OFFICE UP STAIRS OPPOSITE SCARR’S DRUG STORE \ A Family Paper, devoted to State Intelligence, the News of the World, Politieal Information, Southern Rights, Agriculture, Literature, and Miscellany. BV WILLI A31 J. ¥ATES, KIUTOK ANI> IMtoI'lili; TOIl. CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. $2 PER ANNUM In Advance. 'Cl t(?E. TUESDAY, MARCH ;31, 1857. ^VOLUME 5. KTow Sorles ^ num'BEK 39, 'i'JlK I l^anocvrtt —Published every Tuesday— (•.iiiliiiniii'; tli‘lur-.t Nfws. a full and iiccu- rut‘ Kfport of till- M;irl;»ts, & Fi>r till' year, ii‘imifl in ;nlviinc' If I'li'nl witliin >ix rn>ntli>..- ~ •*” If l>aid :ift« r tli-. xi.lialioH >t tii-_v ;ir, •{ 0(1 ' ?/*" \nv iiiTxin M ns li\t* nnr suli- vcnlwrs. iH-c-iupani'-'l !.y lh.' a.lvuiic- ,M ril.ti..n rrchrHH.Mh c.i.y-ni fis for oil.- yi ar. : t- .'iiiU-i'i-ilM-vs ami >11irr> w!i*» may v, i.-h to nitiiii’'' tu U', (Mil do liy mail, iit Mill- ririk fhe sh GARDEN SEEDS Scarr & Co. Ifav*- nci-ivi-il :i supiilv >t’ LANDUCTirs (.Ai:i)KX SEEDS, consistintr of t v« ry varii iy suitalili; to tlii.s cli mat*'. Alst, an assoitiiifnt ot' T-fi\'rvr) iJL iX.jtwL’ L^o Jan. KItli tt' Cliavlottf Dni^ (IIKAP SOAl ADVERTISING. 1) 1C s riirc ol l*i liin's '>r !ur iiioiUaa, ftl I. *4 f, “ (i (Ml ' I. It .4 “ i; " ]) no One siiKirp, It', liiir?, it U > -, li.'dl iiis'.ilion, ») j I'j.icli lucill : ; ■ 'I'raii-ii-iit udvnti.'cnu'tits iuu.t Ijc ' paid f'»r in advanci'. I anmniiK'injr (^nidida1i’> for uHio'. in advaiiiT. ! ; ■ Ad\crti'i'in. Ill' n>1 marki'd ni tin . inann'ri'ipt I'nr a 'Jmcil’n" tini''. will In- in- ■'i i'ti'd iintil fo'. liii;. ai;!! cliar' t'd it!'f.irdin:xly WIMJAM YA'I’KS. Btey ^totse State Sas»oaiilier OR c«\X'e:^traxi-:i> i.ey. One ]>iiund >f tin-L'y with five ])()und,s of Kat will niakt' t\v« iity-liv- pounds nf Hard t^oap, or (ini* linndi'-d jumiids soft Iti.s adiiiiialily aibtjitrd for n nd.Tinfr liaid Avati-r siilt.aiul 1.' lit t'«a holil jiuriiosr.s. I ’oi'.s.di- in uiii' jiinuiil tins—ci n;s i-acli—at SCAUll iV C )‘S .laiinarv i:illi. tl . J)ni^Stun-. •n '/ >1, .'>! '!/ ;o li A A'! At thi‘ iVotern Ehniocr^t Otuce. \V:'irant, Miinii 'f !/ic-nsi . 'I'a.v lloi'- ipt-i. S il.’i- M • - • I’i- lc t-. .vdiniui ‘ra!"!' ' i m" • "‘'id 1. 11■ i ■ , I; iiardian l’> 'nil.'. I nd -nt lu'f', Dc-d.-. fMi- c.-nvr; in- I'rnscc lit !■'II ^ a A :.i. lin:-:il', I > ilx i iy Uwud'. !‘i I'.-i", i'"'tniv and >u;i iinr fiiurt. ('..n-I’-ail I'Mind'. i-.-unty :i;:d >u]> - ri''I-cniirt Writ.', i1'i■]'’-itiiIII--. ^ * rdaiiks nfidl kinds ].rint«d to order ;j' 'hurt notie. . .\li I i‘C. 1! A\' I Nt 1 V'tuin' '1 '.o ' 'h.'ul'in 1 :'in a'j'ani a! tli'- di- iiii-:'! itrila.-. \»1 1 iiiav my si'i vi- in liii' jiiaelier i.t .M ■ ii rilH' :MhI Snrir''iy. K’oiii K r t.ii'.i.i'N, M. n. I'. ii. ;;d. I':t. K. \i. ^;i K( in ‘ iiow Ki.i.. MURCHISON HOWELL, .1*0. i«i3 ii'itlt i’. IM.. ;:.i. 1,. sV''i. C. tcrpr;r;/r/ % r ‘ ip£a/ ^ A -W* J J J mrnJ mmU A. Z'3"o'W-3: .■ U,. . I A|!\ AN( I: M \|ii. UN ( U.N-'li; N MKM> Si ;)teuiiier J, 1 . - I v Kotice. IIA\'I\(; . Ij II- -f A'’n.i'i;-rn.:ioii i'|iou til'- ‘I . !’- ’ll'"ltfl. '!• ei::."' 'i, 1 ;■ iV IHll’l-'' I" :i I ; )rel il:d‘ !'■ '1 1 I'l of 'I'. '£'|-j:i4‘a- cV !'V i.-sr .11- k .II I- iiipt tl': dr i,'! ’ l-i;'i ‘.i' t ■ • ;> to emU'' l-'i'w ;ml :in 1 i’:i\ i!i'' - .l.i'- vi:i;"'.'.l tli'ia.'. and I lie'll-I]\ . a \ I- eii I. ■ :li- I'l I i i . n ; ' ■! t:. a ui.. '1 : ■ . 'I'U' *'l 'I'l.h’. A^'ni'i I r..^ ! :.7- Til.- a. ; .1- : r. \.;:i ill i!"’ I ii: u - '■ In ei mdnr I. .1 , i:. ■.' Im will .-|)ar- ni>]ii:ie or \]i In ■•A.'- 'i; rrsl^aii'- I'.M-: ‘tl. \\ areh : J.. ! 1.- :1 ■ • n :i lij, . iiiali- n--!'. and il.i- iimt- .-i : ■ . ri;i»s. T!;*'ri'!’.!:. I r;5:s5vV’‘3 3saN I I Cm.VA DEPOT. II. i:. sinivLs tV iMi'oi; I i.iis CHINA, GLASS & EARTKcKWASE. A' -i, ;t :tl vari IV ul' T-.i . 1 ■laiji.-'. 'I'aillr Cud'TN. r.rilal:'\i \ liml'iv '[’in \V.ti'‘. W'li.i.l ;ii::l N\ ; .ind flojfsfATf/iiiii- i;{ tii: iiHij. Ni;\l' I»I)I>1: [II fliNni; "-. 1 \I iSANK, tllEE t, «. . ' t/ I’aekiu.'’ \\ inantrd. i N..V, 11, I'.V.. lO-lm IIA A 1' I 1'n'iii I’atter^un, Caldwell cd., N. my iiefjro man I)I(’K. !!r is ahont six f.-et lii;:!i, :i."> VI Mrs old.daik cumidi i tfil; iia> . ratlii i a down i iinnlenance ■ w ill n sjuiken to. J Ii-has a tiat : ' - T'j tool a.nd a scar on his Lead. I / y will f;ive a reward of ti'ti dol- . lais tor .said l»o_v deli\ered in ■ any .laii in North C.irtjlina and ■I emi il so tliat 1 can LTet him; oi' twenty dulhus lur iii.' tle'iv^ i v to nil'in Alexander (.•eiinty al in\' r. siilrnei-te;i "^ :-uiith ot I'a\ iorsville. ' J. II. ■m:\vlaxd. Man h 10, I-:,7 tf RATi:s !!’ I'REIiiliTS Bi;i'\VEiLN' at:4l Mi'iv I'oi li, By the Pnlmetto line of Steamers. WlATT, ST€(ix^EU & LLOYD, ! AM) fiit'SSCE ;:! Couintission .IScs ch/i AdgcT^s Ncrlh Wharf, | s. \ 'j HK umlfisigned, Factors and t’ommission j 1 Merei.aiits, olior to receive, lorward, and i sill]) merclia.idi.-^e ami jirodi;ceat the I'ollowin^ ! rates. 'I'he [ince.^ h re na:ne,i are those v\'hirh j aie generally char-ed hy all the line of sail i vessels, liit havinji no cDiitrol over any other ! I.ine than the oiu- wc have an interest in, we cannot say that the jir.ces here named can ' he coiisidei ed iiermaiieiiT, excejit by our Line. i l!y that they ere permanent. Tiie '‘I'altneito , Idne'’ iias ten line tirst class I’risis and j St'hoorierF;. co istantlv ruiining, and \\ i!l car- j ry tl **iKht& as .‘(illovvs ; j Wheat, (i cents p*‘r bushel. FiiJnr, in liarreis, 'i ) cei.ts. " in sacks, lU cents. 'I'he ili aya::*?, \vharli^i;e, insurance, anil for- Wi.riliu i; coin miss on, per bushel, lor %vhe.. t, is ------ 41cts. Flour, per harrtd, - - - - Flo'.ir, per sack, . - - . Frei*rht i'll a I eases, ho.xes, 11 (im .New VorIv to t'ha11 eston, per cubic loot. _ - - - - We measure every thinir, to prevent over charges. I'very thiiifi shi})|ie»i hy the “Pal metto l^iiie-’ ol vessels (l>o!lner Potter, New York agents, and Hcdmes A: Stowry, of rharleston; an I consiu;iied to us, shall be rreit'hted tor tlie above prices. Produce and Merchandise consigned to ns will have liie l)est attention. W VA I T, S'i'(H;NKR .V LLOYD. Auijust 12, NO HUMBUG! I ^ I'oili’ subscriber is now prf])ured to fill all | -L orders for i SlPElilOR WATER BICRETS. Il- inauufactnres Noith Carolina inat« rial, em- | ploys North Carolina cajjitnl and labor, and he solicit.s North (’ari>lina jiatrona^e. Jiy jrivingr him a trial, and by comparin” his w ith Nortln rn prices, he lioiies to be able t,i make a favorable ^howiIl". A TKIAL IS '.VHAT Hi: W'ANTS. C. II. MAKEJ'EACE. Messrs ^^'orth *.V I'tley. of Fayettevilh*, N. C., an; Agents for the sale of the above liuekets. I'ayetteville, March ."id, 1C57. y ^ €«’« L.OTTEK1E.S prFAHiirii^tmrBLEr^ Take all billt-on sola nl BanL^, A T PAll. S*ay all Frizefx ^lifhocit IliHCOiSSlt. Wo Ko Agent, ATLANTA, (iA. N. H.—These Lolterii-s are drawn every (Satur day throughout the year. I’rizes raii;;e from to sr)0,(i()0. ! >■ Price til 'Pickets ,";>;l(t—shares in projiortion. No orde rs n ci-ived for h ss than March :7lh, 1^.">7. tf WESTEIU' DEMOCRAT. ^CHARL0TTE.'ff5>^ DREADFUL AFFAIRS IGJ cts. 1 ; ■» cts. •I cts. Oeiij. Franklin and Prof. DeGrath. I’ranklin brought electricity fronn the heavens to earth, but it remair.ed lor Prof. J)e(iralh to J'-ppiy that electricity to the re lief of iliseased and suliering mortals—dis eases. that heretofore baffled the physician's old treatment, such as Neuralgia, Khennria- tism, Pains, Stifl Joints, Deafness, Swellings, !‘alsy. Piles, iSkin J)iseases. »5ic., are now cured by Prof l)e Grath's eleetric oil in oik atitl ttro ihiya. Head this letter from a physi- who has practiseu since 1S2G—(too weli known for comment) : Prof. J>i: Giiath, Philadelphia. Sir:—At inteivals, iluring thirty years past, rny w ile has been snbjecl to rheumatism ol Ih ' most violent cast—[say lour times a ycir]—somctiuKS so veieas to iTiake it ne- cessai y to administer large tloses of the tinc- t'.ire ol guiacum and morphia, at.d to rock her like an infant in a large rocking chair, to in duce any repose. Having fre]uent corres- respondence with my son, (.No. 103 Chesnut street, cf your city,) 1 info, mod him of an at tack she had about the middle of last month, [January,] which was of such severity as to completely paralyse the system. He, in his anxi.ty of his mother's v fliare, eent me a bottle ol your Llectiic Oil ; but as 1 am one ol the practitioners of medicine in our place, and not a proselyte to any kind of patent me dicine, 1 did hesitate to give it a trial; how ever,on ri llection, i conclud, d to try it, which 1 did, (I fjiraioiiii, ‘.lirectly ep the It iter, and after the third or fourth app ication t'e- came rather passive, and before one-thiid of th.? bottle was used, not .i single vestige of the disease remained in :he system, and she still con.iiiues well, although ^he lode out a distance of fourteen miles wiihont a renewal of any of t he symptoms. 1 therefore feel it my duty, for the sake of suHerirg humanty, and also fully believing that merit, uniler all circumstances,should be rewarded, to forv\ ard th s testimonial. 1 am yours, truly. JdSi rn P. Hlkinto.n, M. D. New (iretna P. O., Burlington Co., N. J. t'ArrioN.—'1‘here are nume. ous imitations sprung up on the reputation that my article has acquired. The public must beware They are worthless. 0^7“ I'fir snk* in Cliai'luttc by Dr. II. M. I’KI l C’llAKD, Druggist, sole Ao'eut, .‘iiid liy Dniu'u'i^ts and cotintiy inercliaiit.s gen erally in the rnit' d Slates. Mareli I-'!. 'iin. $310,000 worth of Farms and Duildiiipr Lots, IN th" ii'i'id n ;rion of Cnliieppi r ei niity. ^'a.. to 111' divid d ::ii!i>U”>i It'.'iHll - :;h-fr;lir;s, on the i;Uh of Apiil. 1 '‘>7. ^■u')"'.■lil';ions i.n\\- ten dol- hi!> eaeli: oi;i- h-ill' do\'. n. tin rt sr on th-- d''li\ e- iv ol ihi' F.viiy uh> erilior will jr^'t a I’.iiililini;- Lot or a I’arni. laie.^inir in ^alne tVoin .■111 Io .‘•i'i.'',*■''II. 'i'h'-S'' I" arnis and Lotsaresidd ! ^1. eli.'ap lo indue" ^' tia-iin'nt'. a snfiieient nniii- j Ir 1' h' iiitr r> I r\ i d. the inerrri^i' in the \aliif ot j which will e. Miipensati- tor the a[:iiarent low priia ^ now ask- d. A company ofsrltli rs, (■.•lili d -Tin' K’.ipp.dian- nnek I’ion. ' r Association." is now forming and I V, ill ciimniener a si lth nient ''.i th.- sprin-'. Am ide st-i iirify will 1)1 given for the faithful per- lorm.'tnci- ol ceiitracls and ).iom;st s. Mon- .\L’'!'nis are wan'i il to (ditain sub- .'crihrrs. to whom the most lilu rul indnc' inents w ili be given. Some Ag' l:ts write lliatthey an makiuo- .'•'1^1 prr month. .\d\ rti.'-lii”’ w i'l In- dune for evi iy .\gi nt win re possihli . For ltd! iiartieulars, Siibscriiitions, At:>-ncies. Ac., edvto K. HAl KKi;. *\ p;dy to Jan. i;{, I'.'i7 Port Ivoval. Carolim- Co., Va. STATE OF NOIlTli lAKOLLM, LlNCOl.N COUNTY. Marcus Poyd "J and otheis. J In this case it appearing upon the affidavit ol Marcus Boj'd, that .MiihUeton King,enj of the d'ifendants in this case, is not a resident of this State, and is beyoml the onlinary pro cess of this.'ourt: It is theretore ordered that advertiseiner.t be made in the Western Democrat lor si.x weeks, notilying said Mid dleton Kin;: that he be and appear «t the next Court of F'.quity, to be held for th.- county of Lincoln, at the c ourt House in Lincolnton. on the Sth Monday i.fter the-!th Monday in Feb ruary next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to p'aintili’s bill of complaint, or judgment />n> nnijriiso v. ill be entered aga nst him, and the case set lor hearing as to him t J- /;/n7( , and a decree made accortlinly. WM. J. HOKE, C. Sc :.f. E. Feb. 20, 1S.')7.—3 I-f3\v [Pr’s fee J;6.] Removal! Ilemoval! ii. 'rilF, ^Vilnlill •!i'ii atiil W i h!;iii 1,‘a;!road Coin- 1 ..i-vny have in:id>- an aui'. tin ni tor foi w arding all ^■oods couM-ii. .1 {:. il„ of iho Comp:in,' . and , desliiifd tur an\ jioii,' . .. if line i.l tlic Noilh Cal'olin.l Ko.a!. tl- i-J I -■ II. it landed on ihe Conip:r. \'s wliait. there will | be no eharue fur \\ haiiagf or diayage : but these evp-'u-jes will hi’ in ior. kindl'd on ;ui\ other w;'. ami will b. add 'd to th-' freight on th.' w:iydiil\. to lie cii'.i. ete.l on 'i-!ivi . by the Norili Cariiliiin I’a’dr la.l ompaiiy. N. P.,— fo avoid deteulion ai V.’ihnington, it 1- esseutial that tlie aUloUii' of fleight l'\ \essels . h.i'.l, ill all (•(/>■/,, distill. :ly .- ::sied. in dollar'^ ;ind cents, on each liill ot'iMiiing. and it goods for more than one pev-ou an* im-huh d in the s:mie bill of ladaig. the aiuoiuii e.. fi,foi I ach I'on- | 'igiu-e niii'^t be s.-]iar.itely Ike JiKee-iiijji^ notice has li.'eu received with •lirection t»j pubii'h for ill. in. -vuiatiou of all cou- i'.'rued. ity order of th.' Uoai'.l of 1 f.reetoi'N. S. L. FKF.Mt >N'l , Eng. 4.V Sup't. MVi.'i'of Engineei'vV. Sup> rintendent, ^ W iiunngtitn. N. Jan.‘J'th, I~.'»7. lloii!»ir«V l^ot I'or^alrorISciit I'HE Nulisi-riber oifer.s bis l^vellinj; lloiiv' . iuiown as the “Crystal Pal EsIhI ace," far sale or rent, i'lie house is pleasantly situated on the corner of Cluucli and Eighth .streets, iijiposite tlieresidence of M r (o-org.' Cross. On the premises are all the II*' e ..,ary oni-buildings, in good rep.air. For turth' r infoini'ition a]>ply lo the undersigned or !'i J. P. Sinilh Tcnus moderate. J. K. DANIEL. Februarv 17. SSat«* oSWorlli 4’aroiiiaa, MLCKLKNlirnc COTNTV. Cunrt oj'I',’:'i.s iiiiil (^iH'rhr ssiims, ( \ .i.\M AKY Trim, lb.‘»7. Richard Peoples, 'P. A. Sha pe aiid .Miles [{. Mi;U|.e. Aministrators of John Sharpe, dec' 1 I Petition for s>;le ol ^ Land. Andrew Sharjie and I A uz 1 SLai [le. j It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, tluvt Auzel and Andrew Sbarpe,df‘lend- ants in this case resides beyond tlie limit> of jhis State; it is iherefoie ordered by this t'ourt, that publication be made six weeks in the Western Democrat, a rewspaper publish- cil in the town of Chailotte, notilying the said defeiulaiit to appear at the next li rm oi our ('ourt, to be held for sa.d county, at ihe i.'ourt H.)use iu « harlotte,on the 1th .Monday in April next, 'hen and thereto plead, an swer, or iieinnr, or judgint'nt pro coiiji sao will be t;ikeii against him. Witness, W. K. Heid, Clerk of our said Court, at Ollice in (•'harlotte,the 4th Monday in January, and in the 61st year American Ituiepeiulencf. VV. K. RE1D,C. C. C. Prs. fee $6.] STATE OF IN UTAH. A letter lias lioon received in Washington city from "W. W. Drunuiiond, United States Supreme Judge in Utah Territory, by the udministratiim. It gives a sad and deplora ble picture ofatTairs in tlmt Territory. The following is taken from the letter: The leading men of the church are more traitorous than ever. Only a few day.« since all the paiier.*, records, dockets, and nine hutulred voluine.s of the laws, were { taken out of the Supreme Court Clerk’s j ofHce, and burned. And this is not the | only instaij'-e of the kind. I .«ay to you | again and through you to the President, j it is impossible for us to enforce the laws | ill this Territory.—Every man here holds his life at the will of ]>righaiii Young, and here rre are w ithout protection. I am firm ly of opinion that Jiabbit was murdered bj’ Mormons under direction of Hrigham Young and not by Indians.—Murder is a common thing here; and Mormons cannot be pun ished with a Mormon jury, witnesses, ofii- cers, and Governor to jiardon. It is too cruel and must n it be endured. A man, not a member of the church, is murdered, robbed, castrated and imprisoned, sohdy for questioning the 'authority of the church. Persons am now in the penitentiary, con victed before the Probiitv' Judge, who are wholl}- innocent of any- crime. Is there any other co tntry Avhere this abuse is or would be endured ! I.,et all, t’aeu take hold and crush out one d’ the most treasonable organizations in America. The administrati(^ have had the matter under serious consideration, and will soon appoint a Governor, who will take a sufii- cient military force into that Territory to carry out the laws t ) the fullest extent. Tiik Di.smal Swamp Caxal, which con nects the hiirbor of Norfolk with the wateis of North Carolimi, is the medium of an im mense amount of business from v. hieli Nor folk and Portsmouth receive u large portion of their support. Few, except those en gaged in it, are aware of its magnitude and importance. It makesi no noise, iiu .-tiu'.v. The little vessels arrive and deliver their cai'goes at the wharves, taking in return freights, and depart for the waters of our sister State without attracting the least notice from the \iublic-at-large. This Canal was commenced in 1787. Piitrick Henry was one of the first subscri bers. It has enjoyed unusual prosperity, and has paid the Sttite of A'irginia hand somer dividends than any public improve ment ill which the State is interested. liichimnd Mliig. Hon. AVii). .1, P.row 11, of Indiana, died on the 18th inst. Ife was formerly a inetn- Ler of both branches of the Leo-islatiire, State liliari;!!!, editor of tlio Indi.ina Sen tinel, a ineniber of CroiiL're.'^s, second assis tant l\>stin:ister Ceiieral under Mr. Polk, and special mall au'ent fi>r the South and West under fleneral Pierce. ROMANCE IN HEAL LIFE. COFFEE AN ANTIDOTE FOR POISON Disajijwintinenf in I^ove, and i^uicide. j I’iie New'iork Daily News cantaiiis seme A young German woman named Carolina ! I'emfirks by Dr Mas Langenschvvarz, which Juelich, aged 2*2 years, committed suicide j introduced by* him n.-. follows : in New York ou Friday last, in conse quence of disappointed love. It aj'pears , that she had been deserted some time since i tofiee is one of the most iinpoitant a:i! by her lover, whose name ^he refused to divulge. Subsequently she became ac- • ordinary quainted with a young German named Ed , ward Shuster, who proffered his band in 1 persons receiving the right remedies, but marriage, but the recoliiction of her false “A very few persons, and I believe but a small number of medical men. know thnl drugs. This remark, 'do fact leads to serious considerations, many lover was so firmly impressed uiion her mind that, although she received the atten tions of Shuster and signified a willingness to become his bride, still in secret she [lined at the loss of the absent lover and secretly contemplated self-d“struclion. According to this young man’s story, siiys the llertdd, be has been in the I’liited Sttites but six months, iuid had sciireely' know’ll the deceased for three weeks. lUing a machinist b\' occupation he i>ut an ad- verti.^emi'iit in one of the morning ’pape-rs asking for ti situation. The deceased an swered it and requested him to call upon her. He did so, when she stated that she had been deserted by her lover, who was a machinist also, and that thinking it was him who inserted the advertisement asking for a situation she was impelled to answer it, with the vague hope of being restored to his arms once more. From that time an intimacy sprang up between the pair. Shu ster declares he loved her at first sight, and ever after, up to the dtiy of her death. Ali ss Juelich professed to return his love, and It il her ardent admirer to ho]>e for a happy union. The following touching episode, ex[dana- tory of her conduct, was found in the pock et of the deceased: “I am bniken hearted and lonely. I feel myself forstiken when 1 find I cannot dis cover one to help me. No .iiie but my .self can toll my feelings, nor can my jieii de- .-cribe ni\' heartfelt misi ry. I trust to find an death. 1 feel tiiat I am lost forever. There is only one to whom I might hope for assistiince, but I fear he i incapable. The Lord only knows what I have suffered file last few weeks. The cold world may, after my death, say bitter things tibout me; but this I do not mind. I wish all could ow auit n all my heart; they might then find cause for my untimely fate. There is one who once was a true friend: I will not, however, mention his name. He would be but little astonished at this rash act. Could I but see him now', and tell him all, he might probably save me. I am going on a long journey, and trust I may reach Heaven, where all my worldly' troubles will be at and end. Good bye. Good bye.” The jury in this case rendered a verdict (if ‘Death by taking laudiinum on Friday, March i;}, IB.")?, under the excitement, as the jury sup[iose, of disappointment in love.” Dr. Magooii, recently iu a lecture on ‘’Mind your Business,” tells the follow ing good one; A young man went from New York to the West, where he commenced business on his ow'ii account, and married. His friends in the city were interested in his welt’are, and wdieii a nu‘rchant was about to jouriH'y to the place where the j oung man had located, he was requested to visit the emigrant, and ascertain how he lived, what sort of a wife he had chosen, his pros pects, t\:c. Accordingly the N(“w Yorker as certained the residence of his young friend. not being prohibited from taking Coflee. destroy the intended effects of their medi cine, become worse, and lead Jie physician to change the right treatment into a false and perhaps unhappy one—while the pimide knowledge of the above fact wliould have • .4 ^ 1 * Htul phvsiciati contributed to amelior.ite their state ami to i save them, liut far important is it to know that the fatal re.sults of man% ficci- 1 'aetioe of the healing art. while his .ser- dental, spontaneous or criminal empoison- { were \crbost\ [>ro!ix and aro^aiit. ments could be stopped almost instantly by | lUn still he succee»ied in imposing on the A “REVEREND" SCOUNDREL. AVe have an extract from the office of tho Knquirer, }>uliiished in Paris, l.nmar coun ty, Ga., giving a description of one of tho nu •:t consummate scoundrels, in the shape i>f a clergy man, we lu’.ve ever rotiri v>f, nam ed Christojiher Columbus Joints. He is s;iid to hiive Iteen residing in Paris for about a ye:ir jiast, where he suoooeded in gettii;g in debt to almost every man in tho pla-‘e, having purcliased a carriage, horses and everything else tluit lie wanted, on n ciedit. He not only jirofessed to sjivc the souls, but also the bodies of m« n, for lio acted in Uie double capacity of preacher He is described, however, administering that simple antidote, CofFeCf while the loss of time iu calling a physician cVc.. is often tho only^ cause of tho loss of life.” The Doctor enumerates a largo number of i>oisonous substances which may be cer tainly overcome by the remedy proposed. Among tlu iii are Laudanum or Opium, Ilcmlock, Iodine, Tansy Oils, Borax, all kinds of poi.sonoiis Mushrooms, Lettuce, Wild Itosemary, tVc. tVc. Arc. “All the effects of those substances are good pKM>h* of Paris, by his jirofession of [>iety. until, >n tlie morning of l4th of Feb ruary, the ci .izens were astounded witli tho inte.lligeice hat he had elojied, during the previous uight, with the wife of one of the most respectable citizens of tho jdace ! This act of villainy seems to have been the first to open the eyes of the community to the true character of Christopher Columbus Jones, who loft a wife and two children be- iiind him, wh'le his paramour left her hus- almost instantly destroyed by administering j .jpj time children I Pei’sons inime- what we call -tincture of ra^v coflVc,” or ] oven by a simple decoction of r:nv or green iiocounts, 'verc in a fair wav of overtaking coffee, a jireparation costing about nothing I fu-ilive and which, thf'refore, ought to bo k«qit j " ready in every house and in the j AGkaM)Okasu.—A Scotch clergyman, fa.„ily. Tl... f,.ll..>vi„K is tlio very fiinplo , f...m„.hgs has ,.iv.licU'J tl..- l.rohiil.le W'UV to cret that tincture : I ake a quarter ■ , , /• i • i i i i ^ ^ , T. ‘smash of :Ius world lu June ne.\t, and a.s of u pound of green Coffee (common I )om-. , , ingo the best) and boil it with one qu.ut of | F'-^^lH'tions, a.non;: tho water till it is reduced to one pint—then : 'Ji'^orant thcie i.s a gieat deal ot excitemeut put the wh(de rbeiTies and liquid) iu a i^ie siibject iii England aiid Frauce.-- (juart bottle, add one j’int of strong alcolnd event is to be produced by a comet, and shake it from time to time a little.— an erratiV member of the planetary world, ! That’s all. This tincture gets stronger : the re;)I nature and subslsinco of which are from day to day, and will, if the bottle is | ^o little kno'vn, that it is the height of pro well corked, keep for many years wit/iout ■ suinption to base any prediction upon it, changing. If to the pint of alcohol (about juvolving such consequences to mankind.— ten minutes before mixing it with the coffee favorite trick, however, of zealots, decoction) you add a little spirits of cam- , the fears rather than tho i)hor, say two tablespoonfuls, you ■"ill not ‘ • i . i- * i ,..,4 !,l„ ,h« n„n-pois„„,U8 ' P«dK t tho do- quality of the tii.eture, but this |,r,i,.iration ^ «''« 'vo'U- ' «. ■'» “ « “ will th(Mi bo au invaluable and cortain anti- ; Cieati >n, mutually dependent, dote. j and subjected lo the same laws, and noth- ‘“The compound saving-tinctare (ofgreen ^ ing yet created ha- er been annihilated, cofiee and camidior) is, in tho respective yyQ know can imagine, there is cases of poisoning, to bo adiniuistered na- , re.TSou for believing that this ghJ>e will tiuvallv and by clvster; the iuternal dose i , i * » i -4 i • i ^ i i “ ever be subject to a calamity whi‘h would, universo. It has endured for thousands of years, not- about ten or tw’elve drops in a teaspooiiful i , , , . , , ' , ' i . ‘ 1 .... ! doubtless, be felt throughout the minutes, mid every tit- ® w ithstanding its ow n internal disturbances, aii'l will, in all probability, roll on for thou- .sands of years longer, till the }iur[>ose of its creation i.-' fulfill '1. Canpiuatks 1 ou tiik Gai.lows.—"We learn that :is' the Ex|iress train w;is coming up ou 'I’ue.sday last, the watchful ^Engineer discovered between Ihtttlesand Enfield l >e- pots, two large logs laid across t’:o tr.'ict jnsttdiead of him. He made thed'scovery fortunately, in time to stoji the traia betore i {mj called upon him (jiiife early in the retichiiig tho logs, and they Avere ';hrown j nuirning. He found him in a small neat olf :ind the train arrived liere :it the usual j cottage, and just taking his breakfast. The hour. The jia.ssengeis, ajipreciating the introduction of the New' Yorker to his wife watchful care of the Engineer, Mr. Tar-j'vas quite clV-hand and uncen'inonious, and leton, male up a ]iurse, we learn, which I requested to be seated, and paitake they insisted upon his accejitinj of water every five minutes, mid every tif teen minutes when the patient begins to re cover. Larger, and even very large, doses rna\' be given, if the danger of life is immi nent. “Tho ordinary cooked cofu-e ('roasted, ground and boiled or filtered) is in the mos*^ cases without any effect, and iu some cases | NEVER REPRESS YOUR TEARS, even dangerou-^. In a very'few cases only, , lengthv ditsertation has recently been iind particulaHy as^an antidote to opium.J ,,V physician of France, on tho I beneficial influences of groaning tind crying on the nervous system. He contends that I groaning and crying are the two grand opc- I rations i'V wiiich nature allays anguish— that he has uniformly observed that those patients who give way to their natural feel- I ther poisons known at present: but it may Patriot. of A Aew Tailoritij? iiwhiiient. JAMEsi lUJIANT informs his friends .ind t'ormer patrons, tliat he reopened liis 'I’AIL- OKLNG ESTABLISHMENT in Spring s new Huilding, w here he w ill be happy to see any one w.intiug.iny thing done in his line. AU work warranted. Oct, t»J?th. IT-tf THE STRSCKlliEi; hxs reiruivi d his Ti.\ a:^d stovi: sbiop to tie House fonnerly occiqiied by Me.sis. lllair A- OiT, two doors l ast of Sinings A. McLeod's comer, where he will keep constantly on hand A com|ilete and full sup[>ly of Piain, Jiipanned and I’laniiihed "W.A.rtE!, which h ' will either AVhoh sale or If. tail as low as anv other house iu this place. He will al.Hi keep a full sujiply of COOK AND BOX STOVES, which he will sell .is low its th y can be atforded i in this marker. ! JOB W 0 U R j of all kinds done with neatness and dispatch. I I'li.ankful for past favors he would solicit a j continuauce of the same. SAM L T. WKISTON. Febmarv ■24, 1 r^57. ;?4-?m. THE RICH MEN OF NEW YORK. The New York Evening Post thus noti ces the errors as to men's wealth, tho City Tax Book discloses the under valuations by of the morning metil. The young wife liad prepared the steak, biscuit and coffee with her own hands, and fora table ht\d used her kneading board, over which a napkin was spread, and the “board” placed on her lap. 'J'he N«'w Yorker declined a seat at the ta ble, and took his leave. On making his report to his New’ York friends as to how the assessors, \ c. 1 he name of Astor first suggests itself, | found his young friend living, he des- as for many years connected with the tra- | bribed the style as “magnificent.” and for ditioii of ••normous ■wealth: and turning to j p^jdamition of the superlative, he said, that it, we find tha+ Mr William 1>. A.-^tor is tax ed ^3.‘.2U0,0!j0 real estate, and $7.>5,(I00 personal estate. We have no means of as certaining the amount cd Mr Astor’s pro perty, nor is it tho business of any but him self to know*; but there are many in this city. vv(‘ tancy. who would be glad to take were he the ow’ner of that young man’s furniture, he would not take ten thousand ddlars for the legs of his table ! The corner-stone of tho Chiy monu ment is to be laid at Legino-ton, Ky., on the 4th of July next. The oration will be le- foiind it highly useful. The principal sub stiince iicting so powerfully in the green ; tincture, is a kind of coffee-oil developed in the raw- berries.” As to other poisons, tho Doctor remarks: , “ii! a geiK'ral toxico’ogle, soon to be i nublished, 1 sliall give the antidotes to all j ^ . ! mgs, more sjiecdily recover from accidents l,= u.. ful lo r.-,.,urk, th.,t in „b..ut ull casol I operations, than those »ho «.|,p.,se it .if pi.isoiiiii'T by ii.c'taliic }.ubstai.cfs, (as, for j is tnu.ortliy a i’ an ti. hettav sttch synip- example, arsenic, copper, verdigris, (^'c.,) ■ toms (>f cowardice, as cither to groan or cry. the best and surest is to emjiloy instantly a ! He is always plea.scd by the crying and simple i>ap of common soap—that is, pieces 1 violent rotiring of :i patient during the time of soap stamiied w ith water to a kind cf j jg „„(iergoing a violent surgical opera- paste. A [lart of this paste diluted with a j l.ecause he is satisfied tliat he will larger quantity of water, will serve for soap- | soothe his nervous system so a.s to dy.t.-rs. .vi.ieh in such oases must he uJ-J ^ favourable ter- niini'tered every five or ten minutes. If ; ^ . . , „ „ , . , ,• 11 1 1 _ ; mmation. He relates the of a man the lawboiies are spasmodically closed, or . , , i- i i i ,, ^ , , . , ^ who by crviii" and bawling, reduced las the swallowing of tho thick paste proves. » . . , , , • . impossible, the same thing, or diluted soap ! pulse tVom one hundred and twenty-MX to water, must bo administered through the j sixty, in the course of two hou:-s. hat mouth as Wfll as it can.” j some patients often have great satisfaction j jn groaning, and that hysV;rical patients ex- Moutox, tiik Comi'An-iox of Dr. Kane. | relief from crying, are facti — Ihe name of W m. Morton will no doubt 1 pers 'n will deny. As tJ be familiar to all who have read the account j ),vpochondriacal subject.s, or tl ose who of the la..t Arctic expedition, under the com.- j w. w, E X e 11 a 11 c Saloon, Miyr STREET, (’HAPvLOTTE. N. C. I his property dT his hands at the assessment : J. ]?reckinridge. price multiplied by t.Mi. ; re[«)rted.^ The tax-book contains but four other! ' names of persons who are taxed on amounts exceeding a million of dollars, viz: James j Lenox. ; Stephen Whitney $1,- 400.000; Petir Lorillard. s 1 ; and Alexander T. Stewart, s 1,0'!>,IK)0. This w ill probably bo a matter of some surprise to our readers, and servo to show the insuf- ficioacy of the book as a record of the wealth of our citizens. Instead of only five persons worth a million and over, it is safe to say that there are iu this city fifty at least who are so rich. Ill the same way, such well known citi zens as Peter Coop*r- Cornelius Vanderbilt, George Law, the Grinnells, P. Townsend and others, whose wealth for various rea sons has been more or less the subject of public remark, dwindled to very small pro portions in these jiagca. House Destroyed by Fire.—We learn from a reliable source, that the house of Mr Charley Davis, of Biincombe county, w as cons-imed by fire on the night of the? 1st instant. The family, it is said, were from home at the time ; and the building with its entire contents was burned to ashes. We truly syinjiathise with them in their distressed condition ; and hope the friends in the neighborhood will lend a helping hand in this their time of trouble.—Caro lina Baptist. We.sterx N. C. Kailkoai>.—The stock holders of this Company will a-ssemble in Morganton on the 2d of April, for the purpose of considering the amendment pro posed to their charter by the last Legisla ture. some course ot incdictil '.^fdietetic treatment. The Flovd C. H. Va., maud of the lamented Kane. This gentle man sailed to England with Dr. Kane and i ,, J - fiiF I-rench surireoii assure.s them that tuev thencri to Havana, and now accompanies , • the remains to Philadelphia. Mr. Morton cannot do V.eLter than groan all day and was born in Ireland, but left his native cry all nigi^t. land at a very early age, and has now been in America abiut seventeen years. He Elkventh Hoi h. first become acquainted with Dr. Kane in j Citizen states that la-t week Richard Bal- California, and after one voytige to tho Po- aged 7fi. and Miss Lovel, about the lar Seas, joined the Arctic Expedition under [ marned after a warm al- Dr. Kane, and sailed ou the ill-fated “Ad- for each other for the thirty vance.” Mr. Morton was the one who v.dunteercd with the Esquiinaui boy to go ‘ North iu search of the Open Si.a, and after : Pqj^tS OF JAPAN Ol'tN-—It is stated in a a circuitous and fatiguing route* of three! . . , r i . . . . ♦I'll foreign iournal that the Emper(u' jf Japan hundred niile.s, dragging their sledges over tl.e , , i> 1 cj 1* r**'^‘»lv(*d tliAt t'vo port> ot the etnjur* ♦ tho ic^*bc*rcr?^i the Qrcat 1 o*ar Sea wix^ di*?- 3 ti i 1 -i* i n i uie 1C .ut g , I fe , tho«e of Nangasaki aini Hakodadi, shall b- covered, and the noble Morton (in whom coveieu, auu I. C v ooened to the ve.s.sels of all nations. I fiere every one will become interested in read- . . every uii« ui j thev miirht repair, take m provi.sions, estab- ing Dr. Kane’s account) is now the only ^“‘y'"'fe / \ ^ . . VI V 1 ij H-h dPDotrt of coal. icc. 1 he other port.i liviiiLT white man who has ever beheld the ^ -P .1 ‘ ^ the empire, moreover, are to be acces.-^i- great OpenPol.r =ea. where cola »ater, | ^ roll and toss a-ambt the ic-berg8 of the far distant North. Mr. Morton is now but thirty-five years of age, and ha-j the appearance of one who could well undergo tho fatigues of an Arc tic winter. to sea the moment the danger is over. N* foreigner is to be alhnved to ppnetrate int.* the interior of the country witiiout a ^poci«l perniii^ion from tho chief of tho State.

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