Little Thins. Scorn not the slightest word or deed, Nor deem it roid of power; There's fruit in eaeh wind-wafted seed, Waiting it natal bower. A whispered word may touch the heart, And call it back to life; A look of love bid sin depart, Aiid nill unholy t-trifc. No act fails fruitless; none can te 1 How vast its po"'er may be; Nor what results unfolded dwell Within it silently. Work, and despair not, give thy mite, Nor r.ire h w small it be; God is with all that serve the right, The holy, true, and fre. mm. wsbamn, Maimer, 'J I.QORS NOTiril r,y KKRR HOTKL. I.I. lartoart cut and molt by the celebrated A. R i m, ilm.l tut M- irrai.t. d In fit. 1 1.1 B..futt trimmed in Use latest style t the thnrtcat t,,ljec. April I " NOTICE. THE Sib?cribcr having txwchl the entire inferetl J. ('. llai:d ol i he ri in of Alums llai.d reepi c fully infc mi hif tiieitde and public gatrtlh Istssl lie will ruariniie selling bl wbula Stock of Goods at (.'opt, uricrly ha Cnh hi d u.vir - is ci r v i." rs ji.v i c public pMM Ijr to call reethe i;.mi F. W. villi ENS. . 1$. The S'ti'f and Acrnii! its l ' the luui hi I be hasnhi ol Uv J. '. llauMsj !ui cuBrtrlm. K. W. A. .-p-. II. I -'., ' 't CHAFLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. 'I 'II IS C )M P AN V is now "r- i niz. d oci-nrdmir ! the I stl of I at mpta ilinn. aasl a rr pr pared to laccivr up jilif.iii.n. and issue potteha araiut lusa by pro on all LiiiiI.i hi pmpi rty and merchandize. ITll-.i:.C H. C. Car ox. Prto isli nf, J Mas Irwin, V. Pit . -ok nt, W'm. laaama, Attorney, J. F. lawia. Sec At Tress. M. L. IVaisrw:, Agent. Iiski T' R. C. Carson. John Irwin, J. A. Youag, J jih II. White, Jaases II Cirmn, Dr. M. B.Taylor, W. V, Kirns, Wm. Johnson, keroy Springs, J. W. Os hnnar, Ch m. Overman, .mil R. H. Bra ur ley. 1 r Iin ct all fSaasw.ojpt.catMs to tin- jjeeretary. JO I IX f. IKWIN.S, c'y. June la, 18 jj. 4 7 -1 1" EC1LENBUJM2 BOUSE, JbaaV HAVING parc)baard the building on the cor iMfffl ner, a few dour north,-el of Kerr's Hotel, and ' n piiired and fitted il up in Brat-rate style, I would "Wttyfj H("fn la travelling pulilie that il is now pen tor the reception ol 'regular and 1 raiisiunt 'mardi-rs Dnivcra will find ample rcmiiiwedUtioiMJ ut my house. Jan. 19. 1h9j. i:-y S II. RtIA Dissolution. Tin c.pnrlncr.'-!ii brretolurp I'xi.s'ing b'-iweon hp tsuhnrrih'-rs. urnler the firm of WARING & HF.UKJ', .ii iht (tgnbJ.v;atnn ff tl;e Western llem'ocrii.-" i's ryptred liiis ii.iv by i'F own litnv t iiion. Tlje iiccouirs iih" the firm must he c't'si'd us soon us poastblf. i'.itlier is authorized to settle. K. P. WARING, KUFUS M. HERRON. Tnr.e 8, 185. J aV INO madi? out all the Recounts dun the tF..MOCR AT" Office for Adverlisino and Sub ncription, nil person indebted to us are requested ti pny up without delay. The husine) of the Into firm must bo closed m July Court, or those indebted must lajia the consequences. WARING HERRON. June 20 49 Save jour Cots ! I'HK Hatrf and Accounts ol the late lirm of A. Re--I thunc A Co. has been placed in the hands of S. V. flavin. Esj.. for collection and settlement. Those in debted ailliai by Note or Account, ;ire requested to make an taiBiedi.itc arrangement, as further indulgence can. pol and will not he grnnted. ALEXANDER A: JOHNSTON. A pril 7. 1 855. 3.r P0VT5T LAND BILL. S. V. OA VIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, t.n.tKi.on f:, jr. v. 4 I.I. collt -tioiiy or other bvabaesa attended to with promptness ; pa rlieularly such us refer to the prose, fulion of Pension Claims, Land Warrant, and donations ff" Honnty Land agaioat the General Govtruiacnt, un rirr the late Boa lit y Land Law of March 3d, 1855, y iv ius 160 Aercsuf Land to all Officers, Land and Naval, loasiiiaiaatd or iion-CominiNsinned, all Soldiers, Sear mra, pteras, or ojjier peranaa, who have served in any !.( the Wars in which the United States have hern en. gatfed since 1700 ; and also to all Officers and Soldiers nf the Revolutionary War, their widows and minor children. Pernons having such claims, by presenting them inj. Mediately, may secure an curly issue of their certifi cates. Office, 5 doors south of Sadler's Hotel. tl.'?6 WHEAT MARKET, ' -rT-i lie Iwich to purchase three or four '.timdrei! thousand bushels of good merchantable wheat, for which I ail p:; v th kigBH ri cash piiee. Charlotte Irotii its facilities of transportation is one o tle best inland ninrke's in the 3 lit hem States. I have erected lar'e M- reliant .Mills enntigiMMBa In tin Railroad CHjiable of "finding three ii...ifriit barrel of floor r tr, and to knp tin in ranuing I n u.-t have nbeat. So ring it along, if you want the highest figure lor it. I am prepared to jrrind for toll. If you want flour whose brand n ill be sufficient to Bell it in anv market in fhe werbl, here in the place lo have it manufactured. These Mills have already uude a reput lion not in terior to anv in the country. LEROy SPRINGS. June 1. 181. 47-tt Whig, Charlotte ; Baawter. Salisbury ; Enquirer, York rille ; Standard Chester, IuteHigencer, Shelby ; News, Asheville; will ...jcrt3 months and forward bills lo the fnhticriber at Charlotte. NEW BOOKS FOR SALE LOWRfE MS ENXiWs BOOR STORE. 'hHE Slave of tnc Lamp, a Posthumous Novel, by Wil. liam North. lafOSNfC, or (he first days of the Blood, by Alexander Dumas. Traatsl itcd from the original amunaacemt. Fashion and Fancies, by Airs. Stephens. The Maroon, a jegend of the Carriltbcea. uiid other tiles by W. (jilinorc mms. Tbe (Jattle Builders, by the author of " Heart sea e," "The Heir of Radelyrre.,'""Sc nes and Ch inces," etc. Tlie Old Inn or the Travi Hera' Eiitcrtainmciil, hy Josiah IJarnef, ben. The ahore aro all the very latest and most popular novels of the day. We c instant! keep on band a large and well sell ctcd stock cf stationary of every kind, and are ponsiantty re ferring all tbe new books that are heir... pi. hljshc. I .md hooks tbut c have not gt, wc can fcou the ahorti vt porice. 45.1 J,un 2 .l-:.i. Coagrcss Gafters for Ladies, JUST Received af Boone's Boot i. Shoe Emporium. ' May 9.". 4 t-!f. Citrate of Magnesia. I FRESH case of this celebrated refreshing Aperi- eat, yaat opened hy K ARR c CO. Feb 1, 1M3. 30-tf RIIETT & ROBSOK, an r COMNISSION MERCHANTS. Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. 6 X 4 S" Liberal advances made on Coanagnmen'S. Reference: II. B. Williams, President of the Bank of t'har'otte July 27th 18.'.-.. I dm. WM. K. BJAlLSFOKlK J oiii 211 i i ii II e rc li a n t , AND AUBiNT FOB Baltimore and Philadelphia Packets, ClIAULESTON. So. 'a. LIBFBAL advances made on consignment - of produce to mv address fas scch. Sept. II, Ic.'o. 'y. J. B. F. BOONE, WHOl.ESAI.ti AND RKTAII. DEAI.KR IN SOM.E LEATHER SMttJi'S, LININC A N 1 1 IIINIHNCi SKINS, SHOE TOOLS OF KVERY DKSCKIPIION, CiwloUe, S. C Oct. 20, 1851. iy A. BETHUNE, TAILOR, No. S, Springs' l-'ovv, 4 IiuOiiS EAST OK TIIK CBABLOTTE BANK, UIIAULOTTE, n. u. Feb. IIJ. Ii."j5 30tf E p0 vj TWTWeT, .Worney at Imwc, Ofllce in Lancrgant Brick Bttiltiir.g, -Zm! floor. C ItARLOTTK, X. C. Dr. DEL- TSL. NTorment RESPECTFULLY oflera his professional services to the citizens ol Charlotte and surrounding country. He hopes by devoting his entire attention to the duties of his prolessiou to merit patronage. He maybe found at all hours, at bia office opposite the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. march '2, 1855. 32tf NOTICE. SUBSCRIPTION ol lic hundred thousand dollars hav ing been made to the Capital Stock of the Wilmington, Charlotis aiid Rut her lord Rail oadCo., and the fust instal ment ot two and a half dllara pe r share having been regu larly pa d in, aecosding lo tin: provisions of tbeCliarter, notice is hereby given that lite Books of Subscription be closed on Wednesday, the th day of September next, at d a ycncial neeting ot the Stockholders will be heiil at Wadesboroiigh. in the connty of Anson, on Ifrdnesday the 3d day ol Oetobci next. It is earnest!) desired thai all ol the Stock shall fee re presented either in person ot by prosy. ALEX, McRAE. Wilmington, N. C. Sept. I, 1855. 4-M m&mm mm rril E subscribers in o-ni the public generally, that they 1 have opened a MARBLE VARD in Chest, r. S. C, ne;ir the Depot, where they are prepared, with omip" teut workmen from the North, to execute all orders in jheir line of btistni ss, such as Plain and Ornamental Martole Worn, consisting of IHU'I, TOMBS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES, &C. They will keep constantly on hand the best description of Italian and American Marble, and their articles will be afforded on as accommodating terms us tin 3' can In obtained either North or South. CL? All orders, for any article, addressed to the sub scribers, will be ackcd and forwarded with the utmost care and despatch. SAMUEL McNINCH, U. NEEF. Chester, S. C, May 2fi. 1655. 44H Received tliis Day, ry ENTS CARPET SL1PPEKS, figured. JI Ladies' " with rnstts. Co'ored Figured Velvet SLIPPERS, t White Kirt and Satin " Children's Light Colored BOOTS, at BOONE'S IJoot & Shoe Emporium. 2, 1855. 4t,tl P W. BECK WITH has remove.! his Jew elry Store I to No. 2, Johnston's Row, three doors South of Kerr'f. Hotel. Feb 16, 18,.'.. 30-ly MY Notes and Accounts having been placed in the hands of S. W. Davis, Esq., for collection, those i who are indebted to me individually, or as nne of the . old film of Steele & llartj-. are respectfully request- ed lo make settlement by April Court, it not sooner. A. C. STEELE. Feb. 2, 180.1. 28-tl Notice to Debtors. rjHE subscriber having entered into partnership with Mr. Palmer, is desirous of closing up his old business. He therefere most earnestly requests his formerf riend9 and customers, who are in arrears at his shop, to call between this time and our April court, at d settle their accounts either by rote or casli, the lafer if possible. R. SHAV7 march 2, 18"i.5. 32tf LOOK AT THIS SIMPLE WORD CLOTHING! 1 XH yet, simple as it is. you hear a ereat cry made .V over CLOTHING! You take up the papets and almost the fiist word you see is CI.OTIilXC, !! Vou stroll over the city and you will see small sam ples of Iff A little herp. a little there, And no assortment anywhere; Until you set to FVFLaLlIVGS &, :0.f where ever) one rutiS to get good clothes: And why do they run there ? Simply because thev ean set CLOTHING B-ll-r l;it-. iVfORC r A Rail lOPj It I. E, AND AT I..T?SS JrrJ-j TC't-:t than at any House in North Carolina. We make a business of it manufacture our own Goods, and every article sold by us is WAR RANTED, or money returned. "Competition is the Life cf Trade," And we are bou:;d to keep the Largest and Most Fashionable IN THE STATE. We has a full stock of Children', Youths', and Boys' Clothing, at low prices. Also GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. TH f .V Ja 8, E.s, C.l fC T U. t ii S- umbrellas; CAK. ' Iorte-vtoita isc, Pen and PqcIuJ sKatircf HAIR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES occ. S:c, &c, all of which will be freely shown and prices giver. At the Emporium ot Fashion, BY KILLINGS fc UQ Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 23, 1j4. ISij waaaaaaanai CHARLOTTE HOTEL. THIS Hotel situated in the centre f the town !5 B ...1 , 1 Mii of C harlotte, convenient to ail toe places 01 un- ic st II kent oncn ror nttbiic acco 1 modatton. The proprietoi has been engaged in keeping a public house at this stand for fourteen years. He now ofl'eis to the use of the pu lie a new edition of his former i :c,u;e greatly enlarged and improved, presenting in front a two story "V7"OI'V23LClO,23. I0t' feel in entith by 12 feet in width, handsomely shaded by trees in the side walk, affording a pleasant promei.ade t all hours of the day. The h use is thoroughly furnished throng! out, and in every part of it . reature comforts are abundant and tangible, epecial y in the Di ill tig tioottl, where the i. ner man is renewed day by . ay. Connected with this Hotel are sables affording room for 100 horses abundantly furnished with grain and provender, attended bytaith ul and obliging hostlers The proprietor feels confident that with his long ex perience and n ;.ny new advantages added to his own native disposition to be pleasing and agreeable, he is 1 repared to offer to his friends and the rest of mankiid. a many comforts ami cs much good cheer as will be found anywhere, perhaps a little mote so. rjyTrv the Hotel. J. B. KERR, Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 10, lt55- 3-3m Columbia Caro inian, Wilmington Journal, Asheville News and Vorkville Citizen, please insert 3 months and forward accounts to this office. Iaw3m. CLARENDON IRON WORKS, IV j I suits si oh, X. C 1"IIE C LA R EN DON I RON WORKS nre now pre pared to rt c ive rd rs tor Beam, Vertical, Horizon tal or Oscillating Steam Engines, High or Low Pres sure, ;ind adapted to all pui poses : Circular, Vertical and Portable Saw Mills complete; Puip- iMining Machine ry, Crist and Flour Mills, complete ; Parkirr, Turbine and other Water Wheels, Equipping of Steamers, Cur Wheels and Axles; Horse powers of various patterns; Rice Field Pumps and Engines; Rice Thrashers; Shingle Machines, Shafting, Pullies, Hangers, Gears, and all other Mill Work. CASTINGS. Iron and Brass Hastings of all descriptions, including Ornamental Iron Railing, Pipe, Bridge Castings, &.C., Ai.c. The Company would respectfully invite attentiln l. their styles and patterns of Railing, which may be seen at their office. Boilers. Tubular, Flue and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks, Chimneys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. Repairs. A separate department and force will be kept for re pairs, where work will be done thoroughly and with despatch. Having large facilities, the above work will be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere, North or South, aud in a p-. cmpt and satisfactory manner. onsultatioti by lett--r or otherw ise, in regard to plans and designs for mills or their furniture, and for ma chinery generally, willingly answered. AH orders or communications to be addressed to the undersigned. HENRY M. DRANE. Aent. March 23. 35-tf SADDLES & HARNESS. sST) The sulrscr.bers have entered frTLTYTi V37jynto copartnership and opcnedggf Saddle and Harness jVtANUF-A.CTOH.Y, AT R. SHAW'S OLD STAND, In SprttmS Brick Corner Untitling, where they have constantly on hand a large and splen did assortment ol SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, Ace, ol every description, according to the most approved sty'e and fashion of the day. They are also prepared to manufacture anything in their line in the most sub stantial and workmanlike manner and better than the best. We respectfully invite the public to call ami exam ine for themselves. Repairing done at short notice and with neatness and dispatch. SHAW & PALMER. march 2, I So.j. 32tf FASHIONABLE TAILORING. THE subscriber iinnotinccs to the public generally, that lie is now receiving a large assortment ol new Cloths, Casircieres A NO WESTijreis, for Gentlemen's wtnr, and will be sold tor Cash at a small profit, or made to order according to the latest styles. Shop next door to 'Daniels iv. Aliisr.n. Sept. 2D, 1854. lou D. L. RF.A. B LAC S n I T EI I W 6r Well done or no Pay required. THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub- lie, th .t he hasopencda BLACKSMITH SHOP V'on College street, opposite the Charlotte it S. C. I If ail road Depot, win re he is prepared toe.xi cute all kind.-- ol Blacksmitbing, Horse Shoeing, Repairing Boilers, making .Mill Irons, &c. All orders to J. IJ. Il.inu or Messrs. Irwin, Hoggins "v. I c : 1 1 ; . . -1 , , . ,,.. ur my sen win oc speeiiny .'inclined lo. Ivelerin.Wr C. Davis, on the North Carolina Railroad, and Win. Glaze &. Co., Palmetto Foundry, Columbia, S. C. S. J. PERRY. march 2, 1 8.". 32.6m WILKINSON'S DAGUERREIAN GALLERY. llooms. Third tory. Granite Range, immediately v r Trotter & Son's Jewelry St.jrc. THE subscriber having permanently located in Chor 1 Inlte, respectfully invites the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen to his sapterioi I 771 and would rcspict fully say that he is now taking Da guerreotypes upon an improved plan, which Will not only add to the BEAUTY AiD ELECtANCE f the Picture, but vill render it DURABLE AKD BRILLIANT FOR AGES. He u mi 1 ti also respectfully invita strangers visiting Charlotte to call and examine his specimens, as be is determined they shall compare favorably with any that can be taken North or 8011th, CCF"" Instructions, thorough and practical, given in this beautiful art, and all materials furnished. NEAL WILKINSON, January 26. 1S5.. 27-tf BLIE STONE! BLIE STONE!! Cheaper than ever ! UST received a very large lo! of Blue . tone at Phi rc HARD & CALDWELL'S. J Quinine ! Quinine ! I '200 oz. just to hand very cheap at Pit ITC HARD & CALDWELL'S. Opium and Morphine. Larze lots just received at very short profits, for sale a PKtTCriARD & CALDWELL S. Tanners Oil. Large and exccllen Stock very low for cah at PR1TCHABD CALDWELL'S. Copal, Coach, Damar, Black, Japan &. Harness Varnish. Jus: to hand at PRlTf H ARD & CALDWELL'S. Castor and Sweet Oil. Very low for cash t PlllTt HARD & CALDWELL'S. Concentrated Lye I'or making soap c, .caper than Potash yeast, re ceived and for fale at PhMTCHARD & CALDWELL'S. PAINTS of all colors and qua'itict now on hand at PR ITCH AKD & CALDWELL'S. Sept. 18, 8-tf PRRIVATE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR LMJTCOEJt TOJT, JTo. Ca. Mrs. WM. J. ALEXANDER, Principal. rTlE Course of Studies will comprise the usual bran X ches of a thorough Kcgl ish education, together with the French language, Music and Drawing. Mrs. Al exander, is now prepared to receive Boarders into her lamily. Terms Per Session of 5 Months: Senior Department, - - - -Junior ' Music on Piano, - - - - -" on Guitar, - - - - - Fine Needle Work, - French, ------ Board, including washing, fuel and light, per month, - - - - $15 00 12 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 12 00 9 00 Use of the Piano for practice, one dollar per month. 03" 2nd Session commences on the 1st Monday in October. Aug. 10, 1855. 3-tf MRS. M. SHAW'S .TI I II, 1. 1. Kiev BAZAAR AND DRESS MAKING ROOMS. (Fo'r duo s south of tlie American Hotel.) MRS. SHAW respectfully announces to her numer ous friends and patrons ol the Tow n and surround ing Counties, that she has just returned from Charleston, ana is now opening a superb as sottment of Frcncli HfcXillixxei-y-. consisting in part of a Great Variety of Bonnets, leicSi antl Elegant ieibfioii?, Laces. Artificials, Trimmings, &.c, to which she invites the attention of the La lies. fhe is prepared to put up Ladies' Dresses according to the fashion and in the latest style. April 13 38-tF We 8. hAWNM k 0., TIIOS. ALEXANDER , WM. SE ABR00K LAWTON, Formerly ol York His. S.C Formerly of Lawtonville, S.C South Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. Factors, Forwarding and Commission FOR THE SALE OF COTTON, FLOUR, CORN, WHEAT. BICE, NAVAL STORES. &C. Our Senior partner has been in the Factorage and Com mission Business about twenty years, and we hope by experience and attention to give satisfaction, auir 17 4 SMATE OF NORTPI CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of Please and Quarter iSesstons, July Term, 1855. W. W. Elms vs. James E. Mallory, Original Altachment. and others. J IT a, pearin" to the satisfaction of the Court, that James E. Mallory, Joseph T. J. Sturges, and J. C Meek rr, know n as the liudisill Gold and Copper Min ing Company, are not inhabitants ofNoith Carolina, but leside beyond the limits of the same, It is therefore Ordered by the Cojit. That publication be made lor six w eks of in the Western Democrat, a newspaper prii, ted in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said de fendants to be and appear at the next term of our said Court, to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday, in Oc tober next, thi n and there tofplead, answer or demur, or judgment pro-confesso will be taken against them. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, clerk of our Court, at office, ihe 4ih Monday in July, 18.55, and in the 80, h year of American Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. (Printer's fee Sf)- 7-Gvv. Male of North Carolina, Stanly County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessio?ts Term, 1655. August A S. Moss, ) vs. V Attachment. Lorenzo M. Little, y E. S. Moss, ) vs. A ttachment. Same. 3 Marshall and Parker, J vs. v Attachment. Same. William H. Taylor, i vs. V Attachment. Same. 3 J. S. Linker, vs. Same. John Spr nkle, vs. Same. Mathias Farr, vs. Same. Attachment. Attachment. Attachment. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant in this case resides beyond the limits of this St., te. It is the refcre ordered by the Court that publication he made for six weeks ir the Western Dem ocrat a newspaper published in the town ol Charlotte notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next 'crni of our said Court, to be held for the County of Stanly at the Court House in Albemarle on the 2nd Monday in November next then aed there to plead, an wer or demur, or judgement pro confi sso will be taken against them. Witness, . Harris Clerk for said Court at office the 2nd Monday in August A. D. 165. and in the 80th year ol American Independence. R. HARRIS, c. s. c. c. Oct. 2, (Pr. fee $8.) 10 Gt Mute of North Carolina, Stanly Coi'nty. Court ol Pleas and Quarter Scstions Aug. Term, l$b. Sophia Little, Olmstead L;ttlc, James M. Hunnycutt, and wife Clarinda, .Mary E. Lotifr, James Love, and wife Narcissa, vs. Lorenzo M. IJttle. J. E. Austin, Guardian of Israel B-, and James IL, Jno. A., William A., and Martha Ann Little. Petition for sale ol Negroes. I J IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt that the defendants in this case reside beyond the limits of this State. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication he made for six weeks in the Western Dem ocrat a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next term of our said Cwtirt, to be held lor the County of Stanly, at the Court House in Albemarle on the 2nd. Monday in November next then and there, to plead an swer or demur or judgement pro coniesso will be taken nga inst tlicm. Witness, R. Harris Clerk for said Court at office 2nd Monday in August A. D. 1855 and in tbe 8dth year of A mcrican Independence. R. HARRIS, c. s. c, c. Oct. 2, (Pr. fee 6,) 10 61. Now Published. mil MXM& 0HAMM1, AND Its Mysteries. Shwwing High Life at our Fashiouable Hotels. In one limn, volume, neatly bound in cloth. Price 81, which will be sent to any part of the Union free of postage. L. GENEVA &. CO., No. TP, Nassau St., aug 17 4-3m NcW York citv. SENNA FIGS. A GREAT desideratum in Families and to persons suffering from habitual Constipation, being an agreeable and efficient Aperient, quite palatable, and frpe from those nauseous principles, which make it a matter of so much difficulty to administer medicine to children. For sale at SCARH & CO'S. Dreg Store. Feb 1(7, 18. CO-tf Rare opportunity to boy Land. THE Subscriber having determined JLl to remove South offers for sale, pri ft ft DJI vately, all hia The Home Tract, Black Jack, Patterson and Wallace place. THE HOME TRACT lies on the Providence road, 12 miles south of Char lotte, in a healthy and agrecajle neighborhood, near the Church, contains half of which is cleared and in a high state of cultiva tion, with a good Dwelling House and other improve ments. THE BLACK JACK PLACE is 10 miles from Charlotte, on the same road, with com fortable improvements; also a good Store house, where a thriving business has for a number of years been transacted. The farm contains and is of unsurpassed fertility. The TWO OTHER PLACES are in the same vicinage, and is in the virgin growth and htavily timbered ; one contains 45 itcrcs, the other 40. These lands arc probably the most productive ever offered for sale in this county and affords, to those who wish to purchase, a rare opportunity for a sate and pro fitable investment. Those who wish to examine the premises can do so by calling on the subscriber who will take pleasure in showing them the lands. JOHN M. MATTHEWS. au 17 4-ft 0" Chester Standard, and Wadcsboro' News, will copy 6 times and forward bills to the subscriber at Pro vidence, P. O., Mecklenburg Co., N. C. Hailroad. Hotel, CHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. Ajsrd THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends tSE E VI and the public generally, that his house, knon as the "Railroad Hotel." onuosite thu i hestcr Depot, is sil) open lor the reception of regular and transient boarders and the travelling public; and thtt he is making every exertion to deserve and secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which has hitherto been extended to hi.n. He flatters himself that every needed arrangement has been made to pro mote the comfort of all who slop with him : hi? rooms are airy and well-furnished, his servants are attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that his .'riends will not want any attention necessary to ina ke their sojourn pleasant and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good host lers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared at a moment's notice to supply his customers with pri vale conveyances of every sort, to any part of the sur rounding country. He desires to return his acknowledgements to the public for past favors, and solicits for the future an equally liberal share of patronage. Aug 20,1854. 5tf JOHN R NICHOLSON. RUNAWAY" from the subscriber on the 3rd of February last, my negro man ISAAC. He is about .'55 years of age, about;") feet 8 or 9 inches high, is of a dark copper color, tolerably high forehead, cheek Bones a little projecting, and 1 think his eye teeth a little defective. Said boy weighs about 165 lbs., quick spoken, tolerably intelligent. When he left he wore common apparel, such as common laborers usually wear. 1 will give Twenty Dollars reward for Isaac, delivered to me or confined in any jail so 1 get him again, or 1 will give Fifty Dollars reward for him wrh sufficient proof to convict any white person of harboring him. 1 bought said boy of Julius Alexander about eight years since. Mr. Alexan der lived 12 or 14 miles south west of Charlotte and 1 think Isaac is strolling about through the country where 1 purchased I im. T. M. HAMILTON. White's Store, Anson County. N. C. March 9, 1855. 33ltf FLORIDA LAND AGENCY. FHE undersigned has established an agency in the town of Alligator, Columbia County, Fla., for the purchase, sale or location of Land Warrants, the pur chase and sale ol lands generally, improved and unim proved. The fact now being eslablished that a Rail iioad is to be constructed immediately, connecting the tlanti: and Gulf of Mexico, runing through the entire length of the county, East and West, anc in view of the great fertility of our soil, the unusually fine growth of pine timber on the land, the healthfu'ness of the climate, and the reasonable terms on which laniis can now be obtained, there is perhaps no section of the Union which affords equai inducements to the emigrant trom the older States. Having had some experience in farming on the different kinds ol land, and acquired a general knowledge of them throughout the county and having acquired unusual acilities for pointing out such as are for sale either of public or private lands, he feels very confident of making it the interest of all persons wishing iuforir ation, or who may have deter mined to settle in Florida to call on him. VV. O. JEFFREYS. References. Ion. E. C. Cabel. "I i Ion. A. E. Maxwfll. ! .P ., , Hon. I). S. Walker, State Register. J it r m,.r .. . - 1 Dh. S. C. Bbick, Carthage, N. C. nKVM"iXRU'L'i F.yettevtlle, N. C. Un. Mallktt. S Messrs. W. M. La wton & Co., Charleston, S. C Alligator, Fla., June 29, 1955. 49-ly Splendid Variety of Ladies' Gaiter Bouts R ECEIVED this day consisting of Ladies' Black Silk Julian GAITERS, " Heiuhiund ,l " Tan " Julian " ' ' " Creole " Cal. Silk Tip Muses' Black and Cal. Silk GAITERS, at BOONE'S SHOE STORE. Ladies, call and sec them. March 2. 18G5- 32tf A GREAT VARIETY OF STOVES 1 WIIEnE ? M00RE & BYERLY'S, J HO are disposed to sell on the most accommodating V terms. Their supply consists of COOKING-, PARLOR AND OFFICE of different kinds. Call and examine their supply. iney atso nave on iian.l an assortment of Tin, JT ctDix c3 Bri- tania w are, which they would like to dispose of for cash or Country Produce. They also inform the public generally that they arc now prepared to execute all Job Work in their line All ORDERS, therefore, for Hoofing, Guttering or Stove Pipe, will be punctually attended to and on the shortest no tice. MOORE &. BYERLY. july 3, 1855. 51.rf CO.. CHEMISTS & DRIGGISTS. (LATE FISHER & HEINITSH.) CHARLOTTE, X. C. RESPECTFULLY inform th inhabitants of Char lotte and vicinity, that they have just received a fresh supply of MEDICINES, which are offered with confidence to their approval, regard having -;,i more to the purity at.d strength of the Drugs, than to the price. A full stock of the various Proprietary Medicines constantly on hand. Brandy; Port, Sherry, Madeira and Malaga Wines selected for Medicinal purposes. Paints, Varnishes, Fluid. Camphene, &c. Landreth's Garden Seeds. Fib 16, 1855. 30tf BUSK ATTAdlJILSTS FOR SALE AT THE OfFIC E cf txf. DEMOCRAT C, & St . RAIL ROAD COMPANY, SHIPPERS of Produce or other Freight will forwa their receipts to the consignee. All Freight be retained in the Depot until the receipt is present h and storage will be changed alter 48 hours, from tim of unloading. P. W. KNAPP, Agent Columbia, Aug. 6, 1655. 3-2m STURGES V H LA 4 I. J. T. STURGES, JOS. A. BLACK1 J Formerly ot Georgetown, . i . l.ate ot i uuiaibis, S r AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS BOYCE & CO S WI1AUF, CHARLESTt) s. c REFERENCES; V. M. & J. C. Martin, Bankets, John Caldwell, Charleston, S. C. Pres.'t, s. i'r j, Hon. Daniel Wallace, Gen. C. B. Clriffi,,' rres.'t S. & U. R. R. Newberry, s'( W. W. Elms, Charlotte, N.C. Sept. 18, 1855. 8.F C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHAttF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. HUGH L. TINLEY & CO, (successors to tin ley a ftntKOV,) RECEIVING AND FORWARDING ACENTS, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERC A AN IS. Sb. 2 Exchange Street, South Atlantic Wharvfs, Ciar lesion, So. Ca. ("1 IVE their personal attention to the sale of Cotton m X customary, or by special contract, all other kindi of Produce and Manufactures, and make prompt letunu of the same, for 24 per cent, commission. We will CONTINUE, as heretofore, to give our sr. cial attention to the Receiving and Forwarding of nil goods consigned to us, for 10 cents per package. Machinery, large packagi s of Furniture, &.c, charged in proportion to trouble and responsibility , lor aaiBshjg freights !ind charges, 2J per cent Persons shipping Goods or Produce through thi. house, may rely upon their interest being POS1TIVKLV PROTECTED, both against overcharge and loss of (roods. We have in no instance nor will we detain any good I'or freight and charges. We would respectfully beg leave to refer to thr fob lowing gentlemen, with whom wc have had httlisstt transactions : John Caldwell, President of the S. C. R. R., Coluni bin . U. Passailaigue, Superintend.-! nt of Public WorksCul I m bia , F. W. McMastcr, Librarian of S. C. College, Colum bia. P. W. Fuller, Columbia. John King, Jr., S. G.R. R. Agent, Charleston. Henry Missroon, Agent ol New York Steamers. Holmes & Stoney, Agents of New Y Otk Sailing Pack els. H. F. Baker Sc. Go,, Agents of Baltimore and Pliila. delphis Sailing Packets. J. V. Ga Id will, Agent of Baltimore Steamers and Boston Sailing Packet. july 13,1855. 51-tj TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE Owing to the large mount of ounterfeit Pain Killer put up and sold as genuine by unprincipled men, have been obliged to resort to very expensive measure to protect ourselves pecuniarily, and the public from preat injury, by buying and using their worthless coyr. teifeits. The cotnparalive plain and simple sl)'l which our Killer has been put up, has mad it very easy for those disposed, to imitate it verysurcf fully, as far as its external appearance, in style of hot tie, lable, and color of the article ; but we need not ny that the Compound is a miserable, filthy proi'ucticn. Ui calculated to do great injury to those who inigl't uiH with the confidence that they have been secuttsflW to use the genuine Pain K. Her. Parties whof busi ness it is to counterfeit valuable preparations ilo it " such a secret manner, that it is almost useless to tempt to punish them by legal measures, as it i" cult, and we might say impossible to bring tlie home to them. Consiih ring the great difficulty in protecting ur: selves and the public by prosecuting parties, we nav been to a very great expense in getting "P a fin 7 executed STEEL E HATED LABEL for our bottles. We also attach to our bottles a i"f' Engraved Note of Hand, which we issue as our obliga tion, and to counterfeit which is held to be forger)' t? the laws of the United States, arid which raitie "1 not dare attempt to do. The great expen.e attend" the getting ip and printing of these labels will prev" the attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to tbt pu""c that the article they purchase is the genuine ?eV Davis' Pain tiller, manufactured by Perry PVI s Son, Sole Proprietors. The Pain Killer will be put up in a new Ftyle ofp3'' bottle, with the words, Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer, blown in the Glass. We have JiMontinued the use the 37 4 cent bottles and now put up only four s'' viz : 1-2 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents and 1 per bo! ,'h. We have also a vry fine Engraving on Stone lor Box labels, specifying the contents ol the box, wt . and by whom manufactured, & c. We have alto d' to our Pamphlet of directions and certificates a to beautifully finished, presenting on the first pas' 8 v ' excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original ,I,V"V of the Pain Killer. Tbe bottle labels, and ne ,a( on each box, has also a correct likeness of Perry V ' hich it will be impossible to counterfeit Bceestrsj We have been to this expense, that the public ,ni'(!. hve perfect confidence that th- y were getting ,b'slb. uine article when they buy a bottle as above "fir .t ed. To those who have so long ued and ProV'j or. merits of our article, we would say that we shai i - tinue to prepare cur Pain Killer of the best ami P pf materials, and that it shall be every viay worm) their approbation as a family medicine. u PERRY DAVIS & Manufacturers and Proprietor . Providence, R. I., July 27th 1855. The Pain Killer is sold by ,J0 by Psitch ed & Caldwell, Charlotte, N. C ; Sill &. Sill, Salisbury ; Boatright A. Barkuloo, jflJ bia ; and by Druggists, Grocers and MeJieie ci generally. ,.. July 27th r,r.. "

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