y IT" IP I O IE ON THE W15ST SIDK OF TRADE STRI CHARACTER 19 AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDCALS, AND THE OLORV OP THE ONE .3 THE COMMON PROPERTY OP THE OTHER. -;KT S - 8B3 per nimum IN ADYANCK. VJJlxllM 3 Editor and Popkto CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1859. V y ii ii i miiii w r. : - J. M. MILLER, M. D., Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, 93lII&Wa St 0 AJ Qt office opposite Ken 's Hotel. I). 15. REA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, S. C, Will fi 1-ronM't MtOii to all basiiMSS entrusted to ! rroressiWMU eare. Orrici vrroeiTi Kiua Iiotbi. 8 ir h 1 t, 1859 y A. C. WILLIAMSON, TTOR.KY AM COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,. , n an otth-e jointly with J. A. Fox. F..i. np-stairs st .l.Mr to the Court llonse, whete he will he con "' ,, present to attend to sill rails on professional ... ma.le for hinnsclfor for .Mr Fox when he is ORTH CAROLINA i 1 1 - 1 1 .1 wry . tf J. A. FOX. Attorney zx XiXA7V, tl ... next ! "ir to the Court ". Up-Stmir . V. WILLIAMSON. E.-v-. who L a joint occupant ; ,,;!,, .., mu who will ! aniformljr present, will l ;., untfessioaal business tor me ib my uu.vih.c. Drrcmber 21, 1 -".H tf ROBERT GIBBON. M. D., PRACTITIONER OF MEDICISE A Nl ()V Ao. - Irwi' corner, CHARLOTTE, N. C. . -mix T 1 1. 1 Nart. J AS! T. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, X. C Will practice in the Courts of lecklenborg and the : .iain rtmnttes. The collection of claims promptly attended to. March 14, 1 ": T. H. BREM & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALK1W IN British, French and American Carpets, Hardware, Hats and Shoes, E ... ... " ' THOMAS II. LP. KM. J. A. SADLKU, -lr. T. LAFAYKTTK ALKXAMh N.,v '. 1858. KOTICE. All tho- indebted to me, by Note or Aeeonnt, a il phase come forward and settle the wme y tj. ' Febaary 8, 1859 RUBER! GIBBON. u. w. iti rr, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CONCORD, N. C. Watches. Clocks aod Jewelry repaired and warranted. Septcuiher 14, 1859 J P. SAliKS, Architect and Builder, Will tarnish Resipiif, Plans and Drawings for Public Ilaildings, Private Residences and Villas. Particular alu.tn will be paid to haiMisnj I lonnag Mills, torn Mills, Orncs in Sd story of Alexander a Building, Iron I room, over t'liina Hall. Charlotte, Oct. 19, 1958. TMA FIRE IKSVBAKCK COMPART. CASH ASSETTS, S 1 ,7.0,M. E. NYE HUTCHISON, Agent. Charlotte, April IT. 1859 r MILITARY INSTITUTE, Charlotte, N. C. THE Exercises of this Institute will commence on the 11 October next. FACULTY ELECT : Maj. D. H. HILL. Superintendent. LlKt'T. ('. U. LiBK, t umnianuani, (J. P. ESTILL, A. M., Principnl of Primary depart ment. Course of Studies : In the Primary Department, such as to qualify a .Student to enter any College. In the Scientific Department the West Point Cur riculum will he closely followed. It will he the aim of the ProfesMta to make Surveyors, Engineer, Chemists, an. I men fit for the practical business of life. In addition to the usual Exercise at Military Schools, the months of August and September will he spent in Campaigning through the mountains of North Carolina. The Acailemic i' ar will commence on the lt day of October, and will embrace twelve months. A furlough of two months (Aug. and Sept.) will be given tn Cadets at the end of their second year. Particular attention will be given to the moral and retigiotu instruction id' Cadets. KVl'KN'SKS: The Institute will provide Boar.!, Fuel, Lights, Wash in" Vrms, Equipments and Cniforms, and all cloth inzexcent under clothes, for $300 PER ANNUM, one-halt payable m auvauce; me oaian. t- ... -.- BTa ej-tni e'kmrye. No remission of charges to those who leave unless on the seore of health. TERMS OF ADMISSION: No one will be adiaitted into the Pkmxby Dkpabt-t-,T under Twelve vers of age; nor into the Sciks Tiric DBPAUTMBXT under Fifteen nor over Twenty-one rear off age. All eoaaectoa wim ine ociem: partnient will e requirtdto board in the Institute; those in the Primary Uepartmem may io o u uj mw. REMARKS; Ti... i...t;.it,. Rttiiaiiura are the lar gest, most elegant and commodious for the accommodation of Cadets in the Southern country- and the Itoaru oi uirecwra i .i,,. ,.. M...r..inent of the Superintendent and Commandant, (to' A ;' ' """ "i e Graduates of West Point and of long experience in me .vrin.x, am. ... business of instruct ion, j the Institute will be established on a true Military basis and conducted on true Military principles. The board will further say, that Mr ES ILL is a Graduate of the Virginia Cniversity and an ex perienced Classical leacher. They would further state that it is their intention to increase the number ot teachers in both Departments as the patronage of the public mav require. , This Institute was granted a liberal Charter by the Legislature of North Carolina, with the power of con ferring Degrees upon those who complete the pre scribed Course of Studies. . & .r Applications for admission will he received antil the 1st of September, and must be directed . .. i . e ,. I ......I I ' ii it. itte VI. l)r C. J. rox, rresjiieui oi me , -j rFor further particulars see Circular. L C. J. FOX, 1 j as. p. 1 1: win, H. LaF. ALEXANDER, O JAS II CA RSOX, 5 TIIOS. II. BREM, 0 AV. A. OWENS, Com. j g of Charlotte, J. 15. KERR, Intendant of Charlotte. J Charlotte, N. C, April 12, 1859. For the Western Democrat. TO BELLE. F:iir art tliou, Belle, in this thy bridal Lour, Sweet as spring's earliest, timid, blushing flower, Winning all hearts with unaffected grace As fondly thou dostgazein thy proud husband's face! Long may thy heart its dream of bliss en;oy ! Peaceful thy days, and "good works" thy employ; May he who doth thy pure affections claim E'er find thy voice sweeter than the trump of fame! And when life's glorious sun with thee shall set, With tears of grief shall many eyes be wet! Thy soul shall bask in an immortal scene, Where fore ne'er dies, and His is not a dream ! EULALIE ATTENTION LADIES I Our entire stock of Goods are for sale AT COST. Call and get bargains, all who want Bonnets, Dress and Bonnet Trimmings, Hoop Skirts, Ac. MISS. HAWLEY & IN DLL. May 3, 1839 tf ZL-faxxci for Sale. .1 Rare Chance is noir offered to Lny one of the Handsomest Farms in Western North Carolina. rilllH subscriber being desirous to remove from the X country, oilers for sale the PLANTATION on which she now resides, lying 4 miles from Charlotte on the Western Plank Road. The land is now in a high state of cultivation. In the yard is a Well of fine, cool Water The Plantation lias been niucii nnpi o eu ... the last few years. The Dwelling House and out-build-inga are all new. There is also a young Diehard of several hundred fine choice FRUIT TREES on the plantation, bearing this the second year. Tins Plan tation is very healthy, and is beautifully situated, con taining .". Acres, one half of which is cleared. 8- Terms made to suit the purchaser. For par ticulars enquire of the subscriber oathepremtes. MRS. A. M. STEVENSON. May 10, 18.'.9. tf TREASURER'S OFFICE,) Wil. Char. Ac Ruthford Railroad. ) Wilmington, N. C, May 7, 1859. In conformity with an order of the Board of Direct ors notice is hereby given that a special m-eting ot the Stockholders of this Company, to consider the amendments made to its charter by the General Assem bly of North Carolina at its late session, will be held m Uockingham, Richmond county, on the 22d day ot June liext. DAVID S. COWAN, Secretary and ireasr. Foreign Intelligence. LATE FEOM EUROPE. The general battle eommrnee,,. The Avstrians defeated after a severe battle of four hours. A battle was fought on the 21st of May, near Moutebello. It is stated that the Austrians, fifteen thousand strong, attacked the position of Marshal Paraguay d' ililliers, and after four hours furious combat, were repulsed, with a heavy loss in killed and two hundred prisoners. The Allies carried the city of Montebcllo; but did not pursue the Austrians further. The French loss is reported to have been 700 killeih The actual number of the French engaged in the battle is not known, but is estimated at between six and seven thousand, besides a regiment of Sardinian cavalry. The allies lost many officers and one Austrian colonel was among the captured. The Austrian "account of the battle, however, differs widely from the foregoing. bulletin announces that the extreme left of the Sardinian army, under General Baldini, had forced a passage over the river Sesia, putting the Austrians to flight. tien. Garibaldi had entered Gaven with six thousand men for revolutionary purposes. It is rumored that six Uritish men of-war had entered the Adriatic. Revolutionary movements arc reported in Lom- bardy. , , . The King of Naples is dead and Francis the second has assumed the government. A general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraphic Company had been called to sanction the agreement with the British government, and to issue 000,000 new capital. The Paris Moniteur announces that V ranee adheres to the abolition of privateering, and that the neutral flag covers the enemy's goods. 62-5t Notice. Ml person? indebted to us for the last quarter need aut expert to huv Coods from us any longer on a credit. ' . .. i ... .Y. .. ii..., .Htl.s business: therefore, it von are indebted to us for a longer pel io,. -all and pax, fur ..n the first day of April your cre.m ... "1 We positively intend to enforce the above eve,, with 1 ... i i .... , will be taken. om i.e-i menus. t v , . -, r r Ml Account due for last year that are not paid by the 1st of April, will be MaMCU om , H. I!, tt ILLIAMS .v LO. Starch 29, 1839. ffJS n'IME-IT TJLO7Jl, Fresh and eood Low for cash. II. it. WlLMA.ua v. i v- 3KESII soDA CRACKERS for sale by the Box. L1 11. B. U Ibl.lA.MO a. v v.. (JPERIOR Ult COFFEE, also JAMAICA. 11. B. WILLIAMS ' IS 8 mw B15LS. IHU'ULK REFINED CRCSHEP SCtJAR, J Cheap by the bbl. II. 15. WILLI A.MS .V CO. O afl. BAGS extra familv Flour, warranted good. p3f II. B. WILLIAMS .v Ct. LBS. GOOD COI NTRY BACON, For sale. II. B. WILLIAMS I CO. VLE YARN AND DOMESTIC. II. 1). WILLIAMS ft CO. March Jf. 1859 l-tl ittij VSSES. kei.t on hand and MADE TO .IK . i P I I.-1 ; be IS Ma 11 April M, 1S.VJ. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. Clothing Emporium. ONCE MORE, friends and patrons, u e nniie yuu vUit the Emiiorium and examine the largest, best-made, and cheapest stock of ttimicsicr tiomiiiii ever offered in Western Carolina. We say the cheap est, because a e get our goods olnerenny iromauj o. ..e. house. We buy the materials trom liiipoueis uujm- i .A....v-ti.ro thi rlothinsr ourselves, thereby uers am. ni.uiui. . mving the manufacturer's profit. All we can wish ot the people is to give us a trial, and we are confident we can sell. . erery article to customers, and will make good any de ficiency that may occur ai mwerau m " are now receiving 105 Black Cloth Coal all gra.les. , . . 230 " French Eng. Drap d'Etc Frocks & Sacks. 120 ' Alpaeea and Queen's do. do. Fancy Cassimere Suits. 50 Plain & FYv Marseilles do. 300 Spanish Linen and linen Duck Sacks & Sacktcers. Fullings, Springs & Co. April 26, 1959. Just Received) 205 Pairs Black Cassimere Pants. 4"M " Faaev ' ,o ii plain .V. Fcv Linen & Marseilles Pants, at FL'LLINGS, SPRINGS CO. in i iviiS SPRINGS & CO. ' have received 200 Pdaek Satin and figured Urenaoinc .-uk 1 Mi Fancy Cassimere u -,i) and Plain Linen and Marscillea AT ALL PRICES. x xttcI for S5XlO- The subsi riber offers for sale all his Lauds lying in the county of Fnion, on the waters of Goose a... rook ed Creeks, viz: One tract lying on the waters ol ( rook ed creek, adjoining Dr. E. C. Alexander, John roard. R0bt. Mann and others: one other tract adjoining said Sac and John A. Lemmond, Henry Shell and other,. No, one tract on the waters of Goose creek, adjourn,, DrB C Mexander, EH Stewart, the Marion Gold Mine and others: together with another tract a.ljo.n.ng A Stevens and others, lying on both sides ot the awvers' Road h ading from Charlotte to n adesboro. IL or all of the above-named lands will be sold privately to any erson desirous of purchasing between this and the 1-t o. tobcr ueSt. TERMS made known on application to the Pabscri- ' . ,... .fl.vMil.lies.s- ber near Eli Stewart's in i " vi - -v iBg me at Coburn's Store, kyr, April 20. Sm-pd Sulphur and Chalybeate Springs. Great Attraction. TE HAVE RECEIVED this day (utn oi aaij a general Stoek of NKW SUMMER CJOODS. This Stock having been bought late in the season, at rrreatly reduced prices, we will sell at prices so very row that it will astonish the buyer. Call and see our New Style Double June, Organdie and Berage Robes, Lace Points, Trimm'd Bonnets, Uooji -Skirts. Small-size Palm-leaf Fans, Shell Bonnet-Pins, &c, &. AVe have received a GENERAL ASSORTMENT of All kinds of joo1s, which will be sold at a very small advance on cost. We are offering a great many of our Summer Coods X, Cost, to close olTour Stock. Call SOON. llrowii V Stilt. May 30, 1859. 63-3t Tiik Administration and its abusers. Some people appear to think that the present administration is more abused than any preceding it, and argue therefrom that Mr. Buchanan must have lost die confidence of the country by some improper act, Those who indulge in this sort of speculation must have short memories or know little of the history of our count ry. Jefferson, Madison, and Jackson, all had to pass through this fiery hut enduring what they, and all who take a decided and manly part, must expect from the opposition. We have seen within a few daj3 past the Black Republicans uniting to do honor to the birthday of Jefferson The very men who, while he lived, exhausted language and their own ingenuity in framing terms of abuse and reproach, hypocritically pretend reverence for his name and laud him as the first of statesmen. So with Jackson; those to whom his very name was hateful, and who could not believe it possible for him to do or say anything that was right are now prepared to endorse him as j an able statesman and the truest of patriots. So will it be with Mr. Buchanan. Little School GiRb Killed by Anoth er At Alleghany City, Pa-, on Thursday, a little girl nar ed Elizabeth Jane Bossier, nine years old, was struck by another girl named Elkcn, twelve years of age, as is supposed with a stone, from the effects of which she died. STATISTICS OP ITALY The Annuario Statistieo Italiano for 158 pub lishes tiic following details, which are of interest at the present moment : "The population of Italy amount to no loss than 27,107,047 inhabitants. They are divided into ' fifteen circumscriptions: S, containing I9yI3,3U4 souls, are under Italian governments; and Seven, with a population of 7,10:1,7 43, obey foreigh rule. Italy contains 110 provinces and 10,012 communes and is one of the countries in which the largest ; cities and' towns are to be found, 10 of them hav- j ing more than 50,000 inhabitants and eight Borne j i Naples, raclermo, Venice, Florence, Milan, Genoa, I ! and Turin exceed 100,000. Almost all the population are Boman Catholics, the number of those who profess other Christian creeds only i amounting to 36,676, and the Jews to 41,407. ! The births far exceed deaths; the increase in the j population is particularly remarkable in Sicily and i Tuscany, where it may double in seventy-three years. Italy alone has nearly one-half as many bishoprics as there are in the wnoie oi nnrupe, 256 out of 535. The average is 00,000 Catholics for each diocese, and in the Roman State there is one bishop for 400,000 souls. secular clertrv of both sexes 1 count in Italy 180,000, and they are, as compared with the number of the population, as 1 to 142. i The clergy are more numerous in Sicily than in ; any part of Italy, perhaps in the whole worhb the I number of priests, monks, or nuns being 33,220, ftir one out of 00 inhabitants. There are nearly j 300 journals published in Italy, of which number I 117 are in the Sardinian States, although they ! contain only one-filth of the total population. About the middle of 1858 Jtuly possessed i,o kilometres (five-eighths of a mile each) of rail road completed; 2.330 in course of construction; and 034 for which concessions have been granted. One of the principal branches of industry is the production of silk, and in ordinary years the value of that, article is from 200.000,0001'. to 230,000, 0001. Lombardy alone, which is only the fifteenth part of Italy, produces one-third. The revenues of the different Italian States amount to about 000, 000 000f and the expenses to 040,000,000f. The public debt is 2,000,000f. Commerce is active, but business is much impeded by the high tariffs in many of the States, and by the lines of custom houses. The mercantile marine of Italy is more numerous, in proportion to the extent of the coun try, than that of any other nation in Europe, Eng land excepted." SEVENTH VOLUME NUMBER S65. OBITUARY FIBS. A story of a good man's lilc, simply and truth fully related while the mold is yet fresh upon his grave, is one of the most instructive and impressive Lsons which the press can present, to the rising generation. If all the obituary notices published fn the newspapers were of this class, editors might be forgiven if they omitted to censure with duo. ri-'or the misdeeds of departed scoundrels. But the mercy of silence is all which the utmost stretch of benevolence can righteously accord to the memories of the vicious. The Latin apothegm de mortnus nil nisi honum "Speak only good ol the dead" is in the highest degree mischievous as a social maxim. To gRM over, cxeuso or justify the criines of bad men who have passed to their account, is treason to the living. We have too ! much of this post-mortem flattery. Death abates ! a nuisance like a faithful scavenger removes a ! piece ol moral putrefaction from our midst. But i at the heels of Death comes the lit, raryembahver i intent on perfuming with the incense of coiuph i incnt what the worms, if they had intellect, would ! disdain to touch. The deceased is returned upon our hands transfigured, clothed in sinning lai nient, and surrounded with all the glories supposed to belong to the just made perfect. Too olteii the "Well graced actor leaves the stage " unhonored and uusung, while the exit of the rich and bloated sensualist is followed by a flourish ol trumpets. Tf Um .imoM and denraved are good lor any thing when dead, it is to "point a moral," not to ''adorn a tale ;" and should feelings ot sympathy and respect for those they leave behind them lor- bid the press to paint tnem in vuvir .v, let it at least abstain from whitewashing their in famy. A false and flattering obituary notice of a hypocrite, a ruffian, or any other species of seuun- lit drcl. id the meanest thing a mean man can Notice. AH persons aw herein- cautioned against hunting with -runs or dogs, or fishing with net or tackle, or m n wise trespassing upon my lands, as the law in such rases will he rigidly enforce.! against every one s offending. A. BRBVARD DAVI0SOS. Mav j. !.-:.: 3w Notice. F. SCARR having purchased the entire interest in the firm of F. SCARK CO., the Business wiU here- I aft. be continued hy himself personally. j t- -- Ul Notes and A. counts due the late firm ot F. Sean .v Co., to January K n,U;;t hc Pfd ! to F. SCARR by July lt. or they will be placed in the haadof an Attorney for iavmediate collection. Ray 17, 1 b.v.t. " tf i Negroes Wanted, : Iwaattobny Kegro Boys and Girts from 12 to is year old, for which ike highest prices in cash will he ... l A tUn Mineral The andersigned Having preiw Springs 31 ntUes north of Shelby, and having made . . . rTenints on the eomm-lious buildings ected during the past two vears by their owner Dr. W m. 1 ar- : , Takes this method of informing the invalid and trailing public that he is prepared to accommodate ill who mav please call on him. Tlie wate'rs'have heen snfliciently tried to prove them verv valuahleas a deohstruenr. alterative and tome Ul seeking either health or pleasure are united to come and try the waters and XYKn. Shelby. X. O, May -20. 1859. RAIINWEILER & BROTHERS, ( Second Door from T. II. Brem tf: Go's.) ii vp nn nntire new Stock of fancy and staple Dry Goods and Millinery, to which they invite the attention of the citizens of this place and surround ing country. Our Stock consists of every variety, and of the latest styles. Rich col d Kress Silks, Boiled Hlk Silks. Bl'k and col d Berage". u i. loMinta :.nil Orsrandies. 1 H U. ii r- Jac't snd Org'eRobes and double J opes, rrints of various styles and all qualities, Best qualities of Kid Gloves. lick-Nick Mitts, col'dA Bl'k cotton &silk (.loves. Hosiery, of all kinds. Bonnets, Misses & Chid'n Flats St Jockies, Bonnet Ribbons. Lace Points and Mantillas. Linen and Pique Dusters Table Damask & Cloths; Damask Napkins and Doylies. Embroideries. . i . Pomp-a-donr a..d Pkolomini Collars and Setts. Swiss and Cambric Collars. Maltese and Valencie Sleeves. Musliu k Lace Sleeves new designs. Emb'd l'oeket Hdkfs. HemStitched & Bord Hkfs. Camb'c and Swiss Edgings and Inscrtings. Cambc and Dimity Bands and Flouncmgs. Lisle and French Th d Edgings and Inscrtings. Bl'k Lace Edgings. Bl'k Lace Veils. Dress Trimming-. Fringes, Braid, Buttons, &c. Hoop Skirts of all kinds. .....i suih.ctl Homes!. vuis. Brown Shirtings and Sheetings. Bleached Long Cloth Sheetings. Cotton Osnaburgs Marseilles C'ailts, and v;o a trreat variety of fancy articles. We oiler our Stoek at remarkably low prices, and bxclvsively for CASH. In addition to our large Stock of Dry Goods ' jre have on hand the best stock of superior RhADY-MAUb CLOTIIIXG, Hoots, Shoes. Trunks, Valises, and Carpet Bags; and a large assortment of Family Groceries, Saddlery, and Hardware at low prices. May 24, 1859 Kt iho i.iAotino-of the Presbyterian General Assembly in session at Indianapolis, the chairman of the committee on church extension made his f ti. .,! rennrt showini.' that out of '?, 7 churches in connection with the General Assembly, ' 553 have no houses of worship; 26 churches ! worship in union houses; 108 report their houses insufficient for their present wants; 191 were in debt; ! 77 had aid from abroad in building their churches. l.l without aid from the church at lnre. The report shows that the contributions for church extension have been steadily increasing. Fkost and Locusts. The Hamilton (N. Y.) Democratic Union reports a severe frost in that locality nipping corn and other vegetables just ci,0 rrr,.,...l The fruit trees escaped. The com was thought not to be injured so as to hinder it acrainst sprouting. There have been a severe white frost through out Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, and the eastern part of Connecticut, but vegetation was not materially injured. Important to French Adopted Citizens. Secretary ('ass, in reply to a letter from a naturalized French citizen of Memphis, Icon., says it is understood that the French Government claims military service Irom all natives of France who may be found within its jurisdiction. Naturalization in this country will not exempt a party from that claim should he voluntarily repair to France. Slate of N. Carolina, Mecklenburg Co. Superior Court of LawSpring Term, 1859. ORDERED by Court that a Special Term of this Court be held on the seconu .uonua ... o Suitors and witnesses in civil cases will please take I notice and attend. . i May 25th. Test, J. B. KERR, Clerk CAROLINA CITY HOTEL. Parrott & Newborn, Proprietors. THIS Magnificent Hotel has heen enlarged to near ly double its original size, an addition ot eighty- ht feet having been added on uauruau Slave Marriages. An interesting report has just been submitted by the Convention of the ..tb trolina Knisconal Church, at their session :.. io ;.. n tn thtt lnarriiit'e -of slaves, the 111 . ' l' , in ' ' . ' - O m , ij the Rnhatance ul' the decision arrived lWllVUl"p. w - 111 at by the committee. The relation of husband .....l i lpf hired to be of divine institution, llll'l MV. RU - and to be equally binding on the slave as on the master. The injunction oi tne inaviour loiutuuiug r 1 . , i coven-.f inn of husband and wife is obligatory UIIV, CI'M' vv - w on the master, and every master should so regulate i;nBl of the slave as not to infringe the LIlVj 7WW - divine injunction. Voluntary abandonment ou ii... rrt ..f'ii irif.rvind slave oiiL'bt to come within lilt Al U V " " t the same rule as in the ease of a free person; but nt tl.o nl.;.ii(hininent is involuntary, and caused It UK, II inv mw--w-- , by circumstances without the control ofthe parties, 1 nf a 2d marriage would often produce ill'. a v ---. v r r t much evil and hardship; but, to giving its sanction the Convention would do iJ OUV" m J so in the qualified language applied by the Apostle to cases of self-restraint. The report makes the remarkable statement that there is no instance in I 9nnli Pnr.dina of a leal divorce. UUUVU RVR." O Hkavy Damaoes. In the case of Miss B. 0. ('arshing against Henry Shaw, Ksq., at St. Louis, for breach of promise of marriage, tho jury, on Thursday afternoon last, rendered a verdict for the full amount of the petition of the plaintiff Si 90,000. It is understood that counsellor the defendant will tile a demand to have the verdict set aside, and also a petition for a new trial. Miss C. is said to be a very beautiful young lady of 25, follows the calling of a milliner, and is the daughter of a now deceased methodist preacher. Camels on an Alabama Plantation. The Selina (Ala.) Sentinel ofthe 20th May, says: The Camels purchased bj Mr. Woolsey, from Capt. Machado last week, seem to answer many ... ,.r..i Tim other dav one of the nni- inals, with rider, brought twelve bushels ot shelled com to town to mill. So oac camel, in milling alone, will answer the purposes of a wagon and two ' - ... . .i i : mules, and will travel over tne grotimi iour urnon as ciuick as the mules. We understand that they 1 . ... . 1 ...1 Al.M lave been tried in tne piougn, anu m si .nrnose admirably, being docile and easily manag ed. TW An.ua vni.u .Tiiv The KiiLdish nancrs j I . . 1 II.' . i ..V . i . .lonth of Mml Younir. a lady of high social nosition, who died under the excitement 1 , , . . t i i.ii: ,.f 1 1. produced by receiving tne joyiui intelligence oi election of her nephew to the House of Commons. Tlie wite of a sea captain, ill rmgianu, iaiciy uicu from joy, in consequence of the return of her husband alter an absence oi seven years. i.l tn Vic a woman in Texas, who i ii' i lu rj- - would die from joy if her husband, (an editor of a newspaper; would go away ana stay seven year.-. tf TEA Stage s. c. Rati the De Oct, OHAtbOffl K0S8i, J. n. KEKH, Proprietor. VFItV ACCOMMOUA1.1UJ aiiO.UAu me Ci patrons ofthe Charlotte Hotel. At iliisllotel is kept the line of Tri-weekly v..... 1 rlntte via Monroe, . L., anu . . i i2 i ' IM RUIUCI1, p. v. . - ns ofthe Charlotte Hotel conreyed to and from BY - ..- r SfpRin Flouring Mill in this place Pea Ml for feeding cows and stoek. Also, we have on hand at all times. Family, Extra huperhne and coarse Floor. We warrant our laimly Hour rn Meal and Grits can always be, hU .henl. Anril 10. 1859 YoHng' Smut fl.ichines. Of A. Dickson's make, consUnt, j on bgdj.-lr - at RSOCCKD PRICKS. 1 f August 17, 1856. Client ieei iut n.fi " . , . presenting an imposing hunt uuttieuiaieij in uc u. the Atlantic Ocean. ... The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stones high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eighteen teet, affording a Delightful Mromcnade. From this stand-point the beholder can scan the Ocean in the south. Rogue Sound in the south-west, the Har bor with all its shipping. Fort Macon and three Light Houses in the south-east, affording a range of OCEAN SCENERY that is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will he in the hands of Mr H. EKAMBERT, (formerly of the Fay etteville Hotel.) whose taste and skill so eminently i . .. . - - r. t,, .,11 the ouests tet'l as it tliey i noaitnes aim iei ......"t, b TheaT servants the country could afford have 1 been secured , r Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for PFrttRATION AND ENTERTAINMENT. , Oar steamboat will make regular trips to Daufori, the lulet, the Fort, and often on Extra Excursions, hil eourBaao or Mrsic will be eve- '.discoursing sweet sounds '' to the ear of those who shall favor ii W Our SIR wii? mrnish choice liquors of all kinds; our BILLIARD ROOM is in good order, and our LOW - LNG LLEY will be constantly up , , taimnent of those who have a teste fur these healthful eercies. and our READING ROOM will contain hies of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodical, PUehs1ck will find our BATHING HOUSES a matter of trreat comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can g. entire salisfaction; we shall, at least, spare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all 'f xotick -As the train arrives after dark c.ch ,er ons aoing to Beaufort will do well to stop evening persons going to o conveved Zr:lty To go he lext nay, in a steamboat Ir llu bos. ana tlnis be saved the trouble of a d agreeable night trip across the water. 1 "Carolina City, May 13, 1830. "m A Happy Man. George W. Kendall, formerly editor ofthe New Orleans Picayune; but who for a number of years past has lived upon his farm, neai New Bratmfela, Texas, writes thus glowingly to a friend in Boston : I have now about foe thousand sheep, and all fine stock. I realized over seventy five per cent, profit per annum on the investment since 1 have been here, which will do for hard times. Flocks now in healthier and finer condition than ever My good luck has now lasted three years without Origins last Christinas 1 II LCI DIMDIUU RV,RRR-w-" i time, with my wife and oldest girl; was gone six I - AO R '.1 1 T ,,1.1. weeks, which was quite long cnougu. x uum i; ? iiv if warn would crive nie one. I .V M. v.. j j O . . . 1 am in the enjoyment of the very best health vais vmmimc than 1 was 10 years ! clliu au. j . O . ' m . . 1 X 1. . . 1.1 t . . w .. ..... I ago and twentv vears gaineu in mrw "c u. a mi ' passed the middle age is something worth the j i while. No such country as this for children on the lace of the earth. It is never hot here never cold, always pleasant. Bk Ag iikeable. In journeying along the Road of fife, it is a wise thing to make our fellow t,.,,tn.i ...ir friend The wav. touch though it lIUlVjlOlU w mm m ' - - m ' seem, may be pleasantly beguiled with an inter- . . 1 1 A ' . J change of kindly omccs anu pteaaam woiuf. Suavity and forbearance are essential element of good companionship, and no one need expect to pass through life who does not habitually exercise them in his intercourse with his fellows. The Islimaclite whose hand is against every man may die in a ditch without a finger being outstretched to save him. And why should we rudely jostle and shoulder our neighbors? why tread upon each other's toes? The christian gentleman is always careful to avoid such collisions, for courtesy and loyalty to his race arc a portion of his moral and religious creed; to be loved and honored of all, his highest earthly ambition, lie seeks 10 turn away wrath with a soft answer, and if a brawler obsti nately beset his path, he steps aside to avoid him, saying as my Uncle Toby said to the pertinacious fly, "Go thy way; the world is wide enough for thee and me. When a Kentucky Judge, some years since, : was asked by an attorney, upon some strange ruling "Is that law, your Honor?" "If the Court understand herself, and she think she do, it are." Facts Worth Knowing. It is asserted that a man's finger nails grow their complete length in four months and a half. A man living seventy years, renews his nails one hundred and eighty j times. Allowing each nail to be half an inch long, i he has grown seven feet and nine inches of finger nail, ou'each fingers and thumbs an aggregate of ( spvpntv-seven feet and six inches. This shows ' j that nature intended that men should ' scratch for I a living. v w itmm Fate. A white man v A -R mrm ih i i ( married a colored girl, out at Chicago, knowing that she was heiress to a large property. Her friends were dissatisfied with the match, and one day last week he died suddenly from the effect of a dose of poison, by whom administered is not known, but it is remarked that his colored "breth ring" arc not going into mourning on his account. tm - Eneroy The longer I live the more certain I am that the great difference between men M ;nergy invincible determination an honest pur- vfld :md then death or victory '1 hiH I jrz vitvv i - quality will do anything that can be done in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, no oppor tunity, will make one man without it. A San Francisco letter says: "It docs one good to see ho'.r rapidly the Chinamen are becoming civilized under the tuition of Young America hereabouts. I saw four of them coining home - .... a .&rfi Aiir fin inn rand vcatcnJav, beliiou a pair of fast horses, all very drunk, smoking cigars, and giving other evidence of progress. 1 he one that was driving made a ludicrous fist of it ho pented in standing up in the carriage and putting one bet on the dasher. A Chinaman behind was hauling taut on the pigtail to steady him, and they were in a high Btate of enjoyment, going it at a 2.40 gait." Heir On Tuesday seventy bushels of new prime white wheat, sold at Charleston, S. C, at $1 7o per bit, sel. Why is a chicken-pie like a gunsmith's shop? Because it contains fowl-in-picccs. pots free of charge. 1, IsiS. J. B. KERR, i paio. M..y 1 7 , ; SAML. A. HARRIS.

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