Wt$h a man who haei graduated, as he: S(ijd hirnsell, not in Colh g s, but at the plane and carpenter's bench a man who spoke with ar: Irish lisp and an Irish accent, but who had as irue nn American heart, and as tru a Southern ! ! heart as ever animated mortal frame. It made DO difference to him, because Mike Walsh called I himself a Democrat. He was a true man. ai d, j lw,f. .r. it.. a S..mkaMi . n r i ir- lit. -ailed Inr three UCI VI- l,IIC5.'-fti..il..vi... .v- ...1. j -heers ir Mike Walsh. ( Here three cheers went j Up from about 4)0Q throats, which were worthy j of Tammany 'self, and which, we hope, some J (rjendly wind bore lo the ears ol Mike himself.) j M.. Stephens wept on to sav that the Know- j Vnlk.nnM ..I li..n.Ai. ... 1 w. - A HAM cLlr.ll'KT I f I XI at tho Kansas bill not attacking it openly, lhat ! . ft 1 1 i , a ui vi co i gin, nunc lift., .-nw'uu o . . . , they were afraid to do but grumbling ut i', ; carping at if, shooting at it, and shooting at it I through him, H would remoro their Iptle arrows. They were not like the spear of Talemon. He I could brush them off ai easily as he could thistle ; pncKirs. nt wisnt-a judge iisoei was mere ioi beur him, as he wished every other m,nn was I - . I there, who was objecting to the bill, because il allowed Foreigners to vote in the territory on their own IftPfilnri tl mn!lori rrk rinnirvlo KnH rSppn ... . a 1 1IUI JM IHV.'IV- ' WW acknowledged and acted on from the beiiinnins ol ... ... -u u.uraai report ol the speeches de- was it he aked. that they never found this livered at a grand mass meeting of Democrats principal dangerous till we gotK-nsas? As .o and anti-Know. Nothing, held in Griffin on Thurs- giving land to foreigners, there was an such pro day, the 6ih msl., fn n, winch we clip ihe follow- j vision, either as to natives or foreigners, in the mg which the editor gives as the mbslance of the bill. How a sensible man could Say that .he remarks made by the Hon. A. H. Stephens, now Foreigners to Kansas hail been arainst t!. S.,u'h i h was in the C 'avion Compr omisr, bill. tun. i j Why were these men so silent all this lime ? 2'! . .... ....,,.,., ., . .1. . j.- - . in J tie could not underhand. Four thousand v. i s ' i k . . c-. f..- C3I ... 1 1 .mi iui v 7 1 ( I vr hi d housarid aavii si it that was the w.ry it op- r ned. h If. . ; -men wanted Kansas to lie a it. , S ,,.. tk, ,, i , may sav lb-it iho for igners then .vei. ot In. i.oi. I to ib- Sou h. M r. S eprn ns c.'Hlinii d '. audr. ss 1 the crowd ih a minp;!. d strain of ei. ote nc-. . ui nt and same, w b.en i.-m :u . i,.i.,....rf ifci.4. i. ! leution fo, :,!,.,. i..,.- i.'n i.. ,i... course ol his remaik?, he descended upon Mr. tioberl I rippe ns an eagle mav be stipposeii to swoop dow n upon a j .y, and administered a wholesome . sson to t!it gentleman, as to iie im- propriety of making garbled extracts from public speeches. It ts in. possible fjr us to give auv thing like a shetch of his masterly effoit. It was n i jcneefdi uwirtliv nf ihu m.m ..r-l .1... f. -1 - j I. mu-j ;or; m tiisiim. n : evinced a most ilw.roi...!. i. I, -".i.iii . . ' ' ' . . nnww ledire f B nnl.ti...! hu.rl r ,K. CT I mi- vjouimi j , and was a speech, which it seems lo us, could not be heard without producing a radical change of opinion in th innsi hardened Know Nothing in Georgia. The speaker was received with great enthusiasm, and cheered repeatedly from first to last. ShaKspeare ami flie Sible. A writer in trie Savannah Republican selects the bdlowing passages from the Bible and Shaks pea re's works. They show that the great dram atis! was familiar with the Sacred writings : Bible The Apostle says " But though I be rude in speech." 2d Corinth, chapter xi., verso 6. O hello Rude f am in speech. Bible "Shew his eyes and ;rieve his heart." 1 Sun., chapter xi., verso 33. Macbeth Shew his eys and grieve his he irt. Bible "Thou hat -brought me into the dust of death." Psalm. M cheih Lighted fools ihe way In dusty death. Bible "Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun has looked upon me."' Sol. Sontr. chapter i., verse 6. Merchant of Venice Mis'ake B;e not for my complexion ; its shadowy liverj' of the burning sun. Bible "I, smote him, I cnnjht him bv his beard and smote him. and slew him." 1st Sam. ..chap ter xvii., verse 35. Oihello- I took him by the throat, the circum cised dog, and smnip him. Bible "Opened Job his mouth, and cursed his day, let it not be joined into the days of the year, let i' not come into the number of months." Job, chapter iii. , verse i xvi. Macbeth May this nccurspd hour stand, aye accursed in the calendar. Bible "What is rnnn, that thou art m'ndfu! of him? Thou hast mad him a little lower than the ang.ls. Thou crowneal him with glory and hot,- or, nnd didst set htm over the works of ihv hand.'"' , Psalm viii.. verses 4. 5, 6. Hamlet A'hat a piece of work is man ! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties; in form, and moving, how express nnd admirable. In ac tion how like an angel , in apprehension how lre n God. The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals. Bible -'Nicanor lay dardin bis harness." Macbeth Ve will die ,vjih harness on our back. An Irishman lells ihe follow ing inei ient of his drst experience in A werct : f came to this eoiin'rr several years ago, and :4 snn;-, as i arrj. e l. hired out lo a g.-n'leman who fanned a few acres. He showed ine over the premises, the Mn'de. co'.y, and where the corn, hay, nates fcf. mn kept, and tln n 6en me in in get my supper,. Alter supper, he aid lo me "James, you mav feed the cow, and give her ihe corn in the ear I went out nnd walked about, thinking what could be mean had I understood him ? I scratch ed my head, then resolved I would inquire again ; so I went into the library where he was writing very busilv, and askej him wht I should do. "1 thought I told you to give the cow some corn in (he cir." I went out more puzzled than ever. What sort of an animal must this Yankee cow be? I ex amined her month and ears. The teeth were good, nnd the ears lke kine in the old country. Dripping with sweal, I entered my master's presence once more Please, sir." said I, "you hid me give ihe cow some corn in the ear but did you not mean the month ?" He looked nt me for a moment, and then hurst into such a convulsion of laughter, I made for 'he stabh s as fast as my feet could lake me, thinking I was in tie service of a crazy nvn. Asylum for thk Insank. The Commission- P1j f.,r ,he North Carolina A&vlum for the ins .ne. held n meeting in this ci'v last week nrpse' M s srS- J,,hn M. Morehead, Ca'vin Grav -s. George y. Mordecat, C. L. Hinton, and Thomas D. II (i.il. vva l, il.ai Or P.. fl Fisher was re.annoin- tpd Superintendent, nt n salary of 82.000. Dr. : Fisher wftl Tennive tothe Asylum, and reside therw 4 permanenify-, giving his personal atremion to ihe j aff;,irs of the institution. Mrs. W. J. Alexander.! C T 5 I . m r. r. r. r.'. . t n A Ifilrnn ..1-1... in?.! I r .intTOI IHUD- vv.ia r..jn.iinu i-t ni..ij ,.i iiiit iii.ir tu,ion n, R salary of $500 ; and Mr. Itous K. Fe r n Wake, was appointed Steward, at a salarv of S300. These are all good app-inroens. We Pntertain no d.-ubi lhat the institution, with such officers, nn3 under the car of wise and humane Legislatures, will lolly rea .ize the expectations of tjjp herevoient ana pnifan. nropic. .... . a -as . 1 The buildings, it is expected, win lie compieiea furnished, and ready for tre reception of th af- flicted class by the first of next January. The J tt- .-. "at m painting and plastering have be-n completed, and ,hA stuccoinr is nearlv done. The institution t A' Bay iHr.lt re.i by Ma IWoilMr aiul Aliut.-Tht ir Deaths b) Miiide. A most dreadrul afi'iir, mvolvitig ihe lives of three persons, was in ide public yesterday m t lie llowery, and creaiid gr m exci'tmin! throughout all thai pari ol the cliy. About to jears ago Ciceln Si iii, VV -tiida Si in irr si-ter. and Ed r-' flent, sti (h- lait r. Inr- d !t rooms in ib 3 atorv H h u 335 B ery Irratn 8f. JaiiD-s Bi rfc. ti pie4m ..cctipaiil. 'i'h" sHiers, who d o tin.- s,'v mg, uiuroiilei y, Jtc, wen v n 'ii n I am! mtMll fspecicd. At le-ngth th ir sun ol llii' lilJJ S, So p't Vab-nt amotigsl all ci iss - ol ir-.oV ffl i-'i-u h in. and ih. ir hti-iness t-ii iJui.' In lac.i. ih v found it aim .m in .possibh to live Mini id on so coiiiIoi lably were obliged to Cii-r'ji i lodicaily on Lewis May who had known them from then chil.ilio-id, tor as-is(.nce. He It nt .i h' Iping hand, .fid by his timely aid, ihese pool hu' in Jiistiu.us lemales mauaiied to ea iheir j n m pr.ui.piiy till last in -nib. when ihey were ; coinpeUi d t :.sk hale induloence at the hand oj j th-ir landlord. He b ing a humane man, it, was ' granted. They, h.-wev r, had previously told ' Mr. iflv, on various occasions, thai if the tunes .. u ... - . t. ..rJ ... : . . i. I fiieiv iiuiuii worse, i lie y wou u Miar'H iRrnwnr. it., i u..a ... -j ..-j .. u"ii'U ill illtr lUffl, illllj 'allien Ulit.l.tl I H'"i." ' l ... U t...,i i .... ..i i j ti- ur Mini Ilirt tt llltn l ill" - iu' iil'n : ihey Mould execute the threat. On Monday last, j '"ecelia, the eldest siier, addressed a irfe lo Mr. ' May, say mg that they intended to leave th United States. The im senger who conveyed this letter ' lo his place ol business alo leturin d his d iguer I r..,.!t .... li!.-. ...... j ... I. ty I, it... I, ...I X...IA I V. u iiilii in am'Kia nnu i.c.u o.iinr lime. Mr. May did not receive the letter (he day 11 WHa written and therefore could not answer it I Prmply , as rt mieated. The day of its reception, j Mr. May calbd to see ihe sisters, but found thr door of their ro. m fastened. He, therefore, wrote H note, explaining why he had not called sooner, j wnud make your heart bleed. 1 went, two and sticking it under the door, wenl home. Mr. j d Hy9 0 , nurse a young man with an interesting Black, or his wile, not having s-en iheir tenants I iimjV( eonsi-'ing ol a very preity wife and two since Tuesday iH"ruMt, i.ecame concerned about j children, I sat up with him from 5 o'clock one litem thinking perhaps that they had left, as a man ; m.,tu'Wg till 1 the next, when the poor fellow died, was seen on Monday carrying off some luggage j ha nol forgel the scene as long as I live. His lor them It was finally resolved io burst open . wj,,. haj requested to see him before he died, w.e do r of their room which was executed in the j Al,olll 5 , ,ne rooming I informed her thai he piesence ol officer Dunn, of ihe 17th wnrd Police, j c,,ud n,u jVPi H8 the symptoms of the vomit were On opening the door of their sleeping room, a j cnmmg ,,. She begged me to assist her to the mosi horrii.le and sickening siohi was presented 0. dside. I did so, and as fche was about to em to Mr. Black .ml he officer, i' b-ino no less linn j Urace him lor the last time, the death rattle was the dead li dies ol the three persons referred lo. j heard, and he bung still, dead in her arms. She On the bed I. y Wanda Stem. 4tti -unger sister. J fHjsed herself and fell powerless into mine. But with (.!., d and (rotb gushing irom ber mouth, j jjj woral partis yet to keloid. His father, an while beside her. Ilt to the wall, lay the dead 1 mHn ,,f s,xtv years, bail to be informed of it. . 1 . . ooity 01 to r son six efirs ol hr. . Uecelia a. em sou six enrs ol nr. . Uecelia O.em was lying ,, me fl,,r down wards, with j donk Bud s!arIed fr ,he house. He met me at ' "u w' e ciaaun.,., vpn. rts u.o - . ... fallen ch .ir ve h-r body , she evidently fcaafog h door, and, as ii inward! conscious of my reported to us. one ol them owed his salvation to a rolled lr.W tin- bed ,d upSe- the chair in the lall. ' mlssion, he flung his arms around my neck, nnd ! "Wr coincidence. As tho accident took place The most o.iooxious and s.ckentng ifflin ia was reslil, ,li9 h,.aij upon my , boulder, burst into a ! immediately oppos.tethe low n, mny of thn mnab emitted frxn ihe bode s, rendering it n to im- ! flood o( Ipars. He had lost his wife the Sunday I ' wfrB Mr to, 1,10 ink of tbC r,V;'r ", possible ior a person to leo.aio m the ro. m, even prece. dinc, his d .tighter the day alter, and uow wa,c, ,,ie '..ggles of the unfortunate men think lor a minute. Two . -nopty ounce vials, wtnch had j tllls vm, mH was ,he third all in one week. I n"v "t,rmPt nX n rr,cu' would hopeless. contained prasic aeul. and a couple of tea cups, were found on ihe fl -or near tie bed. Cor.'tier WilJieloi t is immediately notified, and held ar. inquest, when the lactg as mentioned were elicited. Dr. Uhl examined the bodies, and from what he discovered, and the general history ol ihe case, he w Usfted lhat ihese ti-albs were I He result ol ! PruiSc lCMJ Tlie kTVver at Norfolk. The condi ioii i Norolk, Portsmouth and Gos- port, (Hire.- nam s ior di-iricts ol ihe same town.) HSti the 24'h inst. It is strange to say that the ns at .h,s time deplorable in the extreme. Ii is j maj,,rjiy of the citizenst of Alexandria, and in fact long since th- yellow fewer haa visited ihem. It i the inhabitants all round, were anxious to see has j,.-, ,, marked by great malignancy and IttaH- j him executed, and on the fatal day, when it came ty. ti would appear lha th- whole population j 1o pBS8, the re was not a dozen people there! re Mibjci o n, or believe themselves so, and the j Some drove forty miles to wimens this painlul s use o general danger has produced a universal j drama, but he was executed and buried by the p.nic. Several physicians have sickened and j time rhey came to Alexandria. On the day before da d and weregP t to say, s -veral clergvmen j , was called to face death, some gentlemen visited have deserted. Th- population has been in- him. and propounded questions to him ; but his meii.!s ib-creast-d by rmoval; and it appears nswers were, and could bono other than child rhii ! w remain, s-ave those who cannot remove. j9ri. He was, I believe, only ten years old. The Tlie genera i sympathy has been stirred in raver ! gentlemen told him the sheriff was to hang him nl tins 1 ffl cted city, and money has been liberally 1 on lne next morning, and asked him what he contributed lor her relief in several places; but j thought of it, and wheiher be had made his peace 1. ... 1 ... t. .. , : . 1 j 1 1 1 I .... . . ... a P10111..H ii iibm service- mai comii w ii-iiuo-u n w, is physicians who have had expern nee of the disease, r.nd nurses who would not fear its ' c ut ifitnn. Ch'irrston Mercuru. The London Medic 1 Gaeie oiven the tesult of numerous experiments wi'h roasted coffee, proving that il is the most powerful means not only ol ren- I dering animal r.nd vege'able fflu.ia innocuous, j bat ol actually d. siM ying th-m. The best mode j of using the coffee as a disiulecant is dry ihe raw J bean, pound it in a mortar, and then roast the I powder on a moderately heated iron plate until it assumes a dark brown tint, when it is fit for use. . . Tr.en sprinkle it in impure places, or lay it on a j plate in the room which you wish to have purified. Coffee cid or c.ff-e oil acts more readily in min ute quantities. Kansas News. S. Souis, Monday, Sept. 10. 1855. Governor Shannon arriv. d nl Wes port on ihe 3lst ulr., and was serenaded in ihe even ing. He made a speech, in which he said lie re gretted to see the disposition manifested in certain pans ol the territory 10 nnllity the ws ol ihe late Legislature. , regarded that Assembly legal and 1 s laws binding, and le should exert his nu thoiitv tt enforce them. He was lor slavery in K nisas. I A H . . r r m . ,r- sJ ,, , . . TV, P-,.,,t,t; I I .1 u'-iiNvr. ' .' I L r, j f ft.'ii.llll l.ru. ! nooe- d iht eeri.-un nieeh .urn win. worked n..r his . ffi -- ws always happy and soiihag; venureri a', length ask bun for the ecri-t il? his eoMStant cher 1 iuln -ss. ' No secret, D'-ctor,' he replied. -1 have got j AtlU t I ,1... Iwiu! IVlVAk ft II t t.'K.,,. I ..t f,. i,l i all L.l... '..- ... - n- ..,.-., nut, m..i, i g.i oj -ijiii, ciiit- always baa a kind word ol encourageni-ni for me; and when I go home, she mee;s me with a smiie j and a l;iss. '.ml lie- lea is nm to ready ; and i she lias done so m-nv things rh-oigh the day t t please me, that I c anno- find it in my heart to speak an unkind word to anybody. Cheap. Potatoes are telling, no farther North than Saratoga, at'lwenty-five' eetva bushel ! A fjrmer who disposed ; ? q ian.itv there yes'erdiV ai the abov price, ;"t claxtd .';ioi-!' q o;.- forunae. as he aaid lhat in a very shnri time potato? would be- 6c!!ing ut one shilling a kuHel 1 Ineidetits or the Pestilence. A letter Irom orlolk, published in The Char h aton Courier, sa s : 'A mm jumped into ihe river the other day and was drowned ; his entire family had been swept uway by the breath ol the destroying angel, and he alone was lell. We witness scenes every day that make the tears flow and the heart bleed. A lady died at ihe hospital Ust week leaving an only child, a girl about five years old. She had seen her lather and brothers and sisters carried, one by one, to their narrow home, and the spirit of her dear mother had now departed. She sa! by the cold corpse weeping bitterly, and as she sal there sobbing, with her lace buried in her lap. 1 fell the warm tear drops course down my own cheeks. 1 commanded my feelings and spoke to h-r tenderly. 1 told her thai her mother was no longer sick and suffering pain, but she waa m heaven, in the presence of her Saviour and in ihe company ol angels and good people, and if alie would be a good girl she would see her moili-r again. 1 comforted ner uy telling tier mat 000 was her father, nnd that he would take care of her She left the room. About an hour afterwards, while I was walking along the street, I saw tins little girl ; she recognized me immediately, and smiling through her lears, she ran toward me, and clasping my hand in hers, she said, with touching simplicity, "Do, Sir, have my dear mother buried in a coffin; it would pain my mother very much if she was put inlo one of those horrid boxes," We copy the following extract from a leiler published in The Charleston Mercury, Irom one of the physicians of lhat city now in Norfolk. What a volume of woe does it speak: "Language fails to express the amount of suf ferini? and distress. Could von but ride over ihe ,'Hre one hall hour 1 could show you sights ,,a I u nu ih.. m.rn.n m Ho it I threw on mv fww bia last and nnlv l.nv was extr. melv low. Wbf n I left his door to return to ihe scene of death, meditating upon what I had witnessed, and a the pitiable, desolate fate of thi old man. I could restrain my leelinos no longer, and seating myself upon a door-sbp, I wept bitterly." . m 01 m Execution of n Boy. Alkxandria, La., Aug. 27. The execution of the boy Frank, lor ihe mur der of the Rev. J. J. VVeems, took place on Friday , wuh tod, and whv ne did not pray f His answer I j was 'I have been buna many a lime ! He w is at the time, amusing himself with some marbles he had in his cell ! He was playing all the time in ii.il ULipr n,;in fhif.kinrr lhat deftfh w.i rnn I to elairn him as his victim. I o snow v.-u how child's mind ranges when about to die, I will men- j ti'ui lhat, when upon the Benffold. he begged to be j permitted to pray which was granted and ill- n he commenced lo cry ! Oh, wh it a horrible sight 1 it was 1 We uaaVratainl The whole thing burst rr. thai the know. nothing councils of Sav nin th rnei . it grand conference last evening and resolved to disband! Th-v passed resolutions to surrender j up thircharters.'papers lists of enrolment archive, j fcc4o who could nrt learn perhaps to the mother council of Massachusetts. We sincerely h..r.f lr..re ihev are ahmtiod. that a ruriotis nnh. i ., 7 I . T . - I 11c oe perm ireri io see mem. uw Know. not ning t a a a t Iriends mmni tpereov turn an nonei penny. e would yive as much In see those documents as w would to see Birnum's 'Hay py Family. The nati mai contitu'mn, ri'ual, oaths oblign tiona, initiation, cpr?monies and all, hkewt-e we understand went by the board. to the secre- cy anii-Nebra ka platform we are not so well in formed. One thing is certain, however know, nmhingism in Savannah has completely burst up! We are net surprised. It has held together now . . - . , . . i l""g'r "7 ,ar we "H ePc' In wftfiag the obituary of this singular ordpr a few words will suffice. It was bom of abolition, nourisli. d by intolerance and proscription, and d'ed ol the elections in Virginia. Nonh Cirolina. Tennessee, tod Alabama. Suvuunah Gcopim. The finest idea of a thunder torm extant is when Wiggins came h- me tight, Nw Wiggioa s a teacher, and baa been to a temperance meet ing and drank loo much lemonade, or something. He came into ihe room among his wile and daugh ters, and just then he tumbled ovur the cradle and fell whop on the floor. After a while he rose and sail : "Wife, are you burtf No." OirU, :re you hu.-: ?" "No." 'Terrible c?ap, wasn't itT' li.ijrctte ami lae Cnlbolic Prleaia. From the Lender. When the Ab a Dubois waa about embarking for the United Stale, towards the and ol lb lust century, he received letters of introduc'ion from General Lafayette to Beverley Randolph, then. I believe, Governor ol Virginia, and by ihe influ ence of that same illustrious man, was conveyed to the American shores in a national vessel 01 the French Republic. On arriving at Richmond, be waa most kindly welcomed by the Governor, who tendered him the State House for the celebration of a military high mass, at which many of tlie French officers Hnd some distinguished American ,r,.nleiIH.n ,9W.d; among these aas Patrick Hen j fy b,Jlween whom anj ,he yoUng Abbe so close j n fl ie,ldt,ip onslu?d, that the great oratr and ,,,.. lAtA h:m ..n hi- nu, f,,miiv. and did not disdain to teach him the English language. The old Seminarians ol "the Mountain" remem ber in what ifraphic and vivid terms Mr. iJuhf.i-i j (htl Superior of lhat Institution) used lo dear rib j f)e i,IHlrKJUS men ()f Vireinia of those lime; w.ih what grutr fill emoiioiis he spoke of Randolph, Bushrod, Wa-hington. and esp cially Patrick Henry, whose famous "B'-ef, Beef, Beef speech," a he was accustomed to style it, ha had hoard delivered, and pasages from which he tifVo rf pealed to ihe s'udeni. The Abbe Dubois, thu rccnmmcndej by Lt fayette, became the founder of the College ol'Fm mit'sburg, ihe nursery of BisVops and Priests, and was ul'iniaiely appointed Bishop of New York. Now, if L ifayette believed, iitd gave utterBiiou to the belief, as is pretended, thai, "if ever the lib erties of me United States should be destroyed, it would be by Catholic Priests," how could he have introduced and recommended the Abbe Du bois to some of the Fathers of iho American Rev olution 7 and how could ihev, who must have baeaj acquainted with his sentiment on the Mibj et, have admitted him into their families and confidence ? Surely this fact, which I am surprised hta not been brought before the public notice till now must be a convincing proof lhat ihe words attrib uted to Lifayette, were never uttered by th .1 great man. A Mou.vrAiNEF.u or 1?3. Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 1855. Save titf. Max with thk Ricn Ham." 1 r -quiers great coolness and experience li I'tif course down the rapids of the Satili Ste. Marie ; and a short time before our arrival, two Americana hud ventured 10 descend tlicin without boatmen, 1 urt'' nV' W""r, person appeared mailing to ward the group, frantic with excitement. "Save ! " - m w"n r,;u ":,,r' " veuemcnuy .,ou- I ..A and I im r VorliAfia ti h .0 h Uiir.. m-iiiu ann. .L u u 1 I...- Ill L.. I .1 .1 , flllU 111' r I Illlie iif 11 WT V Sff'tJ si sequence of his earnest appeals proved successful and the red haired individual, in an exhausted con -di ion. as safely landed. He owes me eighteen dollars," said hi rcu er, drawinga long breath mid locking approving ly on his assistants. The red haired man's friend had not a creditor at the Saull, and, in default of a competing cltmn, was allowed lo pay his d-bl of nature. "And I'll tell you what it ia, stranger," said ih narrator of the foregoing incident, compl.tcnfly drawing a moral therefrom. "a man til never know how necessary he ts to society, if he don't make his life valu iblu lo hi friends as well AS himself. Blackwood. Heaven knows how many urnpte letters, from simple' mindid women, have been kissed, cheriahs d and wept over by men of far loftier intellect, ! So it will be lo the end of all lime. Ii is a lrs r worth learning, by those young creatures li seek to allure by iheir accomplishments, or dazzle by their genius, that though he may admire, no man ever loves a woman for lhei things. f loves her for what is essentially dtstflMSl l.'om, a! though not incompatible with them. This is why we often see a man oi high genious or iiitellec'n .l power pass by ihe De Staels and Corinnes, lo take into his bosom some wayside flower, who hs nothing on earth to make h r worthy of him, cept that she is what few'fimtiic CclvbrUie' ore a true woman. j CsT John CarroM, Fq., tho great grandson of i Charles Carroll, of Cirrolltnn who is now run j r'"g on ihe Democratic L gisl.tjre ticket, it, ii, . i. j 1. j Howard county, made his frt speech on r nur- ") a meeitng 01 notn pai'tes. aik r speaking ol the Condi ion oj partus in ihe $.. and country, he d ciared to lie- Know Nothing'-: 1 I a Ca bolic; but if you mut pmcr U do not comtm nce UpOU SO humble an individual - as myself. Go back to ihe past, and erase frn i ihe record of the Declaration of Independence tl. -name of my ancestor and tho companion of you forefathers, Charles Carroll, of Cirrolltop." Tuv Will he Do.-ve. J'he late Mr. Ki'pin, af Eieter, writes. knew a cise iu which the min-i-ter, praying over a child apparently dying, aaid, Il it be they will, spare .' The mother's soul yarning for beloved, exclaimed. 'It must h his will ! 1 cannot bear its.' The minister flop ped. To the surprise of many the child recover ed ; and ihe mother, afier almost suffering martyr dom by him while a stripling, lived to ate him handged beture he was two and twenty ! O '. . good io say, "Not my will, but thine be done' " A few evenings since, a widow who was koovt by the erire congregation to be looking at t for a husband, was praying wi'h fervency. MQh, ibou kuowest what is Ibe desire of my heart1" she exclaimed. A-m-a n !" responded a bro:ker, in a broad accent. It was wicked, but sea quite sure that several grave members no!ed oa, the occasion. The New York Express thinks that ''SieiW has ruined Sam." It's Ihe host thing ha could do. Sam s,,ud have remembered tha caution ot florae , (out then Horace was a orrgner,") 'hie xroER est hwe cavcto."

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