IB 7 O X7 IT" C O 3D OX I B ICEST SIDE OF TPAPK STREET SBr3 iv i a inn mi IN ADVANCE." .out -..( :im . ;.w JlLA mhMkM Jo 7A7XI9 EDITOB AXB 1'KOPn.KT.U. CHARLOTTE, X. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1858. SEVENTH VOL U JI E X UMBER 320. 4 An An , l-tt'.'-J Tort f. CIIARACTv.u 18 AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS TT IS TO I.VDI VIDI'ALS. AND THE GLORY" OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER, Published every Tuesday, Q) nv WJI. .1. STATES, Editob and Pkopriktor Edwis A. Yatu-, Associate IMitor. ixanc ! 1 1 1 : i .-i' . ,.l ;li-r the expiration ufthe year. :s oo I . Anv person sending ns five saw subscribers. , j. ,i ,y the advance .subscription (S10) wul . fl sixth rojjr gratia Tor one year. rrii'i-ra ana outers wno may wi.-n to send ;., i-jtu do so l.y mail, at our risk. o SCAHE & CO., , No. 4, Trade Steet, Charlotte, N. C, fNVITE the aUentionu of Physician?, Plant:)-. Merchants, fcc., to tli. i:- new ! complete -fork of DP ICS. ChEMI t'ALS. Vc. The extensive patronage thev bve received from the Pl)v-iiaii of .Char lotte sad its vi. iiiity is the best pnarantee of the PURITY OF THE DPI ;.S sold by them. Match 30, TO TWO FRONT ROOMS, building. Jlliv (i, .ppiv to RENT, on second storv of Brawh-v's JXO. L. i;i:ovn.' ic-;t. THE SORE OR "BLACK" TONGUE. Out exchanges, aenerallv, refer to (he prevnl- ; CHAKLOTTE; X. C. nong the pSSSGfigetS by the stemnor rtlufnlfia, Poitland, (). T., wns Mi Indian eMer'rjf' great fa J no I r,o "tel. J STEAM Ml LI G iTfejfchaiil an3 0tber Propfir- iy, lor S i- at CHARLOTTE, N. C. S Trustee ofLerby Sprfncf. I will ex nose to nubile ale on Sa.turdnr. tlte 7th of. M'CPST noxt. ft Valuable Steam merchant Miil. new and perfect; with Six pair oi' French Burr Kunueis. a hwga, new and fier- lect bngiue, togetacr witli ml the m., li'mery and a; Jr! 1.1 I AN INDIAN FIGHT AT SB A. An: e nee of this disease ainonsr Oattle, the fatality at- from tondinir it and the danger whieh must nccesf?anly eelehr'ny, named John, and MH f-cm, a votmi; v,ar- rdlhm the nse of Beef, thus aillieted. ; rior. 'J hoy Udonr to rjier Jfogtt Hiwr In li.'tm In this conununity nutch is beihjr saH ' reftr- aiwl are men of the first cOrtsMTeni e in the tribe. erice to the appcaroce of the disease and the pro- Ahont lour years ago, John nthev(V? n httr.div 1 of I. C :!v.n . a-h mi Units of 1dvtrl isitig : ...ii.ne of l t lines or less, for : months, $ 4 90 " ; M g 06 13 " lo oo iia re, or Iess,firs1 insertion S 1 U0 .iin-nt iasertion '." p-Transient advertisements must IH-I'l' lV III l':triV 1111 .t .it. ..ml ..ImdIvii A TRIAL.. SILVER'S PLASTIC ' .,.,V.,.. t..;....,, -ri.:.' . m:h :.. ' I) i ivnv ............. ..i,,i. vuQui. tui.- ,,iiM i aiiuuti'u 111 I mi i .u.ii i ..,, v r t.eap, Dirralth? and Protertire ; Weather and Firo j eonne rroor. i-or sale uotesala an Retail by SCARR k CO., Feb. ft. Chemists & DriiEirists. ATENT MKDIOINES iasl received from the Ware house: A v-r.-' Cberrv Pectoral. Powers' Liverwort and Tar. Wistar's PaL-ani, Onvsott's Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, MeLaae'a PiUs, Strong' Piils, Ayera' be paid for iu i r aanonncine Candidates for Office, $5 in ills. ite.. &c at A d v crt i sements not marked on the aiansascripl . () time, will be inseitetl until forbid, and S, P. SMITH, IfM. Atloraey and Ceuascllor at Law V ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THS OFFICE ! IV hi. Johnston, Ksq. Prompl atteution given to t ouecUons, trritiag 1 1 i . Cot. ireyanees, fcc. January -:. 1858. ly VV. A. OWENS ATTORSE AT LAV, CHARLOTTF, N. C i'.:1 "See in the ourts ottlns nail ihe aujoin- April 1st. SCAR!', k CO'S, Druggists. Wood? Blair RestoratiTc. A fresh supply of this invaluable preparation for the Hair has just been received direct from New York, bv March i. SCAltH is ('(). KID GLOVES. W AXCASTEIt'S KID GLOVE CLEANER, an nii JLi i"; i i 1 i 1 1 i iireparation, easy r.nd siuiide in anolication. A FACT. Some newspaper, in speaking of the light litera ture of the nresnnt dav. savs "Von may read theXew York Ledger for a year priety of diseontinuina the use of beef, at 'east tin- Ids warriors and rava.uel the wh.ole routdrv fa f r and searccry find a tort whieli will make you wiser tI ?ts disappearance, hence in order to advise onr- as i'ort Walla Walla, roti, (tiering all who opposed or' better all fiction romances, lies in velvet and selves on the nature cf the disease, marking it$' lain, and wielding undisputed ffWy. Me su -, leathers, little fiends equipped in smiles and erino- ' several fdagc, we visited the butchering establish- : quently deleated Captrdn Smith, of the ' . S. lines, bitr scoundrels in epaulettes, and with a love ; oient of Messrs. Crawford & Nelson, of this city, dragoons, at the hi ad of a considcmhlc force. n:id of v:o?;st;-' he, turninir the brains and siealirig tfife W&J have cry roperly discontinue d nf plyintr was the iiAix Mnvi.-vM ?V of mat wlioh tH hearts of simpering maidens, the everv-day history Kief for the present, and saw several eases mw un- gioti. .i'espito, ommc9 his warlike frtioWtt, his where there are two Railroads, and a third of life mgemously belted and genteelly outraged , aT ireauneui ior uic disease. , gauaut. i ;i hi arms, ins pawonaj pwww, imu'flTS of oonstraetion; nassino ibromrb a he di. and vet it alwavs "ends beautifully "' A fine steer, (to our eve in excellent cdhtb'tion ! gigantic strength- John wns at len-rth eompelled to V - 1 ' ... il. .1 i .....I.J 1 I .... . I , I ' . Ii I . v.id eel hi'iidre.Is of nersnns who never th'nk of 101 saugnxer,j on examination oi me mount una wem, wmu newn on uie neufsninmai. n o pc removing nil stains March 16. aad greane frotu the Glovi SCARR & CO.'S Din A new .';ni article fir J M;-v IS. FINE SALAD OIL, -u i i;.:- brand of liv itlfi Is, i'er sale at S 'A Pi! ,V IlooflauU (jU niiaii Bittern, ( n. an exquisite k CO.'S 1 v l i ( .wanner. t'E XEACLV i5. roaiTK tub Post Opsii El. La F. 4 LEX A IN D Kit, Attorney at Lair, Charlotte, Mm V oriicc over Chiaa Hall. Aatrnsl 1 1, Hfel. v Jusi receiycu May Is. SCARR & CO.'S Drugstore. (spuiiinc French Mustard An ant Pi. ,rt icie tor t lie ibb Sf'AHR V e ?4 e f a b I c A g iz v ri 1 1 s . safe and certain care for Chills and Fiver, or Fevi i,, , i i i u pp i 1)1) vr 1 i reracuj 'r mm o every aescripuoa. K I ( I I K h j ) aicdieine is perfectly rate and harmless in its- an Office So. 5, (r;:niie Row, CHARLOTTE, A. r. F br i.try is."s. i!. fox & wiiiTei HediclBe Snrgerv. rs in Sprinjjs Pnibiii" ' IV. E. H'UITI i tenet up FOX, M. I ) a. D. -tt HOT ICIi. LL those iiidi-lted to the snbseriber drill make hn ... linte settleiaent, tr their Not's and Accounts I '. placed in other bands for collection. ril ::, is.-.s. :-:-tf C. J. FOX. Town Taxes. i now have the Tax Lists for ps;,; ready for settlc ' - I. P. i-.. ns liable to pay las will pleasv rail on the inedaud eltie forthwith. It is Imped that lliis will he snilietetit. as tlie money must he roflcct . i. S: A. HARRIS, Jnae 1 !. is;,. tf : Tax Cuileetor. Re ward. TT i ANA W A V or stolen frem the pnlsrriheT on the ml Ague in all its eompbeated forms, and is a! Il'eetiial reinedv for Fevers o every description. effects Ol a I ! rd- purely aineral I' It never fails to effect a cure when taken at it;j:' to direction ; r.ccoajpan yiaf each box. It ; recretable, containiaa t.o leIeteriois drills, aoi medicines d' a ny kind. Dr. Champion's AwtiBiilious, Anti- Pyspeptie, I'urii'xiuu- end Cathartic I 'ills The most reliable ami -;l remedy in Liver Conniilaiiit. Dys pepsia, Cost! vent ss. Sick headache, Hick storoach, bil lioas habits, indigestion, sad ail that class of diseases arising from a disairdcred cottdttioii of the stomach, bowels, hhiod or liver. It is entirely vegetable and rootaiuj no deleterious drag r ated;ciae, and is one ot the best eatiiart ies ever recommei:e d. Pi 'ce. 2." cents per Iw.x. For sale by F. Scarr ,v . and by F. M. Ross, Charlotte. F. M. Swyer k Co.. lroictors, June IP I83S. Pelleviile. Illinois. The Carval Ivntrlili Remedy. Silt JAMES CLARKK'S CKLKB15ATED FEMALK TILLS, IllPTIOX O SIB J. eiaSRKB, St. !.. IROIXAKV TO THK il'KKN. healthy, and exeeedinlv productive and iuterestii country, ihe attention ot Produce .Mi rehants of Char leston and Wilmington are especially ealled to this property. 2f" A credit of One ami Two Tears i:ll be given. 'And on same 7trf, At ihe s-amo time and place. I will .fi"cr two lar"e BBICK STOBES, two stories high, in the business part of (he town. These Stores are especially adapted to the prosecution of a large ami extensive Produce business. Sale to take place without reserve. V. R. .MY EL'S, Trustee Charlotte. June 15, ls."8. t of Lerov Rprings. TAILOR SHOP, On the Third Floor ovei- the Book Store Carson's Building. ENTLEMEX brinjrinir their trnrk to this Shoji may x.iT rely upon having it wade up faithfully, and in the Latesl Style; Pitt they will pleae remember that they will have to i;!v tlie Cash for their work! June 15, hu A. PdrniPXE. Charlotte Machine Shop, w. d. piiVcKJKi: & c Engineers, and Makers of Hydraulic Presses and Machinery in general, tS AVE eoattuenced business in ('UarioMe, in liu 13. above line, and are prepared to make taking a home paper, siJend three or four times the 1 t!,,'-" W( fT f??T " !H ' "S? bM T, amount in this vapid, abominable trash! a species "otwithstand.ng the tongue appeared healthy the unaccustomed la mdage and 1, v.,- lab.y d.s- ofreadht- that, instead of benefitting themselves I J no " th !outh ,a'1 loVt:,'CC '"C.Ung the other In bans on the J?i .rve ami families, is absolutely a curse to them. And are not the Editors of our home papers greatly to blame for introducing such papers to their readers ? 1 hey will insert flaming advert ise ments of such papers as the New York Prize, &e., for which thev will never get cue cent, and thus ihtu A mtkm, ' l.,!. ;..!. i., . ' ' , ,, The flattie ouJ Dm- Scbtorge in Florftftt wenoiiee tnai luc auuis ior noriucrn iiuunea- mi, . . ,i . i , i. i , -.i u.. ..:.-... .,c ii... I lie . pa rac o H oia v ' mi: n.ci ei.ti .en i ieri, 111 miv tions mamige to get, the reeomim ndation of .some 15th just., savs : prominent man, a minister- for instance, and with j The murrian or black tongue that has been so destructive to the deer an.iatt.e in Last PriUa, sorry to leariii has made Ps apiiearanee in state oi decay, SO much so that the smell was ex- to revolt auainst their eonoueroi-. In ,rd. r 9h t tremelv ollensive. ' nd of so dangerous a firebrand, John fafl laeed Others whieh had just taken the disease showed ' on hoard the steamer Cdunihia, to be. thHrti red PH no external symptoms, but on exainiiiation we the military authorities at this place, a.1 a pffotta e found the mouth sore and much infinned, satisfy- of war in company with hi- son, m i hip of tlie int; us that, notwithstanilintr the animal could sale- 1 old block," and an ambitious vonnir warn of, anx- V it h t tie seoh; i f his inuf. A't tirst tlie two illc is in n verv phieg- inatie and resigned man nev, but th lAqftoI showed nu nnniiiuv-v inn m ti Li l t in, run, una mil, . i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 11 i , i , , i. . , . i i -i. i v he iMitehered ::nd served to customers the pub- iou:i to adorn las girdle w beh) to starve themselves out, besides being giiilty J , ,,i P i , . .,- ;,:,,,: n ,. , V" t , he would unthouuhtedlv consume unhealt by foo.i. ' boston ( American cnouiit! ot reeoBimenainjr injurious literature among the , , . ,. J J . n , .mA j rt ti ' p.' e v ,. it. .li-i ' CoiumLto Uuardta-n. warriors appeared to take ma peoiile. Let the Cress ol .North Carolina look to i . , , this tin y go to work and solicit subscribers. Min Uo .,,,,.l,f ..i ,.....,! i ..,.1 I. 1 wt sre i-u io "liU'H i ' i vol1, ii'i ti n,. i on y rio vvi i t , . , i i i .i i ,i , " ttiuj section o tiierbite. oeer are louiui neon in llii.'ir nanics and thus endorse. : , . : tlie woods, or so tar gone a to make no ettort to .. , . i. . & coin 1,1 in or oov ..nil one or looi'e ol tile nties have lost endorse - t'IWMRSTieM ROMANCE. A few days since, j escape Jrom mail or boy; attd one rish ihrniestie, in tho employ of one of the u'k m the adjoining eon c :i: ... :. . ii ... :.. . ...f. uv ...i .. -.i. I severe I l,eaiis d' valuable cattla in the Nirteteehth Ward. me. with : sever orenareil lo iimKe i , lnilSC oi any form or const rue- I wi tion. MYDKAULIC COTTON PRESSES, and every deserjptioa of .I M lil.N ER V. I t, Thev at.-o bag to mfonn nmntdaeturors and farmers j o . mat tucy nave rcceutivaoueu a I A r i an 1 1 nr.-t faiHilii I most shigular good fortune in being united in mar ' rhtge to ti wealthy Soutl:erner. The story is, thai I the man was in some romantic manner smitten th her eharuas, and nrop.nricd marriage, when he If fhc d nart o leads ol valuable cattle so has made its appearance in any j Carolina we have not heard ol it. s'as nrAttinny aceetired: The lair domestic went her misfit i am 1 tearftdS v lesigned t hi reuer Hi lo their establisHtnent, and I 'AS TIN Rl b P.P SS. or n rt ! t o fn rnish v" other metal, at a short notice and at reasonable prices. Particular attention will be given to repairing of Thrashing- Machines, Horse Cotton (ius. Mill W ork, am e making ami -e Powers, Agricultural Machinery. v.. 1 n ,.,-i. -,.,(.,. r,... uf ei;sii'n:ii: e a I so bine worl i workmen lor III. A K . ! i i i i i m ; . Joo- Wagon work, and HORSE SHOSINQ. (U P Tilit.MS APE ( ASH. on i oiieire oireci, aniaceni to iioaai ig .a ui. v t t ea m is.-.s. alAKEU KliO.M A PltKi I'll vsieiAX K. i i:. ,tl M r, a Ni trto Man named PETER. He ; ren and to y. ars old. ubonl are mill ive feet h Itms-visn et!. d copper color, ana si 1..., ..: .1 ..i. . i i :tl -!" 1 0 IV V. It tl MlAt'll IU. I 11.1 i., ... j I liars uenard ior Hie ajiTeesion ant eonnuemeai said negro in anv Jail in this or any other State, so lli:il i -et him ngaia; Bad I a ill jrie fifty Dollars for .naation aficieal to etuiviet any person of harbor- ni - tid negro. PPi'RV MOR r HIS i ll knoarn medicine is no intfaisition, bill n I -nre and safe remedy for Female WftieuJties and Obstrnctioua, from anv rause whatever; and although a powerful remedy, thev contain nothing hart fit I to the constitution, 'i'o M.PP1K1) PAPiES i; is teealiarly suited. These Pills have never been known to fail where Ihe Direction on the -i ngc of Pantphtrj are well oii-erv-e !. For fall particalaK, gel a pamphlet, gratis, of the Asrent. X. P. SI and C, po.dagt thorized Asrent, will insure Pills, by rei urn mail. Sold 'in Charlotte in F. SCAUR k CO., role Agents. Charleston, Wholc- stantps enclosed to anv : a bottle, containing over and by Havibuad, Stevenson k Co. -ale ngears. .March I'. 1S5S. A -N . M,r .an .m Ivii S". C. .June 1. IS 3,400 Acres cf Land FOR NAM?. IT OFFKI! for sale arc Land in Tuion eonntv. d oa Clear t'retds and Crooked Creek, known as the Smart Pan. I. It has been surveyed into three tracts me tract roataining J.'mu acres, one 306 acres, and one -.'0 acres, a!! irontiguoud to each ether. Said Land is well adapted to the cultivation of cotton, corn, wheal mid other small grain. iml well situated fbr grazing tirposis. It is nearly all wood-laiul and well timbered, within a convenient distar.ce of the Charlotte and Wil mington P-iilr,.ad. and is situated in the guM region bo iw't'iMi (odd Hill and the Howie .Mine, tiobi Ijas alre.nly been discovered on thai ai? of the laud known as the Little Mountain. I aiso oiler for sale a TRACT lF I.AM) lying in York I Hstrict, S. ( '.. on Mi; 8ngar Creek, joiniag Ihe bands of BaSter Sprin;r and others, containing 30 A crew. Said Land has been considered one of the Itesl Cotton I'lantalions in Vt.rk District, and there is in. better i mil for corn and wheat. If desired, I will divide any of the aforesaid band M suit purchasers: and the pur. baser can have Ins own io par the inonev provided lie makes it secure. Dissolution. rfjlllE Finn of BECKWiTH It BRITTATX was this AL dav dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons idebted to said firm are take jiayment s.- of the Finn tut. l to s v and inc.- June 10. lsr.s. eithei- bv Cash or Note ! he dosed. P. U . BECKWITil, VV. J. PPITTAPN. II A VIM; hooght the entire stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, &C, ot Pet kwit'.i k Prittaiu. I I shall continue i will be ulcaaei tne OUSines.i at their obi Stantl. where to see my old friends and enatomers. R. W. BECKWITII. isr.s. tf B3 THE ff.lVSIi . IiWlOOHATOR! PRKPARKll BV 1U SANFOKD, ir Pnpo3&4ed entirely from GUHS, IS OXE OF THE BEST PCBOAT1VE AND l.tVER W8 1 IUi'IXKS new !!,.:! t!.t' pitM:,'. Ibl act! m a CmhorHr, dtsicr, :uil!fi', and more trOoctUAl lUan aiu ,t,,si tiiruicilic ki,,-w 11. It is not i.nly h Cffjpfsfir, but n Lira wkicay, ltd i tip fit si OH lite n ttiem tn rjri its iti"i lM nuitler, Ittcu n tlie Hlwuitli ni.'l btivcls fc tii cany off that niaturr, th:is :uifi.;tpiihiti.ur two pnrpoMM eflvdn. ally, with-,it anyof tins quintal IVeiii exiierienctl in Ibe ot-.-iii w ti,, us of HMMM I'fith'itfiry. It MrettflMNiK Ihe pjruawi r the s;.me tiln-- that El ;mrt;ts it ; iin.l !it:n tiikn.. laily in model Hie doMft, " na stieitiien m: i btnid it tip ami buummu iiity. j C I'lie l.ivrr is ou of llie principal rrgwliloni of ihf I". - I , .,iM i I,.. Iv umiI wIih-i it Afl Derfornm i;s functioiiii welt. r til, POWCTM lit till' system hi l e efianrf the k'ltehen, statins that she intended soon to I assume the duties of the parlor, She then depar- i ted io a carriage, and soon after returned in full i dress, probeedbr? todisTpoe ofhrr fbrnier wardrobe, I te her" loss IPrttmafe frtl n Is. She was soon after laarrted to her1 -lovycr,'' wlio turns out to be . wealthy Soutln rncr, with plenty Of Jbfoerty in the j S. u! iierii States. The nanu s of the parties have , not yet transpired. .' Yuri: Jn'bintr. And it is not likely tliey ever v;ill transpire. (iKN. DrtTMAN s i KAT5f . A correspondent THE SCALP-DANCE OF THE SIOUX. The ''-sealo," as taken by the Sioux Indians iii ciudes not only thei part of the head covered with hair, but the skin of the i'oivhcr.d and cheeks to the corneir, oi' the mouth. This is strePdiedon a hoop about two feet in d&tuaetcr, the onianieiits of the ears still on it. and the hair fastend in the cen tre f the scalp. A pole hoopnrid the ilesb side of t'ne scalp are pointed with veriniliion; tlie skin, where not covered with hair, is painted blue or some other color. After n great deal of ceremony in dressing, the dance begins. A procession oi' squaws carries the ,. scalp around the encampment, singing and tahout- OT : . ,1. . ;u 1 .: I . 1 ..... I . .1 llie Jiieii, lueaiivv uuej, oe.iLin mnr uiuioa , ... , -, , 1 ma-, tne men, ineanvv ntie, uciuaiiu rune urn ins the ickRburi' (.TisSissliIU') Southerner savs uen. i ,. , . i " , -.i , 11 i V. , , made or powder kegs, and liiaum' a noi.se v.itb i i!ttu:an wr.s i ne ol the jntests who dined at the 1 ,., , ,t . , .. , I rattles and every way they can. National Hotel on that fatal dav. which has siticc their lives and has not i cost thirty-one person had a well hour since. lis fcraveRini; home from Waslrinsrton after the adh disease, and he took to hi Natchez, j he letter adds: The ii)arriagc, a few days afterwards, of bis daughter to Captain Love!!, 1'iuted Slaves Navy, of the '-Water Witch ,w revived his spirits jgfeatly w , ...... 'ill llv Mit.-lt , ii ii mill ov- -" '-iiiv i, id -j depressed by his msoase and lie hosTiitabiy re- .. i . . i . t 3. : '. , .. ,. , , i 'i , - fitnek time, a njHit stroke :iiitt a heutv . i uianied if. until alter mi lniuht, to do the Honors , 1 . . , , t T u. j , 1 . , , ; ' 1-i.L 1 nateiy, about forty measures to a m I to the gntsts with that cotirtesv and anabilify . . ,. A . . 3 I which cliar.-.eteri Kiui. The fatimic and exeite- inent of this occasion tvas too nruch for Lis en ii ebled constitution, and inereased his malady. r ICS ImIIj iii-i-, r.i L-d. 'I lie i, -A on tlie ben (iy iteiimi ot tlie rari- nf iftrfiiiirttoi h. w hen the are at (kult, mid tin- lle of one orpan tlie l.ivcr For tin- dUemn ol ilutt or has mmU it hi stnilv. in a year, to find viine letneiiy litHtiy ile.ai.elli. nis tu wliielt to n;e a Charlotte, s. isr.s. : W. P, DAVIDSON. PETER MALLETT D. C OLDEN MURRAY, Central (fBWssion iUn chant. (2 Sth sfiot, XSW Y(tL'h'. Jane :. l.-.8 y CAROLINA CITY, N. C. Tlie Atlantic and North Carolina Railro.wl bciiijr now completed to lieaafort Harbor, 1 have determined to 1 " ate at Can. Una I'ilv for tlie UHMM ofdoina a & General Commission "Usirtess, bo.ie l.v promptness end stru t attention June 1 -Mlrcss the Grave of thy fVlcaMf-" New Marole Yard., Charlotte, N. C. .1 be suoseriber begs leave to inform the jiublie that lie carries on the business ol working in .M irbie, on Trade street, direetiy opposite the Court House. Uc is prepar ed to ii- all kind:- of work in bis line, sncli aa Uonameat j e.iei w:ae SioaCiJ, Mantle j Pieces for ilweiiins. or any I other kind of .Stone w.rk ; i that may be required iu oia hue. His stock of .Marble will lways comprise Use various aaalilk s. and euiible liim to do work iu a uainnai that w ill he satisfactory ta the. e who 1 their patronage. Orders will receive particular ! nronpth filled. lit rr: o v. ft o3 5C t Iftfl fnnttt, tmy person f i on- bud n.ii: tt-r ft un ii r. tiifjcNi v tii, nni Leal : It u ilie i Ui n llie canst; rnred; and, ulir.t Is O the occaiuiui! u.-c ul the (ioiL-nt to reljcye ibe stoaarh , . ri?-ii tz ittid Miiribkr. is BimiTwi entirelv depen! m ," ; for the pnij er peritu iu toomch isHt limit, ih. 'Imiva'N .ysieRi MtflfeM in COti KtlgnOC htvinjr Co b tid to do its lut . tr::i. one n!' Ih6 Drocifory (HHi'tiot. of ittore than iweiitx whfirwitii Jo co'iiilciaf t wt it b liahlc. To pn e tint ih?; remedy i. bled uiili UVes h.is lmt tf try h bottle, Bd Tlicst- t iiiiis remove nil tlie syMein. snppli in bi tludr iiivitritiit'i rod wtofftrtl, pwffylS tlie blootl. Whole Utile liiut'l , rvHiovtt eift-. iinir n rndical cute. BBltOlU il;;c?is re better iwrvctttrcl. 11 i f v lnvlva1t!-. Oncdurftfl iilit-f caiinjr i.-1 swJ Mid t.vftit hv (bod from Only one do taken before marc. Only nne floM taVen at BetitTy, a it I cnreti t'ox- t inr dove take nier eacfl ghtine dwe of two tea Hcafl !ic. One htUtle taken lor fe Bftmi of tlie li:-rase. ami )nly one doae Uw0atej (loe WaC oi'Ien rujM a: i m Mtr)44 nnd a preventive ftOaljr ane bottle is rMevB the etfcctfl uf roedi- arOfie bottle taken '-r i ' " ' t - - 111 til it I l i Mill Na) doaa Taken a slmrt rar to 1 1 1 . auaarita .:. ; One doe often repeated . ii : in ifa arorst forms. R9 J Bowel wmplaiiita yield 5p hie or t wo dope crrree at-1 Cw n:ldren : there in no surer, the worhl. as it uer f'nilx. 9Sf A ftsw b ittles cares aho: hearts. We take pleasure in reeotn preventive for PeVfT mul gf am) all I. Y vers uf a Wl!- artf h eertahriy, and nioui4ura wasaldrfal rirtnfa. All irhn ur if nre giving fUeir mtanlmoaa C testimomy In its nvor. aMix Water In tn maath vltli tlte Invl- q P" goi'iiior, aRa stvimoM ?tnti lagnavr O THE LIVER INVIGORATCR -C . o ilvtiii,' HNIUlML DISI'ov'KliV. ia.tla.1 workititr cmr, Hin:n.-.t lii prreat fO liflie-.-. It fit.i- hh i! !v " . . niiiK't. rnt Ih tii st i'W firitt wNHll, mi.,1 -,, lulu mul e tpttn ' - one ImOIc is rrqiiiFfd so cure nj kind l.ivrr I ' i, 'n ni, flora Ih wprsl .utwt' or J!ji)siit to h ml itioti y.uWu'.V.e, , - all of winch re Ihe resnll of it IJI't asiii Liver. ; PftlCS ONK IHif.l.AR rCB BtlTTl.K. O SAXFOKO .t i'o.. l'loiiiiuloiK, :Uo lliim.lwHj, New York. IVHoirsalc Agents: Tt tuM k Pt"f. New V'.rk : T W. Uv. it A SffsM. rhiln.itl p!ii : M. S. Him: . o., Ilo.-:on ; 11 11. liv.v In., l'..i;Ui;.l Jony f. Punk. I 'iciinimi : U oii'KhA II i vmi'Sh. i k'ctn4' K.titsKsi k k Iavi, UhHpijm; o. .1. n tmn x i si. 14m: IffftK!;?! II. Kvvsm!. I'lttvi'M' :i : S. S. Ham'e, llal:iit:ttc. Anti retailed t. all rrifllt' Sndit uiijly 1'. SCARE A: CO. uc pnysician ccived in isrseiiic. who rittended liim. it is said, in 1 .1 1 i r disease iius urimisxaKaoie enect cr-of The EcttPSE tip tiik Stn on the PTXTn or SEPtiMBER Ni:XT. 1 'licvp will bo :i total bclfjisife n-lrlit. 1,','Mtlis llie 1 owe, ( I venesg. m. .a willcif lij. !Kln Z2 rroonaUd aill tiv.aj.- it.ior r- mc obstruction rcniotc;lic loakcs a peH'rtt cine. lehcvcs Cltolte, wl.lle a Htne cure fcr t lirtei'a of Clxotera. weden to rinow otf 01 the cii,c after a Uhi& sit Iuitmk. .'r. ui'.cllei' i emotes 11 sal- In iii ihe kiii. FT time lietnro Mttpg drives i , , . ftKl ,iiet pures CKroitfc !5:ai ' while Srt lltjrirr ami IummI 10 th- iir't doe. tucks ciniseii h Wtii lus in MU'cr, 9t ntnrvduir liincili in DropftJT, hy exciting the mendiM this ne,lirii e hs AfM-. C1.151 l-vv, 2 luua TyH-. It .'.cices are iviliii. lo tenlifv lo its orthe sun 0:1 the 6th of Septemfier irextjVisipIe in the United States only at extreme Southern points, atari best to l.e witnessed in South America, where it v. iil be efeittraf. RnHrl astnii-otnovf. ImVc had faeilifie's ofi't red them by their povert: meat to rrocCiU thither, while our nvcntmeni has hitherto nlade no movement in the matter. Privitte eti'.errrise. howevrr, h;is hotdy stepj oil in t tne aiI o! tl can.-' ton eorrcspotadeut of th savs 'The hrst steamer brmht a comniunieation IVOTrt Mr ie.ir.ue hei !ritht, of Newbii report, 3Iass., now in London, authorising a friend to draw1 on him for a sum sufficient to pay the ex, enscs of sin Ameriem astronomer ns a cheerful contribution Alter a while the men stand in a row witli their musie, the sealp is s t op and the d.anee lie-ins. rl lie 1,111-ovv; -i l-i-i n f linni.o coc m Vililrs nt t livoo trninont, aggravated the j ov r.Vtorether sta.nlin- so as to f.n" trnei i.fs bed direct, v r,u reaching - a cireUs abjut twoIvo iWt i dian:eter, tthc sealp in the centre.) 1 he drumming begin., and the smiaws, by a half-hiteli, hafP.jtiiiip, eo round bacLwanl-J. The music, if it niay be so eaifed, ia th drJnwle one, alter- minitte, the ten taken at tlie heavy or accented stroke. 'Cvery one who can get aoluething to beat with docs so. The time is kej;t very exactly. '! he singing or yeHmg, fbr it is both, is very violent, occasionally a few words in connection are chanted, but generally the only articulate sounds are ho, , !", tj., ihe iirst sylbb!.' a violent explosive. '! he (ones are ! otter thai; the music; they arc frctpiPnt ly so regular in their construction as to create sur prise, i have heard intervals struck truly and repeatedly bv thesipiaws that 1 have known choirs to drill upon for hours, beside the orean. ami then pronounce them difficult. hie tunc they begin as liiu.li as. the voice cm reach, and descend by 'diminished thirds" to the lov, base tone-, and j then rise by similar succession. j Thry sing until they are ;irod and then off into I ;i bark, like a dog. Some of the sijunws freiiueiit- ly accompany the singing with a hrtrsh gutteral "squawk,' like the notes of a wild gooM, in the same nuinner :is a H las tieeoniji.-.nimctit in some of our glee books. The most siirpiising part of all this is that it is kei t up so long. i heve noticed tlie throats of the men swell out. to cteuce. j tie Philadelphia 1 Bins- (Mjuifcr that they were only bttling up their v.raili li r a gQdd opport unity. Aeeoiilingly, when the Columbia w;s ;:t fl'hrhor iST Humboldt av, the chief ihoiht lie- chat;- e too good to be lost, and tdNout I o'clock in (he morning commenced operatiuus by bliiwitag out all' the lights in the steerage. They next attempted to steal the revolvers of the Serj a;;l, tin. lor who r liarge they were; but be woke up ami cauel:' them in the ait. Then commented ihe sti i:j' !; the old child' throttling the sergt aid, who . I ing in his birth, and the young W!,;r!or : : i iviii't aantst his lather. At this btticduiXH John gave l is J ear-iievcing war-hoop, whieh scemeil to Iiae ael. d ! with galvanic effect ujuin the p.-'ssengct - v, ho in- eontinenlly ijuitted their berth -and ran as !'a-f as their legs wiidd carry tkeiu up (he hatcbwa and into the cabin, where each OliO -bi r. I fbrt H o Indi.ans had t;iken the ship, and wrtrc slangl.. ;. all the passengers. They had all forgotten to take ,tlu ir icvi-h ei v.ilh them in their iiasly Might, and supiosed tbsit the warriors had possessed I hen r- h i s ,)' i !,. . ... Iu the meantime, the stiugele between i. r geant and the tM'o Indian v, an i. rs w a M Iv carried on, and during it. the j i-tol tliey v. i re enii t ending for was discharged, the km 11 Macing"jnst. underneath the sergenui's throat and ftntfmfj Mh Vv biskcr. Tlie pislol wns lo- keivto p'u t es i it 1 1, contest. ( apt. Dall, wilh his Iirst ofliem-. My N'..):hi. the second mate and some of the passengers, Ihm formed thcniHclves into Iwo bodies, finir men ie each, and alter closing the hatches, armed ami provided thenu-clves with li-jbts. rcailv at a sAfsn ,-igual, to jump down but h haiehv avs and veeitro the two warriors. This plan was executed, and ns soon as they landed on the stealage ibclr, sbie.t. ing and l ulling commenced in lively stle oH both sides. .John, the old chief, ninde at r Nol'u: , the iirst oiiiee, wit li an iron bar, and arstfn a bUSS at his bead, struck him violenllv oil the iHtolUaffi .Mr Ndba ii tuincd the coiuplimf life, -n ? ; i n :i t, Jehm with a sabre, The should have used tho p int.) but the chief caught the blade of the wi a pen in his hand. Mr Xobm, however, succeeded in draw ing it away, and gave him aim; her Out over t he head. The second mate was also I n y will: a re volver, and Ured at dohn three time , one ball passing through his leg. By this time themher assailants had gathered iu and the two'i'vee- vein overpowered after d most desperate sire vie-not, however, until they bad (botone man in the baMSt and wounded three Others, iesides a woman. 'J ho latter had it little girl, at whom llie young ediii t' aimed a blow; bur. she threw up bar arm ami re ceived a cut upon that limb. Thelit'.le girl exhibited much prcencc of mind, for she instantly cane ;aled herself under a mattrat and remained quiet until the ail 'ray was o r. The s rgeant. fdiaae bravery cannot 5,e too nmeli laud ed, oeajfcd with but little daime e. Iwvidcsa ;-'ii-ous choking. tin 1 1 tai proliabry owing to bix dka pcrate and dcthrmined resistaiiee, that seveiai lives were not saeriiiced by tin: inliu ii:te(i NTTagctu Alter being subdued, the Ava.riur.s were tnl n to tlie to Peru, ile offers it turged, and their t li ,iii u,-l- ,.1 bur ufill rl,'-'.- 1'iii.t mi for the promotion of! n,, , , . ' - , , , ' ... ,. M 1 ; I lifii. i!:i iic-i.s -iro i-oof : niii'ii no-lif :tl f-P ni'hf a:! I . ., , ,. 1-,. , . 1 miilit for moiitl.s-. 1 ftl he arnmarements rof the expeuit'.ota have not , ,v , .. . . , i "i i t ii . 4l . -,,1 1 he sad ettects ol such ex creeses on tne mind ben completed, but I am aide to sav that t Will , ... . , , , . , , , 1 .mi be i asi v liiiai. iiiet I be i i I'd s SC hi. t be I I... .....I..,. !.. ,..,i-,, ifw,,. ,, I io SOirlliafirftill Usti. J i lit tlllllt 1 ilO- UttllVH ''I ........-,,.... ... .. : rt'.:i;:n; and that the astronomer selected is Lieut, l Jane, s M. (lillis. V. S. N., whose character and iitnnti r ilei.L- tioifnvii.ir it, II...,! .... l ill ......... . Ol'l'iu, (llll I'.'l l'!ll ...... I.,..,-,..! .. .-. ... ..,.... ........ I ' - ever nMtr.i '1 an 11 s t , 1 1 tin j; ii'im 1 fiendish exultation over the prciueditated mSrder ol these who bad never done them harm, slain hi a I warof which they know neitbirtbe time or cause i time ; retended to be dead, hoping that llu ir bodim would be thrown overborn-d, whin they could easi ly swim ushon an 1 fleet t In ii escape, 'ibe mpe, how ever, was di teeti d. Jt.bii and his sf.n were landed, alld fcnl t6 tfl Prcsido, as pri-oifrs of war. Srn, fatiHf am ,1 , 1 ! i . l - ... I retiutatien are sumcieiiwy csraonsneii rruni ins ; . . . -. 4r t ,. . . i in it? uitgui, ciutw a n;.i:ir ui i. '.i.ii spleudid sii'-eess as Sneei inti ndent of the hit Aim::. st ov a F( :oitive. Dermtv Sic ril? ffe'i- ' AUi J" ceompanied bv 11. 11. fli V... i tp ' I frt leaeasilyi . . . . , , , ,' , 2 trontiniical Kxpedition to Chili, whose primary ob ZT. ject was the determination fST the solar cnrallax. ileseribed. Ihe Wheelin an u town yroeerv. v. Work wiUc aackc-.l with - .no. nn. i to prevcut injurf b transpni iaiimi. June !.". ls.vs. a :'.t ..r iiiin witli attetttinn ami be all djiikriu-c usi il j. ;. XcCOV. telligescer s;;vs : '-The clerk of tew days since, opened hi.s cvi-s wider, and was seized with a nervousness akin to the 'buck fever.' W hen emptying a saeK of iUo cof ee, lie dise vered iu the middle oi' it two small cottyli t'e th bags or jiiuses. On examining t'ae contents ofone of the bags he found a note en the Koyal Pauk of ' Pra.il. with the characters of a !.' U '.' urpo.ting to be j ayable at that institu tion fur value received, dated li7; also a pi. cc ul .-;lv. r enin, about the size of a quarter of a dollar, of, Brazil i.tu stamii, issued under the reign ot iv...,,.. i rnMmLiUn ;nd For- -iVt.-..s 11,' and dutr-d lo7. The contents of the III ClVli Ul III Itti t in.inn '.'ivii .i.. - ' , i-.,i .... .,- b.-er uriiveil t.t ie twelve 'valler buvs, a huh? Tmrftirtg :!'rriinitt9 iSajfsi OosgrSH with an I V"1" r''tc hforW?lt:im imparted to i.,T;eef Ucn ije stature and on the '1' 't'- be wa Jed t belif-ve that tin-( '..1. aii' .rerrd ussiui," became exeeedinglv i iho description of a totivc trorn jus tree, who had e !:,t man said, eonfewti,- , !ecn in the jail of fbjT.e -on com.ty, .North o Stephens, who is exceedingly tlS, some time hi April last, on the eh: r..;e of homicide, lie had broke jail, bowevci, and a fe ci March "2. ie."5. v A. sI.'S:V STI f Tit, Successor to P. T. Mlepi ue. utiier iM-j urovcu to U iv.tive auei o-, . , . latuer than uur -ioilur intces ent paHtiiiage ai "uji'-.s t.'ixi: Aeenl ..t anil snnport. Bcine t.ie (th FIRST CL ASS r.u A .'. tlis and Merelieiui eitv. every eSorl will W niade to j this the cheapest uJ ino't expedition route to . Xtw Vnrk. VcsseU will be loa.'.ed and dise!oir-t J at '".V Wli irf (dfioinine the Railroau1 WliarfJ ami Iben liv "i rnrtaorc ami liiditcnure. Particular attention v. ill dso of Piu.iilian ( .., coinage; and i.iarked very plainly ubii the figures J -;i!,' -4' and II ow the described treaMiie r Cfcar- t"lliie to P hiding pi i-is a matter ol carious con- CIIARLEUTOK, S .. C P.n ticelar attent: n given tj nier.sH:i:ig rrtWd; f"urv.:irJ -o to ttff COT. iji.-i.riK to S. S. I'an ar .'. ilro... nndrt 1'. Caw !. .-.: a. S. Ct: anil to J, J. Blnekwo.,.!, ii-ij.. Fisbw x bur- jecture. U noeM: Pn.wii. Mitt M : ., ' uanot.e. -. I - I pv ..,n,,rvo.v Wer V rtriiri nnmcd Win- I TOUT br i:i veil t all orders, and to the -ale and shipment ot tV. B. GUANT. -1 hlpntcntl f Produce to l. Coblen Marrav. New i : l... e. t i r ... nice, :i Ik Inrtrardvd ". 1853 tree ox roiumisi v j. m. sam i: ns, CAIIIN'FT MAKER, f IIAIM.OTTE. X. C.. keeps constantly oil hand a large as.-ortrueiit i if Ftirnitare of Ids own and .Nurthcrii utorthfacture. Also, 1TSKS mktaptc Br rial cases. Jiiiv ..m-p airesting an imlivi-lu l who irave his n. i II. Polk, having arrived the driv rii viou.- an I A tloiii) Kktokt. lion. Alex. IT. Sfcci hew. of i t:ikcii UV llis iw :,t lh(' l'WoP (I I ' Georgia, was ooco rtohnnu rtntmnMit of llllllsuallv i; stum, one dav the disciissiMi became exeeedinglv t,K" description of a fugitive troui jut?r-e, who had ii-i .ii ! boroi lnrbrr.il ill fb,. bill fit' Ififf iisoii If V..illi warm. i liereuton ine !,ir-e man saiu. e-mrcmp- j- ,V'"'" t'lousl?, of and t lti" II ti nil t'rriil: "Wliv. 1 aatU bution vour cat back, and I v;"' vHJ Was ofiered for his arrest by Keubcii swallow vou whole, sir." "To which cainiihal'i Kmi--' V(l .'ff of said county, lie n.-.d remark, Stevens anuiiiiiatii.gl y retorted, "ami if ' resistance when arrested, but tftatod that he fai vou did,ir, vou would tbenhave more brains in h,s w Morula, where he intended to -t-. your st .mach, than vou ever had in your head: ' j aml hd sever.,1 negnocs ot his own with him. tfe i helaie-bter whieh followed, effectually dissipated 1 "nderwent an examination before the Mho r, who the ill-bumor which was gaining ground. ; s-'"v? r,"(ir ,r h cnmmitmei,t to jad to a. a.r ', m i the order- of the parties interested. Ih.-u. !fow4!, i'oixii .Man, Pay Attention. Pon't be a j who broke jail at the same time as the ahtc ioli loai'er, don't c dl yourself a loafer, don't keep i vidual, for whom there in a reward olfeie I, is still l nifers' coinpanv. dun't hanir alxmt toafUig places. ; at feVajO. ('it(trir(ot Com or. Better work bard to- nothing and board yoursel;' than sit around day SfB&r day or stand at corner.- An Itkm fob (loT'i'ON Pb..TKi:s. J he Peiton with vour hands in yi.ur jun kets. Better tor ( Texas) Independent says: numb t etter lor vour own prospects. "in tne 1'ateiit iiiiit lieportol i ., we nuu own c. "J' :.-!- josi a. m rc vni:i, Commission Merchant For the Aie uf FLki; ond all luoh "J r-.untry jjritdiur, DS EaT BaV, Cash .ul values made uu Proiluee in store. Mr G. A. Vculfer will persouo'.ij-' atttml.to ;'.! -alv- ofri'viiacc. . June 29, laid 3su-pr ' " .. . -.. ,i v u: . i... ii . m .i !!... i... :.. tn:.. J avcoek I'ecently undertook to walk ten miles-and name ammt means to nae any i mug o mac iiwimhu owi t., wuo inwrn ii'. i na over bis bead in the space about for. Many a poor physician has obtained a I man, and who wan employed by the Popartincut . i i i i. i i... . . . i i . r i. .,. ; a. : ofTw heiii-s lie tee r;p!i-hed this extraordinary real patiem oy nimg nani wmicwwm wnjunwy i r tarn par,Ke, nnnajvi uneigi- f,' t in ftmr faintrtca lea than the time. In ti e one. A quire el blank paper tie I up with red tape I tion? regarding imects. Uc reports that mk, fi.X p,u. (i v ilked six miles, and threw a 50 corried under a lawyer's aim mny procure baa his ( arolina tiger beetle,devii'.scoacb hor.-c, Icbueuiuon " i . y " Iio-f.J. p u time- first ease and make his fortune. Such is the fly. Hyrpua, lady-bird, and tltu btco-win fly, are ). uvCi sis irodd to him thai hath shall be eiven. Quit very beneficial to the eottu plant, being e -nstantlv IttS Kt ai bus. ) bio. thev have bored 1.378 droning and eoiiplaii.ing. keep buy and mind engaged in destrovMH? tlioae iunecti which feed off i ieei without findimr watt r. v .; eh tnces.