From the Greensboro Time-?. I WISH SOME BODY'D COME. BY MATILDA. The flowers arc blooming on the luwn, As bright as they can be; Ami every thing is lull of hie "jiivl happiness bat mo, The flowers look very lull to-day, Thev are shadowy like my dreams, And very loncaomc seems to me The sunlight's "kien gleam, As For the birds, J heed them not, They had as well be dumb Thev can not chirm my soul to-day I wish gome body'd come! I take my knitting in my hand, My knitting ease and all, I5ut,"oh my needles one bj one, Keep nn.uing through my ball, And yonder on the stairs untouched, .My needful sewing lies: Hut it would be a useless task, To try to use my eyes, " And gently slips my knitting down, Unnoticed lroin my thumb; Tis vain for me to try to work I wish some body'd come. I've tried my music and my books, I've tried them o'er and o'er; liut, pshaw! 1 can not see my notes, .My eyes keep wandering so, Unanswered notes before me lie i ll count them; one, two, three, And here arc letters for me too, Bat what an- tin y to me? My books are stale, my music sounds jKacofdanl a.- a drum; My voice i- very hoarse to-day 1 wish some body'd conie. The m is setting in the West, And twilight deepens now. And night comes ftnth, an ebon queen, With jewel-- on her brow. The cat lies purring on the hearth, The bell Ins rang Fortes And not a single BOttl has come. What can the reason be? I've looked lor Willie all day long, And now I 'll look no more There Fanny! don't you hear that step? Some body's at the door! THE RIGHT TRAINING OF WOMEN- The Church of England Review has an article on female education from which we take the follow ing passage. Much remains to he done in winnowing out ol people's minds ridiculous ideas of a certain purely factious style oi living without which it is iuiposst ble to keep house. There ate plenty of young men who have to unlearn the loppery of e xpenses disprnporiioncd to their means, and the sordHncjs of luxuries which feed, not self-respect, but glut tony and pride. The possibility must be secured to daughters sad younger sisters growing to be rational appreciative companions; girls who if they are ever married, will choose and value their hus baod for what he is, and be interested in his call in.; and his opportunities of observation women who will estimate the grave and sweet realities of w ife and motherhood, beyond any accident of pre cedence of superfluity. By dismissing false and foolish notions of respectability, by refusing the cheap fascinations of a paltry education of display, k iliaMMintenaneins restraints misdirected or too rigorous, by cultivating an intelligent and unassum ing mode of intercourse, by a careful foresight in assisting young people to prepare themselves for the exertion and cost of one day being the centre of a peaceful, hospitable home; in these and other waya much may be done to remove obstructions to that gradual acquaintance and that aaaffected re ject' and attachment which lead on to a- happy marriage. In the meantime, it will be well to think with not only the sympathy, but the veneration they deserve, of many among those who will never marry , tb assist in multiplying the too lew occupa tions suitable to women, or to open to them, above all. not to preach, by implication or otherwise, that women's life need never he dwarfed to a negation, or consumed miserably away, by causes Completely out of her control. There are women strong enough to keep their footing in the world singly without a loss of w manly di-nitv and sweetness, and to or ganize around I hem the moral elements at all events, of an independent existence. They whose steps are feeble need the more to be helped rather than hindered iti the struggle with their fainting and more yielding sell'. If they fall here, is it at , ail certain that in wedded lite their lot would have been auspicious? Also! how many a faltering will has been bent and "given" beneath sanguine, oufuMUlcd ro.-olutions to reclaim and humanise the husband, who has pulled the wife down imtead to ! his own mean and wretched level! Marriage is not a lottery, but it is mere wilful Uiueiiiess to forget that in all its higher aspects it may be wo- j fully inverted or appallingly debased. Net all the ; erand provisions of tender ties and gracious in stincts which surround one of the greatest of divine ordinances will make people puie or happy who insist on being peevish or frivolous or wo.ldly, I sensual, or devilish. Wedded life is a great and a holy mystery, and a source of power for gd, often far Leyood j estimation; but unless there be at least one soul fitted with unselfish love, and .-trong in an unfiag gimr faith, the formal union between two persons is no guarantee whatever for a will ennobled, or affections enlarged or cleansed. And the faith which so works by love can make a sunshine in a place without an infant's or a husband's eye to look into. The harmonies of a developed and transfigured womanhood have been set many a time to other icude than that of wedding bells. She who is enthroned however, under any roof, in a mother's holy sovereignty, may earn the right, in many a house, of compelling every soul to love her. She will create cr find an atmosphere in which to keep unwithcreel "the heart out of which are the issues of life." Her hands will redeem the time, and her brain not he idle. Living singly vet not solitary, when she dies it will not be till 'smote' by many a touch of gratitude and cheer ful reverential Sympathy '"the chord of self has rembkd past in music out of sight." . . m What Tauty do you Belong to'' '-What party do you belong to now, Bill?" said Joe, the wihcr day. "I belong to the Know no. the American no the the hangod ef I hint forgot, Joe. What port of varruiut was it you ketched tother night stealiu' chickens?" "It was a oppossuTii ." "That's it, Joe. thai's it. Op op what did you say it was Joe?" "Ot possum." ''It was something like a oppossuni." "Opposition," MM Joe. "I know 'el it was sumthin' or other. My party cLanej so often, darn me ef I can keep up." WESTERN Don-,t Use a Check Rein. The New England 'Farmer,' speaking on the subject, says: "Any peason whose attention has been called to the subject, and who still persists in the use of a light check rein, ought to have his own head plac- ed in a similar position ro iuai io - cruelly subjected the horse. If I were the -brand Sultan every man win, torments his horse with a ' check rein should hold his arms at right angles with his body for an hour at a time, once in twenty- four hours as I'.mr as ne conunueu me uucv.iv .v,.... The practice of drawing in the heads of team j l.r.rA Kv nnns of this oeriiicious strap, is especi- ally cruel. The horse, in endeavoring to expend j atMMtli the free, natural use ol his j l.o'Jl ami neck. The cramping position now 1 enforced is alike severe and injurious to horses, and in any business and should be eased off till nature is at tree piaj A negro being asked if his master was a Chris tian replied, 'No, sir, he's a member of Congress!' "Kin you tell mc, Sambo, de key to de prosperi ty of de Soul.'" . , " -Key to property of de Sout? Big words, Juno; truest) yon must hab been citing nnssas dicksrunary. Golly, 1 am t larneu nun to uaf" ' Well, chile, tis de dar-key. XiUSTO for Salor A new ROSEWOOD PIANO, of superior quality and tone, can be purchased at a fair price by calling at the Mansion House. Charlotte, May 24, 1859. 3t GAS WORKS. The subscribers respectful!- intorm the public that thev are prepared to erect Gas Works for lighting cities, , ;n. , li... n ami lartrc hotels. Thev have e rected works in Charlotte and Raleigh, N. t ., which have given entire satisfaction to the citizens of those places? As to qualifications, ability and promptness in fulfilling contracts entered into by them, they refer to the following gentlemen : James H. Carson, President of Charlotte Gas Work coin- panv. Charlotte. X. C. Wm. Johnston, President of Charlotte k S C Railroad compaiiv, Charlotte. K. C. Dr Thos I) Hogg, President of Raleigh Gas Association, Raleigh, X O. C..1 O H Young, Waverly. Mississippi. A G Story, President of Gas Works, Little Falls, X Y. F T Storv, Supt Gas Work?. Watertown, X V. W S Schoener k Co, 221 Pearl street. New York. For further information, address the Raleigh. N. C 1 WATERHOUSK k UU b. September 14, 1858. J Clothing Emporium. NCR MORE, friends and patrons, we invite you to visit the Emporium and examine the largest, best-made, and cheapest stock ol Summer C'lolliiiix ever offered in Western Carolina. We say the cheap est, because we get our goods differently from any other house. We buy the materials from importers and job bers and manufacture the clothing ourselves, thereby saving the manufacturer's profit. All we can wish of the people is to give us a trial, and we are confident we can sell. "We warrant every article to customers, and will make good any de ficiency that may occur in material or making. We are now receiving 105 Black Cloth Coats all grades. LT.o French & Eng. Drap d'Ete Frocks k Sacks. 120 ' Alpacca and Queen's do. do. 75 Fancy Cassimere Suits. ."') Plain & F'cy Marseilles do. 300 Spanish Linen and linen Duck Sacks & Sackteers. Fullings, Springs & Co. April 20, 18:0. Just Received, 05 45i 280 Pairs Iilaok Cassimere Pants. Fancy " Plain" & F'cv Linen & Marseilles Pants. FI LLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. at ULLIXGS, SPRINGS & CO. have received 200 Black Satin and figured Grenadine Silk Vests. 15o Fancy Cassimere 250 and Plain Linen and Marseilles " AT ALL PRICES. XjvulcI. for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale all his Lands lying in the county of Union, on the waters of Goose and Crook ed Creeks", viz: tine tract lying on the waters of Crook ed creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, John Foard. Kobt. Mann and others; one other tract adjoining said tract, and John A. Lemmond, Henry Sheill and others. Also, one tract on the waters of Goose creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, Eli Stewart, the Marion Gold Mine anil others: together with another tract adjoining A. F. Stevens and others, lying on both sides of the Lawyers' Road leading from Charlotte to Wadesboro. Auy or all ol the above-named lands will be sold privately to any person desirous of purchasing between this and the l.-t October next. TERMS made known on application to the subscri ber near Eli Stewart's in Paiofl county, or by address ing mc at Coburn's Store, Union county, X. C. CYRUS Q. LEMMOND. April S6. Om-pd CAROLINA CITY HOTEL. Parrott & Newborn, Proprietors. t Jlill.S Magnificent Hotel has been enlarged to near- j ML y double its original size, an addition of eighty- j eight feet having been added on Railroad street, thus presenting an imposing front i mated lately in view of ; the Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories j high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred audi eighteen teet, affording a iielishtful Promenade. From this stand-', oiut thw beholder can scan the Ocean in the south. Bogae Sound in the sonth-west, th. Har bor with all its shipping. Fort Macon and three Light Honses in the south-east, affording a range of OCEAN SCENERY that is scarcely elsewhere to lie met with. The superintendence of this Hotel be in the hands of Mr H. ERAMBERT, (formerly of the Eav- etteville Hotel.) whose taste and skill so eminently -t qualifies hi in for making :.ll the guests feel as if they were at home. The best servants the country could afford have j been secured Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENT. Our steamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort. : the Inlet, the Fort, and often on Extra Excursions, while our BASO of Music will be ever 'discoursing sweet sounds" to the ear of those who shall favor us j with their Company, i Our RAR will furnish choice liquors of all kinds; : our BILLIARD ROOM is in good order, and our ROW- i i LNG ALLEY will he constantly open for the enter- ' : tainuaenl of those who have n teste for these healthful : exercises, and our READING ROOM will contain files j of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals published. ; The sick will find our BATHING HOUSES a matter j ' of grreat comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can give i I entire satisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to ! : do our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all ! I possible attention. Task Notick. As the train arrives after dark each , evening, persons going to Beaufort will do well to stop ! over night in Carolina City, as they can be conveyed j wherever they wish to go the next dav, in a steamboat I or sail boats, and thus be saved the trouble of a dis- I agreeable night trip across the water. Carolina Citv, May 12, 1859. 2m TAXES. The Tax Lists for the year 1858 are now in my hands for inspection. Those liable to pay Taxes will please come forward and settle. U. u fiJ tK. Snenfi. April 12, 1859 - DEMOCEAT, PEA MEAL We keep at our Steam Flouring Mill in this place Pea Meal for feeding cows and stock. Also, we have on hand at all times, Family, Extra, Superfine and coarse Flour. We warrant our family Hour. Corn Meal and Grits can always be had at the mill. J. WILKES k CO. April 10, 1850 Young's Smut iTIachines. Of A Dicksoa'3 make, constantly on hand and for sale at prices. T. II. BREM & CO. August 17, 1858. NEW OTDTVn SUMMER C3 By Kooprrmnn & Phelps. The subscribers return their thanks to the public for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on them, and would respectfully inform their friends and cus tomers that they have received a large stock of Goods for the Spring and Summer Trade, which they will sell as cheap as the cheapest. They .... thai thfv can L'ive satisfaction both in price ti A arge lot of Ready-made Cloihing j of various styles and qualities, on hand, at reduced! iiricos. GROCERIES, Hardware, &.C., Of all kinds, kept constantly on hand and for sale on the most reasonable terms. They invite purchasers to give their extensive stock an examination before buying elsewhere. KOOPMANN & PHELPS. April 19, 1859 LIFE INSURANCE. T11K undersigned as Agent will receive applications for Insurance in the North Carolina Mutual Life lii.iurunce Company. . nra r & This Company is the oldest in ti.e State, and has A Eli REDfe OF CAlIfi.? been in successful operation for several years. Its n iron and Brass or other metals MADE Al rates are moderate, and all losses promptly adjusted. ; NOTICE AND REDFCED PRICES. Particular atten Persons wishing to insure their own lives or the tion given to the making and repairing of Thrashing lives of their Slaves, in this Company, will call at the .Machines, Horse Powers, Cotton Gins, Mill oik, and Office of the Agent, at the Bank of the State. SLAVES insured for TWO-THIRDS of their: Y-VLL'E i THOS. W. DEW Ei , Agent. Jan'v 1 I. 1859. 1 v F ULLIXGS, SPRINGS & CO. have a large Stock of Cassimere, Silk and Leghorn Hats, bo u gut ot the manufacturers I the case. V I SO A large stock of Gents' and Ladies' Trunks, from $2 to S24; Valises and Carpet-Rags. April 2b 1359 New Books. Ilistory of Frederick the Gkeat, by Thos. Cartile. Mizpau: Prayer and Friendship, by L. C. Loomis. Courtship and Matrimony, with other Sketches, by Robert Morris. The Minister of Life, by M. L Charlesvvorth. The Sociable; or 101 Home Amusements. The Eife and Times of the Great Hugh Miller, of Scotland, by T. N. Brown. Annals of the American PufcPiT, by Dr. Spragne. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geographi cal Dictionary of the World, Dora Dean or Maggie Miller, Mrs M. J. Holmes. Scouring of the White House, or the long Vacation Ramble of a London Clerk. The Kn. Pepper, Papers by Jacques Maurice. Dust and Fome, or Three Oceans and Two Conti nents, by T. Robinson Warren. I also have a few copies of Hawks' History op N. C, Vols. I and II. Castwell's Justice and X. C. Form Book. P. J. LOWRIE. Feb. 15, 1859. S.IO REWARD. Runaway from my plantation, my negro boy ALLEN, , ..- l...t..l.t ..-1 ..: .1 ..r -ti.iirc' ageu zo years, uici o ren iu ucif...,o.v....1.1 - , and rather delicate in appearance. I am inclined to believe that he is in Gaston county, in the neighbor hood of Dallas. He w as formerly the property of my brother. M. L. Phifcr. dee'd. 1 will k- the above re- J - ' ...... 1 . EaSI ah , 1 1 i vnt-M 1 tit tllO ill Charlotte. W. F. FUIFEU. March 22, 1839 ti The d eal Embassador Health to all Mankind. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. DVSPEPSIA. The great scourge of this continent yields quickly to a course of these- antiseptic Fills, ami the diges- ; live organs are restored to their proper tone; no inatter iu j wnae niueou Min.i.- mia eivn.. .i u.c. . .., , this searching and unerring remedy disperses it horn the j pane-tit s system. Erysipfxas, Salt Rheum, Bad Legs, Old Sores and Ulcers. Caws of many ye ars standing that have pertinaciously refused to yield to any otter n uwdy or tn-atnn-ut, have succumbed to a few applications of this powe rful ungnent. Rit.ini s DISORDERS. This anti-bilious medicine ex pels the hidden see-dsol th.- complaint, ami n nders all the fluids and secrvtioiis pure and fluent, cle ansing and Easns itating the vital functions of tin- body. General Debility and Weakness. From whatever cause, lowness of spirits, and other signs of a disease! liver, and other disorganization of the vanish un-derthe- eradicating influence of this all powerful antiseptic and detergent remedy. Sold at the manufactories ef Frof.-ssor Holloway, 80 Maidi n Lane. New l'ork. and ly till dealers in medicine throughout the F. States and the- eiviliz ti world, in boxes at 25 cents, (IS cents, and $1 each. Directions for the eniidancc uf patients an affixed to e-ae-h box. '-'For sale in Charlotte by E. NYE HFTCHISON &. CO. Aprii IS, I8t9. y FariishiDg Gocds ! Furnishing Goods ! 80 Do.. K e y ,fc white Linen & naars'les-hosoni Shirts. 50 livroii. standing and Ficolomini Collars. ALSO Cloves. Hosiery. Stocks. Cravats. Silk Lace Tics, Bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs, of all qualities and prices. FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. Mat trasses. MOODY k NISBET keep on hand, and make to or der at short notice, Mattrasses of all descriptions, of the- hest workmanship and materials. Orders left at their store opposite the Presbyterian church will meet with prompt attention. April 19, lf.V. 3m TO PLAMKKS. COTTON GINS, of the best quality, with 10 inch saws, delivered a auy Railroad Landing in this State, or on the N. C. Railroad, at SJ per saw. For particulars address J. M. ELLIOTT. April 20, 1839- 6m Winnsboro', S. C. O lirvfixiL's Hotel, Salem N. C. rWIHE undersigned has recently purchased Ihe Hotel ! JL in Salem. N. C well known throughout the j Southern country as "Bctkkr's Hotel," and will ac- commodate all who will b.vor him with a call, with ; the best the country can afford." He will spare no i effort to make the stay of his guests comfortable and i pleasant. Th? House is Well provided with good Ser- 1 vants. the Stables attended by good Hostelers, and the Table shall not be excelled. The old friends and customers of the House are soli cited to continue their patronage. N. S. A. CIIAFIN. Salem, N. C. Aug. 31, 1358. 24 -tf DE ROSSET, BROW CO., N. C. WILMINGTON BI!On, BE KOSSKT & , Particular attention eiven to the sale of Naval Stores, ' Cotton and other Produce, and also, importers of pure i Peruvian and other Guanos, Land Plaster, kc. j Sole Agents at Wilmington for Reese's Manipulated unano, and v . i nneiocK uo. s cuperunospnaie oi Lime. April 19, 1859. Jm-pd OHAELOTTE, J. D. PALMER, One Door above the Bank of Charlotte, Unsnectfullv informs the pub lic that he "has just received a splendid assortment of Con fectioneries, est luuiarruu.-, SEGAES of rarious brands, chew ing .V sinoking Tobacco, Snuff, 0. ALSO, a variety of Musical Instru ments. Yankee Notions, &c. A FINE LOT OF WILLOW WARE. He is constantly receiving fresh supplies of the above Goods and many other articles not enumerated. CANDY MANUFACTORY. ni, r. :w. ;a w mrtp.iifacturinff an excellent J UC MUUSvlVUi iJ . ri n-ticle of Oaady, free from poisonous coloring, unlike the Xew York "steam refined candy Call and see and .. J. U. 1 AL.uriiv. trv it November 0 1858 tf TO THE LADIES, A SPLENDID assortment of FRENCH CNDIES; OOO pcb. 8 1859. HAVANA ORANGES, Just received at J. D. PALMER'S Confectionery. A CASKS Pure SMYRNA FIGS, Jvjl itLV, o " 7 J. D. PALMER'S CHARLOTTE FOUNDRY AND Macliiiio Factory. The undersigned begs leave to call lie attention of the public to the fact that he is now ready to till all orders for making Stcaw Engines, Hydraulic Col- Mx.ccu lnrl :1 1 1 kind O f M a ell i U C l- V Agricultural Works of all kinds. Blacksmithing, Jobbing Work, Wagon Work ud IIor.-e Shoeing, done witn uispaicn. Old Iron and Brass Castings Dongni at me roimury, or taken in exchange for Job Work. Wood and Pro visions of all kinds taken in exchange for Blacksmith- All Work must be PAID FOK when DELIVERED, as cash has to be paid for every thing necessary to carry on the establishment. All orders for work must be specified in w riting t-u that the work and specifications may agiee. A supply of Anthracite Coal, constantly on hand for sale. This is the only Foundry in the State that casts every day (except Sunday.) fiAll contracts connected with the concern must be made with t:-.e undersigned alone. J. M. HOWIE. Practical Engineer, will give his con stant attention to the business. All letters on business will be directed to "Charlotte Foundry." J. A. FOX, Proprietor. Charlotte, X. C. Nov. 30, 1B58 tf RAILROAD NOTICE TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. YEW. CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE FOR FREIGHT FOR THE INTERIOR OF NO iri'H CAROLINA. Merchants and others about purchasing their Full and Winter supplies, arc requested to notice that by the completion of the Xorth-Easteru Railroad from Char leston, S. ('.. to Cheraw, the advantages of a cheap and expeditious route from the seaboard has been opened to them. All Freight consigned to the Agent of tie i North-Eastern Railroad will be forwarded tree ot com mission. No charge will be made for storage at Che raw: all Goods will be taken care of in the Company's Warehouse until sent for. A schedule of charges will be found at the Post Office. S. S. SOLOMONS. Auer. 10, 1858. tf En; and Supt. Atlantic Mutual Fire and Marine l O 5J X ii. LKjHi VUiYli itt A . CAROLINA CITY, N. C. Incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of North Pnrnlinfl This t'onmaiiv beinff elulv organized, is now prei)ared U) receive applications for insurance upon uu;ngS) Merchandise, Furniture, Mills, Manufactories, Sh; and Cargoes, and most kinds of property, at remunerative rates ot premium. It is aimed in the organization of this Company, to make a sail- medium for Indemnity and Protection to the assured in case of loss. An honorable ami upright course of dealing, and a faithful fulfillment of its con tracts, will at all times characterize the business of the Company. Applications for insurance mav be made at the office of the company, or to its authorized Agents. DIRECTORS: John A Parrott, Levi T Oglesby, V R Grant, David S Jones. Geo W Dill, Col Thos J Blakely, Luke Blackman, Wm S Long, David Vv" Bell, A B Chap in, Saml Letters, Joel II Davis, D A Hargctt, E Mallett. OFFICERS: John A Parrott, President, Levi T Oglesby, Vice President, W S Long. Treasurer, E A Thompson, Attorney. A B Chapiu, Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W B Grant. W S Long, David W Pell. March 22, 1 859. Cm S. M. HOWELL Saddle and r ii ess Maniifacturer, CHARLOTTE, N. C, ONE DOOR SOUTH of the .MANSION HOUSE. Repairiuf Jan. 1, I8."il). iromptly and neatly done. V CASH PAII FOR EiBUi:, 3. 1VI. HOWELL, ONK DOOR Jan'v 1. 1859. SOt-'TH Of Til K tf MANSION HOUSE. CAROLINA CITY, N. C. The Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad being now ! completed to Beanfort Harbor, I have determined to j locate at Carolina City for the purpose of doing a Forwarding 8c General Commission Business, and hope by promptness and strict attention j to merit patronage and support. Being the Agent of MURRAY'S LINE OF FIRST CLASH PACKETS to this and Morehead city, every effort will be made to make this the cheapest aiiel most expeditions route to New fork. Vessels will lie loaded ami scharged at my Wharf (adjoining the Railroad Wharf.) ami thereby save cartage and lighterage. Particular attention will be given to all orders, and to the sale and shipment of Produce. WM. B. GRANT. All shipments of Produce to D. Colden Murray, New York, will be forwarded free of commission. June 29, 1859 y PETEE MALLETT D. COLDEN MURRAY, Antral Commission Hrrfbantt 62 South street, NEWTORK. June 29, 1938 v Harness ,,50. e- 3ST. C. CHARLOTTE l.mmm tlifim- i m M selves into a company, respectfully tend- Thev are prepared to turiush .moncment, 7. M.vTFr Pieces, Fvrxitirk Gk.1VESTO.Ms, AlANTi-1. X Maukle. Table Slabs, Marble Steps, to any n , . , m..t-,,1-vt nattern, cut according to the most approvea Itvles. and upon the most accommodating terms cn oieed in the Southern country., Hoy w. keep co. st approvea iuslu auu ever on- ... . , . it ,,f I'n viiHlll Italian ; stantlv on hand ttie nest uescripuo.. v.. -si , , J . i and American Mroic. u0:v,M ! ...hcrrihr.! All orders for any article aaaressru ' V -,, , , "i. j will meet with prompt attention. 1,,ulx 111 be m lvea ; and forwarded with the utmost care and dispatch. j The Yard is situated on the norin- csi coraw m Railroad Depot Yard. WM. TIDDY k SONS. iy January, 1859. rp BARK. 100,000 CORDS Tan Bark wanted, for which i;n0T..i rxrirp will he naid. M. B. TAL0It. i i iiuvim jji w l Charlotte. March 22, 1859 tf 12. If. WILLIAMS &c CO., Wish all those customers who bought Groceries on short time, to call and pay up. Our profits are too short to ak often for the amount. We have on hand a large supply of Bacon, Flour, Corn and Meal. Best Xew Orleans Sugar. a Svrup and Molasses. Crushed Sugar Stewart's best. Powdered Sugar, Granulated li A. B. a:.d C. Sugar. Tea, best green. Candles, lirst Goshen Cheese, &c. Rio Coffee. Old Government Java, and Jamaica Coffee, superior. The above Goods will be sold low for cash. Wholesale or Retail, low. Jan. 18, 1859. tf REMOVAL. The Confectionery and Family Grocery Store of MOODY & NISBET has been removed to the stand op posite the Presbyterian Church, where they are receiv ing direct from Xew York large additions to their stock of CONFECTIONERIES, FAMILY GROCERIES, &c. Among their stock may be found everything usually kept in a store of this kind. A good assortment of Cake Trimmings. Willow Ware, Arc, always on hand. They have in their employ an excellent RAKER, and are prepared to furnish Families and Partes with Cakes of all kinds at short notice. Nov. Hi. 1858. MOODY & NISRET. We have also opened a branch of our store at Lin colnton, where Mr Moody will superintend the business, and hopes to secure a share of public patronage in that section. Nov. 16, 1853. MOODY & NISBET. fjN-WAKE & STOVE y g p M A0 A0 EL M fAYWl C70ULD respectfully announce to the public that V lie continues to carry on business at the store on the corner formerly occupied by Huggina & Harty, .vhere he keeps constantly on hand the largest assort ment of sn?o"7"uzis etcr offered in North Carolina ; among which will be found the celebrated Ji un Witt h (hohing Stove, wliii li has trained such a ('anion-, i t toitat ion in the Southern country for the last eighteen month This Stove he warrants superior to any Cooking Stove now in use. It is simple in its arrangements, consumes less fuel, anil does more work in a given time than any other Stove in use. He will put one beside any Other Stove of the same size in the- United States, and if it does not do more vorJ ;,i any given time, he will for feit the price of the stove, and quit selling and go for the better cue. He has all kinds of Parlor and Box Stoves: and keeps constantly an extensive ami varied Stock of Tin, Sht:ct-Iron, Japan, and Britannia Ware, Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Btrhteads, Hat Racks, Cradles, et c, all of which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, cheap er than has ever been before ottered in this vicinity. He would return his thanks to his friends and cus tomers for f li e very liberal patronage they have bestow ed upon him. and they may rest assured that he will endeavor, by close attention to business, together with a determination to please, try to merit a continuance of the same. His motto is, "OCICK SALES AMi SMALL PROFITS." Ladies and Gentlemen are particularly invited to call and examine his Stock. ft-y" All kinds of JOB WORK attended to with dis patch: and all ORDERS will be faithfully and promptly attended to. 333 Charlotte. June If,. 1858; tf New and Fashionable IF urniture WARE EOOMS, tJiUs'loltc, A. t J. M. SANDERS ev. Co., are constantly re ceiving from New York, Boston, &c, a general assort ment of fine and fashionable FURNITURE, which they will sell at extremely low prices for Cash, and every article warrante d to give satisfaction. Those in want of good Furniture, at very low prices, will please give them a call. Also, on hand, Fisk's .Jlelallic Iturial J. M. SANDERS & CO., Charlotte. N. C. LOWRIE'S sir 03 r-1. I receive till the New Pub lications as fast as they come for ward from the Press: and keep constantly on hand a large lot of School. Academy and College TEXT-ROOKS, and many useful ' reference and recreative works. I also keep a very large stock of Stationery, plain anil fancy. Having made an arrangement with the ! Southworth Paper Manufacturing Company, I am en abled to sell paper at the same prices by the whole- sale for which it can be bought in the Northern cities, ! freight added. P. J LOW RIE. Feb. 15, IB59; HEKI,E.Bl 3S BOABS. Seven per rent per annum. These Bonds are undoubtedly the safest investment that can be madi and are ualL preferable to any State Be ads. The County cannot repudiate. They bear teven per cent Interest payable temi-annually, with Coupons for the same. They are of the denomination of 100. which will make them more current and useful for domestic purposes. The coupons will prove a convenient medium for paying county taxes. The citizens of the l otinty should possess thera, and they are now offered to them. Proposals left at either Rank in Charlotte or with Stephen W. Davis will receive prompt attention H. W. GtTTON, Sept 23, 1858. Pres't. W., C. ft. R. Railroad Co. Exclusively Wholesale Drag, Paint and Oil Warehus. ANTOS, WALKE & CO., wholesale dealers f3 in DRUGS; Lamp. Machinery and Paint OILS; Varnishes. Paints. k-. &c. No. 38. Iron front, West tide, Market Square, yon FOLK, YA. Goods shipped from Xew York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, to Charleston, when required. November 9, 1833. y Proposals for Materials for the Jlat(i Navy Department, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, tyc, May io gw . m x iinvnnLJ 4 r G 1 ...... 1 1 i . . , I . . , I f. .1 f the nsca year ending 30th June, 1860 will be receivd for the Navy, Bureau ol Construction, &c, that ihe be disiinguislud from our business letieie. '1'lie material and arueles embiaced in the dosses nairi n e pai ticularly desci ibed in printed schedules, any ! will be furnished to such as desire to otter, on ttucaufta the commandants ol the respteuve yaids.oi the i.avy.agtm .1 A nil lh. VnH S tinolt :ti :.i . .. nearest tneieio, m u y j -r-- -rr "vihoq th'.e Kim nil 1 his division in:o ciubseo uemn wi me fWh venicnce ot de venicnce ot dealers in each, such portions will be ttirnisfn nJ n,ft actnallv reuuii a,, are actually reuuncu ii w v..... ... ind nnw-aaenl at eaeh station will have a copy ol me scludia., ot ,fiC o!her yards, tor examinauon only, lioni wlmh u lnay jud ed whtiher ll will be dtsirablo to make aihcaii for lht.m Often must he nicde lor ine wnoie m uc cuss nt ny vaid upon one ol the printed schedules, or iu strict conloruuy .i ..-.ii, r ihrni will not be considered. The contract will be award-d te ihe lowest bona fide bd. der who gives proper security lor its hilfiUmeut. '1 be l im States resei ves ihe right to reject all the bids lor any claw, ,t deeuud exorbitant. .;., All articles musi be of the very best quality, to be delivered in ko. d older, and in suitable vessels and puckatjes, as the cae may be, at the expense and risk ot the contiactor, in all respects subject to the inspection, iiitasureiiieiii.euuu, weight, Ax., ol the yaid where received, and to ihe em,re tati-taetioii of the commandant theieol. Didders are referred to the commandants ol ihe reapeetni 1 li ds foi samples, instructions or particular descriptioa . 1 id, article ; and, all other things beiut; epual, prelerence will 1 oiven to anicU s ol American inanulaciuie. Every required by the ot 10, h, August, 1840, must be accompanied by a written guaiuntee, the kiln 0 whicii is herewith given. Those only whose oilers may be accepted will be notifird, nr.d the contract will be ioiwuidid s soon I hi reaUer as ; mC. ticable which the y will be reOuiifd to eMcute mibin m days atier its teceipt at the p st otlice or navy agency named by them. ... , . Sureties w the full amount will be required to ga ihe COntiaci, and lh ir responsibilities certified io by a I . . o trici iud e Umied Stales district attorney, collector, ur uavv. aient As addilionol securiiy, twenty per cemuui will be withheld bom the amount ol the b;l's until the connact ntell have been completed; and eigb'y per centum ol each lull, up proved in triplicate by the commandants ol ihe refBretin vaid- will he paid hv ihe navy-agent at the points ol litlnwj .1.:..., Jauo nllcr if I1 1 CSC 1 1 1 0 tlOIl tO him. It is stipulated in the contract that, il detault be made ly the name's ef the hist part in delivering all or any ol the a,, tides mentioned in any class b d lor in 'he com.act, ol the qiial ty and at the tune and places above provided, (hen, a,,d in that case, the contractor and his su dies will forfeit and nav to the United States a -urn ol money not ettecdiag twn the- amount ol such class, which may be recovered man lim to time, according to the act ot Congress in that, case prof, ed, approved March 3,1813 ... . i r Cla-s No. ii lo be delivered one-fourth part on or lufote the 15th May, one fenirth pan on or before the 20th July, one fourth part by the 20th September, and the remaining enaM to be eh live ed one-foul th -part on or betoretbe 1st Seplembw next one-fourth part on or before ihe 1st Detncembe r next, one feuirih pari on or before the 1st April, aid the rcmainetl on or before the 30th June, 181.0, unless eailwr required wuh a notice of twelve days, comprising at each d.hveiy a due nropoi tion of each ariicle. Class 10 and all foHowmg, il ad ditional quan-ilies of any ol the articles named ihetem are demanded, they are M be furnished oh like tern and eon, lions previous to the expiration ol the fiscal year, upon tf. ceiving a notice of fifteen days trow ihe bureau, ihe com maudant of ihe ya;d, or navy-agent. FORM OF OFFER. , in the State of I, -of- hereby agree to furnish and ucliver; to the respective navy-yards, all the articles named in the classes ben unto annexed, and in conformity with the adverUlt ment of the Bureau of Construction, tc., of (he IM of Mav, 5859. Should my offer be accepted, I request to be addressed at , and the contract sent lit llie navy-agent at . or to , for signature and certificate. Date signature. v. u. Witness, ' The schedule which the bidder encloses must he past e,l in bia offer, and each of them signed by him. Op posite each article in the schedule the price most bj ,.,.,.-;,i aii the rrpfrate footed up for each daw, ami the amount likewise written iu words. FORM OF GUARANTEE. Tim nnelersicrned. ot , in the Stall in the Stale of-of- and- of- -. hereby euaruiitv that in case the forego ing bid of- or anv ot t!ie la.-.-es t Herein , . i l .1 Ml Bfltttin l,.it ililVJ :i ft if ! f ,a ' ' 1 ' . ,'. , ' . , ' . ' ' ' ' -e aimed m tl,,. n ivv-aeent decimated, execute tne e ouiiae i mi u.e- same, with good and suffi. lent sureties; and in case MM ehnll fuil to ente r into contract ns aforesaM, un frnataatae to make trood the difference between tin- nflVr of the said and that which may la- at ccptc! ;.ri Siiruatinefi oi two guaraniors, . v. . , Date. Witness. I hereby certify that the above-named b.w.,,,, fn mfl n men of nroticitv. and ublc V.. F. nre to naiU lil' , ". - 4 l ' good their guarantee. Signature. (.. H. To be signed by the United Slates district judge. United States district attorney, collector, or navy-agwt, The following are the classe s required at Ihe respective navy vards. " KITTERY, MAINE. naa tin "White-oak Diomiscuous timber. No. R- White-jisb oara. No. 15. White-Oak staves and heaiiUif. No. 21. Iron. No. 2'-J. Spikes and nail. N- 23. zinc, ami tin. No. 2."). Hardware, No.27.JPaiutsptb v ::) Lnitlii-i. No 33: Hore. No. 34. BrnKhr. A- 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 88. Tallow, soap, oi!. i '1... ,.,!!..,, XT JO Rtrtnturr. No. 4 I . File- W0l i 1 i f V1HM1UI' lf' a ' ' mv ummmw mrmw- J - CI I AB LESTOWN. M A SS AC 1 1 'SETTS. fUoo Vr. 9i iron No. 02. Snikis and nails. N" Lead, .inc. hihI tin. No. 25. Hardware. No. 27.Pli oils, &e- No. 2 Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton-can No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No 32. Leather, Hose-. No. 34, Brafhea. No.3f. Bunting and dry po No. :!7. Piic'i, Ur, rosin. No. :i8, Tallow, soap, oil. N Ship chandlery. No. 4(1. Statione ry. No. 41. Fire-" BROOKLYN. NEW YORK. nbuVn IX VJImb ,,;., nTank stiii-k lef.S. No. !' ; No. 12. Black walnut, cherry, &c. No. 13. Locu j 14. White ash e.ars, hickory bars, aud butts. White oak staves and heading. No. 16. Black MW ' No. IS. Lignnmvitje. No. 21. Iron. No. 22. Bpikea W I riniU X'., -r. T.,.;i.l vine. :irid t li. No. 2o. lliil'i"' ' No. 27. Painta. oil. &c. No. 2M Flax canvas. .Al ..,..... , X.. 'til Vlmm o,..l ,...11. ,, fwilll- Glass, No. 32. Leather. No. 33 Hose. No- J,ru!"''r No. Bunting and dry good. Ne. :!7. Pitch Utfi r"N:' No. 38, Tallow, aoap, oil. No. :. Ship chandlery, 4n Statieincry. No. 41 . Fire wood MeHwii iiaiMi i.oAoi,,. .....v...-..-- . PHILADELPHIA , PENNSYLVANIA- limber. No. 11. Ash. ctprcsft, white -oak boat board. Jf-Hh.e-W Na la. White-aah oareaudbK bars. No. 1H. Lignumvitso. No. 21. Iron. Spiken, and nails. No. 2:1. Le ad, zinc, ami tin New o. r- N" - 28, "i'J Hardware-. Ne. Ml. Paints, oils, Ac. No. I canvas. No. V.i. Cotton canvas. No. ov. j -I cotton twin.-. No. 31. Glass. No. 38 Leather. : Hose, No. 34, Brushes. No. 35. Hunting :ml ary Pl No. :'.7. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. jV. Talhiw, soap, 1 ! 38. Shin cbandlerv. No-40. Statiom rv. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COH'MIilA Class No. I ('. White pine. No. tl. Iron No. 5 aud nails. No. 23. Lead, zinc, and tin. No.. ,' Iron. Ne. 85. Hardware No. "27. Paints and 31. Glass. No. 92. Leather. No; 38. Tsllaw, No. ao. Ship chandlery. No. 43. Tank and gl!j No. 44. Chain iron. No. 45. Ingot eopp'- " Bellows. No. 4-. Poles. (iOSPORT, VIRGINIA. Class No. 16. Black spruce. Ne. 21, Iron RnikM mnit naita V,. o5 T i .,rt vine and till Hardwaiv. No. 547 Paints' nils. A c.. No. 2H.KI.fa" i Nn 99 f.Atnn ,.ai,vu V.. -ill Flat rilld 1 ottel' in P St j. .i, umss. im. .ks, L.e-auie-r, jo. .., pt Brnshl-8. No. 3"i. Bmitinw anil eb vceiods. N-f tar, rosin, No- 38, Tallow, soap, and oil No- ' chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. WARRINGTON, FLORIDA. y. Class No. 10, Wnito pine, No. 18. Black, cherry, & c. No. 15, White- oak stave s ami hesdjnf fll Iron. No. 88, Spikes and nails. No. 33, L f, ' V tin. No. 35, Hardware. Ne). 27, Paints, o. 89, Cotton canvas. No. M), Flax and cotton lwI1' 31, Glass. No. 32, Leather. No. 33. B Brushes. No. 35, Bunting and dry goeels. w' '. i : tar, rosin. No. 3d, Tallow, soap, oil. ' chandlery. No. 40, Stationery. ''4 . AT T G N T I O IV LADIE- i T t' ' Our entire stock of Goods are for 8ale 'i,refs-; Call and get bargains, all who want Uoiinets, Bonnet Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Ac. ,Vi'Pl.k .MRS. HAWLEY & Mav 3, 1859 If

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