JL283M afH0KH3V( t. i.i'l . t-,i'?i" 33 I o n THE WKST SIDE OF TRADE 33 I 3 STREET V CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO IXDIVIDIALS. AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER. S3 per am mm IN ADVANCE WI j.um" CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1858. 7 . , FOR SALE. f3iir":i.t, A; Iii'5:iif. nmDT(TTP v n SEVENTH VOLUME DUMBER 836. THE Published every Tacsdajyo) UY IYi .j STATES, EmrtH. and Pkopkiktok. Edwin A. Yates, Associate Editor. ff paid in advam c It paid within six mmiihs - 2 ;0 i. Mud alter the expiration of the raw 3 00 k Am peron sending us five kkw snb cribers, . , ,ir,anii.l y the advance BubM:ri4ioa ($!) will :i sixth copy gratis for one year. jv Subscribers and others who may wi.-,h to send mome to us ctin do so by Mil, at our risk. Ilales of Idetrlising-: , ... Miuar of I lines or less, for .5 months. $ t IM 1 .. .. .. ; - 00 u 2 lu 00 lluv --.uarc. or less, first iusertion $ Z J. .. '.i -iiU-einu'iit insertion -J , . , i iiiii. ieut ndvcrU.-.cni.uts must be paid for in 4- For annuaai -ing Candioatea lor IHpc, in i . . .... A-: Advertisements not marked on 1 lie manuscript for n spwrte time. rfH be inserted until forbid, and (..iirjv.l accordiugl. . S. P. SMITH. Attorney anl Counsellor at Law M.W ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE ,.t' Wm. Johnston. Esq. i-,v Prompt attention given to LWtcnaH, wining- Tin sub-criber, residing about four miles south of Liacoluton, on Indian Creek, offers for stile his. valua ble PLANTATION, containing about six hundred and thirtv acres, 225 of which is cleared, about 60 acres of bottomland and meadow of tirt rate quality. Th rc is new and commodious Dwelling House and all ne cessary out-bouses. Also, a first rate improved water privilege with a good Saw Mill upon it. together with two unimproved Shoals. The creek affords water enough for almost any purpose. The said Land lie oa the road leading from I.incoln ton to Yorkville. and wit- in one mile of the Wilming ton. Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Also, four hundred and sixty-live acres of timbered j Land, - ljoining the above, will be sold iu lots to suit , pur. ha.-ers. Defer to C. C. IIenderon or John F. Hoke. September 7. 1658. A. P r.m-l .1. C ANSWER- Dissolution. The Firm of YOl'NO k WILLIAMS is this day dis ' solved by mt tual consent. The accounts of the Firm will be settled bv H. B. William.. W. A. YOCXCr. H. It. WILLIAMS, j Charlotte. Aug. 18, 1858. 23-tf SCARE & CO., No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, XV'ITE the attention of PhTsicians, Planters. Merchants, tzc. to their NEW and complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMI- 1CALS. Jte, The exeusi'e patronage tlity :ave received from the Physicians fCtiar- iotte and its vicinity is the best guarantee of the PURITY OF THE DRUGS sW by them. October 1 2. 1868. For the Toilet. New and elegant stock, consisting of English, French and American HAIR BRUSHES, Tooth Brushes in great variety : Tuck, Puff and side Combe in Tortoise shell, Buff iio horn and India Rubber. FRENCH and ENGLISH SOAPS. ineiican. French and English Pomade, Genuine Lubiu s EXTRACTS, 23 varieties. Also, cologne, verbena, geranium and ether Perfumeries J ist received ; October 12. 1353 SCARR k. COS Drug Store. of Deed, t'onvevances. & .lai.a it v 2G, 1858. W. A. OWENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C "ILL practice iu the Courts of this und the adjoin- ' Iii.r ,. ,1111 1 i - OFFICE nem i-v oeeoMTK tiik Post Orncc .January H', lo5o. !! LaF. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Law , t'-harlotte, . Office over China Hall. An-u-t 11, 1838. , y . S. PATENT RIGHTS. rElUF subsicriber offers his services to INVENTORS 3 and others de irons of securing LaTTCU Patknt. faux Ri'ht. etc. The whole business can t.e transact ed bv nail. Utters conndential, and lees moderate. ddres, HOWARD CANTWELL, Kd : iMsa. ::ml Raleigh, N. C. 1'. SAlliS. Architerl ami Bailner, Will rhraish Designs. Plans and Drawings for Public Huihlitii--. Privaf Residences and Villas. Paiti. uhir iitteation will be paid to rniiidiug Flouring Mills, Corn Mills, kc. Omft in 3d story ol Alexander '.- Building, front room, over f'hina Hall. Charlotte. Oct. Ill, i.- 58. MANSION HOUSE. UNDER NEW AUSPICES This commodious and teagnifieenl establishment has recently come under the personal supervision of the subscriber, who respectfully announces to his friends and the traveling - public especially, that every effort will ! made on his part to please in every particular appertaining to the duties of '-mine host." V. W. ELMS. Charlotte, August 24, 1858. Good Family Flour. fWILL keep a supply of mv !cst Flour at the Store of H. B. WILLIAMS & CO., where those desirous can obtain it at any time. FOR CASH. J. B. STEWART. Charlotte. June T.V 1858. tf Belts "f Belts !! Belts!! ! 71R01I the bst Belting Company, at Manufacturer's . prices: CASH PRICES : 2 inch 12 cts. per loot. 21 " l " 3 ' IT 4 u 2J " 5 " ;' 32 " tt 18 " 12 u 72 - " 12 4 nlv !2 Seamless Belts manufactured to outer at F short DISS. FOX & whit HediclBe and Srgry. a rO'Kics up :a:r in pn;;gs iu'iu...g. t J. FtX. M. D. A;.ril . 1858. W. K. WUITE, M. D. ::-if LL th:.e indebted to the subscriber will make :n- n ::,u- settlement. -r their .Notes ami Accounts Kill be placed in other hands for eduction. A M.ril ::. 1858. -tt C. J. FOX. XI OBS B R q A S notice. Condi'cting Hose of all sizes, for water or Rteaa pre o.ue. ordered direct from the Muiuifs-cturers. ALSO. Packing of all description, at 55 Cents cr po und. J. 11. F. BOONE. Jane 1, 1858. H PETER MALLETT WTTH D. C OLDEN MURRAY, (bcaeral Commission VtUvthant, 02 South street, XE WYORK. .Tnno 20, ir.58 y CAROLINA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and Nrtrth Carolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate ;.t Carolina CHv for the purpose of doing a Forwarding Sc General Conimi3Sion I Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Bring the Agent ol MURRAY'S hlNE OF FIRST CLASS i'AVKJ-JiS to this and Morchcad city, every elrort will ne mane to makethia the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels wUl be. loaded and discharged at Cv Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention WH be MVca to all orders, and to the sale and hipment oi Produce. M. ICRA.NT. All shipments of Produce to D. ( olden Murray. .ev, York, will be forwarded free of commission. June 29. 1859 ' Choice Family Teas. Silver Leaf Hyson. Ooolong, Imperial, Breakfast, Gunpowder, Ne Plus I Itra and other varieties at SCARR & CD'S October. 1858 Drug Store. Preston &. Merrill's YEAST POWDERS, The onlv reliable Yeast Powder sold. SCARR k COS October. 1858 Huuo StoBE. Superior Vinegar. A very superior article of Family Vinegar. Also.! Nutmegs, cloves, mace, ginger, cinnamon, allspice, &c. I A fresh supply at SCARR & CO S ,t.!,. ik:: Drugstore PIE APPLE MELON; "We have been requested to republish the follow ing receipe for prcseiving and using the Tic Apple Melon: "Let the melons remain on the vines until they beghl to turn yellowish then gathot them care fully without bruising, t:nd put them away in a cool place fcr winter use. When you wish to cook tliein, peel off the skin, and cut up the uiclm small, taking; out the seed?, soft pulp, if any, &c. Cut Ihem in a preserving kettle, with just enough water to k;ep them from burning, and stew over a tolerably brisk hie for 3 or 4 hours, or until the whole is reduced to a soft pulpy mass, free, from lumps, and thoroughly '-done. I on nave, men, a substance resembling green apples stewed, and by adding a little sugar and lemon juice to it, j ait'J making it up with the crust in the usual way, ' it is impossible to toll it from a i'rash apple pie. j The lemon juice is necessary to give it flavor, as it j is rather insipid without it. Jf you desire a pumpkin or custard pie of the melons, stew as above directed, but omit the lemon, i and bring the pulpy mass to the proper richness ! and consistency by the additu n ol" sugar, milk, and 1 eggs. Little of either of the ingredients will be ! found necessary only sufficient to give the melon ..nLu- iJ fhivor. If skilfully nrfcpnred these mel ons will be found an important auxiliary to the housewife, during several months, in the fall and winter. We have kept them sound and hard until March." WASHINGTON OIT5T GAMBLING HOUSE. . . J 7 Aii cm nnt "Sportsman tn-ui. Washington, Oct. 25. One of the most cele brated and successful sportsmen in this or any other country was buried in this city on Sunday r AGRICULTUBE IN AMERICA. The following is an extract from liOrd Napier's speech before the LT. S. Agricultural Sdciey in Richmond : "While recrwrninrtff all the importance of the land and the agriculture of th CTnttcd States the it serve as a waramj . . i i.--l r th sneint we tare ot tne i.ni sii ( l u.i e. i cayma onnortunitv or gtvmg vonr reacted a bkcicu oi mo " ,V i c ' . md7'orm Ang house. Let deny myself the pleasure of exprcsstug to y, man aim a ue.en, v 6 e ntcnwt which as a men; virtuo.-o 111 rural mat ters, 1 have taken in the external aspect ol Ameri can husbandry. In some raspecta the prospect ifl indeed often unsatislaetorv to the English eye. Jn the new parts of the country the primitive grnci of the landscape are ruthlessly violate. 1, while the artificial trrmness to which wc are accustomed has not liooim e. mourn over the ulucktueu anu -, J TT. fd l.uon f rpsii !nt of astnngton some jl a af --'- ' rTT fifteen or twenty years, during which period he amassed great wealth by gambling; or, to use the mild and honest language of the avenue, "he re , alized an ample fortune out of the successful opora I tiona of his house !" His "house being the mort i r,t iU Kinl- tho most weiL'htv and sub- biccanii, . . 1 1 v. . 1 . o f " - . . t i elegant, Snd ,1,0 bank the ,Uost wcgntj .-.- ; r . . , . , u ! p" many yea i ( . stumps; thou there is a general abseuce ol root nr ant stvle haviti", like a certain otnci lien man, , luua lu,ui , t t j e "W ctotnedln purple and fine linen and faring or green crops, and we dtscover agreatdeheicocy of sumptuously every day." In V I tT'the region, which have been longest under medmm stze, fat and s eek jLtfig the ploVgn?the vital forces of tho sod seem to 1 and a (renerous disposition: exnioiting in us gen i n 111 ! e deportment totrangers the cha"acteristie of have been frequently overtaxed; the more valua b!e TirSSJ -ood-natured clergyman, rather than ; cereals are abandoned, and here and thero ho Uta 0 f a hear less, unrelentingambler. j -Klcrness resumes its sway. It requires hut h tie His imputation or generosiwas widely estab- reflection to show that these phenomena are .ho L . . P . V. B 1 j -1 t. lubin and transitory ConcomitintS of the Drst HENDERSON & AHRENS Are receiving and have now in store a full assortment of rM oY7 rr.fr n r.V. The llev. Wni. H. Babbitt, pastor of the Methodist E. Church at Fayetteviile, has been ap pointed Agent of the American Bible Society, for the State of North Carolina. THE COMET. The annexed article, (says the Fayetteviile Ob server,) received from a scientific correspondent, c .,rwn hhrVi nnthnritv a different account RE vDY-made CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, , from the gem rally received one, of the brilliant Hats Caps, Hardware, crockery, cigars, fancy Goods 4 . luminary that so lately passed away from the sight CiKOUICiSIES, j of the naked eye, though still subject tJ the ob- 11 eorvition of thnsp "li"rht houses of the skv," whien Which will be offered far cash at unusual low prices. ; seration or tnose uiii nou.c. " J n1m.11 . ,, ! ,..., inniipiwii ?inn rrfnnr lands : are now nu ummioua vu THE COMET. Now that the Comet has come and gone and .1 a. a 11 i may never come back, t ic Astronomers arc ieu S in" us what they think ot the mysterious stranger. 1 Morocco Root, first rate article, at TO cents ; j There is a very interesting artic.e in the last num- mens calt kip and other kinds of Shoes; .-.ingress C.:- j ber of the .Mathematical Monthly, from the ter-:. AlaO, a good stock ot Rrogans at 5-1 10 to ?i iw, CtolItiHS, Sblrt, fiavals, :llais, !,-.i cr I'ndcrshirts. a cood assortment. Ten An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. Black and colored cloth, silk and cashmere Cloaks and Mantillas from $1 50 to $12 50. BOOTS AND SHOES. i en 1 do,-. - n Gentlemen s bordered cambric Handkerchiefs at d c. Also, linen and silk Handkerchiefs, a large Cnis' Shan Is, Baglass, femfcris. &c. Fine Watches and Jewelry, Pocket Knives Perfume ries a::d e'.uiev Arti. ks. Emhrcldcrxcs Wlaitc Cioods. f .,.,' Ku.-;s KAtrintr and tnscrtinsrs, collars. -foeves. Laces. Flouncioif. Marscill , ;..tv nf Hnoti Skirts from 7. ct SEGARS. Still on hand the favorite old brand (LiiEstulta) at $3 per box of 20d ; also Havana segars of choice qualities. j-CalJ at HENDERSON k AHHKNS at Springs corner and satisfy yourseU that their puces are. it not the lowest, among the lowest. October 12, 1S.".8 ,f J-. c 13 I THE BEST, T LI id C tl JL JE E S T AT BOONE'S, OPPOSITE THE BANK OF CHARLOTTE lobar h. HiS. tf THE UVER INVI00BAT0B! I'RKPAKKO BY UB SANKORP, Cornpoundtd entirely from GUMS, ON!'. OF TUP. r EST I'UItll TIVE AM) t.tVJUt MR 1!, WM"f" re'iriN-r.s llie svslem ml the MM will !rei)ttheii and Buna n r.p ' - The lilwer i 0:10 of the bie.nan b. Jy ; " "ki ii the p.-ert. ot the mtn is al'iiHt enelrcly eM!ient Lir'r frr the ;rOr pei l'-rn:-HMMdl liiutt.lhe bowels y..telll vmMm ill C(mH :;!lC.iOi; hitvint: eeseI M to its dmy. 5n, one of the uiojirietois prnrtif-e of more luo IWJ whciewitii u eaaawct the it is lii.hle. . To prove tht this remedy is blc.l vttah Urcr C'oin Ui hat to Iry k bottle. Hint These UMM remove Ml the svtera. Pt In the;r . bai i .inline UM M..i.ii h. piirlt'yins Hie blooO, whole mmh'nerv. reruoMUS flfactbui rwucl cure. UI'.loiU attnoWs re better, prt-vriitwl, ly Liver liivlgorntor. One doM affr eatiM is ' ami pievet the 1.k1 from )nl one Jjse taken before marr. Only one dose taken hi gently, mid enres COS" One dose taken after each COne U'LO or two tea Slclt HeaUnelie. One boule taken for fe eanse of the disease, and ; Only one dose iminedia'ely ; One" dose ofien ree:ted is MnrblM. and a preventive I jtJT- tluly one boole ysirm the etTects of niedi- KyOne bottle taken tor mM or MlM eolor line dose takaa short 1 gor to the ai'pen'i.', and makes , One dose often repeated rhlta n " worst loi nis. Bowel coinplaiiiis yield Om or two d.jses cures at- j Children : there is no surer, 1 the world, as it ummnrjmm. a- A few boitles cures . priacipel refrajMoai 01 nee j-i p !.! ins lis fiincli'ins wen, r...l. ."evelot-d. The.-fowrfft j oil the beaiihj action et the Kttce of lis funeiiooe; when the are at fault, ami the hole J of one orna tho Liver Wut the diseases of that or ha.s m..ue ii hi aimiy, ui a I years, 10 find some reswear iuimy at 11 emUS w hii h s: 1f! found, any rorsor. trou- e piitliit, m ni "s 101 convi.tion is ceilain. oehM or bad p. ilter from place a heel thy Bow of bile, causing lord to .liceM well, piviim lone and heahh to the The cause of the disease Valuable Town Properly FOR SALE. The subscrinCT oilers f-r sale his Pweiling House known as the "Crystal Palace." The Ilo-se is pleas uitlv situated 011 the corner of Church and Eighth streets opposite the residence of Mr George Cross. On the remiMs are the necessary out buildings in good repair, for further information nddresa the underaigned at Piacville, or a,.plc ta J. P. Smith at Paarlotte. Terms m lemte. JOHN U- DAMI.L. tJctfsher 1 i. 1 158 if G, W. TAYLOR, PROPRIETOR OF TilK 3 cr JZ1j&. 1ST X-I O "O" S 3ES, .A' Mr XlnnA the Astronoiiier lor Harvard I ui- v " " 7 - ' vcrsity, giving some unexpected iuforniation about 1 this Comet. It was seen first on the 2d of last 1 June at Florence in Italy, by Donati, as a faint , nebulosity, and it will continue to oe seen, tnrougn ! tek scopes, until next January. It was nearest to i the sun on the 30th of last September being t hen '' only fifty-fire millions of miles from that fiery furnace. rJ be path it pursued was on a plane ' which made an angle of sixty-three degrees with ! that on which the earth moves, and the path it- ... Mirded and a va- I BW nueavA l-ftiMreen that of Venus and the Sun. to 5 50. ! M.,,iV Tierson have sanncsed that this Comet ap- poured in the sky' in 1204, and again in 1550, j and some have even gone so far as to contrast the ' aspects of the earth as it by beneath the myste rious Tisitor at his several inspections. But this i was ail poctrv of the imagination only. If tins Comet ever" looked on man before, or ever was j looked at by man, this mutual looking has not been within the last twenty-live hundred years, I nor will it be until at least twenty -five hundred i years more have passed away. As to the mag 1 nificent tail of the Comet; not much more is known now of its nature and uses than were before. ! Phvsicisfs arc busy comparing numerous obtcrva i tions made on its looks and size, during the lust ! few months. The conclusion towards which they ! tend now is that, it it is made of matter, it has 1 luws divers : from 'hose that obtain around us, on j this earth .nd our Solar system. Prof. Pierce, ' tssumin"- that it is a self repellent matter instead built or private charities to be dispensed, his was sure to be among the most mumnceui oi mo uu nations. His wife, now a widow, was of good pat ronage; a woman of rare beauty and accomplish ments, possessing social qualities which, combined with the dazzling allurements of wealth, insured her troops of admirers and courtezans. Kolhng along the avenue in her magnificent equipage, which far exceeds in richness and style, that of the President of United States, or that of any other gentleman in Washington, she looked a very qneen being qti'tc u disturbed by any thought that Iw.w moPtiAa Kfttit a. dat?rer to scores of hearts, whose patrimony, unlawfully obtained, had con tributed to her enjoyment, m tncsame propoiwo.. that its loss had added to the woe aud wretched ness of the beholder. His "estab. i hment" was upon Pennsylvania avenue, between the National Hotel and the Capi tol. Let us approach and look at it. You enter by a door of variegated stained glass, which, by gas light, reflects all the colors of the rainbow.' Ascending a flight of stairs you reach a door, pull the bell, and instantly a small aperture opens, and you are greeted with a pair of red eyes and a doable row of ivory, iel in black, which nominal y belong to Sambo, but which, in fact, are the property of the proprietor. A glance suf fices. You have filled Sambo's eye and are deemed passable. The door is at once opened and you are ushered into the ante-room the vestibule 'of hell ' This room is not large, but elegantly ap jointed the chief attraction being the sideboard, which is of s did marble and white as Piana's b react. Here are arranged in long and glistening columns decanters of cut glass, sparkling like bril liants, tilled with th? choicest nectar, and blushing to the very necks wilh the glowing vintage of the rdAon tioip. Tf v. u nass this tubicon without s,. . ..i . . e tasting its so arking but Jangoious watois, it is not ; from any dearth ot liospuauty on me pan jew persuasive host, spacious '-Sporting hall" is now visible. The floor is covered with carpeting from the Orient, of immense cost and marvellous beauty. The walls are adorned with superb paintingsof the ,,hl v.o-.vir.vs find the. new. while pendent from the Vwe MWWW w - A windows hang curtains of embroidered lace, cover- nnnch of tiilri.rn TA'bieh is hastv. liittil. ss and ini- MUVVse O 7 X poverishing. On the other hand, I remark thn in many portions ol the Urtiou there are extertlivo tracts which would be considered opulent and well ordered in any European kingdom. In the ab sence of turnips, potatoes and mangel wortzel, the English traveler is gratified by the spectacle of Indian corn, tobacco aud the vine, and further South, by the cotton plant, the rice field and .the cane, all magnificent and lucrative producti-oiii, unknown to British, husbandry. There is also a greater abundance of fruit trees. The breed of horses equals that of the mother country, except, I think, for the purposes of heavy draft; and races of cattle, replenished by importa- a!...-,-. ..C t. lw,.-. sP T. I., n A 117)11 I.O SMVInY. t ons oi luo ucoi oiooei oi jn;iuu, j.... le gated without degene, racy, and prove Ibnnidabie rivals to the parent stock. "In a country where human labor is exhorbant ly expensive, the greatest ingenuity is exerted in the improvement of tools and the invention of mechanical aids and substitutes, and in this re spect the triumphs of American contrivance are not only profitable at home, but are recognized and adopted by foreign nations. IMuch, gcntlemv.i, has been accomplished, and the future will furnish still higher results. A Singular Phenomenon. In the recent address of Hon. T. L. Clingman before the North Carolina State Fair, he mentions in connexion wi'.h the manufacture of wine, and the difficulty on tho Atlantic slope of the United Statr s of preventing its acetous fermentation, a remarkable fact con cerning a locality of the western part of that Staie. In a district of a few miles in extent on the T ryuti mountain, neither dew nor frost is ever known. ! The same district is remarkable for the variety Hid ii e . . . . .1 i. excellence oi us native grapes, mm uicy mo inn n 'ounu in line eorniition in t lie open a.r ns nt..- tis December. 'J he dryness of the aimosphcre in the locality mentioned, and its rq-nil ility of temperature arc most remarkable, and wc should like to know more concerning it. Wudiinytvii Un ion. It was only a week or two before Mr Clingman windows hnng curtains Ol emoromereu mcc, coci- --.v - - m cd with golden tapestry of Oriential magnificence; delivered his address that we heifrfl, ffi the hist . r '.i n .... C. nf this rr.nnr!.-.'ibb hi-!l itV C SUnilosO of self attractive as our? is. concludes that the DlliaUiUUl, .h Jf ! of the other branch. The Is prepared to supply the public, and especially , i,mct cCeuied to lie a the Western part of the State, with Fish & Oysters j rj, (H?t:,.( t iayr-rs. pepara at short notice aud on the most reasonable terms jurj. intervals! and it soei At the Ocean House he bread; to accommodate v;si- ,tn4, of tho ('oniot's tow witb the best of rare. 4SamHtt What is it for? t J 4 ' , 1 ' t m1uV . Rp.rntoft. rsei.i. I , IOJO . ant .... .1 : re n rs cured, ii '. the occasional lint UMJ oi ls the rv jjveneHs. m i' e A 00 mn ' ficicnt to relieve llie stomach risinp and sonnrtr. reliri.ife', piexeuls algnt- jtht, Icxisens the bowels UTenrss. il i t-.irc DvttMlKla ..puoutis wiU 3wejFS lelioe mule obstruction remove the makes a peiTect cine. iclieves Cliollc, while :l nre cure fcr Cholera or tHotrra. Beaded to throw out of the cine after a Ion sfckweeB. Jnuncllre reuio e. all sal ' from the kin. lime before eating C'es it- foot tit wcI1-. cures t lironlc lla-- whilc Summer an4 RU.M.st to the Bnri Joe. tack- caused hy"W onns W :. safer, or tjieeuier itiuedy iu by exciting the PS TO ro j o o 3 curve of the tail is a necessary consequence of this ,,v,mrvtv and that the curvature is that of one ' branch "of a hyperbola, the sun being in the foe. s of the other brancn. me neou.nus appe.judge; o. around its beau in St -ve nted from each other by ... S- 1 . ! I eeetns that it ant not ue tu path. What tb.en is a ... . . a ll-l .1 . rt.,.. -. . v i i; ir tnr ' wi nert noes il cuiuv ; I I'liii i - ' ii.... - . . c,., ' Wb.. dwa t rro to? bat is it niauc no TnMh ache DlOPS. of? No man knows. Nevertheless one thing we j Tho who have ft t th c jnihittil t liiob! ii ng am, c- know: "The woiks of Jehovah are great, sought jh.).e wi.o h k p ni h ,.f.. that, have o'easure therein. P. eiatimr uanu-s oi a ragiug iwmava. 1- , - . their jaws and head wilh the most torineniing v . -verance, and as is often the case, have received bnt pttle -vmnathv from friends, will no doubt be u.ueb Hea ed"t know of a remedy that will never tail to quiet thennmereifcl onVnder, and leave the teeth, where thtrv tOioakl remain, in the head. The numerous cures it has accomplished are well at tested and it ha-, onlv to become generally known to be as highly api.reci,te'd by the public a, it has long been bjS and sold b, B.D.SANlholalc Dne-i-ts. No. 100 Pulum-st, corner..! William. N . Roman Eye Balsam, for Infianicd Eye-Lids. The delicate structure ot the eyelid render? it pern- i;,, m.p When, from any cause, it lie- 1. 4. IV lstH.v s.' -- with mirrors of mammoth size reflecting your form and features from a score of gleaming embrasures. AJong the httll at convenient distances, arc ranged circular tables of polished rosewood, around which are seated numbers of thoughtful, anxious dark visaged men, who heed you not their eyes having another and stronger attraction. One would naturally suppose this to be a theatre for jests, drollery and song, or bachanalian revelling, or pugilistic encounters. Far from it. On the contrary all is hushed, silent, sepulchral. "No real voice or sound. Within these cheerless wall? are fonnd." You are oppressed with the fearful stillness and awful silence which prevades the place. A laugh, a joke, or even a curse. Would be a sensible relief. Itrit i-rill bo.-ir no thinir of this. An occasional time, of this remarkable locality. c suppose very few persons had ever heard of it, and tower still have visited it. It is in that part of our State which abounds with grand and beautiful scenery, and which the Western Extension i-aiiroad Will soon make accessible. We beiicve there is among (he mountain of Virginia a spot called the ice Mowntain, from tho fad that under certain rocks in the side of the' mountain ice niny always be found, Summer ah J Winter. FuycllevHlt Vfierver. How to Fatten Poultry Shut up tho fowls to be fattened, in some tight, clean place, where they can hove ample space to walk about; and alvso provide suitable perches, on which they mav roost at nignt. 1'iacc uesn waier ocioio Drops)'. merdirE IMS medicine as B S Vm, tlslll Fever, ion Type. It . eiat -are willing lo testify to it C3 sIjmii Denis. a t:;e pleasure in recori preventive for fever and ; and all Fevers of a BU-j with certainly, andlhousaiM.i. rm-) W TSL e -re S.vl,.S tUelr u..a...moa. gSatar and swallow both tKetlsc. . THE LIVER INVIGORATOR FS A St'IK.NTIFIO "WJK.tl rr bo,,., i. i,o:!;!:",tU; LuwbicUr. rKtrt osx rn.Li.4R rt v. ... BASFORD A U... noprietors. 343 Broadway. New ork. s, holeale Aeaisi: B.!.ES A Pseit. Kew rk , T. V'hVt jt o.. Portland pTiia; M.S. lieRH A o.. Boston H 1. o t ',u.,.U)ld . 1-AH.NrsTocs: Jt Davis-yb"h' . ' Hancr Baliiurotw. Aad v.- .11 o,,is S,.:d an 'tf ro P tt "Wdl, Aiif.dc, how s your brother Ike getting on these tinie.-r' -'Oh', hist rate. l,ot a start in the world married a widow with nine children." A pretty sizeable start that. 'You don't seem to know how to take me," said a vulgar fellow to a gentleman he had insulted. ; '-Yes, I da,'' said the gentleman, taking him by the nose. More persons fall out concerning the right road to Heaven, than ever got to the end of their journey. So says an orthodox old fogy. m n . Um wi T? -.!.- 44 tbn fmintv '. '-I,.. :..a, I 1 HE UB U A .'li i.r. - eotnes .fleeted the ..ner 3SZ i. Fair ot New Albany, Ind., the people had a most and. the eyehd evinces the tion e.t pi cai ,1,.A rT.o l.rr the fash on of attract to itself bomors from a h paras o. ;..e nearly kiuj:" - 1,., did. of persons of scrofulous hab.t are disfigured an jr5sU I)nkey race, where each man rides his bs rawness or rcdnc.-s of the eyelids, commonly called Bns beast, and the last one in wins. It is sore eyes, and tortured with "WS not'a bad way of closing up a cattle show It is vision .who. by nsuxg this SX '-idediy better than "female equestrian! sun" At in: me d t t c re ! i e I . In all cases, SOVen entries were made, and when 1S READ the' FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: the drum tapped they all started but were m a N-.w York, July 15. 18&S. few moments strung along the track for half a nine; Ve -r- ii aK98 Gcntlcs-en I have been troubled pevf:ons wore stationed at proper intervals for the 'or vears with an alfection of the eyelids, and have tried c 0p kect-inir the muies in the track, which iTaaibpr of remedies without experiencing fT fiid at considerable trouble. We never saw ded benefit. .Vcording o such frenzied excitement as the crowd exhibitea Roir.au Ete-Balsam, ano 'Vi"ltu . . , e , , , -j .:..: ,.,1a 7intnr.nl bv the directions evelid? were nut been the Yours, k .... . . .... ill 1 . .11 .1.1 - -. . ... . .., long breath or halt-subdued sigh is nh.tnai ieu.-ii.c ti,c.nj daily, or alternately nink and water, lor car that these mad devotees are possessed of lungs conHtant feed give them weal and pulverized char and life. j coal, well mixed together, using eight porta of tho An hour's inspection satisfies your curiosity, : uieai to 01C j)art 0p efcaMeal dust Feed tliem and you are about taking your departure when a , regularly, morning, noon and cveninwhtt they will soft hand taps you on the shoulder, and alow voice: . entirely consume. Occasionally stir a teaspoonful "Please don't leave, sir, supper will be ready in a : f)f capsicuin into their food, and for a change, feed few minutes." At precisely half-past ten o clock the i thfMU foiled potatoes or cooked rice. 1 he course ---- - w - 1 w mm i . i I'"" ! 1 nffnoAunr Kvst.niat icall v nursucd lor two weeks, ... ,7 J if I , - . will fatten any fowl or turkey sii'ucienUy fbr murk- et. i ersons living in tzic viomiiv ui vu v.i.. - - - I .7 ,irw.v oftl.n ilioinor hall ait: thrown onen aud -'sun- pel's ready," proclaims au immediate armistic be- tl.n rnmliatanra find invitt'S tO a more l . e i . i in. vv. healthy and rational duty. The long tables groan beneath their burden of gold and silver plat, and the heap of delicacies which surmount and adorn them. Here are venison from the brow forest of At..;, .7-. t.irt, i -a from tbp hm.id saviiun ihs ol tne iUailiC, IUIK. y. HOI" I ... v...--. . . Ml) ltllC.IU IV .. ... v. West, canvas backs from the placid i'otomac, trout ; tiey commer.ce to moult. A c c Ua. A. .... rbf Hi. Tl lillM to- :il (Aia n,i-n c. and larro towns can alwavs obtain remuneratm; prices for th ir poultry if they will only take tho trouble to fatten them' well and dress them neatly for mnrltAt T)iw(i?e of all roar old fowls that you do not intend to winter, in June or July, before . - 1 r l common sizcu mv. i from Sut ( rior. and salmon from the 8t. Johns, to gether with fruits, flowers and wines for cery taste and every clime. The repast over, you are permitted, with a pat ronizing invitation, to "call again," to make your retreat to the open air, there to thank heaven that vou arc not a worshipper within this magnificent yet cheerless abode. One night's work, a few days previous to the last session, made sad havoc among the coffers of this den. It is said a that distinguished senator won on that, nijrhtone hundred and eighty thousand dollars which broke the bank and caused a tempo- - w 1 w.-.r c-ncvnc.'.n TfVC h Oil Si1. liOWCTCr. WHS will dress away from twelve ounces to one pound from the live weight. uurac jlth. . m m All a Matter op Taste. A woman will tolerate tobacco smoke in a man she likes aud even say she likes it; and yet, curiously enough, how she dislikes it in a man she dislikes. '0 Mary! mv heart is breaking." Is it, indeed, Mr Closeiit? So much the better for you." 'Wby'r" ''because, when it is broken out, you may sell the pieces for gun flints." n to f.wr,;Kr in Ohio mo laxv that it takes rarv suspension, iv new nonse, iwnciw, j u,:u: is s ,au..v - j ma purchased by him, and was magnificently two ol them to sneeze, one to throw the head hack. t-. p,i-7,ni ind an'-dieu it acc-rail.g o buvu ircusisu L S V?I not riiSTMbiAj when the last and winning mule, entered by Ptrtrrerv free from inrlamation, which had v ndy Iluncilman, came stumbling up the stretch, case before for many yc.rs. followed bv at least 2.000 people, shouting pa the ret, G. B. WILLI AM?- -'j- Broadway. mogt Jeafeui uianaer. The mule came slowly 3 ir. j V7- m . . '-VTtVns Wholesale under the line-was almost pushed to the mark, Prepared and sold by A. L i D. y wo tnicht SRV: One of the Judges sung out to the S StfJ 1 erowd"that the time of the slowest mule was made For in Obo-Iofte by I . ! C ARK m tpn minfltrm and m Uro trcond. 1 rt.Tr..rnti.I when tbe "kin" of terrors." the great unbeaten aud unchallenged, stept in and closed the j game of life forever. "Why are you like an annual, my darling?" said a saucy lover, biudiag his arm around Harriet's waist. "I can't p.iv. Why?" "Because you are i.nd.tr.mnfr tiorind " "Indeed." said Harriet. Whv, then, am I like a law hook?" "Really, I can't tell." "Because I am bound in calf." l .1. . .i,,., en m-ilre tbo noise. Jlliu I lie uwci .... In a court, of special sessions, recently, a man named Smith was arraigned for stealing a demijohn, containing three gallons of whisky, i H rc you guilty or not guilty?" asked the clerk. "Wal, you can call it what you like; I tuk tho whiskythat I admit, and drinked it, toe." "You took it without leave, dol you not? "I never wait to be asked when that article s round." i March 2. 185e. v r . St A 11 It x u

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