I ( mmm - , , f B FiCE upstairs opposite scarrs drug store A Family Paper, devoted to State Intelligence, the News of the World, Political Informal ion. Southern Rights, Agriculture, Literature, and Miscellany. Of BY WILLIAM J. YATES, I EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. J CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. $2 PER ANNUM In Advance. q?. A. YATES5- ASSOCIATE EDITOR. f VOLUME 6 I Number 288 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1857. THE 71 -Published every Tuesday Containing Hie latent New, full and accu rate Report of the Markets, &c. r,.r the vmr. if paid in eo $2 00 If paid within six months,--.. 2 50 If paid after the expiration of the year, 3 00 ' iTAny person sending us five new suh ribers, accompanied by the advunee sub f riptiu n (1) will receive a sixth copy gra t'.,r one year. 'Subscribers and others w ho may wish I ,i -,m.1 money Ui ua, if-" do s by mail, at- .Mirrisk. ADVERTISING. si tare of IC lines or les, lor 3 months, $1 00 1 - " G M 6 00 1 : " M 00 - , t i , 1 ! i" -J, or h fii ii insertion, $1 n) :h - j in-.itipni iaseiusn, 25 W Trausienl advertisements must bp tt.u Km tiiil for in advance. ; ir"Vtr announcing Candidates for of&en, in advance. ; V Advertisements not marked on the manuscript for a specific time, will be in- u I until forbid.and charged accordingly WILLIAM J. YATES. Life Insurance. THE nudnnsigwd has been amputated Agent : ;.,r tin North Carolina Mutual Lifc Insurance i ., np.iii v lor charlotte and ciaity. I1. i-on wwbing to insnre their own lives ar I lives uf their slaves will plrwne rail on TllOri. V. DEWEY, Agent. Jan. 13, 1."7. y lord Female College. The I'oMit'-fiitl, Si-smoii will eemavnet; on lb.- FIRST MONDAY in January, lt'. The I arh-n employed are of the first order efahit Tlie ..nisi- ot instruction i.-, nn usually tlrnjrli and ralrnsiv. EXPENSES: Tuition in Elementary BraneW $15 00 j " Toll, ge Classes SW 88 a " " Kusk 80 00 " " Drawing 10 00 - Painting 0 00 I " Embroil!, ry B 00 j ISoanl and Wafdunar.net mouth, lOUOl - i ' N rxtra charge will be made. For particulars, address J. H. MILLS. Oxford, N.C. Nov. K.7. 8l-t Tbo Charlotte Mutual Fire Insurance Dompany, M 1i NTIM FS to take risks againot loss by Kin-ou Houses, Goodh, Produce, &c.,al aaaal rates. iii-.- nt-arlj apposite Kerr's Hot. L president M. B. TAYLOR. Vie Preaidwt V. OVERM N. s. . v & Treaa'r E. NYE HUTCHISON. M. B. TAYHK, ('. OVERMAN, J. A. YOlJNU. WML JOHNSTON, J. II. CARSON, B. T. WK1STON, F. SCARR. Aprils. 1J.',7. tf NOTICE. Having obtained an order of Court for the pnip.-.-.l will s. 11 at lb- late residence of BobC Hunter, d. i-'.l. 10 mil. s North- ast ot Charlotte, i.a Tl 'FsDAY th. o.i;h ot DECEMBER, 1857, 13 ft G ROES, riiisb4ing of Men. Woax-n and Children, Boys and t Jirls, nuMtljr jrmng and likely. Also, at the same time and place, I will sell a Scholarship in ErskiM College, Abbeville Dist., s C ' v Terms made known on day of Sale. B. II. GARRIS N, Adm'r. I . . I, l-".7. e,-:t DISSOLUTION. THE firm of WILLIAMS, GILLESPIE A I i was dissolved by mutual consent on the fw day of July, 1.".T. The Notes and Ac ruMBM for IS.Vi must be jaid forthwith. The Areunnta for !-." can run as uual and w ill be ill -d at tbe end of the year by I. S. Williams who will continue to canyon the business tin- old stand. The late firm return tb ir thanks to the pnbhV ti the liberal patronage hen-totbre received, and tii -ir suce- s..r hopes. Iy atanifrsting spirit of aceoaHaodatioa to nn rit a continuation of the same. WILLIAMS. GILLESPIE A CO. Charlotte, Aug. 4, lr."7 tt NOTICE. ALL persons having claims against the late firm nrYILLI.MS,tILLESPIE CO., will pres. nt thi'in to thi und. rsiriied for settlement. L. S WILLIAMS. Augrusl I, I -oT .100 Head of Reel ; I i 'attle Wan Sctl Also, 500 HEAD OF SHEEP & 100 Head of HOGS, And 12 or 5 No. 1 Milch Cows. I DESIRE to purchase the above amount of Stock. Those bai ing an forsak will do well to give nn' a rail, as 1 am a tiling to pay the highest I market price. Farm- rs u ill bnd it Ui their al van tage to s- II their Beeves, She. p ,.r 1 L.s to me instead ot batrbeting themselves. as 1 iliiuk I caa remunerate them as well if not better than it thfj butchered til luselve.s. W A. COOK. Charlotte, Jabr 1 1, 1-C.7. Town Batcher. New Milliner) and Mantua Making ESTABLISHMENT. MKS. P. M. SMITH would inform the nab. lie that she intends eatljisjg on the above bnsi- -s at hT residenc-, next to the new Episcopal . Church. She would also inform the ladies that 1 '.ie has just ree ived a supply of Hoiim t Triin iuin:;s. consiatiag of Flowers, Feathers, Roach- . Ac. &.C Oct. 87. 1857. BtMf Strayed or Stolen -ipAFiom my stable on the uight of the ill. JJst nit., a biack Ilorst! ten years old, . ahout fifteen and a half hands kigb, and Lime in the right hind leg. I will jr. v.- Five Dollars for j the recovery of the Home, and Twenty-five D.U j lars for proof sufficient to convict any p rson of !:ealiu him. Anv information addri .-i 1 to tae SCARR & CO., DRUGGISTS & CHEMISTS. lo. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C. Invite the attention of Physi cians. Planters, M.-rebants, ficc, to their new and complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ar. The extensive ttntronutro they have rMjeived from the Physicians of Charlotte and its vicinity is the best guar antee of the purity of the Drugs sold by them. Sept. 1 st. Pure White Lead. A superior article, warranted pure, tit 10 cents, cosh. For sale by SCAUR & CO. September 8, 1637. MEDICINES. Just received, from the Warehouse, Ayers' Cherry Pectoral. Rogers1 Liverwort and Tar, Gay soft's Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, Wi Star's Balsam, McLnne's PiHa, Strong's Pills, Ayers' Pills, &c. Arc. SCARR A- CO, September 8. DRUGGISTS. Quinine, Quinine. A full snpply of Powers A Weightman's Quinine, low for cash. SCARR k CO., Sept. 1st. Charlotte Drug Store. For the Toilet. Just received a'choice lot of Perfanicry and Articles essential t the Toilet. Ivory, buffalo horn, shell tind fancy Hnir Brushes; tooth, nail and shaving Brushes; loiii'ulo horn, india rubber and horn Combs; French. English and American Pomades, for tli ' hair ; odor boxes, t.alet bottles, Lubin's extracts in great variety; Glean toilet wafers ; German. French and Ameri can Ctdognes ; toilet soaps in great variety; hair dyes, rice powder, tnceu fun, tooth pastes. A.C"., nt Sept. 1st. Soarr & Co.'s Druse Store. For the ISsith. SPONGE of various qualities, Turkish Bathing Towels, Flesh Brushes, Hair Gloves and Belts, at SCARR A: COS, Wholesale and Retail Drug Store. Sept. 8, 1857. Potah : Potash : : For making Soap, a fresh barrel opened at Sfjit. S. Scarr Sy Co.'s. Druggists. EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING Creams, Puddings, &c, of the following varieties: Lemon, Vanilla, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, Oi Celery, Banana, Arc. at Sept. 8. Scarr fy Co.'s Drug Store. MACOARONL Tapioca, Sago, ice. for sale at Sept. 8. Scarr Sf Co.'s, Druggists. 0uciio C'wrii Six rcla. A superior article of diet for Invalids. at Scarr A' t'o-'s Drug Store. Sept. 1st. CHOCOLATE. Schmitzs Sweet Chocolate, for sale at Sept. I . Scarr Sf Co 's Dru Store. Robinson's Patent Barley. Strongly n commended by the Faculty as a nutritious and cooling food for Infants, and is excellent for thickening soup, sold at : cents per packet, at S'jtt 15. Srarr tf Co Drug Store. Varnishes, Varnishes, To be sold low for cash; Damar crystal white. Coach body No. 1 . do. do No. 2. Furniture No. 1. do No. '2. Black leather varnish. Drying Japan. by Sept. 1. Scarr cc Co., Druggists. Prime White Vinegar, White and black Mustard Seed, Mace, cloves, Nutmegs, allspice, Ginger, fcc , A c., Sept. 1. At Scarr & Co.'s, Charlotte. ggr Cox's refined sparkling (ifletine, A very superior and easy mode of making Jellies. Sept. 1. Scarr cv Co., Druggists. Segars ! Segars ! ! A large l"t of Havana Segars, various brands, for sale nt Scarr Sf Co.'s Drug Store. Sep. 39, 1857. CONGRESS WATER, CONGRESS WATER, A fresh case just opened at Scarr Jy Go's Drug Store. I I I : STOAT, BLt'E ST9JTB. Just received, a larev supply nt SCAUR ft CO'S Sept. 8. Drug Store. iT Effervescing Citrate of Magnesia, an agreeable and refreshing aperient, for sale at Scarr Cus Drug Store. German Sand Crucibles, In sets of eight each, for sale at Sept. 9. Scarr Sf C-.'s Drug Store. ROBERT GIBBON, M. D., PRACTITIONER OF Office So. 5, Granite Row, CHARLOTTE, X. C. yoi si: & lot for sale. I will sell at public or private sale the House & Lot on which JoW. Ross now lives, on B. and oih Streets, in tbo town of Charlotte, containing one Lot and a half. An excellent I welling; House and other buildings are on the premises ; also, Garden. .Stables, Well, &c- Persons desirons of examining the premises can call on Mr J. W. Roao, -who will show the saaae. Uf I will sell at public sale on the 1st of January, fB-So, if not sold before. S. H WALKUP. Nov. 10. u. P-2-tf ATTENTION ! HOUSEKEEPERS. If yew wish to supply yourselves with China, Glass or Crockery-ware of any kind, go to C H 1 A HALL, where you will find the BLST ASSOliT MENT LX THE STATE. Also, a variety u! housekeeping articles, consisting of Knives ar.d Foikss, Spoone, Soup Ladles, Castors, Cliahni; Dishes, Oyster Dishes. Buck wheat-take Dishes, Kjrg Beau er, Oyster knives, 1'ickle lorks, Mustard spuons. Salad spoons and Foike, Butter knives. Teakettles, Andirons, fFaflSr-Iroas, 6borrla and Tonus, Bellows, Gridirons, CofTte Mills, Candlesticks, LOOKING ti 1 A i ; S in every variety of fiame. Also, LOOKING-GLASS PLATE. A splendid assortment of eight day Alarm and thirty hour CLOCKS. Also, a pood assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, consisting nl clothes, traveling and work Baskets, Tuba, Chums, Buckets, Bread Trays, Brooms, Brushes, Feather-dusters, Knife Boxes, &c. &c. JAMES HAKTY & CO., Oct. 12. 17. tf China Hall. JVegroes for Sale. The subscribers, as Administrators of Silas Todd, dee'd, will sell on Friday the 15th of JANUARY, at the late residence of the deceased, Eight Likely Negroes, One man and the balance women and children. Tnns, G months credit w ith note and ap proved security. JNO. L. TODD, ADAM H. TODD, Nov. 17th. 8:?-9t Administrators. State of iV. Carolina, liuion county Superior Court of Law, Dull Term, 1857. It is ordered by the d.urt. that hereafter Mon day and Tuesday be set apart for the trial of .state causes. And it is further ordered by the Court that Civil Suits her. after will not be taken up until Wednesday of the Term, and that no w itle ss in Civil Suits w ill he allow ed to prove for his attendance on Monday and Tuesday of each Term hereafter. Therefore Civil Suitors and Witnesses will take notice that the Civil Docket will not be taken up till Wednesday Btoiolfig !. eli TVmi. Iii testimony whereof I have hereunto set my namta this the loth of November. 1857. 83-6t W. H. SlhtPSON, Clerk. Land and Mills FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale ONE THOUSAND ACRES OF LAND lyinsi on both sides of the Charlotte Mailroad. fourteen miles f.om Col- im.toa, One Hundred Acres in cultivation, w. m-mm a i n . i I - . i . I II with a neat UHKbLinu uuuor, ana an necessary out-buildings. ALSO, Another tract two and a half miles from said Railroad, containing KLEVFN HUNDRED At Rl S, lying on Crane Creek, about Two Hundred Acres in a high state of cultivation, with a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE witb seven rooms; and other necessary out buildings. ALO. A SAW and GRIST MILL propelled by water power. ALSO, A Twenty-five Horse Pow er Circular STEAM SAW .MILL that cannot be excelled in the State, recently put in operation, and an abundance of fine Timber. ALSO, Another tract of land containing about SIX THOUSAND ACRES, running in about a quarter of a mile of taid Railroad, with THREE SAW MILLS on it; two of them lately erecte.!; one of them about a mile and a halt from said Road, a Circular Saw which will cut from four to six thousand feet of Lumber per day; another Mill with Grist and Sash Saw, two and a half miles from said Ro d. Also, another, three ai d a half miles from said Road, w ith a tenty-five feet back shot Water-Wheel Circular Saw, which can saw more lumber than any Mill in the State. Tl e above Mills have a nev( r-failing water power, and anv quantity of good 'I imber. The lands wUI be divided off to suit pur chasers. ALSO. Will sell MULES, OXEN, amd WAGONS, longing to said mills, if purchasers wish them The above will be sold on a -ommodating terms to suit purchasers. A small amount of cash paid on sale. Any persons wishing to engage in the JLU'nber business w ould do well to call and examine the M ils. 1 can be seen at my residence 14 mi es above Colum bia, and will take great pleasure in showing the premises to any person wishing to pur chase. CC Mv old customers will please tate notice that all accounts must be settled, either by cash or approved bank notes, as I have a great manv accounts which should ha e b en settled long ago. It the above is not compli d with. 1 will be compel ed to put them in the hands of an attorney lor collection. LEVI T. SHARP. October 1. lS-"7. 3m Fresh Confectioneries, Fruits, Family Groceries, &c. The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public generally, that he is now in the receipt of a FRESH SUPPLY OF CONFECTIONERIES, Fruits and Family Groceries, Consisting- of Candies, Oranges. Raisins, Currants, Citron, Nuts of all kinds, Cheese, Sugar, Coffee, Ac. at his old stand, one door north-east ot Springs' corner, and opposite J. W. Osborne's office, when he Solicits a call from all his old custom ers ami he will bv no means refuse any new ones who may find it to their interest to give him a call. Having purchased cheap for cash, he will con semientlv be enabled to sell cheap for cash. 1 ' M. D. L. MOODY. October 20. 1?57. tt 16 NEGROES By order of court. I will seil on Ac 1st day of January, 1 16 Likely Kegrow, consisting of Men, Women and Children, tlie property of Alex. Springs, dee d. In the lot there are some fiin' COOKS and HOUSE GIRLS. 1 Terms. Six months' credit with interest from date. LEROY SPRINGS, Adm'r. Charlotte, Dec. 1, 1857. W-ts IMPORTANT RUMORS 1 1 ! MECKLENBURG COL' NTT AGAINST THE STATE. BLUE STONE. It is stated, and from the authority of Dr. H. M. Pritchard, who has ju6t received from the manufactory, for which he is agent, several hundred pounds of the finest arti ele ever offered in the town of Charlotte, to be ; enabled in a shoti tiaie to supercede, in quality and sale any imported article, anil at a less price. Call and see it. Nov. 17, lt357. Da WIN'S CoPvNEK. Tanners, OR TRAIN OIL. For Tanners and Planters use in dressing and preserving Leather and Harness. For sale bv H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 24. Irwin's Corner. i siciaHS, Take Notice ! Having- taken advantage of the pressure of the times, I am receiving, by cash purchases, an immense and selected stock ot Medicines, Chem icals, Instruments, Chests, &c.,to which I most respectfully invite your attention. All orders by mail or otherwise, put up with neatness and dispatch. H. M. PRITCHARD. Nov. 17. 1857. Irw in's Corner. GOO Gallons CAMPHENE AND BURNING FLUID, just received from the manufacturer. Also, Lamps and Wicks for hunting them. 100 per cent, cheap er and more brilliant than anv other light. H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 17, 1857. Irwin's Corner. SO.OOO SEGABS Just received and for sale at $1.25 per hundred, by H. If. PRITCHARD, Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner. Pure French Brandy, Holland Gin, Whiskey, Sherry and Port Wines, London Ale and Porter, for medi cal use. Sold by Nov. 17. II. M. PRITCHARD. S I arch, Black Pepper, Ginger, Baking and Washing Soda, Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, M.ice, Cinnamon, Cloves f"t rin. ,.g Extracts of every kind. For sale at whole sale and retail, by H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner. Sajtonificr, OR CONCENTRATED LEY. War ranted to make soap without lime, and with little trouble. The best and cheapest ur tiele in use. Price 25 and 5(J cents a cau. Sold by PRITCHARD, Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner. Citrate IVIagnesia. An agreeable refrigerant and laxative, as pleasant to the taste as soda water. Sold by H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 17, 1S57. Irwin's Corner. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Wistar's Balsam and Lozenges, ltoyer's Syrup Tar, Hive Syrup, Syrup Squills, Syrup Ipecac and all kinds of Pectoral and Cough medicines. For sole bv H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 24. Irwin's Corner. SiUFF. Scotch, Mackaboy and English, Gentle men's SNUFFS, just received, COO lbs. in bladders and jars. Sold low for cash by H. M. PRITCHARD Nov. 24, 1357 Irwin's corner. Fresh Congress Water, In pint bottles just received from Sara toga Springs, by H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 24. Irwin's Corner. 300 gallons of pure Iiinseed Oil, Just received and will bo sold low for Cash by H. M. PRITCHARD, Nov. 17. Irwin's Corner CHARLOTTE FEMALE ACADEMY. This School is now open for the reception of Boarding and Day Pupils, under the dir ction of the k v. Robert Bnrweil and Lady teachers of long experience. The Principal is happy to announce that he has secured the services of DR. J. ECKHARD as Professor of Music and Modem Languages, w ho will also give instructions in Draw ing, un til other arrangements, that are in progress, shall have been consummated. Dr. Eekhard is a gen tleman of high literary attainments, and a thorough teacher in his departments. The School is now furnished with a full Corps of Teachers in all the branches of Female edu cation; aud as the building is now completed and furnished w ith every convenience, the Prin- parents and guardians who desire a school for their children and wards, where they may enjoy the advantages of a public school, and at the same time be in the bosom of a Christian family. The Sessions will correspond with those of Davidson College. Terms, per Session, payable half in ad vance: Board (including every accommodation) and Tuition f, Tuition of Day Scholars, $10 to $18 00 Music on Piano and Guitar. 20 00 Latin and Modem Languages, each, 10 00 Cse of Piano foi practice, 5 00 Drawing aud Painting. $10 to $-20 00 Boarders will furnish their own towels aud table napkins. Pupils are charged from the time of entrance, and no ded ictioti made for absence except in cases of protracted sickness. After a short recess at Christmas, the exercises of the School will be resumed on Tuesday, the 5th of January, fn aud this will be a good time for new- pubils to enter. For further particulars, address Rev. R BURWELL, Dec. 8. 1857 . 86-lt Charlotte, N. C. WESTERN DEMOCRAT.! Charlotte, N. C. Interesting from Havana. Madame Santa Anna, wife of the ex-dictator of Mexico, arrived in Havana on the 25lh ult. from St. Thomas. She was accompanied by Senor Velez, formerly an aid-de-camp to the General, and it was thought thai the distinguished party had been sent to sound Gen. Concha as to tbo extent of Spanish aid on which bis Highness might calculate in his attempt to return to power. The African slave trade was never more flour ishing. Four cargos of negroes had been landed on the island within ten days. Thoy numbered 10,400 unfortunates, and three of tho vessels which brought them were built and are, it is thought, owned in Mas sachusetts. The French had placed a large steam propeller in the Coolio trade, and landed from her 842 Chinese, who were sold by first hands to others, and by them to sub-contractors, for labor, realizing a profit for each party. Each speculator made about $180 profit per head, and the full price for a Chinaman was $420 75. m Convention of Tobacco Manufac turers. The Virginia and North Carolina tobacco manufacturers met in Convention recently in Richmond, and adopted resolu tions that agents for the sale of manufac tured tobacco shall, after tho first of July next, limit their credits to four month; shall mako no allowance for the actual weights of tobacco ; shall state the names of pur chasers, and agents shall not deal in manu factured tobaeco on their own account, or have any intervention with brokers. It was also resolved to petition Congress to make it felony for the manufacturers aud dealers of tobacco in any one State to use tho name of any other manufacturer, or the name of any other State, or any other town or district in another State, in brand ing their tobacco. Terrible Accident. We have heard of a most terrible accident that occurred on the plantation of Mrs. Sarah DuBose. From the account we received, which is doubtless an authentic one, it appears that three boys, prime ploughmen, went into the room containing the ginned cotton, and locked the door. One of them thoughtless ly isti uiK a in i t . 1 1 i 1 1 1 v l. .. -4 l j- ignited the inflanrfnable material. Before relief could bo rendered, everything was enveloped in flames. The door was forced open as soon as possible, but too late ; two of the negroes were burned to death, and tho third, he who bad ignited the match, wus taken out alive, but in such a condi tion that no hope is entertained of his life. The gin house, some twenty-five or thirty bales, and new screw press were consumed by the flames. Winnshoro Register. Fatal Volcanic Euuption. An account of the eruption of the volcano Amoe, in one of the Sanquir Islands, near Borneo, has been ftiruished by the Dutch resident at Manado: There were two separate erup tions, one on the 2d March and the other on the 1 7th. The emission of lava, stones and ashes were so great as to obscure the sun and produce total darkness. A violent hurricane and lightning accompanied the eruptions. A whole village was destroyed, besides an immense amount of growing rice. Nearly three thousand persons were killed. Make a Beginning. Remember iu all things that if you do not begin you will never come to an end. The first weed pull ed up in the garden, the first seed set in the ground, the first shilling put in the savings bank, and the first mile traveled in a journey, are all important things they make a beginning, and thereby a hope, a promise, a pledge, an assurance that you are in earnest with what you have under taken. How many a poor idle, erring, hesi tating outcast is now creeping and crawl ing his way through the world, who might have held up his head and prospered, if, instead of putting off his resolutions of amendment and industry, he had only made a begiuning. i ' A Brisk Business. At a com husking frolic " down east" lately, two hundred bushels of golden yellow corn were husked forty-eight girls kissed, one couple married and seven more '-engaged," all on one veiling. Talk of stagnation in business. Notice. T -ill urll ATI Mnndav. the 28th dav of Decem- i ber, at the Store-room of Matthew Crawford, de ; ceased, all his Stock of Groceries, consisting of l otto', w.gar, etc. xc. Terms made known on dav of sale. THOS. W. DEWEY, Adm'r. Dec. 8. ts Notice. THE fourth session of Concord Female Col lege will close with an examination on the 15th instant. There will be a meeting of the TrnsteeK on the day preceding the. examination, at 3 o'clock, p. ra. H- KELLY, Sec'y. Dec 8, 1857. 5w If. p,. The next session will commence Wed nesday, the Gth of Jauuary, ItibS. H. K. "eYTsteele, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Hardware, Hat, and Shoes, CHARLOTTE, N. C. May 5, 1857. 41-tf THE LEMON SLAVE CASE. We have already noticed that this case has been decided by the New Terk Court of Appeals. It will be remembered, says the Charleston Courier, that the question involved "w the riglit of a citines f a skive State to hold his slaves, as sueb, in New York, while on bis way to another slave State. Judges Mitchell, Clerk, Davies, and Peabody agreed in denying this right. but Judge Roosevelt differed witnthc majori- ( ty of the Court. The ground upon which j tho Court bases its decision is, that the Act of 1817, with tho additions mode to it in 1830 and the repeal of 1841, declares that every slave brought into New York shall be freo. Comity ke not require any State to extend any greater privileges to citizens of other States than it grants to its own. The section in relation to the rendition of fugitive slaves co.uJJ not apply to these voluntarily brought into the State by their masters. The clause giving power to Con gress to regulate commerco between the several States conferred no power to de clare the statu which a person shall sus tain while in any other State of the Union. The Court therefore uphold the sovereignty of the State over the persons of those within its jurisdiction. It will be remembered that the Legislature oi Virginia, some time since, made an appropriation for the pur pose of having the case taken up to the Su preme Court of the United States. Great Chaleknge. A Race for $200, 000. The Georgia sportsmen some time since sent forth a challenge to tho world intended for Great Britain, of course to run a match race of four miles and repeat for $100,000 a side, over the Ten Broeck course of Savannah. The London Sunday Times insists that a company shall be form ed in England to accept the challenge and test the superiority of the horses of the two countries. The Times calls upon Lord Zetland to become iue champion of the British turf, and send out his noble horse Skirmisher "to do buttle against the Ameri can celebrities." The indications are that the match will bo made for next season. THE RANSOMED. BV GEN. W. T. HASKELL, OF MEMPHIS, TENN. Lines suggested by m y restoration to health from recent physical debility and mental distraction. PART I. I'm adrift on life's ocean, and wildly I Aimless and helmless, its fathomless deep, The wild winds assail me, it threatingly storms, The clouds roll around me in hideous forms, I drift to a lee shore! I strike! I am aground ! The mad waters 'whelm me I drown! Oh, I drown ! Mercy, oh mercy ! oh, Lord, set me free And take me, oh, take me, to Heaven and Thee. I wander life's desert, lone, desolate, sad, Faint, reeling, and weary I'm mad ! oh, I'm mad ! No glad waters greet me, no streams flowing free, I perish ! I perish ! Oh God! set me free. Ah ! hopeless I pray Thee, 'tis idle and vain, I perish ! I perish ! Rain rain give me rain, Let the stream of deliverance flow gently to me. And drift me, oh, drift me to Heaven and Thee ! 'Mid the wranglings of men and their con flicts so fieree, Half mad aud despairing, my lips spit a curse. Instead of imploring a Refuge, and Peace, From Life's maddening battle, for Hope aud Releaso, I bear on defiantly, proud, reckless, un blanched. At the dangers that hem me the curses I launched At Earth and at Heaven, Lord ! mercy for me, Receive mo ! receive mo ! to Heaven and Thee. part a. But the storm howls no longer, the desert is gone, The battle's fierce strife no more hurries me on, The tempest no more lash the ocean'B calm breast. And the clouds float in beauty far to the West, I move through Life's bowers full of bliss aud of love, Looking fondly to Earth, and with trans port above And an angel soft whispers, "The Lord sets thee free. To come to me ! come to me ! dwell here with me !" I thank thee, oh, Lord ! that my raving ca reer Was c hecked Ly the hand of Omnipotence, here, That struck from its jarred equilibrium, the mind Whose balance ray madness aud folly com bined Had perilled fore'er iti my earthly career, While night's tbick'ning darkness eucom- passed me here. And my sad soul is ransomed, unprisoned and free, I am coming, oh. Lord ! I bow gently to Thee. Joy ! joy ! Oh ! anguish and sorrow no more Shall lead me. its victim, on Life's crumb ling shore. The winds waft me. gently, I perish no more, I thirst not, the war of Life's struggle is o'er, Hope beckons me on, with its sweet whis pering tale. To walk through all, hopefully, Life's pleas ant vale. And I come to Thee, Lord ! unprisoned and free, And I bless Thee ! oh, bless Thee ! for mercy to mo. Lexington Asylum, Nov. 20, 1857. REPORT Or THE POSTMASTER GENERAL The Postmaster General states that, since entering on the administration of th Post Office Department, he has venturer! en no new theories, nor attempts any no vations on the well- tried system est ,ibli.-lo ' and practised upon by his predecessors He has contented himseif with endeavour ing to enlarge and perfect existing arrange meats. The total number of Post Offices at thi!1 time is 27.148, being a nett increase within the fiscal year of 12L 4,767 Postmaster have been appointed within the year, of whom 1.G81 were appointod to fill vacan cies occasioned by the removal of the in cumbents. On the 30th June last, there were in op eration 7,888 mail routen, with an aggre gate length of 242.601 miles divided a fol lows : 22,543 miles by railroad : 15.245 by steamboat; 49.329 by coach; 15.497 by 'infe riorgrades' of service, meaning then by horse and sulkey mails, etc. Total annual trans portation of mails 74 90G.007 Total cost cf transportation $6,022,016. On railroad routes the mails were carried 24.267 944 miles during the year, at a cost of $2,559, 847, being at the rate of 104 cents per mile; on steamboats 4.518,119 miles at $991 .998, about 22 cents per mile ; on coaches 19.(190.933 miles at $1,410,826 about 7 2-5 cents per mita; on "inferior grades" 27.029.74 miles at $1,659,375 about 6 cents per mile. From this it ap pears that steamboats is the most expen sive, in proportion to the amount of service rendered. The whole amount of transportion has been increased 5 per cent, within the year, and the whole expenses 9 7-10 per cent. The railroad transportation has been in creased 11 2-10 per cent, and the cost thereof 11 8-10 per cent. The steamboat transportation has been increased 6j per cent, and the cost of transportation 15 2-10 per cent. In the coach and inferior routes there has been little change, while the exten sion of railroad routes in 20 States has been 2,207 miles, at an additional cost of $249, 458 ; of this extension 184 miles have, been in North Carolina. Virginia, South Carolina and Georgia, at an additional expense of $19,899. On the 30th of June last, there were in service 406 route agents, at. a compensa tion of ::io.'.K)o : 45 local agents, at $28, 488 ; and 1,335 mail messengers, at $160. 425 ; making a total of $499,813. This amount with the increased cost of service commencing 1st July under new contracts f$ 120,044) added to the cost of service as in operation on the 30th of June last (6, 522,046.) makes the total amount for the curreut year $7,241,903. The aggregate expenditures of the De partment for the year ending June 30th 1857 were $13,508,057 93. and the gross i e eipts for the same period were $7,353, 951 76. But if to the gross sum above stated be ad ded tho permanent annual appropriations made by the acts of March 3, 1847, and March 3. 1851, in compensation for services rendered the government iu the transporta tion and delivery of franked matter, the whole revenue of the year will be $8,053,- 951 76, being $3,453,718 40 less than tho expenditures. The expenditures of tho Department for the current year, to be made in accordance with and under the authority of law, are estimated at $12,053 247; the estimated gross revenue $7,795,188. To meet the deficiency, appropriations, in addition to those already made, will be required to the amouut of $1,469,173. The Postmaster General refers to the outline of a plan for tho introduction of the system of money orders into this country, which had been submitted by his predeces sor to the House Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, but never acted upou. The idea is for the transmission of small sums by means of orders drawn by one postmaster on another. A system of re mitting sumr of money not exceeding 5 striding ($25) in amouut, was adopted by the British Post Office Department in 1839 and while in the first year the orders issued amounted in value to only 313-124, in 1856 they amounted 1L805,562. By re ferring to the matter, the Postmaster Gen eral would appear to favor the plan, but be forbears to urge it. HOW THE MoUMON DELEGATE WAS Ei.kcted. It has been recorded that Hon. Mr iJcrnhisel has been returned to Congress as delegate from Utah, but how, has not been stated. It seems that the election was fixed for one Monday, but on the Sunday before Brigham Young rose, where an audience of several thousand were assembled, and said : Brethren, to-morrow, you know, it the day to vote for delegate to Congress, so the law says. But 1 don't see why to-day isn't just as holy, and why we should -Tt take a vote to-day. Brother Bernhisel, brethren, has done well enough in Congress, though nobody's of much use there, and if it's worth while to send anybody to Washington I guess we might as well send him back; if he can't do us any good, he won't do us any harm. So all of you that are in favor of sending brother Bernhisel back will please rise. The whole assembly arose and the vote was unanimous. stt Onriotte, will b- thanhfally recvivi d. R. H. M VXWL.LL. Dee, 8, 3t-pd