I fehittaal l.tlattcr. For tht iV'vtcrn Devijcral. .4 l iiioii between S.iim Know. !fsf ftalaaz au( beautiful -!! I Black It. publi eiasriaa, at I he X or Hi. .Sam: S 1 Miid. the bonot of rbjf face I- q titi: sarpaafsal ly that writhis 1 hat gentle, kind and UvIjr graex Which gildk tbj form wbere'et 'ti- aaaa. The "warj t'nT -!riiu- tli' mirrored lake. With aioliin,' in-ok aadl sparklhag pre A-vl Lr. a-t pure the white MMW thike, In b nutj it!i tbe ayapth may vie. I; it V t'iv nt, l- f !y f'.rm A -l-l ( the aculpVir'n nrt Excel-. A'irr:i's ut" tli" sjanra I.i I-.vi l- pjraees of tin heart Willi firm .1 f IsavJ in thy face Tom iudVi -d the il within S . :n mI --f rtrtuoas and ebasto Thy Bite Ij. forc btm n v r mci. M vi tSJl : Kind rir, tho Stream that rip.ije..- on And Jan tVr it-t peSbae! hl. The tiny bird-' -;v. -t aliening si. lime MMMC in their nt s, 'tis said. Bu nil! t'.at swerteaf rajpe of thine Still lf-t m.- hear, fliti it ? me feel In soothing strains sti al if my heart. And bid it- angry ware be still. rW I bm weary of single li:V. f vill t-un ly lay me in tho grave, o imr, dear .Sam. I ll be thy wife. And freedom and free-lore we'll hare. Then. Samuei, dear, improve thy charm?. Mnk it tiy daily, coamtant iin. Thai whea I taVioajUr in thy arms." I mav he warauilhj ftee4waa Uaaae. Sam : Ah! dearest kirri what slml! I do Tin -ohi.-k hyjowl with aiggir-whippers.' And uroaiiiUf bar made them, too, Filled iij. iih li lik- cheese with shippers. They told etuh otfeer all r;n i :h- Thal I aras hand in ghive with Hayuer, The South anghf -land i" hr gP wight, Thai Sam would ue'er do ought to i. am her. The bogus National Coavcnthm -Made up -f out own piebahl i;n:ig-- i' it nut the ualj tingta section Da which the S .nth a hupe eould hang. ji.it ktili the nuapn ol North t arolina No v cch) with my jr!ii-c iif ever. Ifc-caa I f ooh-d theat with a Rovethiag Waii h ther think is good us t'other. M Imeh, bowercr, is hut bumII, The tidv had nrely turned against no, And now I see rjn cbatjoe but fall, So Bweet maid. I'll fall against thee. f from e-ur being joinrd together. Good shall come and freedom flourish, The Union may be split forever. And wo will still our froo love cherish. Maiden' : Well-Sj kei. Sain, ooaee, aoa embrace inj. Let Union slide to "Jones' Locker' And if the South turns fool again, We'll scud the boys flown to knock her. Their slaves will surely come to us; We'll slide them back, a trick quite funny. And sell them to the fools aain. And pocket conscience with the money. TllEY EMBRACE. Fly around hob-ta;l. Tangle up feather bedd, t. Mnler up rag-tag, . ' Sail in" wooly-hoads. Walk in Fremont, On the (Jiaoa tnuahle. Take a' hand at free -love, Your mamma's good example. Paa around the Beef -steak That Jesse's hu-hand Rttde, Go to thunder with your pork ! Without the hog is whole. Pitch in "Betey Trigger" With Frederick in tlu corner, Fly round free niggers. Old Ileck'a "a onar." Widows.. -They are the very mischief. Theras nothing like 'eua. If they mako p their mind to marry it hi done. I knew one that was terribly afraid of thunder nnd lightning, and every time a torm came on she would run into Mr. Smith's iion.-.e, (ho was a widower.) and clasp her little hands and tlv around till the man was half dis tinct! d. for tear she would bo kilh d ; nnd the oooaroaeaea was she was Mrs. John Smith before thrco thunder storms rattled over her head. Ranpoi. rn's RcBt'KS TO nis NeOKOBS. Returning to Roanoke nfter a long nb waee. John Randolph discovered that the negroes hud been cry negligent. Tho barns were empty, and there was nothing ta at. He deter. ninetl to aasraibhi the ne groes and give them a talk bag. Ladies and gentleim n. n:' ho. 1 iippear hoftire you with great diiihh nre the present occa .s-in; perhaps Indies and gentlemen, yoa fc 1 as d ply as I do, f.-r nfter iaspecthas th" harm 1 cannot and any rvidenec of your iudustrj during my absence. What ir to he done J We have aothiag to eat, and t" avoid starratioa, one of us must no raSri)y run away. Now htdise and eea tlein. n, I have a pmpotdtioa to make which is this: that as one of u-s inu-t run away, vo bed baftof compromise tho difficulty, and both uf u run away togi'ther.' LIT' The following least was given hv one of tho Boston Marshals at a collation given thrm by Ifr. Potter, tbo aarnero th fmgt tive Sims, at l is plantation, during th- ir toy in Stavaoaah. Tht North and Saanb May tho lioks of the cfcata t!iat hinds their aasan ha strong rr than ever the. Abolitionists pitched into b II. Kiid Hunker Hill Honamaat rolled gntaat the gute ! kaSportsTaea may be interested to learn that small shot when mixed with about one third its quantity of fine sand, will keep more closely together and kill at a distance uf to "30 yards further than ordiuary HEROIC YOtTNO GIRL. A corre-'pondf.nt of the London Times, writes fuBjevsj An ii stance of womanly presence of mind and unmanly parsimony occurred at Boutibeud, on Saturday aferaooo last, Sept. G. A gendeinaa had engaged a bathing inaehine, and h id swam out about one hun- j dred fuct from the machine, when a cry ; was heard of "Save me! save me!" Tie was attacked with cramp: his arms were up right and finger.- extended. A young man :-w;'tii out to hi ill and eould have brought ' I m 1 iT I.nrl l.. 1i e I? l-i i V 1 1 i n fT I. in ! clasped him round, and prevented further nction; they lth saok twice together. At this mom.-nt. a delicate-looking young woman, about tweutr yean of age, (Mine Emma In7rain. redhat theKoyal South- end Itnths, near the pier.) rushed into the and imp out to them with all her and sucocded in holdine both up till a bout arrived and rescued them. The drotruiac man wis taken ashore in-e;i-;bh atid the usual rem -dies were ap plied with succes-: but what was the re wrard offered to this young woman, who had risked her own life for a stranger? and what wa- the value .f tliiit gentleman's life Just one shilling ! for that was the amount he tendered to Miss Ingram, and has since added iagratil ide to hi s ncannesM, by Stating that he was not in such danger as I was ituppoaml. So:n gentlemen uhu wit-ne-rt 'd t!ii trau -ac'ion, gare the yonng uoaiau two or three haif-crownji, and the i iau:eB uoo were presenr naiea to uer uut "it uastbe a. of a Grnco Darling.' frovidence ami Steel Creek roads, and also on the , m . : Wadeaburu' road. Sai land is very productive tor FCKKY IF TkI'E. It is relati d by Thorn- ' eoui- wiieat, aid euiion. There ir 200 Acres of - woooland and an excel lent Neauuw, etwd aw. li as F. Marshall, that a Judge baring once j iny lh.e e ai.d ail otiief neecasarr out buiidinjps, a fined hin thirty dollara for contempt of ; ;,d we!l :";d BPtin' a' d a" "r'.ha'd ''.at caimoi u- auruassew. Any peraoa wislnng to imreuase court, he rose oml asked the Judge to loan . fuc!i a plantation w ould do well to call and judge l, ,i . j,.. t.,,,T,1 : n,,.i uM ! for tkeutselres. 'i'EK.MS made to suit the pur bin the money. a he had nt it. and there , (hr WM p kouINSON. was an friend present to whom be could so j July z'. iSjG :f wi ii apl'ly to an Honor. 1 Ins wa stumper. The Ji .-ige looked at Tom nnd then at the Clerk, and finally said : Ch rk remit Mr. Mar-hall's fine ; the State is bet ter able to Io-e tliirtv dollar.- than 1 am."' Notice. ON the -2lth day of OCTOBER next, on the ih premises of the property, known as the FliANIGAX MILLS. Tb'T'- will I e sold at public auction the fol lowing prop'-rty, viz : a 1200 BUSHELS OF CO RN, ctts m o Borises and two Mules, TWO IVAGyS, a Storl of Cittlt, anion,, than aoud Milch ton J2pt5 FARMING 'O D J) 72, JI 0 1 'SKll OLD L- Kl TCJJ KX FURNITURE, lv.. fv. Th- above propeity will be'Sol.l on a err dit. Terms made known on the dav ol sale At the same time there will he hired some NEGROES, consisting of three WOMEN AND A D0Y. There will be sold at the same time, if not : previously sold, the '' 1 FT iTF ' Jt VdALi x. o 1 -1 Pi, j known a the FLAN IG AN MILL PROPERTY containing about j TWO HUNDRED and NINETEEN ACRES, including the valuable I GRIST AND SA W MILLS thereon. These Mills h;ve a larce and in- creasins patronage. I he Lai'd is very valu able for arieu'taral purposes. ios. ii. wir.sox. Attorney in lart for the Proprietor. Sept. 2, ISoO trs A Valuable HOUSE and LOT rIIE mibseriber offers for sale his i large and well-improved Horse and I. or, situated in the southern portion of the town, ndioiniusf tht now owned nv it. r. uaviason nnn n. i'. .uarun, , i t. r. . i i t, i known ai tin- Spiatt pioperty. Mr. John R I Daniel is fully authorised loinakfl sale in my abnencc. Persons in want ol desirable sit. BJtion in town, would lo well to call and ex '. mine this property. The House and all out building are new and in first-rate order. : Post ssinii given immediately. Terms made , to suit the purchaser. JOHN ALLISON. i r. S. The property will be rented until the 1st ot' January, 15.17, to a geed tenant August I'J, I 8 It! t f i i Notice, A Valuable HOUSE and LOT ; FOR SALE OR RENT. UE Buhnerim rs otlVr their well im- 'I pron 4 lots la the town of Char. B I I lotte, for sile or rent, situated in the eastern portion of the town, known us the Penman property, containing 4 lots. The un improved lots are very desirable building Lots. Apply to John R. Daniel. ALLISON & DANIEL. Aur. LI. 16 t: .oticc. A TPLICATKLN wUl be mad- at the next Jim. Suasion of th (Jencral Assi mblv. for ;:n aniei dment to the chatter ot Davidson College, S;:U a.si lor an aci especially to' IDe benefit ot said Institution. W. W. PH ARK, I'res':. E. NVE HUH HiSoN, Scc'y 11. T. ot L. C Purnitarc, Fariiiturc ! T K 1 . 1.1 on hind at mv C.l1- 1 NET ES TADLISHMEX T. two doors below the Pust Office, I 'bar. lot to, a general assortment of Fur n. itur. , whir!) I sell on the inostr.-.i-Bona hie ter.ns, and make to order anything in my line. I sNo keep en h u.d Fisk99 Metallic Burial Cases, And make i.t the shortest notice Bahganv and other Cofias. 1ivr mc a call. J. M. SANDERS C larlotte. Sept 9, lr."6 tf FOR SALE. rgHE siib.-er. ! r off r-s for site two farms JB. lying on ti.e Water of clear Civek. in Mecklenburg county the ft st known as Tl2 Alexander tract, containing 300 Acre3. We:l unproved, with a good and com ii. od on? dwellias house, and ..I .l.- ... L . r or o:u not' s necessarv ior a !i farm, in good rep.i i. There is also A good Store-House ON HIE Pi? I.MIKS. This property lies tti mils from Charlorte, a' las C rss Uo o!s . on the main road to Con cord. The farm is is ail resn cts in soodeon. riition, at.d contains a quantity of fine bottom lKliii. The other Tract, Adjoins the above, and contains ACRES. This is also a well improved tarm, with good but. dings, nna excellent 1 imber on it, a good mead .w, and a tirst-rate coriou Gin. There is also oa this i . a piate a go a i Gold and Topper Hine. Doth of the above farms are desirable estates and will be sold on r asonahle terms. Apply on the premises. J. M. W. FLOW. July USA it 8a 3 turn Town Property, I WISH to sell tny residence on Tryon Street .ilso, Ij Lots on Church Street; and tour unimproved Lots on Pine Street. rerson desiring such property, can lcaro terms, &.C., by calling at the fnsnriiece OiBce. JOHN F. IRWIN. Charlotte, Sept. 2. 1656. 6w. La;:tl For Sale. 1WILL SELL MY LAND lying or. the a 3 S 2E8 3 miles from Char lotte, containing 312 ACRES, with about 80 ACRES CLEARED LAND, the balance in Woods. Apply at the Insurance office. JOHN F. 1KW1N. September 2, 18-16 Cw j Vnltiahle Pait' Cl'CCk Land , rri Sflle. . , jip PLANTATION, known as j 1 the Rosick Place, adjoining the Lands oi T. T. Johnston, Robt. S. Hundred :JOO Acres, more or less, vrTfl be sold nt the Court House in t. harlofte, on Turs day of October Court next. Any prison wish ing to look at the Land, will 'all on Dr. J. .Maxwell, who resides on the i remises. A LI. I SON V DANIEL, P. J. LOWRIE, Sept. 2,1&J0 :f For B. Oates. Cash Paid Tor Hides. rlMIE highest prie s will be paid for Hides J. S. M. HOWELL. 3 doors S.,v.th of the .Mansion Hotel Charlotte, Oct. 'tl, 1855 LM'Q FOB SAltS 'IilE subscriber being desirous of .1 removiue, offers his Plantation for sale, containing tz. r? v -f a 2 siu.aud , Union countv. aud IvuiS ImTiWu iuc FOBS SALE, NE of the best Plantations in Mccklen. h.lf.r ( 'nniil V V ('.. ! V I II IT lllllti VII 1 tf'S o ..... fc , , -oiitli ot luiioite, on the i roviut nee road. eontai Ml ng .ut 40O ACRES About L".U heavily Timbered, and the remainder in a j hiii htate ot' cultivation. Every convenience I is offered to any one desiring a permanent j home. A go;d well and spring of water, a i jrood Dwelliltg-Uousc, Gin-House, Cotton ! Press, ,-ind a No. 1 Barn, and all necessary out j buildings villi an Overseer house the price low, and terms easy. Call and s.p me on the ! pr, iniscs. J. M. MILLER, M. D. Speptembcr, 9, lFoC-tf. IP n x" xjo. ZET" o x Ss ale. : f I " I IK undersigned offers, at private sale, a most ! -1 excellent Plantation, lying three and a half j miles west of Salisbury, on the SherrUPs Fold j road, and about ball a mile from the Salisbury and ! Tavlorsville Tlank Road, sdioinine the lauds ol : Mrs. Murphy, W. S. Macay, Maihew Locke and j oiners. 1 ins tract contains 1-14 X-2 -A.oxes A lare portion of which is well tim bered; the temaindsr is under a Injli slate ol ciiitivauon. On this tiart is a suneiior tleadnw, containing nV.r.nt -JO At Ii l; as 'h19 ,al'd ls ' ;"-. U( ov Salisbury, a handsome pruu can i.e inane noni me in-auow alone. mere IS a OB premises a dwelling house, a most excellent barn, and every other coiivcnence aitach- ed theieto. The superio.-locality of this iarm will make it a sa!e investment to the purchaser. Tzii.mr will be mndo accommodating. Coll on lBe ""cnwi oie piunianon, m uua'esov iciiei at js-tl ANN Eli OWN Something' thai was itercr oliereil belbrc ! The best Plantation in Meck lenburg County; .-Itao, the best Gin-House in A". Carolina. njlHE Plantation contains SOO Acres, in I JL the froviaence settlement, lying on the wa ! ters of Flat Branch, 14 miles south of Charlotte- Persons wishing to purchase, would do well to call : aiidste for themselves. It this ti act be not stdli j cient, OTHER TRACTS of equally good land, mar at Land, can be purchasrd upon lair teints. It there be inose wlio wish to pmchase a small . .1 .. i.... A 1 . .1 - .1 tiaei, iney can ui?o ue o eonnnou ueu in ine same neighboihood. f Aijo Lr wnl St Pin ntf ii m witli fl A awam with a good SAW MILL nnd a GOLD MIKE, lyuiK on the waters of Mile Brai ch, b rniles from Charlotte, well tinibeird. Possession to he given on the 25ih day ot December next. JOHN S. TORTER. Providence, May 20, 1S50. fun "W"stt For THE WAGON! ,Thy is it Jenkins & Taylor sell Stoves ' so cheap? Because they buy them f oni the Manufacturers. JENKINS & TAYLOR WOULD respectfully announce to the inhabe tanta of charlotte and vicinity, that th y have removed ram their Old Stand, o ne door West of Elms & Sprat 's Grocery Store, where trc1' have now on exhibition, just re- "eived from the North, one ot the most EXTENSIVE ASS3RTMENTS Or STOVSs j liver offered in North Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated Iron Witch Cooking Stove I , Which bs gained such a iamous reputation in the Southern Country for the last eighteen months. 1'his Stove we warrant superior to any Cooking Stove row in use. It is simp e in its arrangements, consumes less tu I, and does more work in a g.ven time, than any other Stove now in use. We will put one hesid any other Stove of the same size in the United .Siaies, and if it does not do more work ' in any given time, we will forf it t.'i-'1 prireof the Stove, and qu.t selling and go eur death : tor the belter one. All Kinds of Parlour and Box STOVEs. i We have, and constdiitly keep an extensive and varied stock of Tin, and Sheet Iron, Japan and B itannia Ware, Brass Kittles. Cast Iron Bed Steads, Hat Racks, Cradles Av All of which will be sold Wh .'csn.'e and Re j tail, cheaper than has ever been before ot i tered in this vicinity. We would re urn our thanks to our friends i -,i iij.uiucij no me v. ry imerai patronage i they have bestowed upo i us, and they may t re1 issued, tha we shall endeavor, by close tention to business, to.ether with deter- i initiation to please, to merit a continuance of the same. Our Motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profit." Ladies and tientlemen are particularly in vited to tail and examine our Stock. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK Attended to with dispatch. N. B. We will tell you why we h. ad our advertisement "Wa.ii for tub Wagon," it is because we have three wagons constantly travel ng thiough the com tiy with Stoves. CC7"A ll orders will be faiihfull-' and prompt ly attended to. Charlotte, ifept. 23, '55-tf mmm w 3EfFiT AND I as surviving partner of Springs & 'Wed j dington, have to close up the business of said firm. I therefore uotiry all persons indebted either by note or hook account, made at Clear Creek or Rocky River Store, that longer indul gence will not be given, as the largest number of said notes and accounts have now stood too long unsettled. The shortest aud quickest course w ill be pursued for their collec'ion. Call at the Gro cery Store of Springs & McLeod, Charlotte, or at thi Store, at Rocky River, where the busi ness will bu continued, and settle the same forth wiih. LEROY SPRINGS, Surviving partner. August 5, 1656 tf MORG.l.VrOiV, If. c. J. M. HAPPOLDT, Proprietor. ' HIS estabtisbment continues open for the X reception ot the Travelling pulilic. Its character is a First Class Hotel; its admit aide location as regards roohirss and quietness, ' being remote from the noise and hustle of the Cuurt Square, aud the disorder of the Drinking Establishments in that vicinif y;it-s fine Mountain views, a. id receiving the Mountain air ircsh ' and unobstructed: and yet being near m ugh to the public square for any object ol b'jsim.9;, ist'o well Known to aduiuot further commen dation; and the proprietor has added and is still adding to its comforts ::nJ conveniences, and he hopes to merit and continue to receive tho Very large share of public patronage which he has iormcr'v hac. J. M. HAPPOLDT. N. I?. Persons desirous of coining direct from Charlotte to Murganton will find ready t'.icilities of Ir i importation there being a dai ly line of Stages from Charlotte to Lincolnlon; and at Lincolnton, Col. B. S. Johnston, the proprietor of the Hotel, keeps good horses, carriages and drivers lor public use; and at Morganton the subscriber is also ready at any time to transport persons to any point t. which they may wish to go. J. M. H. August !, ls?u 3:n UjT York v ill s papers will please cop) three months and forward bills to J. AL II. MECKLENBURG HOUSE. CHARLOTTE, If. C. m wrei tt r ,-.,i..,..f,u,- ;;(r. tv... , fe tention of the public to my House, which is situateu o doors north-east oi Ken Ho tel, which is now open for regular and transient boarders. Particular attention paid to feeding horses at either of my stables. All kinds of dro vers will fiud ample accommodation at my House. Having sand lots, shed stables and plenty of wa ter. Also, all kinds of smithing done, horse shoe ing, buggy or carriage repairing, or new ones made out t nd out to order, as good as can le made in Charlotte, on the premises. And I c.iy to the travelling public, that any thing in the way of livery conveyance, can be had from a saddle horse up to a coach and four, at the shortest no tice. Any one calling on us in eithei branch oi our business, no pains will be spared to give sat istaction. S. H. KE A, Proprietor, F. M. RE A, Ag-iu. May 20, 135G tf CARROLL MM. HOUSE, rHIIIIS large and splendid three-story build JL ing, on the east side of Chester Depot, is now open for the accommodation of persons tra velling by the ears or otherwise. The Proprietor is well aware that nofhing short of a Well-kept llotie will induce a cus tom to this, so recently gotten up ; and although very solicitous of patronage, he refrains from those thousand-and-one promises which have been made only to he broken by many of his illustrious predecessors. He confidently hopes that he will be sustained, and upon trial give such satisfaction and accommodation as will wntl him on his way rejoicing. J. L. CARROLL. Chester, S1 C, Feb. 20, 1856. tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, LINCOLN COUNTY. Catharine Deilir.ger i vs. Original Bill in Equity Volentine Uellingerj N this ease, it having been ordered by an I interlocutory decree of the Court, ad vertisement is hereby made, that defendant, Volentine De. linger (who is now a resident ot this State,) be ami appear at the next Court of Lquny, to be held for the county of Lin. coin, at the Court House in Lmcolnton, on the 8th Monday alter the 4tii Monday in Au gust next, then and there to plead, answer, or demur to complainant's bill of complain's, or judgment pro eoufesso will be ent red a jrainst him, and the case set for hearing ex parte. And B. S. lohnson, as the Adminis trator, with the will annex, c of A. J. Shail, dee'd, .lacob Sholl and Henry Shull, are here by enj. ined irom paying over to defendant, or any person claiming under him, any estate or money in their han :.s, to which the defen dant otherwise would he entitled, as the hus band of complainant. W. J. HOKE, C. & M. E. August 12, 1851; -6w. Pr'sfee $C RAKft-KOAD KOYKKa. CHESTER, S. C. By J. R. NICHOLSON. MTU E subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that his house, kno.vn as the "Rail Road Hotel," opposite the Chester Depot, is ill open tor tho reception of regular and transient boarders ;md the travelling public ; and that he is making every exertion to de serve nnd secure a continuance of the kind and liberal patronage which has hither'' fore been extended to hi.n. He flatters himself that every needed arrangement has been marie to promote the comfort of all who stop with him : hip rooms are airy and well-furnished, his ser vants are attentive and obedient, and his table constantly supplied with the best of the season, so that ins .'riciida will not want asy attention necessary to make their sojourn MMtnnt and agreeable. His stables are furnished with good hostlers and an abundance of provender, and he is prepared at a moment's notice to supply his customers with private Conveyances of uvery sort, to any part of the surrounding country. He desires to return his acknowled tr mcnls to the public tor pnst favors, and solicits for the future an iqually liberal share ol patron- ag. Aujj 20,lS.r.4. 5-tf KOBSRT SHAW flnnorf linitv of irdnrminor Hn M. public generally, and all who intend goiug j to Kansas in partioular, that he intends to con ; tinue the Jt- Saddle and Harness Business, i At his old stand, in Springs' Corner Building, where he intend to keep constantly ou band a i supply of ' Saddles, Bridle, Harness ,6lc ! Of Urerij Description. : ILs friends are SMSrett'n i !v invr.,1 l, 11 , - v ian CiJU supply themselres, as every article in his line will be afforded oa the most reasonable terms. REP.4IRKG done at the shortest notice ana witn neatness and dispatch. Charlotte, Feb. 36, 1556 tf I Ifew Firm.. THE undersigned have formed a copartner ship, in the Mercantile business, at the old stand of B. COOPMANN & CO., opposite Brem &. Steele's, w here they respectfully invite their friends and the public to call and see them. The firm will be nnder the name of Koopmann & Phelps. B. KOOPMANN, H. M. PHELPS. Charlotte, September 2, 1856 tf Sellin&: Off at Cost. I WILL SELL until the first of October next my whole Stock of Goods, at cost for cash Persons in want of any Goods would save monej by giving me a call. F. W. AHBENS. My Stock consists of Dry-Goods, Clothing Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Cigars, Glass-icare, Saddles and numerous other articles. The assortment is large, and the stock having been purchased mostly this last spring, it is worth the attention of cash buyers, as all Goods will be offered at cost without reserve. P. W. AHRENS All notes aud accounts due George Bargmac. and Geo. Bargntan 5c Co., have been lelt with mo for collection, and must be settled immediately as longer indulgence will not be given. Aug. 19, 1856 tf. F. W. AHRENS Da&0SSI & BlOWafpT" Wilmington, N. . WKHwh t A i tut rot t , ,M. 1 1 U nri rv- . m O IT T IP T f C flP f l.'P MERCHANTS. USL'AL ADVANCES MADE OS CONSIGNMENTS. September 2, 1836 ly rifiE w. mmm9 " Town Point, Norfolk, Virginia. Special attention pnid to selling Tobacco, Flour, Grain, Cotton, Naval Stores, etc. Also, to Receiving and Forwarding Goods. Aug. -it). 1856 ly W. 11 BRA1LSF0RD, C JI JII S S ION HI E RC IE A N T AND AG EN l' FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA PACKETS. CHARLESTON S. C. LIBERAL advances made on consignments o produce to my address for such. Sept. 11, lb35. 71y. C. JOHNSON, FORWARDING and COMMISSION SOUTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, So. Ca. Aug. 10, 1555. Very respectfully, D. N. MURPHY. WHEAT MARKET, Springs' Mills I wish to purchase three or four hundred thousand bushels of good merchantable wheat, for which I will jay the highest cash price. Charlotte, from its facilities of transportation is one of the best inland markets in the South ern States. I have erected large Merchant Mills contiguous to the Raiioadca pa hie ol grin ding three hundred barrels of flour per day, and tokeip them running I must have wheat. So brinn; it along, if you want the highest fig ure for it. I am prepared to grind for toll. If you want flour whose brand will be sufficient to sell it in any market in the world, here is the place to have it manufactured. These Mills have al ready made a reputation not inferior to any in the country. LEROY SPRINGS. June 15, 1855. 47-!f his friends and the public geneiallv.'that he is sti 1 carrying on the V n r i i ; ar 3;.KiiiU B3si5 ues in all its various branches wi;h all the increased facilities af forded by modern improvements. Ilena now on hand a larre number of BCGG1 F.s, ( 'A!! RIAGES, ROCK A ' AYS, tc, made on the most approved styies out of the best material, to which he asks the inspection of purchasers His establishments is on College and Deit streets, where Le will be glad to see his friends. JOHN H RTY Charlotte, July 28, lSoo.tf STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. LINCOLN C0L7NT Y. Jae) Coon and Jacob " nhardi. tt al. vs. John F. Lenhardt, J. Original Bill in Equity and others. IN this case, it appearing upon the affidavit of Jacob Coon, that defendant. John I . Lenhardt, is not a resident of this State, and is bevond the ordinary process ot this Court : It is therefore ordered, that advertisement be made in the Western Democrat for six weeks, notifying said John F. Lenhardt, that he be and appear at the next Cou t of Equity, lobe held for the county of Lincoln, at the Court House in Lincolnton, on the 8th Mon day after the 4th Monday in Angus' ne.xt, th n and there to plead, answer, or demur to p aintiff's bill of rompl int, or judgment pro confetso will be entered ag-.inst him. ;.nd the ease set for hearing as to him exparte, and a deeree made accordingly. W. J. HOKE, C. & M. E. August 12, 1S55 Gw. I'r's fee G. Paper TTHE Merchants of (.'har otte and vicinity JL can be supplied with al! kinds .nd quali ties of vi';ttitlL Paper, from the 1,'a leigh Wrapping Pappr Mi'ls. C. W . BENEDICT, Proprietor K?"RAGS taken in exchange for Paper at the highest price. C. W. B. Raleigh, March 4, 1856 ly State of North Carolina 3 MECKLENBURG tOl N 'IT. Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions July Term, IsiG. S. Williamson, 1 vs. y Ori'l Attachment. L. L. Parks. IT APPEALING to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defend .nt in this case re sdes beyond the limits ot the State: It is therefore orde ed by the Court, that pub ica t.ion be made six weeks, in the Western Dem ocrat, a newspaper published in the town of C harlotte, notify ing the said defendant to be and appear at the n xt term of our said court, to be held for said county, at the court-house in harlotte. on the fourth Monday in October next, then and there to plead, answer, or de mur, or judgment pro confesso will be taken against htm. Witness, Win. K. Re id, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Charlott , on the 4th Mon day in July, 1850, and in the 80th year of American Independence. W. K. REID, c. c. c. Sept. 2. 1856 6w Prs. fee $o Town Taxes. PERSONS indebted for Town Taxes, for either or all of the years 1852-3-4' aud-'5, are requested to make immediate payment. All who disree-ard this notice, hv failinrr in will find their property advertised for sate, in 20 days from this date. Now, you have fair warn ing. S A. HARRIS, April 22, 1856 tf Tax Collector. rriHE SUBSCRIBER BRUS leave to inf L CHARLOTTE HOTEL, BY j. it. KERlProprictor. EVFRY accommodation afforded the patrons of he CHARLOTE HOTEL. A i this Hotel is kept the Stage Office for Bland & Ba" V Hoi of sUgeTfrom Char otte via Lincolnton, Shelby and Rutherfordton to Ashe- V Ali tor the line of Tn-weekly Stages from Charlotte via Monroe. N. C. and Lancaster, S C. to Camden, S. C. ' , , onA Patrons of tbe Charlotte Hotel conveyed to and from the depots free of charge. kerr Sept. 26, 1856. PIEDMONT Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs, m nun coi-rrir, jr. c fW HESE Springs are 16 miles north of Moi -M ganton, . Carolina, located in a beautiful MoaiMtMtu t'ive, and surrounded with magnificent Scenery. From this point the cel ebrated Table Rock, the Linnmlle Falls, the Cave, and o.her eurtosities, are ot easy ac cess, aud make, to aud fro, an easy aud pleasant day's recreation, and change of scenery, calcu lated not only to gratify but invigorate the inva lid, as well as those who seek pleasure among the mountains, during the season of oppressive heat, and a retreat from the disease so common to fe brile regions. The superiority of these Waters has been suf ficiently tried to prove their efficacy, and many broken-down, aud almost wasted invalids, have been fully restored to health by their use. The waters have been raalyzed by Dr. Hap poldt, of Morganton, and other Physicians, who are ready to bear testimony to their efficacy in certain disorders. Those Wishing to visit these Springs, by calling on Dr. Happoldt, at the ' Mountain Hotel," will obtain all the informa tion desired, as regardsittWfecui-ative effects and application to certain fonoj of disease. The Proprietor, in order.that the Patrons of his Springs may have their Stay rendered desirable and comfortable, has secured the services of Mis. PRESNELL, a lady who has had considerable experience and enjoys a high reputation in public house keeping. He therefore promises that his TABLE shall be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and served up in a manner to ph ase the most fastidious. Nothing shall be wanting to make every department adequate to the Irishes aud icants of those .who honor him with their company. JAMES C EST1S, July If), 1836. 3m RALEIGH & GASTON RAIL-ROAD ilalcigh Sf Gaston It. it. Office, ? Raleigh, Feb. 8, ldofi. S S THE NORTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD is now completed to Charlotte, no tice is hereby given, that &lods and Produce Brought down that Road, intended for transpor tation over the Raleigh et Gaston Rail-Road, will be received by this Company at the North-Carolina Rail-Road Depot in Raleigh (owned jointly by the two Companies) and will be transported thence without delay" of exya charge; and goods designed for the Western Merchants and others along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. All dues for freight must be paid at Petersburg or Portsmouth, except on way freight, which must be paid in advance or on delivery of the goods. A Every effort will be made by the Others and gents of t!i ; C i mpany to give satisfaction in be transportation of Goods and Produce. Owners and shippers of Goods are requested to have them distinctly marked, so that their desti nation mav be known. R. A. HAMILTON, President. Feb. 19. tf Office of Charlotte and S. Car- ) oiina Railroad Company, Ji nk 26, 18u6. ) TARIFF OF fiiROCGB FREIGHT Between Charleston and Charlotte. Class. First Class, Hogsheads, Barrels, Do. Half barrels Do. Sacks Do. Do. Blacksmiths' Articles. Measurement, per e. ft. Molasses Rato $0 ) 7 o o do Fish, do Fiour, do. 200 lb do. 100 lbs Salt, .. 00 . 1 OK 80 80 2 50 Bel- j.... lows, all sizes, Buckets, per dozen, Corn, per bushel, Wheat, do. Coffee, per 100 lbs. Candles, do Chei se, do. On and after the lat of July, 1856, the above Rates of Freight will be charged upon r.ll the Through Articles enum rated. All others will be charged at the present Local Rates. T. J. SUMNER, July 15, '5( tf General Superintendent. RATES OF FREIGHTS BETWEEN Cha)r?eefjM iiisil Hew York, By the Palmetto line of Steamers. WYATT, STOGaER & LLOYD, FAC TORS AND General Commission TOei-cli.-uit, Adger's North Wharf, CitlitiAVsTOJr, s. c. I 'HE undersigned, Factors and Commission Merc. ant3, offer to receive, forward, and ship rnerehai.d ise aud prodnceat the followin" rates. I hepr,ces h ie name I are those which are generally charged by all the line of sail vessels, l ut having no control over any other Line than the one we have an interest in, we cannot say that the pr ces here named can be considered permanen t, except by our Line. By ;hat they are permanent. The "Pa.meito Line" has ten fine first class Brigs a d Schooners, co .stantly running, and will car ry I eights as follows: Wheat, 6 cents per bushel. Flour, in I arre s, 2 i cents. " in sacks, 1 0 cents. The drayage, wharfage, i nsurance, and for- Wf.rdmgeommiss on, per bushel , for whe t, is - 41 cts. r lour, per barrel, .... ig Flour, per sack, - - - .13 Freight on a I rases, boxes, A.c, cts. cts. lrom New York to Charleston, per cubic foot. . 4 CTS We measure every thing, to prevent over charges. Every thing shipped by the "Pal metto Line" of vsseis (Dollner & Potter New York agents, and Holmes &. Stowry, of Charleston) an ' consigned to us, shall ' be freighted for the above (.rices Produce and Merchandise consigned to us will have the best attention. WYATT, STOGNER A LLOYD. August 12, 18.,6 3m ' HBCULAR SAWS from 12 to 60 inches for "k BF.EM 3t STEELE'S HAVING located in this place, rest.,.. offers his Professional BarrtaWaRSS sens of the town and vicinity, e Clw OFFICE in the new brick buikW site the Burnt District, Main street pp" July '11, 1856 ROBERT GIBB0N,lTDr OFFERS his professional services to the nnv lie, in the practice ol SURGERY 1 its various departments. ' " Dr. Gibbon will operate, treat, or give adv in all eases that may require his attention 'M tlOffice No. 5, Granite Range, Charlott. Feb. 19, 1856 ly Can foe Seen. T MESSRS. FISHER & BURBOUGRl or at Messrs. Brem A Steele' n PLANING MACHINE For inspection and sale bnilt at this p!ao,. S. J. PKRp'v Charlotte, Aug. 10, 1856 tf ROBERT P. WAlUlKp A i tr in') at Lwar, (Office in Springs' biick building, 4 d001. of the Charlotte Bank.) somh Charlotte, N c Charlotte, July l.r, 1856. . - i.-nr-.i...i Kiixi Waiittcl. HUGG1NS & H ARTY, at their Store on the corner of Main and Trade street, will buy cotl ,n Rags, and give the kigie,t market price. KUV ill A ir L. VYAHir In Charlotte. PTHHE subscribed have established IfaiVI M Yard, on the second square south of the Court-rioll.se, auu lespeeuutiy MKT tbeh Sei viu to all who may desire any thing in tlt ;r i j business. Thj J will keep on hand the best n,H handsomest kinds of Foreign and American Mar ble, and be prepared at all times to furnish TIoiiiiEiiCBit n, Grave Mono, Mantel Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Step, c. ' To any pattern, aceoiding to the most app:0Vl,,j styles, and upon terms as low as at any Mail tablishment in the South. All orders for Mai ble work, addressed to tl. subscribers, will meet .ith prompt attfntiss,saJ will be packed with care and forwarded Uitarfk. patch. The public's patronage is peni ilaji licited. GLEN &, McCOT Charlotte Feb. 1 !), 1 854 I y CHARLOTTE HIE subscribers having formed themsplvr. into a eomnanv, irsnectfullv tt inh i th, v services to the people of Charlotte and the eosta try generally in their line of business. Tey an prepared to furnish Monuments,! IraviMton rJIsb tie Pieces, Furniture Marble, Table Slabs, Marble Steps, to any pattern cut from Marble, seeordiD" to the most approved taste sad styles, and uj.u the most aeeouiaaodating terms ever otlen d in the Southern country. Tiny will keep constantly on hand the best description of Egyptian. Italian and Ami-lean Marble. AH orders, for any article, addressed to the tab- eenbers, will meet with prompt attention, and u. b:' naek1 1 anc torwaraed with the utmost tut ami despatch. The yard is situated on the of the Charlotte Depot Yard. north-wesf cOTSf WM. TIDDV Jan. 8, 1856. Jy Sc SONS. PUOFESSOK WOOD'S SlIOl BK1Y0BATIYI. It la as uoikt ii Miracles! r HAT all the bald and gray can be reslot -I- peif. ctly to original growth, so as ps ll ri leeks are concerned, does t.ot admit ot a dm ibtj l -sides it ill cute every possible disease of tht Ka ;, wtwthei ak'Vclapni as asiidrnff, i'ching, oi m tli shape ol cutanMUan eruptions even sca!il-ln nd ai d ill no possible ease will it fail of emme, ss il . i tiy magic, iiei voes or per. od teal rH-sdsehr, ui il t used iwici a week by the votiHe. reeulsrlr. u sal 00 I pi t serve ihe color, and keep die hau fioiu tafa0i, q() to tiiiy inasginable ae. Read ai d itdea L')f.'uiiipurt, la., June 1655. Mi ssrs. O. J. Wm p A Co.: Gsarrs: Yours of the Ktth eamr dh te Imni Kneloaed, please fed ihn iv-eutht doilsrs, D lnu the amom.t for Hah Restoratne. 1 bats sold il all. Ii yoi, ttuMma, yon tasf Mid til d-jsen bottles Hail Resioisiive; dm k 1 ess srM it. It has worked Miracles hi this (dace. 1 ssk a man six ! botaes, that was bald, ai d it hsehid new hn mil nil o.ei his I. end. Yoi, is, respectfully, M. IL GRID! EY. C ,'. t. OiT.ce, VunduVm, June. 21, 1831. Prcfessi k ui v DEAR Silt: ! lake pleasure in bearing velut.ti ry tcMuuony to the ix'-lhnce ot youi Flair Kr. turative. Three reoiuh ago, my fair wes trir riay. It is now a duik blown, (ihe eriginsi ruiui ) snimuh and gtwssy. 'Ihe only appheauMi J made t. it, has bteu the Hair Rssiwsfr.p"srid by you, and which, from the result in my r.n tun-. I can most cwtdiaUy u commeid tooibets, Resuectiullv, yems. EDWARD W0L( 0TT. Vincevnes, ln.,Jiive 21, 1853. PROF. O. J. WuuD: As you are aioiii to manutaeture ni.d vei d your rceeiirt docorewd Hair Resloi alive, I will 'sime. tw KManaevri ! may toecein, thai 1 have ustd it. ni d km wn ntf eis to use it i hat 1 l.n , f..r rew raJ an . bc n in i he ha hi i of usmu oibei Hair Kr stoistives, and that I li. d yoans Uf-tly supe rior IS at y otla 1 know It i.i ii i Iv el a uses ilielierdol dnsitiii'. and with one mnnil 's pteper use, M ill i WM ! person's hair hi ih .t ifittsl jrowbhd co!oi aid texture, civing ii a healthy, son and ghwsy arresr snee; and all this, witboi t discoloring tin Land that apply it, or the dies" AST which itdi'l"- ' would, therefore, kc nunend its i e to rvetj asa dsinu's o basing a fine tolor and lestnra to ln,r- Respectfully, youts, W1U5024 K1M- StTl.nui$, June V. 1853. FROP. WOOD: A you are abnoi to pf pa" and vend your reeentl diseoveird Hnu BeawtBtnS and ns you m quest my opinion of it, I will lt" i bat my hair was, a few moo tha ape, wry p,flV. and alier ussnp two bottles a )onr I In i BeSW tive, it re soui' d its mfsil al celotj aid iira m e sp plicatton. all dandruff has disaparuHd N"aa af head, ami I have bern tn ubhri with W ble itching ol the acaip. I am sarisahd, that tbsM who use it, will not regret it, as it gives i lie I SSI St a ;ice ot linvmi' Ik n , a i.i ! , , ,. 1 . !! ed, therefore, in reeommero its um to nil wlot; desiiousof having a beautihd luad rd hsir, I am, sir, yours, etc. E. L. STLWAT.T. PROFESSOR WOOD-IT" Dear Sir. My bait had, for scv-ral years hfta becoming prematmely gltjr, SCCOSpsi)i(a Ij haishmss which rendered the eu stai.t apftBoWa of oil necessary in dcssmg it. When I ti nf"' ed using your Hau RestonHrte, aboel iwi tr" aio, it was m iha condition; nt d bsvtaf r'i.nin its use till withui the last ihn e wri ks, it l'"f to its natural color, aud assnaud a aohs'att J lestre greatly to be pretsTtod to tboss pwfH 1 the aptlicaiion of oils cr anv ether pienaasasJi base ever usrdl I repaid it as an n (I ,r', article for every 1 dyV toilet, whctbeT mbfi-'"1' Hnr Restorative, or for the simple BuipoM in' or beaoliying the hair. You have pefBSlSSf to reier to mr all who entenam any douht ' perfurrmng all that is cla med lor it. MRS. C. SYMONP. Cincinnati, O., Feb. 10, 1834. H4 I'1""1 IPstferfssni, Mas., May 1, PROF O. J. VV )OD: Allow me sirtwea and msgie uawcrs of your Hsir Beaaa j Three amatfcs since, being exre abOf9 purchased, and soon cnmmri cid to life. UM ties; and Ii somi brgnn to tell, in restoring jWgj locks to thir native color, ai d the hai', n before diy at d harch ard fallirp e.fT aswasmj sort and gh.gfy, and it eeasr d Ibllinp; ihf 'r'yd disappeared, and the scalp lost all die dfPu "J ifchin?, so annoying before, and now, I "ol look, but Icel young sgain. Rcspcctfullv, yonr. r" mm. CHARLES WHITN" trrSnM mill T.rlrt rrt Sf J.ov'.t, m ri. 316 Broadway,' New Ymk, ar d by 2ass i r.hnrlnt,- XI r- ..l l. nr.ifritS eVttJ All ,Aa r.c f :i.. meHirir.es 'or..w h. the st possible terms, at Professor Wood J lishment, 114 Market street, 8t. LwU. ymyg, fs ;t

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