X J JL It '. -His i n I: cm o c n V r- , Uf.7 b-wvm 1 '- tfJ S3 per annupfi . t advance:-- - OFFICE ON THE AND THE GLORY OP THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE 0I!K'f -. CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO SPATES AS TT IS TO IXDIVIDT" ALS. IliK OF TRADE STRKKT I . : If KST ,11 .1 1 SEVENTH YOLIME-SIUBER S27. TilLMllt Y1TIB, F.,,,rou ax-u p,IoI.hieto. j CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, O-JO. f K l i ' .Wa- lifi UHl at W i THE Published every Tuesday,) i;Y J YATES, EuiTim and ProWuAtob J.i.wiN A. Yatks, Associate Editor. o . Ti rr- a" ? rsir"" t' .. ; i in advaurc .. .: i n-itliin -ix months : . .:. r tiic exniratioa of the year '"'.'',.v- nron sending us five JCiW subscriber 1 1 .. .1... ... V :!!,( .11 CI 11:1 toil I I O 1 ...lllletl wr 1 ;,stb copy irratk for one year, j I . , , ;!.t-rs and others who may wish to senl I .111 v . v. "J .., ... . , .. . - - Halts of Advertising: ,,t 1 I lines or less, for 3 months, . 6 " u 12 " S 4 00 (J no : 10 00 i $ 1 00 j less, first insertion ii .. -.ill:' r e. ol 2 illCUl Hl-enioil, paid for in Tru iiisienl advertisements must lc BBoaaeMm Candidates for OHicc, I ..r AdvcrtiscfWlta not marked on the manuscript - :ll i... i J nr.iil Cmrhiii mill I - . i ik imr, in 1 r :rerlinlr. S. P. SMITH. literary ud Counsellor at Law ,-5 V ALU AYS BE IXH ND AT THE OFFICE u. Wsn. Johnsttm, Esq. , Prni1 attemtioa pivea to Collections, wntintr 0f 1 1 . .! . Co!iveyan es. A;c Januarj 2;. 1B58. J W. A. OWENS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C U Vli.L l,r i.tice in the Courts aft Ms ami the aljont- tf 7 iua C untie, or; l i:k. orrosiTK riir: Post Okfu e. uuan !l, IS .S. H La F. ALEXIN DEB, llorney at Law, Carltte, C. Office over China Hall. Ini a ' i I. I s5S. y ID inPDT n 1 l)l) V I I I K()lMll 1 Ul DOUiMj 1J ! -v-'-rM- . tr-7 ; u 'j u o iK' HEDICIXE AI SURGERY, Olficr Xa. Sri dlranit' RW, CHARLOTTE, A. P. I35. TO A: WHITE, Hediclae and Sargerf. y (Irrn i: up Stairs in Sj 1 urine iwniuing. ". B. WH1TH. M. D. c J. n. v. A iil ::. I58. s-tf IfOTlCE. . ' I ih. e indebted to the subscriber will make ii . A mediate setilement. or their Notes and Account, cd in other hands lot collection. .1 in- olac 3-tf J- I ' A . Town Taxes. 1 ,o.v liavc the Tax for 1851 ready f.-r settle- , . . nt. Perfem liable to pay Uu will piwe call on the tm !! -boied and setth forthwith. it is nojico tarn noli, c will be siiliicieiit. a the money must oe conect S. A. II A UK IS, cd. June 1 L 1838. ,f Ta Collector. BRASS AND COMPOSITION CASTIN ! ara prepared to manufacture all kinds of work in the r, line of buine-s. I would call pa, tieular attcn ,.. . f those that have mills or factories. r any Kind o , :,i, rv that needs conposition of durability for mil. ks. that I have one of nwn, and I have never heard . bin- that Would Stand half equal to it. I will ,1..'.,., to ,-,, five rears. There are some of my ' . ;!,:it have been runniiu fifteen and twenty years. 1.1 (nrulsh more than a hnndred eertitieates ot it.- durability. . , t i. " mATntr Mill Inks and gudgeons 1 will re .-. . .. . ...I ..rl fund !: the set I... u i i o liars. in turn. .' y. i: . , '.ves the trouble of t . e is ri-ht. stopping voiir null wncu an joiin M. MASON. 12-tf June s. is;is. SILVER PLATING, Brass and all kiads ot metal work re- Anl Hold. Silver .... .. i. i.i:tl;ers at a distance that may warn their work dime, r.mv have it attended to in the shorhv-t n,l finished in the best stylo one l.tindred yard. north ul the Court HMU ise mid next hor to uvcrnian .v JOIIS M- MAMi.N. 12-tf Wil-.Ul"s eoaeh shop. JlHW I. 1S.")S- Gun and Lock Smithing. . vurfc inthcaboTf husimss. except stocking, nill be linartimlh attended to and brisked in the best manner i ; workman-hip. at my shop north of the court house. 11. xt to O I ft AVilson's coach shop. JOHN M. M AM IS . June S. 1S.-.X. l'--tf pr n ft HE nndeislgacd lutving entered into Copaiiner-hi-., for the purpose of carving on the T CCKFECTlOSEfiY; BAREBY, FRUIT HKTAII. B XX & XX O JE5 O , IW ' leave to call the attention of the citizens of Cliar l.aTe and onrronndine country to their New Stand on T.-. t -Street between lirein - and Frankcnthall at S,,r:ttt ft Daniefs old Stand. where they would be pli aaed tu .-ee 11 their friends ami acquaintances. MOODY ft X1SBET. ls.-.s. 03-tf January 2. Dissolution. THE Finn of HLOKWITll i HUITTAIX was this day dissolved bv mutual consent. All persona indebted to said firm are requested to Come forward i ,:.li.,t.! and make payment either by Cash or Note, as the bus - of the Firm must ne eio.-eo. it. v. iti:ri;viTTr, .b:ue 10, 18."i3. V. J. lilll i TAIN . AOTICE. VYING bou-ht the entire stock of WATCHES, JEWELKY, &C, ot Beclvwith k Brittain, I - II continue the IJu-iness at their oltl 5tana, wmic t v :; be niched lo -ce uiv old friends and cu-tomer- i SGARR & CO., Druggist A, Chemists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, XV1TK the nttentionn of Physicians. Planters, Merchants, &.. to tlieir new l coini.Ute sto.k of ,KI.'(t, CHEMI CALS, ke. The extensive patronage, they Dave received from the Phy.-icians of Char- tie ami its vicnittv is the best guarantee . of the PCR1TY DP THE DRUGS gofd bv ' J them. March HO, 1VE THEM A TRIAL. SILVERS PLASTIC PAINTS: Cheap. Durable ami Protective : Weather and Pin Proof. For sale Wholesale an Retail bv SCARR k CO., Fcli. .. Chemists ft Druggist. PATENT MKDICi.M'.S ju t received froia tbe W are bowse; Ajers' Cherry Peetoral, Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, W'istar s P.al-am. GnysotPs Sarsaparilla and fellow Dock. IfeLane's ii!l Strongs Pills, Aver-- ; Pills. in .. at April 1st. SCARR k CO.'S. Dmggfafea. Wool Blair Restorative. A fresh supjilv oi'this iaraiuablc preparation for tbe lair has inst been received direct frbtn New York. In March Id. SCAUR -v; CO. KSS GLOVES. IAXCASTE1IS KID OLOVB CLEANER, an nn Jfailing prepnratioa, rasy and simple in application, removing all stains and grease from the (Hove; at March IG. SCARR i CO S Drag Store. FINE SALAD OIL, ad superior brand of Olive Oil. an exquisite A new article for Salads, for sf le at Mai 18. SCARR .V CO. S Hoofland's German Bitters, Just received at May 18. SCARR .v, CO.S Drue? Genuine French Miistai d, An elegant Article for the table. May is. SCARR k CO. The reat Cnsrlifsli Remedy, SUl JAMES CLAKKKS CELEBIIATED FEMALE PILLS, PKEPABKn rOOM A l-i:i:s( !tl!'TloN OF SIK J. CLARKE. M. D. IMIVSIi l N !:.Tl!AOni'!NAV TO THE 01 KI N. THIS well known medicine is no imio.-iti. n. h I sure aud af.- remedy for FemaleDifiieult.es Obstructions, from any muse whatever; and all In mt :i no lug I eu-.'c lliev contain Rotnini hurtful to i In :i powerful r eon-til ution. To iiAUBir.D LADJLS it is peculiarly suiteil. ettnsn T T 11 have never been known to fail where th hiWiiM on tbe J.l nae of Pamuhlcl are well observ e.l For fall l.aili. ulars. Eel a pamphlet, gratis of the Agent. . ;i ilu,i 6 postage stamp? enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will in-arc a bottle, containing -vcr Pills, bv return mail. KufcUn Charlotte by F. BCARB ft 'L. sole Agerrts, and by llavilaml. Stevenson ft Do., Charleston, Whole sale agents. March 2. 1858. ' Belts! Belts!! Beits!!! lilOl the Lest Belting Company, at Manufacturers , . 1 Ull IH'ICL'S F once- : .1.-11 1 , 1 2,3 ets. per loot. .15 . 17 " h. 39 60 10 12 It i - u i ..I .- Keattlless lb-Its manufactured to order at short notice. , , i.,..t;...r ir.i.e of ail sizes, tor water or .-team pres- - i. i ..ir.'. t from the Manufacturers. ALSO. ' ' iv' fl description, at 55 Cents per pouu (Mind. J. IL F. June I, 185 tf BOONE. THE LIVER INYIfiOBATOB! l-KKl-AKHn BV 1K A.M'OKP, roninouiidt d entirely from GUMS, .... . . - . T T T i.-11 VP B3 IT, 43 .i. Tin.- I-.FST ' liATIO. A.-vo i.j..... ll.at :irl as a CiUhniHr, lilt lit.-. 11"' 1,.,mlir:.... known. eaMer. Ii it not only a ' ': ' "' - u ,..,, i IMIT H n'1"'1.'. ' W . i ir. ... fliH-l its mo. :i'i ina.it. . "in. - M. ... will ntu.mlfc)" mi The I.Ivor is ot.e yi tl Unni in b.Mly ; an I " tlie Bower o: tlie ursteiB b ihanat e -ltin-ly iln i n .lent ' Lir'-r f"i the prq wperTorm imi r- i-t Unleili-'x'"'1-uratna nulBiri in .ti!.f..i. ie -h.i..L' wiW'l to l i it 'I ttj one the ptepritMn iHtn pi ece llian I'H-uiy lu rewith to IMMMI il i- lial.lo. , . m m n.Ur.,1 --'-HiIt 1 "Ii r. - I - , . .. 11 v LS .,11, .l.-v.-l..i,r 1. TIlttolMMScI -J . I! ..rt'.nnr.'iiors. her. t! at !:.nll. l.rd III- Mi ol ... e ...r.-.i. llie l.lv.'t For the le.isra j' tlis.t pr Ima made h hi sindy. m a looir. to iiiiU we .enie.ly inany deiai'Keme'.its t winch , at la-l found any I-eroi. iroti- r- To .....c una ISuarewMNJ n . h'jM wr.h J.lvt-r t'OUl- f-r . Lhi. lint to try a I on ie. MMl Tln-e lftM remo.e HI the .!ein. ..olvin' in ilu ir ,':,ii.t. in ai M Its lor:a: anviriioD is Cc-rui n. n n pUmt a h'a) li r!.. Wls rauionjr mod t u;k-'sI riiDC torn 'i' licai-li 10 U.e the cause of the rurC'i. nurl, -vliRt In the oc.aioiial '. the i-s inviyiniuiis i. I C pitrlfs l'iaine blootl, i wiwle if llinirj- lemovinn I cfjertnig ra'licHi c.r.e. Billuli- nltnrUst are better, prt-veiiteo, by Merer iiivlsorator. Oeewaae alier entii.pis tea mt prevent the tmm 'i"' Only one Joe taken lietoie rt. , t inly one nose taken at gettf e, red cteti C'o I ne (lose taken after each ,t - ' dose of two lea Slek "Hratl.tcllO. line N'tile tn-ven for fe eauM of the eleceae, and Only one dene immediately One doee often n-pt-aled is .11 a villi, and a i.r.' CiJ Only one Iv.ttle t .-y-.eiii the etleet- of uie.ll " One kaUle taken tor, lowue?- or mni'itnral color One d.' taken aho.-t n.r lo the Hl'Wi '!'. and niake- c: rVient to relieve the stomach , ri-iig and f'.ioi.ir. 1 ' retiiiis, prexeni!. Nljjnt- nlulit. l.ens the lKvels 7' 1 i vmic-.k. CO n.eal wOlfire 1J ysp.-psla 33 .rooiifiiis will alwa.s relieve male ol.stnietioa removes tlie r.i m t make- a perlcet rare. iriie. es f. poll ..IS , r .. fei ( hnlt in a cure tiie I needed to tlirow ont of IB . JnuiMllrr removes ell Ml- - fr. in t'le tkin. . , . time t-e'ere eanvaf gives vl- - food .liire-i well- ; emes CamVMttfl 1,n,"T 'D e- - Oue dose often rcK-uti d . vTin-n in iiv eroral IbrtM. Uutvrl coaiplaiute jield One or tao .i. cures at Chil.l.en: there U no surer, liile Stlttl lliv 1 1MM to ihe ln-t ,i'-e. " ta.-k- tutu kj Wwun m mtur, or f tidier remedv m iT. CO 01 the moil.1. M it urn,-iiil. , -rj flST -V few bottles eitreP ah-oi lent-. We take idea-. ire in recnm : t prercntive r... Fever rikI S na ii tvt-rs of IiH- Dropsy tgr exeitms the g menrlina- tl.l- meylicine as n Q Uar, Ckill - Ion Tpc. T. ireiittes a.e WiniS to '.eslll.v ' " X wilh oertai.il. . ami tlhuanu , woaderfol Tirluea. ' . ..taMiu tT Alltvhonsf H are Rlrins; mo. - C teliB.o..v l., HS r-yor. . . 4. J a . . ll.Vl" sa-llv t. r In !! mourn " F soFnt.ii . nnrl -wallow HW 3 THE LIVER INVIGORATOR .1CTS lailv . C.-TL'VTTLl.. VI V I I II .1. i l .... .i.-.'.... i. w , . .A 4 4. 4 14 1, ........ - I;.,.. It eu.es as W ny work Ins cures, ulr.iost nxi rrew "t'- -r i ,v ...H inure tnali C n.i.p.e tr-u fj- II! . S one la.lile i- reinireH M cure any 1- . ., i ..- ... Hf-ft, kir.l of Ilver Cnrr.plaMii. fr,.m the n:-t J.i.li-r t'r 1tl " f"- onircin Jje.i4.'p. all of which are tlie re-nit of 1,1 . -.! L4vr. as t .C fKI.'C CSS POIl VK PEK B..TT1.K. 3 i SAVFORD A: Co . Pn'Irletnrs 51.1 II " J ao...- v... York : T. W Ut.-tt A Sose-fu..... el- ---- 111.'" .4 . ' .. ..4- ---- t, jt W,Y A; 1.(1 I-.irilK.il. C phia. M S. Bl. A I v... ''y:.1;'!- "p'i :mm . le.el...I- rt J..HS 1. C.RK. I ,. cu.narl : t . . 1 VwD A Co., St. Iao; rf. l-mnnoa A 1 .rte. Chituico , O- ' " . lultimore. Aod & I Negroes for Sale. On Thursday t tie SOth of Seiiternlier inst., at my resi dence near the Plank Road in Lincoln county, twenty miles from Charlotte. I will dispose of about TWKXTY XK.J.tOt.S at public sal?: nun. women, boys, if iris and cliildren neatly all likely aud valuable. Terms on rlaV of sale. JAMES ANDERSON. September 7. 1858. 25--lt-iid Lard ! Lard!! 9,800 LRS for feaf Lard, just received and lie by M, W. ROBTSON k CO. Sent. 7. 25-It Dissolution. The Firm of YOl'N'C ft WILLIAMS is this day dis-I solved by mutnal consent. The accounts of the Firm will be settled bv II. 13. Williams. V. A. Y OF NO. II. P.. 2.-tf WILLI A.MS. Charlotte. Anff. ?. 1858. MANSION HOUSE. UNDER NEW AUSPICES ThU coiiimodious and niaunilicent establishmeni has recently come under the personal sapervhsion of the subscriber, who respeetfnllj announces to his friends i .i... , ,., ..!;,. .r r.nl.i;,- .r.f.-;'ill- that everv effort I HUU VIIH. UM.FUV. . j... . ... . , .- . ; will be made on bis part to please in every particular I apuertainiBg to the duties of '-mine host."' ; 1 1 Y. VV. ELMS. Charlotte. August 21. 1858. I 7 1 : ; Carolina Female College. 11IF. Fall Session ol this Institution will i.esin on the 14th of OCTOBER: at which tune, it is hoped, ate .-hall haea lull representation from ditler eut pans of the surrounding country. Tuition and Boartt, inelnding washing, ironing, lights, fuel and attention of ser-. ants, oil for S7 00 per 5r. .:,i, (,f 20 atoAa. In Lleiiientrti y Department. $ 50 per Session. Umauiental Branches, extra, bill at inylerale prices. No reasonable effort will be left unemployed to pive full satisfaction to our Patron's. T. It. WALSH. Pres't. An-. 2 I. 153. 2m-pd 200 Dozen BROOMS for sale On hand at llic Broom Manufactory ot the .North t s rolina Institution for the Deaf and Dumb and the Bliuu. m,o dozen Brooms, which will he sold at .onaero pu ce- Sueciniens of the Brooms may b cen at the store of S. 11. i"ong. Ksq Address at Italetph, V. D, COOKE. June 20, 183? :ui riucipai. Ofiiec of tUv Charlotte and S.) laroiina Kai!road 1 "osn?any, AUGUST 20th, 1858. ) parent insects maybe seen secreted among 1 ie , s.mok ..., 1- m, ...... v 1 "" v, Tweatv-Five Thou.,... Dollars of Ih.mls ol Uss, which aiVordcd shelter tV r the night, while the her for loving the haiWus muse in t he eon thf'clapalfy M cTue on the 1st of January; 1,59, and j , tion appear dormant upon the surface, cert of mu;" but to relief Rek her bog. . application has been made' by some of thelioid'ers theVe- t T. he w:!tl!.i.g r.ys of the rising sun. to the last joint after 'each dish-b. :-ee ..1 Ink AL'GUST 2;jili, 188. ) of to renew or xteii.l tr.e paine, uoup- is that the nnttersigned will extend any or whe-uever desired bv the hobl. r. Biv. Bo a. Those not extended will be prom Iv redeemed at iO'iySTt'N. maturity. 23-Gt P resident. WHEAT WANTED. The snbseriber having purchased the Steam Flour ing Mill in this place, is prepared to bur W heat, lor which he will give the highest market price in ca.-h. Flour Bran and Meal for sale at the Mill, or deliv ered wherever desired 111 town. JOHN WILKES. 2l-tf. Charlotte. August 10, 1 858. State of Korth Carolina, I iiion conuly. Superior Court of Lttw Spring Trrm, 1S5S. Ah- Purser vs. Solomon Purser. Petition for Divorce aud Alimony. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Solomon Purser, the defendant in this case, resides be vond the limits of this State, and is an inhabitant ol some other aovcrnment. therefore it is ordered hy the said Court that publication be made in the Western Democrat, a paper pnbli.-hed in the town of Charlotte. i --''-'- - K.i. dnfrtn.ft ihilt" Hi for six Mecessn e wccks, umij n. be and appear t-t our neit Superior Court ot Law to he held for the count v of Union, at the Court Howe oMon- roe. mi th. tent i Mom av alter ine ioui.it .o. .,.... r the said peti- lii"-u-t. 1858, tl en ami mere n ni . . . .. 4 1 .......... i i, it tm- iioai-m-' tioii. pleiul or (leinur. oi rac " - "witness, Wm. H Simpson, clerk of our said Court at odice in Monroe, this me 1 mil Monday after l.ie -1th dondav in February, and in the 83d year ot American indepeudenee. 11. SIMPSON. aat-iit s. c. price adv Sl A.D CAKES. TT Uaaioniv) re? ' iC C t f ll! I V iufortus the citizens ol 1U. i...-.."-.r' . - ... n. . I ..4..,., ( 'harl .tte liiat he has fitted up a M1PJ on i lane- pviyy., Co.' 3 Store, when- he inteiui.- cair- near . X. Untc- .V it, .- on the l'A K INC. BUI Ho will fornisn t resu . . n.Arnin.f nt the doors of hi eustoniers. ami hopes by -t'rict attention to bu.-iue.- to merit a oharo of pubki; patfonaga. JOHN DOR AX. ?.m -pd An; 1838. "-Urrss the Urat e of thy Virf '' New Charlotte, N. C. The subscriber begs leave to Inform the public that he earries on the husine.-s ol vy.it-kino in M.irble, or. Trade 1 r - 1 , street, directly opposite the Court ITou-p. He is prei.ar cd to do all kinds of work in his line, such as Monuments and Ornve Stones. .Mantle MM 1KL !...ttBati t 4. ,iivp in-..-;, or ai. - 7 -JSTv- S r-. ' T" . . " . .... ier kllol oi otuue that may be repaired in his hne var,m1. His sto. k of Marl le win aiwa .- on.,. . in.ilities. and enable him to uo won. in . ...u. l. ... ... - i.-. ntv tavor him ntn will ue atisiaetorv iu .n--.. I their patronage. Orders will receive particular attention and be ! promptly filled, i ,,-il! be narked with are. r.nd all .libgence u?e j to prevent injury by transportation. J. (i. Mcbt.'V June 15. 18.IJS. 11 Xi. m j. .NW-:r.s, . ...rTt: X- C L-. . .ntvFT MAKc.lv, , u.u.ui .... ... 3 on hand a large otsortinisnlol rBpiu.,e Al--o, ofhiown and Noitnern nmuam, . I - I 1 J -. I I I i I I I . . 89-1 T WITHOUT HASTE WITHOUT BEST. BY DR. C. C. COX. Without haste Without Vxctl )inl the motto to thy breast! Bear it with thee, as a spell, Sturm or sunshine, ynard it well! Heed not flowers that round thee bloom Eear it onward to the tomb! Haste Not ! l et no thoughtless deed Alark forever the spirit's speed; I'fiuder well, and know the riuht; l-'orward then with all thy might! H? te Not! yerr.s can ne'er atone Fo one feckless action done ! Best Not! Life is sweeping by Do, ami Dane, before thou die! Something mighty and stibiime Leave behind to conquer time (!!., rions 'tis to live for aye. YVlitJU these forms have pacd a way ! Tlasto Not Itest Xot! eulnily wait. Meekly he:ir the stornis o'f.:te Mify he thy kJar guldS Po tlie Right, whate'er betide! Haste Not Rest Not! conflicts past, God shall trown thy work at last! Singular Phenomenon Tinmen se Swarms of Strange Inserts Popular Rid-e, New York, Sept. i with a small seed, w hic h, pot being a eatiavy or 9 18.-IS Yesterday,1 at four o'clock, J'. 31., the ' a linnet, f objected to. Tlu-n oup was served-;, atmosphere became" suddenly tilled with myriads fa novelty in a om--t. was -of iiJets of a tvne entirely unknown in this region, ; ch.cken and vermacellj, 1 hen eame a d.s.i of pilau , "I as far as to have r 1.,.,,.. ThA l.honomcnou is known extended several miles, aud appears to j insect j 1 ;ir tb san.e moment. J he i? re ! Li ; : ; oi with and to nve birth to young ii.seets ready ! - - - - i .1 rriiiireu. which in a few seeonus asce.utle.l into tin: aiv vchilo r 1 1 old .illCS tilfeW thou selves into ' violent Goatortiocs, which continued until thev succeeded in ridding themselves of their wings after which they appeared to feel much relieved, i i l.i i ,(lia mvnaJ fic rnn tent oil . ami ran nrisiviv aooui, upouim. pwn?, 7 ami ran uns'.o .n'oui ..j.......- apparently, as though they t lie power of flight- In an liad never possessed in hour, the earth was . -. -.-.rli icvi. t.-lll.'ll lll.--c-i.T.-.! o'-, 1.. .. ........... whiletheir tiny, new-born lb their lil'e!(?ss wnjg.s wit ireopi-vhad ascended, and were sporting 111 uie bolims'-of the evening sun. This morning the Vw. er-f.n focreteil atUODS tne ! -..I l, .. i-.nto'.no o' ists may la; lamiuai w ilu soon .1 p.- l.etuatK 11 ' fan insect race, without tile, intervening link of the ksrvie. If so, us on this subject. will sonic cue euligliton Y0UNU. AFrECTtxo Incidknt. On the home voyage of one of our New York and Liverpool packets, she beint: crowded with emigrants that, awful scourge, shiplfever, broke out. The carpenter of the vessel, one of nature's noblemen, and having on board his little son, a hid of some twelve summers, was one .... f . .....: ill - t hW.m.if no vmIIv enclosed i Ot tllC niSt VlCHnia. XXia cuiui -"--j i,:c Lb- 5i bis hammock, and, having read over . llll" I.Me.t . m.. ' ' him the buna! service, and attached to Ins ket a the r.nrnose of suikniu it, eommitteu 'I " V I i - - - ' I l, m.'Lmpf. of old ocean. the loor boy. l III OIL miiiitvv 4 tillcJ with grief at the loss of his natural protector sprang overhourd, and bfe ho coukl be rescued he vviss beyond the reaeb of human aid: On tbe day following the burial, a large shark was noticed in tbe wake of the ship; and as it was almost calm, tho sailors asked permission to catch it, which was readily granted by the captain. Having procured a book and attached" a chain and Une and baited it with pork, they cast it overboard, and soon bad tbe excited pleasure of booking the 1 a8S t!?y rl with tbe aid ot the windl 11... tl . v.. , . h ulled the wrtthirig mass on board. As it lay on the deck in its death struggles, tbe sailors beard a singular rumoimg noise, mat wemeu to t..--v. from within the dying caj.tive. Taking a 'jM they soon cut their way iuto'the now dead hsh. and to their great surprise, found that it hail swallowed the '-arj enter, grindstone and boy and that the former, who had swooned, had rigged up the orindstone. and with tbe asistancc of the boy ! to turn it, tm fWSl ridr0 hi jck-L nJe to cut a is teay to no to St.KKP. No doubt there tire our readers who understand this debght- fltiW maov of .. i ....viv tion but there are certain eonoi- ' Till HI i lO ,r. - tions of animal economy, eve in a state ot health, when tired nature's sweet restorer refuses to close I our lids, ami seems pertinaciously to hy fro us, ; .i....,,-b ,.-,,r...l ovPi-so warm v. Ine writer recom t -i liihc of the cvc-balls." wf-ni s n "roll in riorrm luea. . . 'i l it. 4,4 u. ,.,fb.i ij tn t.htee the '1'he most natural am. oo.e i'. , ... .. head in a com! dVirtabe t.osition. and tlien taKim. ' ' I . ... . i full ins, .'nation, breathe as much as possible wrong j-ho attention must now le fixed up the nostrils. ,bo C,et .,f breathing. '1 be patient must nuag ine that he sees the bieath passing from his nos. . , i - ' 1 trs. and the vcrv mow..ibo method i Balge hnt simple,, and the experiment will prove its t.uth. ver euriou, im-ident occurred when the paying -eLnteneed in can. The splice had t - m . - lillWfw III'- llllllll Wn made, am! the eannv a - . 4 1 . !.., I. ,f . ...,, n tr. ..vtiicjire ineiii, ' no was uu...."- j ii drafcged d.iwn under the waU-r and drowned, lie C- . . . k;.,.;,41t hnt til no trffiS! rmrpnse. as he stuck tast 1,01 w sell going town, n.s o - eu. .L . .4...-. nti.. wi.rv .... c.b4 ru.nr J IiU C-Vi .- - renec ami the ternom nHiy ... r ,..v.v. 4-ala caused siine '" ftboat om-io.trth of an inch hu.- ami closelv to take Uic.ii. J tie lair irea.-.s.au sat opj, w i;;rty-two cars, and was drawn by two poweriu en--wmbles the comuion ant. But the strangest j me. I was curious to see if th.-y really c-rneu (o L, The engines, the moment llcy struck tm- -rt oi tie- matter thai is, to me, remains to be like tne modern innovation oi mvca ouu ' rear ear of the loremost ttaiu, were Hirowu rvpi ' , i ii.,.. i. ., Vn dm Et-t fiw tniiinToM fTiov used them evuicnt- : . . i i t ,.;i.;, ..i.io.en n,n p lii'tv feet hi. As so. 'ii as tuey appeal cu, mi ,y - ....... . .... . . .... uie u.i. tv, um. ' ; , . . 1 r ., . -J....J. I i .1.. ..... ,'r.l. lU. 'irf.cii in l.CfilltV tail- . i ... 1 .!. .1.. .1. .... .lw.i. i.nu.!.. o. i i i i - ,... . . ii i'mii : i' i i i till i -.At iiiii. iiii iiii. v it v.ni uoi - - - - .i.,i t i ... i . 1 1 i ii' i ill i i . . i i i lit .-i. lm i. i iii inv n .mi ir I'liovor i . t '. . i 1M v -caiit . i u v. , - - -, v , . i.'miuh.u ni" 1 i i i dm stems of the vessels, wncu u .H..V v..,s , ... ...v r- , . , ant. to.ich. ! ihe water, a sea-cnll, tatigui-ii, ii uoion, iiat.r.i ..oouiv..-, ..v . filt. arched on it. and his dawset- to purchase ne,-,-- .V!n, shall forfeit and W t . .- . , . . I L- .. 4 .. . 41... l..f Tl...... ...-.11.', 11 ..-'.. . io ihw. is. nS 1-1 Eantit Female roller w to be e.stafeKhd which ran awav and . . :ii e..,, i..r. hnvino- nh-daed a sub-1 he t-hmurht he shwiW 1 , at Henderson v ipmieif.Jio l"e- a C A , .y,--. - - 1 X DINNER IN A TURKISH HAREM- j t the entrance of the dinin room stood tw i I Arab phivcs, richly attired. To e-aeh lady, a he I entered, one of the e held 1 beautilnl silver howl, 1 ' while the othei poured ro?e water 0 her hands ! tVnm 1 vase of the same riehlv ehned mtit. rial. Two little slave a-irl? presented Am napkins, the ends enibvoiderofi in arold, on which we each shook 1 the rosewater from our finders '1 he dhiin- room j was r most luxurious apartment closely latii-ed, for it looked into the streets of StauiL.-nl, but 6eerful and rich in crimson divans and carved and painted ! flowers on the walls and ceiling. A' had been ! done to make the fcfigl bearable. Kiva l'aeha's ! haivni is, J am told, one of the most "fashionable. " i which accounted for seeing an Enr.-pean table I adorned with a handsome centre piece and four beautiful vases of flowers and fruit, after the i'reueh fashion, j The dinner service was of rave and beautiful China; the silver knivc nvA forks were extrenu ly : handsome, the aerr& delic.itely fine, the flowers extptieitelv arranged, and min-h-d with QtiMtgca j and lemons, in Eastern lashion; (he slntw were stndiiv round, three or lour deep, awaiting our wc felt still more in the i slnjht -st Starnj ntw oi dreams. First of all, they placed to cadi gtiest a spark ling water-bottle "and ipkee. Then a line china I nl.-ito cootaiiiiioT a flat roll ol a kinu ot rve bread, ...,ii.i ,,uto new and Will ui. and cove-red done brown. 1 sat next to tbe , f .-!....- ....I m ciiiri u ami io, chief wife, on her ri-bt hand; as the slave held the dhh.she pointed out" the nicest picees, beggtug me ing to secure the particular ptcet? ol chicken si.e ; o-to secure the tiarticnlar tiieeo ofehieken sin i 1 '.I a . 4.... ..i,.l ...... t lVolV ' cov(-t(-a vuii a iroui.icsoiiic on k .oi.. .-j ...Mi, those inr-omretent atixirtar.'es aown .rai t en successfully, and to her entire satislacf :on, wi.u her fingers. She then looked st me and laughed, and then showed me how to take a piece of bread between my lingers, begging us to cat a hi jSxr- rjue, whii-h they were all doing 'themselves, fast and furious, and to please tin 111 we picked a few ... , . . , n . 1 1 .. ii . 1 . chicken hones wttn our Turners. e nau an nn j been enchanted with the fair irertssian as 1 have rom you, wira nei ocau.j, ... . manners, and ox.pi.s.te g,,,ee; we had seen her sniOKC ann aumin'U imr sun, vo: na- cmo twgov- Iia. imr,. chf srioon hri'ht. filter SUC- 1 no laiunw ""-- -- ;p 7' eessne acu ubh-i-w-uc-wwv. v 1 lulls ot sweet pancaKes. aauocu wuu it..urV, ' tarts too luscious for tbe Knave ot Hearts, tins was too much for Venns herseli to have done with impunity; we were perfectly disenchanted l'"'n. - before the feat was o.er. .... . . 1.1 . 1 ! l,r. J be rest were not so nan. i excepting .' . iji-- i ton, who might as weM have been a trough at once ) but we began to feel rather sick after the ' ... i- . i . j i n. l hist tew dishes were msparcncu, ami me annual ntvo of some of the ladies hesah to be roused i hmv favorite sweets and lollies, which they , tln'Otits in lar-o lunq s. The jo-for waited . , it, 4: 4U rtdpai dhCM with ows a. tame. Dreseiinnu mo 'iniuu i - , l l..... L.Oii.. 1',.,,,,, lnrltf. v ii if- ii t.iuseu iiiusi oi i.iui in. i jo'i'i ...... ...... . in..! ..ii.L. r and t ie s aves in attendance, who scui penertiy w.Kuwme.. TT i i u f at home, and on Wry free and easy terms with ffna the calculation is made ,n . lo spin t ... their mistresses, notwithstanding their complete . Knstern eNaggeratuir. be tlm- if may, tie--ubmiion to thorn. The jester was a wild and I walls are fourteen miles in cirmiml. icnce -Z Ctraordinarv looking' woman, wftfi an ir- eight feet high, twenty-four led thick at .1..- 1 a- , ity of broad 'humor and drollery fo bcr fu-e. . and twelve at the top T her, are We thought it f,nite as well tht.t we could no! un- ' all .round at seventy let dV Un cm-l, othj- , derst,nd the fair Circassian between tho intervals and at tho gate are look ou. barrncks for the sol l of licking her fingers and spoor, and popping tit- ' iers nine in height. I he ,,-. r..,,.U w d;- i bits on our plates, laughed .-o complacently, ami .1:1 '.y 1,4 ,..,l' lM.nni.hu at the door to' dive under the orras" to' conceal their uncontrollable fits of mi, th.J7r 1 Work on Coutf nntiix. pie. SUDDEN Death. On Sunday morning, service a, the city proper, in St John's Church, in Richmond, was sudden 1, Pdltin is located s.M v no. - s.mth ot tin- fmtm bronght to a close, bv the announcement from the f'hino e wall, ami theivbue much e-cd o north -choir that the onranist. Mr Stdyinan, had faint, d. I crn and Bdrtite nc.ghboiv; yet its ,.rt im-.i ions ai On "tine raised fnuntho to which he had stron, and, nnt, the vast ,,i-, hiiie.y o -nodcr,, faflea it was discovered that the vital spark ha-l artdimy. was pe.Hectly secure ,n it.- palatial ha 1-, tied "The cuv-rc-dion were dismissed, and tbe tbe wails, bast.ot.K and tower- hmm- upn gnahl. IH . . 4 V. p. . , l. , 1 ... Ill Itt f t .!,.., I 1 lifeless body of the organist wa taken to bis resi Mr S. had bf-cn sick with asthma fir K , dene months. 1 Ie wa about 45 yean of aire, and h-acs i a wife and five children ci 4 ... U 4..,...rt'nr.riL'-. r.t rvnlt1 .lo srvcr - r ; i.'ii e. no ii . hi irntm i 1 rolSSS ht wl.i-h there is eertainlv more troth tollowilig. 1.1 WBreB . I th.m en. Ill" ; i 4 e-pat men never swell. It w only three cent Z . ,.. ., . ...i ,..l..,.b..l ... I.,..,.!,-, d ,h,!l:- a ina:Tiuua Pnw.c? 1 , . i I J I- . i..i. ... m 'fnini. who a a year ana nine " .oi.i.,.,. - .o:a ....s - ' put on airs and fla.-hy walstcotits, swell, pun, " - ami endeavor to gie iiicni.-.i -s a ............ 1 appearance ' i.,....ir.mr-f n mceritninatinc' i ' r-on can cyct ! l.e. -, ,.vb,n f..r the o-.-rilllllC ait .CiC. Tim III I I' HI' lilt .- Hlir'H - -a-.--- ' . - . jniee of the grape. j j Vrr,;CT) j RKE..-Tn the enrlv d:y follow-: "That l any white b nia e. of ten ndonhl t, I , ' T,.w r.e ;.hi;c resort l, p:iv a une, inn o-.-e i ...... um. - .., ' L.r..- ,i.,iio,.c tin ' IIli!i : i i An exehanre tells of an editor who went out died,., and was eh, eapfcin. (Ine day ..fKiJ1. f . !. t.,A K.' claimed. ir. .:inA -..rirnid.'' he exclaimed, "cah a a. ard 1 rlillfln. a voar. in advance . ' 7- 1 . 1 :4w,tv.l . . .1 . 4-1 I it : m spreading 1 nc vc-pci .. . i j..i.4 i i . t,..., ,ir.,-j - ..w o.r.'.-r.(i rr-.i-s r.piiir i e r"- i nnc, not ed dollars BALLF.OAD ACCIDENT. Tvn Men hitlal Fnrhf for jfWjM 0'rtt ts?avqh!rr of Cattle. At 134 o'eloek on the morntM of the 7th inst , a terrible accident occurred on the Hudson Itivcr KaiircwKi, at the I ishkill Station, by which- too men were almost iuMautly k illed, ami several othws badlv injured. It appears Unit on the previous evening two im mense trains freighted with cattle lelt, Aibanv for X. w- York. At the time above mentioned the first train reached Fi.-hkill. when the en-inecr dis covered t tic axle-boxes oi' one of the ears were al most red-hot, and that in cnnsc.pieiiee it would be dangerous to prececd until the boxen could ho eoolcd. Men were forthw ith set to n -o k to cool the boxes. Viihiu a. few minutes after the train had stop ped, a brakesman was ordered to tal e the signal f danger, a small red liv;ht, and iun along the (rack in order to warn the -ecoiid ( rain, wh'u h was Ct'Ui ipg on at full speed. For, greater wifely, and Jo j.jcchme, if possible, the ooouiTCUt'C d'au aceideot fvoio tin. nnrironebino' train, the Conductor of tb.- first train ran back Fonic distance, onJ placed thrv torpedoes on the track, another signal ofdajigcr. ) In a little time the train came thundering on the brakesman's si-nal with a red ighl v;.s aiiiwered by the engineer signaling (be brakesum-n to apply the brakes! Soon the toipcdoe, c '.odi d, and an other signal was given to apply all fne. to the brakes. This was done, but owing to the grcyi length of the train and the s --( ('. whi h it was uu der at (he linin, the brakes proved of but little avail, and a frightful collision was the result. The first train was standing alongside the mach ine shop. This train had one engine at d number ed thirty-five cars. '1 he weoud train numbered , (icmolisb.;d it. .. . . 1 1 ... !.. .. .1..r1,,,rl i0 (..us ol ( 1 -us o tne second nam wririM-uu. ie i 1 iMV ,,ib.fl 0uc uli tb-' ton ol un oia.j. ;ls m (he second story wiik.ow oi the luachjuo l0U Quite a large numbor of cattle and j hog worv kiH0tI, utitl many others so badly injured I jt W;ls an a,.t 0f ,ue,Cy to kill them and put t an cn,j to -xr puflV-jings. t' eral large bullocks . t( tjJ0 dehriisu and one ux ormammtdh pro- "V 1 . ; . . . .1 . - J .1 I I a.v a I aa , i . ; . t . , i v portions was thrown nan w ay imo iuc sc . im o.vi.i window of the shop. Such of the smite as escaped uninjured seemed tpiite unconcerned about ihe matter, and extricating themselves fro9 the ruins, were soon afterward rooting along the f ad or wul I0WID3 in tlie mire. The mass piled up against the inael ine sho) reaches to tbe second story, tnul 1 ompoM-il ot 1 .1 -f.U .U..,.,.,..:,- ..jr who' 1 . me reiuaim. .u iu r.n:ottiuii , - ' , are torn gurefts, mixcu wiii 10c uou.- v. n- t0 j.i,eep and hogs. Several bogb crawu-u tiom : , tUiX -je eceiriilv M,iitc uudi-iurbed. 1 at- . amj t-QttuQ wtpc fin-u .-il along the j tj..ici allJ Wc novor wilucssed 8 .-.cu- of mote ' eonn-lete detrucLioii. PEKIN, THE CAPITAL OF CHINA. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Knouircr was at Vckin, the Capital 'if Chir.;, a liort tin ago, aud what he saw of it, ami how it impre-cd him, he thus describes: On arriving at the capital of the Chine--e Kin i tore we find a citv contUinuiL: ai.oiit two mill ol. ; i - . :. i.v:4.,..a sjMt, a t ie e. tioifitc: but t on hi v.oe.i into two pans, . " ' and tbe other hy Chiucse. In each there 1 a i street four miles long and nt, hnmlred and twei.t, : f-t wide, mid the i occupy two-tmrus u mn ibtuw cny , wii u..- besides the siirburbs, which are m arly an populous - in am-tent: iihh-m. n"'"('' ' . . .. I f - ' I A. . ... .. . 1 J : IVkm lamly am. un.crtiic, v.-, .... .,,..,:...... , ' being brougnr-i.y 'mu ,ro.., .... and al-o with its c mincrcc. mt- m. .. ! easaa... raid in money, is the c.ty.ital M the chief rceipiw.f : r.i O... cveoii. , of nil s'hiiia H. h o over heeo'- . gnrded a, a very cvclm ivc p,aec. tha pnyu o ol a-. ..,.... r. u.U, v,r; l.to.1 w.fhlli its W:di hut liov; j . ........ , .f tb.v oiitsidiv barbrtnans nr.- in a bur .. as d nvm .1 . . l...,.n.l..v;.,f . or,. I :t lu . ib-lb! O lflltl" lilt". Mt:ir. II.I.IH' :,ni. c, n- i - that this act. lo-.-ethev with the ij.i-aiii ol . Jof.no. inav provean imyiortant ntfp o ward.- ilu- inam.Mii-. tiou of t.hritianity aTDoiig th lnilliona wh-ic now benightcil in p'airnn idolatry and pntrtiti.rti. - i..., 1 I-'-ik;!' tiov - Kir tlie Hrt rmn1 n: n;e i,i-e.r r.yement toward. Australia (Aid Canada over that. of ; toward, tin se .Lore. IV rjhrnn,,.lc s WW of whom we,,- . V.!'! , with the conwmdint: MW)d ot I 7 were for he A mdrahan cotoiue. J Mnigrauen !! parts of the world ba not been at ao Ihw a c.fifioor. vrvintnant asit now in. H attained -p . - wUcn it re.-t" itf its maximnm figure in I, woen n re.i. . , This waii reilneod tr. loss It. in one-liall sob in V57. wben the emigration only r aehed ftc at I800tK. should two 9tT A rarow. - vr -. i.riftr ciiiiiH i.iiii.vir : rcmemWr, is worth as much aa a whe -l-barrow pf ! . t' I I 4.V a,,9r.4ii.h ulu-.nbl cood manure, ivvcry uiiumi' ? a- - ?4 t!I .4 1.41 Iraf '1 1 1.4 irai-i an who lent a m uitcr a horse be thrown wnere it win - - - - - , n us. ..... ... 1 ,.l-o in Avbioh lo oinop.e threw hia e eriea rider, said m a goon e.Hirn.y y - r have ,1 credit ft his aid of itf hnt the root , of grape tines, yiB!r tree.-. ..... w ...... . 4 1 .-4 Will il.l ia-rTV,l . Ar atrvtium 01 mr. I r4 o i urrs 7 v. scam. eo. - i K. w. BErKWfrfl. Dec. ?f, It Jt ir. i $.-. tf