S pea annum IN AT)Y AM E ( CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1858. S EVENTII V 0 L U M E K UMBER 329. THE Published every Tuesday,) liV Vf&. J. f ATKS, Editor and luciui-tron. Edwin A. Yates, Associate Editor. ...$2 no 2 r It paid in ndvarirt If .! will. in si lllOMLllli If paid after ihe expiration of the year,, 3 00 fcsy Am- person "ending: us Ave new gbTibcr, mtrompmirwic t tiicm miiea rva, ("vwo-t rtM receive :i sixth copy pratts for one year. fjSgr-Subscribers sail othcra win. may wi-.h to send nioaev tu us. run do BO ly mail, at our risk. SCiVIMl & CO., Briigists A: Chemists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, IN'YITE the attentionn of Physicians, Planters. Merchant-. Sc.. toi their new .1 complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, &c Tlic extensive- pntruuagc they have received from the physicians of Char lotte and its vieinitv is the best guarantee of the PURITY OP TUB DRCGS sold by hem. March ::0, 1358. i 1105 Acres of Land OIIAl'LOTTE, l4; C v -rnv?-- a-tiWaltsssh'ep.'j Hafts or ttlvtrlisttssr: One square ol 14 lines or less, for :: months, S 'I 0 ; 00 u u " 12 u 10 00 One square, or less, fust insertion $ 1 ' Karh snbseqoent insertion - j ' it-..:' "Transient advcrtisCUiv lit.- BlUSt h paid for in advance. s For annorfneihg Candidates tLr Office, :-- in ad:Miee. I- Adt crt";: clients n.t marked on the manuscript for a specific time, will be inserted until forbid, and charged acct.rdlngly. PLAScTTf P I VT Cheap. Durable ami Protective: Weather and Fire e w liolcsale an lictail iv SCARR & CO., Feb. 9. Chemists ft Drnnrists. Proof. F LATENT MEDICINES just receive! from the Ware ii. house : Aycrs" Cherry Pectoral, Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, Wistar's Balaam, GuysotCa Sarsaparilla and Yellow l... k. M-Lane's Pills', Strong's Fills. Ajers' Fills, ftc, &., at Anril 1st. SCARR ft CO.'S, Drugghrts. Wood's Biaar Restorative. A fresh snirplv of this invaluable preparation tor the iui In-i ll n-i i i vi-ii direct from New Vork, lv j ilair ha March IC. SCARR v C. S. P. SMITH, Attorney and Counsellor at Lw 'm.Y ALWAYS KB POUND AT THE OFFICE J.T.M ,1 Win. Johnston, r.sq. t- - I'n v.i attention given to of Deed, Conveyances, ftc Jaaaarv 2B. l.s.vs. lj L "oHectlons, writing K1JD G .LOVES. WCASTKK S KID GLOVE CLEANER, an un failing preparation, easy and 'mi!- in application moving all stams and grease ironi tin e, a March l. BCARR COS Drag Store. The sn'o3erib?r, residing about four miles south of 4 w . . . . ... LI, IM. . ! i.ineointon. on inrtian t reek, oners tor saie ins valua ble FLANTATION, containing about six hundred and thirty acres, 225 of which ia cleared, about G'J acres of bnttoiu lajirj and niea-low of first rate quality. Th re is a new and commodious Dwelling House and ne- 1 li 1 l.d o livffl filr. i,l,.riSvo.V TVAtlfT I T. V, . . I 1 ..111 I . . . . V . V . I III 71 J L , I 111 .. . i L3 m.ii .... , v ,v-itLi i . 1 ,.'1 1. rrl. 1. . tv 4 1. -.,(,.( ! -vUUI v,UIJV enou-'h for almost anv uurnose. lrntolow, the The said I. and lies 'on the road leading from Lincoln- stopped ill this ton tu orkvuie. and witniu one mile ot the timing- , (J t,a ton. t n.trlotte and Knthertord Kaiiroaa. ,mVk St ...rtlr -nt' i- I..... ..... .. ...1 .-.4. r..., . . . . :. i . n'WWU ei .uii, m i ' ir'iu.ctrTrni m.i i -111 r ;irrrw 01 uinoereu ... , i r ..,!;,.;..;.,., ti. .:t...vo. -., ;n i. m.i.i i..,.. .,. thinks tie .,H.,. U'ljUllllll ill.. l,' ' , 1,1 .V HlIU 1,4 IVIlil purchKaers. Refer to C. G. Henderson or John F. Hoke. A. F CANSLER. Rep t ember T. iH.ri3. 25-tf WHEAT WANTED. The subscriber having purchased the Steam Floor ing Mill in this place, is prepared to buy Wheat, for which he w ill give the highest market price in cash. Flour, Bran ami Meal for .-ah- at the Mill, or deliv ered wherever desired in town. JOHN WILKES. Charlotte, August 10, 1858. 21-tf. E$22S:.B AXD C A BOSS. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Charlotte that he has fitted up a Shop on Trade street, , i,. i i .i near t. M. t';;tc Un. s More. v. nere ne inieuus carri- . : ! ig on the RAKING BUSINESS. He will furnish Fresh all(l angttHr, fcee very narrow towards I Rread every morning at the doors of his eustomers, and , I BTrDearanc somewhat the i H 1 1 mi t ii i ii i n hiKinis rn rufrii a suare ui - . - i i IIU IT? lit Slll nuMvu w - - I , i 1 ! A POISONED VALLEY. j AN 2ERONAUT LOST IN THE CLOUDS. A singular discovery has lately been made near From tM Detroit Trrbun T ...i.. f.. t.., a nnituui.) vallcv. Mr Alex, i Tr t,Va lnriipd Cull nartieulars of the bullooit : i);in'-i!, m " ' jr . . . lLoudou visited it last July, and xra extract a psra- , asccsioa at Adrian on Thursday, its Mth.-xjiu-nt . I Loudou visited it last duty, ami wo .- i jiscensiou at .vurtun on iuiu.;i, n T " i . cf1 r illir i.rKo ! .rrai.h 1'roui a coimnunieatiou on the subject ad- j descent, and its second aseeusiun, and run away t&- A correspondent of the Petersburg Express, . t, ... . lioo!?ra;)lliCttl Society: I ,,-Wh ifci wlnle Lvoriu bis control. It is a i writing from P.iclnuond, thus speaks of JJrowulow , J r brief narrative, but of thrilling inieu-i. A man ' who reeentlv had the debate in Philadelphia with It ts knovu bv the name F j , scarcely Le a more Ut- I a" abolitionist: . I ff, slmOW realld it ! rible thought It makes the fh,l, en ep, and B mis ispondent had an inter-ic-w trith " lcof dr0s?tJ and fowls for the purpose of , a shudder through every nerv . veritable -fighting parson." He oriments. On arriving at the top of The hrt asee,,ou took pU-ce about 0 o eloc, -a j... , i.: . ..... v...,r, Amu I'hilti. nng - , , li j ,nv,.;.P Tt wns mi the occasfiion ei a large i is env on ins viv muni, ...... . . 4i, , luniniintin am sm i i'u .uvi - . . He seems to be very well satisfied with , 0fthe hilL at'u distance a mile, with j Sunday school eelebrat im. at ' V;;'! Of his controversy wtrr. r -ry m - .;vf - - of (10 Ranches avul pvitp'ctitig roots, was a very rge uu w.i-un.r .i - -got him down' The audience was : ' fmm tll'a lov, Strong . .bout the height of a two-story building when ,u- mm In una most entiietv oi men m iihh.uw i c,.,, . nvvierieneea: bui ; '",.uu nuu, vw.v - "i- - j mi Pa Mr great speec inn) rarrtrtrra tlir rlii-ir lnisrevtl ....v. ! .... He s; vs he lost nothing on account ot ms in ability t) speak himself, as ample justice, was done to hi m-uscTipt by his reader, (ien. Small, who is an admirable elocutionist. The debates are now in the presses of Lippincott, and will be out in twelve cays Mr B. is still suffering from ulcera tion of the throat, and experienced no relief from medical treatment in .-Philadelphia. The appearance of this remarkable man is strik- 1 C.-.W. ,n.,rl m irnrir al! 1 llMlU IICIH U a- Jlll I'.Miiiviiu .- i niiKs ne -got. unit uumi. - i.-, t jew vaitls from tne TaiicT) v , tr . mde up almost entirely of men of Northern senti- . ffocath smell was experienced; but ! Hated and ready to cut loose from its fash mts - .ent, among whom were not a few free negroes- JJ -g Iar,in, the inconvenience was ! Messrs Pantuster and 1 hurston took sea s m tl e 'assmo: e Williamson being one of the number. ! rScl. The vaMey is about a half mile ; ear attached to the ball,,..., am amended ; fcl lr 15. complains of the press having dona hm, ; ofan oval shape and about thirty ' and steadily. .After reimutung abou, l;n ty n. w , t, , at injustice in their reports, and says n his last ; ' bottom of it appeared to be flat, u. the air, sailing towaroa w a.. ... . y ech he took occasion to denounce the paper.- f( vo.otatloI1.aI1a a few large stones seat- alighted in the woods.,, the own ofBiga, lj na I retorters for their misrepresentations. , J there. Skeletons of hUw beings, I wee county, near knight s Station on the Nuithe n , C1; bears, deer and all sorts of birds and wild road, distance about c gu.ee,, , ; - t'.ge.s, ui.ui, SfitrM-il rien fame to the assistance Ol the aUVCn- animals lay about i prolusion The ground o , , ShTeSed to prepare the balloon which they lay at the bottom ot tne vaney a ..... , , r 1 1 Y. A. 0V ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C tfV in- Co" Court: tice ,n t .i inntics. OFFICE nkai:ly orrosii January 19, 1858. in fthi. and the adj Post Orrica. in- 1. LaF. A LEXASDER, Attornry al Law, CharSolte, NT. C. O file 2 over China Hall. An just II, Matt, .v noHKirr gibbon, m. d. 2HGOaCIME AM!) SIRCIERY, Office No. 5, Granite Row, VHA'KLOTTE, X. C. r Fi-hruarv 19, 1858. - VOX A: WSSBTE, Medicine anil Own a laird in t '. Anril V :.i will be , j.r:i I .-ox, I; thi.se i!i.:te ,,l.ccd M. l. Surgery. iiirings' Ihuhlinff. VV. K. WHITE, 3-tf M. Led to the subscrib. FINE SALAD OIL, A new and roperior hrand of Hi ve Oil. an cxipii-ite article for .Sahols. fur sale at May lb. SCAIIU & CO. S llooland's Herman Bilttrs, Just received at Hay is. SCARB t CO.'S Ihrug Store. (4'2iuin$' French Muslard, An elegant Artielc for the table. Slay 18. SCARE i: CO. The Ureal ttaayliIi Remeilf. SIU JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, rKKFAKEO FROj A PKESCaiFTlOS OF SIU J. CJ.AUKK, M. D-, PHYSICIAN EXTBAOaniSAKV TO T'.K ylEEX. r 1 1 S well known medicine is no imposition, but a I Mire and sale remedy for Female Difficulties and Obstructions, from any raise whatever: and although :i iMtwerful remedy, thev contain nothing hnrtful to the constitution. To MARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suitcd. . . , These Fill-- have never been known to tail where the i.: .... ik. ,..r.- ir Paifti.htet ar well observ ed. For fall particulars, get a pamphlet, gratis, of the Airent. tnblic i Ansmsl 1 J(11N I)t)F, AX. 1ST.9. .tm-iil NOTICE. ed to be ft bard sandy substance, and no vapor was perceived. '1 he sides were eovereu wim tation. . . fl1 It was proposed to enter it, and each ot the par ty, having lit a cigar, managed to get within tweti ty'feet of the bottom, where a sickening, nauseous cmll was exoerienced, without any difficulty ot oieai ii i iiji. - n ' . . , i i i i f ilio ii:ittiiin ot the vallcv. I. IV. ..1.', ! . - ...... - .. ,, i , 1 ' . i Tlllll llllll.-.l LUlll,-K.-.v'... ! e. :,nriiul ,.,,nn and ps dark and mere- I ' . ..' ., :.t i,:.. .in. in their un in ui .iu HIM ....-! . J , . while some ol tne party, wicn men ig. lii, size is rather over medium, and m Ins , ob,erved thc effect. social intercourse he is agreeable and courteous. , i,..,,;, 0f fourteen seconds, he fell off ibis les without moving or looking around, and K-o rvnlv- niuhti i-n minutes. J ne Oitie, CUUUUUCU liiv V'J r,,r Tiifl-ino- fo be taken back to Adrian. In doing this the monster balloon was turned over and partially upside down to disentangle the netting and to reach the valve. To do this, Bit. Ira Thurston, one of the .-vroiiauts, took oil' bia coal and got astride of the valve block. Ne then sug gested that the car be detached from the balloon xnerienced, witnout anv unucuuy u. , , , , , , ,A , ... , A . fe.t of wi fe lio H.,n ,l ! h, , lt d n I, b .eight By virtue ot a Deed of Trustwadts to mo, and execut ed on the 5th day of -March, 1858, bv h.inesT. Ah-ian-der, I will expose to public sale at thc Court House in LINCOLXTOX. on Tuesdav of Court ,vctk. thc 19TII OF OCTOBER, 1858,' all the heal Kstate of the said .In. nes T. Alexander, comprisinjj four Lots, Nos. 08 72 and 73, ia the town of Lincolnton, and the imp icil hot No. .5 upon which he row live. AU watei . our hundred A en of - ofLand situated upon the Ah tl N. u.r y. nnd C postage stamps enclosed to nv a ii- . , ;n inin-.i : i lioiile. routatnius over 50 iill bv .i ; urn mail. Sold i., Charlotte by F. SCARE k Co.. m1c Agent 1 bv Uaviland, Stcvcnsou S. to., i.narie.-iou, n un ! agent-. March 2, 1858. 7 in. i ind, I. settlement, or i:i ntliei band, s ::-it Will takt their Sotc i and Accounts i r collection. C. J- FOX. 1 I3R-VSS AND COMPOSITIOH D S 1 s - :u:1 prenaredto manufacture all kinds of work in the above Ii, f bune.. 1 ".' i':,r11 ' "V, . 'a of ,, ,,f those that have mills or fortortes, or anj ktaU "hi",,-, v thai needs composition of . lurab. btj for m.U inks that I have one ofmv own.;...:, 1 have nevci heard rfavth ngthat woW sland balfe.,al n. ... I will v . r am ihL t run iv years. There are some otva; n,ake thai have bee- mania? fifteen T22,;i 1 rould ruruih more than a hundred rcri.ficates ol , durabilily. iv! and ntdficons 1 will To Persons aeedtag Mill inks ano o""S else is right. JQ1IS y M..-;N'. June S. 1858. 1-',f . EI1 'J the o Belting rompany. Sll PRICES: at Manufacturer' .. 1 2 rts. per foot. lf" " 10 1 J 12 ..60 1 ! d to order at short SILVER PLATING, ! .. Seamless Kelts manufacture not ice. Conducting Ho .- of all sizes, for water o, . .iircvi iVii-.n the Manufacturer PackiBC of all description, at 55 Cents per pound. J. B. V. BUUXE I. 1858. ll im pres-M..SO, June And Cold, paired. I IT, THE IjIVKK I N V IW R A T 0 1! ! rKKivvKun nv ok saxkorp, romnftundi'd entirely from (ii ,IS, X. . . . . . T T1-.T 1 lloylc's Creek, three miles east ot ,t. 13 VALUABLE NEGROES, Mechanics and house-servants, together with his other personal effects, comprising llorses, Cattle. Hogs, Wa eons Buggv, Household and Kitchen Furniture, kc. The Negroes will he sold for cash: the terms of sale on other property wili he made known on the day of the sale. jf- v' All persons having Notes, liquidated Accounts, andaccounts due previous to the 5tU day of March, 1858 arc notified to file with mc the amount of said notes or accounts, stating the time when due and such "- -- l .t (M rnt'.tlr.t to. B. S. GUION, Trustee. Lincolnton, Sept 6. 1858. 'i:-0t SEGA US! SEGA RS ! ! fi evt Afffl GENUINE HAVANA SEGARS Ii 9,IPvV iust received, of the choicest i.rands. a superior article to any vcr hc.n-c hnmght .0 this mark, !. Also, a good lol of SMOKING & CHEWING- TOBACCO, at the Confectionery and VaMZnn tf i. D. PALMER. ') IIOTFX. 3 en ;.lvcr Brass and all kiwis oi mciai -,d, makers at a distance thai may wan . .. ii.il t. n the shortest lhelr wrt - , , hundred yards notice aad unshed, iht )iv,,niiU1 t north of the Conr Honse and nex . . x Wil-ou s coach shop. - Jane 8, 185fe Gun and Lock Smithing, ba i S OVE OK til IIKST Tl lO.MI'r. l .r. 'IVKS DOW before .he p-Mte. Una -is ;.' '. - SSttaT m , -.1 wSr..k-Wly in iii.W.-iaie dwea, will 'a X S ' "P r,1'"".,J- . The Liver Ss . f .be . l-rm.-:I WV2S1."L 2? "2 , , 1 .. 1,..,. t A! llCl lollll" ll- I'M..- ' w hMtllHIl UO-l , um tl... Miaen of tbfl HTStcn are .......i. jTiW , ' It 111 " ' All work in the above ? thc ,.:, ma & n-1"1 s 1 " . oi ,v .ll 51. SAW.'. 1858. 1-"1f rj 02 next to Overm: June f. T nf ff r i n Wl fSlUK undersigned having entered into Copartner 1 ship for the pno ot cary.ng on tin C0RFfiCTI0SEB, BIKERTi ITM1 Grocery Business, ,i ,i ii.iit 1 1 1 1 1 nf the citizens ot ( bar- leave to .' ..- . . Kew Stand on ad surn.u.im.if: v f , , ,, . between B veins na .Id Stand, where tnej ".....v. ... fa lui ..it oiuiiily aependeiM !'ir tin- mi oyer piwi Mumuli fatalt,eehowefa sy-ii-ni Mfthra in eoneeqaeaec havfac c iil t i aa. i.m- "!' the iir..;ii.-l". leeilnr of bmoo mn '") rherewilh m OMPOeroc. ,ln ii is lialile. , . go prove rh1 Ibis I . i,i, i ii!i Um Vmam-r- I, ,, in t ny h honle, owl Theoa BaBM reuioM- nil i. :n. siiri'l vinir in lhelr . fovfenraUng .'"'J- nrit"yliiK ' Io, Srboie i chine ry. reooovooj euTntllm ih .hmI core. 2 Billons nltaolis ere P better. tit ventert. ,.j Liver liivlK"1 ",or- I tneojeee aftei iiaiinjc is wrf-oi-'l lnrvi-ut ili" food nna iiilv one .,ie nfan tr..i iinlv'imi .oe Irtfci'" ol r s r-a ma i.il. ..... -I. .in..! l hi- if. 'I '71 1 a :.lir oMl hj oeihw o. the areufitofuncttena; benthe an- at fault. H'.'l Ihe wlmle ut' i. in' otKan the Uvrr for the ajoeoiiW of I ho, or lias maile il h tody, in R rears, iii On, rune iiit.iMy aaaj diaigeonenl wbien ot iat f-iiiii'I. n rerson trow- ntalnt, in ony of it- forao., FwivH.-tku Is cerjoia. CO ViocdM ..r ba l OUrr from pfoee oeoltby Ron of bite, -5 teniiloa food o diu. weU, tivioet iimm mom. heolth K the . the eaasi of t'ne diseas. j rareit, url. -vlin l the 0tCOton1 use wl tbe flcirnt to rettere thi' Ooooocb ri-.ii p end o, ii I-'- reiirl, g, reven Ktglat- The undersigned respectfully informs his friends an lhc .,ni,ic. th .1 he has leased this long established an ,reil-known HOTEL. nd will be prepared at all linn !..,,. .,!! erho mav faVOr hill, Wltl the U olWBliauiHit' . .H.rouage. lie returns bis tnanKS tor past nuora, hones to merit a continnance of the same. ThVOmnibus attached to thc Hotel will be at the Depot on the arrival of the several trains, to convey paiscagers to, he Tote! or any other part of the city. Ilia customers will be hrought to and sent Iron, the Hotel to Depot, free ofOmnibas charge. He wUl bepreiwredto receive and accommodate some t0 or35 members of the ensuing legislature wiih com rorUble Board, and with the assistance ot a competent rlerk. he hoj9 to give general satisfaction. Vctive and attentive servants will be employed to atund to the seen, --ASt'-BADf. i. ,..:.i. T iara 2G-4t IMIVIUII . 1 ,11 - BROVi NLOW'S PICTURE OF HIS AN TAGONIST. A rate issue oi" the Knoxrille Whig contains a long letter written in Philadelphia during the stay of the Parson in his recent discussion on slave ry, uid speaks out quite freely upon mutters and things in thc Quaker City. IIe says every paper in Philadelphia is anti-slavery, ana tnc.r re Doftcrs are Abolitionists and Black Repttblicans, with the exception ot vnemctii, who came iron, tne si,, .it 1 -in he has m, voice in snanint: ttte cnaiaeu i of rfnnvts to be rrablished. 1 . . . , 1 his competitor 11, the slay whiAh is nut vcrv coiunlii land preacher. It is done up in Brownlow's ov. n peculiar style, as tollows : Blr 1 ryne is staying ar tne same uolvi l u- the American, lie is a small, heavy built man, . (bout 36 years of age, and wears a ruflan It he pair of'vhiskers. He is not a -pretty speaker by any means, and has rather a feeble voice, which he , strains very much in speaking. His gestures are j awkward, rapid and violent, and are alike in season j and out of season, agreeing exactly with the ap- nlause of the negroes and white ruffians who clap I ' . . n 1 1 . . , 1 . dog now left the company, and wont to his com panion. On reaching bin,, he was observed to stand motionless, and at the end oi' ten seconds lei down- he never moved his limbs alter, and -rived only seven minutes. A fowl was thrown in and died in a minute and a quarter. And another died in the space of a minute and a half. a ho .w Bhnwnr of rain fell daring the time i. ,-ovt nfthoRP pvneriments were scm& forward, LIlill J ill . 1 , . , . . . .' . . . 1 . 1 : .1 , ,.,1 .f Ii r, nrnnn. CO ill s,n,i,og im- iinoiavn.i whlt'll, trolll tllC 1 lltcl CSl l,,g uiiiim; 01 - d. He draws a picture bf ment, was quite disregarded. On the opposite very discussion, Air Pryne, g;e '0f tne valley to that which was visited, lay a imentary to the New Eng- jmmaB skeleton." The head was resting on the n,.,-...,li.Mr'c iinn I ... mi . or . .ftli, ,i.,i..fliiv li nil l.hi'iidied ri'ht arm. inceuectu. mi wwm.. the bones as white as ivory. This was probably the remains ol some wretched rebel, hunted to wards the valley, who bad taken shelter there, un conscious ol' its character. lie is a man of only moderate talents. j0XKS- The following shows what is clone with bones in the city of New York. The same operations arc carried on upon an extensive scale in the vicinity of Boston: The price paid for bones varies according to , 11.. ;.. .. .., an v nun orate rale, its. . rn .:. ,. 1. ,ir in i,,(.u un' m.'it i into lor null. lie 1 .1 um" " j ' t quality. J Ulgn woiico 01 UU11UV1.U v. - and ordinary '.earning. He is bitter, unscrupulous, j ,an(iJes 0f tooth brushes, and are of the most value and unmitigated, in his abuse of the Southland is j n.;1!U. wnvti, K) or 12 cents apiece. The jaw bones i- ill. .1... ..l....,v ilii.liniiiirv if A l-knlitirmisni. 1 1 . .... 1 . ..11 f,,. SI X nnr thonsitMlfl. 'I he laminar wun mv ........ t. ; raua ne.t, a,m -en w r-' . lie has bee, in my room frequently, but 1 have i.,,.,- hones which are thrown from thc family never been to his. ' He is a kind of man who will j Ic, sell for 50 cents per bushel. A Mr Green, board in the upper story of a hotel, and do without jn ycw York, pays $1W per day for bones, and as light, whe re board is cheap. He makes the tuere arc maDy in that city engaged in tho busi acquafutance of free negroes, and low-down Aboli- ness wp0 pay Ru equal amount. Ox bonis are tiouists. with facility, and I as often see him in wortn Q per tun. On the arrival of thc bones conversation with negroes as white men. Gerrit ; ftt ,jic factgry, the thigh and jaw bones are sawed ... -.1. ...,,.i ;.. inn-til tnn millions, is said to have a i . ,i...: !,.- nmnril nf the marrow. '1 hcv oinixn, it in' .a I'.'a" ' t j so as lo iiiiiinii i-i ii'vi - hiU-of-mle of the man, and I presume defrays his , arJ tufin thrown into a vast cauldron, and boiled expenses, while he labors in the "cause of human nntij aU tne marrow and fatty substances attached liberty. i to them arc thoroughly extracted. The fat is then Tnl BRACKS on Browxi.OW. As far as we skimmed off and placed in coolers, and the bones know nothing has come of the Pryne and Brown- j are deposited in heaps for assortment. The thigh low discussion in Philadelphia, save the passage of hemes are placed in one heap for the turners; the sundry resolutions by a large meeting of negroes, , jaws iU1d other bones suitable for buttons are thankin"' 31r Pryne for his efforts, and using harsh placed in a second pile; the bones suitable for .'.. ua"e with reference to his antagonist. '-bone black" come third, and the remainder arc ea-- ' oroutid up for phosphates and manures. Bone iv,r-itnes. contain seventy-five nor cent (by weight ) ' Pi..i. :K ,,..,.1 i,v u-rar refiners, and is worth '1 and turnips no less than ninety per ceni oi water. j Dissolution. The Finn of YOUNG & WILLIAMS is tins day d,s olvedby mutual ronsent. The accounts ot the Firm i-tll he settled bv lb 1. lUiams. Charlotte. Aug. 18, 1858. W. A. YOCNC.. H. 15. WILLIAMS. 3-tf , ri. and turnips no less man ninety pci ui aiw. an(J ;., cents pcr nouiul. Stuarts reunerj paya beefsteak, though pressed between blotting 40 fjfjo annually for this article, and each of the paper, yields nearly lour-niins 01 us weiun 01 , omer ten refineries pay nearly Hie same amount, water.' Of thc human frame, bones included, only j jr (;rf.(.n realizes about 810,(100 per annum from about one-fourth is solid matter (chiefly carbon L proJuccd by boiie-boiling. :,nd nitrogen:) the rest is water. If a man weighing ; This proved a fearful calculation, for no sooner wtis the still inflated body relieved from the Weight of thc ear than it shot into the air with the sud denness of a rocket, taking Mr Thurston along with it, seated upon the valve of the balloon, and holding OH to the collapsed silk Of the air-:-hip in that portion of its bulk ! In trris helpless ntttdv. tion the ill-fated man sped straight IhtO the sky in the full sight of his companions, even nlOrc b lp less than himself. So far as is known, there worn no possible means for him to srjeure his descent, whether safe or otherwise, 'ihe part of the bal loon filled with gas was full twelve feet above b'm, so that there was no chance for bin, to cut its sides and allow the gas to escape. lie could nly cling to his precarious hold and go whithersoever the ...ii-.-niits of :iir should take him. "Without regulation or control of liny kind the balloon continued to mount upward, sailing off in the direction oi this city and Lake Krio. '1 be I'al.d ascension took place about 11 o'clock, and a tew minutes past ,100,, it was seen in the low, , of J'.liss- fitdd, in Lcawee county, apparently mil truce miles high, and about the size of a star in appear anco. It wtis still going up and on. At a Uirt r past 1 o'clock it was la.-t dimly visible going in tho direction of Maiden, as ascertained by oouipaSH bearings taken by parties observing it What is his exact fate bailies conjecture; but that it is horrible, ahm-st beyond j ice d, ut, there can be no doubt. There is not one chance in a million for asucces-iul escape. AVIu lhcr t'.c un fortunate man was carried up so high as to become benumbed and senseless, death ensuing, or wheth er he fell off at length iron, his tremendous atti tude, to have his breath sucked from bim ill his fearful descent, and to be sunk in the Lake or dashed into a shapeless mass 11,10,, the earth, it is ... 1 ... Ml I . ... 'IT. . doubtf ul if any save lioti Win ever khow. w mind stands appalled in e .nten, plating this fearful disaster, and blindly gropes in mazes of WOndor. at where his place of sepulchre shall be. Mr Thurston was an experienced balloouint, having built several, and this being his tlarty seventh ascension. He was formerly a aident in the vicinity of Lina and Rochester, in Western .New Vork, but has latterly resided in Adrian, where he ws extensively engaged in basillttss as a nurseryman. He was a widower, having lost his wife last winter. He leaves an interesting daugh ter, about 17 years of age, to mourn her father's unknown, terrible fate. DETROIT. Sept. 21. The balloon which carried off "Mr Thurston, came down, it has been ascertain- ed, the same dayt on Baptist i roer, uaunqa iwt. nv. f.n tMfl worn fill i ?1 shdl't tilllC bCfllWC. H M i nuiotuu o". - body is supposed to be in the marshes near the ike r . iioavsmith Ob'TDONT... A traveling London ! rj'-In Northanrpton county, ' , niarrlago MANSION HOUSE. UNDER NEW AUSPICES. Th reel 1 r- A .t.ih :( h,,int Iin-: is commodious and magninceni ciii. ---.th come undei the personal survision of the subscriber, who respectfully announces to n,s menus 5 the traveling public especially, that every effort will be made on his pari to please in every particalai appertaining to the duties of "mi- host. Charlotte, August 24, 1858. Carolina Female College. i,i..lri.,l .-ind fortv nounds wassoueezed flat i ,i nun - . i i under a hydraulic press, one hundred and five ; vtSlthe following incident, among others, to j resl)ectab!e circles is about to be COtSSUmflted, at . i c ,..,t..i- wntihl run out. and on IV thlltv-hve ! J '. , . i .... l ..... C i"'Rl . . . ., . 1 uauus M. i a circle ot aaiumng menus, on m i ibiiuu nuu, . I 1 1 1 II 1 1 i . , 1111. IV. 1" V, j III. ,.fiis the li wrls- EC I ., i " " .... till lii H .1 HI oy 5 ie-..c k jz ruv Fill KCsion ef this Institution win ncgiu un OH. i.il . , ; , the Mth of OCTU5ilt; a, m, ""J " - ,oped, we shall havca full rcpresentatfon rrom a.n.. nt parts of Ihe snrronnding country. ... . . , , 1. mninif llt'lllS. Tiiitvm and Board, inciuaing hm..; -"- ...w. nfiln riwidiie remain i :: n . i- 1 cheniically Rpeatting, twrxy-nve its o: caru-.m anu , rrkrogen diffused through six buckets of water. Ik-radius, indeed, in recording the fact, justly remarks that the. living organism is to be regarded ; as a mass diffused in water;" and Ualton, by a eatea ofex peri meat tri.-.l on hie own pww, l.d j that of the food with which we aaiiy repair iu water-built fabric, live-sixths arc also water. Scientific A mericim. nieriea : "1 was diuin' aboard a first class steamboat on the Hoeigho river. The gentleman next, .ne, on mv right, was a Southerner, and the gentleman on l.ilt u- Northerner. Weil, tliey gets into kind of discussion on the haot.i.htion question, aU fit h.tte an r Street s,.,-,ii k Oaniel's ol i lmia to M-c -.11 their friends anil a. naintanees. UOODV ,v MSB.. .:-tf January 25, 1858. Dissolution. JL'..'- ass the tiuMiu-ssuf the B- 5BBCKWITni - nnrtWP I IV OTIE. ATUCG h,mglnthe.-ntirestee.o JEWELRY, U.f , stund. where I .. tin- linsii ie- shall eon,,,..,- ... . , ,,ul castomer. wiH be pleaseil to see mj fjCKW tf i i.iu Jm. iHkt-Ti oflof fj-ii-i - itooe of too ICO 2. Sl !i llortrlnrho. i inr kolol ! fur fc - con-f of tlie lJf". ' i inlvmie i,iwi- inimi'ilioTi 1) Uojooteot oficn repeoiod 01 1 Mub , '", prevMilivr I C"Only oie oollM! i umoi ilir oflrrto i r in-'li-BjrDiie honls iiikcn t.-r , loootoj or HIHIQI ol color q i i :c dooe taken ohorl p,r in too oofMiitr, oaoloBote t2 On iii oflm ri-peotcil ZJ rlin-n la ' rroro. rormo. Howfl ccwnpUirns yW 03 Oow or two oooeii emra at SJ elnl-liro: ihorr : M Mirer. .2 the oioiH, :i- it mm fn&. . ri" A fcrr botllea com OttMKVOotai Wa tiit- oteoonrc ro reeaM provmliro Im Fi-vi-i-ni',1 -c an-1 all Krvt rs of Uil- wiih taitafcay. and ihootoiorf oraaolarnu rittac for S76 00 per ae- obotrmrHooi rfaotrraa I . ii i ei :rn c.n he r A ma 1 male 11, n . . i : - -. , i.ilA iriim - . ' a Miie i-mr fr 4 liolc-rn n! ('iKllt't'M. nrtfrd to 111 row nut nf ,l:e due iilu-r n MMU .v;i knrm. iliiuni.lri' removes uli sul rrooa il..- -kin. liaoo barer rot log p-.ves - lii.nl i!ii:--t i ll. , ( liriuilr IJini hn S II m vu e r imJ hr" loa 1.- com J n orau in .nit--, or ioci rfirf itaaprlT in the SO c facl and attention of servant In Elementary Department, f3 50 per Session. Ornmenti.l Branches, extra, bl at mode, ate prices- , reasonable effort will be left unemployed to p fall satiafaetioii to our Patrons. ,VALSH; P8't. Aug. '-'j. 1358. 2m-pd Ovr.iicx-. br excitiiii mtmlirs ,M mcl'Snc a ft x -itc. CM11 Fever, x loau Tv . U nperores -on ariolloaj o teMiiv to n iW immmm, June 10, 1S58. II I T 1 1 . June 15, 188- Notice. r. :irt Those imttrctied had Ut- JAVaS CCST. BOOXfi k CO. . a . , . 1 ' , , XI." ( III Our 'Th 111 ' Those mterr.t W. A. COCK tor co,ix: - cogl ter pay UP jon.-.icnn, j BOOSh wonueriui wuji-i-. , S Ml M nir It nrr Klviis tlx lr loiaii.mou -C lintl amy in ,1. favor. aar Mix Water lr tlie toiitn -wjta Uae larri CO goi'alur, ami swaliow both ,ni;,,ii i. C THE LIVER INVIGORATOR C. -x w v ariKSTiFie jtEtwcai. imucdvurt, n an 3 T Mrkaat cajroa, araoaat o icreal f LeUere. M. .f Jt- mS bout is repaired 10 cure any ki.nl ol Liver ...,a...., 1 from Cue wo.st !taoarfe or lri-r- to a c..n,m..n fW'- . all of which are the reaa of a ll-ns--I latranT. rnii-E one nrlr rr.it buttle. T SAXFORD i Co.. rroprietore, .143 BnaJaaj, New Voik. g Wliolrsale Afjr-nts: OX r.r. V Park New Vork : T. W. Otott i ffWa O, ,i,"v ,"" Co.. Uo-ton: II H- ., v Co.. IWia.irt Holla il brill lin.-ifts- SobJ.'raf ft J. M. SANDERS, rxET JIAKBR, CHARLOTTE, N- '.. keeps Jtantlv on hand a large assortment of purmtur hi-own and Northern manufactnre. ai so, FI8KS MBTALIC BURIAL GASES. Dee. . 1837. ?;,"lv Ifl E CKL E iB U R BOMBS. Seven per cent per ansisssn. These Bonds are nndoubtedlV the safest investment that can he made, and are really preferable to any .si,ie Bonds. I tu eonntr r-nnnot repudiate. They near seven per cent interest payable sraii-annuaHy, with Coupons fo the samti they art? qf the denomination of 5100, whn h wll" make thera more ,-urrent ami useful for doineatic j .mriiost-s. The eoupoaa will prove a conve.nent t Medium for paving county taxes. Tne citin ot the i o.untv Bhoald possess them, and they are now offered to hi cm Proposals left at eitlier Bank in Charlotte or vith Cant. John Walker will receive prompt attention, j ' H. . CCION. i Sep! 18, 1858. Pres't. W.. 0. R. Railroad Co. U. W. TAYLOR, pitorniETon .r the OCEAN HOUSE, prepared l supply tho pnWw, and ospccially tftc Western part ofhe State, with Fish & Oysters Kt short notice and on the most reasonable terws At the ( roan UouM he is rea-ty to a .-commodate vis.-t,n-s with Ihe best oi fare. Leaufort. sept. 27. ISS in-pu least the preliminaries hve been arranged Ul tliat vicinity, which is ratlicr unique or rather the courtship and incidents, which is about to termin ate in a matriinoui.il alliance, dm s not happen aronrcMr in.this heat tit leiust. Both parties lutve 8 i ..tt.,,, ,1 tl,ii :i"i! of three score VCaTfl i.ud have not seen each other for at least thirty year. 7 was courted by the gentleman wben she was a blooming young giri :i long, time ago and was re- a i-a. .. a 1 . . I ..... - 1 rft i Tll'l W Il I ' , . , .1 a , . -ii I ceted. Since time Time uom in o aray, n i a am, said the Southerner w,ll you , (.lllhcn to hc grown. '1 he one ,s a have the goodness to lean back in your chair : ; rcgident of Ae Sunny South, and the other of thc 'With the greatest pleasure said L n,t know- j dominion. All their courtship haa been ear in' what was eomin'. hen what does my nth correspondence. After such a long mail do i.ut wn.ps .h a w ... . :ix,r.n rir;n ,vv, eh t me thov have i- .tn nassci i , .,,,,1 Jim.,- mv loft-and neighbor dead. Jut , -: - ; Rft ihn,. nm iiiii'i vi. - - - - , , . tvViAii Mime 'isrn words hariz " 'Please to ictract, sir,' said the Southerner. '"Won't do it,' said the Northerner. lu.nii, .in ' -' j -- . , , : rniougw many scenes aim l ining.: u, , i -j that wasn't hall! for the buUet, coinin out ot the , o 1I1(.ct-,.1.,in and tllose w10 l()Ved in youth ' i n-rn t,. Lo tiititetl in ,ho hnlv bonds of lii.'l t riflloll V. , I - 1 a. - t ... .1 . 1. .ti.w. itnW ladv in the side. U1II.MU..' . , - 7 111 -The cabin pa.-.sen-crs set right to work and lynch- , l 1 ' r 3 l . . . taa ..n HI 1. I t i : ' : I I v I I 'ill ed liitii. iney uug no n --r tiiimle. wounded a I ' ,, , iv ' " -BO mmm-mm j -1 tered an 'on iiie stream. I tin-marriage knot to he tied the brat time they Tun my word, ma am, tuu w . .m..u ., ; mget. j,ur(.Y thirty years, timehas wrought some 'you needn't make so much noise ahout it, ior 1 did j ange. UI)j f wicn thc bctrothod meet to solenin it by mistake.' " 70 c mnrnaprc vow, if either one of thc parties ' And was justice done the murderer .' asked a Qnti desire to break the iUinu- it is a question horrified li-tem r. ! whc.thcr it would be a breach of promise or not. . ii- . . .1.. .I,...- ... ..,1 .mi " anawArnd Miss : i l : nsiaii , ui .ii i...iv..", iv-nriiEn l,u..),!F. Across thc MissiseiiTL in the amp eiiains, rigni - r . , Z . V , iv. 1....... r....... .ii SI fori, I mM llitit tlie hivirthodi,.,,' table, and thfu suited the ties- rr.wu "!u , ' V, i- f . ..ih-d mv h im- ' .Minneapolis anu i.euar , aiirj iwunwn , "nio, sett But, for my part, it finite .-pom d m3 hap 1, the t.r(,;t;,m ofa hridgc across tho li(-'tltu- Migsitigippi, at Kort Snelling, which, wlu ii iinished, Tones came home 'glorious,' and took it into will be one of the longest and finest structures ou CJx Uy I cold soup, the regains of the American continent, and probably , the worhl S !Ei before be went to Led.1 His wife heard J - , JwofoM htWitS; " ' -IcVhty Vt- centre - cUre of the piers I?!! uLVtVin - i, it S around ' Loser MILLINERY And lies lakiatff. - .1 . 3. t- tv 1 1 1 t iv MaTwtfu11v informs tlie ia,ui PAPER MIX!-. will have an eleviitim, of gra.le twelve feet higher at one end than at the othT. T ) Take Tn k ot t of Li nkx. Editors and clerks - . . . i i .ttr- and vii-initv. that she Ms rcmrne... F. SCAKK &c CO. Ml oVers her service to her old customers nn friends t Hesi.'.cncc one door above the Past Cilice. ' Jiiiie 3-i, 16j7. of 'y. l ii'T'I I"lI 1 I t.lt- li'lllOl. ., iv-' a- 1 , I 1 1 i 1 TV I. lHlV'ti"'a.J. ...... a o . 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 T The subscriber, are eagaged in m.a.i.mciu.ms ; " , - r.i.,,ro that to take a niece of : The weight of one million 01 dollars pi tne i m- i Mnd. of Priming and wrapping Kaner in uiuom - Wlndp the spotted part of the linen ted States currency in goH pr3J50 troy ounces." reetrant stdicited. Addre-, the under- into thcnf Ited tallow, the line may be washed : Th'us maten 4H9 .umla oun.r nearly two .i ! t Ltoentntonj N. C. the Spot will disappear without injuring the , tons and a iarter, reckoning 2000 pound, only to 1 , 7 -M , linen.-- . rj I Sept. 23, 1858. -frfm- ... March t, 1?56. 23-tf Aug- 24.183. ial .