0Mmm w WESTERN DEMOCRAT, CHARLOTTE, Sfc C. we 0) WgtsUtU cmocrat CHARLOTTE, T. C. Tiieliy, November 2, 1858. THE MECKLENBURG FAIR m . , 1 W ill iijk'h n I liursday morning next at J o clock. XfoMbera .f the Soeiekr, with badges on, will be , " 1 to earn their families on the Fuir tj rounds jflewed to carrj ineir nwua on me rair umuuds .1 ijeasure. rersons wno Uo not belong to UM I Jtf .... ... ... . Ifc !..' Shifty riH be exjiected to pay 25 cents for ad- . tne MBtsk to the Grounds each day. Tickets and bodges can le procured of Mr Lowrie at the Book . ...oil TKorsibiv liiriiiiiiir Q ..'bv.lr ..'.... I 1 ' M till. I - -J v. .- m, v v.w auui UIUI linn', they will be furnishcxl The Address will be o'clock on the Ground, a d iHBiediatehjp afterwards. m. PomoIjOHICAI. Society. Ihe .ortli arolina State AgrikJ SK.iety appointed the following ..,tl. NK-, as delegates to thc Convention to be held in this town on the 4th inst. for the purpose )lt -or-'aniW a Pomoloj-ical Society: Joshua l.ind- i - ' Uv. C V JoIiiim.ii. J Ii Xollicoffer. S West- brook, :in Pauicl Asbtiry. Ma CUX(MAX8 AlMMESll. We devote a con- sHlerabk Krtion of our space this week to the publication of lion. T. L. Clingman's address be- t;.re the State oricultural Society on the 21st t.lt. We don t like to publish such lengthy ar- 1 i ti. l, -. but supposing that our readers, and esjve- , -hilly our farming friends, would like to read this ' Address, we insert it to the exclusion of our uual . ,UMIC., at. .u t.iii VAVlU.IOII VI UUI UMlill variety ot matter, aud we think it interesting and e ni-triK live enough to repay a perusal. tri" IVisons who wish to attend the S. ('. State Fair at Columbia on the 9th inst., will be allowed j . .... .i 4.. . .. . 4. .. .. atn, return over me , iiariotte , tor one tare. . A. I. Calhoun, Esq, President of the Society, b t deliver the annual Address. j - i: ism. Ki Pnua I'm ut xv.-,s held last ureeL- ' w .litil,. Manlv presiding. There was no ease f ludire Manly is one of the oldest as well as one j id" tin ablest of our Superior Court Judges, and is rnaeh esteemed evervw here for firmness in dis- rharging bis official duties and his uniform courtesy towards rveryUdy. j The Superior Court ofl'nion is in session this I im njicrior oun in i iiioii h hi .l.ioii mis . week, will be V. I .1 41 M 1 .. I . " u "ll ,uu f ; held. - Mr J It D-uiiel broii'dit us l-ist week i 1 1: r v. a l.ottle of fine sirup manufactured by himself from i the Chinese Sugar Cane. The sirup is an excel-! k-id article, and so is friend Paniel we have a j partiality tor both. An Iowa paper estimates the quantity of Chinese sugarcane grown in the western part of that State this year, as Miffieient to make a million gallons of c Sirup. ' r mm ' 9 We return our thanks to Mr Jno. W. Vick t.i a kctr of very fine Oysters which he presented tis last week Mr Viet iar jiirnn JmiIt liniiiijji of 1 Air uk retcixesuail-, Mippnea ot - - j these 4. 1 . . largw fresh bivalves at the confectioner. tore ot Houston tY Jluuter, direct Iroin J'orks- i limiith. Virsinia. Common SniiMii. Fc.nu. We will pubish next week the distributive share to each county of the Common School Fund. Wc notice that all the m unties receive exactly the same amount which they received in the Spring. Sentenced to iiaxu himself. The Chinese arc a great people and have a ijueer way of doing thine. k'.. vim' wlii iir-ir. it iated the recent trea- ... - : m 4- ii ties with certain foreign powers, it appeals has tell , . ,. , -. uj:i. under the disideasure of the r.miveror. He did not , . , mi ..I i . i "Eght to have made, therefore he was sentenced to I strangled to death; but he protesting against Mi. h a mode of extinguishing his day-light, the sentence was changed and he was ordered U htmj) kimtrlfy which he was fool enough to do like many 'fliers before him. l'n-s.iv ii Tr is ..ot -orreoable to ns to -ilbido ' kk.onai.. It M not arccji.it to n. to .u t pemiaal matters, and we never do it wlin we ; ran consistently refrain from it; but we must be -Unwed to say that the person who started the re- ' to !-rt that the Kditor of this paper wanted Mr II. .1.1, 11 liomi.e.ted for C.vernnr so lh.1 he -aWrlli " u'et possession of the Standard, ' n rrrg) fjrent liur ami destitute of principle. We could not be 1 ..k.. . . 1 '-luge our present location or jtoMuoii . wr anv other in the State or out of it. We deem it necessary to say this much in order that the re-i . Irt may not mislead any one as to our intentions j r desires. As t; thc Standard changing hands is I . know nothing about that, but presume such an j ' urrence has never been contemplated by its -'litors; forbad Mr Ilolden been nominated, his partner, Mr Wilson, no doubt would have con delivered on Friday at 11 i 0rr rw.,rii. Tf ;" " . r 1 ... ' frTT'.'t' . ' leading products of this portion of the State is of Rufus IL and Mary Jane Aberuathv. aged 10 inunths i 'ttox nd the premiums present-! l nk r tu i i J 7 i u5 ui eun-uu, ux- m fwj xjtiMtltnm. WttS'TaC f trtefEttmatie ddlAxry ift taat 1 o i" ra.r .oe.H.n awpiMMprmi. . l,calthv action of the bodv oolitic that two mirth Lrf Vl t M n eia. Lkaj a j: . ' .i - ' 7 In Statesv e. on the 2.1th nil. Mis Marv faM : Ordin. to mid tinied the Standard, xs he is every way competent rccetlv burnt at sea, have published a card in the .inutt. Someone moved his baskets as he filled h a its various branches, at No. 5 Granite Row, op to do so. IJveriKKil papers deelarinsr that thc Captain and them. ; posite the Mansion House. They now offer for sale a X" ...... . ii 41. . ... . .1. m m mm large and splendid Stock of Watches. Jewelry, Jcc, Ac, Xewspajiers are individual enterprises (at least , themselves did all in their power to prevent the Frei1its The Sali.sbury Watchman copies and will sell goods as low for Cash as they can be aara is) and flourisl, or languish according to the calamity. I frci-hts, and tppend the following g anywhere. : ei a a .. .. ..4. . mmmmMt 0.4.U 1,4.;.Tl,ii,r 2.100 ounces has;"" e 1 1 1 Nov. 2, is... ..-tr - - -v r-r" tu tliereforc we generally support or optiose whoever , . , . , . . I e cnoose, always reuieniDcnng to Oo justice to an ad take no undue ndcant'iijf with our paper to ' advance any one to office. But it should be borne ; mind that there are some people who are simple 'Eoaga to consider it no more harm to be friendly Mr W. W. Holdcn than to 3Ir anybody else, a"d at the same time not be liable to hive heir motives impugned. We desire to avoid and Kcveat strife between gentlemen professing the aiae political principles, but if ever the time comes j heii privileges are denied one class of our fellow ttaeasj and accorded to another, we shall be pre wired to resist it; and we entertain no fears as to l'"w the pmnlr will decide the matter. We s..v ! - J 1 The ie of P&OSPER1TT. Men very often succeed m business and ift aluinr n-oll nntll kA.. i .i - . . v , Z . i t.... which, naming secureu a sum- cieney. there seems to be no particular necessity for exertion and vigilance, and thinking that every ' . j, .;n .li.. .t. - . i : :i j .i- i .. i . -. P o .aiuu.-.j , me) g,ve themselves up . .... , , . . -1 to lLstiesuej, or devote their atteution to supply- He their personal wants and rrrarifV.nn. tl. .; .. .. , " e" 'j'"c .-tu- 1 sual appetites; aud their dowufall datfM fnm IW 1 ' jHiint. It is so of parties. When continued - ..i., ti,o . ' e , 3 T T! f P"1,,'eai part' .when a series of bn 11. ant v ctories stanm nvii.oL bilkv himb ii mmmmmu 1-- - 1 bint upon its Daniiers, and its ranks are swollen by I H 1 If ill E IIM'tl III IIMI .T'lTO - . I lil'll m 1 r riM,,g generation and accessions from other i.-n-t tlui.. ia ,, ,)..,,, .. 1 ,l , jwrties, mere is great danger that lethargy and : carelessness will seire its memlers, and the selfish , ... Thp t """! shuK1 f,,r,,, thc wh',,e of our govern- 5 Ut "uch arti the tVal,ties of huiua" ,,ature' j 8 1 Variet' uf "ives which prompt men at ti"' hat h WeB be feared the ver' V MliMitv l TiK-li o,,rif i-iloif,..! 1 - - aL """ l" irue inc seeds of corruption and overthrow. Ki.Kt TiVE Ji dk iarv. In New York l,luch dissatisfaction is exjiressed with thc present ,noJe of electing Judges by the people, and a "venient is made for another Con vcutioii to amend the 'State ''istitutioii in this respect. ni X v i i , 1 ,,e -cw Orleans I icayune, speaking ot the ev a" elective Judiciary, says : 1 exPe""eBt elective judiciary ,s a brief one; yet how disastrous has it proved. In San Francisco, where the iud-es have always been elective, the utter inetliciencv of the legal tribunals originated the celebrated Vigilance I SS? -Ct hW Kui i.v.i... k.M o. ;...b,..a i t i i 'ullilinttt'f. that t m1m1i all tin- autliikritios nftln. State. In Wisconsin, a judge lost his election for 7 ' - w-. ... ikinw .. i,...:.:. Slave law. I n .hhT "5 wimsmndi, Vh ioteirritv. abilitv and imoartiaHtv of 1. ;,i;..:,.r.. r.,l j,.;c;,.. I,...-. t....... ..ot..,f...i to the influence of partisan prejudices, and the ' ? I I ' i 1 i 1 1 ! f V lwhlilllur i.flli'4. mim Joiiniiiiooi ilk innlir UUaHera. siuiplv because thev have known political t.ll.' - lll 11'" IU 111- ''II IV. 1111. V IIIFHIH I 1. lllllll I Jh S party action a,,d even its efficiency and inte-rity impeached. That we have anv able men in such a station is the accident, not the legitimate result, of our i. , system. Gej Wjf Walkkh, thc renowned fillibust-r, ' , , , ,. , ., , ... asstj t lain U"1 this place on Thursday niirht last , cr ..ii Lis vav i.rlb ILa 5 r mxlU b..d-M..r .... j 7 a-. m mm v. . . -v w wm . j t.i make so uiueh noise about. Every once in awhile they renew the report that Walker is gointr to trv his hand at Nic- , ... I rasua again. J here may be a motive in cir- ; c m J dilating these rumors, viz : to get the government to put no faith in the report, like the cry of "wolf " I in the fable, when he will actually pounce upon ' the coveted land and take possession. It is said ! .i . 1 1 r. : ... ir.; u lnM is how prq.an.ig an e.xpeu.i.o.., we., 1 i 4tj .s.pinc. will, linn aim lllone,lo iinuue ie.il iiua, and that it is attracting serious consideration in y,,, (.itv Jt b ftwtfcer said that if the V. . . , . . . .l., .., 1 17UU'.S III K lllll I TJBMM IHW UIUI I'lll III? III. II VIK'ai . . .... ... , t (, lj;,,- of filli busters r c r v: on me miu.c.s in .ouuuih. ; When thc pnetke of flogging in the IT. S. Navy . .... was abolished, it was feared and predicted that more cruel methods of punishment would be re- . . . . sorted to by officei-s ot sln,. . Micrnian, Sur- geon to the ship-ot-war Oalc, puiuisnes a cara, in . i - . . . i i i at I ... o o mmm ror oesi vaneiy 01 w neat. iv Dunn, rf; best , r" ' " " lwv- yv"r ' ,n l,ls county, at tne rc.-iUence or Martin leebower, 1 (an, at me gate. cord and wrans-lin;? bv an iinri'liteons ser.-nnbl.. i r a: i .x. . . . . fJiKXls are sold. The natural markets for all the : on the 24th of October. Manraret Julia, infant daut'luer ' Mkal .' -ioin iii i u i i.ii u i iimii ii u. iv l .j. . . i i i ik r l i , k s ii ii -iu i'i niti' t ni noun rsiro or ir n 1 r v . . . . . . . . i . I Mil I I'V III Uf 111 If. . .U'M f.s n. all J. .... 4 J I . m . . . . I I I - ... I . I 1 Jill A 11 i "- w aa var. a - HTf lilt ICIt'lC 111 II .".il I V 1 1 II I lltr II ml, .n '... - - - a IP u:..l 11II . . ... - - a I 1 - " " 1 . - 1 - 1 r muiii, .-us jn uiuweu, cio, iei ooi uour. uirecuoii. Columbia, seven years since, was sup- . , . ,R ' ' ' ,. shou,d cswt? aud there -ety i small majorities. ! J S Ilolt. 810. i pHed with Flour and Hay from New York ; now it i "2 SSZL i S M r ....... a.,..,:... i , which he protests against punishing sailors by con- msam that the next wire be manufactured in fining them in what is called "sweat boxes," with I tbi, eoaatry, and that, as the wire was not suffi their hands in irons behind them, and thus kept cientlv covered, the whole thing be first dragged for 10 or 13 hours without food or drink. These t,n,u",1 Tar River. "sweat boxes" are t or 7 feet high, IT I inches wide and 13 inches deep. Thc heat is kept at a ' I temperature of over 100 degrees. 1 he Poctor says ' .. . that on opening oue of these boxes, a man who had 1 been confined therein fell forward on his face in ; an almost dying condition. He addresses his card ! to the commanding officer of the African squadron and expresses the opinion mt tit is cruel and inhuman. that such punish- Uut for thus taking the part of the poor sailor, Ir Sherman has been denounced bv the officers d" the siiadron and arraigned before a court mar- ' , .' , x- t.al of said officers and dismissed tor Ins imperil- , "dice ! The Dr. has appealed from this decision ; - " - mt 1 the Secretary of the Navy, and we hope Mr . Secy Touecy will reinstate him and examine into the Conduct of the officers . mm I F.iUEK.x News. Liverpool dates to thc 10th ..... ult. have been received. Cotton, hue and interior ..!;.;.. x,.,A .Ib.biL- deelined middlm- nn 1 j u.t 1 1 l 1 1 ii.-i . o J changed in price. tu : imlin ,n.r to have subsided, and j K. war in i.uua cipji wa . ... i.j thc 1,.utincers pretty effectually conquered. On - f September a body of rebels were slaught- 41 ue, 1 . .ii in iiauiu r 1 7 rr 11 1 and four 0f the emissaries of Xena Sahib ( who ! butchercd nia,,y women and children ) have been ea,ltrht and executed. : -or" - : The surviving officers of thc steamer Austria, , tai o- c c- . ' been found in Australia. Accounts from Turkey 4 ... r....i: -;il k I express tears mat tne t mim - massacreed, and the government ha- taken addi- f tional measures for their protection. I ' r ' . I resigned the Presidency of ,e West, S. C, and Rev. Jno. J .i-4.-j : I 1 . T 4 . ? 1 Wasr m. Ciner nas u;.U .c t-k k. 'wn elected in his place. ! 1 r-L tun I ,.!!...... uf .uiuer o, ii . . u.s " " ! The Synod of the Associate Reformed church, recently iu session at Due West, reaolved to estab- i . ,.i ir. " ; 1 lish a Theological Seminary, anu eieeieu ur. unur 4. mm i i t O V I ...-I..,- l'r4.f I "roiessor ot incoiotry auu vr. jj. n. of Hebrew ot iterm-W. . ,.,r.i4 .e i. 1 A .Mammoth Tfbnip. lr. tvosos oi t.i , countv. left with us last week a turnip measuring . inches it: circumference. Premil M8.-The Raleigh papers p.Wi.h a list .. : . . . . " preoHuma awarded at the late State Fair, from which we copy those named below. The resi- deuces of th .,..P..i ......... . of but we think there was nothing awarded to any .... one m this section of the State with the exception - 1 of Messrs Ramsour & Seagle of Lincolnton. In .1... . i i. i-i mk uui iew anicies 01 anv Kiua on ex- bibitmn tv. r ,.fj:..i ' iivaiui uainuuiT. aL, A- . k ui jL 1,16 tn-iJ5rh-bred Stallion over 4 years a Premium of 30 was awarded to J. II. Boswell; . 1.-t ... ., ITT' - " t "V- best brood mare .-J H H.Jh..v S-m ku mules, Mai W D Jones, 10 : best bull. S . " ' ' ' A uuu. 82n; host Ki.ll ,.lf W W IbU in. ' 7 , , best yoke of oxen, W R Crawford, S15. ror oest blackberry wine, Mrs w Eillwr, $5, 2d Ust, Miss C M Winslow, S2; best variety ti Phes and quinces, and best variety of apple, pear and peach trees, Westbrook & ( V, pre- miums uuiountiiicr to 8o5. Par best Chinese Sugar Cane Mill, N Boyden & I T"8 - 2? obvioua- , U .he firsit Plaee ,C,,!tr ... -I : U 'otte is Bo miles nearer by railway to Charleston Son, b0; they also got several premiums for agn- thmm to Vtlajtic " f Carolina. In cultural implements For best sugar cane sirup, Dr Thos Bailey, 8.") For herd 2 horse pleasure carriage. Tl J IWkin. 1 O son, $2;"); best open bugjry, A I'pchurch, 81 o. For best Mir men's Loots. K:...,sn..r X- Senide 3, , , . ; best buggy harness, JIardy Harris, 8 lest lot ot blacking manufactured by A J Woodward of Fay- etteville, 82. ' Hon. Thos. Ruffin was re-elected President of, u. . c, . , ir . . . Q T, T4 H SemA J 8 Iutyr DrU ' Holt, Ir J K W illi:!inson, vice Presidents; J F Hutehiiis, Treasuser; J H Bryan, Secretary. j ...;k I !.. ...... Ik. A' ..;...aii, i. i.i.i,, wi The receipts of the Society this year amounted -m .v iv' ti'i- vr. niv HVIVIVl I UIIO i I ill UlllVUIIlkU i about 83,000 1 ' . We learn that there was a large accession of , me'Wr to t,l 'State S; GotO.-Mr 8eeH II. (Miristaiu, of Montgomery , eouiitv. exhibited at the State Fair. 21 nuirirets of J i I 0oM. taken from his mines in that comitv. varvinff in wcight from two ounces to 8j lbs.; and the Pro'ounccs it to be by iar the best and richest . - -'vcr exhibited at one time, and from one mine, in ; this or any other State in the 1'nion. It is nearly mm i all pure goKl. TilK Atlantic Tklkiihapii is now pronounced j , , .. ., v - , , , l to be a complete failure. One of thc best clectn- c ans UM that the m s cvnose. to Hi., w-.ter ...... . v ' - -- v -- y . and that the best apparatus in the world cannot - - force thc current beyond such point of erpoeure. How it happened that the thiuj; got out of fix go i ik i c.. 4, i ii l soon after thc messages ot the Uueen and President . were transmitted over it, we are at a loss to under- stand. We confess to some doubt with regard to the reception uf any message in this country from England over thc cable. The thorough workin- I"1 .1 r.. I.... 1... : l:.. 1V :.... o. t..e uuo.e .o. ,,..e ...e .uoueoi.oe ue.eu.ano,. ;.. !..i...... l ...,i ..e..,.y.i- I ui hk. titui ... uiwiuam, uk i i.-i: uuu aarc u. i.i"va, and the abrupt cessation of all communication, j have too much the appearance of a preconcerted I ii. rf i'(i.,.i.;..c-: .. . t ...I UIC 'III I UI LIIULIIIV;! C'. f 4 r -4 .44 44.4 . ..Ill I .... , . .... .. , all the buncombe of .lonny Bull and his calfv dt- ' - - !..... f v. v,i. .l..-;.... i.:,.t. pivhujuu. o. iiuiiiuuiiif; .... .i,iiin in, n the latter burnt the Quarantine buildiiiirs and oart f , ir ru Ha, th wheie tlin,r faiis. No one . ' o mm hMMIM ilt tllf r-hirp f 4llH r,i . , t i m . i work : but tho.se who go mad over every novelty " jf (lu fuU uudCrstaiid the cause of their re- arc -ni!lty the subjects of ridicule. We The Virginia lenioeratic State Convention - is to be held at Petersburg on the 1st of December, There is a good deal of competition for the noun nation of a candidate for (Jovernor; but we sup- pose all will be satisfied after the nomination is made. ... Cotton PlCKIXO. Mr Editor: Having seen recent iiiiblieations with regard to Cotton oickiiii:. j desire a small space in your columns to say, that 13 of MT hands picked 2,304 lbs. Six of; the hands are each 10 years of age. One 8 years of a-e picked 111 lbs.; all picked in daylight and m)tlylwtHtnshmtl (k- w p ROBLXSOX. mi a Mr J,-! II Davis informs us that a neirro woman. n- ked mti lbs. in one dav and vu -' B mmm mm m ' . ; nursed her child in the field during the day. Three a other hands picked over -WO lbs. each. Pretty j 4f. .. ..:.i. .... gooo ior j Wi.. . ... The account we published some weeks ago of a cotton picking in Kdgecombe county was discredit- j ed bv some of our cotton nMriac lrieuds they ... my . v ... . - did not think it possible f lbs. in a day. At the Sti w - - 1 . .IL...I. 14. Ikl,. 4... 41 mmmm ..if.b lllllll Stat. Fair we saw a gentle- ; Uian from Edgecombe who confirmed the statement from his own knowledge. The cotton was picked on 11. It. Bridges' plantation, and one hand picked 0? 7 1 (,ij- jbS- ; -y hours he picked 7- lbs. in ; proper remarks: II What we want to say now, is that the press tlinn,rhoilt the State ought to take special pains to ' every wrong thing touching the manage- of our N. C. llsulroads. lliey eaa be man- 'J.W'.J V" 1 i .1 1 a - ed right, and they ought to work as fair as other ; nud it Ls the duty of the press to help bring ! them up to it. It is simply nonsense to suppose U-t t n!irrn men of N. C. are uoing to ship over that business men of N. C. are going to ship over f patriotic U10tivcs alone. If tbey our "J-JfJ rf Charleston , . f than k.. Xewbern, Wilmington or Caro- if tbey jina (.,tv theil they will come oy i narioiou; auu . . ... i .ii . i ; 4.1.4,11 k.,i-4. Knilmad Presidents and their olh- i on . eials busying themselves to keep straight only one J e the preJSS promptly ex- s,ae U - , o i 1- . . ,J- pose nil time auux oi our nwui-. - " ' -J 7jr j fectmg them. Jt is an cracicni means, anu w due to thc community that it should be done. J. 4... .1.4. 4.4.. I I For tie WHer Democr. Me Kditoe: For two years past the commercial interests of our town and county have been much depressed. This has been owW to the short --.v,. ,...! a.,..:i l a . Z?. of the country ireueral v. n i ;M 1 -s- m j;iauii uis. However, 10 sec me srreater ac- tivity and eniaiged business now -oin ou with the I ..r i . in..: lL 1 ui iui? inace. aneir saie ua e never lcen better to a better class of customers. This! ,, , . . . . . . , ' results from their activity in business and the natural advanUges of the position of Charlotte for commercial enterprise. It is the terminus of two ! -n- 1 1 ZJeZ 1 ...1 - - v. .niiu-jnu V "II IU V HUliO ICaUllI" llUILII dim wnnti1 .,,,,1 , ZT, .. t- .1 .. . , outh a,,u connecting with the Irte of Charies- I A! WTtmJm' rft)lk " 1 wn.Miiuuwi. its mwHq o Mliupill" are uui.... - , .... o u m, 1 iui tyvj any uiuci lunu ill t oiciil ! North Carolina. Hence the high prices paid for r Shf gra,,, " We" ? thCr The rates of shipping by Charleston from New York and New Orleans, are from 20 to 50 per cent, cheaper than by auy other route. The rea- the second place, the S. C. Railroad is the oWest ...l i , , T i,r I i u i a Ti . . I and best established Road in the South. It is al- without trades and curves from Charleston 1 A.. 41 , '.1 t. io oiuiuoia can, witn one locomotive, transport , ;U ears with 10,000 or 1S,000 lbs. of fieirht in , ' i. u- ' :. ,T":. vlr. ib iwwmh ik iriiiciany mrouj;ii ireigni and its receipts amount to over one and a half mil- "om dllai-s annually; hence, it can carry freight at lKr cout- tha'1 auy ot"or roaJ of limited , S ! "' T V "T , . .. . . ni, ii . ui i- iiic'i anil cvru i i i . . ii . ., . .. ui ail tne routes which wc have tried ai pared by freight bills, Port,niouth is the The freights are about 50 per cent, higher line than via Charleston. But this is t uarcu oy ireiani on is. t'ortsmoutn is the dearest. her by this not sur- "Ip. we nu.noer or roaus mat i . i . . i i t i .i . me ireignts nave to pass over; and the turthcr . i a . tact that it is n; miles turther by laud man to Charleston In addition to this, Vhile there has been more delay aud exjHM.se on freights via Cl.ar- leston this season than usual, in consequence of 4.L . . ai: .! ... 4-.i . . 4- ii . the severe affliction of that city from yeliow frver, vet owin to the lare commercial interests of 4 f II. 1 X . 1 . i I 1 1 .1 41 - "Jriewon, me .imouni oi ner snipping notn tor- TTJSTm points, in about halt the tune it takes to receive oiuer route, jiere is anomer I ' m J.I i.l. 'i ii ... il, - - -, . - 4.. wnw "'f,' i inc uiei eani lie iaiVR9U OI Charlotte. These advantages of cheap freights. quick traitsportatious, ready sales and low prices, wifth ;tive ...e.cl.a.,ts, have created a commercial interest and prosperity invaluable to thc fanners, u .....i tl... tar. v....l llll'V IMUIU) UHU 1 1 1 .1 1 I U I ill l II I I I OI M (WILTII ..Ollll l'...!;..., OLD MECKLENBURG 1 til 'I I Nil. Dktkntiox of (loops. We have heard serious c-"1!'" no some oi our merchants, that gooOs put on the cars at Carolina city for them were not ;. ;,i ;., , 1 , r ei. I t 1 a i received inside ot fifteen or twenty days. Such delay is unaccountable, vexatious and injurious to the business community, and will be detrimental to t,le roads if repeated, as the merchants in the ",ienor oe "ueea to ennnge tneir snipping A. I. .1. .1. 1. 4 .1 ....... rouie, However liitien rney mignc retrret tne necessit. for duJn so. St i test: Hie MtXffretm. m I JIorujblk Traukpy in NkV Y(liK A bor- r5,J, attempt at tnassaere was made in west 30th street on Tuesday last. A young man named ... , 4. , , , . .louiumg, wno.se lamer is a luniDer mercnant, ..4t....i.,fu- ri. :.i . .ui.iv .cu mo miiici witu an ii.u, ureaiviuir ins smiii ... i .a- . . ' ... ;uiU inuiiiig a luoruu wounu. ins luonier came to the assistance of her husband, and was badly wounded. m t.i i a a i . A wo urotners ageu respectively o and Jo years, were next at Lacked--. the eldest Leinr inorr.allv ,.,,.,i4l A ..,..;4. .. ui. .. K..1.4. :.. k.J noiuu.vi. . v iiiui iivvi i limn C iJtJ'.'V 111 11C1 arms, was next attacked, but not seriouslv iniured. rt i l wo servant girts were horribly wounded the recovery of both being doubtful. The perpetrator of this horrid act is only nine- : f 4 w - 4 l i' . l f .a iA II,. MM m 4 . 1 .... 1- mm mm ..litHA 1 . . . ' leiTii iwio . "oc- x' "'i1 J c.ei ii. .1 biuic, UUI ; verv i;i.v.ted uv..i. J k4.- 1.4. i -i w ... ; .miii iiie nidu.uici lie iuvkcu ii.ii.bc.1 III in." .T i i.i. I.:., i f i.i.iu auu uicw iii 1.111111!. out. v 4.4.1 ii .1 t- i Obeook. A battle took place at the Four , j lakes, Oregon, on the 1st of September, between i ROD fi-iii.i.s under Col. Wrb'ht. and nIMI Tmli.-ma. yl( jatter werc completely routed, with seventeen killed and many wounded. Thc troops sustained no loss whatever. ft 1 , . 11. . t I . 4 4lk . ) I lie Uregon legislature met at Salem on the lata of Sept. and adjourned c die, thus giving up the formation of State organization until the Territory is formally admitted by Congress. Execlteii. The negro boy Wilson convicted j at the late term of Iredell Superior Court for the turn- of Mrs. Margaret Frcelaud, was executed I n Friday laet, near this place. As is customary I place. As is customary " s,,ch occasions several thousands of persons to, ',tness "1 scene We It .(I II I IUII UU MV ill" i il,7 III IIIV IIMIIUO J I III, 4. 1 . onfll t Oil T liu lOI i 'liOT WOG 111 T I I i'l 111 1)11- nt t in I I jy. jor the , exercising of medical science, by 10 , ensuing niirht. Statetnitu Kxpress. o'clock thee., '. Uo. Cn0LERA V fariii'.r 111 llnlixj nnnnlr N p onc hundred and fifty head of hogs recently, by the cholera or some other fatal disease; and a neighbor equally as many. - - - mmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 2J"o Firm. TltO. Trolter St J. Cr. WilkintKOH JAVE formed a COPARTNERSHIP underthe name style of J. Q. WILKINSON 81 CO., to earrv on uie U' si fell and Jl'WI'Irv RnsinMS. I will sell at Public Sale on Thursday the 18th of November, at the late residence of Sam'l M. Moore, ptiyL ;w"g " U,c" may be round a superior FIA.NO nearly new. 1 J ASOt Stork oj llortr, (our,, ,S,, dc Oue Varnmje aud Jiugy, and other articles not mentioned. JterT Terms ma. and other articles not mentioned Terms made known on day of sale. km JNO. W JtOORE. Adm'r. .U. I fl,fl. .-.l " ... 1 - . IO w PIG IKON for Sale. A Iartre ouantitv- of verv sur.eriur soft srrev Pip Iron , " . ? ' - " " - i for Foundries. j. J , 1 have several experienced moulders prepared to j Jo any kind of work in their line. Applv to F. M. REINHARDT, Cottage Home, Lincoln County, . C. Nov. 1. ISis At Woodlawn, Gaston county, on the lidh ult, Dr.l c- T- Powe of Salisbury, to Miss Maggie It. Alexander, Also, a the same time and place, W. I,. Barber, Attor- j SrfllP, . x-" s.4..4...ii .... .1. ..7. . . ' i Near States ville. on the 27 th ult, Mr A. K. Laurence ; 10 -uiss oarau .-unionion. f n he " A. II. Lester, of the S. C. C.,.,- ' ference. to Miss Sue MeColloiifrh f Williiunslmrir Itlv. ! " tV" r- . , , . I in i ora iisiriei, uiiiucisi uil, Mr iiennut-r Juues ; to Mis-s Klizabeth Arrher. Als... on the 20tb. Mr Ul,t. L. Iavids..n to Miss Marv U. Latimer. la Rowau cuuntv. on the ItHh ult, Mr Adam C. Cas- 1 wr to Miss Marv ('. Allen. I - .. - T In Uowan couutv. ou the 27th 11 t. bv the Kev. K. C, A1(.MI11, Mr H , s,flll ,if r1 ; , ... V s., daughter of J. C. Goodman, Esj. ireueii r.xpress incase roitv. ' . 1 McNeelv, wife of Wm. (i. McNeelv, ag-ed 25 years. At Chapel 1IM. on thc isth ult, JMmes M. Holt, son ot lr. V ar. It. Holt, aged about 20 years. In Alamance county, on the 1.1th ult, Dr. M'm. j Johnston, Associate Kditor of the Spirit of thc Age. DI880I.UTIOM. The ropartnership heretofore rxUtiag under the firm t ii IO.I.-M t An -.i-i i- i i i ot I II. 1. 1. KM & CO. is this dav dissolved li mutual con?,,1V All persons indebted to said lirm w ill etdl on 1. II. Hrem uud settle, who alone is authorized to L,..,!.. o,,. .,,.. ' T ,. hol m . i j a." SAULKIl. Jr. T. II. BUK.M, i i aim vu i ,. T. L. ALKXANOKlt. .f ... . . . Charlotte. Nov. 1. 1S.18 ti. , ... ; w j ue iusme.s! w in oe eoiuiuueu tinner me of Brem & Alexander. I. 11. DnKI, I Nov 2, 18.18. T. LAl'A VKTTE ALKXANDER. ItEUROES WANTED. 1 1 i I - O 'l'iHIi I'llvl 41 A . k i urn in ui v a or o m uj ui iroin J4 a z years old, for which the highest priee in Cash w ill be paid. SAM L A. HAIUILS. Nov. 2, 1858 St SPECIAL BARGAINS Are offered b' T . 11 . B R E iff. In Printed DeLains. Paris Poplins, Shawls, and Ladies:.. i.oi.'. 4.k4ki.o ....ii. n : . A. , ,mr"w " ,N SeCMll OeLain P.obcs a Laise. (worth SI8. ) for 12. Sm.i.rl. ll.'I.oiii Ui.hi.s n'llililli. ftDJ l,.r I r. I I .- .. ......... S24, for IJcatiliful UeLain Kobes ftQmlte, $l.r. for ILiisdsonie deLain Robes a't'uille, ' S,;- tor S.'lJ. Beautiful DeLain IIol.es a'Laise, S7.L for ES. Valentin Robes a'Laise, Valentin Robes aQaitfe, very cheap: Satin striped ami printed DeLains, (worth SI 2.' , per vard) for 81 cents: Satin striped and printed ; DeLains (worth per yard) for 75 cents: Satin striped i and printed DeLains (worth 7a cents) for 5u cents: Printed DeLains (worth 2. cts.) for .174 cents: verv Beat printed DeLains (worth 2."V cts) for I2 and IS cts. A matchless selection of SHAWLS, stella, round and sqaarc corners, at 25 per cent, less than regular prices. ' A large stock of PLAIDS, (now very fashionable.) at low price?. November 2. 1858. 33-31 lr7' rv5 I it poor imt W I ni.o i1 tlllJIl V KM I Utl I y OlUl 1 . The subscribers have ojtened a Family (Jroeery Store in Springs building on trade street, where may lie found all articles usually kept liy such an establishment, which will be exchanged for country Produce or sold low for ca.-h. C. T. k M. K. ALF4..XDKR. Nov. 2. 1858. !:i-2m. rl'i-ut Stile. On Saturday the 13th of November, I will sell to the highest bidder, at the Steam Mi.l. ON E NEGRO BOY, a first rate cooper. ALSO, an 8 horse Engine with Barrel maehiue. &c. Ac. W. IL MYKUS, Trustee. Nov. 2. 1858 2t. Trust Sale. B Y VIRTUE OF AN ASSIGNMENT to me made by Mrs F. A. Motz, 1 will expose to puldic sale on the 10th day of December next, at the Court House in Lincolnton, the following property, viz: That Tract of Land near the town of Lincolnton, Iv- ingonboth sides of Mill Creek, adjoining the lands of ; a . i 1 1 Ti l..ii a t i.. l . i I Daniel Shuford. John Bolts, V. A. McRee and others, containing about 180 acres. 11 her interest, t.eing an unuivnleil totirth, ot anil in ; the Laurel Hill Cotton Factory, with all its machinery nrwl n tilo.li .1 ! CTa a i T ol' nrr If I nrl l'l"- " X5 The following NEGROES: Tom, aired about 41 years, Adaline about 12. Jane about H. Liz.y about 32 ... ... . .. . , , ... ,. .....1 l...r Siv I lnl.lrr.il I:.. ...rt ll.'iirv lr,i.L- I- . I-..,.... ' and Saltv, the oldest of whom is about 10 years of age. , ! ALSO", a lot of Household and Kitchen KumitmV m '' " v "i v L- :..4.i-... i' I... rarnuug I tensils. t o s. E . , . fni f I- Til i. 11 .1!4 -4P CJ t!i.3 i ue i, amis n in oe son. on a crenii oi ri. i Months, bond and ap proved securities being required. I and the title reserved till payment. For the Negroes j cash will be required. j All parties having elaiius secured in the trust will j present them on that dav. 11. W. GUION. Nov 2 1858 83-Ct Trintce ' J I will expose at I'nblic Sale on Monday the l.'.th of November, at the late residence of Mrs Marv Alexander. dee'd. a valuable lot of Household and K'.tcheu Ftirn tu re. Farming Utensils, Horses. Cows. Hogs, Sheep, &c. j a lot of Wheat, Corn. Hay and Fodder. AI-o. a Car-I W"b nuu.erons other articles usually i fo"ul ,n u,ekovVU -.uul famyn- Terms made known on dav of sale. JNO. W. MOt IRE. Nov. 2. 1858. Stfcat Adm'r. E W COMBINATION. ROBINSON'S AMPillTHKATilE !! WITH Bl'RT'S GREAT CIRCUS ! ! (Consolidated for a Southern Cam paign, will penorni at CHARLOTTE, on Wednesda day : 7th 1 aud Thursday, November 1 and isth. The Entertainments differ ma terially from old fog) Circuses. Having Scenery and Fixtures ample to present the (treat Mural Drama uf the tlttiii 4 . T 1 . 4. f A.. 4 YVui... fhtt i : j , 4, j n i tried Mem $ Jymt. ( On which 1 ankee Robinson i will Stand dutrm 'th, Hail. This Li-eat Drama is founded on i incidents which w-curred during '' I the aettleuet of the Scioto valley It excels anything ever iotro. cuced in public amusements. Jra?"- Remember, the two Com panies perform in the saaie Tent, Rurt's Circus Company in the Ring, Yankee Robinson's 011 the regular elevated stage, with splendid Scenery. First performance on Wednesday evening doors open at 6 o'clock p.m. An afternoon performance on Thursday, commencing at t o'clock, p. in. Also, evening performance at C o'clock. 33-.'Jt CHAKLOTTK MARKET. November 2, 18.i8. C'trreetrtl urrrldj iy II. Ji. M 77 sfc Co. Bacon I 'OKKEK- Han.. per lb, tS 14 ltk. Sides. 11 ('i I - Lagniia, Hog round. !( 00 Java 121 C ' 1G ( OU 22 (i 0 .,. 12 ( i.i . .i tiARs Kxtra perfiw ' UM a 6 0 Vil J Siiperhue " 2 lo ( 2 jo JSCV Orleans, lo (, 12 Porto Rico, 10 ( 12 Ceoffee siijrar 12J i t rrWabed, M . 15 gin n u luted, 14 (. 1" Kiae " 2 (HI (i U UO ground, la f 00 loaf, K. 00 Moi.acsks - . New Orleans CO ci OO Cuais Wheat 90 ft. 1 00 I'oru, (new,) iKl 00 Kve, 73 (a on l'eas, (a M Sugnr Hon.-e, tin ( "0 est India, 4T. (a .10 1.1 (0 20 I tea us. white, 1 oo ( 00 lit TTKk. 45 0 SO Okkswax. 24 on A on t'liH KKXs, Kovm, Q (,i inj I"katiikiis, Qi 10 llk'TK On the noof, lo (Ti 12 liy it mil. 20 6- "00 20 f.i oo :is a7J 7 (a I 0 (Jreen, 6 (. 0 SAi.T.Mrvmk, 1 78 (u 0 00 :. ( 0 Oi 1 BtaMSTtc CJooos I'OTATOKS, 4-4 sheetinif. 10 00 Irish. 7.1 (Tt 1 00 r.n 0 00 21 (,t HO 40 (' no 20 S 2i h'vy Osnab'gs II (., 00 Sweet. Coi'I'KKAS I'loTU, 1.1 lliij CaMM-KK Liasey. :t7 (tt 00 ,, AihiuiiiiiOiie, Cotton V'am Sperm, Xo. . to 10, 1 00 (ft- 1 lo Tallow. ! ,,A';,,N' , i i"1 " h , rJ ,.,,,. (Jniiliv. 20 fTi 00 Nil. 1 . jH i hbl 8 50 a V 00 , ' I, 3 t . M . JjL ' wlli,kt . i oo .is ' , . ; romiuon, 5 o N. ( . ' 3i " mi l (- Ajlj Rrrnidy, 7:. 1 on . . .. - i . .... ',h8, ' . ' ef" " " j Not. Cram i sold by Weight Corp M m. per '"-hel, VM.eat 00 lbs., llyc 00 H.S., iUUS .u iw., ami petl 'ens 00 lbs. REM A It ICS. Flour is firm with a slight advancing tendency. Not much offering . Cotton price almut the same as lust week but t offering compared with previous wcekB only 1 .M I leil..s sulil ilnrinir tlii w-eeL. t , p, Wheat, a good article would bring 81 we quote at 00 cts. to 81. Bacon is scarce and wauled price advancing. Old Corn 57 cents per bushel, New, ;)0 cts. Eggs are selling at 20 cte. per dozen, and seance that- but we huvo no idea thev will hur" t J O cun- tinue to bring such a high price. . " ' CIIARLKSTtlN. Oct. 2ti. Cotton market depressed: sales for the pnt w eek amount to 11.48H bales at jirices ranging from ! to 12 -ts. The totni receipts at lld-s port up to date show an increase ot :;07..VIU buks over last year. COLCMRIA, Ck t. 30. Cotton dull Miles at !' to 11J NKW YORK, Oct. 211. Cotton declining urine sales at 12 A- $30 Reward-$TOIiE!, A Lady's GOL0-HI NTING LKVKR WATCH, en- ; graved case, hard dial, w ith the initials K. P. .M. on the back of case: makers name, James Stoddard, la Red J Lion street, St. John's Square, London: No. 4133, A ! Chain and Trinkets attached to the Wateh. The above reward will be jinid for the recovery of the snme. l.v IcfsrfEg it with Radcliffe .v llnigiiard,' Coliiinbiu, H. C. 2' lt)5H- lt-jal THOS. II. BREM, HEALER IN JfjHifi a nb gonustit HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c CilARLfNTK, N. C. HIS STOCK comprises the largest and incut as sortment to be found in any establishment in the State. Having lige and favoral.le facilitie. and sparing no iaiux in selecting, we make it to the iHtere-t. ot purchasers to call and examine our Stoek, which consists iu part of the following articles: Building Materials. Locks of all kind, Hinges, Nails, Screws, Rolls. French ami American Window Glass, I'utty, iu-. CARPENTER'S TOOLS. IT.ines and Saws of all kinds, Chisgt ls. Axes, Draw ing Kuive. Adzes, Augers, Unices with and without bits Mortice Maehines, Roi ing Machine, &i UlUI Uue k .-ebbrnted Circular Saws, from to 61 im.leS- BT.ACTC8MTTSS TOOT 8 Anvils, Heltowses, Vices, -Iliuid and Sledge lLiniiner, ..,.,. Pl.t,.. Fill.. Ti.ntr. X-.- 'St,eH 1 ,Hte'' F,lc',' 1"""' tVt. IRON. ' , A . v 7 r """- ? I,,,rM? ni"l'h h1' rf """I " Miet ..-.-..I , f i : . . -...I U..U...1 i ii Iron, round and square, and ot ail sizes.. ' .4 44w mw mt jl . Niiylor's, Wade's Marshall's and other makes. Cant, Steel. Knglish anil American Hlister, German and Spring Steel, assorted idze. C31L Ja.L E1 aEI . V . , Tn,fe' "x' c,, 1 un,J'- lhiltrr nu,i w"ff chains, usnorted, Sinjrle and Double Ilarrel Shot Guns, from to .ST.'.: Colt's Pistols: Shot Relts. Pouches, Powder Horn ami Flasks. Game Rags. Gnu Caps nnd patent Wadding. Carriage Hardware and Trimmings, Springs, 4xles, Rongh anil Plated Hashes, Mallei-bio Irons, lira.-s and Silvered Hub and Sand Rand.-, Stump Joints, Top Hoops aud Holts, all sizes. Patent and Enamelled Leather, Patent aed Knamelled ( loth, Oil Carpeting; :i-4, 4-4, 8-4 and lu-4ths wide; lluckralu, Rroad Lace, Seaming and Pns'.i.i;; Lace, Hubs, Spokes, Shafis, TaafJEEJI and Rows, a full assortatent of Carriage tjoods. Kvery variety of Pocket aud Table Cutlery, Scissors and Shears. Razors and Razor Strops, Scythes. Grain, Grass and Rramble Rlade-: Coffee, Spice undPai.it Mills: Manilla, Cotton, lb top and Jute Rope from Ui 1 inches; Spades, Shovels and Forks ,f all kinds; Griudstoues and fixtures: Nails, Spikes ami Rrnds: Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse shoe nails; .iausaye (.utters and Stulfers. Also, the Crlrhratfil Anrhor lirund JitJtinu Cloth. nMtXel numters: aud n jreat vuriet' of other Goods not mentioned: all of which a'e invite Mcrchauts aiul Planters visiting our towa to tail and exaujiac before purchasing elsewhere. October 26. r.)8. 4t To all whom it may concern. All Prrm,mn indebted to I1RE.M k STEELE, earnestly requested to pay the same by the 1st day 0t January, l6j. or thev will most positively be sued. I will te found at the Insurance Ofli. e until that time. Those who disregard this notice cannot justly com- - ,l 8 -rui thai tin. lift.. On... Ui..hU I.4,. .all o.i 1 Mi. 1 '"i. .hi r a 47 f 11 iu iv 1 1 . A. C. STKKLE. October 2. 18.8. 2m Those of my friends who are indebted to me will please observe that I have retired from the Urng Business at this place, and that Immediate .eUlemeni urt itLnoluhhj required. H. M. PKITCnARD. Charlotte. Oct. 26. 1858. tf KApplication will be made to the next General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the Act incorporating the Town of Charlotte. October Hi, ISjS has much we want to say no more. j i

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