I CZ BTIO -A. Ij. DON'T RUN IN DEBT. Dn't ruo in debt: nerer mind, never mind, If the clothes are faded and torn: Fix 'em up. make them do; 'tis better by far. Than to hare the heart weary and won. Who'll love you the more for the set of your hat ? Or your ruff, or the tie of your shoe 7 The shape of joor vest, of your boots or cravat. If they know you're in de bt for the new There's no comfort, I tell you, in walking the street In fine ilotfcw. if you know you're in debt. And feel that perthunce you some trades man may meet. Who will hiieer-'they're not paid for yet.' Good friends. let me beg of you, don't run in debt. If the ebmin and the sofas are old They will fit your back better than any new set. Unless they're paid for with gold; If the, house is too small, draw the closer together. Keep it warn with a hearty good will; A big one unpaid for, in all kinds of weather. Will send to your warm hearts a chill. Don't run in debt, now, dear girls, take a hint, (If the fashions have changed since last Kama, ) Old Nature is out in the very same tint. And old nature, we think, has gome reaana 'Jut ju-t .-ay t your friend, that you can not afford To Upend time to keep up with the fashion That your purse is too light and your honor too bright, To be tarnished with such silly passion. i ts f! 't run in debt, let your friends, if i i ciii. Have honsea, feathers nd flowers, Uut, unl s they're paid for, be more of a BMUt, Titan to envy their sun-biny hours. If yon'v.- money to spare, I have nothing to say; Spend your dollars and dimes ns you please. But, Blind yon, the man who his note has to pay. Is the man who is never at ease. Kind husbands, don't run in debt any more; Twill fill your wife's cup full of sorrow. To know lhat a neighbor may call at your door. With a iiill you must settle to-morrow; Oh ! take my itdviet it is good, it is true! (But. lest you may some of you doubt it) I'll whisper a secret, now seeing 'tis you rre tried it, and know all about it. The chain of a debtor is heavy and cold. Its links all corrosion and rust. Gild it o'er as you will, it is never gold, Then spurn it aside with disgust. The man wbo'a in debt is too often a slave. Though his heart may he honest and true; fan ho hold up his head, and look saucy uud brave, When a note he can't pny becomes due? COL. WILHITE'S FIRING THE WOODS. BY BEX COOKE. Scene. A Court of Justice in Franklin county, N. C, in the year 1640. The defendant, Col. Wilhite, was chaig ed with having intentionally fired the woods at an unusually dry season of the year. thereby endangering the property of his neighbors. Lawyer A., county Attorney ; Jesse Cop page principal witness against defendant. After several witnesses had been examin ed and deposed. Mr Coppage was called on the stand. Attorney -"Mr Coppage, do you know anything about Col. Wilhite's firing the woods some time ago."' Witness "Wall, yes, I undertake to know something about it." Attorney "Well, sir. then go on and tell the Jury all that yon know about it." Witness "Wall, yes, and I'll undertake to do that. Bennet Boone was over to my house, and he axed me to go with him down to tbe Ituaxard branch t get a load of light wood ; and bein' ns Bennet was a good fel low" Attorney "We care nothing about Ben net Boone and the load of lightwood sim ply tell what you know about the defend ant's firing the woods." Witness "Wall, yes, and I'll under take to do that. Bennet Boone was over to my house, and he axed me to go with him down to the Buzzard brunch " Attorney "Stop ! Stop ! Nobody cares anything about Bennet Boone and tin- Buz v rd blanch. Tell what you know about the woods being fired, and nothing more. 00 n sir." Witness "Yes sir. And as I was teHin' ve, b iinet he being a good fellow, I told 1 a- how I'd go with him. So we start n down towards the Buzzard branch g tl.er " Attorney "There's that Buzzard branch again ! Can't you tell what you know about Co. Wilhite's firing the woods, without all this rigamarole about the Buzzard branch aud the load of light wood ?" Witness "Uv course kin, but you don't let me git to the fire part." Attorney "Well, sir, go on and tell just what you know about the woods being fired and nothing else." Witness "Wall, yes, and I'll under take to do that. Bennet Boose was over to my bouse " Attorney "Stop, sir. if you please !" roared the attorney. "I appeal to your Worships. This witness seems to be trifling with this court." Court "The Court is of the opinion that the best way to find out what the witness knows, is to allow him to go through with his whole story. Proceed Mr Coppage, and tell all that you kuow about the defend ants firing the woods ; and be as brief as possible." Witness (Assuming a dignified air.) "Wall, yes, and I'll undertake to do that. Bennet Boone was over to my house, and he axed me to go with b im down to the Buz zard branch to get a load of lightwood, and beiu' as how Bennet was a good fellow, and 1 wasn't much busy, I told him as how I'd go with him. So wo started on down to wards the Buzzard branch together. When we got dowu to the brauch we saw the smoke arising iu the woods over towards Col. Wilhite's. So wo thought we'd under take to go up on the hill ou the otherside of the brauch, aud undertake to see what it waa on fire. Buzzard branch is mighty deep, and there waa no way to get across. except to walk a little slin: pine log. I started foremost, and when I got right over tbe deepest part, my feet slipped, and I fell heels over head right into the water ; and Bennet Boone, like a dirty fool jumped in right on top of me. That's all I know about CoL Wdhite's firing the Woods .'" Court. "The jury will take the case, as the evidence is too strong to need any ar gument." FALL GOODS AT FISHER & BURROUGHS' HATING OPENED a large and attractive 6tock of tall aud winter Goods, we would un ite the attention ana" solicit an examination of our DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, CLOAKS and TALMAS. Also, CARPETINGS. OIL CLO THS and MATTING, in great variety. Blankets, Fine Bed nd negro Blankets, niso Kerseys ami Plain- for plantation use. A largesupply of the above (Tool seaeeifc ut iniiuaiity and moderate in price ill ke found at FISHER efc BURROUGHS. HARDWARE, jM Hardware in all its varieties, also Anvils. Bermw, Vie. s, Axles A Spring-, Iron audStet-l, Boring Machines. Morticing and Drilling Ma chines, Paints, Oils and Varnishes constantly on h:in! and for sale low at FISHER k BURROUGHS'. A(.RIULTHiAI. IMPLEMENTS, Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, Corn and Cob Mills, Grit Mills, Plows, Corn Cultivators, dtc. We solicit an examination of the above poods at FISHER & BURROUGHS'. Smut Machines, Tbe snberfbn have on hand a supply of these wpcrlor machines, which they an- ncH ring at low prices for caah, and warranted to give satisfaction or lat sail-. FISHER & BURROUGHS. Oct. 13, 1857. 2tu John Henry SURGEON Wayt, JS. DENTIST, (Graduate of the Baltimon College of Denial Surgery.) Having; locafe d permanently, tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens of Charlotte, N. C., and vicinity. Dr. Wayt prepares and iuserts artificial palates and obturators, and attends to the correct ion of j congenital and accidental deformities of the I teeth and jaws. He. is also prepared to insert 1 artificial teeth, after the most approved methods. I tW Ladies waited on at their residences if required I Office on Tryon Street, in Carson's new building, up stairs. Nov. 1-th, 1856. 20 tf. JFeill. rvixd. Winter GOODS. KTew THE severest financial pressure ever known in New York, has prevailed there during the last few weeks, within which time K0GPMAM & PHELPS have been purchasing FALL AND WIN TER GOODS, and have availed themselves of the great advantage to obtain by baying for Cash, at a time of extreme want of mon ey, and consequent low prices of Goods. All wanting good as well as cheap goods, will find their stock not only the cheapest but as good as any in this country. Their stock consists of the following: Staple and i Fancy Ladies' Dress Goods. lion nets. Ribbons, G lores, Hosiery. Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps of every Description . Rcady-TOnde CLOTHHf, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, &c, Allot' which will be sold cheaper for Cash, than they can he obtained at any other Store in the country. The highest market puce paid for all kinds 01 produce ftCall one and all, and exam ine our Slock before purchasing elsewhere. KOOPMANN it PIIKLFS. Nov. 3, 1957. tf Wil. Charlotte and Rutherford RAILROAD COMPANY. It is ordered by the Board of Directors of this Company, thai for the ensn ing year the following installments be called far, viz: Third installment of TWENTY per cent, to be due and payable on the 1st ol December, ! 857 . Fourth instalment of TEN per cent, to be due attdpeyabte on the 1st day of February, Fifth installment of TEN percent, to be due and payable on the 1st day t May, ltfod Sixth installment of TEX per cent, to be due and payable on the '2d day of Augnst, 168. This Call is applicable only to those Counties Eai of the Pee Doe, and tofhose West of Char lotte. H. W. GFION, Pres'i. Nov. ?,, 1857. 81-ni $200 Reward. RAN A WAY from my Railroad Shar.tees, in Liberty county. Ga.. about the 1st Augnst, lsT5. my negro nuiu EPHRAIM. tie is black and of medium size, 2 or 24 years old. was raised hy Mr Shipp, of Lincoln county, and sold to me by W. P. hynum, of the same county, in February, 1856. I think said boy is l vnnjr about C harlotte or W. P. Bynum's in Lineoln county, or Wm. Shipp's of Gaston county,' as the boy has rela tions at all those poiuts. I will pav Two Hundred Dollars for his apprehension aud delivery in Charlotte Jail so that I can get him. kept. 15, ltw. 74-tt D. W. ORR. Milk! MILK!!! THE subscriber informs the citizens of Char lotte that he has made arrangement for supply ing families with Milk every morning. Those desirinp it will please give hiui notice, and he will deliver the Milk at their damlliaga. He would inform those who might prefer to purchase their Milk from him instead of being troubled with keeping a cow, that he is willing to buy their cows and pay the cash market price for them. W. A. COOK. Charlotte. July 14, 1-57. NEW CARRIAGE SHOP THE SUBSCRIBER informs the public that he has opened a Carriage Iwtal) lifellllieilt in Charlotte, next door East of the Jail, nearly opposite Trotter's old stand, v)ier lie intends Wlinnfir tliriim rili, m Ti,,.. - - j-, gies, &c, in the best and most approved style. tr ..., It.. - -1 ne ify 1 j " nw it suaie 01 parrouage as he flutters himself that he can trive enf ir.. cutiofc. tion to those who may give him a trial. The best workmen and materials will be employed iu his Shop All work WARRANTED. " t3T Repairing done at short no tice uud in a durable manner. G. H. WEARN. Charlotte, June 2, 157. Jy. I have received a large STOCK of BILKS, which are unsurpassed for beauty and variety of STYLE. Rich Glamy side stripes all colors. Rich aud elegant Robes- Rich Strip" and solid colors. Thp largest stock of BLACK SILKS ever offer ed in this market, ranging from $1 to $2 per 7 OtL 6. L. S. WILLIAMS. French .Herinos, White, Black and Colored. De Laines, el all Styles. Shades and PRICES. SO pieces 10, 11 and 12 Bleached Sheetings, lower than they have ever been sold in this market, Oct. . L. S. WILLIAMS. CLOAKS. The largest assortment of LADIES' CLOAKS ever brought to this market, just received and for sale lv Oct. 6, 1857. L. S. WILLIAMS. Eciinets- It is onlv necessary to look here to bo fully satisfied that nothing this tide of New York can surpass then) for beauty and fine ness. L. S. WILLIAMS. Slices, Boots, Any quantity, quality or style, bought in Xew York when money was badly needed, and at such prices as enable me to defy competition. Persons who now contemplate having their shoes made, will abandon the idea if they will only look at my stock. Get. 6. L. 8- WILLIAMS. I have 500 pairs of NEGRO BLANKETS, that are greatly hi my way would like very much to sell them for cash if I can, otherwise on cr 'dit. Oct. 6. L. S. WILLIAMS. 600 Pieces of P R I S T S , From 4 j to PJJ cents per yard, a few above that price, but none below ir. Oct. 6. L. S. WILLIAMS. A large lot nt unusually low prices, and a considerable quantity at cos. Oct. (. L. S. WILLIAMS. Cr"A large lot of French C'J.OTIIS and Cassi meres. Tweeds. Sat bu tts. Jeans, Kerseys, and Georgia Fluids, at in ices satisfactory to everybody. Oct. 6. L. S. WILLIAMS. II ATS! HATS! Leary's, Heche's, Blight's and OrreH's, all the latest styles. 10 cases Wool Hats, prices ranging from S7i cents to si. Hungarian and soft Hats in such abun dance as really to be in the way. Oct. GH.. L. S. WILLIAMS. Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Family Groceries, &c. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public generally, that he is now in the receipt of a FRESH SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONERIES, Fruits and Family Groceries, Consisting of Candies, Oranges, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Nuts of all hinds, Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, &c. at his old stand, one door north-east of Springs' corner, and opposite J. W. Osborne's office, where he solicits a call from all his old custom ers, and he will by no means refuse any new ones who may lind it to their interest to give him a call. Having purchased cheap for cash, he will con sequently be enabled to sell cheap for cash. M. 1). L. MOODY. October 20, 1.7. tf JCW For the Neateft stock of Clothing you over saw go io the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS & CO. Fresh Norfolk Oysters. The undersigned having commenced the OYS TER BUSINESS in Norfolk, and designing to conduct it extensively and in the best manner, de sires to commend his purpose to the attention of his friends and the public. He will prepare and keep constantly on hand for transportation to any 'art of the country, the best FRESH OYSTERS, hermetically sealed, spiced aud fi n d, put up in I ans, that ihe Norfolk inaiket can produce, spiced upon an improved plan, im parting to the Oyster the most delicate flavor, and insuring their preservation in any climate for a reasonable period in their first excellence 111 evety respect. Having had abundant experience in the business, and perfected his plan with the utmost success, he submits his enterptise to the public, with confidence in his ability 10 satisfy the meet fastidious la?-te. Oiders from all parts of the country respectfully solicited and promptly attendpd to- Terms Cash. Address, HENRY FITZGERALD, N01f.dk, Va. R. LIVINGSTON MOSS, Nov. 9, 1857. lovpd. General Agt. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. H. J. Wolf Jackson C. Eemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction ot the Court, that J. C. Lenunond, the defendant in tins case, resides beyond the limits of this State ; it is therefore or dered by the Cour ihat publication be made for six weeks m the Western I'enioeiat, a paper pub lished in the town of Charlotte, for tbe taid de fendant to be and appear before ilie Justices of she Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said comi ty, at the Court House in Monroe, on the fiist Monday in January next, then and theie 'o show cause, it any fie has, whf an otder of sale shall not be t; ranted to sell the lands levied upon. W itness, J. 1. Hough, Clerk ot our said court at oflii e in .Monroe, die 1st Mm day in October, A. !)., lbo7, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. Pr's lee SiJ J. F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union count . Court of Picas at d Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. G. W. Helms vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. C. Lemnioed, the defendant 111 ibis case, resides beyond the limits ol" this State ; it is therefore or dered by the C 'urt, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished 111 the town of Ch ilotte. for 1 he said defend at to be and appear belore ihe Justices ot the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiens for said coun ty, at the Couit House in Monroe, on the tirst Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if am- he has, why an order ol sale shall not be cranied to sell the lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hough, Clei k ot our 6aid court at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in the eigh'y-sccond year of American independence. Pr's fee $6 J. F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. RingstafT & Trott vs. Jacks r C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy or Land. It appearing to I fie satisfaction of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits ot .his State; it is therefore or dered by the Court, that publication fie made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in the town of Charlotte, for the said defend ant to be and appear before the Justices ot the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the said county, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Monday in January next, then and thete to show cause, if any he has, why an order of sale shall mil be si'anted to sell ihe lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hough, Cleik of our said court at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857. aud m the eighty-second year 01 American independence. L Pr's fee fi'. J. F. HOUCIT, c. v. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union county. Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions October 'Perm, ld57. Winchester & Sim, i vs. Attachment Levy on Jackson C. Lemmond. ) Land It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the deieudant in this case, resides beyond the limits of thie State ; it is therefore or dered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks 111 the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in the town of Charlotte, tor ;he said defend ant to be and appear before the Justices or the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said coun tv, at theCeun Hous in Monroe, on the first Mom day m January next, th n and there to show cause, if any he has, why an order ot sale shall not be granted to sell 'he lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hough, Clerk of our said court at office 111 Monroe, ihe 1st Monday in October, A. !.. 1857, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. Pr' tee ib J. F. HOUC.H, c. u. c. o. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. H. B. Howie vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the saiisfacrion of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the deieudant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this State; it is therefore or dered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks 111 the Western Democrat, a paper pub. liahed in the town ot Charlotte, tor the said defend ant to be ad appear before the Justices of the Cort of" Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said coun iv, at the Cei.it House in Monroe, on the firs1 Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if any he has, why an order of sale shall not be granted to sell the lands levied upon. Witness, J- F. Hough, Clerk of our said court at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. f Pr's fee 96 J. F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Teini, 1857. Jos. B. Bennett, Ex'r of IJt dni Bennett vs. Tnos. Basg, Attachment Levy 011 Iand. It appearing to the satisfaction ot the Court, that Thomas Bass, deleidaat in tins case, resides be yond the limits oi this Slate; it is therefore ordvred by the Court, lhat publication bei made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper published in the town of Charlotte, for the said defendant to he aud appeal he-lore the Justices of the Court of Pleas ai d Quarter Sessions lor said county, at 'he Court House in Monroe, on the tirst Monday in January next, then and thete to show cause, if any he hae, why an order of sale shall not be granted to Bell the lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hough, Clerk of our said court at office in Monroe, the Is' Monday in October, A. D, 1857, and in the eighty second year of American independence. (Pr's fee 96) J. F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. ' W. r. Stewart vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of Ihe Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limi-s of this State ; it is therefore or dered bv the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished 111 the town of Charlotte, lor the said defend ant to be and appear before the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said coun ty, at the Court House in Monroe, on the tirst Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, il any he has, why an order of sale shall not be granted to sell the lauds levied upon. Witness, J. F. Houuh, Clerk of our said court at ollice 111 Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in the eighty-second year ol American independence. (Pr's tee 6) J. F. HOUGH, o. v. c. c State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Couit of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 1857. J. D. Stewart vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Laud. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of this State ; it is therefore or dered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in ihe town of Charlotte, for the said defend ant to be nr.d appear before the Justices of the Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions tor said coun ty, at the Court House in Monroe, on the fiist Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, it any he has why an order of' sale shall not be erantid to sell the lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hough. Clerk ol our said court at ollice in Monroe, t tie lsi Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. (Pr's fee $6) J. F. IIOUC.II, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina. Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October 'Perm, 1857. Henry KingstafT vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the defendant 111 this case, resides beyond the limits of this State ; it is therefore or dered by the Court, ihat publication be made tor six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in t he town of Charlotte, for the said de fendant to he and appear belore the Justices of the Court of Pleas ai.d Quarter Sessions tor said coun ty, at the Court House in Monroe, on the first Monday in January next, 'hen and there t show cause, if any be has, why an order of sale shall not be granted to sell the lands levied upon. Vvitness, J. F. tjousb, Clerk of our said court at office iu Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. Pr's lee $6 J. F. HOpGH.c it. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Coirt of Pleas and Qiartcr Sessions October 'Perm, 1857. Stewart, Houston & Covington vs. J. C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy on Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, lhat J. C. Lemmond, the defendant in this case, icsidcs beyond the limns of this Sla'e ; it is iherefoie or dered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in the town of Charlotte, torihe said defend ant to b and appear befoie the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions lor said coun ty, at the Court House in Monroe, on the fiist Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if any be has, why an order of sale shall not be "ranted to sell ihe lands levied trtM-n. Witness, J. F. Hough, Clerk of our said Court at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in ihe eighty-second year of American independence. (Pr's tee 96) J. F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. State of N. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Perm, 1857. M. D. L. McLeod vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attacl.ni nt Levy on Land. It appearing to the satislaetion of the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the defendant in this case, resides beyond the limits of thie State ; it is therefore or dered by the Court, that publication lie made for six weeks in the Western Democrat, a paper pub lished in the town of Charlotte, tor the said defend ant to he and appear before the Justices ot the Court of Pleas and Quarter fes-sions for said coun ty, at the Court House in Monroe, 011 the tirst Monday in January next, then and there to show ciiUse, it any he has, why an order of sale shall not be ani.it! d i' sell the lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hunch, Cleik of our said court at office in Monroe, the 1st Monday in October, A. D., 1857, and in tfe eighty-second year of American indeendeiice. (Pr'a fee $6) J. F. HOUGH, c. c. c. c. State of a. Carolina, Union Co. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October Term, 157. M. D. L. McLeod vs. Jackson C. Lemmond, Attachment Levy 011 Land. It appeaiinc to the satisla tion .'f the Court, that J. C. Lemmond, the delendant in this case, resides beyond ihe limits of this State; it is therefore or dered bv ihe Court, that publication be made for : I- . .1... i'.,,, 11,. . l li-lod in the town of Charlotte, for ihe said de fendant to be and appear before the Justices of the Couit ot Pleas and Q arter Sessions for said coun ty, at the Court IP'use in Monroe, on the lirst Monday in January next, then and there to show cause, if any he has, why an order of sale shall not be granted to sell the lands levied upon. Witness, J. F. Hooch, Clerk of our said court at office in Monroe, the first Monday in October. A. I)., 1857, and in the eighty-second year of American independence. Pi's fee 6 J- F. HOUGH, c. u. c. c. Jtg'Yor the Cheapest stock of C lothing you ever saw go to theErrtpofTOna of Fash ion of FCLLIXG8 & CO TO PURCHASERS OF Cabinet Furniture; From SO Io 30 per Cent Saved. Soe advertisement of FOSTER & LEE, 33 Bowery, New York. In the principal newspapers of Wilmington, Ra leigh, iewDeru, r ayetteviiie, xc. 1 Catalogues containing list of prices will be sent, S free of postage, on application. CClooer zv, lol . umt-tturpu NO HUMBUG ! THE subscribed is now prepared to fill all orders for SUPERIOR WATER BUCKETS. He niaiinfactureg Noith Carolina material, em ploys North Carolina capital and labor, and he solicits North Carolina patronage. "By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing,. A TRIAL IS WHAT HE WANTS. A supply of these can always be fouud in Charlotte at Brern & Steele's. G. H. MAKEPEACE. VW Messrs Worth & Utley. of Fayetteville, N. C, are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. Fayetteville, March 3d, 1657. y IS. LiF. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Law, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Office over China Hall. August 1 1 18.57. y jC2T For the Prettiest stock of Clothing you ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS & CO. Jkf? For the Largest stock of Clothing vou ever saw go to the Emporium of Fash ion of FULLINGS fe CO. jraiLI,SNERY AND DRESS-MAKING. Respectfully informs the Ladies of Charlotte and vicinity, that .sin- has returned, and offers her services to her old customers and friends. RESIDENCE OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE- Charlotte, June 30, 18W. Wew a as! Elcgasit Attention Housekeepers! THE subscriber informs all persons desiring to purchase new and elegant nnnfDii that he has lately purchased a large snpplv, su perior to anything that has ever been offered in this market befoie. He has on hand Mahogany Sofas and Tete-a-Tetes. Mahog any and Walnut Bureaus, with or with out marble tops. Ward robes, Bier and Sofa Tables, Secretaries and Book Cases. Book stands, Music Stands, Quartetts anel Whatnots, Mahogany and Walnut Rocking Chairs. Cane-bottom ana Hack Rocking Chairs, Ojjice Chairs, Parlor Chairs and Nurse Chairs, Cottage BEDSTEADS a n d many other articles in his lino, all of which he will afford to purchasers on the most reasonable terms. He intends '.o keep a constant supply of Fur niture on hand so that persons cau be suited at any time. Also, " Supply of arisk's .TlctaSSsc BSurial Cases on hand. All kinds of Furniture made to order and on the shortest notice. All Repairing attended to. J. M. SANDERS. Charlotte, August 4, 1857. tf TATERSALL. Livery and Sale Stable. One Square East of Kerr's Hotel, Nearly opposite the Jail. The subscriber in-Bfr forms the public that he has purchased ihe stables formerly owned by Lee Williamson. He has thoroughly refitted said stables, and built in addition a good Carriage House, making in all 199 feet, containing 49 stalls well arranged. In addition to said im provements, are three large lots with Racks and Troughs for the accoouaodation of drovers, &c. This establishment is equal -to any in the State, if not in the Union, lie hopes, with proper at tention and good management, to receive a share of the public patronage. ConvcyaaiCCS of all kinds in his line For Hire. Competent Drivers furnished when required. Horses kept by the month or otherwise. Persons having horses to sell or exchange will do well to call. Every effort will be made to accommodate, and charges made reasonable. R. BABE, Proprietor. L. J. HAWLEY, ent. Charlotte, Oct. 20, 18.7. tf GOLD MINES, IRON WORKS 6l NEGROES For Sale. By virtue of a mortgage and power of sale therein contained, executed by Philip W. Groot of the city of Albany, to Andrew Hoyl and his Executors, for and in behalf of tbe High. Shoals Manufacturing Com pany, the undersigned will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, feir ready money, at the High Shoals in Gaston county, N. C, On Thursday the 311 December, 1857, That extensive, well known, and VALUA BLE PROPERTY known as the High Shoals, Embracing about FIFTEEN T II 0 U SAND ACRES OF LAND, a large por tion of it productive grain-growing Land. Also, several rich COLD JHMJTES opened and now being worked. Also, many inexhaustible bodies of IROJT ORE which have been profit ably worked. Also, a WATER-POWER unsurpassed by any in the South. Also, Sixteen JTEGROES, all, but one, Fellows and Mechanics. THOMAS GRIER, W. P. BYNUM, Ex'rs. of A. Hoyl. October 6, 1857. 3m Commission and Forwarding MERCH.WT. "T2JLlli-t3'Jtbit, if - 8 rtF.FER8 TO THE EJJITOR OF THIS PA IT. 15. Wilmington, Feb. 13, 1857- 12m-pd FASHION I Fashion!! Fashion!!! Well, Who Cares About Fashion? war. if iff MBI, AS A MATTER OF COURSE. Well, Where do You get the Fashion? Why, at FULLINGS & CO.'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, As Hundreds can testify who have been there the past week and fitted themselves out in A MWIOnBMI WW at less prices than at any other house in the State. Now kind reader if you want to see the neatest, prettiest, cheapest, most fashionable and largest Steick of you ever saw call at FULLINGS & CO'S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, next door to the Mansion House, Charlotte. N. C, where one look will satisfy you that it is tbe place for good and fashionable Goods at low prices. We could go on and tell you about tbe different styles of Goods on hand, but oar Stock is so large, with such a variety of styles that wo will just say to you ali. come nnd take a look and satisfy yourselves as our goods will be free ly shown and prices given. We know ft has been a subject of great astonishment to a great many how it was that wo were ena bled to sell such Fashionable GOODS at such Very Low Prices. Well, it is simply because we import our own Goods, manufacture them ourselves and sell them to our customers at the saute prices that other dealers pay for them in Philadelphia or New York, and then we give them an article Hotter tnaete ana to give satisfaction or money returned We -re turn you our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and if selling good and fashionable Goods at very low prices will insure a continuance of the same it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION by FULLINGS 6c CO., Tuyon Street. May 10, 1857. tf NEW GOODS AND J. E. STENHOrsK. JOHN STEN HOUSE. The undersigned are now opening a large and well assorted Stock of in Springs' brick building d door from Mr I oryce g store, which they will sell low tor i cash. They will pay the HIGHEST MAR KET PRICES for Coition, Wheat and country produce generally. J. E. STEN HOUSE A: CO. Charlotte, Sept. 21), Ie'57. tf BOOKS For S3ctG AT THP. CHARLOTTE BOOK STOKE. The American Sportsman: containing hints to Sportsmen, notes 011 shouting, and the habits of the Game J$irds and Wild Fowl of Amiriea. by Lewis. The Golden Legacy: a story of Life's Phases. Rills from tin FOUNTAIN op Life, or St mons to Children, by Rev. K. Newton, D. D. TheDaISY Chain 01 Aspirations: a Family Chronicle. SnoePAG Recollkctioxs : A Way-Sidfe Glimpse- of American Liti by Wallr March. KatHIE Bit AND E: a Piivside History of a Qniet Life, by Holmk Lee. Household Mysteries, by Lizzie Tilt. El GRINGO, or New Mexico and her People. Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis. VEVA, or the Wat of the IV&auts and the Conscript: two interesting Romances bound iu one volume. The Napoleon Dynasty, or the History of the Bonaparte Family: an entire ly new work, by the Berkley Men, with twenty-two authentic Portraits. Call at P. J. LOWRIE'S ' Book Store. March 31, 1857. 39-tf Cigar, Tobacco, AND FRUIT STORE. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he has just received a splendid assortment of SPANISH CIGARS of the choicest brands. Also, a tine article of CHEWING TOBACCO, FRUITS d- CONFECTIONERIES. .IAS. D. PALMER, Opposite Boone &, Co.'s Shoe Store. Charlotte, April 7, 1857. 40-tf Office of Charlotte and S.Car olina Kailroad Company. June 2G, 18.56. nil TARIFF OF TiiltOU .H FREIGHT Between Charleston and Charlotte. Class. Articles. Rafes First Class, Measurement, per c. ft. $0 16 Hogsheads, Molasses, 7 On Barrels, do 2 0o lu- Fish, 2 oo Half barrels do 25 Do. Flour, 70 Sacks do. i00 lbs BO Do. do. 100 lbs 40 Do. Salt, go Blacksmiths' Bel- ) lows, all sizes, ) 0 Buckets, per dozen, 50 Corn, per bushel, jg Wheat, do. (j Coffee, per 100 lbs 60 Candles, do. 70. Cheese', Jo. 70 On and after the 1st of July, 1H5G, the above Rates of Freight will be charged upon all the Through Articles enum rated. All others will be charged at the present Local Rate s. T. J. SUMNER. Julylu, o7 General Superintcnden BY 9 J. B. KERR, Proprietor. EVERY accommodation afforded the natrons of the CHAKLOTE HOTEL. At this Hotel is kept the line of Tri weekly Stages fro:n Charlotte via Monroe. N. C and Lancaster, 8 C. to Camden, S. C. Patrons of the Charlotte Hotel conveyed to and from the depots free of charge. Oct 1, iek J- E" KEEE- "lit I I. KTlii t - 1 . W CHARLofff im THE subscribers havinP forrnd int.. a company, re,,, .,.,, u m services to the people ofChwlolteiJW try generally in ttieir line of hivi,,,. 'f 't- jjh ,iiu wiuiuwu Jionittn, nts (;rilv '""r tie Pieces, Furniture Marble, TabI RiMa Steps, toauv nattern em i...'.. ..Ww.i3 to the most approved taste and siV 'M the most accommodating tci n, , v ' ' Southern countrv. The, w:n . '' 5M 2 oil nauei me nesi description of V,r, . '"Hi-, ami Aiiiereau JUTMc, -r u'':rj All orders, for any article, tddreta, 1 scribers. will meet with prompt attratW be packed and forwarded with th ' 4,I,J' and de.sp.it eh. Qp,1,n i . , . 1 I),i3ii.h ineyarttw situated on the nonf. . of the Charlette Depot Ynrd. mmn corj j-..i7.-iT w" T,r,OTo5 3doors Ktr- ' S. M. HOWELL HAVING made more extensive pr, for the Manufacture of ' SADDLES asm HRf Tie woiiiu 1 enpee-.i in 1 1 y I Ti T rin North Carolina, t hat he i. qow atari ie IS BOW 1 1 . 1111 bjou . mw mw . . .1 n j of a superior quality, of his own ' UK at ttie Very Lowest Possible PriCel 77 ,:mt ixi. s SidciiC9 By leaving their orders, can he fertak iu as they cau procure the saim tf Nrt April 15, 1856 tf 8. If. HOWELL SKA licspccttully dan the p attic tint b 1 now pwpatW tor ....... - . .... Hi"-, wMiaatuiij ( with eate.'M. m ,, in Lis lias Hiii hLl J may be anmi. ,, in peaw-wwa ofAi fas MflM, and Mt t A till' littliatituiilvMU,l1 a trial to esaviacrgraj men dial Ik has fed and ability to please Oct 7, 1857. liive him a call. 77-ti' VALUABLE TOWN Pimm FOR SALE. The subscriber being (wmiso( improving his other Lots, nasi k his residence on the coineT ofl'lnAl and Streets. The BitnahYi sktial healthy nnl one ef the most oVsaiU town. The buildings an all good ai . nnisbed off lately m handsome ' Dwelling Bonse is covered with tin. ii .1 estic part ot Ihe buihlitig is ;irn superior to any buUding in lac rnuUi.T, sill the yard is a ell of excellent watn rhis desirable residence is Rttuatrd vittail short distance or ihe Female OsUrts. 1 banelsomest buildings in the State, it 1 tiaj expect a p, rsmi to purchase withoot f I the premises. I will takf irreat vfekMlv ioiW ing tbe property to any one dVaifMiafaMM ing. I will make; tbe price esrvspoad I hardness of the times, nut 1 rM'inj 1 . more than will pay tor the Charlotte. Sent. 15, 1"."7. 74- :; PLANTATION Tlic eubseriher otie-rs on low tepna, fok c a.-h. or ? so, his Piaiitatinii j'm(tlk m-frmr, .... Sc.. I; li'iftf'tT'i ) ltl At, i LI. i.f inc 1 miles nortbW4 st of Charlotte, ami airhis j miles of the Plank Kosel. The tncti 498 or OCO Arm, ADout one Dnnurea and nny itm , balance h'nely timbere d. The track 4 i' (.'. A- It Kaiknad naBBfs tbrnncrh tlrlaw ..in . ' ' . ' n, 11. r to nureline will nleaae call BOOB f'H ,: Air Alfred Hoover, who r -sides tt Plantation, who will show the Law." . . .1 tIt ? 1 1 v .. 1. T:..,.:rt si f nit: ill eiay inn. una kimiih J. R HALL S 'p' ember 8, 1857. 73- a v n STOVE DEM A. A. J. it. TAVLOk wni'T r Di'turcTi'i'l I V unnc public that he continues to CSTJm vr a , m j 1 it 1 ,1 'i uvj a. m I three il,i,i... w 1 - f lit I lie UiSelll L ing Orlic wppositi- bcair A: tu- be found one of the latl"" where may 1 extensive assortment of evrr on'ivu inform tavih Vw finmil tli' Ot-t liintcil ... i -v t .1 1 1 .... .itrntTl Iron Witch Cooking 6t'Te which has gained such a ban W the Southern Cotmuy for the m" months. This btov. he warrastl Cooking Stove now iu use. V 5 . 1.... wrlr in a rr, .... ttiiill BBV Ot""' in use. He will put one besioV J ''' f - :. . ,u., ITniieH State, does not do more work in any i1?9., 1 . orfeit the price ofthe Stove, aliU go for the better one. All Kinds of Parlour He has, and constantly keeps"- varied stock of TIN AND SHEET JWtf JAPAN AND BMTAWt BRASS KETlLt CAST IROr? BEDS1 HA T RA CKS, CSJ Ol ' v J all of which will be sold Wh''jj cheape-rthan has ever been W IJ vicinity. . f He w ould return thank-to .y tomers for the very oheral l';,,r"1"")tt bestowed upon him, ainl they " ' that he will endeavor, by clo- ' 4 ness, together w;th a deterrriiJi' to merit a continuance ut im HIS MOTTO 1 A irk..il. Qnles and t mail 1 J j uilia cuico rticni- Ladies and trentleineii are pa' " : " . . . a. ..1. to call and examine ins alU All kinds ot JUJi with dispatch. ...A-iivaDdPH rp All ovders wilt besarw attended to. tf Charlotte. June 1G. 1857. linn isanf