mm mm WARING &. PRIT CHARD, Proprietors. J A FAMILY PAPER DFVOTFD TO POLITICS. LITRATURF. ACRICULTURr, MANUFACTURES, MINING. AND NEWS. PRICE 32 PER TEAR In Advance. "(Eljp $tatw -JMstiart as tfjr lite, hut ear ns tljr Ira.1 VOI. 4. CHARLOTTE, IV. C, TUESDAY WORN I JVC OCTOBER 16, 1855 NO. 12 FLORIDA LAND AGENCY. '.irtlinPlI hoc P H t r KJ I C Vl or! on icranmr tOWB i iiiifiaiui v fwrnvn i uumy, r la., ior IM . archase, sale or location ot Land Warrants, the pur and sa e ol lands generally, improved and unim proved. The fact now being established that a I. ail frai! i To constructed immediately, connecting the ;.: iti: and Gulf of Mexico, runinn through the entire , th of the county, East ar:d West, am in view of .jjC great fertility of our soi , the unusually fine growth fl pine timber on the land, - he healthfu ness of the -hTiato, aad the reasonab e terms on which ands can 0 D OUiauieii, (.uric is lnuiaJ3 ll u secnon Oi I lie L . - I .1 L r .1.- 'nion which affords eqi.ia. inducements to th emigrant rem t.e oliler states. Mavint; nan some experience in farming on the different kinds ol land, and acquired a eenera knowledge ol them throughout the county and bavins acquired unusual acil ities for point ngout such at are tr sale either of public or private lands, he rels very confident f making it the interest of all ,.,,orS ivisfiir:? uilnrii ation, or who may have deter- .a o sc:t e in Florida to cab on him. .... v - " W. O. JEFFREYS. Reference I,vK. C ('ABni. "1 II v . E MAXWKLL. 1 rn i -., Il... I ,. I mIiiiss'T. Ha. II..N. I). S. AI.KKR, S'ute Register, j , C. McLkan,, Dr. S. C. Bnicn, Carthage, N. 'J. rev n. McNeill. Dr. Maiakti Fayctteville, N. C. Messrs. IV. M. Lawt-s A: Co., Charleston. S. Alligator, Flu., Jun- 29, 1S55. 4P ly C JjlaJle of oilli Carolina, SrAMV ('(H'NTV. Oo -t ot Picas and Quarter Stations Aug. Term, If 55. S ij'-u a l.ittie I Hum tad Little, Jami M. Hunnycutt, and wife C nru da. Ma v E. Lane, James I.ovc, and wife Narcissa, Pel It ion for gale of Negroes. VS. f M. Littlo J. K. Austin, ii; of Israel ll, a. id James H , I Jno A.. William A , a: d Maitha Ann Little. J 1 T a one. r'mrr to the satisfaction of I tk-tendaiila in tlii- case reside bcynd tit.- liiuita ol this Slate ll is therefore ordered by 1 Court, that pabhc-itioa be made t-ir six weeks in the Western IV in i newspaper published in Ibe town ol Charlotte mtirjrinc tin- said deleodUnta to be and appear at tlic in t irrm af nar si.t '.-jrt, lo b held for the Oounty ol St Italy, at llic Court 11 use in Albemarle on the 2nd. Mn.d iy in November in zt then aad there, to plead m swer or demur orjud,'oun nt pro coiit will be t.ik n BaiBsl the hi, WltneKF, k. flarri- Cl- ik 'Vir s;: i. I (' urt al rffici 2. d Monday in Aul-usi A. I. lc?55 and in tin 8 'ihytuf o; Aaicricaa Independence. R. H ARRIS, c. a c, c. Met. 3, (Pr. fvi-S6.) 1U tii. itnte ! I" o lb Carolina, St a xi. a Cotjirrr. 0 lit nf Pleas and Q c trO - .Srssiois A Teini, 1655. VgNSl A. S. Moss, v. Lorenzo SI. Little, Attachment. V.. S. Mosa, 1 V ttachment. Same. J Marshall and Parker, vs. Same. Attachment. s tt i tiam II. T-ylor, VI. J . S. Linker, ) i v Attachment. s vs. Same. John Spr nkle, vs. Same. Mathias Farr, Attachment. Attachment. ) ! 1 ' Attachment , S I vs. Same. Ii few 4 ears. On the p!ac' there is a a vnry com oi table i'Peariag lo Ibe M tie faction of the Hoorl that th. jweliBg house and all necessary out build.., us. inc'uil klendant in this resides bt-yMid fie limits ol j ins a) pT p en (; H,U1SP a,t Screw just built.-tin-M it,-. It m ih. refer ordered by tin- Cswirl that Also, a Spring and wp ol eood water. The above land sblictioa be made I., six weeks it the V si. rn l.-ni- is siUi,f,j , a , Bthy neighborhood sarro tided by ral a newspaper paiblishod in the town ol Charlotte j an industrious, intel ipent and moral c mniunity. nntitying ileb.-nd.iNta to be and appear at tht- fhe subscriber will take pleasur" in showing the land t eru ol nut K.iid Court, to be held lint ih County . f i lo ay penon desirous of purchasing. i.Mil- at tin- t..nrf lliiiisi- ill A Inertia rl-? on th, 2 i.l .Monday in ..i-. rnbei mxl lin n 1 d 'i. f I . - aer or dr ninr. or iudio bm nl pro con! tril: b a . againat III Witness, R. 11 ,rrt. Clerk f'r "d (' 2 ! Mond.ii i.i Aii,r;ist A. I). 1 0 una Mli St ' tii- tie in liit. Stub v 't American Indcptudcnec. I. HARRIS, c. s. r. c. 0f-'-2. (Pr. rVefb ) i o ct A RELIABLE MEDICINE. HE CELEBRATED rurt'l Vrriamc rn Fnitiou, A.L) A SOVF.nrGN REMEUY FOR j II IrlS E BITTERS are purely u Vp faldc i onipoand, 1 and are offered to t lie public muter tbe fullett con "M; .: that they will Ue touud a sate- ;ind sovcieigu BenK y :or Dyspepsia. i hey have been triuinphantly tested not onlv by 1111 meioaa families and physicians in the South, who o furnished ample testimony as to their decided cl bu a!so bv the P roni li-trtr. u hn inr tan vprc ale red all the loo.n incident to that stubborn and aiatressiag disease. EXTRA! T l do hereby certify that I have known and used your celebrated compound ( OLLKTON UTTERS in ny family for mire than ti.'teei. years, and 1 do verily beliere it to be one ot the most ralaafa e Faaniiy and -in.lIlO.i let..CiiieS 111 LSe. tiain... u i?m.;...l rfTects in sc many instances that with truth may be affirmed thev U Pi I ('(tCarCA t i SI hurli witnessed their have nar!'lCth,hey fr' tl" gZoPlZ0: XhfiT '-vibrating and health S.gmM, CH.if:s G. I A P K S, .. . , Planter, St. Helena, S. C. The undersigned, sole agents tor the above .Med. c.nes, take pleasure ,n stating that they are intimate- , ly acquainted with tn manulaciu e of the " . olleton ! hitters." hence they do not laraitata to commend the srtiele, as possessing rare virtues, ami Weij calculated : auuiu rei iei i n DTSPEPSLA AND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. Retail price, 50 cents a Bottle! lor which sum an incalculable amount of suffering ay be arrested. Tbe trade will b supplied on libe nl fcrms. H AVI LAND, HAkR iL & CO , Druggists, Charleston. S. (. r-Ji'Thil Medicine can be obtained of Scarr h Co., arlottc, ReidA fireir. Fall wood, and ether respecta e Draggists and Merchants throughout the State. eh 15, 18 ,Z. .10-1 y CHARLOTTE BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. THE Sttboeribrra take this meihod to inform iIm- citiz-is i-f Charlotte and surrounding country thai we have bout;hi out ih nbiivp UHm-rJ estnb lishmeni furmeily owned by Mr. Jos.-ph Mrwd, here we intend carrying on nV s- in nil ita vnn u- hraiKrhvx The B kerv winch hus I l . J i . ll eiou inr MMUM lime Will W re p- im d im M'-Hff, who m i il.-ly under thesui.ervn ' II ! Mr. is .hi ex,: ri n-e1 norknan. W- vmII ke. n n h ind ; full UI of BREAD and C1KS, of I I' rv de srT'piiiin, I a in i I y C r o cc lies, ot all ktnrl, such .,s, CoAW, Sugar, Rio , Cheese. Marker-I. fcc, Confeotionaries, Ol nil d-MtHloiS, K .MIliS, f.'olid.. Ai.n. iiils. j We: India Fruits und every amcle ttaualh kepi in snch i n eotnblihnietit. Th- undersign d Imv . ing fter-d into ropirtnerhii for the purpor- ! Carrying on ihe ahoVf namd hushes ulf) he j ghi'l to see 'II the former pa ron ol M . M d. 'and -ny one wishing an thing in oui one u.d reap cifully inve mir Iri- nds and the comtniiuitt j in gem r;il ! givf us a c.i1!. hi pint; h cl se a?lii. linn 'o iiu-iii'm to nitTii a rf ) i a;ji s'';,re os pit hi c patronage. Welding and Parlies furnished hi the hortepi pus-ihle ii nt ice. W vx i 1 1 he rompelled lo sill entir ly for ch as our liabilities l- heaVV. MOORE & MOODY. P. S. Having sold out my lii'ei s' iii :h- above ti med eatablisbm til in -rs. M -..rt &i I. I wt.ultl resiieeifuil) r comuend th- m n my for mer Irienda mil ptroiis. I ilo s-lici1 an irlv eoll in-rn m iri nd and customers, a I will re hi im lur s un'- tune and would be happy to see h in, &. JOSEPH MEAD. Ch .rlotte. S p. 25, 1855. U il A IMlOf LAMATIOH, By Ilis Excellency Thomas Bkauo. U over nor of if Sf ifr nf So'lh Otir I n t. WflF.R EAL BY A RE'-OI.U I ION OF THE General A- i;i'dy. i1 :nad- h- dntj Itn O .v id ihe S 'i ,nr its lime Ii mg. i-t" s- apart div in every Var. and n give notice ' f n r I by P ill iti! . i '.iiii.tT nil, as a iJ;i '! .-"leuiii aim n.ii uc vivtuu t' Aimiifhtv 0 "I hr pis' lib ssidos. ml ol supplication fm his coitinual kiiidinSi and care over us is a Slate und is a nation. Now, therefore J do b this, my Prorlamaf ion. s-t oparl Thursday lie 25 h dav "1 Oc'oher nrx. is su'h day. Btid do m i respeclfull and antes' ly recommend tr.;it it he ih-erv d uccordingk) by all tht? g'Hid pt "ple ol hi State. Giva ii under my hand oud ihe gn at ff. S.I Seal nf the State-, at the Kx CUtlve of fice, in ihe Cilv ol R I'-iuh. on t lie 17'h div ol Septembei, 1855. and iti the 50;h y ar f Aiiirie:iii Ind pdence. THOMAS BRAGG. Rv order of ihe Govern i : Pulaski I'owpkr PtivUe SecretArtf. S- piemhei 25 l55. 9 4w LAND FOR SALE. THE SL'KS RIBF.U offers for sale the Plantation on which he resides, situated on I.itrle Su.'ar re.k. 8 miles South ot Char- asaai lotte, in the Providence region, and 1 mi e F.ast nt the C. S. C Kai Road. This tract contains alioiit 3SO .c'V.O'tOj of this amount, abom 200 acres are in cultivation. The lamest hall ol the cultivated laml is fresh, having fpen cleareii in tfie last J M. DOBY. july 19. IS'iS. Whig copy. 1-tf ie mf oi i ii Cm roljna. Stam.v oi xrv. ('urt of Picas and Qu irter August Term i c o . S .phi . Little 1 VI. T ... i i . t Petition for Dvcr. 'i. in ll a -ii ; i J.'llir8 Little. j IT iippear; delcndai rim; In I lie sails c:nii ni inc i un iti i mi nts i'; t 'is C..KC r. Midi- bevoild the limits o! t ils St t.-. It i tin refore i.rden d. by tin (.' art. Mutt unhlic itnni be uide lor six werka in 1 ti W.s e n ! in-, ii neWxpi p' r pabliahed in th t. W 11 Ol I h 1 I I ! tr .i nd U(i'-:ir t t'.e i i ... ,k r'..,,.... ii' tiiyiii'r tbe s.,id deta-ndaet to bi nt A i i V ... ol Stanly, iit the C'our' llonae in Albemarle on the 2nd. Mini.'av in November next tio-n nd I be re to pleitd, an W r, or d mur, or j in! i; em cut pro con teas., will bi : 3 D ay li-ist Ibein. Witn. fl. Ii irri C. rk f r aaid Comity it offi.-'-2tnl Monday in A. ) 1&.".5 and in tin RUtb ye r d' A nitric oi ludt p ndt DCs. R. MAURIS, c. s. c. c. Oct. 2. (Tr. fee f6.) 10 Ct. PIANO FORTES. A R. IJ MSEY, of Colum- 111 bia So. Ca., I'j.lllo I'lii-ic and Vstttlff le;l- ! er, is contianiiy receiving a go.'d supply ot Pianos with tne L A T LS T IMPROVE- f t VTO L"l I Mia - uo r-r itiiioii ri I" !li which nas Ijivru iit... e- " others. 6 and Of octaves from 1S-.U to SOO. to 7 $300 to $100. 7 to "! $10) to $t-')0. . arved vor and Grand Pianos itom $.'00 to$l ! Mr. R. being a practical Piano Maker can insure to j his customers a perfect instruir.eiit. Lolun.hi i. juti. 29 I85i. 4U-lv Watches! tchfN! Watches! THE snbacribcra are now receiving large stock t WATCHES irom ihe mot celebrated iiiul.trs; ul.-o a rich stock ot Fashionable Jewelry, Chains, &.C., all of which will be sold low f..r cash or on short tun to punctual dealers. TIIOS. TROTTER & SON. opril 27, 40if Wb ig copy. BLANK PEEPS I OR salF. HERB. G5Sr EDITED BY R. P. WARING & II. M. PRITi HARD. Olfice, one door south of Sadler't Hotel up s airs. Tenna of Subscription. If ; aid t rutty in adanci $-,00 It paid iihin tine' momll l,b . paid at the end of i he yeai. 3,W OCT A ny peraun sending n five new suhnbers, aCCmpa- lied by tin advance 3i:bscr;ption, ($10,) will .er -'-s tht sixth cipy giaus tui uue year. Terms of Advertisirg. Advernaemaiita willl insert ed ai $1 per square lor tnc first Jiid lb cenis lor each suse p.ei.t luaertion A equate c.n iifi ui thiiteen lines oi less, I his siz letter. A teas mable deductkm will be made (o ihoee who ader t;?e by ihe yeai IKjiible i-oliinin adveit;sement will be cliargrd -5 pes cent, addi'ioiial on the usual rates. Advertisements .nseried muntlily or quarteily $1 per squaie lor each inaeition. For sniiouuciiiii candidates tor office $3 in advance. Professional aod B ismess Ca:d not exceeding si" lines will br iu-erifd at $' a year; not exceeding a sqnan f S Subscribers and others who may wish to send u oney t i ns. can do so at all times. !i Mtat.and at our risk. From the N Y. Sunday Mercury. Mm:, in li v . I the K.ins, ns it na mill is. We are iiid hn d Captain VV. Foster. ac complished, intelligent. Mid ent rp v'nj; ship inatt n w in e nui-and l the pack' t ship ti i rick, 'or ih l Ib-wiig in' reeling sketch nf tb c i ' v oi Lim , once tin- prmid cit ol li.eas in which h wnr-hipp- d ihe iibnie- of ih Sim w iih a devotion lliai assitn ila U'd 'he fire Worshippers nl the East r:nd ihe sepulchre ol F I'licis P z rro, the diacv rer and coi qnerer o Pi ru, whose atrocities and cru- Ities render his name a" infa. rnt'Us as the p'lisoi K"'Zebue and Sheiidan chose I o m k- it (Captain Foster, win ii he last visiter' Imfi. was in command of ih' steamship Citv of Ptisbnrg, then eigH d to ply bitwen P nama and S u Frneico. The vessel tin k fin from tin'aneous Comhii&t-'on, i-mnllg ihe Ponl with which she was supplied, end burn' to th' witer edge, in rlespifn of all a 'tempts 'hal were made to save her; and, win' rem-iined ol h r. sunk in innie thirty fTibmns nf w ii,.r. The shin's Company and passengers e-ca-H ,ar-U wiih iheir lives. V I'ifst ri m mil g in Luna, waiting nrders from In ni' . f.i plain F";ie' ex. don d the citv. if chor ci es. convent, m -n-i-i'eries. and other institutions and , diflces, nnd emh. diefl his collection o( 'acts his loir he. k. Fr on that infrestinu prodnc i"it. we ropv 'he Rnti' X'd extract. li in'erest " 'II he acknowledge d hv all. Captain F -stf-r. when a' honn resid d in th- beautiful vilUg of Harlem. I.loia, Ibp Cily ofllM' Tiln?st. The B';tih se:;m' r beingr det ind fur three Have "t Callao, HiT-'rd'd us a grent opportunity lo visit the citv. THE CATHEDRAL. K'.teriiiL' fhronol. one of ftie rer doors, von re ou tin left of the ps.S 'ge leading t" the "il- a maopificen' pain'mij. rpres' Pti"g the ropspcrtition of -In- edifice. Th figorea in he loreproi.nrl We. siz - are most admirably xecut' d ; on tin- mnrgin w find, in Spanish : 4 The mnef illiistmus D D. O' ivrdn de O Camp 4 h A'ch Rin bop nf hi Hdv Church of. fteiaod a' 'ho con-, catmn of ibis 'emi-lp on 'he l9hOetnher 1625. wi'h 'hp olemnitv b' fi'tinij so Htitrusi a cp remnnv. The services commenced hi 7 in 'he m,rnng. and lerrnina'ed ai -4 in the pvenuig. lfi"4-'' Th hav-' at some 'ime a'temn'1 d lo wh 'hi naitrinc: hti' in so doinrr. havp led bir?e s'renks of mil '. which .-h-curn mnnv por'ions of i. K .owing 'ha th" remain- of the iT'p ii cnn'iin irul Conqueror of P rn Fmncis Piz7. ro. were deposit 1 iii this , dioee. w mad apo'iea'iofi In our eiue,or to out hi torn1. N 1 reron wha'ever lein ami t-d into 'h v lilt, nnl- s bv a w ri'tep permission fr rn ibe Ri-bnp L mn ibp parlies applying must be nf kn- wn ct.nracter. ere they Can be successful. fid however, w ill open doors of ndamant. Tw cimd'es wn- lighted, n door in tin- ni-le le-iling 'o the vnij's "i un locked, mid we dese-nded -everal ab psi. Parsing through n dnst, dismal looking mom. i" which fo generntinns church liimh. r of nil d-acripiinn hd been nccumnla'ing, we turi'i-d 'nto nn inner vaub. Tim firs' skeletnn point d in ns was ihai id 1'izzno. li rest- d tip n a 'rick shelf raised iibt.ui mur it'i t from ibe grmind. The n niams in i-mii my had been placed in a smut c fiiu. ihe lop .nd .side nl winch had tall, u aparl and gone tn d-cny, though 1 slroiigly susp. ci ihe P mvian revolut.ou lor mdeii iiCrrce had sonn- agency tu 'i spot ing i' ; ior i i wei Known ibe churclio in Lim w ' re robbed ol 'In ir god ami silv r urna inc-uis; and, ii is n.i lik ly the skeleton ui ttie oiiC' cre.ii coiiqiieror would escain xunna. tu n. H lib tl.e ixctption ol UK lowei i .w, which ...... . . . : his disappear, d. the .skeleton is aimo-t perfect. The ligitm. nis, which are skin dried and shrivelled, i . .... adheic lirnily lo the Ibises; nor is this to be j uoiidepd at, win n ue consider lb- puruv aim drymas of tbe atmosphere d Peru. On ihe righi loot is an old faahiomd shoe, pardy ihc .V'd. Tile to. s of she left fool aie perfect. The let! j i . .i. - i . i I Ualld to ttl Wri-l ll S lie. II Cilll. r IIICIC1I, oi has mouldered a a ay. I he right liana is peril ct ; . t.t , ut ,j ,, r? , xc.'iil i he tniUdie one are goui Hv H I IIIISSIOII III I'll I g uide, 1 wi uched one i fl"; j alsij a b'J loll irom the V Ki iUnl doublet. Tfcs' , , . , . . M , VV .1.......... I mnuiioro i. -...,-. B Net to the liioiax is a pari ol tie neck, lun, Mackened, and partly gone lo iiu-l. Ttie dress ' rillf. shlrl . whl. auu single- bieaatt d jack- t. clo-i l buiioiied ; the sleeaea'i to the wrist, and the buloii jic entire. Theie also run a hi ck silk or satin doublet; .he button- are p. rice and. Mrongiy sewed. The. breeches, or mimII cl'-llus, which appear to b- t.lark v. Is. t. Mil remain. I Ut (ig s oi an uie i ul all the garments are blackeued and gone tu d. cay. Aj stiiidmu shel is n:.s-ed arouud ihe corps- and I i.Vr Hie dr It la turll' up irom me lirll loiliet nor. wmo I e auuia te one ll lino . lie pos- n.idille ol ihe s.k- leton, end tie upper par' i- turned j session ol the ei .my, to be snk. the delence d..wn to the noddle a turih. r prool thai the sk. Ie. j were all blown up, the i-uddiugs in ! iown were . , . ' . . . i I .ui inus. h.,v. bi in d-s crat. d at ihe pocn ot it.t ; evolunon. ' On ihe kull of P.X-ro brneroh nee i unall, j tccrelivrncss and f;tniLss an wry li.ig-. Uiiifr. 1 On a hhel! a'mv- rlutl on which 'hf remnitis of sesMmi l the Russian Uttdworka, consi-ung. h-Pz2i.r.- i. re d pniu d. is a metal tu..x eouiatninet i- have v;rtd. ol ihe Linh R- dan, tin- Maiafc ti iln HiUiH nf tine ifie Iik-hs. Turning into the h- Greai Redan and c- ntrnl '-ai 'erie. ot F"H S . inner iui!t, winch i ol great extent, you behold Pul, which Ims carried 64 guns, nf ihe Rutti the n.orinl n in tins nf ih- Viceroy who du d in camp the gutipnwder mag Zitie, th-- uBUeduct and L ma. 'i In k let-n--, drt aed iti g'.rnn-n:s which other mi dler tiai eries, which ro umand the h-ir oi-c were i ich ml c-tly, are much bl .ckened hor to the E-ist. It nsn seems, In in thedespa ch i d gone in d c v The winding hlne's of all of Admiral Brunt, th th 1 Qua rant in Battery h is ha . as ihut ill P.zz i o. wei turn, d up from the been evaluated. The Rus.-iaus still hti'd. bow fi t and diiwti Irom 'he in i k in ihe middle, by j ever, the briery ol Sebasoopof, with us 50 guns, ihoa a ho were in quest ol ttar". I and F rt Li. Nicholas. Wtth 200 guns, which no in PiZZ 'to was h.-i innt-d in Irs h'Ue, on tli ' mand the su'hern portions ol 'he ciiy, and Fori Pght o ;h' Calh de B n- gens as juU'Iiit it Into Cun.taatine, with 110 guns. Fori Catherine, with t'e great squaie oi Luna. Antonio de Heirera. : ISO guns, and two other smaller battery, which the rt;i Spnih historian, m his Hiamry ol 1 l hi upn 'he pnr ion i. 'he ci'y occupied by the 9Mitiish Arm 1 1-e . t;ies a deinile I account td the trspitacvhx tin rorrower of Aim g''"! td by it m hi i In nnuder o' P zZ 'i". Our guides off r d to conduct us lo the vauhs in li!iii be ii m.iins ill the A'Chbis' opi ot liinn w - r de o-i'e't. Having, however, wil- in --id enough i.f ghasd) skeleton, e d clioed h ff.-r. Om Hpai'n eni in the Cathedral contains the P'-r raits id nil ihe biiheps o Lima. Tin first f.!t'iii) Iri'in the in-e i ipt un in. the canv ass. (V'i.s 'lien. nm iii ol f 'rhag-n Dad. I lit L"av s, i.i ih- ider ill S' Doming", &c . in ihe y ai I53H.'" 5 h Octob" r. 1575. in the Hospital ol St. A im a.' 'J his n 'igious h-spita, or convent of S'. Ann s ii nl small exn ni a1 "he bishop's deini-e. musl have swollen in aft-r y. ar- to might) dnneni'ons, as it now cover an exiensie area nf ground. I. una i no longer cuv d nd"r. Her glorv has huig passed away. Her former riches are now tinsel. Churches of wood- rml extent and elnbnrate architecture, and co'l man-ions nnce occupied by wealthy families, are fallen into ruins. R' pairs are haidly ever (hough) of. ll- Voluuoii and anarchy have bei n the bane ol the republic. imioverishing npub-n lamilies, ard driviny them into exil-, so that much splendid misery x sts in this ni ce proud city of the Incus. Visi .ng the establishment nf an Am- ricn. The artist exhibited In nm a Collection n' ancient furniture, mice ihe properly ol Spanish nobles. nd which he reem'ly had purchased ol an old lady, residing in In r own palace, for a mere nille. One article was a bedstead, which, ior richm ss ol nnrkm-iishtp and ingenuity m design, could not ie su passed Accompanying ihis weie many ya rd- of canvass, on Iram atmui eiiiu leei h'gb, covered with paintings of no ordi nary d u". li lould' d up In hinges, and is intend ed In in lose 'be b lis ad, making an inner room of mns.deiahle dirm t-sn ns. All ihe snbjecs have reference to love, virginity, heauufnl women, hie size, cupids. &' , w hich fully pmvt the voluplu dus and corrupt manners ol lh rich Spaniards o former day--; nor hnve lle ir tb'c tn'ants much in. proved in in se mailers. Th i x essive love by the Limian ladies for rich dr s. trinkets and display, has also it s baneful fleets in working social corruption, biu! in redu ctt'g lamilies io poverty. The bet-er class of l'e Limian ladies no lonirer wear the Mafintalay$,exefv when attending mass 0r rolli. kitu in the mf-OU' rade. The r n nch costume, in Lima, as in all other par's ol South Amciica, prevails. Ancient, choice anil valuable literary works of ,(,,. j,,-itrj, s convents in Lima are fast di- appearing a sure indication ol the sloth, nulif- I", rence and ignorance ol the present cb-rgy. These b ks are s'nlen by servants c nm cted will, ihe church, ntid S"ld for a mere trifle. A 'rieiul ol mine bought, in an otiscure street in Lima, th cornplete his'onical winks ol Antonio de Herrer i, o ipnmsn America repunusmu i mhu- I a I I' 1 J ... It .1 rid in I73D lor one d' liar. Thf print is large, ihe cliapt. rs illumined, and ilwr1 are numerous engravings which r. present Indian g imes, dances, ic This ivii'k comprises twenty volumes, tic c ve.s ot which are p i rchm tit. Narrow strips : id piper are pas ed on sev r.l margins. On re j movng "hse, we heuid, in Spani-h, fbdonging 1 ro ire Library ol ih- Conv-nl of Sin. Francisco, ; Fjiina " Nutilv rs ol volumes thus rohh d irom j , In- cbprch 'thr iru : tailers, lur i s ; ' are om to low. ignorant re. t ! f p'per. a a mt'iuu or U criiw pel pom d. i-roin he Char eston Standard. We received through th mall on yisterday lull accounts hy "he st. i mship Wa.hing'nn, ami more j extended ! b gr gh despat. hew hy the steamship A in' i ica . Accounts (torn 'he Crimen are tili iragmentary ami ate uiide up of telegraphic de-.--patches, bin ihey concur in tie- sia envnl oi story whu h n'' d- litlb- further information lo be Complete in v- rv material pariicniar. From these w- gather thiil mi tin- 8ih ol S po-mbr 'he allied .i rny made a simultaneous attack upon the w hole sou' hern riiye ot f-trtilicat ions a t oi.oU Si nMtop'd ihe French all -cking ihe Malakoff und the Little U- d hi to me exenie r i h 1 rea'ing on ibe harbor, the Eng!i-h attitcklltg tbe Great liedull. iind the i- , ii- ii l . o - . I . ' r n ncp ana png'i-n aim oanuniaiis comnmeu. ai- . tacking ihe central or Barrack battery, resting on the D.-ck Y ul n .rhor, which divide, he ei.uih- j . , , i a . 'I'L I ern Irom the Northern portion o the city. Th '' i mpri-se the whole line ol defences winch protect ! fhe S. uth ru portion on lie land sid , and oppo site to which Ihe Iv.ghh forces have, hitherto, been p st. d. AH tin .-tl .cks wi re made with . . i I.... ....!., i... . ...... ...!.,..!. e,.eni iill .mu 'l.'.gj, 'io ... ........ it only ih; was made bj tin rrencli upon the fllaiihofl was entirely successful. The Kedan Was, hir a lime in ihe possession ol h K ighah and the cn'ral Bflio" aas also en-en d hy 'he c mbined forces. Wighl.and we find ourselves upon a promon i. u' la ing commanded b the Malaki ff Tower, it 1 Uiry stretching inn. ih'.- sea. B -iuwd us there is was impossible to hold rh. m und it was only on : a ,',Uiury covered with brushwood, and the dis-ant Ihe takii.ji ot the Mabk.ff-y tbe French thai a I hills are clothed with loll pines. The inferior is pi-imamnl rnirance c u'd i.e m .d- wi bin the decked wild a forest of magnific- nl fi..wer- liloom rHnge of tt.e lU-siiin aoifcs. l'p..n the taking ol j ib.u.sands offirub. A-'ed to ibis, he wh ie h.s i;np n .i.' lo?irs5. l.owev I. which se. mu ia ! piari. teems auii lie. Looking out into the ea l.iCi, lo have ,e. n the mial point ol die wf.olesys- W.R .f(j p.rc. jve a h"g no.ns'ei fill bis h. a i oui e in ni defences io the 8ouih. that pnnmn nf the : o-uaier io f.r. alite the air. is ihe mo-t r- uv could no .eng. r la- den uded hy :ne K -ssnns, ; .nd CJ. n. U. rr.scl.akofT iiwm diaiely addr ssd I 'ion. .' ic the m. a-urcs in c-ssary in i;s e vacua T" this end be can' d ihe ship in the har- I ....i.i ...II ... . . I ii eo. ana oeiiimg irc across me nrinjre, wh't'h cm tu c;s itm Bmu'nV r with th- N nheui portion of Ibe city, caused that also fo b- broken I d iwn. 1 In- allies , v Ihu- . nrr.e n to ihe p.s allie, and which. ir nm sumcieni to dipl ice them. 1 will Dectunll v protect tin li .asums in their lur- titer efT-rts o evacuate the city. This iufnrtntlon which we publish, thmigh more ex'eiid'-d and ape. j cific than lliai preseuied in ur isxue of Friday I. Inst, gives few additional JnCta of v r great impor i lance. It s reasonably certain, however, that th- gri at- r share oi credit is accorded to she French. j Tfie Fri'tich fficeri have exhibited no sofuuth to j chum it. and tie English journals industl !ouly j r ri n that lh whole wa a common on ve- on ni. and tliai ll therefore participated equally in 'he glorious re-ulf, and this stsn to a very greal extern is 'rue. It i-ex'nm ly probable thai with OU1 the diversion created by lie linglish up 'It the R. dan, and by Ihe English, French and Sardin ians upon fhe central battery, that the French at tack upon the Malnkoff w. u lei not have been sue cps ful ; bui i' cannnl Ie denid, tha- white th' Engli-h (ailed to hold 'he R dan ihe French did lake and hdd the MalakoH'. and that wilhMil this the whole movemen' would have been a mo-t la-m- ntable and ili-n-irnu- fxilure. and ihnugh ii had bf-en ihe foriune of the E glish in have undertak en 'he task accomplish, d by ihe French, they j ble nf the group; bui there ore others wh'.ch ar might have be'-n equally successful still, wbeiher nf has though nl more innnstrous shapes, from ability or accident il has l-een the fortune ot The lahv i in'hodon, or frog like reptile, was per the Fn nch to achieve the victory, anil ii cannnl j haps the umsi ugly and grotesque creature that he disguised hut that roingh d with ll the exulia- j ihat ever breathed ; but the pteroducty lus was, al tmn of the English th' re is h tone ol mortification which a knowh ilge of the fact inspires. The fleet 'o assassinate the Emperor Napolean n which, also, we made mention, turns out to be a very unimportant aFair. It was made with lit-lb- preparation, and In no fT ct. and so lar would .seem to have been made without cone it, upon ibe simple motion of a hall-wilted man. who was promptly arr-sted and carried to the guard house. O ir comm rc.ial advices are not of a character to. vary the opinions we have already xpreased Fhe Cotton market was easier, hut not quo'tblj lower, and merc-in'lle interests' generally, have xp ri' need the pressure which refill's In. in an ad ance in the rate- ol discount b the il.uik ol Engl' nd. As a matter o' course ihe news ol ibe success nl lie French and Ki gtsh armies at Sebns opol produced i's elTeci in Canada. A desp.iich Irom Buifato, N. Y., says thai al Toronio bondfins wn light, d, guns fired, roefccis s t oJ, i,d lie grea'est excit m nt exist, d Al JS rat lord Ibe Court ol As.-iz-s whs in session w hen ihe news yvas received. Ii wn, handed to th ju!ge on the b'-nch. and read by him, amidst Iwu i cheers. Some tim. elapsed before business could b" resum ed. Flags were flying everywhere throughout the town. At Loudon there was a general exui tation. Bell were rung, guns fired. ui firemen paraded the street- with bauds of music. Extinct lleptilcs. Among the achievements i science, there is no one Hung which more deservedly excites our ad miration than the restoialmn of ex inc animils. Various w i iters, who may ne said to have discov ered the science l geology, had shown that 'he strata ol 'he ef.rlh wen- laid on, one upon auolh r, in a certain and regular surcesjmi, ""d 'h.t each class nck to use the geological phrase had its own peculiar sun oi exuvia;; mil this h id n t-uji-phed us wi'h the true key wi'h which we ui I ,fk j the cabinet oi na'Uie, and call oui lr in her secret ' treasury those strange creatures which were pro. i ('uced during the earth a childhood. Cuvi.-r, how 'Vi r, has supplied what was wnniini! in this respect, mid, b a rigid application ol c uip iraiivi; i anatomy, lias enabled us to perfect our natural history by introducing scores ol mum ih ul whose existence our lalh ra knew nothing The coiisirucMotis oi an animal, hmvever, when 0!y a ,,,;) priton .,( the skeleton is mscnveied. is a mHer of greul difficulty, and r quires much see nt i tic knowledge. Tina, nevertheless, mat be done; and in sotn - case a single b'-ne is enough iocooisteny of tfie know-nothing leaders mn Jo indicate the size and stmciuie nf -he animal he formed fnuu the fart ihat Jeremiah Clcmf-t.i-, which it origin oily b long-d. Suppose, for ins- ; (who recen ly wrote a long letter lavoraLle lu th lance that fhe jt -bone of an unknown specu-s iJ know-nothing party, winch was f.uUishrrt by fa Kiiim-i! were found, it is surprising how much j papers in tin- interest of that r'y.) sent , may be learned from it. The let th ill show daugh cr all the way from Alabama lo Washine. wbi'iber ihu animal w;ia :a rn i v or iumii lier'uvnrour; ; ton citv to have her cdtica'ed in a Catholic Schoo ! lin n, il the u e'h were m ule lor tearing fl sh, so Mr. Clemens is preaching against tho CatlluuV the claws must b made to lay h.nd oi n ; then j Chu'di. and in iiracticc ha is ( ncourneing anl ! again, the jiaws p quire strong muscles in lie-I . w " rearm. and a CO. respond, ti Structure ol the n.iloVr and in this way the general structure ,, creation m y he d iei mined. tVe may also ' descend lo sum iiitnu iaR ; lor ihe uig.-s.iive organ ,usi have a imil-ir relati-ii to the parts liefore men i iie.J, and may therefore be inferred from ihe jaw-bone. Pr- lessor Austed has enabled us lo recall the vohte p.-nod in geology wi'li jrreai precision; lor England wm9 then a fine poultry, although ih re ete no men in it. Jet us supp'.su ourselves, th n, upon ihe south coast not far fmrn the fsi.- nl fei.rlol and terrible of i.ll tbe inh bUaaas of the deep. lis lawsi are wetrvte.-t b-ng, and as i' op'-iis its m- uih. it is apawtiltag to ihmk ii .t mi engine of Ci s'ruction it ritual he, and Shat num ber of living cr.-utuie must be decoured daily lo suppon a carca nearly one hundred I-et huig, and qual in bu'.k Ui o.ore than in huuir d tn uXt i. ; e is armed with . Urge h..- w.tfi powerful claws at she ends of mm. and will gr ..,i ,np enormous ,hark which bound in iheea. aii t drvovr ll-.fpi iajTepile. Snc'o i I hit c-ti(r urus, the largest innitnt r pine Hnb taiiicii we aro ar- qu linted. Bui, fierce and distmc ivc s this creature i, his companion, ihe ichthourus, is much roor" so. Thi ns an sir hreathi sg replile, upwsrda ol thirty feet long. I' was covered, RP the whale, witn n smoothe naked skin, thickly folded under he helly for the purpose of protecttoe. The form ol the head, an well as that of the jaws and teeth, was like the croccalile. It eyes was very large, b'ing eighteen inches, across, nr.d ndnptet! in sll liyhis ; night and day, deep andsholtow w. f. r, were ll the same, stid the open sir and dec ocenn were alike transparent to i'. ll 'oovct! Willi d flicul'V on land, hut twain with ease und swif;- ' m s i the water, whildi its large se-d vertical Ca:. i md- if a strange in txture of the fish, rpt c, aru wh'ih But whilst linking upon the fen, we must tiN Inrgel the ntiimals thnt arc around us on the Inn.'; for there are mnn'ers on (and us strange tied fesrtul its any lhat inhabit ihe deep. Indeed, h.s seems to be the age n monsters ; and there nttt around us n pules as h riiblc ft the famous dm. gon of fable, who was slum by cur rn.'. Ic S. George. Fu si and fop most amongst fhrsc is n lore v. reptile, called the iguanodnm. The j dies of I wo nf (lie largest clephaids would no. make up that eno'innus carcase. The legs ten feet high front the feet fo fho point of the shoulder. It i hetvuen sixty and seventy ft si huig, and per parenthesis the specimen n hired at 'he CryaiaJ palace, Sydenham, is sum-ci- ntly Urge lo admit of twenty gentlemen dining in the inside of if. Bui there are other en Biuret, associated w ii Ii it, scarcely inferior in size, anl more rugged in their form. The megaUsanrus, or gnat saun ld. is amongst the mot remnrka all cn a'ures, thp most singular. Snll retaining ihe old cost in our imnginaiit.n. we may behold ihe p'emdact) lus sitting on thn ground or standing like a swan, wiih the Inn mck resting Upon the back to support with rtis-' the heavy head, whic'i is like ihat of fhe crucr dibs. Approach it, and it will rise into tho air and flv like n l-itd. or cling against the cliff like a bat. Whilst you watch it, it will perhaps leave the ro- k, and. taking lo ihe sea. commonco fish nig. You will 'bus perceive that this creaftirc ' possesses, in ihe organiEa'ion of one animal, tho h-id of the crocodile, the m ek ol ihe saati, Ih wings of the hat, a rude resemblancp fo the haid nl a man, nd kga and feet which enabled it to swim and walk. In all points of bony structure, bom the le th fo the rxfremity of the nails, it wa a rep ile, covered with scaly armcr, and having a true reptilian heart and circulating organ. But it was at the nme time provided in a verv admirable way with the meansol flying. Its wing, when not in use. were folded back like thosa of a bird, and it could suspend itself with o!Vi Rt tached to the fingers from the branches vf a free. I's usud position, when not in nsolMtiostispend ed, wa standing -n it hind feet, wifli i;s tvek uri up and curved b" kwnrd, h st tho weight of tha enormous head slu uln diiturh the equilibrium p( the anim;il. With the huge monsters already dei ci ibed crawling over tlv land, and tens of trues, audi of those fiving rpptilea hovering round the r.'cks or darkening ihe air with their wing. Kit land must have been a plncr in t ie timg of I fie igua in dun. It will thus bo sen how much mny In? Icirr.f fn m a fc hones A poor wm kresn, in breakit; a stone in Tilgate quarry. I'ingland, found ihe !. oih of an iguanodnm imbedded in tf He sold it for it pnf of b er to a man of science, who soon pefcHv ed thai it could not hive belonged In any know'i animal. On further search being mad", other hon-s w re discovered, and the a hole Mrueturai f the animal was 'Inn known. Npar it Sntta fnunif the bones of other crca'urcs who iiad lived rdonp with ii ; and gradually, as tho light enters a ilnrU the whole enun'rv thus cune biclt :i ui peopl d with i's former inhahitnnts I and wo have only to pans over ihe picture with the poet an-i artist, and we live for a v hue in these old times -so old that it seems to the morning nf the Wndd. But the whole are now gon- . Death has swept 'hem into his garner, and nothing bit! 'luir hcoca remain to t II the slory of their liff. Pkactice vs Pkkachinu. Some idea of assisting if by patronizing its .chooJe. aiifj(iugri t here re iust as mind female schools in hi- on o Slate, and Proi. s-ant onenatfhat. Ib'mocrits sm snmelimea fals. v called alliea of the P.tx, but f liere we find one ol the chiel apostles of knew. Hot bingtsw giving unmistakahle signs of his fftesa). ship for the Pope by patronizing tha inslifutiors of learning under 'he direction f the reeerand gen'lem in's subordinates, fto the P p- s few friends in ihe kuow. nothing party yet It eemes that housekeepers who wash their sil ver ware with snap and water, as the common practice is. do not know what they are shot!', The proprietor of one of the oldest stiver establish men is in ihe ci'y ( Philadelphia, says'Mhst house keepers rum ih'-ir silver by washing it in soap suds -i makes n look like pewter. Never put a piriirle of soap about your silver then it wri r g.,n Ms original lustre. When it watils polish. ' ke a piece ol suit leather and whitinr, ni re' it hard." PKCt'MAB Tastk The Macon JGa.) Te leg ru pi. say- that know-nothing orator. Col. las. Mi'ncr, in th-.' neighS .rhood, declared (rora th stam 'hatha would raih'-r vme fat the negro, Tr'. Douglas, than vol for the democratic candidate ..r Congres in that D''nc. He's a nice mo a o enunciate the principles of tho ,,Aniricin pir i) "humbug! There's no acceyjntin forbteu.t sonviimee