wssmB mm CHARLOTTE: TUESDAY Nov. 13, 1855. ELECTION JEMrS. Elections in several State?, and in the city of I 'hirleton came off bat week. Wo give 1. low the II alt as far M ascertained : H vki.kston Gm BUCCTHW. Aft ; ;i warm con test, in wliivli bell parties were sanguine of succ-ss, j Win. 'oreher .lilv-. (:iutMiiow ,-.lii!ii'. was on .... m - .y .-., W". -doe-lav last elected Mayor, by t!i . ' -v, followins .te J Win. '. Mi!, s (aiiti-Know Nothing) J. D. lUcitaitbrOB (Know-Nothing) RJ9 M:ijrity for Mib-s, 11 '5 jr"ourtve.uianti4. AJderen, (tie- whole nura 4ht in the City were elected in mejoritieswp.wards of 100. Koi'ISIANA. III X W l!eailS, the KnOW Xotliil:'T re rejiorted to have a large majority. N c bare no i4iibll reUirii.-; from any Other portion of tbe State. Nkw Yoi;k. Jti lh tff of X. w Votjt tbe Kn w N'othing ticket leads the clli :r Uyee ri '...Ms. I'ar return.- from the eoynriea toot np flhws : tWB Xothings ..,000. Fpaioaaatfl 80,000, S ft ! :J1.(0. Ilanh 24,000, TIw election i- for member SiTretarv of tin- Legisbrtiire, loan olnccra ami a of State. Tlie Letrt-Iatiire :-s far litre 39 a:-. I and brona. stands 15 I Link and Son i ::i- 4' l.'epu'.Iieau. Mhim. Tn Raltimorc, the L'n'.v. ';;.. v .j-Vijoti';. 4 h i.. i " 00. J. Jfa::i.- Xu. MotIiinrl has 200 niak.ritv lUMUgs Morrison f- r (.'on- mtmw over ansant (I)ein.;) and Henry W. h.svi-. iKnow Nothing) has 800 majority over May (llem) in the 4th Dbtrict. Uoffman an I Rieaml (Know Nothing'-) are elected in the 2nd and ."tli LhVtrict', and Howie (anti K. X. Vhi-') is believed to bcelcct r4 in the M IHstrM. The 8th l'i-til t has not 1 - en heard h -::i. "isco!:-j-. ,v ;teniig returns are favorable to j the UeaBoerata. In MHwankee, Itaxstowe (Leroo- ,rat) f r tlorernor, has ."1,000 majority over Bosh- ; f..rd, (K. X ) llatWACHrscnh. Foot tickets were in the field, via: The Know Xothing, the Iemocratic1 the aVaMg, aiJ tin- Bepwblicaa tickets, for Governor and rjrj jatjyjf tmtdn. r ( K. X. and Abolitionist) as tar as the returns go, has a plurality of about 13, Ooo. The Legislature wili I largely K. X. Xkw Jr.nsKv. The contest between the Demo- J i rat-' and the Kim w Xothings, for members of the 4.eplato, . is yet undecided. The n turns lo-k fa- fr.d.le fiw the ucccaa of the Democrats. .Ii-s-issii i i. Xo in ws from the election i,i th. rtate. ot. s tWO days. I'OSTSritlPT. leajj ii im. it is believed, lias give, i Denoeratic .te. Taylor and Dtaridaon, Denaocrata, and Eaatea, K. X., are elected to Congress. The Jt'.i district not heard jVom. MaiptaimMy alao, it ia believed, has gone Demo i ratie. Luke, Deniocrat, lias been elected to Con trress iii the I tli District New-Jersey has elected Democratic majorities to Uith branches of her Legislature. Wi-eoiisin, the returns indicate, has elected De mucratk Governor (Barstow.) fApaKi iAhru ne jvu'V -.x i 'ttilli'-s and oiH Demoerat, to CongreaR. Xew-Yorlc hits eleeted t' me Legislature 4o hard did soft Deaaocrata, 44 ItepuUicana, and 3; Know-Nothing-. The latter, it is believed, will have the largest vo e on the State ticket. Mas-a. husetts is, of course, Know-Nothing', neck and heels. fjiraiia Kail Road Rally its 1 11 ion Comity. There will be at Monroe, Unina countv, on Wednesday the 2S;h inst., a grand Btrbecu, lor the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to budd lhe contemplated Railroad Irom Wilmington In Char lotte. " Mr. J. W. Csbom, Gen. J A Yonnff. C I. John Walker, Tho's 5. Ashe, Bq., II. M. (iun n, K-q , PresiCent of the Road, Com. Stockton. Ii. P. Waring, Esq., Got. W. L Steel, and .)th-r dis .ijnguished Speakers, are expected 10 be preaeni and address the Meeting; and every ci'izea nf Union county is invited to be present on the occa sion. At a met ling of the friends of the Wilmington. Charlotte, and Rtrherordton Rail Road, held in Monroe, cn Wednesday the 7ih iiisinn1, Mnj. D. A. Covington was c!lrd to the Chair, and li. M. Houston, was requested to act as Secretary. On motion of Maj. S. II. Walkop, it was unan mously resolved, 'o hold a Barbecue, on Wednes day lhe 2uth of the present month, tjie ol j- ct of which will be to arouse the fri- nds ol the enter puse. and to solicit subscriptions lo lhe same to which Baibecno i eiy citiz-n in the county ol Cuion, and all friendly lo the Work, arc Cordially invited. Reso'itd. That Maj. S. H. W ,'k p. II. M. Jl-'us'on, Maj. V. y. H.rt, Col. C M T. M 'suly, and Maj. D. A. Covington, be Rppointed Committee lo iuviie gentlemen to address the Meeting. Resolved, Thai John P. Hovstoa, llesekiah W.lhams.Col. I. M.Stearart, M .j. W. Hart, Hugh M. Hoiislnn, D. F. Hadea. T. I). Winchester. Gen. John Medlin, Archihald H. Lartey. Atiel Funderburk, Gabriel Helms, Elaid W. Rieh rdon, and C. Austin, he appointed a Committee lo solicit aociribulj ns lo lhe B.rb"c ie, and to U.ifeaU necessary arrangem-n s for the taaao. nso.'v(d, That Maj. Walknp be npp 'inted I'hief Marshal of the I .y ; and th it tad. A. II. Growth and Col. J. E. W. Smith, be n quest d to a't as Assistant Marshals. Rrsohrd, That lhe .Monroe Bind be n quested 10 be present and conlribu:e their setvices on the ocension. On motion, the Chnrlulte papery were r quested lo publish the proceedings of this m-e'ing. and all papers friendly to the enterprise to ropy. On motion, the Meeting adjnarnd. D. A. COVINGTON, Cna'. II. M. Houston, JSYc'y. Dreadful Rail-Road A-ciuYnt. An excursion train, consisting of eleven cars, left St. Louis, Mo., on the morning of the 2nd - instant, on the occasion ol the opening of the Pacific Railroad lo Jefferson city, and while the train was crossing Gasconade river, about one hundred miles from St. Louis, lhe bridge full, precipitating len car a distance of nearly thirty feet in the water. Upwards of 700 persons were on the train, in cluding many of our first citizens. Upwards of twenty are reported to have been killed, and some twenty to fiftv o'hers badly wounded. Thomas S. O'Sullivan, chief engineer of the ; I ro id, was on the locomotive, an I is among tle j ! d. Amo.nyihe moat prorninent pe i.-viis ill i M. re Ihf ttev. Dr. Bollard. D. B. Dayton, K. C il'nckbiirn. Hear" C. IJoutcau. Mann Butler, ! j Ad dph Abels, Capf. C. Clase x- r v . r , E. C. Yot, Gee. EM-ll. dpi O.FIahertv, 1 nomas fj bulluran, Thomas Gray. A Inrge nuirlicr (about 50) were badly wound-d. A train arrived at Si. L ui on -Jiturdav with j (he bodies of the p rsnns killed by the Pacific j Railroad disaster on Thursday last. ter-iher tfa j those who were bully rounded. "TJbe wh..-j number killed, as fir as his been h?c rt -vined, is I twentv-two. ii is impossible lo estimate lie- num. ; t ber wounded, hot rarr y a m m on the Irwin e- I raoed in-'-jrv. The number iu$ring from bjmk-n 1 1 .-wi..--. ,- . j . 1 .;i! nr,.h-.i.'v no.e! l.. ' . . i r i t , i ft. : t : , I - r v i I ' -'4IWI"'1t i i i . i f . fifty. Tha bodies of ihe dead vvere buried yeier ilay, aitendtfJ hv an imm nse numb r ! citizens. irUmliBtff ) Clrltle & RHlhcrforl Ruil-Rontf- Tin: Wilmington II- rn!d, niluding ton late.coa reniioa beid a' Itockiuli in to ml tin i x'riei- u oi the North Kaatern ttiil-Kd lrra Cher a w, S. C, to the Co . I Fit li.'s in North Carolina, sa v : It aroold he f ir Iw-r.-r lor ill" p op!e of these rauniic e-n--rialit Richmond. P to lu riil t h- ir ner Railroau, a wm k dv h en obtained, i;HS o or v 1 j i boil i I. a , ,e W. C. iarter has A- 1 air. ar. ! w i I. i Mutable- r su'ts, than to o i iY in mi ii o! a ' Isiowh r prj c, abiut w hicb there is hi .v I A e., r 'he I- asf ur rlain'v '-n l dcMj . .pond n- i ! Uichmoi.d county writes us. and 8'iys : 'On the 17th Mr. Guion w ill be her, and tin n j we h i II op n books at thin piace. Itelow, ibey j fiav.- i ii-e.l b"Ui 830. (KM3, and I will g t J tin to 840.000. IJere eshll. bp-, dti ecnatly j well, and ll so, il HI make oiir fcUR) fpO (t. V oniu iii be ahb to raise $-100 000. hill I rioti'l ilinik we shall. Tle cab hiel part ol the county is twenty in i i s ali. ve, fioin wbirb we shall y t j noihinw of conat-q'K ne. We hall try lo d.i our' liest. M i. iMcimvre is now out soliciting suo- 1 acriptiona, nod is doing pretty well. II. V. Guion, I.-n, President ol the ilmmjr ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Company will iidi less ihe neo:. e at the lol ownm fdace to i c-i procure stock, via : Al Rockujgbam, on Saturday, 17;h Nov mber At prmgeVM, nn Manday, iy, ' At Floral Colhire. .y. 20 h. At Smyrna Church, Thursday, 2d, At Aliordsvill, Sa'urday, 24 h. At Lumber ton, Monday, 26 h (Court we k) Tlie Temperance Question. The following Preamble and Keso! ution, we learn were adopted at tlie late session ol the Grand Division of the Mons of Temperance, held at Charlotte: U'h. reas. II is the settled conviction of this (hand Division that the laws ol lie- land should provide lor the protect i n ol the ritrgens from ihe eyilsaris- j ing Irom the liquor tr.iflic ; and whereas we be lievn this nroteciion should lie haloed, hv law. in the hands of the sovereign Peonle themselves I And believing thai ihe blending ol 'he question of Temperance wuh parliran unijabbb s, and by bringing it so as to interfere with the party afli 11 i tions of indenendent voters, has had an elf ci lo I,r'J And with Je-ire lo disengage 11 from all entangling alliances i .....I ,w.l,.. ..-I iln.i ir wf:.n. .mini is . C O O C own reconiui' ml itioiis, to tiii! cojni nance ;uui sunpurt of all good citizens ol the State, of every party : Therefore. Resolved, as the sense of this Grand Division, that we simply ask of candidates for ihe Legisla ture who may desire our votes, that they will con sent to vote, il elected, for the passage ol a law by which our preaeni license law may be so changed ,;a.. .v.... .n'vailux Jii.j -ii iO not be Mild within the St ite, in any quantities, except un der license obtained ; And luriher providing, thai lhe question ol 'Traffic,' or -No Traffic,' be sub milled, annually, to the voters in each Common School District in the State: in those Districts in w hich a majority vote 'No Traffic,' no sales ol intoxicating drinks to be allowed by law, in any quantities, except for nn dical, mech mical or sacra mi n a! purpose s, to be provided for by law :- A nd in those Districts in which a majority vote 'Traffic,' the same to be ltgaliz' d, under license, with such regulations, restrictions and discretionary powers, as the Legislature may see fit to provide. The Kk$t PREsirENTiAL Canvass. The friends ol Hon. Geotge M. ptilastol Philadelphia, h !j a meeting on 'he nd instant, preliminary to the nomination ol a candidate for lhe Presidency. II, solutions vvere adopted referring to the career ol ! Mr. Dallas Irom his enrolment ns volunteer in the war ol i o I'z down to in-, oiling the tffice ol Vice Piesident, w hen th.' prosperity of the country wris poised upon bis single vole, in all of winch he evinced that his principle of action was deter mined by nothing narrower lhaa the general good. Mr. Wbbster's Estate. The executors for the estate ol Daniel ebster, have sen! printed circulars lo persons having claims against the same, in which it is stated that the net amount ol asiieUin tin-ir nanus is 1 8U,ou, and the amount oi claims is aoiiii l ue executors are now making a distribution among the creditors. They divide i went v and three-quarters per centum, retaining in hand about one per centum to defray expenses and charges in the suit against the citv o' N - vv Oil . -His for a cinm ol 20,000 for coun sel fees in the G tinea controversy. JJostuii TfanscrijH. General ('s. A visitor to ihr residence ol this veteran statesman w rites : "I spent a fore, noon with General Cass. The old man 'still lives in the autumnal glories of a well spent is hale, beany and worth lour millions. His career has, indeed, been successful. He speHks 11 lorebodine lansuaae nl our national nroso.-rn: and is strong tn the belief tint disunion will yel carry iis banners over the R public." Gi:N. Scott. Lieut. General Se..t will receive upwards S'10.$00 back pay by vi.-lue ol his Bre vt t appointment, dating Irom March 24. 1 S47, or about 1.300 per yar addi ional to his pay and emoluments as Mair-G neral. According to the evv York correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, Gen. Scott is said to be dis appointed ai d dissatisfied artth the di cision upon Ins case. He expect, d, though upon what consid eration it is unknown, to receive for back emolu ments some thirty thousand dollars instead of tt-n or twelve. . i r I LuroETAXT FKOM Texas AND Mkj ICO. Late accounts from the Rio Grande, stale that four to '"lve 'housand Ajexicm Irocps have been! to the frontier to repel the aggressions of ihe Texan Rangers. Vuliuri lus been appointed to com mand on the Rio Grande, and bad ordered the cimmtind'intol Mainmor ts to disband the National i ue comma.uiam, riovever, nau retused to obey ths order. Vtdauri had addressed a letter to Secretary Marey. complaining ol a violation ol M-xican teiritory by Tesn. I e, also charges the commander ol F,.rt Dunc.n with having con- aired at the movements nf fiilibnaters. ' I 1 Tu I . 1 - I . . . - - "-... I ronl HtJr New jfofck iji raJJ. Mr. Afciilsoii on the HmMm Question- From the- biter which r publish todtv from 1 O-nator Atchison, I he v..s; importance whieti !ie . f . . K . - ? . . He Ik In ves ihal il Kansas is made a slave State, tli- ' ate of lis-our; will alsii ,be 3 lave State, while on the other Ii old. if. Kansas is made a free Siu'e MisMiun will cease to he a slave State. Missouri iii com'miur s- cur', and N1 vv Mx'co, an i part, if not th'" abole, o! California will also Inc. -mi- s'mve Slplt). For yrpart, wr agree with .Mr. tVehofer that ib- st r i ! . t of N w Mexico is nn insurmountable barj'7 'o tjie r-tabith!ueul of African slavery dii re, and thai a botmfy ol a hundred do'lars upon each lae ifitroduxstrd in'o thai rlcsert rjion would fail f' m ike ihe x; rim- nt pay. In re gard to California, the people ih'-re. as the State liecmes too unw-ietd.y undei line Sta'e govrrn-m-iH, w ill, no douhi, exTeiae iheir sovereignty in m:ikii iwn Stales ol r. Kveh at present this ing'.i In- duue with, ut much h cal inconvenience, considering thai California as it is, stretches from I he lati'ode ol Savannah In t he latitude of Boston. 15 it so far rr moved as California is from the slnvi holding States, we suppose that tha final n-ics inn nl iIil- hdoiission of sliverv into the Miuthern hull of thai Slate will d.-oend Ut.on loc-il eircum-tances, and the "roanilest destiny" nf Mexico. Ib re, however, 'he vote ol Kansas in the United S ales Si nale becomes all. important, nnrl justified the estimate of Mr. Atchison ; for il I m s s- !k; admitted us a free State, the Senatorial 'balance of power" is so far lost to the South that i bey need nl count upon another Southern State, ev n from the territories of Mexico. Kansas, irn-n, as Senator Atchison jttf!y con siders it. is the vital issue to tin- Sou'h : and th'- isetth-MV-fit id lie qu- siion begins with Whitfield v ru- Reeder, as ihe d-legate Irein Kansas in Congress. This is a test upon which i he speaker (il the Ilou-e is to he i-lec'd in De cember; and it is the MaUkoff of the concern ii i r r 1 1 n. Ji is not, :lierelore, with ut tlie most seri.-ua apprehension thai we look to ihe meeting of Conersa. I'he whole dead weight of the an'i- I slavery aeiiation o f tlie Inst fo.ty years will hp ' j concentrated upon In field versus Reeder ; and while the anH-slavery element ol the North h:is become strong and reckless in the II u-e, the Sooth are becoming the more resolute and ties Iterate in the defence of Ui-ir yit-d in sti tot inns. Consequently we contemplate the meeting of Con gress with misgivings of discordant, belligerent and revolutionary scenes such as wc never "yet have experienci A. illuveiiii'iih in Niearasna Walker in 1'osscgftioit of tlie Coantiy. The steiiiiKiiip Star o( the yest, of the Nicara guan lin". reached New York on Saturday after noon. The news from Nicaragua is ol more than ordinary i.Oiporta uce. The steamboat San Carlos had been fired into while lying to off the Ion al the junction of the j ver San Juan and Nicaragua lake, w hereby a and child were inslanlly killed. On the j ntghl of the 19ih ol" (October the Government forces of Nicaragua "attacked t.he reluming Cali fornia passengers at 3irgin By, killing Tour of them and wounding eight other. Both ihese -els e s:"d 10 Vf Ix'en instigated Dy a spirit ol re- . venge sur i.ii' success oi Col. Walker, who has now complete poSj?ssion ol the country. i he movements ol this fillibuster from the period of his first invasion of Nicaragua lo ihe present lime we find thus chronicled. The Revolution in Nicaragua. Official intel ligence of the revolutionary movement in Nicara gua, has been received at the State Department, Washington citv.and has occupied he attention of the Cabinet, it is understood that Commodore has received orders to proceed to San iuan 1 Ii a squadron, anil with special instruc tions relative 10 ihe recent imprisonment ol Col. U heeler, the U. S. Minister. Emigration tq Kun sis. Tlie Leavenworth Territorial Register chronicles, the arrival there of an agent, representing about five thousand Ger mans ami Irish, resident '.n Kentucky, in Louis ville and other towns, who a-e about to emigrate to Kansas on account of the Know Nothing trou bh s in Kentucky. They are artizans, and many of I hem have considerable means. The ''Srju al ters Convention," to form a Stale cons.titutionJ was in session in Topeka at the last accounts. Flow nf Specie to tins Country. One of the Correspondents of the Baltimore Sun expresses ;he opinion that lhe stringency of the money mar kets of France and England is not likely to cause permanent pressure in this country. He adds "large funds, in gold, are about to be remitted to this country from England, for the purchase of breadstuffs, and the same will be the case with France. The tide ol specie currency will set this way after u while, if the war continues, notwith standing our extravagant importations. The hol ders of sound American securities abroad will not part with them ; and lhe doubtful ones are as good there as here, and will not be returned to us." Horkiule MiiiDi it. A tragedy of a most , bloody character took place at Ml. Pleasant, Ten nessee, on tiie 8 h ult. A wealthy planter, nam ed Deiison R. Moore, while in a s'nte ol intoxica tion, entered Ins yard, and drawing a pistol delib erately fired at his daughter. The ball missed, and a son ol Moore rushed forward to prevent an other at hts sisn-r, upon which the drunken father fired upon him. kniing him instantly. The mur derer 'hen retired into an adjoining lot, ami con cealing himself in I ha grass, attempted suicide by severing the arteries of both arms. He was dis covered before b'eedmg to death, and his wounds dressed. Ha was then taken to prison. A L ire Yield of Wheat. Mr. J. A. Chan dler, of Carolina county, Va., raised the past sea sen eight hundred and thoty bushels ol prime wheat, on eighteen and a hill acres of accurately measured land being nearly forty -six hu-hels per acre I Mr. C. received a premium of 820 for ibis yield at ihe Stale Fair in Richmond last week, j Richmond Enquirer. The Fi.ket D"btboybd at Sbbastopoz.. The Russian Ibet destroyed at Sebastopol com prised in all one hundred and seventeen vessels of all siaes. Five cf these were ships of tho line, carrying 120 guns, nuie carried 84 guns each. ! there were seven smaller vessels, eleven trins ports, and sistv-four gun boat. There were six war steam rs of the first clra, remarkable for iheir power and th- range of their guns, and six of smaller si.-. ilns Beet carried upwards of j JOO guns. It had been created at an immense . cost. A free talk, r out in Orleans County, in a pub lie address, a lew rj-.ys sine, regaled his hearers with the folio vv ing description of the Shaft party in this State ; 'The S dts' platform is composed of a few old r -"-" - ,,,v"' , ut l,u nigg-r.m from, and bVo. t. Lutler over bun I xv'!h a laoj in the rear, John Van Buren with a j huge jug beside him, and an enormous skull,! ,ry'" lo 6,er 'be party over to the plher side of Jordan." JHhc Jfori Daily Nncs. . I., -i 1 , . w 1 a I r.. I i, ill. &ATE fgOH IHJROIPE. AliRiVAL OF THE ASIA. The steamer Asia arrived at ILIifax on the 7'h instant, bringing Liverpool dates lo October 27th. Co-ton was dull at 1-8 a 1 4c. decline for ihe week. Sales of tiie week thirty-nine thousand hales, in cluding 7 500 to speculators. Fair Orleans 6. Middling 5f." Fair .Upland 5 if. Middling 51. S o k ui American Lo port, 25 i, 000 b' les. Whe.-.' w as Hull at 3d decline. Flour l Can .l Flour 43s. a 43s. 6d. Ohio 44-. 6d. owe r. u 45s. Corn advanced 6d., mixed 43s. Provisions were unchanged. Ttie Money market continued tight. The bul lion m i he Bnik had d creased 500,0U0. Con sols 88. ug;ir was active, at Is to Is Gd advance. Cof fee lower. Natral Stores unchanged. The report that the Russians had blown up the fortilicntions at Oschahor, is confirmed. Tlie Alio s had reconnoitred up the Dnieper nearly to Advices from Sebatopol show that the Allies were advancing with large forces, while the Rus sians retired in good order on their fortified posi tions. The Allies were close upon the Russian position atAlbat, where it was believed the Russians would ! st!,"d a.nd a batt!e ensue. On the north side t-he Russians keep up a steady fire, under cover of which they were concentrating their tro ps at Prokesp. A Russian despatch says that tlie Allies marched 40,000 men from Eupatoria, towards Toolat. hut afterwards fell back on the Obseryatory, with the Russian Lancers on their flank. The number of allied troops officially reported in tl o Crimea, is 210 000. The attitude of Sweden causes uneasiness in Russia. The Russians lost only 2,000 instead of 4.0C0 men at Kars. Thev will raise '.he siege, but have 1 iortified all the passes to T:fl:s. Tue London Times says, the Government is constantly strengthening the West India squadron. The English have found in the Karabel ! naia, immense stores of ammunition and cloth:ng. valu- d ;.t 70,000. According lo the latest from the Crimea the advanced posts of the allies were within five lea gues oi Baktchi Serai. The Russians were retir ing slowly, General Liprandi intending evidently to defend ihe line of the lb Ibec. A battle is soon anticip ited here. The Russians, in ihe attack made upon Kars, were r pulsed with immense slaughter, 4.000 being reported as lying dead under the walls. Several Russian officers of high rank were kill ed, or wounded, early in the action, which lasted eight hours. Accounts from the Crimea state that the Rus sians have surrounded the. north side of Sebasto poi wiin a cnain oi new lortiftcattons, ana piacea it in a state to support a siege. All Ihe plateau rn tlw north idf nrp it i :iirl fi VP red with rfi. loub!s a,)(J earlhworKS( and on lhe irjeof ,he Bel. bee new works, 111 the lorm of the Mamelou, have bppn r)lj,.ed - i.. r Jir: (i Jt" 1 CI IBK j W- VUII1U1 J UtlltUIOV l.v jjlun'" to be severely felt, as in England. The falling off in tV.e Bank Bullion was expect ed to be heavy, but scarcely to the extent shown, viz: 526,000. The Paris letter of the Times says : That th.. restrictive measures lately adopted by the Bink of France are beginning to be felt in ev ry branch of trade, ar.u i ra.i.s actions have ic rding he come difficult. Manufacturers have limited as much as possible their purchases of raw ma , and retailers are slow- in laying tn then usua iv n ter stuck. Orders, however, eo.nti.iiju to be re ceived from liie United States, from Sou'h Ani'-r-ica, and England, an'l the wind r exp rt trade promises to be active. i'he pi ice ol corn has a ij.iiii increased. Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church of North Carolina assembled in Greensboro' cn the 31st ultimo. The Synod of North Carolina is composed of j three Presbyteries, which were represented as fob lows : I Orange Presbytery, ...... 30 Concord " 27 Fayetteville " 19 Total, 82 Thursday night was devoted to the subject of Home Missions. The agent, Rev. Mr. Stanfield his report, and was followed in an able and interesting address by the Rev. Mr. Ilnpperset of the Board of Domestic Missions of Philadelphia. The agent, Rev. Mr. Baker of Salisbury, (or the Board of Foreign Missions read his nport Fridav nitfht. exhibiting much encourayoment in that Held ot labor. $172 have been collected ! during the past year, which is SlOGl in advance of the previous year. The report was followed by nn address from Rev. L uon Wilson, a return ed Missionary from Africa. Mr. Wilson left his native home mure thin twenty years ago, as a pioneer light to this dark and heathen land. His speech was from experience, consisting principal ly of narratives, and was listened to with the deep, est interest. ILs was the first voice thai ever spoke in christian accents to that benighted peo ple. But the result has been most glorious. Where the name ol Christ was never spoken !- f,.r.. k.. .1 ...A . , . I,.,. . J . 1- . J . i"i , uumitui oi ii iiipie.-, aru unvv ueuicil'-O 10 his service, and thousands of voices daily speak his name with joy and praise. Where once lhe proud and boastful monarch paved his court with human skulls and broken hearts, conlrite spirits are now offered up as acceptable sacrifices to the , living Cod. Mr. Wilson's health having tail"d in Africa, ho is now labouring among the Indians of the West. The Revs. Drs. Smith and Dabney. professors in the Union Theological Seminary of Va. present ed to the Synod a plan to endow another profes sorship (the 4 h.) in the Seminary, and to raise the standard of the Theological course, there pur- i sued. For this purpose, they wih to raise $10,- 000 ; $40,000 thousand ol which has already been raised. Dr. Smith and Dr. Dabney, each made ; a very able and learned address on lhe importance j of this cise. Rev. Dr. Lacy, President of Davidson College, mide his report, and then addressod the Synod al j some length in tits peculiar style ol eloquence, ro presen'.ing the College in a very flourishing con dition and rapidly on the increase. The mem bers of the Synod exhibited much interest in the success of the institution, and the abb- manner in which it is at present conducted. Dr. L icy, former stated clerk, havi; g resigm d 'he Rev. Mr. B iker of Salisbury., w is eh ced in h s dace. Siturday night the Sy nod cio-e-d its 4M annual meeting, having been in almost constant session, ! since its opening. '!':.. n.... ,...,:..-. : K I . t I r i Ii ..... . . i ; :, ii i It. 111,' i.T i l L. Il-i . ... III.- i . it VII l.I F-i yettevilie, commencing the second Wednesday uj joVcmuer ISHG. ' ! Mr. Buchanan tvill return home by the way nr the West Indies, and expects to be in New York about the 1st of January. .Vcckleirtuxe- pi bie Society. On om- first page will be found the proceedings of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society, at a late meeting held for" the purpose, of re-organising the Society in such manner as to make it most effective far tlie christian purposes in view. The Quarterly Meeting of the Charlotte Cir cuit of the Methodist E. Church South, has not met since tlie adoption of the new Coustitution, to appoint Managers in the respective congregations of the Circuit located in the county. VVe are assured that this will be done at the ensuing Quarterly Confer ence of the Circuit. ITIcckleiiburif on mi Temperance. At a regular meeting of the Mecklenburg Divi sion, No. 48 Sons of Temperance, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Resolved, That the thanks of this Division are emmenuy one mi uic iinru .cuw. .v, Citizens of Charlotte who exhibited generous hos- pitality to the members ol the Grand Division during its late session in this town Resolved, That the thanks of this Division are respectfully tendered 19 the Stewards of the Metho dist E. Church, for the use of their building for puhlic assemblies dur'ng the session of the Grand Division. Rcsovedy That the thanks of this Division be tendered the brethern of Phalanx Lodge of the ancient and honorable fraternity of York Masons, for the use of their Hall. Resolved, That the thanks of the Division be offered the Charlotte Saxhorn Band for their musical entertainment during the late session of the Grand Division. Resolved, That a copy of the above resolutions he furnished the "Western Democrat" and the N. C. Whig, with a request to publish ft' ckingham Superior Court. Last week Jud"e Ctihlweil held this Court ; the business of which kept him on the bench during every day in ihe week. Much business was done. I he two Ldlili ill i a'iiuoi i.i uucii hi i... i 'uiu dtiuini: T , ' 3 , .. . a . :. .i )..i. i ..,i r.. B. Vauehan. attracted most interest. Simuel was indicted lor ihe murder of Reuben Southard. The evidence tended to show that Samuel killed Southard from a conviction that he was going off with his wife in the night time for improper pur poses. The prisoner had the benefit of Mr. Gilmer's services. The Judge charged the Jury that nothing short of actual adultery with the wife would extenuate the prisoner's case to man slaughter, that if they believed the testimony the prisoner was guilty of murder. The Jury lound hirn guilty of murder. Mr. Vaughan was indicted for manslaughter, in killing Randall, a slave. The proof wns, thnt on Sunday of a Camp Meeting at the spring, Vaughan asked the negro for his pilcher with which to get some water, the negro refused, saying "you'll wait till I get some." Shortly, a little girl came to the spring with a small pitcher, which I r V !. 11 ix I. n f.riL- fi-rfcm Iinr li-ind 'Phf tieirrn , ,, . . ... , ... 1 uanuaii, t- -1.-1 1 1 o in is, aaiu iiiosi losoiuinit in ..11. V.imrli'.ri l.I tlinn.-yllt ,'nil .t'.illtrl V;.il 91 H ln.i-i.. I ' ...... i.i-.. . , .... -..-.V,- j upon Mr. Vaughan struck and broke ihe pitcher I on the loreh'-ad of the negro, which according to i the examination and opinion of the Doctors, frnc ! lured the negro's skull, arid of which he might j have died. The negro died Tuesday morning. It was aho in proof that one Fuque struck the ' negro on lhe bead several blows on Sunday after- i i no. ui. I Mr. Vaughan was proseeu'ed with much eo 1 quence, zeal arid vigor, by lhe Solicitor, Mr. Ruf fin Wi h .qual ability was he defended by , Messrs. Morehead, Gilmer and Scab's. The J u r were out lor some time: but finally i returned a verdjC ol m,i guilty, to the satjslac ! lion of iii who heard iie tri d (Jerensboi o Patriot. Al most, a Fire. The dwelling of V. C. Bar. ringer, Esq., ol Concord, N. Carolina, accidentally took lire from a chimney, a lew days ago ; but the flames were arrested by ihe promptness of the cilizms. The Concord Gazette stales that Mr. B. sustains a small loss by injury to his furniture, while removing it out of the house. To be Hung. Peter Johnson has been sintenc- ed lo be hung on the 3rd of December, for the murder of Bartlett Y. Diamond of Rockingham county, N. C. He was tried a few days ago at Greensboro'. An appeal has been tal:en to the Supreme Court. Conferences. The Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church of North Carolina met in Fay etteville on the 8th inst. The Conference of (he Methodist Episcopal Church meets in Wilmington on the 14th inst., Bishop Andrew will preside over its meetings. Fiiif. in Henderson That portion of the vil- ,aSft of Henderson, on the Raleighand Gaston Lot Load, in Granville county, known as Cspi Young's ri iv. was destroyed by the fire on last Tuesday night. Seven houses vrere consumed, and the less is estimated at $12,000. The fire is supposed to have been the work o! an incendiary. The Salisbury Herald, is the title of a new paper just received, printed by B'-l and James, Salisbury, N. C. The II- raid succeeds ihe Whiu ; A: Advocate, formerly published by Miller &i, and is an avowed advocate ol the Ameii can party. Asylum for the Iis"ne. For the information of a Correspondent we state that the North Caro lina Asylum for insane persons, will be ready (or the reception of patients at nn early period of the ensuing year ; and that the charge, as established by lhe Commissioners, will be $15 per calendar ... ntli. Due notice will no doubt be given by the Superintendant of lhe precise time nl which the institution will be ready to receive patients. Raleigh Standard. S.d Occurrence. On Saturday evenino of our Superior Court, 13th ult., an affray took place in our village between Jno. M. Owens of t his place and a young man by the name of Howard, lately of South Carolina, in which the former was shot through the breast and died on ihe Friday mornino following. 1 he particulars of this melancholy affair, are variously stated, and as we do not wish to preju- dice the public mind any way, prior to the reerular invesligation of the law, we shall not pretend lo give them. AH parties are agreed, however, that intoxication, as in most other cases of crime, was the paramount cause. Howard was immediately arrested and is now in jail awaiting his trial. Ashville Spectator. 0O Joseph Wagner, convicted ol enlisting m n Nir the D rjii-h foreign legion to seryp irj the Cri m a, was on Thursday sent- need hv Judge Inger-s- II. oi iie United States Di-trict Court for New York, to two yens' imprisonment and to pay a fine of ope hundred dollars. Dreadful Mortality. Norfolk wuh a popula. tion of 15 000 lost the preSen, season upwards of 1.2u0 uy yellow lever. Portsmouth wuh a popu lation of 9,000, lost a proportional number with the same disease. The epidemic has substantially disappeared. There are now only 5 or 6 000 in habitants in Norfolk. The Infamous Giddings. This u;.l r gpi rricn of Aboliuunism Motored t Ilornelsville n few da since, and to corvvince his auditory of the intea hatred which the people of Ohio hore tuwarT s'aveholders, related in proof the following c( 'A year or two since,' said Mr. Giddings, 'a p. tleman of Kentucky followed his runaway 8M into. Ohio, anjd into the town where I hvej at)(j tJiere, the master while endeavoring to nrrm l human chntile, was killed by the slave, nr,d t'p slave by him. We look op the ooty Alricnn, aiii gave him the rites of Christian burial, hut tfiB,u. ter we left to rot where he f.-ll, and there he re ma i ned until the body stunk, and at H)ll friends of the aVceaaed came Irom Kentucky hj conveyed it nome. cn sain josnua u. (Jid.j nno. a man who pretends to have more ImuiRnuy m ! Composition than other men. Comro',Qt 13 mi ." cessa rv. tiocneucr MonE Northern Fanaticism In ihe Vr. moot House on M"iiday last, a bill vis introduc. ed to prevent traffic in intoxicating liq-iurs, nm. I jshmg lhw ,hjr(J u(r,.nce 0y death.) w hich aS (erred to the committee on the liquor law 0u j J)e jme day bi, p,isspd ,Q bfl engrossed, com mu,ing,!ie SeQtence of Mathew HoHoran, .coi,vic. j ,eJ of wii(u murder from dea,, ,q imprUonmpni for life. Lano Warrants. The whole ri umber of Bp, plicotions (or bounty land warrants at lhefeaHa office, under the late act of Congress, is 222,6t)0 The number of warrants issued so far mtiatit 50,043. The number of applications are,caM, ing, only 6,500 having rect iven during the inomlj of October. NovpL Nkwsiaper Suit. The Alton (Illinois) Courier, established by subscription us a Pemo. cralic paper, has sued i delinquent subscriber for his subscription arrearages. The defence set uu is that the Courier is not a Democratic paper. Eminent counsel have been employed on both sidt s, and thu d ci-ioij of the case is looked fur w i; h much interest. Norfolk Tost OyFiJCK. The Norfolk News publishes a tormidable lisl of letters remaining ji, the pot-officeof liiat city on lhe 1st of November. i -rr- - r"& " r-r" " '1. 1 1 . i I I ri I I a rt r i rrr i f t It a rt a i . w Large num- . c . . , hers of those to whom the letters are uddn ssed are dead. An Important Announcement. The Pris nrjoniteur announces in the following jubilant spir it, an important occurrence shortly to transpiru in Louis N 'poleon's house hold , France will leain ith as much joy us gra'j tu ie lo Providence, that th Empress is ence-iiie. This happy ev nt, which promises lo ihe Empi-rnr the only satisfaction which was wanting to his domestic happiness, is a new guarantee nl tho stability of our institutions. Every one will ad dress thanksgiving in Heaven, and prayers for llm preservatinn of the health of the Kmpress, and fur the fulfilment ol ihe hopes of the na'ion." Ti, Royal Prussian Gazette slates that (Jtjeen Victrt, ria and Prince Albert are to stand godfather . ni l godinoth'-r to lhe Prince or Princess which m shortly expected to increase the Imperial family of France. mm .iilMar VALUABLE TO VI PJ LOT FOR SALE. BY virtue of a deed of trust lo mo executed hv Or. William L. McKeo, dt c'd, daring bis life tout, I shall on Monday of the superior Court for IJurlu.- Ciiini ty, being the l'Jih d.iy of November 18.J, al the door ot the Uourt House in Morf anion, ixpoBc to pdbhr gale, to the highest bidder, u j Valuable Lot in tlie town of Morgnntorz, One squire West of the Cant Ihnisr, fronting on Main and OoIIcjtc street--, where Dr. Mcttee resided, containing fiur or more acres, on which there is u vrrv fine brick dwelling houfe nearly coii-.ptvted with four large rooms b-low xtu irs and (bur abuve, villi n nice lris.-;i u hove and U. low; ;ind cost a lion t three tboBMSd dollars. Adjoining the main bailding ia a fine om story brirkhuildiug WHli two room.- and piaSM in Iron' ; With ;.ll tie- i ceessary out buUSea .iiol stiildrs in good rrp.i'r. ifiutely on the Conner ' m.iin ia a fine one utory brick building, re Ugh oust and covtrrd with tin, with a l iroe and convenient torr room ntcll fitted up, nd two i. tin r oaitabli NMttita uttwehed, A yurd 1 islety lly decorated v i I h .via greens :i nd th avers, aial u fine garden. Its situation heia; eentral and convenient, any p r soii dairoua of parChasing a beautiful, healthy and do irablc rt-Ridenec would do Well tn utlcr d ibesalr. 'I'lit Western rail ip d will be here in I .. Hum three ycurn and prope rty will double in value. Should this Sppof. tunity lo secure -i siimm.-r or a per in:: nenl residence ui.- I arl'f!,c'l by nj in this or any other town in North Carolina be h-stj there is no pre liability ofacqoiring wilinn corporate Mints ol the lown a resicfocc q desirable. Terms gumIj. E. 3. ERWIN. Trustee Oct, 2a, -13 ts. VALl AUM. L.AND l OK SALE. IWJLL s 1 on Tuesday tWa '7th of .November, my valuable laud, lying vvithoi nae mil..- of tin: line of the tow n of Charlotte, containing three hundred and fitty iicr s, ono hundred and fifty area cleared, ia goad liea it, and in a Mate ol 1,'ih coll i 14 tion the balance heavily wooded, from it proximity to market Um timber will pa for the whole lam. Tba aitoatwo is high and healthy, a enuifortttfh; ouse and other excellent improvemantr, and a wall id nil r not urp;issed by any in this clion. On the same day I w ill sell all my stock of borne I cattle, fatted hug-, fa rr. ling atensela, corn, wheat, o t., odder, bay, shucks, &.C. Terms made known on day ol sale. WILLIAM 9BIBBLE. November C, I6",.3. j 3w LA.I) FOR SALE. ri HE SUBSCRIBER o.Ters lor sale the PL A NT A j 1 TION, on which he fo mei I y resided, situated two miles S- E. of I.incolnton, on the Charlotte rojd. T bf tract contains about 200 ACRES, One half of which is in cultivation; upon this tracf there is one of the Best 3VTa35ao-v5ret in Carolina, estimated at sixteen acres. The house is a large, and iv ell finished building, ail necessary out baiiatngs are there in good repair. The Kail Kwl j that will run from Cha otte io Lincoliitoa, must pa-s j within a half mile of this place. ! 1 will sell this place at public sale, at the Court , Hou e in I.incolnton, on the '2nd Mond.y in December next, if not privately disposed of. Terms months after date with interest. Those wish ng to purchase, would do well to go and ; look at tue premises, and ive a lad. If any person wi lies information on the subject , ap p'y to H. Cansler q., Lincolnton, or to tbc uotler- sigi.ed, Shelby, N. L. ALEX. J. CANSLKR. November 6. 18J5. li-5w CHARLOTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. rpBIS COMPANY i now orgatoiaed uccordmr to the 1 act of Incorporation, ;ind are prepared lo receive ap plications and issue policies Bgainsl loss by fire on fU kinds cf property and iWerchaajdiae. CFITCERS: R. C. Car.-on, Prcsidi-nt, John Ikwin, V. President, W.M. loilN-eN, Altorncy, J. F. Jrwim, Sec. & Trcaa. II. L. V !.To.V, Agent. DlRECT'.Es R. C. ('arson. John Irwin, J. A. Yotinf, Joseph ft While. Jame- H. Cirson, Dr. M. U. Taylor, W. W, Elaaa, Wat. J..hnson. Lcroy Springs, J. W. 0 horne.Chas. Overman, and R. II. Brawlay. 15 Direct all communicatinns lo the Secretary. JOHN F. IRWIN, Sec'y. June 15,1855. 47-tf JOB PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE.

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