Resolred, That claiming fellowship with I .. .. .. ii ! and desiring the co-operation m uu regard the preservation of the Union under tho Constitution as the paramount issue, and repudiating all sectional parties and platforms concerning domestic slavery, which seek to liwWnfl the States and incite to treason and armed resistance to law in the territories, and whose avowed purpose, if consummated, must end in civil war and disupion. the American Democracy recog nise and adopt the principle- contained in .1... naiiii Imu-s et.-ihli Jiimr tin- territories iiiv ' i . - - - . ... . .... .... of Nebraska and Kansas, as e.nbod ving the oiilv sound and safe sol ut ion of the slavery niiestion upon which the great national idea of the people of this whole country can re pose in its determined couscrvati.-m of the Union and non-interference by Congress with sdavery in the State- and territories; that this wa- the hasis of the compromises of lc"l, joiifirm"d by both the Democratic and Whig parties in national convention.-. ratified by the people m the election ot id,V2, and rightly applied to the organiza tion of territories in 1834; that, by the uu-iforin application of this Democratic principle to the organization of territories, and the udmis-ion of new State- with or without aosaestic ihtvery, as they may elect, the eoual rights of the States wiU be pre served intact, the original compacts of the I m-tit titioti maintiiined inviolate, and the eraetaotiaa and expansion of the Union i in.-ured to its atnwst capacity of eo bracing, 1U pe .ace-md barmoay, erery future Aaseri- can State that may be Constituted or an nexed with a republican form of government. Renlctti, That we recognise the right of the people of all the territories, including Kaaaaa and Kebraska, acting through the fairly expressed will of the majority of actual residents, and whenever th number of their inhabitants jiistini it. to form a comtitntioai with or without domestic slaver", and to be admitted into the LTuion njioii letaw of perfect equality witb the other States. THE FOKEIGN POLICT OF THE GOV K UN M K NT. Resolved, Jinally, That by the condition f the popular institutions of the obi world, and the danacrows tendency of sectional agitation, combined with an attempt to en- for e eivil and religious disabilities against j the right of acquiring citixeuhii in o-jr own I land, the high and sac red duty has devolved ' with increa-e 1 reypousibility up ui the dc- nyx ratie party of this country, as the party the I'liioii, . HJtkultl atfl iiiainttii it tin right ttf ertrtt State, ami thereby t'u I'nion of the Slates, and to sustain und advance among us constitutional liberty by con tinuing to resist all monopolies and exclusive '.gislation for the benefit of a few al the expense o f the inanv ; and bv a viuri!;uit ad- hcrence tv these pi inciples and the ooni immises of t!ic constitution, which are broad and strong enough to embrace and uphold the Tnion as it was, the Cuion as it nad the ITnioa as it sliall be in the full .xpansi i tne an.t capacities oi i and f I .. thia great and progressive people. I will be tin- next President of the United I. Resolved, That the qucsdious connected , s,.ltl.s. j (lo decree has gone forth. Read with the foreivu policy of the OOUUtry are t proceedings in to-day s paper. Mark inferior to no domestic question whatever. m.;ilI:U;t v ,, ti. Convention in his fa The time las come for the people of the J Vor the East, the West, the North and the Tnited State-to declare themselves ii) favor Slltiu an cordially uniting in ins nomiua- of free seas, and progressive free trade throughout the arocidi and, by solemn nwni i stctions, to place their moral ittflneuce by the ride of their successful example. Resolved, That our geogra; h eal and political position with reference t. the other Stati s of this coutinei.t. no less than the ieterest i.f our coi.jnieree n:nl the develop ment of our growing power, requires that we hold to the sacred principles involved in the Monroe doctrine. Their bearing and import admit of no misconstruction, and should be applied with unbending rigidity. 3. Resolved. That the great highway which nature as well sis the assent of States most immediately int. -rested in its nuiin tainanjCe, has been narked oat for free com piunicatiua between the Atlantic and the i'acific oc eans, and oonutitutea one of the mot important achievements to be realized by the spirit of moderation, in the nnooa energy of our people; and that result shouiil be secured by a timely und efficient exertion of the control which me wi;;cl, wnj not be asked, lie has been in bare right to claim over it, a:tj no power j pUUtjc fOT about forty years in the Le earth should be ffere tu impede or ;.ature of Pennsylvania in the House of . log its progress, by any interference with I Representatives in the U. S. Senate Se- relations that it may suit our policy to es tablish with the governments of the States within whose dominions it lies; and we can. under no circumstances, parrrnder our preponderance in the adjustment of all questions arising out of it. 4. Resolved, That in view of so com manding an nterest, the people of the j 'uitcd States cannot b-.:t sympathize with the ef-i-rts which are being made by the people of Central America to regenerate that por tion of the Loutinciit which covers the passage across the oceanic Isthmus. .". Re.-olve.l, That the Democratic party will expect from the next administration every proper dfort to b made to insure our ascendu'.icy in the Gulf of Mexico, mid t maintain permanent protection of the great outlets through which are pptied into its waters the products raised on the koil and the commodities created by the industry of the people of our Western valleys and the Union at large. A CONDEMNED CITY. Since the terrible ontrages and atrocities committed by the Kuow Nothings of I.ouis ville last August, nnd the endorsement of their perpetration by the American" mun- eal authorities, that city has been on a downward course. Not only bus stm receiv ed no accessions from abroad to hot popu lation, but thousands of her "hone and sinew" have deserted her blood-stained pre cincts. As a consequence, her trade und commerce have decreased, her tenements 1 reliuiin i inntv. : ml . : ...! .1 . ..... . 1 . -.,,1 mvv.. , ry. .IHU1 Mroonwo. ,,v ai iuhc ii.-t.ii n oil rV lota IMf . 'V1 ,m c mocratic pres. 1 he know Nothin nre n , . - 1 mi 111 Pica 10 oenv t ie com etn.., cause assioaed for the blight wbi. 1. . , i on the citv wl. u a t V l"n d ' J-1.1 aud roluthm, uuortodisconti!iuedic:issingtho subject, a it was making matters worse. - v ii n ' THt1 HTaMTTES 1 . j ""nrt as the Biliou s, but on as the Sea." f CtUOCTrtt Nvcstcrn Um AND PRoriULTuR. V 19 A IS LOTTE Tuesday Morning, June 10,1856. " DEMOCRATIC Allti - KNOW-AOTUlStr TICKET. FOR 3 ?i; r, JAMES BUCHANAN, OF PENNSYLVANIA. a".... it i.i . T fy D D P 1 lr r T I 1 J . C. D K b ( K E N I! I I)( I K. 7 KLPJIUCKY. K i: GtOvCKNOB : THOMAS BRAGG. FOB STATE SENATOR: j R. Iff VERS. FOB Hot'SE or om mdxs : WILLIAM F. DAVIDSON, : WILLIAM M. MATHEWS. E I. EC TO B S FOE FRESWENT AM) VICE PRESIDENT '. For th State at Large : Henry M. Shaw, of Currituck. Samuel P. Hill, of Caswell. I) STHICTS: f , ( 'm. F. .11 a: tin. of Pasanotank. jj, i x Cistston II- Wilder, of Wake. S. B. Villi:i ms, of Alamance. Joliu IB. Clement, of Davie. AC. I. Waring, of Mecklenburg. W. W. Avcrv. of Burke. -,, ga 7th THE SHERIFFALTY. 'K are antiiorix u to annomtce E. C. GBIEK, Esq., as a candidate lection for the office of Sheritf of Hecklen- Mav 13, leS5G te W'V. are authorised to announce JOSIf L'A SIKES, ESQ., as a can tor re-eteetiojl to tile othce o tSlHTlfl tor tW Colln- iv of I'mon. May 'Si, 1856. te THE IirXT PRESIDENT. e have to-dav time and space onlv to anuounce the fact that Jaues Buchanan lion. Starting with a. majority, he gradually won the favor of the friends of all the other j canuidatci, until, on the 17th ballot, he re ceived every vote ot' the Convention, with the ban; exception of "3 scattering.1 Farewell, "Sain!" Your davs are number- ! a ih sea ' for i burs count v. irv' l . 1 1 i i i he electea l resident lv a majoritvtlte lar ge.-t and most overwheniing of any eer gi ven to ;i President of the United States. The Black-Republican candidate, to Ik no minated at Philadelphia, will deprive Sam. of all hope of the vote of u single State, while the running of two tickets against the Democratic ticket will ensure Mr. Buchanan the vote, we Northern State. "Sain believe, of every j will, therefore, be j unable to secure ground enough to receive his defunct carcase. Who is James Buphannn? is a question crctary of State nnder President Polk and Minister to Bnsland under President Pierce. lie has always been a lirnj Democrat, sup porting tho Administrations of Monroe. Jackson, Polk, and Fierce, and having the confidence and enjoyingthe ultimate friend ship of each and all of those patriots. In all of the important public trusts confided to him, be has exhibited eminent ability as a statesman: and now, is about to close his useful political life, in the office of Presi dent of the I Waited States. Fames Bi chaxax's political principles I well known. Thev will ho found em- ar bodied in tnePhttform published to-day. to wbi :hwc invite attention. Mr. IE will accent the nomination, with the Phitforni annexed, and pledged to the bUpport of those prin ciples. Xo Southern man could deire more. e annex the remarks uf the Charleston Mescury," a paper pecuHarly sensitive in regard to politicians of doubt ful southern sentiments, in relation to the nomination of Mr. Buchanan. The Mer cury says: We Can accept and endorse his (Mr. Buchanan) nomination with perfect con aisteBOj of principle and without grimtice. Thev are bound to endorse him. while. his nomination and secretly burn ing orer their fallen hopes. We can sup port bim with a hearty independence the v BMitft check the expressions of chagrin, and school their lips to reluctant applause. As for Mr. l'.io-ti io, l.;..,.....W 1,.. ; fr.on i, - .),,,.,,.,, -w . ,. ni iiote eminent public career, in 1 ire sent 1 eiroumstances, as acceptable u man as ewM be presented to the npporl of the ti t n i . , southern people. He has great political . i ; . experience, frreat moderation of character. ed. in ovemoer nexr, you win ne aeau, ! of Us deliberations, are thr all-engrossing subjects and buried so deep that tho band of the re- :it present amongst tbe people. English, Kansas, Burrectionist will never be able to reach you. Nicaraguan affairs, and all other tonics of discus Mr. Buchanan will, wo confidently predict, i iou and interest, have been suspended by the ' -.wii and domestic politics, and has always maintained those principles of conservatism th.-.t are, in these times of wild and lawless ; adventure, so importent to the peace, digui- j l Ii i , . i , i ,1 1 iipiiiifiinl:!1!!'.! iv 1 1 h .-.t, i . . . . . . ..... . . ., ty, and honorable character, of tho Coa ifederacy. We think the whole country can safely entrust their interests to his guardian- has iugtructed our Minister at Bogota to ship. He has been so long and prominently thoroughly investigate the circumstances identified with tho history of the country, of the muEder of American citizens at Pan as Senator, Secretary of State, and Minister ama on Uie lf)th uh b the native or re. .o ..auu, mat K is quue unnecessary tor us to dwell upon his political career. Un doubtedly he 'v, by universal consent, one ot the most eminent men of the country." In our next we will refer to tbe causes which operated against the success of Mr. Pierce, at the Convention. Fortunately our motto is "Principles, before men.'' This kept harmony in the Convention, led to union in the nomination, and will lead the Democracy to a most glorious victory in November next. i A grand ratification meeting was held in Washington on Saturday night last, at ; which Senator Douglas, Gen. Cass, and A. Stephens, of Georgia, spoke eloquently in favor of the nomination of Mr. Buchanan. No nomination, w-e are sure, could have been made more acceptable to Gen. Pierce, ,u,d to the DemocrtUc party of the country generally. . O ef"- VICE PRESIDENCY. The Hon. John ('. Brkckexrioge, who was the choice' of the Convention for tlie ce IC0 "resident, is one of Jven- ducky's most brilliant sons. He is a young man, not exceeding lie was a member of the last Congress from tbe Lexington t - y .-. (Ivy.) District, and occupied quite a prom- inent position. As an orator he has few equals, and talents to lill any political sta tion. The warm debate between him and the Hon. F. '. Cuttings, of New York, will be remembered bv inanv of our readers. When Mr. Soule signified his desire to be recalled from the post of Minister to Spain, the mission was tendered by Mr. Pierce to Mr. Breckenridge, but he declined tbe hon- or, ami it was offered to Mr. Dodge, of Iowa, GUARDING AGAINST FIRE. The late destructive lire in our town has eon.- i vinced the citizens of the necessity of being better j ' prepared for a similar calamity. A public meet- j iug at the Coart-Hous', on Saturday last, Dr. C. I J . Fox in the Chair, and Mr. PATRICK J. Low KIK, .Secretary, it was resolved that lr. C. J. i Fox, l.eroy Sjrings,iind S. A. Harris be appoint i d Stiperiutendents of the J-'ire department that ; , brick and stone buildings nly be allowed to be erected in certain localities that an additional lire engine te purcnas u uuu two are compa nies be organized that th'j expediency of two j new wells on Trade street apd water pipes from : j each !' the public pumps on Try on street, be considered by the Town Authorities that hooks and ladders be procured, &c. The proceedings ' in full, as furnished us by the Secretary, will ap pear in our next. We regret that they arc crowd ed out to-day. ' f Q s " THE BIBLE SOCIETY. 1 ne proceedings Ct tne Anniversary meeting ! of the Mecklenburg Bible Society, held in the : M thoditft Church, in this town, on the 28th ult., j will appear in our next. The Officers chosen for : tbe current year are: Rev. A. W. Miller. PresL , dent; (.'apt. .John Walker, 1st Vice President; Rev. T. W. Farrow, ,'d V. President; E. Nye j Hutchison, Recording Secretary; M. P. Johu- stun, Corresponding Secretary; P, J. Lowrie, Treasurer and Depositary . ii , POSTPONED. pace devoted to the The large space devoted to the proceedings of the great National Democratic Convention, com pels us to postpone until onr next a number ot ar ticles and news items, prepared for to-day's paper. -n. . I 1 i V. Convention its proceedings, and the results ' universal attention drawn towards the Conven : tiou. ELECTIONS, Washington City has just j elected a Democratic Mayor. New Orleans, I u Know Nothing Mayor, and New Haven, Con., a Democratic Mayor. 13? The Republican (black Abolition) National Convention, meets on Tuesday next, in Philadelphia, to nominate candi- dates for President and Vice President. IW Geo. P. Buell, Editor of tho Demo cratic Review, published in Washington, was severely stabbed in the back, while making a speech in front of the Burnet House. Cincinnati, on Thursday last. His condition is critical. '. We have advices by the steamer ! Nicaragua, from Europe, to tho 21 ult. Xo , material change in prices of cotton and 1 breadstuff's, E3F There will ho a Democratic meeting in the Town of Concord on the 21st instant, for the purpose of ratifying the nominations of the Cincinnati Convention. The Elector for this District, R. P. Waring. Esq., will be present to address his fellow-citizens on the occasion. The nublio is v luyitCil to . CURIOUS SCENE IN CHURCH. In the church of the Rev. Henry Ward Bcecher, of Xew York, on Sunday, the minister preached a sermon on the Sumner assault case, and, at the close, called up to the pulpit a very light colored slave girl from Staunton, Virginia, who, he said, had been sent to bim on her personal security to be freed by subscription. If that was not done in a week .-he would have to return to slavery. The Eev, gentleman made an appeal which brought tears from the eyes of the audience, and $800 from their pock ets An oiu gentleman miuouuccu uiutiw .. n .1 .1 u uin for her release bad boon pledged by some friends of his, which announcement was received with cheers, stamping, and waving of handkerchiefs. The girl was taken into the pulpit and exhibited to the audience, She is the same girl wLo ran way from Staunton hi?t winter and was captured in Baltimore. . , , . . r,. . rp Col. Benton has arrived m Cincin- nati and stops at the Broadway House. Iu the cars a friend accosted him 'with -Well, vw.w - i tion ?' "Yes sir, yes ; like the wild hog, j sir; he can be tolled up to eat oom, r, but he can't be coaxed into the pen, sir, j can't be coaxed iu, sir!" j I l.,,n ' . til Inn I inroin,t, I iinvf.n. - ! THE OUTRAGE AT PANAMA. ! TllA ctnrv nf tnt. rr itaw .iiut,nt population of that place. ' The Gov- , , . r f ,1 c i ii i eminent of New Granada js informed that it must take the necessary steps to punish the guilty, and to Memnify those who have suffered in their person or property, and that, should it fail to do so, serious conse- uueuecs may .uuu . . uii luumc.y, me,e can be no redress for the unoffending A- nu riean citizens murdered by the black .... . f n ... i -..e . a.. t viliians. Col. Bamnel Bugg, of Nashville, Tenn., who is now in Cincinnati as one of the Democratic delegates, has .authorized the Cincinnati Enquirer to say that his bo- dy servant "Phil," who is in Cincinnati, und who is a slave his property and who lias been raised by bim, and who can by the laws of Ohio be taken from him if he desjres to go, that if any person, so dispos- i ed, in the State, can take him away from ; his master or mistress, be will forfeit one thousand dollars to any orphan asylum in Cincinnati that tin Ma vor may suit "rest. SEVERE PUNISHMENT. The trial of a negro man, the property of Mr. CrilUn, of Macon, Georgia, came off at Cas.-yille, last week. Tbe "Standard ' . Mini 3 mui Liie o u iiituiu nun "tuuv 01 J . 4-1.. . t i' J I.: . i- voiuniiuy uninsiangnier, aim jus nouor, Judge Trippe, sentenced him to ttike one hundred lashes, well laid on with a cowhide and to be branded on the rigid; cheek with tho letter M., which was executed by the j sheriff' in this place, between the hours of j 10 and - Monday morning last, agreeably j to ordcrs- i tne Criminal Court of WSmington, j :lt weeki a negr0t named James H. Morris, who was convicted of an assault and battery, with intent to commit a rape, was sentenced "to pay a fine of five hundred dollars, to stand in the pillory one hour, to be whipped with thirty lashes to be im- .1 i l t... ...l.i l. est bidder for 14 years." "The Prayers of the CnuRcn.' The Portland (Maine) Argus, says: "We are in formed by good authority that at a Baptist Convention held in Kennebec county since the election, a resolution was passed in sub stance tis follows : "Whereas, several of our bretheren, at the recent election, voted .against the present State administration, therefore, Resolved. That tho prayers of the church be requested in thejr behalf that they be forgiven this sin and brought to repentance." Strict Coxstructionist. lv the terms of the Constitution it is provided that ; members of Congress, 'or speech or ' debate in either House, shall not he ques- tioned in emy other place" In the Sumner , ease, (says the Fredericksburg Recorder,) ' air. I5roolso rtpt.llT cMkrrtoJ out it, t . let 1 construction of the South Carolina school, and literally "questioned" and punished Mr. Sumner for his offensive "speech" in the j verv "pjace" where it was uttered. W Neither House of Congress transact ed any business last week. Rohi:kt Cathcaut, Esq., a promi nent merchant of Columbia, S. C, died on Saturday night last. THE MARKETS. There is no change worthy of note, in prices at home or abroad, since our last. We therefore omit our standing table, and cive the following: Columbia, June 7. COTTON The salt ol the week were 13f hales at 8 to 10c per lb. BACON Sides by the bogshshead, 10 to 0c; Shoulders 10 to 10. cents FLOUR $5j to G per hbl. CORN 64 to C8 cis. per bushel. OATS 38 to 42c. per bushel. PEAS 70 to 7.V;. per busheL FODDER 81 to SU per cwt. Charleston, June 7. COTTON The salts this morning reached 1200 baits, at priced raugiiii; from 9 to 11 cts. per lb. New York, June 7. FLOUR Ohio $5 60 to $G 21. Southern red $G o0 to $G CO, WHEAT Southern ied, SI 77. CORN Southern mixed 53c- per bushel. PORK f 18 12J for mess. BEEF $12$ for packed Chica- t i t x , ii tiriift?lLV nel. go. liAiiu ii coins per it). v nioivui cjc i'er ir-'i N CONSEQUENCE of having lost by the tire which occurred in this place, on the morning of the 2'tth of May last, various Notes and claims against numerous persons in this and adjoining conntiet which notes and claims, be ing the property ot E. C. STEELE, A. Beti LTiE dt Co., and others, which were placid in my hands foi collection: All persons, therefore, against whom any of such claims are still standing un settled, are hereby duly notified, that unless they appear immediately and close up the same, by not.- or cash. I shall be compelled to file, forth with, Bills in Equity, thereby subjecting such liersoiis to aiblitioual ana unueei-aij com.- W. DAVIS. Charlotte, June 10, 1856. tf NOTICE, BY virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed tome on tie- l-th day of May, -:,.",. by David Eind-ev, in favor of Kicbard Peoples and T. A. Sharp, will proceed to sell, at the Court-House, in the town of Charlotte, at public auction, on TurnsDAi the 10tb dav of Ji i.y next, tbe valuable property known as the Foster Mill Tract, containing about 93 Acres, Lying inMecklenburg county, and adjoining the lands of William Lee, Smith's heirs. Nancy Alex- ander. and others I. poo the land ai Mills, including Grist. Saw. and Flourinff. t" 411 of whh have undenrone reft nt and UKsrouch repairs, the location behnjas not the best in the county, for mining purposes. S W. DAVIS, Trustee. CbarhKte, June 10, IB56. ta NOTICE. C1TRAYKD Oil STGi-KN tro.n the subscriber, in Union conn ty, fiv, miles west ol Lanesborou Anson county, or. the night o: the nth of Anril last, A IS 71 4 I. I- yji inr u 1 ijiii size, in or II years o"J. 1 will pay a reward f TKN DOLLARS for the delivery of said mar. to me, o--for information so that I get her - or T WEN Y DOLLARS tor informa- non io conoci mo-i. nourcss me at Lanestioro', Anson couniy, JAMES 1. ROSS. W. lAJak la. . jotte J. 1. Ii. jUne 10, 1S56. 9t . ... .r . ... jj . T 1, " MULTIPLY AND REPLENISH." We learn that a few days ago, Mrs. Goodman, (a wood-woman,) wife of Mr. F. S. Goodman, of Cabarrus county, gave birth to three children one son and two daughters. All for Buchanan, Breckeuride, and Braprjr- Peof. Wood's Hair Rejtoratia-e. Havin" tried linsuCcesslUlly sundry highly recommended i ' hair tonics" on our own half denuded crown, we had about lost all confidence - nostrums of mat sort, until & tew weeks aeo we r.iet a distinguished politician ol this State, whom we had seen ihiee vears a-o with '.hin hair, and as "iray as a rat," , nQW boas,3 agHilp heaJ of hajr a3 j one couid wjsn. v'e demanded the secret ot his I improved appearance, win n he readily accounted for it by ascribing it to the virtues ot Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. We shall try that next, as our ad lertisiiiL' columns show it to be for sale in our town. Ottawa Free Trader. MARRIED, At ClaremOnt, Mecklenburg county, on Tlmrs d.iv, the 5th itistawt, by tin- Rev. R. IT. Lafferty, DAN. ALEXANDER, Esq., to Mas. ANA BELLA ALEXANDER. A.fliisiiiiti'atoi' a!e. A VING taken out special Letters of Ad ministration umrii the estate of R. BRAW' ley, dee'd, I will sell, at his late residence in Charlotl", on Friday, the 'Sitli of June, A quantity cf Household and Kitchen Furniture. Some of which is valuable. Also, A fine Harness Ilore. j At the same time and plaee, T will hire out, until the fir.-,t of August, THE NEGROES belonging to the Estate, consisting of a likely BOY, an elderly MAX and WOMAN he latter a good cook. TT-'iik There are also several vacant ROOMS jfljjffl in tbe buifding, which will be rented jiri- vately, till the first of January next, on reasona ble terms. TEEMS OF SALE Six months' credit on all sums over live dollars, with bond and approv ed sureties. J. M. HUTCHISON, June 10,1856. ts Special Adm'r. 771 (Tin TO H AND JEW ELK Y. HOMAS TROTTER & SOX have inst re ceived tand will ''e recru- , of handsome and fashionable WATCHES from the most eel brated makers. Also, a rich assort- i "lent ot ,,-! - Vi.i- i-m in I. I 'In i i t iiirnrn ii i Fashionable Jewelry, Chains, &c. All of which will be sold low for cash, or on short time to punctual dealers. THOMAS TROTTER & SOX. Whig please copy. Charlotte.' June 10, 1856 tf CHARLOTTE, C. ) June 7th. 1850. T A MEEiTNti of the Boaud of Cou m issioneiis of the Town of Charlotte, he.d this evening, at their Council Chamber; Present, Wm. F. Phifer, VVm, A. Lues, Wil Harty, Wil.iam It. Myers, and li. M. Jamison William F. Phifer acting as Cnair the iMeeting: El i- Orlain-l, That it shall not. be lawful for an- person to ereci any building, other than brirk or st .ne, with metal roofs, on S.i ,ares No. I, 2, ii, 4. , 7, 9, and II bounded by Third, Sixth, College, and Church streets. Any person violating the above Ordinance, shall (, rfeit and pay the sum ol one thousand dollars. VVM. F. PHIFER, Teste, Chairman. J. B. Kerr, Town Clerk, Iti.nn 1(1 1 ... 3 LC'W 'hijj'"5 will jdease erpy one rnanth. SELF-PROTECTORS. TO TRAVELLERS A.D HOUSEKEEPERS. The greatest modem Improvsmtnt in Fire Arms. COLT'S REPEATERS. FIXE assortment just received. Call and see them. T. TROTTER & SOX. Charlotte, June 10 1856. :!t Cotton Gin for Sale. T, HE subscriber has an excellent Cotton Oin, of the Griswold make, which he will sell upon fair terms. Applv to RICHARD PEOPLES, Providence, Mecklenburg. June 10 is.-n-,tt For Sile By BYTHEWOOD At SMITH, f?olumbi, S. C W best iiosendale (i rAA 1,000 Casks LIME, at Charles ton prices. Terms, cash. June 10, 1-T;C. St DOWN WIT If F REDUCED TO FIGURES. Having to remove Our BOOTS, SHOES, And GAITERS, ON THE irii-.3-t of July, DETERMINED TO CLOSE TIIK.1I OUT VERY LOW FIGURES FOR CASH. LOOK'il THE REDUCED PRICES! Those ITMxxo S3 t'ongrew diaitcr only 94 si do. 1-S lo. $3 .IO $3 rtt Pat. Oxford $3 OO i 83 .IO C alf do. 83 OO Peg Calf and Congress ! Waiters 82 to 99 JO oo and youlh-x' Boots and Iiocm at corres ponding lor. prices. Ladies' tine black and coloured SULK GAI TERS 1 2.7 to I .70 BOOxE&CO. Charlotte June 10, 1856. 3t mm Something that was neyer offered before ! The best Plantation in Meck lenburg County: Also, the best Gin-House in St. Carolina. fin HE Plantation contains 500 Acres, in I. . l i i t 5 . .. w is ol r lal maiicii, J- mues stunn oi vnarioile j Persons wuhi.u; to purchase, would do well to caN ' and see lor themselves. If ibis tract be not sutti I ZnXL bcsed SZTSXr Ii there be ihose who wish lo purchase a small tract, they can also be accommodated in tbe same ! neighboihOod. Also for sale, a I'lantat.on with 310 Acre, with a good SAW MILL ai d a (JOLD MINK, I lying on the waters ot Mile Kr&ncti, S miles from Charlotte, well timbeitd. Possession to be given on tbe 25th day of December next. JOHN F. PORTER. Providence, My 20, 1896. (im MMrOULD inform his customers, that he has V V taken the room lately cK-cupitnl by Mr. R. M. Rebison, three doors east of the Charlotte Hank. All work done by him shall be executed in the best style, for which in every instance, pavment is required in cash before taking the work away. ALEX. UETHINE. June 1."G :w TAW BARK WANTED. 0 4hAh indIA CORDS ofTan Bark A W wanted, for which the highest price will he paid in rash. BOONE & CO. Charlotte, May 6, 185G. J. & E. B. STOWE, OF STOWESVILLE, GASTON COUNTY, N. C, HAVING opened a House foi the sale of their goods in Charlotte, desiie to call at tention of Merchants to their House. Their goods are known, and. a call from buyers respect fully solicited. Thev also keep a good supply of Groceries, aud wili endeavor to merit natron age. JASPER 8T0WE, K. 15. STOWE. Charlotte, X. C April I, 1836. tf AND SUMMER GOODS AT HO. 4, GRANITE ROW. 381 J. I "si entire ties h a.-soitinetit cit tasluoliatile Sorinsr and Summer Dress (uanls. (.'(in sisting of Bareges, Tissues-, Muslins, Ginghams, Lawns, Barege b- Laines, and a large assortment of Fast colored Prints from (j to t2. cents. Also Jaconetts, Cambrics, Swiss Muslins, Linen, Bleached and Brown Domestics. A large assort ment of Pantaloon StuiSs, Also, handsome Vest ings. &e., jcc. Keat Styles of Mantillas from $2 to $2 50, new Bonnets and Ribbons,. A large stock of Boots and Shoes, coarse and fine. Cn nts Cloth Gaiters, $1 7o, Also, Congress Gaiters, and Opera 'i'ies. A good assortment of Clothing, (offered low,) Hats, Caps, Shirts, Cravats, Ties, Jewelry, &c. Just received 2b boxes Glass-Ware, w hich I otter very low. Also, on hand, and just receiving 50,000 Cigars, assorted Brands. Cash buyeus would do well to give me a c:dl, as I am a young beginner, and must and will sell cheap. All I ask is a trial. F. W, AHRENS. Next to T. Trotter A Son. May 5, 1856 tf. 3 DOORS SOUTH or THE maxsion HOUSE, Chariot le. S. M. HOWELL HAVING made more extensive preparations for the Manufacture of SADDLES 5B1 HARM ESS, He would respectfully inform the citizens of North Carolina, that, he is now prepared to fur furnish SADDLES Al HARNESS of a superior quality, of his own mamnfactnre, at the Very Lowest Possible Prices. Wanting Sa clcllcs By leaving their orders, can he furnished as low as thev can procure the same at the North, April 15, 185t-tf 8, M. HOWELL. Leather! Leather! Leather! "HT EST Hemlock Sole 28 cents cash. S9 S.jcond quality 2-1 oiito HI 'Ml 30 Third Spanish O. k Jl.llll stic " Harness Fine Fivnch and Amcrk-an Calf Skins 24 to '.id (ut-;. Northern Kips and Soot hern Upper $100. Good Leather Collars from the Mountain, $1,25. Call at BOONE & CO.'S. June :! 18T6 4w 8 IOO Reward. RAX AWAY from my Bail Road Shantees, (in Lib erty comity, Ga.,) on Sunday nihf, the 11th of May, two ne gro f-llows, Jim and Jack Gill, : both black and of m-'dinm size. ! .Liu is 24 years old. and was J3h&?? raised by John Jfivens, of York District, .South i Carolina. Jack Gill is about 30 years old, and 1 was purchased by A. J. ; r, at Thomas lfasaey's sab-, in Lancaster Di-trict, .South Carolina, in December, Kj4. I think they will try tu make j th ir way back to where taey were raised. I will give One ISundreil Dollar for the de- livery of said negroes in any safe jail no thai I can ; get them again or fifty dollars tor either one of them. Address i v at Winchester, Macon coun ty Georgia, or Jane s IL-nnigan, PiaevMle, Meck lenburg county, N. C. 1). W. ORE. Jane :!. 1856 w Town Taxes IERSONS indebted tor Town Taxes, for eimer or an ot tne yearn t"-.- .,-4 ana o. are requested to make immediate payment. All n ho disregard this ootioe, by failing to pay, will find th-ir property advertised for sale, hi i days from this date. Now, voii have fair warn ing. .S. A. HARRIS, April 22, 1?5G. tf Tax Collector. Xotice. W AH AWAY from the Subscriber about JLi'wo Years ago, a negro buy named formerly belongiiiK-to John H. Grier, of Meck lenburg county. North Carolina, and Hold to MeLiuiick of New Orleans, and recently sold to tli-j subscriber. S;iid boy is about :W or 40 years obi, of copper color, about S feet 10 inches high, quick spoK'-n. Any p'.-n?ou lodging said negro in jail, or delivering hiui to me so I can get him, I will pay such person One Hundred Dol. lara. ft. P. SUTTEN. Pineville, Mccki'g Co., N. C Ap'l. 15 3m A SADDT iT7: ana Harness 1, NEW GOODS, Supply. WE arc receiving a new wipply of Summer Xioods, bought ath;rthe trade was over ill Xew York, and at much less juices than those bought in tke early part of the season, and w iil be sold at corresponding prio s. Call and see n.. BREM A STEELE. June 3, 18.r( Ow TiMwiieM, IleraCN, Lannxt, Cirenn'tliue, Xv. RECEIVED this dav. BSM d) Si EEEE. June :, WBA 0w- llarilvi ai'e of all KindM. f I HE largest stock ever oflen d in this part of X the State. BREM & STEELE. June IK'li 6w Heal Cbautiliy Lace Mantles. JJ UST received. BREM A STEELE. June 3, 1856 liw I,ai2if. lr-N Trininiiiix. JLST reej ived the largest stock of Ladies Dies-Trimmings (all kinds) over ttU'enul in this Market BREM & STEELE. June 3, 1856 8w l'iiibi'oiclki'icw. ALL at Brent A Steele's and see the largest stock of Embroideries in the town. BREM A STEELE. C Tune 1866 !w EW Dro ilks at BREM A STEELE'S. .1 une 1 856 HAVDJG located in this place, respectfully otters his Professional Services to the citi zens of the town and vicinity. I.r OFFICE next door to Messrs. Drinker do Sonuners' Store. Ajnil 22, 1856. tf S. W. JUAV1S, Attorney &, Counsellor at Law, Jan- 1, 185(i. tf mis. M. J. CRAW, Three doors below Trotter's Carriage Manufactory April 22, 1866. ly Freh Fluid ami Campliciie. AT PBITCHARD'S Drug Store, you will g -t these articles pure. Fluid at 1 pex gallon CampLine LU eenls, cash. April 6, 1856. ItOKKKT 4lUiiO, HI. D. OFFERS his professional sen ksea to the pttb lie, in the practice of SURQEJSY, in ali its various department. Dr. GlB HON will ope ate, treat, or give ad ic in all cases tliat may require his attention. "y Office Xo. 5, Granite Range, Charlotte. Feb. J:. I856 Jy A l.MKH. TTfcR. SAM E L. A JOSEPH W. CALD- WELL have this day associated themselves in the practice of Medicine, and one or the other of them can at all times be found at their office, next door to the State Bank, op stairs, unless pro fessionally engaged. In all dangerous eases Dr. P. C. Caldwell will act as consulting physician free of charge. SAMUEL l. CALDWELL JOSEPH Y. CALDWELL. Jan. 22, 1.-54;. Jy ! j DK. P. C CALDWBLLvfllk at tlx- Office of Doctors J. Y. A B. L. Caldwell from 8 to 10 o'clock, every nioruing. Afb-r that hour, he will be at his own house, subject tpthfl call of any of his friends, unless professional! v absent. J .oiic'. 11 HE Tax Lists for 18SS, nre now in my . hands, and I hold them ready for insjeetioii. I requcBtall persons to inform me of any taxables which may not be Bsfa A. ' 'v "All persons that have not paid their ta.xe for 1854, will sun ly conn- up ami fork orer now. E. C GRIEfi, Sberht Aprils, 1856 tf CaNh Pail lor Hide. f IMI1C highest juices will be paid for Hides by J- 8. Al. HOWELL. 3 doors South of the Mansion Hotel. Charlotte, Oct. 3IJ, IHoO (Jm Importer, Uliulesalc and Retail DEALER IN AMERICAN AND IMPOUTEO ElOWLING and Pishitts Tackle, table and Pocket Cutlery, Walking ( 'aaee. Belts and Port .Monies, Percussian Caps, fjun-Powder, Patent shot and Halls, Powder Flasks, Punches and Reps, Rird Rags, Nipples and Wrenches, Washiuff Rods and Tiekli r Dog Chains and Collars, Gnu-Maker's Materials, dee. Ac. Volcanic He prating lire Arms. : RIFLES, ( 41UHVI S & pig. 'OL.S, loa.ling from (i to 24 balls, and -an be discharg 1 with greater rapidity and certainty than any ether Pistol or Ride. Thirty eaargufl can be loaded and discharged in fifty seconds. o eap, no pruning, no recoil, no lateral dis charge. The ball is a patent loaded ball, on tho Minie principle, and bfjerJbetly water-proof, aud goes always -rut: and bavk. Also, Sharp's Celebrated Uifle, Th owing a ball with perfeet accuracy aigfal hun died yards. Also, R. s olvers and Fire iHnioanin, at M anufx hot's prio t, to the trade. S. tUm Etta. AND, No. l.'fcJ, SfainStreet, oppitt En ale Sejuare, itltiintoud, I 'a. A DIPLOMA, of the Frsl Class, was awarded hy the Virginia Hhwhaaanf Instaata, lor the nro inotioii ol the Mechanic Arts, to Samuel .Suthei laud, of Bjchmond, lor a ease ol 'i.ins, 1'istols, and Kiflet, exhibited at the Exh'btuon ol articles a ft motif an Mniiulacluie, held in the city ol Rich' mood, on the 14th day ot November, 186-1. . w , B A. BELYIN, Pres't. J. W . LtKWBXxJCH, Bee ja May 2i, lfi&3ml STATE OF NORTH tiliOLIM, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. BCFERioti Court or Law, ) tfnring Term, Jh."G. ORDERED by the Curt, that a Special Tenn of this Court bo bekl on tie- 4t)i Monday in June next. Tkstk, J. B. KKIflt, Ch-rk. K. B, Parties and witni'soes in cml aaae the Law and Equity Dockets, will attend. May H, 1-56 fivr Hussey'8 Patent Reapers and Mowers Combined, AND emery's patent KA1L-KO w MHMB rowr.Ks AND Ovcr-liol Threshers. PEBSONS wishing the above. Machine fiir the aanroaduac harvest, will mate fhr i 1 -tier or oth rwis. ) t., John A. Li.yden, MkeVaJ I a-eut for Western Nori Caroliwt. who will fitni- wu mem ib oaiLslMirv, at uanuiaeiurei s pru'en, with addition of tnunusadatiea only. In the absence uf Mr. Boy den, application muy be made to Euji-ito Martin, Ei., who ia ulso agent for afeCocauck's eelearaa d Haa(aara, ZOXt' u-ii to Cowaa's briek row, Z3T A supply of the v ry best Machiuen al ways on band. JOHN A. B01DEV. Sa bury, Mav 27- 186-3nn 4a

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