tm$tv o IP ICE 0O pei? anum i X Til E (K TRADE CHARACTER J3 AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS. AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER- , IN ADVANCE. WEST SIDE STREET mSMMM Yk1i Em. d r,-.o,. j CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1858. SEVENTH VOLUME BOMBER 337. : Published every Tuesday, 5) BY .. iATKS, KDITOK AND rROPKIKTOit. Kkwin A. Vatks, Associate Editor. Belts! Belts!! Belts!!! y !!( M the In st Bcltinp Cnmpanv, at Manufai -turor's 3l prices: CASH PRICES: ' ' 'l inch .. 1 1), cts. per foot. .. 1 . i - r r. n - . in advance $2 00 iihia ix Diontha 2 50 after the expiration off the year, on Anv person sending us five xkw subscribers, ;tuiei by the advance subscription (SlOJ will rribera and others who may wish to send . ; 1 1 i il.) so by mail, at our risk. R.i!e of ki&Ktr Using : .. ..(' 14 lines or less, for .1 mouths, S 4 00 S " 6 oo " 10 00 S " 00 - IH til ' 4 ply Seamless Belt: manufactured to order i'.t short u J I. nan. ir less, lirt insertion .iili enseal insertion, Transient advertisements must be paid for in r announcing Candidates tVr Office. bo in ilvcrt'semcnts not marked on the manuscript f..r a ! line, wi rtlingly. 11 be inserted until forbid, and s. r. smith. Itf or:?cy aaid Counsel ?r at Law V ALWAYS BE Knl ND AT THE OFFICE Win. Johnston, E-cj. Prompt attention given to Collections, writing -. Convey uncea, !fcc. ii i.-os. ly W. A. OWENS. ATTORKE' AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C T H7ILL practice in the 1 V in Co .lllltl"-S. OFFICE VKAIM.V in nan :. is.".. urts ol'this and the adjoin- orrosm tiik Post OmcB. 13 Lar. ALEXANDER. icy at Law, Charlotte, :v. C. o:iio3 oyer China Hall. An'n-t ll. y 5. . PATENT RIC12ITS. rWllIK subscriber onVra his services to INVKNTORS Ll and otliers desirous of seenring Lkttkus Pj knt. I ".i:.y li-'lit . etc The whole business can be transact ed 'by mail Letters confidential, and f-e Moderate. " Address, KUWARD CAVfU "ELL. Sept. 7. I8r8. .''.m Raleigh, N. C. P. SAUKS, Architect ami aliiil!er, Will Beanrn. Plans and Drawings for Public Buildings, Private Residences and Villas. Particular intention ill be m ? I to building Flouring Mills, Corn Mills. ,v. Orncc in 3d story of Alexander's Building. IV.iiit room, over China Hall. Charlotte, i t. 19, 1858. e2;m. l?oi cV white, i Apri Medicine and Surgery. ilrrirE tin Stairs in Snriuffs' Bnilding FOX, M. I. . 1858. a-if E. WHITE, M. D. ivotice. LL those indebted to the subscriber will make im mediate settlement, or their Notes and Accounts will be daed in other hands for collection. ::. Isr.s. ::-tt ('. J. FOX. 1 JE3L O 33 SS A. N X B R 0 G A S T II E BEST, 4 ' Tl 5 " 7 6 :: 7 ' ::h 1 " 60 12 ' 72 12 notice. Condncting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pres sure, ordered direct from the Manufacturers. ALSO, Packing of all description, at ."."" Cent; jcr pound. J. 15. F. BOOXE. June 1, 1h.-,s. f 1105 Acres of Land FOR SALE. The subscriber, residing about four miles south of Lincolnton, on Indian Creek, offers for sale his valua ble PLANTATION, containing about six hundred and thirty acres, '21 of which is cleared, about tu acres of bottom land meadow of first rale i nality. Th re is a new and commodious Dwelling House and all ne cessary out-houses. Also, a first rate improved water privilege with a good Saw Mill upon it. together with two unimproved Shoals. The creek affords water enough for almost any purpose. The said Land lies on the road leading from Lincoln ton to Yorkville, and within one mile of the Wilming ton, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. Also, four hundred and sixty-five acres of timbered Land, adjoining the above, will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Refer to C. C. He nderson or John F. Hoke. A. P CAXSLER. September 7. 1 S"S. 3ni-pd. Dissolution. The Firm of YOCXti Jc WILLI AMS is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The accounts of the Firm will be settled 11. B. Williams. W. A. YOUXO, II. IL WILLIAMS. 2::-tf 8CAEE & CO., Drug-gist A: Chemists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, XVITE the attention of Physicians, Planters. Merchants, vv . to their NEW and complete stock of DRUGS, ( HL.vII- ('ALS. 4cc. The extensive patronage they have received from the Physicians of Char lotte and its vicinitv is the Lest guarantee of the PURITY OF THE DUl'CS sold by uueni. October 12. lfC3. Fur (he Charlotte Democrat. Revolutionary Incidents. CAPTURE OF CHARLOTTE. Any spot endeared to us by historical associations we love to linger around; and while we contemplate caused a number of the "red coats" to reel from their saddles and bite the dust, They then reined t ieir ponies down Trvon strte1, and beat an honorable retreat; but were hotly pursued by the whole body of Tarlton's Ee-rion. the pursuit ARREST OF COUNTERFEITERS. For the Toilet. New and elegant stock, consisting of English, French and American HAIR BRUSHES, Tooth Brushes in "real variety : Tuck, Puff and side Combs in Tortoise shell. Buffalo horn and India Rnl her. FRENCH and ENGLISH SOAPS. American, Frenc h and English Pomades, Genuine Lubins EXTRACTS, 23 varieties. Also, cologne, verbena, geranium ami other Perfumeries just received at SCARR t GO'S October 12, 1858 iru-- Store. Choice Family Teas. Silver Leal 11 vson, Ooolobg, Breakfast, Ne Plus 1'ltra. at SCARR & CO S Drujr Store. Imperial, Gunpowder. and other varieties October. 1858 Preston 3t Merrill's YEAST POWDERS, The only reliable Yeast Powder sold. SCARR & GO'S Duuu Stobe. The telej-apli has mentioned the discovery in Brooklyn, N. V t Thursday, ot the headquarters of a gano; of counterfeiters, and arrest of several men engaged in forcing coin. The arrest was was kept up about four miles from town on the made by four officers from New York , who had V f?.1 .Ksi le A MA met and ioiliOll bv 1. ...... nmnflla . . i .1 1 .! ii t Oo ivlo-ri.'i! ;illty I if the noble deeds associated with that particular J( h Gnrham with the remainder of the dell The Herald savs: place, our bosoms are wont to swell with emotions co There, notwithstanding their inferiori- After some time, an aeeonipliee turned up, and of pleasure, and especially if they have been enact- m'nbers. they made a stand on the road and his steps were traced to a very neat iiiile BUttaga cd under the most adverse circumstances, so as to (" od the pijr,.nit; a)ld after a bloody skirmish un Myrtle avenue, Erookh n. A clof watch Waa give them a romantic cast our minds naturally thev wt.rc. ovprpoWt,rea and forced to retreat, lea v- here kept, and From careful observation the officers turn with anxious enquiry lor the particulars ot mfrJ Vo Loeko dead and (Sen. LJraham severely became satisfied that oniC Sort of business was Car- tbu deeds connected with that particular place nndcfi, with thirty others killed, wMMided and ried on within, and f. It attre that their long looked In consideration oi this, we hope that we will takcn r;soners Of the enemy, Major Hunger, for prize was about to be secured. Keeping be indulged tu attempting to place Ik lore the pub- (, hlhx9 (Jampbcll and McDonald were wounded, oonstaot look out on the movements of tin- inmates be the capture of Charlotte and the incidents con- j twchc noI1.Comiuissioned officers were killfd they finally decided to make a descent on the little neeted with it Some of the facts may appear I wounde(, eottage on Thnrsday mornin-. Atcordingly, novel m themselves, as they have never aspired to Vmiwallia annroaehed and baited bis armv at .Kout 1 1 o't loek. thev all four ataitcd over to ibo a popular circulation tn the departments oi history, ! T, . , foMa of the , , Wallinu and officer lildcr. on ami nave neen to a great exu ni ..o... ptan(,a,.d ,1()W floaT0(1 aloft jn the air, and the dust of time by the hand oi traditton alone, j fl .q d triun h ovcr that idenfci. twill, .ps. be necessary to take a view of ai- j w,lor,(. a ,ittlo more than five years before, fans immediately prior to that time. It was one ! m Ae 20tfj M 177- t,(0 ,,,1 American of the most critical events in any period ! of our Earc firft UI,f0lded his downy wings, and where country s history. Reverses seemed attending the ., ,. .;, , , An;w f5,t .Vt n,,h.w and October, 1858 American arms on every occasion, ine rtorth had experienced a series of disappointments and j disasters. The British army had been successful in all its operations South. Ceorgia was literally under British guard. Charleston had fallen. The impetuosity of Gates had lost to us the battle of Camden. Here the best remnant of the Southern army was broken and scattered over the barren pine hills of Kershaw. Here the brave old veteran DeKalh perished with his gallant handful of true above place. I ant. their arrival, placed themselves at the rear oi the house, and officers Sampson ami McCord at the front part. At a time when they thought the in mates were not expecting visitors, they entered by the back and front doors, lunch to the surprise of those within, who comprised of three uien and one glowed on till it burst forth in a universal flame ' woman, all apparently just having left some sort of in the ensuing year Ith duly, f i id. Doubtless Cornwallis had an overlonging pride to place his Foot on that "rebellious" spot, which, while on his short visit there, gave him so much trouble that he denominated it the 'Hornets' Nest of America." Cornwallis located his camp in a narrow, open valley south of the Court Hon. e, while he took comfortable quarters in the lirst honso from the corner on Trade street. Here he Superior Vinegar. A very superior article of t annic Nutmegs, cloves, mace, giuger, rinna A fresh supply at SC., s58 megar. Also, ion, allspice, &c. ft Pi co's ro Charlotte. Ang. 18, 1858. MANSION HOUSE. UNDER NEW AUSPICES. This commodious and magnificent establishment has recently come under the personal supervision of the subscriber, w ho respectfully announces to his friends and the traveling public especially, that every effort will be made on his part to please in every particular appertaining to the duties of mine host. ' W. V. ELMS. Charlotte, August 24. 158. i Good Family Flour. WILL keep a supply of my la-st Flour at the Store of H. B. WILL.IAMS & CO., " .-ere lesirous can obtain it at any time, FOR ASH. those J. i: Charlotte. June 15. 1858. STEWART, tf PETER MALLETT D. C OLDEN MURRAY, (Central (Commission pltrcbnnt, 1058 y f, XEVTYORK. .Fine 2f. CAROLINA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate at Car.. Una Citv for the purpose of doing a Forwarding Cc General Commission Riioness. and hone lv promptness and strict attention t.. .... .it annnv mill summit. Being the Ajfent of MCRRA V'S J.IM-: OF FIRST CLASS PACKETS to this and Morchead city, every effort will be made to make this the cheapest and most expeditions route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at mv Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will he riven to all orders, and to the sale and shipment oi Produce. VVM. GRANT. All shipments of Produce to P. Colden Murray, New York, will be forwarded free of commission. June 2:, 1859 J THE EiIVER . INVIGOKATOR! PBEPAREn r.v nit. SASKORP, for.iio;indcd entirely from GIMIS, 3 c 3 s M i C 1 1. - pt.iK' ifii.i..."" . "i" j-t p.'t l..i ins ii NmctioM rIL 3 tn 1 1 -v di v. l 'i '-'l T1hsim ! on Um Ik iilil.v MiN il ll' M'"L' of ii - I'l.iiel ioi : w lif n llie n.e at faulr, a.i.l I be whole O ol one Hpui the l.lvcr Knr il.e ilweaw of or- lias m.i'lr .1 Lis (tody, in 3 earn, la liml .wnc iwen i.iou 2 : ra a s T AT BOONE'S, I Mi mis ITE THE DANK OF CHARLOTTE IX tuber 5. lyis. : nw i.v tiik BEST I'l liOATIVK AND LIVER IK- 1' OHTIXKS now lr...e i!ie MbUe, llwt MM Oirl, easier aiMrr, tnd MR HfectwUlbM anv oilier kaow. "I v C,lh. W reinedy. a.-... ? Hrl on ti e Lie,",, elect i.s MfWd nnute. . the. N. Mo.i.a.l, and ham lo ran v off that mnc.rr. .-.-.m.lih!n- two ., ,.ose elle.-lil- A o ,. cST.ln' 1 M.entahen, Ihe the same no ih it it parse it : d when lke ' .no.U-.ate Uoe.. will slre..i:lhi-n ana muni u op i... The I.lver i- haauH. laxly ; ami Then il the nower of Il.e vteni are i al.noHt ewtlwly 4cei.'l.i1 Lif-r for ihe pMM. i-ertouu MIIHII i-Ht la.lll,lhelMiw. l lem ...ilTers in eonenenee liav ii.K ce.we.l lo lo il duly, (ran, one of Ihe .iopi iutoi praelice of moie that, iwel.ty wherewith 10 couiiteiact Ike il ik Iial.le. To n.oi t that ties i. . bled with Mvir Com ix, hmm lint to .rj a U.ttle. ami TbeM li'iin remove all Ihe v?teiu. MMl ! lln'ir larbroewtinflj tM uu.acb, put Ifylna the blood, whole machinery, remov.nj; - etfeiMins a radical cine. -i KIIIoua ntla. Ws re - bette r. pn rente, bj Uni tnvlnorator. One awe afu-i eati.i:i Mif an. I prevont the (M from Owlj one Jot taken betoie , mare. , onlv one dose taken at Mtflv. and C'.ref C'OS- m m tine dose taken after each 0OM .iom' or two tea Slek Ilrndnrlie. i One Initile taken for fe CfJBM of the disease, and t. nly one dose imTucdialely I Ine dose often reH-ate.l is Hl.i and a p.e.ntiye If Only one s.inie Tsiem Ike wTnti of mc 41- MAT.OM1 bltle taken I.n li.w nv.s or nnnalmal color One dose taken a short ror to the a.nte.r.nd makes One dose often repeated l h i a in its a. 'i st forms. Ituwt-l eomplonts yield One or two doses cues at t'liildren: there is uo, the woil.l. as it rtrrrr i-iil: i iffr A few bottles cures w alaww hf at" We take pleasure in recom preientive r... K.-ver aurl .C . .... .11 PrvrK of a III I- with certainly, awd thowaandii gas i..r..i .irfn... mKm tS Alt who n- It are "!S h, "ai.imon g C I . llllU'T I" It favor. rng-mu Water In the mouth n lilx the I.ivl- -oMinr. anil swnllow Ih.Hi los:llifr. g c THE LIVER INVIGORATOR KT . s:, iKVTIKI- MKHU'Vl. TUS. oVKllY. a...! ht My C " ; .. TTen e irny kind of I.lver '.n.daint, V- from the woist Jwa many deranKeinents to 1 at last found, anv person tron plailit, in a. ii of its foous, tonvii'.ion isceilain. or l.a.t niaiter pla.-e a heaithv he of bile, causing Io.hI i'o .lif.'si watt, iri. b"JE 'o. e awl health to the MM cause of the diseaiK: cured, nn.l, -what I the occasional use ol the Beieal lo relieve the stomach rising ami sourirjr. ret ii in T, prevents Mghl- ES3B pijrht. laeaejM the bowel. rV Jlt s iiisi. LS3 i. il illcu re tyspeis..ix ."inn. work. 1 hey were all arrested and placod 111 one room, under the charge of two of the officere, while the remainder Boaijehctl the house. They were not long in Gulling w hat they had so loner de sired, in one room were found several valuable presses, fifty dies for easting gold dollars, two and a half pieces, three d .liars, lives, tens and twenties; also lor silver coin ed' various denominations. TKam iv-k -il.v f . i . 1 1 . 1 -i 1 -1 ..-. . i i ll-i Ii f 1 1 r t if v :l 1 1 1 :l 1 1 Ii land devoted followers. And dispair and gloom I . . U Unrim n Ik M' L,l,n , .... r.. ..;7't.;,, ,.,.; nnUj . rll .11 1 VI llin o . i 1 IjHIVVIJf j j;iiiu Ul Ulil.V, vi'i'l'i 1 IVI niniio on. wmf m.v.s., st:eineei now in m liil- uu imc nmci.vau v u uov . ium success tended but to feed the base cruelties of the Jiritish Commander, who then ordered a total proscription against ail the Rebels of Carolina; and those unfortunate patriots such as Hayne and a host of otliers who had been lingering in the di all 1 Are of T!3!. TroUer fc .9. . c?li3ssBS VYE formed a CO PA RTN K RSi 1 1 P under Ihe name 1 style of J. G-. WILKINSON &, CO., to carry on t lie Uiiteli and Jewelry Business, in all its various branches, at Ao. a Uranitc uow, op posite the .Mansion louse. They now offer for sale a large and splendid .tock of Watches. Jewelry, Ac., &c, nd w ill sell goods as low tor Lash as llicy can ne old anvwhere. Nov.'-.'. 1858. 33-tf 11 EXDEliSON & All KENS eceiviug and have now in store a hill assortment UEADY-niade CLOTHING, B00TS& SHOES, Hats. Caps, Hardware, crockery, cigars, fancy Goods k U KOC CRIES, Which will beoffered for cash at unusual low prices. An examiuatiou of our stock is respectfully solicited. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. lilaek and colored cloth, silk and cashmere Cloaks and .Mantillas from $1 ." io $12 50. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Morocco boots, first rale article, at 90 cents : mim'j calf. Icin and other hinds of Shoes: emigre tcrs. Also, a good stock of Brogan Clofltin, Siiirl, Cravats, Collars, Socks. Drawers, Undershirt?, a good assortment. Ten dozen Gentlemen's bordered cambric Handkerchiefs at in cents. Also, linen and bilk Handkerchiefs, a large variety. Gents' Shawls. Raglans, f omfoits. &c. Pine Watches and Jewelry, Pocket Knives. Perfume ries and Fancy Articles. Embroideries & White Goods. Jackonet and Swiss Edging and Inserting, collars, sleeves, Laces. Flouncing. Marseilles, corded and a va riety of Hoop Skirts from T." cts to .." 50. SKGAKS. Still on hand the favorite old brand (LaEstulta) at 3 per box of -."u ; also Havana segars of choice qualities. j-,.., Call at HEXDERSON AIIREXS at Springs' corner and satisfy yourself that their prices are, if not the lowest, among the lowest. October 12, 1858 Cai- s at SI in to $1 I have ready and the hoof. the town. Aug. -'4. 1858 ii i i i j. ii. i ilatnji uungeons oi i nanesion weio ieu lonu iu.ii ignominious execution. And the cries of widowed mothers and orphan children were heard through out the borders of that ill-Iated State! After our disaster at Camden, Cornwallis direct ed his course towards Charlotte, which lay in a defenceless condition. As the defeat of our forces at Camden was looked upon as a total subjugation of the South, the eouquered country was re garded as one open to common rapine and plunder; and consequently cowardly hands of Tories and low bred British were infesting the country in the front and rear of the British army, leaving desolation and ruin in their track. These lawless bands were scarcely interrupted in their wonted depredations, save when occasionally sallied upon by Marion or Polk's dauntless little bands, who were ever ener getic in keeping the spirit of Revolution aglow in that gloomy period. As Cornwallis advanced to wards Charlotte these marauding bands grew more numerous and insolent, and the helpless whig fam ilies were entirely o en to their rapacious propen sities. About this time Col. Davis and Gen. Jos. (iraham were ordered to repair to Mecklenburg and take command of such forces as could be col lected there. They mustered together about one hundred and fifty of the Mecklenburg yeomanry, and stationed themselves about five miles east of Charlotte, on the Salisbury road. Cornwallis had advanced to within eleven miles of Charlotte and lay encamped in the settlement of Providenee, on the main road to Camden, on the left bank of Four .Mile Creek. On the night of the 2fth of Sept., 17S(. Col. Davis with a company of thirty mount ed Riflemen took his position in the village, while (!en. Graham occupied the post at the camp; and on the morning of the 26th, Cornwallis resumed his march for Charlotte. At noon, the quietness of this little rural village, buried, as it was then, in the lap of a dense forest, which had never been troubled save by the occasional crack of the hunts man rifle, or the wild tries of the lurking panther, was now broken by the distant notes of the war proelaiuiing bugle; and notwithstanding the ap proaching tramp of a triumphant army, this little handful of sturdy yeomanry were resolved to await an honorable retreat. Each one, doubtless, was tired in his mind at the fearless sentiments which a short time before had been propagated on that uot together with the cruelties that had been j practiced on their friends, which fully nerved them ' for any danger. True, they had learned the disas ter at Camden, they had heard of the untimely fate of the martyred Hayne and his compatriots, j and of the total proscription of all Rebels; yet they stood firm and undaunted, determined to ive the i: i, .:.. ..... ,.;fl..i. enemy a warm reception wan mcu nu.iy in.v.-. Charlotte at that time contained about 40 houses, tl., main tier.. its: cr.Kt :i 1 1 r at. fioht aliel -S. With h n . . ... . .... i .1. i.,. commenced butchering beef again, and am the l curt tlouse in me ecu ic. y ..-wii t.. luiv Beeves. Aliitton anu rors, "o i tall forests ami muck HiiueiKieiBui. .u.. jm.r I solicit, and hope to merit, the patronage ot W. A. COOK, 23-tf Town lluteher. poultry, and other good things, taken as spoils tools of every description, &c., which cost in al from the adiacent farms of the "rebels." But his uot less than $5000. There was also discovers repose was soon disturbed by the active and sly about 830,000 worth of the spurious made coin, all efforts of Davis and his watchful men, who had ready for use, together with $1,3G9 in counter partially collected and were hovering around in the feits on the following banks: Two hundred and vicinity, availing themselves of every opportaoity seventy dollars in tens, on the Charlotte Hank, of harrassing and cutting off his foraging parties. . Xorth Carolina; on;- hundred and tea dollars in On one occasion Gen. George Graham with about counterfeits on the Hartford Hank of Hartford, twelve men, seven miles abov e Charlotte at Me- ' Conn.; eighty-one dollars on the Mechanic's Hank, Intvre's. (now Hip's Mine.) actually in their dar- Hartford Conn.; five hundred dollars in lives on ing" desperation put to flight 4(U Hritish Cavalry, the Delaware County Hank, Delhi. Delaware COUU who supposed from ihe fatality of the lire that ; fy Jfew York, and four hundred dollars in tweu they were being led into an ambuscade; and on re- ties on the A'ew England Bank, of Boston, turning to Charlotte they swore to their command- There was also recovered 81000 in good money, er that "ever- bush contained a rebel." I The parties ware all conveyed to the headquarter We will take one character as an illustration of ; Gf the detectives, corner of Broome and Elm sts., that fearless spirit and thirst for liberty which where they gave their names as Kdward Edwards, rlowed in the bosoms of our forefathers tn the , Mls Kdwards, his wife, Samuel James, and ( has. days that tried men's souls, and which in many in stances seemed madness itself. It may seem in- Cook. They were all locked up to wait the ac tion of the U. S. District Attorney, and Marshal credulous to relate, but it is nevertheless true, if I Ryndere. All the implements, dies, &c., togethci the tradition of the last generation is to be UCUCVCQ. nita the- money, were conveyed to the police Iiead- ri i :n l 1 1. e ... :.. . quarters. juis win oe toe means m siopjuu any further circulation id' the like coin for some time. tf Valuable Town Property FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for -ale his Dwelling House known as the "Crystal Palace.'' The House is pleas- i.. ..t... i .... tin. eiiriier ofChurch and Kighth streets iwiliv snu.iti.i .... .... . ..'.-;t,. the residence of Mr Ueorgc Cross , wes ate the neecssai v out buildings in good repair I',,r fiirfhor information address the i Pini The rare exploits of this character entitle him to a more, prominent notice. His name was Robert O'Flanesan more commonly known among his comrades by the quaint appellation of ''Long Bob." Xhe Vote in New Yoiik. The returns from He had been reared in the backwoods of Meeklen- . Jfew York have been officially published. Since burg, measured seven feet in height, raw-boned ( 1856, the Democrats have gained :;:;,()(!( on the and well mustled, swarthy complected, thin vis- popular vote, 'ihe Republican loes is 30,000, the saged, with a piercing grey eye overhung by a dark : American loss G4,000. In 1 , the Republican heavy brow. His rough buckskin trousers, coon- voto was 81,000 over the Democratic. In WS, it skin cap, homespun shirt and other habiliments in ' js but 17,000. We do not see anything so very femMance, bespoke him a hardy pioneer of those ! alarming in these results. They show very clearly i arly times, lie was consequently enured to every ! that Seward is rapidly losing ground in bis own kind of hardship and danger, and his wild life gave State. In the next Presidential election, we him a true idea of freedom and his noble heart beat predict New York will be for the Democracy. true to the cause of liberty. He had been present j at the memoiable Convention of the 10th of May, Tiik Chinese in California. Efforts have 1775. and on the morning of the 20th as Col. Polk been made both in California and Australia to stood on a carpenter's work-bench in front of the j keep out Chinese emigrants, but there is no doubt edd Court House and read the serious deliberations . that they will ultimately fail, for neither country of that convention, he too tossed his rude cap in lean long do without this cheap labor, and will bo the air, and sent up his shout of approval with the jrlaJ to tolerate it however degraded and viscious rejoicing throng. the people may be. After the defeat and dispersion of the gallant The act to restrict the immigration of Chinese band of (iraham and Davis by the British cavalry ; into California, went into operation on the 1st of on the 2(th, Long Bob repaired to the vicinity of October. The penalty, fine and imprisonment, Charlotte, and kept his haunts among the dense falls on the masters and owners of vessels disobeying thickets about a mile and a half from the village, j the law. Several ships are on their way from with his long rille and rusty hunting-knife as his j Hong Kong with passengers, but it is generally only companions. Three sides of the British camp believed the act will beheld by the: Supreme Court were skirted by tall forests and thick undergrowth, j to be unconstitutional. Above that view, if tin: and while lurking around, Long Hob on one oc- I treaty recently made with China guarantcex protection to natives of thai country in the United States, the law of California it would seem, must give way before the treaty. Bottou Traoi lUr, On the mil at evlllc or applv to J. P. .Smith at Charlotte. Terms numerate. JOHN HAN I EL her 12, 1858 It All Right Again! casion, approached near enough to discover the position of the camp and the exact posts of the outside sentinels. Adhering to the principle that every thing is fair in war, lie resolved to give his unwelcome visitors a little trouble; and according ly would select his opportunity and with his old rifle noiselessly approach the British camp, and marking out one of the nearest sentinels, with deadly aim would bring him to the earth, 'ibis would cause an intense excitement and draw all attention to that particular spot; men in an insian. evening, which very Lomr Bob would bound away, taking a circuitous l Snaoish vounir ladies am A Glance at Madbip. A letter in the New York Journal of Commerce, dated Madrid, Spain, October 20, says: Madrid has a population of about 300,000, and is a pleasant city. Our minister, Gen. A.C Dodge, its very popular here. I was at l.i.s party last delightful. Saw many gentlemen, who were M IS. Dodge entertains very o Miuiit'iils ill aluios ltllcv JJ nmli' nl.striirtion removes the '-A make. mi feci cine. relievo liolle, Hh H . inc f-r C holera of Cholera. r 1-irihH lo throw o-it of the tint wfter ft sickness. Jnomllor rcmoies nil sl fin n iln- skin. M ::nie before EJttrng Rives vi- i.ssl ili.'.sl well. ; AS nra t lironle Dinr -s u uii le Mummer ".! ' xlinost lo ihe List .los. t . iH. ks ciiused liiWnrni in mier. or speculcr relneov in (-3 s Oropsy, by wWaf the ni.iuane this meilieine s Chill K.vri-, 3 ions Tp-. It opem:e nre wiUiHS 10 tetitifj to u j 9 Julv 27. To"bacco. IJOXES of J. 0. Kings TOBxlCCO jusl received and for Sale by M. V. UOBISON & CO. 1858. IW tatioiictl uart of his men behind the Court House. 1 ....I the nili.Ts on each side of the street behind 1 the garden fences, . and eahnlv awaited the approach terday, to the utmost annoyance and consternation of Cornwallis, he would repeat mis aaring ieai, route and rc-loading as he went, would reach the very agreeable. opposite point from the place of excitetnnt, and handsomely. .. 1 i.i 1 . ... 1 he atuuscmentfl last Sunday were bull lights, . - .....I ; in me same manner pop in er auot u-i , ano nn n bnn nd atrav tu his dismal hidiiiir uhice. Day af- FURNITURE of the enemy. Cornwallis haiteil nis army ai Town Creek," three-fourths of a mile distant, and I sent forward a portion of Tarlton's Legion, under i Major Hunger, (Tarlton being unwell,) to herald his approach. They came dashing up the main street in trout ot me i oust nouse ai iun reiu, um dreaming of ;i foe, w hen Davis and his men threw until it was with the utmost reluctance tnai inc. sentinels could be kept at their posts; knowing that they were liable at any moment, like their unfortunate comrades, to have their brains scatter ed on the tall grass at their feet. D. B. R. TO 11V. CONTINUED ... 1.1 . horse racing, cock ngiiiing, operas ami incairns; all well attended. Tlie Queen attended the bull race. Twenty three horsefl and fight and horse six bulls were killed in about, two hours. The amusement seem.-, to be Span!, h delight, but it will nut suit me. Suicide in Court. A suit which had been in progress for some time at Columbus, (In.) and in which Wni. Mewherter. an old and well known citizen of the eountv, was defendant, terminated Great Mortality amoxo "the Fa miir..." The caravan of pilgrims which left Damascus for Mecca last summer, accompanied by the Sultana and her suite, returned to Damascus on the 25th September, its ranks decimated by the cholera. Of the eighty thousand pcra ns who composed the caravan, sixteen thousand were carried off by the epidemic. The Sultana and her entire unite, with J. M. SANDERS, CABINET MAKER, CHARLOTTE, X. C, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Furni tare of his own and northern immutacture. Also, FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES. Dec 2t. is:7 y tht niselves before the troop, and with their deadly, unerring rifles unhorsed half their number, and the remainder, panic stricken, wheeled their chargers and made back to the main body of the army, which was now advancing on hearing the unex pected alarm. Major Hunger was severely rcpri Biarded by his chagrined and enraged commander, whose swearing propensities served to give full vent to his disappointed feelings. The Legion was r.gain recruited and kept in advance of the armv. which now hove in sight. The martial mu- 1 400 nmiHi steeds were cliat- Ill-their bits, ami urigne inu.-KetMo - .y" thn vt.nV,..t "!1B rn:ul drew a Tiist.d . tv:- T.-. hJL. n-,, I lirnivn nil mnnnted the nnon-dav sun. w hile "? . . . . . ..... , ' : ' .7 " .7 bv the jury rendering a verdict that the defendant exccptk)n of a young Georgian slave a w ho had been an agent for Shrewsbury & Price, M et,nucfc, are aroong the victims. Themali millers bad in hand, unaccounted for over 1U,UOO. tljaraCter 'of tie e,w At the time of the announcement of the verdict the i valujfc(. of tJj(. Sirocco. a pidemic is nd an n.i nt .1 ascriuco to luc court-room was densely crowded, wewnener uxth. . . . T 1 n A 111 i position to the nglit 01 the juagen ui-sk, hi i REMARKABLE KXUl Bl nN. ,i front and between the jury-box and the Judge, exhibition took place at the Hopkimrrille (Tenn.) w a pusroi might be IS A St lKNTIKl' work.MC cures, ulliiost too fr n .trie. er one l.llle is r. 0..111 e. .0 . ... . -, ul. ' or j u-i-r"-' . . 11 of wUck re Ike res.:lt ..' a WW" mil l (IVE IMtl.l AR m BOTT1.I!. SAXFORI) a Co.. Cor.. .-. , Br..ty. New York. WholrsaU A otl . .1, . t w Hy.itt A S05S, rialiKlel- pl,i ; M. S It. Ru . o. ? " V.5d. V John P. lKK. 1 mcii.tia u. ' , J, St. li, ; Fhsct.h k Davis, t hicap. . . " '! t lWthnore. And tlEOKGE II. . s. S. IlALt. lU.HDOre. k .11 DnniiU SuU tvw ' V o 3 O i a.... vv.v j.. . .-, ... nil(l shot himself through the heart. AS I. I W V ft -m - W V M ; 1 it I t'i f 1 ti U,iviTU IV 1 I i'l I lilt f Mv I f f I f ft I - r J ' - jim w WiTwo seareen ooo - - expected, there was much excitement, and the ,e " eooi I horsemen. The eldest was aged forty, Rj,' t A- d BIl.IC. thirtu mounted on their guant, hardy, long-haired "r" . ' , ee""" " , . . , gt... ' mBJ , . - w.'l- 1HWI"" r .wh Mlllt; -.nd e-du lv Court immediately adjourned. 1 the youngest twenty. 1 hey had not all been to ff, rflHK under.igiicd having l-rmc. a prepared for anothei s.. utc, and Calm . years. Their mother was pre- 3 couartnershiii for the purpose ol .1 ir rustv-barreled, greasy-stoeked geiner iur iuwv j i TLA eHrryingon the xLiloring Business, at T o th of their ponies. Their SKNSIUI.E.-The New York News says that sent, and they reined up , front of the glorious K&rag ,i ;,!,is, nd of Li. L. Re , give n,ti. e to r-m. u . . (,rDwallis to believe that liichard Smith, a negro preacher of the Methodist matron, and saluted her, while she shed tears ol !!t!f V thev wcrcsurldy the outposts of the American upon attempting t vote at W Joy and pride. 1 lm t III 7uZ Lhitas, in the most arluv: ,nd accordingly the advance, was approach- lhelle, t, was cha voted I ST The -Vsheville NeVt of the 1th says that WM '!r incantionsly, until it came within ge bu et J?"t i , ' ' ,e droves of Hogs are now on their way to i ' bor nt) ic L ill ui-.iv" . .u t ni' ii I ' d.!:n ui iii" u:i' - 4 1 1 r l y . ,. , . it i i have ni"- i market. J tie price gcuerany ascu u six aim a cllorts to i. lease Term, CasJi Nov. :'. will meet witn wot auu 'itu'-- D. L. Hi-A, JAsj. F. ALEXANDER. ; ly raised their deadly pieces to their staunch i shoulders and gave a farewell salute, which again vote, remarking that "he didn't care to gers rule over him white men were good enough. " half cents, gross. j March 2, If 38. y F. SLAlilt a.