$ S3 per annum OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OF THE OTHER. S ADVANCE. v, "" OFFICS ( i X T I ! K VEST SIDE OF TRADE STREET CHARACTER IS AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS To INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1859. and Proprietor. SEVENTH VOLUME XUMBER 36!. 1 W hi T II E - m m n-w- Published everj Tuesday, 3) W3I. J. V Kmwi: T KS r OR AND PnOrRIETOB A ssociaie Editor. A. Sates, 00 : 1 1,1 II) MIH !!!.' paid uithiu month - -'T' iMiid after Ibe exonwtioB of the y r, '; " . . . i : Any I-;-:-.-- i Nuaing us nve new suucriucrs, " , t ., .1.... i. reia) .;ii it'ipunno "j i am mm it i c v.i.m .ni-ii v - 1 1 1 1 ives ; ili copy gifetis for one year. - . - S.'l-' rriber? and otln ra who may wish to send to , can ! so liv mail, at uur .i-k. Rales af itinr:isiiizrm- iarc !' if Baca or less, t..:- months, e fx. 6 i i) 10 0 S 1 oo 1 or !. in-1 ti .; - i n si t inaeri n Ti'ausieut advertLenut3 must be paid for i:i tflice, S3 i1! . Kur announcinj . :..:;.i.i!rs fu . Advcrt:.semeBts not mark on the m use rip ii time, v. ill be irdin jl 1 v. in-, t ii il il t'.. ,1 ad .i A. C. WILLIAMSON, : TTOIlXKY AXD COUXSHLf.OR AT LA II'. jointly wit tit a . A. r ox, r..-ij. np-siairs : la Ihe i ourt llowse, wlicre he v. iii o- run- present i. i-.il.csi m ule .i ...ii irv !. 1 in ntteuti to all calls on proicj-ionni (or himself or for Mr Fox when he ia tf J. A. FOX at Mtrt I " Attorney Va-Statr . i WILLIAMSON. Esq., who i joint oecopant tin uSb-e, and who will be unifoi :' tnuly present, will me in my absence, tf I in prfessmnal business t I -I riid 'Ci- - . 1 s .s i. m r, r, :fi;i' 1 n PRAt'TITIOKLR VU nEOIClE ,w : " Am. I! ',-' .',-, CIIARI.OTTK, N. C. i reiuWr i 1. 1858. ,1 AS. T. DAVIS, A T T O X7 X AT E. N. V . of Mei kit l a y; ARLt 111 pra e in the Courts unties. onrg anil n attended to. l"!i lion of elai Mar-h I :. 1 1). P). UFA, ATTOR N E Y CilAKLOTT A T L A V-r , !:. n. r.. all business entmste II L'ive nronint attention to Professional rare. Office opfosite Keri Uiirefa 1 l. ! - " v Hotel. T. il. BREjVJ v!v CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DE-VLEKS IN EJriSsNls, Frrncb and American Xrsr G-oocis, Carpels, Hardware, Hats and Shoes, VhaHctre, A . C. THOMAS II. BBEM, J. A. SADLER, Jr. Nov 0. 18" T. LAFAYETTK ALKAAM'Mt. NOTICE. AH those indehted to me, by Note or Aeeonnt, will 1 1 ;,-c . nine forward and .-eiile the s.mie bj Ca-m. I'ebuary 8, is.'.y RtUHUT GIBBON. II. W. ItUPP, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CONCORD, N- C Walchcs. Cloeks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. September i . 158 .v P; SAUUS, Archilccl ami BaiWrr, Will rurnish IV : jh. Plans nnd Drawings for Public Building. Private Itesidences an4 VUla.. Particular aUentiou wiM he paid to building Klonriug Mill-. Corn Mills, ke. Orricn in 3d story ol Alexanders Untitling I'r.Mit room, over Pliinn II. ill. i 'harlotte, b-t. 1 :. I s."iS. S. M. HOWELL, Saddle and Harness n.3rf JS laJ 1 U HVL trvxiT 1. iTfct ctvircr. CHARLOTTE, N. C, OXE DOOR Soi l 11 of the MAXSIOX HOC r v Repairing promptly and neatly done. Jan. 1. 1959. v cm ssi iA2i foes mm:. ON'. DOOl Jan't 1 . '. B59. IOCTB OF TilK aassios tf .OTICK. LL persons, whose Notes and Accounts sre dae owing to the undersigned as Trustee, arc earnestly lested to call and settle, as it is important .xuai c t fund be marshalled at as early a day as possible. 1 leather, indulgence eammot be girem. In R V It. II Y ERS. Trustee I Ja 1.V 1838. tf of Ia rov Si Louvk-V Mills, B. C. MESSRS. OATES & WILLIAMS are my nthoriaed Agents for the sule of Ll BER nt Charlotte, X. C. All orders delivered. to them wHl useci u::!i prompt attealion. April 12. ' r.,;-Tt SOL. T.OI'PIC. I : 1 1 SCAUR & CO., No. 4, Trade Street, Charlotte, N. C, INVITE the attention of Physic -inns. Planters. Merchants, fcc, to their NEW rod complete Rtork of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, see. The extensive wttronnse they lave received from the Physicians of Char nit e j i ii I irs vicinity is the besl guarantee f the PURITY OF THE DRUOti sold by Item. January 1, 185!. Fluid Extracts. i ' V UR k C i. call the teutioii of the Medical Pr irations so admirably suit prepration of Tincture ig the desirable objei t t to the.-i- eleganl Pre; cd foi the e.tciaporaneou Si nit-. Wini s . .vi'.. securi iiuifurmit v ;! .- rcugth. .m. i ii '. steiau ...1.1 I sale wit: out them. SCARR & ,'S I ) r i : Store. Chariot! r. it To Pli vsicians. Dr. CI i rhilfs uetc llemetlie for CoMttntniitton. Hypophosphites of Soda and Potash i ouud Svruu of the Ilyuophosplutes, at Also. Ciin- i in sCAPl! CO., He ltrtig Store. Dcc. 21. Window Glass, Putty, Whiting, ( tils. Varni Low for cash by Jan 25lb Dve-stufis, I'ai SCAUU & CO. Drnggist.x JONAS HUDISILL, Architect i;il Bcilder. ;!)KS1CN.; KI RNISHED AXD BUILDINfJS CO.MPLKTKDON THK MOST UKASON AliLK TKIIMS, AND IN KVKKY STVLK OF AltCH ITECTU UE,) Om Coltge street, earner -" Eighth strict. Charlotte, N. C. WOULD i'oi-t respectfully announce to the Citizens of Charlotte and snrronnding country, lhal he still con tinues Ihe ah vc business in Charlotte, where he is prepare to fui lish DOOES, BLINDS A.N'I) SASH, to the public on ihe most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Having a great many small claims for work done, scattered all over the country, he is determined to change his method of doing business and hereafter will require t'Afa tor all work done in his Machine .S',i, before removal. Jan. 25, lo58. tf Belts! Brits!! BeUs!!T WTIltOM the best Belting Company, at Manufacturer's ii1 price: : CASH PUCES: .1 . ..15 ets. per out. jf s . Seamless Belt. a ice. ( 'uiiiinctillg riose of 1 1 r. i) -iles 1 d direct t n 1'ackins of all desci uufacturcd to order at shorl ies. for water or -team prcs- ill : ibe Manufacturers. ALSO, tion, at 53 Cents per pound. J. B. F BOON LIFE INSURANCE. r"sp MiC iiuilersigncd ns Agent will receive applications S. for Insurance in the Xorth Carotin Mutual Life liixurUHee t 'omtpnnj. T'ais t'ouipany is the oldest in the State, and has been in successful oieration lor several years. Its rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the lives of their Slaves, in this Company, uiM c;.!l at the Office of the Vgent.at the Bank of the State. r SLAVES iiisured for TWO-THIRDS of their VALUE. THUS. W. PEWE, Agent. Jan'y 1 1, 1859. I? W SI. Ml Mi TON BRANCH. ...... .. .... r. ti. I n rE" I' f tf ?! 3 ;.: t i. t ?, k & i n u i n ij RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens oi oarioiie and the sui rounding conutrr thai they have opened a Store two doors from T. H. Brem k Co s. where way be found a large and extent Bck Of i' a ds. Kmbroidt I 1, V ( IlMlilS. 1 Silk. !-. i., ts Ladies' Cloaks, and Readymade Clothing, for Cents, Youths and P oys wear: Blankets, Kerseys, Boot: Shoes, liais. Caji-. Trunks, .vc. c. We are now dain rccen ng i ne niosi uicnm I..f nB3nrttnint of till above liamefl goon a irnmls ttiat can u found in the State, and cheaper than any other House. Having bought our entire stock for CASH, which enables nsto sellourgoOds 20percent cheaper. All per sons wishing to save money ia buying ooAs should bear in mind uot to forget to call on us before baying else where. Wholesale buyers, particularly, should bear it in mind to eali at our store, second door tern r. H. Brem .v ('. , , ... . In addition to cur large stoek we have fitted up 0 WHOLESALE ROOM for holelc bnyers. ! VNIKL KAIINWEILER. Xov., JACOB KAUAW blL.r.K. ii ROC ERICS. KAH.n - r.u.r.u irvn t- RllliTilr.un nave nisi mi-n. slock of Dry Goods, a full in addiliun to IhenT lai supply of URtH'ERIES. Pee. 1 S, - . CUAHPIOIX'S Vegetable Ague Fillt. s;,fc snd certain rare for Chills and Fever, or Fever and Arm i all its complicated forms, and u also an effectual ml remedv tor Fevers ot every oeseripiioi.. ,o.,.tlv safe nnd harmless in 11s twtn IIH'llll iill 1.- j I 1. ...... .. , and may be given with perfect safety to persons o all ages. It never fails to efleel a cure a hen taken accord ing to directions accompanying each hox. It i Ijurclv vegetable, ooatainfasx no deleterious drugs, nor mineral .......l;... - iV Mr k iml. DR. Champion's Anti-Billions, Anti- pygpeptic, Purifying and Cathartic Pills The 1 vvihlllU. .,,ul s;,tv remedy ia Liver Complaint, Iy s- . tiveacss, Sick beadaebe, SiCE siomacn, 1.11- jygubii , iudigestian, and all that class of diseases -rialm. from a disordered condition of the stomach - ,, .-. it, . it u . ntirelv vccetahie ami bowels, blood or liver. ...... i.itns no ilelftfrions dr: dh inc. and is one of the host cathartics ever reconinienucu. 1 1 Price l i nts ncr liox. 1 . hv F. M. Ross, Chariot'.. t-.. ...t.. 1.,- P tie-are X 1 O. aim " V M Swver i Co., Proprietors. June 1, 1858. y Belleville, llliaois. VarniQC. 1 NORTH CAKOLIVA MILITARY INSTITUTE, Charlotte, N. C. T HE Exercises of this Instituto will commence on tlic 1st October next. FACULTY ELECT : Maj. I. H. HILL. Su)eriutndent. Lisas). ('. C. LEE, Commandant, C. P. ESTILL, A. M., Principal of Primary Depart juen:. Course of Stmt us ; In the Primary leparlmeut, such :i Student to enter ar.v Cs liiL-.-. to qnalify a la the Scioatiac DeparlineBl the V.'e-t Point Cur riculum will bci-loaely followed, l! will be the aim of the Professor to wake Surveyors, EngiiiocM, Chcninsts, ; and men fit for the practical business of life. In addition to the nsnal Exrrcises at Military Schools, i w? A .. ..... - .-..I U.tnaibnn t i 1 1 ha tnonl in Cninnai ruing through the monnUins of North Carolina. The Academic Year will commence on the 1st , day of October, and will embrace twelve months. A furlough of two months (Aug. and Sept.) will he given u t inlet.s at tiie enfl ol tncii lid v;ir. Particular attention will be veil to the moral anil religions imslructiom of Cadets. EXPENSES: ti. ..a :it it 1 pni r.si.ta WSh. ' -i-.o .... !c-half payable in advance; the balance in sis months. oue- i A'o extra charge. No remission of charges to tho.-i who leave unless on the score of health. TERMS OF ADMSSIOX: v.. .. 'ii i i.,.;tt..,i ;,,,, tha Pmiiitv tlrniit. " . . . ' - . ., ' mext uiwlcr Twelve years ot age; nor into tue oni!.- , j i... I-:.-.: t , ' 111 It llblAEinMI IliUll l'll.-.'U ll.ll uil .nvu.j-v.v years of age. AH connected with the Scientific De- ! in the Primary Department may do so if they choose. i'.ii i i. ii.ii in " i ' : ' - REMARKS: The Institute Buildings are the larjrest, most elegant , :, ci ;.. UIIU L III11II IU1UU3 O.II ti.i. ;h-Oiiii;iji'.i..ii."i vi ......o ... the Southern countrv: and the Board of Directors trust that under the management of the Superintendent and Commandant, both whom arc Graduates of west Point and ofloug experience in ihe Army! and in the business of instruction.) the Institute will be established oa a true Military basis and conducted on true Military nrinciidcs. The board will further say, that Mr ESTILL is n Graduate of the Virginia Pniversity and an ex perienced Classical teacher. They would further state i that it is their intention to increase the nnmber ot teachers in both Departments as the patronage of the jiulilir may require. This Institute was granted n liberal Charter by the Legislature of North Carolina, with the power of con ferring DeTes upon those who complete .the prc scribe.l Course of Studies. y.- r- Applications for admission will he received until the 1st of September, and mast be directed to 1: c. .1. Fox. President of the i! mrd, Charlotte, N. C. For irther ucuiars pee i irtuinr.j C. J. FOX, .ias. p. ntw'ix, IL LaF. ALEXANDER, J AS. II. CARSON, TlIOS. U. BBEM, S. M. BLAIR. DAVID PARKS, April 12, 185. 1 iv. .1 ... 1 1 Charlotte, X. C. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER The snbscribera return their thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore bes towed on them, and would resiet tfnlly inform their friends and ons- i,imi,n i hut tlu - have received a lartre stocK oi I ( loods for the Spring ar.asl usn58at'r Trade, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. They feel certain that they can give satisfaction both in price and quality. A large lot of Ready-made Clothing ot various ti and qualities, on hami, at reauceu GHOCSRIES, Hardware, 6tC, Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and for .-ale on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an examination before buying elsewhere. KOOPMAXN k PHELPS. April IJ, Py." PEA MEAL We keep at our Pc.i Meal for feed in on hand at all tin im Flouring Mill in iws and stock. Als Faniiiv. Extra, Sm placi hav rfine and We warrant our family Hour. coa ( c Flour. n Meal sua 1 tl ri. s can always ie had at tne mm. . 1 1 i-i-,' .. I.. t . 1 1 . i i . . - a c J April 10, ! - ' !cw Boohs. History of FREnERicK tbb Great, by Thos. Carlile. Mizpah: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. l.ooniis. Cocbtship an: Matiiimonv, with other Sketches, hy Robert .Mol lis. Tub MlvlSTRa OF LlFE. by SI. L I rlesworth. The Sociaiu.k: or 101 Home Amusement-. Tin: Ltfs axu Times of the Great Hush Miuieb, ol Scotland, bv T. X. Brown. . . ...... PnuiT iv or. jv.irasrne. .N-, .-.!. oi i nr. .v. ...... . - . ,. Li -in, orr's Prosocxciso CIazei n:i:i:: or ucograpiii- cal Dictionary of the AVorld, ' Dok Dean or Maooie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holme.-. ScotBlXfl OF THE Wan E Uorse, or the long acaUon Ramble of a London Clerk. . The Ks. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice ami FoitB, or Three ikt.,11.- ami iw .oia.- Cocti t N. C. ucnt hv T. I. .1011-011 u arren. 1 also have a W copies ot H AWS History Vols. I and II Cantwkll's Jcstice an 1 X. C. Form Poo',:. p. J . LOWRIE. Feb. 1"), 1859. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, ClOVnXCES to take risks against loss by Sre, on . Houses, Goods. Produce, fcc., at usual rates. President A. C. STEELE, 7 President !. OVERMAN", ittorney ICS. H. A H.SCN. Secg Teaser E. NYE HCTCUISOS. DIRECTORS: v C STEELE, S. T. W PISTON'. JNO. L. Pd.ott'X. W. JOilNSTOX, M. 15. TAYLOR, E. SCARR, ( il VS. OVERMAN. Erermti Committee S. T. Wriatoo, F. Se.irr, J.u. ,. Brown. DY J. IS. KERR, Proprietor. fe-s-i VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the Jff lli patrons ol'th. Chai lotto H tel. llliM. At thi- Hotel is kept the line ofTri-weekly ... . ... ci..,-mt via Monroe. X. C.. 1 Lancaster .-.jj,,-.- t, Mil v....,--.' ' S. C. to Camden, S. C. Patron of the Charlotte Ilotcl cpteyeyed to t j f Uie lepoTs nee 01 vu-VBv- T KERR. Wl i t anb p u nt o r. Lore Stmptoms. When voting folks employ the i i- n i. ;,. fi, ovrn,itot language or flowers, they attain the sweetest highest point in tf,t of making love. ami highest point Whatever words pass between them, are short the impassioned eloquence and voluminous profes luminous prof es- tne ga3 Doquei. sion lie hidden in the mysteries ol Here's a specimen: "Deer 1 sen u hi the boy a buefcett of fours, tha is like me love for u. The nite shade means keen dart, the dog A nil nieancs I am yore atair. ttosiz red an pozi. paitl, 4 Mi luv fur u shell never fail." A CENE-"Tel mc, adored cousin Ado.i.hus , " . , . fl.,.M . . " , , ti -:',: . ' c t,, n-arhln or e.its to oinii! e 00 0ui smokehouse, when night's dark mantle hangs above U8? Answer me! speak!" Adot.PHUS ;Ef 1 don't, Miranda, yer kin . . ; Conundrums. Why is a handsome girl like dsome P'rl j she is a good an excellent mirror? Because lookir.g-(g)lass. ., i i n , .,, , i u ncn is tnc nuo oi a wagou u&c u wvu-uimcu f. When its firm on the wheel I hy is high living like twelve dozen. Hecause ; it makes one "TOSS. ,. r.., ,, , fat jn n I .ai,,,., ,iv llvn The I u-k en i S C Me"ister "I! has the following in a recent issue, describing an ; :.... :.i. kA .hror I iuciuin omuu ......v.. ,i..:, ..,.;,..,! ;.. . i:. nmrr nf Co.. A . loan v . u I 1 i: l 1 i. I I i i. ' (' Church in this city. We were present a few j ii , .1 W n n nrn , rf.cn.it i 1 i V Church in this city. We weie T-tcsent a Jew ,i. , i , ... w-i 1 1 -.." '.in U'lrni'.'sOi W i " "1 Lit- V;" ,,..,.. ()f tie 5ll0i(Jen(, we I Z';;;, n 5, brother called out in a famuli fail to note one: a brother called out m a . stentorian voice: in i . ,.i .1. ,,." i 1 The response was '-Pat s brnrider .Mose. 11. ,1,1 on dar Lrmhler Mose!" was the dictum of the former, '-you let brndder Ryan pray, he's I better 'nuainted wid de lord den you am am'" rudder Rvan ! ! Brudder Mose dried up, and 1 prayed. Irih mother "Arrah, Jonny where have you iiisii liioioi-i hiiuii, ,.; 1 exclaimed, 31 r. I; , 1 can pupj.ori my .-co. -..v.. ... bin so long!" Native son -'Why. me and the (, apital!' was the in?taut reply, you are just the fully recovered. But the cxtraordinrarv part re rest of the boys have been licking an Irishman. ' jfj I'have'ieen lookitig for these five year. will i mnins to be told. The tumor thti taken off was Mother "Wait, ye spalpeen, till your father gets j ? nKirrv mey I found to contain :i living child, imperfectly develop home you'll be after catching it." Son "Oh, J ' . ' ed, it is true, but still a living child. Fingem he be blowed! that's the man we've licked." TAXES. The Tax Lists for the year 1858 are now in my hands for inspection. Those liable to iay Taxes will mease come forward and settb K. C. GRTER, Sheriff. April 12. Mat trasses. c. vu-nr-p i l.o.wl .ml mnfep to or- T1 . r . , ' 11 11 1 1 1 he intestines: were well develojicd, and no doulns et3? A niriint writer savs: "T have seen women I A friend 01 our, who is liberally endowed with 1 , . . 1 ' . , ., , . ' j a quaint, wuin Buyo. . . i... .1 , were entertained ol its being a male chihi. A .1 .1... opioid tn vuIa tor tour ot i imit.tit.ira rowers, roiateu to us nm loim since an ! . . . . ... su uwiraic uii ,..,,.,v. , : ' i-ii 1 1 ; lindv. presumed to be the Iieart, contained, imper the horses running away; afraid to sail, for fear the amusing adventure n whien he j.h! a 1; o m- V vcntrielea. The mes- boat should upset; and afraid to walk, for ear the j rnuit part lie was a lodger for the n ght at the i J ' d dl,t t-.ll- but. T never saw one afraid to tret ; "Floyd House, Macon, da. io use his own Jan- - ,. . . .A .. . ...... ,,. mnrriwl!" . JTUage, der at short'notice, Mattravses of all descriptions, of door Avas opened noiselessly, and two men eauio mi. Ibe best workmanship and materials. Orders left at : t could see there were two only when n.o ing, how ii,..;,. tnw m.i,.'i-iu the Presbvteriau church will meet 1 ,.rt1. AI first thnim-ht was one of nnnreheiisiou. with prompt attention. Anril 1 direct IniportalioB. fine DRESS AXD WALKING BOOTS made Gent i Paris, for sale at March 20, 1839 IK KiNK'S. tf Another yankee trick That 'trill M'ay. CHILDREN'S SHOES with Metallic tips, Manh 15,1859. AT BOONES. Fine 333o.'33 XSI-t; A few cases of Oakford's best at BOOXE'S. Cents' Fine Drtss SHOES, And OXFORD Tii-S at J B P BOOXE'S. Leatliei? ! I eatl ior ! ! Hemlock and Oak SOLE LEATHER, Harness and Upper L-aih- r. French Calf Skins, 1 inine- ;md Binding Skins of every description, Ubrlott. March 15. AT BOOXE'6. 1300TS, Quite a variety for Gents " March 15th. Boys, i'ouths. and children, AT BOOXE'S. Tanner's Toois Of i very description at BOOXE'S Boot & Shoe Store Peters' Patent Non-explosive Self- .. . T generuwiig vr xiie public are now favored with the best,. safest MD u1st eeonomical LIGHT ever produced; equal if j uot soperior t0 the best Coal (las. It is adapted for I Churches, Hotels, Stores, Private Dwellings, Railroads. &c. &c. Sold by . A r;j 1359. K. M L ill XI JilSU.-, .V 1 U. The snbseri offers for sale all hii Lands lying ia ler Union, ou the waters of Goose and Crook- the runnl en Creeks, viz: '.me irnei 11 "ig on mc- .....i..- . ... i ere.'-- idioiniiw It. K. C. Uexauder, John Foard, Ol OLO., J , .... .. 10. 1,1. Mann and others; one other tract anjoining una tract, and John A. Lenimond, Henry Sheill and others. Also, one tract on the waters 01 ;J0,""J Fr F (' vlexanuer, l,h otewan, me nanoa viu Mine and others- together with another tract adjoining A. F. Stevens and others, lying on both sides of the t-.n-vcr.' Pond leadinsrfronl Charlotte to Wadesboro. Anv or all of the above-named lands will be sold privately to anv person desirous of parchaaing between ! this ami I the 1st October next. i TERMS made known on application to the scbscri i her near Eli Stewart'; in Union county, or by address-ii;-- me at Cuburn's Store, Union county. N. C. CYBCS Q. LEMMOND. Anril 20. Sm-nd K ROSSET, BROWW 6c CO., WILMINGTON, K. C. BKOwVI3 RE ROSSKT & CO., OOXHXBilOH HloilIf3. Particular attealion given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton and otner rroqucc, mm ""i i'"- Peruviaa and other Ouanc-s, Land Plaster, kc. . r, . , 1 a i . . i Sole genfs at WiUniBgloo iw ..ce.-. naupwnw Cuano. and VL V. biteluek & Co.'s Superphosphate ot Lime April i .', iisay. - mgfB POPPING THE QUESTION. "Purlin" the oucstion." which has heretofore P"'vcn .such a -teazer" to basil nil vourns in tne under difficulties, is likelv, pursuit or matrimony an i "'ft. i-rf-r! o--v as "roMhi off ' ' " - . . P a I0 -ah sons oi ineiiioua narc. in-m time i , - . . , rt? 1a : . . L' aI. ...1- 1 4, ..... ti.fL- iccn vesorted to. to cot arourm tins atmeuic - cf)urtshi' p!.ljVerti!,i in newspapers. 1 irvo i0udin b k,tu,r negotiating through an -l-o agent, ok noon all e. but an improvement has been made these i.lans lately, as witness the follow- inj: A few nights back, a small party of ladres and "cntfemen were laughing over the supposed awk- v. ardness atfending'a declart-tion of love, when a : L'entlemaii remarked that if be ever offered Nftn- 1 .. , 1 Bolf ho vv.mM io it in a collected and hneincss ; 1 i... M A. HK.e niauner. vroi msiauco, m. i""u"-i Id say. I dressing himrelf to a lady present. '1 would say, -Miss S , I have been two years looking for j a wife; I am in the receipt of about a thousand dollars a year from my business, which is daily ou i the increase: of all the ladies of my acquaintance, r admire you the most; indeed, I love you, and wouid ladly make you my wife.' 'You flatter 1 v lvnlied ' .ml- m m.. ,1..-,, . j to the surprise or all present 'I re- j fcr to my father.' ' 'Bravo!, exclaimed the j eutlemen Vell. I declare,' said the ladies in en. 'Well. I ueciare, satu ino iauiea in .. i. imc i no .ii v ann (' t'i 1 i . ruu'i k.ru i. -nr0 m.iTOi snnn iftpr u c 1 e mai t iea soon aiu i . Wasnttnata monest way 01 coming io inc. point, ami a ladv-like metooa, esjieciaiiv aunng . r .t . leap-year, ol taking a :nan at his word? Here . , l 1 ! .1 , t! ,. ..'.In. another method of popping the question, quite IS ailOt IK'I U'llieU Ul IU ll'liii: in UUI..-OUI1, i '- v r J.. . ..' l" vvv" i o i. a ' commendable in p.udih eyes: ! "A gentleman was riding with a lady, 'all ot a summer's day,' and accidentally men's arms, ' awKwaru tilings, are ever in me w uiv ppvu u . , , . , . .1 ' arm annum tier waist. :o oiccnon was maoe . for awhile, and the arm gradually relieved the side of the carriaj of the 1 ressure uion it. Hut ol a sudden, wnetner rrom a tare recesmnuii w me impropriety of the thing, or the sight oi another ; beau coming, neffer was known, the lady started ( with volcanic energy, and with a flashing eve j udden whether from a late recognition ot the! .1 .t.. j 1 can pun:ort my.-clf. IN THE WRONG ROOM. 1 ....... Ii. ... n ,111 in flu. t'.oirtll 1 t, cAiS 1 1 1 1 ,x i yj .v.'Lt .... .w...... I . . , 1 t I 1 ,. 1 .. 1 , I StO I V, at OCll U1IU-. 1 0,01 luium oiiu n.o.i,-j- ;. . 10 mo ..1,1. ...1. in" in v "seH-eoniCSfiomu, lac room, auiioujju . . ,.. . , . , j; t ,1 i,,., 1 1 ar t a repetition ol the Siamese I wins, onlv rather elevated was commodious. In the by pole- ,, 1 , rn ,., ' :,lci lesf perfectly developed. 1 hese results were n -nuse corner was another bed. j he moon. juM ,! . . , . . ., , , . , , ..ii ;, . over the street, could fccarecly with all its penc- ,. . 11 , ,,',, t ratine powers force its inflected rays into ties 1 0 1 ., , t ,-.i .. .1 .. room, owjiiij to tne eiouuiness oi uie aiuius im-n- , ', .', 1 1 t .:" :, .1 and the "Idea lied dome-tic hanging before my 1 had been in bed perhaps a ball hour vmniows. The WnCH 1 Iieaiu ivuisicua ,s ...-aco... i ii 4. i i ., mv aoor. , ur,otl their going Silently to ben, I resolved to ! play off a little joke upon my neighbors. 1 began to imitate an old man ol Uie country, wuu ims m, bolide voice and lung-splitting cough. By his ide apparently lay his beioved Companion, v.edi mc wuauuui 1,11 ",.3 ..V....V... v. .... . .. . n 11 ej u innii u imi' in a woru ui u m .mua-, v, uvu opponuuo ) A-' i i , . i' ,i, ,,, ;,..,,, m offered a chance. Hiven tue innocent imam was not forgotten aroused by the restlessness oi' it.- parents, it. manifested its vexations by plaintive wailings. u01d beloved" became fiirious aMJe disturbance. Mamma vented her spleen upon ba.-y and confusion fairly rioting over in. tuy corner.. j About this time I saw a head pt.p up from the other corner. "IJob, Bob I" whispered the head, "burst my timber:-; if we bav'ut made a mistake : and got into a faiuily room. ' : , J '()! I man, wuispereu tne oiu woman, -uiui, von hear some one at the doot No, no . ti-o to sleep you art ala'ayts lliitiKii'g about ghosts. ' 'j'he 4 heail-' brought out from uuder the cover a body, and then legs. "Bob' said the "head," -you can ,-tay if you are a mind to, but I'm gointr," ami out came head, body and le,s, followed by "Bob." now aroused to a consciousness of the pc- ., . . X- x ft. cuhar delicacy ol his situation, no tunc was uikoh to clothe themselves, for the door was iinnicdiate- S lv onened, and the "bead" and "Bob" disappeared. ! It required all the nerve 1 possessed to restrain ; my laughter while my neighbors wore deeamjun-; yet 1 kept up the convcrsatitm between the 'old ' 'beloved' and mamma and the waihngs ol baby. But a few moments elapsed ere my door was again opened, and the bar-keeper, with a candle, followed by the head and Bob, entered the room and approached my bed. i firigned heavy sleep. -You see you are Mistaken, Bain bar-keeper, tell ou," replied the bead, "that Bob ami I were in that bed vuiidrr; see Where v. e rminpled it ami we heard a man, in - wiie. ana 1 u;n 1 aao no'., many children, over here in this comer. ' The nm.-chs of bar-keeper faee begM to twiten, ( . - , . . . and Bob seemed touched with awakening mtei- ,. J .. ....... 1 . .... t . .1.1 ; Uueiice. . S pioiouuu as was my wuuiuw, 1 tuum ! st:arcelv help I'roni roaiinpr out. "Do you think that feUov has been playing a , , ! pntuk on us. asked the bead. ell, it kmuer 100a that way, said the bar - keerer. . d la-u bis band ik rue violently- The "bead " approached my bed, rouebJv u: on my breast, aii'i she "Stranger, stranger, said he, '-where s that woman ami baby? I yawned., stretched, nnd ruble J open my sleep- loaded eyes, and apptared astouished ut tlietMCX- pected visitation. -Where's that woman and baby you had here?'' repeated the head. ,., "What woman and baby are you speaking ot i said I, in utter amazement. "Ah. poor innocent young man, bow suddenly ignorant you are. Get up and iullow m instantly, and let' take i drink." ; Many politicians boast that they can't be bought, when th. v are really o worthies:; that they can't SURGICAL OPERATION. A surgical operation was recently pcrlormed at sue tieuenuu i mvtiMiy, nmr ..m.imiu,w j in its character. A child, seven months old, was brought t" ( fde''e Hospital hem the estern part 1 1-1 . Ix,. .1. -1. a, , n O r.ilp lciv:ilr n 1IJ 1 lit lis I Ml f!l('lJK 11 - r -rr 1 ... . 1. . . ,1. . . .. 1 . i. t ... . . . . . . 1 , ! i , i i r i tnmnr mrj;c vi ucvu, nc"n " This mass grew nore rapidly than the obijd itself At birth it was no larger than an apple, but when brought here, last montn, n was neari a iooi lonj; It was neither stnooth nor regular, but Was divide into several ulohular masses, whose nlsatiou was distinctly perceptible, regular and unint minted from iorty to a hundred Deats por minu.e. it wn traversed by a large artery, showing that it waa largely supplied with blood. The tumor was eon- x j. . .1.. .l:u 1 l. 1... MX... necteu iu uic cnuu & cucvk u i'-uiuh ntmkranP. i.iorood with holes, and its nrr-enn- was a source of constant irritation to the child, ' i- . . ' . .... v.a a soum though sup Uow ton mg the life unported by the mother is hand. eniovc this huge tumor without destroy- of the child, was ihe grcnt surgical problem. 1 he parents, warimii 0tHe oauger. were yet extremely anxious to have the frightful pniasil taken off. Dr. JWoast, under whose charge the patient had been nlaced. decided tliat the use of , . .,. ,, . . , ... i tne unne wouni result in a iaiai ncinon uage, inn determined to divide the caubhke nieadoane by using a breach surgical instrument, the ur, i . . .. .. o.... ... - .....v.., . L . .. .v. .. .. , vessels thoretighly before the' chain Jf the instnl- o j ......v , .- - wuuus urecumg. j wj. . .. rv..v. ... in the presence of an immense assemblage ol medi cal men. students and otheis. . . Tlu. ohiM m uh.r-e. mid.-r tin nfluencc of . ,i i . . . . i ether when a:l pulsation in tne trasito was oo- erveu to cease, i ue in uu.m-.u ,,c,,,g .p, me chain was rapid ly woikou, until tne pans wore r - j . - . Af'lnnn mlmifac f V. n tumor n.i.ri-, TTTnr Ti'itll tlo ill. "-u .,,..,....0 v...... ..., ... st rumen t, the chain having Worked through the connecting membrane, wnue searcc a mop oi oioon loiauveu me rouiovai. aim oui one Miiau m-ci ii- ," -v.,-- - quired a ligature . '1 be Burface left was about two inches s.jtmre, a weighed 2 J pounds. The whole J lie Burlaee h:It on the cheek and the tumor operation was entirely suecessitu, anu ine chiki nves ann nan were seen, ami a portion of a rudimentary arm , , Fat osseous iiiiuii'l in u rii'iiiiiciunry ri-huh:. 1 1 L 1. was toiiml in larae onatititie everywhere, it was coiveti witti proiotimt astonistiment ny tne ciowoen 1 . . 7 , ,, am. loure who witnessed tlie operation I lie case ... . , r is s.ik to be uinoue 111 the annate of human mal- . : urination. Ihnaartfmta Journal. ' j - o render may believe as much 01 the lane paragraph as he pleases. One nonD Ttttx Deskiivks AsoTni:.- -A few -irv? since, two boys wore arrested at MontlecHit, Mo.) on the charge of stealing a 8-" gold pic6; The hoy who actually stole the money Was toil upon trial first, and the other chap was used a' a witness, and his innocence was established. The other boy was then placed on trial, when the one fast ... - .l.iii aeiiiidted came lnrward amlswore thai lie had r( j!i u j tne money hiniSCIi. . Fqi AT, Jusmi F. to .Man ami Wi.m.w. Bw. g H.Ohapin, in a recent, discourse, says: '-The refined woman recoils with vjUtOH scorn JVom jlt.r n S;.,U,P) ut often welcomes him bv whon she fell. We are told that Christ said fn ,ha womaIlg accusers, 'lie that is without fin am0M?? VH1 i,.t j,;,,, (.:ti.t tl. f,rj.t ht0ne;' but smitten by'coitecicu.ce, they went out one by one. And Vi'ui fa n0 ;u M;ril(. W.IV allied to this great guilt? Tlie fact of common weakness should at least make nicrcifuL It is n ot just that upon the woman alone should fall the blot of shame. The text is a great lesson of charity and mercy, and it is a great le?sou of justice also. There is neither justice, honor, imr delicacy in our modern custolDj which seal ce by frowns upon the guilty man. while pouring otit all the vials of wrath upon the gttilty woman. It may or may not be true, aasouie ii.si-t, that this foul Cancer in society can never be eradicated; but we migh t at least to insist upon it that the ti,:ifl. -hanTie f,Arv divided, that the sinnimr man n ho br.imj(.d ;,3 deeply as the sinning woman. sJnpp0sc ,.V(.VV guilty man "bore the mark ofsbjmo ; ju hy r.(rfi ,,1C 1)ia,ifct, ot at church, how long j WOBM the evil continue? But. the mean n est f man ha thrust tiie whole shame ujiou woman." m , v FinKt.G ( Vi.vfihmatio.s k SciiM'TPRi:. f)(, (t,- c mogj interesting of the moniuuriits of 1 anc:ej,t Rome ia the trituupha arch erected to cohinieinprate the conquest of .Icrusalcni by Titu-, v. ho. after the detraction of the tcmj.Ie. Bmdc a triumphal niareb to Home, brujgtng wbh him a Inoij (rain of captive Jews and the spoils, among which were the sacred vessels of the temple hit! proecs ion is represented in (he beautiful an n, whhdi thus furnishes an illustration "f the Bible no where else to be found, thrae lieing the only .pr,. stations that exist of the sacred vessel, the ; 1 . . .. ., tablo of the .shew-brcad, the golden eandUtiek , wi,h Js fiCYen bninchea, and the fcilver trumpets used bv the pru-sts to proclaim (he year oi Jul. dee. Th(J i;()0jan Senate and people little thougbt,fhen ercct:ng th;.- monument to a deified eatperpr, that th wJ,.e crcctine a nionuuient to the true God in 1 the verification of prophecy and divine history. V l, ,)UO of ,jie jfeW3 0f KuUie of whom there arc l-fan gjje thousand will even to this day pass under the arch of Titus, although it spans ou: of , thc thoroughfare,? of the city; they ehun it as a memorial of a subjugation of their nation, irhich bag ncver yo, been retrieved, and regard it with aver.-ion. I'ic York Observer. ; Ro(ji. A correspondent of an English ppet affirtria that h. learned, trhile in France, anion- the feesT poultry breeders, that the lonpr, narrov.- eggq were set aside as male eggs, or thote that . would produce male chickens hatched out. and