THE NOBLE FARMER JiY MBS. I.. H. BIGOURNEV. "Agncnltsre b the moat healthy, the most Suppose the eight counties west of the Kidgcto having died in twelve days, tie men brother, 9. L. Philer, dee d. I will gire the above re asefuT the most noble employment oT nun. "GEO. ; be eoual in capacity to produce the grape then sickness was caused by the cows eating the peas ward if he is secured in any jail or delivered to me m V.'asiiixoton. " ' v.c challenge anv other eieht counties in the State which prow on what is called clay-galled lime- Charlotte. . . rmjw. wut pb,rf . 'c j;,pTrrer';s?ve TJS! ,vH1 UJJ,J"- fire issnunee compam. v ....... .V i.: to individual investment and Mate wealth. We drop down ana mc in a icw nours. l ames eiaiio.-i iiiu.-it.- in iii.s cui From earth's remote-1 bound, What Ruler over a Nation'.-, love In majesty sublime, The first, the greatest in the realm, A king in Freedom's clime. He-turns to rural haunts to watch Hu ripening wheat fields wave? A blessed gladness in bis heart That glory never pave. Who, 'mid his acre-; brood and preen, Where plough shares break the sod, PreJen in sylvan toils to walk, With Nature and with God? Th re was but one who thus retired From conquests, power and pride. For which ambition hath so oft In m&dncss striven and died, There was but one dost a.-k his name? '.Neath fair Virginia's sky. Go, Cud Monnt Vernon's sepulchre inu i. d its ansae rni" ,i Jarieultural. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A correspondent and reliable gentleman, writ ing to us from South Crek 1'. (., in IJfaafort -uiitv, in this State, says : ''This portion of the Old North Slate is destined t be a great ranning country. The price of land is lower here, in proposition toils fertility and the facilities for L'tinip produce to market, than any place that I know I in the I mted States. Ibis talking , large, tmt it is . y7; and people are nuuiur out nd emigrating here, l.ut l here is plenty .' land ve't (or a thousand families." it of le;iufbri county abounds with rich swamps anl j !: -,;, s. where vejietahle and alluvial deposits are s ; " ji that the btnu can never be worn .ut by 'ultivation. These plares are pnseeptiblc of I ruinate ami of making farms thai will last a hun dred generation-. 1 rem them can le procured j ;in abundance of tumeie, with which to manure the ' npl i .i i .i ... i , i ii -i i i- aiu m.ii.e iiu-iii l.en as mnu. iesnie there is ample water euminunicutloii with ike !-est markets, o that the fanner can get his produce there at a rr. UKiirtaiikant cost. And tlic healthiness of the country is as good, v.v 1. lieve, as any other portions in Eastern North Carolina. With these inducements and a Ivan! ige-, what need for our citizem to remove to distant States, where they oe! no better lands but pav much l.igm r r:et-. and die in a few years in an un- hi fol 1 1 1 13 climate. Li I all who feel like emigrating i !!( r kind Ilia i tl v now Li ive ay a .sit to le:uiiort count ' .- I C. P.anter. THE GRAPE CULTUEE. Mr Silas McDowell, Macon county, some 1 Tcxrs since, mentioned to us a theory which he had matured iu his own mind, respecting the' fro y region of Western North Carolina. At first ve thought his views amounted t" t; dhing m ire j th it: theory, but a few year.J oliscrvation has e n- 1 vinced us that lii- views are founded i:i facts.! There does esift a tmtt-titir above which there I is a ihcrtnal current or stratum of atmosphere, in i which vegetation is not injured by spring frosts. 1 A year ago, the vegetation of the Tennessee valley ' w:s bitten down hy a severe frost. The line of its existence did not reach more than about three thousand feet above the level of Tennessee River, i few days alter the frost, the valley, through its j whole length, presented a most singular appear ance. The haves upon the timber, in the valley, were black and crisp, from ft o .'-..', while higher j upon the mountains' sides every thins: remained ; green and fre.-h. Tne line of the destructive frost ccuied to he as regular along the mountains, as the surface of a lake. Wo mention this one instance, ;-.s being the most striking one within our obserra liin, illustrating Mr McDowell's theory. Since : thai time, we have taken some pains to gather such facts as might throw light upon this subject, and all we learned go to substantiate, in a most j satisfactory manner, everything claimed by Mr I McDowell for his thermal theory. The existence of this thermal belt of atmosphere, ;s suggestive of one of the resources four m un tain region. Within this belt there are elegant aide lai.d, situati d as though nature had laid them ' ;i? for great vineyards. Many of th s; tdd s have a warm southern exposure; are of a ileeji rich S' !L aud are covered with hickory, ashe, black walnut, maple, black locust, cedar, poplar and (lie oaks of the southern Alleghanies, sheltered bv high mountain t eaks, withhold rocky escarpments t : the north and north-west. Thus sheltered . ,.i lh chilling winds of the north nod north-west, With h uiy and oaimv titui i-; :n re. v.v cannot cou c IV. ,.i m rt favorable localities for crane cnltun within the va.-t- extent of our broad country. 1 lore upon these table land, we l ave soon the native gray-' via growing in the greatest lnxiiii anee. Here, t 1 , maj be foand almost any variety of soil, as furnished ly the difiiarenl rockj strata, from cbieh the element have Leon drifted down. Another fact worthy ol note hi. that the rocky dctritna mixed with the soil, would seem to ren der bnt little labor, in trenchinjr. t. prepare the groun I, as ueeesuarTJ for the native vines evidently take vigoroua root vithoot any artificial prcpara tioi of the ground. Where natnie Las done so Hleral a -liare, it must be evident that the osl of 1 a plantation of cuttings, . will be greatly i - than the iiMial coat in ether localities. These suprjrcstions are baaed upon the most careful obner V:if ;ol!. t mot, however, be permitted to .-all the ai t on lion ol'tho reaper to a lew practical facts, which go t.. .-ustiiin what we hare already aid. In the early settlement of this. (Tennessee) valley, a lew mca located themselves high op i:i the mountain C- ve Amongst other frmta winch thev planted. was .111 occasional grape slip 1 here are m vera! vines now growing from theee early plantings, and being above the frost-line, and within the thermal hi 't. nre uniform bearers have not failed lor per haps twenty years; ami their fruit is sound and de lici as, f ree from rot and mildew, and also from signs of puncture by insects. Wo tad no hesi tancy in saying that the grape Culture in the southern Alleghanies, if undertaken by men of capital and practical knowledge, would Lea must rexnunerath e enterprise. From our persona! knovletlee trf tne antonnt of; tabic t tiicls aoapted to the urape. W think we are .-a:'.- in saving that Mac 90 county aloiie is capaHle of producing iu hot thermal rations a mil- ,;o!i -rational oi wme anouany. n e ii.. There is certainly enough in tl;e capacity of this one county, to say nothing oJ t!ie other counties w. st oi'tlu- Ridge, Vr the prod notion of wine, to in Jane any body of irise- fegislatnrs to grant the rcnircd aiu to penetrate and explore this Striker- j land of the "Old North" with a main trunk Rail- road cou.niriicinL' at the seaboard, and extending to the extreme west Is it wise and politic, to i keep this wonderful mountain region locked up and -lint nii from the commerce of the world ? ... a. ,,.. ; mAK intnreirn field for L .ids; they seem to fatten and thrive on the peas, ! believe the true wealth of a country consists in the ' 1 1 . . C It.. ,.,i r. mi nun V" liavr re- i ueveiopiiieni i kwiuvhi. - - sources in the mountains, unknown and unappre ciated. All W wish, is a railroad, and then v.c j will make the developments which will astonish the common w. !th. Send up the iron horse, and we will load him to the utmost of his capacity with our products. The grape culture, how ever, is only one of the several resources from which we promise freight to those who may send us the train. Apple culture, j sheep husbandry, cattle growing, and the products of the manufacturing establishments all and singular, roniise much. These will receive due notice, and their claims shall be duly considered. j In the mean time, need we indulge any hope that North Carolina will ever consider our claims:' will ever feel those convictions of justice and right which prompt patriots and statesmen to deeds of magnanimity aud equity ? When we look in this direction, the star of hope is faint and is still grow in" fainter. Again we appeal to the "western re- : Rene' to speak out with one voice and preserve a firm front, resolved on justice or divorce. H- ; ilcrsonville ( A'. ('.) Watchman. How to Kill Meadow Rushes. Many of our farmers have meadows pointed with rushes. Au experienced gentleman, in all the various in terests of the farm, authorises us to say that i i . ii .. t ru-l.e- may ne very certainty acsiroycu ujf mow inij tin hi ichen iu bloom. This plan, followed for several years, will ultimately destroy them; and the farmer will have the Icasure of seeing them grad- aallv disappearinjic until all are gone I on the tutbority ol the same eeiitleman. is offered to the nubile for the cure of a snake Life. He has had reiieated evidences of its efficacy in his own family, and also the testimony of some of his neighbors to the same effect. The sufferer must Jriuk n tabletotjitful ofsjtii if.-, turpentine, then Lathe the bitten part with the s.-une, until the pain coasts. Two or three hours, with this treatment, fialisltury Watchman. will effect a cure. M E K L E "V BU RG teii US, Seven per vvni per nismssm. These Bonds that :.ii be m are undo ubtei safest investment j. referable to any real 1 1 State 1 1 le -. it C. inty rannot reiinuiate. lucv hear seren rver 1, rent hiteresl payable rr-:inunaHy, with Coupons for the same. They are of the denomination of 31 00, which will make them more current aud useful for domestic purposes. I lie coupon- win prove a convenient medium lor paying county taxes. h citizens of the count v sliotild no.-.-e-s tiiein. and thcvare now offered t; them, with ii osaU ti it either Bank iii Charlotte or will receive prompt attention. ie oh, a W. Da i vi. ! i w : I i ii v !8 If Pres't. W . C. t. It. Railroad C MRS. IIAWLEY & WINDLE, First Jtoor West of the Charlotte Dunk. Tryon Street, CSt.i RLWTTt:, .3. JUST RKCE1VED A LARO STOCK 01 j'II E 'T'rfi- ' PRICKS ranging from Si to 820. Head Dresses, Collars, Infants' Hats, and a splendid assortment of SSosim't Dress Trisaisssiss'iN. The Lmpress Patent bxnansion Skirt together itli ! a variety ofllridal and Party Ornament.'', &c. .c. . )' 'A i.-e rail ami examine our Stock.'Bfi March 22. y.t tf RAILROAD NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. 7;ic. cm: yon fri ia'i EXPKiHTious norn: ''HIT FOR THE IXTERIOR OF A ORTIt CAROLIXA. nd others about purchasing their Fll plies, are requested to notice that bv the Merchants :: and Winter -a; ! completion of , lestou. S. C. ti Xorth-Eastern Railroai raw. the advantasres of irom I, ( ' a, ea ii and ; cxpeuilious i them. A Xorth-Easto route from the secbotud has been opened II Freight consigned to the Agent of tire rn Railroad will i forwarded free of com- inissi in. o i ! i,, rgf will be made for storage at Che- raw: nil Uoots will be taken War. house nntil -cut for. A schedule of charges u OUice. i A ii-jr. 10, i :.s. if re of in the Company: found at the Post S ILOMONS. K:er. an" apt. CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND ZV2:zi.c fa. 33.0 Factory. The undersigned lie-s leave t.icall the attention of the public to the tact that he is now ready to fill all orders for making steam Ei fines, MSifitritsiltc Cot ton S'rcsscs and all kind of Machinery. AS, 2, KI!S OF CASTIlCiS in Iron and Brass or other metals MADE AT SIIORT NOTICE AND KEIH'CED PIUCES. Particular atten tion given to the making and repairing of Thrashing Machines. Morse Powers. Cotton Clin-, Mill Work, and Agricultural Work of all kind-. (tlacksmithing, Jobbing Work. Wagon Work, and Uorsi Ohl or t.i! Shoeing, uom Iron and Draj eu in exehaue with d; -pat-. h. s Castings honghl at the Foundrv, i for Job Work. Wood and I'ro- vi.-ion- ofall kinds taken iu exchange for Blacksmith- All Work must be PAID FOH when DELIVERED, as ca.-h has to he paid for every thing necessary to carry on the establishment. I- .-" All orders for work mast be specified in writing so that the work and specifications May agree. A supply of Anthracite Coal, constantly on hand fo sale. This is the only Foundry in the State that casts every 1 except Sunday. ) lif-i-'All contracts connected with the concern must be made with tke Undersigned alone. J. M IIOWIK, Praetieal Encrineer, wi ive his con on business st. mi attention io the business. All letter will be directed to Charlotte Found: v.'' J. A. FOX, Proprietor. Charlotte. X. C. Nov. .'III. ls.".S tf EXPERIENCE THE BEST TEST! HEDGMAX, CLAiiK .t CO'S GEXV1XE COD LIVER OIL Has been proved by twelve rears1 experience the best remedy for Consumption, Scrofula, ie.. and is recom- anded bt thamosi eminent Phrsicians. Cco!f. Iteware of preparations pretending to p sess ine propenieaoi ioc uu in eoncentratcu lomi. a? may of them are worse than useless. The I'urc Oil nas cceu roena to act i.etter aao nave mora speeay eflVct than any jelly or other preparation of it. S iM bv Druggists generally. Feb. 2t, 1859. 3m-pd ! ft'orr linmailr itt Et IlaltlJ a I A -overeijrn cure aatf preveative of the Piles. I I NYE HUTCHISON & CO. WESTERN DEMOCEAT, Death of Cattlk. A correspondent writing from Florence, Stewart county, ( ia., in the courseui a business letter, states that hu cow shad recently been taken with a very fatal epidemic, dying at the rate of three to four a day, fourteen 10 all, died in twelve oavs. lie iuhiks tneir TO PIi MTER9. OTTOS GLNS, ol" the nest quality, with 10 inch saws, delivered at any Railroad Landing in this State, or on the X. C. Railroad, at $3 per saw. For particulars address J. M. ELLIOTT, April 2;. 1859" 6m Witinshoro. 8. C. NEW FIRM. Or. E. HXil HlTCBISOnr & CO., Having! pnrefcased of Dr. U. M. Pritchard his entire stock of . DRUGS. CHEMICALS. HV'-- ntl.s l VIXTS. .vr.. j ' sr":- W cspeet l'nll v call the attention XJgl&SUM&X Mm of the public to the fact that they will carry ou a WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DKL'ti BUSINESS at Irwin's Corner, where they are now receiving, in addition to their present Stock, a large assortment of Fresh and Geiiuiue Drugs, direet from the .New Vurk market. E. XVB HUTCHISON, M. 0., will superintend this large and well known estahlishmenl in person. t-v" Physicians' prescriptions made up with prompt ness and rare. Ortoher 19, 1 f!.n. Pure Kerosene, And a large variety of Kerosene I. AMI'S, for sale low March 29, 185t) " E. NYE UUTCHISO: CO. Liiisied Oil, pure Sperm, TANNERS' OIL, For sale bv E. NYE Lard, and UTCHLSON. '-?-( 'hurehiU's preparation of the Hypophos phatcs, CURE FOR THE CONSUMPTION, for sale by E. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. Fresh Kiirniiii? Fluid and Linseed Oil, Low for cash bv the Bbl. E. N YE HUTCHISON & CO. Tanners1 OH From S." cents to SI 23 per gallon. E. NYE HUTCHISON CO. TOlViw ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners nf the Town ofCburlotte, that the law of the State prohibit- i ing the buying of Poultry from Negroes, or the buying by a Negro, without a written permit f rom his mas- I ter, be enforced against all persou.; violating the same: and that the Town Clerk give public notice of tlii ( Irdina nee Ma nil 7. 182 in the newspapers of Charlotte. T. W. DEWEY, Town Clerk. Salem N. C. VU-. unai rsi gned has recent v nnrciiasei d the Hotel in S. K 111. X. C, well known througlioiit the I inthern conntrv as "BcTssa'a Hotel," and will ae- ' commodate all who will favor him with :i call, with , the best the country can afford." lie will spare no : effort to make the stay of his guests comfortable and pleasant. The House is well provided with good Ser- j vants, the Stables attended by goud Hostelers, and the Table shall not be excelled. The old friends and customers of the House are soli- j cited to continue their patronage. X. S. A. CilAITX. j Salem, X. C. Aug. 31, 1858. -Jl-tt A few Reiiiarkm on Dress. from the eommeacenicnt of the world's .history, when I fig-leaves were sew ed together iu the garden of Eden, down to the present time, it has been a prominent ; characteristic of the Iranian family to Dress. Even the nations of greatest antiquity made it one of the chief objects of their solicit ute aud care, to see that their persons were adorned in the most attractive manner. And looking back through many long ages before the commencement of the christian en . when the Jews "enlarged the borders of their garments" and scarlet and fine linen were considered evidences of nobility, we find the patriarch .Jacob carrying out this leading ica 111 making tor ins sou josepa a 1 oat 01 many j care has been j color. showing that in all ages, taken to adorn the person and to present pleasing up- iiearcnce to tlic eve. .Mo! m our own o.iv. tne same ureal leading idea obtains: but there is. of course more refined and highly cultivated taste exhibited than , at any former period. This is clearly shown in the present style of "'Dress Gottds'- a'hich have been, manu- j fac lured with so much skill, and with such a remark- ! able adaptedness to the ivauts of society. These Dress i Goods arc now on exhibition aud for sale at T. 11. DREM & CM S great Emporium of Fashion. But especially is the eye pleased and the heart capti vated bv the appearance of a well-dressed female. ihe fcpuesiau3, 111 oruci grandeur and snbltmity embodied their Diviuiti o impress tne mi ml with tne of their idolatrous religion, 1 in the form of the beautiful , and go cii !1L-, present of the j variabl; female. HIS looking goddess. And the an- 1 almort ever;, in-tame, when thev wished to 1 it rcsistable charm to the minds of the j pie in favor of some new doctrine or idea, in employed the figure of a beautifully-attired : There was sound philosophy in this. For they knew which a v men. A', c so now ii -anti we know the pow er ami innuence U dressed lady exerts over the hearts of iy tiiat the power is irresistible. It IS as been 111 the past. W( una tuo nations ol antiquity accomplishing other power could accomplish. Ii v. Medan holy that caused the King of the construct the celebrated Hanging Cai fordeil so much spoi l to the soldiers ol wnicn no a beautiful llabylonians to Ions, which af ! 'vi us hen he diverted the waters of the buphrutes and captured the proud city of the Cbaldees. It was the beautiful and lovely Athenian courtezan that, by a mere suggestion, caused Alexander to apply the torch to Persepolis, the beautiful capital of the Persians. Bui it is not neces sary to go so far back for proof of this power we see it manifested around n- every day. And in this, as well as past ages, the most skillful artists are employed in this department of human ingenuity. And in no in stance do we Bad the art displayed with more taste than iu the present style of Bonnets. The geucral contour of the physiognomy and the phrenological de velopments of the wearer, are shown to decided ad vantage. These Bonnets may be examined and obtain ed at !RE31 k CC S. But, as regards dress, there arc a variety of taste? to gratify. The Greeks admired a Cne figure, 3nd paid but little attention to dressing the head. S , in our day, there are those who seldom admire the fine fore head and well-balanced '"dome of thought.'' but look rather at the well developed symctrica! form, and es pecially the bust. And it is astonishing how well the milliners have studied the various want.- of the human family in the matter of dress. They hare conceived the idea, and manufactured the very thing which ladies require, in the shape of Embroideries and .Mantillas. These may also be found at BKF.M i Cu'.-'. There are others. nowever, make a pleasing snrvcy ol fae whole hgure, when it is properly dressed, and this presents to their minds the paragon of excel lence. And. to Suit this taste, the manufacturers have happily conceived the thought of the celebrated Silk ind Organdee Robes, falling gracefully over the mncfa- aamn mar. d Expansion Skirt. Let ile talk as they the mind is uni- is one thing verycertai versally prepossessed in favoi tbe present si vie of Hoop Skirts. We are aware that in their former reign Addison wrofe some hard things against them : but then, they were considered only as a variation of the disgusting "trail" which obtained among :!:' courte zans of Elizabeth: and the general mind being preju diced against w hat was justly considered extremes in dress, manifested its opposition to the Expansion Skirt the moment it nude it- iLt.ut. But in our times, th intra Bra viewed in a different l?gLt: and we have yet to see ,v,c man who. exnresrias hi- real sentiments wiH aar that the old salt-sack style of dress is more becoming than the beautiful, grand, self-adjusting, double back- action, etrnscan -lace-expunsiou, spiral-Piecolomini- attachment, gossamer-indestructible Skirts! Thr-e mav also be found at T. FT. DRETM Jt COS tpnl JO. 1: tl nrr-iT-P V J-LXX-Lt -LiW -L J J? 50 REWARD. Runaway froia my plantation, my negro boy ALLfc. trcd 25 years, over fc feet in height, -lender, spare made. and rather delicate in appearance. I am inclined to believe that he is in Gaston county, in the neighbor- hood of Dallas. He was formerly the property ofmyi E, SYK HUTCHISON, Agent. 1833 r Charlotte, April I' Notice. All persons- indebted to ns for the last quarter need not expect to buy Goods from us any longer on a credit, i We intend t" do :t three month business; therefore, if you are indebted to us for a longer period, call and pay, for op the first day of April your will stop. We positively intend to enforce the above even with our best friends, and hone no offence will be taken. All Accounts due for last year that are not paid y the 1st of April, will be handed out for collection. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. March 29, 1859. WJCJK ifSME.1T VMfVMt, Fresb and good Low for cash. JL B. WILLIAMS & CO. RESU SODA CRACKERS for sale by the Box, JL U. WILLIAMS i CO. SUPERIOR RIO COFFEE, also JAMAICA. 3 U. B. WILLIAMS & CO. t- BBLS. DOUBLE REFINED CRUSHED SUGAR Cheap by the bbl. II. 1!. WILLIAMS CO. SOk BAGS ex ti imilv Flour, warranted good, ll. B. WILLIAMS & CO 1 LBS. GOOD COUNTRY BACON, For sale. II. 1!. WILLIAMS CO. ALE YARN AXD DOMESTIC. 11. B. WILLIAMS & CO. March 20, 1859 3."4-tf ATTRASSES, ORDER, kept on hand and MADE TO by II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. 26, 1859. O0WIOfK0IH IfOlI. J. D. PALMER, One Door above the Bank of C7iarlotte, ri.AnAft.fnlf r Infhrms t!i.' mil ' lie that he has just received j a splendid assortment of Con fectioneries. West lm!i:! Fruits. 'J?M. ':-. SEGAES ' .':t?".r6' &Sil5o various brands, chewing i fc L,' .. - '"?';'J- ' smkiii"- Tobacco, Snuff, vc. (s .-; a varietv nf Musical Instru- I - "S . : . ... mcuts, Vankec .Notions, sc. A FINE LOT OF WILLOW WARE. He i- eoustai try receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and manv other articles not enumerated. CANDY MANUFACTORY. The snhseriber is now mannfacturm" an e.lent arl Lcle of !andj", the New Vork st try it. November 0, 1 free from poisonous coloring, unlike :am reuuc Call and s and J. D. PAL Ml tf TO splp:xdid THE LATHES. ortment of FRENCH CANDIES: Desfillcs, &c, for Diessing Cukes, at J. 1). PALMER'S. HAVANA ORANGES, J i reeeiv ed nt J. D. PALMER'S Confectioner!. 0J Feb. 8. 1850. GiS J lire SMYRNA F1CS, or ,-alc low for cash, at J. D. PALMER'S Atlaniic Mutna! Fire and Maric INSURANCE COMPANY. CAROLINA CITY, X. C. Incorporated by an Act id' the Legislature of North Carolina. This Company being duly organized, is now prepared to receive applications for insurance upon Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manufactories, Ships and their Cargoes, and most kinds uf property, at remunerative rates of premium. i It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a sale medium for 1 1 1 d pmn i t v a 11 d I Vol -ct ii in to the assured in ease of loss. An honorable and apright course 01 acaiing, ami .1 latiniui luinumeni 01 its con , tracts, will ;.t all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for insurance may bo made at the office I of the company, or to its authorized Agents; DIRECTORS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W B ! Grant, David S Jones, Geo W Dill, Col Thos J Blakely. Luke Blackman, Win S Long, David W Bell, A B Chap 1 in, Saml Leffers. Joel II Davis. D A Uargett, E Mallctt. OFFICERS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, W S Lou--, K A Thompson, A B Chapin, EXECCT1YK COMMITTEE avid W Bell. March 22. 159. President. Vice President, Treasurer, Attorney, Secretary. -W U Grant, W S Long, The Great Emlaadur of Health to all Mankind. HOLLOWAY'3 PILLS AND OINTMENT. Dyspepsia. The great scourge of this contim nt yields quickly to a course of these antiseptic Pills, and the diges tive organs are restored to their prepwtone ; no matter in what hideous shape this hydra of disease exhibits itself, this searching and uucri ing icnicdy disperses it tronithe patient's system. EitYsiPELAs, Salt Rhecm, Dad Lf.os, Old Sores and Ulcers. Cases of many years standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any oilier n medy or treatment, have succumbed to a few applications of this powerful unguent. Biliocs Disorders. This anti-bilious nu dicine ex pels the hidden seeds ol ihe complaint, and n ndcrs all the tluids and sacretions pure and tiuent, cleansing and resusc itating the ital functions of the body. General Debiutv asdWeakxess. From whatever cause, lowm ss of spiritn, and other signs of a diseased liver, and other disorganization of the system, vanish un der the eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and di teigi nt rem dv. i?old at the manufactories of Professor Hollowey, Maid' 11 Lafle, N w York, and by all dealers in medicine throughout the I". States and the civilized werld, in boxes at 25 cents, (53 cents, and $1 each. Din c t ions for the guidance of patients are affixed to each box. I :y For sale iu Charlotte by K. NYE HUTCHISON & CO. Aps-ii ie, I8c9, v CAROLINA CITY, N. C. n:r auuuiic nuu Aurm Carolina uai icing now completed to Beaufort Harbor. 1 have determim to locale at Carolina City for the purpose of a Forwarding & General Commission Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent ot BUR-RAY'S USE OF FiRST CLASS PACKETS to this and Morehcad citv, every effort will be made to make this the cheapest and most e neditions route to New York, Vessels will be loaded and discharged at my Wharf (avd joining the Railroad Wharf, i and therein- save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale aud shipment ol Produce. VM. B. GRANT. All shipment.; of Produce to B. Colden Murray. New Tork, will be forwarded free of commission. Juno 29. 18:9 v PETER MALLETT D. COLDEN MURRAY, (General Commission Hrrcb;inf, G2 Scnfh street, XEWJY0RK Jer.e 20 1053 v y -r T A m s x r jST. C. TAN BARK. , ft pQDjAg fall Bark wanted, for which : 1 a a liberal price will be paid, Charlotte, Mareh 22. ISo'J U. IS. T.WL0K. tf IS. ES. WIXI-IAJIS & CO., Wisli all those customers Wo bought Groceries ou short time, to call and pay up. Our profits are too short to ask often for the amount. We have on hand a large supply of Hacon. Flour, Corn and Meal, Best New Orleans Sugar. ' Svrup and Molasses. Crushed Sugar Stewart's best. Powdered Sugar, u Granulated " u A. B a .d C. Sugar. Tea, best green. Candles, Inst Goshen Cheese, fcc. Kio Coffee. Old Government Java, and Jamaica Coffee, stipeiicr. The above Goods will be sold low for cash. Wholesale or Retail, low, Jan. 18, 1859, tf 17 r?MOV A 1 i & I j ii v r y ' The Confectionery and Family Grocery store of SIOODY & XISP.KT 'has been removed to the stand op- po-itc the Presbyterian Church, where they are reeeiv- iag direct from .New York large additions to their stoi k ot CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. Among their stock may be found everything usually kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment of Cake Trimmings. Willoa' Ware, .c, always on hand. They have in their employ an excellent BAKER, and ! are prepared to furnish Familh i and l'artys with ( aues i SIOODY & NISBET. ofall ki inds at short not ice. Sov, 10, 1858, We have also opened a branch of our store at Lin colnton, where Mr Moody will Fupierintend the business, and hopes to secure a share of public patronage in that section. Nov. 16, 1858, MOODY & NISBET. GAS WORKS. The subscribers respect (ally inform the 'public that they are prepared to erect Gas Works for lighting cities, towns, villages, colleges and large hotels. They have erected works in Charlotte and ih. N. ( '.. which have given entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places. fulfilling As to qualifications, ability and promptness in contracts entered into by them, they refer o : the following gentlemen : i James II. Carson, President of Charlotte Gas Work com pany, ( 'harlotte, X. ( '. ; Yia. Johnston, President of Charlotte & S C Railroad company, Charlotte. X. C. Dr Thos D Hogg, President of Raleigh Gas Association, Raleigh, X C. Col (! 1! Young, Wiwcrly, Mi sissippi. A G Story, President of Gas Works. Little Falls, X Y. FT Stoty Supt. Gas Works. Watertown, X Y. V S Schoener & Co, 221 Pear! street. New fork. For further information, address the undersigned at Raleigh, X. C. WATERIIOUSE & DO WES. September 14, 1 8 8 . y G-reat Southern Remedy. Jacob's Co37d.ll- Lou Ai.i, Dowel Diseases, cholera, dvsesteev, i.iaiii:- ilKA, CHOLERA MORBUS, 1111. lots COLIC, CHOLERA IX- kaxttm. Also, aomirablt aoaptku to haxv iis kases of Females, most especially painful menstrua tion. THE virtue.- of Jacob's Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. 1 t It cures the worst cases ofDiarlnea, I'd It cure- the worst fbrms of Dysentery, 3d It cures California or .Mexican Diarrhoea, 4th 5th 6th 7 th 8 th Oth loth 1 Uh 12th . ! ft n it relieves the severest colic, It cures cholera morbus, it cures cholera infantum, It cures painful menstruation, It relieves pain in back and loin-. It counteracts nervousness and despondency, It restores irregularities, It dispels gloomy and hysterical feelings. It's an admirable tonic. Extract from f.ti Text lie, S r. r have used Jacob's Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient, and in mv judgment, a valu able remedy. Hon. HIRAM WARNER, Judge of Supreme Court, Ga. "If gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob's Cordial; my own personal experience, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee for me to believe it to be all that i 1 ParP,,ir s l" be, viz: a sovereign remedy. W.t. II. Cxdekwood. Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit." 'I take great pleasure in recommending this invalua ble medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy decidedly superior to anything ever tried by me. A. A. Gaulo!, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Ga." 'I have nsed .Jacob's. Co; dial in my family, and this, with all 1 hear about it as a remedy by those who have tried it. induces me to believe that it stands at the head of every preperation of the kind, and I would recom mend its use in the diseases for which it is compounded. V. 1J.KS G. DOBBIKS, c :cr f the Bai of Georgia. Griffin." ' If there is any credibility in human testimony, Ja cob's Cordial must stand preeminent above all other preparations for the eure of Bowel Diseases. From the mass of testimony in its favor coming in from all quar ters, it must be far in advance, as a curative agent, ol most if not all other -patent' preparations. A. Fl.KMIVO. Cashier Mr. r'ne and Fire Insurance Dank, Griffin:" This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast r.s Bonaparte pushed his columns into Russia, and tiling commendation wherever used.' Georgia Jcffer- in, Sold bv J. AS1IUIST. Charleston. S. C, Im t. ( who will sunol v the porter and Wh tolesaJe Druggi trade,) and by Druggists everywhere. Nov. 1, 1858. ly-pd i i Urcss the Grave of thy Friend." Chariotte, N. C. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he carries on the business of working in .Marl. I , oiatfrade street, directly opposite the Coui i House. lie js prepar ed to do all kinds of work in ; :.t,.. i Ai m. his lino, and Gn wich as Mo: Wt Stones, ameut UanUe Pit ccs for awellmsrs. or anv otner Kind of . i . . i . ,. Uonc woik uiai muj .ie ri tnirca in 013 line. His Stock of Marble will always comprise the various qualities, and enable him to do work iu a uiannei that be satisfactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. Order- will receive particular attention and be promptly filled. Work will be packed with care, and all diligence used to prevent injury by transportation. June 15, 1858. J. C. . McCOV. Of Voting's iaiitl T5a! Eaiiaes. Dickson's make, constant ' on band and for sale T. IL LUKM ft CO. it EEOCCEO PBICES. August IT. la.i.s. Exclusively Wholesale Drug, Paint and Oil i AKTOS, WALKB & CO., wholesale dealers in Dill (IS : Lam:.. M .aery and Paint OILS : Varni.-hes. Paints, fcc. &c. No. iiG. Iron front, West i tout NORFOLK. VA. Cpads .-hippfd from New Vork. ?hila.i(d',hia or ii .ltiir.or?. to Chrrh"tcn. vrhm n-tjnired. N'oVCUv l !. 19St!j -.. CHABLHTTfi CSta: ni'tiiK sriisjicniHini.s havii.,rf. H . . " "'"with. EL selves into a company, regpectful, ., . " the country generally in their Kne ni l,,, T!;ey are prepare.! to furnish Mu,." (i!:Avt:sTO.M:s, Mastei. Pieces, i-ip,,.n '-Mahiile. T.VM.B Slai-.s, Maublk Step , '' pattern, cut according to tne most approved tut) styles, and upon the meat accommodating offered in the Southern country. They will keep, Stantly on hand the best description of Egyptian, ju and American Marble. All orders for any article addressed to the nbetdb, will meet with prompt attention, and will he and forwarded with the utmost cafe and dispatrl , T!,o "'.iril sitiulted Oil the UOl'tll-West . .. :r tt : v- . . iJuitti uaiireau icpot i aiu. wm. TIDDY & SONS Jantmrv, 1839. If TIN-WAKE & STOVE A. Ao W. M. WMMH T"T70ULD respectfully announce to the public Vl lie continues to carry on business at the -;., ti ... ..I,' uiii.'s to enrrv on ous mess :it t n u j the comer formerly ecrnpiea oy nuggms fc i .vhere he keeps constantly on hand the largest tts j nK... 0f fnPO'V"78 S i nffi.rn.t iti fnrth O:roHtaa amoBv whirl. :n found the celebrated Jinn Witch Cooking Store, which has gained such a famous reputation in ;,. Southern Conn fry for the last eighteen month. T:., Stove he warrants saner! or to any P!0" Store tm in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consume ku fuel, and dee- more work in i given time that mi other Stove in u-e. lie will put one beside any otfatt Stove of the same size in the United States, and if h does not do more work i any given time, he will fa. .... .1 ! .t . 1 : MS 1 Kit tne price 01 muieiuic, nuuiuii. sviiiug aaagoni the better one. lie Has all I, mils ot Parlor aud Box Stoves: and keeps constantly an extensive and varied Stack d Tin, Sheet-Iron, Japan, ami Britannia Hair Jjrass K'-ftrs, Cast Iron BethteaT, ll;t Racks, Ora dies, dt.f all of which will be sold. Wholesale and Retail, ekcMi i er than has ever been before offered in this vie mite, He would return his thanks to his friends aad ru tomcrs for the very liberal patronage they bavebesto. ed upon him. and they may rest assured thai be vil endeavor, by ( lose attention to business, together wittl a determination to please, try to merit a continuant! of the same, His motto i-. "qitick sales ami smam. raoriTS." Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly invited to ; and examine his Sim k. ft - All kinds of JOI5 WORK attended to witli dil-l patch; and all ORDERS will be faithfully and prompth attended to. Charlotte, June 1 8, 1858. if New and Fashionable ZP urnituro WARE ROOMS, Dharloite, X. C, J. 31. SANDERS & Co., are constantrj r ceiving from New York, Boston, c, a general as.-or:. aienl of fine and fashiouahJe FriLMTl'liL', whicklbn will sell at extremely low jiriees for Cash, and even article warranted to give satisfaction. Those in ml of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please ,t them a call. Also, on hand, Fisls'm .llet ot tic Kiiridl Cases. J. M. SANDERS & CO., Feb. 1859. Charlotte, N. C. LCWRIE'S 3 t) X S1T KEo T receive till the New Pub lication! as fast as they come f'r ward Groin the Praaai and l:f constantly on hand a large lot School, Academy and Coltejfi TKXT-liOOKS, and 111:111 v useii" reference and recreative works. I also keep a rcry large stock of Stationery, pi and fancy. Having made an arrangement with tl Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, I an a- abled to sell paper at the same prices by the wl sale for winch it can be bought in the Northern ritie,! fre it ,1; P, J LOWKIE. Feb. 1. ,0. THOMAS DeCBAVriMU n 1 e t w 1 C uniiMi.'.iAii iyl AriiliQiiK ( I . . . . J (no iiiiu t junai'ivii mi 1 nnuiii For the sale of Cotton, Grain, Flour, and all kinds i imntiy Produce. Omci Noktu Atlantic Wiialvks, CharkMwfoB, V, According to the terms of the Co-partnership. ! will not spitrCLATE, directly or indirectly, in uni I' j duee shipped to our house. References: O Mills, S S Farrar. Bros & Co, hanaei : Smith .v Whildeu, Thes .1 AC H Moi.-e. Charleston, ii j C; Col ii Anderson. E Hope. Columbia; Tin s HeClnn 1 r. Kamnel .Mchiiiy, . K have:-, A Denov.nit. bcw ; Col F Smile. Fnion : Dr. Uappoldt, Salisbury, K. I L Dixon. Knoxville, Teaa. June I, 1 853 y THE I,1VS-:E2 IN VI 60 BATOR! PBKPAREI) JIV DR SAJfrORO, fonipoundfil CBtlfCly from GCWS, IS ON!-; OP TIPC flKST PCRO ATTVn AND I.IVKit Wt lili'INKS now lutiici Um iml.l i-. ilmt Ri M a CMh'rC'i unsier, mii.U'r, Mn4 miirPpll'iTtiii llinn any utlicr meilicini' kii.m!. It M mil uiily h l.ilh'iii'i; but J-irn nwnAj, HCtinR br-l M ft Liri-- to eject il umrbi'l naitlir. llicn on tile Mowaefl ti nil b.-ti to curvy oil iha: muttac rtMui HieoauRlMiiaiK two pie - tAcra all v, w'iih i'i: tnyorihe plnf.l1 ! elintr- eAMllcnrftd In tin ".o--tioiin of laoni C'ulJiMi Ht it. It wtrtnglhcM the iyslni ni ths time tint it porgefi it : rad when iMkcn 1 i y In mnilaial il will st rviir ' sir! 0 ."'I a up ill" utm-i ftl ikpiilUjr. Tim l,Ivf-r ht one or the Imui'tii Ii.mIv ; hii-I when it Hm iioarvra oi the avataui ara is H'.n: wi aw li rely cpandajii Lit-, r I ir ihi: protay ; arfonav ataanMcu i.- ii lnuit. th.' baa ala m Meau ttShn in cotiicinettca un viiift eaaaetl t . i r . i:- Awtjr. gin, utit of t tie in ii;h i-:o. . lirH'-lifi. firnuro- lli.-m Cvi-iity vtrheietrMi iu I oimimai I ihc il la li..iile. To proTW tlirtt Iliis r('Tni-ilv la bit i ii iih Jjjver Com Ihi. in:t to try a Katie, mat Th - Mtmn rmoove nil Iti..- -ii-m. mijiijU in in i!ie:r in li'Mi.iiiii" the Ktotsarti; pai iC Ihq tbe nioedL, wh ilf nwichltttfiy, .efnovlAg ctfeciiitg ii radical rute. t:j ions attaelcs are l)'- i r. provcxtecl. by l.l . c kiivlgoTntor. Onaayiaaaftai aatinKfa ur at"! t.'eient ihe ftaad ttam Only uuo '10 la:. ell bclfarc in a re, Oi.iy oho d"fe f in retltly, ami rurr. ( -One tMKell after Gacli f.T-o-it avaa of ixro list Sick lit nla K:. One linttie talicii far fe cun-e of the daanwe, ami Only nne 4oae icnmectfalrlt Ikneitaat ofteai pepeatvd m . ' . i , and a pr.-e.-titie CiT Only nne li.lle ix syM.-ni ihe aaSaeta al aaaeU. S"JOne bdUla lakau tot io neys or uiiiiatunil cidnr thus done tald ii a alMMi K'ii !u (1m i'l-t'iie. Mini nntki'- il rTf Ih(iw m im im iiS IniictiLi.B 4 00 V Inlli ilvvrlnnml 'I Jhu-V On tin bfetffby a' lio.i ol ll mdiv afia 1'iaictioi.i. !ici'tli mi- al Unit, Um ol one o: the H r Kur thai tOMtkMM o1 oW li. mailp it hi. Hil'Iy. I" yeam, to find .i.nir ioi.;.if Ufttljf ill-; an-emen'i W -:c" t lad Nja!, nif pi -'iMron- plllltlt, i" J "H coioirtioii ii. ccitaili. morWd or Hatl inaHar ' l.lac-r h boalih) Bon "I pamrlngi iusA w aaaal giy I life iom and laaaaMfe i"1"' tlie cii'ise of tlic ihfc!- rored, nod, whaj ilio oeeaalaaai u " li.-ient to ri-lievi- the klonic r. i a and notn i retiriPK, prevent .MS" m. M Pn( nht, louatmt tit Ufi "t Uvi laiiii . meal Willi nn lj-p: k t-aoanftili will ttm ppoaiaTuii i unite otiiilnirlliin tenwieOlK ma ken a aei led n relfcvea liolli . hilat H .nre cine lt ( l.oi r ' i Cliolf in. , ni i-iieil lo throw "il 0 ibe cine Miter a hNajt .laitiill - raaaovaaauaa from ine Met. time he'nre enllil If'1'" dlunrt cil. i hie doae oftea . i ;-i ;.a tl Hk0 rtltrn in Ita wi.r.t forttr.. Bjaja llovvrl eomplaintf yield t ihtt or tr i 'l ive.- cures H the v.iirl.l. ai :l in.' ...'.. r fti)- A lew boulea cure. WaOaki i league in recnaa &L, Cllv . c hile 111 1 ' alnaaal la 'he ir !a. l.s eanred byWorBM aajac, or ijildlM " Uroiy, eeam l!" inemliiijr il.i awdlelya'' Atrajr! Chill r" Ions TyiK-. I .ne wlUlus to lealllS " rm itmn , mi r i ver mttl and all Kevera of a Jtit- wi;h etMiatm j, ami ''mtfuinh WOlMMTMj virtue-. Alt . in use I; n:P aptefjaar tlu lr uonul"10"' t; l.m .iiv in lis favor. u a3-i:i.v W ater In tlic innnth writ tU" ,, gwii.l ir. anil nv.'nlloiv bolli tameOlB. THE LIVER IN VIGOR ATOK iaNr working eVea, nluio.t ISO a.eiit tn Ix'Iievu. It cure- inaicic. tie 0rM .. ... trmejll, hi.iI aaMaaa """..., i one boUla is rii.iiin-I m CHie n-.y kind of 1.1 !' troni Ihe worn . i . m ii.j. in n IM all of ivhien nit ihe r Hill a a 1I- ;ih1 l.lvtr cuick oxb r":i m vr.i: WTTtK. KA.NrORI! Go.. l'rnpiitir.r, 519 lirimdway, AVlioloaalc Accnl: ., . r.m-r. PlK. New York : T V. Ovott t " 1 pl.ia i ft. a IS t uit A Co., lli.i.:r,n : II. II. IIat .1 '" I" IVnt.Uiictnoali: ; ati ohn A- II oia. ' 1 ' ,x 1 m r Ajt.SFSrorK .v I. a vis. i hwaeo ; i . .1. WtieB ' iji UEOIM3I II. KevsKK. Phtabarjeb; B. K. IlaM'K, UtmlwH telaiieii by all lrniiK'.ti. Sold ali F. SCALif i: CO.. and R, NY!-: IHJW3BIS0S chin iottc. :;. c. a 1'i ii '-''i I""