WESTERN DEMOCRAT, CHARLOTTE, N. C- 3) 1 sfcru cmocraf. TERRIBLE TORNADO. One of the most fearful and destructive tor- CIlARIiOTTE, W- C. Tiieday, June 7, 18.19. BANK OP NORTH CAROLINA. I VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT TO NORTH the President's speech, but merely indicate the Books for subscription to the capital stock of CAROLINA. charactei of it. Everybody was pleased and grati- , h;a Ttont ,.1,1 MiU 2fith nf Mv ! In accordance with previous arrangements, the fied at the manner, style, and tone of his remarks. as the kw renniroH The following amounts were President of the United States wan met at Weldon and all joined in the applause they ehcited. E O 1 . . . . . . , , 1 1 " - . - - . . . I subscribed at the claees named : on tlic 31st of la5 y '-ov- Eil,s a committee ol Uor. Swain had long tables erecteo in nis ja.u j for the distance ot twelve miles it swept witn ; moUiiT adopted : a For the Wettem Dtmotrat. MECKLENBUBO DIVISION S. OP TV nadoes within the memory of the oldest inhabitants "TJlZl KmZmm Ho. near the town of Solt TJ Illinois, on lhursday tne zoth ult. , June ls l859i lhe f0jiawing solutions were unaui- u n u u it il u 11 tt u il 11 11 u u (( M U U : 51 ,000 120,000 25,000 105,000 20,000 100,000 MECKLENBURG AGBI'TUB'L SOCIETY V called meeting of the Mecklenburg Agricul- j tura Society was held on Saturday last. The on- j iv business of importance transacted was the pas t. ,,l resolution to change the location of the , i; rounds. The Executive Committee report , 1 that a more eligible and convenient site could 1 be obtained adjoining the Cold Mine on the Cam . road, and they were instructed to sell the pre- j ,.: Grounds and purchase sueh quantity of land i ercC the necessary buildings thereon as would -.1.1 tl Socictv to conduct its exhibitions on a lar"Ct scale than heretofore. Tl. . Tn-i-uRT was instructed to collect the 1110- nov due the Society by subscription. The Bnancies of the Society are in excellent .. . i :,. 1...K.. .-...I tlir. in.vt , oiid.tioo, .t - "" " about the 1st of August ii i l r. .... ......... l,i i r r-rpil- tj.,11 will Be SUCH an one niu j.i.f.v. ...c...j itable to the western part of the State. All the Fifth District. The democratic District Con adjoining counties off this State and Districts of ventiou which met at Graham on Tuesday last, South Carolina are invited to participate in the nominated Stephen E. Williams, Eso,., of Caswell. to beheld on the 26th, 27 th and 2stli of Mr Williams gave Mr (iihner a close rub at the last Congressional election, and we hope he may triumph this time. He is a young gentleman of . . . . w it .mm t t J . 1 . ...n...1ii 1 11.. 1 i . - M -. - - Vi o lof A-irrr Bv the State for the Literarv BoaTd So02 700 the trustees ot tbc L Diversity, the .Mayor ana ana a Dountuui dinner spreau upon iucuj, F.cp-- ureauiui mrj, uvu pmm auu .. , ..j ': J. " ' ' . . . . . . . . .... ., r . . , i .1. .... rf 5n nnrnv Ii.iikm npn. ffiimpn. horses, cattle, &C. 100,000 committee of the city of KaJeieh, the Uak Lity tor tne nesident ana nis suite, , .r .-"- ' TV - :th lwl 01 Kill i- j j i .. o i: .1 Tj. u.i :......;., rinc r.f th T'niversitv and a num- ana ieeiiu0 enHwg 1L3 I ,u- j;...v;,- at Morrow's Turn-out on the 28ih U V llaleigh, Charlotte, Statesville, Concord, Salisbury, Maranton, Fayetteville, Wilmington, Tarboro, Newborn, Windsor, Goldsboro, Milton, C. University, individual subreription, Resolved. That the thank of this Divi-ion tre auc, 1 are hereby tendered to PtMVtUt Division lor the .,ri hin.it.ilities received by those of us w ho nt- 11. . 1 , ( , i irr, ill I . j 1 2-off)0 the Wihm,,Ston Liht Infantry accompanied by ber of invited guests. After dinner the President , xne jamnge to property and loss of life is im- 0 000 the Fayetteville Comet Band, and by several dis- ; visited the College Chapel and witnessed the ex- ! mense ,ut cannot yet be estimated. It is only 20000 kingobhed gentlemen of the State. He was wel- ercises. On Thursday, on the College grounds, ! known as yet that thirty-six dwellings have heen r"'XTX c .. S I , - , .. e ,i,;tndP 1 destroved. sixteen persons killed and seventy UO,WU corned by bov. tills, who said, in substance: j ne teceivea tne con-n.tu.at.ou, . ; Aud it is fcared most of latter must iov.uw t m, i,e;,iont ;n t nmo of and shook hands witn all wuo aesireu iu u u. the people of North Carolina. Fellow-citizens, I i The President left Chapel Kill on Friday morn- . .. . i T n i l. . m TT 1T1 J have t lie honor ot introducing to von James uuen- xncr proceeded to the residence or lion, iv kiuun i die. The whole county is laid desolate. and in tuourn- anan, President of the United States. It needs jwa,.js jft Warren county, where he remain- - . . . . . i not that L should sneak to you ot his character ana :. on(i ,i1in turned to public service. They are a part oi the history ot ya8n:n(rton this great country, and a-s we value that country, so ; e . w we va ue his services in its behalf. It lias ; w a" """"" e- ej ri 82,-14,000 j bcen said of a distinguished Marshal of France, Chapel Bill, larger, it is said, than on any previous j in)possible to distinguish objects at the shortest There are 0 other points to hear from. It is j that he fought five hundred battles for his country occasion. j d s ance. Jacob Thompson, Secretary ot the The meteorological phenomena of the storm were very curious. Among other things, it is said that it seemed to proceed from a very bright cloud which swept with fearful rapidity over its tract, while on either side it was so dark as to be supposed that the whole stock, $2,500,000, or very I and never one against it. So may we nay of the The H. r Inear it, has been subscribed. The meeting for illustrious Chfcf Magistrate who stonds before you IoLrior (a xcellent . , . ... . , , , , . that he has fought 100 polities! battles for bis v r"anizin' the Hank will probab v he held , n . 1 , . T 4, r4 ate ot the L Kvliibi- J I country and never one against it Let those forget air i k'tober next uti nt orth Carolina and a gradu- .-A ,1. Print On the 23d ultimo. Mr. George Quinn of York District uncrsi,; "-..F...v .... . ... 3enoliA Put.nan. 0f Gaston county, X. U. r i . .i . i ,r Vf'trv tb,-. iwAutwui of Mr Buchanan at L hapel those battles who can, out never can tne uosoui oi - - i -- r ........ . , .1 TI'M il - 1 .11 I XV f. Tl.mrvenn irtlrt n. I a .ortti varonuian cease to puisate at int.- iu, mefrowu " ' r M .v, un Thomas Settle. Jr.. of Rockingham, to At the residence ofTvre Glenn. Esq.. in Yadkin county on the evening of the itiih ult., by the Rev. J. B. Solo- membrance of them His efforts for the good of peared in Gov. Swain's portico, was introduced by j Mi.s Maiy Glenn. the country lias only bcen circumscribed oy uie Ti,os, Bragg, aud made an excellent speech. ! Constitution and the Union, limits beyond which l . ' , . . : ti, nu Vnrth At the close of half a "l ",a LU,V " " . " ' ' In this town, on the 3d last., Green Caldwell, sou of he had resided lor ( v A and Alice Owen?, aged o mouth? Charlotte Kkmai.k Instititk. Yc arc "ratified to inform our correspondent of hist week, who nude some inqnirica about the erection of an addition to the Female Institute building, that the Trustees have contracted with Mr Jonas Itudasill and Saml. Taylor for putting up the ad ditional building required by the increased patron of the institution. The work will now be vigorously prosecuted to completion. nr triii n:itriot. d:ire !n ..fi.i.blb. bio wp c.-m nneRKlv congratulate State, and said that although J . 1 i i.i i-i :.. .i . ot m: C.H a itrnncr i In this vicinity on the 6th inst him on its results; arm to-uay, wniie r.uto c j me Ph ... ,o.,r, f font daughter of J. 11. and Sarah McAllister, aged strussrling in the smoke ot war with her millions attaehment for the State ot his adoption, yet .North j months and ,9 davs Mary Liicrelia, in- fine talents, as good a stump speaker as there is in Gf soldiery, we assemble in peace to pour forth the oaroi;,)a W:1S peculiarly endeared to him, and oc- j In Union c. the State, ami well versed in the political questions grateful tribute ol a people in token ot tneir recog- warnAKt affections. , ' 7 " -1 1.. ...I LUIMV-V H ( . " nitiou of these results. Cheers. of the dav. 'c learn from the Standard that overv countv iii the District was represented, and i President Buchanan replied as follows : that there were :50:J delegates present. The dem- '; 1 reciprocate with all my heart the cordial wel- j We published last week an account of the tern- d Horn the citizens oi ; vl nff:.ir in Newberrv. S. C. One ol the persons, countv. on the 23th alt., of typhoid fever reen, aged 27 years. In Monroe, on the 29th alt., husan N. w inc-ncster. I iHt da..(rhijT at Tli(iui!is D. and Elizabeth J. Win- POISONING CASE IN HEWBEEEY, S. C. ! Chester, aged 8 years. ' .Suffer little children to corut unto mo and forbid them not lor ot sach is the Hingaoin oeratic spirit of the 5th District is fully aroused, come I have just received trom the eitize , - i r-- . i i i tl... v.-niv North Carolina. I have long contemplated f and with Wilbams as a standard-bearer the partj g but bave ii , i- 1 . . 1 . .,.. J D ... . .i will not falter in the present contest nea water being only 3 or 4 feet deep The Hornets' Nest Riflemen paraded on Saturday last and shot for the Medal which they were prevented from doing on the 20th by the inclemency of the weather. It was won by Pri vate ISbke Davis. The Riflemen visited Raleigh last week to par- . :. .. . :.. muuiliMi nf tKo 1 'rowiil Pil t TllCV I i.ic in H.IV.UUUU ....v- - ...-. j ... i i I'll 1 , , r jr.,- wir . .1 Wife and several children, unc under the command of Lieut. illianis, aud , wc were -ratified to notice the fine appearance of , "Thieves and Liars." It has become very the company, as well as the good discipline main- ! cuinuiun wtn the lower class of Opposition papers fcstetl and proper conduct observed by each mem- cxhijj their bitter parti zan spirit, by abusing l,. r. The Company is one of the indispensable tj10 mocratic party, and using the epithets of itiganizations of Charlotte, and we hope it may r0gUCSj' Hars,' 'swindlers,' etc. These windy, self long flourish. m-mm constituted guardians of the public good, are not VlKiINIA Eu:CTIOX. A liichnioml uc.-patcn, sunieieiuiy aavauceu in inuitauun . e of Heaven.'' In Raleigh, on the 31st ult.. Thomas Hill, second son i visit. . . i in . xt i ; nf Dr. Wm. G. Hi I. in the Jd year or n is acre. . - , - iir :ii . . . riioM lit ru i i' i v v - never M"8 "re"' Iu Pope county. Ark., on the 10th ult., Ezra D. lor- i been able to do so till now. 1 must nae tome . e i a,i. ri., th olth ult. . Hr.J. D. Bovd. need - .. ..i i -iii i .rr ,f r ittrc ort ua rrtini i if one uu- ' , v., - - - - w t now or not at all, tor at tne age l win nave attain- i auair, uu. ii. vV . r , 57 vear5 DROWNED. A correspondent at bmithfield, when QV teru, siaii have'ended, and when 1 i lished last week : j J. Johnston county, informs us that a man by the shall fro into retirement, is that at which man is '-On Thursday morning last, just after their j " ar Smithfielti, on 1 uesday last, wnue nsmng in i :g tru, con,ervative, and i Eisrl,t Dersons on the lot, Mr Stewart, Mrs Stewart, The subscriber will pay the highest cash prices for of Mav, and for the handsome manner in which i were entertained on that occasion. Resolved, That we cordially tender to our on-tnern 01 Pineville DivU.Oa our best wislies ior tueir prospci.17, as a Division and as individuals. Resolved. That the R. S. be instructed to send a copy of these proceedings to Piueville Division. Resolved, Tht copies of these resolutions oc u. i tVi tni-n miner -, for DublicatioD. r Mir,r t WM. TIPDY, Jr., ) S. F. HOUSTON, VCon. JOHN C. FtHD, j CHARLOTTK MAIlKtT. JLNE 7, 1800. Coirecrttf UfAf U. B. WilUufM t c o. formerly of this town. Bacos Hams, pei lb, 12 ( 13 Sides, life U Hog round, tU fe 00 Lard, fe 13 Kloi: b Extra superfine in bbls C 25 6 50 do. in bag 3 00 M 3 25 Superfine ' 2 75 fe 3 00 Pino " 2 50 (u, 0 00 Grain Wheat 1 15 1 25 Corn, Rre, tu to uu Peas. 70 fe 75 Bean.', white, 1 00 ( 00 Oats, 50 fe 00 MtAt 85 CO Cotton Fair to good, Middling Ordinary Hides Dry, Green, Domestic Goods 4-4 sheeting, 9 ( 10 h'cv Osnab'ffi 1 1 (f, 00 12i (5 14 14 (c lo ie (! 00 IB v. 0 hook and line, lie was alone, and it is supposed . .. , - f i:i.nrtv burns as bris-htlv in the I ir; Wilkes, house-keeper, and five negroes, were j Beeves and Sheep he was taken with a fit and fell in the water, the bosoms of North Carolinians, as in the hearts of! taken suddenly ill, with all the symptoms of hav- II.. n ' f U nfthia I.ninn tho OVfi ot , t nniann I Inr rdl VSlClallS WCTe On II1C j 1 n.iiv. ct ;ill 01 lllv liiiiauiiuiiio WJ - - III"' LCWttl. .ivi'v... 1 j law and order are equally prevalent. Dib. rtv. as cherished by all parties in North J ' T . . - 1 Carolina, becomes a great civil blessing, unnnxeu, 1 pOWCr. as it is. with lawlessness, which would make it j i tlic afternoon of that day the cook, a negro I Drove a curse. i he irovernor naa spoteu ui nun , WOiuan nanieu ranoj, was iuuuu iu ju.., - .. ennnnrtnr ol t be ( oust 1 1 lit H HI alld tlie I moil .... .,, K " 1 j , 1 I 1 1. . .nnfiun 110 spot as promptly as possioie, omy wi f..,.r ani render all the assistance in their 11171.-.. w.w - r . . ... Those havins Beef Cattle or biieep lor sale wouia ao well to inform me in person or by le'ter as early as possible. J. L. STOUT, Town Butcher. Charlotte, June 7, 13.r.0. LAND WARRANTS STOLEN. onstitutiou aim me and he has sj oken truly. 1 ever expect to be. As Ion-.' as this great character of liberty remains unimpaired, we shall be the greatest and the hap piest people in the world, lint let it he battered. we liecoine tne scorn ol iuc nuuu au. "wj About the 1st of February last, was stolen from me, out of mv baggage car at the Depot in this place, a ;m,ll TiRm containing TWO LAND WARRANTS, Water was ! and other articles. The V arrant we re both issued. I .1 T k k ,1 ... mm a dishes ; to Margaret Barnes, widow 01 uorsey names, aim dated June 1st, says 128 counties, reported and ing to respect even the feelings of their neighbors, tvrants. Thank God, there is no danger to it official returns gives Letcher majoritv. The who are every way as honest as themselves, and fVom North Carolina ibr while she may have had TJZ counfies Ww 1,38, L3. i- -., .Uo LJue of The Richmond Index of Friday, gives Letcher s ! such papers is circumscribed well lor the coun- she confessed to having put a quantity ot arsenic in the water bucket, in the kitchen. used trom tins uuckcc in prep-iug , I rM v.iov aw, each, the first and second issue to I v-i I ' -. 1 for breakfast, except the biscuit, anu it may we, ldi V 1812. The date and No. I do not recollect the coffee. This accounts for Mrs Kate btewart s , Thcre was n0 assignment or writing on the back of Pcane as she ate only of these two dishes. iHiss ; either 1 . . , . f 1-l'MI . r.,.li,r,..lr.lr Corn! 1 1 Rio, 1 1 Laguira, Janudca, li Java Suoaac New Or leas , 9 fa 11 Porto Rico, 10 (o 00 C. coffee sugar 1 i 12 ervahed, 14 (n 15 granulated, 14 (it 15 ground, 14 C" 00 loaf, 14 (jr; 16 fcj (n 87 I 'Moi.assks . .. ... l , - .V AA isew i 'I leans vj uu Supar House, CO (, 00 West India, 33 40 Ben er, jBtl.SWAX, CtUCKtXS, Hoc.fi, iirtr On the hoof, Bv retail, Salt, per s-ack, 1 40 1 60 Por.ioEE, Irish, bbl. 0 00 (fr 0 00 Sweet, 00 00 Camjlks 9J (a 00 8 (cc. 8J 7 a S 12 13 5 C lo 00 27 . 30 20 (a 25 12 fi 15 0 7 Coppkras Cloth, 15 16j Linsey, 25 37 A COTTOS YiU No. 5 to 10, 1 00 0 00 B.VOCUVG Gunny, 18 00 Rope, Ky.hemp 1 0 1 1 Iron Common, 4 I Rolled. 5i (3i 0 Adamantine, 2 7 ( JO Sperm, 40 (k 00 Tallow, 20 a 25 Mackf.hei No. 1 1 2. V J bbl 8 a 9 60 SrmiTs Rye Whiskey, 75 a 1 00 Jv". C. " 65 a 00 Apple Brandy, 75 a 1 r.O Peach M 1 00 a 1 50 . : -.- .. :.. no ii; Xiitt i. IU conn- 1 t.v well for morality. Men who suustituie uu liiaioiuies hi uovwii -t - i j ' .... i.i ii i i I ...... ed majorities amounting to 12,- for argument, ami pnt nuuyisui auu uragg ; in the place of reason and common sense, are nt only for the place assigned them in their party, as strikers" and '-blood-tubs." But where is the necessity for such a course'' Does truth need the arm of abuse to support and defend it? Are votes made by calling men liars and thieves who happen to think differently from u ' Such a course can be pursued only upon the supposition that the people are incapable of thinking for themselves and of forming their own lies lorjiiB received 410. Letcher's clear majority, so tar, is 4,050, with IS counties to hear from, which gave W ise about 700 majority. ma 9m ArciDKNT. On Wednesday last, a team of four horses attached to a Wagon, took fright in the hack yard of Messrs Drucker & Hcilbrun'n store, and ran out into the street. In crossing the street, one of the wheel horses fell and was dragged by the others against the curb stone of the pavement, on the opposite side, breaking his neck instantly. The eve of another horce was knocked out. W ith this exception, no other damage was. lone, although several persons, in the street at the time, narrowly cse ed serious injury. The team belonged to or was in possession ofa MrGrcea of Watauga county. 11.- is it!' We stated last week, on the i.. .r ...i.b.iritv that Mr Ashe, the whis nominee ions and doctrines, are not apt to be fn Two or three gen- from those opinions by the blustering ana crow- icks. The greatest cowards . . .. .. i .ii ..j ....... l.l ,,i ..i tl,.. 1,, n,l, .t never saw it fail never. Aslie bad tola tliein ne couiu noi .mu aiwajfs ac. ei.t: but we have since learned that, at the re The President closed his reply by saying that he was getting tired of the cares and troubles of office; that he had now reached a period in life which rendered the repose and comforts of home Sue Wriffhtand Mrs Wilkes son were lortunaiei absent from the breakfast table; the first was con fined to a sick-bed, and the other after taking an early breakfast was off to school. Fanny further confessed that she had been fur- mstiea witn me poi.-on uy a n.nn, i..., she had, for some time past, been on tlic most in- ! Fly "X"l7 ap timate terms. (We shall not, for his family's sake, j China Hall, Charlotte, !. C. nublish his name. ) After using a part ot the , Just received a lot of Gilbert's .!,n had buried the remainder in the gar- Sy p.it.-nt Flv Trans. It is rcmarkaklc to This is to give notice to the public tnat 1 intena io file a caveat in the General Land Office to prevent any person from locating said warrants, and for the pur pose of obtaining duplicates of the same. 1 C. A. BARNES. Charlotte, June 7. 1859. desirable, an. years' service he should repair to the shades of Wheatland, and there prepare for that summons which sooner or later awaits every member of the human family. Between Weldon and Raleigh, at different points, he was welcomed and cheered by crowds of per bled for that purpose. At 0 o'clock on opinions. Surely, a man with a modicum of com- 'puosti:iv evening he arrived at Raleigh, where he mon sense will not he influenced in his opinions ajn wejomed by Hon. D. M. Rarringer. by the ranting of pot-house politicians, whose only j(c j.,., amJ Silid that he had had many a con hope of success lies in their aptitude for impugn- fljct ju h puDiic career through life, having heen intr the motives of others, and in abusing those .j for many public acts which he had pcr- 1 that at the end of his present four den where it was found in the place she designated. ! 1 n nmintitv of flies mav be - caugnt oy tins very cuwiw It is worth its price ten times over for the use of Dinning The package was identified by the druggist as the one he sold the nignt ueiore io u. rtrtm,nnri kitAh-s. Send to China Hall and Ket one; alluded to. He also was lodged in jail on 1 burs- j g. day evening, so that it is a matter of congratulation We have al6.0 on inn( a iai pre lot of CHINA, GLASS that the criminals in this nefarious business are and WHITE GRANITE WARE, and House-keeping secure from escape. X, other reason can bo as- , Good, generally. Call and see. & s;"ned for the dastardly act, man mai rami ut itto revenge herself upon her master's family for the nnnishment he had inflicted, and threatened still to inflict, because of her shameful intimacy Note. Grain is sold by weigin i oi n t.o iob. per bushel, Wheat 60 lbs., Rye 60 lbs., Oats 33 lbs., and Peas CO lb?. REMARKS. Flocr. We report a decline in Flour, caused by foreign advices. The market i tolerably well supplied and Drices have a downward tendency. Extra buper- fine in barrels is worth about $6 oO, in sacks 53 23; superfine $3 per sack. Wheat. The quotations are reduced, but the ae mandisgood. It is firm at 1 IS to flan. Cors is rather on the decline 85 to 8. may be con sidered the top of the market. Cotton There were only 25 bales of cotton pold lust week. It is drooping, and we lower quotations to 9j for the best article. Bacon Supply good with no changes in price since last report hams 13. hog round IU Chickens are in demand at 20 to 25 cents. Charleston, June 3. 760 bales cotton were sold at prices ranging from 8J to tefe., showing a decline of an J to c. New Yokk. June 3. Cotton is heavy; Uplands lOgc. Flour 10 cents lower; Wheat is drooping. June 7, 1859 3t with this man, whose co-operation in the hcllisii ; plan she, to his everlasting sname oe it sam, easuj secured." -mm 1 who hold opposite opinions. .Men wtio nave rea son and principle at the foundation of their opin- duelled in this District, had declined. tlcmen informed us at Cabarrus Court that Mr g of political game-eo .. i . . I. t. . l...c ,.......li,,l, 1 tn trin the iiuest m nis inenuB, : . - x matter under consideration for the present, and he governed by future circumstances. We do not understand these movements, and wc should like Ibr the opposition to say whether or not they in tend to have a candidate in this District. We don't believe Mr Ashe would be guilty of any su n t under-handed movement, but wc think he ought to positively decline or accept in order to allow both parties to prepare for the canvass and understand eaeh other, which would relieve his friends from any suspicion of desiring to pursue a deceptive course. It is somewhat remarkable that the Iredell Blues, numbering about 50 rank and file, does not contain a single "Democrat." Statesviilc Ejrjrees. That's a had report to he circulated about the Blues, and wc are very sorry to hear it ! They are a good looking set of men, and we had no idea that they were such a hopeless set as our neighbor in Statesviilc wants to make people believe. The Blues must be looked after. Pasted bv the late election .... - , r 1 t ijrvi l i .. formed and for many which be bad not pertormeu; jn(jicate the jo0in Qf Democracy. 1 he Opposition and now when his public career was nearly over h;ive ,r;ljncd largely in the Legislature, have elect ami his political sun was soon to set, to meet with I ed one Opposition member of Congress, and aided Mich a warm and hearty reception by his fellow- in the election of four Independent Democrats. - , , r ., o : -i lk Rafcigh Jiegtxter. citizens ol the Ul orrn ctate w j We"shmud consider 5,000 democratic majority source ot gratiueaiion to nun, anu mat iu, ." evening of his earthly existence was quietly gh din awav, he should ever regard this as one of the happiest days of his life. BELTS! BELTS ! For Wheat Threshers, FANS, Cotton Gins, Saw Mills, And Machinery of every description. The best Belting now in use, and far superior to leather in many respects. It will not stretch, or draw on one tide as leather. THE SUN WILL NOT AFFECT IT. Rain or water cannot injure it; it requires no oil; The rats will not cut it; your negroes will not steal it fur strings or shoe soles; you can get any length yon wish all in one piece without joints, and with good care it will last any farmer for twenty years. Orders accompanied with the cash will receive prompt attention, and the ireignt paia to uny ponu on inch . CASH PRICES: ..12J cents per foot. COMMENCEMENT AT CHAPEL HILL. An unusually large number of persons attended the commencement exercises at the X. C. I niver sitv lank week. The raduat in Class consisted of JKlvonmr gentlemen. The following arc the only Chess-player, is fceeoming quite n . ... fr.m, ib.. u-,.i,- .v.rt nf the State: JaniesA excitable world North of us. a very poor indication of "the doom of Democracy. The boast of the onran of North Carolina whiggery and know-nothin-ism that the "opposition" in . 1 " ... .: .i fi, ,1 mmmw(l of eiti- ! Vinrinia "aided in the election oi lour tnarpwwu ....1 La ,bl fidln-ino- Military Companies : Wil- rfmocmto," is not very creditable to said opposition, j lhe Railroad or stage line miton Light Infantry, Newborn Light Infantry, If we could not succeed in electing men ot our o"n- e Guards, Iredell Blues, Cabarrus Guards, own political faith, we certainly should not rejoice Oak City Guards, Elm City Cadets, Hillsborough at the success of those who shape then r pnueiple Military" Academy Cadets, Rowan Rifle Guards, merely for the purpose of catching votes But HoiW Nest Riflemen and Rowan Artillery, we don't know what position the congressional can- Mr Blichanall Was then conduced to the Yar- ; didates oceup.ea , Death BT RATING friction MATCHES. A j R whent) at night, he was called : cratic papers of Virginia announce the election mri nf Mf Alh'ii Robs, of Stanly county, aged p , llv and next morninsr ' rS tirfilrf democrat and one "opposition. .inerc mm. - ' - noon nv me uuuiit j j - a . u - ... . , proceeded to the University. ! is precious little grounds ior rejoicing on tne par. The President arrived at Chapel Hill on Y ed- ; ot the "opposition j nesday about 1 o clock. Jle aligntea no ; WoMAN-s PviGHTS Rampant. At a place ; packing of ali description, at 55 Cents per noand. carriage in the suburbs ol the village, aim m co...- i Blissfield appropriate name'. in Michigan nanv with Gov. Ellis and others, walked through i kdies have established a secret society which tu hMt -d dust to the residence of the President . hev cau the "Daughters ot .Malta. ters wear Choice Salad Oil. Eaglt Brand. A FRESH supply of this delicious and pure Oil Just . received and for iale at SCAUR'S June 7, Family Drug Store. .U'M.NG and Toilet SPONGES, a splendid lot, for salt at stAiui a June 7, Dru Store. B 5 years, came to her death by chewin. friction . mi . . 4 r mmm -v matches The Greensboro Times siaiea uui i oilier children of Mr Ross arc dangerously ill from the same cause. 15 " 17 22 ii 27 ii 32 " 38 i: 60 ii Ti " 4 piy'"'" "....02 Seamless Belts manufactured to order at sbort i nouee. . .. r .li . " . C . .. ...... a cto. m Conducting nose oi an biif, iui m-i nre-sures, ordered direct from the Manufactnrer. AI50, 2j 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 12 ii ii Miller of Rutherfordton; F D Stockton ot fctates ville; .lohn A Woodbura of GuiMbrd; Robt N Cole. A D Lindsay, John A Sloan, of Grccnaboro; K B Withers, M II Pinnix, Then J Padgett, of Caswell. 31 it McRae's AUDBSSS. The Address of D K. McRae, Esq., before the two Literary Societies at Chapel Hill Inst week, was one of the best pro- daetiotts we ..f i i) e could not resist the conclusion tnat .nr. nenw was one of the gri atest orators North Carolina has in her borders or has over produced. The senti ment and style of the Address were admirable and elicm r! rreqaent applause. A friend has furnished us with a s- nopsis. together with an account of eumuMBeemeat exercises which we will endeavor tu publish next week. WST in Pontotoc county, Mississippi, recently, ., l. .:. 1 cb..f nn.itbor for SOlllC slillht i in. ill ,.u i uiiva can buck made his escape, but was pursued, brought hack, Another Lix. Paul Morphy, the irco demi-god in tne He is dinncred, . ii a. toasted, balled, and putted generally. will do that creates an excitement something to satisfy a morbid intellect whether it be a Teresa Sickles affair, a Bond street tragedy, or a man who understands a ,jamc. better than any one ei.c. The fact is, the tendency of the North to wor Khin Btraose coda is becoming more and more and 'lleealia The 'Daut:h similar to that of some of Jtine 7, 1859 B. V. BOONE. Charlotte, N. C. . r i A nn mot of the University, x-Uov. swam . ;. rariation," and by Got. Swain half-way between the gate ana mm ; gQCCCSgsfuHv baffled every effort ! bouse (unfortunately for those who wantea to see i ascertain the object and manners oi i county of Stokes. 2 miles from Danbury . j u AAl in a welcoming speech of M- aocictv. This is a step forward in the pro-; , , site claim a share of the attention of tbt- 'Mill HIlII BHU . - mm-w- - i i I r ' IS ..r -n minutes' length. The President replied : grCss i i i .....nffld fn victi nri n ni i " n.i htm io -v . - v -v--- , . i i i-. . n I ' m rvTornm l t not r tIl ning wneeis; anu -j - - th arrangement3 of bis House, and is now aoie to ao- - ki lifi Kni more 1 1 it o cp anu u ui l. CUUIIuUUntr; ovv uumvivia v, The Scenery of this section is regaraea as unsur Great Attraction. WE HAVE RECEIVED this day (30th of MAY) a general Stack of NEW SV1HEB GOODS. This Stock having been bought late in the season, at greatly reduced price, we w ill t ell at price? so very low that it will astonish the buyer. Call oud eec our New Style Double Jupc, Organdie and Be rage Robes, Lace Points, Trimru'd Bonnets, H op-Skirts, Small-size Palm-lenf Tans, Sliell Bonnet-Pius, &c, Ac. We have received a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of All kind of dioods, which will be sold at a very small advance on cost. We are ofiering a great many ot our summer uooas t O o e t , to close off our Stock. Call SOON. Broil ii Sc Stitt. May 30. 1859. 63-3t IMTTICK. By virtue of an assignment to us made by MOODY k KISRKT, (in which all their creditors are amply e cure.l.) all persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payment to the uoderigned, and thoje baring claims to present them for enrollment. HUTCHISON t BROWN, 2t Trustees. May 31, 1859 bv savins that llv aeouainted v. gniuua anu uw.... f i PIEDMONT SPRINGS. Stokes County, SI, C. Siate of N. Carolina, Mecklenburg Co. Court of Laic Spring Term, 1359. rress of Woman's Rights. 1 ne oia-iasnioueu j hcaltti ana pieaMire-seeaing puouc oi mm . I ORDERED by Court that a Special lerm oi r.i; f.f women were knitting needles and spin-; Carolina, and the State. Court be held on the econd Monday in July, 1859. f "l:r?,tbPonlv mteries of malt that! The Proprietor has effected at STJ IWtS. kI wrta- in civil ca.ea will please nil thpmnken about were iii i iiiiLri in ,. -- - i ::. whom he had always entertained 1 ' i hmvinsr of beer. But this is a lit 1 rillit. in' " , iici LdlllCU t o as long as they can manifest everv dav, have ever heard. While l'wtening to it, wjth excitement upon small subjects the South need fear but little from the practical exer cise of a pseudo-philanthropy on the nigger qucs Hon. lio it. Paul Morphy. be the utmost respect. it v,.,A ur nrnven a.m uA .nvAr.WU .ind summerset-turning ! nocSpd in bcautv bv any to be found in the State iici Litruuic l .v.. j : ;-tu aye, a ucau-u . . r - - 11 ill L. L L. j 1 HUUU 1IWL OU ....... w vM. nd the , extreme West, there is t . ii ..-.. in mi ii iiiii)M. - v cz .i nuA-Mi ti nnnniflftr -, r conservative, prurient m council a..u ... . r - - atamm ftnTines. magnetic i V.' l" TC", , " . V: j " . .. ... . .. 4 . Tnionthev nmtim. an era not only ot progress dui oi , mougn u -y : . V " ., true to tne tonsiuuuun a.i ..v. o , u ": mn and the extreme west, mere is a quiei iuk..--. council and brm in usurp--, -n The Springs gush imme diatelv from the base of one cf the noble hills compos- - ,, niiMi w ii nun " . n.Tpiv i act-onu,nvilling to submit to wrong themselves . Armgtronir guns, fast printing presses, iBgtBe Sauratown Mountains; the most prominent and , ;w it nnoa others. He spoke of the hap- anHe ' 't development of innate depravity : ttiTe peak of which is Moure's Knob, distant 4 v iv - j i n . nnuc ! I i,r.t i r and attend. Mav 25th. Tet, this take J. B. KERR, Clerk. beeominc dragons, fierv flving serpents, a cross miles. In theTiomtj oi the borings is suuaieu, aso, THE LOCUSTS. a nftbp T'nited States, Qro ,,y eoimii.oi. o. r-r- r. . - , and expressed the opinion that the cause or ine ; Between tne a0c. a.. (S-SSAaj knc:nM nf r so b.ition ot tne union -r,mnos: Ue nonce uiu. ru"? A risit to which altrars repavs the tro-ioie. The Staunton ( Va.) Spectator says it 'n? Vr 1 V He depicted the evils of a Gir, nanied Miss T., is creating quite a sensation possible convenience for the amusement and comfort of .J .1 K.,....v JmiC Ot Uie JUie lnu-tr n.i.- l.-.j i . . I . . . .k. tirt nirmntfi UDOT1 gufsia win ur: T. :it: r l-rt Thev an- .i:e,l.,tinn. and honed tnat neiore buc. u.. in ram j aFF.. ' ... now coveivu w, n n . . - ' . hered to his fathers-! a black horse-named Belzebub 1 hich IS so Everv TRAVELING FACILITIES. The Proprietor will t i 1- j? , U , r . Cnlfi m lufinrr t hu run a tn-weeKiv line oi uuii num ......l. Notice to Carpenters. PROPOSALS for building a New Church at Provi dence will be received until lhe 25th of June. A Plan and Specifications oi ine cmirui -uu r.. the County court Clerk s Office and at the Post otlice .al mav be addressed peared first near the top of the mountain, auoi.t he might be gawereo s--- j a Diaea nor----- -, in-nri t0 vUitors fr0B a distance, direct wo weeks ago and seem to be moving in a wester- re fae had but a short time to live, ferocious and untameable that no one dui nerse. transportation, without annoyance or delay. lv direction. It will be reeoueeieu mat . . ,t h"d to be spared to serve out his term oi can even approach mm. ror ..Ci - . Distance rroni niga r muU. tbp nnne.-i ranee Ot these uut m .iu'wn t . ..j a .M tbi. dneibtv of a do2 Salem to Springs, 38 miles. he could to preserve ii. c kneels down, anu oojs "U , "7 . TERMS. One man per month, , J ., , v e ... j:. tha nnnM ranee OI these out u " ... ;.i.n:n.. hia iini v wit 1 a neavv cnai"c 01 OT naiiimore. nreuivn . -rr ., 1 . j .,;:."Ti.:n:. .; i-ntlv The assassin insects in the Valley of Virginia during this month, office anu 10 uo w -nt,W. and to w'd A French General will soon take r . ; 1 ' . .lull ruiim ...... : ... . . '..-1 .in nan mill 1 1 i v.. ' -" ' - . " - ... . . , . t..ii.; ..t urn . r v uiiflw , i....,...i ii.ir.t n-i... Ai..,.-ii, ipnnessee ajuui;iiii . .. jut. .... hi j'" ic v.- ' lid. Wonder - . 1 1 i ... it 1a cull 1 1 : , m: -i h ifiTpniin 10 xin. . . . . ' t...:ui r,..tt the ;d in oromotins the prosperity auu ....rr.v-- - - . rtf r . or if she knows jmig W-rore Judge I.vncl, .nd n.a ... JT cue of lie groa. people .ho.uo ovevBhooo upon. 'VitU!li I r- . j,.,t ns nnon ine L'runn .u ..... 1 1 rvrth aro mamw i" ,u"h" ev 1 i.u- , n decidedly cool-overcoat, and fires . ere again found rn, and the most disastrous results arc an- V, to eive cren a -ynopnis of i W. MenHn..-. n-easaiT articles after seme of tbc warmest sort of ti ; tcd j,y tuc planters. 1 C do not preie 1 g ...th.r. -1 J week.. day, .S30 00 9 00 1 50 Children under 12 years & Serianti Half Rates. Providence. Marked Prop to W. M. Mtibew, Providence, S. C. Proposals will be opened at Uie old Church on the 25th of June, at 10 o'clock A. M., and contract entered l" Bidden are informed Ihnt Lumber can be obtainod in the lasmmUata vicinity, as there are two Meam Mills m Succ,s,ful operation. m QOSS, j. A. DUNN, J. S. BSIO, R. GRIER, J. R. SAMPLE. W. M. MATTHEWS. OmmUte. 6:;-;t Mav 31, 1859. IIBSNU1 BfACUKBI And Horse Powers. Theic celehratpd Machines. raanuf'..ctui ed by J. H. nnilMnK at Tvro. Davidson county, N. 0, can be locality in two years '. Cool Weathek. Saturdav and Sunday nights were . 1 A tmt M art 1 1 IK 111 uwi i Q T I vr 1 These popular spnojrs are mvaiuao.c j 1 ' - .-:r' flf thft v c. iuilroad at cinal qualities. Thev bave cured .-Scruiuia. uy.-pepsm, seen ny caiimif - ...v and diseases of lhe Chest, when all other remedies had ; the Charlotte Depot. ro-.nect- failed. ttW The Season opened June the 1st. a I Order, will receive prompt attention "JJJJJJf PLYADES SMALLWOOD. fully Jv J" , fro K. C. June T. 13'9. 3m I May 30, 1859 3o

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