If. I f4 ! tt,; From Ike South Ciwli i AgncaJtTlMf. TIIE PROPER PREPARATION OF COTTON FOR MARKET. The gr e.tc.-t economy in the gathering tti.d 'xrl::' utj Crop which is prudi'ctd, i- Es-sentiaJ lo easHr tha propel profits to ; lie planter. He may have fine land-, pro- j.itkoi' Maons. and fill the incidents to sue : cessfol production; but, if the most care- j ful attention is noi bestowed upon the gnth- : etfaaaaf hit staph-, he la no better off in the end than he who tills poof lands, and ; carcfuHy bu.-hand.-i and protects its jro- i ducts. From the moment a crop is matur- d it deitiands, then fore, strict attention, and no labor i beitcr'jioid than its prcsi-r- ration ami protection from deprecation, u u!l the cotton which i.- prodocad aas savi d, and pflapaiij bseaght to market, it Would swell the production to a degree nuthoogbt of by tbasa aba do n-t look strictly into .letails. If tbtfs wbi !i i not regarded by the larger producers of cotton as esseutiat, i a bet bow much is list to lb planter- by lite careless and bungling manner in which tha .-tHp!e cmp mm prepared for market 1 Ve do rot hazard a great deal in saying, that from t! i- alone the planters sufl'er more than from even short priees, and all other depcasaing eaases combined. Nor do w-e ilM'll illM UIIIIJ O" I H :.l .1 JIVII H 'J .-.I . , i a mt-t !... ...., ...I hat these losses to lb planters f South Caro lina wiitt.'d pay tl.eir tases more than four times over. The careful picking and ginning of cot- .. : til v..i I.. tt, r . ISA i.-i HMWI .11111. llUMWIg Y J aj than atti ntioa to these two operatiotts. A good cotton ,'in should he aocured, and tit tentiou paid to the manner in which tin insiiii' i.i priormed. The condition oi the cotton .-hould be perfect. If it has been properly sunneel before put in hulk, and sicurcly housed against tbe effects of damp, it will be in such order that the lint will be drawn from lbs bru-h-wheel in a feathery, fleecy state. If the gin i-, in proper condi tion, the staple will not knap, nor will the fibre be cut by the saws. Knapping cot ton, and that which is cut by the sacra, al ways sell for less than even dirty cotton. which are well ginned, from the fact, that , tha muuufacturer ha.i the proper machines 1 1 i for cleaning it of the dirt anel leal left in it ; I but irbea the fibre id once dcatroyed, its 1 1 - I value is in like manner impaired. This ex- I emntion from hsfnrr can onlr be orvper- ! , i i i " i , i : Iy see ured by having both toe cotton and gin in perfect order. An orerseer .-hould not only be a capable judge of these tilings. - iii I, . i i . j but he houhl be ublo to ri-im dv any detect- 1 which utny occur in the working of the ma- ! chinerv of the motive power which drives j i the gin, as well as in the gin itself. The I Qeoiana anil Alab.tuia cottons an preferred 1 I in our shipping markets, not aa account of i the superiority of their Staple, but merely I 1 1 bconaae thaj are well ginned. In packing cotton, six ropes should he used to each bale: for if one' should break, then- arc ai- ! Trays A sulbeient number left to secure the bale from bursting. The rope, too. is s 1- (him an exneuae to the planter, as it usual- Iy brings as much as it casta, and hence he cau afford to apply it without stint. If six ropes arc used, the sowing of the bale s on the side with twine cau bo dispensed with; for with close packing the bagging will moot, and even if it does not, there can be no wastage- at the sieles Fnnn the mode in which cottons are packed in the screw-box Ciin hyetn, the wastage only occurs in the top, bottom and ends. The heads of the bales khould be sec surely and properly sew- ed up witu twiiui in the beat manner. Af ter the bide is tamed tmt, avoid the com mon cuntoin of exposing it to the weather. If ito north gathering, picking and packing for the market, it eertaiuly is worth pro tecting from the weather. If these parti ars are strictly atteneled to, tho cotton crop would bring the producer from one to two cents per pound more than it does when prepared iu a careless and indifferent mau- ller. CONQUERING BY KINDNESS. I once had a neighbor a clever man who came t me one day. and said uSqaira White, I want you to como and get vour gee .e away." Why," Miy I, a what are mv geese do ing?" "They pick my pijr's ears whn they are eating, and drive thein not have it." away ; uud I will t i ,,. ... .. v- . . . t nni can i no: said 1. iou nasi yoke tuem. l hat I have not time t ' i uu jusi now, lhat they must said 1. I do not sec but run." " If you don't take care of them. I shall,' Waf," said he, " you will find that a hard thing, I guess." So off ho went, and I heard a terrible fMsVaa; among the goesc. The next news was, that throe of them wore missing. Mv childreu went out and fuiud them terribiv nian.rled and dead, and thrown into the baahea. .w," said I. "all keep till and 1 . , . tot tne pnnisii bua. In a few says, the shoemaker's hogs broke into niv nora I , . . .-aw t.iom. hut let then remain along time. At last. I drove them all outW picked ap the corn which thev had torn down. ,..) te fed then with it It, the toad ; bv this ti n, the them. j. v kvi n-)y tuuig ot my hogs. ' said he. Yes. ir. von will find tl-.. - - - ... imr mo corn whirl, thev lw rr J vail ill HI field.' " 111 your field ? Yes. fir," said I. bO" love Com vou . , muin, iui y wk mnue to eat Wm fn How mneh msschief have thv d .HIP ' " O. at much. -aid I. Well, off he went ata tii stioemaker in anger. What do I 0,1 Jnc-aane s tureea. tt MecktF-ore, contaming be given. Some Agents write that they are you sav, 'Squire White ?" I lliVuLVi R ! M,"V T',f" '' ,'!'h,s !S P(r Advertising will be . j - , , ............... ......... S.....U ui,iiK uvun tor every Aaent wbcre possible, lorfu I cnnnAt tnL- . . . 1... I i -lud oat rxnidin -.. Il mt .1 .... . . , . . S '"r'u lh-it, uui i ., , - -"- eulars, annscripuons, Agencies, Ac. apply WiB pay for all damages." I t I ' X , . n I V. BALDER to lock, and estimated the damage to be J equal to a bushel and a half of corn. 0, no," taid I, "It can t be. Yes," said the thammaktr, "and I will ! nat vou evtrv cent of the damage.' Hie shoemaker blushe l anU went nome. . . . I The next winter when he came to seme, the shoemaker determined to pay me for my corn. "Xo," said I, "I hall take nothing." After come t:i!k, we parted ; but in a few dnvs I met hitn on the road, and we fell in to onvcr-at;on in the most friwidlj man ner, lint when I started on be seemed loth in.,vo mnA Iiaascd. For a moment, both uf H werc !cut At la-: be ail : j have uammilg laboring on my niiiid!" V, what is it ?" "Those geoc. 1 killed thiee of your j,t.f.s0, and I shall never real until you know i,ow j j-ct.j . j am V(.rv ,.,,i ry." And the ,.un, canse into his el es. j Wt.j never mind ; I sup- ! t()(. m eecse were nrovoains ., . j " f,,r ,l ; but j m.VL.,. to,,k V.),AU ,nv cattle uiythiug of him Lroka into his field: ii tier could i this, lie m i in. '1 L'-iu chub, beeaase be ; .-how how patient he CO aid lie. J ' Nw," stud 1 to my children, "conquer rourselves, and you ran conquer with kind- i i,,--. when vou can eon oner in no other FA BillS Vtel'l -liiS- r . . tubsei bf r off rs for s;ile two (arms U Ivins on tie- waters of t lear I i ek in M rklenbarg county the ti st kn ara , , . The Alexander tract, containing 300 Acie3. Wei! mmrovt'd. with a Kood ami SSL. I 'iriiii ml on- dwi llinir house, ano ! all the out baas s aecessarj for a t.irm. ie -'ooil rena r. There isalso A good Store-House rBEXlSES. .r i:.. i.: ...il .,-.) (' h:i rt nt t f . 1IUS piope-iiy lies o ....... j t.'io ia Ko N, on tbe main roan io on- cord. Tbe lane is in all resp cts in sood com. ; ilit ion, aiul contains a quantity oi hue bottom land The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contain This i- also a well improved tarui, with good baildinga, has ex siient Timber on it, a Sjaod meail w , and a tiist-rate : eottea Gia. There ia also on this ; place a go el tioUl :s3B! oj2ea mine. Roth of the above farms are desirable estates, i and will be sold on r asoaahla terms. .Apply on tin premises J. M. W. FLOW. July 2!, 1 r,a ti jrpt T qj JTq Gale. , , ,v , . , rl'llE nnd.TKifned oiti r.s.nt nnvate sal a most I excelh-nl Phiotatioo, lyhisthree and a hull aaue west ot Salisbury, on the h- rnh's Foul 4 i , i i 9 mi r.Kii the :i lisbiil v and half TaylorFVille Plarik Road, adjoining the lands ol Mtm. Marphy, W. S. Macay, Mathew Loci-e and others. 1 Ins uaci OMUauia j-2. wA-OlTOS A Uf.,v , ,:,Ml wl, rh ,s well tun- berca, the iiiwsiiwliii is under a high si aie ol cultivation. Ilu Ibis unit is a Kuucrior , . . , 4,. V ; 1 w, containing aiout 49 .44 mm s-; as this land ia Ivm' so near Salisbiiry, a hands. me prafrcaa ba asade ham ihe .... adow alone. There is also on the pienuees a dwelling house, a most excellent baro, and every ether coavenence attach. Lirr,eto r .1 . , I he up'no.- locality ol lies larm will make it a sai,. investment to ihe purchaser. TsWlH be made aeeomtu.Kl.tin- CsB on ihi- Bubactlber at the plantation, m add'eta bv letter . Sahsbuty. N. t'. ANN BROWN July J'.', IS il AIiUABE.aE "j mCUQL jCC2T ilO j , . ,,,K ,llhCrlt!.r i.j? dVmroaa t . I reaaoviiiF, il" rs h: Valaahle Plaalatfo for s;ile, c ataininc 30(1 Acres, lying six miles Smith of Charlotte, 'iii ei t Iy mi the Providt ncc iw.it, and i b.'iit 1 mile of where the contemplated W- aainlaai, Charlotte and Ruthertord Rail-Road a ill be located. Said land is both very healthy sad proj active for corn, wheat and cotton; there is about 140 acres cleared hind, 75 Ir.-sh ; i 1 'eared, and ih. belancc a Il improved. The j araod-laad ia good soil, well timbered. I iiere is a eo nt live i oiii house, ;i uu a il otm r m ciaaary I out build in A first i ate Gin House, also a tirstrate S.iw Mill, all in pood order. Said place is one nt' the best l Cil;0:is lor a ""d I Ml ie-lwsioitli in the Count V- Any person wis! ing to pure!. -e Mieli a plantation, woaM de well to call and judge for I hem selves soon, as j I an. anxious to soil. Terms made easy, to , suit the purchaser. JAMES II. KENNEDY. July 20, l8-5t'. tt' 'V CaJLlXA'IdXO l'n TTY1 a FOR ALK. ' I 'HIS unit lershsned onWa lor sale several val- ; L nahle farms in the C tnty of Mecklenburg, N. C. Tin 'list is known as The E20E2JP Tract, Containing 7!it Aciei, on the waters ot Keray t reek, couuuodions Dwei.li no II. l,K d lia-ns. cat. uije house, and ail otl.ei ! use iii 'iiudiis;- in excellent order ai.d protMtcMy not j surpassed by those on any other iarm in the county t Merklmih i. 'I "here is also a Gnat aodSaw j Mill, Gin Houos'wiih tm rajmng by water. alan ' another good Gin ai.d 'flhieaher on the iarm. I he i la. d is in an excellent Stale of cultivation, pleasant- I U situated, eU waten d,and has J75 Acres of clear I id ami. It is alio.-elher lit- ot the most drsimble nlact-s in the leu He count t Mi chlenlwrw. I mish J o se.l this lain, between ilns date and the first of j Januaiy next, a: d will take pleasure m showing it lo tt.e who nay ea,I to eve it. I a am h i.. I A 4 w rmy . .iiutiit'i raci oa, in ine same neignoo.notia, containing 317 , Acres well watered, and having on it a Ian;.-qnan- " 1,1 racetteul iiuiber eonvemral to a Saw Mid. 'i'3 e " im n a;- ine ine 11111 i lael. 1 a. so m ..-I i AlBOtlHS T Anot hi-:' Trad of sum hsag on the watera ol nttr C.-cek, in Mecklenburg County, contatlkimi 51i".cres. 1 also wish to 3,11 my filo mteiesl ui Another Tract, of '25 Acres, on Sugar Cice-k, adjoi.unj the a bove nact Of SI acres. 1 also wish to sell Another Tract, m ot Pawt.ieek, in Mecklenburg : county, ontauiiui; lelvi Acres well wateied, and tol- ssahtj well hnprawd wiili hmldiiiga l Al '' Sf ths-, hnaw WH ba shown at any time eo laeee who wi-h re purchase, by application to he utMcitbrr.who fives on the above mentioned Horns j 'a',,,,,.,, 5 ALBERT WALLACE. . 1856 tf I , A V ( J X i ,V HE suhscrib r bein fi srroua ot P'moviEir. ORcrs li.s Plantation ter sale, eoauuansg 465 A-OX-OS; suuaied ... Dniota eou. tv. sraj lym U 'V. XTt j w ui.7uvi LUBa. wa u is r. jr jil'-QilCllVC lOf ruin. wiieSt. and cortoii. Til, re are ii ! . ..' ; wood. and and an eaat IhM Meadow, koojI dwcB- nis House a .u a. I otiu-r i ce sarv out o-.indiu t ",,d we" a,!tl ? '""' a, d M rtr,;h.,d cannot i be surpassed. Any parson wishing to pircliase s, a ! such a plantation, wow Id do we;! to cail and jnde i for ttiemselvcs. TMRMS made to suit the pur- t t ' ''I c 9 j July 99, l83&l-aT WM. F. ROBINSON. racl "LKT ME.' I ne'er on that lip for a moment liar? cazed B-jt a thousand temptations beset me; And I have thought that the rub es which raised. How ddi-htful 'twould be if you'd lot me. Thrn be not so anerv for what I have done, Nor say that you have sworn to forge: aie; They weie bat's ot temptation too pouting to shun, ; And 1 thought that yon could not but let me. i When your lip with a whisper came close to my cheek. Oh, think how bewitching it met me; And plain, if die eye of a Veni s could speak. Your ee seemed to say you wo;ild lot me. Tlien forgive the transgression, ai:d bid me remain, For, hi tiuth, h I go ou'il KfWt mc; J Then oh! let me try the tranrgictbiun again, Ai.d I'll a? a.J you mtth ,t you let me. "I'LL li:t vou." If a kiss be deliglnfnl, ad tempting my hps, Thai a thousand soli wi-hes b set you, I vow by the nectar (hat Jupiter s s, Oii ceiiaiu conditions 1M let you. If you svear by my charms that you'll ever be true Ana inai no oiner uuiwr i snail j;ri juu, By the s:ars that roll lound yo;i summit ol blue, Perhefa, k, pc-ihaps, an I'll let you. And that no otner danisf ! shall ;et you, not ur' Pas9'" as Heeling as wild, Tiiat uiak .-s all the virtues forget you. ugayta u,.-allud. soft, fervent and mild, yuu asfe .,r kiss, 'hen I'll let v.ui. " - --- - m" Something thilt WHS llCVCr oflt'red before! The best Plantation in Ueck- lenburg County. JLlxn, the best Gin-House in N. Carolina Ti IE Plantation contains 9&Q .crs, in r i- iioi'iiiei'iii'iiiiin,iii'ii iMiiiii- a- FJat Hrat)ch u mi,,.s ,,'Hh ,r, Charlotte- Persons wubing to purchase, w tulddo well to call andaee h.r ihenwtlves. it this tiact be not suih I Cent. UinEA i i.vv i a 01 equally ROOO iui.u, near at ham), can he purchase d upon isir teiins. Il there be ihose who vv i r-1 1 10 puichase a small tract, they can also b' accomuiod led in the same nemhboi hoiil. Also lot sale, a riant at ion with 340 ere, fewKWffia lyme on the waters ol .Mile lii.-.ucli, a miles from Chark.ue, well timbeied. with a good a Poasession to I e given on the Colli day ol December next. JOHN S. PORTER, Providence, May -0, lciao. Cia PLEASANT VALLEY FOBS XALIi. Valuable Land3 and Residence. THE subscriber hiving d termined to re move to the S.mth-W'est offers for sale HIS LANDS, situate in Lancaster District, S. C, on the road from Lancasterville to Charlotte, 2"2 miles from Lancastei ville, and G miles from Morrow's Turn Out, on the Charlotte and South Carolina Kail Road. THE HOME Til ACT contains five hundred acres. THE COLBERT TRACT contains two hundred and seventy acres, and lies two and a halt' miles south of the Home Tract. THE HUNTER TRACT contains two hundred and seventy acres, and lies one mile east of the Home Tract. Tie- whole Lauds are well adapted to the pro duction of COTTON, CORN, AND GRAIN. The Lands are in a high state of cultivation, in a BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY REGION thickly settled, with a moral and intelligent com munity. Upon the Home Tract there is a large DWELLING HOUSE with nine rooms and a large dining room attach- A GOOD STORE HOUSE sufficiently large. This has been a capital stand for tht; sale of goods, for Upwards of thirty years, anil is yet. Also, A gwr Gia Iluiisc (i nd Scrw, extensive Barns, Stables, Cribs, good Negro Houses, Overseer1 House. and other conveuii nt and m eessary buildings, with a Well of PURE WATER. It is altogether one of tht; most desirable, conve nient, and best improved place's tn the country, and it is rarely such LANDS AND IMPRO VEMENTS are in market. The- Dwelling and most of the Buildings are new. having been RECENTLY ERECTED. The lands will be sold together, or divided to suit parcaasers. it wm anora me pteasnrc to SHOW THE LANDS Vr .pons wishhl? to examine The terms will , , ..n.r.-.eeommo.latin- I an DETERMINED TO SELL, bavinf nurehased Eands in Arkansas. Persons desiring to purchase may, then-tore, come WITH CONFIDENCE. tUi t win n,. i ,., T.r,.-.,-i.orv.ta ; i fed assured, will nleaae. Mr address ia "Pleasant Vallev Post Office. I Lancaster District, S. C." The Post Office is at i:o ctf; e: i. BECEHA. Julv 15, IS56 tt' A Elompstcad t'ov 810! $310,000 worth of 1' anus and Blinding Lots, X the Gold Region of Virginia, (Culpener Co.) to bedividi-d amonsrst I0.20U subscribers, em the 17th d' September, 1856, for the benefit of Port Royal female Academy. Subscriptions ONLY TEN DOLLARS EACH ; one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every sub- scriber will g.-t a Building Lot or a Farm, rang- ing hi value from to $25,000. These Farms .....I T ..-,. -..1,1 ..U .1,.,. . ,..M.,i, ,,.,!,l, ..l ...i '.''' .. .. .1.' I'l I l Ut itU IU IUUULI MLUriUt 1U, : nillllrl, .... . . . ... '.eouiiirv sumci nt nnmaer t ing reserren, tne increase m upe rum ot antea win compensate tor tne ap parent low price now asked. The most ample . s.-curity w ill be giv:en for the nuthful performance : ot eoutracts aud in onuses. r"i More :nn lits .-nt- wrmti-i ttt nlitnan nti;ri ' - r i - v . . . Idts, to w hom the most liberal inducements aril . malt done ' parti- to Fort Royal, Caroline count v, Va. Julv 1. lfvt', ;SS'it Stop iii ill ! RAN OFF. or was decoy e-d away from the subset ibir's resideucc nea-. Wood-Lawn Mil!, U jsl.ui iruu:.! y. . .. or, Miiiu.i v the-29.li ot June, a negro man name d ALBERT) About 30 years ol age, r. alter yellow eoinph-.vioii, about h tee t 5 or 6 Mtchea high, ttttnpj Carm, wigha almai 14t()r loti iinds, , .nd n slww o rmm ch when 3okvn to. He had ! oti when he lett, copperas p.oits, heavy domes- .ic shirt, black woo ha, .mi a nr )! round- toed l,o,oe.,nadeSl.o. -l.s.c!..ll es very d.rty. ii.- ti.,,k no other cliites, and no cause ia know, forhis b avin,, I will pay TWKX I Y DOLLARS for h.s l)-lirery to me at home or in aiy ri) the ad oiniruj eotiaty so that i pel linn I' ta- lakca up eut of the Stjte or the twMinds cl h nie, abawin rhai h me, tlsswtng real He w .s in.ikin; for a tree j tiite, I will pay t It 1 1 ISILLAKb, u ,ecur i d until 1 iret him and like sum Tor the i nd conviction of the per,o who dceoyi-d hiui off, it it sli ill appear he was per- sUaucd aw.iy tor ll.eir own purpoi-s. I.E. NDL'li SMITH. G .gton. July 8, 1P55. tf Saw s. CIRCULAR SAWS from 12 to 60 inches, for sale at BREM A STEELE'S. July 22. 1S5C 4t "Hea.ds." A verdant individual, ap- I proached one of the delivery windows at j the post office, a short time since, and ad j dressing the clerk, said: j "Do you keep heads here?" ; "Heads!" answered tbe clerk. "Yes, heads," was tbe reply. "(J," responded the clerk, "you mean gtamps." "Well, stamps." A stamp was produced and closely exam ined by the "outsider." 'TTow much for this?" askod be. "Three cents." "Suppose I take a hundred, can't you let me have them cheaper?" "No, not if you take a million." Then give me a dozen or so, for a sam- pie, and if I like them I will purchase a ' quantity." The clerk entered into an explanation of the nature and value of postage stamps, showing that it was impossible for him to abate their price or give them away, when the fellow turned upon his heel and depart ed, "breathing Out threatenings and slaugh ter" against an establishment that was too stingy to "throw off" or give samples. C 11 A 1! L 0 T T E 11 U TEL BY J. II. Ki;KK, Propraetor. EAtHOTEL At this Hotel is kept the Stage Office for Bland &. Baxter's -daily line of stages from Charlotte via Lincolnton, Slieiby and Kutkerlui'dton to Ashe vuMe, N. C, Also, for the line of Tri-weekly Stages from Charlotte via Monroe, N. C, and laucaster, S C. to Camden, S. C, Patrons of the- Charlotte Hotel conveye d to and from the depots free of charge. J. B. KERR. Jan, 8, 1856, :5m MECKLENBURG HOUSE, 7 CHARsLOTTE, . TV ve-z'M-i li .A. li.. : u . i ri J e t i' ' 1 v nun v uit ne inu ai- rias ntioii of the public tn my House. JfllPj SL t. which is situated doors norths ast ot Ken no lelj w hich is now open for regular and transient boarders. Particular attention paid to feeding horses at either ed' my stables. All kinds of dro vers will liud ample accommodation at my House'. 1 hiving sand lots, shed stables and plenty of wa ter, Aiso, all kinds ofsmithine done, horse shoe- . . , . . . . j ing, buggy or carriage repairing, or new ones made out and eutt to order, as good as can be made in Charlotte, em the premisi s. And I say to the travelling public, that any thing in the way of livery conveyance, can be had from a saddle horse- up to a coach anel tour, at the shortest no tice. Auy one calling on us in either branch oi our business, no pains will be spared to give sat istaction. S. II. RE A, Proprietor, F. M. RE A, Agent. May 20, 1856 tf 711 A JU A 4JA'I II iVIorgnntoEi, 1, . HIS new Hotel is now opened for yL the reception of regular and tran-lflfHtl sient Boarders and the travelling public. aBSfc Every needful arrangement has been tnade to promote the comfort uf those who may stop with ine. My rooms are large, well ventilated and better furnished than an y Hotel iu North Carolina. It is my intention to make this a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. My Stables are large and well-supplied with provender, and I am prepared at a moment's no tice to supply my customers with Horses and conveyances to any part ot'thi surrounding coun try. " C. S. BROWN, Proprietor. June 24, 185(5 3m tlTThe Stage Office for the Tri-Weekly Line ofOoaehes to Salisbury unu Asheville, is kcjtt at the Walton House. CARROLL HOUSE. Chester, S. V. THIS large and splendid three-story build ing, on the east side of Chester Depot, is now open for the accommodation of persons tra velling by the cars or otherwise. The Proprietor is well aware that nothing short of i well-kt'pl Utilise will induce a cus tom to this, so recently gotten up ; and although very solicitous of patronage, he retrains from those thousaud-and-unc promises which have be'cn made only to be broken by many of his illustrious predecessors. He confidently hopes that be will be sustained, and upon trial give such satisfaction and accommodation as will send him on his way rejoicing. J. L. CARROLL. Chester, S" C, Feb. 2H, lciub. tf CHESTER, S. t:. By J. R. NICHOLSON. MTHE sulisenber respectfully informs his triends and the public generally, lhat his house, knon as the "Rail Road Hotel," opposite the Chester Depot, is s'ill open tor the reception of regular and transient boarders and the travelling public ; and that he is making every exertion to de serve and secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which has hither fore been extended to hi. . lie flatter himself that every needed arrangement has been made to promote the con. fort of ;i I! who sfe-n with him : I h,s rooms are airy and Wt II-furnished, lus ser- ! rants are attentive and b tl ient, and his table i constantly supplied with the best of the season, I so that bis friends will not want any attention 1 necessary to make their sojourn pleasant a oti j agreeable. His stuhles are furnished with j good hostlers and an ahundsn.ce f provender, and he is prepared at a moment's notice to ; sopply his customers with private conveyances , rj sort, lo any part of the surrounding I - - o He desires to return his acknowledgments i , . "'r 1 ., ' 1 '"are an equally iibe to tin- niihlic for nist favors, and solicits for rul share of patron- f e i ROBERT SHAW rrr r i- .. . . .he , T 17, " . ;r 'T.?.. ! to Kansas iu" particular, that he intends to con . .. 0. . , . , .... . . .. . - ..... uu ' ' 1 1 i L! e UIn ; tmue tu ! SildtllC aild HarilCSS Buvilll'SV, ' . u- - i . , ? - r ' h' n Springs Corner Building, w hen- tie intends to kee p constantly on hand a ! suppl. of J Saddles, Bridles, Harness, &.( Of Every Description. His friends are respectfully invited to call and soppty themselves, as every article in his 1 will be affordod on the most reasonable terms le in his line It E I A IRI.G done at the shortest notice aud with neatness aud elispatch. Charlotte, Feb. 26, 1856. tt" Cash Paid Ifcr Hides. rrMIE highest price-s w ili be paid for Hides X s. m. Howell. 3 drvii-R Seuth of the Mansion liotc I r" i , . . . .,r . a - f, uar.oiic, jc.. Jvi, iojd oia ft'lj vll, i )) . o-n 1 The Use of Bio Wokds A roan, in great alarm, ran to his Minister, to tell him be could see spots on tbe sun, and be was afraid the world was coming to an end. " 0, don't be afraid." said tbe good Min ister, "it's nothing but a phantasmagoria." 'O, i3 that all!" said the frightened man, and went away quite relieved. Avery smart lawyer in Wilmington, K. C, bad the misfortune to lose a suit for a client who had every reason to expect suc cess. Tbe client, a plain old man, was as tounded by the long bill of costs, and has tening to the lawyer's oflace, said: "I thought you told me we should certainly gain that suit ?" "So I did," answered the lawyer, "but you see when I brought it up before the judges, they said it was coram non judice. "0, well, if they said it was as bad as that," replied the old man, "I don't won der we lost it ;" and ho paid the cost, and a big fee besides, and went away satisfied. MEW PAPER. rP"E first number of this paper, devoted to A t?t:ite-K ights, irrespectivle ol National Pol iiii , will b:- issued in Yorkville about the 10th of AUGUST. The p:iH-r will he neatly print ed, weekly, with entire i.evv material from the Foundry ol L. Johnston &. Co., Philadelphia, at TWO DOLLARS per annum. Such friends as have enlisted their services in our behalf will please tr.insmit the names of pubt-cribers to us by the time above named. A large edition ol the first, number well be printed, affording u good opportunity to those wishing to advirtise THOMAS J. ECCLES, Editor. Aug. 5. 18jC 3t. Last IVoticc.' C ny - ' PUBLIC WOTIt'E Is hereby yl V'ii, that all the Notes and Accounts of Spruit & AHtoii, $iiitt', laiiiel & Co., and AHtaU & Daniel, are trans ferred to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of said Firms respectively, and tha they are in the hands of J. R. DANIEL for imme diate collection, l ""Longer indulgence canno hi- eriyen, as the debts must be. paid JOHN ALLISON Dec, 25, 185&VMf J, li- DANIEL Importer, Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN AMERICAN AND IMPORTED 1 OWLING and Fishing Tackle, . Table and Pocket Cutlery, Walking Canes, Belts and Port Monies, Percussian Caps, Gun-Powder, Patent Shofand Palls, Powder Flasks, Punches and Belts, Bird Bags, Nipples and Wreuches, Washing Rods and Ticklers, Pog Chains and Collars, Gun-Maker's Materials, &c. &c. Volcanic Repeating Fire Arms rtriiiFLES ; A II BIKES &, PIS- TOI, loading from 6 t-i 24 balls, and ?an be diseharged with greater rapidity and certaiiity than any other Pistol or Rifle. Thirty charges can h i loaded and discharged in fifty seconds. No cap, no priming, no recoil, no lateral dis charge. The hall is a patent loaded ball, on the Minie principle, and is perfectly water-proof, and goes always si:re and safe. Also, Sharp's Celebrated Rifle, Throwing a ball with perfect accuracy eight bun dled vards. Also, Revolvers aud Five Shooters, at Manufacturer's prices, to the trade. S. SV I BCRLAND, No. 132, MainStreet, opposite Eagle Square, Itictimond, I Vt A DIPLOMA, of the Ersi Class, was awarded hy the Virginia Mechanics' Institute, for the pro motion ol ihe Mechanic Arts, to Samuel tsiilhei land, of R chniond, tor a case et iuns. Pistols, and Rifles, exhibited at the Exhibition ol articles ol American Manufacture, held in ihe city of Rich" mood, on the llith day of November, 1854. J. A. BELVIN, Pres't. J. W. Lewei.i.en, Sec'y. May 20, 1856. 3ml EAGLE FOUNDRY, RICH MO i J, VIRW1AIA. Cary Street, between Pearl loth Streets, MAXUI'ACTUI! KS Locomotive Engines, Teu- (i'i'M,ltn il-IC;i(l Cam, AND all descriptions of lailro.d Machi nery, Stali'Uiary Engines of any required power ; also, portable Engine, with a eiecided improvement over any others heretofore made, (from 4 to 40 Ivors power,) on wheels, and so well adapted to farming purposes, getting lumber, fec., vvh h improved Circular portable Saw All lis attached, ot 1st, lid, and 3d class. Mining Machinery, Crist & Saw Mill Machi. chinery, Forginga and Tobacco Factory Fix tures of every kind; also, Brass and Iron Castings made to order. p. n aiim. Richmond, March 18, 185G. Gin 8top the Runaway ! KAN AWAY from the subscriber, residing in Chesterfield District, South Carolina, on iSnndae- Ihe 2ii of Julv. a lie. gro boy by the name of if Said negro is about 20 or 21 years of age, five feet six or eight inches high, about quarter mulatto, has rather thick lips, and I believe lyis a small scar on his upper lip has very small cars for a negro boy, is very likely, has h.ng hair when combed out, and has generally worn it plaited and tied with a String behind on workdays. 1 have reason to believe that Sandy his been Conveyed away by some person; and I will give 25 Dull;tr ISetvard fur his deli very to me, or for bis delivery in jail, so that I recover him. My residence is a short di lanee south of M nro , N. C, and also a sberr. distance west Of Chesterfield Court-Mouse, S. Carolina. JOHN P. GATHTNGS. July P, 18."6. 5e OThe Southern Christian Advocate, of Charleston, will please copy one month, and forward account to Mr. C, Lane's Creek P. O.. Union county, N. C. IVotice ALL persons indebted t; u arc warned to .y Ufi iniiiiediately, or they wiW find i. l- V ... I . : .I L . r lih i .! .i uu rtccouius in ine n inns ot --in officer Ibreollection. Many ol Ibe Cairns are . j ol leMic- stiiiuiinir and nnitoilv ran riiinnlain ,f a settle niti, I is not now made, lhat it is torced. &. J. LONE G AN. Novmber G. I8o5. 15 ti KTotioe. ALL persons indebted to thu firm of IR WIN, HL'UGINS & Co., wi.l fuidj. F. Irwin or T. D. Gillespie always ready and happy to sett e. Accounts ami Nc'es not set tied by January Court will be lound in the hands oi an officer for collect!, n. j. f. mww. T. D. GILLESPIE. Oct. 23. 13-tl Kn Wanted. HUGGfNS & HARTT, at their Store on the corner of Main and Trade streets, will buy cotton Rags, and give the highest market price. Charlotte, March A, 1856. ly r-sp A fiWKRT vounsr lady, of the tender fcK m Aa j w . w and sympathetic age of 10, on returning from church tbe other day, threw herself languidly upon a sofa, and ia a serious tone exclaimed t Really, mamma, I must decline attend ing church with you in future, unless we cau obtain a different per frcm that we at present occupy." "Why so?" asked the astonished parent. "Because," replied tbe incipient coquette, "there is a person in tbe adjoining pew who stares at me like a pest; and I do assure you, my dearest mamma, that I never gave him the slightest encouragement." notice:" IN CONSEQUENCE of having lost by the fire which occurred in this place, on the morning of the 27th of May last, various Notes and claims against numerous persons in this and adjoining counties which notes and claims, be ing the property ot E. C. STEELE, A. Beth INE & Co., and others, which were placed in my hands for collection: All persons, therefore, against whom any of such claims are still standing un settled, are hereby duly notified, that unless they appear immediately and close up the same, by note or cash, I shall be compelled to file, for'h with, Bills in Equity, thereby subjecting such re rseins to additional and unnecessary costs. 1 S. W. DAVIS. Charlotte, June 10, 1856. tf The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Company, CONTINUES to take risks against loss by Tire on Houses, Goods, Produce, &c, at usual rates. Office in Brawley's Building, up stairs. M. n. TAY LO!, President. S. P. aLEXANDLU, Vice President. J. A. YOUNG, 1 J. H. WHITE, l J. H. CaUSON, Executive Committte. C. OVKKMAN, 1 A. C. STEELE, J J. If. WILSON, Acent. JOHN F. IUAV IN, Secretary. July 21, 185C tl Wilmington, Charlotte. & Ruth erf or dton Hail Road. PU M Mm ant to an order ot the Board of Oi- jiilllillf.llllMtjllBIWl rectors of..-gfii the Wilminjiton, Charlotte and liutherford ton h'ail Koad Company, hooka are again open for subscript ions to the Capital Stock of said lioad. at the Rock Island Store, and the offices ot Wm. Johns on, C. J. Fox. and S. W. Davis, AL who feel mtereste I iu the honor aud prosperity of the old N rth Sta'e, are solicited to come forward and aid in this great work, th o Iy real public enterprise that has ever sprung upon our people. CHAKLES j, buX, S. W. )AVs, WM. JOHNSTON, JN0. A. YOUNU, JOHN WALKER, LLROY SP .INGS, B. II. DAVIDSON, Cominissioners. Oct, 1855. 23. 13-tf RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL-ROAD. ItalcigU Si C'its ton MS it. Office, ? Baljsigu, Feb. t1, 1856. 5 AS THE NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD is now completed to Charlotte, no tice is hereby given, that Goods and Produce Brought down that Road, inteneled for transpor tation over the Raleigh fc Gaston Rail-Road, will bo received by this Company at the North-Carolina Rail-Road Depot in Raleigh (ownodoinrj by the two Companies) and will be transported thence without delay or extra charge ; and goods designed for the Western Merchants and others along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. All clues for freight must be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must be paid in advance or on delivery of the goods. A Every effort will be made by the Officers and gents of thi Cj nipany to give satisfaction in he transportation ot Goods and Produce. Owners and shippers of Goods an requested tu have them distinctly marked, so that their desti nation may be known. B. A. HAMILTON. President. Feb. 19. tf Office of Charlotte and S. Car- ) olina Railroad Company. Jtnns 26, 1856. ) TARIFF OF TilltUUGII FK FIGHT Between Charleston and Charlotte. Arlicles. Rate. Measurenient, per c. ft. tQ ( First Class, Hogsheads, Molasses, 7 00 Barre ls, do 2 00 Do. Fish 2 00 Half barrels do 1 i5 Do. Flour, ?ii Sacks do. 200 lbs 80 Do. do. 100 lbs 40 Do. Salt, 80 Blacksmiths' Bel- J lows, all sizes, 5 Buckets, per dozen, Corn, per bushel, Wheat, do. Coffee, per 100 lbs Candles, do. Cheese, do. 5 50 Hi - 70 On and after the 1st of July, 1856, the above Rates of Freight will be charged upon all the Through Articles enumerated. All others will he charged at the present Local Han s. T. J. SUMNER, July 15, '56 tf"l General Superintendent. NEW 11 A e: IS 1,1 ; YAKI) Iu Charlotte. THE subscribers have established a Marble Yard, on the second square south of the Court-Houso, and respectfully offer their servient to all who may desire any thing iu their line oi business. Tbey will keep on hand the best and handsomest kinds of Foreign aud American Mar hie, and be prepared at all times to furnish Honiinients, Grave Stones, Mantel Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Step, 6fc. To any pattern, according to the most approved styles, and upon U:rms as low as at any Mai hie es tablishment in the South, All orders for Marble work, addressed to the subscribers, will meet with prompt attention, and will be packed with care and forwarded with dis patch. The public's patronage is respectful! v so lieited, GLEN & McCOV. Charlotte Feb. 19, 1856.ly CHARLOTTE THE subscribers having formed themselves into a company, respectfully tender their services to the people of Charlotte ac4 the coun try generally in their line of business. Thf:y are prepared to furnish Monume.nts,Gravestoneg,Man tle Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Siabs, Marble Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble, according to the most approved taste and styles, and upon the must accommodating terms ever offered, iotbe Southern country, They will keep constantly on hand the b st description of Egyptian, Italian and Amercan Marble. All orders, for any article, addressed to the sub scribers, will meet with prompt attention, and will be packed and forwarded with the utmost care aud despatch. The yard is situated on the north-west corner of the Charlotte Depot Yard. WM. TEDDY &. SONS. Jan. 8, 185C ly tf T,a ... , m lows, live 0 lonjr that they have to put sticks on their horn for their wrinkles to ruu out on. 3 BWhy is a man who gets knocked qob at an election, like the world we inhabit ? B cause he is "flattened at the noils." J. & E. B. STOWE op STOWESVILLE, GASTON COUNTY, N. c. HAVING opened a House fot the a,L their goods in Charlotte. dVahe t0 ZS . tent ion of Merchants to their House. f goods are known, and a call from buyers n fully solicite d. They also keep a good S of Groceries, and will endeavor to merit n, 7 age. JASPER STOWlV E. B. STOWE ' Charlotte, N. C, April 1, lS56.tf " w. I bIuiisfoi COM1IIS8I01V !fTERCH i AND AGENT FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKETS CHARLESTON, S. c LIBERAL advances made on cunaijminenu m produce to my oddiess for such. 01 Sept. 11, 1&55. 71y. C. J0HNS0N FORWARDING and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARP VHARLLS10i, Ho (? ' Aug. 10, 1855. M- JOHN W. CHAIflBttltS FACTOR, Genet al ('oiumisioii Merchant AND 1 Receiving & Forwarding Agent t if .f icfr.. f .t , r , hJS TRICT ATTENTION will fc5 be given to the sale of Cot ton, coin, w neat, l lour, and other produce consigued to me,, for sale. Also, to the receiving and forwarding- of Goods. Will make liberal d vanees on Produce shipped to me, to be sold here, or to be shipped to auy of the Northers, Southern' or Foreign Ports. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 19, 185(i.--tf ti. F. ANDERSON. IV- P. KEYMOLDB. AEi;SS0 & REYNOLDS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 10, ROANOKE SQUARE, Norfolk, Virginia. Pay active attention to the sale of Flour and other kinds of Produce, avoiding tinnewsKyr eharges and rendering prompt n turns. May 20, 18T.G ly PROFESSOR WOOD'S KAHR IRIS ffflKAmi. It lias wotked M lia csaaj ''JHAT all the bald and gray can fie restored! -L perfectly to original growth, so far as tbeir locks arc concerned, does not admit ol a d'u.bt; br fides it will cine cvry pos.-iiile disease ot tin m-u ir whether developed 03 d.n.dri.r', i rhii f, or m ihe shape of cutaneous eruptions even scald-lirtd and in no possible case will it Inil of curing, a if by magic, nervocs or period'ical beadschr, mdii use il twice a week by the youngr regulaily, it prrserve ihe color, and keep ihe lin fiom lalimgr io any imaginable aye. Read ai d u;dge- Ijngansport, is., June li'jj. Messrs. O. J. Wood & Co.: Gents: Yours of ihe 13ih come tMy id hro" Enclosed, please find thii ly i ight dollais, it Uii g ihe airhiflM for Hair Rt sioianxe. 1 hr "ld IS all. If yon choose, you may sr . i tif dozen notlies illail Iteaiofjitivej I thn k 1 can mII it. It hn- worked ni racles in this place. 1 aol'ta man six 81 bottle, thai was bold, and it IcirhoJ new hair out oh o.-pr his head. Youia, respectfidly, M. H. GRIDI-HV. . R. II. Office, Vandalia, June 21, 1851. PnoFESSiT. " Ot IJ DKAk SIR: i iakw pleasure in bearing volutin iy testimony to the excellence ol yonr Ilair h toraiive. Three lnomhs ago, my lisir wni rrr gray. It is now a dai k brown, (ihe original sslpr, sinooib and glossy. Thf onlv applica'ion I hai matte to it, has been the I fair KeStorshve prrpawd by you,anU winch, from the re ault in my own cat. I can most cordially recommend to oilitu, Respt cilullv, youm. EDWARD W0I.C0TT- Vincnves, la., June 21, IBi'J. PROF. O. J. WOOD: As you are aiout w msnufature and vend your it cently d i-coveud Hair Restorative, I will slate, for nomsevcf il may concern, that 1 have naed it. ai d knwn tt eis to use it ihat 1 have, tor t-evcial yi air-, be in th" habit of tisinu oilier I loir Id aioiame, "d that 1 fi d youis vastly attpenor to any other I know. It enttri ly cleaners the hetd of daniftufl, and wuh one mont! 'b proper use, will itw.rr t,y nerstm's hair t the original youil.lul color mm lextute, iriving it a lit nliliy. sob and glor-cv fr ance; and all this, without d scoloung il" I''1'' that apply it, or die dies- on wliieh it d"'f- ' would, therefore, n commend us nt-c ti) rvrij or' desirotiH o having a fine color and irxnirr to l-sif R. spectlully, youts, WILSON KIM. St. Louis, June 2. W1 FROF. WOOD: As you sre about i i"f' and vend your recently discovered llan Reeiomire and as you request my opinion of il, I !'' thai my hair was, a lew uionihs aim. very g'S)', and olier using two bo tlt-s of your IItr Jr n ' t.vc, it resum d its oriainal color; ai d P plication, all diu dmfi has d eapp anc ix ro tuy hend, and I have bem irmibied wiili tv daf ble iiching of ihe acnlp. I am saiinthd. hat who use ii, will not rcgrei it, as it pivcf 'h SPI'' ance of having been recently oihd. I "rr ed, therefore, to recnmuiei d its nr-e to oil wl uV desirous of having a beauiil.il htod of har, I stn, sir, yours, eto. E. L. STEWART. PROFESSOR WOOD Dear Sir. My hair had, for scvral ycais, tco becoming prcmoturely g.ay, occompanitd t1 1 harahii'HS which rendeicd the cnsia..t appl e"1 ol'oil nece ssary in dressing it. When I Co" rnH' t-d using your Hair Rearotutive, about iw" SisaS" age, it was in thai condition; ai d havinc connou its us. till wnhm ilielasi three wee kr-, it basu'"' io its natuial cohir, and assumed a '"'"'"."J lustre greatly to lie preleried lo lho prndectd"! tbe application of oils tn anv other p'fps1"" have ever used. I regard it as an nidi""' article for every J dy's toilet, wheher to be Hrir RoatoiStive, or for the simi.le purpoe 0A"1 ing or bea.tti'ying ihe hair. You have to reier to me all who entertain any doubt 01 performing all that is claimed lor h. MRS. C. SYMONDS. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 10, 1854. 114 Tbiid m Water town, Mass., May 1, 185t PROF. O. J. WOOD: Allow me W sf J virtues and magic powers ol your Hair !' -rtoi' j Three months since, being encedin! V frT', liuirmum, unu boon comint'i c a to r. ' tips; aud Ii son began io tell, in restoring '"'J h.cks to ilieir native color, ai d the hoi', whie belore dry and hah and falling off n g seift and ylnsy. and it ceased fahint'; 'I"" disappeated, and tbe acsln lost all ihe d-sg" itchina, tvt annoying before, and now, I n' look, but feel young aea-n. Respecifullv, yours, etc. CHARLES WHITNEV -Sold at 1 14 Market street, St. Louts. M' ri. 316 Broadway, New Yotk.ar d by Scarr Charlotre, N.O . and by Drugeists every a All kinds of family psienl medicines f"r "'.h, the beat possible terms, st Professor Wood hshment, 114 Market street, St. Louis. July 8, lr56 3m

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