I StlSS drug store Qrnj BV WILLIAM J. YATES, rniTOR and proprietor- ffE. A. YATES5 ASSOCIATE EDITOR. THE .published every Tuesday- :; tl'- latest Nfewa, a full and accu C,,nta;"t; 1, .port of the Markets, &c. F tl,o v. ar, if paid in advance $2 00 . ..I within six MOMMMi " nart'-l'-tionoftheyear. :i 00 5" nv persKW sending us five - - f 1 . ..ni.ani.'d by the advance i ub- eript'i-n (SI") receive a sixth copy gra 'XcrXr and others who y wish tXl Looejto us, can do so hy ma.., at ...jr risk. advertis:n:. One smare of 16 hne, m less, for 3 month., JC " j " K on jSTSgC M-tcforoSc, wil l. AM .1. A I B.S. At thr Wester" Democrat Office. Warrants, Marriage License. TRrceitS, Subpoenas, .Jury H hek t UeiiiUrators' Roods and Letters, " Quarto Ro.v.U, Indenture- Deeds for convevin Lands or hou-es, P' l-.-leeution Bonds, CaSa Bomb, Uuchraenta, Delivery Bond, pj F,,, en mtv and superior court. CoastaUes' Bail Botfc, puntj and upo ri.r court W rits, Co,nmis-ions to take Depositions, Witness Tickets. ET Rlanks of all kinds printed to order at short notice. II IVIXG re'inned to Charlotte, I am again at ' . 1. r. nllire 111V set VI- . "... .1... ,v.-..-!iee of Me.I'CUH ,1,-iMisal oi BUBr win. - i- icint- and Snrgery. rn .... . . . - Feb. 3d, H57. M 11 k. m . vrR'mos. A. J. BOWEXX. MIIRCKISON 6t HOWELL, COMMISSKSK ISEEGHANTSi lO l Street, Feb. :U1, 1863 . 'J DU. U. WYSOSC Charlotte, t'. V U W1NC. located in this place, r.-spectfuHy offers his Professional Services to the CIU . its of the tov.n and vicinity. Par OFFICE in Ac new brielt bui.Uing, mnnsite the nnrrn uimhh, April -th 1- BREM & STEELE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Dry O-oods, Hardware, Ellat. a3 Shoes, CHARLOTTE, X. V. Mav 5l Hj". IsATVD FOB The suWriber off rs lor sale l" pfafntatioa up. ti which he formerly lived. Ivhag on th. wat is ol Mc MidnrPs t'r k. on the Provid. net Bond, six miles from Cterlotte centmmngaiHm. 2sO ar i0 Acres. The Land is wed improved, about one-hal! cleared and in a good state ecnRjvatwn, and the wood-land well timbered: with goo.; Dwelling House, three good Kitchens, Barn . i .Lm. a tirs! rate ami i..t. .' i - ,,. i:;,. II.. use .-md Scr. w; Cotton Uin, Thresher and Pan: also, a . First rate Saw Mill in rood renair, all of which I off r with the land Th.' Land can be divided to advantage to suit purchasers. ., . Anv person wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine the Plantan m. OS I an, determined to s, 11. They can tall an Hi N. Boticfc, who lives adjoining, on the mam l'rovid. nce road, where Mrs Hutchison l-rmerly bved; he will show the premis- s With l'l- ;'-" and direct any inhumation about said land to toe subscriber ill Statesvdle. gimtfrnv JAS. H. KENNEOl Mayotb, 1857- 44 fun DR. B.CHEARS Hssrhnj located at MONROE, t.nders his pro-f.-ssi.mal services to the citizens of the I and siirrounding country, and n-spectlully son cits their patronage. tUhce at J. Bickett s. April a. 4".i-rm Notice. HX.YING obtained Letters of Administration upon the estate of W. P. Trotter, d. c ased, I give notice to all persons indebted to the late tinn f T. Trotter jh. !un, nj n o"- account for the last four or th e year-, to come forward and pav the same without lay. and ther. bv save cost, as the concern must be set tied up. THOS. TROTTER, Admt SKd Surviving Partner. Feb. 3d, 157. :l"tf The Watch and Jewelry business w ill in the fnmn- be coiidnct. d by Ike subscriber, who will spare no pains or exp -nsc to give general sans faction. Watch repairing done in a sup. nor man ner, and at the shortest notice V. W- 17IWN Co., MINT STREET, Cliarlottc, IM". O- JIRS. n. J. C RAIG, Dross 3va:ctii.ei Three doors below Trotter's Carriage Manufactory CUMLOTTE. April 22, 1S56. ly rFamTlr Padev.ttd to m I ) lThc Charlotte fltitual Fire InuraBcc Company, CONTINUES to take risks aprainst loss hy Fire en House, Goods, Product-, &c.,at usual rates. Office nearly opposite Kerr's Hotel. President M. B. TAYLOR. Vic- President C. OVERMAN. Sec'y & Treas'r E NYE HUTCHISON. M. B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOUNG. WM. JOHNSTON, J. II. CARSON. S. T. WKISTON, F. SCARR. April 23, 1657. tf BELTS ! BELTS!! BELTS I!! India-Rubher Rclts from tbeD"Stoa Belt ing Company, at manufacturer'- prices. : inch. 'A ply 17 cents per foot. 4 " 5 - 6 " 7 44 10 1-2 " 12 27 3S " 60 " 4 ply BOONE & CO. Charbdte. April 14, 1857. 3m ROOKS ITo--' Sale AT TIIK CHARLOTTE BOOK STORE. The Americas Sportsman: containing hints to Sportsmen, not. s on .hooting, and the habits of tbe Gasae Birds and Wild Fowl of Ane rica. hv LEWIS. . The GoLDES LbgaCV: a story of Life's Phases. Kuxsfmmtbe FoiSTAIN of LtFF. or Ser mons toCbiidre,by Her. R. Nebtto, 1). D. THE DaISV Chais or Aspirations: a Family Chronicle. SlIOEPAC RECOIXErnOKS : A Way-Side Glimpsncf American Life, by WaERR Aarcb. Kathie BKANDE: a Fireside History of a Quiet Life, hy Holme Lee. HoiTHEiioM) Mysteries, by Lhczie Pitt. El GRTROO, or X w Mexico and her People. I'n i. Fake, by N. P. Willis. Ykva, or the War of I he Peasants and the Conscript: two interesting Romances bound in one volume. THE NaPOLEOJS DTRASTV, or ihe History ol i the Bonaparte Family: an ntn ly new work, ny I the Berkley Men, with twenty-two smthentk S Portraits. Cad at March 31, 1867. BOOTS P. J. L v RILS lo, ,k Store. 3D-tf & SHOES. Just Received FOR THE SPIHRC & SUMMER TRADE, As fine an Assortment oi Soots rrxaci SIiocs As has ever been offered t a SoBthera Pcepk. Call and see litem at BCM3NE & C"'S STORE. Term-. CASH. March 17. 1857. " B. Dowler At Co a CELEBRATED VV II E A T F A S. The subset ib era are now engaged at Monroe, Cnion county, N. C, in putting up the above n .-e-d Fans.' In th ir mann-r ot construction and .wxTMions and entire adaptation to the por iMes for which they are dengned. Ihese V an aiv uu. quailed by any that have hen lofore b en otf -n-dto the pnbb. They are e,.n,truct. .1 ol .he best materials, and none but th-b st w..; k mea ar.- enployi d. An exnerii nee ot five y ars ;,. ,,.. 1.,t..,.,s, iii-fiii.s the belief lliat cntffe satisfoction will br given. li our work m warranted. - A ord. rs will leceire prompt attentKB and the Machinery d. liver, d according t ..rd. r- lit ft renres: I) Covington, J. P. Houston, Monroe, K C. Jassea B Robinson, Bauj Morrow. Mecklenburg count v. Wm J Smith, Di Wadkins, Anson connty K fSE it STEKL. BIOKROE, Union county, March 20th. fun LAND FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the situa tion known as "White Rail," T,i the Steele Creel: neighborhood, Directly on th main road leading from Charl itte to Yorkville, seven and a halt miles from the former place and about four miles from the Charlotte and J?- nann.au. The tract contains FOUR HUNDRED VND FOKTY ACRES, of which about one fourth is uncleared, the remainder near ly all under fence, and mostly in a good state of cultivation. The fences are in good repair and the buildings second to none in the country. Tbe Steele Creek lands are noted for their fertility, and this place ranks among the best. There are four churches, n flourishing Male Academy, and female aehool within convenient di.-tances. The community is unsurpassed m tbe gonerai intelligence, public spirit, high Toned morality, and social quaht.es ot its citizens. . ... , Persons wishing to purchase will npplj p.. w Pntthar oft to M. K. liarr. ro " - T . the premises, or to the subscriber in the im mediate neighborhood. An indulgence of one, two, and three 3 ears will be given. WATT. March 0, 1857. 3m. A Xew Tailoring Estab lshzueiit JAMES BRIANT informs his friends and former patrons, that he has reopened bis 1 All. OR1NO ESTABLISHMENT in of the Building next to the Bank of the State, h re l.e will be happy to see all those wanting anv thing done in Bisune. ah - Stale Intelligent., the News of n TT A n T il T T" L1 TUT ' Lf I L1 U U : I !l 1 1 I iJ IT VII KIM ljftritJIilW.fi. J UUiinUUl 1U iUUUllUU -AVI - . w-- 1 - TUESDAY. MAY 26. 1857. -NewSorie-j PROVIDENCE ACADEMY, 12 Miles South of Charlotte. THE exercises of tbe sixteenth Session of this School will begin (Divine Providence per mitting) on the second Mouday in June next. Terms per Session of 21 tt'eelts. English Grammar, History, Sue $(; 00 Classics and Mathematics, 1'2 50 Students will he charged from the day of en trance till the end of the session, without deduc tion for lost time. E. C. KUYKENDAL. Bfay 12, 1867. 4t DISSOLUTION. The copartiiThip heretofore existing between Blair & Orr was 1 red ou the i si of I cbraa- ry last, by mutual consent AUtnose maeweo to us by Note or Book seeonnt will please call and jay up as longer indnlgencj eann t be giv- en. v i'i'.-ni May 5th, 1857. M. M. ORR. Tlnntil as A- Crape Shawls. AN elegant assortment. BItEM & STEELE. May 5, 1857, 44-4t F O R T IE LADIES 01 m ffl Tx a A larffe assortment of Fancy Hair and Tooth Bra dies of .very quality; French, English and American Pomades for the hair; Labia's Ex tracts ot Jockey club, violet, marocnaie, lea rose, cedar, heleotrope, rose, new mown hay, swe. t scented shrub, sweet pea. moust line, boaqw t Napoleon, summer, blossom, miHefloW- ers, upper ten. jasmine, caroime, iiiuk. Cologne, Verbena. Jasmine, and deranium Waters, &c. Just received at SCABS fc CO'S April 14th. Drug Store. oa Potali. Just received a fresh barrel of Potash, at RCARR cc CO'S Charlotte Drug Store. April 14th. Ready-Hade Clothing AND FiiriiElis:2sr EtaWfebmeiit. SPRINGS & HEATFI RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public generally that they have receiv. dand are receiving an extensive assortment of Ready Made Clothing at their old stand on the north side of Mint Btreet, to which they invite atten- Gentlemen's COATS; Among their stock may be found Black Cloth CV-iW single and donble breasted; black and drab Alpacca in Sa;-ks. Frocks and Raglans; r -i. v.-o-lish Dran-d'Ete ; plain and lan- cv Cassi meres, gotten up in nice suits ; plain and fancv Lite ti Mars-iHes, m suits; wiute umen i.;ii.,.i Diie.k: each stvle embracing the different cuts, Sacks. Frocks ami Raglans. PANTALOONS; t JTwexnh anil American Cnfshnrrt fini aiivi . v Jittlll Aiv.V.. black and fancy; Wck and fancy Atpacea.stej I ......l. v.-,.,i,.i .jinl l-'in'lish Ilran-d'Lte ; plain . '. i t no.i M.nst ill. s of all arrades They would call ( special attention to their lot VESTS, both single and double breasted, embracing black and fiwnred Silk, black Satin, and the pretii. st lt ..f t:i.ill.s Vests ever offered in tins market Gents Furnishing Goods, The largest lot in this market, consisting in part of plain aud fancy Linen and Cotton Collars, Byron & His. op: linen and cotton Draw ers; plain and fancy Hosiery ; ( Moves, silk, kid, &c; a variety of Cravats, silk and linen : Hand kerehk fs, silk and linen ; Suspenders, &c, &c. V fine lot of HATS for the Summer wear, em bracing all the latest st vies of the Silk. Casshnerc ami Feb Hats; Straw, Leghorn, and Panama do. They offer the above floods VKRY LOW FOR CASH, r to punctual d. al. vs on time, whh the express nndenstspding that accounts are due when they waul flu' money. The return their thanks to their customers For the liberal patronage h retolor.- hesloweu upon them, and hope to m rit a continuance ot the same bv diligence in business and nntinngei foris top! ase. -ail and examine then Goods. SPRINGS &. HEATH, Charlotte, N. C. April 7, 1857. 40-tf Cigar, Tobacco, AND FRUIT STORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi- !..,, i.. tt.. mmI inirroundins country, thai 7.1 us oi v ..... -- ' - f . i , ;.. n.Mivd a soleudid assortment ot II.- llrtr, J'.' " SPANISH CIGARS nf the choicest brands. Also, a tine article of CHEWISO TOBACCO, FRUITS d- CONFECTIONED IES. JAS. D. PALMER. rWwMita Roone i Co.'s Shoe Store. Charlotte, April 7, XSH. 40-tf A Rare Chance To get Bargains at Flint Rock, The undersigned, not having sufficient water-power to drive all their machinery profital.lv. are determined, to sell the ar ticles named below, and therefore otter them at the very low prices annexed: complete sett of Carding Machines. 8400. Power Loon, $4U, and Cotton Gi.i . 4tK Applvto T. & M. M. MOSER. Flint Hock, X C, April 7. bm-pd Lightning Reds. L J II AW LEY & CO. offer their ser vices to the public for the purpose of supplying , i lino-s with LIGHTNING RODS. Having ! " n ena-. d in the business for over six years bt? -.rinia and North Carolina, and being pro vVed with the best reconim ndatior.s I hope E be able to give entire satisfaction to all who m lI-'lK nnanently located in this place, all wSTSU by me wiB bekeptmgoou repair olssed torn. Office, or left at the Residence ol N - V ilk.nson, will meet with P-f 'LEY & CO. Charlotte, April 7, 157. the W.rld, Political Information, - - .... opivMrtc of CHIM HALL SometliiRg New in CharloUc ! JAMES II ARTY & CO. respectfully inform the inhabitants of Charlotte and the surrounding countrv, that they have just openeo attneir new Ston-, on the west 6ide of Tryon street, in the Athenenm Building, a large and spteBOM assort ment of IHINA GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, China Ornaments. Fancy Articles, etc., just se kcted from the NewestPatterns ol European Man ufa. ture. Also, a large variety ol Looking (class es, Britannia and Plated Ware, Waiters, Lamps, 1 1 . - , . - lan'liesilCKS, eic. In commencing this new enterprise, the sub scribers beg to assure their friend.- :.iid the public, that tin y shall always endeavor hy close atten tion to the wants oi the people to merit a liberal share of patronage. They will conduct their bu- sines on strictly UA&n principles, aiiu Mian en deavor to show that this is the ouh correct system for both buyer and seller. April 14, 1857. 41-tf Stale of IWorth Carolina, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, Superior Court of Law. Spring Term, 1857. Ordered by Court that a Special 1 erni of the Superior Court of Law for Mecklen burg County, be opened and held at the Court House in Charlotte, on the FIRST MONDAY in JUNE nxt. Witness, J. B. KERR, Clerk. W B. Suitors and witnesses will ph ase take notice, and attend at the above time md place. J B. lv.. C I k. May 1(5, 1857. 4(J-3t A turn-.- rdhdIv of Elecant Bonnets. Trimmed ....... rr . . o . and Un trimmed, just received. Mav 5th. 44-4t itsVor the Neate?t stock of Clothing yon ever saw ero to the Emporium of Fash- ion of rLhLLw ix v. T For the Prettiest stock of Clothing . . . f r . i. you ever saw go to Ue r-mponiini oi i as.u iot. of FULL1NGS fe CO. NORTH CAROLINA, LINCOLN COUNTY. Superior Court of Lau; Spring Term, 1857. Ordered by Court, that a Special Term of this Court be called and held on the d Monday in July next. Suitors and Witnesses in civil cause. will take notice and attend accordingly. Witness, ROUT. WILLIAMSON, Clerk May 5, 1857. 44 !t DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Moore & Moody is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons in debted to sa'id firm, will please to make payments tsnjjf.C. Moore, who is alone authorized to settle the same. We respectfully return our sincere thanks to a Erenerous public for past favors. B J. C. MOORE, M. D. L. MOODY. ZDJ" o "t i o o . Having bought out the interest of Mr Moody in the Charlotte, Bakery and Confectionery, 1 would announce to the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity that I intend carrying on the business, on my own hook, and would respectfully invite one and all to give me a call, as I intend to sell as low as any other establishment of the kind in Charlotte. J- C. MOORE. 1P I would also respectfully request all per sons indebted to the firm of Moore & Moody to cail on me and settle the same as the business ot the firm must be closed up. J. C. MOORE. May 4 , 1 857. 44-t f J?st Arrived, A fresh lot of Oranges, Pine Apples, pine apple Oheeae and English Dairy. Also, a lot ot tire Works for the 20th May. May 19. tf J. C MOOKb. Temple of Fashion js .voir OPEN. Something Entirely New. GENTLEMEN, one and all. young aud old, who wish to wear Good, Fine Clothes, goto J. W. COLE'S HEW CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Firs? Door above Kerr's Hotel, formerly occupied by Lowrte's Book Store, where von can get the best tits and the hnest clothes 'lor the least money than any where else in the State. The goods are all made up to order expr. ssl v lor this market. Everything is gotten up in the very latest and neatest styles, Sud the making of evety piece is "Warranted to last, or otherwise made good. Let all go and look at his well seh cted stock of Ready made Clothing, and be sure to examine his prices; he will put you up a SUM so low that you to wear tine clothes. Gentlemen wishing any particular suits, by leavimr their measures, can have them m 12 days, warranted " MalPK. He intends to sell very low and conduct a strictly Cash Business. purcnaser win certainly mm me . . ; , t j ... . - ,i. w,-t. m f.f li-vv-r vil ru r cent, m ma ravor. - .,...v.. --- and small profits, ' for CASH UJML.I. les, it vou want the worth of your money come to me. Charlotte, April 28, 1857. 6m DU. U.TPBIK 'HARD'S jDRlCr STORE IS REMOVED to the Stand on the North corner of Public Square, known as Irwin's Cor ner, where he will be glad to see his friends and custom May 12, 1857. 45-tf MISS ELIZABETH M. BOWERS, Charlotte, X. C, Opposite the Post Office, will give lessons on the Piano Forte. Terms made known on appncanon. May 12th, 1857. 3t Whig copy m nnn Soothem Bights, A?ricltre, Literal, aU Mtscellag. " nTTHtRr - nnmn n T7 rvx trt a l v : rx mm The Maple Si-gar Chop. The State of N 'W York produces more sugar than any other State in the Union except Louisi ma. The estimate of the maple sugar production of that State for the present year is twenty millions of pounds, which is valued at two millions and a half of dollars. The maple sugar crop for the whole Union is estimated at 68.500,000 pounds, worth $8. 562,500, or very nearly equal to one-half the product from the sugar cane in the United States last year. The increased price of sugar has stimulated this production, which, duiihg the very low prices of sugars from 1 850 to 1854, had caused the manufacture of maple sugar to fall off to almost nothing. A western editor, whose subscribers complained very loudly that he did not give them news enough for their money. !o'd them that if they did not find enough in the paper, they had better read the Bible, which, he had no doubt, would be news to them. FASHION! Fashion ! ! Fashion ! ! ! Well, Who Cares About Fashion? wax mmt mm, AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Well, Where do You get the Fashion? Why, at FULLINGS & CO.'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, ' As Hundreds can testify who have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in at less prices than at any other bouse in the Sttite. Now kind reader if you want to see the neatest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionable and largest Stock of Olotliiiig you ever saw call at FULLINGS & CO'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, next door to the Mansion House. Charlotte, V f where one look will satisfy you that ;t ; thr r,lnrr. fur cood and fashionable Goods at low prices. We could go on and tell you about the different styles of Goods on hand, but our Stock is so large, with such a variety of styles thut we will just say to you all come and take a look and satisfy yourselves as our goods will be fret -ly shown and prices given. We know it lias been a subject of great astonishment to ;i great many how it was that we were ena bled to sell such Fashionable GOODS at such Very -Low Prices. Well, it is simply because we import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers at tbe saute prices that other dealers pay for them in Philadelphia or New York, and then we rive them an article netter maue auu to give satisfaction or money returneu. We return you our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us. and if selling good and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION bv FULLINGS 6c CO., Try ok Street. May 19, 1857. tf For the Largest stock of Clothing: you ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS & CO. Winte Sulphur Springs, Catawba County, n. Situated 50 miles North of Charlotte, 20 miles West of Statesville, and '25 miles East of Morganton; at tbe foot of the mountains and in a vicinity unsurpassed U. ... 1 .. 1 .r .if its jtil". IOl Hie r-aiuoi.tj' ., The Proprietor, Dr. L. bbhiuii, 1 .a 1 1 A-t A. Lis lm nO0l announces to tlie ruone imu au i.rMin oneifr with every accommodation roi o 1 . . the reception of visitors. M.1 . . . I ...... T oo peculiar tonic, aitcrauve mm ui.0 orating properties of this wafer, render it invaluable in diseases of the Liver, Dys pepsia, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Debili ty, Heartburn, Spinal Diseases, Incipient Consumption. Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases, and all cases of debility accompanied with defective appetite and want of assimilation C3P Visitors can procure conveyances from Newton to the Springs at all times. May 19, 1857. 46-1 in Fayetteville Observer copy 4 times and fbiward bill to Newton. KOBES. A new supply of Ladies' handsome Robes, just to hand. BREM & STEELE. Mav 5th. 44-4t EXECUTORS' NOTICE. All persons indebted to the Estate of A. HOYL, dee'd, whose Notes are over due, must make payment by the 1st of September next. All Notes due from the citizens of Gaston county, N. C, and York District, S. C are in the hands of Thomas Grier, to whom payment must be made. AH other Notes are la the hands of W. P. Bynum. Those having claims against the Estate, will please file a written statement of the same, by 1st of September, with one of the undersigned. W. P. BYNUM, ) FlV THOMAS GRIER, S May 19, 1857 4G-3m ti- V. lb. PhonriAst stock of lotlling vou ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash i tt 'i 1 1 vr.s Ar CO. ion of A' A RIVAL PROM LiHi-iua. n.dtrt ,m pvoitpment nrevailed in our city on Friday last at the appearance here of Jeffersou, one of the liberated slaves of the late G. M. Waters, of Gwinnett county in this State, It is known to most of on, readers in this vicinity that "Jeff, with some forty other slaves, in accordance with the will "of his late owner, was sent to Liberia in the ship Elvira uwen, v.api Alexander commanding, which sailed trom Savannah for that prt on the Ui June "I. ft " with his fellow passengers, in all numbering about 350, arrived safely at Liberia, but alter a stay utviv i i I. ' K I. clof w -even montna, aurtng "ai "v ..fbi ..wo immediate family, mother, LI l V'4 7- sisters and brothers, six out of seven of .them 1:,1. n,l oi tbe whole number that went out more than one half of them, after the endurance of great suffering, died also we mav say, actually perished tor tne wani 1 from disease common uoon the African coast leff, we say deter mined to leave those diggins, and seek his o.d Georgia home. Accordingly, by shrewd management, i..iV i.tHved t. effect his escape, we mav term it, from Liberian citizenship and freedom, to lialtimore, on uoaru me Caroline Stephens," which good ship arrived at that prt on or aooiK me -om umv, and from thencD lie took passage on a steamer to Charleston, ami from Charleston by the Railroad through Augusta, he contrived to reach this place, as stated above, on Friday last. For his good fortune in thus travel ing from Baltimore to this point unmolested, "Jeff'' says, that he, being a dark mulatto, with stiaight hair, assumed to be an Indian, and when asked if he was not a "gentleman of color," indignantly resented it as an insult, and put on airs that soon quieted all suspicion as to the true state of his case. No sooner, however, had "Jiff"" landed at our depot, than he made tracks for protection to the Messrs. Wallace, of our city, who knew him well, ami to whom, in his old master's life, he had delivered many a wagon load of roarrtry produce. To these gentlemen, in our presence, he stated a'l the foregoing f icts, and declared that all he wanted or d,-sired was to reach the plantation of his young master, Mr T. J. Waters, of Gwinnett, so as to be permitted for the bilaneeof his life either fo handle the plough, or to take up the shovel and the hoe. Luckilv for "Jeff," the Executor of the estate of his late master. Col. IS. O. Hutcbihs.of Gwinnett, was in our city, and about to leave for homo, which "Jiff hearing, in the "twinkling of an eye bis r ink was on the cars, and under me r. tection of the Colonel, he left here for the "limitation," which he doubtless reacn oi Saturday last. . . ti.; . : ml. a mr," incident Jen is none uf your stupid fellows, but an intel'.i- gent mulatto, liis age is anow -o, auu e woull t ike his opinion of the condition of the liberated slaves in Liberia as soon as that of any white philanthropist who had not actually visited Lib. r a and examined into the condition of those people. Jeff says, with but very few exceptions, their condition is miserable indeed, and that ninety-nine out of everv hundred of thein would, like himself, gladly return fo servi tude upon the plantation. As for the na tives of Liberia, he pronounced them lazy, filthy, and, in their diet, worse than beasts worms and snakes and toads, and creep-ino- things, being luxuries. Corn bread and bacon were things only remembered : upon fruits and rootsall had to sub-ist; and "you know, master," Jeff, "that don't suit a Georgia nigger." We asked him if he could get work there; his reply was, "no: unless he would work for nothing." In fact, said he, there is no work to do there, .ind that is what makes every thins so bad. Of the snob aristocracy, the big niggers of .ti ! Liberia, Jell has a most contemptinie opin ion. They will suit he says, Northern rdrr.ers but noon one who has been slave. they look with contempt. He could lick a plantation full of them any day, provided the law was clear. T it not time for the people in the South to legislate upon the subject of the emanci pation ot slaves, and pass wnotesoow re strictions thereon ? A Buck-horn Chaik kok the Presi oekt. The editor of the San Francisco Her aid has seen a great curiosity in the shape of a chair made entirely of elk antlers, and designed as a present to James Buchanan President of the United States. It was made in the northern part of Humboldt county California, by Seth Kinman, a hunter, who had arrived with it in Sau Francisco, en route for Washington. It is mainly composed of f mr massive buck horns with the antlers branching appropriate ly as if the whole affair were the work of a carver, the two largest numo cwpwn the hind legs and back, and they incline backwards gracefully at the top ami meet together so as to form an arcn. llie two other horns compose the four legs and t sides, and extend back so as to lap on and firmly fasten in the forks of the back part nrmiy laateii o tuc i The feet are original ; instead of taking old antlers, the hunter "brought down" the largest living bucks' and cut the horns out of their heads with about three inches of bone attached. This bone is solid and white as ivory, and the ends on which the chair rests are formed into tbe sbape of deer s wr Th rounds or runes are made of hoofs. Ibe rounusor ru.isy, re iuau. in straight pices of horn, and so neatly joint- ed that there is no outward evidence of it. The small horns which project from every I part ot the chair, nave ijeeu fan sne., Ke : TU -,f white buckskin, nre- - ivory rarec j e for it by the maker. " $2 PEB ANNUM h. In Advance. VOLUME 5. NUMBER 47. CURIOSITIES OP SLEEP. In Turkey, if a person fidU asleep in the neighborhood of a poppy field, and the wind blows over towards him. he becomes gradu ally narcotized and would die if the country people, who are well acquainted with the circumstance, did not bring him to the next well or stream, and empty pitcher after pitcher of water on his face and body. Dr. Appenheiin, during his residence in l uraey, owed his life to this simple and efficaoious treatment. Dr. Graves, from whom this anecdote is quoted, also reports the case of a gentleman thirty years of age, who from long continued sleepiness, wiis reduced to a complete living skeleton, unable to stand on his legs. It was partly owingto the disease but chiefly to the abuse of mercury and opium ; until at last, unable to pursue hi business, he sank into abject poverty and woe. Dr. Reid mentions a friend of his, who, whenever anything occurred to dis tress him, soon became drowsy and fell asleep. A fellow student also at Edinburg, upon bearing suddenly the unexpected death of a near relative, threw himself in his bed and almost instantaneously, amid the glare, of noonday, sunk into a profound slumber. Another person aloud to one of his dearest friends stretched on his death bed, fell fast asleep, and with the book still In hand, went on reading utterly unconscious of what ho was doing. A woman at Hamadt slept seventeen or eighteen hours a day for fifteen years. Another is recorded to have slept once four days. Dr. Macnish mentions a woman who spent three-fourth of her life in sleep, and Dr. Elliottson quotes case of a yonng lady who slept for fix weeks and recovered. The venerable St. Augus tine of Hippo prudently divided his hours into three .arts, eight to be devoted to sleep, eight to recitutions eight to converse with the world. Maniacs are reported par ticularly in the eastern hemisphere, to be come furiously vigilant during the full of the moon, more especially when the de inrioratintr rays of its polarized light is per mitted to fall into their apartment, hence tbe name lunatics. There certainly is greater proneness to disease during sleep than in the waking state, for those who pass the night in the Campagne du Roma inevi tably becomo infected with its noxious air ; whilo travellers who go through without stopping escape the miasma. Intense cold produces sleep, and those who perish In the snow, sleep on till they sleep the sleep of death. A Chkap Place to Live Ik. The Literary Gazette, in a notice of Mr. Neale's work on Syria, says "People who wish to a v live well and cheap at the same tune, shouiu go to Anlioch. Mr. Neale tried to bo ex travagant there, but found it t toe imposst- a a ble, house rent, servants, horses, boara. washing and wine included, to spend more than 41) a year. Oh, that Antioch were in London ! Fancy 74 lbs. ot good mutton for Is. fat fowls for 2d. a piece 7U IDS. of fish for Is. and all possible fruits and vegetables for 2d. a week ! If we remem ber aright, the garden of Eden was some where near this place. Beware 1 Youm Gentlemen. In a recent breach of promise case in New York, the Judge charged that "it is not neceaaaiy that there should be a promise of marriage in direct phraseology no formal promise is required. Frequent vists of the parties retiring from the society of others seeking to be apart by thetnselvei expressions of attachments presents going together to place . of amusement walks and occasional remarks in hearing of others are circtistan ces usually relied upon to prove that a marriage engagement exists, and if such are strong enough to produce conviction upon the mind, they are all that is necessary to answer the law." m A Gkeat S.-ORY. The following "thril ling story," although not of highest order of merit in a literary point of view, may serve as an amusing theme for lovers of "puzzldT to exercise their ingenuity : We once saw a young man gazing at tha ry heavens, with a f in 1 Jt39 and a of pistols in the other. We endeavored to attract his attention by .mg 2 a in a pa per we held in our JtW, relating to a young man in that of the country who had left home in a state of derangement. He drop ped the f and of pistols from his g3T Sap, with the! "It i I X whom U read. I had left home b4 my friends knew my desirrn. I had sO the 0" of a giri who had"refuaed 2 lislO to me, hot smiled upon another. I ed madly from the house, utterring a wild ! to the god of love, and without replying to the ?! I of my friends, came here with thisf df of pistols to put a to my existence, mj . in this ." Philadelphia Ledger. ut a . to my existence. My case n mm A Yankee thus advertises hk truant wife, ; rhvme: On the 16th of August, on the j , , , mght of Monday, eloped from her husband ! the wife of John Grundy; hm fT:ef ,or J her absence each day growing deeper, gtlouy any one find her he beg them I i 10 KeeP ner" . mMt beautiful "Woman s ee appear , ' i . i:u . aft j when it glances a tear, as the light ot a star 8eem3 more beautiful when it sparkles on a r)on't believe a word of this. It U,bt of a loving smile that makes , " lu o " . I mm e mm IS c