m t h 1 1 r n mtiiirraf !! 1 '1 A1 PIT O IT" F I O H! ON THE T SIDE OF TRADE STRRKT CITAR ACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER. I - PX ailllllUl W IN ADVANCE mWXk Jo Editor ash Pmrirro. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1858. SEVENTH VOLUMENUMBER 332. S. P. SMITH, literacy ad Counsellor at Law mm Y ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THE OfPICE .VS. f Win. JobnMow, Esq. i f Proinpl attention given to Collections, writing f,f J . I "on veyance J. c. J:umry -'. I5S. ly W. A. OWENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE. N. C. 'II-Ij practice in tlx- Oourta oft his and Ike adjoiu- ilt ' I 'lillll oFFrCE Kiti.Y orroeifa the Post Okfick. 1 Lir. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Lai', Charlotte, .Y. C. Office over China Hall. Aii.'M-t ll.l 358. y ROBERT Ml). 1105 Acres of Land FOR SALE. The subscriber, riding about four miles south of I.in.olnton. on Indian Creek, offers for sale his valua ble PLANTATION, containing abbot six hundred ami thirty acres. 223 of winch is cleared, abont 60 acres of bottom land and meadow of first rate qnaiity. Th re is a new and commodious Dwelling House and all ne cessary out-booses. Also, a firei rate improved water1 privilege with a good Saw Mill upon it. together with two unimprbted Skoals. '1 lie creek affords, water enough f ir almost any purpose. The said Land lies on the road leadintr from Lincoln ton t York V tile, and w ithin one mile of the Wilming ton. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Also, four hundred and sixty-five acres of timbered Land, adjoining the above, will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Refer to ('. C. Henderson or John F. Hoke. A P CANSLER. September 7. i 8".8. 3m-pd. VALUABLE LANDS AND IRON PROPERTY FOR SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by Geo. Mostcller. I will sell at public sale on Friday the fifth day ol November next, on the premises, his undivided third part of 4rt;0 acres of Land, known as the Reho both or Brevard Furnace. 8 miles east of Lincolntoii, directly on the Lincolnton and Charlotte Plank Road, with a first rate Gf9t and Saw Mill, Forge, Mast Fur nace and cupola: four Dwelling Houses and necessary nut-buildings, the best Barn and Negro Houses that can be found in the country. Also, his interest in the Iron Ore Bank. The water power is good and abun dant, and everything in good working order. The meadow and farming Lands on the place are equal if not superior to any in the county on the same sized tract. The payments can be arranged on accommodating terms, which will be made known on the dav of sale. O. C. HENDERSON. Trustee. Lincolnton. Oct 4, 1858 29--U Dissolution. -1 TIE DIC Vl SITRCER1T, Office No. 5, Granite Row, CHARLOTTE, S. C. Fcbruarj I!, lo.3. Mils. FOX A: WHITE, Medicine and Srgerjf. - Ofkh k up Stairs iu Sir:ii;s' Building. I J. FtlX, M. I . IV. K. WHITE, M. D. Airil ::. I85K. 3-tf LI. NOTICE. those indebted to the subscriber will make ini- Hm Firm of YOUNG & WILLIAMS is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The accounts of the Firm will be settled bv 11. B. Williams. W. A. YOUNG, H. B. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Aog. !, 18."8. 2:;-tf MANSION HOUSE UNDER NEW AUSPICES Tkia cutaiubdfoos and magnilicent establishment has recently come under the personal supervision of the subscriber, who respectfully announces to his friend and the traveling public especially, that every elioit will lie made on his part So jdease in every particular appertaining to the duties of "mine host." W. W. ELMS. Charlotte. Angus! 24. 1fl;,S. Dried Fruit Wanted. We want to purchase 2000 bushels of DRIED FRUIT, fur which we will pay the highest market price. MOODY & NISBET. Oct. 12. 1858. lm. NOTICE Is hereby given that we have placed our Notes and Ac i counts in the hands ol HUTCHISON ic BROWN for cul j lection. Thf.e indebted will please settle immediately J and sure cost. HUGGINS fc HARTY. October 12. 18."8 30-3t .. It' settlement, or their Notes and Accounts a ill be pl.n ed iu other hands for collection. April .:. IS.-.S. .t-if C. J. FOX. BRASS AND COMPOSITION CASTINGS. I am prepared to manufacture all kinds of w ork in the V line of lnisincts. 1 would call particular attcn n .t those that have mills ,,r factories, or any kind of Machinery that needs composition of durability for mill ink- thai 1 have one of my own. and 1 have never heard i t any thing that would stand half equal to it. I w ill u.trranl them to run live years. There are some of my .. thai have been running fifteen and twenty years. I could tiiitiidi more than a hundred certificates of its durability. To IVr-ons needing Mill Inks and gudgeons I will furnish the set for ei&ht dollars. Try them and save irselves the trouble of stopping your mill when all else i i right . JOHN M. MASON. Jane , l8:.x. l-'-tf SILVER I'l UIMi. And Gold. Silver. Brass and all kinds of metal work re paired. Coach makers at a distance that may wan! their work done, may have it attended to iu the shortest notice and limbed in the best style one hundred yards I I mIi ef the Court House and next door to Overman A Wilson's coach shop. JOHN M. MASON. .hi tie S. MB6 12-tf Gun and Lock Smithing, VII work in the above business, except stocking, v. ill be tnafly attended to and finished in the best mannei of workmanship, at my shop north rf the court house, next to Overman k Wilson's coach shop. JOHN M. MASON. June s, lsr.8. 12-tf tqvrar 5TkM JLvJu .V X o.i(uiJ rilllE undersigned having entered into Copartner B. -hip for the purpose of carving on the CGKFECTHMEBI, BAKKHY, FK11T AM BKT.V1I. Grocery Business, lleg leave to call the attention of the citizens of Char i Hi and -ui rounding couutry to their New Stand on ilc Strut, between litem's and Frankent hull's, at Spratl t IHiiiiel's old Stand, where they would be plea i d to see all their friend.- and acquaintances. MOODY SISBET. ! Januurv 2.". ls."s;. :::-tt I Good Family Flour. I WILL keep n supplv of my best Flour at the Store of H. B. WILLIAMS & CO., where those desirous can obtain it at any time. FOR CASH. J. B. STEWART. Charlotte. .Line 15, 1858. tf Bolts! Belts!! Belts!!! f.VKoM the best licltitiir Company, at Manufacturer's prices: CASH PRICES: 2 inch 121 cts. per foot. 2 " 15" " 17 u " 4 .. ...22 " " 5 27 u " 6 .J2 " " 7 ' :'.s " 10 CO u " 12 " . 7 2 ' : ' 1 12 4 ply S3 u BfiS,,, Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short notice. Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pres sure, ordered direct from the Manufacturers. ALSO. Backing of all description, at 55 Cents per pound. J. Ii. F. BOONE. June 1. 1S58. tf DR. J, M. MILLER, Jkm BVK6S Charlotte, N. C. Office opposite Kkrr's Hotel. Sept. 21, 1858. 3jtn-pd. FISHER t BURROUGHS. Ct lrstfrfl 3)rmorrat. CHARLOTTE, X. C. From the Washii'ton (A. C.) Lii--pateh. CONTENTED JOHN. One honest John Tonikins. a hcd;er and ditcher, Although he was poor, didn't want to be richer For all such vain wishes to him were prevented, By a fortunate habit of being coutented. Though cold was the weather, or dear was the food, John never was found in a mnrnicring; mood; For this he was constantly heard to declare What he could not prevent, he would cheerfully bear. "For why should I grumble and manner," he said, If I cannot, get meat, I can surely got bread; And tho' fretting may make my calamities deeper, It never can cause bread and cheese to be cheaper." Tf John was afflicted with sickness and pain, He wished himself "better," but did not complain, Nor lie down to fret in despondence and sorrow, But said, that he "hoped to be better to-morrow." If any one wronged hi in, or treated him ill, Why, .John was good natured and sociable still; For he said that "revenging the injury done, Would be making two rogues, when there need be but one." And this honest John, tho' his station was humble, ; Passed through this sad world without even a grumble. And I wish that some folks who are greater and richer, i Woule copy John Tomkins, the hedger and ditcher. Wysocking, Sept. 24. Nathan, Esq. Ii YINO opened a large and attractive Stock of PETER MALLETT D. COLDEN MURRAY, 6nural Commission Ifltrtlmnt, 62 South street, NE YvYORK. June 2f. ir5.S v Dissolution. npiIE Fir f UKCKWITl! .v. BRITTAIN was this B dav dissolved by mutual consent. All persons '.ted to said tirni arc Mqucsted to come forward im '.,' and make payment either by Cash or Note, as the business of the Firm must be closed. K. W. BECKWITII, June 10, 1858. W. J. BRITTAIN. NOTICE. HAYINC. hunubl the entire stock of WATCHES. JEWELRY, &C, ot Becknith ft Bnttain, I shall continue the Basinea at their old Stand, where I will be pleased to see mv old friend- and customers. II. W. BECKAVITIl. CAROLINA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Bailroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose pf doing a Forwarding & General Commission Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent if MURRAY'S LINE OF FIRST CLASS PACKETS to this and Morchead city, every effort will be made to make thi the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Yessels will he loaded and discharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Bailroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. B. CHANT. All shipments of Produce to I. Colden Murray. Sew York, will be forwa riled free of comini.-ioii. .In ne 1:k l."9 y TfllE LIVnit I WHJOIt iiOii! rKEFAEKD BY IK SA.NKOKI, rj Compounded entirely from Cit.lIS, X S oK OF T1IK BEST PCKOATIVR AM) I.IVKR MB s J niOIXKS now beSbre rbd pnMtc, IhM rts tutkmtie, j C" lanlai nuiiirr Willi iffii lnilttnin-.h p "- ' ' It i mat oat ' Cithin Ur, but a Lie r remedy, aciii.j; first on the C. l.im to Hrct its toorMd matter, tlien on the st.inrli end li.iweU I tf mi , 0fl that matter, ill"" ill I HlhTlU! tiro pntfnm rttectu- at! witlwt lTof the rminful feelings en.iH,ced iu the optr- ,, tioiis of miwi Citih iiti .. Ii Miem.-tl.ons the system at the K"iie time th:il ii purK.s it ; "ii'l hi n t.ikeu laily in modei'Me UCie. - vill MrcMttnen and Bulla it up wan mhwm June 15. I8."8. tf C O Notice. Our XOTES and ACCtH NTS are iu the'hands of W. A. COOK for collection. Those imtemtftl bad bet ter nav un fortktcith. if thev wish to SAVE COST. BOONE k VO. Ang. l. 1,5S. J. v. ESTBS. 2.:-tf TiioMAS Oct. K A I FENBEIU .5. .. KSTKS A: CO., Fdctors and Ct mm Us ion Merchants, for tin- sale of Cotton, (iraiu. Flour, and all kinds of country Produce. Office North Atlantic Wiiauvks, Charleston, S. C A. , i.riling to the terms of the Co-partnership, we II inn spKci'LATB, directly or indirectly, in nnj Pro duce shipped to our house. Krfrrenrra: tl Mills. S S Farrar. Bros k Co. Lanneau. SsnitL k Whilden. Thos J tic H Moise. Charleston, S. '.: ColR Anderson, K Hope. Columbia: Thos Medure, . Samuel McLilly, N R Eaves. A Q Oonovant, Chester; d I" Scaife, L'nion; lr. lLippoldt, Sali.-hury, N. ('.. J L Dixon, KnoxvUle, Tenia. Line I, IrO.S V Tailoring Kstablilnneiit. L. ptKA respectfully infomm . the public that lie is now pre pared to execute ub.-tan!i:illy and with neatness, any work iu his line with which he may be favored. He is iu possession of the LATEST FASHIONS, and feels confident that it only requires n trial to convince gentlemen that he has the will and ability to please. GtVC him a call. 77-tf Prints. A splendid assortment of Preueh, English and American l'rtnts. S3 cz o 1 h-t. 7. 1857. C 4 cz i a c CI human Uly ; and wlicn ii the BOWCfl ol llie vvalcu an in a.n: entitrly MpMMl Lii c for lhe BMMt ertoiiii NMMl isttt (anlt.tliebowfU ftystem snfters in CQlMinM hftviiiK MM to 1o it iltit v . pan. one f th WHpl tnnl piaciue of MM than twtrnty ( wherewith o coui.ieiaci Ike it is liable. To prove that this remedy is bled with Liver C'om hm hut to fy a btle. and, Thee (inM remove all Mn 3 -tem. f:ippl lag in iheir in ijcMtHtiiin lhe nfiuaeh. purlfytiiu tlit IIomI. mhnle machinery, removing flbctinfl a ralical etiie. Bilious attack mn bfttfr, prcvciiteel, hy Uvcr luvtorator. One WMM altf i ratfns ! siif and pt event lhe ' - I from ; Only o:ie doe tukeit he'ute iiiai-e. Only oite doe taken at gently, aid cures Cos- Ore dose Takni after earh I ih iti.f ..r two tea U k M . i l.i lit . One bon ie imkoii for fe CflflM f the disease, and i inly one tMMe iinmetliairl One m)mu ol":en repealed W Morbus, and a preventive' flfcjr omy CMC U'iile ts . ayiei the effees of ntedi ' Cggf One Unile taken for lownehs or unim: tiral color One dote taken a hrt gor to the appetite. MM n:.ke '. Ore dose oftcii repeated rhira in it w irst foitn. ; Ilotvel eoniidaints ield One or two flMCI cores at ChilUreti : thete in no surer, the vcvM, as it mwrr fnl. ( A few botttM curef b.'. Inula. We take plcamrc in recom : preventive for FfTf r and and all Kcvirs -i a Bll with eertaintv. :tnd thouad e 15 r!incip;ll rrcul.TfniR of llie HrlHM it futltan wrll, rait; deTdopcA. 'I he"w"i-A on lha liciililiT Ht'iicu of i lie nn'eut itsftiMCtiaM; wbrtitbt me mi ImuIi. Hiid llie wlnle 1.1 one orpHii ihc 11 vc I Kor llM iliReftst-i. ('I llint or hxs nimie it his Miiily. in jeurs, to lind mhii remedy mWMJ ilciaiigemcnt to which At I;vsr found, miy person troo plnlllt, in nnj i's fors, tonvietion it. ceoain. morbid or lul ptatter from place a liealihy flow of bile, cauMiifr lood to direM well. pi in lone and hcul'.h To lha lhe caiie of the d. sea.se 73 0 rnred, anil, the occasional xtft ol the foient to relieve llie stomach risioyr ami souring, retiring, pieiei i A'lglil" n'cht. loosens the bowel V -1iv o s. nnt I nel will core Dyspt-)sln cawfnla w IU ! ieiite male obstruction remo e the makes a perfect cine. leliiM r- t'lloilr. while a sure doe !-i t lion l a of Cholera. needed to throw- out of the cine after a Ion? sickness. lnUMtlrc removea all sal from lhe skin. lime Vefore eatine pives m lod diRlsl w ell. niei fturonle Dim while Summer and almos-t M lhe Inst die. ta.-ks cmM by Worms in fer, or speedier remedy in 09 'XI WS ft 3 Uropsy, by exrfHaf the z meniiii'K this medicine as a Ague, t'lilll Ffrer, I., lis TT". operate" aie willing fb testify to lis 3 a T. II. BR KM & CO. . le-r! :i vi i I:: All vilio use It axe KvliiB their uiianlmouf testimony In lt favor. -Mlx W ater in th- month with the Invl- , gorntor. and swallow both lo tht r. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR rs noiniiTinc ikii ai. nnwnutv, and My mrkiaj cares, almost too (treat to believe. hnaia si marie "r-a thr .- rfo 9.ri' '. '"J SlrtSlt one bottle i reunited to care iny kind of Liter I ''"'I;'""'' from lhe worst J(,a,..v-e or iynrptm lo a common Heusie, all or which are the resell of a Diseased UIW. TRICK 0. BOLI K TtK IOTTLT-. w SANFORD 4 Co., Proprietora, 545 Broadway. Xe York. aa iKilesale Ajcentst !..H. lVl'AHK.t incirmali.: ViiSVIS raSToctr. l-".".-.. :;MjlSC lMtimon. Aad t.l .iR'.l II. IV F. Tarn. I . -- retailed br all llrnfirit. ' ' T F. SCAHR cv CO I'.otland It irl'.d .. St. Ixuis ; 3 iu the Corner Storq recently occupied by L. S. Williams. INVITE .v'i ii:n i iN,.)irinl solifit an i-Xiiitiimition of their Dress Good?, Embroideries. liiivls, Cloaks, am! Carpetings, which they have in great variety. Hlttulitts, Ulanlitts. Fine Bed and Negro Blankets: also Kerseys and Flatus tor Plantation use, will be found cheap in price at FISHER n BURROUGHS'. Sewins Machines. Having been convinced that the public required a Machine competent to do ail kinds of family .Sewing at a price within t!ie reach of every family, we take pleasure in sayi g that we have now produced one which has been pronounced by competent judge? as the very best machine in market for the price. For simplicity of construction, durability, and the neatness with which it performs its work, it cannot fail to give satisfaction. We respectfully invite you to call and examine them. FISHER BURROUGHS. Shelf Hardware in all its varieties. Also. Anvils Bellowses, Vices, Axles and Springs, Iron and Steel, together with a full supply of Faints, Oils, and Varnish, &c. &:., etc., constantly on ham! and for sale at prices, hy FISHER o: BURROUGHS. Agricultural Implements. Coro-Shcllers, Straw-Cutters, Corn and Cob .Mills. Grit Mills. Flows, Cnitiv itors, kc, by FISH Eli .ie BURROUGHS. SHUT MACS IftGS. The subscribers have on band a supply of these Su perior Machines, which they are offering at low prices j for Cash. -Warranted to give satisfaction or no sale. Also, a full assortment of genuine Anrhor Brand Halting ('foth. by FISHER & BURROUGHS. Sept. 2. l?."i. 3m E. C. ELMS. Accountant, Copyist atnl Collector, Charlotte, N. C. Bills and difficult accounts correctly made out, and claims promptly collected. Sept. 28, 1858. 2S-3m. MILLINERY And Dress Making. A f US WHEALAN respectfully informs the ladies of l-Charlotte and vicinity, that she has returned, and j offers her service.' to her old customers and mends. Residence one door above the Post Ofhce. June 30. 18;T. II. W. WWW WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CONCORD, N. C Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. September 14, ISoR J (IAS W0KKS. The subscribers respectfully inform the public that thev are prepared to erect Cas Works for lighting cities, towns, villages, colleges und large, hotel. They have erected works in Charlotte and Raleigh, X. C , which have given entir? satisfaction to the citizen? of those place. As lb qnnliicatlun, ability and proteptuess in fulfilling contracts entered into by them, they refer to the billow ing gentlemen : James II. C..r.cn, President of Charlotte Gas Work com pany. Charlotte. X. C. Wm. Johnston, President f Charlotte & S C Railroad company, Cha.iotte. X. C. Dr Thos D Hogg. Fresident of Raleigh Gas Association. Raleigh. X C. Col G 11 Young. Waverly. Mississippi. A G Story, President of Gas Works, Little Falls. X T. 1" T Story, Supt. Cas Works. Watertown, X V. W S Seboener ft Oo, -'1 Pearl street. Xew York. For farther information, address the undersigned at Rlei"-h. X. C. WATKRHOCSK ft BOWES. September 14. 135?. y A WESTERN DESPERADO. One of those lawless men to be found frequently in the far West, who set at defiance God, humanity and law, was shot down in Louisiana last month. The desperado's name was Lebleu. A Louisiana paper gives tin account of the assassination : A great criminal offender, Paul'm C. Lebleu the cold-blooded murderer of Ewing and Parsons the,. cold-hearted wife seducer and kidnapper the lawless desperado of the parish of Calcasieur. who once dared and did force his own negro slave to sit on the bench of the District Court of that parish during Court time, and in derision of the presiding Judge has at last met with that fate he so richly deserved. As to the particulars of his death we are indebted to S. Bclden, Esq., who has just returned from the Court of tltat parish: and we here give them as communicated to us by that gentleman : On Monday, the 13th inst.. the District Court commenced its regu ar session at Lake Charles, the seat of justice in the parish of Calcasieu. Every thing about town indicated that a deep under-current was at work for some purpose unknown to strangers: for t lie western wing of the Hotel dis played in fine order and good keeping many double barreled guns, pistols and bowie knives. Like im plements of warfare were also conspicuously vissi hle in the Court room. Tilings remained in that state until Wednesday morning, at which time Paulin C. Lehlieu. coming in from the country, rode up to the track of the hotel, descended from his mule, and started towards the house, with a pair of heavy dragoon pistols across his arm, be sides a repeater and a bowie knife in his belt, lie had almost reached the steps of the west wing of the hotel, when he was shot from the front of the same steps, four different times, by a mar; named Eugene Eoux and several others, who all had been the victims of the lust and other depravi ties of Lebleu. Each discharge was deadly. His right arm was awfully mangled; four buck shot penetrated through his neck, one through his right breast, one through the lower parr of his abdomen, and the balance as he turned at the fire took effect in his shoulders and back. It appears that he received from thirty-five to forty buck-shot through the most vital portions of his person. Lebleu expired almost instantly. And thus closed the life of one whose early career has been stained with blood and ruin, all of which could have been prevented, if those intrusted with the administration of justice in that parish had only performed their duty fearlessly and regardless of consequences. We are told that from his man hood Lebleu prided himself in the violation of the laws of his country in the most outrageous mannei. and that none ever dared to arrest him for doing so. a- aw A Fix. Oh, doctor, run down to our house as quick as ever yon kin! Dick's got the m easels from eend to eend, and Tom turned a summerset over the fodder stack and smashed his nose all to flinders. Sam's got the pieken chox, and mother's got the biggest kind o' fit, and dad's drunk the worst sort, and and, the way I rant candy, oh, Lordy! STREET BEGGING. There is some stir now in Philadelphia and New York, among the authorities, to put down street begging, especially by children. It has long been j against tho law, and one of the instructions to the j police has been, to arrest every such offender. But i arrests are not made, and the streets, hotels, stores and dwellings are beset bv legions of men, women and children, who make piteous and importunate : appeals for charity. People of kindly sympathies : are apt to listen to such appeals only until they i become familiar with the cities, and find, as they soon do, not only that they are against Law, but i that they are universally regarded as being made by persons altogether unworthy of relief There j are charitable institutions in New York for every class of sufferers, and those who are woi thy know full well where to go for assistance. The' do go. Their feelings are not outraged, but the relief is granted kindly. promptly and systematically, whilst it is needed. The street beggars are those who know that they have no real claim upon chari ty, and that they cannot pass that ordeal of inqui ry and examination to which all who ask relief of the charitable institutions are subjected. We happen to know a lady in Xew York who has long been a patron and Directress of one of those charities one for the reception and care of little children, either orphans or children of pa rents who go out to work. A poor woman, for in stance, has to go out to wash or sew for a day. She cannot carry her little child with her, but she takes it to this institution, where it is watched and nursed or fed. and returned to her at night. For this a charge of a sixpence is made, not for profit, but to prevent imposition. Or orphan children are taken and reared without cost till they are old enough to do something for their own support, re ceiving in tho meantime a good plain education. Many mothers who carry their children there are themselves hired to take care of there own and other children. The first ordeal to which they arc subjected, on entering, is the bath cleanliness being an indispensable rule. Sometimes that pro duces rebellion; people who have all their lives lived in dirt being unwilling to be clean. But when submitted to, the effect is manifest upon body and mind. The institution contains some hundreds of chil dren, and numerous women to take care of them. Its immense building is always full. It was be gun upon a very small scale, by a few ladies. Its success made it other friends. The State gave it 810.000, and individuals have taken care that it should never want. A lady of this place who visited it was delighted with the air and comfort and neatness and order which pervaded it. She left it deeply impressed with the conviction that there are generous hearts among the rich of that city who do not forget that the poor they have always with them, and who are ever ready with time and means to minister to their wants. Eay. Observer. G. W. TAYLOR, 1'ROrUTKTliK OF THE 3XT HOU8 , . r -p ri -n t m - r d The Third Agricultural Fair Of the State Agricultural Society of South Carolina, to be held in Columbia on the Dtli, 10th, 11th and 12th of November, 1858. The Executive committee of the State Agricultural So ciety of South Carolina, respect fully call the attention of tile people of the Southern States lo their approch ing Fair, at which Premiums will be awarded on all articles of Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical interest, as well as Ladies' Fancy Work and Domestic Economy. F:rge and commodious Halls have been erected for the convenience of exhibitor: . id a con siderable addition had been made to the stMls. for the u?e of animals. All articles intended frr exhibition will pass free over all the Bailroads s. e the South Carolina Road, which will require one half freiget. Vis itors for one fare can procure a ticket to go and return. Exhibitors will please give the Railroad officers timely notice of such articles M they wish transported, us well s the time and point of shipment. A. F. Calhoun, John A. Metts, W. R. Robertson, R. Haules, 41 How the Boy Knew his Father. At a justice's court in the "(ireen Mountain State," some years ago, the following amusing incident occurred: A very ill-natured and quarrelsome person was concerned in a street brawl, one night, and pot a blow from somcbodv, which resulted in a ''black eye" and a suit for assault and battery. In the course of the trial, a son of the plaintiff was called to the witness' stand a regular "chip of the old block," about fifteen years of age. The boy testified to some knowledge of the affray, but could not rive any particulars, as the night was an exceedingly dark one. "Now, sir," said the cross-examining attorney, "will you venture to swear that your father was there at all?" "Yes, sir, I know he was there." "But you say you did not see him, nor hear him speak: how. then, did you know he was present?" "Why, I'll tell you. Just as T c;ime out of the gate. I heard Joe Smith (the defendant ) holler out, "There goes the old devil!' and T knew he meant dad!" Dni NKAKDs' Asylum. A highly creditable, philanthropic experiment (says the Philadelphia Inquirer.) is about to be made in New York. The foundations of an Asylum intended for the cure and reformation of inebriates have jut been laid tit Binghanipton. Among the distinguished men who participated in the ceremonies, or gave to the movement the weight of their names, were Edward Everett, Daniel S. Dickinson, Banjamin F. Butler, Dr. Bellows, and Dr. Francis. A handsome fund has already been raised for the completion of the building, and a large benefaction in money is ex pected from the State. A law is contemplated ap propriating to the support of the institution a por tion of the money received for licences for the sale of spirituous liquors. We shall watch the result of this undertaking with the deepest interest. Many of the best physicians believe that intemperance is a disease which is curable with the proper means. An opportunity to test this theory is now about to be afforded, and we sincerely trust that it may re sult in success. D. W. Ray, J. F. Marshall. R. J. Gage. Executive Committee. Investments by Royalty in the United States. The N. Y. Herald states that the Queen of Spain has agents here, who have command of two millions of dollars, to be invested in this coun try. The same paper states that most of the crowned heads of Eun pe are doing an active busi ness in the way of investments in the I'nited Statei. Louis Phillippe had targe possessions in our Republic, and Louis Napoleon has sent from three to five millions here to be invested by his agents. It is said that the greatest operators in this way are the petty princes pf G rmany, whose investments in American securities amount, it is believed, to fully fifty millions of dollars. The powers and potentates of Europe ire giving some what substantial proofs of a greater confidence in the stability and order of American institutions than of their own. Oct. 4. lf-5' 9 1 1 1 r i Vi 1 1 VJili,. a. sjo. Is prepared to supply the public, and especially the Western part of the State, with Fish t Oysters at short notice and on the most reasonable terms At the Ocean House be is ready to acccmmodfltc visi tors with the best of fare. Beaufort, Sept. 27. 185R Jm-pd P. SACKS, Architect and Builder, Will furnish Designs, Flans and Drawings for Public Ruildings. Private Resiliences and Villas. Particular attention will bo paid to building Flouring Mills, Corn Mills, kr. OrrinK in 3d story of Alexander's Building, front room, over China Hall. Charlotte. Oct. 13, 158. 1 S-"Ade!ine! ah, Adeline!" "Well hoss!" ''Dost thou love me delight of my soul tell me; dost thou?" "Oh. heavings! don't I?" "Aud wilt thou have me fair angel?" "When Jacky, when? (with unusual eagerness.") To-morrow, sweet one, to-morrow." "Good gracious! I won't do nothing else." Honesty. We occasionally receive notices from Postmasters that a subscriber at their offices has not taken the paper from the office for six months or a year, or several years. And all efforts to get information as to who did take it from the office are generally fruitless. Postmasters make themselves liable hy neglect lo inform Editors in such cases, or by taking the paper themselves; but they seldom admit their liability. We have be fore us an instance of honesty in such a case that deserves to be recorded, as an example to some other Postmasters in like cases. Wm. D. Farmer, Postmaster at Joyner's Depot, Edgecombe county, N. C, writes us that one of our subscribers at that office had not taken the paper fn m the office for three years. But Mr. Fanner encloses to us the amount of subscription for tln se three years. He has our thanks, as well as the approval of his own conscience. FayetttvUf? Ob.n-ccr. Flatfooted CorKTsnip. One long summer afternoen there came to Mr Jones' the most curious specimen of an old bachelor the world ever heard of. lie was old, grey, wrinkled and ugly. He hated women, especiallv old maids, and wasn't afraid to say so. lie and Aunt Putty had it hot and heavy, whenever chance threw them together; yet still he came, and it was noticed that Aunt Patty took unusual pains with her dress whenever he was expected. One day the contest waged un usually strong; Aunt Patty left him in disgust, and went out into the garden. "The bear," she mut tered to herself, as she stopped to gather a blossom which attracted her attention. "What did yon run away for?" said a gruff voice close to her side. "To get rid of vou." "You didn't do' it, did you ?" "No; you are worse than a burdock bur." "You won't get rid of me, neither;" "I won't eh ?" "Only in one wnv." "And that." "Marry me." "What, us two fools get married ? What will people say ?" "That's nothing to us. Come, say yes or no, 1 am in a hurry." "Well no, then." "Very well, good bye; Ishant come again." "But stop a bit what a pucker to be in." "Yes or no." "I must consult " "All right, I though you was of age. Good bye." "Jabez Andrews, don't be a fool. Come back, come back, I say. Why, 1 believe the critter Iils taken me for earnest. Jabtz Andrews, I'll con sider." "I don't want no considering. I'm gone. Becky Hastings is waiting for me. I thought I'd give you the first chance. All right. Good bye." "Jabez, Jabez ! That stuck up Becky Hastings shant have him, if I die for it. Jabez- Yes. Do you hear ? 1 say Y-E-s ! " Singular Infatuation. The Philadelphia Press mentions a curious circumstance connected with the loss of the Austria: The wife of Mr Gerok of Baltimore, is now visit ing her relatives in Philadelphia; and while they have no doubt, of his loss, she alone has a deep conviction that he is not dead; either that he was not on board the Aus tria (though he wrote to her that he had paid for his passage) or if he was, that he must have been among tho few that were rescued. But here b something still more strange: It may be within the knowledge of many of our readers that a clergyman of this city was among those who left for Europe on the ill-fated President and was never again heard of. His wife, who re mained in Philadelphia, and was deeply attached to him, never did, because she never could, be lieve that he was lost to her. Eighteen vcara have passed away, and yet that trusting lady we can not speak of her as wife, and she repudiates the name of widow continues to expect his return. Every day a cover is placed for him at the table, where still stands his accustomed chair. Every ring at the bell, wc are informed, awakens the cherished conviction of her heart that the loved one will return. Pouk A chemical view of it. Dr. Wienland, of Cambridge, just before sailing in the A'auderbilt on a visit to his native country, Wurtenburg, left a pamphlet in which he hxs undertaken an capote of the terrible dangers which attend the use of pork as a diet. The note of warning, indeed, has often been raised, and still thousands of pounds of meanly pork arc eaten weekly. The immense quantity of pork, most foully fed, which is receiv ed from the West, is especially subject to uipasles or tape-worm; and the allied troops in the Crimea suffered greatly in consequence of the article which was supplied to them. The measles iu pork uie "nothing but the Iqrrae of the c mmon Taenia solium," which, when taken into the human stom ach, dcvclope into the full grown tape-worm, and icach sometimes a length of twenty feet. As these lor me seldom lose vitality in the cooking of pork, they are eaten nnconciously in large quantities. Butchers, says Dr. Wienland, sell measly pork with full cognizance of its condition, and should be restrained from doing so by legal enactments. "Do you believe in second love Mister McQuadt?" "Do I believe in second love? Humph! If a man buys a pound of sugar, isn't it swatc? and when it's gone, don't he want another pound, and isn't that swate, too? Troth, 3Iurphy, I believe inseeond loye!" 9tT A poor widow wag asked how she became so much attached to a certain neighbor, and replied that the was hound to him by several cords of wood which he bad sent her during a hard winter. "I'd have you to know, Mrs Stoler, that my uncle was a bannister of tho law." "A fig for your bannister," retort, d Mrs Striker, turning up her nose, "havu't I a brother as is a corridor in the navy." A western paper describing a ''bitofarow" which occurred in a little 'wild cat' town out in Arkansas, between two bnUies, wlio Csii. td rcd flanuel noecft, and eye branded "r. g. says; They fit and fit, and gouged j.nd bit, And struggled in the mud, Till all the ground, for unlet, around. Was kivered with the blood. ! 58. 1858. March 2,

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