THE WESTERN DEMOCRAT. Tuesday morning, Oct. 30, 1955 To our Patrons. It gives us pleasure to inform the patrons of the Democrat tijat arrangements have been made to give them, between - s tun'; and the first ol December, a paper in all respects worthy ot their motu liberal patronage. New type have been ordered trom New York, and new energy is to be n.lused in to the entire management and conduct of the paper, under the guidance ot those whose constant attention and talents will be devoted to its columns. The determination is, to issue he Democsat in a style not to be surpassed in interest and handsome aptearance by any paper u the State. H avy Mcrifices have been incurred to place the paer under the new auspices indicated ; and we trust that the enterpr ae will duly appreciated, and our efforts pioperly tewaide.d. I "hu Mks-sBI Mag Day. 'JliuriJay last, the day set apart by Governor Bragg, in obe J:ence to legislative requirement, to be obst rved as one of thanksgiving for h5 blessings we enjoy, was religiously ob served by our citizens. The stores and work-shots were .-lOied.and bus ness generally suspended the entire day. The manifestations of regard for the day. were highly creditable to taecitaena of our town- There was nothing to distinguish !t from a regular Sabbath day. Soils) of Tt ittper.t nee The. Estate Convention of the Sons of Temperance held iheir annual convocation in this town on Wednesday ami Thursday last. Quite a large number of delegates, from va rious parts of the Siate, were in attendance ; and ihey had a very interesting lime of it. A procession was formed at their Council Room, on Thu sday, (Thanks-Giving day,) w ich proceeded, with appropriate banners, to ihe Methodist church, where aMe and interesting addresses were delivered by Pro fesor Sterhnc and Rev'ds Carraway, Pickett, and Weimore, accompanied by religious ceremonies. We regret that the crowded state of our columns to-day denies us the privilege ot speaking more lully of this interesting meeting of the tirsnd Division of the Sons ot Temperance of our Stare. .Mckjciibiirs Urb iilim al Fair. The Mecklenburg Agricultural Fair will be held in this tDn on Monday the i lA of November next. Ain;lc Arrangements will be made to accommodate Exhi Uto'i, and it is to be hoped that every thing ;n the Agricultu rallmc will he brought torward. A c-unty like Mecklenburg, teeming in wealth, boundless in its resource?, and owned and tilled by a population noted for its go.yi husbandry, should feel that its pride is at stake, and every tfl'ort should be made to meet a highly aroused public expectation. Addresses will be dehvertd by the Rev. Ei. B. Ci nni.ngham and Captain J. Walker, and a band will discourse sweet music to the spec ttors. We anticipate a large attendance of farmers and ethers of the industrial community, not only ftom this but from '.he aurroun'in counties. The spirit of improvement ee ns to be aroused throughout the Sta'e. Let so desirable a spirit be encouraged by all w ho have at heart iheir own in terests and the prosperity of the Old North State. Death by Accident. We reprct to learn thai R. H. Yoiso, Esq., a wealihy ard respectable c t:zen of Mecklenburg county, while on Ins ie tjru home Iroin a neighbor's, about two weeks since, was thrown final Ins buggy by which accident lie t nil one of h: les;8 badly fractured, ai.d received other injuries, from the effects ot which he dud, alter lingering in great iain a tew davs. Meeting of tin 6ma1 Iiviin of tin Son or Tewpi iwfc. A? the meeting of the Gran-' Di vis on of the Sons of Temperance, conv. neil in Charlotte, on Wednesday list, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted : Rrtolved, That the thanks of this Grand Division are eminently due, and are hereby tendered), to the citizens of Charlotte, for their generous hospitality in e ter taimng the members of the same, while sojourning with them. Resolve , That the thanlcs of this Grand Division are respect fall v tendered to the Trustees of the Me'hodist Church, tor the use of their edifice for public meetings ; to the Masonic Fraternity, for the use of their Hal! ; to the Ci at lotte Sax-Hoin Band, tor their musical en tertainments; and to the different Rail-Road Compa res for pass ng the Representatives to the Grand Di vision at ha f i ates. Reire, That the unanimous thanks of this Grand Division be tendered J. A. Sadler, Esq., proprietor of "Sadler's Hotel," for his fiee Entertainment of the Memoes of th.s Grand Division, or their first arrival ia Charlotte. Rttoht , That the thanks of this Grand Division are iae, and are hereby tendered the t ommittee of A r rjnemeats, :or their courteous attention to the Grind Division. Reio'ert, That copies of the above resolutions be fur nishsdthe public Journals of Charlotte, with a request o publish. Officers or 111' Grand Division- At the meeting of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance, held in Charlotte, on Wednesday last, the following Officers were elected for the enduing year: Richard Sterling, of Greensboro , Grand Worthy Pa triarch. William II. Morning, of Smithfield. Grand Worthy Associate. A. M. Gorman, of Raleigh, Grand Scribe. W . M. Johnson, of Alamance, Grand Treasurer. J.G. Avey. of F iyettcville, Grand Conductor. . J. Lowrie, of Charlotte. Grand Sentinel. Rev. P. J. Carraway, of North Carolina Conference, flrnd Chaplain. fcTUe Synod of North Carolina will commence its Fall , M:on, at Greensboronah, to-morrow, the 31st instant. North Carolina Statu Fair, Tho follow ing were tjie receipts uf the Sn?iety during the P"r up to Thursdav evening : Payments bv 418 members, 81,254 00 At the Gate, 1.468 90 ILckf, J70 00 Shows, &.c, 35 00 Donation, 5 00 Rents, 00 00 S3.0J2 96 1,5.00 00 84 ti 98 From the State, Total, One II n K luii i I. nin lurupc. ARRIVAL OF THE AFRICA.. Halifax, O-'tor 24. The stumer Africa has arrived with Liverpool ! d!es n' October 13. The Allies were active on th-- panulx. Srbatv ,nP"l wns quiVt, lb RtMjB on ikr north side : flutiiitjii)ff thtr work of th fenci and ifiro'.ving s l!ry shot, acrasinrtHliv, lk somh side. Brown & JShipIfy sy that nearly n panic h;id 'ken place in the clt'P market. Tbere wer- jfe sellers than buter. and some sah were I orced, at nearly a hull cent decline. Th mark-l, ! tt0ever, closed steadier, as the hank rate ol in i HW hd not heen increased. Ill" Uussnns had defeated the Turks in Asia. "h a os of our hundred kilh-d. All Pasha ' llke;i prisoner. Th garrirta t K rs, was ":iced m the I .st extremiiy. Omar Pusha w .s a""Cing m rnis the sieje.' 'n thf B.liic 10 Russian iVJerphantnicn had "ricapiured. CoNOHK-a -Kansas The Speaker of the Noise. We nr.. g.ven : understand that the election ol the Spe.k- r of the House upon the s. s. mt.liugof the new Congre-g on the fir-i Mond.v m December, will turn upon the question of ttV del. gHle fp.m K-.OSHS. Two deh gtes have fee. II eh cted Whi. field by the pro slavery party, and Reeder by the aoii-slavery quitter .f ihe icrn tory. Boi!i will come on to Washington, each a the legitimately elected delegate, at,d it will he for the House to decide which is the spurious c'aimain of the seat. Th Committee on Elections will have much to do with this decision, and the com position of that committee will depend upon the party bias of the Speaker who will ha ve to appoint it. Consequently, the whole issue between the belligerents upon ihe Kansas question will be tes ted upon the election of the Speaker; and who can prrdicl the result ? Verily, we have the promise of a revolutionary opening of Congress whatever the end may be. A re the Union men prepared for the struggle ? With Congress we open the campaign for '50, and the contest for union or disunion. Let not this momentous fact be forgot ten. New York Herald. 9"The articles on ihe first page of to day's paper, with the exception of the first two columns, were selected by a young gentleman, during the absence of the Editor, to keep the type-setter- in "copy." The lovers of fun, w it, and senti ment, will find a choice dish. the: !u arrets. Charlotte, N. C. Oct. 29 1855. Flour coming in briskly, and communis from $7 a $7,10 cents. Cotton old crop, little upward extreme range from 7 to 8 Wheat $1,40 to 1,J0. Corn 37 J to 40. Meal, in great demand, from 50 to 55. Oates, from 30 to 35. Lard 13 cts. Salt $2.50 to 2J. Baton, hog round 13 to I3 cts. Colcmbia, Oct. 27 During iJih past iwod3 s viz: Thunlay and Friday, the demand tor onion whs dull nnd initciivH, al prices rn-iteriiill v in fi vor of buyer. Some 32Q bnles changed hand, at a decline of J a c on lormtr quotations, that is 8 a 8$c. Charleston. Oct. 25. Cotton has declined c. Sales i.l 1400 hules. Middling 8jo. Grain The stock in dealer's himds is Decerning reduced, and the articles in consequence is looking up. A car 140 of 2500 bushels Nonh Carolina, of common quality, the only arrival of the week, sold in the neighborhood f 80c. Wheat good quality firm, at I 80 a $1 83. Flour We quote 8 a $!) per hbl. New York, Oct. 25. Cotton is irregular, a J ct. decline. Sales of 600 bales. Flour firm ; Ohio $9.25. MARRIED. A? Mount Monroe, Iredell County, N. C, on the 24tli int.. bv the Rev. Stephen Fmniis, Mr. RI7FIIS J RK.IJ) f.f Marion &l.f.-m. i ;- saraH L. KEID. daughter of the late Rufus R id. Cash paid lor Hides. '! ME high. 1 pr'ces will pa;d (or hides bv S M HOWELL 3 ! ors -nu ih oj Sndli Charlotte, Cm. 30. 's I! i 4 3w I3is solutio xx TI1K ti 111 ex siiny in.dei ihe name ci KL.lliS S OA i iJS, was this day d ssoKed by luutnal consent. The notes and nccoun s are all in the hands l C li Kims, ho tins p ic.-;a.-ed ihe -ame, and lespecilully calls on all who aie indebted i"i :h aniouiit due by court week, as the busiiies.s l me inus. be cks'd. EL ViS OA'l Lh. Oct. lit 1855. 11 3w. A RARE CHANCE. " ILL be sold at pub ic sale on Monday of County V t ourt, 22nd nst, in t'l ariotte, time likeiy Ne. groes, one .voman 28 ye rs old, one boy seven years old, and one girl three years old. The above Negroes Will be sold on a short credit. C. L. SPKATT. Oct. 16, S.i5. 12.2 w. LAND FOR SALE. THE SUBSi K1BEK offers for sale the Plantation on which he resides, situated on Little Sugar Creek, 8 miles South of Char lotte, in the Providence region, and 1 mi.e East ol the C. t S. C. Kai. Road. This tract contains about 330 A.OXJS of this amount, aboui 200 acres are in cultivation. The largest half of the cultivated land is fresh, having been cleared in the last few ears. On the place there is a a very com ortable dwelling house and all necessary out buildings, includ ing an ex..el ent G;n House and Screw, just built. Ahso, a Spring and well of good water. The above land is siuated in a h althy neighborhood surrounded by an industrious, intel igeiit and moral c. mmunity. The subscriber will take pleasure in showing the land 10 any person desirous of purchasing. 3 r J. M. DOBY. july 18, 1855. 1-tf Whig copy. PIANO FORTES. MR. RAMSEY, of Colum bia, So. Ca., Planti Forte and Mni; Ucsif- cr, is constantly receiving a good supply of Pianos with the LATEST IMPROVE MENTS, which has given them the premium over all others. 6 and 6 octaves from j'ou to jvu. 0$ to $300 to $400. 7 to 1 $100 to $450. Carved work and Grand Pianos trom $500 to $l0u0. Mr. R. being a practical Piano Maker can insure to his customers a perfect instrument. Columbia, june 29, 1855. 49-lv Watches! Watches! Watches! THE subscribers are now receiving a large stock of WATCHES from the most celebrated aaakers; j a hi it a rich stock of Fashionable Jewelry, Chains, &c.y all of which will be sold low for cash or on short time to punctual dealers. TIIOS. TROTTER & SON. april 27, 1855 40if Whig copy. Confectionary and Bakery. QUINN At KINZEL ' j ' AKE pie. ure in unnouaciiig U their A tends ami the 1 ptthlie that they have purehase-d the Bakery and C'onleclioiniry K-it .lilisliment l itely kept by K. Lonerran on M .in str e:,S to(.rs ea.-t i o.t- American Hotel. Mr. KitiZt-1 being un experienced Baker and thorough work man t'lt y are prepared to famih lircail. Cilkes and every tlung in their line of the ino.-t superior descrip tion. Tin y will ki e on 'oind Am BxtensiTe v iriety of Choice Family Groceries, and aii kinds of Candies, Toys Fail Articles of every description, And indi e I i very thing- nu lly lonnd in the ir line. WEDDINGS and PARTIES Will be supplied at very short notice. It a desire to please, an J reasonable terms, will in sore patronage they are ddternuned to li .ve it, QUINN &. KINZEL. Sept. 28lh 1855. 12-3m. jXTotioe, ' I 'lie undersigned h .s th's d iy sold out hisBikery and Con led ion i ry Miihlishnient lo Messrs. Quinn & Kinzel, who will continue the business at the old Stand. He earnestly desires every one indebted to come for ward immediat'-ly and pav up. Sept. 2S, 1855, . LQNERGAN. THERE is an old Trunk contain. ng some books, that has been in nay possessio i for some time, that the owner can have b.v describing t..e contents, -nd p.y ing for this advertisera,.,nt. C. M. RAY. Oct. 23, 1855. I3.3t THE DUTCH HAVE TAKLff HOLLAND!!! I- T where they have taken it to we don't know but one tht.ig e do kin w, ihat it you want to buy cheap Gouds tor cash wheiher Dry -Goods, Ifctuis or Shoes, well made Cloth, iik, Hats orCaps,caiJ ai F, VV Alliens', formerly Ah lens 6c Land, Siore next to the Couit House, where you will find all ku.d ot Goods and Drice to suit ail. I am obliged owing Ui tightness of the money market and my iimittd means to make my business strictly Cash, which will enable me to bny and sell much lower than a credit aya tern could afford. My Motto is Cash and short Profits. My triends will oblige me not to ask tor credit, as I must letuse it. N. B. All kiiuis of produce taken for Goods, Yours resptctlully, Oct. 9. 1856. 11-tf F. W. AHUENS. IT PAYS WELL KOW-A-DATS TO LOOK ROUND AND FIND The Cheapest Place to buy Goods, as ninth mo ney can he saved, particularly when you have the CA SH. V7 E have just received one of the largest and best W selected stocks of goods we have ever brought to this market. We have u large Block of WS aftWMTlfl I J Lady's Cloaks, Ready-Made Clothing, of all kinds very cheap. Boots 6l Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, and tome more of them very cheap Negro And wc are determined to se.ll our Goods as low as any houHC if. Carolina. All we ask is an examination of our Goods and Prices. And as we take great pleasure in showing our Go )df, call and see before buying. BROWN, BRAWLEY A. CO Oct-9,1850. 11-tf S. M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer, Three doors south of Sadler's Hotel, CHARLOTTE, N. C. THE subscriber thankful for the very lihcral patronage bestowed upon him during the past year, has now made more extensive preparation for 111c iuiuic ucuiauu jui nui K 111 IJ19 fyline. and will endeavor to furnish all tl... i.,t.,-.. -,.,( i ... 1. u : - that may want Saddles and Harness, with a superior article at the low. st possible prices. He has now on hand a very large assortment ot Stutdles), Bridles, Harness. Saddlery Hardware, Whips, Buffalo Robes, Saddle Cloths, Skirtings, Hog Skins, Patent, Enamelled & Harness Leather, together with every thing usually kept in my line of business. K7 All kinds of Saddles and Harness made at the shortest notice. Repairing promptly executed. Oct 23, lt!53. 13-tf S. M- HOWELL. I Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherfordton PUi'SUANT to an order 01 the Board of Directors of the Wilmington, Charlotte and U utherfordton l.'ailroad Company, hooks are again open lor subscrip tions to Ihe 1 apital Stock of said Ko d. at 'he Rock Island store, and th offices ot VVm. Johns on, C. J. Fox sun) S W. Davis. Al w o feel intereste i the honor and prosperity of the old N rth " ta e, are solicit--d to come torward and aid in this gieat work, th 0 ly real public enterprise th t has ever sprung upon ou people CHAliLES J. Ft;X, S. vv . DAVIS, WM. JOHNSTON, JNO. A. YOCNii, JOHN WALKER, LEROY SP INGS, B. H. DAVIDSi N, Commissioners. Oct. 23, IS55. 13-tf V A JLU ABLE TOH N LOT FOKSALE. BY virtue of a deed of trust to mo executed by Dr. W illiara L. McRcc, dee'd, during his lite time. I shall on Monday of the superior Court lor Burke Coun ty, being the 10th day ot November 1855xat the door 01 the Court House in Morgan ton, expose to public sale to the highest hiddi r a valuable lot 111 the town of Mor. canton, one square west of the Court House fronting on Main and College streets wheic Dr. McRee resided. Containing four or more acre.", on which there is a very fine brick dwelling house nearly completed with four large rooms below stairs and four, above with a nice passage above arid below; and cost about three thousand dollars. Adjoining the mainc building is a fine one story briek building with two rooms and piaza in front; with all the necessary out houses and stables in good reparr, immediately on the cornier of main street is a fine one story brick building, rough cast and covered with tin, with a large und convenient store room wel rittcd U, and two oilier suitable rooms attached. A yard tisteiully decorated with evergreens and dowers, and a fine garden. It situation being central and convenient, any per son desirous of purchasing a beautiful, healthy and de sirable residence would do well to attend the sale. The Western rail 10. id will be here in less than three years and property will double in value. Should this oppor tunity to secure a summer or a permanent residence un surpassed by any in this or any other town in North Carolina be lost, there is no probability of acquiring within the corperate limits of the town a residence to desirable. Terms cash. E. J. ER WIN. Trustee. Oct, 23, 13 ts. CHARLOTTE BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. THE Subscribers take this method to inform the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country ihat wo huve bought out the above named estah lishment formerly owned by M r. Joseph Mead, where we intend carrying on the business in all its various branches. Tho Bakery which has been closed for some time will be re-opened im mediately under the supervision of Mr. Hlad, who is an experienced workman. We will keep on baud a full apply of BREAD and CAKES, of every description, Family Cirocevies, of nil kinds, such n, Coffee, Sugar, Kice, Cheese, Mackerel, &c. of all descriitions. Raisins, Candy, Almonds. Wes; India Fruits and every ariicle ii9iallv kepi in such an establishment. The undersign d hav ing entered into copartnership for the purpose enrrvinw on the nbove named business wimld he g!ad to see .ll the former pa irons of Mr. M ad. and any one wishing any ihiiig in our line and respectfully invite our Iriends and the community -,. treneral ' lis a r-H hoArrto h' r-!"1'' atten tii 1 1 -o busineiia ta merit a respectable srire o nuh!c ) rtrouetfe. Wi arid Parties lurnislted i ihe shortt.i pfiS-ibte Buxtctf. W will ! n enpi iied to sell entirely for ns our li ibilitea are hi'Hvv. MOORE & MOODY. P. S. Having sold out rpy in'ep st in :h- above named establishm- nl to Messrs. M ore di Moody. I would respectfully recommend them tm my for. mer Iriends and patrons. I do s dicit an ?riv call from my fri-nd- and customers, hs I will re main for some lime and would be happy to ee them, 6i. JOSEPH MEAD, Charlotte, Sept, 25, 1855. 9 if 1 Notice. ALL persons inJehteil to th firm of IRWIN, HfJG CIMS & Co., wi I Pnd J. F. Irwin or T. D. Gilles pie, always ready and happy to sett e. Accounts and Notes not sett ed by January ourt will be lound in the bauds ot an officer iox collecti n. J. F. IRWIN T. D. GILLESPIE. Oct. 23. 13-tf CLARENDON IRON WORKS, WILMINGTON. N. C. . II v 1 VBOhhKLEM. Proprietor. i EHE Sttbserttx t having purchHsed the entire in nr. . .1 rt DPMnnw idav H?aDITfi ' 1 1 rfM 111 me -Li.iftijiX fun iivv. wv-', 8 .lici's orders for St-nm Rngin s, of any power r8tyli Sav MdN ofevj-ry vari-ty. Mining M chinerv nd Pumps. rini and Fieur MilN, cimp'-te. P irker, I'nrbine anil - ther Wnter-wheels, Rice-fi' Id Pumps and Engines, L'iviit's Crn and Cob Crusher, Rice Threshers, Shingle Machines, Shifting Hangers and Pullie?, Cotton Gins and Gearing. Iron Cting l all kinds and fniterns. Brass ' Locomotive und Tubular B"ilers, Flue and plitjn Cv linder B ilers, ' . Bluckmiih work f nil kinds. lion Doors for Houses und J'ils. THE ESTABLISHMENT Having b-en re-orgaiiiz d for the express purpose ui at'eivfing punctually to the exeeu'ion of "II or ders, the public may rent s:iied that o work which ma off r he promptly d livered acr.or ding h) promise, und ol such workmanship as can uot tail to jive satislacti n. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Bt-iiig 111 eh rg- ol men of lah nts atii' exp rience, I hae dm hsitMn in saving ilia' the work h'-re-aiier turned ou', s h 1 1 compare fvorWy in every iepeci with that of the most ceh-b'Hted in the Stat", and at prices which will make it to the in t ret ol till in want to lo-nd nv tli ir orders. RKRAIR WORK Always done wi'lmut delay and having n iurge lorce for that purpose, it will prove advantageous to anv per-on needing such to give me the prefer ence wi'ltout regard to expense of sending same from a d:s'ance. Orders will he addressed to ''Clarendon Iron Works,' Wilmington, N. C. A. H. VANBOKKELEN. Oct. ?3, J855. 13-tf State of oi tli Carolina. Stanly Count. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions August Term 1855. Sophia Little "I , , . , c Petition for Dower. The heirs at law of J James Little. j IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court tint the defendants in tiiis case reside beyond the limits of this State, It is therefore ordered, by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in tfif Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next term of our said Court, lo be held for the County of'Starily, at the Court. House in Albemarle on the 2nd. Monday in November next then and there lo plead, unr swrr, or demur, or judgement pro confesso will be taken against them. Witness, . Hirri Clerk for said County at office 2nd Monday in August A. D. 1855 and in the 0th year f American Indept ndt nee. R. HARRIS, c. s. c. c. Oct. 2, (Pr. fee $6.) 10 Ct. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ' I he Cash for the Notes and accounts due the .ollow- ing persons: C, J. FoX, R. F Davidson 6c Co., and Brian 6c Thompson, all persons indebted to the noove ptfsoBs w ill very much oblige them and myself by Call ing on me f"r settlement al or before the October court. Office 1th door east of Bpratls. J. P. SMITH, Agent. Oct 5. 18r-5. I0-4w. W big copy. Charlotte Saloon. HAVIVG bought the interest of W. W. Phelan in Ihi- Cliiirlolte Saloon, basement storv of Kormirs' I a m - - -j - r i Building, a few doors south of the Charlotte Bank, the business will be hcrealter conducted in the name c JkflLLER & ORR, They have just received and are now opening an un. equalled variety of he Purest and hest Liquors. Wines, Cordials, Porter, Ale, AND SEGARS, OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS, that is to be had, together with every article ihat is re quisite to refresh and regale the inner man. Theii FRENCH BRANDIES, WINE CLARET, PORT, MADEIRA. SHERRY, and CHAMPAGNE. was selected by a jnd(re .in-l cm be confidently recom. mended as PUKE and GENUINE. They have Ipid considerable experience in catering for the publie: taste and promise to use every ixcrtionto phase thoHe who may extend to them their patronage. Aug. 17 4-tl MILLER k ORR. BLUE STOKE ! BLUE STONE!! A larce supply just received at fc SCARR & CO'S, Drug Store. Charlotte, Sept. 4 1855. C tt. Chills and Fever. THE following valuable remedies for the above diseases, viz : . Thompson's Fever and Ague Powders, : Indian Cl.Vagoeue, - , Rowands Tonic, Hulls Pills, - J"' Jaynes Pills, .,'iniU Champion's Fills, Ac, For. Sale at SCARR A CO, Sept. 6, 18i3. 6-t DrugRiat. , Hooflands German Bitters, Unequalled as a remedy for Dyspepsia-and general Debility. For sale at SCARR tt CO'S, Hen. 4, 1855. Ctf. Diug Store. S. L. DoWILL, R. A. Rogers. W. D. DowrLi. ol Georirla. of Alabama. ol Florida. Factors, GCVIRAlf CoMSttSSION .MtRCKASW, AKP ShIITIKO AOt?CT, North Atlantic Wharf, CHARLES1VX, S. C, IVE pjesent great fac lities for selling Cotton, and especi ally Flo r, WThea', Com, and Domes ic Produce. H'e make arranjements with our interior trienda to imnasct their bui ness at ihe very lowest rate of charges, and pledge ourselves to promptness meveiy transaction. Eiberal advances made on Consignments. Strict personal attention to the intertcsrs of our patrons, and your favor and influence lespectfully solicited. CCtBest ot references given. tept. 18, 1855. 8 ly CARRIAGE SHOP. IHE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public geneially, that he is sti 1 carrying on the a- ri .y.- MitkiMif Ilniii-! in all its va rious branches wi h all the increased facilities afford ed by modern improvements, lie ha now on and a ! large number of BUGGIES CAM It 1 AGES, ROCKA- j Ai5, etc., mane on ine most approvea sty es out ot the best material, to which he asks the inspection of pur chasers. ITm establishments is on College and Depot streets, where he will be glad to see his friends. JOHN H ARTY". july 28, 1855. 1-tf jojTprinting neatly executed at this office BL4XK ATTACHE LTS FOR SAI-E AT THE OFFICE or tu DEMOCRAT. GOOD JfEWS TO thne w isliHia to purchase Dry Goods. Clothing, Hardware and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats Cape and Bonnets, and a Great Assortment of Fall and Winter Articles. ELIAS S COHEN. ELI AS & COHEN having received their Immune Full Stock, are now prepared to off-r induce, in nts to pnichasn r. h whom we can display one of the largest Stocks of Good in rh S:ate at ti "mMl'esi profits and prices. , We cannot enumerate th" diir-rot styles of Levies Dres Goods we have on hand, or iha bcatv and variety of our Cloaks, Talmas, Man 'ilhs and Shawls, which we have in bundance Lalies call and see i h-m. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! CLOTHING 111 An unsurpassed Stock of Ready Clmhing, Loth lor quantity and variety at welt a a cheap ness. . . All who have seen it acknowledges it fo be the SI ver seen in (,'hrtrlotte in one season, We have I, AKIitNT SBBEI HM V aSBB KB . Maim ' nSi Bm S BKSBI BBBI BBFM BBBB1 BBSS JPO Tpa j n fyt 3VdEC3.0 Gentlemen call and tannine them, and be yvur ivn judges ot" the Gtxids and F-ices. In addition lo wh;cfi wc have an ahundant supply nt Cma Linen Bom Shirt and C.lhra, Stnc1ts, Cravats, Handkerchiefs and Suspenders Gloves and Umbrella, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bg, and every thing necessary to complete vour wardrobe. NEGRO SHOES, CLOTHING ARD BLANKETS To those friends who have been kind enough to pit'ronise otr rstablishmant it is scarcely rt-c.'t-sary to inform them how cheap they can huy Goods ol us, but to those who have yet to give tit 0u first trial, we say If you wish to select from one of the Largest Stoeks of Goods in the State nl prices so Inw as to surprise yourselves, call upon E'ius & Cohen, No. S, Grnite Hut, immediately opposite Sadler's H"fel. Wholesale Merchants can select from our vuried and unrivalled Winter supply, upon better terras tlrni th-y can buy in Charleston. An examination of our Stock is solicited. Countrv nroduee taken ns cash in exchance. Oct. 9. 1855. FOE mi WHY is it JENKINS & TAYLOR sell stovei so cheap? Because they buy their STOVES, from the Manufacturers. WOULD respectfully announce to the inhabitants of CHAULOTTE and vicinity, that (hey ha ve removed from their Old Stand, to one door West of Elms & Spratl's Grocery Store, there they have now on exhibition, just received from the North, one of the most eztentive assortmcu! ol Ever offered in North Carolina, among which will bo found the ccdohratrd IRON WITCH COOKING STOVE ! Which has g lined such a famous reputation in the Southern Country for the last eighteen month. This Stove we warrant superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in it arrangements, consumes less fuel, and does more work in a given time, than any other Stove now iu use. We will put up one heside any other Stove of the same size in the United States, and if it does not do more work in any given time, we will forfeit the price of the Stove, and quit selling, and go our death for he better one. ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR AND BOX STOVES ! We have, and constantly keep an extensive and varied stock of TI3NT, -A. 1ST ID SHE; EST IROn, HAT RACKS, CRADLES &C, &C. All of which will be sold Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than has ever been before offered in this vicinity. We would return our thanks to our friends and customers for the very-liberal patronage they ha hestowed upon us, and they may p si assured, (hat we shall endeavor, hy close aitrntioo to butisaaa together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuanco of the same. OUR MOTTO IS " QUICK SALES Ar:D SLIALL PEOFilS." Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly invited (o eall and examine our stock. km kbi3 m am woik aotibhsid to wira sdhspawjh. N. B. VVe will tell you why we head our ad vertiaement " Wait for the H'aon," it is becaura we have three wagons constantly traveling through the country with Stoves. OCT All orders will be faithfully and promptly attended to. -co Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 25, 1S55. ' B.if. SEBAST0P0L TAKEN AT LAST ! I. FRANEENTML & CO.. TAKE pleasure in theif Ijtends and the public in general, tint they have opened is that splendid Store, next door to Spratl, Daniels 6c Co., a new and h uidfoin aortinrtlt of Our Stock is entirely new, and has heen car fully selected by one ol the firm in the Northern citift, expressly for this mark-t. . . SiASj OiOHIt fhSatAS, ED., IfO.. WTO. Our Stock of Ready -Made Clothing comprising only Goods of the latest Style, will he told ra. tonhhing Loir Rates. liars, Cps, Boo s, SUo'S. and Gentlemen's, f V rr A j i lltffaI ftt thk Million. Jfuely, Cutlery, und a gnat mavy Fancy-Articles, a oiliwrtm4ht,chtyer tfati ifa cheapest. Blankets, Kerseys and JJuiitestics, at J&w Ytrkc cosl 'toul'tvyig. Gmeki PrVi'.' ' lesion peseta, freight added. ' - Please give a fair- ttial ana convince yourself at . .''- 8. FRANKENTHAL A CO'S., New Oet. 9. 185.r,. DRUCKER AND SOMMERS, AT iheir new establishment, a few doors Sou'h of Kerr's Hotel, offvr at Wholesale and Jte's;! at the lowest Cah prices all and every article in their line. They have just opened a very extensive Stock of Fall and Winter dry-goods, mmmi clothing. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, GUNS, PISTOLS, TRUNKS. And a great many other article too numeron u mention, to all of wfjich thev invite the attention f ihe puhlic, and iheir friends in general. Their well known low prices, ih well as their very ex tensive variety of Goods, :s admitted by all who have heretofore patronised them. Therefore it ia use es for them, to say ?y more. DRUCKER & SOMMERS. Oc. 16, 1855. STOCK all kinds frcm the lowest in price to the ELIAS & COHEN, . f No. Zy Granite Kow. ( 11-tf THE WAGON TAYLOR Storey 2 Doors Abo? e the Court House. 11 4w. U- it . 'I t .lr-M - . ' " K f

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