3- ft :." rvi ? 7 O 37" 37" I O 3H ON T1IK T SIDE OF TRADE STREET S3 per aiixmm CHARACTER 18 AS IMPORTANT TO STATES AS IT IS TO INDIVIDUALS, AND THE GLORY OF THE ONE IS THE COMMON PROPERTY OP THE OTHER. WE IN" ADVANCE. WH&MAM 3 YATIS, Eoit Ajro proprietor. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1859 E I G T II V 0 L II M E N UMBER S9. ft h c wester (Published every Tuesday o) ilV WM VA'I'KS, EiHTwK AM Plioi'KlETOR. Krwt A. YATES, Associate Editor. -noSFS 3Rj, pes asswisbisc: 5 If paid in uilvaii' i- ?2 00 II paid within month.- - 50 II ;..iid al'llr the vjiiiatii.u oftheyiar, 3 00 l-,-' 'Any person sending us five xkw subscribers, utapaaied hy the advance subscription ($10) will i . civ a sixth copy gratis for one year. . . miIi -i ! ii i .' aad others who saay wish to send v to us. csss do so I y mail, at uur risk. o Mtalcs of .Idctrt isitig-: i rjuare ef 14 lines or less, for .': ssoaths, S ',f " ; " a 00 u u u 1J H I) M i i:i - -ii!:ire. or fc first insertion. 1 00 I. .a ii subsequent iasertion 25 1-,; "Traasieat ad vertisensea ts must be paid for in ; - For aaaoanciag Candidates for Office, $5 in ' dviture. J ; Advertisesseata not marked n the maaasc I ipt ti r a serific mr, will be inserted tint it forbid, and cbdrgol acrordilijfly. .1. M. MILLER, M. 1)., Practitioner of Medicine and Surgery, M. v 10th. Office opposite Kerr's Hotel. I). 15. UEA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to I - Prwfcasioaal eare. okkick oppasm Kcaaa Hotel. March 1 I. le.Vj y A. C. WILLIAMSON, .1 TTORXEJT AXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, II. i- taken an office jointly with .1. A. Fox. Esq, ap-stairs next door to the Court lloBSC, where he will be con stuntly present ti attead t all calls on professional business made for hiatselTor for Mr Fox when he is afaeeat. January 4. 1839. tf J. A. F Attorney at JLsclt7V, (tthce mexi door Ij the Court lfir, UpStrin V. C. WILLIAMSON. Esq., who i- a joint occupant of the office, and who will be aaiforntly present, will nttead to professional lnisiness for me in my abseace. December 21, 1358 tf ROBERT (ilBBOX, H. D.. PRACTITIONER OF EDI CINE A."I Office No. '1 fin's tvrser, Charlotte, X. C. Deccaiber 14, I.s;,8. JAS T. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHARLOTTE, N. C, Will practice in the Courts of Meckleaborg and the adjoiaiag counties. - The collection of claims promptly attended to. March U, y T. II. BREM & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX Iliit2!i, French and Ainci'ican Dry Goods, Carpets, Hardware, Hats and Shoes, Charlotte, X. V. THOMAS II. BREM, J. A. SADLER, Jr. XovO, 1858. T. LAFAYETTE ALEXANDER. I W. Ill rr. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, CONCORD, X. C Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. September 1 i. 1."8 y P. SAUHS, A.rchitecl and ISui!!cr Will faraisk Desigas, Plans ami Drawiags for Pablic Buildings, Private Ke.-idem es and Villas. Particular attention ii! be paid to bailding Floating Mills. Corn Mills, 4c. Urrics in 3d tory of Alexander's Baildiag, front room, over China Hall." Charlotte, Oct. 19, 1858. ETM Villi: INSURANCE COXFAftY. CASH ASSETTS, 3. 7.10,000. E. NYE UUTCH1S0N, Ajrcut. Charlotte, April 17. 1659 yr Notice. F. SCAUR having purchased the entire interest in the firm of F. SCAUIt k CO.. the Basinets will here after be continued by himself personally. I.v All Notes and Accounts due the late firm of I Scarr A: Co.. to January 1st. 18,"i!, must be paid in l r' SCARR by July 1st, or they will be placed iu the hand of an Attorney for immediate collection. May K. 1859. " If llfl ATTRASSES, kept on hand and MADE TO 111 ORDER, by April 26, 1859. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. li f CM IViiK.IT I LOI li. Fresh and uood Low for cash. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. The Charlotte Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, CtOXTINUES to take risks against loss by fire, on ' Houses, (Joods, Produce. at usual rates. President A. C. STEELE. IV. President C. OVERMAN. .lrora3 jos. II. WILSON. &c ru E. NYE HUTCHISON. DIRE CTORS: A. C. STEELE. S. T. WRISTON, J NO. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, M. B. TAYI.oU. F. SCARR, ("HAS. OVERMAN. 7 rntire Committee S. T. Wriston, F. Scarr, Jno. I Iirown. April 20, 1850. j BY .1. B. KERR, Proprietor. J? VERY ACCOMMODATION afforded the A patrons of the Charlotte Hotel. At this Hotel is kept the line of Tri-Weeklv Stages from Charlotte via Monroe, X C. and Lancaster S. C, to Camden, S. C. Oct. I. 1858. J. R. KERR. Choice Salad Oil. Eagle Brand. A FRESH BUDldv of this delicious and nure Oil inst in received ami tor sale at SCAUR'S J nne 7, Familv Drag Store. Just Received, 205 Pairs Black Cassiinere Pants. 4(j " Fancy " " 280 " Plain' k F'cv Linen k Marseilles Pants, at FI LLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. I IITLLIXGS, SPRINGS k CO. have received 200 Black Satin and figured Grenadine Silk Vests. 154 Fancy Cassitnere l; 250 ' and Plain Linen ami Marseilles " AT ALL PRICES. m O R T II ( A BSOBil A MILITARY INSTITUTE Charlotte, N. C. HE Exercises of this Institute will commence on the 1st Ctobcr next. FACULTY ELECT : Maj. D. II. HILL, Superintendent. LlKUT. C. C. LEE, Commandant, C. P. ESTILL, A. M., Principal of Primary iJepart meut. Course of Stutliet : In the Primary Department, such as to qualify a Student to enter any College. In the Scientific Department the West Point Cur riculum will lie closely followed. It will he the aim ol the Professors to make Surveyors. Engineers, Chemists, and men fit for the practical business of life. In addition to the usual Exercise at Military Schools, the months of Augast and September will lie spent in Campaigning through the mountains of North Carolina. Tin- Academic Year will commence on the 1st day of October, and will embrace twelve months. A furlough of two months (Aug. and Sept.) will he given to Cadets at the end of their second year. Particular attention will he given to the moral and religious instruction of Cadets. EXPENSES: The Institute will provide board, Fuel, Lights, Wash ing, Arms. Equipments and Cniforms, and all cloth ing except aader clothes, for 300 PER ANNUM, one-half payable in advance: the balance in six months. At) extra charges. No remission of charges to those who leave unless on-the score of health. TERMS OF A DM1 SSI OX: No one will lie admitted into the Primary Depart ment under Twelve years of age: nor into the Scien tific Dki'autmkxt under Fifteen nor over Twenty-one veats of age. All connected with the Scientific De partment will be required to hoard in the Institute; those in the Primary Department may do so if they choose. REMARKS; Th Institute Buildings are the largest, most elegant and commodious for the accommodation of Cadets in the Southern country: and the Hoard of Directors trust that under the management of the Superintendent and Commandant, (both of whom are Graduates of West Point and of long experience in the Army, and in the business of instruction.) the Institute will be established on a true Military basis and conducted on true Military principles. The board will further say, that Mr ESTILL is a Graduate of the Virginia University and an ex perienced Classical teacher. They would further state that it is their intention to increase the number of teachers in both Departments as the patronage of the public may require. This Institute was granted a liberal Charter by the Legislature of North Carolina, with the power of con ferring Degrees upon those who complete the pre scribed Course of Studies. Applications fir admission will be received until the 1st of September, and must be directed to Dr. C. .1. Fox. President of the Hoard, Charlotte, N. C. For further particulars see Circular. C. J. FOX. J AS. P. IRWIN, II. LaF. ALEXANDER .IAS. H. CARSOft, I IIUS. U. HB&M, Y W. A. OWENS, Com. of Charlotte, J. B. KERR. Intendant of Charlotte. Charlotte, N. C, April 12. 1P.VL KAINWEILER Jt BROTHERS, (Second Door from T. If. JJrcm & HAVE opened an entire new Stock of Co.) f . a new S.ocK oi rancv ana taple Dry Goods and Millinery, to which they invite the attention ot the citizens of tins place and surround ing country. Our Stock consists of ever variety, and of the latest styles. Rich col d Dress Silks, Boiled Blk Silks. Bl'k and col d Berages. French Jaconets and Organdies. Jac't and Org'e Robes and double Jupes. Print- of various styles and all qualities, Best qualities of Kid Gloves. Pick-Nick Mitts, col d Bl'k cotton tsilk Gloves. Hosiery, of all kinds. Bonnets, Misses & Chid'n Flats k Jockies, Bonnet Ribbons. Lace Points and Mantillas. Linen and Pique Dusters Table Damask & Cloths; Damask Napkins and Doylies. Embroideries. Pomp-a-don rand Picoloniini Collars and Setts. Swiss and Cambric Collars. Maltese and Valcncie Sleeves. Muslin k Lace Sleeves new designs. Emb'd Pocket Ildkfs. HemStitched & Bor'd llkfa. Camb'c and Swiss Edgings and Insertings. Camb'c and Dimity Bands and Flouncing. Lisle and French Th'd Edgings and Insertings. Bl'k Lace Edgings. Bl'k Lace Veils. Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Braid, Buttons, kc. . Hoop Skirts of all kinds. Plaid and Striped Homespuns. Brown Shirtings and Sheetings. Bleached Long Cloth Sheetings. Cotton Osnaburgs Marseilles Quilts, and Also, a great variety of fancy articles. We offer our Stock at remarkably low prices, and exi'li sively for CASH. In addition to our large Stock of Dry Goods, we have on hand the best stock of superior READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, aud Carpet Bags; and a large assortment of Family roceries, Saddlery, and Hardware at low prices. May 24, 1853 tf LIFE NOW-A-DAYS. Life is but a span of horses; One is "Age," the other "Prime;" Up and down the hill our course is; "(Jo it ponies" "make your time." Boyhood plies the whip of pleasure; Youthful folly gives the stroke, Manhood goads them at his leisure, "Let 'em rip," "they're tough as oak." "Hi, ya! there!" the stakes we'll pocket, To the wind let care be sent, Time 2.40. "Whip in socket, (jive 'em string, nnd let 'em went." On the sunny road to fifty, "Prime" is drowned in Lethe's stream; "Age" is left lame, old, unthrifty, Life then proves a one-horse team. "Ae" jogs on, grows quite unsteady, Keels and slackens in his pace; "Kicks the bucket" always ready: lives it up -Death wins the nice. UNITED BAPTIST INSTITUTE. The Eighth Session of the United Baptist Institute at Taylorsville, N. C, will commence on the Sccoixl Monday ol" July, and continue for 21 weeks. Board can be had in the most respectable families at from S't'i to $40 per session, exclusive of lights, and including washing, wood. etc. Taitioa from $10 to $l- contingent fee $1. Teachers II. T. Burke, Principal ; W. R. (iaultney, Assistant. References The Faculties of the University, of Davidson College, and of Wake Forest College. A. CARSON, Secretary. June 28, 1859 t;7-4t F. SCARR, (Late Scarr Co.) Chemist & Druggist Charlotte, AT. RESPECTFULLY invites attention to his complete stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS and MEDI CINES, selected with great care and without regard to price; purity and quality being especially regarded. To Physicians. New Chemicals and Drugs just received. Hypophos phites of Soda and Potass, Tilden's Fluid Extracts, Churchill's Syrup of the Hypophosphites, Amnion Ferric Alum. Perchlorate of Iron (solid.) kc. Country Merchants Will find at this establisment a full assortment of articles in the Drug line at Charleston Prices. Babbit's Pure Potash, in tins. Concentrated Lye, Soap Potash, in harrels. Vinegar, N ntniegs, Allspice, Cloves. Mace. dinger, Pepper, -o Cinnamon, kc. Linseed Sperm Lard Oil, Train Oil. Tanners' " Sweet " A full supply of Paints. White Lead, Bed Lead, Paris (ireen, Chrome (Jreen, Chrome Yellow, Prussian Blue, Baw and Burnt Fniber, p .5q Terra de Sienna, etc., Elegant Preparations tor the Hair. Burnett's Cocoa. Savage's Ursina, Bazin's Ox Marrow, kc. At SCAUR'S Drug Establishment. Mav 31, 1857 CAROLINA CITY HOTEL Parrott & Mewborn, Proprietors. rMHIS Magnificent Hotel has been enlarged to nenr M 1- double its original size, an addition ot'eighU eieht feet having been added on Railroad street, thus presenting an imposing front immediately in view of the Atlantic Ocean. The veranda of this Hotel (which is three stories high) fronts towards the Ocean two hundred and eighteen feet, affording a I tel iff Filt 'til Promenade. From this stand-point the beholder can scan the Ocean in the south. Bogue Sound in the south-west, the Har bor with all its shipping, Fort Macon and three Light Houscs in the south-east, affording a range of OCEAN SCENERY that is scarcely elsewhere to be met with. The superintendence of this Hotel will be in the hands of Mr H. ERAM BERT, (formerJy of the Fay ettevillc Hotel.) whose taste and skill so eminently qualifies him. for making all the guests feel as if they were at home. The best servants the country could afford have been secured Those who stop with us will never be at a loss for R E G Ii E A T I O N" A N I E N TER T A I N ME S T . Our steamboat will make regular trips to Beaufort, the Inlet, the Fort, and often on Extra Excursion, while our Rand of Misic will he ever "discoursing sweet sounds '' to the ear of those who shall favor us with their Company. Our BAR will furnish choice liqr.ors of all kinds: our BILLIARD ROOM is in good order, and our BOYV LNG ALLEY will be constantly open for the enter tainment of those who have a teste for these healthful exercises, and our READING ROOM will contain files of the best newspapers, magazines, and periodicals published. The sick will find our BATHING HOUSES a matter of great comfort and a help to better health. We feel assured that in every respect we can give entire satisfaction: we shall, at least, spare no pains to do our whole duty, that all our guests may receive all possible attention. Take Notice. As the train arrives after dark each evening, persons going to Beaufort will do well to stop over night iu Carolina City, as they can be conveyed wherever they wish to go the next day, in a steamboat or sail boats, and thus be saved the trouble of a dis agreeable night trip across the water. Carolina City, May 12. 1S59. BBLS. DOUBLE REFINED CRUSHED SUGAR, Cheap by the bbl. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. 30 BAGS extra familv Flour, warranted good. II. B. WILLIAMS & CO. UPERIOR RIO COFFEE, also JAMAICA. H. B. WILLIAMS k CO. Magic Oil-Magic. A Fresh supply just received and for sale by E. N'YE HUTCHISON & CO. Jane 28, 1859. AND SEPARATION. The following re-marnaire and Lit of romance we clip from the Detroit Free Press: Their names were Fritz and Catharine, but in signing the documents, both put down the name of llandell as a surname, which caused an in quiry as to their consanguinity, and elicited the laci mat mey naa oeen marrieu peiqre. ine young bride, who was thus made the heroine of two weddings, was a modest looking German girl, I not pretty, but possessing one of those kind and j amiable countenances which redeem a multitude of defects in personal beauty, and convince us that there :.re sometimes bright an eels on earth whose divinity is not confined to red cheeks and rosy lips. If anybody could consistently subsist in a garret and make overalls and blue .shirts for a living, and never falter in the faith that her vin;:e would triumph some day, Cathaiine might. .She may have done it others may; but we have never had such a ease to report where the records were au thentic. It appeared from their story that they were married about three 3'ears ago in some East ern city, after an old country courtship ol' some years. On the wedding night some villainous lago whispered in the ear of the bridegroom re ports of a previous attachment on the part of the bride, which planted the germ of suspicion in his breast, and caused him to watch her with anything but fond attention. Naturally iealous. he found no difficulty in misconstruing and misapprehend ing, until he convinced himself that he was an in jured husband. Unhappiness and a divorce fol lowed, aud the young wife left the scene of her troubles and came to this city, where she honestly supported herself and a young child by hard labor. How it came about we did not question; but the young husband told it in pathetic words that his suspicions were dispelled by positive proof, and that his old love came back with a force invigora ted by the knowledge that she was waiting patient ly for hiin to do her justice. Letters that she wrote to friends, bedewed with midnight tears, and speaking with a doubting hope of the future of love and confiding trust always full, and of com plaint never mentioning revealed to him her true character, and he came to her and offered him self for a second time, speaking regretfully of the past and glowingly ot the future. Joyfully she consented, and, as he told the story, her 03Tes filled with tears, until at the conclusion, when he put out his hand and looked lovingly at her, she laid her head tiron his breast and wept like a child, regardless of the spectators, not one of whom was hardened enough to smile or jeer. The Cost of FoitF.ifiN Travel from a volume just published by Mr John B. j Ireland, t lie following information as to the ex ! pease of foreign travel. lie says : "Travelling in England, with moderate speed, : in first-class rail carriages, coaching, or occasional ; ly posting, when in out of the way places, always putting up at the best hotels in London, with rooms at lying's, and with meals there, or at the clubs, i costs about $9 or S10 per day. This is an average i expense for a gentleman to travel on, and live com- fortably, with a reasonable quantity of pood wine ; for dinner. On the continent the same can be ; done, including the living in Paris or any other capital, for 8( per day, at the hotel or good lodg i ings, and dining at the best restaurants. In Syria J or on the Nile, if travelling alone, the expense would be about S8 per day, or if with one friend j about 0 50, and two or three from 4 to 85. Usually every one travels there with one or two friends; as I always did, except the last time, when j I went to Palmyra. Then beyond Suez, the : steamer charges are on an average 5 or S25 per ; day, including wines, beers, &c, and the expense ! of the route known by the distance, as these vessels I never average over 180 miles a day. In fair ' weather, under the most disadvantageous circum ; stances, they reach nine to nine and a half miles an hour, and I have had an experience of eleven different steamers, and mostly their best." We suppose it would cost something less if the I wine was omitted, but Mr Ireland does not inform ; us how much les. m j PnouoiiT i Florida. A correspondent writes to the Savannah Republican a gloomy pro spect for crops in Florida. His letter, dated Wala hoola, June 17. says: "We have hail eight weeks of constant drouth, and in many portions of this country the ground has not been wet for three months. A vr.stquantity timber is dying and already dead in the upper part of this (Marion) county. We shall make no grain i in this section. BELTS! BELTS! For Wheat Threshers, FANS, Cotton Gins, Saw Mills, And Machinery of every description. The best Belting now in use, and far superior to leather in many respects. It Will not stretch, or draic on one side as leather. THE SUN WILL NOT AFFECT IT. Rain or water cannot injure it; it requires no oil; The rats will not cut it; your negroes will not steal it for strings or shoe soles: you can get any length ycu wish all in one piece without joints, and with good care it will last any farmer for twenty years. Orders accompanied with the cash will receive prompt attention, and the freight paid to any point on the Railroad or stage line. CASH PRICES: n -I 3 4 5 0 inch ... 12.J cents per foot. 15 " " 17 22 .32 .38 .60 .i 10 12 12 4 ply 2 Seamless Belts manufactured to order at short Conducting Hose of all sizes, for water o. steam pressures, ordered direct from the Manufactnrers. Also, Packing of all description, at 55 Cents Pern June 7, 1859 Charlotte, N. C. BATHING and Toilet SPOXGIS, a splendid lot. for sale at 1 4 TT'CI SCARRS June 7, Drug Store. MARRIAGE JOHN EASTMAN & THE DUMB BULL. from the Ycrkvillt Enquirer. Mistur Editur : I've bin a long time lowin tu tel you what happind up on Big Suggar Creek be tween John Eastman and the Jlumh-Kull, and how I gutintu hit tu. As hits bin a lone time ago. and John and me habit bin so mitey freendly a in. uiu su lav uui'iH v nuthur, l UT , .. , . ie reason 1 naintsaid notnin about nit afore now But as I've mooved up over the North Caroliua line, iiud pocple soys and talks purty much tis they pleas eny how up here, 1 reckon John won't think hard uv me ef 1 wus to tel hit on him. Wei, you see, John and I, when we wur young, we wur considerable sparks amongst the galls in the diggins rotfn Big Suggar Creek, but we both i gut to baukerin arter old widder Jenkins' gal Sail, who wus as sfn not and bu.xom a little piece as ever trod in shue-lether or wore pinck ribbin. An Sail and I had almost gut tu be sworn freonds, ! til John got to muchh'n horns with me, and as he ; ....... i:.l I v,.A . il I ; nuff u iinio ounei iooiiij icu ii i man j win, 7 J, t , . , . , .-. , onn was rather crammin niton tu me; lur the. me; last nite wre met at the widder Jinkins', 1 wur badly chaired, fur Sail and the old onion both talk ed a peskey heap tu John at the supper table they almost choked him with 'tention and kept a sistin fur him tu heve ln's cup filled agin and tu take out sum more of the collards; while fhey never sed wun time, "Bill Perkins make out your supper or hev anuthur cup of butter-milk." And when I furst sot down I didn't have much uv an appcrtite, but I gess I et it with a cummin stumake jes fur spite. And arter supper wur over, and the table red up, the old onion and Sail both got on ech side uv John jes to cut my fethers wus, and talked and crack jokes tu him all the time, while I sot in ttither corner with wun fut on top uv t uther pick in dobbin outen the cracks and eyin John mitey jubi ously all the time, a feeiio like I wus sent fur tu a quiltin and cudent cum. The old onion was in a grate gale a talkin tu him and axin him about bis nue bouse, and el' he wus a gwine tu hev a port folio tu hit like srjiiire ("ilkin's nue house, and ef he had a gude crop uv yung pigs a cummin on, and ef his hens wur f ech in up meny yung chickens; and then Sail primped bur face a lookin as ploasin as a basket uv chips and axed John ef he wud take a setten uv mam s dominickur hen egs home with him in the mornin. And he sed he wud and thank bur fur em tu, and feclin a little romanceful went and sed be wud set them under his yallcr legged luvly-caeklin-spcekly lien on the highest pinnacle uv fodder uv his barn loft, and when they hatched out he wud take all the care iu the world uv em fur bur luvely sake tu remembur bur; and the old omon sorter mizled her countenance and Sail kinder blushed and thanked him and then John rolled his eyes round on me in a kind uv a Ityfultin way. and looked as proud as a yung ruster with his fust spurs, and they looked initely consur quantal uv Mr Eastman, and I cud see them turn thur noses up at me like they smelt wet pups, and 1 sot and wished I wur sum whar else. But I thought to mjself, as Deacon Brinloy uster say "every dog has his own clay." But 1 thot Sail wur a trcatin me mitely unscruplusly as she uster stick tu me like a sick kitteu tu a hot brick. But since John's grand-mamy had dide and left him the Pca-Bidge place and the Punkin bottoms, and a couple of sows and litters, thur wus no body but Mr Eastman a livin, and Bill Perkins wus nowhere. Well things kept a jroin on tu John's glory and salvation, and he wur a taken on and a rontin about with Sail a heap wus en ever I dun. And John betes uv a big show in Sharlot, and so he gits his daddy's old gig and tuck Sail up to see hit, and the old omon wur powerful uneasy all the time they wur gone, for fear them ugly animals mout git out uv thur boxes and hurt sum body. Well they cum home safe, and then sieh a talkin about the show and Sharlot as I wur at the old onions when they cum. Sail sed they put up at a great big brick house whar they had a niggur at your heels every time yu turned round, and every man and onion had a different room tu sleep in, and that the men and wtmmen didn't see wun anuther only when they cum down inter a big room a full uv fine things, and that nobody didn't sleep in this room, and they called it the parley ! Widder Jinkins sed her datcr Sail wos mitey' complishcd tu recommember and notise all things; and she sed she must git me tu rice bur sum dab boards and run a partition in bur house, so she wud have wun end fur the wimmen tu sleep in, and the tuther fur the men folks, and so rite thar she im ployed me tu du the job, like ef I wernt fit fur nufbin else. Well so yi u fee I loved Sal, and I wud du eny thing tu be about whar she wus, fur 1 luved hur so I wud stand and look at hur and then would look at the place I seed her stand hist. And so you may guess I felt squamish about the gizzard when things wur agoin on this way. And to make me feel wuss, John was rantin and eavor tin and telin hit all over Piddlcburg, that he had now cut me out, and the old widder had hired me tu rue clab-boards and sed 1 warn't fit fur nuthin else, and that be wus agoin tu put a port-folio tu i his nue house, and jist at that articul ir time, ' Pea-Bidge and Punkin Bottoms wud hardly hold him. m ' Arter the show in Sharlot, wurd cum that the lion had broken outen his den rrp thar, and wus on bis way down Big Shuggar Creek toards our set- ; tlement, and the men folks, and the wimmin folks specially, wur powerfully dreden uv hit, and so John tried tu hire me tu cum and stay with him ! uv nites. But I told him I wur workin fur the widder, and that hit wud be unmannerly fur me not tu stay and purtect the helpless wimmen folks. And so when the citement wus tu the highest pitch, Pete Seritchley and Tom Whizzler makes a trick they call the Dumb Bull, what I reckon every bodv haiut seed, and I will tell what hit is. Hit is made out a hollar sacafras about three fut long, scraped out rite thin and wun end is headed like a I kettle drum, and a string jist run thru the centre i uvthehedandnottedonlheoutaidet uhanglu.se in the inside, which drawn tight and the thumb rubbed over bit and this makes the aausick, and hit roars wusner than twenty bulgines runnin off the track I recollect Dad uster hev wun of em to skeer away the wcazles from mam's hen roost, So Pete Schritcbly and Tom Whizzler made hit up tu give John a little skeer and I wur known tu hit too. Well, wun evenin Pete and Tom went : up to Squire Sousely's store and made hit up tu surnade John that nite; and as they wur a cummin down the creek, down by J (din's, they 5ced him over in his Pur kin bottoms a plowin and sinirin luve songs, a'feclin happy, ns if he had everything fixed between him and Sail, and so Pete and Tom made out like they wur skeored and in a powerful huffy and called tu John and told him that they had not cotched that ar lion vit what had got ontcn i i j qi . i inn ui ii uu iii . iiiii i i, mill I mil 1 1 v ii oi in I I" u i . i.rc. ... i i ' i buotc uiu i n iwwuj ii aim i" i na. mum iiiii mv Bei!nm, and wur a roaring ortullv and when hist seed wur a makin his way down the bottoms rite toards Piddlcburg. Hit skecred John monstvusly, as his houfc wur the furthest up next tu the big thicket, and John nxed and begged them tu cum and stay with him that nite, but they fold him that they must go home and mind their ow:i folks, fur they nowed the lion wild be along afore day in the inornin and they wur in a hurry to go round and circulate the nuse tu the rest uv the nabors. John then lussens his horse ontcn the plow i i to. strate and put off" for the houe a listenin every minit fur the lion, and feeds his things and goes in afore i i i i , .i-l- Mi, liAIW 111 Iiii. . i l l.i ..'..i i. i i i I i iil t. i iinin iiu'i imin nil ii in 1 1 1 ij i i ! i i i i ' , ( I i ! i I 1 1 I i it . i , .it i .. nut- Mint in mrs gun aim uu mu oinauni nisiiie ino door, and then shed off and went tu bed and tried ! to make hisself easy and composed a thinkin about ! ShII, and hoppin" that orful varmint wud go on down the creek without hurt in him or Sail uther. Awhile aftnr thisas John wur a gettin a little hopeful and easy, Pete and Tom had got reddy fur thur suranade, and had got round in Punkin bottoms an give the Pumb Bull wun twang, ami cum on a roarin down tu the spring and there Ptppt and roared hit a long time, and cum on up nun ly tu the house. They heard John jump; and cud see him, by the light thru the cracks, pantless, a ruimin and a rantin (ram wun end uv the boufe tu (he other. They then give hit a low twang, sorter like unto a low growl, til they got rite up to the back door, 'tween the kitchen aud the big house, and they twanged and roared hit louder than ever John cudent stand hit no longer, but, busted the glass and shutter and jumped rite thru the winder jest as he wus when he got outen bed and then struck a B-line rite across the ctickle bur bottom fur widder Jinkins', leavin a white straitc out behind him tu bring up the rer. We bad all gone tu bed at the widders, and Sail and her mammy had bin a snuzin fur sum time, aud tho 1 wus mitey tired, fur I had jist finished riven boards at sun down, but 1 cudent go tu sleep fur listenin fur the Linn Sm nnic, and when I fust heerd hit strike up, ef 1 bed had on my close, or if the lightwood riots hadn't bin given so much lite 1 wud a gut up and went tu tho door, but while I wus lien a thinking what wudo becum uv John, a knowin he wus mitey skerry, 1 heerd sumbudj' a cummin a luinbi tin up tho spring 1 i 1 makin as much fuss as a drove uv yung mules, and then jumped over the fense, rite thru the old 'onions bean patch, and a pnnfen fur breth, hollered out "fur god sake! fur gods sake open the door," and then busted rite in an cum with sieh a rush that he nocked the door on the ttither side ofon the hinges, and then staggered back an like tu fel kerslvg in the middle of the flore, but backed and ketched by the old 'omon't; bid post, aud never stopped til he planted hisself a straddlo uv the jice. 1 fel you thar wur no use uv theso here sponsion rods tu swell his :kurts as he run up that ar wall ccpt that part uv the skurt behind what had cotched up the cuekk lobars as he cum thru the bottoms, and he put me iu mine, fur all the world, uv a white pony with his tail notted up fur muddy wether. Hie old omon an Sail waked up a scremin like they wud go intu fits, and looked up and seed John in that fix, they pulled the kiver over their faces, and John hollered t assune as he cud git his breth, "Widder Jenkins, fur f'od sake git up and shut tu the doore, fur the Big Lion what's outen his den rite arter me, lur hit is run me plum frum home rite outer tho bed." The old onion jumpt up tin clapped the doorc tu and pined hit, and set the tuther wun up an put the big table agin hit, and throwed her hands up an cried out "Lord hev mercy, hev mercy upon us." Sail whimpered and whined and I snigggered; I stuffed my mouth ful uv bed close tu keep from spilen the joke. "John! John! " ses the old onion, reeuverin frum the fust convulshun, "are you sure hit is the Lion; did you really sen hit?" "Yes! Yes miinn, tu be share, fur Pete Seritchley and Tom Whizzlercum by frum Souzley's store afore nite, an told me hit wus seen up thar, and I went home an shet up every thing, an sure enufa while arter dark 1 heerd hit a eiinimiii roarin up in Punkin Bottoms, and then hit sloped down about the spring en hit footed u,1 tmarjed down thar a long time and then cum a sliakiu hitH lubberly self up the spring road tu the house; a ZrowUn en nashin uv its teeth orfully, ai:d hit cum on til hit got between the kitchen en the big houfe. and thar hit smelt bind, whar 1 hadthiowei outen the mitruls uva chicken en then gewhituker how bit did r-o-a-r!" "John! John ! V sea tie; old omon "git down! git down! outen thar, fur JHl a goin to faint!" He was trcuilin and as pale it Uctn r' C0Pl w,iar tl10 wus a twiCHHn uown tus legs irum runnin t-nru the Hawthorn thicket. John then elided down the wal side.-uds and then cuin tu bed tu ine and lay t bar til a little, afore day, en begged me not tu tel hit about tho fix he cum thar in, en slided outen the door :m sloped of? home, and didn't show himself off jPf ltidge and Punkin Bottoms fur six mnm hs. And this Dumb Bull business killed him off at (be widder3 as dead as kurfumix, and so 1 tuck tho vantage uv hit and give Sail Jinkins anuther set'in tu and now we arc trottin in dubble harness. And now, since I've muved up in North Caraliucr, tu my great satisfaction, I ken say when 1 meet John 'thout gittena fuss on my handi, "rwhito'rer how hit did roar." But I must'nt say nuthin bout Sail with hit. Yours truly, BILL PEUK1N3. lown ii e . t . m - .i ' 1 STRANGLED TO Bkath BY A Snakk. The Hingbam (Mass.; Journal records the recent decease of Mr. Daniel Corthell of that town, who had for sometime past been troubled by a living snake in bis stomach. Several attempts were made to eject the reptile by different methods, which proved unavailing until at last boiled milk was resorted to" the steam of which, as it entered the mouth of Mr. C, started the suike in into his throat, where it stuck fast, and before it could be removed Mr. C. choked to death. It ia supposed that Mr. C. swallowed the snake when it was quite small, while drinking. H

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