tmttti It t i. O IF" IF" I C? ON THE WEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET per annum CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF TIIE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OP THE OTHER. IN ADVANCE, TOM1H I. TABS, p-o CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1858. SEVENTH VOLUME NUMBER 339. THE WSSTSBH BJiffiOtMT. (QPfrlis!ied every Tuesday,Q) W.M. J- YATES, Editor and Proprietor. Edwin A. Yatks, AMmh Editor. If paid iu advance, $2 00 If pmii within sis Montlii. 2 50 If acid after the expiration of the Ma" M 00 Any person sending us five .new aavfedcribers, ipauicd by the advance subscription ($10) will receive nxth copy gratis tor oue year. fctf" Sfili-Klilieei and others who may wish to send money to us, call do so liy mail, at our risk. Hates of Advtrllslngi One tannic of" 14 lines or less, for 3 months, $ 4 00 " c, " 0 (HI u " 12 H 10 Ml One piarc. or less, first insertion ? 00 bach sulsejueiit insertion 25 rjV- Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. jtjf Fur announcing Candidates for Office, $.5 in ml V ;inee. fy- Advertisements not marked on the MBtMripl for a ifMrcifk time, will be inserted until forbid, and e barged accordingly. S. P. SMITH, Attorney and 'HBielBor at Law mi AY ALWAYS BE FOUND AT THE OFFICE JxMof IV m. John-ton, Esq. faff Prompt attention given to Collections, writing of Deed-. Conveyances, Jic. January 2ti, ISM. lj W. A. OWENS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WILL practice in the Courts of this and the adjoin ing Counties. OFFICE .NEARLY OPPOSITE THE I'oST OffRI. January 19, 1858. II. La F. ALEXANDER, Attorney at Law, Charlotte, IV, i Office over China Hall. August II, IS5. y P. SAURS, Architect and Builder, Will furnish Designs. Plans and Drawings for Public Buildings, Private Residences and Villas. Particular Httention will be paid to building Flouring Mills, Corn Mills. &c. OvriCB iu 3d story of Alexander 6 Building, front room, over China Hall. Charlotte, Oct. 10, 1S;S. DSC. FOX Ac WIS IT ft, Medical and Surfer v. gw-v Orric k up Stairs in Springs' Kuilding. V. J. FOX, M. D. W. E. WHITE, M. D. April :. lS.'.S. 3-tf NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the subscriber will make im mediate settlement, or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in other hands for collection. April S, 1S58. 3-tf C. J. FOX. Good Family Flour. I WILL keep a supplv of my best Flour at the Store of H. B. WILLIAMS & CO., where those desirous can obtain it at any time, FOB ('ASH. J. li. STEWART. Charlotte, June 15, 1858. tf S ES A. JB" 33 B R 0 A N S THE BEST, T i r E C E AT A P S T BOONE'S, Belts! Belts!! Belts!!! 17 ROM the best Belting Company at Manufacturer'! . prices: CASH PRICES: 2 " h 121 cts. per foot. " 15 y 3 " 17 - 4 " 22 " 5 " 27 " G " .32 " " 7 " 38 10 " 60 12 ' 72 H " 12 "4 ply, j " " lft.. Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short J notice. Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water or steam pres sure . ordered direct from the .Manufacturers. ALSO, Packing of art description, at 55 Cents per pound. J. B. F. BOONE. June 1, 1858. tf OPPOSITE TIIE BANK OF CHARLOTTE October 5. 18!S8. tf Dissolution. The Firm of YOUNG k WILLIAMS is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The accounts of the" Firm will be settled by II. B. Williams. W. A. YOCXO, H. B. WILLIAMS. Charlotte, Aug. 18, 1858. 23-tf MANSION HOUSE UNDER NEW AUSPICES This commodious and magnificent establishment has recently come under the personal supervision of the subscriber, who respectfully announces to his friends and the traveling public especially, that every effort will be made on his part to please in every particular appertaining to the duties of "mine host." W. W. ELMS. Charlotte. August 24, 1858. FURNITURE J. M. SANDERS, CABINET MAKER, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Furni ture of his own and northern manufacture. Also, FISK'S METALLIC BURIAL CASES. Dec 2J, 1857 y PETER MALLETT WITH D. COLDEN MURRAY, (Luncral Commission Ittrrtjjant, (52 South street, NMwYORK. June 2f, 1!58 y CAROLIKA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now completed to Beaufort Harbor, I have determined to locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding & General Commission Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent of MURRAY'S LINE OF FIRST CLASS PACKETS to this and Morchcad city, every effort will be made to make this the cheapest and most expeditious route to New York. Vessels will be loaded and discharged at toy Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf,) and thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular atteution will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. All shipments of Produce to D. Colden Murray, New York, will be forwarded free of commission. June 29, 185U y TIIE LIVER INVIU0RAT0R! ntBTARKD BY 1K SANFOKO, f ompoiinded entirely from GUMS, IS ONK OK IHR ItKST PL'KUATIVK AND I.IVKB MK-PK't-VhS now iK-lore tti piiMio, that l M h Curt.ltie, rier, miller, int more effectual i'mui ny other Bielieiiie known. It is not only a CjdUrWr. but a Lifer remeily, actum firM uu tbe Lire: to ej-ct its morhid mutter, then on the (stomach and h iwels o carry oH that matter. UMta x.-coiupli.-ihinK two iurioes effeclu allv wUhrt Utyntttm painful GrvHapa .ajlri.i in the opera ti.ins of moat Chli.i W n It Mrenirthens the iiystcm at the same time that it pnrK-s it , Mad when taken daily in moderate doaea. will MrciiKtheil aii'i liuaj It up mwm unufuai rapiuuy. s -a c O CO s. V v. o s. cz U r3 The Iavcr i one of the I human Uly ; and when it the Jmovcit of the nMM are , Is Miunwt entirely ibpendent ; Liret fiir the prucr .ei ;. tu stomacli if at fault, tlicbowel , hystem suffers in eonseipience havin ceased to do its duty an, one of the proprietors practice of more than twenty a herewith Iu counteract the. it is linbte. To prove that thia remedy is hied with UtfT Coill has luit to try a bottle, and Theae Hums remove all' the system, auppl J nig in thrir till In nalln the stomach. urif'y iutf Iilooil. Whole UKtchinerv, reluoviutj:: elft-'iiof a radical cine. HiiiottN nl tat Ks are' iM'tter, irrvcnt-l, by UfM I in I ;cirnhir, tlucdosc aflei caliitii is suf and inevciit the fssl frnw j Only one duse taken before in n re. i inly on. dose taken at; Senliy, and cure 'o tlte dose taken after each ' grOne iso of two tea- 1 SH U ill ;nl. telle. ! Hue LMittia taken for fe canse of tlte diease. aial nl oua lose iniuiediately ; flue dose often relM-ated is Morbus, and a preventive i it-Only one botile i lllll. the effects of nndi "rj-line btHtlc taken for loaiicss or nullatiiral eidor Om dose takin a short por ti tha appetite, and makes I ine dose often rceated : rtlcm in its worst forms. : Ihiwrl complaints yield; t ine or two doses cures at I'hiidren: there Is no surer, the worlj, as it nrn r yiis. j OJT A few uolllca cures, nlorlients. We take tdeasure in recom i prevenlivr Tor Ffver and all Keverw of a Mil-; with cm taiuiy, and tliousauds , P3 0 CO - t cn principal regulator of th. J' performs its functiotis welt, Q rully devi lopea. ine.a i-j on the beahhy action of the d3 usee of its t'unct ion.; when th. r- are at fault, and the a hole O of one orjran the 1 .1 vcr J" Kor tiie diseases of that or has Diane it his study, in a years, to find some remedy many deranicemeuts to which at last found, any person trou plailil, in any of its forms, i on vi, 'lion U certain, morbid or laid matter from place a Itealthy now of l.ile, causinjc food to digest a. II, piitc tone and health lo the the cause oi tn uis lia t us. ot cured, stud, the occasional la th. ficient to relieve tlie stomach rising and souring. j retinr.if, prevents Nlght- B3M n'irlit. lcatsens the bowels PV1 ,tJvenrsv. ma lineal willcureDyspc-pala 1 ' Vpoonfuls will ala ays reliav. male obstruction removes th. makes a arfect cure, relieves Cllollr. whik a sure cure l-r I'holerss or I hole i n. i needed to throw out of th. 'cine after a lontt sickness. Ja uiullt-v removes all sal- , from the skin, time before eating gives vl tisid digest well, cures (limiilc IMr while Summer and almoat to the lirst dor., tacks caused by Worms) in safer, or speedier remedy iu LroiK-, by exciting Uie PS 9 r ZT CD O C l CD O Cj S3 ca 1- o mending this medicine as a Ane. owl p lout 'rypr. It operaies tie williiiB to testily to its c a- I'D c a) a a rt 3 ouilerlnl virliii. All who I Are clvlng tnelr niMlmoni testimony l'i t favor. c tr- Mi Water In sr luontll with the Invl goralnr. nml swallow both logrtlirr. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A SflKNTIKrr MKOK'AI. PISt "OVKRY, and is daily working cures, almost loo great to l;liTe. It cures as if by magic fa the first fhfif asswjlt. at.d seldom more than s one bottl. ix rwiuirtid to cure any kind of Liver P1, " from the moist J.iHH'li'-e or IyipKt lo a common UaMiarhe, all of ahich are the result of a llsxaeI Uver. --j nice osi doi.i ab re om.a. SAX FORD X Co., I'roprietors. Ml Br.adway. New Turk. Wholesale Ajjein : r,K5t k Pskk. New York . T Otott Row Phfladel .. .. . . . i . . II If M . v .1 I n I nrllsM saasi I Pskk. Cincinnati : tliTtnso Hsaaonn, t leveland co,.....- i Hois I'hicairo: t . J- noon ekosMSI H Ki vsrn. rittsbmgh ; S S. Ilarw, retailed bv all llnitrgista. SaM aso F. SCAKK Sc CO t'o . St. Ixhiis -. Kaltiroorr. And c 3 O c 3 V. March 2. 1858. Exclusively Wholesale Drns, Paint and OH Warehouse. SANTOS, WALKE & CO., wholesale dealers in DUCCiS: Lamp, Machinery and Paiut OILS; Varnishes, Paints. &c. Ac. Xo 36, Iron front, Weft tidf, Market Square, NORFOLK, VA. j-Goods shipped from New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, to Charleston, when required. November 9, IW9. 7 Ohi J. D. PALMER, Door above the Bank of ( 'hurlotte, Respectfully informs the pub lic that he has jut received a splendid assortment of Con fectioneries, W est India Fruits, SEGARS of various brands, chewing & smoking Tobacco, Ktiutf, Ac. ALSO, a variety of Musical Instru ments, Yankee Notions, Ac. A FINE LOT OP WILLOW WARE. lie is constantly receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and many other articles not enumerated. DEVON BULL FOR SALE. A flue Devon Bull of Holt's Stock Wavcrly ami Springfield 3 vears old, for sale cheap. J. L. MOREHEAD. Nov. 23, 1858. 3-3t SCAEE & CO., Druggistits & CEie mists, No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, fNVITE the attention of Physicians, Planters, Merchants, &c, to their NEW and complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, &c. The extensive patronage they have received from the Physicians of Char lotte and it vicinity is the best guarantee of the PURITY OF TIIE DRUGS sold by them. October 12. 1858. For the Toilet. New and elegant stock, consisting of English. French and American HAIR URUSHES, Tooth Brushes in great variety ; Tuck, Purl" and side Combs in Tortoise shell, ButlUlo horn and India Rubber. FRENCH and ENGLISH SOAPS. American, French and English Pomades, Genuine Lubin's EXTRACTS, 23 varieties. Also, cologne, verbena, geranium anil other Perfumeries just received at SCARR & CO'S October 12, 1858 Drug Store. Choice Family Teas. Silver Leaf Hyson, Ooolong, Imperial, Breakfast, Gunpowder, Ne Plus Ultra, and other varieties at SCARR & CO S October, 1858 Drug Store. Preston &. Merrill's YEAST POWDERS, The only reliable Yeast Powder sold. SCARR k CO S October, 1858 Dulg Stoue. Superior Vinegar. A very superior article of Family V inegar. Also. Nutmegs, cloves, mace, ginger, cinnamon, allspice, &c. A fresh supply at SCARR & CO S Oetobcs, 1868 Drugstore 6 BOXES of J. O. King's TOBACCO just received and for Sale by M. V. R0BIS0X k CO. July 21, 1858., ll-tf All Right Again! I have commenced Butchering Beef again, and am ready and wish to buy Beeves, Mutton and Pork, on the hoof. I solicit, and hope to merit, the patronage of the town. W. A. COOK, Aug. 24, 1858. 23-tf Town Butcher. To all whom it may concern, Afl Fergus indebted to BRlSM & STEELE, are earnestly requested to pay the same by the 1st day of January, 1 850, or they will most positively be sued. I will be found at the Insurance Office until that time. Those who disregard this notice cannot justly com plain, after twelve months' indulgence. It is important that the business should be settled. October 20, 1858. 2m A. C. STEELE. HENDERSON k A1IRENS re receiving and have now iu store a full assortment ItEAOY-niade CLOTHING, BOOTS ft SHOES, Hats, Caps, Hardware, crockery, ciirars, fancy Goods A UHOCERIES, Which will be offered for cash at unusual low prices. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. SHAWLS, CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. Black and colored cloth, silk and cashmere Cloaks and Mantillas from $1 50 to $12 50. liOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Morocco Boots, first rate article, at f0 cents ; men's calf, kip and other kinds of Shoes: congress Gai ters. Also, a good stock of Brogans at $1 10 to $1 50. 1 lot III tag, Sliirlft, Cravats, Collars, Socks. Drawers, Undershirts, a good assortment. Ten dozen 'Gentlemen's bordered cambric Handkerchiefs at 10 cents. Also, linen and silk Handkerchiefs, a large variety. Gents Shawls, Raglans, Comforts. &c. Fine Watches and Jewelry, Pocket Knives. Perfume ries and Fancy Articles. Embroideries Ac White Goods. Jackonet and Swiss Edging and Inscrtings, collars, sleeves, Laces, Flonncing, Marseilles, corded and a va riety of Hoop Skirts from 75 cts to $b 00. SEGARS. Still on hand the favorite oH brand (LaKstnlta) at $3 per box of 250; also Havana segars of choice qualities. j- Call at HENDERSON AIIRENS at Springs corner and satisfy yourself that their prices are, if not the lowest, among the lowest. October 12, 1858 tf CANDY MAMJFACT0RY. The subscriber is now manufacturing an excellent i article of Candy, free from poisonous coloring, unlike the New York steam refined caudv. Call and see and try it. J. D. PALMER. j November 9, 1858 tf IHTTKUfDANT'S REPORT. The Intend. ml of the Town of Charlotte for the year A. D. 1858, submits the following as his Report for the present Financial Year, ending 1st day of December, instant; and would beg reference to the Report of the Treasurer of the Commissioners of said Town. By which, it will be seen that there has been a large amount of old outstanding debts against said Town met and paid off, by the order of the Commissioners for the present year, which has reduced the liabilities to the nominal sum of $1,030 63, of which said sum there is owing and due to the following named persons, viz : To Agnew of Philadelphia $500, for five hunt! red feet of Hose for the Fire Engine; a balance still dne to Sain'l McNinch for stone work on the streets, done in 1854, $2 18; to Miller k Porter $62 06; to Waterhonse k Bowes $00 50; to W J Yates for printing $78 63; to the Charlotte & Taylorsville Plank Road Company $210 being the 10 per cent, per annum allowed to them for the use of the Plank Road in said Town; also, a balance tine David Parks as Intendeut; and an order due S A Harris for services rendered. I would further beg to say that, in addition tothefore going outstanding debts, which are now due and will have to be paid during the ensuing year, there will be due in January and July next $900 the annual interest on Bonds given by the Town for the Male and Female Colleges of this place, and a further sum of $600 will be due during the said next year, for lighting the town with Gas, as per a contract entered into by the present Board of Commissioners. So that the ac tual existing debt against the Town for the present year, and that which will fall due in the next year amounts to $3,430 63. In addition, your Intendant would further report, that there are accounts in the hands of the Commis sioners of the Town, for arrears of Taxes uncollect ed for the years 1854 '55-'56-'57 and '58, amounting in the aggregate to $771 58. How much of this am't can be collected, I am unable to say: but suppose that one half the amount might be relied upon. And fur ther: there belongs to the Town a Two-horse Wagon tind one pair of Mules, which if sold now would bring $200: also, there arc about $150 in Notes taken for taxes due. Iu conclusion, I would say that I have tried to do my duty as an officer of the town of Charlotte to the best of my ability. If I have failed to meet the expectations of all, I can only say thai I am sorry for it; as I did what I considered my duty. I feel under many obliga tions to the citizens generally, for their kindness in ac cording me their aid at any time desired for the pur pose of keeping the peace of the Town, and for their promptness in observing the regulations, as demanded by the Board of Commissioners. All of which is respectfully submitted. DAVID PARKS, Intcndan'. TREASURER'S REPORT. The Treasurer of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Charlotte, begs leave to make the following report of the Finances of said Town, for the fiscal year, ending the 1st day of December, A. D. 1858, to wit : To amount received from S. A. Harris, Tax Collector, as collected from the Tax Lists for the year 1858, $6,976 31 From two circus Shows, $ 40 00 " one side " 5 00 u two concerts 10 00 For fines, unlisted Poll Taxes, Ac, 171 00 226 00 Am't ree'd for Tax arrears in 1854, 51 50 " " 1855, 15 00 " " 1856, 79 00 " 1857, 235 52 381 02 From my predecessor in office, 359 81 Total am't paid into the Treasury for 1858, $7,943 14 CREDIT. By cash paid on the McNinch debt due for Stone work on streets in 1854, 2,074 04 Am't paid on town bond of " 500 75 For grading streets in " 218 70 Paid David Parks, part of al lowance made to him as Intendant, in 1856, 147 50 For work on streets in 1857, 243 54 Balance due Jas. H. Carson, as refunded by order of the Board of 1857, 31 70 Am't refunded to Dr. J. M. Davidson, bv order of the Board of 1857, 36 57 P d for burning fluid for 1857 70 23 Huggins & Harty's store ac count, of 1857, 19 47 For repairing Lamps in 1857, 18 55 Am't p'd on Engine House debt of 1 857, 105 00 For printing done in 1856-'57 90 50 For Lumber and Plank, debt of 1857, 18 52 Balance on Engine, 529 77 Am't p'd on Coupons for Fe male College, 300 00 Total am't p'd on debts con- tracted previous to the year 1858, $4,404 84 The following shows the enrrent expenses which have pcc.rued , and have been paid off, for the year 1858, as follows, to wit : By am't p'd Town Guard, $829 20 " for (Jas Lamps, lamp post. &c, 1015 40 J. B. Kerr, as Treasurer and Clerk, 225 00 Sam'l A. Harris as Town con stable, 325 00 S. A. Harris comiss. on $7,583 33 at 5 per cent., 379 16 Various small bills as filed, 735 11 A uit in Treasurer's hand 29 43 $7,943 14 All of which is respectfully submitted, J. B. KKRR, Treasurer. 572 Acres of Fine Catawba River Land For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his Plantation lying in Mecklenburg Comity, on the Catawba River, two miles below Beattie's Ford, containing bya-tual survey 572 Acres more than one half is well timbered. This land is well adapted to the cultivation of Cotton, Corn and Wheat in fact is of superior quality, and such as is rarely offered, npon as reasonable terms as will be given in the above. It can he traded for privately until the 1st of January next: and if not disposed of will then be offered at Public Sale in the town of Charlotte, on that day. For further particulars inquire of Mr Joseph M Wilson, near the premises, or to DrWraJ Hays, Char lotte, either of whom is authorized to sell and convey title in my name. If desired the tract will be divided, if the whoie can be sold. A. 11. GRAHAM. Nov. 23. 185.S 36-6t t ttnr'ifi'tii Democrat. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JEWISH DISABILITY CLAUSE. The Judiciary Committee of the N. C. Legisla ture, to whom was referred the Bill to repeal the clause of the Constitution which prohibits persons ' professing the Jewish or Israelitish faith from holdiug office in the State, reported as follows: "The Committee arc of opinion that the princi ple on which the bill Ls founded, is cirrect. No person should be proscribed or placed under any civil disabilities on account of relijjious faith. Jie lujion is a matter which concerns us all as indi viduals. It is not the proper subject of the cog nizance of civil tribunals. God alone, the maker and searcher of hearts, has the right to judge an intelligent and accountable creature, on account ol the religious faith by which such creature is gov erned. When government assumes the right to interpose in this behalf, it usurps the prerogative of the Almighty, and violates the most sacred privilege of man. The provision of the constitu tion proposed to be abrogated by the bill, was in serted at a period when the principles of religious liberty were very imperfectly understood in North Carolina. It is a relict of an age of bigotry and intolerance unfit to be associated in our funda mental law, with the enlightened principles of re publican government, which constitute the basis of our institutions. It is condemned by all generous minds condemned by the spirit of the age in which we live; and, above all, condemned by the precepts of the Gospel, which inculcates " Peace on earth and good will to man." Such arc the views of the committee in regard to the principle on which the bill is founded. Nevertheless, the committee have instructed me to report the bill to the House with a recommendation that it do not pass, because in the opinion of the committee, it is highly inexpedient at this time to alter or amend the constitution by legislative enactment iu any particular whatever. The people of North Carolina seem to be satis fied with their government. They ask for no change; and it is neither wise nor patriotic to pro duce discontent, when peace and happiness pre vail. JOHN KERR, Ch'u." Prince Napolkon and the Jews. It has been stated in our European advices that several Jews have been appointed members of the general council in Algeria, the Emperor and Prince Napo leon having come to the conclusion that it was use ful and opportune to manifest, by an act of the government, that the equality of religious belief is absolute and complete in the French law. On this the Philadelphia American remarks : "Prince Napoleon is a son of Jerome, ex-King of Westphalia, and doubtless has imbibed something of his liberal spirit towards the Jews, from his father who found them loyal and devoted subjects. Raised to the throne iu by his imperial broth er, Jerome then a youth of twenty-two found his treasury empty and the salaries of the public em ployees several months in arrears. In this emer gency he applied to a Jew banker Isaac Jacob son who loaned him $400,000. A few days after a Jewish deputation asked for an audience, and presented to him a loyal address, to which the youthful monarch thus replied: UI like your ad dress, gentlemen. That clause of my constitution which establishes the equality of religions is in unison with my own heart. No law ought to in terfere with the exercise of the religious worship of any man. Every subject ought to be as free to observe the rules of his faith as the king himself." And he concluded by saying that he hoped he should never have cause to regret that he favored and protected the Israelites of his kingdom. ;This favor and protection was not merely nomi nal. Among the Jews of his kingdom were men of ability, and he employed them in the public service. Both Catholic and Protestant Europe were scandalized and shocked, that a Christian king should surround himself with men who were guilty of being the descendants and disciples of Abraham. Says an English writer: "The Minis ter of State was a Jew; the Councillor of Finances was a Jew; the Commissary of War was a Jew; the Superintendent of Hospitals was a Jew; the Burgo master was a Jew." "Descended from such a father, who had the courage to defy the prejudices of caste and the objurgations of bigotry; it is not surprising that the Governor of Algeria should have appointed Jews to office in that dependency of France. That they will be found faithful and efficient in the dis charge of their duties, we have no doubt. When- ver the Jews have been treated with that consid eration which is due to them as men, they have, in private life, shown themselves loyal citizens, and in public life, able and devoted servants." Bajf" From the report of the Postmaster Gene ral we learn that the whole number of post offices in the United States on tbe 30th June last was 27.977. The number established during the last fiscal year was 2,121, and tho number discontinued 730, being an increase of 1,391. The number of postmasters appointed during the year was 8284. Of these 4,595 were to fiill vacancies oco.tssk)ned by resignation, 398 by removals, 278 by deaths, 292 by change of names and sites, and 2,121 on establishment of new offices. The whole number of offices on the 1st of December, 1858, was 28, 57:5. The total expenditures of the Department on the fiscal year ending June i0th, amouutcd to 812,722,470 01 The total revenue for the same term was .... $7,480,792 80 Mississippi Lkgislatitre. The Senate has passed a bill prohibiting, after the 1st January next, the circulation in the State of all bauk notes of the denomination of $20 and under. Senator Dougla in Neio Orleans. New Orleans, Dec. 5. Scuator Douglas ar rived here Friday night via Memphis, was saluted by o discharge of one hundred guns, and escorted by toe Mayor and Aldermen in carriages to the St. Charles hotel. An immense concourse gathered iu front of the hotel. The distinguished Senator made a brief speech. The True Delta urges his claims for the Presi dency. at aa France and the United States. The Pa trie a French paper, protests against the doctrine that Europe is not to interfere with political affairs on the continent, and scouts tho "Monroe doctrine." It concludes a long article upon the subject as follows : The United States will not effect in the world what powerful Russia, with her army of a million of men, with her fleets, with the genius of her Czars, and with the discipline and the tenacity of her inhabitants, has not been able to do iu Eu rope. They will not succeed in contesting her le gitimate share of influence wherever she may use fully exercise it. We do not at all intend to op press them, but they must know that Europe will not allow herself cither to be excluded or humili ated. It is necessary that they should know that we will not abandon cither in the Atlantic, the Mediterancan or Black Sea, the cause of right una of civilization. A friend writing to us from Chesnut Grove, Iredell County, says "Corn is nearly gathered, and turns out better than was expected. It is worth 50 cts. cash, from the heap. Wheat, will not bring a dollar. People not yet done sow ing for the next crop. In Watauga and Ashe it is said the corn crop is better than for years before. Salisbury Watchman. Bennett "in limbo" again. The editor of the New York Herald has been arrested on an in dictment for an alleged libel published in that paper, charging the Hon. John if. Mask in with having forged the records of the Williets Point committee, of which he was chairman. Conscience Case Extbaobdinart. On Friday List a middle aged and apparently hard working man, who gave his name as Peter Martin, appeared at the police office in St Louis, and stat ed that he had committed a murder, and wished to be taken into custody. The St Louis Herald soyB: Ho states that about six weeks ago he left Cin cinnati for St. Louis. At Cairo ho took passage on a New Orleans boat bound upward, and in due time arrived at this city. The day before his arri val here, while on a drunk with another deck pas senger, whose name he docs not remember, he was robbed by him of all he had. Ho endeavored as he alleges, for twenty-four honri to indnce the man to return him his money, but finding all effort to accomplish that end unsuccessful, he determin ed shortly after the arrival of the boat at the St. Louis wharf to revenge himself upon him. Bor rowing a bheath knife from another passenger, he waited upon the starboard guard of the boat till his victim went to pass him, when he stabbed him to the heart. As he fell he pushed him overboard and instantly threw the knife after him, and left the boat. Since that time, he states, he has been wandering in various parts of Illinois, between Cain) and this city, unable to work, unable to sleep, haunted constantly by the image of the mur dered man. Unable longer to endure it, he deter mined upon delivering himself up to justice, and accordingly presented himself at the police office, as above stated. He was sent to the calaboose. REi & ALEXMDER. aa J THE undersigned having formed a copartnership for the purpose of j earning on the Tailoring Business, at j the old stand of D. L. Rea, give uotice to j their old friendVnnd the public general- ) It, that they are prepared to put up , work of the latest fashions, in the most snt.stuntial manner and at short notice. : Thev hone their well-known skill, and T. - 1 1 -:tV, farAf assn natrnnfle. efforts tc please, win uieei, -f Term. Cash. I- U. pV .L.;-Ivl Xov 9 ' JAS. F. ALEXANDER. House and Lot for Sale, OH REXT, Now occupied by A. Graham. Possession given 1st Januarr. -Apply to Dec. 7, 1858. 4t THOS. TROTTER. II READ and CAKES. Harinp secured the services of a Xo. 1 Baker, ire are now prepared to furnish the citizens of Charlotte, and mankind in general, with something nice to eat. tejf Wedding. Parties, tc., furnished at short no tice to order and dispatch. 1st Door from the Court Douse. HOUSTON k HUNTER. Nov. 23, 1858. tf Found Dead. A man by tho name of Sam Jenkins was found dead at his house on last Fri day, and the coroner summoning a jury, an in quest was held on the body. The verdict was, that he came to his death from congestion of the brain caused by excessive use of intoxicating liquors. Dr. Duffy made a post mortem examina tion, and the terdicfc was rendered in accordance with the above facts. What a warning, in these days of Strychnine Whiskey. Rv.tlunford En quirer. -ssaal JMaaaiii Notice to Travelers. The Ilarnsburt? CPa. ) c ' I Union says that the following "rules of the road" are all based upon legal dicisioas; tncy ought to be universally made known : It has been legally decided that applicants for tickets on railroads can be ejected from the cars if they do not offer the exact amount of their fare, j Conductors are not bound to make eliange. All j railroad tickets are good until used, and conditions j "good for this day only," or otherwise limiting the , time of genuineness, are of no account. Passen gers who lose their tickets can be ejected from the cars, unless they purchase a second one. Pas sengers are bound to observe decorum in the cars. The total amount in the several depositories subject to the draft of the Treasurer of the Uni- j ted States on the 22d of November, was 90,0511,824 28. Of this amount 132,000 was at the branch mint at Charlotte, N. C TnE Holiest Man. A correspondent of fhc Petersburg Express relates the following incident, which occurred at the recent fair in Lynchburg, XT' V lrgima : An incident somewhat remarkable now occurred which amazed, while it extensively tickJed, the risiblcs of several hundred spectators. A silver cup, worth twenty dollars, had been purchased by a number of gentlemen, having the reputation of being great admirers of ugliness, to present to the ugliest man who should make his appearance on the ground, and the news of the anticipated event had traveled far and wide. It was while in the midst of the crowd underneath the musician's stand, that Mr. P., the "committee of one," ap pointed to make the presentation, was bluntly ac costed by one of the hardest customers that could be raked up, perhaps, between this and Pelopon nessus, when the following conversation passed : "Are your name l'heljis ?" "It ar," replied Mr Phelps. "I walked eleven miles to see you I want the cup." "But you are too good looking." "Show roe another man as beats me, and I gin up." "Let me try you, sir; look your ugliest." The ugly man gave one or two physiognomic grimaces that threw the whole mass into a roar, when Mr. Phelps, the very picture of Mom us -himself, ac knowledged his merits and delivered the prise, with the parting query, " YY hat is your name J "Rnoker," was the reply. "Where from ?" 'Am'ret good bye." And Itucker (Heavens, what a name !) sloped, whistling a solemn air.

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