i I'ODDBR W( consider pulling fodder "khU the ImT in ull respect-. It should he discon tinued by ull enlightened and economical pla titers. We confidently offer the follow ill -substitute: f'crn Fodder. Break rp, very deeply, a piece of rich hind, burrow it finely, and with a broad shove' plow lay it off in drills three feet npart. In th'-se drills totter corn at the rate of -1!) or 90 grains to tin foot, and cover with a hoc. n.kc, board or barrow, drawn length;, ise ulong the driil "When well up. 'Tun around it," pretty close, with a long rooter, und repeat aft r 10 or 13 days. In the course of 10 or 15 j days more, break out the entire Middles with the rooter, nnd finr lly lay with the i . hovel plow, running up and dowa in the ume furrow, midway between Hie I.:II. . Ou good lund, prepared um work.1, in this v.ay, the yield will be from li to (i tons, ( oMtinN em 10) of excellent fodder per j i.rc. This is as much us can he jadUd from i!0 to 30 icnu, in the common way, j ai.d at one tenth of the l.ihor. I'ound for pound, it i a- good, if not better thai palled fodder, as it contains the entire juiee aud strength of the 'laJ, which, in Mm other j case, has pone t. the formation of the car j of the grain. Tin Imj of' freight and inju- ' ry to thr urain, by d( pricing corn stalks of. their Icav hi fore oil gronth has rrittri, is fully eiual to thr value of thr foddi r pnlltd. I We, therefore, desire that our reader.-, should I abandon this "old fogy" practice, and give j drilled corn-fotTdi r a fair trial. It is not yet too late, but should he dot. immediate- Npralt & AHi-oii, Kprnli, Danirl hj. Any one who fairly tests it will, we are ' & Cs.,aad A I !! A: !);uil I, re nana :uite ccrtuin, abandon fodder polfinc for- j ,;'r'',1 ' J nAxmgmrd, tor lb b-1 lit of the CT.r. Curing Corn Foddcf. The proper time to cut drilled ladder, M when all the stalks fairly tasseled out. or in full bloom. It j may be cut eloaa to the ground, with a long, I sharp knife, or a sickle. Select n dry day. j commencing early in the morning, and cut- j ting BtatlJ dinner time. As fnt as it is cut, Spread it thin along the row, and let it lie j nnd take the sun nfter dinner, when the up per side will be pretty well wilted. Then ! turn it orer carefullv. and leave it OB tin ! ground until 5 o'c lock in the evening, when I it mu.t tc gath-rd up, tit in bundles of. moderate size (say a f..f throii'di at the ! l and) and set up on the butt end, in shocks of 4 r bundles each turning one bundle ..j'.-iuu w. m, fn m otners, as a 'cap hhenf." The next day, after sunrise, these bundles must bo mc and the fodder spread out ngain until no, and then turn ed and sunned till evening, as before. This may be repeated the third day, which will generally be ufiicient, if the weather is fa vorable. It may then be permanently stacked or packed awny undercover: nnd ..:.i- -i .i. if. while packing, the different layers are sprinkled with salt, at the rate of S quarts to an ordinary two-horse wagon load, it will be more highly relished by stock, and all danger of heating obviated. Many per sons make a great mystery of curing drill or broadcast corn-fodder; but we have al ways found this simple method sure and effect ual. Cutting up earn in the field, nnd using the stalk and leaf for the winter feeding of stock, has also many ndvantnges. which we will speak of more in detail hereafter. How to Plow uxdeb Wrrros Where weeds have not been kept dowa by other crops, or by close pasturing, they have, as might be expected, made luxuriant growth; and as many s,,c!i fields will have to be plowed for wheat, and other fall crops, it becomes a matter of much importance to know how wo can best turn them under with the plow, so as to be completely out of the way of the harrow and drill. Au excel lent way to do this, is to fasten one end of a heavy log chain to the end of a double tree to which the furrow or off horse is attached, bringing the other under tho beam of the plow, jst before the bare. and confining it there. The chain should big enough to touch the ground, or nearly so. A little practice will teach how tight it should be. By this plan the weeds are drawn into the furrow-slice, it falling on. them while there. Will somebody tell us of a better way.' ScYTHrs. A complaint hi often made by workmen of their scythes not acting well, of the edge not cutting uniformly and j the form being wrong, -c.; now theVorm best suited to each mower may be stcd I by a very simple experiment. Let a man j -wun a piece of chalk in bis hand, walk up to n 1. it'll n-oll I , , ", wi oani-uiior, amt rai ng it as high as be can, strike a curve fi to left; the line so traced is the exact form that his scythe should be; and if be applied the edge of it, and find it correspond, it will cut uniformly from point to heel, and save himself much trouble and luhor. PlCKLKS. An excellent way to make pickles that will keep a year or more, is to lrop them iuto boiling wuter, but not boil them ; let them stuy in ten minutes, wipe them dry. and drop them iuto cold spiced vinegar, and they will not need to be put into salt and nater, and are always rcadv for use. A Good Recipe The following recipe for making tough meats tender. w clip from nn echange- Cut your steaks the 2v before osiiiff in to s bees about two iuche.." thick, rub -vera small quantity of the corn,,,,,,, Carbonate of .vda, wash u the next morning, eut into suitable thickness, and cook to vrnir Ltt The same process will answer "for fowls legs of mutton, dec. Try it all who lore delicious teuder dishes of meat. A nice dish for breakfast might be made as follows : Take oue egg and beat it up, add teaspoon full of salt, pour in a bout two-thirds of a pint of water, then lice some bread, dip it in, and fry in a tit tle butter; -serve warm. i Tb- Editor of the Democrat will oblige a fiiend by giving place to the following: TC THE MEMORY OF AN ANCIENT FRIEND. Sbaded by large walnut trees, In a p'eaaant actuation. There wand? upon a hill top, An ancient habitation; And from the door, at bark of "Queen,'' Advauctd an a:.d dame, W.tb old slouched hat and flick in hand, To MN the friend who came ! Unto the bars, and there rhe Ftofprd : "Who's there?" she then would ask 1 "Oli, yes ! I think I know '-our voice TW my ce;;r djjs ire pass." Back to the small l":i hoiifc f-'ie went, lictueeu two ,'oor. we sat. And theie would while away some hours In a pleasant, discrtal chat. Her Bgs wc r.incty-eiht, she said tShe oC'cti told me so ) Though '.'; is sa c' that she VH less, Banc, wanly, bast -hould know. 'It vou hv. lo:-;','" rhe u.-ed (o tay, I'c tempera f- and lie irood," And to the principles she picached Au a MMiMMWM aba stood. Ah i:en:b the loi-s v here she was born Slc hvtd m.'' iIk ra aha d cd. heSioke with rtvcicncc d the Just, Of her eesaua deeds with ptide. Her shroud she ma e ) her weddiBS dres Rut n ihief broke in and leak it, ".Much gaud aasjr u do him," she laughing said, And was willing M ov-ilook it. The la.-t words v Inch to me she spoke Wetchoin the Bible quoit d ; In childhood learned, and cared in age, At death they apaaoal Floated. II i di ds weie those ol uitrcy. And her words were those of candor. And Ions shall live h-r honor d Name, Susannah Alexander ! ! Ih r face's name. L,al .'Vol ice. SIS UOLIC WOTI'B In Ii reb3 g. . ..... ,1... ..'I il... V....t- .....1 r.i tbej nre n the band of J. B. DaxiEL for imme diate collect ran. 1 FlAmget indulgence cannot tr given, BS thf d lts must In pmid ll Is".. H .1. R. DANIEL ill MJ i2fJ At (his Simple Word NO YliT, simple ns it is, vou hear a 2rca ry made over CLOTHING! You take up the papers and almost the first word vnn bm i. li'l'IFI IJ f 1 Sou stro I cw the city, ami you will ef l, L samples of (OZLaOX-ZXrTGIV-!!! .'. little her, , a little there, ad no assortment anywhere ; Until you et to FUlaLlNCiS A. CO.'S, Where every one runs to get G-ood Clotmns And why do they run there f Simply be. cause they 'an get Clothing beiter'niade, more Fashionable, ami at lees prices than at any House in N'oi th Carolina. We make a busi ness of it manufacture our own Goods, and j every article sold by us is WARRANTED, oi money returned. And we are bound to keep The Largest and most Fashion able Stock of Clothirig in the State. We !.r.ve a full stork of Cbildrens', Youths' and Boys' CLOTHING, at low prices. Also GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TMtUJTMLHi Mtlf K IUlET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, CASES, Fmrte-JMmm tea, ien and M'ockct II UR, TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, Ac, all of which will be frely shown and prices iven, at toe Emporium of Fashion, By FULLINGS cV CO. Charlotte, N. C , Nov. 23, 1854. Oliarlotto, cT Al'KIL 2B, 185& tT a aiwtiug oftfe- Board off osamissioaear f the Town of Charlotte, North Carolina, i at their Council Ch:unbi t this eveuin. Prewnt, W. V. Davidmou, Introdant, W. F. I Piufer, K. M. Jasaiaoa, and Was. Harty. It is j ordained by the Board. thai il e following T;t ! assessed for the year 1036, at tin- follow use rates upon rarh diftanent alycl of Taxation as follows, to wil : On each !?M0 value of Real Estate, $00 50 1 Stock in Trade. o :.'i '2 on 8 ou 2 U0 " White male Poll, Black Poll liom 1-2 to 50 vears, Free Black Poll, " Grocer and retailer of Spirtuons Liquor, " ( lompany orCircus riders,Eipies trian perrorniera and all others sub ject t pay a State Tax, a Tax of Bach Conceit per week, Company of Ethiopian Serena-d-rs, and all others rabj et to pay a State Tax, to pay per week On each vendfi of Spirituous Liquors, '0 00 20 00 5 00 5 00 2.5 00 by me qaart, per annam, On inch I tin rant Merchant or Pedlar, f.'M&v.i'i'-ft sood., wares S: M r chandae, nV the growth or Manu facture of N O1., except Books, a taa of, ' , On eac, $li.O worth of Irterest, On ea h urseon, Uenfisf, Practising Physician, fractia 112 Lawver md all other prison . (except Minis, taraaf the tiaspel, af every denom. ir.ation) whose piacttce, salary or fees, or a I of f in-m together, shall yield an annual gross ineo i,e of 4o 0, sha'l pay Ihe sum of $3. for the fir t ."i 0. nd 2 loi every ad ditional !?.",0n, until gech income shall exceed $1900, and $.1 for every additional $oO.J ahove that am ant. On all p dl rs of Patent Soar,. medVine 25 00 2 00 Mt killing crows, chine! ra, and other vermin. or for the euring of head-ache tooth-ache, or corns, BSM ot all patent m dicines, razors and raor ttmpt a T.ix of 1 On each Carriage of the value of B50 and under Oo. Ou each t arriage of the value of 20i and un.ler 300, On each Can iage of the value of s;i00 ami under $400, On each Carriage of the value of 4o0 and upw;irds, Each Gold watch, Silver watch, " Forte Piano, Oneacb$10t value of Gold orSilver -late One ir cent. 5 00 0 00 1 00 2 00 j 3 00 I 4 no 1 00 so 2 i-0 ; ' - Vt I I.! r 1 Ci 2 ul 10 Oil 10 0 15 UU 10 Oil Bitch, Pub ic Dray, 2 horse omn. bus, 4 " Livery Stab, Stud Horse standing in Town, Tavern, " alOiia id Table. W. F. DAVIDSON, Intendant. I Teste, J. B. Kf.rr, Town Clerk. May 27, '563t. s I THE BITER BIT. The Albany (New York) Police Tribune tell the following which forcibly illus trates the truth of the old adage that "ho nesty is the best policy : Some time since, two well-known gentle men left Albany to seek their fortunes at asn.ngron. r. goi a coniracx ,rom the Government, and made a snug little pile of some $40,00.' worth of real estate. While accumulating this property, his par ner, Mr. R., contracted about 7,000 worth of debts. ft2.o00 of which belonged to Mr. C. Mr. C. is not any more honest than the j law allows. So he thought he would get rid ! of 'thoe cussed Lore.-.' his cr ditors, bv making over his property to his aieee, a fine looking young lady, a o-ed about eighteen. j He accordingly went to a lawyer, made out the papers, and assigned ' the whole of his real estate to his niece, the interesting young lady already spoken of. Having I concluded his arrangements, he thought j he would co .jout'.i and look nt ti' country. This took place hist summer During his absence in pursuit of qaietneas i I and cotton fields, Mr. It. ascertains ell about j the assignment, and goes in for making all j ' things square. He commenced operations : I by courting the niece .'.foresaid, and finish- ; j cd up by marrying her. When Mr. C. rc- turned from Ocorgie, he finds he has been 'done for' that Mr. II. has not only got the 1 value of his debt- bat CoOO worth of real estate in addition, to say nothm? ot a most desirable wife. Mr. is now swearing in eight svllables, and insists that it is a con- piracy. n i i .i- in i i mm STRAYED OH STOLEN from rom a the subscriber, in Union conn ty, ire miles west ol Lanestorou Aston county, oa the night o. ihe 1 itii of April last, BAV 91 h It K, ot medium siz. 1(1 or II years o d. 1 will pay a reward if TEN DOLL A RS for the ilelivry of said marc to me, o, for information so that I get her or TWENTY DOLLAliS lor informa : lion htiffieieiil to convict the thief. Address ' me at Lanesboro', Anson county, N. C, .IA.MKS 1. IU)SS. N. B. 1 think the mare was stolen, and that the thiel west in the direction o Char- tte. J. I. Ii. June 10. 1S.-.C Di IOO Reward. KAN AWAY from my Rail Road Sbantees, (in Lib erty rounty, (, i..) on Sunday night, tin- J Jth of May. two ne gro fellows, Jim and Jack Gill, bolh black and of medium size, Jim is Jl v :n oi. and was raised by John Nivens, of Yoik District, South Carolina. Jack (ill i ai.oiit :;u years old. md w pineliasi ii bv A. J. Orr, at Tbumas KI.-tss-v sali-, in Laneasn-r District, South Carolina, in December, 1-"I 1 think Ihev will trv to mal e tln-ir wav back to wherethev were raised. I wi give One IlunUrctl Dollars lor the de livery of said negro in any saft: jail so that I can get them nir.iin or fifty dollars tor either one of them. Addre-s me at Winchester, Macon coun ty Georgia, or Jj s Ilennigan, Pineville, Meck- lenburg county, N. C. D. V. ORR. dune :t, 8T,ti (iw ENCOURAGE THIS KNOlIUm rrtlllh ndersignd begs have' M- to return his thanks to those who favon-d him with a call dur ing the last year; and he would respectfully inform the public thai he has rentov'd to the Machine Shop formerly occupied by Messrs. George & Whisnant, adjoining .Air. J. Rudisili's Vie.-tm Planing Mills, where he is prepared to execute all WOl K in Ins iitie be done in the Stat us cheap and as good as can 'V rurcing, Catting Screws, Repair lug toilers aad Kasriaes oi' all descriptions, Making and Re pairing Mill Spindles, Wood Plainer, Making Ploughs, Iron ing Wagons; and in t lorse-Shoe-ing, &c., we will yield to no one for neatness, wear, and dispatch. Int.-r-ferinr Shoes $1 -Jo, common ditto 1, c.-ist-steel tors, or steel plate, I have also erected an Air Furnace for mend ing Brass, which answers finely. The public can new gel brass and composition castings by call ing at the above establishment, and furnishing patterns. Old Brass melted over at a reduced price, with neatness and despatch. Oid Copper and Brass wanted. S. J. PERRY Charlotte, Jan. J, i .-,(!. tf "S"-.2FtI5 nlHE subscribers bavin formed themselves , , c,""l':1".", np,-cttully tet.d.-r their " i " viiauuue hqu me coun try generally in their line ,,!' busim ss. Thev are iieparei to furnish Monnao nts.GravvstoncsJkan Pieo" , Furniture Marble. T .!.. St.- i.s. to a:,y pattern cut from Marble, according to me u.UM a .H IM l t:i. e :,ti. si,- ,,.. -....I the most accommodating terms ever off red in the Southern country. They will keep constantly on hand tie- best description of Egyptian, Italian and Amercan Marble. All orders, for any article, addressed to the sub scribe!.,, wdi me, t v. ith arou.pt attention, and will be packed and forwarded with the inmost care and despatch. The yard is situated on the north-west corned oi the L harlotte Depot Yard. WM. TIDDT & SONS. Jan. 8, 1856 1 y NEW ftAKBLK YARD Iu Charlotte. HE subscribers h ive established a Marble Vard, on the second sanam .,ioi, r ti... Court-llouse, and respectfully offer then services to all who may desire any thin- in their line or business. They will keep ,m hand the best and handsomest kinds ol Foreign and American Mar hie, and be prepared at all times to furnish Monuments, Grave Stones, Mant, I Pircrs, Furniture Marble, Tiiblc Slabs, Marble Strjts, Ar. To any pattern, according to the mnst approved styles and upon ten,,.. a low as at an v Mai ble es tabnshnaent in the South. All orders for Marble work, addressed to the subscribers will laeet with prompt attention, and patch. 1 he public s patinnacK is leanectfuilv sn- ! hcrted. GUEN & McCOV Charlotte F.h i! 1856 It lLLU1- p'ck. ii wiua care and Iwrwarded with dis. EAGLE FOUNDRY. RIl IS IKOilja, VIRGINIA. Carj Street, bet, rem Pearl ff loth Streets, MANUFACTURES Locomofive Engines, Tca- ili i vK i il-Uoad ajnra m -N- i i , i . . I Ul scripuons ol K.ulro.d .Marbi- i J.m. nery. Stationary ISagines of any required ! i- , uiso, poriatue engines, with a decided j K7rVoM-":.t ! -i raapiea ta laraatng purposes, getting lumber, ic, ivi h iaaarOd CinuU bu.ll. Saw .Milis it.ir-i,...i i : i j i 1 I , Mi , . ". "lOI Oil CldSK. U Oil ! .M.n,nK Ma, h.nery, (irist S.vv Mill M.chi 5 00 ch.nery Foroin?s aKd Tobacco Factory F,x 2j 00 lures of ov r Li-h. .1 . i , Casting j t uiaa aim iron gs made to order. P Pinu Richmond, Maxch IS, 1856. Stn I , A BUSINESS OBITUARY. The following singular obituary appears in a New-York paper : Died on the 11th inst., at his shop. No. I n - , . . , r rvi A 7. . . ... ! much respected by all who knew and dealt i with hi.n. As a man, he was amiable; as ou, vireenwicn sircer, Mr r-unam , , apjigb, and mo(Jerate. His vir- : t.s vanA r- nnfl hh. i)t,avcr j hats were only three dollars each. He left ! a widow to deplore his loss, and a large stock to be sold cheap for the benefit of his j family. He was snitched to the other world in the prime of life, just as lie had ; i concludedan extensive purchase of felt, which he got so cheap that the widow can supply hats at a more reasonable rate than collar with one hand, and was a passiu' en anv house in the citv. His disconsolate comiums on mu head, with a great big stick j fainiiy will carry on punctuality. business with usual AND SUMMER GOODS AT NO. 4, GRANITE ROW. X entire fresk assortment of lashionalfle Spring and Summer Dress Goods. Con sisting ot' liareges, Tissues, Muslins, Ginghams, ol Fast colored Prints frotu (i to 12 cents. Also . Jaeom -its, uauiMits, fcwiss jiusiius, linen, Kleaclied and nrown Domestics, A large assort I im nt of pantaloon Stuffs. Also, handsome Yest- 1 ino-s, &e Ac Neat Styles of Mantillas from $2 to $12 at), ' new Bonnets and liibnons. 1 A large stock of lioots and Shoes, coarse and j fine. Gents Cloth Gaiters, $1 75, Also, Congress Gaiter, and Opera Ties, A good assortment of Clothing, (offered low,) Hats, Caps, Shirts, Cravats, Ties, Jewelry, &e. J list rt ecivcU Vo boxes ulass-Ware, wliicu i l offer very low, Also, on hand, and just receiving 50.000 Cigars, assorted Brands, Cash buyers would do well to give me a call, as I am a young beginner, and must and will 11 cheap. All 1 ask is a trial. F. W. AHREN3, Next to T. Trotter Son. May 5, 1856 tf. S3AKlLOTTE, I. C. ) l Ji nk 7 hi. 1856. i AT A MEETING of the Boa up of Com missioneks of the Town of Charlotte, hed thiseveni g.at their Council Chamber; Present, Wm. F. Phil'er, Wm. A. Luc s, Wil. 1 am llarty, Wil iain Ii. IVIyers, and K. M. -lamison VV illiam K. Phifer acting as Cnair man (,t the .Meeting: tf I Ordained, That it shall not be lawful for an,- person to erect any huilding, i ther than bi irk" or st lie, with metal r ofs, on So ares No. I, , 3, 4. 5. 7, 9, and 1 1, i bounded by Third, Sixth, College, and Church streets. Any pi-rson vi latmg the above Ordinance, sha 1 1 rfcitand pay the sum of one t ousand dollars. WM. F. Pill F KR, Teste, Chairman. .1. B Krb rt, Town Clerk. lone 10 lm. B?'i big" will please c py one month. "STsr&tix For llIIfM am Til 7"hy is it Jenkins & Taylor sell Stoves VV so cheap because they buy them f om the Manufacturers. JENKINS & TAYLOR W OULI) respp, tfully nnnonnce to the inhabi tants of harlotte anj vicinity, that ih y have removed rom their Old Stand, 'o ne iloor West of Elms & Sprat 's (Grocery Store, where thy have now on exhibition, just re ceived from the North, one ol the most EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENTS OF Ever offered in North Carolina, among; which will be found the celehrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove ! Which his gained such a famous reputation in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. ThisSioveue warrant superior to any Uooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less lu I, and tlofs more work in a given time, than any ouier Move now in use. We will put one besid any other Stove of the same size in the United S ates, and if it does not do more work in any given time, we wi l forf it the price of the Stove, and qu.t selling and go our death lor the hei ter one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box We have, and constantly keep an extensive and varied stock of Tin, and Sheet Iron, Japan and Britannia Ware, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Bed Sir ads, Hat Racks, Cradles Sec., All of which will he sold Wholesale and Re tail, cheaper than has ever been belore ol lered in this vicinity. We would re urn our thanks to our friends ae.d i us omers for the v, ry liheral patronage they have bestowed upo . us, and they may rest assu ed, tha we shall endeavor, by close at ention to business, to. ether with a deter mination to please, to merit a continuance of i he same. Our Motto ia "Quick Sales and Laiiies and lientlemen ar - particularly in- it. d to call and examine our Stock. I ALL KINDS OP JOB WORK j AUeiuled to with dispatch. N B. We will tell you why we h ad our advertisement '-Wait for the Wagon," it is because we have three wagons constantly travel ng through the com tiy with Stoves. DCT" I orders wi.l be faithfully and prompt I ly attended to. Charloite, Sept. 25, '55-tf j STATE OF KORTfl CAROLINA. I l NION COUNTY, j Court of Pleas m,J Quarter Sessions, Spring Term, ISCKj. ( Samuel A. Davis, Adtn'r.") j ot 11. 11. Houmou. d. c d. vs. 1 ff Ilou?t"n d others, Heirs at Iw of t R. 1!. Houston. .Petition to sell Land H 1 app anng to the satisfaction of the Court Ll that James Houston, Butter and Marl garet, ins win-, ;;, j,io j; Houston, the chil dren and hens at law ,u sni.l R..ht it I U. c 3sed. are not inhabitants of this State, but .' n ide beyond the limits of the same : It is there ; fore ordered, that publiaation be made for six we. ks, in y,e Weetern H,-,uoerat, for said d.-f.-n-( t anfs to be and apj-ar at the next term of this ; L OUrt, to be h. jd tor the conntv of Fnion nt tU 1 E WAGON! , Coart-House in Monro-, on the first Monday of .tu.y next, to plead, answer or demur to this ne. t.ta.i arjd beard x parte or IUe same Will b taken urn arte as to them. i " itneas, J. M. Stewart, Clerk of our said Court ",0 " A"ri,; J. M STEWART r i r May 27, lSoO tiw rrs. fee So. Ra?s aVanled. HUGGINS & HARTY, at their Store on the corner of Main and Trade or..,. Main and Trade strr i , ... - iicuarcajeiib. - ij j PASSING ENCOMIUMS. Lawyer. "You said Smith and Sim mons were engaged, just outside of the grocery door, toward the heel of the fight ; now tell the court and jury what you were j doing in that particular juncture yourself." ; Witness ' Me ? I was persuadm' Wm. Jonson that he was doin' ot a wrong thing, bat he wouldn't listen to me." Lawyer 'Ah! what was it that ho was doing?" Witness "Well, be hilt me by the coat collar." Lawyer "Anything else? Come let's have it all out." Witness ' 0 yes. He hilt me by the in Mother." J. & E. 13. ST OWE, Manufaoturers OF STOWESVILLE. GASTON COUNTY, N. C. WING opened a House for the sale of their iroods in Charlotte, deshe to call at tention of Merchants to their House. Their goods are known, and a call from buyers respect fully solicited. They also keep a pood supply of Groceries, aud will endeavor to merit patron age. JASPER STOWE, E. IL STOWE. Charlotte, N. C., April 1, IdoG. tf UALEIGU & GASTON RAIL-ROAD. Raleigh Si Gaslon Mi. ft. Office, Raleigh, Feb, 8, id"M. S THE NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD is now completed to Charlotte, no tice is hereby given, that Good aisfl Protlsicc Brought down that Road, intended for transpor tation over the Raleigh & Gaston Rail-Road, will be received by this Company at the North-Carolina Rail-Road Depot in Raleigh (owned jointly by the two Companies) and will be transported thence without delay or extra charge; and goods designed for the Western Merchants and others I along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. All dues for freight must he paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must be paid iu advance or on delivery of the goods. AEvery effort will be made by the Officers and gents of th ; C mpany to give satisfaction in he transportation ot Goods and Produce, Owners and shippers of Goods are requested to have them distinctly marked, so that their desti nation may be known, R. A. HAMILTON, President, Feb. 19, tf jVotice. AN AWAY from the Subscriber about tg A Two Years ago, a nefjro boy named T formerly belonging to John H. Grier, of Meck lenburg county, North Carolina, and sold to McLintick of New Orleans, and recently sold to the' subscriber. Said boy is about '38 or 40 years old, of copper color, about 5 feet 10 inches high. quick spoken. Any person lodging said negro iu jail, or delivering him to me so I can get him, 1 will pay such person On: Bd taut r 5 8l liirsi. S. P. SI TTEN. Pmeville, Mcckl'g Co., N. C Ap'l. 13 3m. WHEAT MARKET Springs' JM:iiijss rwi II wish to purchase three or four hundred lousand bushels of good merchantable wheat, for which I will j;ay the highest cash pi ice. Charlotte, from its facilities of transportation is one ol the best inland markets in the South ern States. I have erected large Merchant Mills contiguous to the ltaiirMadc:ipable of grin umg tnree hundred barrels of flour per day, and to kei p them running 1 must have wheat. feo hring a along, if you want the highest fig ure lor it. I am prepared to grind for loll. If you want flour whose brand will he sufficient to sell it in any market iu the world, here is Ihe place to have it manutactun-d. These Mills have al ready iade a reputation not inferior to any in the country. LEROY SPRINGS. June 15, 18oo. 4?-if Imporicr, Wholesale and Retail DEALER I.V AMERICAN AND IMPORTED ROWLING and Fishing Tackle, . T.tbli- aud Pocket Cutlerv. Walkinr ( Janes. Belts and Port Monies, Percussian Caps. Cun-Powder, Patent Shot and l$alls, Powdei Flasks, Punches and Belts, Bird Bags, Nipples and Wrenches, Washing Itods and Ticklers, Dog Chains and Collars, Gnu-Maker's Materials, &c &c Volcanic Repeating Fire Arms. rriiiFLKs, 4icb:ie & pis- TOLS, loading from ( t- 4 balls, and -an be discharged with greater rapidity and certainty than any other Pistol or Eifle. Thirty charges can be loaded and discharged in fifty si conds No cap, no priming, no recoil, no lateral dis charge. The hall is a patent loaded ball, on the Minie principle, and is perfectly water-proof, and goes always SURE and SAFE. Also, Sharp's Celebrated Rifle, Throwing a ball with perfect accuracy eight liun di. d yards. Also, Revolvers and Five Shooters, at Manufacturer's prices, to the trade. s. su i iss:sea.Aa. Ab. 132, MainStrcet, opposite Eagle Square, Itichmond, Wu. A DIPLOMA, of the Frsi Class, was awarded by the Virginia Mechanics' Institute, lot ihe pro- land of Riclnnnd, lor a ease of Guns, P.sioland hhwuu ii me mecnamc Arts, to Baimifl s.ii i. n.nes, exnioueu at tiie Exb bilion ot articles ol American Manufacture, held in the city of Rich mond, on the Kith dav of November, IBa-l. . . . . ' J- A. BELVIN, Prts't. J. W. Lewei.i.kv, Sec'y. May 20, 1856. 3m To Rail ISoal Contractors. Exgixeeii's Office, W. x. ( . i? r. Salisbury, June 17, l.'-fj. ROPOSALS will be received at Statesville Ired' ll COUnt V. N. C. until .Tnlv tl.,. 1-,ik for the Graduation, Masonry, and Cross Ties for i the v.-maind.-r of the first Section of the Western North Carolina Rail Road, eoinineuciii" at, and ! ext.-nd. ng West from Statesville. On the first 13 miles of this work there is im- I portant Masonry, and especially the Bri.lo-e acress the Catawba v. r. but all of which is particular- i ly worthy of attention. Plans, Profiles, and Specifications, with esti- ! man s 01 uie work, ma v he a-. n m fl.,w.m.. .. .'. En?inetr after the 4th of July .JAMES C. TFRVF'f? Chief Kninerr V V I' Tf tr June 24, I S50 4v m . TAW BARK WAWTED. 1 fil flSldife CORDS of Tan Bark mmrmrmWmW wanted, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. . ,r BOONE & CO Charlott-. May 6, 1856. sVi'fali l'lni,l .1 i gei mese articles pure. Fluid at 1 ner gallon - Camphine 90 cento, cash. April 856 Wnaw. mm Love and Suicide. Mr. Hugh Dillon, of Yellville, Marion county, Arkansas, and formerly of Lebanon, Tennessee, bung him self on the 6th ult., by suspending a rope from a weeping willow. A few days previ ous, be purchased a full suit of green calico, coat, pants, vest, and cravat, and procured green slippers- and spectacles, and stated to his friends that he had been forsaken by one whom he dearly loved, and that he would never give another a chance to treat him in that manner. CF " Tom, stand out of the way of that gentleman." "How do you know he is a gentleman?" " Because he has got on stri ped trowsers and a shanghai coat." DRUCKER & SOMMERS AT their new establishment, a few doors South of Kerr's Hotel, off r,.t Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest Cash prices, all and every aiticle in their line. They have just opened a very extensive Stock of f all and inter Dry-Goods, Ready-Made Cloth ing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Guns, Pistols and Trunks. And a great many other articles too nnmcr. ous to mention, to all of which teey invite th? attention o the public, and their friends in general. Their well known lo.v prices, as well as their very extensive van ty of Goods, is a.liiti ted by ad who have htretolore patron ise 1 them. Therefore i is useiess for them to say any mom DKUCKER SOMMERS Charlotte, Oct. lb', a5-tl rpHK SUBSCUIHER UR(;S leave to inform -L his friends and the public geneiallythat he is sti 1 carrying on the fair f a tr ' Ulaking BniMetM in all its various branches wi h all the increased facilities af forded by modern improvements. He na now on I and a lame number of BUGGIES, CAR RIAGES, ROCKA " AYS, Ve., made on the most approved sty es out of the best material, to which he asks the inspection of purchaser. His establishments is on Collpge and Dejft streets, where i.e will be glad to see his friends. JOHN II RTV Charlotte, July 28, 18.').r).tf Wilmington, Charlotte, &Kuth erfordton Eail Road. P 1 an r ii- ant to an order oi the n;i Board of Di- rectors o f Jsf jL the Wilminjiton, Charlotte and. Kut her ford ton liail l.'oad Company, l ooks are ajjain open for subscripi ions lo the Capital Stock of said l.'oad. at the Rock Island Store, and the offices ot Win. Johns on, C. .1. Fox- and S. W. Davis. Ah who feel interest? I h, the honor and prosperity of the old N rth Sta e. are solicited to corne forward and aid in this great work, th o ly real puhlic enterprise tlut has ever sprunr upon our people. CHAKLES J. b.X, S. VV. DAVIS. WM. JOHNS TON, JNO. A. VOUNi;, JOHN WALKER, I.LROy SPi lNGS, B. 11. DAVinSi N, Commissioners. Oct, 8r,5. 23. 13-tt i i a-: s; ii v b-: : u e di t FOK YOITR pBOFESSOR WOODS IIA1R P, FSTOR A. X TI VK, is, no doubt, live most wonderful discovery ot ihisage of progress, tor il will test ore, permanently, gray I air to s original color, eovei the head ol ihe bald with a must luxuriant giowih, remove at once all daedn fl and itching. cure all scoifu a and other cutaneous emotions, such as scualiiueau, ere. it win cur', as it ny maie ,1:11 I. IT 1. II . . vous or periodical headache; make ihe hair soft. elusv in u wavy, and pit-serve ihe color perkc.lv. and ihe hair troni lulling, to extreme old age. We could give the testimony ol moie than one hundred thousand to the triiih of eery woid we have written. See circular and ihe IoIIowiul' : 'I'll- hII-wing i? bom a distinguished number ol the medical profession : .V. I'aul. Junuaru 1. 1855. PaoFEssox O. J. Wood Dear Sir : Lhisohctl d, I send you ibis 'erlificate. lier beins neatly halo for a kins time, and hav ing tru d ail the hair restoratives extant, a, d hav ing no lauh in any, I was ind ced, oil heariaa ot yours, to give n a trinl. I placed my sell m ihe hands of a barb r, and had my head in. h d with a good si ill" brush, a d the restorative then applied, and well rubbed in, nil the scalp was a glow. This I repeated every morning, and in three week the young I air appea ed. and grew lapidly from August his; till the present tune, and is now thick, black, and strong s::t and (deasant to the touch; where as, before, it was harsh and wiry, what little there was t it, and that little was disappearing very rapidly. I still use your restorative about twice a we k, and shall soon I ave a good and perfect crop ol hair. Now, it I had read ol these things at:d who has not? but have not seen hitherto any case where any person's hair was tea ly benefited by any ot the hair tonics, etc.. of the day; and it really gives me pleasure to tecoid the result ot my expi r ieuee. I have rrcommend d your preparation to others, and it already has a laige and general sale throughout the Territory. The people here know IS fleets, ai d have confab nee in it. The aufipi you sent i s, as wholesale agents for i lie Territoiv f,,r ,t Vn I.,.. J: . i- in ai iy exiiaes (l. a d daily muuiri, s nr.. mn.l. I - - 1 -. W ?, far one, return you my HianUs r ,C , IIP IIIK Sfr I i.irliiii i J .1 I I . .. , ,u"iu"i ,oi,si "a.-' v. vvti , o-eiiiii; any SUCH ICSIill Youra. hasnlv. .1 V flfivn Firm of Bond Kelio?, Druggists. The unersiened, Rev. J. K. lira??, is a minister in reaular sumdia. a. d pastor of ihe Outiodox church, at Brook Held, Mass. Me is a gentleman of considerable influence, and universally belovtd WM )Yi:f. BrookJtelJ, January 12, 1855. rr.r.pE?sriR Wood DiiSiri.,,t"Jin niJJe lrioi "fyour II AIR tiR.i.in, n gives tn.- pleasure lo sav hat itsrfTect has been excellent in removing in tlarnmat.on, dandrurT, aiwl a constant tendency o "chiiig. who which have been troubled (rom -nv childhood; and has also iest..rd mv hair, which was Meeoming gray, to its original rotor. 1 have used no other article, with anything like the same pleasure and profit. Yours, tridy, J. K. BRAGG, 11 1 Market St., St. Loui,, March S, 1855 Wear S t: I am dijog an extensive tial in the West and Koutti-westfrn States, as general aani for Adams American Lininvnt, ai.d wooid be triad if vou would favor me with a consienmetil id PRO hl--s.O WO();s HAIR RKSroRATIV;,ns et, dssiirea mat I can iiitr-i ce it in tnanv pla- i ces where it is not known, as my head s a ftviaa ' lestiinony of its valuabl" proper! v, in restonto' the nai lo us natural Color. I run f.niy years old and my hair was aim st white; hot atier pa, ikrmm h.if pint boiiies. my hnir i. a bcamifiij nnbern aa ,t was.t ,een and mcc.'i ..np.oxed in appear ance a:.d I w mid not he without a bottle on hand for UM price oi ten. I should be ,et y clod I. at.erd in any mn ier connec'rH uL ,u.. n . r TOR VI IVE. I have been for fifteerTVea en! erased in the same .business, at d will be glad to hear frow you soon. Very respect), ,!v rrrG j . WM. B. BROOME, ri i114 rkrt t,St. Louis, Missou- n. Ml Broadway, New York, and by Scan Co AuSS Vr'22 ?nd everywhei All kinds of family patent medicines for sale, on ne best possible terms, at Professor Wood's estab hshment 1 14 Market street, St. Louis. April 8, 1856. iWktu 1 5i' mkffttfi cv. j&tm lu BPA VOUnff larlv arl.A I J o j uttu not received much attention from the beaux as her C male associates, said tr U- . .i , . T : ,wver. "I told them that I would wait until the chaff Z " i "UU men t WOUll wheat." The lover thinks Ik heart of excellent judgment. I-An exchange paper contains an adror tisement announcing a lost cloth cloak be longing to agentlcman lined with blue. Patent BisciiitltTMdDraV;. MACHINES, PATENT Dough Mixers, Cracker DH.i improved Ov n Doors, Damp is (. f. ' per-Plate Presses, Power Tresses, Cott. v j 0p" ers and Coolers, and all kind of SET" cliinci). i,u" II. & J. Mt COLLUM No. 40, Eldridge Street, New-Ytxfc March 2r, ld5o.:im k" Town Taxes. PEKSOXS indebted for Town Taxes fftr ith r or all of the years lri5o-';5-4' ai.J." are requested to make innnrduitt payment. ' v no uisn garu tins notice, bv lailinir tflr) will find their property advertised for sine ii days from this date. oe. in ..a ow, you have fjr ,v A. HARRIS, I a Colu etor. ing. April 2-3, 8iiG. tf JOHN IV. CHAMBERS. FACTOR, Gencial tuiuiuision Meifhaiit AND ' Receivings Forwarding Agent STRICT ATTENTION will be given to the sale of Cot ton, Corn, Wheat, Flour, and other produce consigned to me for sale. Also, to the receivini" and forwarding of Goods. Will niak.' rib ra aj. vances on Produce shipped to me, to be sold In re or to be shipped to any of the Northern, Southern' or Foreign Ports. ' Charleston, S. C, Feb. 19, 18oG. tf G. F. AXDF.ItSUX. W. I. ItKYNOIhs. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS NO. 10, 1JOANOKE SQUARE, ' Norfolk, YiB'ffania. Pay active attention to the sale of Flour tli,.,- b;,..l .. TJ....I,,.... ' ' a ivwvae, uxnuill IIIlUCCChM essarj cuarges and rendering prompt returns. May 80, 1856 ly CHARLOTTE HOTEL bv ' J. B. PBoprictof. EVERT accommodation afforded the natrons of the OHll?lrvira Ai in..-, tiote is kepi Ihe Stage Office for Bland &. Baxter's daily line of stages from Charlotte ria Lrucolnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton to Aalu ville, N. C. Also, for the line of Tri-we, kly Stapes from .harlotte via Monroe. N. C. and Lancaster 8 ( u Camden, S. C. ' (i lo I , 1 al'"ns,01 1 , 1,0101 c"veyed to a, T j . I il I lm u' ,ulb luo w ":',r, Jan. 8, l,S")fi ?, m MECKLENBURG HOUSE CHARLOTTE, It. C. ' t WOULD respectfully invite the at- Ah tentiou ot the pubhc lo my House IliiiJ which is situated doors north- as) ul biT t.-l, which is now op. n for n gular and Inmsk i t boarders, Particnlar aUratwa paid u kvaW horses at either ol my sl.-.blc.s. All kitds t , vers will bud ample accommodation m n iiUK,. Having sand lots, shed staMea ami phaty ol wa ter. Aiso. all kinds , ,f smithing done, bvneahta. ill ti 1 il i inr v- ; ... ... oi m.ij; K-paiiuig, or De ones made ;ut and uit to outer, as good M can ba made in Charlotte, m the jin niis, g, J M, to ihe travi King puhlic, that anv thiug in the waj il livery eoanreyaace, can be iili from a sad.lh horso iij, to a coach ami four, at the shortest im lice. Any one calling on us iu eith i bun:, 1, f our business, no pains will be span d to rive ub isfachon. 8. 11. RE A, Propiietor, M. KEA, Ag. nt. May 20, 185C rf CARROLL Sffl JIOCSE, C; facile 1111(5 large and splendid line. -slm v build - mg, on the east side of Cheainr ih ui la now open tin the accommodation of p,-rsoua tra velling by the cars or otln i wise. The Proprietor ia Well aware that nothing short of a wvll-UeiH ESon; will iaduee a eus tom to this, so recently golti n tip j and althouglt very soliciious of patioiiaee, he refrains froBI those thousand-acd-une promisea which hare been made only to be broken bv many of his illustrious predecessors, lb- confidently hopes that he will be sustained, and upon trial give such satisfaction and accommodation as will send bint on his way n Voicing. J. Ij. CARROLL. Chester, 8" C., Feb. 2f, ir.'ai. if a A H M AS) ( IIESTCK, S. i By J. R. NICHOLSON. lllb auhacriher rei -iliilly mlnrnt is IrieioU and the public taaaraJf. that his house. kiio..n il... l.'.d Rotrd Hotel," opposite th.; i st, r Depot, i -'ill open lor ihe reception of regular sad transient hoard, is and the travelling puU.r; and that he is tuakiaf every exertion to (U -serve and secure a continuaece of the kiad and lih. ral p.itrjuagc which hug hitln i'. fore been extend, d lo hi..,. ,. tl.i t t r hiin.-elilb.it every needed a i ra ngcmtnt bus been mut lo promote the comfort of all who stop ailh aiail Ui rooms are airy arid w ILfarnisbcd, III Nf vants are alttntivo and obedicnl, and bi4aa constantly supplied wilh the btslol the kciUW". ... . . . . ul o e lIi J agrt.eabi ii reea oic. His tables tire furnished wilh good hostlers and an abundance .,( provctider, and he is prepared at a inainent's notice to supply his customers with private cuiv. yaaei ol every sort, to any part of the snnoondisg country. He desires to return his acknowledgment to the public for past favors, and solicit' the future au equally liberal share ol putroa age, Aug20,lR54. r,.lf 3Votioe- A "LL persons indeblcd to us rc wnriurl N A l;,y , iaaiMediatclr. or thev aril! find in. ir Notes mid Accounts in lite B inda of dficer for colic tion. Many ol the claims are ol long standing, and nobody cm, complain, tf a Battle meat ia not now made, that it i forcd. B. &. J. LONERGAN. Novrnher G. 18.55. 15 if J! - 23"otc. A LL persons indebted to th- firm of IB WIN, HUOGINS & Co., wi I hid J. f. Jrwin or T. D. Gillespie always ready r happy to sett e. Account am Notes rot t ed by January ourt will be found in tba hands ol an officer for collccti n. - u t7pa mil i;l : J. P. IRWIN. T. D. GILI.KSPfE. Oct. 2.1. j 3-tft Notice. VT Y Notes and Accounts baring been placed AL in the bands of S. W. David, K1-. ,or collection, those who are indebted to me dividuaily, or aa one ol the old firm of Steele & Harty, are respectfully requested lo Dial18 settlement by April Court, if not sooner. Ji. C STEELE Feb. 2, 1855. 28-tf

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