re WARING & PRIT SHARD, Proprietors. J A FAMILY PAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE AGRICULTURE. MANUFACTURES. MINING. AND NEWS. PRICE $2 PER YEAR In Advance. t Itatrs Distinrt ns tjjr SBHIduj, tut cnr ns tfjr ?rn." vol.. 4. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY. MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1855. IV O. 13 FLOIUDA LAND AGENCY. I'll i; undersigned ha established an agency in the tows uf Alligator, Columbia County, Fla., for the pjrchase, sate or location ot Land Warrants, the pur- : -ns' an0 8a e ol 'ads generally, improved and unim proved. I he fact now Miag esiablished that a Kail jjoad i to be constructed immediately, connecting The AtlaatU and Uu!f of Mexico, runinc through the entire eii'lh of the county, tast and Went, ant in view cf ffreat fertility ol our soi , the unusually fine growth ' 3f pine timber on the land, he healthfu ness of the ckasate, aa.l the reasonab e terms on which ands can j now be obtaineil, there is perhaps i section of the r;l!nn which affords equai inducements to th emigrant ;:oin trie ohler Mates, paving had some experience in I fanning on the different kinds ol land, and a.-quired a ! genera knowledge ot them throughout the county and baring acquired unusual acilities for point ng out tack n are for sale either of public or private lands, he i jee!s very t wmi "'""'s " oi bu 1 . r ... liner if ,1 . r .11 i.erons m ishiBf u forir ation, or vcr.o n;ay have dt-tcr- : i.'ined to BCl. e in runm iv. v.. v.i ... r W. O. JKFFRRYS. Klefei'eUCCv. E C. Cabf.l. S H it. Ih.M. Hon- A. E. Maxwfll. I). S. W.UKKR, Tallahassee, Fin. I Suite Jlr-istcr. J II. C. McLkan, Esq. Dit. S. C. Bkice. Carth .ge. N- -F-yetrrville, N. C. Rev McNml&. 1k. Mallett. Vk-shs. W . M. Lawt t Co.. Charlexton. S. C : A liiir, Kla., Jun- 29, I -r5. 9-ly Male jT .oi ill t'ni oiiiin, BTAKLV Cof.NTY. i j.n ol Plras Qaaitat Besliei e Ang. Turn, ijj. S i'hia l..!:le IMiiistead Lad, I jainrs M. Iluaaycutt, and wife i Ctarn da. I Ii.v I-;., I Jsnsea I.ovc, a. d arse Nsje ssa, I s. f I.nrri.zo M. I.::t'e i J. E. Austin, Rua d na of I:anl j H ''i Janaes 11 , 't W.iusjb A .a. d Martha reittior for sale of Neetute. Jil" .... i Ana Luilc. J 1 T -P ' r;io- t the it f ctioti of the Conft tl.a: the I 4it lis in li ?" L'''' reMe bcyoinl ike limits ot 1 (til State. If is i.ieJ- rdrert by th. t'..u t, tliut ibl e .ii be Made fc.r . 'ek in the Western liciii- I arrss a aearspaptf pabli bed in Ike t a rt Cin.rb.tiv -i-tU --od d.v...d.ints ta be awl appear at the , . . xi t. rs. efr sju' t'u. t, to b. for the County mi ri i!.v t th.- (."otirt fl .! m Albcaiarte on lae xnd. "I :i::v in S"..v-mt. i r lu x', ti-.t ii and there, to phad un- i or dciuar or judcutcnl pro c.:.t s.;o vvil! he kgainst t.'ieie. W:uet H Hsrris C: ik fee K-i.i C un :,i i fT.c . .! v ... AmvusI A. l. uti la Um 8 Kb v. r ol Aaitricaa lodepcndaMae. n. if Aiti; j , c s a c .ici. 5. CTr. C 60 iii C Mate of .ortli i'nrolhia, Staklt C. rTY. I of Pitas ad Qtf ; f i.-tio;s Tram, lr-53. . 5' A. V. V.oa, ) . Attachment Lsreare M. Liitlc, Attachment. J"..n.e. STarshall ant! Parker, vs. - Attachment, WilfUss if. Taylor, vs. s Attarkment. a.r.c. l ; :. Linker, s. Same. Jaha Spr nklo, ttackmeat vs. Same. Attachment. s M jthias Jarr, 1 vi. Attack ir.e: Same. I T spfa uiisr in Iks satistsffli m sf Iks Ceasst tb.-.t the I d. ..ii J.i nt in ibis c.iso rsrsMt-S beyond ta- limits of ', It itith. refers or. end by ihe Ceiritii.t ion lie made thr sis weeks ie the Western .era! I newspaper puMixuil in Ike town of Charlotte i 1 1 yiiiff Iks ai.t de:' rtd . i.ts. to l.e nr.! .ippt i.r :if ihe ' xl rim ol oar Mid t'.urt, to bs Ik !! :o tm foil..: i . f s.....lw ml Iba C.u't llvnse in Aibemarb. n tn. 2 i.l M.HiJav in Nov. mbd r r ei or d. ninr, er jadg rjrt ikea a" d lb. rr n plead, ai -ii.t nt pro co:.: ts n ill he '.a'., i. unit st tin in. Witness, K. Ilarrts C r for sr. id Cart nt i- th. 2 :: Monday is AagaH A. Ik lvJ-. and in tin h y a AtttCC.CiSl 1 l. i d . R. H ARMS, c. s. c. c. i )ct. .Tr. Or 10 fit I RELIABLE MEDICINE, THE CELEBRATED n n f I17.fli ivf 7i77.MA(I Z 71 V A Farelj Vegftalile Prcparatitn, AND A SUVtKIGN lit.MKLiY lOli JYSjPBsPBI1.. Illl.SrT BfTTERS are purely a tegetak!e i ompbaad, ai.J are' cii'ered lo the public un.ler the tidiest cor.- ' vicUaa that they will be toui.J a task asai aoreieisja Uesae y fat Dysp-psia. rttey have been triulpha.tIy tested not only by BU- j aieraas lamihes and physicians in the boath, who have I'urnished ample testiniony a to the ir :ecit!eil fx rellence, bn also by the Pioprietor, who tor ten years, tbflnrsal ail the glooai iuciuenl to that stubborn an.! 'hstressiiisl disease. fxti.'ct ! -l .to h. rely certifiMhat I have Known rtd used veur celebrated compound I OLLfc-TON BlTTLKS in toy family for more than fifteen j.-are, and 1 do verily believe it to be one ot the most valuab e FeaSitV and Plantation MeJLcires in use, having witnessed their beneficial effects m so aaaav iastaiiC'"?. that with trath it may be athrmed tkej well deserve the high enco- ' r.iiims which they have received from the afflicted w ho ; have partaken ot their invigorating and oeaUh resto ri g properties. Signed, CHARLES G. t'APEl.S, Planter, St. Helena, S. C. The undersigned, sole agents tor the ahove Med -fines, take pleasure in stating that they are intimate !v i-nniiiitp.l with th ruanufactu e of tuc i olleion B.tter.JJ hence they do not hesitate to coinmend tha rti. !e, as poessing rare virtues, and well calculated to afford relief in Di'SPEPSlA AND ITS KINDRED DISEASES. neiat: price, ,v c.o- - For which rum n n. calculable smotint of suffering mj be arrester The trade will b . supplied on u: terma. llAViLANO, HAI.K-vL it CO , afa. -l r r. a RAltlT Druggi'fs, Charleston, S. C. TThis ?ed':cine ca-i be obtained of S.-arr it Co., , 1 --:!otte, Reid A. tireir, Fcllw-oo-d, and other respects ura'gnts sxd tcresgt-.-ct tfie btat. 1UM umw IV2 (Xi l sua EDITED BY D n ii tr- K. l WAKING & If. M. rilTt HARD. Office, one door sou.h of Sadler's Hotel up s aits. Termj of Subscription. Jl ; aid Art rthf in ad .anr t t2,00 It i-a d uhu.ihie. man..: ...... on ll a.d at lie end ofiheyeai. )Q Any person sending nr. five kiw si.iseribers, nccompa- aiefl by tin advance siib.-erptioii, ($10,) will .eo-t the sixth trails lor one year. Terms Of Advertising. Advertise nienta will be n.serteri m B1 un-r i... I Am . . . . -w- r-- , m -w.v. .w -na ""u ceins lor eatn sn'-st-qrent mseuioii A sijuait en- sists ot thiiteen Ihu s oi less, ih:s six. liner. A rcas maltle ded.iciion will be made in thP w-l,,. rvr :i by ilieyea; i 'onble .-olum!! advertisement will be charged 25 per cent. additional on the usual rates, ArllTMiwrnniitc kaaaaaveJ mmAflilM ,,y -n lor. -act, inamion. ' ' ' F.vam.ouci..iEC..Hl:dates for office 3 in advance. P.ofessional and B.siafss Cad- n. .1 exceeding six lines! w Ube ,,1-eoed at a year; no, weeding a square t; t?y-u:iscriDe!8 a:.a others who may wish to send ii.oney t . ns, cm do so ai nil times, hy mail, ai.d atuur risk. F'rom the Richmond Enquirer of S p . 2. Ilct.ilia t jun upon lli KwstAi, XVf have st f d our inat.ilit In 8' ' UUV Mil' . . I 1 O I . i li i . i !. ... p. i . I . .. ..... : - " ..... . . ...j-. . I,., , , , d ......I., inn : on thr Noith bv comioeiciul n gula' ions cdd l - i suraMoated We . Iso .-xpr. .-id the opinion thai j M :i- idle r Virgma, attempt, single-1 anded, : ih- tn-k ol cofieinu M iKaCl.ass int.. hh ib- ; Servai if of ih.- C"i-tiittioe. Ai ate ibpa .lis- ; m tit.-tl i piii' tis iXtresrd L n-hrs, e pr.fmis. li l.i nfTod tbi-tn n opporitii i: I leturn nj t!ie ron.jIinieiJ, and i pi d o ' 1 our prom ise. Iii - ur i' a i be p. I' IS lil :i S u Ii is a ver qua-ill. nt n battle si i pl- to e. r no g in the ai.d ri rfiies to I he S b'V on Ti r !i .1" Ike cord rp S n'. s Ih'Oim ii .i In. in) -F rtetal I '.in-ti'iiticn. to iru-t th ujhi ui 'h f i ih. and in prepar-' c-Ioils, un I wi'l.'iii threat lu ii n th'.T m v h.rcetl Dim. U . I.. ! r- i n. t- h i e i I . h r pn - i re.-.dy indicated v b ' ,:' ar i .dgn. ni p ration I.. ii : . I ne. it will mil , ei-e'i lu i 'ii. I' di not be ibV. wn o il It. lion n- v.t c.n.ea. but. on 'hr i.iraix ti le r o. 1 lis. r vo. Oi-ill I .....y lave dour aha 1 uliol t to do :n am V'li?. A n v attt mpl a .. r;b ' ii Si oth i a i-.-, !l t. n-f r ite, by Y' l'i it. p .mm- n nr .uiiisi: .i i i ci mm i cid 1 r.-gul at inn rr j i . do more harm ',' an good. ' the Northern rkaraens ia , must no ml-ke oar inatgaauon at i v r v u rd-- ol t be m ; ii con ;uc. We shall b rk, il we eoustder ih.-m as I only coi.!r lied b) faiiaiic,im and b v.- qfmAivj. i and ikai each nn d minati s as it ia vigorously artight p.n. Th- are h tana'icaland matey B . - 1.1 ,JI Ktvii.j;, aiiij '-ro, ' V no iwaiia, a ii.gninii.tieu pro; 1. ; u : s- . v. bin in j s, :! A j:l have Angl-.-S zoa pluck, bke not :ke ifcreeltiiig kindly. N ma l r rniw ;'g;rs ive llicy may ue, met win n. irritated ..nd n sut du. d by retaliation. It I. it l . I ....: t tin oii i e Ihey m ihey rs tui ii to their senses ; if wnl not. H- nee, w. are assaibd, iti. assuredly iii f..vr.r ol akatatning rra evi rv ihfng ihaJ will i :;! in irrita'e ihem. We woul.l have nl riein n i cia.rv r'i. ns, no . ci imoninus del ate, hut i Im y s If ti Id . our at'iinl. and preparation, i ih il are hare not ike n:n! rtnlam id a l submit j org to the exclusion ol a slave S'aa or ih- repeal ; I ifce iuoi';. MkVe l .w V. rv. rt ie:.-., it, con .' trarv l oi:r opmi' n. i! be l ii rmiaed I. i b eeanmeictnl r-s rsfliM r .tkersi s rataliat. we slial pursue ihe c. uise a.'op d by Virginia, w ith heart and b md. V'e only beg ih il it may be suUakle In tlw oc caaion, and no a no i. empty ebi.litn.n of spfeei.. Ii we trlke a irlun 1 Noi-hem coiiini ice, let il be nl ibe ro .' and not at ih branch.-. il h- a t-lxw will r-so-iiid until the echo reiieher J.o'.n IJu IS. and Call, bur ov. r lo Supplant his riat. V i lis p ;i N L'! n o I nd itul and bring Oof l ig b.ud iii! 1. is cai r in pri.f-ibii than in regulate .-..ii.iii' rce wi'h ibs Mirta, ai d .--isier to . xter lll.te lliail ll cripple ir. So I ng ;:s w- leave one Iree S. oil ihe A' ai,'.c lllirestiictedi she will be Mse ch.nie I huMigh wliith oil.. -is will laid- . ii i- in v in lo shut oU M ssachus- Us, if Vim h .iv.- ih- door p n d to New Yoik. Mre ov. r, llpsj i'H.J ail il-iu . d us and none are en liibd to . x. motions. N-w Y ik s. i 'r-e the L.- in in .ii shiver, and re'u-" d lo g iv- up sXiduap p;ng. Penusy vuiii n.ord r d G osca, and lineratd Mr, Wheeler's n gr..-s. All are im plicates', akke, ai d none. cm .-omplain ol son in ierciurse with ihe Smith. We should ecarce lis in all, ib'-it'lore, in wfi .lev. r r.i asUres may be nd pi- d. To make such measures effecive, tie v o usi ! costousred in by the principle IS .tea d ihe t .-i h. j bv :ji.s.- jjr.-win c-t on. V. must cut j . li M inherit i.-tioii. s irm toU'bern coil.... b.-lds. VV iiiusi ouunterooi tin- tXistsng tar.tT. liring ill I lie btiiimsh aid cm no n al in aiui;i. tur- - . and I ihrow c ii.merc hl'n its KQC.ieul cbanneN. ! Lei .ur worK-1' ' at and Binning ha in, as in old, un il tin are . reeled .n our own , m i'. John Bull may alioli ion.. - as imj.:ii ht? pit as s; le cau b n nur aegr r or vsnks oar j 'onsti'utntti. H- never co dn us a iln.-.s .n-iih I p iri ; ib- wrong "hat our Nnrihern oeihern h ue ii.lli. i. d un us. II- will give us better arid s; and diiict trade lie aritl Vasie lo eur tifrB pTff. j and we shell s--a -ur w.ttors white with and our wh..rves till-d aitk -top. S. uth. rn j cnmitseice will t.g in rise, aid DmStberM maiiu lactuie.s, Ireed Irom Norll.. ro eooipetrfinn,, and 1 ner i tit nw material, srill .o.n give us c inme. cml in lep.-ndence. We sh-ll be craspsj ai tirs bu' it will be beier mr us in the nd. We .shall guflf r less by auksUIUtinfi f-.reinn eooonerc- lor !r It! Willi lb.- N rth, than bv ni r Iv h ra-si.-g ;' and crippiina 'h- latsec '' ,nlJ,' ,Vr ir we cannot do wi Imut it : ;uid U will he infini - Iv , better fi r us Ui bring in ih- frreigtl tr-de, faUj ai d c nipb- el , th in Mi b hahmg h I w. n an m cnaiulfte lurt lim Sommetce and a crmuled duinee tic trade. DwI ? I( fe rnb . .., , dmffM. Wear no- p. rwH d b .he Sup-em Court In iax imp .us until they are incorporated with ihe mays of pioperly in the countrv. when it R1. . D,. imoossible to di.inroish them. We CattH i not n quirt ihe imporicr to take out a lie nic, or j i tax him, cr iotrrfvc vrh h i as?c. ; 11 are c-rlain thitiys we mv ilii kali will render ie position of inmost, r ant lhim l,m I e. ... l, ,,t . U.. itf. , , ' " ware mat iuv u- wtM'8b 1,1 inipuit g'dils nianuiactured in n i$ sit.-. ti .l.e Atlantic, prohibiting htver by law, shall b- lll('nahlf (if holdimr :oiv .fTir-.. o I. . ..... ... . ... ...u,... ... uTum u.mmonviHl.ti..,! i-u,. Hi- 1'r.M.Jii... Dirvckif ... Ca-h..r ol ,.v B k, , , r j i-, t - t brinjt a P.esid-iit f D.n-ctor in .nv int.- n I ilJ r, ...... ... i.i. . i , "ri i lie iOfitfimii wei.lin. hi im k ... r ..u u ....... i j, ...t,.-, ...a... K u.-. or in prec ise niv pri.lessn.n. ur to paraile ChIIii-jj hem- (I by ht !n slmn. he himv be! uutl mrefl Ma an t in my ol iln- (Jfmimofi.weltb. i Tin- pitrchajer ol suoh Iron, ih.- impor r mibt, ..Uo, I,.- Milij. c ro jn-ni.ltif s end die. i.iii-i. a. "Hb. i;i5. nci h p. w. old be encc rebinc U1" n i ! r''' ale liiinrnutted Ui :h- mhaomm I.i it... d.-c-is,,.,, ,, , h,. S:,pr. me Curl. Y- . , . I H t m e b mere personal dtaabiittirs 1 (I lit' f'li!ir!irli r Ui.. .. JL. . .1 . U ft t i i ' li.t th.-ie. u cuoal..0i, I iM V ''"uih.t his Mire I di I not apply to ttiia couotrV. to ih l , T 1 "h ' r-mnrkuhh- d.-c..sre ,,d ,,,.hc. ol . I..- Lond. n C""M,r m !IS WgoUMng CumWerC Inr Tin.s Tl.e nomilnr insi.,,e. , f Ihiv. r..ur..rv .li.t gnnt. r than .h- Court ve,,iUr,d .. in Br..n ! ' ' ",al'"C': . th'9 ?.",n'r v. ihr S:a'e .T M A I.. .. , ' 8''' ",w r " & ' n i; " I." CT'UKJ IMII SU" III ihe State Couria. of all mytii. bu: import, d gooti,, to uhicii ibe Winn ol a l:c rise would n - strict, i. . vv.- ar ennsemtis, however, tbal provisions uf ....... ui.- i i hi o i to rrnme, nere iiii're is mis h an- a Ihiiit to Inin;.-. uhere ii , niurh b nip ;i i n to rvnde them. Nothing bui cjiaiunued legi.-b.non serve;, lo defeat i-asins. J and that would have to b.- reoitd to w In a j " d d. ; HV .oe, hv tm means, dd d to liiee upinionf i.iiil give litem ae silggesimus lo be cons d imI, I r h' r than n a n!an sUiiiresit-d mr ... . rr . ... ' i ',( -i.ij c is a , Mk u i one, and (.any lions -l.oui.l b'- made b or.- the .d. ption of ..av III' -asur-. W- repp f. to avoid being mi-und Txtood, that e do not favor retaliation. W- pref. r etiher ' . iuo in or out of' the Cfnion. ll we re m hav. union, fl should he under and in suLi accordance wilh ihe ConsliriMton, mih no . vasious ol th-.t in. truroent, in lett r or sjiiri', on our part. Ii ' in fid li;y will mil secure reciprocal good laith, w. had bf'ler p.f ate. A Union on any other ( rii.s th tn rec procal good feeling and good ..ffj.-. . be loo hateful inr endurance. R l-.iiiitif.ti v. .il b 'Irish these, and be the entering wedge f..f Sep i rat ton. Iii a previous article, the E: qnirer bad said : are free i c -nf. as i hn wears noi satilied wi h ihe iasibiltty oi any plan of commercial re- tabation ui iopoed. The Constitution of ihe . Unit; d b ales p es. nt oljstaicles lo such retaliation difficult if n t impossible lo surmouni. It would b. a Veiy d bciive intrtun. nt if ii did nut; lor j . lie ol its principal object wag to eaf in ihe I F d' r 1 G.'ve.urn. nt the .sole and x.'lnsive rmhi ' regulate coouneice betwoeu the States. The 1 Supreme Cuoil ol Ike Ui.iled S'.-.u s. in (he ca-e o. Blown vs. the State ol Maryland, 12 I lea tor., 419. d cijv'.i ibai ihe Constuuuon of the United ti s i r.ihihiis the Stete ' ti 'c 1 i;n K I ta tsi I.t-u Mhilnrr-u Ir.m ro. aw ' --mm-w w s --m i I om i v. - out licences. In thai Oil. ru g KiinOi iers 10 lake C-ise a stal ol the Site of .Maryland n qui ring wli. l-sale in ioi t. rs ol lor. ign goods to take ()ul licenses nnd o n . v a lax. was held lo be nncon sti uiional and v. i I Anil Ciiit'l Ju ice Marshall, ;n ii. Iivering ibe ej iii oo ol ihe co'irt, said : "It j nia b .r. to ..rid ibai we suppose ih princi pi.- I n; d" wn in this r;i-c l a ppl . qu 1 11 v lo in ; porta' ions from a sister State,' a co. ii i .k.. a i. i : ii.. ..r v.. ... . ... i ,;a r. .1.. f r, ! ... ."'i.i',. ...j.i.i, ni iii v..-.i-, ! si i tut mil. and seek lo v d is ol.l'g-.tion- 7 Is n t ! -.rict nbedk nc- lo its behes'S our nly source uf I nower? Wi ll wlut luce can we call Unon otlo rs I ! ren.ct an instrument which are ourselv. s i violate ? ib'es it change the case for lis lo alhge j thai we w. re ml the lir-t lo disregard our cusii- j lutional idlie:ations ? U'hil-- n is i ur Constitution, i i k 1 T,,. . .. t ! A I' Hi i.i'U!i!J w v i- i 1 1 1 o I imi 'ri t-j ... . j ttoftitvd tre;fv, mhTJ vin! iti n may Ih m t by ......tbiir ui.iiilfir i r nh'i r3ilnr hit i miov,tii ,ti 1 1 r a ('oesoMition which can on-v he thrown off bv r v 'u ion, or am- nded in conformity iih its own . . O . .. :. . i i provisions r i'iny io iiie ioiisiiiuoain is i m- on iy j -i,e.i o the BOUn. r ipjj that away, an 1 we I are at the mercy of an u:;principled. lawless ma liortlv. When we do lhrw it sway, we must i ihrow .fl Northern role. The la ter without the f..r is r will be intolerable ; nd when we p-rman-! ently lajl ill recalling 'he Congressional uiaj.iriiy t i i: : I . . I Ill a sense "I Cons;i!ll';oi;ii Olllio oioo, ill .1 om'j i i. inusi cease to rule us. A proper appreci ti- n of cotrstiVu ionsl res'ric Hoiis m .vi l iice of i he high.; civilization, and ol ihe gr.-ii'est progress in lie science of govern in nt The m of it indicates eiih. r savage ig norance or h e.-rrup' inn ll.- tice s'id more lat-.l. V. p .,.ess ihis appreciaiion in an eni m door- e, o nd I. i us preserve it as our mosi cherished s r.f i 111 Uf. 'e re ' n:r 'y at a loss n know how ihecon sti .itffi-iiii sol this propom d n-tali tinn Bali be sur.iH.uuted. From N. O. D. Itjr, Se.jl 3). The Yellow Fever in L.oiilian. The . ..w fever is prevailing lo a lerrib e -x 1- nt at Trtnnv, and immediate aid is required I the suff-rers a thit tittle villngo. A correspon d. nt informs us. th .t on 'he niahi of i hr 3 I, lliert; we.e 7 Heaths aiid 36 cases under t real men: a v. rv la-oe number of which were bopeb ss. owing ; fi lire want of n.iraes. S V r I ftmtUef h.aveeve- j . rv in- mber ri wn wi'h tin- dis- as-, mid no p.-r-.m pr Stni i-. give tiv.o a d s- o mediein,, Three j ! physicians wen- in ike pleV when ifce lever cm- meiued meh s since died, and ibe other two life SSOOOM OrOSSr 'Oll o 111" U ll'll'li III i.ioio w lil!ltp pnW- III' ll t"nri tit Trim v has a population -t th present time . f J a . j ! not m.-re m u sixty ors- ver.ty, ano our c 'rrso n 'ten 9a s : V n .. n form Mtnte ub-a fr irn lha nonu lalion . - ... - - - i i ! the in .Iigni:v ' t'"' lever, and ibe d. sii;.u;e, condition . : i e inkal imnts. T!i" two, j wk are .bong ;.li ihey possildy eaa for iho stck have never had the disease, and of course, may bi taken down at any aaoenent. and w. h .vc no nur ses among us who have v r h..d the leas! ile- riei.e-i ; or perhaps have i v-x seen cs-. ot yei low f.-vr. Tiie distress here is certainly as sural as n bis b-et. at any tim-" i .Nor I "i, according to th t-x nt ! '- f pnpu' 'Ion.' From the Richmond D spatch. Ib" Holy AjyUttnc- -Locking Ui KlTCuid. fkf VVLshingiun Union qu-.i. s ie fo!u -mg Iriifh !i nrtifli-in ih.- L 1 im.-s : A l w i-r ny the An.' ruvn & iz d a pro-vinc-- of ? 1b- ir e.ik n ighbur- ; ;.n ali nee of F,,r.,rt K-.i.... .. ; . i ii .. ITl J, . .... 8 'iU', vv..iilt h'.ve iijvii ..,1 thr- Union Hi n I nir . , a ,i , . m. o a , Mmilr Kituait-d frrn..r; 'if whs corn . - " oi,.!,. , ,.,., rn.i4.-ri..! ,... Ul l.t ...lerk-ri' 111 'he .-.ti irs oi ft tranalarnfC lurkey. 'I lf ti jus y rem .rk, i hiii our p-r-ple pan not overlook fiit'n threads (i ihee, m d-- t. Lord C'lar- ndon Mnd th- Emperor N:ipo.-oii, nnd now rep ased by .be L nd m Tuir s, and thej r'.nin.j ra1 lo uiri- a cn t;i I d dir. rti n i Am "nc;n iSt p-ilties with K.i-ia. We. featT tli aftettttoa bf Hiose t o,ir .. j pie who w.r- so r.adilv sat- : . . t .... . ... wnoi ann L. -rtl t.bin ndun s ail g-n dectaalOf, " tennwen in .inn-" mure I d uiphhus enemv to American insiiiut'i.ns. and, cons, qir htly lo American liber1 y, Ihn even des potic Uus-ni. t!?-.. long .is ihe issue of ihe cniest at seamed d nibtiul, ihe London Times wis ov.-r-fl.'Wino Hitli honied adulation f ihe American ii- n!e. Il did not hesitate m sc-fT a! the idea ..( uiv s. rr. t hostile d -ions of England towards this eiMintry. Hut the moment that a partial victory d'sp:TM-.s he uloom which for a bar has settled ver ike Crime.., it i.og- is Ha pn;d- nee in pn ma ture exultations: it disclos- s the fact liiat ..n al liance was lorn e'ly pn j cl d gHinl 'his country hv France anil R uht.irt. arid ll thr. nl. ns that the -."....t- ,.11.,.:.- tt.H ...... rC- ... .1... :.(T .r ,.f.. I,,n. slaolic Turkey. Cm hiv hu.'the wiifully blind longer doubt the! - K sentiments and porpo-es m to'' VV' s ern allies to W' rd.s this eoun r, ? Th- y have all th Hon, they need hut n.e ability, winch decisive "UC C' sse-, over Russia would aff ird, to follow up th ir ho.siile worris with corresponding deeds, u t he meantime, ihey C'.ntentt with intriguieg with American abolitionists, mcl of whom are in tln ir councils, and some, no doubit in iheir pay, to foment the slaverv api'ation and under mine the foundations ol t he American Union. We here in mure danger !r m ihi mode of attack, ban ir in th. -ir open hostility. A war ith both. powerful as they are, would consolidate the affec- nuns and strength ol our own people, and would he o.ore deeirabb- ?hn be civil convulsions which ihev are so insid-.aisly and sedulously lobortnc to g-i.t The Full of Sebifctopol. j Jf a homes could be mad pleBsant, and all fam- The Ciia.ea correspondent of the London Morn-i ily relations fraternal, kind, and pure. Sorb Iv iriu Herald, who is said to he well iiiWmed, h s j would lose its hvpocrncy and guile; and mankind return, d to England, and baa written two articles I actuated by true Christian charity, would move on the sulj -et ,,f ihe lall ol S. bnsiop. I. w hich j steadily on. from triumph i triumph towards the hav- been highly commended. According to one ' perfection of the intellectual and mural nature of ol them, w hich is occupied by th Nation- I Intel-j man. ligetic r. ibe allies are Ur .'r n having accomplish- I The spirit of inquirv, investigation, and enter ed their work in th destruction of the south side ! prisp. that has been awakened, at vnur township. ol S. bastopol. He says that 'he formiJahk- nature ; f.l the obstacle the allies will have to surmount be lore i he noi Ih por s can he attack, d at all are I .so great lowed I' that ifie wint'-r will very probably be al DaflM h. fore i' is attempted. A "march lo the narih side, " which some of the English journals appear lo think a very easy matter, he consbterS simply ndb'ulous. 1 Ins Intel in"nt corresnnndent sav ... that Ibe Russians have c-ninked and per-iecled a lin- of . arihworks strrtehiotf on ibe north si, In Irom ih Reibek lo the vailev ol (nkernu. .-nd. above all, have thrown up ir. an ndoUs works eoveriag tlie j -.1 leading to he north side ol Traktef bridge and Meckel. zie's farm. In order lo march to ihe ; north side Ike allies inii-t take ihe heigbts w hich urn 1 oo ste. n in Iron! to ever b- scaled bv any hut j exuerl climb rs. and ev.rv cliff' I which is bnsil- ! mg with Russian redoUMl and batteries. Thee I leaohts c.uid onlv be iurne.1. and that, adds the! rr.-spo...tent. could only be accomplish vd by bucing the Mackenzie road. He then describes the Mackenzie mad. which, ! it swears, is so narrow, so precipitous, so (bar- anoklv mimmMflpH be I ho in nl tor-mid ihle Kils- ' Kit-. ... .h,, ..Uv'..o K.. .rr,,.n" would he annihilated" who w.-uld attempt if. F-.r two i miles ol tins lerrit.le march lb allies would he i x posed to a p r'ect "lire ol Hell," without being llowed lo r. torn a shot I nere is no other way . of turning these heights, r gaming the north side ! ... G..I-- i U..I.I.U.. i.v h.oil .-The ' roups that took ih- south ide of S. hasiopol might ' lo anything, yet, I think, says th- correspondent, even B Hissir will pau-e before attacking the ! Markeuz e road In sueh n attack, we htifti he unsuccessful. and we must be pr p. r.-d to lose h-lf and streng'h. to ih edncaivm iht controls and : never failed m-." I followed hnn with my ayr, ..ur armv. The wn" r consolers the campaign I shapes the linme p'-bcv of ibe family cireje. Tbre j f,nd looked at him when he tok his seat aft it rc virtuallv close I for the sumnv r. and h-lieves ih t ! can he no love of country whr th re is no love t Cis. fie had a fiiie.opeii.raao'y face. I thought when ii is rreomiii. nc d, -he allies will laud again j of home. Pafvioffssat, trn and genuine, the only a good d-al about :he master's remart. Wh:it a at K .imi: .. and the Klo. of the first battle oi the kind woribv nf the n-m. derives its mig'hy j character bad thai boy earned 1 Ho hsd aires V Aims will then be . clips, d in the desperate strug- strength from fonmnin that gush nut around th j got what would be worth to h'.m more than a for gl. ol ihe second. I henrlh sfon- ; and those who fo. get to cherish the j :,irie. It would be a p issport to the best ernes in j household interesi, will soon enrn o look with i .his city, and what is betier, 'o ihe Confidence ol !. . - m . . r.u: I i. Advertising. His given many a good business. H .a saved many a falling uuaioess. Ibis resCU--d mauy a b -si buataesa). II is revived inv.y dull bu-jinesi. H . iila.g d many a riiall business. Has preserved many a large busims. Has create mny a new business. His secured fU'-eesa m every business. Will kill of old tT'gv business. An ! cause many to mind their business. So, h reufter, advenise your business. . ! A Loving Math. A short Mme since, the fe I.. ,.l . i. ,r oi n .nn rtirric u iilPh h if! llPI-l n:iie oi .. e .ir oi canary nircs w men u u ..ecu inaled tor - vera! years, was taken suddenly with .. fi and d d .soot, af: r. A few hours le fore its d i 'h hi m-ite warbbd io i:s s'jflT-'ing companion five swaet and plaintive songs, mua . to ib- stir - Hrise . ( ike inina'- s d die h use in w hich ihey were, inasmuch as it h"d not ui'ered a note for eiatht wtk- It is nns some foor nceks since ihe nccurri-nce, meanwhi e th-' c.r.arv h -s not opened his nv.uta to sing, bu- mope d jeWn?j within irs eg.-. Is UVi cons I .hie gri-f l-r 'h j ioss of :s osainonst" I or ha m- ans ha e ndoct 1 Ve v II e-;. R cisier. ' g .:sri a AfCrtetetj ure and Home There is n un ;ii de -.I l truth in ih- f.illuwinir beauiiiul xr ci itum th- 4&i4 uf G v. W. mhi. I r . .. . ' ,a tiu.. ... c m I Th- t.'r.d ncvof..gricub.iri.l pursgi's is t giv di-'inoiness and sftreiurh o h un- .. (i T'l . : J . ..'uwncrw-, i rie r.'.ii'T oiti.iiiii les nr' "i 'U' i up of tl.e sm;ill r ; and as a co.umiMtv inrrpHses in m .jiniitiue. it tfiTwaars in its locul mfluenres. Al thp be of a!1 is thr riiviindv i.poo'nt. d inli- rurin oi in.- r .mi v, n'r- in.- uienii'! now- r is . . . . . . 1 . . cunreni ra'en in the h.iid uf .h-- laiber w b l' . n u r . . j t-. in- r.itnarch. Legislalur. Judge, nnd L,xitu i ... . , o his hnusi'hold cota'e. Livinu on hi" on do- ... ., . " ' noun, with bis o- dlands. pM.ire, m- allows T.fla ftrin .1 r,Brn. nln ml riiru Ki m . i,n...mA I. ttr. ...IV r. i . II ,,,, ,,l I -lllll- ,.- , ...'. "JT i1" tp"? ,"r,s . " TT t 7 n7 n,,n. I him li,l Ihu ... H ...... ... .i ............ t roi ...... ... ....-,., .- , ..,..,. msr com !onr on arm- tr leu ;inu rcogniz o It i here that -sh- f.peneih h.-r mouth with wis- rlo'.i, nnd in her 'ongue is the l.w of kindnes-.. Fl is here ihu '.she look. ili well to her hoU"-holJ. and etpih not ihe bread of idieno-s. It was at home !lr.t King .L-'inue! learned the good 'ind wie words th;it his mother laugh.) linn.' Mo'h.'r! The sweetest word in till the bbli)i"g languages of ni'-n ! It i ih." mission of wom-n i' is the holy missi n nf ih mth-r to imprp.s upon ih . , , 1 , 1 voung mind, the first lessons of truth, virtue, wis H'm' cur:e. iter empire is ;i I. ' rf. 1 II I. 1-1 J . IT the lltlec lion-, of her husband and children, who 'arise up .,,,,1 I...- ki,.,.. .1 On the ritjhl regal a lion of ihpse independent households depends the welfare of the larger com munities which wi ll powers more limited are com p.sed of th-se smaller nn- s. And. so as ihe in- ! fl IPDC'S Ol'th.SO A SSOC IS I i.l n - lllld Fair are pal- culated fo'ennol.b-, diymfv, and enrich 'he ocru Pa,i" of ,hr b.rmer. just so f,r will ihey tend to : .L . .U I. .1 ...a.. j increase the activeness. nd th" wholesome in flu ences nf bis home making him and the members of his household, better citizens ol th Lrger com munities. The family being a divine institution, the sen timent and the nfT c'i"n upon which it is based are Innate in m m. II "net i's universality. No merely human institution, however perfect, can ever take its place. Directly or indirectly, nl most nil grcnt and good men have been indebted, for their h-nf3eent power and influence, t the erly teachings of parents, and the geninl nurture ; - home Ahovp al nations we should c'ieri-.h ' np Inmiiy retalioa. I ne miim-nce oi uome. was : " inspiration that sW. II. d the great hearts of our k m a r- I I " P . . m t '11 n I' 1 i la'ners lor .tie s'ruggie nas given treea m to th"ir sons ; and we will (ail to transmit the boon to our descendants, it we enlist not f. r its preser vation the helps by which it originally won. countrv, and S'ate fair-, hv competition r pre mnims on household fabrics, and on products of the dairv. the farm, and the nfttfp. m:'.y justly be regarded a a link in he chain nf home education; and this is a very proper direction for tilings to take at this period in our history. At ihe b .se of the prosperity of any peop'e lies in this groal prineiple Make labor fashionables' home.". inslruc and enconrge; and f. fr. to c-ve interest and dignity to labor .t home Rn'is' lb heart nnd Intellect of the family in tb" support of a d m -sfic system tht will mk" labor atirne;ive nt th b"hrtes'ead. Bv means of the mm f . t t powerful influences eanv n-nn eooeaitmi en dearor o invest practical labor mat win cner trie heart of each member of the familv ; and thereby you will give In vour houiebold the grace, peace. refinement nd attrsciton w ntcr. v.a oesignen a - MK. S I I home should poshes.. I be truth is, we must isik mor. think mor, work more, and act more in reference to qu -stjons relating to horn. The training and improvement of th physical. I He irsiaWK sail aaaeiTrasnw. w w ",J" intellectual, social, nnd more powers and seni- mnts nf rhe vnu'h nf our country, req-iir- som- . . . a M ih inn o.ore than the setion hum", acaaemv, coi- b-oe and nniversiiv. The voong mind should & , -. ti.. i J mt..A rciv judicious training in the field in the gar- Hen in the barn.m the workshop, in the paro.r, in the kitchen in n wors around the henrlh stone, at h".ne. Whatever intellectual attainmen's your son may havf ncomred. he is until to go forh into society if h has not bad thrown around htm the genial and purifying influence of paren's, sisters, brothers nnd the oian saving influence of the family govern- men'. Th n-.tion must look for virtu, wisdom. i indtrlerence uyon ino interests oi irieir common imw-'-w We j co-miry. We must cultivate the roots not the fops. ' mo-' make the family government, the School, e Chttreh, the Shop, ibe Agriculiora! ... ihe Firm, the i P.-..r ih- I ihoratnries of our futur gream- as. We i mu"t educate our sons to he farmers, ariiz.ns. nr i never wai t employment. Tho fidelity, prompi I chilecis engineers, geologists hotnnisis chemists j ne.s. nnd indus ry which he has shown at acho.d ! in a word prsete1 men. Their eyes be turned from Washington to their States, counties. townships, districts, homes. This i tru- t im; and ih only pirnotism 'hat will p-rpeiu.liy presrve the nation. With a territory stretching from the A'lnti to ibp P.rifie.. and with sea coasts more th-in five in'.us .nn muee in riciu, u j varieties ol soils, climates and productions, and J consequently, we hae w'nhin our boundaries, ! citizens ol every k nd of pursuit and occupa'ion. j The world never witnessed, before ibe present urn, such a busy, bustling, energeiic crowd of human beings, scattered over a termor v so wat. and living un-ler a gov rum n sorpor:d by heir on sill P.rmersand n'-rs. rri c'i-nc. nnd tntsmfffeeaver, m-re'.v. soa irttOitt, miners iron, and gold, an i -iver a ni c --f-p-.-r, .nd coal ; men of labor and indus ry. eng ig -'l in busin'-s w tbwn aodfjntrv. n the oeMrri hf the attld, acd V 5ai (n our Ink ntl ruer m. i Ito wi.iiathry C"tiiiu'e tli- str. iiirili of nur ciHiiederwcy have. i ,,l''ir vri' u purMius, th-ir owd peculiar cu- ; turn. hibit. miniioia ami t tn : Vet, their con- I .... .... J i. . 1....... ....... a. 1 1. . . ..... ; Vlllov't n,.d ,rcognijpi. the-r prartic.l equality, iM Un&i ih- .ir.noil. .nrf ,iw, h.-autv of aut ' . - fo-m of g' vernment. A Dsn or K w Nothino. -The Morrli tt . I f . , t Il.f,uw.ft. 1 1 . i . i . u f u m ll A u n t r u- v, ., , ,. ., f , , Know iNoihniy-. is bk- a coop full of chickens c . un. l. .v i tiut up for ui.rket. When th time comes w r . .v coop ts but up Mr. rr'idein cover the top ef- 1 , , . i tiu'iy tiv. r ti'av.s an uir hole in ibe boitum ; , . , . - vJ ueart and aum-tinim to tte highest market, ac d j ilispon.'S ol them MtofBtheT. When th bargain i CompW. the mouP cun'ed -nd pm-keted, th-n. ' ii chick'-ns, th -) are brought to light, counted and luni' d into pvijat w'B of the purchaser; If Km Noihaigs, ib"ii Mr. Fresideni sh "Brelhrt r, th- g ii I ot ihe order and the nbligalions you have taken r-quire you to vote for Mr. ,(the pur Ch -j. i.) To k'-ep yuur obligation you roust mt go from ihu, yuur place of o.mcealmetit BnfJ! ho iei tftnu are in tlietr beds, a rvJ until night's a iii!" maatls will screen you from detection in m king yo'.r retreat. Take ihe tickets I give yoo. ! . M , . , . . rw i rim on cH'Ction dav co to ihe pollfi, vole thfm ana I no otn rs. Kj - singly and noieeissslv. let m man see ihe tickets now give you, nor mut you fell any "lie that you are going to vole this lickct. II yuur former political friends, nut nvmbers of this order, offer you iheir tickets, receive thcoi and by your conduct if not by your words indues ttiem to believe you are g dug to vote ai you formerly voted, ll they draw you into converse lion upon (hit subject, culm and put In rest soy suspicions they miy hove as to your fidelity t, your former puny. Remembering, as i trust yog will, that in no way cun your solemn obligttioOs be observed nnd kept without voting this ticket nor without keeping all, not out of our order, en tirely ignorant and i h'.ut suspicion i.f our object and movements. I now dismiss you un'il Friday evening, next after election, when you will agaia meet here to consider the result of the election, ' nnd to impose proper punishment upon such mem b r as may o lar neglect my present instructions as not to vole this Uckot." The brethren, of course, obey tnstt udions. The purchaser g's the votes he paid lor, and Mr. Managr has tho quid pro quo or feels satisfied be will get it. This is ihe way the order has been, can be, and will be used. All those Americans who wish to make merchandise of them, elves, and to have their votes sold, lor the benefit of others, like calves in the shamble, had betier join the ords at ouce." Uovt lo Im Ilappj. I will give you two three good rules which miy help yu I.) become happier than you would bo without knowing them ; but as to being completu ly happy, that you can never he till you g"t lo heaven : The first i, 'try vnur best to rnah others, hsp py.' '1 nevr was happy,' said a cer'ain king, 'till I b'-gan to take pleasure in tun welfare of ray people; hut ever since then, in ihe darkest day, 1 have hd sunshine m my bean.' Mv second rule i, -Be content with little. Thrs are m my good reassHM lor thiarule. We deaerro but li'tle, we nature but little, and 'better is little, with the f.-ar l (tod, tli i.i gn-at treasures and trouble iber.-wiih.' Two men were determined tf be neb. but ihey ! about it Ml ditT rent ways) forth" oil" Strove to rise lip bin m Mil-) ia his da sins; while the other did bis best to bring down his desires to his means. Tho result was, tba oc who coveted much was always repining, while ba who desired but little was always contented. My tlnrd rule is, -look oo ih suaoy tud ni, ibings. Look up wbh hopeful oy-, Though all tbings forlorn ; The sun that sets to-night wi.l rv Again to-morrow m m. ti i- i . v ..: . .L. i ..& .. j leaping fish tell us that happiness is not confined In one place. G id in his goodn- as hm spread h . I.. il -. , i llto ile.I- -Siis.r SA aaU aumnu oo tin-, ... ...r; nn. -ne. nc wnur-. j Two aged women lived in the asm- cotlags ; on- was always fearing a storm, md ths othr wss aU ! ways lonamg lor sunsnm.. liira v ne.-a i sty which it was wore a forbidden Irnwn, or which V w .s whose fare was lightened up wjib j .y. That is a B I ca Thcst. "I ocre vist . ed,"sasa gentb-rnan. "n large publ.e ssh a-!.-. At recess a linle fell w up aivd spoke in tr master; and as he turned to go down the p! it form ; ike masier said, That is a buy I can trust. Hi i inr wnoie community, i wonuer i; nw ooyi unw - n ,1' i' V,oiu'IIJIil' I . S n jwMr m f V W W ir' how soon ihey are ra'ed by elder people, liver . boy m th" ii-iyhborhood is known, opinions form led of him, and he has a character en her favnraUo ; or unfa vorab'e. A boy of whom he master cm a a m s m . j say, "I csn trust him ; he never failed me will are prized everywhere. H who si fsi'heul io li tie will be faithful in much." SnxRTHiira New Undrs thb Seat. The t. dies' riding mitehes which have lately taken place si several Sute and county lairs are really retreshing novelties. No less than thirty-eight uf these exhibitions of female eq-iettmnship haea been msde at the various fairs tn the Union wltWa the last month. Young America gts very muck excited ah.ul these m.t'ers. aud to sea lb it a: a county lair last week, where a ftir xj tcat-'ienn was ruled olT ih course becaus. slu did n t ajj side in th county, the lady rorlo "on her i h.Mik,' nd 'he. juvenile p ipulation made vp a purse .Is venty dollars for hr as a toki pf sp . tan- "us pecuniary and unafftctcd adurati. n Th' y are ver. iniereiing and qirmlsaa amuse, men:, thcee matches, ahd ftug.t lo be ebQour. flged. .ara.f at. Mi a. sr mm

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