Distinct as the Billows, but one as (he Sea. EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Tuesday Morning, Dec 11, 1855 CONGRESS. Tin- Ho6 ot Roprosontutivfs OOasSaueed the whole of last week in daily and fruitless efforts to elect a Speaker and effect an or ganization. When the end of this state of tilings will be, it is impossible to conjecture. There are three parties, neither having a majority, and each appearing resolved to hold on to its separate strength. The Democrat- wi'l refine to the hitter end to co M , ith cither of the factions; and con fatly i if an organization takes place, it must he either through a union of the ...rtli rii Aholitiontstsand Southern Know- Votbingft, or hy tlie latter going over to the I ( -moerats. Of one thing, howvver, we are sure, that the Democrats will in BO wise compromise their principles hy uny bargain, intrigue, or arrangements, to secure the election of their candidates. Others may do it and we shall not be surprised to hear that free-soil ami Southern Know-Nothings have lovingly fallen into each other's em brace, to secure tlie "spoils'' and to vindi cate the truth of the party cry, that 'Ameri cans must rule America." Tin failure to effec t an organization, has kepi back the issuing of the President's, i.x -agc. We have up to the present time Li pt ourselves in readiness to lay it before our leaden at the earliest practicable mo ment: but we shall no longer anticipate its arrival- After the election of Spea ker, tlare are other officers to elect, which nay be a further stumbling block in the way of an organization ; and the Keeder question may also cause trouble and delay. The present Congress is one, whose pro ciidiiigB, we predict, w ill be narked by -a-h scenes as have never before been witnessed since the foundation of the gov rnvt .May the Constitution and the I'uiou ssstely wilier the storm and stand erect amidst the blown which will fall thick e.:id heavy ngain-d then-! There were six ballots fox Speaker, on Saturday, the date of our last advices front Washington. The last stood : Banks, Free ; 1: Jlichardsou, Democrat, 73; Fuller, Know-Nothng Whig, 30; besides sciitter ing. The Anti-Xebiaski nco were to have MU'I ,n Saturday night, to consult in rtla ti"n to the ntecting on .Monday, lid votes are necessary to elect a speaker, if all the members are present. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The proceedings of a Democratic meet ing, in relation to the election of town oth ( rs, wjll be fonnd in to-day's pansr. This -ti p has been deemed necessary, iu order to meet an issue presented by the Know-Nothing party themselves. At the last election i ticket was brought forward by that party, :.t the eleventh hour, and supported by a party vote, to the surprise of every Democratic voter in the town. Now, the issue presented will be fairly tmd openly net, on the part of the Democrats. They hare assembled iu open, public meeting, after several day's public notice, and nomi nated a ticket, presenting the names of one but worthy, intelligent, and pubfic--j'irited citizens, who have nt heart the . hare of the town, and who will no doubt contribute all in their power to promote its interests, If the Know-Nothing party are, as they profess to b , in favor of "Americans riding Amer:."a." we shall expect every man of then) to support the ticket recom mended by the meeting on Wednesday night. The proceedings of the meeting which washeidia the Court House on Wednesday evening last so clearly and fully state its object, that we would not have referred to M again had ma an article in the Whig of to-day rendered it necessary. The caption of "grog or no grog" is not only an assumption, but it does very gross injustice to the genth-meu who composed that meeting. Hot one word was said about the license question, and we ore sure that the Committee on nominations are entirely unaware of the views of a single gentleman whose name they presented as a candidate tr town Commissioner. Making that iasne now is only an attempt to divert the minds of the voters from the tr ie point. These gentlemen were nominated solely upon the grounds of their political faith, and upon that issue, they will be voted for. We know ourold political foes would attempt to spring a mine upou us. They delight to deal iu BtnansjanM and schen.es, bat we hope no one who is opposed to the secret, irrespon sible Know-Nothing cabal, will permit him self to be taken in this ambuscade. Our ticket is before the world, openly nud above board: and all we ask is an open field and a fair tight; and to the God of battles wc trust our cause. Ont opponents have no stomach for the battle field and "pomp and circumstance of glorious war." Who informed our neighbor that there was only one temperance man on the nomina ting Committee ? Docs he mean to charge four of our most respectable citizens with being intemperate ? Is no man's character to be free from aspersion and detraction, hen it suits the purposes of the Kuow Xothiug organ, to attack it ? much accustomed to entertain one set "1 priuciples and express another, that, forsooth our cotcmporary thinks every body acts in the same way. Know-Nothines may meet in secret council and manufac ture a creed that will be popular whether it is consistent with their permanent convic tions or not; but Democrats never do What opinions they hold they avow freely and publicly whether it makes or loses votes. Our ticket is before the town. We, for one, wish to see it stand or fall on its merits. If the men arc worthy of support give it to them ; and if not, withhold it ; and let not the insane cry of "grog or no grog" weigh one feather against it. There is not one single man on the ticket but who is a tem perate, a moral, and an orderly citizen, in favor of law and order. ss" England and the United States. It is stated that despatches brought by the America, from Mr. Buchanan, have been received at Washington, to the effect that England positively declines giving any ex planation, in answer to our demands con cerning the alleged violation of the Neu trality Laws. If this be so, it may lead to serious consequences between the two Go vernments. - A Division in the Camp. Mr. Iiartlett, the President of the Know-Nothing 'Nation Council U . S. N. A.,' publishes a proclama tion for the election of delegates to a Na tional Convention in Philadelphia on the 22d February, 1856, to nominate candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. On the other hand the Know-Nothings of Virginia and North Carolina protest stren uously against so early a day, as they wish to watch passing events and to know on what ground they stand. We shall see whether the imperial orders of the grand National Council, which in June last adopted the re solution, are to be obeyed like the laws of the Modes and Persians, and in that case, how the refractory Know-Nothings of Vir ginia and North Carolina are to be whipped into the traces. Five Husdred Thousand. It is stated that Mrs. John Tyler., lady of the Ex Prcsidcnt, whose maiden name was G.R i i xek, is heir to a just discovered fortune in England, by which she wjll realize 500,000. How truly has the Ex-President been strled "Lucky John?'' Presidential Movkment. Clubs are forming in New York for supporting Senator Hunter, of Virginia, for President of the United States, and Augustus Schcll, of New York, for Vice President. The Presidency. Several papers in Pennsylvania are out for Mr. Buchanan for the Presidency. Presidency of the S. C. College. At a inci ting of the South Carolina College last week Prof. C. F. McCay was elected President to succeell Dr. ThornwelL As Professor of Mathematics Mr. McCay has few cipials in the South. m Death ok Hon. P. C. Caldwell. We learn by the Newberry Mirror, that this gentleman, for many years a member of the South Carolina Legislature, and Representa tive in Congress, died on the 2'2d instant, in the fifty -fourth year of his age. . . Kansas Convention. The Kansas Ter ritorial Convention, to organize preparatory for a State, is in session. We noticed that a female has been admitted to the seat as a reporter. - - Presidential Elections. bill has been introduced into the South Carolina Leg islature, providing for the appointment of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States. The bill provides that the Electors shall be appointed in the following manner: the persons elected mem bers of the House of Representatives of the State at the general election then next pre ceding, shall assemble at the State House iu Columbia, on the day which is now or hereafter may be designated by law for that purpose; and they or such of thorn as shall attend on that day, shall then and there appoint the Electors by voting vira vote; for which service they shall rec ivc the same per dhm allowance as for attend ing the meetings of the General Assembly, and shall also be allowed at the same rate for travelling expenses. JUDGE DH"GLAs. A report of the death of this eminent statesman, which reached New York, Washington, &c, on Friday last, caused considerable excitement and renret, and would have caused much more hud it received full credit. It turns out to have been unfounded. On the contrary, the latest and most authentic accounts re present Judge Douglas, health as improving surety, although slowly. It is probable that he may not be able to attend to his Senatorial duties before the beginning of the year. Mr. Buchanan's Return. The follow ing extract of a letter from Mr. Buchanan to a gentleman in Philadelphia, dated Nov. 1839, and received by the last steamer, will be interesting to his numr rous friends all over the Union : "I had calculated with confidence that I should return home by the steamer of the 6th of October last, but unexpected events rendered this impossible. I shall now be detained here, I know not how long, in con sequence of the present aspect of affairs bo tween the two countries. I trust however, that within the period of three months, I may meet you all again. At least such is my anxious desire." m' THE CIRCUS. The visit of Washburn's Circus and troupe of Indian performers, on Monday last, created quite a stir amongst the younger portion of our popula tion, and brought to town a number of persons from the country. Opinions conflict as to the merits of the performance; some expressing sa tisfaction, while others avow no little disappoint ment and dissatisfaction. All agree that the ex hibition fell far short of what they ha J anticipated in view of the Company's long and "flaming" ad vertisement. Our engagements denied us the plea sure of testing, personally, its merits. The "devil" was there, day and night, and was much gratified. He says "the Indians were grand." DEMOCRATIC MEETING Oa Wednesday evening the 5th instant, ac cording to previous public notice, a large number of the Democratic citizen of Charlotte assembled at the Court-House, for the purpose of forming a ticket to be supported at the approaching election for Intendant and Commissioners of the town of Charlotte. David Parks, Esq., was called to the Chair, and J. J. Falmjpu appointed Secre tary. In response to calls, R. P. Waring, Esq,, ad dressed the meeting. He referred to the sly course of the Know-Nothing party of Charlotte, at the last election of town officers, and to the course of that party in the towns generally throughout the country, to place themselves in power, to the exclusion of Democrats ; and maintained that the effort of that party to monopolise all the offices of the country, imposed upon their opponents the duty of some corresponding action not a pri vate, secret, oath-bound action, but an open, fair, and public avowal of their objects and purposes At the conclusion of his remarks, Mr. W. moved that a Committee of five, one from each Ward, be appoints to present the names of suitable per sons to be voted for as the candidates of the meet ing at the uext municipal election. The motion having been adopted by the meet ing, the Chair appointed the following gentlemen to compose said Committee : Mitj. J. B. Kerr, Wm. S. Norment, Esq., Dr. H. M. Pritchard, 8. W. Davis and R. P. Waring, Esqrs. The Committee retired, and after deliberation, reported through their chairman, Maj. KERR, the names of the following gentlemen, as suitable arsons to be supported at the approaching election of town Officers : For Intendant Wm. P. Davidson, Esq. For Commissioners W. W. Elms, Win. F. Phifer, John Sigfer, T. II. Brem, Wm. Harty, and Wm. R. Myers, Esqrs. The Report of the Committee was unanimous ly adopted hy the meeting. Subsequently, for reasons unconnected with political considerations, Messrs. Elms and Rigler declined the nomination. Whereuoon. Messrs. Charles Overman and McKee Jamison were cho sen as substitutes. On motion of Dr. H. M. Pritchard, the meeting adjourned to Wednesday evening, the 12th inst., at the same place, to hold a ratification meeting. DAVID PARKS, Chairman. J. J. P.M.MER, Secretary. A CARD. Gentlemen : At an anti-Know Nothing meeting held in the Court House, on Wed nesday evening hist, you were pleased to present my name as a candidate .for town Commissioner. While I am with you gen tlemen, heart and soul, my time will be so completely occupied the coming year with private business, that I must decline the nomination. Wishing the ticket complete success, I subscribe myself yours, Most respectfully, W. W. ELMS. To Ma j. Kerr, Xorment, Pritchard, Davis, and Waring, Committee. wf, , MECKLENBURG BIBLE SOCIETY. Charlotte, Nov. 20, 1855. Mr. Editor: You will help forward a good cause by inserting in your journal the following minute of the proceedings of the Board of Managers of the Mecklenburg County Bible Society. The Board convened in the Presbyterian church, nt 11 o'clock, A. M, Rev. A. VV. Miller presiding. The meeting was opened with prayer, by the Rev. W. Smiley Pharr. After a gener al convention in reference to the time pro per for taking up collections in aid of the cause, the following resolutions were pro posed and adopted : By Cnpt. W. A. Lucas. That the Man agers in each Congregation are hereby de sired to see that their contributions are placed in the bauds of the Treasurer by the 1st of May. By Rev. J. B. Watt That the Pastors of all the Protestant congregations in the county are hereby requested to set apart the third Sabbath in April (of every year) for the purpose of making common Suppli cation to God for hLs blessing upon all ef forts to disseminate His truth a sermon being delivered appropriate to the occasion. By the Rev. S. C. Pharr, D. D. That the Managers in each congregation are here by directed to examine the fields more es pecially under their care, and supply what ever destitutions may exist. By the Rev. J. B. Watt. That there shall be one or more addresses delivered at our Anniversary by some person or persons previously appointed. By Capt. W. A. Lucas. That the Se cretaries of the society be a committee to procure speakers for our anniversary. The session was closed with prayer by Rev. S. C. Pharr, D. D. E. NYE HUTCHISON, It. S. MARRIED, In Union county, on the 22nd alt., by E. W. Liles, Esq., Mr. Wilson P. Gaiiy, to Miss Martha Ann Cason, eldest daughter of Col. James F. Cason, Esq. On the 27th nit., by E. W. Liles, Esq., Mr. Thomas W. Criffin, to Miss Martha CAROLINE Ikbt, youngest daughter of Wil liam Irby. Esq.. all of Union. On the 5th instant, by the Rev. T- M. Far row. Mr. J. A. Camprell, to Miss Sarah Johnson. On the 0th instant, by the Rov. T. M. Farrow, Mr. John H. Ballard, to Miss Mary Ann Noles. DIED, To PnlnmM countv. on the 21 st November. Mrs. Nelly Gooixmax, wife of Michael j n...wLviTi in the .'fihh roar of her acre, leav- 1 V. Vllimi"! ... - - - j C3 ing a husband and five children to mourn their irreparable loss. Departed this life, on Friday the 30th dav of November, in the risty -seventh year (if her age, Mrs. Rebecca M. Caldwell, wife of the Hon. David F. Caldwell. Mrs. Caldwell was the daughter of Wm. Nesbit. She was twice married : first to Mathew Troy E?q.. in the year 1809, and again to Judge Caldwell, in the year 1840. j lu Lincoluton, N. C, on the 0th instant, ! Sarah Rachee, daughter of John A. and Mary A. C Jetton, aged 0 years, 10 months j and 21 days. In this county, on the Gth inst., Mr. John Monteith. in the 04th year of his age. Mr. Monteith, while buildiuga chimney, on the 4th, was thrown from the scaffold by the wvthe breaking, and was so seriously in- - - . -I "TV 1 . 1 A" jurcd that death ensued, tie nas leu a m ji ily to mourn his loss. X. C Whig. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY C. H. ELMS & CO. Charlotte, Dec. 10, 1855. BACON, Hams per lb Sides, pir lb " Hog round Bogging, cotton, per yard Beef, per lb ; Butter, per lb Hi i sir as. per lb Beans, per busheL BRAND Y, Apple per gal Peach " COTTON, new, per lb. Coffee, per lb CANDLES, Adamantine " Sperm Tallow CORN, per bushel Chickens, each I CLOTH, Copperas Linsey : f-SS'i Pr dozen. FLOUR, per lb perbbl Feathers, per lb - I Herrings, per bid Lard, per lb . ; Mutton, per lb 13 to 134 .. 12U. 124 .. 124 to 13 . . 18 to 20 5 to 6 . . 124 to 1 . . 20 to 22 . . 100 .. 50 TitoSJ 12 to 14 .. 30 . 40 to 50 18 to 25 . . 55 to 58 10 to 124 .. 12 to 15 . . 25 to 35 .. 1-24 to 15 . . 4i to 4A . . ci to (-4 . . 3: to :J74 . . $4 to 6 - - 124 to 13 5 to 6 -. $10 to 16 . . 50 to 00 - - 37 to 40 - - 50 to 55 - $0 to 10 5 to (i 35 to o?4 -. 64 to 7 . . 60 to 66 . . 50 to 75 . . 46 to 50 .. Il to 124 -. 10 to 12 .. 10 to 15 . . 2. 40 to 2. 50 - 75 to 2.00 . L40tol.45 60 to 65 . . 27 to 28 . . 2:5 . . 80 to 85 . . $8 to 10 Mackerel, per bid - MOLASSES, Sugar House " Common Meal, per busheL Mulletg, per bU (Wilmington) Nails, per lb Oats, per bushel Pork, per lb Peas, per busheL POTATOES, Irish, per busheL... Sweet, per bushel SUGAR, Loaf Brown Storn-ware, per gal Salt, per .sack Tea, per lb Wheat, per bushel U'hi.Uey, Western, per gal WOOL, best washed, " unwashed Yarn, bale Clocer Seed, per bushel COLUMBIA, Dec. 8. In the early part of the week just terminated, the cotton market was quiet but steady, with a fair demand, the unfavorable advices brought over from Liverpool by the last steamer, reporting a decline of j to id in that market, and also reporting a stringent money market, and a dull demand for manufactured goods, has produced a decline, and we now quote 8 to 8 extremes. Most sales at 8i to 8. Corn. The demand for corn is fair, and it is freely taken at 70c per bushel. Flour. The price of Hour has been full and firm throughout the whole of the week, and fine family Hour goes off freely at $ii to L4 per barrel. Charleston, Dec. 7. Cotton has de clined e and still tends lower. Sales of 151)0 bales. Middling Orleans 9c. Middling upland !c. Fair Ojc. Flour drooping State $8.81. Wheat declined. Southern Red $2.10. Coin$l. Rice active at 5. New York, Dec. 0. Flour is drooping; sales of straight State brands $9, Ohio $9, 37, Southern unchanged. Wheat is droop ing; sales of Southern red at 2 10, white 2 25. Corn, mixed $1. Anti-Know-Nothing Meeting. THE anti-Know-Nothing meeting at the Court -L House, on Wednesday evening last, ad journed to meet again on Wednesday evening the Pith instant, to take farther action in reference to the election of town officers. The meeting will, therefore, he. held at the time and place indi cated, and all friends of the cause are invited to attend. Dec. 11, 1855. ALL GUARDIANS who have not re newed their Bonds within the last three years, are notified to do so at the January Court, or notice will be issued according to law. W. K KEiD, c. c. c Dec. II, 1S55- 5t SALE OF NEGROES. PURSUANT to an order from the County Court of Mecklenburg, 1 will sell, at the Public Square, in Charlotte, ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, Two likely Negroes, A fellow aged about 2C years also a girl aed about 20 years belonging to the estate of Jo'm M. Alexander, dee'd. TERMS A credit of six months bond, negotiable in Bank. J. M. HUTCHISON, Adm'r. Dec. 11, 85r ts SALE OF Six likely Negroes. ON TUESDAY the first day of January, 1856, 1 will sell, at the Court-House in Charlotte, A Negro Woman, some 40 years of age, and 5 Children, (One son and four daughters,) the youngest about 11 months old. TERMS A credit of 12 months (the buyer giving note with two good securities) with interest from day of sale. E. NYK HUTCHISON, Trustee. Dec. 11, 1855 3t VALUABLE MINING PROPERTY HY virtue of a deed of Trust executed to me by Thomas Andrews of New York, I will orFer for sale at the Court House in the town ot Charlotte, on Saturday the littli day o! Jan uary, 1856, the following property : One Tmct of Land in ths county of Meck lenburg, on Mallard Creek, known as the Al cxander Gold Mine, containing 210 Acres. Also, One Tract known as the McGinn Mine, coniuining ICO Acres. Also.Threc-fourt'.is of the C'Arrs'GoLD Mine, containing 130 Acres. Also, One Tract adjoining the Capps' Tract, containing 23 Acres. Also, One Tract adjoining the Capps' Gold Mine, containing SO Acres. Also, One Tract lying on the w aters oi Clear Creek, known as the Rogers' Hill tract, con taining 92 A crew. Also, The Kinney Tract, adjoining the C ipps' Gold Mine, containing Acres. Oho, One Tract known as the Hunter's Mine, adjoining lauds of Elaui Hunter and others, containing 172 Acres. Also, One tr ct situated about 2 miles south west of Charlotte, on Sugar Creek, in the vi cinity of BcanclIV Mills, known as the Carson Mine, containing 34 Acres AUo, several Steam Engines, Pumps, Mining Machinery, &c, Stc. Terms made known on Jiv of sale. THOS. W. DE A'EY, Trucc. Dec. II, 16.35. Is "Sale of likely Negroes, 0 N THE FIRST OF JANUARY NEXT, I will seil in the town of Charlotte, Five likely You?:? erdes. Gen. J. A. Yoc.ng is authorised to act as my Agent in regard to the same. TERMS made known on the day of sale. A. H GRAHAM. Nov. 20, 1S:.5 td State of North Carolina, LINCOLN COUNTY, Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1855. Frances T. Courtney,! va. Petition for Divorce Henry P. Courtney. 3 IN this case, it appearing to the satisfac tion of the Court, that the defendant re sides beyond the limits ot this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made far three months, in the " Wes tern Democrat" and in the "Nor; k Carolina Whig," two newspapers published mi the town of Charlotte, giving notice to the said Henry P. Courtey, ttat he must be and appear be fore the Judge of oar Superior Ci.urt of Law, at the next Court to be held for said c otinty, at the court-house in Linealnton,on the 8th Mon day after the 4th Monday in February next, then and there to plead or demur to sa.d peti. tion ; otherwise, judgment pro confesso will be rendered against htm, aod a decree made ac cordingly. Witi.ess, Robert Wiiliamson, Clerk of our said Court, at Office, the 8th Monday alter the 4th Monday in August, A. D. 183j, and in the 80;h year of our Independence. ROBEKT WILLIAMSON, Cl'k. Dee. 11, 1855 3m Prs. fee $10 State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Court 0 Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ) October Tkum, ld55. R. L. Ferrington, J vs. J. Original Attachment. G. W. Jarrett. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in tlie town of Char otte, notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next term of ours-iid "court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlott. , on the fourth Monday in January next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against them. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in October, 1855, and in the 80th year of American Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. Dec. 11, 1855 6w Prs. fee $G State of North Carolina, ME3KLENBURG COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ) OcTOBiiit Tkum, 1855. J. L. Hicks, i vs. Original Attachment. G. W. Jarrett IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in th.s case re sides beyond the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town ot Charlotte, notifying the said de fen dan s to be anil appear at the next term of our said coui t, to beheld for said county, at the court house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in Janu.ry next, then and there to plead, answer, or de. mur, orjuugment pro confesso will be taken against them. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in October, 1855, and in the 80th year of Ame rican Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. Dec. 11, 1855 6w Prs. fee So State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ? . -. f 1 ' 1 j - t Samuel Jarrett, vs. G. W. Jarrett. jorig nal Attachment. IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper publish d in the town ot Charlotte, notifying the said de endant to be and appear at the next term o: our sain court, to be held for said c unty, at the court-house in . harlotte, ou tlie fourth Mond y in .lanua ry next, then and there to plead, answer, or d mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office ir. Charlotte, the 4ih Mond .y in Oc.ober, 1855, and in the 80 h year of Ame. rican Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. Dec. 11, 1835 Gw Pr3. fee $6 State of North Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, 7 October Term, 1855. $ Silas II. Rea, J vs. VOriginal Attachment. G. VV. Jarratt, ) IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this CaS..- re sides beyoud the limits ol this Slate : It is therefore ordered by this Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper pnblished in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendants to bo and appear at the next term of onr said Court, to he held for said county, at the Court-house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in January next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, V. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in October, 1855,and in the 89th year of Ainc rican Independence. XV. K. REID, c. c. c. December H, 1855 6 w Prs. fee .$ State of North Carolina, M ECK L EN BURG COUNT Y, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, ) October Term, 1855. S. A. Harris, Agent, 1 vs Original Attachment C. W. Jarrett, ) T APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of this State : It ii therefore ordeied by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks in the Western Demo crat, a newspaper published in the town ot Charlotte, notifying trie f-aid defendant to be and appear at the ni xt term of our sai I court, t.) be h Id for said county, at the court. house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in January next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro covfssa will be taken ar i inst him. Witness, W. K. R. ill. Clerk of our siid Court, al Office in Charfo'ie, the 4th Monday in October, 1 '50. and LU ihf! 80th year of Ann -rican Independence. XV. K. REID. c c. c. Dec. 1 1, 1S55 6w Prs. fee $6 Slate ot North Carolina, M ECKLE S BURG COD N T Y , Court of Ph as and Quarter Sessions, Gc to bear Term. 1855. $ I W. XV. Elms 1 and C. Johnson, original Attachment, vs. j TheCl ircmont Min- ing Cempany. j IT APPEARING i the satifcfiori of th Court, that the defendant in thip case re side beyond the limits of the Slate: It ig therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the A esters Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the Iowa of Charlotte, notifying the said defendants to be and appear at tlie next term of our Kiid court, to he held for sail c unity, ;.t the Court-house in Charlotte, on the 4to .Monday ia January next, then at, u there to pl-ad. antw. r, oi de. mur, or judgment pro confeuo will be taken ag i i iit I hem. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of onr said Court, at office in Charlotte, on the 1th M u diy in October, 1855, and in the 80th year of American Independence. W. K. RF.ID, c c.c. Dec. 11, 1S55 0 Prs. fee State or North Carolina, MFJCKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Seisin us, t October Term, 1855. $ W. W. Elms 1 and Clarence Johnson, ! fl . - . . . . -Orifein! Attachment. The C .pps' Hill J Mining Company, J IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case re side heyund the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Demo crat, a newspaper published in the town of -jurnr!o:.to, notifying the said defendants to be and Appear at tlie next term of onr said court, to be held for said county, at the Court-house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in Januarj next, then and there to plead, answer, or de. mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against them. Witn.s;, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, al Office in Charlotte, the 4h Monday in Oct 1 be r, 1855, and in the 80th year of Ame rican Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. Dec 1 1, 1855 6w Prs fee SG State of North Carolina, MECKLEN BURG COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessjons, ) October Term, 1855. J David Elias and S. A. Cohen. Original Attachment. Charlotte Copper and Gold Mining Company J T APPEARING to-the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case re side beyond the limits of this State; It is therefore order id by the Court, th.it publica tion be made MX weeks, in the Western Demo crat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said delendanls to be and appear at the next term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in January next, then and there to plead, answer, r de mur, or judgment p 0 confesso will be taken ag i inst them. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in October, 1853, and in the 80th year of Ame rican Independence. W. K. RF.ID, c. c. c. Dec. 11. 1855 Gw Prs. fee $6 State or .orth Carolina, M ECK L EN BURG COUNTY, Court of Pleas nnd Quarter Session, ) October Term, 1855. $ J. F. Irwin, Jo5 1 N. Huirgitis, andT. D.Gillcspte I n . Att.hmf!n, ( Charlotte Copper an md $ i.iyj G.U MitiingCompa P APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in this case re side beyond the limits of the Stale: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the next term of our said court, to be held for said county, at th,' court-house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday iu January next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro cunfe so will be taken aga inst them. Witness, W. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in October, 1855, and in the SUth year of Ame rican Independence. V. K. REID, c. c. c. Dec. 11, 1855 Gw Prs. fee $6 Cliarlotte, 3NT- O- At a meeting of the Hoard of Corumi sioners, held nt their Conned Chamber, on Saturday evening, '24th November, 1855 : t is ordained by said Board, 1 That the Intendant he authorised to tub. -crib s $3;"., 001) to the eapittl stock of the WILMINGTON &. RUTHERFORD RAIL ROAD COMPANY : Provided, That the citi '.e ns of said town shall approve the same by a lopular vote. And for the purpose of ascertaining their wishes in relation to said subscription, an election will be opened and held on Saturday, 22nd day ot December, 18."5, at the Court House in said town, when and where each and every person authorised to vote will have an opportunity of voting for or against the proposition as p ovided for in the act of As sembly ot I 854 and '5"), authorising the Cor poration of the Town of Charlotte to sub scribe to certain Rail Roads. W. F. DAVIDSON, Teste, lutendaiit. J. B. Kerr. Nov. 27 18-td PRESBVTERIA If f I I IE President of this institution h.-ts come on JL for the purpose of making the necss.-u v ar inng -nii iits to open its first session. The term will begin on Tuesday, Jim. J, 1836, :inl close at the expiration of five month. Tlie families in the village have opened their houses for fly ac c:inniodation of borders dining tie- lirst session, after which the building will be completed. The price of board has not yet been regulated : RutEc it tosay th.it it may be had upon very reasonable terms not more than nine dollars per month, and probably much less. Mr. Tinsly will be nidi d by MS many assistants as may be found necessa ry. The department of music will be andei the -up Tvision of a young lady highly qualified tor th5 work. TERMS. Collegiate English brrocbea, per ses sion of five months' ii'2U.i0 Preparatory department 12.50 French Language 15.00 Latin or Grr-k do. 12.50 Music on Piano SftOO I'se of Instrument H.'tO Wood and otlejr contingencies l.ttO TRUSTEES. States v ilk, N. C, Dec. 5, '5519-tlj S. W. WESTBROOKS Proprietor ot the Cruillbrd POMOLOGICAL GARDENS AND rxrurseries, WXTOULD respectfully call th- attention of v v onr Sonthern citizens to his select collec tion of native and acclimated varieties of FBTTT TREES,. mbraingsom. Ft RTY THOUSAND frees of the following varieties, viz : Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Al mond Also a choice assort ill i' ni of GRAPE VINES, llnsplK-rries, Straw berries, db. fcc. DI7"A!1 orders, accompanied with the cash, will r eeive prompt attention, and the bMi will b n -atl packed :uid directed to any poision of iiM' country. I'. S. Persons wishing Oinaue-ntal Trees csu be MipplWd. Address Gn-ensboio', BL C. 1 c. 4, 1-55. oiu Broad-Street Hote RICHj10.D, va. 111 TBI HIS well-known Hotel has been purchased JI- by, and is now under the control of tin- un dersigned, who has introduced such improve ments as make it equal in accommodation and eomfort, ha trusts, to any hotel in Richmond, it is situated on Shockoe Hill, within JUU yards of the l pot of ihe Kichmoad and Fredericksburg Kail Road ; thus affording a convenient and desirable stopping place for travellers going North or com ing South. I will not follow the fashion of she day, and make high-sounding promises ; but I will a.--k a trial of my BeUM from the travi liing public behWuw that my acc om modat ions and charges will be the best recommendation. ISAAC A. OODDIN Richmond, Va., Dee. 4, 1955.tf Valuable Catawba Land 0' N TUESDAY THE EIGHTH DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, Git. J. A. Yoeso, a my Agent, will tell upon the premises, Hy Land, lyine on tlie Catawba River, A: the mouth of Cathy's (.'reek, in Mecklenutirf County, one unle below Beaue's Ford, known as the " Cathey Land." The tract contains about About 175 acres of which are river and creek boi torn ; and about -200 acres ol tlie tract are cleared and in cultivation ; UM balance lain The first quality of well timbered Upland, Mr. Joskph Wiuos, living upon the river, one mile below the land, will a any tune allow the same to persons wishing to purchase. This has always been considered one of iho most desirable tarms on ihe Catawba, or in Mecklenburg County, not only on account of the quality of the soil, but also because of its being sitnaud tn a healthy locality and in a moat desirable neigh borhood. Any information respecting it can le obtained from Mr. JosErn Wilson, near the land, or lrom Gbn. Young or mysell in (.'harlotte. W TERMS will be accommodating, and made known on the day of sale. A. H. GRAHAM. Nov. 20, 1855. td Kr The ( -oncord Gazette, Sali'o,iry Herald, and Yorkville Enquirer, wiH ph ase insert until tlie day of sale, aid torwird then aecount!-to Gen. J. A. If OMRS', Charlotte. A. Hi G. K IKE OPPOKTI 1TV. TO THE subscriber havine determined Is"9 Hn lvy r-move South otb rs for Bale, pnvatc- L''IJW-iy,ali t.is ? amis in Providence. The Home Tract, Hlaek JacC 'itterson uud Wallace phece. THE HOME Til ACT lies on the Providence rond, II miles soutt of ChurloUe, in a honlthy and agrecaulc ntijjh boihood, near the Church, c.intains 3SO Acres, half oi which is cleared and in a high state ol cultivation, with a good Dwelling House and other improvements. THE BLACK JACK PLACE is 10 miles from C tin r lotto, on the same road, with comfortable improvement ; ulso a good Store house, where a thriving business has for a number of years been transacted. The furiu contains 112 -L o:c o , and is of unsurpassed fertility. The TWO OTHER PLACES arc in the same vicinage, nnd is in the virgin growth and lue.vily timbered ; one contains 45 IICI'CO, the other -lO. These la ads are probably the most produc tive ever offered tor sale in this county , -i nd af fords, fo those who wish to purchase, a rare op portunity for a safe und profitable investment. Those who wish to examiM the premises can do so by calling on the subscriber who will lake pleasure in showing them the I . mix. JOHN M. MATTHEWS. Aug. 17, 1855. 4 It EC?" Chester Standard, nnd Wadcsboi ough News, will copy 6 times and forward bills to the subscriber at Providence, P. O., Mi klen bnrg Co., N. C. PUBLIC SALE AND HIKING ON WEDNESDAY the 19th of December next, will be sold at the late residence of Dr. J. M. Harris, deceased, Ihe following property : The entire crop of Corn, Wheat, Oats, rodder, Hay, iVc, r Horses, 5 Mules, a large slock of Cattle, nacod and Stock Hogs, Sheep, 4 rond Wagons, I H.iguy and Harness, Ibmse and Kitchen Furniture, a Good Library, Fanujpf ni'd Smith T-'ols, a good cotton Gin aiul Thiarhei, beaidi s every other sort o!Propcity uannlly found on a farm. 3Xa3C, At the same time and place will be hired out pub. liely, all the Neirroes belonging to the above Estate The Plantation will uho be icnud out, for iho year 1856. J. M. STRONG, Adm'r. Nov. 27. (Whig copy is) 17. tw XOTICE. J1IOST WJUeUji aVZ. E For Sale in Charlotte, N.. BY ORDEB from the Court of Eonit.v. I will expose to public isiile, at the Coiirt 1 louse in ( 'harlotte, Ox Satlkuav TUB 99th nST. (IM'. kmuki;.) Two Choice Diiiiies LOTS, Flouting oij f,.,. ) inehi s rach, on Tryon street, nearly opposite Sadler's Hotel, and running back 198 foot, adjoining the ( Jianite How on th N. K., and the thr c -stoiy block of stores now building by M'-ssrs. Carson and ethers, on the S. XV. Also, THREE LOTS, Floating 33 f'-ef each, on Trade street, opposite the Branch li;m!c and the stores of C. E. Kprntt & Co. and others, and running back 190 feet. Thi-so Lots are situated in the most active bu siness partial of our growing- town Tryon nnd Trade Streets b 'ing the main business streets Mini the thoroughfare for fill tlie produce from thu country to ihe D pot of cither RaH-Boad. Person desiring business loerttinns in Char lotte, WiH h:ivi- an opportunity of obtaining them here most advantageously situated, and such as as mar not soon b- offered again. Any oiio wishing to see tlie property may call at the office of the Bock-IstaM Manufacturing Company, on one of the lots. I. B, DLNLAP, -. m. t Dec, i, 1KV. t.s.l T.f.$7. 9 fs R EW A RD. K ANA WAV from the sub scriber, residing about ten miles from Charlotte, on Thursday morning the limb instant, NEGROES. namely: ADAM and his wifo T E N E V, and a boy taut d HI-.VUY A. lam is lihoilt JM ran of sun, dark but not a n allv b'a 1. m mo. .", foot 7 or S inches high, nnd weighs probably from Jot) to Hio pounds. Ha is miller, and can read nnd write. He took a variety of clothing, amongst wldeh Were a black cloth frock coat and pm'nloons. TENEV is likely woman ab uf 20 years of age, an' about th I BsW eoloi of Adam. She wus dressed when s'e- I lop d, iu II stiijM 1 cotton frock, and took with her one ntfstlp and two cal ico dreases. She fax adrafeead in prvjuuuMg. HENRY baa a popper complexion, is SO yean of ag1-, about o bet 8 incii- high, and Would weigh about tQ yasaad. Ud w very intelligent, and wh'n spoken to, replies ipuickiy and pehtety; bad on when he l-ft, a p.iir of red-brov. u woUeji pantaloons, shirt, and a pair of heavy wimVr sJawa; and took no other clothing. I will dot -") for the aiMi;eheitsion of each of tb so runaways, it s cur ! unti! l get met 1'iir' ii mm: t uirin. AL-BERT WALLACE Dee. 4, 185 -I'Mf. HOTEli TO REAT. rOIHE large new Hotel bouse no'" in course i of construction, within a lew yards of the Depots of the North Carolina Central, and the Charlotte and South Carolina Kail-Koads, in the town of C harlotte, is for rent, possession JJgSjL to be jriven the fust of January neii. ' ImH I he building is three stories high, i iMM with a lurve. number of rooms, and in" ioosi of them with fire place, i. The whole bottdiaw tsaa been arranged for a fir t clas hotel of ihe meat convenient and comfortable kind. The advantageous position of this befit, tor a lire and profitable bu-ines, must be ap. parent lo nil who may view it. Ptmnn de siring to go into the hotel bu iness will make application to the subscriber, in Char I arte. O. t. CU AN FORD, Oct. 30, '53. flj

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