I O IE! 3 pei? amram -CHARACTER LS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO IXDIVIDr.VI.S. AND THE G LORY OF THE OXE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OP THE OTHER. WEST SIDE GF TRADE STREET IN ADVANCE. 5 CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1858. SIXTH VOLUME NUMBER 313. C 37" JlT On THE 'mmm naioci&T, Published every Tesday,(o) M. J- YATES, Editor and Proprietor. Ei. win A. Yates, Associate Editor. If paid in advance If paid wUhia nls mutmtha H id after the eapiration oi the year JT ny pervua sending a live xkw , .i l. . the advance ratecrtptioa 1 .1 ,.v rrratifl lor one rear. abscribera, ; ($10) will ! r 1 moat' i . i , ; , and others who mnv wish to send ' . . uisn .' t u cub ilu so by mail, at uur risk. i Rule of .Idvcrtising-: mar ,,f I 1 line.- or less, for " month 1 I'll ' 12 10 00 One arc or less, lirt insertion,. 1 oo Ea !i !iUI-- sdvaoce. ijucnt insertion ii -it-nt advertisements must be - paid for in nnouncini Candidates for Office, in a!v;i nee .H..rt;--i.ici.is not marked on mo mnniuxrrim i . i . . a peeific time, wiU be inserted until forbid, and -.1 accordiajrhr. for a (-bars tpl Jlotkcs. SAM: T. SMITH, Alloriit'v and Counsellor at Law IV VI. WAYS HK FOI ND AT T11K OF rifh ,f Win. JohnatoB, Esq. i Prompl attention given to Collections, writm; Of I'l l ! Is. t'o:.ve ances. vc. Jaaaanr 26, 1 v W. A. OWENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C t h i, practice in the oitrts OIWUI ami me aujoni- iier ""unties. OFFICE seaklt or posits the i'ost vwwvcm. Janaary 19, 1858. i LaT. ALEXANDER, Attorney at I,a.v, riiarlotle, C. Office over China Hall. Augnsl 1 1. 1857. J TO SXo Attorney at Lav,, Charlotte, N. C, W 5. SitrtMOs Bnittlii j'i'i "'s """; W 1 1 1 in future devote of his profession. hi- time cm lus-iveiv to me Lia.ie.- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, VUARLOTTE, X. V. Jan. I, 1858. f- ltVwal llotitts. HUBERT GIBBON, M.D. (jj g t. ' jpg-y o 5 g8el (p i? IHEDlCirVE AUD SURGERY, Oiiice No. 5, Granite Raw, cif 1 RTmOTTE. x. c February 19, 1858. FOX & WI3ITE, Medicine and Snrgerjr. Q tT Office up Stairs C J. FOX, M. I. Aj.ril .:. ls:S. in .vj rings W. E. -tf Building. WHITE, M. D. NOTICE. A LI. those indebted to the subscriber will make im .,....i;:t. urttlemcnt. OT their Notes and Accounts will he placid in other hands for collection. April .1. isr.s. .i-lt C. J. FOX. UH.U.XF.HY XD DRESS-MAKING. I b WHE VL W respCCtfolly informs the holies of -l'!ia:l..!t.- and vicinitv. that she has returned, and otters her services lo her old customers and friends. Residence one door above the Po.-t Ofhce. .1 mm 30, 1 -C7. Town Taxes. l..., .. iiu T i v r ists fur 1857 readv for settle- I incut. Persons liable to pay tax win pnaw .... miersigaed and settle forthwith. It is hoped that tins notice will he sufficient, as the money must be coUcct t.,l. S. A. HARRIS, Jane !, 1857. If Tas Collector. Ilt'V 11.11 l.i' . - i . i 1 .... tl,,. Awction and ( oiRinissioii Merchant, For the sale and pnrefcase of Stocks, Bonds, Real Rstatc, Negroes, &e. Office 193 Exchange Row, C O IA m Bit A, C ...- .-., ... si he mtw a to the Sale of Merchandize and Produce generally. rril Raraas to Fisher ft Burroughs, J. . F.. 15. Stowe, and M. Howell. Charlotte. April 27, 1858. 3ni MOTICE. OCR NOTES and ACCOCNTS arc in the hands of, W. A. OWENS, F..-.,.. for collection : and 'hose wishing to save time And money, Bras! settle, by CA&M stent the 1st of July, lb."8. FULLINGS & CO. May 4. 1858, 2m. j (OX'S PATENT KfXATINE, A Mperior article for making Jellies. ALSO. Extracts for Flavoring, viz: Vanilla. Lemon. Peach. Almond. Rose, Orange, Celery, ftc, for sale at M iv Is, $2 00 .-: io WHITE SULPHUR & P Ti 0 UXJ S3 n C A T A WD A CO I' H TV, These S Charlotte, 3 nngi are situated fifty miles North of West of Stat esvil le, and 2o miles East lie foot of the Mountains, and in a ) mite of Morgantou at. i vicinity unsurpassed for the salubrity of Its climate. : The Proprietor, announce n lb i. til. (in 'f kia i Linen a or.--,,., !..- with every accommodation for the reception of visitors. The peculiar tonic, alterative and invigorating pro pertics ol this . , " ht- A r t --r -i -w nrv. 0 V A.' i 1 I c9w render it invaluable in MJiSfftscs oi the lAl'tr I l .lii-ii. ' i r i i i - i : I I I 1 I y I 'tl v l" !" " ... ! . I k: . l . v ... i i 'I:.. iiial Diseases. Incipient Consumption, Scrofula, Eruptive Diseases, and all coses of debility accompanied with de fective appetite and want of assimilation. Particularly to Females i- this Water efficacious. ('. S. bi -wa s tri-weck'y Line of FOUR HOUSE COACHES from Salisbury to Ashcville, passes within live miles, and visitors can procure conveyances from Newton to the Springs at all times. .May is, l58. tf Copartnership Notice, Tli ie suoscrners nave lornieu a co-itarxnersnin unaer . , i . i . i the name of HAND, WILLIAMS .v.- FARROW, forth.' transaction of a COMMISSION' BUSINESS in Flour, Grain, and other country produce. Their larre stores on Hayne and Anson streets will soon be completed. At present, they will occupy Nos. 11 and It; Hayne St. Liberal cash advances made on produce in .-tore. From their long experience, and with their facilities for !o imr business, they feel confident in being able to serve their friend- to the best advantage. OEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., THOS. M. FARROW. Charleston, Mav 18. lyr.s. I mo. A Reliable NOTICE. T HE Firm f BREM k STEELE was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st day of January, s.",s. The business of the Firm is in my hands for collection and settlement : and 1 hereby respectfully request all persons idebted to the late firm by book Account to conic forward and settle between this date and the 1st dav of July, 1858, as I do ossnre you that all accounts due the firm at that time will be put in suit for collec tion. A. ('. STEELE. Charlotte, Feb. 16, 1858. 4lm 8CAEE CO., Driigrgrita &. Cbemists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, fyVlTE the nttentionn of Physicians, Planters, Merchants. c, to their new and complete stock of DRl CS, HLMI CALS. &C. The extensive pntronajre they ive received froni the Physicians of Char- ottc and it- vicinity is the lies) guarantee RTTY OF Tllh DRVC.S sold lv f the PC them. March 30 1858. IVE THE. A TRIAL. SILVER'S PLASTIC and Fire Ji PAINTS: Oh. mu. Durable and Protective: W es Proof. For sale Wholesale an detail by SCARR CO., Feb. . Chemists i Druggis ITJATK.VT MEDICINES jus! received from the Ware A. house: Ayers' Cherry Pectoral, Rogers' Liverwort and Tar. Wbtai's Balsam, GuysQtfs Sarsaparilla and Yellow Deck. McLane's PiUs, Strong's Pills, Ayers' Pills, kc .vc, at April 1st. SCARR CO.'S, Druggists. IfTood's ISair Restorative. A fresh supply of this invaluable preparation for the Hair has just been received direct from New York, by Uarcfa 10. SCARR k CO. A V AGE'S CRSTNA, Caxadias R ear's Gbease, C;,,, rani aoidication foi imparting a beautiful gloss to the hah March 16. for sale at SCARR k CO. Drue to: i Bouqnct D'Orseans, o MBorunox, From -roves ofswect flowers this perfume woa culled. Where deep golden pnramers exalt the perfume. Where the hieeze from the South in the deep glen is lolled, Where DOWCTS exhale, but forever resume To imparl this aroma, 'tis the sweetest, the best, It steals o'er the senses like the nectar of Jove. To the bouquet of beauty it gives a new y.e-t. U the pride of the toih I and the perfume of love. DistUled with great care from the choicest Bowers of the South, expressly for the Roiidour, Toilet and Han I kcrchief. For sale in Charlottu by March It. r. STARR CO. KIJD GLOTES. AXCASTER'S KID GLOVE CLEANKIi. an un- roiliio' nrtnaration, easy and simple in application, L. removing all .-tains ana from the Clove: at j.livl, ie. SCAlUt iV i t.o imig oiore. FINE SALAD OIL, v itnil snnerior brand of Olive Oil. an exq isitc article for Salads, for sale at Mav 18. SCARR & CO. Hoo&md's Crcrman Bitters, Just received at ..... , o. Mav ia. SCARE .k: CO.S Drugstore. PUKE WHITE VINEGAR, CLOVES, N'UTOKtiS MACK. PEPPEB, fcc, a fresh supply, MaT 18 ' For sale at SCAKB v "CO.'S. Genuine French Mustard, An elegant Article for the table. Mav 18. SCARR k CO. The Greal Knslish Kemedy. SIR JA31ES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FE-MAld: Pi'.d.S, ranPASiso fuom a passcaiFTiox a? u j. c l a n k k . m. .. PHYSICIAN KTn.VOK!UNAUV TO TUB cl CEN. mniS wen known ediciue is no imposition, but a 1 sure aud safe remedy for rental Dignities and .ihstructions. bom any cause whatever; uiul idthoh a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the con nation. To MAKUIEU LADIES it is pecubaily m I ; 1 xTTcy&J ' I'M: " j r WtzUxn 33 r mo t rati CHARLOTTE, N. C. Gradbatks. The following gentleman conv : pleted the prescribed course of study at the Pres byterian Theological Seminary, in Columbia S. on the -id inst.. & were enrolled among the alumni of that institution : S. E. Axson and fjk II. CoitJ ofGa; David Fairley,ofS. C.j W. F. Ball, of Ni ('.; A. K. Lidded, of Ga.; W. E. Pearson, of S. C.J A. P. Smith, of Ala.; T. E. Smith, of (Ja.; J A. Walker, of S 0. Heavy Losses. A recapitulation of the dam age done by the recent hail-storm in the vicinitv of fretleritksbunr. a., estimates the loss to be one lencksburg, V a., estimates the loss to be one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Over five hundred and sixty thousand bushels of wheat were destroyed, within a length of ten and breadth of three miles. I Vindication of the Secretary of War. We are pleased to learn, as we do from the pro ceedings of the House, of Representatives on Wednonlay, that the investigation ordered relative to the sale of the Vavt Snellin.f reservation has re- " " " " - - - - III UVUVWW union suited in a full vindication of the See'y. That body That consideration of the past and pros has resolved, by a vote of 133 to 60, that the evi- ; t 0f the future, the company felt disposed to lence "has lailed to exlnhtt any tact or circum- stance, mi eaclung the personal or olncial lntegn of the Secretary of War." This is as we expected. Santa Anna. A resident in St. Thomas has ' announced in Cuba that Gen. Santa Anna had 1 purchased an elegant resilience in the first named i island, for which he paid 40,000 cash. K x TR a out) I s A it Y F at a id TV . From 1 'cters town, Monroe county, we are informed that there , . ... 1 1 ' 1 is no al.ateitiet t in tne ravages oi me iever wmcn has visited the inhabitants of that village and the ... . ., ,i I six months.' The number of deaths is over forty, ,..,.- s!,.l,.l,,. i Kt-.i.t V tor iiiwi. t om inelndin" some of the most prominent and useful ! citizens. In one or two instances the entire family has been removed by its fearful effects. The village is quite a small one, and the work of de population has been more complete than was the case with Norfolk during the late fearful pestilence of the yellowfever. Tazetcell co. ( VaJ) Advocate. Washington, June 4. The President told a member of the House to day that the question of the Right id' search, or Visitation, must now be settled definitely between the United States and England; and he further declared that the British Government would be obliged to abandon its pretensions. Gen. Houston's Expedition to Mexico. We understand that General Houston, immediate ly after the adjournment of Congress, contemplates an expedition into Mexico with a company of four or five thousand men. who are anxious to follow the hero of Alamo to new conquests. A alker and lleniiingseu do not inspire the adventurous youth of the Sou;'.- with confidence, and it has been sig nified to General Houston that if he would lead them, there were thousands ready to follow him to anv nart of Mexico. The understanding is that i irv ttre t j e.a.-i.c mot her slice of Mexico am briu' it into the Cuiou, and with it Houston into the Senate. "Mister, 1 say, nobody who don t nothing, don't you' don't." I suppose you don't know of want to hire nobody to do ' 'J he answer was, '-Yes, I HO BES ! A large lot ofBcrage, Organdie, and Jacoaet-flooucci and shte-striped ROBES will be offered for n tew week at ereatly reduced prices by T. II. BREM k CO. . Mav 2."., 1858. J. A. ESTKS. THOMAS DCGRAOTKXEKII) J. A. ESTES A: C O., r..ii ai !! f: m ;is 5 wvi o si r ill IUI 3 (UIU Vllllllli"" 1 . , , , , For the sale of Cotton, Grain, rlonr, anaaiiKinaa oi couutry Produce. OrFlCE XoRTH Atlantic Vi'n.vnv i:s. Charleston, C. Vrcordina to the terms of the Co-partner?Mp, we oi .. wnTLATE. directiv or inuirecuy. iu auj i iu- duct. slrinpcd to our house. o Mills, S S Farrar, Uros & Co, Lanneau, ...:;i. - ivi.!Miwi Tims .1 k (' II Moise, harleston, h. (' Coll: Vndcrson, R Hope. Columbia ; Thos MeClure, Sr Samuel McLilly, X R Kavos. A Q Bonovant, Chester: t'o'l r S. aiiV. Union; Dr. Ilappoldt, Salisbury, N. C: J b Dixon, Knoxville, Teini. June 1,1858 T State of It. Caroiiaa, Gaston Comity ; Equity SpriS T"'"'- ls:,H Dorcas Ginglea and others, vs. Charlotte Giajplea and others. O. B. For Side of Land. It nnnearinctothe satisfaction of the Court, thai Martha liinjfles, Mary liingtea, oamnei uringws, .imn. Gi ret i.le., Malissa Gingles, ;iul Jotin i(oersoa are " u;a Si -iff. the said naTties are hereby .mvina - , .:c, ..i ., -..witna- ti Wlpr nf said Court, th inibli- ration be made for six weeks in the Western Democrat. to:- defendants to appear at the next Term of this Court to he held for the county ot Gaston at tne L-outi iiowm ia Dallas, on the 9th Monday alter the 4ta .viouoay u Aueust next, to answer, pieau or oemur w wmw orjudfrment proeonfessn w ill entered against them. fi-M.-i'OC l- l vi.r-TiiMt iv. 1 Cik alio .ua.-ier i Eqnity at Office in Dallas, on the 9th Monday alter the 4th Monday in February, A. 1. 1858. p. M. ABERXATHY, c. m. e. Juno I. 1 858.-11 0t price of adv. .SO. Stair of N. Carolina, Mcckfenbarg . f'.-itrl ;. io ami OtixrUr iWjw -I;n J tn, if-- Th Hank of Charlotte v s. J. C. Grilling Jt J. b bnWg. Original AUacameni. Levied in the hands of L. S. AViiliams, JohnW.Khnr. S. Wv Datis and obt, Grier, and theni snnunoneft as Itanpearin to the BaStefaclion of the Court that the defendants in this case are non-residents of this State, ii is therefore ordered that puhlicatiou be made in the Western Democrat. newspaper puua i.-hedinthc Tovv of Charlotte, notirvinjr pain ieieiiui.ni , iu ui, . A SPECIMEN OF CORRUPTION. The wholesale bribery operation carried on by the La Crosse and Milwaukee Railroad Company, with the Wisconsin Legislature, is one of the darkest, damning stains upon a legislative body upon a State that lias ever been brought to light A million of dollars in stock or bonds was distributed to a majority of the members, for the sole, purpose of purchasing legislation favor able to the interest of the railroad company, and to the Black "Republican" GuVernor, Coles Bashford,who was elected with a majority of the Legislature, on the Maim- law-Free -oil-Bleeding Kansas-Free-wool issues. $50,000 w as presented to quiet h:s conscience, and rut a stop to a threat ened veto. This mire "lienublican" Governor, tn order, we suppose, to make an mn.K, insisreu in order, we suppose, to make all hunk, insisted that $16,000 of the amount should be paid in rsA, which was dene. His Private Secretary was the recipient of $5,000 ! he being thought able, and, of course, willing, for a smaU consideration, to bob. tho tbirur -ihrno- i i , -b is " Snnhl&n" i nritv 1 Such s Keput)Iean puntj Mr Ktlbomne, President of the La Crosse and Milwaukee Radroad, tesnbed before the commit- ddb.otn vtr-iin tee, regaining umeiuo. u.iu,... 'anA n x:m ?1 ,., ,j;m, ..- if he would feel at libertv to accent of it. He said that, with the views and purposes expressed by me, he should not feel at liberty to decline a Comi It- j m . . , ; . p ti it cheerluliy. merit ol tnc Kind, aim wouiu accept u cuccnuaj , , ..i i. . .... I ....... I. I .,- t , Anvivr I , ' .,,-(., - arly day place ; . , , ,i i.i x- a. ... .1.,.! I T'l'Ml Sltueu mai l ruuiu n un miii v.r i,...v. i in ii nnni s tnc oouos oi me comouuv iu amount ot $50,000." Furthermore, says Kilbourne: j "Distinctly stating to him at the time, that I -;..i...l ih ,-... bv tn have no influence unon : j " . , , 1 , ! 1 lllVU LIIVj " " ' " 1 any official act which it might nenceiortn uc- ! ..i,- !,;., l..1.-..-,tV,.T lr nprfnrm tin h'.s ntirt. i OIV e Oil llliii iieicaiic-i iu i.t . . v I I believe he accepted it for the reason that he thought the company could wen anora to mate damage while to him the sum" was large enough I -tien a donation without doing it any material to confer a real benefit (II) In pursuance ot this ; conversatin, I subsequently placed in the hands ; fit T . l.C ...1 ll.. l..-,...l, nfi nnmnnriv tn ! the amount of 50,000, and at a later period 1 j , , . l l O 1 C ..ul . . , . . T... eXCliangCa With Uim 51U,VUU lino money ui ;: I presume this would have been from time to time had the condition of the pany permitted." What next from the Free Wool party? done com- RAILROAD STATISTICS, Sue. The National Intelligencer says : The following Statistical Table, prepared on a rainy day by an intelligent and careful observer, will be interesting to all readers : There are in the United States one hundred and seventy-four railroads, of which twenty-two ne n progress ot construction, rury-eignt oin t , . iMlty-enht only ot tins ouuiDer j ay oivhu cent, per annum, viz : .. , i i a:. .:. i . lids tiom Z-2 to tier! j 1 I 1 o 10 99 per cent, 7 2 per cent. 7 do. C do. 4 do. 20 do do. do. do. 15 VI 10 i) 15 3 do. do. do. do. 3 -1 S do. 21 The long st road is the Xcw York Central, 550 o.-t and equipment thirty millions, and miles: tota loi db-bh.iul oiobf nor cent. The shortest is the last dividend eight per cent, ine shortest is Erie and North-east, 2J miles; cost and equip- niriit seven hundred and fifty thousand, and last dividend 10 per cent. The largest dividend is made by the Galena and Chicago road, and the smallest by the Raleigh and Gaston. It therefore appears from this statement (abbreviated from the i :, IJ.,, , .Innrn-i - v ' .:X 11 If V- I .VUlLIlCilU ll.liiiumi ...,,..,. --'V s J i four completed roat J ds make no dividend at all. Of i no mviuenu ac an. vji the whole number, only eiuht have not contracted , debts. The debts arc enormous, the lowest $8,242, and the highest 2,081,468; and it also appears .." c -7 y - - 1 . 1 i i A I . -. ............. I, .. .'f I 1'1. I 111,. i that tweuiy oj luu vumpuuiuo u .... .villi. imi oi fir,, iiiinrra millions ot aouar. That the construction ot such lung lines ol rail- ; vvavs has contributed immensely to the general wealth of the country there can bono question, vet the Dockets c the maioritv ol the stockholders havt offered considerably. It is in on time that n i hould be built with funds contributed by rat roans stockholders only. It is well c stablished that the crisis from which we have but recently recovered tj,e natioaaj salute. Ihe piece had been discharg was partly precipitated by tho financial condition ol onco !lt apfortunately, the young gentlemen ...i . r :l 1 .............. .L- o.i.l ili.w- .. , . .i-i i r. .. manv ol tnc extensive oiuwu wmjuuuw, iu i.... should be a warning n ne w cuucem. the "reverend am Hiclinn Patriot lilt IT.,., ,1 nd beneath the portrait of Kettle lltllUlllOWM. 1 j well, prefixed to his work on the 'Apostles Creed, j we read it is "the true effigy of the reverend and learned 31 r John Keltleweii," hut neither of these divines used the epithet as a prefix to their names in their works. It would appear, therefore to he a title of modern usage, neither sanctioned nor re quired by law er eauou. T. -...,.,.. r,,,.;,,r n c.ni . .... . tKA nAfl.'. mnnaW Hfnni.' year in acttiiiion 10 some ftw,wv m ed to its l"wful owners, there have been found in th letters and restored drafts, checks and other v,hiahlemies irH untin- to three and a half mil- lion of dollar In the -reater number of instances deacf letters wMch have been returned to the de- ns rtment Lave failed to reach their destination in V,; 'bv (1, 0f misdirection. This mav ,t i b". attributed to the hurrv in which ;...i u. m.mn.tile hottea close up their u the dav. One bank sends , . MwinnHmr to t h imflail f S The TITLE OF REVEREND. According to voting gentleman, named Hi Tharp, inflicting a i juir(j W where he intended to stop, having then "Notes and Queries," the title of Keverend is of j t'rightful wound, through which his lungs were 1 ,l0 small change. In due time the negro applied, modern inventio'n. It appear:- to be what Seldou , plainly seen, tearing off a large piece of flesh from alHj a doBaT was handed him. Being aked if he ' would call an "honorary attribute." During the the arm, and driving several splinters into one of tnew Avho it was that gave him the dollar, he re : seventeenth century the word was usually coupled big thighs. The services of Br. N. I. Pittmatt pKeci, "No, ir; J concluded he was a gentleuiau with learned as in the case of Vaughan writing of j were immediately procured, but the unfortunate by his leaving the money, but I think he is the ' - : !! ;il"fll- 1 1 I 1 1 "I Lilt; i(.ninn.i mm ,v ' ' I III !!; t i II IU l'-at; nun n'imuiiii, 1 learned ttr. .jacu.-on, young man was smiting so rapitwy r nuay nigui biggest lool I ever saw. ites; the reverend and learned !r. thai: all hones of his recovery had been abandon- ; DYING MEN TURNING TO THE DAYS OP THEIR YOUTH. I AT- t.,.. i ' .1 ,V. 4.1. "I,'',cf.-lTll Riuiaid. ! 'ir jeiuoii ft uvai :i , a i ue Eipwf , v. .... v. ... . - 1 . j er, presents two striking though not uncommon The Church was well tilled by. an atteutivo audt lessons. The first of these is his letter to two of ence of young gentlemen, a lew ladies also graced his eld Tennessee colleagues requesting that there the occasion with their presence. The discourse should be no action of Congress in connection with was particularly addressed to young men, and the his funeral. That in obedience to those principles temptations to which vouth are exposed were of economy, the strict construction of winch he forcibly set forth. had been so conspicuous an exponent, he should j Many of the young men lingered upon the have such a request, was nothing more than a broad steps, us the long congregation, with thought natural process of reason. But that he should ful minds and solUncd hearts left the stately have sent such a request through two of his boyish ; edifice. Tennessee associates, was something more than a i Among the congregation was a young woman mere reasoning process. With Mi.-souri his politt- ! of some twenty years, who was l.i.-hionably cos cai history had been associated. In the .Missouri tamed, in half mourning. As she passed out of .l. i.......,;. iw, U till tb.d .itt-ifdiorl adherents the ate into the broad street in front of the church V -- ami devo eu incus, out xn. e.see , scene ol h:s youthlul mem ones; ami to icncsee therefore Ins dying thoughts, w obedn-nce o that kw winch estabn.hes the perpetutty ot nnnd, were ttirneu. The phenomenon is common though not insig- Dr. Johnson, when he came to die, forgot I n chants whi-h had delighted him in his . . and was heard nttering a child's b, ,,,,. wbi.-h he bad learned on his mother's knee, Tlr Rush tells of old Sweeds who on their death beds in the hospital spoke Swccdish, though they had dropped the use of it for sometimes fifty years. Kant, in the shadows of his dreary death, found no consolation in the speculations to which he had riven so manv years oi powerful thought, out was i V... .V.,. ..,., .,1 mncU. xebbdi hi. ' -i veil so nan v v c; moiesicu i mo euuaiu oi waiuoi uiw ... ... ., i i ' :n ii,r, nf If emuMlmro iiioionieu o luc nnutu ui uiu. tm, ..n.. , .....v.. ... ua'i lic.uu unco a u.'y hi iv. t-i.vio kji. uvg o i T, imnortant induction to be drawn I T .,,. ;a .,,1 imnnr I frran fhoso nhiMiomena. It is that the human 1'"" mind rises above corporeal and temporal conditions. Time disconnects not the subtle links that bind its processes together. As if to prove this, memory is made to briner in union the associations of all , otners tne nt are. 1 he hr ronioto Tiioseoi lniancv nun urn a"-e. ihe human tranie changes once every seven years. None of the particles of either of us, exist-ino- now. existed seven years a":o. The mind. o ' . . . . . however, contains the same, preserving its mdivid uality entire. The inference is clear. Dissolution ot the nony in onesnape aueeis u no., nwiua i,i dissolution of the body in any other shape. The h.illfr,-. tVlliri rdlihlbiwl tO old fl O'P deStrOVhOt ltS memory, neither will the change from old age to .1 4-1. Wl,.,f nr. anrA.1 nnu' i , ill 11 oc 111 nWllliOTI death. hat an awiui consciousness wj awaiven to, that all the memories of the sinner's life, with their consequent remorse, are to be his companions forever. Important to Scientific Men. In the course of his summing up, in the case of Retts vs. Cligfford, tried before Lord Campbell and a Special jury, at Warwick Assizes, on the 2d instant, his lordship noticed that a scientific witness having asked his opinion as to whether he was bound to attend, upon being served with a subpoena, he would say that a scientific witness was not bound to attend, and ought not to be subpoenaed, it ho knew any question of the fact he might be com- , ' 1 .1 J 1 I A ... J ........... ------- -- D-- ,1 t ,,, , l.nt bnr Mturxtv s! snhircts were vviiiKA L" ''v - . - not compellable to give their attendance to speak upon matters of opinion. The Solicitor's Jour nal. The paragraph .which we copy above possesses an interest for till physicians or other learned men who maybe called to give testimony as experts in courts of justice. Acccording to the principle here laid down by Lord Campbell, which corres ponds with that which we know has heretofore been considered as correct by good authorities, al- though not always regarded in the courts, the Uerc payment of the witness fee does not entitle ' to ou(. ofa witnes upon the stand a the lawyer to get out ofa witness upon the stand a professional opinion upon a point involved in the case. If the witness knows anything about the' facts in the case, of course he must attend and testi fy to wdiat he knows; but if he is only summoned to give his opinions, he may do as he pleases about putting hnnsolt at the mercy ot the counsel. 7, 1 .'. . 7. Distressing Accident. We regret to -hear of a most distressing accident which occurred at Tavv boro', Edgecombe county, N. C, on the 4th, and by which, doubtless, a very worthy young man has lost his life. A gentleman, of this city, in Tavv boro at the time, furnishes the following particu lars : The citizens having resolved to celebrate the approaching Fourth of. July, a party of young ......t I. .1, onaanmw .. rAA 'iimiill OT tll( nliVllfl?P ; f lvin? it a thoronsh test, in order that no acci- : jg.. i( ,..r,,,,. ,,.i,., tkn timn mrl ti firr forgot xo swoo the gun, ana winie en gage u in nun . ining the cartridge for the second shot, it was diss- pcs ot his recovery -Pett rsburg Express, liv Cahi vi i. What You DbinK. The Eliza- bethtown (N. Y.) Journal relates the j urticuh.rs of the melancholly death of two persons, and pro- bahly the third, from drinking '-bitters." It ap- pears that a man nameu lowntoy was eugagcu an a dav laborer on the farm of Mr Roll, and before w . -.ii- i commencing work was urged by ins employer to o t-.l.-n timio "iiirrers. llo irii-ciuied. nut unon Ii crfaiino that hft had l ecetitlv iiurchascd some w o j . , . buttles at auction, and proposing to examine their contents thev proceeded to do so. Among them was found one containing what they supposed to be ! cider, and the deceased proposed to drink it, but his employer endeavored to disuada him, saying that as he did not positively know what it wa.s, the safer course would he to let it alone. Mr T., how- ever, drank some, as did also a colored man who was present. They both became sick, and though a medical aid was promptly obtained, flje lowuly T 1 1 - " ,...!.. . 1 1 1- . . L ..... ed. a i A SINGULAR ADVENTURE. T .il i ..iiirr f"W Vii.lnti ,rr!iphtil m IHOflllMlf I J , . , V , . . IllW", ..v. j liaAnua tn t ln v. nnur liion of t llisi ri t V ill St. l'.'llll S. o , BT111PJ1WJ to ? oe -epiug -v , '-7 her eye , as JJJ & young m n h h , o 1 -MM oMfe ; was drop,-ed, and the art.clc wht.rh, in lormer times was a challenge to brave deeds, loll directly on Ins patent leathers. The xoung man at once secured the glove and hastened to restore it to its owner. 1 no glove was received, and a Kind wont oi inanss given iu return. A glistening tear lingered in the black eye of the recipient, and she said she was so over come by the discourse of the speaker, that she scarcely knew what she did. Her tears then flowed more bountifully than ever. The young Ill-ill w ho bad also been sciisiblv affected bv the - , u u aotno discourse, deenlv svniiiatliised with the ' , ' I I Jl 1 I beautiful stranger. He spoke kindly to her and s; ho tout ins arm. i ne names vyhircu iimimu . .it 'i' . . . ii 1 ..........i our beautiful Common by the mellow light of tho young moon, and eie they hud reached the front of the State House, the young woman had dried her weeping tears; and the young man found him self the companion of a fascinating young woman with a Grecian face, a sparkling black eye, and hair which more than rivalled the wing of the raven in glossy blackness. The parties then passed down Park street mall, and lingering for a few minutes rest took a scat on one of the benches, near the corner of Park street. The striking of the clock marked the hour of ten. This reminded them that they must leave to their homes. rIhe young man says that he escorted her to the residence of a well knowu citizen, not far from Pemberton Square where he left her, as he supposed! ringing the door bell. When he reach ed his rooms he found that his portmonnaie was missing it contained S21 in batik bills ami three one dollar gold pieces. This morning the victimized young man palled at the house where he left his tearful friend, but it is scarcely necessary to add that no such person ns bis :iemi:iintitnce of the evening previous was to be found. He is of the opinion that his pocket was penetrated by the gloveless hand of his fair acquaintance while they were seated on Park street mall, although he .- toutly avers that they sat at that respectful distance from each other which seemed proper for their new and singular relation to each other. He also says that the sermon and the adventure will be a lesson for life to him. Boston JjtdrjKf. BuiXC.INO AN OSSTISATE Jl'ROa TO II IS SkN 8B. Tlie Santa Cruz Sentinel gives the follow ing account ofa method adopted recently in that town to overcome the objections of an obstinate juror : Persuasion ami starvation are the approved com mon law methods of producing the above result; but a novel method was lately tried in this town. Bv some means, a fellow-juror, an utter stranger to all his brother juror, was placed upon the jury, who dissented from the verdict agreed to by the other 11 The V came to a joint conclusion of guilt without delay, but the stranger pertinaciously held out against them. After an hour of argument, with no avail, it was at last pro posed that the jury should return a verdict "guilty by 11 jurymen, who believed the other one to be a confederate of the prisoner, and as great a rascaL" This ended it; stranger saw 20 vigilance commit tees in his mind's eye, and in five minutes the jury until. imously tendered a verdict of guilty. Judge Marshall, returning from North Carolina, wrapped in profound thought on some knotty point, found himsc -If suddenly brought to a halt by a small tree which intervened between the front wheel and the body of his buggy. Seeing a servant at a short distance, he asked him to bring an axe and cut down the tree. The servant told the Judge that there was no ocea.don for cutting ,l-.vn th. ir.-rv but, inst to back thi: buirtrv. Plcas- j C(i at the good mcii.se of the fellow, he told him V...w, J - at tne mn Tvattr iW.M Y.'V IN Tl KI-KNTINK DlSTILIJNO i Home Enterprise. Our townsman, Cant- Daniel ... . . f . . - j P..d has fibtjiined a nateut for an improved nj,;thod of extracting the .j.irit of Turpentine ; jyrim iie crutlc material, whi-di, if we mistake not, ; wjj 1)10Ve of great importance to that valuable 1, ranch ot business, in an uie ux ninie pivuuv gtates, I C . . m f The distillation is carried on by the use of steam, instead of the direct application of tire to the atilla. -ir ,.t tlm (iii-oft sitohi , TKrt fulvMiit.-i'i-cM to be jiftii'niod over the old metiioo. t - c 1 aie principally four-fold -p'ruf, greater salcty ami , ess consequent loss by fire; secondly, less waste iu the Spirit, with less liability to scorch; tWy, the capability of doHg continuous work, so that . DO tiuie A to be lost in charging the stdls, and the , capacity therefore to do three times tho -amount of ; work in a day; and fourthly, the power to separate : aU thc dr0f,, from the turpentine before itg.SMita the stil) aI1d a comequent improvement m we ;i ,,ualitv of the rosin. In a h- made 0. him or to cither o! Del 0, 1 s7. tin- undersigned. HILLKfi PORTER. arcli 2. 13-. I

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