ilWXX'N fajWWMMv . r IHMMH X ssmaonnilnnliH sW . 1 VI IkXT " - VOX . JOirn xV rJGK-LJ . III M HI I I w Tl lil n nf MiJP Id m "in M ' - - MM . . LJ. jLi!,! lielHseiice, the News of the World, Political Informalion, Southern Rights, Agrkiltw, Uteratar art Miseelkof. W M . I. YATES5H EMTOI AVO l'HOI'i:iKTl!. . CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. $2 PER ANNUM In Advance. T 33 ZTL Office on Mirx Street, ) ONE DOOR SOUTH OF MANSION HOJoE. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1856. VOLUME r. NUMB EH 22. :N"ot7- Series THE ( eurocrat vn ( published every Tuesday Chaining the Wtesl NVw fH mid acco ratc Report f MM fce" : 1, i- (II) J-..r the fear, 11 - - - f .,;,, within sis months... - SU Jf .. .ill :it. r ln- xi'initi..j) nf th.- . ;ir. 3 QU Auv 1" !'' sending us fire m w sub- , M ril".. r-. ;i!it l by tin- advance .-ul- j -,-ripti.n (10)will reevhrea sixth cpygra j jj, f. r Mir. I -5 ul.-iri)i r. and others rbo mny wish j scud ilium v t ns, can ' by until, at j our risk. ADVERTISING Om ajnani af 16 lines r leas, tor 3 months, i - " tl " O (HI M M .1 ' - ej 00 Fioa ssiornd and businew Cards, not ex ((cii'.iii: six Irnen, pet annum. a 00 lliir .-1 tare, l lines, ui k-ss, m at insertion, so mi Kadi swhse 1'ii-iit insertion, a ; : Transient advertisements must be pahl t r iii adi auee. . i'r announcing Candidates forofnev, i in ail ance. " L Ad'rtismcnts nl marked "ii tin! aiauusrript fur a j --: li - linn, will ! in- j pert il until forbid, and charged accordingly , Wll Ll A M .!. Y ATL 3 7 .1 rJ If n At llii Western Democrat Office Wnrrwiit, Marriage License, Taa l ( ii't- SubiMK'Hns .!;ir" tickets, Aduiiuistrators Iknuls a'nl Uelters, litinnliuu Itonds, ludmtures, ),.,,'- f-r cnvyiig Iaud or houses, Prtrtiut:iu llouds, ju.-t printed. I . Rhtiikr :' nil khida printed t order k !.-irt i j :. . i .Hiin i- mv ii W'iuUT, far tlw iir)i I I ! 1. . . I"- f 'I. .!'..! I.. Iiii 'i. r tli il UNJ01t.' liuriug t!r- i nfain iiiliu-- iha M - IT- .1 j I.. ciun- and ll.K.piia!s in i iK and i una- : .1. I.ina. M Nuti-s and :iei-.u!iits jiii vi nis to tW Ttir Kitfare in uW ueutds Ww. A. ' u. us. K.- j. far . c 11-. Um. KOBt:i:T4.!JBIX, M. 1. ; iTbartott., Oct. , KA Ui-tf. i f s ( Nsr.'vri'.Nt K A Cn v. hi;-;i icvui r.-d !' having n :h:s ill kt by Oh- a-.-, im I be litNis N :. i !ji ilia and i inn of th.- 3ff7l !' iy la-i. : hI chum against ntmitfonn pvnmn ..i;..:ui.i ' nMiiitu . '. ii rli iuiii-s and eiam: s, I..- in tin- pmprrty ..t E. sn:i:i.i:. A. Ktmt i m: A I '.. anl uih.-i-. a inch wr ;.!;. J :n my j hawtbi fit .-..11. riMOi: All .-rsnus. r. -i'.in-.: ; ;: -i:-I . klMH UlV 11 SUCH mUHM i r . .. -i. i. - In l.v ilnlv K.itilii-.l. tltat lllib -s lb-v apaf jaawi rlhitrl" Mid afc ap lla vstm , by i i.- ,r raa, I Hiail la comja-ia iib, KilN in lenity, th.-r.-by ubj.itin" uch ..r h. 1 m::.:1 la" e. ;-d 1. 1 I. - l,i :i'!'liii iicu am ui. i. ,-- . s. V. HAVIS. iriurbat.-, .Inn.- !o. 1-V.. if The t'liarlotlr HMCiial a tt - In -tsr;tt3r( Company MM IM lis I., take risk vl Kie- on ; 1 - 1'"' imaal r- . i .-, ta liraw l-y s Bui -i.r. M. X. TYI. ':. Piwabral. . P. Al.KX N UKR, V.,-.- Pr.-.-Jv::t. J. A. ViWXti, "1 j. h. win n ", i J. II. (KS, y Ezecatire CVmiaaitUe. OVKH W N. V. STKKI.K, J J. II. Wll, a X, ernt. H NY I". Hi Ii IIIsuN. Secretary. Jab ::, s-,. il Fnrnitiire, Fttreitiirc ! IK r.l'.r an hand al my CA Hh y . v I T.I i. Ml mi: y r, two rinqr hefaw the Pnat Office, har 1.4 n, general -ortmet.l 1 urn-iwri-, u hich I si !l ou the wioal r -.i. Koaable li-rms. mnl aaake to order aything in my lin?. I .1-" !,.(; on hand I Hcfallir 53?'.: $ :vs. Ami make at tlio iiliortst notice Mahogany and other Coffin. Give me a call. J. M. SAXIKR Charlotte, Sept !, 1856 tf A Xew Tailoring Elato lihiucail. JAVRS BKIANT infarms hw trit-ad aud J-inn-r imli-ni-. tleit b' h.i n o;i.-iii'd i. TAIl. i;iNi RSTAIU.ISHMKNT in Kaigs n- Itnihling, bT' he w ill 1m- haiwv to see any one wanting any thing Juno iu b.- line. AH work anantej. i let. -'ih. ? tl Barsaia! Bargains!! CHINA DEPOT. n E . KlVnOLS & BROTHER, DIPIMtTCKS up CHINA, GLASS So EARTHENWARE. Abe, .1 gr.-at rariety of Tea Traya, Lampa, Tahb Catbty, Britannia and Bloch Tin War.-. YYood and Willow Wan-, and Housekeeping MriMe srettrt ary. MAT DOOX Ti I iiMMl.Ui'lU. BASK, COLI ABIA, s. C. Z "ir Tacking nan anted. Nov. II, 1836. l'.-lm I Town Taw. PERSONS indebted for Town Taxes, for eithef r nil .f the years l-o'J-":'4" and-'."., aw r.-cpi, sled t.i ni.-ike jsssMsfMU pavment. All who disregard this notice, bv t:.ilin-- to pay, will rind their property advertised fursnh, in SO 4nya iVom this date. X'ow. yon have (air warn hmg. S. A. MASKIj, Aprils, tf Tax Coll. dor. DALLAS HOTEL For Salo ox ncnt The stlbs-rib -r off rs to Sell or Kent . th- Dalla.- Hot. 1, generally known by the nnnu- of IVsrnun's Tavern: bcrk- ' lus si.oi given about the first of February, 1?-"T. mi Any person wavaw to purchase or rent, will pi. ase call eariy and examine the pcenuses. This Hotel receives the principal evtOH in that section. AHDSE V IIOYL. Oct Ir:. 17 tf NEW GOODS. W1 i Me receiving oar usual Snpply of Fall and Winter COODS which shall be sold a.s cheap ;ls tin cheapest UK EM & STEELE. o,- 7th, 1S56. EMBROIDERIES. Sarisa.JacoiM'1 A Cambric Edeiiursdi In rtiiin---. Floanciuint, Collars, " Sl-.v.s. Betx, black and wbit. 151IEM & STEELE. V. r Lao Oct. 7, 1 EOLTING CLOTHo. UliEJI STEELE. Oct. HARDWARE OF A LL KINDS. BRK.M STEEL Oct. 'th It jLADIEy DRESS SILKS. HK Largest and most varied Stock ever offered in this market. BREM i. STEELE. Oct 7, 1 8 I B. LTSLI N D'LAlNS, t: A S H M K K E S, LA1D3, &c. BREM St STEELE. Oct 7, l-.U. LADIES CLOAKS. A A VERY LAlit;E ST KJK. v rv eh an i ud U-iraul. BREM & STEELE Oct 7, I -"hi. J l-;t FARiUS FOR AIiE. PsiIIE subscriber ofi rs fur sale two farms 32 lyinir an the waters oi flear Cuek. in M. ckleuburx county the li,st known as ; The Alexander tract, containing 30 0 Acres. ; Well imnroved. w itb a siood and ? I I corautod.oas dwelling bouse, and j all the oat-bous. s necessary fi ui' a farm.ii! ! repair. There is also , j tjood 3torc-liOUse UN TUB raEMlSES. Thi proper! j lies Ui miles from Charlotte, at i it v ' toss ivo iti . . . L j l road to Con cord. The farm is in all resp i t- in good con , ilit ion j and contains a quantity of fine bottom The ether Tract, Adjoins tin: above, and contains ;i)5J This i- also a well improved hum, with goad ! bmldiugs, has ex-eilent Timber on ACffifia ' it, a O'ld meadow, and a lirst-rate irvvfj- j cotton Uin. There i aUo on this v7"? i (xold :..5t? Copper 5iasr. ' Both of the al ove farms ai e desirable estates a;. d w ill in so!.! on rasoaab! terms. Ajily on iie premises. J. M. W. FLOW. I July 2., 1856 tt l 1TIOAT1 AKllUJI HOUSE. " i ( a Li ;. V. 1 .-st-.iv build- J-i. in til.- sid.' Clf-sti r 1. pot, is th. aeeonuiMidatlon of ?..-,.::- tra- in' i vrllin 'ih. "II li by ih.- car. or ntk.Twaa. Tn-'i'ie'oris vrt-llawan- tli nothing short .i-t hws by ( of jj Mll-ketl 2B: will iudm-.-a cu-i--. At., at I t.Nu to thL , so n-reiitiv gotl nun; aud although up! very adicinns nf patronage, ih- r.-frain.H from I ihoe thousaml-and-ou:" promb. which have , been nnoh- only ti la broken by many ol hi-illu-iii-iiis j .i Iii etnlid.-ntly lnjan I that he ill b,-iustaiTte.l,and ntou fri d give sneh 1 mtbfactaai and aecanmudation aa will m ud hint on hb way n-jicing. CAKK HX CnV-t. -r. S- ('., Feb. 26, 1 ,ili.- 3fTIIIIC ttOTIE i - Iirelyl- . -is, that all the and Aceounts .. t s,re-.- : : Sl Allison, irtl, DaislH .V '. mid llliNM& Oanlnl. arc irans- fi-rred to the. aui Hh- henetit ol thi rntlitor Ho-y art dbie c.) ol' s.i i-J Finns n-!p--tively, and thai in the bands of J. R. Daxiki. for iiunie i-ri.iu. IT LongT indulgence cannrt I )u- given, as the neb 1. r. 25, l-.W ti' must in a"-' .Jo'.IN AlddsoN J. K. DANIEL JITotice A Valuable HOUSE P.nd LOT 1TI E snhactiber otfers for sale his I irge and well-improved IlorsK ,ml Lot. site a ted in the southern 1 1 1 mm a t portion of the town, adjoining the Ijots now owned bv R. F. Davidson and A. H. .Martin, known as the Spra't property. Mr. John R l ,i l i fhllv author ized lo uittk sale in m ahaencc. Persons in want of a desirable sit- u ition in town, would r!o well to call and c.- amine this properly. The H use. and all out- buildings are new :n:l m mrsi-raie era r. Possession riven immediately. Terms made to suit the purchaser, i i JOHN AI.MSON. August 19, IS56 tf -A - - jKToticc A Valuable HOUSE and LOT vnn SALE OR ffE.vr. rpiIE subscrilw rs offel their well im- j1 A I proved Lots in the town of Clinr loUe, for sale or rent, sitnat d in the' I i. r, ,,f';,,n ns" t-:e bivn. known ns l!,c j Penman property, containing 1 lots. The up i improved lot are very desirable building Lots 1 Apnly to Jehu R. Danii I. I 1 ALLISON A DANIEL. Aup. ID, 1 856 tf SnmethillS h.l1 V.'a nCTCrl ... ' . , i offered belore! i The best Plantation in Meek- Unhnror Cmtntv: a . .-. v r r;.. ll-f!. 7l U( ' o "l i ' - ' radr. Fi at ion C utains 500 Afres, iu ' JL th !' si (th-m. nt, h iej .ui the war ' t.-rs of Flai Uraneb. 11 mill nth of Charlutt. Persons wisbine to pore base, would do well io call I andacc for iheuiselves. li this tract be not si.iii ' cunt, OTHER TRACTS ol equally good lane, j near at baud, can be puicbasi d upon lair terms. ! li there be those who wish to purchase s small tract, :1k -y can also be SCConunodated ra the same j neighborhood. Also for sale, a Planta. - . :$ IO lerP. rhhacood SAW MILL aud liOLD NINE, rjrmsj on the waters in Mile Branch, B miles from Charlotte, well timbered. Poowooioa to lie given on the -iith dav ol Deceuibci next. JOHN S. PORTER. qo,ooo P'rs of BOOTS AM) SHOES. -I I v I I . IJ- I Charlotte, N. C. CATALOGUE OF GOODS AND PRICES: ' Heavy ilouble solq Krogans, loines(io rnanu- iactme, all numbers over 6, at $1 5u oak sole liroans, northern nan ujactm e, a good article, 1 50 nailed sole Brogans, for miners am! Kailroad, !?ooil, 1 5 ooubie sole, round stam Erogaiis. 1 4u single soie riveted Brogaus goo. I aiticle, 1 35 1 25 1 15 1 00 1 50 ingle sole riveted Brojans, a shade lighter, " single sole riot riveted, Brogans, a shade lighter, " Heavy single sole Brogans, infe rior stock, Mens' ki; Brogans, a good article, No 1, (Webster) " " l No 2, Y.F.I), 1 35 j " i :, j " lined and bound Brogar.s 1 25 1 5u w calf " 1 70 2 ou I , Oxford calf, 1 75 2 00 Cents' calf Congress Gaiters, peg, 2 25 to 2 75 cloth Pat. tip " " 2 50 to 3 00 fine calf sewed Shoes 2 50 to 3 50 " fat. f lixlir ami main, J iu !o .s on 3 00 to 3 CO Mi-iis' fine kip sewed, (Planters) ) 1 75 to 2 00 r -1 00 to 5 00 Gents fine patent leather (jaiti " 1). S. Quilted Hoots, and stitched, extra, 9 00 j " Quilted Hoots, stitched, ex. & .01) j 2o. 1 . 7 00 heavy calf, I). S. sewed, Planters' Ioots, very clieaji, S (JO I " calf, 1). S. peg and coik 1'oots 5 00 m fine calf, cork sole, and made with copper nails, 7 (JO i fine calf, pp. km c on I heavy I). S. Calf, plain bottom, 4 00 M kip, - k 4 ou ! ' " and heavy welts 2 50 to 3 fiO u Hunariaa, common, 2 00 lers and Miners' Knots. 2 ,';0 to 1 nO . Dit lit YS' DEPAUTM ENT. Boj s fine Congress (.alters, Pat. t ip and Iatmi s-' no t.. o in t'aif Shoes 1 -j; to 1 ."0 ' m K;p Brogans, good 1 2", " " " " good,No.2, 1 00 to 1 12 j " heavy Brogans, U.S., good article 125 " " from medium to poor ?") io 1 00 Youths' call and kip Brogans 7o to 88 ', m extra heavy and good 1 Od lo 1 25 M thick " " 7.1 to Sr " liglit and common 50 to C- DA lii ;S' DEPA RTM ENT. Ladies1 line Congress Gaiters, double soles and loxcd, lor winter, with be Is, 3 00 44 fine Congress Gaiters, thin soles, with heels ;j 00 fine 44 " " without ti)9 a 00 to 2 5U I " tin 4- " " 2 00 lo i 30 j " fine French kid, side laced Gaiters, 2 50 " hue side laced, thick and thin soles, silk, 1 30 to -2 00 ! " fine to common ' " l 25 to 1 50 " fiue goal Boon s,bcst article, flannel lined, ii r winter, 1 75 " fine !'oaiBootes, best article, twilled lined 1 50 " linegit Bootes, No. -2, twilled lined :.. 4 fine Morocco and kid Boots 1 50 to 1 "i." ; 4' line patent leather and fancy top, 1 25 to 1 50 I 44 fine leatb r Bootes, a very lair shoe 1 00 j 44 fine kiji and call, a very good shoe 1 -.r " fine Ibitch Boots, al! kip, " 1 50 ; " li.:c C'.Higreae enameled and kid Garters 1 50 nnc naii in lea tile, mni enamel i i" to i zo Misses Saoes and Gaiters, all grades, prices varying from 5 to 1 l: Childrens' Shoes 25 to 88 OVER-SHOES AND RUBBERS. Gents' Buffalo over-shoes, for winter $2 00 " sleiiih cat Rubbers c over shoes, 1 00 " Rubber Sandals, one & two straps 1 0l Ladies' Buffalo Over-shoes 2 .",o i loin vver-Mioes i au " Rubber Itoots 1 P0 " Buskins ami Over-shoes 75 M Sandals 7.r) Misses' Over Shoes 50c. to 75 I M M RST1 : M ANC F ACTU ll E. a-p ma...- noocs ana snoes constantly on iiaiiu aim mane io oruvr at saort neiice, troiu the best imported stock. Gents' fiue pp. Boots, warranted $S 00 : 1). sole brad bottoms, Dutch edge S 50 u Dutch edu". footed on old leirs, to order fi 00 Pp. Footed on old le'S, to order 5 00 Gents' fine calf Shoes, to order J 00, 3 50 ' heavy kip sewed Shoes 1 7.0, 2 00 Ladies' fine calf Shoes and Boots 1 75, 2 Of) " heavy kip 5 50 E!7"Goo Is of our own manufacture are all warranted not to rip. Prices by this Catalogue are for cash only j government in accord;, surely we have am is the "ood.s could not be sold at 'he very low j l r,;Klll. tn bone for a ssftil admin- figure mentioned than lor cash. I .1 I - l " ine aoove comprises nut a email portion ot our stock, as it la impossible to enumerate every article in an advertisement, so that it may be understood without seeing the goous Cash price of Belts per running foot: :i inch Bands ? 6 R inch Bands $ 60 j :r2 -,' I " 6 1 1 -,'S tt ' " 68 J i 'J i Oj " " 7:2 5y :u; l o " M 7; ' -10 ini " bl j t) " " 4 1 II " " 861 6J ' IS 11 J " - IH : 7 . n ;V2 1 2 " " DO LEATHER BELTING. Tha public mav depend on getting the best HikI be had. the will run straight, hold their width, ami run flat lothc pulley. I II CSC M HI B i'.iu in 'i "i- - i mv ...i -! I I ds arc made ol the best oak tanned lcatln r. and the- solid part only used. 1 hese ! Joints are put toectber with water-proof I cement, w hich allows them to be used in ! damp places, without any clrcct upon the joints. 1 he best ol copper ri. cis uscn. n assortment generally on nam, ai imib i i made to order. Aiso machine belt clasp, for connecting Belts or Bands together, to run ou Mr. lum rv. 1 bis oiasn is made of p late s of metal dated out or. the inside, mafc ioc teeth .-harp 1 enoughto prcM inf. the Belt and hold it. your naorcj pa. --.e.-nithlut cutting intoand impairing ilsstri ngth, t.-.iu one oi the public debt of the State. a is the case with making holes to lace . " , -.i i. :. .l.. .bii;mI n throtiL'ti. or oue rn ise. i -r, the Belt, confined togetner ay means j fmiAm for the nurooMC.1 so as to hold mi to every pirticlc of the 1! 1:. thereby The books of the Treasury further show retaining its whole strength. An assortment j au imlebt.'dness by the State to the Litera ahvnvs on hand. j rv fund, on account, on the 1-t November, Aloo. Superior LACE LEATHER on hand, j j'.-)t;. of 140,4 L! 8t. It is roper t . state and COPPER RIVETS, with Bum. that this amount should be increased by SoUa nd Upper Leather ol every description j .,iJ()Ut .jK. SIin ,,f $$0,G3! for interest on Const l I.J i i Caah paid for Green or Dry Hides, or taken in exchange lor Boots and Shoes, at Csahprieeo. BOOH r- A: to. Charlotte, Oct. 7, 1856- 3m ata tly on hann, nt low prices. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. To tht lit IJonorablt the General Assembly of tht Stale of jXorlh Carolina: t Gextlemex: Yon have been elected Iv the people of the State ti represent them in this General Assembly. They have confided to vuu powers, the bighct-t nnd important known to vnx government and laws. Comincr as yoa u fresh from the great body of your fellow-citizens aud from every s t-;iaii d" the State, if is .nj posed that yoa are acquainted with their ! wants and ni.'ee.- tties, and that these will provided tor, m lur n. it enn he done by wholesome and enlightened legislation. I ilulit not that every effort wir be made .ii your part not to disappoint thesi rea sonable expectations. For my own, allow me to assure you that my aid, however feeble, shall at ail times Ld given towards facilitating your labors. Before touching upon matters concerning more especially 'ur own State and polity, allow iii- to congratulate you upon the hap py termination of the exciting politic al eon test through v.liic ;i the country lias lately passed. For the iir.-t time in our history wo have seen an attempt .-(run ly made by peaking, by i. to cet the 1 one section, or more pronerly i poiiiivui arijroi iiuti .-i-cii . ..I - i- . i x . contr 1 tin ferent denartment.s of the ,. ' rrciiorul crovernment. with the di-termination ui , w iiii the dctermiua expressed to administer that government j ou strictiy sectiona tiartvcrouuds. It was virtually an attempt to degrade one section aud to endanger its institutions, and to deny to it those ctjual rights and privileges to WIllCU all IDC Mates in tli tied, and which hitherto tl I moil are Clltl v have i nioyed. True it that this was sought to be done according to the forms of the constitution. But the attempt was not the less atrocious for that reason. : i ne general government was mtcnued uy its framers to operate for the protection and ' safety of all, and ii' properly administered, ' will only he felt in the most benoficient i manner. But whenever it is seized upon, i even under the forms of the constitution, by I one section of the country and so wrested, aud perverted from its legitimate purposes as to LH'Come an instrument u oppression or degradation to the other, he knows very little of the Southern people who believes that they would submit tamely and igno miniously to such a government and to such an Union, however dear one of n different iind mai tnd 1 trust and believe, is t 11. Whatever mav have 1 eeii said to the contrary, we of the South have not sought to control the affairs of the country ur its government, so as to advance our own pe culiar views and interests at the expense of any other .- action. All we have asked for is to be. protected in the rights secured to us by the constitu tion, tobe let alone in their ciijovmont, and to be treated as erjuals among the States and iu the common Territories of the Uuion. More than this we have not sought to ' tain. Less, if true to ourselves, wc will never submit to take. United, as we have been, mainly, in tin late contest, we have nothing to fear. For a time madness and fanaticism ruled the day, and the wisest, the best and most pa triotic in the lind wen- filled with fear and misgiving. But the result shows that we have as friends a large and influential body of patriotic, conservative, national men at j j hav i 1" el rv t oriu, who, in .i i - a crisi IJlilv- s like tin it every the right t before one we hazard, s of eve thcin, I tsscc. are r tnd by the I Im m am action. The task s K I 1 ; regret to say nlishinciit. was om- no ut well and -y ti f accom- ullv have I they performed it, aud entitled themse ; lo the thanks and plaudits of all and Ives the eternal gratitude ui the South, rot the present the contest is ended, perhaps to be rt uewed in n short turn us li pe otn crv. isc, and that peace, order and good feel ing mav return and abide with us. One of the foremost statesmen of the land, , cmi1CHt fOI lis talents, of great knowledge and experience hi public affairs just in his purposes, national in his. views, moderate it. all things, and whoso private life has been as pure anc irreproachable his public one has been honorabh use- ful have been elected President of these United States. Scarcely inferior in all the (jt.alities of a statesman, though of fewer years and less experience in public affairs, is ho who has been elected to the second office within our gift. With the legislative department of the I 1 . .. 1 .. .. . . .. istration of our national affairs, a restoration j (lf .,..,, ,ilu harmony, and a strengthening ! . r, . HVc u;-i, hi.1 Mother il... States In one National Union. It gives me pleasure to be able to stale' to you that since your lat session, the pi ncral condition of the State has been one of pros perity and improvement. Our public works are steadily advancing, our colleges and schools are on the increase, and are gen r ully in a high state of prosperity ; our Com mon School system, though by no means perfect, is y. t gradu rovmj ana manitestmz verv dociuei ,. V Oil f I . fthe ben- eficial results anticipated fro 1 ..'ill. ' i it. ( I ay nothing tice it de- I ereat interest, agriculture ti f othei is attrn inc the not! serves, am. our peo ; for the best modes o rle are on the enquiry improving tl . 1 1 iitu' i. lewhole, i creased, i mditi. n, ughoue veiu has -lv rains, anu mcr asing their ca! comfur nbv , . . are ; vw.;j v. mic it . I.. e d that our mond c s improving. Aud tin ns a nooph J 0f oar grain crops for the preset j been cut short for the want of ti vet. in view of the inauiloitl bu-ssiugs v.c tve enjoyed, and the evils from which we I nave been spared, we cave ample cause to j rend, rtbanks to that kind Fro idencewhk h l hit'u rto has so minently blessed our peo- i i ' . and counirv. Tl 1C t.r -t subject t- which 1 desire to call i ... Ltteuuon i-. ine lmpor- 1 1 lore loilows a ' -tatement troiu th lie Treasurer shown. I Usui e. bUVWllig till- lUUCUlt-UIItB? Oi bt...., the Slate by bonds t" be 5,1 38,802 55. ! holnis lit ine .--itiii-- win o oia-ni I yj M aBOVe get forth, and ai o up u bond- of the State, purchased a rfeu as part of the Literary Fund. bonds of the State held by the Literary nt and Further reference will he made to the mat ti r before concluding this communication. By virtue of legislation at the last Gen eral Assembly. State bonds for tin- following amounts are yet to be sold, and the pro ceeds applied ns follows: Fayeteville and Albemnrie Flank road, running CiJ years, $20,000 Fayetteville and Warsaw Flank road, running x!U years, 0,600 JRlantic & X. C. K. R., for bal ance f State's subscription, 30 year liuitds, and which will pro bably all hi- called for in the en suing year, $233,000 Western X.' C. K. R., 30 year bonds, for balance of.Stato's sub scription, and which will proba bly be called for before the meet ing of the next General Assem bly, 0(.m,!!j;) Insane Asylum, i) year bonds, will be required at an early day, 21,000 Total, 1,180,G0U By virtue of nn act passed at the last General Assembly, $2l),(X)U was subscrib ed to the stock nf the Yadkin Navigation Company, of which $5,000 lias been paid; and under the provisions of n similar act, $20,000 was subscribed to the stock of New Kiver Navigation Company, of which r-'JU,-iillO has been paid, caving to be paid the sum o s,),0( The payments above were made out of ordinary funds in the treasury, there being ne provision for raising- the money in any other way; and the above balance must bo paid in the same manner, unless other pro vision is made th n for. The Slate is hound, as endorser, us fol lows: On bonds of the Wilmington ?c Weldon (. It. Co.. $250,000 On bonds of Cape Fear & Deep Kiver Nav. Co., falling due in the year 1885, 300,000 On bonds of Chesapeake & Albe marle Canal Co., fulling duo in 30 years, 250,000 & 800,000 The State is secured hv mortjraffes, nc cording to the several acts of Assembly directing- the above endorsements. Of the amount last named, $50,000 only of bonds has been endorsed and delivered by the public treasurer. But the whole amount is put down, as the company lias given the certificate of the requisite sub scription of stock in the same, and executed the mortgage required by the charter to en title it to the endorsement of its bonds, to the amount slated, when called for. The interest has. for many years, been paid promptly by the first named company : and its present prosperous condition re moves all doubt us to its ability to pay for the future. The interest has also been paid on the bonds of the Cape Fear and Deep Kiver Compuuv. The bonds of the latter company having been issued within the past six months. From information unofficially received, it is highly probable that the Wilmington, Charlotte ami Kutlu rford Railroad Compa ny will so far comply with the terms of its charter, granted at the last session of the General Assembly, as to enable it to call upon the State for endorsements of its bonds. As to the probable amount of such endorsements, or the times when they may be called for, I am not able now to give any definite information. It is proper, however, to refer you to the charter of the company, and to say that, more definite information will be laid before you during- your session, should if coiiie to my possession. 1 may also refer you tc the charter of the Western N. C li. Ii. Co., by which the Stale is pledged to subscribe two-thirds of the stock for the sections hereafter to be built, should private stockholders subscribe me-third. In this detail of tin; present aud prospec tive indebtedness of the State, I have omit ted temporary loans by, and indebtedness to, pome of the banks of the State, author ized by resolutions of the last (ieneral As sembly. These liabilities are fluctuating, and will more properly appear in the re port of the public, treasurer. To meet the.-e liabilities, besides the means to be derived from taxation and other ordinary sources of revenue, the State onus the following stocks and effects: Kaleigh & Gaston Railroad Stock. ji:.r value if 487 ')() X. C Railroad, do. X. C. Railroad, preferred (! per cent . " Atlantic & X. C. Railroad, paid for, " West'n X. C. Railroad, paid fer, 2,000,000 1,000,000 533,000 200,0:M) Railroad Stocks, P 1,220,500 Fayetteville West'n P. R. stock, var value, $120,000 l ayettcviite o: arsatv Fay. & Albemarle, paid fo Plankroad Stocks, 10,000 30,000 160,000 NewRivi rNav. Co. stock jar talue, and paid for, 10.000 Yadkin Nav. Co., paid for, M 5,000 Cape Fear fi Deep River Xav. Co., 44 lGi 1.000 Navigation stock-, 175,000 The Slate also holds the bond of the Wilmington and Wi 1- e.;; Kailroad Companv, upon which the interest is regularly paid, for " 50,000 00 Also, two bonds of the Seaboard and Koaaoke liaiiroad Co., each for ..')7 14, dated Jan. 1851, payable in two and four year.-, interest paya- 10.7 7-J js S'JO.77 1 2 - X" interest has been paid on these last nane d b ind-, and the last General A-sm-blv extended the time for pavment of prin cipal and int. rest on the first bond to Ti of January next, and should the same he then paid, the time f-r the payment of the prin cipal and interest on the other bond waa extended to the 3d January. 1850. In ti ls eonnecion it may be proper to sav that $40,4100 was appropriated to the improvement of Neuse Over, and that after muluu g the survey of the river the balauc the stock miMinV. ,i report has been made to me ot tire President of the company, as roqiihred by the charter. But 1 learq unnfceutlly that no practical benefit has reunited from the i ATfiAiifliliwn nod that the l-riHii'ifv nod ; effects of the company have all been sold i under execution. By trtuo of the ael of 184t-4ft. 25,000, and by the act of 1854-5, 15.000 were i appropriated and raiai d by the sale of I bonds for the improvement of Tar river, t" j be e.pended under the directum (if com missioners appointed by the Governor. No I provision was made for charging foils on the I river: and the sum expended is not induced. ' therefore, amonir the stocks owned bv the 1 O e ! State. j The Western Turnpike is owned entirely bv the State, and Will be noticed more par- j ticuhirlv hereafter. The State 1ms also some incousiderable : amount of stock iu Turnpike Com pan ii s, which have not lately been, por are likely to become, profitable or of much value. It is hardly necessary to add that the other railroad and navigation stocks owned by the State constitute a part of the Liter ary fund. The receipts into the Public Treasury for the two last fiscal years, ending the .'tl.t of October, 185G, are stated as follows, from the book of that office: Fiscal v'r, 1854-'5. Fisca 1 853 r. 'ti. Raioiph tV Gaston R. R. dividends, Fay. & Western P Road do. Tax on Attorney's license, Tax on Hank stoc k. Interest on W. & it Railroad bond.-, Cherokee bonds, Public Tax, :i!.7l: 50 4,80?) 00 .".!;.") no 7,;?: 23 .'1,000 00 fx;:; no 270 -.'.".") 08 20,250 00 4,800 00 535 80 14.182 33 1,300 00 341,831 SI $327,270 03 8301,001 7 To the item for public taxes received for the last fiscal year should be added the sum of $10,21 1 31, for defaults by Sheriffs, the larger portion of which hits been since paid and the residue will be collected. It will appear also that the sum of $3,000, interest on the bond of the Wilminirton and W el.ii-n Railroad company js m l credited, seal year. Pronorlv stu:akiiir. it should have been, but was omitted bv a mere oversight, and will be found as n credit in the present fiscal year. Inclu ding these sums the amount of revenue for the lust fiscal year, may ho sel down at $ 105,113 31. 1 regret to say that this amount will be less in the present fiscal year, in all proba bility, by the dividends received heretofore from Raleigh ami Gaston Kailroad stock, and partially, if not entirely, on stock iu the Fayetteville and Western Plankroad. No dividend was made at a lute mi etiug of the stoc kholders of the former company, owing to the fact that thv: earniags of the company were chiefly expended iu heavy and extensive repairs to that portion of the road extending from Gaston to Weldon, which, though lately built, was so defect ively constructed as to render these repairs mdispcnsible. Tie- bridge over the Roanoke river, at Gaston, is also undergoing thorough repair.-,, and large sums will be required du ring the ensuing year for both purposes. It is expected after these repairs are made, that tin: stock owned by th, Slate iu this company will again be remunerating. No dividend has been made during the present year on the Fayetteville and Wes tern Plankroad stock. The construction of the North Carolina Railroad has, it is said, impaired to a considerable extent the business of the Plankroad, and it cannot now be safely looked to for paying the handsome dividends which it formerly yielded. It is confidently expected that the North Carolina Kailroad will ultimately pay good dividends. It. is hopt d that it may pay some dividend at an early dav. and thus measurably relieve the public treasury. But I am not sufficiently informed upon the subject at this time, to forma reliable opinion as to how soon such may be the case. You will, however, probably have such information laid before you during the session, as to enable you to determine whether any aid may be reasoually expect ed from that source in making provision to nn ct the liabilities, present and prospective, of the State. The ordinary expenses of the Slate gov ernment for the two fiscal years ending the 31st of October, 1858, will not, 1 think, ex ceed 8170.000. or an average of $85,000 per year. Tbev will be mor this vear on ace mint of vour session, am 1 b be next. From the statements given it will appeal that the interest payable annually, on the present bonded debt of the Slate is And nj on bonds to bo issued under existing laws, the gr uter part in the present fisccl vear, $302 32H 13 70,P:2j 00 j And unless .revision n made fr raising it otherwise ti must be paid out of icre the Treasury,in all probability, for the Yadkin & Now Kiv er Nav. Co.'s, the sum of 25,000 oo It will be seen, therefore, thai the present revenue of the State will fall short of meet ing these liabilities, and that further pro vision should be made for that purpose. deem it a matter, too. ol the first impor tance, that provision should be mivh- fur the ultimate payment of the principal of tin debt of the State, pn -i nf. and pr isppctl e lY dealing a sinK nig tuntl suincieitt in meet the several liabilities as they fall due. Prud nee and a wise forecast, a- well as the experience of other States and govern ments, would seem to dictate siu-h ;i course. an I the debt can be inori easiiv met and extinguished in this way. 1 kin to tin- present only, policy would seem to i it. if for no other reason than tin. of i quire Hi ai Ir tabling our credit u. dm-.. aired, and thus en abling terms to u.-e it readily and tin Of for extending our publie works, or tor other purposes. I u elii-ct of itcii a system would surely be to ke,- bonds at par (a very important our Mate son side ra- tion,) and in all probrability to put them at a premium. J submit to your better judgment as the h. st m ans to be adopted for raising sue ii a fund, advising, however, if one he pro- vided, that its nssuMgcracnt fehall be entrust-1 was subscribed as directed, t the Xcuse River Navinitiou C of cd to y. competent hoard, with a ej-ri tarv : I the Pultfic Treasurer to he mada the tron.- ' user of the hoard, hut the funds t b keit : aeparate and distinct, at all lime, from m c other funds of tin-Stale, ! It hus been already stated that it appears from the book: t tlie I e.lilic 1 reaMli i r Unit there was due. on ocean, to the Literary Fund the sum of 1 40,4 12 80, on the I at November, lSmi. and that the State was further indebted to that Fund C r interect On puudri bunds, in the sum of S-JOJi-'ti r tbereaboontft ; Making tho wholu amount dm- $171,043 H. A considerable portion of the balanno np pcuring on tha books is principal mouny, and ought to be invested how much docs not appear from the account, hut may 'no ascertained. This balance has been ac- CUOHllatfug for some cars large por tion ol the interest ! Uieil aliovo, M not carried into the at count, is due upon two i l.omls of the Stale, constituting the item of $40,300 55, in the statement given of the lion. led debt of the State. These bonds ; win- executed by the Public Treasurer iu t tin- year 1848 and 1849, by virtue of a rtaa lotion of the General Assembly, iu liell of other funds belonging Iu the Literary Fiiud, i which were transferred to the State Trotis- urv. No interest has been paid Upon these bonds. Calculated to the last seuii-anaUn pay dav on same, the interest .'.mounts to i the sum of $22,035 SO. Under the circum stances presented, and in the present state ' of the public treasury, 1 respectfully recom- I mend, that this amount he Converted into principal, and that the public treasurer ho reouircd to execute the bond of the State for the same to the President and Directors : of the Literary Fund, bearing six per cent. ' interest, payable semi -annually. By the existing law on the subject the coupon bonds of the Slate are payable to I bean r, and no endorsement by an owner or hobb r is required for their transfer. The holder for the time being collects the Coupons for interest, and may collect the principal money when due. As u general rule this provision is best, for bonds thus ; transferable are more saleable in the North ern market. (tut it has been suggested to 1 me by some of our own citizens, who have j made pc rmancnt investments in these bonds, ' purchased either of the Publie Treasurer ' or others, thai where a holder or purchu I scr of a bond desires it. tho Treasurer of i the State should be required to note the I number, date and amount of the bond in a book to he kept for that purpose, and b j whom it belongs, and also to endorse upon j the bond that it is transferable only at his i office by writing on tho bond, witnessed bv j him. It is generally the case the holders nf these bonds, among our own citizens, have no safe place to keep them. They uiv liable to he lost, stolen, or destroyed by accident. The consequence is thai of those who hold them feel insecure, and those who do not, fear to invest iu them. It seems to me nucha provision should be made, and every inducement hold out to our own citizens to make investments in these securities. It gives me pleasure to inform you that by means of tin- liberal aid extended by th last General Assembly our main lines of Kailroad, lire being extended east and west us rapidly us circumstances will allow. On the 12th of September, 1855, u subscription, on behalf of the State, of $1,000,000, was made to the stock of the Atlantic and X.C. Kailroad Company, of w hich the stun of $1533,000 has been paid by sale of Slate bonds. The whole road from Gohlsboro' to tLo terminus at Shepard's Point, on lleufort harbor, is under contract, a large portion of it is graded, and another portion extend ing miles west from the town of Newborn has been laid with iron, and is now in use. On the 2thfi Semptembcr, 1853, a sub scription of 800,000 was also made by tha State to th.- sto.-k of the Western N. (J. Kailroad Company, of which the sum of ,100,000 has lately been paid by sale of bonds. The greater part of the Una of this road has been surveyed and the portion of it from Salisbury ton point near Statesvillo ami thence to the west bank of the I 'atawba river has been located, aud let out to eon tractors, and a considerable portion of it has been graded. Fuller infoi inutiou as to these work- will no doubt he laid before you by tin- respective companies during your session. I hare been promised n full report m the operations on Ilrep riv er, and regret that I have not an opportunity to lay the same before you at this time. Sonic cd' tho works on the river were damaged to some extent during the present year by high water, but not to the extent that was at lint snpposcd. I was invited during the present fall by the directors of the company, to go upon the line nf the Works iimJ .-ec the ex tent and progress nl the improvement, but 1 my engagements were such that I could j not do so. It is represented to me hv one of the Slate's directors that the ultimate praetiblility of the work is beyond a doubt, ami that safe steamboat navigation has been obtained to L'.ckville. on Jhcp river; thuf above this point a heavy atonC (ek has been deemed advisable by the nginaer in charge, and when that is completed that the navigation will be open to the onl fields. Ullt thai sonii of the older work ",l-t '"' replaced, to a considerable extent , j by new ones of a more substantial charuc i tef : and that t complete nil flu: work con ! I'-mplali d and relieve the company of mi outst inding debt of about 8100,000, which has great lv ernharraased the onmpanj in it operations, a further sum of about $300,000 ; will In- rcquh-ite. I oaa only add thut w hen ; more definite information as to this impor , tent work is received, it shall I.e promptly I laid before you. A report is soon expectd ! frmn the commissioners appointed to snper hmtcud the work on Tar river, which, when received, will be luid before you. It i- my purpo.-e ul- in a short time, In ! submit to yoa report- from other compa nies, including om-from the agent t mhnW iutend the const motion of tho Western Turnpike, llu inform- me that all of the road from Aiheville to the Tennessee line , near the Duck Town Copper .Mine has been completed, excepting about two hundred yards near Waynesville, in the co'inty of ' '1... l : I...- ... , i.:..l. .. I is now- pendiii". -'. in i .. 'ii l'. 1 1 . v 1 1 a riiit ui 1. 1 1 know not what calls may he made upon you at the present session for furtuer aid . to work.- of interna! improvement. I havo heretofore the opinion thivt the State should furnish liberal aid to work-of rrondencc, Mav 2 1856. Cm

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