MMMBMMMM,Mr -m M-T-m jwaaBBaBaaaaaaaaraaaaaaBBaMaaaa aaaaaaraaM I " rmtsi f 1 X o ON THE ffgST SIDE OF TRADE 33 ) 9 STREET C "" anaa mmammimmmm m II . CHARACTER IS AS IMPOWPAKT TO STATES AS IT 13 TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER, - 1 .J JHt 3 per annum IN ABVANCK. Editor and PnorniETon. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1858. SEVENTH VOLUM E N UMBER $23. THE Published every Tucsday,Q) BT Editor AND PROPRIETOR. M J. YATES, Epwis A. Yates, Associate Editor SOJTIJI & CO., Druggists fc Chemists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, 3 : 3 L EE02 KBSUSia ifpnM i wlvmnc lf Lid within six months, u-i.l aft-r Hie - -r ' L . Vnv pcreoa starting us live nkw "nll.v the advance aabacriptaoa i .. ..i-.iti fir i.i.'- Vli4.r :l r. uli i rilx rs and others who may wish to i.. . . V.,- -it uiir pica: 1 . 1.. uu i m Ma in. .it, v w... . ... It IKK l9 nhscribers, I will! 1! Sf ml P li NVITE the nttentionn of Physicians. Planters, Merchants, &.. to their new said complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, 4c The extensive patroaage they have received from the Physicians of Char lotte and its vicinity is the best guarantor of the PURITY OF THE DRUGS sold them. 9 March 30, ISTjH. iialts of One 'l' . , : Usd 11 11111 Wl HJ.'j 3 u u Din- sa"1? 4 00 6 no In no 1 (in ttvtrlisinr: for ?. months, M 3 .r leu, first insertion, i. m Ii subsequent insertion, TraiiM-nt advertisements must i'r Miaonaciag Candidates for OBce, S- in ' 'I ' ' Vdvertisements not marked m the manuscript '' ii i .. : . I .....:i -.....M I , .i.i. ili'- liint.'. WUI oe uwxm " IWI.-..I, - .., ,! acrordiairly. lie paid for in far S. P. SMITH, A TRIAL. SILVER'S I'LAiS" ' PAINTS: Cheap, Durable nud Protective : Weather and lire roof. Fur sale Wholesale an Retail bv SCAUR k CO., Feb. 0. Chemists k Druggists m'w THE undersigned having entered into Copartner ship for the purpose of earring on the CONFECTIOAERY, BAKERY, FRUIT AND UtTAlt. Reg leave to call the attention of the citizens of lotTe and surrounding country to their New Stand on Trade Street, between Brem's and Fraukenthail's. at Spratt k Daniel's old Stand, where they would be n'eaed U see all mcir iricnua aim a 'iu.ion.oi.. t SBrjttrii SJrmotrat. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Januar 25, 1858. MUUUi 93-tf XISHKT. PATENT MEDICINES just received from the Ware house; Ajrcrs' Cherry Pectoral, Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, Wistar's Ualsam, Cuysott's Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock. McLanc'3 Pills Strong's Pills, A its' Pills, fcc, fcc., at April 1st. SCARR & CO.'S, Druggist. Wood's laair Restorative. A fresh supply of this invaluable preparation for the Hair has just been received direct from New York, by March 15. SCARR & CO. ClmrJotte Machine Shop. v. i. e2.:k.i-:v & ., Ingineers, and Makers of Hydraulic Presses and Machinery in general, AVE commenced business in Charlotte, in the al .ove line, and are prepared U make Mt:?SIi Engines of any form or eonstruc lioi HYDRAULIC COTTON PRESSES, and every description of MACHINERY. n!so beg to inform manidactnrcrs ami tarraers r that they have recently added a establishment, and are nrenarcd in Tin;. nera 1 thei . A U w m liloriiev ana tomisciior u m VY ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE Ti i W in. Jhn ton, Esq. I-, Prompt attention Riven to Collections, writing I,! I d-. 'onvyance.s, iVc. January -;. bs."s. ly W. A. OWENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARtOTTE, N. C. w,'ii.L practice in tle Cotfrti ofthifl and the adjoin V y ing I 'ounties. OFFICE NK.VKLY ori'OSITK T11K PoST OfKICE. January II LaF. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Law, Charlotte, W. C. Ofiice over China Hall. Aagnsl 1 1. 1 y ROBERT GIBBON, M. D. MEDlClME Al SURCSfiRY, Ollice So. 5, Granite Row, CHARLOTTE, S. C. February 1"... 1KS. FOX cV WniTE, rustic BSa iPraJ rM iiE W Medicine and SargrrT. -v i i. l i, I- mi Stairs in Snrinsrs l!uih ANCASTER'S KID GLOVE CLEANER, an un Jfailinw' preparation, easy and simple in upplicaQon. moving all stains and grease from the Clove: at March !;. SCARR k CO.'S Drug Stows. FINE SALAD OIL, A new ami superior brand of Olive Oil, an exquisite article for Salad.-, for sale at May IS. to furnish AST: GS iu IR(N, RRASS. or any other metal, at i siiori notice and at reasonable prices. Parti alar attention will be given to the making and eia i : n .r ol JEWS IN PARLIAMENT. . Sicca ring in of Btinm Ilothschlhl '. On the 27th of .July, at the morning session of the IIouso of Coimuouj, Karon Rothschild present ed himself to he sworn, Deforesting his scut. The scene is thus described: A few minutes alter twelve o'clock, and before the commencement of public business, jhiron Rothschild the llousc and took it seat on one of the benches below the Speaker's gallery. He was accompanied by several private friends. The number of members present at the time was very small, but the benches on either side soon filled, and more than one; hundred honorable gen tlemen voted in the division which subsequently took place. The .Speaker. Any honorable member who de sires to take his scat will please come to the table to be sworn. Baron Rothschild immediately presented him self at the bar, where he was met by Lord .John Lfussell and Air Abel Smith, who, amid consider able cheering from the opposition benches, led him to the table. He was about to take a copy of the prescribed oath from the hands of the clerk, when A. nr ashing Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton ( hns, Mill u ork, and Agricultural Machinery. An elegant Arti May 18. SCARR .t CO.'S Herman Bitters, SCARR k CO.'S Drugstore. Genuine French Mustard, SCARR & CO. llooiland's Just received at May 18. We bing v Rudisi s,, keep workmen for PI,A KS.Vi ITU I.M., J rk Wagon work, and HORSE SHOEING. OCR TERMS ARK CASH. 1 Shops on College Street, adjacent to Jonas ls Steam Planing MilL 22, 1858. J for the table. BRASS AND COMPOSITION OASTINOS r .,, nnmHrfil i i manufacture all kinds of work i .itii ........... - - above line of businc tinn o C. J. FOX, M. I). April ::, 1M.VS. 3-tf B. Inn HIT! M. D. toll. CHAMPION'S Vegetable Aiic Pills. ...... V safe and cerUliu cure lor t.'liills ami revcr, or rnvi . . . m - 1 and Alfue in all its complicated tonus, ami is ai.-o mi effectual remedy for Fevers of every description, mis medicine is perfectly sate and Harmless in us eue ,.- ami mav oe gn en wmi pui nn. om i.i ' k - aces. It never fails to effect a cure when taken accord ing to directions accompanying each box. It is pnre.v vegetable, containing no deleterious drugs, nor miner:. 1 medicines of any kind.. Du. Champion's Anti-Billious, Anti- Dyspeptic, runlving and Cathartic I ills i ne most reliable and sale remeuy in unci ' "'"r""'i pepsia, CosUveness, Si. k headache, Sick stomach, b.I lious habits, indigestion, and all that class of diseases arising from a disordered condition of the stomach. i. ... ..i.. i.i. ...1 ..r vc-r 1 is entirelv vcm taoic .uui ' i .... . . ....i..;...- ..n ilolotfTinim riruir or meotcinc, ami u one i Miii.iiu. ii-. v . ... -. - - n . 1 tlie Ijcsl camanics ever rituiuuKuutu. C. J. FOX. none e. A I.I. indebted to the subscriber will make im- f I...... v. . ni. i. K in. or their Notes and Accounts jm iiumv. ... ---7 will be placed in other hands for collection. April ::. 1858. Town Taxes. I now have the Tax bi-Is for 185 ready for settle- i..... - r, .1,1.. t. o.iv tax will n lease call on the iim io. i ii.-oi..- i . ... i .i .i :. i.... .....I s.-ttlc forthwith. It is hoped thai this ' - . 1 - ...11 4 ill be sulhcieut. as the money iiium oe iuiiuv Price, FOB sale June 1 2a cents r box. by F. S. ai r Co. and by F. M. Ross, Charlotte. F. M. Swver Co.. Proprietors, L l.s;s. Belleville, Illinois. T rat am ti itnoatrn iml U'e ed. June 14, IK. tf S. A. HARRIS. Tax Collector. $25 Reward. ii. . m'V or stolen from the snlMcnoer on imm KlTth Mav. a Ne-ro Man named PETER. " i... m ..'...1 in v..:rs old. about G feet high, spare . -i ! i" ..........i- .-olnr :iml sneaks mild inane, lain-viaMuevu, rr" ' c-- i ;.i ..,. snoken to. 1 will ri Iwenty-rivi n..ii.. o....r.l t.,r tho aimreheiision and conliiienient of .aid necro in any Jail in this or any other State, so and bj Haviland, that I get him again: ana i win give r....r ........... information sufficient to convict any person ol humor ing said negro. The Great English Remedy. . , . . nisi im I) i ' t t 1 i t Sill JAMES CkAUM.S vnij&Dn.Axmv FEMALE PILLS, .... amm T ; : I, M II i'UKI'AUKD FUOM A rUKKimiu 'r .-..v. , - PHYSICIAN RXTRAOKniNAKY TO THE QUEEN. ... . - !i! 1... 4.. -uiw ii l. me. iimik- i no nnioiii(ni, mu 'lllil Wi ll ii "V"- i -,.r.. .nd safe remedy for female uuiicui i ii. ii n. .ti.i ti s from an v cause whatever; and ...... i. .. .... ... .- . . i .. ,.,.,.-..rf.,l rcmedv. t.hev contain nothing tiurm.i to ibc constitution. To MARRIED LADIES it is peculiar!; 'i-i..... Piilc lmve never lieen known to fail w'lere MM 1 "v- - , , , Directions on the 21 page Ol l ampiinu re r.-n ....t ti lirvimihlct.. prat r or urn - i b i 1 ' Vjret. . . ji and : postage stamps cnciosen hi n thori.ed Agent, will insure a nouie, coniauiii.i. Pills, by return mail. . . ... Sold in Charlotte by K. SOAKU so.e -- Stevenson A: Co., uiiariesiou, mm in tin I would, call particular attcu- it..! h mills or factories, or any K:mi o . . ... i' i . . i : i : . .. r. ... : 1 1 i. :iery that needs composmon oi uuihuiikj n mo: inks, hat i have one ot my own, anil I nave ue.vei nr.wu of anv thing that would stand half equal to it. I will i them to run live years. 1 tiere are some oi mj hat have been running fifteen and twenty year?, furnish more than a hundred certificates ol its lity. . Persons needing Mill Inks and gudgeons 1 will i the set for eight dollars. Try them and save Ives the trouble of Stopping your mill when all right. warn make I con lu ni' To luriii vour else i JOHN J. te 8, 1858. M. MASON. 12-tf SILVER PLATING, d Cold Silver, Brass and all kinds ot metal work rc Ldreri Coach makers at a distince that may want their ftork done, amy have it attended to in the shortest otic and finished in the bcsl style one hundred yards Court House and next door to uvermiui .v JOHN M. MAHOJi. 12-tf north of tin Wilson's coach shop June 8, 1858- Gun and Lock Smithing. All w or! in the above business, except stocknu will ne t manner , iii:iUv Htteiided to and finislied in the . . . . lil... ,...i. .-I Iiaiioh rkmanshtp, at my s nop norvu m n.c .-". . ...... man k W ilson'a eoacii saop. JOHN M. MASON. 12-tf of v ue. to Ove nc 8, 1858. bserv of the sale iie-enis. March 2. 1858. A. SYONEY SMIITH, Successor to P. T. Villcpigue, Factor, General CohidiMob and For warding Merchant, CHARLESTON, P-.ri;. iil:.r attention eiven to toons forwarded to my care. Rkvkbs to S. S. Farrar & Bros., and C. D. f nrr, ( har leston.S. C; and to J.J. Ulackwood, Esqr Fisher A Bur ro lis. Brown, Stitt & Co., Charlotte, N. C. ., ilv 13, 1858. 3m-pd Mr Warren rose to order, and begged to put a question to the Speaker. The honorable gentle man, however, was not allowed to proceed, being received with cries of '-order !" and "Chair !" The Speaker. The taking of his seat by an honorable, member is a matter of privilege, and ought not to be interrupted by any discussion. (Cheers.) A copy ot the new oaui ncing onereu w uuu, he stated to the Speaker that he had a conscien- ; tious objection to taking the oath in the form ten dered to him, and he was thereupon requested to withdraw. Lord John Russell then moved a reso lution in conformity with the act, to the effect that the Jiaron, a persoiijprofessing the Jewish religion, was prevented from sitting and voting in the I Louse by reason of his eoneientious objection to take the oath in the form required by the act. After some remarks by Mr Warren, it was agreed to. Lord John Russell then moved a further resolution, likewise in pursuance of the aet, "that any person professing the Jewish religion may henceforth, on taking the oath prescribed in an act of the present session of Parliament to entitle him to sit and vote in this House, omit the words 'and i make this declaration upon the true faith of a Christian.' " Mr Warren said lie should take the sense ot tno House upon this resolution. The House was di vided, and the resolution was carried by ()U to o7. Baron Rothschild then advanced to the table, conducted as before by Lord John Russell and Mr A. Smith, and as he walked up the floor of the House he was greeted by loud cheering from the opposition benches. He desired to be sworn upon the old testament, and his request being at once complied with by the Speaker, he took the new form of oath, omitting the words "and 1 make this declaration on the true faith of a Christian." The honorable then signed the roll of Parlia ment, and after shaking hands with the Speaker and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, he took a seat on the front opposition bench. He then re ceived the congratulations of many honorable members. CURIOSITIES OP COMMERCE. Turning over the pages of the Cyclopedia of Commerce, iust published, a few matters attracted our attention as curiosities, which wc propose to transcribe for our readers. Wc were looking for the small things in commerce, matters that, in taking a magnificent, broad, and comprehensive, view, would be overlooked just as the invention of the greatest importance for domestic purposes 1 would be overlooked and unnoticed in ihs homely ! attire, when placed in exhibition and surrounded 1 by works of polished arte, costly machinery, and ! gorgeous furniture. An humble inventor once ' placed in such an exhibition a few bu' dies of f'rie I tion matches. They were unnoticed. Visitors went there looking hr some great thing, not real- izing that the despised package of splints, tipped I with chemical fire, was the greatest thing in that i proud collection, destined to work a revolution m j the means of procuring artificial light, and to be- come a universal i.eeesity, to be deprived of which would be one of the greatest inconveniences Coat ' could happen. j It is not more than twenty years since the tiu- der-hox was in universal use. It is abolished now. j The invention of the friction match spread slowly; but who, at this day, would venture to say they I could do without it ? nsignificant as they appear to be, single factories, with expensive machinery, cut up large rafts of timber annually for matches, i Under the head of i-in, we find that the nianu- M. facture of this indispensable little instrument was commenced in the Tinted States between 1S12 and 1820, since which time the business has extended greatly, and several patents for the manufacture of pins have been taken out. The manufacture in England and other parts of Europe is conducted upon improvements made in the Lnited States. Notwithstanding the extent of our own productions, the United States imported in 185G, pins to the value of $40,255. Still keeping our attention directed to small things, we find that the imports of needh s into this country for 1856, amounted to $246,000. It is said that needles were first made in England in the time of the bloody Mary, by a negro froai Spain; but as he would not impart his secret, it was lost at his death, and not recovered again till 1566, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when a tJerinaii taught the art to the English, who have since r. u itu .rnviti'st i icrfi'otion. It is stated J lf ," 1 1 V 1 J " ' I tb-.t tb.. rvmst.rnotion of a needle rctiuircs about os.e hundred and twenty porations, but they are rapid ly and uninterruptedly successive. The temperance people will find an argument to enforce their doctrine in the Fact that 41,071,636 bushels of grain, paying $25,000,000 duty, are an nually converted into malt in Great Britain for :dc and porter. It may reasonably be inferred that a great quantity of these beverages is drank there. Ground-nuts are quite an institution with Yjimg America, 800 tons having been imported into the United States from Gambia in one year. We, however, dissent from the encyclopedist, when he savs tllCV ale llli iSi Ufceu iiuiu cj io".""i chestnuts are elsewhere ANECDOTES OP GEN. JACKSON. The Mobile Mercury relates the following anec dotes which we do not remember to have read he- fore : In one of the Indian Campaigns, which is not recollected or material to our story, while the army was still on its march, s till in Tennessee, on its way to the scene of war in Alabama, a drafted com pany wr.s expected daily to overtake the main body of troops. This company at length reached the rear of the train. Information of their approach was immediately carried ti the front where Gen. Jackson was at the time. As the messenger paus ed from re .r to front, the fact that this company hat! ror-c withnuTmr', having left tlieir guns at home, was made known along the whole line. It ,i . V v . f .....i....l was known to the enure army ociorw n h-.m.ih.. Jackson's cars Curiosity was on tip toe to know how the irascible commander would act under such circumstances. A storm was anticipated. Soon the General was observed making his way rapidly to the rear, and to (he surprise of all parties, seem ingly in rather a smiling mood. Finally he met the company and saluted them. They looked for a volley of curses and immediate dismission Home the very thing they desired. Not so, however. Old Hickory pulled oil his hat, and. with his politest and lowest bow, expressed his gratification at their arrival, and csjieciaiiy me fact that they had no guns. I ho very men he wanted, just as he desired them without arms. dnniino them for rapid motion, a double uuioic stei). under his own lead, they marched on until a bag .rage wagon was reached, then naiteu anu eaen was furnished with an ax. Forward march, agaiu was the word. As they passed along the hue of march, the General's object was seen, and the laughter was Laid and uproarious, while many a heavy ( beer saluted them as they made their way to the front. There these axiueii were at ouce initiated info their campaign duties. They cleared the roads, they bridged the creeks, or carried the wagons, piece by piece, the baggage, amunition, &C over on thoir backs when bridges wore almost i i mi ... .. ...ur .it' ibiiio-or impassible. i noy woru c i iu i ("'- t?- The citizens of 1 usea- irot no a public dinner Rut France is the great the qu; are used fot intit es. S. C. measuring Steamers The ihif.i little inferior to Horna's Mills. N. C.Iune 1 DRCRY 1858. MORGAN. 3,400 Acres of Land FOR SALE. -m it wot r.., ,1,. ,;,v Land in Union county. Ivinj I i I IVU.LI Trm li. klinwn as tin un i car i in ii ..u-i ...-.- s... .w I .....1 It h:is h.-en surveved into three tracts mm .,..r..s i!ii :"00 acres, and om imic iraci cunuiininfl ..x . . . . . . ..ii t. i::irh nther. Said Kami i .in iMV3, li ii . wetl aJjuttad to the mltiratioR of cotton, com, wiu-at ..H.. I- ,in.iU -rain, and well sitnated h-r grazing ..r....s..s. It is Maris all wood-land and well timbered Lukl. .naimt distune- of the Charlotte and W il ...;...,t.. BuImJ bJ is situated in the mid region be twee".i Ibdd Hill and the lhovie Mine. UoM has alreadv l. ...... .1.-. -- - - l.lil , .i III, 1:LI1I 1 known as tin I.iirK- llnuntMJM. I Mis., oiler for sale TRACT IF LAND lying iu xv.-i, n: j n n;.r Sm.-ir I'rcck. ioiuinir the linn . . .... & ' Litads of Haxter Springs and others, containing :t,"SO Acres. Said band has been considered one of the best Cotton m ;.. V...L hwiri, t mmd there is, no ucuei 1 '.''' 'I III m-.'if 1 in. I f'-ir curn -iiil lit':t If dcired. I will divide any of the aforesaid band t . -. i .i i Ii .Mr . ;in have his own Silll pum ,1111. 1 Hj ami im. .... - tunc to pav the mummy, provided he make it secure. Apply to W at Charlotte. p DAVIDSON. June 8, I8SS. 3m PETER MALLETT D. C OLDEN ' MURRAY, (hcncral (Commission Percbant, 63 Suit .tn,t, NEW YORK. Jane 2!, 1 :"8 y CAROLINA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Ilailroad being now completed to Ihaufort Harbor. I have determined to locale at Carolina City for the purpoM- ot doing a Forwarding & General Commission Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention .:. .,...1 Msnort Bei8 the Agent ot 1 . k i i" a: OF FiRST CLASS PACKET to this and Morehcd cuy, every ettort will be made to akethit the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf, adjoining the Railroad Wharf,) and therein saVe cartage and lighterage. Particular attention w.l be given to all orders, and to the sale and h.I'.nent ot Produce. 1 B-KA,r; All shipments of Produce to P. Colden Murray, New York, will be forwarded free of eonr.nissioii. June 1 ISM y T Dissolution. p nnlTTOV irn: ttlie HI" Firm of I Ir. 1 K W 1 1 1 1 at imu"""' ,lav dissolved by mutual consent. l1";"- indebted to said tirm are requested to cme io.w.ou mctialdm and make payment either by Cash or Note, as bu8icss of the r.rni RRCKWTfl I, June 10, 1853. W. J. BRITTAIN. NOTICE. :.n k ol WATC-iJ-CiO, the 11 tm - ""Mi T A t1' .M l- I I I K-YtV.- THE LIVER IN VltiORATOR! PKKPAKRD BT 1K SAXKOKO, Compounded entirely from CUWS, ONK OK THK BKRT CL it'. CI .M'Li I VII TTVlTlf M K- Is dix'ks 7iL &i.'SZ . , ,r i ,1, ,,., , , -.11, ;t u k 7.,,w:i. euter, m.i.i.-r. hu-i ... -r; ,,.n.,,v. ,mK n,st on tl,. Z ... .-, . ihen on MM sti.ii.Hcli nd Doweu .1 in he operm. in iiK.i.u., -,,, to carry of that matter, thus oeomiHsnniK i' iu "i"'"- " Zj o 5 the - market for ground-nuts, when oil, of which they contain large :..,.:...:..,. . b...hnit ro areeabJc to tnc naii but so difficult to get, is exported from Tarragona to the extent of 25,000 or 30,000 bngs ol' four to the ton. A kind of chocolate is prepared from them, Katrn cniiiidinies been made into bread. linn in i . J - .. ... . . t..i .; The pressed oil ol hazlenuts is bat of almonds. The original inventor of the Ayrcshire snuff boxes was a cripple, hardly possessing the power ol locomotion. J hoy are made ot wood, admirably Uu lie I vve regret to neai i.. . , nn(i vanished, and were lust ; to hear that any one has lived J nial.uciurc(1 oniy sixty years since. Instead of ,.t i.i.iximiir iiiiu; : i oti1 i t .1 - i a . , taking out a patent, the inventor cntrusieu mr, se cret to a joiner in the village, who in a few years amassed a great fortune, while the other died as he had lived,' in the greatest poverty. Speaking of snuff-boxes, snuff-taking took its rise in England in 1702. Under the head of Hair, the Cyclopedia says that 200,000 pounds weight of women's hair is an nually sold in France, and that the price paid fr it is usually six cents an ounce. One hundred thousand roses arc required to give a yield of 188 grains of otter or oil of roses. -.1 F.I... .i.imi n I.-l'i III!" I'M'fl ICI'" ii. ins of inoM V rnrf.V,". It stie.iir.l.ens I he the M.n.e will strentlieli aii'i uui". . "V " '-" ,.. -.- i vim: i. mi. ht hi' cinirt - ...v. . .... . i.:...,,. TnT.7t.TT)V ol .CCKW 1111 .V o. in. "" JiiWiJillVA, .. , 1 1 wl. 1 shall continue tin- i.u-im-ss ai no" - ' wil, be please, to see my oW irwas June If., MS8. ff "ircss tUc Grave of thy Friend " Now Martole Yx-ci, Charlotte, N. C. The subscriber begs leave to iufor.n th- public that he carries on the business ol working in Marble, on Trade street, directly opposite the flourl House lb- is prcpar- .,.1 t,. .1.. all kinds of work m his line, such as Monuments .,d Crave Stones. Mantle Plcc for dwellings, or any other kind of Stone work that may be required in . thp Mrioll Will III","' ...I..,... - rli in a manner tnai I - : , i. .i i... ....iv- tuviir ti u ill i ... o .. -tnrv to iiii.M " " J Will in. ''"'"'-."i XU'llXTU receive particular attention and be PTc5!ywmte packed with care, nnd all diligence used to prevent injury by transportation. j M Coy June 15, IS58. .T I C O pctadpaU nglatot tt the "JQ o 11,'rl.UlUS IIS UllClUlll!. n.:,l, t ii 1 1 v developed. Tke i4omirh on the heiilih.v m li"li tt the nnrc i.f iisi'iiiiiMfoi.s. w bentM me Ht limit, un.l the l"ile of on.- oihimi tha Mvrr Kor the ilii-eiies ol that or 1ms 'n(l it bh siinlv, in a years, to liii't mm ramadj ttttnj 'leiu..;ell.cnts to l hiell at fan) roniiil, any person troti plaint, in any "t its- fl M, i om ieti.'.i i eel min. niorhiil or bad tnatier from lace healibj 11"" of hile, eanNii K food to liuv-t "ell. j;ii ii tciie i.nrt beartn to the ihe cMOM of the diseuse ii;.- t"..i k of Marble .li'tl. s and enable him to do worl i j 1 1 . . . i ---- - C; J. M MAKER, f3ANDfSHS, CHARbCTTK. y. C. keeps C s: a. ctire.I, and. "!inl Is use of the riei. nt to relieve the gtnmarh ri-i' v awl poarina retiiinc, preTcatl Xlgllt- night. Ill uaawa the l.wel tlVi'lKSS, seal will care IJyspcjwln looanfuls wUI rtl'e'e male aal ruction retnoei the nakca .. petrfccl cine. relieve? Ctaoiar. wkfla n Mire cure l-r ClloJcra .ol Cliolt-ra. 'needed to thiow out or tne cine niter a toaaj rkhaaa Jane r! it ' removea all sal- tn in Mm skin. lime before cutinj: gives vi-fi-wt dajn -t . i' enre. (luoiilc Dtaur wliile SlUBlcr and .almoft '" ihe hist j'.omi. tacks ti.use.i l y A OM113 m aalbr, or vdier remedy in Oropsy, a'1" ,,,e niendi'i? fW relieine as a Vu-, Hill Fever, MWTrpe. It opetate. are aiuuut! i" j - O o 22 IT. re r$ c I' I I - 1 - 1 larse assortment oi rm. Also, ATtlNKT ....-t.. ..' 'v mi nam. .. .......iii'i. fun' 0t FIs'k's MKTA1.IC BVMxt CASKS. The Uvar is one of ihe lmmaii body ; and when it the powers of the system are ii ill ill, .si entirely dependent .;.-.;- for the proner parform w i.m fault.theU'WelK aynteaa MDemin nmaenaeace havinc; ceased to do its duly t. ran, one of ihe proprlelor practice of more than tweiily wherewith o couuteract the j it is liable. I jgm Tu pro e tpat I ms renu-iy . bled with Liver Coin-r-r h but to try a bottle, and W Mm Ounis remove all T tin- sy Klein, supply wa in il.eit r. iiiviv'..rlini: me ,,,, ; i I m; I iu l nun. machinery, rernovirm , IH.i;..Hi cme. lMllous attaclra are f-3 belter, it voiitl, l y 0 I.lvt-r IiivlRrn-i. alier ia:ii,i: is aaF mid areeesl the , "J tH (,,ly one dose lakei. before ,C mare. t ' Onlv one dose taken nt gciillv, and cures t'os . ,),". dose taken after etu i' ( in.- doae ot two tea Sii K Henilarlio. One hoi lie taken for fe cause of the disease, and Onlvone dose immediately One dose often repeated is Morbus, and a prevent ire ar-tinlv one haatle is sysi.-m the' etlects of n edi gi-One bottle token Tor lowness or unnatural color One dose taken a short p..r to the appetite, and makes one uose oneu rliora hi H aroral 1- pw, M llowel complaints yield NM "r two doses cures al Children : there is no surer. the world, as it aearr faiU. yj A tew lalltles cures ' absorbents. fP We take pleasnre in recum I 65 preveniive for Pcvt r and I C ,i 2i Kt vera of a lilt- with certainty, and thousands naaj C ' Alt who no It are e.;iHg O J523li fallow bidhtostther. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOR . ... ... ..-.-HI- 1 ... .-Il. TIClC MKl'It l. l:l' oi r.iv i. - SI IK.M It !' -"r- ' - - Ii .-ores ss ll 1 JSJrfwUeb are the .esult a lltascl Llvtr. PBICC OSE PH1.1.AB Kit BOTTI K. SAN FORD A Co.. Proprietors, 310 Broadway. New York. Wholesale aret afeM PA". X. Tork : T. W. SJk'HT'S Foisr-sT.HK a Oams, h.cae..; O. J. ',';.' Aad D ; . ir l- ...... i. eittsi.iuun ; r.. r.. n... -. .--.'..V I..- .I1 OniUL-ists. llV Ski lBSB. y F. 8CAEK CO. Death from the Growing of a Toe Nail. "A man lately died in Boston from the growing in of a toe-nail." Did he i We regret to hear it. Wc rcsrrct still more to mature ae without Icarnini! how to preTcnt growing in of a toe-nail," by which we suppose is meant that frcqueut occurrence of the corner of the nail growing into the overly ing flesh, in con seqoenee of wearing shoes or boots too tight. Wc have known cases of excruciating suffering arising from this cause ; and only last week we rode down town in company with a surgeon on his way to operate on a toe that had become inflamed from the corner of the nail growing into the flesh. Do not cut away the offending comer of the "1 .... 11.- ili.iir. virv short,, but cut a notch nan, cia m u.-"""j , . j - in tlio centre, unite down to the quick, and keep that notch there until the difficulty i cured, whicb will sometimes be with the first cutting. Tlie philosophy of the remedy is that the cut breaks the arch and naturally changes the curvature of nail, and makes the corners ol the nan turn 1 is also l :.,, Kn rmnTdim oCfb.. r:i III 1 ia I rll . sluirillll IIOllC of its honors, and the laughing stock of the whole army. ANOTHER, Old Hickory crossed the Warrior Riycr at the close of the campaign at Carthage, in Tuscaloosa Oountv. There he halted, and rested for the recruit and relrc.sliinent oi tne sick ami wounded for a few (lays, loosa. then a small tillage, for the (.cm A ib i.iutatioti ol nniitia oincew, armed a jt'?, went to Carthage to extend tho invitation to the General 'I hey found him busy on foot: near the main road, di, nii iinted, and with well set phrase they invited him to dinner. ''For how many have you made provision, ask ed (u ncial Jaekioo, "for all ol' my men ' "No, only for your.-elf and officers. oV t!;C "then," replied the old hero, "1, nor no officer of mine will eat a dinner not provided for all our boys." Then tinning on his heel he abruptly left them. The poor militia men were s.nlly mortified and dis appointed at the Rebuff. Hut a worse wa.s in storo. f r them. A (ruartofBiMter or his assistant had laid hands on every horse of the delegation, and claim ed thou for public service. Furious, they appeal ed to UftC General He declined interfering; he could make no distinction. Other men's horses were taken, why not theirs was surprised at their want of patriotism; not willing to give up their horses for the transportation of tho sick and wounded soldier:, ! The case was hopeless, the weather warm, the military tr&ppingS, coat, sword, boots, iVc., all uiisuited lor a long march in iu hot and dusty weather. No conveyance, however, could be bad, (icncrals, Colonels, Majors and Cap tains of the Tuscaloosa militia walked to Tusca loosa. "And that is the reason," naively added my in formant, "why Tuscaloosa always voted against tho old (iencral." the nail, and makes nil instead of down. i... tt ..utter alone the ton ot the na. i very o IC . 5 2 ; Miss Lane at the Betmford SttuNos. Whilst alluding to the toilets of the ladies, we may remark that the three ladies who pay the least at tention to the requirements of fashion, are the ti M'is l.aiii' the daughter of Scn- I ILsl'll lie ui-t'.'-i cs ator Bright, and Miss Win ( losl. v Miss Lane it " j ... , i and flgurc, but is always attireU wun great sini.-i.-citv and trood taste. She seems to discard all I jewelry except ear-rings and breasq-in, ami is u.e I 'last person you would take to be the 'leading lady of the President's household. In her manners I .1... :.. .,...1 -on i ti oils to everv one, without a , ,'uu in jiv - . ! narticle of pride or hauteur hri'rht. (food humored ! Tr K-.l'iil manner. Cfiuallv frc as Democratic in her intercourse with the visitors Miss Lane. 1 ler nloasing man . 1 . . 1. I..,.,,r. n-iiiier ner one oi mc i .s-o.i Thev seem to have come nerc 10 enjoj j . i . ii- . . i. . and may be touml strolling on uu- a bar t mountains in the morning, promenading or riding out in the afternoon and evening, ami joining in the waltz or quadrille at night; and do not con sider it sacriVegeous to be seen twice in one day in the same dres.s. Encounter with a IIattlksvakk. A cor respondent of the Falisbnry Watchman, writing from Lenoir, Watauga county, narrates the follow ing incident: As Mr J. M. Spainhour, of this place, w3B riding along near the foot of Llue Ridge on the north side in Watauga county, and near the river of the same name, on the 30tb ult., he had the following singular and . rather dangerous eiie.junter with a rattlesnake: As there was a li-lit mist Mr S. had his um brella spread above him. lie was riding m ar a bank on the right hau l, higher than his head, oc- , . , ir. . . ?- : :,....i i. rtirwin itwuv the cart 1 below in 'rn- Utislev. uauuuier 01 no rawww "j "".j ; . , , . : ' . .1 i o... IJ ot a very neat person ' . . . . ,. i ding the road. Suddenly he heard the ring 01 cne rattlesnake in the direction of the bank, and look ing around saw the rnake in the act of .springing toward him. It alighted, however, on the top ol his umbrella, fast en ing bis fangs in the cloth and tearing ottt his hold. Ills weight bore down the umbrella, and he fell off so near the lower edge of 7 A Kiss-that H;in't Fay. The Toledo llccnrd gets offageod one in regard to a citizen of Iowa, whose- wife, in bin absence, had been kissed by 'irover, while giving a glass of water. When ho heard oi' the outrage, he started at once in purHiiit, found the drover ai'Kr a hard day's ride, and accused him of the theft. The drover ndmitted the truth of the soft impeachment said he had been a long time fmni home, was purely tempted, md in an unguarded moment of frenzy purloined t'le kiss, but that he bad not dattaged the v.oinan in the smallest j articular was very I orry- -t bought it was no ami therefore m;oo liebrbr 1, k ii i tin- that, in an instant h V, from hauteur, and in the thicket below. he WaS over the stone .leoiee ; ..d an easv. wall sui.l.ortnm tin: roaU, anu guucu out 01 s.gut .11. matter to make a great ado about, begged tube excused. 'J he husband finally concluded that thi wn the rfglrt view of the matter, and agrerd U cttv it upon the receipt of 8f for his d.ay's ride. Thin behrg sati: naetoW, the drover Irundod over a HO bill and received 85 in change. Hut when tho aggrieved bene !ict returned home and consultel h?s dftectov, be :'iend the bill a ciiunteHeit. I In found he had suffered th; indignity of having his wile kissed by a 'nasty drover,' passed one day in the saddle, and lost five dollars, and concluded that it didn't pay. ANew Harness I he New Brunswick (N. JA oaiK rs give an account ol a new anu pwuitar as her companion, i ners season themsclvc harness which is attracting considerable attention. The ordinary saddle is dispensed with; also, hew a - 1 i " 1 1 - &IaM '1' 1 . . .n IU AMI. g-'belh the ' are 7,000 strong, and are believed to be the most i efficient body ot the kind in tnewoim. icutr The shafts are held and con- to the New York fix re v says Jiyivfaa terrets at the hames. The horse Tin: POUCK of London. The police of London leved to be the world. .' ... x- r-i. ..e tro I e'l IV two ic,iei.-ut They are DolO men, prrreeuy detached from the carriage in a moment, them of long experience, and rear y at any motmn f $priug hooks, arranged at the for. tognrpplc with a rogue or ruffian. Hone,.-. v which is convenient at all them handle two or three Zti Z, especially in case the horse be "Lri2Zr: v "are about comes frightened and runs away. v,.n, i-.. " i c a IS A a Dec. B 3 o rf An extraordinary child, tbrw. riost nnd two birdies, is on i i-i, . ..- nnorla The infant is not ouito oW: and is to all atu-earance healthy, lively, -and intellWntas anv child of the size can be, its g pretty little eyes notiein ority in " "j disturbers They . . .a " with four legs, everywhere especially active m pie-seivin un.u a crott.,lct OTlt D,: . c.i 1...1I, .. ,J ,n m.ll-iii'r the str'Cts Ol 11 ,l" . exhibition at on me i-aou.w.., a.... - v --- - ; f - j l(J , you t;in only hit nun ngnr. ix weeks London ,t is utlhcult to be beyunu me Mg ,t . .... r,lir,mal. .We brain was a little turned, of a po iceman As they are rcuiincu - - ; l hehivior and are not snt'jeei, v t ouhcu do not feel i,J.W &s -AUV. A H . . ' ..,.r.: K.v.U to refufse to niffht to go and drown inyeU in the horse trough. netton near it. ,-vnart iron. r - . w Aina thov nr "Vv ell he must uc a 1001, ... 1- i ; 1 ,,.hw.h mf -ril 7A WITH 1 1 K I! nnuio, v.-.-y j t 1 .3 -...-. ... it "it. t IShlOTI twin body, and ...i.d, pr, .. n.t. ,;' - . thc diseh:ir.e irom auovu uic iv,v,"i i 1 ' 1C . .,.llll'i- wl th the child i hip, the infant is well formed, and has besides a duty I pleasant face. i M hcn't hf-pn a dron of water in it fornix weeks. SM I I1U. o J" . a t a 1 ..Aaa .....1 i.'. ot l . etl ti. .;. nt.t and everv man seems '1 be old gentleman luiucu oy e. mm nvv n 1 iiv.ii ui.i.iiiui . . J to averaiie dx fctt. i lie um ''tiiirwUiaii j thinking M nr-' ul' cv il ty

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