WW Xlf.' STATES: Distinct as the Ilillows. but one UM the Sea.' IsgtsfcrnI Ocwocrat 13 JOilif J. J-AILJ-S-U. ntioa and HumroMU ia KLon i;. Tuesday Morning. March 1 1. 1856 A DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. In iir next wo will lay before our read- j en the admirable "national" platform a- dofjteJ bj the Uemocracy of Penntrylvaaia in St.it- Convention last tree, w nen am mm .- tli. Koow-Xothing party of Penn sylvania, or of any other free State, ailopt fmm m platform equally sound, national, eon N. rvative. and protective of Southern rights! Never. A PATRIOTIC SUGGESTION . Tli.- Memphis (Tene.sH?e) "Appeal," a Km. iv-X. tiling joaraal, completely disgust- , .-I with the tl. etioji of a Seward Speaker j at Washington, through tbo ageaey of hi.- u l Know-Nothing brethren, a h- what are the ; Southern Know-Nothings to do in the face of I hour abolition fusionists, ami pointedly and sensibly answers, as t the daty of tli. ; Know-Nothin-i party of the South. Tin- j Appeal says : j " If oat elearly it i- the dnty f the Ann - j rieaa party of tin- South todbband as a we- i partite organization, and unite with the I -nmcratio part j in crumbing the hydra of ab- , olitioiii-m. If mu-t he manifest that Know- i Xotiungisn in the North 1 a- given a aew j bapalse and acehlental strength t. uegro- IiUIUStS. 11 mUM IU a pniui pn'si- tion that tin- Southern member of tie- Or der ran neither effeel n national nomination Ill eOBJUaCIMMI Wlin unw 01 lunu, , nor ran tin v do otherwise than weaka the ; South by ruaaiug a separate tick t." CAN'T SUPPORT IT. IVm. M. IJiirwil!. l'.-n.. recently the edi lor of tin- Know Nothing Organ at Wash- ; intoa City, at preseal a prominent mom- I hi r of the Hon ' Rolegatea of Virginia, and hitherto the lender of the Know N'ofh- bar party in the South Western porthm of lhai State, refuses t. ujj. it the Fillmore j and Dwnelson ticket, and dee lares an iuten- j tioa tt ir--eri- a neutral position until the j lectin c "f the Oomocrutie National Con- I veatioti, at Ciia inuati, wl ea be w ill make ; choice of that ticket which shall exhibit the host South, m plat form. This .satisfies OS that '. Mr. IS. will !. found in supiort of the Dem- ) eratie ticket, a- will be thousands of oth- I -.i . i v ....1 1....1. ...... rrs, of hi.- party, in the outh, when that i ..!....'..,,., decided, nnequivncal and sound 1 7 ; as it will hi- on ail ipiestions ! interest t the South and t. th whole UuMn shall I..- laid before the people fuses t. act any long which lm repudiated tin a aeet ion discard d to j I ists ami to enable a Nor: Mr. lit :i i. r wun a 1. party - i J : . i m etion is.- tits aholiiioi - . nran to stand on tin- platform. W mere's opinion :! t! ii knows MiJbtrd Fill Kansas question and tin- important principles connected tlierc with! W ill bo or li- friends inform us j whether or ih( he, too, repudiates th "12th section V We venture to predict that his opinions on raljeets whioh are now of vital interest to the So-ith will not he given he jroad the mere ndorsatbm of th presenl 1 Know- Xnthing plutforut, whieh i- wholK evasive on all uuestbms of interest to the South. EMIGRATION TO KANSAS. It will he seen by a notice iu oar adver- ' ti-intr eolumns that an adjourned meeting of the frh nda of Kansas, in this eouuty, is called for Saturday next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The object of the present meeting i. we learn, to make if possible full and final arrangement)! for the d partnre of the com pnay ef young men of this town ami county who hare recently fonu d an association for caigiialiiig this Spring to Kansas to aid in vindicating Southern rights and interests in that abotitkm-ridden territory. It is need less or u- t s-iy. at this bite day of the nneetioa, that the matt, r is one of vital in terest irelJ to our. ow n ftate as t tne whole South. Mecklenborir, in other days, was prompt to rejiel the invader, ami w are sure she will in t!ii instance niiiiiitaiii h r reputation for patriotism and devotion to the eaasc of right, justice, and constitu tional government. We expect on this oc casion to ,v a full m, . ting, ivid its nets of a real practical character. THE JULIEN MINSTRELS. This popular Company is now ..n a visit t our town. Saturday evening, and again tast evening, their performance w as attend ed by Urge and delighted audiences. This evening they will give their third en- tertainment, for which occasion they have a most attractive biU. - -1 t Mr. Holt Wilson, treasurer of the : Relief Associatioa of Portsmouth, Va.. pub- lihe a hst of the names of five hundred and ninety-eight persons who died in that town last summer and fall, during the raging of the yellow fever. He states the Cost of their burial at 7.771. A report Baring gained currency that the yellow- fever was iu Norfolk, the Argm says: -We suppose , we must contradict it; though the idea of such a disease prevailing in winter is ridiou- Ions. The city is rcmurkablv healthv." j CP" Mr Washington Kerr, of Guilford j county, has been elected, by the Hoard of ; Trustees of Davidson CpOege, to the Pro- j fessorship of Ch - uistry in that limitation. Hr. K. graduated a few years ago with the highest honors of his class at Chanel Hill. Salitbury Herald. DEATHS BY DROWNING. We regret to state that on Sunday last Messrs. Wm. Kirksey and Hainey were drowned in the Catawba River, at Rozzc-ll's Ferry, iu this county. We learn from a gentleman who was present, that the unfortunate men were engaged in fishing, and lor-t their lives while crossing the river in a small boat which dipped water and sunk while they were conducting it across the stream by means of a rope extending from shore to shore. They had crossed over once, and when a few steps from the shore, on their return, the accident hap pened. Instead of attempting to regain the neare.-t shore, which they had just h it, they unfortunately made an effort to reach the shore for which they had started, and sunk before aeeomplidiinr their purpose. Their bodies were soon discovered, immediately taken from the water, and every effort made to resuscitate them, but without success. Their spirits had left this world to try the realities of a future existence. - FIRE. We regret to learn that on Sunday night, the MA instant, the corn-house and stables of Mr. I. C. Youngblood, of this county, wen- consumed by fire, with about one thousand bushels of corn and two horses, thus involving Mr. Y., a worthy citizen, in a severe loss. The fire was discovered a bout 2 o'clock in the night." after the roof of the buildings had fallen in. and when it was too late to arrest the flames or to save any part of the property. It is supposed the fire was Communicated by some vile in cendiary, as it was a very calm night, and there had been no fir.- on the plantation that dav. All good citizens must desire that the perpetrator of such an offence should be det.-cted, and justice awarded him. PERHAPS A FIRE. tu Sunday night last, about 10 o'clock, many of our citizens observed a light in the country south-west of this place, having the appearance of a dwelling bouse or barn on five. Having hear.! no report of a ral.-uuity of tin- hind, yesterday, we hope Appearances were delusive. m 9 THE MONUMENT QUESTION. A writer in last week's Whig, over the signature of "Robert Allison," says he has read with "chagrin" a proposition in the "Democrat," copied from a communication in the lialeigh Standard, for the erection of a Monument, at ttakngh, iu honor of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration; and Mr. Allison" devotes a whole column ami n. ore of the Whig, in a labored effort t create prejudice against the author of the proposition and Ids endorsers." If the writer means to insinuate that we "endorsed" the proposition, by copying the article from the Standard, iu favor of the erection of a monument at Raleigh, he in sinuates what is not true. We copied the article, without any expression of opinion oa the subject, merely to show what the writer iu the Standard .-aid in relation to it. Sou:-.- persons are green enough to believe that Editors "cudorso" every thing they .-eh-et for their columns audit may be, "Robert Allison" is one of this number. If so, we must be excused for assuring him of his error. It would not do, ami for very obvious reasons. For example: We might copy the communication of "Robert Alli son, t. show our readers what others thought and said on the Monument question; hut we should bo sorry to 'endorse' all the nonsense he has v. ritteu on the subject. Ho has, he mvs, been "chagrined" by reading in the Democrat a proposition to erect a monument "at II;:!. igh," in honor of the Signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence ! Nov., we did not favor or ev ii "endorse," the proposition, yet if we had done so, we are unable to see any cause fr "chagrin" ou the part of '-Robert Allison" "r any other person. For one, are free to say, that we should be ph ased to see a monument erected at Raleigh, at Charlotte, or at any other place, in honor of tin patriots alluded to. We would not be "chagrined" if fifty or a hundred monu ments were erected at many different points of the State and the Union, for such a laudable purpose. On the contrary, we should be pleased t see one erected on the beautiful State-House Square at Kuleigh. the capitol of North Carolina, whether one h- erected or not at Charlotte. Let us also have one at Washington, the capitol of the Union, alongside that of Washington, which has iet been built at Mouut Vernon. We care not wh re or how many monuments may 1..- erected in honor of tin- "Mecklen burg Signers." Their deeds entitle them to all such mementos. We should not be "chagrined" if "Bobert Allison" himself, in his great zeal on the subject, should erect one i:i "Kanicliatka ;" and we should be particularly gratified to sec one erected at the appropriate place of Raleigh, the capit.d of the State. Who has ever been "chagrined" at seeing a monument of George Wudiinirton at the capitol of Vir ginia, although he lived not there and his peat deeds were performed elsewhere! According to "Robert Allison's" arguments, Washington's monuments should bo on his battle fields, where he performed his crreat dt cds. and not at the capitol of Ids State or at the capitol of the V. States. What a matter of "chagrin," it would be, for the thousands of .-trangers from all parts of our State and from every State of the Union, who annualhjprisit lialeigh. t view there a monument in honor of the Mecklenburg Signers!!" Awfully chagrining!" Yet, "Robert Allison" says: "I appeal to you. 'native Meeklenburgians,'' in this extreme. "momentous exigency, and to those who "have worshipped at the shrine of civil "Libert v throughout our beloved Union, "and call upon you tu most jirmhj and "solemnly protest against any such ,hsernz "tion as the proposition of a writer in the "Raleigh Standard" ! ! Wonderful "appeal" ! What an extreme. momentous exigency!" And what a "dese cration" would it If, to erect a monument at Raleigh iu honor of the Mecklenbur -Signers!! Who does not feel "ohagrincd" at the bare mention of such a "desecrating' proposition ! If "Robert Allison" had been disposed to tell "the whole truth," in his monumental effort in the Whig, he should have informed the readers of that paper that the "Demo crat" also contained an article, copied from the Wilmington Herald, in favor of a monu ment in our own town of Charlotte; but, so far as the readers of that Journal are con cerned, they are left to infer that we gave currency to the proposition for a monument at Raleigh in disparagement of the claims of our own town. We have now. however, fully endorsed Raleigh, and "Robert Alli son" is welcome to make the most of it. A Colored Lawyer. Robert P. Morris, a colored man, is a member of the bar in T a r i i jo-ion, aim a lew uays ago argueu a case before the jury iu ssJem. 1 he Newbury- port Herald say : 1 J "Morris is a dapper little fellow, of good address, and of fair ability. He possesses in full measure the power of imitation which characterizes many of his race, and copies admirably the smartness, pertness and ac tivity of the leading members of the bar in his examination of witnesses, as well as the argument, whieh last was quite readily and tluentlv delivered." rir" At an election for Mayor, the other day, in Burlington, Iowa, the entire; Black Republican vote was cast for a negro barber who resides there. The Gazette, of that city, says that the negro is decidedly the most respectable man among them, and as they wouldn't vot" for anybody but a man of their own party, their votes couldn't have been more worthily bestowed. Fatal Affray. On Sunday mornim in the Oglethorpe House, at Columbus, Georgia, a quarrel arose between John Chishohn, the young man who was recently held to bail on a charge of purloining valua ble letters from the post office, and John Wood, barkeeper at the hotel. 'Wood is said to have thrown Chishohn on the floor, and in this posture the latter drew a pistol and shot him through the body. Mr. Wood, has died of his injuries. Chishohn, the young man who shot him, is in jail. The latter is only Ki or 17 years of age, and has already two heavy charges to answer for: taking: a man's life and robbing the mails. ... I . We learn that a negro woman, the property of Maj. James E. Kerr, of this town, was run over and killed by the cars, as the train was coming from Goldsboro' yesterday evening; she is supposed to have been drunk. A basket lying between her and the ears prevented the engineer from seeing her. Salisbury Banner, -ith insl. Heavy Damages. At the Ulster, X. Y., Court last week, a suit for breach of promise was tried between a Miss Jordon and a Mr. Jenkins, both residents of Gardener, in that county: The contract of marriage and its breach were clearly shown, and the jury gave the plaintiff 85.000 damages, lloth parties arc said to be highly respectable, and the only cause assigned for the failure of Jenkins to fulfil his ensaffO inent was the opposition of his mother, lie is a boy about ."ID years of age. I W Two million acres of land will be. brought into Kansas market on the 1st of next J une. 1 1- Judge Bayly (of Congress) is dar. gorouslv ill, of consumption, at Havana, whither he had gone for his health. CORRECTED WEEKLY 15Y T. M. FARROW. Charlotte, March 11, 1856. BACON, Hams per lb 11 to 13 Sides, per lb 11 tO 12 " Hos: round 10 to 124 B rggiHg, cotton, per yard 18 to 2U Href, per lb I 5 to 6 I'.u'ii, r. per lb 1-JA to 15 Bttstemx, per lb 20 to 22 Hums. p. r bushel 75 to 100 BRAND Y, Apple per gal 50 Peach 7o COTTON, new, per lb 7to9 Co ffee, per lb b'io l-l to 15 " " Java 18 to 20 CANDLES, Adamantine :?o to .M Sperm 40 to 50 Tallow 18 to 23 CORN, per bushel 50 to 56 Ciiiritns. each 10 to 12j CLOTH, Copperas 12 to I", Liusey 25 to 35 EggS, per dozen S to 10 FLOUR, per lb : to perbbl 7 to 7j Ftntirrs, per lb (0 ;X7 IL rrUtgs, per bbl. to 0 l.urd, per 11 l-'.J tiT 13 Mutton, jM-r lb 5 to ti Mmckerrl, per bbl ftio to 16 MOLASSES, Sugar House 60 to 65 Common 55 Meml, per bushel ."." to 60 Mullets, per bbl (Wilmington) $9 to 10J NmUs, per lb 5 to 6 s, per bushel '.V. to :57A I'or!;. per 71 Feus, per bushel 60 to 65 POTATOES, Irish, per ousbel 50 to 75 Northern, per bushel, s-j Sweet, per bushel 7." SUGAR, Loaf 12J to 14 Brown 10 to 12 Stnt-tcrc, per gal 10 to 15 Smit, per sack 2.25 Tin. per lb 75 to 2.00 Wheat, per bushel 1.20 to 1.30 U hisLi tj. Western, per tral 60 to t5 H'OOL, best washed,... 27 to 28 unwashed 23 Yum, bale 80 to 85 Clonr Seed, per bushel $8 to 10 Columbia, March 7. Cottox. The sab s of the week comprise seine 28,000 bales, at prices varying from 8 to 10 cents. BacoX Safes of small lots have hr-cn made at 1 1A to 12 cents for hog round ; sides 12 to I2; bains 12 to Pi, and shoulders 10 to 11 cents. 1-1. oi k Common grades a .-j!7..'0 to $8,25 per bbl.: finer grades $8,50 to $8,75 : extra family at $8,75 to 8l per bbl. Corn No change s'nte last report, T: to To cents per bushel of 56 pounds. PEAS Sales at ?0 cents. Oats dull, sales at 45 cents. Charleston, March 7. COTToS The general aspect of the market to day remained unchanged, with a good demand. Prices ranging from to 10$. MARRIED, In M ecklenburg Conntv, on the 6th instant. by the Rev. H. B. I unningham. D. D.. Mr. H.G. i Wears, to Miss .Mary L. McDoxald. In Randolph County, on the 27th alt, by the Rev. B. L. Besl, D. A. Davis, Cashier o' the Bank Cape Fear, Salisbury, to Mrs. E. J. Bell. uf Randolph. In Iredell county, on the 21st ult.,by Rev. W. W. Nesbitt. Mr. Milas Dobblns and .Miss La mir a Reid, daughter of David Rnd. i 1 Democrats of Mecklenburg. A meeting of the Democrats of Mecklenburg will take place at the Court-House, in Charlotte on Thursday the 13th of March, for the purpose of appointing Delegates to the State Convention, and for other purposes. March 4, 1856. MANY DEMOCRATS. PUBLIC TIEETI1TCJ Of the Friends of Temperance. OX FRIDAY, the 14th day of March next, all the Friends of Temperance, in the coun ty of Meckleuhurg, are requested to meet at the Court-House, in Charlotte, for the purpo-e ot noniiuatiur candidates to represent mem in the next General Assembly of North Carolina. MANY CITIZENS. Feb. 5, loG. KANSAS MEETING. o N SATURDAY next, at IU o'clock, there Wilt be at tne Uonrt-ziouse, an adjunrneu tin s of the friends of the Kansas cause, to re- 0.iv,. th,. r,.po,.t of committees appointed at px viuus, meetings, and t. take tanner steps m -la- ! tkm l". o1' v"in? ,n,'n4 al'.ou.t l. 1 ::lU I prate from tins place to Kansas. As it is impor- tant that arrangements !' made as speedily as possible for the startins oi the emigrants, it is hoped all friends of the cause will attend the pres ent meeting. MANY CITIZENS. March 1 1. 1856. Concord Presbytery. The Presbytery of Concord will meet in the church of Hopewell, Micklenbuig county, on Friday, April Jlth, at II o'clock, A. M. 11 11. LAFFERTY, Stated Clerk. March 11, 1656. MUSIC. MRS. W. A. YOUNG willb. leased to give instructions to few pupils cm the PlANO FORTE. Terms made known upon application to her at tne Mansion House, (formerly Sadler's Hotel.) . March I I. I-.'.G :Jm lliiie Academy. T 1HE NEW CHARLOTTE MALE ACA DEMY brin s now near v com pie ted. we ri ve. notice that the School will be resumed by M. D. Johnston on Monday week, the 17th instant, at the Kami- prices as betore, viz : For the lower English Branches pe; ses sion of 5 months $6 00 English Grammar, Geography, &c 12 UU The Classics and Higher Mathematics, with 50 cents extra for incidental ex- pens.-. 20 00 JAS. W. OSBORNE, JOHN IRWIN. a" J. H. WILSON. ) 11. B. WILLIAMS, LEROY SPRINGS. J " March 11, 1856 i iominon School Notice. T '1IE citizens of the several School Districts in Mecklenburg county, are hereby notified that by provision of an act of the Legislator!?, they will assemble at the public school houses be longing to each district, or in districts where there is no public school house, at some convenent place near the center of the district, on the 1st Sat urday in April, and elect three citizens of their district for a Common School Committee, for the ensuing twelvemonths. All persons qualified to vote tor members of the House of Commons, are entitled to vote for Committee men. JNO. A. YOUNG, Cha'n. March 11, 1856 3w HIDES. -& 7 1 GENTS CASH paid for Dry A & I Hide s until the first of April at Boone's Boot and Shoe Emporium. March 1 1, 1856 3w I K1IALE SCHOOL. T HE second Term, or Summer Session of Miss Sarah P. Da vidson's SCHOOL, will commence on the -id of March next the 1st Mon day of the month. Charlotte, Feb. "Ci, 1856. tf A CARD. DBS. SAM E L. & JOSEPH W. CALD W ELL have this Jay associated themselves in the practice of Medicine, and one or the other of them can at all times be found at their office, next door to the State Bank, up stairs, ue less pro fessionally engaged. In all dangerous cases Dr. P. C. Caldwell will act as consulting physician free of charge. SAMUEL L. CALDWELL, JOSEPH W. CALDWELL. Jan. 22. 1856. ly : OR. I. CALDWELLwillbc at the Office of Doctors J. W. & S. L. Caldwell from 8 to 10 o'clock, every morning. After that hour, he will be at his own house, subject to the call of any of his friends absent. unless professionally j "Nobody Cares For Advertisements these time, it seem.' WIS one thiiiir is rerliiin. THIS Is THE last OXE I intend to pav for, in calling1 upon you, ye host of delinquents, to do your i reasonable uuty. 1 lie business outstanding, of th late firm of Pritehard & Caldwell, must and sliall In settled and ii you neglect much longer to come and close up with me, you will have to do so with some one else, who will present vou with a P. .V C. vs. thvself no mistake. 17. M. PRITCHARD, M. D. Druggist Apothecary, old Stand, Granite Rous. Charlotte, Feb. 19, !-:(;. tf Ijst Notice.' BJ I53.IC NOTICE is liieby jl ven, thai ill the Notes and Accounts of Sprat I & '.. an ti lled tO the creditors of Allison, Srat(, Iaiii'l Allison A: Daniel, are trans-oudersig-iK d. for the benefit of the said Finns respectively', and that they are in the hand diaie collection. E I . R. Daniel for immi - Longer indulgence cannot ' given, as the debts must be paid JOHN ALLISON, J. R. DANIEL. D. c. 25, 1855.tf BOOKS For Sale AT THE CHARLOTTE BOOK STORE. r l MIK NEW PURCHASE, or Early Years in THE Far West Bu Robert Carlton. THE ADVENTURES OF HAJJI I? VP, A in Turkey, Persia, and Russia Edited by Janus Mor 'u r STANHOPE BURLEIGH, The Jesuites in our Homes. One of the most interesting Novels ; that has been written in many years bv Uilm 1 Dhn. THE MUSEUM of Remarkable and Interest i ing Events, containing Historical Adventures and Incidents. i BLANCH E DEARWOOD a Tale of Modern ! Life. EVENING TALES being a wonderful ami supernatural Stori selection of translated from the Chinese. 1 urk;-h. am: compiled by Henry St. Clair te LEXICON OF FREE Al l Wl l K 1 w definition VUUU1UUK of all its communicable terms. The True Masonic Chan, by J. L. Cros: The Fret -Mason's Manual, by Ser'nd Stewart. Mackev's Ahinau Rezou of South Carolina. The New Masonic Tmstle Board. . THE ODD FELLOWS' M ANUAL, hv tbe R v. A. B. Grash. LOAN RIE & ENNISS, Charlotte, March 4, 1556. Book-Sellers. Rags Wanted. HUGG1NS & H ARTY, at t eir Store on the corner of Main and Trade streets, will buy cotton Rags, and give the highest market price. Charlotte, March 4, JS56 ly ej urn tilth . G.L. K. J. STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sissions January Ttrm, 1856. B. H. Davidson, J vs. Orig nal Attachment. Cyrus Williamson. 1 T APPEALING to the satisfaction of the jl Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of" this State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendant to le and appear at the next term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro couftsso will be taken against him. Witness, W. K. Real, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, and in the SOth year of A- , meiican ladenendence I W K. fiEID. c.c March 11, 1856 6w Prs. fee 6J STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA, M EC Kb EN B D RC COUN T Y . Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions January Ti rm , "yG. K. H. Todd and Joshua Trotter, ',0riglna, Attachment, vs. Cyrus Williamson. J IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of the Stte: It is therefore ordered by ihe Court, tr.at publica tion be made six weeks in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town ol C harlotte, notifying the said deferdant to be and appear at the next term of our said court, to be heid lor said countv.at the court-house l.i II IIULIC, Oil 111 1VJUJII1 luuuuuj next, then anc' there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, Clerk of our aid Court, at office in ( 'harlot te. on the 4th Mon day in January, 185ii,and in the 80th year of American Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. March 11, 1856 6w Prs fee $G STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, M LI KLEA Bl'KG COUNT V. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 1856. R. C. Carson, Agent, i vs. Original Attachment. Cyrus W illiamson. IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the delendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of thi3 State : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six w eks in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at I he next term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the fourth Monday in Apiil next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the-l:h Monday in January, 1S."6, and in the 80th year of A merican Independence. W. K. RK1D, c. c. c. March 11, 1856 6w Prs. fee 0 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA M EC K L E N BURG CO U NT Y . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 18f)G W. R. Myers, Agent, 1 vs. Original Attachment. Cyrus Williamson, j 1 T APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of this State: It is thereore ordered by tbe Court, that publica tion be made ix weeks ir. the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said de.endant to be and app. ar at the next term of oui said court, to be helijyor said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the iouith Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January, I Sou", and iu the dOth year of A merican Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. March 11, 1856 Gw Prs. fee $G STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, M ECKLENBURG COUNTY. 1 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 1856. ' F. M. Ross, Agent, ) Original Attachment. Cyrus Wibiamson. r; T APPEARING to the satisfaction of the 'ourt, that the defendant in this case re sides beyond the limits of this Stale : It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Uharlotte, notifying the said defendant to be and appear at the next term ot our said ourt, to be held for said county, at. the court-house in Charlotte, oa he fourth Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de. mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, the 4th Monday in January. lsfi, and in the sOth year of A merican Independence. W. Iv. REID, c. c. c. March 11, 1856 6w Prs. fee $6 STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA M ECKLENBURG COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Qwirtrr Sessions January term, J-. t. Charles Overman, 1 vs. Original Attachment, i Cyrus Williamson. JT APPEARING to the satisfaction 'of the ' ourt, that the defendant in this case re. sides beyond the limits of this State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, tha publica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of j Charlotte, notifying ihe said defendant to be J an. I appear at the next term of our sa d court. ! to be held for said comity, at the court house ' in Charlotre, on the fourth Monday in April next, then arid there to plead, answer, or de- mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken aga usi him. Witness. Wm. K. Reid. Clerk of our said , Court, at Office in ( harlotte, the 4th Monday in January, isjo, auci in tne sutn year ot A merican 1 mlepencifnce. W. k HEID, c. c. c. March 1, 1856 6w .Trs. fee So Stale of Horth Carolina, M EC Iv L EN BU R G COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quurttr Sissious January Term, 156. J. R. Paniel, 1 vs. Original Attachment. Cyrus Williamson. JT APPEARING to the satisfaction of 'he Court, that the defendant in this co&o re sides beyond the limits of t hi State: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that ,iiblica. tion be made six wee' s in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendant to b sn I appear at the next term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the tourtb Monday in April next, ther. and there to p'ead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against him. Witness, Wm. K. Reid, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Charlotte, th 4th Monday in January, 156, and in the 80th year of A merican Independence. W. K. REID, d. c e. March 11, 1S56 6w Prs. fee S6 State of IVortli Carolina. MECKLENBURG tOL'NTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions January Term, 1856. W.W.& B.F.Morrow, 1 vs. Orig'l Attachment. Cyrus Williamson. I T APPEARING to the satisfaction the Court, that tiie defend nts in this case re side beyond the limits ol the State: It is therefore orde.ed by the Court, that pub ica tion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of Charlotte, notifying the said defendants to be and appear at the n xt term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in Charlotte, on the lourth Monday in April next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against them. Witness, Win. K. Heid, Clerk f our said Court, at office in Charlotte, on the Ith Mon day in January, 18"C, and in the SOth year of Ami rican Independence. W. Iv. REID, o. c. c. March 11. 1856 6w Prs. fee SoJ State of Aorth Carolina, LINCOLN COL N IV. Office of Clerk and Master in Equity in location. March 8th, 1856. S JosephCobb, Petition tor sale of John Blackburn et ul . 'jaiu'' VFF1DAV1T having been made before the Clerk and Master, that James Triplet aud Wife, Susanna Zimmerman, and the children and he;rs at law of Samuel Zimmerman, de fendants in this cause, are not inhabitants ol this State : ft is l hereore ordered, that pub lication be made for six weeks, in the Wes tern Democrat, giving notice to said defen dants, that they must be and appear before the Judge of our Court of Equity, at ti e next court to be held or Lincoln county, at the court house iu Lincolnton, on the 8 h Monday alter the 4th Monday iu February, I 856, then and there to p ead, answer, or demur te plain tiff's petition ; otherwise, tbe same will be heard r parte as to them, and a decree made accordingly. W. WILLIAMSON, c. h. k. March 11, 1?5G Gw Prs fee $0 Roiis:srr siiaw TAKES this opportunity of informing th public generally, and all who intend going to Kansas in particular, that he intends to con tinue tin Saddle and Harness Business, At his old stand, in Springs' Corner Building, where he intends to keep constantly on hand a supply ot Saddles, SSraclicM, E9ariiess,&c Of livery Description. His friends art; respectfully invited to call and supply themselves, as eve ry article in his line will be afforded on the most reasonable terms. REPA I RIXG done at the shortest notice and with neatness and dispatch. Charlotte, Feb. 26, 185G. tf Important Sale. urn: i 4i rony buil,iig and all the- MACHINERY connected there T with, and eight acres of Land, more or less, ad joining tin.- buildings, belonging to The Concord Manufacturing Com pany, Will be exposed to public sale, on TJiur. day, llio 27th uf ITlarcli next, on the premise--. TERMS Bonds with approved personal secu rity, and mortgage on the property, on a credit of one, two. and three years, with interest from date. Bv order of the Stockholders, KIAH HARRIS, Pres't of Co. Concord, X. ('., Feb. 19, Id56 td NOTICE. ALL PERSON'S in arrears with m public and State TAXfSS, are , for their requested to iiiaue iniiiK-uiate payment. Jt my hit -nd only trouble themselves to look for my re will ijits up to the year ls.j.J, it they don t tmd them in their possession, perhaps by ;! i : nr on me they can get them. After next April Court, those fail ing to pay will find tin ir names in a printed list, with tin- sums due for which th y must not blame me. T. X. ALEXANDER, Dec. 25, 18.15. t lAp. Former Sheriff. The "Whig" will please copy. Wrapping Paper. T "'HE .Merchants of Char'otte and vicinitv can be supplied with all kinds nd auali. tie- of Wrapping Paper, from the I,'a leijrh Wrapping Paper Mi'ls. C. W. HEN EDICT, Proprietor. C7RAf;S taken in exchange fiir Pa; er, at the highest price. C. W. 13. Raleigh, March 4, 1850 ly Simple Word A N D Yl'.T, simple as it i, von hear a sjreat cry made over CLOTHING! Yon take up th" papers and almost tne nrt word yo see is B.OTSS 1 ii I ou stro I over the city, and vou will seesMu.L samples ot CLiOTHING 2!! A little her- , a little there, And no assortment anywhere ; L' ntil you get to FUL.LliVCt'S & GO.'S, Where every one runs to get Oood And why do they run there 1 Simply be. cause they ran get lot bmg better matte, noore Fn s!i ionab! e, and at less priees than at anv House in Xoith Carolina. We make a busi ness of it manufacture our own Goods, and every article sold by us is A RRANTJOD, or money returned. Compel itiou is WAtv of Trad And we are bound to keep The Largest and most Fashion able Stock of Clothing in the State. We have a full stock of Children?,', Youths', and Boys' CLOTHING, at low prices. Also, At this GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, v,;Ud ,.,(Ml:n,n; TStUJTMLSi ftrtCKS9 CMFBT. Will stand the present seasoa, as mllowra: In the BAGS. UMBRELLAS, CASES, ,,,Vi:i of Charlotte, the first three days (Monday, For te-iflosl left, Pen and. R'OCtiCt , Tuesday, and Wednesday) ot each week: on Thursdays al Morrow's Turnout, ten miles be-J--a--1- r CJfca, I low Charlotte, on tbe S.n:-.h-Carolina rail-road ; 11 VJ i;, liiUlll, A.U JNAIL UKl Slii.S, AC.,' all of which will be freely shown and prices given, at t;.e Emporium of Fashion, By FULLING S Ac CO. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 23, 18ol. TJ sr OR 30 SHARES of Charlotte, and StmthrCarouna Rail-Road Stock, for sale by S. A. HARRIS, Agent. Charlotte,, Feb. 2G, 135& tf Cash paid for Kidcs, i 'HE hig'.icswpriccB wu. be paid lor hides by o. JK. HUWLLL. 3 doors south of Sadler's Rjtcl. Office N. C. R. R. Company, Salisdi-kv, Jax. 81, 1850. orth Carolina Raii-Road. Schedule for Mail Train, Oh mill allt-r Tli urdy. !! Slat day uf JuUiiary, 151;. WEST. Leave Goldsboro', M Arrive at Raleigh, at " HilUboro', at " Graham " Greensboro', " Jamestown, Lexington, .Salisbury, '-I'.lCOi'tl, " Charioite, Leave Charhitte, at Arriva at Concord, at " Salisbury, " Lexington, Jam stosm, " ( i lei nsboie , ... ' Graham, ... . . Hillsbi.ro'.- - - ' Raleigh, " i;..l,tl,...i.V ------ 3 10 A. M. .-, ( 7 " 7 .'if " 9 " 11 10 " n r i l :u V. IL 2 :;t t i ti u-t " (hi p. M. .. (i 26 . 7 51 W '.) 03 " . hot " . 11 -It? ' . 1 kM A. II. - 2 o!) - - 6 '27 " Tli.. Hmntwn lit (ioldsbol'o'. Kslehph, Hillsboro', Oreensboro', Lexington, BaUsbW?', Concord, and Charlotte, will met the nhov once a wei k for three we. ks, hii.I fonsaxil uccouut with a copy of the paper to this otiice. THEODORE 8. OARKETT. Sup't X. C. Eail-Kond. F. !.'.. RALEIGH t GASTON RAIL-ROAD- Raleigh Si Gatttmra it it. Office, K tUEKHi, Feb. &, , AS THE NORTH CAROLINA kUlL 1K)A1 is now completed to Charlotte, no tic j is hereby given, that toot! a sad 1 rod ii or Drought down that Road, intended for transpor tation ov.-i the Rah'igb Gsstoo Rail-Road, will - . . . . . . i - . i . ,.. ni-, ivi nv I Ins t.ompauY al m. oiui-v ;oo- .11. t.l 1 ill U- (owin d joinily Im" transport. l i!m niURiwI llein.t in Ralehrh 1.,- tl... tw.. ( '.iio;i:ni:e-i and will i toiiw.ni SeLiv ot extra chanrc: and roods designed lor the Western sierrhants and other along that Road, will likewise be delivered at Um same point. All dues for freight must hi-paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must b paid iu advance or on delivery ot DM goods. , Every effort will 1m- made by the OScen and Agents of tho Company to give satistacttoB in the t niDS portal i u .! Goods and Produce. Owners and shippers of Goods are veoaesaca to have them distinctly marked, so thai t h it' dest i nation mav be knows. li. A. HAMILTON, President. Feb. 19- til Office Westers N. C.R.R. Compan.v, MLIIBVRV, F llli, 1M9 ROPOSALS will he received at this Office until the J Ith of Ifardh next, for tbe Oradtt- tion, Masonry, and Sills I'm "Jo miles of the Eirst S -ction of the Western Xorth-Caiolina Kml-Load, extending from Salisbury westward. Oil anq after the (ith proximo, plans, ipeeiflca tions, and profiles of tbe work may he seen at the otiice of the Chief Engineer. R. c. PEARSON, Feb. 26. St. Pres't W. X C. R. R. Co. Otiice JR. V I. Cmpaiiy, Ralsigu, .Ian. 31, 1850. J anarmrni'ltrJ I RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL-ROAD. Schedule for Mail Train J On and nfte lay ol Tlinrsilav, llie 3It N O T I C OX and after to-day, THE MAIL TRAIN will leave the Depot, (North Carolina Kaii Road,) at IH minutes before i o'clock, A. M., an the arrival of the Cars from the West. The Con ductors :nnl Baggage Master will be in readiness to take charge of baggage, Stf-. Passengers will have no trouble in shifting baggage, and will ar rive at Wei. Ion at 11.30 A. M.. in lull time I'or all trains going North. By order of the President, JAMES M. POOL, Feb. 13, 1866. tf Tido -t Agent. RIO-GRAN PE.&g A RARE OPPORTUNITY is now present. l a. for the farmers and all admirers of goad horses, in this section of the country, to impiove their Slock. KIO-GRANDE is one of finest aud pmrest blood. d hors. s in the world, as will he sc. n by reference to the English and American reaorda if bis p. digree. He is directly d.-sn nd. d from the very pur. st and bi -t stock in England :uil Ame rica, as the following pedigree will show : KI KirRANDE is by Billy Harris, out f.f Lady Morgan. Billy Harris was ay Monstew Tonson, In- by Paoolet, dam by Madam Tonson, by El liot's Top Gallant: grand dam by Baney's Med l.-y: Top Gallant by Gallatin; Bnttey'fl Medley by Medley. Lady Morgan, the dm of Kio Grande, w as by John Richards ; her dam by im port. 1 Expedition ; on grand dam by Ben Bad ger's Sir Solomon ; great grand dam Auroia. by import. .! Honest Jhn; great great grand dam Zelipna, by imported M essenc r: v. e. is. grand dam Dldi grand g fS. s- Ariel, the Eclipaj; ; Empress, , by ii.1,1. .j r ! l:iy Jw.clunono ; g. g. lam statu, i kin, by imparted Wiloutir ; r. g. grand dam by imported Cub. d: ;.i . i Billy Harris, was by Anaarieam terdam by Pinancier; grand dans by by imported Uannsat ; great grand dam . d Mi tscngcr; her dam by Snap, out of imp Jenny Outer, i.v rrne Briton; her dam Unasarr Las 3, bv imported Jnulper, out of tin- imported Molly Pacotet,by imported Pacoi. t ; Molly Pac oh t's dam by Imported Spaik.out ofOoeen Mab. American Lclifi.se was by luroc; 'lii duin the hunoos race saare Miller's Damsel, by impoit. d Messenger, out of the Imported Pat ftaoa ooa'l man ; beT dam by Jim-Crack. Dotor was h-y imported Diomede, out sf Mr. Mosby'S "extiaoi dinary race aaare Amanda," by Col. Taylor's famous Gray Dkiutcd, son of imported Medley. It is deem, d annsc ssary to exteasi back any farther the pedigree of lfio-t Jrande, although it can be fully traced iu the English ii cord.i hack to a very long period of time. EIO-GUAXDL la iiaqmiitlMMhlT one among the finest homes in the whole Souih.-in caantry. His stock are of fine size, n murkabiy T 11 foin. f d, d arable, and easily managed. Testimonial! from the very beat raisers of .Stock in South Caro lina, fttllysnstain ail and i.:orethan is here stated eoneerninr Rio-Grande. He bi undoubtedly an exira tine BOCSe in ev. ry resj) ct. single drop ot OOMSSj or .nipui 'I here w not a : blood in b.t and .n Fridays and Baturdayaat the subscriber's residence, in the Providence najghborfaaod, in Mecklenborg towaty. on ketaas which it is be. li. v. d wlH suit every body, vi.: Twenty-five dol lars the season, or sasa huiidr d doUan for livo MM onere.spon-tihle niau In coining paymaster for the Cnnvany. The s muu will comm- r.co on Monday the 10th of March, in Ch:!oM'-, tad continue tbo uaual tiuio. JAMES n. DAVIS. 5rThe Tarirrilk EnqiurcT, Lxmcaster Ledger, Concord Gazette, and Salisbury Banner, will phuse cony throe rimes, srd forward aseonnts, addrvsaed torn.', Charlotto ro-02ice. March 4, 1356. tf J. H. D. l.i. H